gloves94 ¡ 1 year
1891 [Sebastian Sallow] 1
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Sebastian Sallow stands accused of the murder of his uncle. With no family or friends, Georgeanna "George" Thomas, is the only one that has not given up on him. George is determined to prove Sebastian is innocent. But what happens when Sebastian's trial turns him into a national sensation? Will George be able to prove Sebastian's innocence and save him from life in Azkaban?
The Daily Prophet
Thursday, June 4, 1891
Hogwarts Student Murderer?
Hogwarts Student at Trial for Murder of Former Auror
By: Oleander Prince
A Hogwarts 5th-year student by the name of Sebastian Sallow stands accused of murdering his only uncle, retired Auror Salomon Sallow. The accuser and main witness that has come forward to report this heinous crime is none other than his twin sister, Anne Sallow.
Ms. Sallow stated in an official report that Sebastian Sallow in fact used the unforgivable killing curse on their uncle. In the statement, Ms. Sallow wrote the intention behind Sebastian Sallow's malevolent actions root from the "obsessive pursuit of the Dark Arts." The accused, Sebastian Sallow, is currently being retained at the Ministry of Magic's withholding cells. Sallow is to be tried on Thursday, June 25 of this year.
You can read a touching memoir about the life of Salomon Sallow and his service to our world as a seasoned Auror, including a few words from our Minister of Magic, Faris Spavin, in the Obituary section.
"Absolutely preposterous!" I folded up the newspaper and slammed it on the counter. Ominis Gaunt's eyes were frozen on my face with a blank stare. I wish Ominis could read this trash himself. I wish he could see the stupid photograph they had chosen for Sebastian.
I saw him take in a deep breath. He brought a porcelain cup of tea to his lips and exhaled after drinking the hot substance. "I did what I could to keep Anne quiet," he said quietly without a hint of remorse.
'Really?' I wanted to say. 'Did you even try?' I wanted to scream at him.
"He might go to Azkaban! How can you be so apathetic? Did you not hear me? Ominis, he's your best friend!"
The thought of Sebastian sitting isolated in a cold, wet cell while Ominis and I sat comfortably in the warmth of his family's lavish parlor room haunted me.
"Was," he corrected coldly. "Was my best friend. Frankly, I have no interest in ever seeing Sebastian Sallow again in my lifetime."
I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. A house elf nudged at my side and raised a dish with a freshly baked croissant. I waved my hand dismissively at the elf. I was too riled up to think about eating or anything else really.
"Ominis…" I gave him a pleading look. Maybe he couldn't see it due to his blindness but maybe he could hear the pleading in my voice.
"This is your fault, George." He said sharply. "You encouraged this. You enabled him to pursue the Dark Arts. And all for what? You see what you've caused!"
"What I've caused?" I repeated. I could not believe what he was saying. His words wounded me. Again, the house elf pushed the tray to my face. Without thinking- I slapped the plate out of my face making the elf flinch. The loud crashing sound of fine porcelain shattering made Ominis head turn in its direction. "So you're saying this is my fault?" I rose to my feet.
"Unbelievable…" I chuckled while gathering my belongings.
"Everything Sebastian did.. Everything was for Anne! The only thing he wants more badly than anything in the world is to cure his sister and this is the treatment he gets?" I licked my lips shaking my head. "You know what Ominis? He would've done the same and more for you. He loves you. He sees you as his brother. He trusted you!" My voice cracked at the end.
It was silent between us. Ominis's expression was unreadable. The only sound in the large room was the poor house elf cleaning up the pasty on the floor and the pieces of broken porcelain. Poor thing, I immediately regretted taking out my anger on him. I raised my wand and cast a silent reparo to help him. The elf looked at me with large fearful eyes, I lowered my head apologetically before turning to Ominis.
"Goodbye Ominis," I said, void of any emotion as I strolled out of the parlor room, down the hallway, and ducked past the large wooden door dodging one of his older brothers. His brother glared at me as I skulked past.
I could hear Ominis calling my name as I left. I hoped never to have to speak to Ominis Gaunt again.
I apparated in London. Smog covered the sad gray skies, and countless carriages, and men on horses were dragged by the crowded city. The Elizabeth Tower stood a stark contrast to the layout of the grand city.
It smelled like sewage. A muggle bumped into me. "Oi! Watch it!" He sneered.
I shot him an ugly look, he had no idea who he was talking to. I explored the city, trying to smooth my anger. I could not believe that nerve Ominis had, let alone Anne, turning in her brother like that - after everything he'd done for her! Unbelievable!
Sometime later, I entered the Ministry of Magic for the first time. It was a subterranean hallway with emerald green brick and dim lights. It almost reminded me of the Slytherin Common Room. Dozens of witches and wizards passed by dictating notes to enchanted pens or looking at their pocket watches. It was just as busy here as it was in the muggle world.
I found it intimidating being in the Ministry of Magic. This was the pinnacle of government and rules that dominated the Wizarding World. Everyone around me was also extremely well-dressed. I had done my best to put together my best ropes to visit the Gaunt Manor, but it paled in comparison to Ominis robes or other wizards surrounding me.
After asking a woman sitting at an information desk for guidance, I made my way down several pairs of stairs until I reached the area were
Dodging by the passerby I made my way down the stairs to an austere corridor. There was a locked door and a miserable-looking woman sitting behind a desk that I just knew had complete authority over who or what made it past that heavy-looking door. No doubt where the holding cells would be.
"Hello Ms…" I began with as much charisma as I could muster under these circumstances. "Pinch." I read her name tag.
Ms. Pinch looked at me with heavy-lidded eyes, a bored expression on her tired face.
"I'm here to visit a- prisoner?" Sebastian wasn't a prisoner but I couldn't think of the appropriate word. She didn't bother correcting me.
"Only family or next of kin are allowed to visit the withholding cells strictly during visiting hours."
I opened my mouth but she didn't stop speaking.
"If you're here to pay bail you must have a money order from Gringotts of the exact amount that was posted. The order must be made in the legal name of the trial or convicted offender. No pet names, it must be the birth name and surname. No exceptions.." She raised two fingers in between which she held a sickly long cigarette.
"I'm here to visit- my brother." I lied. "Sallow, Sebastian Sallow."
Pinch raised an irritated eyebrow. "Surely you brought identification Ms. Sallow?"
After an unsuccessful performance that did not convince Ms. Pinch I was Anne Sallow, I was now standing outside of the door from the holding cell. My hand sank into my pocket, I held my wand tightly as I debated if I should use the imperio curse on Ms. Pinch. Just how far was I willing to go Sebastian? But using an unforgivable curse inside the Ministry of Magic… No, I couldn't, it was too risky.
I thought of Sebastian… He was completely alone. Isolated from the world. No family or friends to support him. All of this could've been avoided… All of this was in self-defense. I was there. I had seen him defend us from his uncle's wrath! If Sebastian hadn't done anything neither of us would've made it out of that cave.
"Muggle-Fucking-Troll-Shit.." I cursed angrily and hit the wall with my closed fist.
"Woah, language! Language!" A familiar voice interrupted with a scolding tone. I turned to see someone holding a tower of leather binders with airplane-folded papers hovering over. The binders and documents hid the tall person's face.
"Wait- Georgeanna, is that you?" Garreth Weasley poked from behind the tower of binders.
Garreth's red hair, freckled face, and mischievous smile were unmistakable as he poked his cheeky face from behind the tower of documents.
"Garreth? What are you doing here?" I asked completely taken aback by his presence. "I should be asking you the same question."
I shot him a hostile look. Had Ominis sent him to stop me? Was he reporting on Sebastian's detainment? I thought suspiciously.
"I work here," He explained. "Figured it was a good way to make some extra galleons over the summer holiday. Let's me afford more rare ingredients for my potions."
Merlin. I feared whatever it was that Garreth was experimenting with nowadays. The Gryffindor should not be allowed near any type of cauldron. "Aunt got me the job." He finished explaining with the smile he often wore.
I realized he was looking at me expecting my answer. After all, this was how conversations worked.
"I'm here to see Sebastian. Or at least try to." I sighed, my shoulders slumping in defeat.
"I see." Was all he said. Garreth tried to keep his tone neutral but I could see his distaste as the edge of his mouth turned down with distaste.
Garreth eyed the door behind me. "Real charmer ain't she? Ms. Pinch." He huffed sarcastically. "I've seen a boggart show more emotion. That is what working for the Ministry for 30 years does to a person." He joked. I couldn't help but laugh lightly.
"Even the hero of Hogwarts couldn't make it past Pinch." He clicked his tongue. "Tell you something," Garreth began. I could immediately see his eyes narrow making him resemble a fox. No doubt he was hatching a sly plan in his twisted imagination. "I'll do my best to help you get past Pinch."
My face lit up.
"However-" Garreth raised a finger still struggling to balance the tower of binders. "You owe me one."
I couldn't thank Garreth enough. "Follow my lead. You have your wand?"
I used evanesco and slowly followed after Garreth as he entered past the door to the holding cells. "Good Morning Ms. Pinch!" He said loudly as he wobbled in. "You sure are looking fine this morning ma'am." He flirted with the older woman. Ms. Pinche didn't spare a smile, she shot Weasley a glare. How could she not even smile back at Garreth? I wondered.
"It's you again." She crooned bitterly. "The errand boy." She said in disgust, sounding almost as if she had a personal vendetta against the Weasley. She waved her wand and the heavy door next to her desk opened wide. Slowly, still under the charm of the evanesco spell, trusting I was invisible I followed behind Garreth.
"Not for long. One day I'll be the Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes."
"I highly doubt that," Pinch said in her raspy voice after taking a drag from her cigarette.
I highly doubted that too. If anything Garreth was the one causing the magical accidents and catastrophes.
Garreth let out a laugh. As he turned to face Ms. Pinch, he stumbled on the back of his shoe falling face forward dumping the tower of leather binders, folders, and paper on top of Pinch and all around her desk. "Oh, Merlin. I am so sorry!" Garreth said insincerely, he turned back to look at my silhouette and pointed his head toward the end of the corridor. With his cue, I scurried away barely dodging a security guard.
I scurried past the corridor looking into the bars of the cells on the floor but Sebastian wasn't in any of them. All of the holding cells were pretty much the same. A small table with a water pitcher, a bowl, a rusty chamber pot, and a torn mattress on the floor. Descending down yet another pair of stairs I continued looking for my friend until I reached the end of the cells.
There he was. The last cell on the left.
Sebastian Sallow was sitting on the cement floor as I had never seen him before. His arms were propped on his knees. His expression was crestfallen and his eyes bored into the floor. His hair was unkempt, clothes were torn and dirty no doubt from the struggle to get him in here. He was miserable. I could see dampness and mold seeping from the ceiling, the old cell bars were rusty and there were no windows.
"Sebastian," I said quietly from a crouching position. He didn't react. "Sebastian!" I said his name a little louder. He turned his head in my direction and I revealed myself to him with a disenchantment.
It took him a moment to realize I was standing outside of his cell. That I was real. That I was here in the flesh. That I was here for him.
"George!" He exclaimed. He moved faster than I'd ever seen him before crawling toward me. "George! By Merlin, I'm so happy to see you!" His smile was so wide. Despite his momentary joy, I could still note the dark circles underneath his eyes... I couldn't help but wonder when had been the last time he slept or smiled. What were they feeding him in this place?
"Sebastian…" My hands tightened around the bars. My knees gave and I collapsed into a sitting position. It had been such a long time since I felt this powerless.
Why was the only thing I could manage to say his name? "Oh, Sebastian." Tears started to stream down my face. "I can't believe you're in here." I cried trying to wipe the rivers off my face with the back of my sleeve. "It-It isn't fair!"
"Hey," He knelt in front of me. Despite his circumstances, his voice was calm, he sounded collected. "Hey, don't cry." He whispered in a comforting tone. "Don't cry," He repeated with so much care. Why was he the one comforting me? He had already been through enough and now he felt responsible for my emotions. His hands reached for my face and he held it for a moment. I could feel his thumb caressed my cheek and wipe away a stray tear.
I looked at him and suddenly felt embarrassed at our closeness at my behavior. My heart began thumping in my chest.
Sebastian's honey colored eyes were still kind. He was still my right-hand man. My best friend. His uncle's death had changed everything but not him. He held my face for a moment. "I knew you would come." I could hear the sincerity in his soft words.
He let go of my face and placed a hand on my arm, another over my hand that was tightly gripping the bar. His hand felt warm over mine. I couldn't help but turn and hold it tightly in mine.
"You were in the Daily Prophet this morning. They've made you off to be a Dark Wizard, your uncle a saint." I spat bitterly. "And Anne-" I choked on my words. "After everything you've done for her." I shook my head. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from cursing Anne Sallow's name.
"Figures," Sebastian said calmly. "Nothing new there, the Daily Prophet glamorizing a story to turn a profit. Did they at least use a good photo of me?"
I wanted to punch him. This was no time for jokes.
"Sebastian. I'm going to get you out of here." I looked at him intensely. I squeezed his hand. "My family is not rich but I'll find a way. I'm going to get you out of here no matter what. Prove your innocence."
"What about Ominis?" Sebastian asked and my heart sank. How could I even begin to explain to him that Ominis wanted nothing to do with him in the absolute. I think he could tell by the desolate look on my face.
"Who's there?" A deep voice interrupted. It was time to go. I jumped to my feet. Sebastian still held my hand tightly in his. His body pressed against the bars pulling me close. The only space between us being the dividing cold metal.
"George. Promise me." He whispered. "Promise me that you'll write."
I don't think I had ever been so close to Sebastian Sallow. I looked into his brown eyes breathlessly. It pained me to see him like this. To see him behind bars, trapped like a rat, and being treated worse than the scum of the street.
"I promise you, Sebastian." I swore to him with every fiber of my being. "One way or another, I'm getting you out of here."
Chapter 2: Coming soon...
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gloves94 ¡ 2 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 34
Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC   Chapter warnings: Cursing! 
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"Actions have consequences."
Nel read out loud. Umbridge had gotten her good. Not that she hadn't been expecting her to do so. According to the Professor, Elowen was a lost cause, a menace to society.
It hurt. It was cruel and humiliating. However, she seized the opportunity to note every detail in her office, anything that could prove helpful or could be viable information to hurt Professor Umbridge.
"You know deep down you deserve to be punished. Don't you, Ms. Saintday?"
'Actions have consequences,' Nel thought through gritted teeth. It was fitting, so very fitting it reminded her of her vow of vengeance.
Since her arrival, Umbridge had been appointed to the post of Hogwarts High Inquisitor by the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. She had begun to test and even do her own investigations into Hogwarts teachers.
Elowen sat anxiously in the Slytherin Common Room, a place she dreaded to be. All the Slytherins were all passing by here. However, she was waiting for one person.
She closed her book about Necromancy and approached Tracey when she entered the room.
"Trace!" She stopped her, bracing herself with the bit of courage she had. Daphne just happened to be behind her with Millicent tagging along, no doubt because Parkinson was out on prefect duty with Malfoy. She hadn't planned for the others to be nearby.
The Quidditch tryouts were tomorrow. Tracey was walking a little faster due to her nerves.
"Oh, hi everyone," She stammered nervously.
What Harry was said was true. If they were really her friends, they wouldn't mind what her truth was, no matter how ugly it was. She eyed Millicent anxiously, hoping she would go away. Instead, she stayed.
"Got something to say, Elowen?" The queen of the snakes, Daphne, looked at her, bored. Her look of apathy stung.
"Yeah," She prepared best she could, gathering in some courage and a deep breath. She could really use a cigarette right about now. "I just wanted to wish Tracey good luck for tomorrow," she nodded. "I know how hard you've been working. I know this is your year," Nel smiled painfully at her best friend.
"Thanks," Tracey retreated coldly as the group began to walk away.
"That's not all," She called for them. The herd stopped, they turned to look at her expectantly. Her eyes darted around the room fearfully. Who cared if there was anybody else in the room. With Millicent within earshot, no doubt, Pansy, Draco, and the rest of the school were bound to find out.
Fuck it.
"I wanted to apologize for not writing back last summer. It wasn't intentional. Even if you don't believe me," Her voice dropped to a whisper as she continued her explanation.
"What?" Asked Daphne loudly, leaning forward with furrowed eyebrows.
"I didn't write back because I couldn't," She admitted, her lips drawn into a severe thin line.
They were about to walk away from her. This time she was going to lose them.
"I couldn't write back because I was homeless."
It felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders when she confessed. She took in a refreshing breath of air. "I was living in the streets with Muggles, vagabonding, seeking food and shelter every day. I didn't have anywhere to keep my owl or anything to write with. The little money I've saved I don't want to touch until I'm' seventeen."
The three girls looked at her, stunned with disbelief.
"I didn't want to tell you because it's embarrassing," her voice cracked, nostrils flared as she could begin to feel the heat of the shame begin to patch up her skin with unflattering blotches of red. Tracey looked like she had been punched in the gut, the look on Daphne's face was unreadable, and Millicent looked horrified.
They said nothing.
"Now you know," She spat out through gritted teeth, the lights in the room momentarily flickering at her intense emotion. "Goodbye," She lowered her head and zoomed out of the room before any of them could respond. At least she had done her part.
"You will not believe what just happened!" Millicent ran to the Great Hall. She plopped down on the Slytherin table, and Goyle instinctively scooted over. She looked shaken, almost as if she had seen a new ghost on school grounds.
"Pray tell, Dumbledore got sacked? He really is the worst thing that's happened to Hogwarts," Zabini sniggered, pushing a sausage around on his late breakfast plate.
"The way things are going with Umbridge, it's only about time," Pansy mused, raising her eyebrows.
"No," Millicent's mouth turned into an 'o'.
"You know how Daphne and Tracey haven't been speaking to Saintday since last summer, right?"
"Please do not tell me it's because she has a thing going on with Potter. She cannot get any more pathetic," Pansy rolled her large doe-like eyes.
Draco didn't want it to make it obvious, but the name caught his attention. He reached for a green apple and bit into it more aggressively than he intended to. The apple made a loud crunch, and Pansy turned to analyze his award-winning poker face, seeking any particular sign of interest or concern.
"It's because Saintday is homeless," Millicent dropped the bomb.
Zabini scratched his ear, confused. "Um- what?" He narrowed his eyes in confusion.
"Wasn't she living with the Lestranges?" Crabbe said absentmindedly. It just went to show how clueless he was.  
"No," Pansy rolled her eyes swatted him with a rolled parchment she had been holding, "Saintday's a nobody. Everybody knows that," She said with a satisfied huff. "That's why she's the worst of the worse, somehow both a Mudblood and a blood traitor!"
There were some scattered laughs at her comment. "The Lestranges only took her in as a charity case, and even they couldn't stand her. Look at what happened to them. Even, Ellar," She said in a dreamy tone, "So handsome," she turned to see Draco's disgusted reaction, "But not as handsome as you," She poked his nose, "Don't be jealous."
Millicent remained serious through Pany's girlish flirtations. The girl didn't look eager or excited. Instead, her eyebrows were wrinkled into a concerned upside down 'V' "I think it's pretty serious, Pans. She didn't have any food or water. Could you imagine?"
"Good," Pansy puffed her chest. "I can't believe they allow people like her into a school like Hogwarts."
"I agree," Zabini scoffed, giving up on his breakfast. "Poor people are lazy. Why can't she just get off her ass? Go get a job, make some money," he laughed wryly.
Draco shot him a side glare. Rich coming from someone like Zabini who's mother fucks men, marries them, and kills them for a living, he bit his tongue, and it took every ounce of self-control to stop himself from snapping at his friend. Draco felt unnerved. His blood felt hot. This was why she hadn't written back to him over the summer. He was such an idiot. Merlin, for fuck's sake, he had just promised himself he would leave the poor girl alone. That he would forget about her.
"I think it would be nice if we did something for her. I can't imagine what that must've been like," the tall girl said empathetically. Crabbe and Goyle nodded their heads in agreement.
"Seriously?" Pansy glared at Vincent and Gregory.
"She helps us with homework," Crabbe shrugged.
"She charges you for your homework. All people like Saintday care about is money," Pansy combed down the sides of her hair in an attempt to compose herself and appear more sophisticated.
"What do you think, Draco?"
The Slytherin suddenly felt all eyes on him. He swore he could hear his heartbeat drumming at his eardrums.
"I don't care," He scoffed, feigning discontent tossing the half-eaten apple on his plate and shoving it forward.
"Seems like you do," Blaise tested. His dark eyes fixed on his friend pushing him. He had seen them interact with her a handful of times. Hell, everyone saw them dancing and leaving the Yule Ball together last year. Pansy panicked and looked at Draco expectantly. "Just saying, you two seemed close last year," Zabini continued to press.
Suddenly Draco regretted biting his tongue only moments earlier.
"Last year, Saintday spiked the Yule Ball's punch with a love potion. Everybody knows that. It's not our fault she couldn't find a date," Pansy avoided Crabbe's eyes as she continued pressing. It seemed like she was trying to validate Draco's actions to her content. "I mean, she even made up that rumor that she was going with Diggory and then with you."
Malfoy sighed heavily and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Frankly, I've got better things to do. See you dull lot later."
"Was it something I said?" Pansy looked at her friends, confused as her boyfriend walked out of the Great Hall.
"Sorry I'm late," Elowen said as she arrived and tossed her bag over to the other chair. "Very, very late," she sucked on the inside of her cheek.
"I told them, Harry!" She didn't even allow him to get a word in. "You were right. It was the best thing to do."
"And?" He asked. He seemed stressed or uneasy. Nel couldn't tell. "They… didn't say anything," she shrugged, putting on a brave face. "But what matters is that I did it."
"Sorry, we're at Madam Puddifoot's," Harry apologized, his ears turning pink. "I would've chosen the Three Broomsticks, but I know you're banned."
Nel looked at her surroundings. Everything was very pink with tones of lavender. The walls were decorated with flowers and dozens of tiny hearts. The majority of the clothed tables were set up with two seats only, and several older couples were sitting together.
When a hand came down on Harry's shoulder.
"Harry? Nel What a surprise," Professor Lupin greeted them.
Everyone that had been at 12 Grimmauld this summer had been warned to pretend to be a perfect stranger in public. Lupin, however, had been their teacher. He seemed to be either on a date with Nymphadora Tonks or recruiting members for the Order, probably both. They greeted the adults and had a brief conversation. Nothing too suspicious.
"Harry, you dog," Professor Lupin flashed him a proud wink before walking out. Did he… Oh, Lupin thought they were on a date. That's why Harry seemed so flustered.
Nel let out a huff, her and Harry? On a date? Please.  
Harry obviously had a type. He had a thing for sporty, athletic girls, something Elowen wasn't very adept at or even enjoyed. Meanwhile, she clearly had a thing for arseholes, something… Harry was beginning to act like.
"We can go somewhere else if you'd like," She gave him an out.
"No, no, it's fine," Harry adjusted his round glasses. "We were originally meeting at the Hog's Head Inn, but everyone left already. Ron and Hermione were here with me waiting, but they had to leave and take care of their' prefect duties,'" He said with some resentment at the word perfect.
"Hm," Nel hummed, resting her chin on her propped hands. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"
"You see," Harry began to feel the edges of the paper menu he was holding. "Umbridge isn't teaching us, and you believe me when I say Voldemort is back, right?" He needed to make sure.
"Yes," She nodded. "I've told you before, Harry."
"So a group of us have decided to get together after class and practice our lessons. I mean, learn actual Defense Against the Dark Arts with magic. Now more than ever, we're at risk. You know what's out there."
The Slytherin nodded in understanding. "It's risky, and we'd be breaking several school rules-"
"Ha!" She couldn't help but let out a laugh. "If it'll drive Umbridge up the wall, count me in," She crossed her arms. Harry paused for a moment, "However, there is a problem."
"What is it?"
"To begin with, we don't know where to meet, and then- well," Harry wasn't sure how to say it. "I vouched for you and insisted on having you join us, but- several other members… Erm- they don't trust you."
She looked at him with sad eyes, "It's nothing personal. It's because you're a Slytherin."
"Well, I can't change that, can I?" She slapped her hand against the table, suddenly wanting to leave the tea shop and go throw herself off a cliff.
"No," Harry smiled at her, "But you can prove them wrong."
She smiled back at him weakly. He stood up, holding the menu in his hands, "I'm going to order. What would you like?"
Nel excitedly decided on a lemon lavender tea cake, and they would both share a pot of earl gray tea. The Slytherin was distracted writing on a piece of parchment any spell she could remember, which could be helpful for this class. She thought of her Patronus. However, she hadn't attempted it since last year, ultimately giving up on producing a corporal being of light.
Harry returned and took a seat. "That was fast," She muttered, looking up with a smile, eager to sink her sweet tooth into the tea cake.
Her smile quickly fell. Instead of Harry, Draco was sitting across from her.
"Really, Saintday? Potter?" He spat his name out as if it were a disease and he might catch it. He looked like he was out of breath.
She wanted to clarify that she and Harry were just friends, that it was never going to happen, she wanted to scoff at him and laugh at his jealousy, but she chose to remain mute. It wasn't his business, or anyone's who she was or wasn't dating. Besides, a part of her enjoyed torturing him. Well-deserved for being an arse.
"What do you care? You've got your precious Pansy," She rolled her eyes sarcastically. Irritated by the Slytherin's unwelcome presence.
"Is it true?" He immediately demanded to know if what Millicent Bulstrode had said earlier wasn't just some stupid rumor the girl had started.
What the hell was keeping Harry so busy? Looking over her shoulder, Elowen caught him goo goo-ga gaing at Cho, who also happened to be in the teashop. Great.
She turned back to Malfoy and glared with repulsion.
"Nel," He tried to reach for her hand from across the table, his voice softer gentler, pleading her to listen. She brought her hand back to her person and stared down at the freshly carved lesson on her skin' Actions have consequences.'
"Why didn't you say anything?" He continued to speak in a hushed tone. "I could've helped you; I could've done something. My family…" She had stopped listening to anything he said about her situation, especially his twisted family.
Boy, guess news does travel fast at Hogwarts.
Despite her stoic eyes and the tense look of her jaw, Nel looked like a wounded animal. It wasn't enough for the entire school to know that she was a nameless, penniless nobody from the streets. Of course, Draco had to come and make a charity case out of her situation.
"Why would you want to help me?" She shook her head, seeing through his bullshit.
"Why would you come to Hogsmeade with him?!" He exclaimed loudly, pointing at Harry, who remained oblivious to the interaction.
"Hm, let's see," she feigned a thoughtfulness to her voice. "Last time a boy invited me to Hogsmeade with him, said boy made fun of me with his friends and made me so angry I blew up half a restaurant. I guessed it couldn't go any worse than that," she huffed in distaste at the sour memory.
"Sounds like a git," Draco responded with a half-smile trying to make the best of the unpleasant memory. She didn't return the smile. "You called me a 'mutt' only a few weeks ago. Don't walk in here and pretend like you care about me."
"I wrote to you all summer," he said a little louder.
He hadn't meant to call her a mutt or anything like that, but it was in the spur of the moment. Harry had spoken cruelly to Pansy. What was he supposed to do stand and take it? And from Potter?
"I don't care!" She raised her voice at him. It was too late for him. "Not anymore! Not when you call me names and fight my friends!" People around them started to look their way which made Draco sink into his seat.
It didn't matter to her how much he claimed to fancy or care about her. It didn't matter how many good deeds he did behind her back.
What he had with Pansy- walking hand in hand on the hallways, visiting each other's homes over the holiday, having posh dinners together, it nauseated her because they would never be able to have that. It wasn't possible, and it would never be, not unless something changed.
Not unless he started treating her as his equal.
"Nel, I wrote to you all summer," he pressed in his persuasion, hoping to meet her eyes. "After the way, things ended last year," he swallowed the nervous knot that had begun to form on his throat. "I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to see you. I needed to when I didn't hear back from you. I thought you wanted nothing to do with me, so I moved on."
"You're not even listening to me," She scowled at his disrespect. "Also- that wasn't much of a wait, was it?" How long could it have been? "A week? Maybe two?" She glared at him begrudgingly. Couldn't he have waited a month to see her then snog Parkinson?
"You expected me to wait at your beck and call like a saint?" Draco chuckled dryly in disbelief. That would've been unrealistic. "Clearly, you didn't," He shot daggers at the back of Harry's messy head.
She heard a loud voice behind her and knew Harry was approaching the two, judging by the sound of hurried footsteps.
"Actions have consequences Draco," She warned in a chilling tone. "I'm not going to put up with you anymore. Grow up and stop acting like a brat! We're not twelve anymore. Merlin," She finished and caught her breath. Her heart was hammering in her chest, hands were shaking underneath the table.
"Malfoy," Harry seethed, glaring at the Slytherin with hatred, "What do you want?" He dropped the tea tray and pastries on the table, making the porcelain clatter loudly, and all the eyes of the tea shop turn to look at them. The tea cakes that once sounded so appealing now looked to Elowen like dried sponges. Harry looked at his friend's livid expression and then back at the blond.
Harry didn't need an excuse to fight Malfoy; he had been wanting to sock the git in the face since the beginning of the school year. This just happened to be the drop that spilled the glass.
"What did you say, you foul git?"
Draco stood up, shrugged coolly, and readjusted his black designer jacket and cashmere wool sweater.
"You two nutters are perfect for each other," He huffed with bitter resentment as he began to walk away. "Oh, and Potter," he stopped for a moment, a nasty smile stretching across his pale features. "Just know that- when you kiss her, she'll be thinking of me."
Harry moved so fast Draco didn't have time to flinch. He landed a punch on Malfoy's mouth, tearing at his bottom lip. Malfoy fought back, pulling at Harry's sweater, and he stumbled backward on the tea table-flipping over the tea tray and cakes. The porcelain loudly crashed on the floor, spilling hot tea everywhere as the two teens struggled against each other's hits and kicks. "Stop it!" Nel shouted. Cho stepped in with her friend to help pull the two boys apart.
"You couldn't let me have one good thing, could you?" Nel said resentfully, arms crossed over her wet chest as she sat soaking from the tea waiting for Dumbledore in his office.
"Thanks to you, I'm now not only banned from the Three Broomsticks but from Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop too. I wonder what will be next Zonko's? Honeydukes?" Nel stood up and walked over to the fireplace in hopes of drying herself. "It's a miracle the town hasn't put a trespassing order on my name. Thank you for that Draco," She looked at him ugly.
He returned the displeased look, his lower lip swollen and bleeding from Harry's hit.
"My father will be hearing all about this."
Harry was about to respond with a snarky remark when Snape returned to the room. "Delinquent Potter, numskull Malfoy and of course Ms. Saintday," Snape gave her a disapproving look, "Why am I not surprised?"
"Seeing as the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall are out on business, it resides on the school's High Inquisitor to determine your punishment."
Oh fuck.
A moment later, Professor Umbridge entered the office. She had a large smile stretched across her round features and stood prim and proper wearing 5 different tones of pink that made Nel want to vomit. One of them even matched the snake bite on her face.
Snape's black eyes zeroed in on his students. "You two are an embarrassment to my House and to the Slytherin name!"
The students tried to explain to Umbridge what had happened, but she wouldn't listen. She claimed she had already heard it all from Professor Snape.
"Mr. Malfoy," She began. "Seeing as you were provoked and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, you will not be stripped of your title as prefect. You may go now, have Madame Pomfrey take care of you," She finished with a girlish giggle. Was she… flirting with him? Disgusting.
God, this was such bullshit. Harry was a time bomb ready to explode at any moment. Nel was biting her tongue. Her eyes were about to gouge from her head out of rage. None of this would've happened if it weren't for Malfoy.
"Ms. Saintday," Umbridge began, "A bit of modesty would suit you," She said shamefully, eyes raking down her body disapprovingly.
She stood up and exited the room. She knew if she stayed, she would lose her cool. Nel needed to distract herself. She needed to go down to the library and continue researching the origins of magic and how Necromancy worked. That or to begin planning a way to get Umbridge the fuck out of this school.
But how did one do that?
She pulled out a cigarette and lit it, disregarding the Head of her House, and Umbridge were literally behind the door that was in front of her. She needed to calm down before she broke something. It was best to wait for Harry.
It wasn't fucking fair. She wished McGonagall were here or even Dumbledore.
The smoke immediately relaxed and filled her with a faux sense of calm. She took another long drag when she saw Draco stepping out of the office. Merlin, she didn't even want to look at him. She turned away, claiming her space. After all, she had been standing here first.
"I'm sorry, Nel."
She froze. Never had she ever heard Draco apologize to anyone, much less to her. She honestly thought his ego and pride were so swollen he wasn't capable of apologizing.
She finally looked at him. His hair was unusually messy from the fight, his hands were in his pockets, his sweater was ruined, and he seemed genuinely apologetic.
She looked at him with disbelief, cigarette loosely hanging from her lips. Nel leaned against the wall and watched him with suspicion.
"I owe you an apology," He scratched the tip of his nose.
"For what?"
"For everything," He walked towards her, taking slow, confident strides. "I've been a real git."
He got closer to her. She dropped her cigarette to her side, not daring to break eye contact, afraid of what he might do if she blinked. She breathed the last cloud of smoke to his face hoping he would take a step back, but he didn't. Suddenly, she couldn't find the words to tell him to stay away. She wanted to hear him apologize.
"I won't be unpleasant anymore, I promise."
If that's what she wanted to call it. She fought the urge to roll her eyes at him. She wanted to believe him. She really did, but the odds weren't in his favor, and actions always speak louder than words.
"I'll believe it when I see it."
He leaned forward, hoping to close the gap between them but was stopped by a barrier.
Her wand.
She raised her wand and pointed at his face. He noticed how the edge of her lips turned up just slightly, just enough to show a small smile.
"Episkey," She cast, healing his swollen, bloody lip.
He smiled back at her, revealing his perfect teeth and healed lips. She stepped away from him.
"Don't for one second think I care about you, Malfoy. I don't want to see you try and get any more attention," she laughed.
It's true. He could be such a peacock somethings. Especially when wounded. She would probably never forget what a diva he acted like when Buckbeak attacked him a couple of years ago and his stupid claims of seeing his life flash before his eyes.
"Nel, there is one thing I won't apologize for."
She gave him a disregarding look before focusing on reaching for another cigarette. Feeling hands on her face, she turned surprised and met his lips. And let me tell you, they felt better than a cigarette...
She almost allowed herself to give in to the breathlessness-
"Draco, what the fuck!" She pushed him away, angry. Her face felt like it was burning.
He clearly had no shame. He wore a coy smile on his mouth. Pleased by her reaction. Getting a rise out of her was one of his favorite past times. He loved seeing her raw emotions, how her skin would flare up in tints of red and would reveal itself in vulnerable patches she tried so hard to hide.
"You're with Pansy!" She spat, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. She wasn't about to be that girl. God, Draco could really be such an arse sometimes.
"You're with Potter!" He rebutted.
She wasn't! She really wasn't, but she didn't want to correct him. She liked seeing him so angry at such a petty thought. She would never publicly admitted, but she enjoyed seeing the usually composed Slytherin lose his cool. At the same time, she felt insecurity begin to prick at her. Is that why he made a move on her? Just because he thought she was dating Harry?
"Stay away from him, Nel. Things are about to get really ugly, and the further away you are from him, the better."
Was he referring to You-Know-Who's return?
"Funny," She let out a sharp breath. "He could say the same about you."
Both were in the middle of an intense starring context, thinking about what to say next to one-up the other when the door opened, and Harry finally stepped out. Draco ducked and immediately left the corridor, going down the stairs.
Harry was livid. He was red in the face and looked like a volcano ready to explode and insisted he didn't want to talk about it and attempted to leave, but Nel stopped him. He ended up getting banned from the Gryffindor Quidditch team and from going to Hogsmeade for the rest of the year.
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gloves94 ¡ 2 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 33
Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC   Chapter warnings: Cursing! Bullying!
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"The corridors stink."
"Of what?" Elowen whispered. "Pubescent stench," Nathair responded. The Parselmouth laughed lowly to herself as she made her way to Defense against the Dark Arts.
After visiting Nathair the night before, she had decided to bring her pet back with her to the dormitory. It was nice having someone to talk to. She kept the snake coiled around her neck, hidden underneath her school robes, it felt nice, it was like having a secret nobody else knew about. Not that the snake minded being underneath her robes, it liked the warmth coming from her body.
She walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts, her third class of the day, and took a seat at the far end, somewhere where nobody would notice her. She spent the beginning of class whispering with Nathair, making funny remarks about other students and about the time she summoned him and he attacked Barty Crouch Jr. posing at Moody.
"Nel looks unwell, mate," commented Ron who was looking over his shoulder. He wasn't the only one that had noticed. Other students had been whispering about her appearance, her hair growing white, her absence at the welcome feast the night before, and her odd whispering and talking to herself. Harry turned to look at the Slytherin in the back of the classroom who looked like she was struggling to contain her laughter. Merlin, she was even laughing at her own jokes.
"The other Slytherins won't speak to her," Hermione added. "I hadn't noticed," was the only thing Harry could say. "Think it has to do with Draco's new girlfriend?" Hermione gossiped. "Who cares about that git," Ron rolled his eyes.
Harry felt so angry as of the late, he felt such a rage it was hard for him to notice anything else that was going on. Above all things he felt lonely, with Ron and Hermione having prefect duty most evenings he was left alone with his thoughts in Gryffindor Tower. It didn't help that the majority of his peers thought he was lying about You-Know-Who's return and Cedric's death.
Other students in the room were playing with a levitating paper crane origami. Crabbe shot at it with his slingshot and everyone laughed - until the crane disseminated into ashes.
"Good morning children," a sugary sweet voice pipped from the back of the room. Looking back at the professor Nel accidentally met Draco's gaze. He was sitting across the back of the room too, with Pansy next to him, holding his damn hand on the desk. Did she ever let go of his damn hand?
She flicked him off and again turned her attention forward.
"Remember him? That's his pug-faced girlfriend," Nel growled.
Nathair poked his head out and looked from underneath the curtains of her hair. "Aw, lovely girl. Really works green."
Angry, Nel readjusted in her chair purposely squeezing the snake against her back. It hissed in pain, "Don't take it out on me."
Distracted, the girl looked down at the book on her desk missing half of the lesson. It looked like a children's book, Dark Arts Defence: Basics for Beginners, it read. On the board was the word "O.W.L.S." written in large letters.
"Merlin," She grumbled. She guessed this was the year they would begin to consult for advice regarding their careers for the future. She had no idea what she wanted to be, she thought curses were interesting, but as of the late she had found an interest in researching ancient magic.
"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells," Hermione suddenly pointed out.
"Using spells?" Umbridge let out a sweet giggle. "I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."
Was this woman bonkers? This was Defense Against the Dark Arts, not kindergarten basics. Nel couldn't put her finger on what it was about the new professor that put her in such unease and made her feel so unnerved. Perhaps it was the uncanny resemblance to Cordelia Wool. She dressed in the same ugly pink tones as Wool and had her hair done in the same fashion.
"What use is learning spells without magic? If we're going to be attacked it won't be risk-free," Harry spoke up harshly.
"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class."
Yup, that was it.
Nel watched the incarnation of Wool in Hogwarts.
She was a bully, she could see the condescending glare she was giving Harry from underneath that diabetically sweet façade.
"What a load of baloney," the Slytherin whispered to her pet. "Don't say baloney, it makes me hungry," she clasped a hand over her mouth to hide her laugh.
"…Who do you imagine would want to attack children like yourself?" Umbridge asked.
"Oh, I don't know," Harry began his voice heavily dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe Lord Voldemort?"
Several gasps could be heard around the room. There were hushed whispers and then you could hear a single pencil drop as the tension in the room escalated.
The Professor looked stunned. "Now, let me make this quite plain," she began. "You have been told... that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie," she emphasized the word lie. It was what all the newspapers had been saying, that Harry was lying, that you know you hadn't returned, that Cedric's death had been an accident.
"It's not a lie. I saw him. I fought him!" Harry exclaimed growing more and more frustrated.
"Detention Mr. Potter," Umbridge quipped.
"Cedric Diggory dropped dead on his own accord?" "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." "It was murder. Voldemort killed him!"
"Enough!" Again, absolute silence. "See me later Mr. Potter, my office."
Students were starring at Harry with surprise. A hand shot up in the back of the classroom and the professor turned to look at the Slytherin with eager eyes. A Slytherin, finally, someone with reason.
"I believe him."
All eyes turned to look at Elowen who was wearing a smug smirk. So much for wanting to go unnoticed. What could be the worse thing that could happen? She gets detention with Harry and that's that.
"Cedric was my friend and he was killed by the Dark Lord," she said the last part mockingly with a bitter resentment towards Voldemort. It felt strange confessing that she and Cedric had been friends, it seemed like an unlikely relationship. One the two had worked hard to keep undercovers. "On the day of his death, I was abducted by his followers and held hostage inside of a trunk to be taken to You-Know-Who."
There were some hushed gasps in the room. Some students looked at her with shock, others shook their heads at her disrespect towards the professor and arched eyebrows of disbelief. Hermione looked shocked as did the majority of her friends.
"Another liar," Umbridge tutted approaching the Slytherin with her wand in her hand. "And you- who may you be?"
"Anita Bang," Nel said dully hoping the professor would repeat the ridiculous name and state that she was in serious need of a bang. Some students tried not to laugh (sounds like 'I need a bang').
"You must be Ms. Saintday," Umbridge said ignoring her comment. "I remember your name from the Lestrange hearing."
Nel said nothing in response. She didn't want to ask if it was regarding Ellar or Cloelia's. Not like it mattered to her, both would be rotting in Azkaban for a long time and they couldn't touch her from there.
"Since you're so eager to join Mr. Potter in detention, I will also be asking you to see me later in my office." Umbridge began to turn away.
"Bitch," Nel grumbled under her breath in Parseltongue for only Nathair to hear.
Umbridge heard her, "What was that?" She turned again, approaching her and leaning closer to her on her desk uncertain if she had heard the language of the snakes or not.
"Could you repeat-" She leaned too closely, so closely that the girl could smell her pungent flower perfume. Yup, definitely a strong resemblance to Wool.
She winced at the proximity and before Nel could react, Nathair lunged from the inside of her robes and attacked Umbridge sinking its fangs into her face. She screamed and stumbled backward clasping her cheek. The class erupted in screams and students chaotically ran from their seats at the sight of the snake.
"Nathair! Stop!" Nel pleaded jumping from her sear,
It let go. She bent down rapidly speaking to it, asking her pet to return to her quickly. She looked up from the floor with fear and saw Umbridge's swollen cheek and livid red face. Nel didn't even get the chance to cradle her friend.
"Vipera Evanasca!"
"No!" The girl cried out desperately. She dove forward, scrapping her knees, attempting to grasp the snake's body as it incinerated and vanished into a cloud of smoke. Nathair hissed and shrieked as he painfully twisted into ashes and then nothing. The Slytherin girl didn't have much time to mourn. She knelt horrified, feeling sick. Students peeked from behind Umbridge looking absolutely horrified at what they had just witnessed, some looked up when they noticed the classroom lights begin to flicker and the window glass begin to tremble.
"To the Headmaster's office- IMMEDIATELY!"
"This must be some type of new record for you Saintday," Snape said as he escorted her into Dumbledore's office.
"I aim to please," She retorted sarcastically.
"Consider yourself fortunate if by Merlin's grace you're spared from expulsion this time," Snape said sourly as they entered the Headmaster's office.
Nel gave him a look, at this point, she was beyond that. She didn't know what was better if being out in the Muggle world or being here. If she stayed in Hogwarts she could pursue a career in magic, if she left it was the streets. Then again, as an orphan with no means or assets to her name she had a feeling she had always been destined for the streets regardless of whatever choices she made. Today, Dumbledore's office was a mess. The Slytherin had never seen it like this, his Phoenix was attentive, its head bobbing from side to side as it followed its master around the room. Papers, notes, letters, and other documents were scattered on top of his desk and even the two chairs across from it.
The fireplace was lit and Dumbledore was running from one side of the room to the other conversing with a portrait and dictating to a quill writing a letter.
"Ms. Saintday, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? And so early in the school year," Dumbledore sighed with dread. He looked exhausted and more drained than Nel had ever seen him before.
"Ms. Saintday unleashed her serpentine pet to attack Professor Umbridge," Snape explained, emphasis on the pet, snakes were clearly not in the allowed list of allowed pets a student could have. "It wasn't intentional," she grumbled mentioning the important detail.
Dumbledore stopped and looked at her.
"Have a lemon drop, Saintday" He offered pleasantly. It almost sounded to her as if it were some type of praise. Despite his friendliness, she refused the candy.
"That bitch killed my snake!"
"Language!" Snape scolded slapping the back of her head. She gave him a look.
"Why does that God-awful woman not want us to learn magic? Why is she even here?"
"Ministry regulations," Dumbledore sighed standing near the fireplace and gathering his thoughts. "Believe me Ms. Saintday, it was not my decision."
"I've read what the newspapers are saying," she began. "That you're a plotter, that you're after Fudge's job. You don't strike me as a politician Headmaster. I-I know what they're saying isn't true."
For the first time in years, Dumbledore genuinely smiled at the Slytherin.
"I'm afraid your actions must be met with consequences, attacking a professor purposely or not is a tremendously serious offense, but seeing as your pet has been removed from school premises- I'd say enough damage has been done," he pondered on a fit punishment. "Ten points from Slytherin. You will have detention with Professor Snape for the remainder of the month. I will leave the punishment to fit his judgment, and you must also apologize to Professor Umbridge, we can't allow this incident to slither by."
Elowen smiled at the joke. That was it? All she got was a slap on the wrist? Was this what it felt like to be Harry Potter and get away with everything? As per usual, Snape looked beyond irritated.
Snape decided her punishment would be to clean the gunk out of used cauldrons and to sort and organize his potion and ingredient cabinet, a much dreadful task even he had been avoiding for the past couple of years.
"You must be cautious around Professor Umbridge," Snape warned. "She's not like the other professors and Dumbledore won't always be able to protect you."
"Please, Professor, worse things have happened," She said mockingly.
Angry, Snape raised his wand, "Legilimens."
However, his attempt to pry into her mind failed. Without saying goodbye Elowen arched a mischievous eyebrow and headed towards the kitchens to sneak out some dinner.
When she walked out of the kitchen with a large box of Cherry Owls stuffed into her bag. She was walking out eating a fistful of dry cereal and almost choked when she saw Harry Potter waiting for her outside of the kitchen. How did he even know where she was?
"Hi Nel," He offered. "Hi," She said awkwardly and waved as she began to walk away really not in the mood to have a pointless conversation, she really wasn't in the mood for anything after the perishing of her pet.
"I wanted to thank you for today," Harry began following after her. "For standing up for me in class, not a lot of people would've done that," he said sincerely.
"I just wanted to be funny," She shrugged, lying effortlessly. She didn't know why she had done it, perhaps it was in memory of Cedric, so his death wouldn't be soiled, or just to upset the professor, but she felt vulnerable admitting that to Harry.
Harry was really touched. With people avoiding him and gossiping about him he had started to feel really isolated at Hogwarts. He felt not just anyone would've done that, Merlin he knew, Hermione would never, and now that she and Ron had their prefect duties he saw even less of the duo.
"I'm sorry about your- erm, pet," He offered awkwardly. "He died doing what he loved," She said with a heavy sigh. She felt that Nathair would've appreciated the joke. All she wanted to do now was find a private place to mourn her pet.
Harry couldn't help but laugh.
"How was your detention with Umbridge?" She asked realizing he wouldn't be going away anytime soon. "What did she make you do?"
"Just lines," Harry lied sticking his injured hand deep into his robe's pocket, starting to feel self-conscious of the mark after the argument he had with Ron and Hermione. Ironic he had just half lied after writing 'I must not tell lies.'
"I've noticed you haven't been at the Great Hall."
What Harry had meant to ask was, 'Why aren't the other Slytherins talking to you?' - Nel of course had enough tact to realize this.
"It's the Slytherins," She shrugged. "They're upset because I didn't write to them over the summer. Not only that, but I can't explain to them where I was right? I mean- How do you explain to your friends that you were living with Sirius Black for half and living on the streets for the-" She let out a peep, horrified at the realization of what she had just said out loud.
"I have to go," She squawked rushing to reach the Slytherin common room.
Over the summer Harry had assumed there had to be a reason why Nel had been living with Sirius. He assumed it had something to do with her transition from not living with the Lestranges anymore but he had never asked what had happened.
"Nel, wait!" He side-stepped around her stopping her. "There's nothing wrong with-"
She gave him an ugly look. What did he know about poverty and misery?
"You could've asked for help," Harry sighed.
"You don't understand!" She snapped loudly. Harry flinched a little, not at her brass tone, but the way she said it. It was the same way he had just lashed out at his friend's earlier in the day. "It's embarrassing, dehumanizing, and- and- nobody should have to go through that!"
"Okay, okay," He raised his hands defensively, his voice lowered.
"I don't want to be anybody's charity case," She said sadly wiping an angry tear that slid down her reddening face. She was mortified. It seemed like the only thing she had done the last couple of days was cry and she was fed up and sick of it.
"Nel, that's what friends are for, and if the Slytherins are being gits for something like that then, they're probably not your friends."
It sounded like something Professor Lupin might say. When had Harry become so wise? Maybe he did know a thing or two about friendship.
"Well, well, well, look who we've got here."
Nel felt her breath hitch at the familiar voice.
Draco and Pansy were both now Slytherin prefects and had caught them outside of their dormitories after hours. There would definitely be trouble. Not that she regretted flicking him off earlier in the day, the git deserved that and much more.
"Off for a midnight snog with your girlfriend Potter?" Draco said maliciously. It wasn't the first time he taunted Harry and Nel about their friendship. It seemed every time the two were together he would blaze with anger and bitterness.
Nel hadn't spoken to him since they confessed their feelings for each other last year and after finding out about his new relationship she wasn't about to start speaking to him today. She frowned, looking hurt praying he wouldn't notice, and instead glared at him with hateful eyes. She wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
"You two nutters are just perfect for each other," Pansy laughed loudly. "Blood traitors," She tossed wryly.
Draco was about to ask Pansy to escort Harry to Gryffindor tower. He had to find a way to get Elowen to be alone so he could talk to her.
"I like your dog Malfoy didn't know you fancied bulldogs. I've got an aunt who's got twelve. Perhaps she needs another bitch," Harry spat sharply with cruelty remembering his hateful Aunt Marge.
The three Slytherins were stunned. Since the train ride to Hogwarts Draco realized there was something off about Potter this year, there was a constant tortured look on his angry face. Nel brought a hand to her mouth to hide her shocked expression.
Where did that come from?
Pansy looked aghast. Her face twisted into a mug and she shot Harry a murderous look.
"You want to talk about dogs Potter?" Draco stepped forward scowling. "Why don't you put your mutt on a leash?" He sneered with malice tilting his head towards the girl.
Baring his teeth Harry saw fire and lunged at Draco.
"Oi!" Nel stepped in between restraining attempting to restrain Harry. He clearly had no hesitation in striking Draco or taking back his word. The Slytherin prefect stepped back looking at Potter with disgust, wand raised ready to attack, Pansy followed suit hiding behind him. "Stop! Harry! He's not worth it," the Slytherin girl glared. Tensions were high between the two parties. "Look at me," Elowen squeezed his shoulders until his green eyes met hers. Her lips turned into a thin line and she slightly shook her head.
"You better watch yourself, Potter, soon, Dumbledore won't be here to protect you," Draco threatened.
It was exactly what Snape had said. The Death Eaters were definitely plotting something against Dumbledore, if Snape knew, no doubt the Headmaster did too.
"Go back to your dormitories, this will be your last warning," Pansy snapped looking clearly unsettled as they both retreated.
"Come on Harry," Nel placed a hand on the back of his shoulder and lead him away, then lowered it to hold his hand.
Draco looked over this shoulder. The sight made him want to vomit. For a moment he hesitated in turning back and hexing Potter with a lizard tail, fangs, and bat boogeys coming out of his ears and nose. He knew it, he had always had a paranoid feeling that Harry was after Elowen. He could feel it in his bones.
Great. First the French tosser, now Potter.
He gave Pansy a side look. She was an appropriate choice for him. She was a good match for his family's expectations. Pureblooded, wealthy, a proper lady with conservative values and poised etiquette. Nel on the other hand… Well, everybody knew how unhinged Saintday was.
He wanted to slap himself, snap out of his jealous misery, but he couldn't. This was what was right. He had written to Elowen over the summer, poured his feelings and fears out to her, even offered to see her, and she did not answer a single one of his damn letters. All of his owls had returned. The worst part was when he saw her show up at King's Cross with Potter and the Weasleys, had she spent the whole summer with them? Is that why she hadn't written back?
It was in his morose heartbreak that he decided to see Pansy out of spite to her. However, he had not been expecting his parents to be thrilled at the news, he also wasn't expecting enjoying having a girlfriend, it was nice, even if Pansy could be overbearing and terribly dull sometimes.
He'd forget about her. He promised himself. She had asked him to stay away from her dozens of times before. This time, he swore he would.
"What was that?" A shocked Elowen asked Harry when they reached the foot of the moving stairs which is where they would part ways.
Harry retreated his hand, praying she wouldn't have felt the wound on his hand.
"You were protecting him, weren't you?" He snapped with the same anger he had lashed out at Pansy just moments earlier.
"I wasn't-" He interrupted her. "You were! I saw the way you were looking at him! The way you got in between us!" Harry continued rambling sporadically, his tone getting harsher, louder. The girl waited until the Gryffindor finished his furious monologue.
"Are you done?" She arched an eyebrow.
"Malfoy's a git. You can have a go at him whenever you want, but remember, we've both served detentions today and are walking a tight rope with Umbridge. Even I know my limits," She paused. "You may have a go at him tomorrow," she smiled at him weakly, "I'd love to see someone knock him on his arse."
"I'm so sorry," Harry apologized running a hand through his messy hair. "I just feel so angry all the time, ever since-" he went quiet.
"It's fine Harry, I have a weekly meltdown every odd day. I have learned to be okay with not being okay, it's part of growing up."
She stretched out a hand, "We're good?"
Harry smiled and shook her hand.
"Wait- what is that?" She pulled his hand up to inspect it. "Is this a tattoo?"
'I must not tell lies', the scarring on his hand read. It was definitely not a tattoo. "Who did this to you?" She asked, jaw going slack.
Harry pulled his hand back. He said nothing else and walked away quickly.
"Harry!" Nel called after him, but he didn't turn back.
She had no doubt in her gut that Umbridge was behind this. That witch. She had killed her pet and tortured her friend. Like Dumbledore had said earlier, actions have consequences and Nel swore on the spot that Umbridge's actions will not go unpunished.
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gloves94 ¡ 2 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 32
Rating: M Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC   Chapter warnings: Anxiety! Alcoholism! Abuse!
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1 9 9 5, September 1st
The train's bathroom compartment shifted as the Hogwarts Express advanced to its final destination.
Elowen gripped the edges of the lavatory's porcelain as she attempted to steady her nausea. Out of all the summers she had spent away from Hogwarts this had certainly been the most interesting one.
She looked at her reflection with a small frown, she didn't even recognize herself anymore. Her pre-mature graying hair now colored most of what used to be dark brown. It reached just below her shoulders with thick white and silvering streaks. Her brand new Slytherin uniform (courtesy of Sirius Black) hadn't been ironed properly by Kreacher. And her face… She couldn't even look at it anymore. She felt ugly knowing the constellation of beauty marks on her face was a brand- an ugly mark she had been branded with as possession of You-Know-Who.
It didn't matter if the others didn't know, she knew, and it would forever be a grim reminder. She wondered if Harry felt this way about his scar- perhaps it was different, his scar was a reminder that he had lived, that he had triumphed over the Dark Lord, hers was of subjugation.
'"Don't you want to know more about them?" Harry had asked over the summer.
"About who?" She retorted mindlessly.
"Your parents?"
"Does it matter?" She finally looked at him. "They were Death Eaters and Voldemort killed them. That's all there is to know."'
She really didn't want to know more about them. Not after what Sirius had said. It did, however, make her feel better knowing she hadn't been abandoned.
Summer had been tedious. Sirius Black had been a welcoming home, however, he wasn't well. Perhaps he had survived 12 years at Azkaban but his sanity certainly hadn't. He hated his home, his family, and their beliefs. Most days he would drink himself to numbness. Nel could hear him from the room she was staying in. She could hear him shouting and arguing with the portrait of Walburga, his hateful dead mother. He would also fight with Kreacher and throw bottles at the walls. Most mornings when Nel was alone with him, she would wake to find Sirius slouched on a sofa, the dining room, or on the stairs. Sometimes he smelled like urine, other times like vomit.
"James!" He would howl remorsefully at night. "James!" His painful screams echoed the empty rooms of the Nobel House of Black as he called for his dead best friend.
Nel constantly avoided him. She would tiptoe down the stairs and around the corners of the house, heart in her throat, praying Sirius wouldn't notice her when he was in his inebriated state.
One night he caught her.
'"It helps with my pain," he said from the kitchen table as he nursed a bottle of fire whiskey on his hand. Who knows how many he'd had tonight…
Too stunned to speak Nel quickly grabbed her cup of water and lowered her head hoping to make a swift escape.
"Are you looking at me?" She heard him move as the chair scraped against the floor with movement. "Are you judging me?" He walked around the table and lowered his head to try and hold her gaze.
"You should really stop drinking, it scares me," She peeped quietly.
"Scares you?" He laughed loudly tossing his head back. "You know what's scary? Your best friend dying," he spat through gritted teeth. "Your little brother dying." "And no matter what you do- every week, more news of deaths, more disappearances, more torturing…" He paused to look at her pale face and held her jaw with a clammy hand. Nel winced moving her head back, his hot alcoholic breath pungent. "Now that's, true terror," he finished letting her go.
Nel said nothing and inched away, carefully not to make any sudden movements.
"You remind me of my mother Elowen, you look like her," Sirius sighed returning to his sea. "I hated my mother!" He said resentfully raising a hand in the direction of the portrait that hung at the foot of the stairs.
"Nobody owes you anything Nel. Don't be an entitled brat. The sooner you learn that the better."'
She didn't tell anyone about Sirius. Although, she suspected Snape knew. He always knew… Things got a lot better when the others arrived, the so-called Order of the Phoenix. The situation vastly improved when Harry moved in towards the end of the summer, Sirius cut his drinking, it seemed to her that Harry was fulfilling a role Sirius needed in his life, his best friend, James.
The Order of the Phoenix was a secret society that Dumbledore started the first time they fought You-Know-Who, or so Hermione had explained to her. The members of the Order were secretive, especially around her, she would've known more if it weren't for Mrs. Weasley constantly reminding Sirius and Mad-Eye Moody that they were just children.
There was some loud knocking on the restroom's door which grounded Nel back to reality and out of her memories from the summer.
"Merlin's Beard! It's in use!" She shouted angrily. Fixing her hair one last time she pushed the door open. Pushing out with a frown ready to make a snarky reply she stopped when instead of a stranger, was a friend.
"Daphne," Nel spoke after the moment of surprise.
She wanted to throw her arms around her and hug her, but the blonde looked angry. Standing beside her was her younger sister Astoria, who seemed to be the one that needed to use the restroom so badly.
"Elowen," Daphne said curtly as if they were strangers.
"How was your summer? I'm so happy to see you!" Nel threw her arms around her, however, her chamber mate did not return the embrace.
"I should ask," She said stepping away. "How was yours?" She asked pointedly.
Nel had a feeling Daphne's irritation stemmed from this. It was what she had been fearing all this time. "It was fine."
Sensing the storm that was coming, Astoria stepped into the restroom.
"You never wrote back! All of my owls returned. Where were you?"
How do you explain to your friend that you were living in the streets as a runaway half of the summer and that the other half you spent rooming with an escaped convict from Azkaban Sirius Black?
"Daph, it's... Erm, it's complicated," Nel began nervously. She racked her brain for ideas of what to say- the truth, lies, anything she could say to make the situation better. "I wanted to write, really, I didn't mean to-"
"You know what Nel, with you everything is complicated," Daphne snapped. "And then, we see you walk in and board the train with the Gryffindors? With Potter and his friends?"
"Daphne," Nel racked her hands over her face in frustration. She could feel her eyes beginning to sting with tears of anger at her situation. "I can't tell you-" She sighed in defeat. "Please, trust me. It's better if you don't know."
Astoria stepped out of the restroom and gave her a side look before walking away.
"Have a good rest of the year," Was the last thing Daphne said to her before looking at her as if she were dirt and walking away until out of sight.
Nel cursed and kicked the wall of the train before following after.
She rushed down the corridor trying to find Tracey, but peeking into in through the door's window of the compartment Daphne had walked into, she saw she Tracey sitting across from the Greengrass sisters. Theodore was there too as was Tracey with her girlfriend. Leanne was taking a photo of Theodore and Daphne and all of them were sharing smiles, laughing. Hurt, Nel went away, distraught she didn't look before opening the door of the second compartment.
She opened it and her eyes scanned the crowded compartment landing on Draco Malfoy's face. She smiled remembering the last time she had seen him, when she kissed him standing on the stairs that led to the dungeon. He didn't return the smile, in fact, his silver eyes were hard, jaw set stiff. Her smile fell from her face as she noticed Pansy Parkinson's hand in his, her head resting on his shoulder.
"There's no room here Saintday," Goyle's voice made grounded her back to reality.
She didn't bother closing the door. Without a response, she turned away and stalked down the corridor wiping the single angry tear that had escaped her eye.
"Fuck!" She cursed loudly.
Daphne was mad. Tracey was hurt. Theo understood, however, he didn't have the balls to go against Daphne's word.
It hurt Nel to see her friends together. She had survived the trip to Hogwarts by stamping an "Out of service" paper outside the restroom and locking herself in there the rest of the trip. Upon arrival, she had attempted to apologize but they wouldn't have it, who knows what Daphne had said to them after their conversation.
"Why can't you just tell us?" Asked Tracey hurt more than anything. "I just can't," Nel cried out through gritted teeth. "Your owl should be in the owlery," was the last thing Tracey said to her.
Theodore shot her an apologetic look.
It was in moments like this that Nel wished Cedric was here, or well- Lucy, now but a ghost from her past. Someone that could provide any wisdom to her in her loneliness.
That night, Nel skipped the welcome back feast. She thought nobody would mind her absence or even notice and instead spent her evening in the greenhouse catching up with Nathair.
AN: Do you guys have any thoughts? I’d love to know what you think!
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gloves94 ¡ 2 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 31
Rating: PG-13  Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC   Chapter warnings: Anxiety! 
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Nel's head always seemed to spin after apparating. Wherever they were it was a rainy afternoon. The skies were a dull gray and several muggles that were passing by looked at her and Professor Snape oddly. Several fat pigeons scrambled at their messy landing. Her surroundings looked like London. The buildings were tall, the first floor was white and the three to four story buildings were made with dark gray brick. She didn't understand where they were, it looked like an ordinary muggle neighborhood. "You are not to divulge the location of this location to absolutely anyone, and you are now sworn to secrecy under the Fidelius Charm" Snape sneered pulling out his wand. "I-I swear" She nodded hesitatingly, without thinking it twice. "Your belongings?" His eyes raked over her poor appearance. "I sent my owl to Tracey's," She paused for a moment. "I have everything I need on me. You see, I shrank my trunk to be pocket sized," she said digging into the pocket of the jacket that was wrapped around her waist and fishing out a trunk that looked more like a box of Altoids. "Charming," Snape rolled his eyes back to the front with disdain and muttered something under his breath. And with his spell, 12 Grimmauld place was revealed. All muggles around blissfully unaware of the magic that had just happened. "And nobody knows where you are- Not even Ms. Davis?" "No," She responded much more quietly.
She really had gone the entire summer without communicating with anyone - not even Tracy. She had sent her owl away hoping not to be reached by anyone, after all, it wasn't safe. A pit formed in her stomach hoping that none of her friends would hold a grudge towards her for not writing to them over the summer. "Come," He instructed. "I still don't understand why I can't just stay in your home, I really don't mind, I'll even sleep on the floor-" She babbled, following suit after him. Nel hadn't had an interaction with another human that didn't revolve around bartering cigarettes or other street goods that she desperately craved company. Even if it was someone as unpleasant as Snape. "Silence," He interrupted. It seemed like everything she said went in one ear and out the other. He opened the white door and allowed her in to a dark hallway. It was dirty, lit dimly, smelled like humidity and oddly reminded Nel of the Slytherin Common Room. She walked through the dusty hallway avoiding cobwebs, turning back to see Snape and pray he hadn't noticed the book she had stolen from his house bulging from underneath her clothes. They stepped into a dinning room that matched the rest of the house where a man sat nursing an amber bottle of some type of alcohol. "Sirius Black!" She exclaimed shocked. Just where had Snape taken her? She looked back at Snape in disbelief. The Ministry of Magic was looking for Black, they were even offering a reward for any information regarding him or his whereabouts. She knew that Harry knew where he was but Snape- She really couldn't believe he hadn't gone straight to the Ministry. "Ah! Elowen," Sirius rose from the elegant wooden chair with a small smile. He looked more humane than the last time Nel had seen him almost two years ago. He looked plumper, his sharp features less angular, hair shorter around his shoulders, neater too. "Although, I believe you go by Nel, is it?" She nodded still shocked, consciously reaching for the wand she kept inside of her sleeve.
"You knew where Sirius Black was all this time and you didn't claim the reward?" She gaped at Snape. Snape's face twisted into a sour sneer which told her he would've definitely done it if he had the choice. "It's complicated," Sirius said running a hand through his hair. "You can take the room in the topmost floor, Krecher will help you with your belongings." She looked between the two men confused, before making her way upstairs. Turning she almost kicked a small person. "Sorry," She stepped back seeing an ancient looking house-elf. "Kreacher has come for your belongings as Master Black said." "I have none," She said making her way up. "What is you," It wasn't a question. It sounded more like wonder. "Nasty little brat are you?" He narrowed his large gray eyes. "Oh, if my poor Mistress knew, the scum they have let into her house oh how she'd cry… What would she say to old Kreacher," He rambled as he turned into another of the tall house's many hallways. "Freak," She suddenly heard a womanly voice say. Turning at the stairs she looked around. "Scum of the Earth," confused, Nel looked up to see a woman- well, her portrait. The woman glared and cursed in her direction, still struck by the situation she said nothing and finally reached the room.
'Do Not Enter Without the Express Permission of Regulus Arcturus Black', a sign hung above the old door. Entering, the room, like the rest of the house, was covered in dust and cobwebs. It probably hadn't been opened in over a decade.
The heavy curtains in the room where emerald and silver, the Black family crest was beautifully crafted on the bed's headboard with a motto that read 'Toujour Pur' underneath. Who knows what that mean. On the opposite side of the room, there was a massive collage of yellowing newspaper, it almost seemed like wallpaper. She set up her trunk and enlarged it, quickly hiding Snape's book at the very bottom, underneath her clothes. Heading downstairs she decided to light a cigarette to calm her creeping anxiety. What was this place? Snape was covering for Sirius Black? What was she doing here? She inhaled deeply allowing the smoke to warm her lungs. Not only that but- She finally had Sirius Black in front of her, she would finally get answers. Who was she? Where was her family? Did she have a family? What happened that fateful night?
She began picking at her cuticle anxiously and smoking with more urgency, her steps pacing from one side to the other before returning to the dinning room. "What are you going to tell her? That we're at war? Have you lost it Snivellus?" Black exclaimed. "The only thing I've lost is my patience," Snape warned in a hushed tone. "Saintday is not to have any involvement in Order of the Phoenix matters. Direct orders from Dumbledore…" Nel hadn't meant to eavesdrop but she couldn't help it, she found herself crouching at the bottom of the staircase carefully listening. Making mental notes about what the two adults were saying. "Begone from this place! Your mere presence befouls the house of my fathers - filthy mudblood no doubt!" The portrait of the mean faced woman shrieked at her making the adults shift topic. Nel sighed tiredly and dragged one last heavy breath from her cigarette one last time before putting it out on the paintings canvas with a small sizzle. The woman shrieked chaotically at the damage making the young Slytherin smile with sinister pleasure.
"Mr. Black-" the teen girl turned peeking in from the edge of the door frame. "Erm- Sirius," She began uneasily. "I was hoping we could talk, there's a lot of things I've been wanting to ask you for a long time. It's about…" "The night at the abbey," Sirius finished seeming pensive. "Sure, sure," He nodded taking a sip of his bottle. "Sit," He stretched across from his own seat. Snape remained in the room, he regarded Sirius with his dark eyes watching him carefully. "Well," Nel rubbed her hands nervously, she was starving for a crumb of truth. "What happened?" Sirius's gaze remained lowered, avoiding her intense maroon eyes. "I saved you," he said curtly. "I took you from a bad place, where bad people wanted to do very bad things to you, that's all there is to it." It was verbatim what he had said to her that night at the top of the Dark Tower. Nel could feel her frustration begin to twist her stomach, she was no longer anxious, she was beginning to feel angry. He wasn't even looking at her! "Where," she demanded her voice hitching. "Hangleton," He finally met her gaze. Good, things were finally getting somewhere. "That's it?" Sirius looked at her dissatisfied expression the look she was giving him reminded him of his mother's ghastly expression. "What do you want me to say kid?" He retorted harshly. "That I swooped in with my broom to save you from a bunch of Death Eaters performing ancient black magic on you?" He tossed his hand up and continued drinking. "God knows what they were going to do, but whatever it was, it wasn't good." "My parents?" She held her breath. Sirius exchanged a look with Severus, "Dead. Killed by Death Eaters," he said sharply. "What were their names?" "No idea," again, he took a painful swing from the bottle. "You just said they were dead. That they were killed by Death Eaters and you don't remember their names?!" Nel exclaimed digging her nails into the table. "Look, it was a long time ago," Sirius drawled sharply. Elowen had a feeling the man who had saved her wasn't going to be willing to answer her questions. "Why?" Her voice had now weakened into a squeak. "How did you know I was there? Why did you take me? Why did you leave me at the abbey? My life… My life has been horrible," The tears of frustration that were being held by the dam in her eyes finally broke into streams. Sirius looked sullen, again, he only grew silent and busied himself with getting another drink. "They knew because I told them," Snape spoke quietly when Sirius left the room. His voice, however, held no empathy. Nel's expression hardened. Of course he knew. "I was acting on behalf of two very dangerous sides during the Wizarding War." He began. Nel began connecting the dots in her head. Snape wasn't regarded by all Slytherin purebloods because he was the head of Slytherin House, it was because he was one of them. That's why the Malfoys regarded him as an equal, other Purebloods too. He was a Death Eater. "I was an informant for Dumbledore." "The Dark Lord has plans for you, I believe he's cursed you as his." Nel could still remember Crouch's words, "He’s come back for what’s rightful his,” she always thought it was odd that the Malfoys threated her so humanely. They knew she belonged to Voldemort, Snape knew, question was- who else was aware of this terrible truth? "The freckles on your face, it's not a birth mark, it's a curse, and a grim reminder to anyone who looks at you," Snape continued to explain. "Ophiuchus, the snake bearer." Professor Trelawney had once said this to her, she had thought it was bs, but it seemed to be right.
"Now that He's back, the Dark Lord will stop at nothing to get what rightfully belongs to him. Which is why it is so important that you stay here with the Order. So you're safe." The Order? Her head was spinning. The girl felt light headed from processing the information. She held her pulsating temple and let out a sharp breath. "That's why they call me that, isn't it? Dead girl? It's because I'm sentenced isn't it? There's a bounty on my name," Her chest swelled with a creeping anxiety as she leaned forward heaving, her hands now shaking, the lights in the room began flickering. She felt out of breath. "Your parents were Norwegian wizards," Sirius stepped back into the room with a new drink. He kept his head down and spoke rapidly as he quickly crossed the room to reach his seat. "They were Death Eaters, however, they betrayed Voldemort to help us and suffered terrible fates. As punishment they took you," he pointed with his raised bottle, "and did unspeakable things," he only paused to drink. "Which could be in part why you have the strange affinity to speak Parseltongue."
Her eyes returned to Snape. "Did you know them?" "No," he said curtly, but Snape's eyes were frozen on Sirius, for some reason he looked furious.
If her parents were wizards then, that meant Nel was a pureblood. They had to have been- why else would they have hung around a lot ofDeath Eaters? She felt like vomiting at the thought of coming from a family with such horrendous beliefs, of course, they changed their mind before meeting their ends, but… still… She didn’t want to know further, it didn't matter, they were dead and Voldemort had taken them away from her. He was the one to blame, he was the one that had taken that life from her.
If they had lived, she wondered if her life would've been like Pansy Parkinson or like Daphne's?
"The Dark Lord seeks you to finish what he started, be warned, his cruelty knows no bounds. You must not seek him out unless you have a death wish. He enjoys torturing his victims, and savors the thought of driving them to insanity…" her professor warned. Just what was Snape's goal? Why would he play at both sides? What did he want? What did he have to win? If he was so close to Voldemort and his group, he would've had to prove his loyalty. She didn't even want to begin to think about the horrid things this man must've done, that's why he was so sour, so damaged and wrecked. "It almost sounds like you're praising him professor," she said aghast.
Sirius snorted a laugh and Snape scowled deeply.
"Any more questions?" Sirius asked shifting uncomfortable on his seat. "No," Nel said wiping the snot and tears from her red face in a new found peace. "Well, one," she paused, bringing her fist to her mouth lost in thought. "What.. What does Voldemort want?" Her eyes narrowed. "Why did you fight this war?" Snape looked close to slapping her. Sirius sighed in frustration. "Like my family…," Sirius began bitterly. "Voldemort had-has an obsession with blood purity. He wants to rid the Wizarding World of any Muggles or their heritage. He wants power, he wants to conquer both worlds, Muggle and the Wizarding one. In a nutshell, to achieve pure-blood dominance." There was a shared silenced between the three and Elowen couldn't help but laugh a little at the absurdity. "What a lunatic," she huffed. It seemed so ridiculous to her.
She stood up excusing herself to find the bathroom. Unmoving from his place leaning against the wall Snape raised his head to glare at Sirius. His eyes said it all. Sirius looked back at him just as intensely and took a long swing in defiance. However, it wasn't his drinking habit that Severus was judging. "I did what I had to do. We need her on our side." "She needs to know the truth." "She can't know the truth!" Sirius shot back in a hushed tone. "She's already asking questions. She stole a book about necromancy from my library. She's going to find out soon." "She's only a child, besides we need her to be on our side, the right side, in case you forgot," Sirius rose and gave Snape a repulsive look referring to his dark days as a Death Eater. "Exactly. A child. Foolish, naive, easily manipulated." Snape growled stepping forward angrily. "My," Sirius raised his dark eyebrows mockingly. "You've grown quite protective over this child Snivelly." "I'm the one that saved her, remember?" Sirius continued drinking as he walked away. "Saved her? If I remember correctly... your mission was the opposite." Ignoring Snape, Sirius left the room.
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gloves94 ¡ 2 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 30
Rating: M Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC   Chapter warnings:  None
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1 9 9 5
Cokeworth. An isolated miserable place to hide.
Located in the Midlands, Cokeworth had once been a town bustling with industry just over a century ago. Now, most dark brick houses were deserted. There were many broken streetlamps, a polluted river nearby which was the color of mud and an abandoned mill. The chimneys in town ran on coal and made the already cloudy sky tint with black smoke. The streets themselves were empty and were usually kept dim due to the broken streetlamps. Besides most of the elderly that lived in the area Nel hadn't spotted any wizards in this deserted town.
It had been hard surviving on her own without the use of magic, but Elowen had managed. She thought of herself now more than ever like a weed. An ugly plant able to grow and thrive in the forgotten cracks of the world. If she had grown a rose, prim and proper, like the other Slytherin girls she would've been wilted a long time ago.
She scavenged the inside of a trashcan digging for scraps of food or goods she could sell or trade to other members of the homeless community. Most of these people self-medicated with drugs or alcohol in hopes of dealing with their traumatic experiences. Nel on the other hand mouthed spells she hoped to eventually master with a nonverbal ability. She had nothing but time to rehearse the practice of occlumency and had taken up the nasty habit of smoking street cigarettes.
Poverty-stricken, filthy, with a bad tooth and finding shelter under the shade of an old woman's porch, regardless of her circumstances. Anything was better than Wool's Orphanage. "I'm afraid with no legal guardian, you are to return under the Guardianship of Ms. Cordelia Wool," Dumbledore had said to her. Nel turned on her other side meditating on the unpleasant memory. Dumbledore had summoned Elowen to his office after the incidents of the TriWizard Tournament and Cedric's death. Nel was numb to all emotion. Her face was swollen and tear stained from the turbulent last hours she had experienced. Cedric was dead. She had survived an abduction and Draco had confessed his feelings for her.
"Professor," She paused stumbling on her words. She didn't even bother register the news of having to return to Wool's for the summer. "Is there a spell to bring the dead back to life?" With his hands held behind his back Dumbledore turned to look at Nel with unease. He stood by the fireplace looking down at the crackling flames in a pensive matter. "Necromancy is a branch of magic that has never quite worked."
"I'll make it work," She said determinedly. Her eyes remaining glued to the wooden floor. "What even is magic? What- or who decides who or what is magical? Why can't muggles do magic?"
Dumbledore paused. The two of them, they were more alike than they knew. Like Nel, the Dark Lord was a notable practitioner of this branch of Dark Magic.
"I'm certain you will only find disappointment Ms. Saintday. Even if you did manage to perfect the art of Necromancy to bring - I assume - Mr. Diggory back, you would only find an empty shell. A creature with no soul or intelligence."
Merlin. Again, Elowen broke down into tears. Cedric didn't deserved that. He deserved so much more. For the sake of the stars, he was the 'Golden Boy.' He was truly good, he had so much to live for.
"The head of your House will escort you back to London if you wish," Dumbledore said getting ready to dismiss the Slytherin. "No," Nel set her foot down. "Can't I just stay and live in Hogwarts over the summer?"
Once again Dumbledore was struck. Sometimes the more he looked at Elowen the more he saw Tom Riddle.
"With limit resources and no classes it would be impractical and even unsafe for a student to stay at Hogwarts over the summer with little supervision or structure," The Headmaster explained.
Elowen glared at him. 'Oh, but if it had been Harry.' She rolled her eyes. Dumbledore would've given him a penthouse or maybe even thrown a damn party for "The Chosen One."
"I know what you're thinking Elowen. No, even Harry isn't allowed to stay at Hogwarts over the holiday. It might not seem like it to you, but I can assure you Mr. Potter receives nothing but the same treatment as every other student."
Wow. That was probably the biggest lie Elowen had ever heard in her life. And that was coming from someone that was brought up under Cordelia Wool's abusive ways. Instead of responding, she bit her tongue and wiped the tears from her face. "With Voldemort back," Dumbledore began gravely. "I sense Death Eaters will want a claim on you. The Wizarding World isn't safe anymore." "Why?" She demanded. "I know you know why." She stood tall staring into Dumbledore's crystal blue eyes that seemed to have lost its twinkle today. She was sick and tired of being kept in the dark about her nature, her parents, her powers, the  acceptance Purebloods like the Lestrange and Malfoys had of her. "You come from power magic Ms. Saintday. You're a bright witch. I'm certain you've realized you've got more in common with Voldemort than what you think," Dumbledore approached her. His footsteps silent as he stood close. "So?" She spat back. Typical of Dumbledore. Villainizing her existence because of her Hogwarts House.
"Stay hidden Ms. Saintday. I would advice you to drop all contact to any witches or wizards. Specially your housemates," The change in subjects was beyond irritating. Again, typical Dumbledore. Secretly plotting, keeping secrets, treasuring whispers, truths and lies.
"I'll show myself out," She snapped with her hands coiled into tight fists or frustration. "You wanted to hurt him, didn't you?" Dumbledore asked to her back. The girl was silent for a second. Crouch? More than anything. "Yes." She would've enjoyed it. "Harry has my utmost confidence Elowen," the Headmaster said. "You, on the other hand, don't." Nel ignored his commend and continued making her way out, through the spinning staircase. "A warning," Dumbledore raised a hand she did not see. "Remember, power can be alluring Ms. Saintday."
Fuck him.
Since Nel had spent the summer stealing, scavenging through trash, tricking other homeless and running errands for some of the elderly in town in hopes of making a measly living or even being paid with a warm meal.
Unable to find peace at the unpleasant memory Nel left the porch before being kicked out like she was every odd morning. Walking around Cokeworth she loitered outside of a grocery store pickpocketing strangers while chewing on a piece of gum. She eyed a man who was busy eyeing some apples in a crate and had his wallet exposed. Fingers itching she approached him with ease. Moments away from swiping his wallet a hand came down over hers.
"Don't even think about it." A deep voice hissed in her ear. The large hand gripping her wrist tight enough to make it bruise. The shock was enough for her to swallow her gum uncomfortably.
A chill went down her spine and Elowen screamed loudly making her victim scurry away uncomfortably. The man did not release her limb instead his hold tightened.
"Professor Snape!" She shouted. All the blood had drained from her face and she stood horrified as she looked at her towering professor.
"Is this where you've been all summer long? Is this what you have been doing? Petty pick pocketing strangers in Spinner's End?"
If it was anybody else Nel would've denied it.
"Yes!" She shouted pulling her arm back to her torso and nursing it close to her chest. "It's not as easy as it looks!"
"You didn't return to Wool's!" He scolded raising his voice.
"That place is hell!"
Again, he reached for her upper arm burying his fingers into her skin. "Do you realize all of the Wizarding Community is looking for you? Good wizards, evil wizards? Your stupid friends?" Merlin, Snape had had it with his student. He couldn't believe how dumb this girl could be. He didn't even want to think what could have happened if You-Know-Who or one of his most loyal servants got his hands on her.
"They're not looking very well then, are they?" She shot back bitterly. "You are still a minor Ms. Saintday. I am delivering you back to the custody of Ms. Cordelia Wool."
"Everything alright 'ere?" A plump woman stepped out of the grocery store holding a phone with an extended cord on one hand ready to call the authorities.
"Come on," Snape growled and put a hand on the nape of her neck as he led her, head tilting down, away from the store.
"Foolish girl!" He snapped. "Do you realize what could've happened if you were found?"
"Pray tell," She retorted sarcastically as they turned on an alley and whipping his wand out the dark door of a home opened and she was pushed in.
The sitting-room could've have been more than 10 feet wide. Books were stacked from bottom to the top of the ceiling. A thick layer of dust cloaked most of the furniture like a gray blanket. There was a small fireplace and one single sofa chair that looked worn.
"You live in this dump?" She retorted in a snarky tone earning her a smack in the back of the head from her teacher. Whatever. She rubbed the back of her cranium. Worth it.
Severus inhale a deep breath hoping to ease his nerves. This child would be the death of him. "Can't I just stay here? The least I can do is keep the place clean." This time Elowen looked at him with large eyes, she hoped that maybe the one man she saw closest to a father figure would want her around.
"It's not safe here," He grumbled.
"But- you're here. How can it not be safe?" She protested with a deep frown.
"Wait here," Snape ordered holding his wand. "I'll be back," He said flatly before stepping out and hexing the door so Elowen wouldn't find a way out.
With a defeated sigh the girl slumped on the comfortable sofa chair. Well, when in Rome… Or in this case Snape's.
With not much to do the Slytherin decided to scrub the house from top to bottom. She swept the floors, and polished every surface she could find, going even as far as dusting the books.
Snape had such interesting titles in his collection. Diary of an Alchemist, Poisons, Potions and other Deathly Substances, The Nightshade Guide to Necromancy- Wait.
Her eyes jumped back to the thick black book. She eyed the silver letters before opening it wide. This was what she was looking for.
"Necromancy is a branch of magic that has never quite worked." She could still remember Dumbledore's words. Words that sounded almost mocking to her and made her fume with anger. Why did Snape even have this in his collection? Hearing the doorknob rattle, Nel panicked and shoved the book inside of her loose jeans hoping her oversized ragged shirt would hide the bulge on her back. Snape soon returned scowling looking irritated. The young Slytherin kept quiet, trying her best not to look suspicious. "Don't make yourself comfortable Saintday, we're leaving."
"To where?"
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gloves94 ¡ 3 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 29
Rating: M Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC   Chapter warnings:  None
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The authentic Alastor Moody watched in his night robes. He sat on the floor at the edge of the inside of the wooden chest. The man sat with his arms crossed over his chest. The only thing probably worse than being unwillingly locked inside of a trunk was being locked inside of a trunk with a teenager.
An angry one at that.
He then watched the student run against the wall with a rageful scream and tackle it down with her shoulder. She slid down the wall painfully heaving before rising, stumbling back, and trying again. He guessed her shoulder was probably wounded by now, if not a couple of strikes away from being dislocated.
“Give it up, kid,” He called from his corner. “It’s useless. The only way out is in,” He said pessimistically.
“I’m not giving up!” She grunted with pain. “I’m not giving up. I’m getting out of here-“ She heaved furiously, looking up at the unending darkness above the two. “There has to be another way out…” She said more to herself.  
“Who-“ Her dark eyes moved from a nonexistent exit back to the Auror’s. “Who was that? If you’re Moody then, who-?” she was frustrated at her loss of words.
“Barty Crouch Jr.,” Alastor sat up and uncrossed his arms. He would’ve walked if he could, but Crouch had his leg. “Most unpleasant slimeball. Scum of the scum that walks this Earth. Death Eater and loyal to You-Know-Who until the end. Caught me slippin’ in my retirement,” Moody finished his sentence by cursing words Nel hadn’t even heard before. The trunk was pitch black. She couldn’t see just how filthy the man was with unkempt hair and a growing beard from being locked in here so long.
He also couldn’t distinguish the features of the Slytherin.
If he could’ve been immediately able to distinguish just who he was in the room with.
“And what do they want with you?” He asked gruffly.
“The hell should I know. I’m just an orphan.”
If he could’ve seen the constellation in her face in the shape of Ophiuchus, he would’ve immediately known just who was locked inside of the trunk with him.
Harry Potter sat in the office of Professor Alastor Moody, crying. He was alone processing the events of the Third Task of the Tournament.
Cedric was dead.
Voldemort was back.
Nel was missing.
Probably dead too.
He had seen Cedric’s life flash before his eyes. The Dark Lord had touched him. Cursed his blood to be shared between the two. Everything had gone to hell. He pinched the bridge of his nose and remove his glasses to wipe his tears from his swollen eyes.
His head jolted up when Moody’s door slammed behind him as he entered the room. Startled, he looked at the Professor.
In the same room, inside of the chest, the missing student attentively listened to the conversation that Harry and Barty Crouch Jr. were having. It sounded muffled and distant. Words were inaudible beyond recognition, but the voices were clear.
“That sounds…” Nel said, pressing her ear against the wall. “It’s Moody-“ She looked back at the miserable man slumped in the corner. His silhouette was barely recognizable in the darkness. “Well- not you- and that’s- That’s got to be Harry!” She exclaimed.
“HELP!” She shouted at the top of her lungs. “HELP!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. So loud her throat ached.
“It’s useless,” Moody grumbled.
“It’s not,” She croaked, keeping her eyes on the darkness above her. There had to be a way out. Most charmed objects have a way in or out in case their casters become trapped inside of them, but how would she get out without her wand?
“HELP!” She shouted desperately. Feeling the wall, she could feel the leather interior and, burying her nails into it attempted to climb it.
“Even if you do climb it, you’ll never get out. There’s a second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and Merlin knows how many more trunks.” The retired Auror explained.
“I don’t care,” She spat, continuing to attempt her climb.
“I’ll claw through the walls if I have to,” She said determinedly.  
Climbing two steps up, she lost her grip and collapsed on the floor.
“Told ya,” Moody said snidely.
“I don’t care!” She shouted angrily, removing one of her shoes and tossing it against the wall. “I won’t let them get away with it!” She heaved, holding her other shoe in her hand. “I prefer death to whatever it is they’ll do to us.”
Holding the loafer in her hands, she looked at it intensely and focused. She needed something to climb to the top. She focused all of her energy on the old shoe. Closing her eyes, almost squashing it between her hands, moody looked at her oddly. Without a wand, it was harder to channel magic, but it wasn’t impossible.
A popping sound inside the barrel and an identical copy of the shoe appeared out of thin air.
Then another.
And another.
Followed by several more.
“What did you do?” Moody pressed his back against the wall as he heard the popping sound in the room and the thud the shoes would make when dropping to the ground.
“Uh-,” Nel stepped back, almost tripping over one of the hundreds of shoes on the ground. “I-I think I messed up,” She said, struggling as the shoes reached up to her knees.
“What did you do?!” Moody screamed in horror as he prepared to drown in a sea of multiplying shoes.
“I wanted to turn the shoe into a ladder, but I think I-“ She stumbled, trying to reach for the older man.
“Gemino Curse? You stupid girl!” He clung to her shoulder and hoisted himself up. “We will suffocate!”
Meanwhile outside.
“Harry, get away from there!” Dumbledore said, pushing Harry behind him and the other Hogwarts professors.
Moody and Nel were pressed up against the ceiling, slowly being crushed by the mountains of shoes.
“Out of all things you could multiply- you chose a pair of smelly shoes?” Moody grimaced at the way he was going out. Out of all the ways to die, this was probably the most undignified one.
“I thought I could climb the laced up!”
Just then, a bright light spilled into the inside of the trunk. Dozens of shoes spilled out of it, followed by a brown-haired teenager and the real and the Alastor Moody.
“Ms. Saintday! Alastor! Are you alright?” Dumbledore asked, stepping back.
Professor Snape stepped forward and picked up his student by the upper arm, pushing her behind him. With one quick look, the Slytherin determined she was shaken but otherwise looked unharmed. His glare was scolding, but there was some relief in his brown eyes.
“I’m sorry, Albus,” Mad-Eye lamented, dropping his head. “I’m just glad to be out of that hellish place.”
“Ms. Saintday,” McGonagall rushed to the student and took her face in her hold hands. “Are you alright?” She asked kindly.
Dumbledore kept his eye on Moody. Snape held his wand raised and pointed at the impostor.
The young Slytherin nodded weakly and, looking past the Gryffindor professor, seethed when looking at the disfigured man that was once again morphing into somebody else across the room. Crouch twitched relentlessly, making strange noises as he did. Nel didn’t even hear what Harry said to her when he stood beside her.  
The impostor’s eyepiece fell to the wooden floor and continued to twitch in every direction as Barty Crouch Junior revealed himself.
“Seems like we now know who’s been raiding your pantry for Polyjuice potion, Severus,” Dumbledore said.
“Son of a bitch,” Moody coughed. “Caught me off-guard.” The man pressed his back against the chest as he sat on the edge of the room.
Crouch reminded Elowen of a snake. A slithering creature with a darting tongue who hissed when threatened.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” He said, rolling up his sleeve to reveal a skull and snake marking on his arm. The man began cackling. The mark on his arm danced, and its dark pigment shined in the dim light.
“The Dark Mark.”
‘What was that horrible thing?’
Harry flinched, bringing a hand to his forehead at the immediate pain he felt. He didn’t need to have this explained. It was his mark. He felt the same pain he had as when Voldemort had laid his hand on him.
“Your arm Harry,” Dumbledore reached for the Chosen One’s arm. Looking down at her arm. Elowen felt the need to hide it. Crouch had sliced her arm in the same place where he had the mark. She didn’t want to know what type of ill omen this was.
“You know what this means don’t you?” Crouch began. His lip curled into a malicious sneer. “He’s back,” He flipped a hair from his forehead. “Lord Voldemort has returned.”
His words rang loudly, and the air in the room suddenly felt heavy at the horrid revelation. Crouch’s beady eyes focused on the girl’s.
“And he’s come back for what’s rightful his,” he threatened.
Nel flinched, shrinking slightly. Without a second thought, Snape stood between the two, blocking sight of his student. From behind, Moody looked at the girl’s dirty face. He thought he could recognize a peculiar curse mark on her features.
“You took me!” Elowen sidestepped around Snape. “You locked me up!” Boldly or very foolishly, the girl stepped towards the man. Professor McGonagall held her back, failing as the girl slipped from her gentle grip. Harry’s reach and grasp was stronger as he held her back with his hands on her shoulders. “Both you and Ellar Lestrange!” She shook Harry’s grip off. Dumbledore observed the scene. His twinkling eyes were waiting for something unexpected to happen anything. Regardless the Headmaster did not move.
“The two of you assaulted, attacked and… then you,” She grew silent. Unaware of the vile intentions the two men held.
Crouch cackled madly, and the Slytherin felt her anger begin to boil. She wanted to hurt Crouch. She wanted to hurt him as much as he had hurt her. Tie him to a chair, stand above him and terrify him until he pissed himself. Maybe set him on fire.
The feeling of being powerless. Elowen felt as if she’d hit a wall. She was powerless against him, against the Lestranges, and against Cordelia Wool.
It was humiliating. Harry’s grip loosened around his friend, and he gave her an odd look.
“Lestrange?” McGonagall asked.
“Bastard,” Mad-Eye cough. It didn’t matter which one she was referring to. All the Lestranges were equally rotten in his eyes. Pureblood scum.
“Yes,” Nel answered quickly. “Ellar Lestrange,” She wanted them to know his name. “Former student. He killed Simon Kominsky. He’s been in on the plan with Crouch the whole time.”
Dumbledore didn’t question her this time.
“Send an owl to Azkaban,” He said to McGonagall. “I think they’ll find they’re missing a prisoner or two.”
Instead of looking intimidated, Crouch beamed with pride. “I’ll be welcomed back like a hero.” He grinned, cherishing the moment.
“Pucker up, Barty. Dementors will be thrilled to see you,” Moody called.
Crouch seemed unfazed at Moody’s threat, and this filled Nel with rage. The son of a bitch even though he was above the law and death. Perhaps she didn’t have her magic, but she would always have her muscle.
“Not if I can help it!” She lunched forward, ready to bite, claw and strike Crouch. However, McGonagall pulled her back from the arm, scolding her. “Ms. Saintday!” She said, horrified. “Come along with me, Elowen,” She said to the barefoot teen. “We’ve got to take you to Madame Pomfrey at once,” She said, trying to usher her out of the room.
Crouch laughed loudly. “Ah! Go on, dead girl, strike me,” He cried out.
The Slytherin protested, looking over her shoulder. “I’m fine!” She raised her voice. “Completely and utterly fine!”
“Dead girl?” Moody said to himself, turning. He looked at Dumbledore oddly as the pieces all aligned in his head. Moody instantly knew just what was happening and who this child was. The only thing he couldn’t figure out was just what in the world was Albus planning...
Nel wanted to meet Snape’s eyes, but instead, the Professor lingered behind, stabbing his wand into Crouch’s twisted face. Hatred was reflected on the Slytherin’s eyes as he looked down at the vermin he was threading on. Moody remained behind.
Outside McGonagall wrapped an arm around the student’s shoulders as she led her away. She didn’t take her rudeness personally. The girl was clearly in a state of shock. Minerva was just relieved the situation hadn’t escalated. Losing one student in one day was one thing, but two?
Dumbledore exited the room with Harry. The Gryffindor looked over his shoulder, hoping that his friend would be looking back at him instead, her eyes were glued to the floor, and she walked in small steps as Professor McGonagall guided her to the Hospital Room.
Nel hadn’t thought of how long she had been gone. McGonagall looked overly concerned. Her eyebrows were turned up in worry. The Professor let out a small breath of relief as they made their way downstairs.
“Oh, Elowen. We were all so worried,” She spoke as she picked up her pace. “After what happened to that poor boy, we all thought you…” The Professor went silent.
“Thought what?” Nel asked sharply, looking at her concerned expression. She still couldn’t believe they had allowed this to happen. She had been missing for a day, or who knows how many hours, and nobody had come looking for her. Oh, but Harry. She thought bitterly. Looking back, the only reason they had found her, and Moody was probably because Harry was in a room and in danger. If he hadn’t been there… Only the stars know what would’ve happened. Looking over her shoulder, she realized Harry and Dumbledore were gone.
‘Fuck, if Harry went missing for a minute, the world would probably end.’
“Well,” McGonagall began with discomfort. “We thought you’d been killed dear,” she said gravely.
Elowen had no reaction to this. Yes, Ellar had killed people before. She had gotten really lucky this time. However, Simon hadn’t been that lucky…
“Maybe Simon can find some peace now,” She muttered absentmindedly thinking the older witch had been referring to the ghost in the Quidditch field.
She felt great relief after having confessed about Ellar’s abuse. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. This was grave enough, and she had heard what Dumbledore had said about Azkaban. This time consequences would be severe. There was no way the rat-faced git would be able to lawyer his way out of this one.
The two were walking by the Great Hall, nearing the Hospital room at this point. Who knew what time it was. It was night. The castle was dark except for the few torches that lit the school corridors.
“Nel,” The Professor began slowly, acknowledging her preferred name. She slowed down the pace to a halt. The Slytherin looked at her with confusion. She had never seen the Professor look so hesitant before speaking. Minerva measured her words with scrutiny and care. “There has been an accident,” She wanted to say. However, Cedric Diggory’s death had been no accident. McGonagall didn’t think the two had a relationship. Still, these things had to be handled carefully.
She placed a soft touch on the girl’s shoulder before delivering the hard news. “Cedric Diggory has passed,” she spoke in a gentle tone.
Nel’s dark eyes narrowed with further confusion. She then let out a small laugh. “Passed what?” She asked, perplexed, eyes lighting with excitement. She had even forgotten about the Triwizard Tournament. “Did he pass the final task? Did he win the Tournament?”
Or did Harry win? He hadn’t looked very elated when she saw him only a few moments ago. What had he even been doing in Moody’s office?
“No.” This time Professor McGonagall reached for both of her hands. She held them in hers and patted one lightly, “Dear, Cedric is dead.”
Nel was in denial. The news didn’t sink. Maybe she didn’t want them to. She pretended not to see the defeated look on McGonagall’s eyes or the somber edge to her voice. “Yeah, dead tired, I bet,” She smiled a little, hoping the Professor would return the gesture.
She didn’t.
Instead, the Professor continued. Nel’s face began breaking, her chin quivering, nostrils beginning to flare. Her stomach dropped, and she suddenly felt cold.
It wasn’t true.
It couldn’t be true.
“Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort.”
It was the last day of school.
Startled, twitching awake, Nel sat up, her vision still blurry as everything that happened the previous day came rushing back to her.
“You’re awake,” She ignored the voice.
She was in the hospital room. She could still remember the conversation she had had with Professor McGonagall just a few hours ago. Fragments and pieces of memories from the night before in which the Professor consoled her about Cedric’s death. Nel cried until the point where she couldn’t speak anymore, and Madame Pomfrey gave her a sleeping draught.
She let out a whimper and brought both of her hands up to bury her face into. Her eyes felt crusty. They were swollen and dry, and her nostrils were scratchy.
“I’m sorry,” The voice spoke again. Lowering her hands after a moment, she turned to face Harry, who was sitting at the foot of her bed in the Hospital Room. His head was lowered, tone was low with sorrow.
The Slytherin climbed on her knees and hugged them, shrinking to the opposite side of the bed. She noticed she had been changed into a pair of her old striped pajamas. They were worn and old, with tattered holes on the sleeves. Not that any of that mattered at the moment.
“I can’t believe he’s gone,” She let out a dry sob.
Professor McGonagall had explained to her what had happened in the Third Task of the Tournament. She had also explained that Harry had been the only witness to the crime. “I can’t believe-“ Her voice faded again, breaking into a high pitch.
“Please tell me he didn’t suffer Harry,” She looked at her hands. Harry looked at her heartbroken expression. “Please!” She cried out to him.
“He didn’t,” Harry was quick to answer. It was almost rehearsed. It was something he couldn’t possibly know. No matter how many people asked him, Harry wouldn’t go into detail. He wouldn’t talk about Voldemort or about what had transpired in the graveyard. Even the room looked darker, grayer with the foul weather of the day.
“Is there…” Nel cleared her raspy throat. “Do you know if there’s a spell to bring people back from the dead?”
As far as Harry knew, there wasn’t. It was one of the first rules of magic. Once you’re dead, well, you’re dead. Unless you become a ghost. He never had entirely understood how that worked. Then again, he reasoned not many wizards did either. “Not that I know of,” he answered, sniffling and wiping the tip of his nose. If he did, bet his parents would be with him today.
Both shared a long silence. Harry in mourning. Nel wondering if she could contact the dead with a Ouija Board.
“He spoke of you,” Harry said, breaking the silence.
“What?” She froze, stopping her dead crying.
“He said he was expecting his most loyal servant to deliver you to him,” Harry wanted to say. “I think something went wrong with their plan,” he reasoned, alluding to Crouch and Lestrange’s plan. ‘Oh, he meant Voldemort. Not Cedric.’
“Ellar was trying to get me to follow him into the maze,” Nel sighed. The worst part was that if he had played his cards right. If he had dedicated himself to wooing her and keeping her tightly wrapped around her finger from the beginning, she would’ve followed him to the ends of the world. She hated herself for that.
“That’s where the portkey was,” Harry explained. “The one that took us to the graveyard.”
Everything was making sense now. That’s what the Lestrange’s had been planning all year long. However, the question still lingered. Why would the Lord of Death care for a nobody like Nel?
However, there was one person who knew the answer and would tell.
“Harry, I need to see him,” She squeaked, leaning forward. Reaching out to him and holding on to his sleeve tightly. Up this close, she could some of the wounds from the previous day.
“Who?” Harry asked, confused.
“Sirius,” She clarified. Nel had a feeling Snape knew more than he was letting on, but for some reason, the old bat was withholding information from her, and there was no way he was cracking any time soon. “Please,” She pleaded with Harry. She could’ve begged him to let her see and or speak to Sirius Black.
Harry could see the desperation in her eyes.
“I’ve been trying not to think about it, but I can’t stop thinking about it,” her voice broke as her eyes began to water once again. “I need to know why that man wants me. I need to know who I am,” She let out a shaky breath. “I need to know what they did to me. Why they did it. Why?” Her grip tightened.
Harry was supposed to deny the whereabouts or even the fact he had any communication with his godfather. “I’ll see what I can do,” he agreed.
She didn’t hesitate in lunging her arms around him, holding him in a thankful embrace. She buried her face on his shoulder. As per usual, Harry couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by the gesture.
Unknowing to the two, a pair of silver eyes watched bitterly from the Hospital Wing entrance. The Slytherin’s hands balled into fists at what he considered to be the horrifying scene he was witnessing. Of course, it had to be Potter.
Nel’s eyes turned to Draco, who remained composed despite his wild jealousy churning and internally nagging at him.  
However, his composure was short-lived.
“You’re a dead man, Potter!” Draco stormed in, whipping his wand out.
Harry raised his in defense. Nel pulled away from Harry unbothered. Malfoy was the least of her problems right now. Harry cleared his throat, his face a little red at the girl’s gesture.
“Malfoy!” Nel exclaimed, shooting deathly daggers at the boy. She spoke to him the way you would speak to a dog when you want him to behave.  
Draco was angry. Of course, Potter gets to show off and win the Tournament, Potter catches Barty Crouch Jr. in the act and has him sent to Azkaban, and then he makes a move on his girl?
It wasn’t going to happen. Not on his watch.
Harry then remembered he had seen Mr. Malfoy at the graveyard. Groveling as one of Voldemort’s most loyal servants. He couldn’t stand the sight of Malfoy. Who knew just how much Draco knew about the incident. “I have to go,” Harry said and shot a menacing look in Malfoy’s direction. Harry’s green eyes had turned into slits. That slimy weasel and his cowardly father, both would be troublesome. Draco was involved in all of this. Harry had to be careful with whatever he trusted Elowen with, considering how close the two Slytherins were. Did she know his family was on Voldemort’s side?
“You better watch it, Malfoy,” Harry spat. It was a threat. This time Harry didn’t stand back awkwardly. He seethed in newfound anger, not removing his eyes from Draco’s silver ones.
“What is your problem, Draco?” She confronted angrily once Harry left.
This was the last thing she needed at the moment. Another useless fight. It was a waste of time.
Harry looked back at his friend, and she nodded that it was okay to leave, so he left, but not before shooting Draco one last glare. Nel looked in between the two, confused. Had she missed something?
Harry looked back to see Malfoy walking stiffly to stand beside the girl’s hospital bed.
He was dressed in a black suit and straight black pants. Neatly groomed. His cologne announced his arrival before his presence. It looked more like he was going to a business meeting than to visit a friend at the hospital.
Draco was silent. He was still angry. He gave her a stern look and couldn’t bring himself to open his mouth and speak to her.  
He wasn’t the person she wanted to see right now. Especially not after the tantrum he had just thrown. The only thing she cared about was seeing Sirius Black, talking to him, getting to the bottom of this horrible nightmare, and maybe finding a way to see Cedric again.
Draco remained quiet. Little did Nel know about the raging storm that was happening in his head and about everything he had done for her before coming here.
Trying to control her emotions, she wiped her face, took a deep breath, and brushed all of her brown hair out of her swollen face with her fingers.
“Came to mooch off my gifts?” She offered sarcastically, barely looking back at the little flowers and candies next to her bed.
He didn’t say a word.
This was uncharacteristic of him. You usually hated Malfoy for opening his mouth, not for remaining so oddly silent. “You can have some if you like,” She motioned towards them, hoping he would crack. Had he just come here to stare at her? He almost looked sick. What was his problem? Why was he acting so weird?
 “Not the lemon pastries, but anything else really. I mean, I’m not going to eat-“ She babbled nervously at his loud silence not bearing his quietness. Anxiety got the best of her as she toyed with the bedsheets, suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious. She was in her most disgusting pajamas. Draco slept in fresh silk while she slept in something even a moth wouldn’t chew on. It was something that made her feel ashamed and embarrassed.
Draco opened his mouth to speak, and the silence in the room felt more remarkable after he spoke. The fact the two were alone in the suffocating room with the palpable tension was painful.
She really wished he had given her some sort of warning before opening his mouth.
“I fancy you,” he admitted boldly.
His hands inside his pockets. Eyes steady as he kept his fixed gaze on her shocked one. She remained silent at his confession. Her expression was unreadable.
Now it was her turn to grow silent.
She lowered her head in embarrassment and continued to anxiously fidget with the sheets on the bed, suddenly wanting to hide under them and vanish. In a cleverer state, she would’ve pretended to faint just to avoid the awkwardness that was to follow.
God, this was so awkward, so painful. She flashbacked to what Daphne had suggested. She had been right. She flashbacked to the Yule Ball to all of the years of torture she had endured just so that he could have her attention. She also thought about those rare moments the two shared together. Draco could be nice, he could be a friend, he was sort of handsome, but then again- She looked at the childish way he had just stormed in and threatened Harry. The way he could be so demanding and selfish was a turn off. Besides, it would never work out between the two. His parents would never approve of her or her socioeconomic status. Even less when they were most likely planning on delivering her to the Dark Lord like Ellar had been.
“As in, I like you.” He elaborated on his emotion. “As more than friends.”
What if this is what it was all about?
Since Ellar had failed in his task of delivering her to Lord Voldemort, it had fallen on Draco to do so. Could that be it?
But how did she feel about him? She turned away from him, her dry eyes beginning to sting. She hoped he wouldn’t notice.
Draco was in turmoil. Malfoy Sr. Had always taught his son ‘Nobody says no to a Malfoy,’ and if someone did, he had insisted never to take no for an answer. Here, Draco had a feeling he had met somebody that would say no to a Malfoy.
“I don’t like you” she avoided his stung expression.
Despite her rejection, he remained standing tall, unwavering. Either he didn’t believe her, or as he had been taught, he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“So,” he began appearing calm. “What are we going to do about it?” He attempted to negotiate.
“We?” She looked at him in horrific surprise. In his head they were already together. We, as in collective, as in us. As in Us vs. Them. A fat tear slid down her face. Why was he saying this to her? Was he toying with her?
Perhaps, Ellar was right, and he really was just playing with her. Draco’s family was well known for fraternizing with You-Know-Who, and after what had happened with that psychopath— what if he was just the same? Could she really trust him?
What if all of this time, he had also been trying to manipulate her. Open wounds from Ellar’s emotional abuse suddenly stung as fear made her act out aggressively.
“There is no we, there is no us. You have tortured me for the last four almost five years, and you expect me to fancy you-“ She spat at him livid before letting out a rueful laugh. Nel didn’t know what came over her - perhaps it had been all of these years of pent-up rage. Maybe it was the fear, stress, and loss of the last twenty-four hours.
“How- “ She demanded to know where his emotions stemmed from, “Why?”
Why on Earth would somebody like him look at someone like her?
He had so much to lose with this attraction – she, on the other hand, had nothing.
Malfoy visibly flinched at the harshness of her tone. His hostile walls slowly beginning to build up once again.
“You know why,” he said quietly, almost with remorse.
“No. I can’t for the life of me figure that one out.”
She couldn’t trust him.
“I know you. I see you,” he insisted.
“No, you don’t,” She retorted, eyes welling with angry tears for what seemed to be like the hundred time in the day. If there was one thing Malfoy was good at was making her cry. He seemed to be an expert at it, not even struggling to manage to drain canals of tears from her sorrowful eyes.
Malfoy started to become just as frustrated. Leaning forward, he grabbed both of her arms, and she inched backward, away from him; instead, he pulled her towards him and held her tightly, dropping his body on the bed sitting next to her.
“I know you better than anybody else. Don’t deny it. I’ve seen parts of you they haven’t seen. The good, the bad, and especially the ugly,” He said, shooting her a look. She avoided meeting his eyes. Nel knew that if she looked at him, she would cave, and she can’t. She refuses to.
Reaching for her face, he turned her hoping she’d look at him, but her gaze remained lowered. Nel looked hurt, wounded, with tears welled in her glassy eyes.  
He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her face.
“I can’t trust you,” She admitted weakly in an icy tone that made her own heart twist. She wanted to trust him, but couldn’t find herself willing to do it.
Despite everything, he had been told and taught. Draco accepted the rejection. He let go of her and leaned back, sitting at the edge of the bed at the foot with wounded pride.
He didn’t even move when he heard the loud screaming and rushed footsteps entering the hospital wing.
“Nel!” It was Tracey and Daphne both didn’t seem to care that Draco was there. Both were too concerned with their friend to acknowledge that she did not look pleased to see them. The two Slytherins were crying. The tension between the blonde and the brunette could be cut and sliced with a dull knife.
The girls immediately tackled their friend into a hug, one from each side, cradling her body and stroking her hair.
“We’re so glad’ you’re okay!”
“God, we were worried sick!”
Draco inconspicuously stood up and lingered by the end of the bed. He scratched the tip of his nose. Still taking in her rejection before walking away without a word of goodbye.
“Merlin. After what happened to Cedric- we didn’t know if you- if you!” Tracey’s voice broke as she hugged her best friend tightly, burying her tears into her shoulder.
“We’re just glad you’re okay,” Daphne said, genuinely sounding relieved.
Tracey and Daphne pulled away and exchanged eye contact. Both wondered why their friend remained silent. Still shocked by Malfoy’s confession.
“We’re also really sorry for what we did,” Tracey was the first to apologize.
“For what I did,” Daphne stressed. “I shouldn’t have told. I’m really sorry. We really are knob heads.” Daphne bombarded as she profusely apologized. “I’m just glad the Lestranges are all going to be locked away in Azkaban now.”
Boom. Another bomb dropped.
“What?” She didn’t realize her voice was so dry. It cracked when she opened her mouth, crying out like a rusty squeezebox.
“After everything he did to you and Crouch’s confession, the Ministry, the Ministry of Magic, is investigated and trying Ellar Lestrange for the possible murder of Sulk- of Simon—- they took him to Azkaban that same day where he waits for trial,” Daphne explained. “And his mother-“ Tracey arched her eyebrows.
“There was an anonymous tip to the Ministry of Dark Artifacts found in the Lestrange household and of her unwavering support to You-Know-Who. Their home was raided some time ago. Since the Ministry is on edge because of what happened yesterday, and his mother was taken to Azkaban. There she also waits for trial.”
Nel was paralyzed by the news. Her eyes looked in between her friends and focused on Malfoy’s back as he walked out of the room.
It had been him.
She had no evidence. No way of proving it, but she knew he had done this.
Draco exited out of it the room.
Daphne looked back at him. “Didn’t - didn’t Draco mention it?” She asked, just as confused, also turning to look at his retreating back.
“He was so worried,” Tracey added. “I don’t think I had ever seen him like that,” Daphne admitted. “He even went as far as getting his father involved. Hogwarts almost shut down!” Tracey exclaimed.
“I don’t think I saw him eat either,” Daphne said. “Theodore said he didn’t return to the dormitory last night.”
“Hogwarts would’ve probably shut down if we hadn’t found you. One student in the Tournament - well, there are risks involved, but another taken and disappeared?” She reasoned.
Draco had done all that? She couldn’t believe it. “Even gave us quite a mouthful-“
Nel had stopped listening at this point. He even tried to fix things between her and her friends? It was then that she remembered. Yesterday at the Quidditch arena. That’s exactly what he had been doing. He did everything he promised he would do. He got rid of Cloelia, he took care of Lestrange, he even mended her friendship with the other Slytherins. Maybe he really did care about her.
Both Tracey and Daphne looked confused as the barefoot girl leaped out of her bed and ran outside of the hospital room. She was so focused on finding the blond she didn’t even acknowledge Theodore who was walking in holding a bouquet of flowers. Several gasps could be heard as she crossed the school. Whispering too. It was the girl that had been taking. The girl that could talk to snakes. Slytherin’s heir. The girl that did school favor’s for pay. She probably looked ridiculous running around the school in her pajamas. She was heaving by the time she turned down the corridor and spotted him in the distance headed towards the Slytherin Common Room. She saw his blonde head descend down the stairs. Without warning with remorseful tears, she ran towards him, her feet patting against the floor before she threw her arms and embraced him from behind.
He remained still, unmoving, and could feel her face burrow into his back. She held him tightly, tighter than she had probably ever held anyone in her life, as she cried. Her hands squeezed his torso tightly.
“I’m so sorry,” she apologized. Her voice sounded weak, almost like a squeak.
She took in his scent, the way his jacket felt, the way he stood so stiffly.
His hand reached for hers and curled around her fingers. Despite it, he did not turn for her. She held his hand back, and their fingers intertwined.
“I know.”
She hadn’t even considered his feelings. After everything, he had done for her.
Maybe she could trust him. Maybe they could make things work. Maybe she liked the way he smelled. Maybe she thought he was more than sort of handsome. Maybe she liked spending time with him. Maybe she genuinely liked him when he wasn’t being a royal prick.
Maybe, just maybe she could fancy the Slytherin back as much as he fancied her.
“Draco,” She said his name.
Letting go of him, he turned around still standing in the stairs with an intrigued expression and looked at her. He hadn’t let go of her hand. She had been more than clear with her rejection. Draco was close to snapping and harshly demanding if she had returned to further humiliate him. However, the dazed look on her face told him otherwise. Stepping up a stair, grabbing the lapel of his black suit jacket, she pulled him in and kissed him.
AN: Woooooo this year was so long. I can’t believe we are through The Goblet of Fire. Funfact this was actually the first scene I imagined.
Thank you so much for everybody that takes the time to message me. It means a lot. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. I know it’s a very – erm – different story than the others. I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned it before, but I always found it very interesting how Harry, despite all of his abuse and suffering, always chose kindness. I wanted to play with a character that did the opposite and was the antithesis of that.
Thank you, Happy Valentine’s Day <3 Much Love, - G
Any predictions or theories for Year 5? ;)
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gloves94 ¡ 3 years
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I love all of these!
They might be short but I’ll try to write one this weekend.
Thank you for being so considerate 💖
I’ll respond with the links 😉
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gloves94 ¡ 3 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 28
Rating: M Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC Chapter warnings: Drug use! SuicideMentions! SlightGore! Violence! Death! Depression!
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The dull oatmeal might as well have been sawmill dust. It was just one of those days that felt duller than the last. Lately for Nel it had kind of been like that. She shot a woeful look at the empty seats across from her where Tracey would usually be joking around and Daphne talking about her latest work of art. Letting out an exhausted sigh, she turned her attention to The Daily Prophet which was next to her breakfast. She didn’t care much for the articles but attempted to keep her mind busy from the fact both her best friends weren’t speaking to her and the horrible holiday she would have to spend with her cruel guardian, Cloelia Lestrange, and her psychotic adoptive brother.
“This has to stop,” A voice interrupted. Nel looked up to see Theodore quickly sit in front of her. He looked over his shoulder making sure his girlfriend wasn’t around to witness him threading with the ‘enemy.’ “Nel, this is absurd, just apologize for whatever you did and make up with Daphne and Trace. I can’t be looking over my shoulder like this every time I talk to you.”
For somebody who knew a lot about everything, Theodore didn’t know much about people.
“You know Daphne is upset because of what you did and well, I think Tracey is just hurt,” He expanded.
Her dark eyes fixed on him with no expression. Theo was acting worse than the girls. He was acting like a two-faced bitch. Sneaking around when interacting with the orphan girl so he wouldn’t upset Daphne. Nel didn’t know what was worse his cowardness or his willingness to do anything for his girlfriend. She secretly prayed never to be that pathetically whipped.
It was then that the rest of the Slytherin’s arrived and Theodore scampered away to take a seat with them. To make matter’s worse Pansy’s loud laughter and cheerier attitude at the new company she kept was the cherry on top. Part of the reason she didn’t want to speak to them was – yes, because of the whole telling Dumbledore her story, but the other half of it… The Dark Lord wanted to kill her. He had placed a bounty on her head. The Lestranges knew it, so did Mr. Malfoy, she eyed her friends from a distance. This time her gaze shifting into a suspicious one. Just how much did they really know? How much had they overheard during dinners with their families? Eyes moving across the room she looked at the Headmaster who seemed distracted in a hearty conversation. Dumbledore’s façade of being a kind, sweet, twinkly eyed, old man became more corrupt as time passed by and she saw the ugliness in him. He definitely knew. There was absolutely no way he didn’t.
Looking all the way across the Great Hall she saw the Gryffindor table. The House she initially wished she had been sorted into. She could see Harry half away struggling to keep his eyes open spilling some pumpkin juice on his uniform. Hermione lecturing from a thick book and Ron trying to help Harry stay awake. They were her friends, too right? They were nice to her, so were some of the other Weasleys. But what if they didn’t really like her? What if they only talked to her because they felt sorry for her? Anxiety pricked at her and her insecurities. They hadn’t spoken in a while, maybe they hated her too. Elowen was so engrossed in her own dark cloud of anxious thought that she didn’t realize the second boy that noticed the anxious look on her face from across the room and decided to join her for breakfast this morning taking a seat across from her.
He sat down confidently with an easy smile resting his elbows on the table and greeted her. “What are you doing?” She asked wide-eyed and surprised self-consciously turning to see the dozens of prying eyes that were staring at the two. “Everyone can see us!” She asked wide-eyed.
“Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” Cedric let out a charming laugh. She looked greatly frustrated at his unannounced appearance. They were supposed to keep their partnership down and under the wraps, it simply made everything less complicated. “We haven’t discussed the Third Task yet. What are we going to do?” He leaned forward with interest, his elbows resting on the table.
“I haven’t really thought about it,” She admitted sincerely. “I haven’t really thought about anything lately,” She said miserably slumping her head on one of her palms. She hadn’t even been in the mood to have any sweets she might encounter. For some reason there had been a lot of pear tarts around her as of the late. However, she didn’t fancy them.
“You don’t look too excited,” He noted observing her obviously upset demeanor. She neither agreed nor disagreed with his statement. “Say, what do you want to be when you grow up?” He tried shifting the subject. “A menace to society,” Nel droned out numbly. Cedric couldn’t help but laugh, “You know, I’m going to be Ministry of Magic one day,” He boasted with pride. Being in a foul mood Nel fought the urge to roll her eyes of course the golden boy wanted to be Ministry of Magic. How could she have forgotten that?
She didn’t even hear what he said after that. Somehow the conversation quickly shifted back to the Tri-Wizard Tournament and the Third Task. “Meet me at the Room of Requirement tonight, I’ll see you there after prefect duty,” he leaned forward and whispered before leaving.
The school year was near its end. It was almost the Tri-Wizard tournament so the two really had to get cracking to find out what they were going up against and properly strategize. That meant Nel also had only a few weeks to make up with her friends. Turning her head, she hoped to meet Tracey’s brown eyes from across the dining table however, the Quidditch player seemed more focused on whatever Millicent was gossiping about.
Nel thought she hadn’t done anything wrong, she was sure, more than certain about it. She even hadn’t gone out of her way to make some elaborate plan for vengeance yet, despite this she felt the need to apologize. Even Theodore had advised her to apologize, but for what? She hadn’t done anything wrong. What would she apologize for? For not wanting to come forward to Dumbledore in fear of retaliation from the Lestrange family? For lying to the Headmaster? If anything they had done her wrong. They had gone and babbled her story. It was hard, but she had to remind herself she wasn’t the antagonist in this situation.
Once again looking forward across the room her eyes accidentally met an icy pair this time. She looked away quickly, if she had moved any faster her neck would’ve probably snapped. Suddenly, she couldn’t be in the same room as her attacker any longer. Quickly picking up her belongings she rushed to her first class of the day.  
She rushed out of the Great Hall and was about to reach the stairs when a handheld her back, the grip stern, not gentle or too harsh. She already knew who it was.
“Hello Elowen,” She was pulled back and cornered trapped in between a body and the wall with a stretched arm. Keeping her eyes down her jaw clenched when she saw the bottom of a Beauxbaton eggshell blue uniform pants. Impulsively she pushed past him and tried to walk away but the long boy didn’t flinch at her violent shove.
“I want to speak to you,” He spoke in a smooth voice cornering her further into the small space he had created in between the wall. “I want to give you something.” He spoke suspiciously scratching the tip of his nose, no doubt from having been snorting dragonpuffs.
It was the type of interaction which was downright ugly. Snape had already confirmed the girl’s worst fears. Ellar was planning something vile. So was his mother. Now all she needed to do was prove it. Prove it and find a way to escape going to their home this summer. She knew the moment she crossed the door she was as good as dead, and there was nothing she could do about it. “Stay away from me!” She spat once again attempting to rush past him. “Elowen come on,” Again, he spoke in an unstrained and eerily calm voice. “I’m late for class,” She snapped ignoring him. “History of Magic can wait,” He said senselessly. Nel tried to catch the eye of anybody passing by. She hoped someone would see and help her get out of this trap. “How do you expect me to talk to you after everything you’ve done to me?”
“Everything I’ve done?” He let out a cool laugh. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” He ran a hand through his shinny dark hair. “No ide-“ She coughed incredulously eyes widening in disbelief at what she was hearing. “You forced yourself on me, pushed me into the lake and tried to drown me!” She exclaimed, voice breaking at the admission. “You’re imagining things,” He didn’t bat an eyelash. “I didn’t do that,” He lied with terrifying ease.
“Yes, you did!” She spat back in a firm voice.
“You must be confused,” His eyes narrowed, and he looked at her as if she was the one acting insane. “We went down there just to talk, we started dancing-“ “Against my will,” She interrupted. He didn’t stop his manipulative narrative. “You fell in and I tried to get you out. In a moment of rush, I can understand how that can get confusing,” He smiled at her and even had the audacity to flick her nose in a playful manner. “Here, I got you something,” He said pulling up a small brown pastry box with a pear tart inside. She smacked his hand and the stupid tart away making it fall to the floor and looked at him furiously.   “You could’ve killed me!” “Elowen,” He shook his head, ignoring the pastry she had rejected or her livid expression. She hated the way he said her name stretching it out like a long drawl he was too lazy to properly pronounce. “Stop twisting things,” He clicked his tongue remaining composed. “Do you hear yourself talk? I didn’t do that. You need help,” He let out a chilling laugh as he gaslight the hell out of the Fourth-Year girl.
She knew he was lying, but why did he sound so certain? There was no way somebody had used a Polyjuice potion to imitate him. There was no  absolute way he had someone posing as him at Hogwarts. No way he was telling the truth. So, if she knew he was lying why did she find herself doubting her own memory? “And even then, it’s your fault for going down to the docks and falling in the water.”
“I didn’t fall-“ She stammered, deciding to stick to the facts she knew. “You pushed me.”
He flashed her an irritated look as if he couldn’t believe what she was saying. Elowen was beginning to question herself. Was she actually imagining things?
The hallway was now empty and Nel was officially late for class. “Don’t be unhappy,” He lifted her chin up with a finger and she jerked her head away not wanting to meet his eyes. “Watch the Third Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament with me.” This time she looked at him in the eye. “No. This is the last time I ask you. Leave me alone,” she warned him before giving him a hearty shove that made him stagger back on his feet. Ellar stood back racking his brain for any idea to once again seize an emotional grip of control over the girl. He had really messed up at the Yule Ball. He should’ve sucked it up and strung her along for the rest of the year. How could he get her to stop walking away from him? To once again succumb to his will and squeeze her under his thumb. He needed her to attend the Third Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament with him. After all, it was all part of the plan. “I just asked you to go steady and you walk away from me?” He followed. To be clear he didn’t ask, it was just another of his demands. “Nobody’s going to want to go with you just like nobody wanted to go with you to the Yule Ball,” He didn’t stop there when she realized the brunette continued to ignore his calls. “And Malfoy?” He let a rueful laugh aiming for where he knew it would hurt. The mentioning of her friend’s name brought her to a sudden halt. Ears automatically perking at the mention of his surname. “You think he’d ever be interested in a nobody like you? An orphan girl with no past, present or future?” He laughed, this time cruelly. “Please, Elowen, he’s only toying with you,” He said rounding around her his hand touching her back and caressing around her arm and shoulder. “But you already knew that didn’t you?”
She didn’t want to think about that… “Then again, he did strike me like a muggle. That brute. Perhaps, vulgar really is his style,” he chuckled. She smacked his arm away from her body and held her books closer to her body as she shrunk her shoulders forward. He side stepped around her this time and stood in front of her blocking her way. She continued to shrink under his intense gaze.
“You’re not pretty, you’re not smart, not even darling or graceful in any way shape or form without an ounce of elegance-“ “I already told you to stay away from me,” Her jaw was beginning to hurt from clenching it so tightly. Eyes beginning to sting. Why wouldn’t he leave her alone? Why did he have to be so cruel? Why couldn’t she see past the fear and find the strength to attack him with all of her bloody rage? “Who told you to say that?” He spoke in a low voice. “Your friends? The ones who don’t even like you?”
She was at a loss of words.
“They don’t know what’ good for you,” He paused. “But I do,” he insisted. His voice dripping like a bittersweet honey, the type that lingers in flytraps ready to capture an innocent passing by fly. How can someone be so damn fucking twisted? Who did this guy think he was?
“God, Ellar, you’re such a-“ She couldn’t even manage to get the word out. “You’re such a-“ As much as she pondered on picking the perfect word only one word came to mind. Ellar didn’t have a moment to react little by little a headache he had been feeling evolved into a migraine as his head began to swell and grow larger and larger until it inflated into large balloon. “You’re such a fat head!” She stomped her foot down and whipping her wand out of the inside of her sleeve zapped his back as he scurried away spitting out a trail of curses. His small body tipping from side to side as he struggled to keep his bobble head up. She would have to deal with whatever his mother would do to her over the holiday when the time came. Frustrated she wiped the one tear that had managed to escape.  
‘Oh Merlin, really? Now what?’ Spinning on her heel she turned to face Harry Potter with her wand still held high and up. “Are you alright?” He asked with a confused look on his face. Shouldn’t he be in History of Magic? “Oh, er- yeah,” She lied wiping at the tip of her nose and slid her pale wand up her sleeve. “Was he bugging you?” By now Harry knew that Saintday kept these types of things to herself. The abuse, the bullying- He understood why, probably better than anybody else at Hogwarts and decided not to press about it today. However, things like this he couldn’t ignore. His green eyes remained looking in the direction in which Ellar had turned and vanished into. “I took care of him already,” She muttered looking down at her cheap black shoes. Suddenly she didn’t feel like going to class anymore.
“Are you sure you’re alright? Really?” Harry pressed. Why couldn’t she confide in him? Why didn’t she really trust him? She would rather be alone that reach out to him, Fred, George or anyone really. Of course, he had noticed the girl’s aloofness as of the late and what was that whole thing in the morning? Cedric Diggory having a word with her. “I think the question is, how are you Harry? I’m sure dealing with the Tri-Wizard Tournament has been bad enough as it is. Tell me,” She crossed her arms and approached him immediately switching the topic of conversation with ease. “What are you going to do with all that fame and glory?” She arched an eyebrow somewhat still bitter that Harry was allowed to enter the tournament and she hadn’t been. Harry frowned at her comment. He couldn’t tell if she was being spiteful or not. “I don’t care for either,” The Boy Who Lived admitted humbly.   Funny, considering it would be something The Girl Who Died would kill for.
“Hm,” She pondered on that thought wishing she could be Harry. She didn’t know if to take him for a fool or appreciate his humility. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She teased cracking a false smile. Harry saw right through it. “You know,” He began. “We should go to Hogsmeade someday. As friends. I know you’re banned from the Three Broomsticks, but there’s other stuff to do. We can go to Zonko’s? Or Honeyduke’s?” He offered with a casual shrug.
So, Harry actually was her friend. She felt rather foolish for forgetting but with the Slytherin-Gryffindor rivalry and clouds of anxious thoughts it was easy to forget. “Hogsmeade sounds nice,” She smiled at him sincerely. Harry was about to respond when someone bumped into his back shoving him forward. Irritated he turned to see Malfoy swaggering down the steps standing next to him shooting daggers at him. His eyes seemed to shout, ‘Shove it!’ Without acknowledging Potter, Draco turned to look at the girl. Harry returned the death stare.
“I’ll-uh, see you later Harry,” Nel broke the tense silence between the three bidding the Gryffindor goodbye subtly asking him for some space. “Yeah,” Harry looked between them. “Maybe at Hogsmeade,” He said purposely knowing it would irritate Malfoy to no end. He waved at her before walking away in the direction of Professor Moody’s classroom.
“Hogsmeade?” Draco exclaimed. “I heard you were with bad company, but Potter? Out of all people,” He combed his hair away from his forehead and shook his head. “And you’re going to Hogsmeade with him?”
She didn’t answer and kept her arms crossed looking at him with an irritated expression. They were just going as friends but that was none of his business.
“I’ve been with worse company,” She shot at him remembering that the time the two had attended together.
Despite the jab he let out a throaty chuckle. “Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” He asked. “Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” She shot back irritated that her hostile comment hadn’t made him upset. “Seems hardly fair you get to skip while the rest of us have to deal with Binns incessant rambling?”
Touché. “What is it to you if I’m in class or not?” She sighed pessimistically before walking away towards the Slytherin dormitory. The morning had been way too long. She didn’t want to think about anything Ellar had said to her. The thought of crawling into bed and laying in a fetal position underneath the covers passing the day by doing nothing was very tempting. “Davis and Greengrass still giving you a hard time?” He changed the topic both of his eyebrows knitting, the edges of his mouth pulling down in a frown. He sounded genuinely concerned, but then again- did he really care? She wanted to block him out of her head, but Ellar’s hurtful words sounded back like an echo: “He’s only toying with you.” She remained quiet her answer was her silence.
“I’m waiting,” the blonde said impatiently.  
Exasperated she didn’t mean to explode but she did. “What’s there to say?” She paced around the corridor walking back to him. “My best friends won’t even look at me- I get harassed by Lestrange first thing in the morning and now!” She didn’t’ mean to raise her voice. “Now youwon’t let me skip the most boring class at Hogwarts!”
“It’s not even noon and I just want today to be over with! I just want to lay down and die,” She shouted frustrated.
It took her a moment to compose herself from her loud tantrum and depressive statement. “Are you done?” He cocked an eyebrow up.
She felt her blood begin to boil. Why was he invalidating her emotions like that? She was about to push him away just like she had done to Ellar, like she did to everyone when he interrupted her in a surprisingly cool tone.
“I’ll take care of it,” He said cooly trying to reassure the girl. She was more than perplexed by his statement. Taken aback she looked at him oddly. Just what did he mean by that? “Just like I took care of Lestrange.” “Huh?” Slowly she could feel her anger begin to melt away. A mischievous smile grew on his face before he began to walk away. Purposely leaving her to wonder just what he had done.
“Draco?” She asked in awe. “What did you do?”
“Wouldn’t you love to know,” he let out a low laugh and walked away leaving a very confused Slytherin girl behind.
Nel never apologized to Tracey or to Daphne. She knew that sometimes it was best to yield and bend a knee in these types of circumstances. However, this time she would not apologize. It was her story and they had taken that away from her.
It didn’t help that since she had been seen with Ellar that day some of the Slytherin girls began to call her nasty synonyms like victim, tease, and attention-seeker, slut was also on that list.
She tried not to let it bother her. Words hurt, even if she had sworn she didn’t care what anybody else thought. Not that any of them would ever say it to her face considering how scared they all were of her.
It was nearly the end of the year. After having spent all morning long packing her belongings and getting ready to return to her guardian, something which she had been terribly dreading, Nel decided to head to the Great Hall to have a late breakfast alone before going to the greenhouse to spend the rest of the day with Nathair. It wasn’t like she had much interest in bidding goodbye to anybody else. Maybe to Professor Snape and a few others, but it wasn’t urgent. Besides, everybody and their mother would be viewing the last task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
“Saintday!” A voice interrupted her alone time and her meal. “There you are the tournament is about to begin!” It was Professor Moody. It looked like he had been running around the castle. For some reason he looked more agitated than per usual.
“So?” She shot back rudely. Not caring if her attitude caused her some lost points for Slytherin or landed her in some detention. At this point she was beyond that.
“All students must attend the tournament,” He repeated again. The edge of his mouth twitching oddly. His eye unnervingly shaking as it focused on her deep frown. “That’s not true,” She mumbled taking a mouthful of cereal. “Professor Snape said I could stay in the castle,” She lied.
Not to mention the fact she was also avoiding bidding Cedric and Harry good luck. Not because she didn’t wish it upon them, but because she really didn’t know what to say to either of them. Sometimes words were, well, hard. “No students are allowed in the castle without supervision. Tournament now,” He leaned down to try and meet her eyes, but she ignored him. Before she knew it, he had aggressively lifted her by the arm and dragged her out of the empty Great Hall. The cereal spoon she had in her mouth dropping halfway as the two made way to the arena.
“Get your hands off me,” She whipped her arm back to her person. By now she had an idea that the retired Auror had more than unconventional, perhaps even unorthodox methods of teaching, but she drew the line when it came to physical boundaries.
He led her all the way to the arena and all the way there he complained about ungrateful, slimy orphans, or something amongst those lines. Arriving to the arena she realized that it was actually the Quidditch pitch which had been modified to resemble a massive auditorium with tall stands so that everyone could see the tournament. It seemed like the Third Task had not been what her and Cedric had been imagining. It was a massive maze of hedges that were at least 20 foot high. The maze was filled with dangers and traps and in the middle from the distance one could see a bright celestial glow – the Triwizard cup. The first to reach it would be the winner of the tournament. This was it – the moment her and Cedric had been waiting for all year.
It seemed like the Third Task hadn’t started yet.
She sat far away from everyone on Ravenclaws’ side. The students didn’t seem to mind her presence. Cedric’s girlfriend Cho was in the group and the two shared a friendly wave. Distracted by this, she didn’t notice the Slytherins watching her from the distance.
She sat in the top corner towards the end where she could hopefully be invisible for the time being. Little by little she was starting to understand Professor Snape more and more. She understood his aloofness, why he dressed and acted like a wet bat, always trying to camouflage every day. She looked at him from across the pitch, he was sitting with the Headmaster and other professors in a private box. “If we were up any higher, we’d have nosebleeds,” a voice interrupted her wish of being aloneand train of thoughts. Sulking Simon, she acknowledged the ghost boy. Maybe his company was more than appropriate.
“We?” She asked. “Simon, you don’t bleed,” She let out a humorous snort. Everything was fine until the ghost began ranting, moaning and sulking about his status as a lost soul in this cruel and very dull world. “I mean, I don’t even like Quidditch that much, and I’m stuck here. It makes me want to dieall over again.” Avoiding him, really not feeling charitable enough to help a poor soul cross to the other side Nel walked down the stands and instead took a seat next to a blonde girl that had a dazed look on her face and was eyeing a bird that was flying over the arena. She didn’t pay much mind to the bird. She was just grateful this girl didn’t talk. She sat pretending not to hear Simon calling at her from the highest stands in the seating area.
“Saintday,” Malfoy who had been watching her from the distance approached her. “Malfoy,” the other greeted emotionlessly. “Why on Earth are you sitting with the Ravenclaws?” He half sneered looking at his surroundings with disdain.
Nel shrugged. She just wanted to be alone. She was mourning her last hours of freedom before she had to return to La Maison de Lestrange. She also didn’t feel like sitting together with the Slytherins. What was the point? Why would she put herself through the martyrdom of attempting to capture her friend’s attention through pleading looks of pity?
“Come on,” Draco tossed his head back cooly.
“No, I think I’m okay, I’ll just sit here and cheer,” she said in the most uncheerful tone hoping he would go away, and she could simply return to her silence.
“It’s because of them, isn’t it?” He realized looking back at her friends.
Before Elowen had a chance to answer Malfoy grumbled a mysterious “I’ll be back,” before leaving.
Once he was gone, Nel let out a heavy sigh. She wasn’t expecting him to be back any time soon. And finally, it was silent. Nobody would speak to her. All she had to do was sit tight, watch the task and hope that Cedric came in first place.
“You know, it’s bad luck to see nightjars in the daylight,” The girl sitting next to her spoke in a soft voice. Nel ignored her hoping she would stop talking or go away. She didn’t.
“They’re an omen of death.” She continued with an eerie soothing tone that contrasted her morbid statement. Looking at her closely she realized who it was.
Great – Out of all people she had to end up sitting next to Looney Lovegood. Momentarily distraught, she didn’t feel the presence creep up behind her.
“Hello, Elowen,” The silky voice made her body turn stiff. With an abrupt flinch she slapped the owner of the voice by swatting her arm over her shoulder. She didn’t stop to see his reaction simply stood up and walked away.
“I’m glad you made it,” Ellar said strained trying to keep his temper in check, rubbing his wounded nose. He snorted and sniffed right afterwards cleaning his nostrils from any leftover substance.
“Bloody fuggin hell,” She exclaimed vulgarly her temper leaping from zero to hundred. “Merlin,” She growled out pulling out at the roots of her hair in stress. “Leave me alone!”
God all she wanted to do was be alone and stay alone in the stupid castle and marinate in the misery and little time that was left of her few hours of freedom. She noticed Moody standing near the exit of the stands. He had witnessed the entire interaction and hadn’t even flinched. Why hadn’t he come and jinxed Lestrange just like he had done to Malfoy earlier in the year? Frustrated she decided to head the opposite way, descending down the stairs of the stands heading down underneath them.
Walking underneath the stands she followed the trail which led to the Champion’s Tent. However, hearing a creak she stopped and turned, but didn’t see anyone behind.
It was suspicious. “Where are you going?” Simon suddenly appeared levitating besides her. “Away,” She grumbled pessimistically. “You know the champions’ tent is on the other side, right?” There was no use in avoiding it, but maybe there was just no going around it. She’d have to face Cedric and Harry eventually. “Thanks,” She said shortly, not lengthening the conversation but not dismissing him either.  She walked a long way, he hovered slightly behind. Once outside of the champions’ tent she assumed the participants were probably being interviewed by the media and preparing for the task.
She stood outside anxiously fidgeting for a moment and took a huge breath.
“You know it’s for champions only, right?” Simon said. “rules are for fools,” She scoffed self-importantly suddenly feeling some of the nervousness melt away as she pushed the tarp away and stepped in. She ignored the “Champions only!” Shout that came from a blonde journalist in the back.
All four champions turned to look at the intruder. “Nel!” Harry was the first to approach her. He was wearing a sporty long sleeve maroon shirt that was half black. “What are you doing here?” He asked surprised. “Harry,” She exhaled the breath she had been holding. Her dark eyes darted from Harry’s green to meet her friend’s across on the other side of room. “I just came to wish you good luck.” She really did. Even if her money was running on Cedric. “If you get lost, remember to keep your hand to the right, and eventually you’ll find your way out,” She advised wisely.
“Thanks, good advice,” He nodded looking exhausted. “You’ll do great, I know it,” She slapped his arm stating the end of the brief conversation. She turned to Cedric. ‘Harry already had made a name for himself, fame, fortune… Why not give somebody else a chance? It would be selfish of him not to do so’, she thought to herself with bitter resentment.
“Nel, you came,” Cedric looked pleasantly surprised as he approached the two students. Harry looked between the Hufflepuff and the Slytherin peculiarly. He had only seen the two of them interact a handful of times. However, after seeing the two in the Great Hall he decided to keep a close eye on them using the Marauder’s Map. To his surprise he found the two would sometimes vanish off the map. Not only that but they also spent a conspicuous amount of time together. Alone.
‘But wasn’t Cedric with Cho?’
Harry looked at them, it didn’t look like that type of relationship to him. However, with Saintday- it was always hard to tell these kinds of things.
The Chosen one pretended to busy himself with warming up and stepped away from the two.
“I’ll admit,” She began timidly. “I wasn’t going to come,” She admitted with discomfort, “Yet, here I am.”
A normal person would’ve perhaps taken offense to this but not Cedric. Instead, he chuckled at this. It was one of the great things about him, one of the things that made him so cool and easy going in the eyes of well, practically everyone. “I can’t believe you weren’t going to come bid your favorite person good luck,” he shook his head still wearing an askew smile that was perfect on him. This time it was her turn to laugh. “You? My favorite person?” “It’s been a pleasure Diggory, but I’m afraid this has all been business, not personal,” She joked stretching out her hand to him like partners usually did at the end of a successful business deal. Both shared a laugh. “Good luck. You’ve got it in the bag!”
Cedric smiled back and stretched out his hand to shake hers. However, instead, he pulled her into a hug. The girl wasn’t surprised by the gesture, she welcomed it and hugged her friend back. “Whatever happens Nel,” Cedric said pulling away. “If I win or lose, we’ll still be friends, right?” She wanted to joke and say that hadn’t been a plan of their business deal but chose not to. She was in a lonely moment of time, scarce in friends, and Cedric was a very good one at that. “Why wouldn’t we be?” She arched an eyebrow acting perplexed at his question.
“Good,” He nodded. “Because I’m going to need some eyes and ears in Gringotts when you get there. Specially since I’ll be working for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement starting this summer,” he boasted.
His friend couldn’t help but be genuinely happy for her. He was one step closer in the long way to accomplishing his goal as the next Ministry of Magic. She congratulated him and their moment was interrupted when a loud announcement was made indicating it was time for the champions to take their positions in their designated areas of the maze.
“Good luck everyone!” She said in general to all, including Viktor and Fleur. “I’ll see you on the other side!” Cedric waved as he began to walk away. “Oh, and Nel?” He paused on his step. “Be good?” He chuckled heartily before exiting the tent the opposite way.
To the Slytherin’s surprise Harry lingered behind.
“You’ll do fine,” She gave him a half side hug. “See you on the other side,” She exited the tent.
Walking out of the tent and underneath the tall stands she looked for Simon, but he was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she saw Professor Moody approaching the tent. The scowl on his face was deeper than usual and his walk was rushed. He did not look pleased.
“Oh, the task is about to start,” She explained. “I was just returning to-“ She ducked barely dodging a nasty hex the professor had cast in her direction. Her shocked mind barely had time to register when he again tried to hex her.
“Immobulus,” He spat. “Protego!” She blocked with swiftness.
“Professor,” She was tongue tied. There was no time to ask questions. Mad-Eye was lashing all kinds of spells in her direction. The attacks weren’t calculated yet weren’t sporadic either.
Nel took what she had said in the beginning of the year. So far, they had had a mass murderer, an idiot and a werewolf as a professor. This was a surprise – she hadn’t dealt with a psychopath before.
Taking back steps, she looked up the tall ceiling where people were sitting down witnessing the tournament. All oblivious to the hell that was being raised literally underneath their noses. “Help!” She shouted loudly hoping anybody would see her, would hear her. She shouted again until she backed up to a wooden rod that held the stadium up.
She raised her wand ready to cast any spell to the ceiling of people. Maybe then somebody would- “Incarcerous!” Like serpents, thorny ropes magically appeared and crawled over her body binding her with knots. Collapsing to the side her heart began to pound, she spat at the dirt she bit when she fell and attempted to blow a strand of hair off her face. She could see Mad-Eye’s limp legs approaching her.
“Filthy brat,” He walked over to her. Kneeling down he grabbed a fistful of hair with his good hand he turned her to the side roughly, “Scum,” he grumbled pulling on her hair making the student wince. She wanted to ask what he wanted. What his vile intentions were but suddenly couldn’t find her voice. She was looking at the man with hatred when a sudden zip knocked him back. Only then did she hear “Plumbum rectio!”
‘What was that spell?’ She could hear the footsteps crunching the ground below. Eyes peeled, shocked she looked up to see a boy holding his wand out looking down at Moody with a sneer. “Crucio!” He cursed without mercy making the older man writhe in uncontrollable pain. The ropes around her loosened and wiggling out of them she staggered to her feet she looked down at the horrifying scene. Strings of saliva, bulging veins and a twitching tongue were all in an irrepressible spasm as the man groaned and grit his teeth in terrible ache at the torment.
This had to stop. “Stop it!” She shoved the boys arm roughly.
Without removing his eyes from the professor, still wearing a sickly-sweet smile, he shot a final spell at Professor Moody making his body twitch one last time before becoming stiff.
Elowen looked at him with disbelief.
“I told you to stick by my side, didn’t I?” Ellar said gruffly closing the space between them and wrapping an arm around her side leading her away.
Panic and fear ridden she took his side without question as they walked away in rushed strides. “We have to find a professor! We Have to tell Professor Snape!” She looked over her shoulder to see that Mad-Eye was still laying limp on the dirt. “No,” He snapped harshly reaching for her hand. “It’ll only make things worse,” he said before once again leading the way. “How do you know there’s not more like him around? How do you know Snape isn’t with him? Or Dumbledore for a matter of fact.” Her mind was still processing what had happened. He was right, what if there were more people like Moody around the school grounds holding a wicked intent. “I mean- you don’t even know what that man was going to do to you. Do you ever use your head Elowen? Do you ever think?” He snapped cruelly making the girl flinch away from him, but his grip on her shoulder remained tight. “I know what to do,” he spoke without emotion.
Maybe he was right. Maybe he did have the best intentions after all. He wouldn’t have saved her and attacked Moody if he didn’t, right? But then again – he had tried to drown her earlier in the year. Snape had even admitted to her that the Lestranges had some evil plan in the works. So why trust him? Glancing over her shoulder she caught sight of the professor’s silhouette still laying down in the distance.
“Elowen, listen to me,” His tone was threatening. She started to step away from him, but he closed the space between them. “The only safe way out of here is through the maze. It’s dangerous out there,” He reasoned with a flawed logic that seemed to only make sense to him.
Going into the maze? Was he insane?
“It’s the safest place,” He insisted. “Somebody will see us there. We can hide! We don’t know who else is coming-“ He hurried towards her side, trying to take her hand in his, but she would not allow it. Her gust twisted at the thought of following him. All of her instincts should at her not to follow the boy into the maze.
“You,” a third voice made the two students turn their heads back. Before them stood Simon his translucent eyes were wide. He looked struck, almost as if he had been split by lightning. Eyes wide, thin jaw slack, the ghost remained frozen. ‘What was wrong with him?’ Nel turned to look back at Ellar who wore a contrasting nasty grin on his face. Unlike the ghost, he seemed pleased. Almost as if he was enjoying this.
“Sulking Simon. Hufflepuff died a couple of years ago. Some say it was a Quidditch accident, others say there was more to it,” She remembered Draco had said to her once. "I used to be the Slytherins Seeker and there was an accident," She remembered Ellar sharing. "They were looking for a scapegoat and well, there I was," She could still remember the way he oh-so innocently claimed to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Oh! And the worst part is that she believed him! “I-It was you,” She looked at him horrified. “You killed him!” Slowly she began stepping away from him creating as much distance as she could between the two. She looked in between the two males. “Nothing about your death was an accident. Was it?” She asked Simon who was rendered speechless. Triggers and lost memories of the night he lost his life came flooding back to the ghoul.
“Big deal,” Lestrange broke the silence with a loud scoff. “I had to prove myself to him,” he began. “Alas, my range of devotion was limit due to my schooling so I did what I could best. I began cleansing Hogwarts of the impure. Filthy blood mixed among us not worth the teachings of Sacred Salazar!” He shouted. “You tricked me,” Fuming Simon finally snape. “You tricked me into coming to the pitch at night and then used me to play your sick little game with your friends!” He rolled up his sleeves showing his twisted limbs and fractured bones. “Eighty-six fractures in my body!” Nel winced at the horrific sight, she couldn’t even imagine what Ellar and his accomplices had put Simon through. It sounded like they got away scat free by making it seem like Simon had fallen off a broom. “And there’s nothing you or anyone can do to prove it,” He threatened with a smug smirk with his crooked wand raised.
Nel felt nauseous. How had he conned her so easily? How had he done it again and lured her to this place and almost inside of the maze? Lying was a part of Ellar’s nature, just like violence was, it was a weed that had long been ingrained into his core by the environment he was brought up in. Yet, he was beyond the point of saving. At this point, he had no remorse, no conscience. She didn’t want to stick around and find out why he wanted her to go into the maze with him. “Simon,” Nel mouthed, her movements calculated as she waited to attack or deflect. The ghost waited. “Get help.”
Simon left.
And just like that- like a coin he flipped. Wands raised at each other, Nel wasn’t fast enough to deflect the silent Imperio curse he cast upon her. Just like his mother, he didn’t need to vocalize it.
Ellar smirked, pleased when he saw Saintday’s body tremble against her will as she dragged her feet towards him slowly until she was standing before him. A cross look on her face as she appeared to be struggling to fight back the curse. It was useless.
“Y-You’re a murderer,” she spat through a stiff jaw.
More than pleased and feeling haughty he opened his palm for her to hand her wand to him. “See? That wasn’t too bad,” He smiled before brushing her lose hair over her shoulder. Being close enough she socked him square in the nose. He bent down in pain feeling the hot rush of blood coming down his nostrils. God, that felt good. “Sniff that!” She shouted.
Heaving, quickly ducking for her wand Nel ran as fast as she could hoping to reach the stairs at the end of the underneath the stands. Her pounding, mind racing, consistently looking over her shoulder on the offense. It didn’t take the Beauxbaton student to catch up. She could see flashes of red as he casted aggressive dark spells in her direction. This time she knew he wouldn’t hesitate to kill.
“They’re an omen of death,” She remembered Lovegood saying early. She cursed the omen, did this mean her time had come?
Again, looking over her shoulder, she was so close to reaching the stairs, so close- when she stumbled on a wooden block and collapsed face first into the ground. The friction of the rocky roughly scraping her skin.
Ellar was unstoppable. She winced turning around to feel a sharp pain shoot up her ankle. He was getting closer, so close he lunged at her and in her moment of fear casted the only spell that came to mind.
“Expecto Patronus!”
A manic grin grew on the boy’s lips. It was useless. Instead, he was not expecting the creature that came out of the wand to be dark. Dozens of night jars shaped orbs of darkness surrounded him engulfing the boy in a whirling haze of energy sucking entities which rendered him weak and made him collapse on the ground. Again, struggling to her feet, she didn’t dare stop to see if he was fine or not. Instead, she limped towards the end. The stairs were closer now. Where was help? Why wasn’t anyone coming? Where was Simon? Finally reaching the entrance of the stairs she stopped to catch her breath and attempt to fix her wounded ankle. Leaning against the frame’s entrance she was about to cast the charm when she was unable to move her hand.
Stunned, her petrified body collapsed in a full bind.
She fell to the floor stiff, helplessly trying to find her attacker and when she did, she saw Professor Moody straightening out his ragged coat licking his chapped lips.
“Now, you’re coming with me,” was all he said before everything turned black.
Alastor Moody barged inside of the Defense Against Dark Art’s Office. He tossed the student that limped like a ragdoll on a chair in the corner of the room. Her head lolled to the side as she struggled to regain consciousness. A haze of dark blurs blinded her dazed vision.
“You got lucky, eh,” He said over his shoulder as he opened and closed several of his desk drawers shut as he scavenged for a powder. “Real, real, lucky.” Finding a small vial with white glittery powder he rushed back to the Slytherin’s side.
With a flick of his wand, a robust manilla rope magically appeared binding the girl’s arms and legs to the chair. Head still down as she struggled to remain conscious the man uncapped the small vial and waved the dust under her nostrils making the girls back straighten out like an arrow. Eyes wide, chest heaving, a full-on panic began to settle in as she racked her body from side to side in a struggle to escape the binds of the chair. From across the room, she could see her wand on Moody’s desk.
“It got late, real late,” Moody said flipping a small blade on his hand. “You’re of no use for the Dark Lord today.”
She was trembling like a leaf in the wind. Looking at him terrified. Her eyes glued to the knife the man was playing with.
“Let’s see now-“ He held on the blade tightly and leaned in close to her. His breath stunk of fluxweed, not alcohol like she had always imagined. His tongue poked out. “I want to taste your blood, your precious blood.”
The man before her suddenly began morphing. His face molded and disfigured before tightening into the one of a younger man. The all-seeing mechanical eye fell to the ground with a loud thud. A thin man with sharp face features whom Nel had never seen before towered over her. A compulsive twitch which made his tongue stick out of his mouth revealed his psychopathy and mental instability.  
She could’ve wet herself with fear. She didn’t even realize the door opened and closed.
“Was the Crucio really necessary?” He turned to look at Ellar Lestrange who had shut the door behind him and locked it as he approached the two.
Of course, the two bastards were in it together. “Had to sell it,” The other shrugged an invisible speck of dust off his shoulder. Without much of a care he pulled out a small, thin vial from his pocket, popped it open and snorted a hit of whatever was inside. “Want a hit?” He asked the man, who ignored him. “So, what are we going to do?” Ellar asked. “We can’t get her in there now that the Tournament has started.” “We wouldn’t have this issue if you hadn’t been so coked up on dragonspuff done what I instructed you to do since the beginning!” The other snapped. “Didn’t you slip her the amortensia that I gave you?” “I did! But she didn’t take it!” “Then who did?”
Both exchanged a look before looking back at their hostage. It had collapsed to the floor that time he had tried to give her that pear pastry. Sitting in her seat, with adrenaline pulsing through her system she watched the two males carefully and attempted to remember and memorize every single word they said. Struggling was futile. If they wanted to kill her, they would’ve done it already. She sucked in a deep breath as if she were going to sink and held it.   “What’chu starring at?” The man growled out raising his knife. “Wan’ me to poke an eye out?” He warned pressing the blade against the thin skin on the edge of her eye socket. She winced pressing her back against the top rail of the chair.       “Hold her,” He ordered, and Ellar pinned down her left arm. The man she did now know was Barty Crouch Junior undid the bindings of her left arm and rolled her sleeve up over her elbow. She struggled coughing a “No,” as the breath she had been holding escaped. Screaming, trying to kick, or fend for herself she failed. The knife dug into her forearm and tore her flesh down vertically in a long line opening her skin to pouring red ribbons. She cried out in pain as the blood began to seep out. Trembling and in tears the horrified child was rendered silent.
Ellar simply watched, Crouch could’ve been muttering something to himself gibberish or Latin, it was hard to tell. Elowen thought the pain was over, but it wasn’t, she let out the loudest most horrifying scream when the man dove and with his long, filthy, and twitchy tongue licked her open wound.
A loud pop echoed the room as the light fixtures violently exploded making glass rain. The curtains caught on fire, windows cracked, and a moment latter shattered. Books began tumbling outside of their spaces in the bookshelf and the door blasted open.
The men remained undisturbed by all the chaos in the room. Instead, their eyes were pinned to the poor girl’s horrified expression. “Try whatever you want, you’re not getting out of here anytime soon,” Crouch laughed evilly licking and wiping some of the smeared blood that stained his bottom lip and chin. Undisturbed, perhaps too drugged and numb Lestrange chuckled and seemed to waltz around the room before standing before a large trunk. Crouch stuck an arm behind the chair and dragged it with her body still on it. He dumped her inside of the trunk without much care. As if she were waste. “And – into the trunk you go,” Ellar singsong as he slammed the opening locking her alone in the darkness.  
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gloves94 ¡ 3 years
General Update
Hello everyone! Happy New Year, I hope everyone's year has been off to a good start.
I just wanted to keep you guys posted. I should be updating "To Be So Lonely" either today or tomorrow. I had to rewrite Chapter 28 since I lost that file which is why it has taken me so long to post. It's a decent chapter - However, I have already written Chapter 29, the last Chapter of Y4 and I have to say it is my ABSOLUTE favorite chapter in this book. 
I CANNOT wait for you to read it and hear what you think!!!
Other projects:
Work has been keeping me busy so I haven't had the chance to write as much, but other projects I want to work on in the future:
- Peter Parker Fan Fic I’ve talked about this before. Either a story of a character from the 1800s traveling to the future. Lots of cottagecore and baking, very cute or an angsty modern character. (There is no in between haha)
- Kylo Ren Fan Fic
- "Sunburn" Spin-off (AzulaxOC) A lot of people specially in Wattpad get very excited over the thought of OC being gay (which canonically she is bisexual) I originally wanted her to struggle between Azula and Zuko but it seemed too complicated so I might do a short story in which she chooses Azula.
- Rewriting "La Vie En Rose" This is my Bruce Banner fanfic and one of my first stories. I was rereading it the other day and have come to appreciate how much I’ve come to grow as a writer. The story has potential so I’m thinking of rewriting it even tho I don’t think a lot of people read about Dr. Banner
- A Cobra Kai fanfic? Does anybody read Karate Kid fanfics? haha I’m a sucker for 80′s Johnny and his entire character arc overall.
What do you think? Have a nice rest of the week and thank you for reading!
Sending you love!
- GG
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gloves94 ¡ 3 years
hi idk if you do these but could u write abt Harry x slytherin oc :) it can be any topic u want angst fluff smut or whatever... I haven’t been able to find anything with Harry and a slytherin girl it’s crazy 💔💔
Here you go! I hope you enjoy it!
I’ve never written about Harry before so I hope I got it right. 
Much love 💖
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gloves94 ¡ 3 years
A Slytherin [Harry x Slytherin!Reader]
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Anonymous Requested:
hi idk if you do these but could u write abt Harry x slytherin oc :) it can be any topic u want angst fluff smut or whatever... I haven’t been able to find anything with Harry and a slytherin girl it’s crazy 💔💔
Rating: PG Warnings: Fluff! Words: 2490 Pairing: Harry x Slytherin!Reader A/N: Hope you like it! Proud of my House! I’ve never really read Harry fanfic so I hope I captured his character right!
Some say being a Slytherin is a curse, but others, truly wise individuals, would differ.
Some sneer and look down at Slytherins for being the House associated with antiquated prejudice and outgrown wizarding ideologies from another time. The House of the Evil, The House of You-Know-Who, The Heirs of Salazar Slytherin.
Ambition. Cunning. Leadership. Resourcefulness.
Are the traits that one’s branded with a crest bearing an emerald snake above their hearts cherish. Traits that can allow one to go far and succeed in whatever it is the witch or wizard’s most deep desires is, regardless of the darkness or the apparent impossibility of the goal.
Nothing is impossible for a Slytherin.
Not even such a feat such as making Harry Potter fall in love.
“I want him,” The Slytherin confidently claimed her objective from across the Great Hall. She ate her food mindlessly a determined glint in her eyes.
“Who?” Millicent Bullstrode asked squinting her eyes to try and see who her chamber mate could possibly be referring to. The other Slytherin girls attempted to catch a glimpse of whomever she could’ve been referring to.
“Potter?” Pansy Parkinson gagged and turned her head back quickly to grimace in horror to her friend.
“Yes,” She admitted with an overconfident smirk stretching on her lips.
Pansy gaped in horror bringing a hand to her mouth. “Salazar’s beard,” She gasped shaking her head. “But why?” “He’s so arrogant and thinks he’s untouchable,” She scoffed bitterly at Dumbledore’s favorite. “Saint Potter… He’s not even fully one of our kind,” She spat referring to his lack of blood status.
The infatuated Slytherin ignored her and continued to gaze from a far. She was currently fixating on Harry’s permanently messy hair.
“I don’t care.”
She really didn’t. None of that mattered to her. Didn’t know what it was she liked about Harry so much. Her not so secret crush had always been a part of her, kind of like an itch on your nose. It’s right in your face, comes and goes, but you can’t quite put your finger in it. Maybe it was his loyalty to his friends, his bravery, maybe it was how unwaveringly kind he seemed to be to everyone, even to her despite the fact they were both in rivaling Houses. Or maybe it was something else. He was also easy on the eyes.
“Oh, you know how she is,” Daphne Greengrass sighed with an amused smile as she drank her cup of tea. “Loves chasing waterfalls, maybe just as much as Potter loves breaking the rules.”
“It’s never going to happen,” Daphne added lightly nudging her friend. “You know, that right?”
All Slytherin girls arched their eyebrows in agreement.
“That’s okay,” She smiled confidently. “I like the chase.”
Stunned Millicent shook her head in disbelief, “This I gotta see.”
“Ugh!” Pansy exclaimed frustrated. “You’re going to give the House a bad name!” She protested. “Not to mention we’ll probably lose points!”
From across the Great Hall, Ron Weasley elbowed his distraught best friend. Harry was as per usual deep in thought, stressed and distracted by the fact that there was a psychopath plotting to hunt him down (and no not the Slytherin girl).
“She’s starring at you again mate,” Ron spoke in a low voice leaning over.
“Who?” Harry asked not quite paying attention to his surroundings.
“Do you ever pay attention?” Hermione asked looking over her shoulder over to the Slytherin table.
“That Slytherin girl.” Ron also starred. “What did you do to her, she seems- angry?”
Hermione rolled her eyes dramatically and shook her head. “Honestly, the both of you,” Sometimes she struggled to believe that the three of them had somehow managed to outsmart the Dark Lord for more than a handful of years now. Both completely oblivious. Hermione closed her book shut and shaking her head and packed up her stuff. She would let the two of them figure this one out.
“Now what?” Ron asked raising his hands. “What’d I say?”
Harry shrugged just as confused. He turned away from Ron and raised his gaze to meet the Slytherin girl’s. He was surprised however to find that she did not look away. Instead, she kept her gaze steady and a slow smile stretched across her features. There was a mischievous look in her eyes a confident allure that entrapped him and wouldn’t allow him to tear his eyes away.
It was then that he learned she would be nothing but trouble.
Trouble always seemed to have a way of finding him.
Trouble had an alluring look.
Trouble was approaching. Harry wasn’t sure if she bumped into him or if he was the one to not mind his step.
Trouble had found him.
“Oh,” She said accidentally dropping the books she had been carrying. “Merlin,” She muttered innocently under her breath kneeling and picking up her scattered notes and texts.
“I’m sorry,” Harry apologized bending down and being the gentleman, he was helping her pick up her books. Snitches and Witches: Women in Quidditch, Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts, and It’s a Muggle’s World.
Wow, all of these books- they were all topics he was interested in. “You’re-“ He began to acknowledge her name.
“Thanks Harry,” She thanked and took her book from his hand. “You know my name?” The Gryffindork seemed a little startled by this.
“Well, of course I do,” She tugged a strand of hair behind her ear. “I mean, it’s in our History of Magic book,” She smiled at him sweetly and stood up.
Ah, yes of course.
Harry was about to ask her another question, but she left him standing with the word on the tip of his tongue.
“I have to go,” She batted her eyelashes at him. “Nice running into you Harry,” she smiled at him before walking away. There it was again that teasing smile that seemed to scream danger, those crazy eyes that seemed to peer into his soul and the trailing scent of sweet perfume he had smelled somewhere before as she walked away from him and turned back to flash him a smile he wouldn’t forget. To his surprise Harry found she had forgotten a parchment behind. He called for her, but she had already vanished around the corridor.
Curious he picked up the note and unfolded it.
‘Meet me in the Forbidden Books Section at Midnight.’
Of course, it had been planned.
Everything leading up to this event had been planned. It had been weeks of flirting from a distance. From little innocent looks to even smiling at each other from across the classroom.
Only a Slytherin would be resourceful enough to ask around what Harry Potter’s interest where, what his timetables looked like, where he spent most of his time, who his closest friends are, did he have any love interest?
Ginny Weasley who?
“Oi, Blaise,” Our protagonist said to her friend during History of Magic. “Didn’t you say you found girl Weasley to be attractive?”
Blaise simply shot her a glare. Why on Earth would he ever go for a blood traitor such as Weasley? “I bet you even a handsome bloke like yourself wouldn’t be able to woo her,” She gave Zabini a sly look. He ignored her. “I guess even she’s out of your reach Zabini,” she let out a sigh slightly dropping her shoulders.
Determined. Unaware of the manipulation. That made Blaise Zabini take Ginny Weasley out of the picture. At least temporarily which was part of the Slytherin’s ambitious plan.
That meant she wouldn’t be a distraction anymore.
It was midnight and the Slytherin girl patiently awaited hidden in the Forbidden Books section. She was careful not to be seen when leaving the Slytherin dormitory. It would be unfortunate if a prefect on duty or even worse if Snape himself caught her sneaking out. 
Even worse, caught her sneaking out to see Harry Potter.
Hearing footsteps, she turned around yet saw no one. Just dusty books and moonlight creeping through the large windows. She was alone in the library, or so it seemed.
Eyes wide, she held her wand ready to light the room or attack if necessary.
There was no one there.
Paranoid she once again lowered her guard. It seemed like Harry was late, but he was definitely showing. She had no doubt about it. Everything had been calculated and carefully planned. He was at least that much of a man to reject her to her face and not stand her up.
Another wooden creak.
Turning once again this time with her wand lifted, she knew there was definitely somebody watching her.
“Who goes there?” She barked her tone demanding.
She wasn’t expecting a small yell to be caught in the back of her throat when a hand was placed on her mouth suddenly silencing her. Harry magically appeared before her eyes unraveling from an invisible cloak.
“Shhh….” He whispered holding her close. “Snape is here.”
Both turned to look towards the entrance of the Forbidden section where they could see light creep through the opening door.
Without any hesitation Harry pulled the invisible cloak over both of them hiding them from any prying eyes. The two pressed their bodies against the wall of books. Shoulders rubbing together from the closeness. She could smell the scent of his shampoo. What was that delicious scent sandalwood? The Slytherin’s breath hitched as her heart began to race. This had not been part of the plan.
She didn’t even want to think about what Snape would do to her. The two might even be expelled having been found in such an inappropriate setting.
“I know Potter is grandiosely skulking around Professor.” “You best be right Malfoy,” Snape sneered back at his student as the two carefully looked around the room. The Professor seemed more irritated than ever, the circles under his eyes darker from lack of sleep.
The Slytherin cursed under her breath. Leave it to Draco to want to bust Potter in the act of sneaking out. No doubt the selfish prick didn’t mind her being part of the collateral as long as Potter suffered.
“I thought I heard something,” Draco said passing right in front of them. Nervous, the girl clung to Harry’s arm tightly squeezing it as the two held their breaths. One wrong move, a sneeze a loud breath and both would be in serious trouble.
“I heard he was meeting a girl here,” Malfoy continued. His head rapidly turning around as he scanned the room for any clue that Harry might be here.
Harry turned his head and then whispered, “I don’t think they’re leaving any time soon,” not that she minded being like this all night. When Snape and Malfoy were a safe distance away. His closeness and hot breath on her ear made the girl’s skin curl with goosebumps. Her grip on his arm relaxed slightly. Using her cunning the Slytherin quickly devised a plan.
“Not on my watch,” she muttered sticking her wand to poke out of the cloak. She pointed at the entrance of the library from a far and with some quick spell work made the door open and-
The slam shattered the loud silence in the room and instantly Malfoy and Snape turned towards it. “They’re leaving!” Draco exclaimed as the two fell for the red herring and rushed out of the room with their wands out.
Neither Harry nor the Slytherin moved an inch. Both remained still petrified in their closeness waiting to be sure the Slytherins were gone. An eternal minute passed before Harry let out a loud breath of relief. Laughing, the girl removed the cloak, the Gryffindor couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact they had almost gotten caught. He watched her in the dim moonlight appreciating how proud she looked at her accomplishment.
Realizing this she looked at him too, this time shyly, tugging a lose strand of hair behind her ear. Both had almost forgotten why they were here.
“So, you came?” She approached him boldly.
He couldn’t remove her eyes from hers and suddenly Harry felt cornered by her presence.
“We’d be good together, don’t you think?” She said playing with the insides of her sleeves. Harry swallowed hard, suddenly losing his voice. “See, that’s why I came,” He managed to say, his voice dropping to a lower tone.
There was so much on Harry’s plate always. Everyone around him was constantly in danger. He was a Gryffindor, and she was a Slytherin, both were supposed to be natural enemies. His friends would hate her and hers already hated him. Any information any activity – with so many Slytherins involved in You-Know-Who’s doing it was especially dangerous for her. But why did he want to go against the logical choice? Why did he want to say yes to her so badly?
“What if..” He began but couldn’t bring himself to spiel his miserable thoughts to her. “I’ll break your heart,” he shook his head regretfully. 
Not to mention those moment when You-Know-Who... Those dark flashes he couldn’t control. He could hurt her. 
He was expecting her to falter, to step down and walk away but instead she laughed a little, almost with arrogance. “Nobody breaks my heart,” She paused. “But maybe I’ll break yours,” She smiled coyly reaching for the edge of his crimson robes.
“I’m sorry,” He sincerely apologized to her.
Nodding bitterly, she finally stepped away with her head lowered with the embarrassment from his rejection, her eyes avoiding his perturbing green ones. Accepting they were star crossed lovers.
Feeling guilty Harry tried to make his rejection less painful.
“It would never work out,” he began to explain. “We’re too different, our Houses are enemies, and then there’s Voldem-“
“So, you don’t deny it?” She interrupted him. This time glaring at him with a terrifying fearlessness. They weren’t the eyes of somebody that had accepted rejection. He looked struck by her determination.
“You don’t deny you’re just as attracted to me as I am to you?” If he accepted, she would step down, she would leave him alone. However- if he didn’t deny his feelings…
Harry was quiet for a moment before speaking. “I don’t,” He admitted truthfully.
The Slytherin couldn’t help but smile at his confession. “Then?” She took his warm hands in hers. They were larger, square, welcoming and well fitting against hers like a complete puzzle. “So what? Who cares what the others think? I don’t,” Her smile grew, and she leaned in closer to him. So close her voice also dropped.  “Besides, like I said, we’d be good together. Together there’s nothing we can’t handle. Even You-K-“ She reassured him with boldness. “Even Voldemort,” speaking the taboo name tasted odd to her.
Her hand was greeted by the cold absence of his. 
Maybe this had all been one foul idea… 
Maybe he was right.
Feeling his hand caress her face she stood struck by the gentle gesture. He spoke her name so quietly she almost didn’t hear him.  “Can I kiss you?” He asked tenderly. His fingers tracing her cheek before advancing to bury into the hair on the nape of her neck.
She responded by leaning forward, brushing her nose against his and pressing her lips against his. She didn't mind his glasses, she didn’t mind this one bit. The Slytherin held him close her arms gently slithering up and clinging around his neck greedily holding him. He held her head in place tilting it to the side as their lips touched in a sweet kiss in the empty darkness. His lips were so soft, welcoming, they moved against hers perfectly, even gently nabbed at hers. It was everything she had dreamt about.
She smiled into the kiss, after all, a Slytherin always gets what they want.
Hope you liked it!
Harry Potter Masterlist
My Masterlist
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gloves94 ¡ 3 years
Harry Potter - MASTERLIST
Last Update: January 25, 2021
❖ - smut |  ✿ - fluff |  ✦ - angst
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Draco Malfoy
✦ To Be So Lonely - 《fic - WIP》DracoxSlytherin!OC
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Harry Potter
✿ A Slytherin - 《 request 》HarryxSlytherin!Reader
Buy Me a Coffee?
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gloves94 ¡ 3 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 27
Rating: M Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC Chapter warnings: Numb! Suicide Thoughts! Verbal Abuse!
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“And then? What happened?”
“Nothing,” The girl shrugged her shoulders as she sat on the floor of the greenhouse surrounded by growing vines leaning her back on a wooden table on which dozens of colorful pots which held some strange and most peculiar plants. “I told them about it.”
“My father will hear about this!” Daphne paced around the Slytherin Common Room late one night. “He’ll know what to do,” She said referring to the fact that her father was a fearsome prosecutor in the  Wizarding World.
Normally Tracey would’ve made a joke of Daphne sounding like Malfoy, but it really wasn’t the time or place. The Quidditch fanatic was sitting with her head ducked in between her hands.
“Don’t. There’s no point,” Nel let out a drained and exhausted sigh. “Ellar Lestrange is practically  ‘untouchable.’”
“Why is he?” Tracey suddenly snapped her nostrils flaring as she sat up erect. “Why is he so damn godly and untouchable? Just because he’s a Lestrange?” She spat out the last name with resentful bitterness.
“We have to do something,” Daphne insisted. “If not, he’s going to do the same thing- perhaps, something worse to somebody else,” she stressed the somebody and the importance of holding him accountable for his assault.
Despite Daphne’s insistence and Tracey’s frustration Nel remained silent. She had her knuckles pressed to her lips and she seemed lost in thought, head pessimistically shaking slightly  from side to side.
“What can we do?” She gave them both a defeated look. She really had turned ever nut in bolt in her head endlessly trying to think of a way to even things out – even a way to hurt Ellar Lestrange.
“Please,” Tracey scoffed, dark eyes rolling. “Everybody has a weakness. We just have to find out what his is!” She said determined, her expression mimicking her friend who was sitting next to her in the black leather sofa.
“Yes,” Daphne began murmuring. “Yes, yes, yes…” She anxiously paced over, and over which made Elowen dizzy. It seemed like the lightbulb went off when she finally stopped and clapped her hands together.  “I’ll write to my cousin in France. Perhaps she knows a thing or two.”
“I’ve also written to Professor Lupin. Maybe he knows a thing or two as well.”
“Lupin?” Daphne wrinkled her nose in distaste at the werewolf. Why? Her knitted brow said. Nel ignored it.
“A werewolf? Teaching?” Nathair interrupted. “Filthy,” He hissed. “I’ve seen them, lost packs hunting together in the Forbidden Forest. Formidable creatures.”
Irritated Nel lightly flicked the tip of the snake’s snout. The adder hissed at her in response flashing its large fangs. She seemed unfazed by this gesture. “Most creatures seem to agree with me.” It spoke to her as it coiled around her neck seeking the warmth of her human body.
“Professor Lupin is a good person. He could be a vampire for all I care.”
“Walking leeches,” The adder added to the bloodsucking creatures.
“What if I was a werewolf?” She mused more to herself with her arms crossed and resting on her knees. “Maybe then I’d have a pack to run around with,” her voice dulled into a pessimistic feeling as the waves of loneliness and missing a family that there never was came. “I also am already formidable.”
“Oh, I know what are,” The serpent whispered in her ear.
Upset, lost in thought Nel dusted the dirt of her clothes and left the greenhouse with the snake snuggly coiled around her neck. Her shoulders were pessimistically slung. She rounded behind the greenhouses and sat behind them on a small grassy hill that overlooked the Whomping Willow and Hagrid’s Hut and pumpkin patch. The Forbidden Forrest bordered in the distance. “What do you think I am?” She asked solemnly fisting some grass in her hand and ripping it up from the ground. She met the adder’s beady red eyes with a profound sadness. It seemed like the more she dug into her past, the more she questioned and wished to know who her family had been or if she still had one the worse things got and the uglier her past appeared to be. Perhaps… it was best this way. Perhaps there had been a reason for her abandonment at Wool’s Orphanage all of those years ago.
“You’re just a silly little girl who’s afraid of water with too much time to spare. Shouldn’t you be reading? Or doing somebody else’s schoolwork?”
“I hate reading,” She huffed humorously. Maybe Nathair was right, maybe she should use her time wisely and continue working on other’s assignments. After all the more financial cushion she had the better for the future. Inhaling a deep breath, she held it for a moment before ripping a strand of weeds rather aggressively and releasing the blades of grass for the wind to carry. “Maybe you’re right. You’re a snake and have always been a snake and I’m just a stupid girl and I’ll always be a stupid girl.” Nathair’s loud hiss made her head rapidly tilt to the side.
“Self-depreciation does not suit you,” it advised.
Rising to her feet again Nel rose and brushed the few strands of greenery in her hands.
“Terribly hiding spot if you ask me,” A familiar voice broke the momentary peace. The snake hissed slightly at it and hid its head and tail inside the student’s sweater and underneath her coat. “It’s that boy that looks like there’s something stuck up his-,” the snake whispered into her ear. She ignored it. “Maybe it’s all that cologne he wears. I can smell him from a mile away.”She ignored Nathair’s comment, no matter how humorous she found it.
“If I was hiding you wouldn’t find me,” She shot back at Draco without missing a beat.
He stood a couple of feet away with his hands sank into the pockets of his dark coat. Hair parted on the side, bangs falling across his forehead. “You’ve been avoiding me,” he said his lips twisting into a frown.
Not a lie.
Her frown turned into a scowl as she marched past him. Or at least attempted to.
“I don’t understand why you’re so damn upset,” He followed his temper quickly flaring in frustration.
Not wanting to engage she walked away from him. After being on the verge on an ongoing identity crisis that seemed to be reoccurring every couple of months, she really wasn’t in the mood to argue.
“Nel, come on,” He implored. He stopped following when he realized she wasn’t going to stop in her step. “You’re not a mudblood.”
Halting she turned and zeroed in on him with a deathly glare.
“I’m going to bite him.”
“Would it matter?” She snapped furiously at his filthy comment. “What?” He looked startled at her sudden rage. “Would it matter if I was?” She marched up to him. “Would it make any difference to you if I was a muggle or mudblood or whatever disgusting and prejudiced, racist, narrow-minded spat of a word you use to call these people?”
He looked startled at her question. “Of course, it would,” He admitted with narrowed eyes looking at her as if she had just grown a second head. She was questioning an ideology that was deeply rooted inside of him. The Malfoy family, like many others privileged wizard families, had reaped and sowed from with their elitism in the Wizarding World. It was a dangerous ideology that had been planted in his young brain and nurtured to grow into a toxic vine that seemed to both wrap and stretch to ensnare every aspect of his life.
She pursed her lips and slowly nodded her head understanding, “Right.”
“But you’re not,” He insisted arching his eyebrows. “You’re a Parselmouth, you’ve clearly got some wizarding blood in you.”
She opened her mouth ready to protest that the status of her genealogy was absolutely nonexistent.
“I don’t understand why you’re so angry.” He was sincerely flabbergasted.
“I don’t understand why you hate them so much,” She shook her head just as perplexed. “What did they ever do to you?”
She stepped closer still looking at him in disbelief waiting for a logical reasoning to his rooted prejudice.
“Well, the other sort,” He scratched the edge of his nose before running a hand through his bangs as he fidgeted uneasily. “They’re just not the same, are they? They haven’t been brought up our ways.” He reasoned with ease.
“Just like you don’t know theirs,” She retorted sharply. “Draco, I was brought up with muggles. Wizards and muggles are more alike than you think.”
His eyes widened and eyebrows arched at what he took as a serious offense. “Nel, we’re biologically superior to them. You can’t argue with that.”
Okay, true. A muggle really was no watch for a wizard. The average wizard’s lifespan extended to more than 200 years while muggles only lived a fraction of those years. Her silence was her answer.
“Don’t be a traitor to our blood,” he spewed words hailed by pure blood supremacists.
“Please?” He added, his eyebrows knotting in the center of his forehead after hearing her silent response.
“Being with them, muggles,” He spat the word out with disgust. “It shows weakness in one’s character. They’re filthy. Brutal, uneducated in our ways- they use their hands,” He raised his pale hands in front of his chest and lightly waved his fingers “To do things. Like muggle-brawling. It’s barbaric,” He scoffed in disgust.
“Those aren’t your words,” She glared at him. He was sounding more and more like Lucius Malfoy by the minute. He stood in silence looking at her with pleading eyes. As he asked her to agree with the ways he was so sure of.
“I am my father’s son,” was all he said.
The two shared a silence. It wasn’t awkward. It wasn’t uncomfortable. It wasn’t pleasant. It was heavy and lingering and allowed the other to know where they stood in this argument. “I see we’re not going to reach an agreement,” she said quietly now averting her gaze from his. The scaly texture of the snake hidden underneath her clothes a reminder her she had places to be. Sensing she was about to walk away Draco summoned every ounce of strength that he had, and once again spoke.
“Nel,” He attempted to catch her eyes with his. “There’s something I have to say to you.” One of his hands which had been nervously twirling the emerald ring his mother had given him was now pulling at one of the velvet black buttons of his coat. He tried his best not to fidget as he remembered the conversation, he had had with Theodore Nott what now seemed to be ages ago. He had insisted that he tell her whatever it was that had been keeping him up at night and always had him starring at her lost in thought in Transfigurations class. He tried to ignore his pounding heart. He had a feeling she wasn’t going to take whatever it was he was about to say well.
“Whatever it is- I don’t want to hear it Malfoy!” She barked eyeing him from head to toe as if he was covered in filth. His vulnerable body language completely going a miss to her.
“Give me a moment,” He demanded entitled reaching for her shoulder boldly stopping her from taking a harsh turn when it happened.
Draco let out a small yell and immediately flinched bringing his hand back to his lip biting down on the fresh venemous bite.
Nathair revealed himself from the inside of Elowen’s clothes and crept out resting like a diamond patterned scarf. The adder’s snout was open in a dangerous snarl as it bore it large fangs in a threatening snarl. Its body was still as it coiled aggressively sensing its master had been threatened.
“Your snake! It bit me!” Draco cried out. Eyes wide at the stinging realization.
‘Disgusting!’ Nathair spat out in a pronounced hiss. ‘And I won’t hesitate to do it again pretty boy!’ Nel looked at the snake in astonishment, sure she was upset but she wasn’t expecting her pet to attack!
“It bit me!” Draco cried out exaggeratedly. “I’m going to die!” He shouted dramatically holding his hand which was beginning to turn pink and swell from the venom of the adder.
Oh boy, this is the same person that had been kicked by a Hippogriff and had the ‘bloody chicken’ almost beheaded.
“Draco,” Nel began slowly and carefully inching closer towards him. “Get that damn thing away from me!” He looked at the snake with fear. The girl paused and picked up the snake from her neck before putting it down near the front of the green house. ‘Never put your fangs in the hands of the ungrateful,’ The snake sneered in disappointment at what it perceived to be a lack of thankfulness. Its master gave it a warning look that could be interpreted as an ‘We’ll talk later.’ The snake slithered away complaining about how disgusting human flesh tasted even tossed a ‘Swine’ somewhere in its rant.
“Okay- you need to calm down,” She approached him with a wary look hands stretched out hoping he would become more appeased.
“Are adders venomous?” He asked with a panicked expression. All the blood seemed to have drained from his face. For a second she pondered if she should lie or not. “Yes,” Nel responded carefully hoping not to elicit an explosive reaction from him.
“I’m definitely going to die!” He wailed in desperation. She instantly regretted telling him the truth. Merlin, he was acting like a child. It was only a snake bite. Didn’t he worship serpents? His whole family being in a House with one in its crest, even wearing one engraved on one of his rings? “Adders are venomous, but their bite is rarely fatal. If anything, it’ll just swell up for a couple of weeks. The venom might cause some damage and discomfort, but certainly nothing fatal,” She explained calmly. Or at least she wished she could’ve completed that short explanation. Instead, halfway through Draco’s eyes seemed to go blank before his body tilted forward as he collapsed, his body going limp.
Madame Pomfrey walked across the Hospital Room with ease as she retrieved something from her cabinet of special potions and ointments.
Nel sat on a chair with her arms crossed a bored and unconcerned look on her features as she looked down at the pale boy in the hospital bed.
Hearing the sound of chattering enter the Hospital Room, Nel looked up and waved at her two friends that entered the room and immediately rushed towards the bed standing across from their sitting friend.
“What did you do to him?” Daphne asked her eyes wide in awe as she looked at the unconscious Slytherin in the bed.
“I love that you assume this was my doing,” Nel sniggered proud at the formidable reputation she had built for herself in her past 4 years at Hogwarts.
“A snake bit him,” She explained in brevity.
“Is he-?” Tracey asked as she looked down at her school mate with a concerned look. “Not that I’m concerned or anything, but- this means there’s a slot in the Slytherin Quidditch team!” She finished her sentence in an eager and upbeat tone.
“We thought something happened to you!” Daphne whipped up a note that had been sent by owl that in six words read: Come to the Hospital Room. – Nel. “Be more detailed next time, Stars,” Daphne shook her head irritated from the panic attack she had suffered from rushing to the Hospital Room. Nel apologized for the worry she must’ve caused the two.
It was then that Madame Pomfrey shooed the two Slytherins from the side as she walked behind them and poured what looked like pumpkin juice and placed a bar of fudge on the stand next to Malfoy’s bed. His hand had already been lathered with ointment and bandaged.
“Mr. Malfoy will be just fine; he can leave as soon as he wakes up. Nasty little shock is all,” Pomfrey explained before once again retreating.
Both Tracey and Daphne looked at the back of the Healer as she retreated and back to their friend.
“He fainted?” Tracey failed to hide her laughter. “He actually fainted?” She held her stomach as if it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. Even Daphne couldn’t stop her giggling. “Not before throwing a fantastic tantrum,” Nel added joining them in their laugh.
“How did that even happen?” Daphne asked.
Nel shrugged. “Accidents happen in the greenhouse all the time,” she said dismissively really not wanting to explain she had been venting to a snake.
“And you two were there – together?” Daphne’s eyebrows arched so high up they almost vanished into her hair line. Eyes wide. Tracey who looked like she hadn’t been thinking about the scenario now looked intrigued by the blonde’s question.
Nel felt like she was on the hot seat in the middle of an interrogation she really didn’t feel like answering.
“Malfoy,” She derided with an exaggerated overemphasis. “You know how he is,” She let out an irritated sigh. “Just wanted to torture me.”
“What was he doing in the greenhouse?” Daphne pressed heavily sensing there was a missing piece to this story.
“Looking for me,” Nel retorted sharply and much more rapidly than she intended. She bit her tongue rapidly switching topics before she could ask any more questions. “Anyway- I wanted to read to you two the letter I got from Professor Lupin.” She said digging a hand into her coat’s pockets and whipping up a wrinkled and crumbled letter.
“Right here?” Tracey asked wondering why she would read the letter to the two of them in the middle of the Hospital Room. Her dark eyes looked down at the sleeping boy.
“He’s passed out.”
“You know, you don’t have to wait for him to wake up, right?” Daphne asked her eyes squinting as the edges with heavy suspicion. She was observing her friend closely waiting for her skin to flush or for her to stumble on her words and reveal a glimpse of sincere emotion.  
“I feel obligated,” Nel responded cooly leaning back on her chair with her arms crossed. She pretended the hot flash that she felt behind her neck wasn’t really there.
“Sure,” Daphne responded with a satisfied smirk. Her suspicions had been right all along. Theodore had also slipped to her about a little talk he had had with Draco only a few weeks ago. Tracey appeared to be clueless to all this.
“Anyhow-“ Saintday cleared her throat and she brought the parchment paper Lupin had written to her eye level. She skimmed over most and simply read over the relevant parts of it.
‘Ellar Lestrange comes from an ancient wizarding family of pureblood fanatics. Many practice the Dark Arts and have been known to be vocal and the most loyal supporters of You-Know-Who. His father Rabastan has been in Azkaban for the violent torturing of two Aurors. His mother Cloelia, I believe it is rumored feigned being a victim of domestic abuse as a way of being coaxed into following You-Know-Who.’
Nothing they didn’t already know.
“Is that true?” Tracey asked sounding concerned. “If she lied that’s really messed up!” Daphne said in awe. “We should always believe victims but this-“ She hesitated to finish her sentence and instead decided to remain silent.
Nel thought about all of the mental and physical abuse she had endured when living under Cloelia’s roof. She liked to think that a victim would never do something so monstrous to another person, much less a child. However, maybe she was more than familiar with torture methods having picked them up from her husband. Still, with the Lestrange’s one never knew.
“Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past him,” Nel responded in a dull tone, her expression pained as she continued to read. The possibility of Cloelia being a victim of a life of domestic abuse no matter how far-fetched was possible. “Like I said- they were known to be some of You-Know-Who’s most loyal followers. I can’t help but get an ill feeling when I think about the strange reason, they must’ve had to adopt you. I wish I-“ Nel stammered and soon lost her voice.
Again, nothing they didn’t already know.
Tracey and Daphne asked her to continue. When she didn’t and they noticed her glassy eyes, they became concerned. She kept the next part to herself.
‘I wish I could do more for you Nel. I would be proud to be your guardian, but due to my condition I’m afraid it is not safe and would make the adoption process impossible in the eyes of any court.’
“Sorry,” The girl mumbled weakly as she wiped the inside of her eye with her thumb fighting back the tears that had threatened to spill.
The thought of having an adequate guardian. Somebody as kind as Professor Lupin. Someone that didn’t scream, yell, lock you in a room, or hurt you – It seemed like such a far away ideal. A dream the girl had long accepted would never become a reality.
“I would advise you to do everything in your power not to return to them this holiday.”
She lowered the parchment down to her lap and sucked the inside of her lip in deep in thought. The majority of information was useless. If anything, it only confirmed what the three already knew, that the Lestranges were in fact very dangerous people.
“So, what are you going to do then?” Tracey asked. “You could come home with me for the holiday if you’d like,” She offered kindly willing to provide a sanctuary to her best friend. Nel’s face lit up. That would be ideal! The two would have the best time going to Quidditch matches and staying up late talking about the best and worst flavor of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jellybean or watch Muggle films
“Really?” She answered loudly grinning broadly.
“Wait-“ Daphne interrupted the moment the two were sharing. She also didn’t offer her home. Knowing full well what would happen to her and her guest if she even dared bring home somebody whose surname wasn’t listed in the Sacred Twenty-Eight. “That doesn’t tell us anything about Ellar. Nothing we didn’t already know,” She said returning to the focus of the conversation.
“I heard back from my cousin in France,” she began. “She used a very colorful language to describe Ellar. Said he’s a – what was the word she used? ‘Manipulative snake,’ that he can be downright foul. Apparently, he event went a far as assaulting a muggle-born witch that worked in the same Department. It got so bad she eventually quit.”
“Like- sexual harassment?” Tracey squinted.
“Does it make a difference?” Daphne arched an eyebrow. “Not that my cousin ever did anything to stop it-“ She admitted regretfully. “But this is exactly what I am trying to say!” Daphne slapped her hand on her thigh as she continued to speak her tone becoming louder and more passionate. “You’re clearly not the first girl he’s done something like this to – and you’re obviously not the last. Who knows how many more survivors there are-“ Greengrass didn’t realize the shift in emotion in her friend’s whose face twisted into a confused expression? “Survivors?” She coughed with disdain. “-If he did this to you, and to this girl, he’s going to do it to someone else!” She finished with a concerned look. “We have to do something about this.”
“What do you recon we do?”
“I also heard back from my father,” She began to explain. “He said this is very serious. However, he says conviction cases for these types of crimes are very low. The success rate of a conviction in England is 5.7%.”
“5.7?!” Tracey’s mouth went a little slack.
“And that’s coming from an even smaller percentage of victims who actually speak up.” Again, Nel lightly flinched at the word ‘victims’ it wasn’t something she would ever wear as a label. If anything, it was something she saw as a branding to her identity. She wouldn’t allow Ellar, Wool or whoever to have that type of power in her life. Daphne took in a deep breath before continuing. “He also said it’s going to be even harder to prosecute considering we have no physical evidence including your memories which most Wizarding courts consider to be unreliable, and even if we did - The Lestranges have too much power in the judicial system.”
“Bunch of crooks,” Tracey shook her head disappointed biting down on her thumb as she appeared to be deep in thought.
“You have to do something about this Nel,” Daphne insisted. Her friend looked at her with a pure look of negation. “As much as we hate him, you have to tell the Headmaster.” She looked between the two girls. “Tell Dumbledore?” Eyes were wide in disbelief at what the Slytherin had just suggested.
“I can already tell you what would happen if Dumbledore knew,” Tracey leaned back on her chair. “Absolutely nothing,” She said pessimistically. “We’re Slytherin. He hates us.”
Daphne’s shoulder’s slumped in defeat.
Going to Dumbledore had also been Nel’s first instinct. Something Snape had strongly advised against. His reasons unknown as the old bat kept his agenda so cleverly hidden. Regardless, there had to be a valid reason. Either Snape knew no good would come from it or he was protecting Ellar Lestrange. There was no in between and Elowen wanted to find out which it was. “Trace is right,” Nel admitted sadly. “He was already expelled from Hogwarts once. What are they going to do him? Expel him from Beauxbatons?” It was a hard pill to swallow but people like Ellar Lestrange – privileged entitled, monsters – more than often got away with only a slap on the wrist.
“The least he can do is protect you,” Daphne continued pressing.
“I’m not telling Dumbledore. Why are you being so pushy?” Nel scowled bothered on how much her friend had been insisting she tell the truth to Dumbledore. Daphne looked greatly frustrated. “This is such bullshit!” The Parselmouth angrily kicked the hospital bed making the boy in it let out a deep brown and the sudden disturbance. She seemed to ignore this.
“You need to do it Nel,” Daphne again insisted, this time her tone stern. “You’re a victim.”
“I am not a victim,” The other snarled in denial. “I refuse to allow this, or any other sad incident define my life!” The girl said terribly upset speaking through gritted teeth. “Do you know what would happen if I told on every single person that’s ever-“ She brought herself to a halt before emotionally shutting down. Both Daphne and Tracey saw the distant look in her dark eyes. “This is my battle to fight.”
“We’re here to help you. You don’t have to do it alone,” Tracey said gently. The tension increasingly growing between the two parties. “Alone. This is my battle to fight alone,” She corrected defensively isolating and building high emotional walls around herself. Her head hurting and suddenly feeling hot as an incoming migraine began to set in.
Tracey looked wounded. Daphne’s nostrils were flaring. “I can see we’re not going to agree,” She retorted flatly.
“I guess not,” was the other’s answer, her tone made it seem as if her mind was many miles away in some distant faraway place.
Daphne stood up and angrily walked away without looking back. Tracey called after her. Her eyes darting between her blonde and brunette friend. With one last woeful look towards her friend, with a tucked tail she followed after the blonde.
Sitting alone in the Hospital Room the orphan pinched the bridge of her nose in great frustration and lowered her body to bury her head on her knees. If only life were as easy as Daphne made it seem. If she told on Ellar odds were, he would only receive a slap on the hand and he and his terrible mother would come after her with a blind wrath. It wasn’t a risk she was willing to take. She was betting this was what Snape was afraid would happen.
She fought back the tears that were threatening to spill and sucked in an exhausting breath as she tried to think of nothing.
“You can’t tell Dumbledore,” A throaty voice interrupted. She didn’t move an inch but heard Draco’s sheets moving as his body shifted positions. “It’ll only make things worse. My father always says he was the worst thing that ever happened to this place.”
She could hear him drinking the juice that Madame Pomfrey had left out for him.
“You heard everything?” She asked meekly.
“You wanted me to. If not, you would’ve left,” He rationalized.
“Touché,” She said sitting up using both of her hands to comb all of her hair and bangs away from her swollen face. Not wanting to think about Ellar, the drowning or her awful fight with her friends she looked at him with a lopsided grin and instead decided to bully him. “Is it true you fainted? Like- actually fainted?” She joked mocking him just like he had done to Harry the year before.
However, he didn’t laugh.
“You sent your pet after me,” He ignored her jab and downed the rest of his juice.
“If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done it myself,” She answered her voice returning to an unfriendly tone.
“Right,” He agreed. Afterall, she wasn’t the type to shy about this kind of thing. Considering he wasn’t freaking out about the snake bite Nel assumed he had also overheard everything that Madame Pomfrey had said about his condition and the status of his health.
“That git,” The words rolled out of his lips in a dangerously angry voice. She looked at him confused and noticed how his hands were tightly clenched into balling fists. “I’ll make him pay. I promise.”
She knew that if Draco was anything he was determined. She had no question he meant what he had just said. Yet she couldn’t help but be confused by his words.
“You don’t have to do that,” She squinted perplexed. “Not for me. I can take care of myself,” She said lowering her head, her voice dropping to a whisper as her hair once again came down hiding her emotion. After all this was her own fight, one she wanted to win or lose alone. She sat with her head lowered and her shoulders tensed when she felt a soft hand gently press against her forehead. Keeping her gaze lowered, she allowed him to push her brown hair out of her face and comb it over her forehead.
He let out a small chuckle. Nel wasn’t sure whether it was at the strange expression she must’ve been wearing or at the thought of whatever evil plan he was crafting to hurt Ellar. “I’ll enjoy this,” He said maliciously.
Something about the way he said it embarrassingly made her heart skip a beat. Draco was now sitting up still wearing his weekend clothing. He had brought his uninjured hand to his chin and was twirling one of his rings with fascination as he looked deep in thought. The slightest of growing smirks on his face as he concocted the fatal details of his vengeful plan.  
“Wait-“ She paused snapping out of his charming behavior. “Let me get this straight. You can do this for me- but you can’t learn to accept muggles as your equal?”
“Muggles are dangerous,” he began to explain lowering his hand and relaxing in his bed.  Hadn’t he just said wizards were superior? “I’m not contradicting myself. What I mean to say is-  haven’t you paid attention in History of Magic?”
Obviously not. Merlin’s beard it was the most awful class in all of Hogwarts with Binns mindlessly lecturing which seemed to go on for hours and hours. “Muggles used to persecute our kind, burn us at the stake, drown and torture us.” Nel visibly recoiled at the mentioning of the word drowning. “They singlehandedly almost destroyed our kind and forced our world into hiding. It shouldn’t be like that.”
She pondered on his words for a moment. “You have a point,” She finally agreed with him. “But I know muggles. They are more scared of us than us then we are of them. They fear what they can’t understand. I don’t blame them for-“ “For what? For massacring hundreds of our kind!” She wasn’t expecting him to raise his voice.
“How many of them have we killed?” She shot back just as loudly. “Hundreds? Thousands? How many did You-Know-Who kill? Or your father?” She spat coldly.
He grew silent at the mentioning of his father’s illicit activities as a Death Eater. His icy eyes were hard when he looked at her. For once Malfoy didn’t have a snarky comeback or any colorful words to throw at her.
“Don’t. Bring my father into this,” He sneered out in drawled out sentences.
“He’s cruel and vile and I will be bringing him into this as long as he continues to poison your mind. Go out there into the real world and once you’ve seen what it’s like I’ll let you make up your mind about it. Because you know what-“ She hadn’t meant for it to happen but her eyes began to water, her voice cracked at the emotional exhaustion of the day something he had not been anticipating happening. “As of right now,” She broke, trying her best to hold it in together, to not allow the stinging tears from spilling. “I have met many, many more cruel wizards in this side of the world than in the other and that’s from someone that was raised by Cordelia Wool,” She let out a doleful weak laugh.
“Who’s Cordelia Wool?” Malfoy asked after a moment as he racked his brain for any instance in which she might’ve mentioned it. He remembered her saying Wool’s more than once. Maybe this is what she meant.
One hot tear followed by another which meant it was time to go into hiding being the recluse she was.  “Forget it,” She said rising from her chair wiping her tears and walking away without bidding him goodbye or good riddance.
Draco tossed his head back and looked at the ceiling feeling a great frustration. Why was it that something always come in between them and royally fucked things up? Perhaps it was better to leave things the way they were, spare her the pain as Theodore had once suggested. However, looking up she was horrified to see Professor McGonagall standing in the entrance of the Hospital Room. The look in her eyes severe, lips drawn into a thin line. It could only mean one thing.
“Ms. Saintday, the Headmaster has requested to see you.”
Dumbledore’s office was warm and welcoming like it always was. McGonagall escorted Elowen into the office keeping a close mistrustful eye on the student.
Walking in she crossed paths with Daphne Greengrass whose gaze was hard and did not meet her friend’s as she brushed past her on the way out.
Fucking Daphne.
Nel felt the pits of her stomach bubbling with rage. Looking at her. Tracey following behind with an apologetic look and then back to Professor Snape and Professor Dumbledore who gravely stood before a fireplace both wearing solemn expressions on their faces. It was obvious Daphne had croaked.
Elowen was livid. How dare she. This was her story to tell, NOT HERS. Nel was the affected one, NOT golden haired, precious, privileged, beautiful, Daphne Greengrass. A deep scowl formed in her features as she shot a chilling glare to the girl’s retreating back.
“Ms. Saintday,” The Headmaster acknowledged her momentarily seizing her attention. “It’s been a while since our last visit,” He said smiling at her softly. The man stood tall as he usually did, wearing his half-moon glasses holding both hands resting on his lap.
Snape looked at her with a condescending look.
Nel remained silent at the greeting ignoring it.
“Ms. Greengrass and Ms. Davis have just come to me with a most serious concern,” Dumbledore began. “Perhaps accusation is a better word of choice.”
Her mouth felt dry. McGonagall was still standing behind her. Snape’s bottomless eyes carefully fixed on her. Dumbledore looked as if he was attempting to pry into her mind with his twinkling blue eyes. “Before any actions are taken, we wanted to hear the story from your own account as it happened.” He stretched out a hand signaling for her to take a seat before the fireplace. She did no such thing and remained standing looking at the two with hard eyes.
The silence was deafening with the exception of Fawkes combing over his feathers and the fire softly cracking in the background. She could also feel the eyes of the many former Headmasters and Headmistresses of Hogwarts’ looking down at her in judgment.
She could feel him now physically attempting to pry into her mind. She emptied her head out of all thoughts and the vision of a safe shut tightly and the dial spun hiding away her thoughts and secrets.
“Your master has taught you well Elowen,” Dumbledore commented at her growth in occlumency. Wait- how did she know that word? Occlumency, the art of magically closing one’s mind against Legilimency, or mind readers. She didn’t know how, but somehow, she knew what the word meant.
Again, she did not say a single word. His eyes moved over to Professor Snape who uncrossed his arms and from inside one of his sleeves pulled out a small vial containing no color and bubbling slightly. “Know what this is?” He drawled out; his voice emotionless.
“Bubble bath soap?” She retorted with dripping sarcasm.
Snape did not seem amused.
“Veritaserum,” He responded. “Three drops of this and You-Know-Who himself would spill his darkest secrets.” She looked at him incredulously. Certainly, they weren’t hoping to use it on her. “The use of this on a student is regrettably forbidden. However, seeing as Mr. Lestrange’s involvement in this anecdote cannot be ignored and since he is no longer part of this institution my hand might just slip on his pumpkin juice and we might have to hear his version of the events.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” She lied flawlessly as if her life depended on it maybe it did.
Snape exchanged a look with Dumbledore.
“Elowen, Ms. Greengrass claimed that Ellar Lestrange lured you into the docks some time ago. There he not only threatened you, but he also made an attempt on your life mocking and attempting to drown you in the Black Lake. Is this true?” Dumbledore leaned forward as if attempting to pull the truth out from her.
“It’s a lie.” She answered flatly.
“Elowen,” He pressed again this time taking slow strides around her almost like a shark rounding its prey. His eyes looking for any sign of betrayal. “This is a safe space. This institution does not tolerate the harassment of others. Much less if it endangers the life of one of our students.”
‘Rich coming from the same people that allowed Slytherin House and others to bully me for the majority of my time in this institution,’ she thought with bitter resentment.  
“Ellar Lestrange is my adoptive brother. Why would he hurt me?” She probed in her best reasonable logic. “I’m just as aware of his reputation, sir, but tell me- this being true, what reason would I have to protect him?”
Dumbledore nodded his head slowly. “Ms. Saintday, if you confide in us. I can assure you that no harm will come to you. The steps that would follow would be taking Mr. Lestrange’s witness, then contacting his parents, and then-“ She had to interrupt. “And then what? He’d be expelled from Beuxbaton and transfer to Durmstrang? Just like he did from here, right?” She responded with snark.
Dumbledore allowed her to continue.
“I think the real question here is why Ms. Greengrass and Ms. Davis would make up such an elaborate lie.”
Again, silence as the three professors exchanged knowing looks.
“Saintday has a point,” Snape suddenly broke the silence. She tried her best not to look at the Professor with surprise. So, he was siding with her. She was holding up her end of the bargain and keeping her mouth shut to what had happened. Her suspicions were correct. If anything, Ellar would only receive a slap to the wrist, get away with it and then she’d have to deal with Cloelia’s blind wrath. To her it seemed like they were in the same page.
“I assure you I keep a close eye on my House Headmaster. Specially on Saintday who seems to have the keen ability to surround herself with... trouble. I can assure we would not be standing here having this hopeless discussion, if I had caught wind of this rumor before.”
Dumbledore stopped now holding his hands behind his back as he gazed at the fire deep in thought as he marinated on the Potion Master’s words. “For as much as you persuade Ms. Saintday, I don’t believe you,” He looked back at her with a mistrusting gaze.
“But you believe Professor Snape, sir,” Nel shot back her body language mirroring the Headmasters.
Behind her McGonagall looked at the interaction with concern.
Snape gave Dumbledore a look that seemed to say this conversation was over. After all, they had no arguments if they didn’t have the main witness admitting to the events. However, unknowingly to the student all of this had been pre-rehearsed and already discussed amongst the two men.
“Very well,” It seemed like Dumbledore had given up. “But do tell me Elowen, and I hope you are truthful. How do you fancy your new guardian Ms. Cloelia? Real nit-picky student from what I recall.”
It was lie, after lie, after lie. Nel had never lied so much to a person before. She was surprised at how easily the lies slipped from her mouth. She wasn’t aware that Dumbledore didn’t seem to believe a single word that came out of her mouth and if she did, she didn’t care. Instead, the Headmaster was looking at her moving mouth and edging grin with a fearful eye. It wasn’t the first time he was witness to it, but the shadow of a lonely orphan boy from a familiar background who also possessed the affinity to speak to snakes and the ability to flawlessly lie was instead standing before him.
His assumptions, as always had been correct. Despite Severus best efforts to protect her. Nel Saintday was beyond salvation. The evil within her louder and bolder than ever. It was then that Dumbledore decided that “The Girl Who Died” would have to return and die at the hand of her creator.
Professor Snape walked Nel down the stairs of Dumbledore’s office and lead her down to the dungeons and to his office. His hand in the form of a C was angrily pressing on the nape of her neck as he quickly  ushered her inside of his office.
“Let go off me!” She slapped his hand away and looked at him with a furious expression. “I am not a child anymore!” She heaved drained from the restless day she had had.
“You insolent, stupid, dunder-head, foolish, girl!” He exclaimed and whipped his wand behind him to lock the door of his private office. This spew of insults and verbal abuse coming from the Professor was sadly not unfamiliar to her. She wasn’t expecting him to be so upset.
He was acting as if she had signed someone’s death sentence.
“Shut mouths catch no flies,” He raised his want in offensive. Triggered she did the same not blinking afraid the professor might strike her. After all, it had never stopped anyone before. Putting on a brave face, she attempted not to show the fear she felt or how her knees were trembling as she expected to be gravely wounded. There was no way she’d be able to take on a Hogwarts Professor, much less somebody as ruthless as Snape.
“Foolish girl. You had to open your damn mouth and babble to Greengrass, Davis and Merlin know who else.”
“What Lestrange did was fucked up and you know it,” She spat vulgarly not minding she was speaking to an adult. Neither lowering her trembling hand or stance. Jaw clenched tightly as she hoped her focus would be of an advantage to her. Snape’s body mirrored her own.
Just looking at her made an emotional wound on his chest soar with painful heat and a burning guilt. Dumbledore felt Elowen was beyond reason. That her nature had long ago sealed her fate. That, that awful curse that branded her face had also sealed this same destiny.
But he liked to believe otherwise. He liked to believe she could be good. That she had a choice.
There was no use in beating around the bush when it came to discussing why it was best not to take any action in punishing Ellar Lestrange with the juridical system involved. Both saw the bigger picture and were in the same place. Snape wasn’t protecting Ellar, he was protecting her, but why?
“He can’t kill you,” He said directly.
“Why?” Her sharp tongue followed suit.
“You serve a very specific purpose for the Dark Lord and have been placed under the custody of the Lestranges because of it.”
“Right,” she answered with a deep canyon forming in between her brows and a tightly clenched jaw. “That I gathered. A Parselmouth orphan taken into the home of one of Voldemort’s most loyal followers I could hardly expect it to be charitable.”
“Good, you’re catching on. Perhaps you have matured since last time we met.”
She ignored this. Whatever he meant by saying last time. This conversation. This scenario it almost felt like it had happened before as if they had already had this conversation, but something had gone awry wrong. It was almost like dejavu.
“You’ve been teaching me occlumency, not how to control my emotions or whatever bullshit that was.”
Snape remained silent. It was true.
“You will find that just like today the ability to hide one’s thoughts is a useful one and I haven’t the slightest doubt that others, witches and wizards more dangerous than the Headmaster might even rely on sadistic methods of torture to pry the truth from your big mouth.”
“Who else knows about the incident with Ellar Lestrange?” He questioned.
“No one,” She lied without hesitation. Snape whipped his wand, and a red spark stung her arm like a pinch, she winced at the sensation. “Dare you use my own spells against me.”
“Draco Malfoy,” She spat truthfully with a look of concern. “He won’t open his mouth. “I trust he won’t,” Snape added swiftly knowing well that Draco Malfoy had more on the line than Elowen did. Being directly related to the Lestranges he wouldn’t raise any hell towards them. Nel decided to keep what Draco had promised her to herself. Snape slowly lowered his wand and guard. Elowen didn’t. “He’s got more bidding on the line than you do if he spreads your precious little secret.”
She bit her tongue standing angry and frustrated. “Why does he want me? What does he want from me? What could I possibly give him? I have nothing. NOTHING! I am nobody,” She heaved as her emotions came crashing like waves and spilled like tears. Like broken risks, recordings of Wool telling her she was worthless, locking her in the Chokey, Lucy going missing. Not having a parent, a name, a single galleon owed to her worthless life. This life that Elowen had been given… She didn’t want it. It was numbing moments like this that made her feel like it wasn’t worth living.
“Same reason he wants Potter,” Snape cleverly lied to hide the Dark Lord’s true intentions and motives.
“To kill me,” Nel nodded and lowered her wand slowly as the horrible realization sank in. The only reason Ellar hadn’t killed her that one night or Cordelia had all summer long was because they were saving her like a pig for slaughter. She thought about the way most of the Purebloods looked at her, the way Mr. Malfoy always so strangely looked and fixated on her. He obviously knew this – How many more people knew? Did Draco know? “He need not bother, at this point I’ll do him the favor myself and give up on this miserable existence.” She wasn’t expecting her wand to fly out of her hand or for Snape to look at her with such fury, in his eyes was reflected a broken look. Again, Snape was haunted by the dark flashback of the night Elowen came to be during that obscure evening all those years ago. The guilt of the atrocious things he had done still rocked him to his core.
“I do not take threats such as suicide lightly Saintday,” He warned her. “I still expect many things from you, cowardice, is not one of them,” he glowered with cold contempt.
Snape again pointed his wand at her and Nel flinched expecting him to wound her instead a chair behind her crashed into the back of her legs forcing her to sit down. Emotionally defeated she complied and sat, wiping away the numb tears that slid down her emotionless face. She now felt a burdening guilt at the words that had just left her mouth. Where had that venomous thought come from? The terrifying thought made her body violently shake as the tears continued to spill.
“I will not apologize for my tone or harsh words towards you,” Snape began harshly now speaking in a collected and calmer voice. Hands behind his back as he stood tall looking down at his student. “Life is hard. We learn and we grow and I’m afraid I will not allow you to have a choice in this or leave us behind to pick up the broken pieces of your short, sad and pitiable life,” He soothed in his own twisted way. Words which didn’t alleviate her pain or made her feel any better about the horrible thought she had just had.
“It is her purpose,” Dumbledore said coldly with much indifference. “As I’ve told you before, it does not matter where Elowen Saintday resides, the Dark Lord will find her. How many more lives must be lost?”
Snape swallowed hard displaying the slightest glimpse of emotion. Be it his guilt, he always felt a sense of responsibility to protect the creature sitting before him. He had brought her to this world and because of that this monster was his responsibility. Burden or not. His alcoholic muggle father had once walked out on his mother and him, be of relationship to this child or not, would he be able to do the same? Was this something he had inherited from his bastardic nature?
No, that wouldn’t be him. He wasn’t his father. With a deep sigh he approached her and stood before her. She sat deep in thought, miserable, friendless having pushed everyone who cared about her away. She was so lost in thought she didn’t hear the Professor clearly saying her name until he knelt on one knee meeting her eye level.
How many times had he had the poor girl crying her eyes out to him? How many times had he failed in his ways to show her the smallest glimpse of humanity?
“Nel,” She stopped sitting with a surprised look on her swollen, red face. She couldn’t remember if he had ever addressed her by the name, she considered to be her own. “Look at me,” his voice was softer than his typical nasal tone. She obeyed, nastily sniffing and wiping the snot that was coming down her nose.
Seeking the bits of humanity that were left in him Severus chose to look inside his heart. What would Lily say? What wisdom would she provide to the broken girl sitting in the Potion Master’s office chair. “I understand,” He spoke in brevity. He chooses not to divulge any details about his personal life. “Perhaps I was out of line,” He admitted regretfully. “I’m aware that I can be rather harsh, but I want you to understand it comes from…” He paused for a moment masterfully and very carefully picking the words he would say next. He’d never vocally admit to it coming from a place of care. “I want you to be strong. Life isn’t easy. We both know yours hasn’t and it is not going to get any easier.”
She didn’t respond to his unfamiliarly kind words.
“Just know,” He said placing his large hand on her upper arm in a familiar way hoping to comfort her. His brown eyes zeroed in on her dark ones and maybe from up this close Snape looked human and not like a giant sulking bat. He smelt of salts and other potions ingredients. Even the middle of his forehead was sunken in genuine concern.
It took great will power to make the following promise. A promise he intended on keeping. “I will do everything in my power to protect you.”:
Unsure of what came over her the girl threw her arms around the professor and held him tightly. He held the child back.
10 notes ¡ View notes
gloves94 ¡ 3 years
Ok ok ok! Lemme say something!!! Your writing. Is. GOLD! It’s so well composed and put together!!! Not only are you incredible at your wording but you do a very good job of keeping to the characters actual personality!!! I just got done reading your Zuko fluff short, Warm and Toasty!!! It was absolutely adorable!!! You are amazing at writing! Please don’t mind me if I take notes to apply to my story on Quotev! You truly are a master author! I just want to ask if you’d please do more Zuko fluff!
Thank you so much for your super thoughtful message! I want to post something for the holidays, so maybe 👀 keep an eye out.
Id love to read your work! And let me know whenever you want to discuss writing techniques, it also helps me grow.
Much love 🖤
- G
0 notes
gloves94 ¡ 3 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 26
Rating:  Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC Chapter warnings: Anxiety! Phobia!
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Did Professor Snape actually think she was stupid?
Probably. Ellar Lestrange had tried to kill her. How- why on Earth would she ever considering being around him ever again? An unpleasant chill went down her spine at the thought of being around him. She thought of the crazed look on his eyes as he attempted to drown her, his rough grip on her body, his cold lips. Consider it done Snape.
It wouldn’t happen again.
However, the thought of getting even – the need to make him feel just as small as he had made her feel – the thought was more than tempting, but how could she hurt him? As far as she knew it didn’t look like Ellar had a weakness. She tried to empathize with him, to think of his intentions and have the benefit of the doubt yet couldn’t reach a conclusion.
‘Mr. Lupin, I apologize it has taken so long for me to write to you back. I hope the gloves I sent you fit you well. I’m not the most skilled knitter so I have enchanted them with a charm that should keep your hands warm (it is still a work in progress, so I hope the charm sticks).
Hogwarts has been well Hogwarts. I’m happy to be home. Work has been keeping me busy. I have a lot to make up to from last year and every year I get more and more clients. It can get exhausting, but work is work and I shouldn’t complain.
The Yule Ball was fine-‘
It wasn’t. The Yule Ball was a complete catastrophe. Not just for Nel but for almost every student that attended.
‘-I went stag. Found a dress from the ‘Come and Go Room.’ Did you know Hogwarts has a secret room? My friends are-‘
She looked up from her scribbling to see Daphne and Theodore playing and holding with each other’s hands in the middle of the Slytherin table. Both of them completely lost in each other’s eyes. Some Durmstrang students glared at them with revulsion at the romantic public display of attention. Nel almost threw up. To think she wanted that to be her and Ellar Lestrange only a couple of weeks ago. Leanne who was sitting next to Tracey in the Slytherin table was showing her the latest photographs she had captured of the Whomping Willow shaking off some snow. Both were also completely absorbed with each other leaving Nel to constantly feel lonely or like a fifth wheel.  
When they asked why she had returned to the dormitory with parts of her clothes soaking wet she lied and said it had been a prank by the Weasley twins. When asked who had been the one behind the anonymous flower arrangement, she, again, lied and said the person never showed.
“Was it Ellar?” Daphne had asked leaning over her bed, eyes wide in astonishment.
“No,” Nel said dully. “Why would he send me flowers?” She rolled her eyes dramatically. Another lie. None of them questioned it. Specially after the showdown that went on in the Yule Ball.
Of course, all of them were too engrossed with each other to noticed how she had begun to avoid the Black Lake. How she began to make excuses not to run around it in the mornings with Tracey and Viktor, how she starred at the green tinted windows in the Common Room it with unease, nails burying into skin leaving half-moon crescents in her palms, or how her breathing would become irregular when in the presence of a large body of water or even the mentioning of the lake.
She tried to compartmentalize. To push the memory to the back of her head. To ignore the painful memory of your lungs screaming and burning for air. The dark coldness of the underwater and the crazed look on that maniac’s face.
If you’re lying to your friends, you are doing something wrong. However, she felt like they wouldn’t understand. If they knew- if any of them knew it would only complicate things. If Snape, a Hogwarts professor, wasn’t able to do anything what help could her friends be? It didn’t seem like Ellar had a weakness. Even Professor Snape had said it himself, his reeking privileged had saved him from Azkaban once before. They might give him a piece of their minds but that would be about it.
In regards of her other friends- Harry was too impulsive, so were the Weasley’s- even talking about it- it would just be problematic. Even Nathair was absent since he was hibernating the cold winter somewhere inside the greenhouse.
Then again, these weren’t things they talked with each other. The less they knew about each other the better.
She wanted to talk to somebody who wouldn’t be biased to judge, someone who would just listen-
Her eyes left the letter she was writing and slowly wondered a couple of seats away to Draco who was pointing at something in a magazine Zabini was showing him, no surprise probably roasting someone. He was a good listener; he was good at this kind of thing.
“Why is Saintday starring at me?” Blaise narcissistically asked Draco when he felt a pair of eyes on him. “Think she’ll ask me to Puddifoot’s?” He laughed in reference to the pink Tea Shop were students usually went on dinner dates at Hogsmeade. She turned away quickly when Malfoy turned in her direction. Her mind went to that same place it had the night after the Yule Ball. The grip around her pen became a little tighter when she felt her face burning from the embarrassment of the memory.
‘My friends are great.’
She dotted that statement harshly.
‘I haven’t been practicing my Patronus charm as much as I should be. Other than that, professor, I was wondering,’ She wanted to scratch off the word professor. It was a force of habit to call him that. ‘Have you ever heard of Ellar Lestrange? He used to be a student at Hogwarts.’ He’s also a real foul git.
‘Other than that – I hope you are well professor. Hopefully by the next time we meet my Patronus will be fully functional.
Take care, - Nel’
Looking over her shoulder she fed a piece of sausage to her owl which had been loyally perched on her shoulder all this time and handed it two sealed letters. One for Lupin and another for Cedric who was just a couple of tables away.
‘Meet me outside in 5.’ The note read.
Cedric read it and their eyes met from across the Great Hall. Looking up he nodded with a lazy smile and made his way outside.
“Where are you going?” Tracey asked when she saw her friend rise without saying a word.
“Common Room,” She half lied. “See ya,” She said curtly.
“Nel you’ve been acting very wei-“ Tracey didn’t get to finish her sentence, her friend leaving her hanging. “Weird,” She dead panned and turned to give Leanne an irritated look. “I think she’s just upset about the Yule Ball,” the Hufflepuff suggested.
“I mean something did happen with Lestrange, right? People say she went mad and struck him, then he sent her flowers- you’d think she’d be elated. Didn’t you say she fancied him?” Moon added to the group of Slytherins. Daphne pinched the bridge of her nose irritated at the missing puzzle piece.
She was missing something, but what was it?
“Ced,” Outside of the Great Hall, Nel greeted the older Hufflepuff as they walked down the corridor in no particular direction. “Ever heard of the ‘Come and Go Room?’” She asked with particular interest.
Cedric looked a little confused by her question. “You mean the Room of Requirement?” He arched an eyebrow.
“The Room of what?” Her expression mimicked his.
“Come, I’ll show you,” He said turning in the direction of the moving staircases and leading her up. “Is this what you wanted to talk about?” He asked as they headed up the stairs to the seventh floor.
No. She wanted to tell him about what she knew about the lake. She wanted to tell him- someone about what had happened with Ellar Lestrange that night. About how his mother would most definitely kill her in cold blood for wounding the pride and joy that was her only son. She didn’t want to think of Cloelia rigidly sitting at home with her palms flat on the dining table as she plotted her vengeance against her. “I want to see you go mad,” the Beuxbaton student’s cruel words still haunted her. The thought of the dark water-
“No,” She said quicker than she intended. Wanting to shut out the memory of the dark water. “It’s about the Second Task of the Tournament. I am more than certain it’s at the lake. Are you prepared to go underwater?”
“Underwater?” Cedric’s thick eyebrows burrowed deep in thought. “Yes. Unless you can grow gills, I have a feeling you’re going to need some help in that department.”
“How do you know this?” He asked curiously.
She could’ve confessed. Told her about what Ellar had done to her and how Professor Snape knew. How Snape had been there and had done nothing about it, but it brought so much shame to her. It had been her fault in the first place, for being there, for trusting Ellar, for putting herself in that situation. Besides- what would Cedric do about it? Nothing. Ellar was beyond privileged, it would come to his word against her and in the end his, being a Lestrange, weighted more. It weighted enough to get him off the hook from Azkaban.
“Never mind that,” He shrugged. “Anyhow-“ Cedric said as they entered the Seventh Floor. “Here it is,” he finished with confident as they stopped in front of a large empty wall across from a tapestry of Barnabas the Barny trying to teach trolls to dance ballet.
She was silent for a moment looking for the entrance to the Room of Requirement. The door must be really small, she squinted her eyes to try and see.
“But there’s no door,” Nel observed.
“One thing about Hogwarts is, nothing really is what it seems,” Cedric reached for her arm and pulled her along as he walked away. She was more than perplexed by the missing room.
“The Room of Requirements only reveals itself to those who require it,” He explained as the two walked in front of tapestry three times. It was then that he stopped a massive door with intricate swirling carvings then revealed itself to the two of them. It even seemed to slightly shimmer. “Tricky, aint it?” He said with his hands on his waist.
“How-How’d you?” She looked at him wide eyed with a broad smile.
“Walk in front of the tapestry three times while focusing on an intent. If you do it correctly the room and whatever you desire should appear.”
She made a mental note of this. “How do you know about it?” She looked at him oddly.
A coy grin grew across his face and he ran a hand through his neat copper hair. “Well,” He chuckled. “Prefects use it as a snogging room,” he said cheekily. He laughed at her stunned expression. “Why? Are you thinking of having some company over?”
She slapped his arm and looked away hoping he wouldn’t notice her flustered reaction.
“Knock yourself out,” He once again laughed. “That reminds me-“ He waved his finger. She noted he was stepping away from her. “I have an idea. Meet me outside the prefect’s bathroom in half an hour.”
“What?” She turned back to look at him with that same confused look she had been wearing on her face all evening long so far.
It would take hours- no days. To look through all of the vials, books, trunks, boxes and other magical trinkets that are all inside of the room. And who knew what Cedric meant when he said the room would shift into whatever its user required.
Elowen even lost track of her time and arrived outside the Prefect’s Bathroom later than expected. She waited outside but Cedric never showed. Maybe- she looked around the corridor shiftily hoping no other prefects or professors would be doing rounds tonight. Maybe he was already inside?
“Hello?” She croaked as she crept inside of the Prefect’s Bathroom. She was distracted looking up in awe at the animated mermaid stained glass windows and the massive organ like fountain that was pouring down a rainbow of water that descended into a bubbly lagoon that she didn’t even realize Cedric half underwater. Did people actually come and bathe in here?
“Took you long enough!” He laughed a little and swam towards the edge and reached for the golden egg he had received in the First Task.
Normally she would’ve had a clever retort at the tip of her tongue, but the sight of the dark water grounded her in place. He didn’t seem to notice her rattled reaction. Her eyes were frozen on the water. She knew it had a bottom. She knew Cedric wasn’t struggling. She knew she wouldn’t fall. She knew she wouldn’t drown, but the memories.
The vivid feeling of her lungs burning for air as salty lake water flooded her mouth and choked the air out of her suddenly came back to her.
“Well come on then,” he waved his hand over in his direction still wearing a cheery grin. She didn’t share his enthusiasm. “Welcome to the Prefect’s Bathroom. You’ll be able to use it next year. If you are chosen to become a prefect. I think you’d make a rather good one.”
The cold darkness that engulfed her beneath the lake still pricked at her with the sight of the dark water.
The fact Diggory was shirtless and in the water didn’t cross her mind, she didn’t snap out of her fearful trance until she heard a dreadfully familiar laugh.
“Is this the- handsome boy – you brewed that foul-smelling Love Potion for?”
Moaning Myrtle.
“Myrtle,” Nel dropped her name from her mouth with much nasal distaste. The ghost girl’s remarks cause her to snap out of her trance and drag her heavily grounded feet towards the pool.
“I would disagree,” She said woefully with a bit of an incredulous laugh answering his comment.
Nel? Prefect? Could you imagine the chaos and havoc? Students would be getting points for jinxing people on her shit list.
“You brewed a Love Potion Nel?” Cedric laughed; his eyebrows arched in surprise. “Maybe the snogging room will come in handy!”
“The only snog Snelly Nelly is getting is from a Welsh troll,” Myrtle cackled and Nel wished she could toss something in her direction. Both ignored her.
“I am not getting in the water Cedric,” She warned kneeling on the edge.
“Are you sure?” He rested his elbows on the edge. “Waters nice,” He said splashing some warm water in her direction. She stiffened up petrified. Again, he chuckled slightly interpreting her response as a girlish nervousness.
“I was thinking-“ He pondered for a moment. “Since the task is underwater, what do you think would happen if I sink the egg underwater?”
“You have to come!” A week later Tracey was pulling on Nel’s hand as she insisted her friend came to attend the Second Task of the Triwizard tournament which would take place in the Black Lake.
“I’ve got a lot of work to do,” She lied shiftily nervously playing with her book bag’s strap. Never in this lifetime would she admit she was afraid and less to a room full of Slytherins. “Oh, come on,” Tracey insisted still pulling on her friend’s hand. “It’ll be fun! Leanne even got butterscotch popcorn for us!”
“Thanks Trace, but I’ll pass really,” Nel averted her eyes and kept them glued to the floor. She withdrew her hand from her friend’s coldly.
Tracey looked at her with a concerned expression. “You’ve been acting really odd lately,” She said with a hand on her waist.
“Odd?” Nel kept busy by tossing meaningless items inside of her bookbag. “Odd how?” She dodged the subject tossing in more parchments, ink, an extra quill and a pillow. Wait- she didn’t need a pillow. She put the item back in her bed and took in a deep breath her eyes moving from one end of the Slytherin dormitory to the other eventually focusing on Mildred’s cat.
“Nel,” Tracey said softly as she took a seat on the edge of her friend’s bed.
“You can talk to me – to us – your friends. About anything, really-“ She said tenderly her worried eyes still lingering on her roommate.
“There is nothing going on!” She snapped in return. She didn’t even realize she had raised her voice. “Nothing Trace! Stop being so damn bloody nosey!” She shut her book bag before standing up and storming out of the room. Tracey sat stunned at the volatile reaction.
Halting by the door, Nel rested a hand on the door frame. “Trace- I’m…” She turned with her head lowered. “I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t have snapped. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that,” She hesitated before walking back to the bed. “I’m sorry,” She pinched the bridge of her nose and Tracey suspected she was wiping away tears that dared prick at the inner corners of her eyes.
She sat in the bed next to her and Tracey took her hand in hers patting it sadly.
“Who do I have to kill?” Tracey laughed slightly which in turn made Nel break into a smile. “Was it Malfoy?” This time she spoke in full seriousness.  
Feeling drained Nel held her breath. “Draco?” She shook her head and put her head on her friend’s shoulder before sighing deeply. “No, not this time.”
“Draco?” Tracey was in turn more than surprised at her casual use of his name. “That’s new,” Tracey huffed slightly before nudging her shoulder up. She was about to further press on the topic when Pansy Parkinson walked into the dormitory. “Forgot my binoculars,” She tossed over her shoulder not paying the two Slytherins much attention.
“By the way my money’s on Potter,” She added with pomp before walking out.
“’On Potter?’” Nel repeated still with her head comfortably resting on Tracey’s shoulder. How odd for Pansy to be rooting for Harry in anything. “Interesting choice,” was all she commented.
“They’re not betting on winners,” Tracey said with an exhausting sight. “They’re betting on who’s drowning first.”
Like that Nel’s head jolted up as she sat extremely straight and looked at Tracey with a horrified expression. “What?” She gaped.
Tracey couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s reaction. “Calm down,” She said through small laughs as she attempted to comfort her friend. “Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic will be there, there’s no reason why anything could go wrong.”
The thought of Harry or Cedric or Viktor or even Fleur de la Couer whom Nel had never exchanged a word with drowning made Nel want to retch. She pictured the horrifying image of pale body floating in the contrasting waters of the Black Lake. She paled at the thought and felt her stomach twist uneasily. There it was again that tight sensation in her throat.
“I’ll catch up,” She croaked after a moment. Tracey hugged her and promised they would save her a seat since Daphne and Theodore were probably already there waiting for them in the audience bleachers.
The day was freezing. Air was cold as strong gusts of wind blew through the eager crowds which sat on the bleachers in a makeshift dock in the middle of the Black Lake. It was definitely not a good day to take a dip in the freezing waters.
The Ministry of Magic sat in the audience as a spectator, next to him sat Lucius Malfoy, on the same row was Albus Dumbledore, Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch.
In the row below Tracey looked around the crowd anxiously. She sat in defeat when she came to the realization her friend was nowhere to be found.
Lowering her binoculars Nel blew a hair out from her face in great frustration as she watched from a far. There was no way she was going to walk across a bridge and sit in a dock for who knows how many hours waiting for anybody to come up from the water. She was safe and sound witnessing the events from the edge of the lake actually standing on solid British soil.
A gun had been fired and the contestant had been underwater for some time now.
Sighing she once again picked up the binoculars and this time observed as the champions got ready to take a leap. She knew that Cedric would use a Bubble-Head Charm one that he had endlessly been practicing in the Prefect’s Bathroom. She helped him practice, convincing herself that it would be ideal to know, especially when in such a close proximity to a large body of water. She was curious as to what the other champions would use.
“What are you doing here?” A voice that ran a chill down her spine struck her.
She said nothing and stammer a little imagining how ridiculous she probably looked standing alone on the edge of the Black Lake witnessing everything from a far.
“You’re scared of the lake. Aren’t you?”
Irritated she again lowered her binoculars yet didn’t turn around, her gaze remained fixed on the end of the dock where the Second Task of the Triwizard tournament was happening.
“So perceptive of you,” She said dryly.
“Why?” She could hear the pebbles on the edge of the muddy lake crunching under his feet as he approached her side. His voice, it sounded like he had genuine concern. Yet with Malfoy it was hard to know if he was being sincere or not. “Are you here to make fun of me?”
He stood there for a moment “I’m not,” like Tracey’s earlier his voice was soft, unthreatening, he sunk his hands in his black jacket’s pockets shielding them from the bitter winds.
Her lips were tightly drawn into a line. She still didn’t want to look at him. Wasn’t his father in the audience? Why was he here with her?
Unsure of what to say she was silent for a moment.  
“You were right,” She decided to break that silence. She hadn’t even realized she was biting her lip, nodding her head slightly with a distant look of disdain in her eyes. He looked at her with curiosity.
“Lestrange,” She thought of the perfect way to describe him. “He’s a monster.”
She didn’t notice how his expression hardened when he registered the apathetic look in her eyes. That son of a bitch. He wondered just what was going through her head. His eyes looked for any trace of injury on her exposed skin, but it was hard to see beneath the gloves, scarf, knitted cap and all winter gear.
“Seems to be quite fixed on you as of the late. Sending you flowers and all.”
“How?” She finally turned to face him. How was it that he always seemed to know?
“The Weasleys can barely afford to breathe, Potter is too daft to send something so elaborate. It has to be someone with a strong intent that can afford such an unimaginative gesture,” He looked at her with full seriousness. “Alright Sherlock,” She rolled her eyes wearing a half smile before once again focusing on the tournament through her binoculars which were strapped around her neck.
“What did you call me?” He asked sounding offended by the unknown word.  
“Muggle reference,” She added wearing that same coy smile. The moment was short lived. The smile wiped from her features as there seemed to be some action in the tournament.
“I think Krum is coming up-“ She described. “Is that? With Granger?” She squinted through the glass making sure she was seeing correctly. “You’re missing the task,” She said to Malfoy hoping he’d go away and return to his father’s eyes to witness the tournament. Instead he said nothing and took the binoculars from her and she was tugged to his side by the short strap that was around her neck. He didn’t apologize for standing so close to her, nor did he seem to care.
She could smell his strong cologne. Could see the beauty marks and freckles on his pale skin.
She didn’t mean for it to happen, but her heart picked up pace. This time there was no alcohol involved. She stood on her tip toes hoping to keep a distance between the two. Struggling to keep her balance standing over the slippery pebbles. Slipping she braced onto his arm to hold herself up. “Sorry,” She mumbled ducking her head.
“Fancy a swim Elowen?” A voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard interrupted. Ellar stood a couple of feet away from them about to cross the bridge which lead to the makeshift island were audiences were viewing the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He wore a smug smile as he hid his hands in his coat’s pockets.
Malfoy glared at the Beuxbaton student with hatred.
“Cowering behind Malfoy. How typical,” The other shot. Nel didn’t even realize she was hiding behind Malfoy, or maybe he had pushed her behind him. Did it really matter? Triggered she stepped forward and whipped her wand ready to hex him. Yet her hand was held back. Draco gave her a knowing look. He knew when to pick his fights. She didn’t.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Lestrange raised his hands up mockingly. “Might want to put a leash around her Malfoy. I heard she bites,” Ellar bit down on the edge of his lip with a wink before haughtily walking away with his head tossed back as he retreated. His loud laugher a faraway echo from the windy spot where Draco and Nel were standing.
Nel kept her head lowered not wanting to think about what had happened with Ellar. After all it had all been her fault.
“Nel,” She felt a rough hand on her shoulder turn her. “What did he do?”
Sullenly she simply shook her head in small movements. “What did he do to you?” He repeated his tone stronger, grip on her arm tighter. “Nothing,” She lied dismissively , like she had rehearsed a thousand times. “Tell me,” He ordered. “He forced himself on me,” word vomit. She hadn’t even realized she’d said it. “Kissed me,” She paused. “And then tried to drown me in the Black Lake,” She admitted not wanting to look at his judging eyes. She waited for him to blame her just like she blamed herself from the shame of it. “Son of a bitch.”
Draco wasn’t looking at her he instead marched in Ellar’s direction beginning to cross the wood bridge. Lifting his wand dishonorably hexing the teen with his back turned; Lestrange was propelled high into the sky and across nastily splashing into the lake’s water. His father, the audience and everybody else would’ve been way to distracted by one of the champions emerging from the water to even realize what he had done. “And coming up!” Ludo spoke as he continued to narrate the events of the tournament to the audience.
Nel watched with her mouth ajar again bringing the binoculars to her mouth as Ellar spat out some cold water and rise up in the tournament. “Is that a student? Somebody get that fanatic out of the winter waters!”
Students in the audience pointed and laughed.
Wearing a triumphant and very satisfied smile Draco flipped his wand in his hand before turning to face Nel. Lowering her binoculars, she rubbed her eyes and buried her face in the palms of her hands.
“Nel?” He called her name quickly approaching her. Again, she could hear the pebbles shifting under his steps. “Are you crying?” He asked sounding more blatantly surprised than concerned this time.
“No,” She removed her hands and wore a broad smile she attempted to hide behind her knuckles.
Satisfied Draco looked back at the audience from a far. He let out a laugh when he saw the way Lestrange was pitifully fished out of the freezing cold water by a Beuxbaton Professor. People laughed at him as they did.
“What a tosser,”  Draco grumbled with great distaste. Still hiding her shy smile, the girl admired his face profile from the side. He completely missed the large doe eyes she was looking at him with. “Worse than mudbloods I tell you.” And… Just like that it was gone.
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gloves94 ¡ 3 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 25
Rating: M Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC Chapter warnings: Violence! Emotional Abuse!
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Argus Filch, the school’s caretaker, shook his head wearing a large frown as he mopped the corridor in front of the Great Hall. Next to him, also mopping, with her head lowered in humiliation as students passed by and sniggered, was Pansy Parkinson bearing the unjust punishment for something she didn’t do.
“Little harsh?” Tracey whispered to her friend as the three Slytherins walked by. “Harsh. But well deserved,” Theodore said with an apathetic ‘hn’ at the end. “Hope she learns her lesson,” Elowen flashed a sweet smile in Pansy’s direction before walking into the Great Hall.
After the Yule Ball catastrophe -  All the fighting couples, the intoxicated ill students and the flooded bathrooms – people started pointing fingers and the castle was combed for somebody to blame.
It just so happened that when searching the castle, they found several bottles of Spyrit and the ingredients to make a love potion under Pansy’s bed. Which made her look pretty suspicious to Dumbledore and McGonagall.  Who would’ve thought Pansy could do such a thing? Despite how much she denied it and how much she wailed and cried claiming that she was innocent the Headmaster didn’t buy it. Nel had a feeling that Snape knew, but he did nothing about it, instead Pansy was punished. Her detention for the rest of the year having to assist Mr. Filch with his caretaking duties around the castle; everything ranging from mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, polishing mirrors and even venturing out into the Forbidden Forest at night.
Entering the Great Hall, the three almost ran into Malfoy. He looked pale and had a panicked look on his face. Tracey narrowed her eyes ready for him to spit out a nasty insult but instead he avoided their gazes. He mumbled an uncharacteristic sorry. The tension he carried with him palpable. Without another gesture he side stepped around them and left.
“What-“ Theodore looked over his shoulder incredibly confused. “Was that all about?” He asked with an intrigued expression before he turned back to look at his friends.
“What was what?” Nel gave a blank stared that seemed to successfully fool him. However, the way her gaze avoided his eyes and ears turned a little redder did not go amiss to him.
It wasn’t the first time he had witnessed the peculiar interaction between the two. Ever since the Yule Ball something had been off. No petty pranks of insults were exchanged between the two. In fact, it seemed like the two went out of their way to avoid each other almost as if they were walking on thin ice.
Even earlier today during transfigurations class the students had been asked to pick out a top hat to practice transfiguring it into a rabbit. Both Slytherins just happened to reach for the same one at the same time as a group crowded by the shelf where all the top hats were neatly stacked.
“You take it,” Nel was quick to drop the hat. “You should take it,” Draco insisted raising the hat in her direction.
“Um...” She stammered nervously before reaching for a more ragged and dustier one and returning to her seat leaving the teen standing with the hat in hand.
“I forgot something,” Theodore lied as he turned away from his friends. “I’ll be back,” he said swiftly before following after the suspicious acting blond Slytherin.  
Neither girl thought much about it and they proceeded to take a seat on their House table, Daphne soon joining them confused about Theodore’s absence.
Returning to the Slytherin dormitory after dinner the girls were conversing about their winter holidays and the Second Task of the Triwizard tournament which would be coming up in two weeks.
This was troubling since Nel and Cedric hadn’t had a breakthrough on the Second Task and from the looks of it neither had Viktor or Harry. The two suspected the task would take place in the Black Lake and that had been about it. A generous tip from Nathair.
Walking in the trio saw a circular crowd of Slytherin girls gathered around a table ogling at something. Theodore and Malfoy were sitting on the side of the Common Room sitting on two sofa chairs with an ignored game of chess between them. The two seemed to be in a rushed and upsetting conversation unaidable to anybody else in the room.
“There you are!” The Slytherin prefect said turning to look at Nel and her friends with large eyes and a gleeful smile.
“Somebody left these for you, they have your name,” She said signaling to the orphan and nodding her towards the circle. The circle of females parted to reveal a massive bouquet of colorful flower buds. The prefect handed her a sealed note that had her name scribbled on it. Looking at it curiously – the bouquet was half her size. Leaning over she reached for one of the flowers but pricked her finger with a thorn.
“Ow,” She sucked in her breath and brough her bleeding finger to her mouth.  The moment she pricked her finger the bouquet of buds began opening in a vibrant bloom before her eyes becoming a pleasing array of burgundy roses, cyclamen, yellow carnations and maroon dahlias.
The girl’s around her cooed and awed gushing at the elaborate arrangement none ever seeing something to elegant before. “They’re beautiful!” One of the girls said. Pansy who was standing around with her arms crossed over her chest eyed the flowers with disdain. “I bet she sent them to herself,” she scoffed bitterly.
“Who sent them? Who sent them?” Some of the girls elbowed the Slytherin and attempted to peer over her shoulder to take a look at the contents of the note.
‘Meet me at the boathouse after dinner.’
“It doesn’t say,” She answered tucking the note inside of her pocket. Looking up, Nel spotted Theodore and Draco starring from the edge of the common room both looked just as surprised as she was at the gesture.
“Wait. What did it say?” Daphne asked trying to reach for the note which was now out of sight. “You look- disappointed,” Millicent pointed as she looked at the elegant bouquet with a dreamy expression. It was true. Her expression had shifted into a serious one as her lips were drawn in an unsmiling thin line as she didn’t seem the slightest bit elated by the expensive arrangement. “I’ll be back,” The girl responded ominously before walking out, pausing and giving Draco and Theodore one last look before exiting.
It was dark and quiet in the boathouse. She hugged her arms as she attempted to keep herself warm from the bitter winter cold, her breath visible in white clouds as she hugged her coat closer. Having been waiting for some time she again pulled out the note from her pocket and re-read it. She was at the right place at the right time.
Hearing footsteps making the dock’s wood planks creak she quickly turned to face the individual who had sent the flowers.  
Perhaps she was at the right place and at the right time, but it was the wrong guy.
“You,” She drawled out upset ready to return to the castle.
“Elowen,” A thin hand grabbed her arm tightly. “Wait…” Ellar said holding her back. She stopped and looked down at his hand with a cross expression. “Get your hand off me!” She whipped her arm back to her person.
“Please,” He pleaded in a lazy tone. “Hear me out.”
“No,” She reached for the note he had written, wrinkled it and tossed it at his feet. “You played me. You had no interest in actually taking me to the Yule Ball, did you?”
“Elowen,” He shook his head and ran a hand though his curly hair. “I did, I swear, but everything that happened with Diggory and then-“ She began walking away not wanting to listen to his lies for another minute. Nel couldn’t believe she had at one point been so infatuated with this lying prick.
“I won’t waste another moment listening to your lies.” Again, he stopped her by reaching for her upper arm and gripping onto her dark gray coat.
“You didn’t even want to dance with me. And then-“ She remembered what she had caught him doing in the restroom. “There’s that filthy habit.” She didn’t know much about the effects of snorting dragonpuff all she knew was that it was similar to muggle cocaine, except worse.
“Oh? So that’s what this is about?” He stepped forward forcefully taking her hands as he stepped forward with a dancing step. She stepped backwards pulling on her hands as they turned in the chilly boathouse next to the black water which mirrored the starry sky above.
“We’re dancing now. Happy?” He said dryly without compassion.
“No,” She again tried to snake out of his grip or reach for her wand. “I’m not happy.”
“What keeps you unhappy?”
“You.” She scoffed at him. “This. Everything you did at the ball.”  She eyed him warily waiting to get socked in the face like he had done to Malfoy the night of the Yule Ball. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”
After years of living at Wool’s and existing under Cordelia Wool’s thumb Nel had learned a terribly important lesson about dealing with manipulative monsters. Ellar wasn’t sorry. He wasn’t apologizing. Instead he was antagonizing her for her emotions. ‘I’m sorry,’ would’ve been acceptable not ‘I’m sorry you feel that way.’
Feeling an angry fever coming in with gritted teeth she pushed at his body as he forced her to dance with him. His grip on her gaunt hand was so tight she was certain her skin would eventually blemish into a dark bruise.
“What do you want from me? What made you change your mind? You ignore me the entire dance, maybe the whole school year and then you suddenly change your mind?” She marveled at his ridiculous personality change. She had thought long and hard about what his motives could be but couldn’t think of one. His mother didn’t have a problem casting the Imperio curse on her and stealing her body from her. What else could he possibly want?
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Liar!” She pushed with anger baring her teeth. “Elowen, I sincerely have no idea what you are referring to-“ He continued spewing his lie. “Liar. Let me go! You gaslighting, no good, son of a-“ She fought hard against him managing to whip her wand out. Criminally, he stole her first kiss right then and there.
It wasn’t like anything she had imagined. Like anything she had hoped for or like in the movies. No matter how many nights she had stayed up dreaming about kissing Ellar Lestrange in her dreams his lips were softer, they didn’t hurt or crash against her teeth. She imagined it would’ve been a warm feeling not one that left her feeling so void and empty afterwards.
She bit him and mustering all of her physical strength shoved him away from her. The momentum was so much she staggered backwards heel catching on the edge of the dock and falling back into the Black Lake’s ice-cold water.
She sank into the lake her body numb to the cold. Unable to think, act or breathe. The bitter chill seizing control for a moment before a jolt of adrenaline allowed her to kick towards the surface.
Ellar’s hand was reaching down the dock to help her up. She reached for it. “Help!” She cried out spitting out a mouthful of water. Her soaked coat, uniform and scarf weighting down on her shoulders. She reached for his hand, instead her head was once again pushed beneath the water.
Ellar Lestrange’s nails dug into her scalp as he held her head down underwater. Water went inside of her mouth as she gasped for air and desperately clawed at his hand leaving red scratch marks. She couldn’t hear what he was saying to her, she couldn’t see, she couldn’t think. Her lungs ached from lack of breath. Heartbeat strong. Her legs growing weak from the weight as she fought and persisted kicking.
“-Go mad,” She distinguished as she caught a part of what he was seeing. “I want to see you go mad.”
There was a crazed look on his dark eyes as he knelt over the dock and drowned the girl. He kept on murmuring something to himself as he kept his eyes peeled on the dark bobbing head and the rising bubbles in the water. Water went inside her mouth and she choked on the soul tasting water.
Then Nel didn’t feel a weight pushing her head down and managed to claw at the mossy edge of the wooden board and rise up bringing her shoulders to the dock. She violently coughed the water she had swallowed and pulled her body up harshly breathing through trembling cloudy breaths. Her eyes shot open and she raised her wand ready to curse Ellar. She could see his dark leather shoes. Instead a pair of arms reached down and pulled her out of the water.
“Stupid girl,” Snape’s nasal voice could never fool her as he dragged her out of the water like a soaking wet mop. Safe on the boat house’s wooden dock she sat up still heaving leaning her weight on her elbows. Chest aching, throat feeling like barbwire, teeth chattering, body shivering unpleasantly.
Snape pointed his wand at her and did a complicated wave that made hot air stream out of the tip. Her coat and robes began to steam into a pleasantly warm vapor as they dried out.
“Where-Where did he go?” She looked around the empty boathouse with fearful eyes. The sound of distant splashing in the darkness of the Black Lake gave her a feeling that Ellar was a distance away and alone in the lake.
“Coming to the lake with him,” Snape ignored her question and scolded roughly dragging her up to her feet by the arm. Once up he gripped the back of her neck and forced her head down as he led her up the steep stairs of the cliffs that lead to the castle.
“You stupid, imprudent, senseless girl-“ He scolded gruffly.
“Professor Snape-“ She winced at his rough grip her neck straining some strands of wet hair sticking to her forehead. “How did you even find me?”
“Mind your luck I was rounding the perimeter of the sacred Black Lake and witnessed Rabastan Lestrange’s progeny descending down these steps-“ His mouth moved fast as he spoke in a rapid tone she had stopped listening halfway as they descended down the stairs of the dungeon and into his office, he pulled her in by her upper arm now slamming the door behind him.
She turned looking at him with her eyes wide as he let her go and rounded around his desk.
“Why were you down at the Black Lake, Professor?”
“Ministry of Magic business,” He responded curtly sucking in a deep breath.
She remembered what Nathair had said about seeing the Ministry of Magic walking the perimeter of the Black Lake. No doubt her assumption that the Second Task of the tournament would take place there. That was some news Cedric would be happy about.
“What happened to him? What did you do?” She asked frightfully. “We need to tell the Headmaster!” She scattered heart still hammering in her chest from the fearful experience.
He had just tried to kill her. What could she do? What would she do? Could she successfully execute a vengeful plan against him and get away with it? Probably not knowing that his mother was her absolute guardian and would probably do something just as terrible to her. However, would it be worth it? She had after all already physically wounded him once.
“Silence!” Snape snapped shushing her.
She had nothing to lose. She could do it. Make him pay. Just like she had made Pansy pay and all the others before. Ellar was the type of person that didn’t deserve her care or empathy. People – men like him weren’t worth it.
“Mr. Lestrange is enjoying a pleasant midnight swim with the grindylows. I’m sure the giant squid and the lake’s merpeople will keep him company,” he said sardonically.
“Are you going to do anything?” She looked at him with an incredulous expression. Almost a hopeful one. He had almost killed her for Salazar’s sake. Her expression faltered into a wounded one after a moment. Did Snape even care enough to do something about it?
“No,” He spoke after a moment of silence.
Again, Snape had proven she couldn’t trust him. He didn’t care enough. He wouldn’t move a finger to even try and get the bastard expelled from Beauxbatons.
“He was trying to kill me!” She shouted angry. “I couldn’t breath- I could’ve drowned! Do you know how much water I swallowed?! Do you even –“
With a flick of his wand she was silent. Her lips continued rapidly moving as she rambled and kicked the chair in front of his desk before turning and slapping a hand on his desk. She unmuted herself with a charm.
“As much as you enjoy the sound of your own voice Saintday I will ask you to be quiet and listen.”
“He could’ve killed me!” “He didn’t,” Snape silenced her his voice sharp as he leaned over his desk.
He wouldn’t have. Snape was more than certain that the Lestranges had strict orders not to physically harm The Girl Who Died. The consequences would be dire if she was wounded. He gave her a hard look as if pondering his words carefully measuring just what he would say to her, just like he had at the beginning of the year.
“It wouldn’t be the first time Ellar Lestrange was involved in an accident on schoolgrounds. His reeking privilege has saved him from rotting in the cells of Azkaban once already,” Snape trailed up as he brought a pensive hand to his chin.
Again, Ellar wouldn’t have killed her. The consequences for him and his family would be dire if the Dark Lord’s plans were soiled.
She was about to ask what he meant but he instead continued to speak.
“Sit,” He commanded. Keeping her eyes on him she dropped to the chair before his desk. “What I am about to tell you is of imperative importance and I expect you to listen and most importantly obey.”
She said nothing in response and listened attentively.
“And no- you are not allowed to question why.” He added snidely.
Again, she remained still keeping her ears open.
“Stay away from Ellar Lestrange.”
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