denrath · 1 month
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drawing this tiefling witch, thought y'all would like it <3
sorry i've been mia...but creating a lot recently
lemme know what you think!!
please do not copy/repost my artwork elsewhere
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denrath · 1 month
i wrote an 11k word short story about a nightmare i had
it is now my new personality
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denrath · 3 months
Find the Word + OC in Three
tagged by @verba-writing
ever so gently tagging: @teriwrites, @lovely-ashes09, @moondust-bard, + anyone who wants to
your words are: vibrant, poignant, waste, courageous, and deft
Find the Word
my words are: departure, bitter, starve, teeth, mistake, silence
a/n: unless stated otherwise, this will be a veldor's host blog lmfao
Rowyn set the satchel aside and rushed to her mother. Her excitement, seeming abundant before, now quickly vanished at the sight of her sickly mother. 
This night, brimming with anticipation just moments ago, forced Rowyn to confront the harsh reality of her mother's impending departure. She knew this was the natural fate of the fae but struggled to accept it instantly in front of her mother. As Rowyn embraced the Lund-va, her mother's existence would fade away.
"Why shouldn't I visit?" she asked redundantly, clasping her Lund Mother's gold hand in hers—a hand warm and fuller with life. Her mother returned the grip tightly or as tightly as her frail strength allowed. To Rowyn, the grasp felt weak and shaky.
Rowyn curled over the counter, captivated, watching him kneed whatever concoction his mind cultivated that day. The enticing aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, coaxing a faint growl from the depths of her stomach—a sound that reverberated audibly within the confines of the bakery.
Lukacs withheld his chuckle, gesturing towards a pristine loaf of rye with a long finger. "Help yourself, and afterward, tidy up in the back," he generously offered before issuing a command.
Without hesitation, she complied, savouring the delectable warmth of the bitter bread.
starve (from "the mentor")
But when I followed it here, I surmised a great dilemma. Spring was upon this village and its creatures. The rabbit was potentially a mother and a new one for young kits. To kill her would be to kill them. 
You are Litha, Harbinger of Flame. I told myself that a rabbit meant nothing in the scope of blood I spilled. I thought about how the kits would not be subject to the terrible world if their mother had no longer provided for them, and they would starve and die quickly.
Yet, in those moments of suffering, they would wonder why their mother had abandoned them, crying out to her in immature fear. 
Fear. Now that was an ugly word. 
Within the cavernous maw, rows of teeth, small and fish-like, crowded its gums, poised for consumption. Mavryk should have recoiled in visceral revulsion at the sight of the ugly thing, yet what he felt transcended mere repulsion—it was a primal dread, a sensation that crawled beneath his skin.
That is how he and the mortal were different. Lukacs was fae, and to him, as it were to all fae and folk creatures, after a long while, life was nothing but a prolonged day spent precariously settled in the mundane, waiting for the wandering. For Rowyn, it was a horribly beautiful experience. She told him once that his biggest mistake was thinking he had time. Lukacs supposed she would be correct if he believed time was remarkable.
But, alas, he did not, and the story remained unchanged.
Adelbard's face contorted. "A child?"
"Of fae standard," Bertram agreed.
The aged man persisted, "I beheld her in her true form. A rune adorned her skin, winding around her shoulders and descending below her breasts. It unmistakably marks her—"
"Veldor's chosen vessel," Adelbard interjected.
The elderly man remained undisturbed; instead, a shared sense of joy lit up their expressions. In the post-war years, Adelbard had wondered if he would witness the emergence of the new queen. Now, that hope seemed tangible.
A renewed sense of purpose enveloped him.
Adelbard knelt at Zane Bertram's feet, grasping a free hand in both of his own. "What shall be my course, sir?"
Zane Bertram didn't hesitate. "Seek her out, Adelbard. She may be Fojikal's sole surviving hope. Stand by her side and restore justice to your kin. You are their successor."
Adelbard stood, his tone hesitant.
Zane Bertram raised a hand, commanding silence. "You will not shred an ounce of concern for me. Bring her here. Only then, when I lay my eyes on her...shall I wander."
OC in Three
I've introduced Grettel in a tag like this previously. I've already introduced Adelbard and Rowyn on this blog. I want to introduce Ensel!
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if you made it this far, you're a g <3
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denrath · 1 year
ten songs, ten people (pt. 2)
thanks, @writinglittlebeasts, for the tag (my boss did indeed catch me, and I'm just now finding the time to do this)
rules: list ten songs, then ten people to pass the game on to (bonus points if it's from a wip/character playlist)
i, too, love thinking my characters are in amvs
★ steady waves by cross records ✧ gentrify by da vosk docta ☾ like it's going out of style by punch brothers ☆ vanilla baby by billie marten ✧ crazy girls by toopoor ☾ flaw by agst ☆ dark red by steve lacy ✧ mood swing misery by pouya + rocci ☾ exhale inhale by aurora ★ sandman by a$ap rocky
some of these are from the veldor's host playlist, and some of them are just songs that i really vibe with.
i'm going to leave this as an open tag because i don't wanna keep tagging the same three people! thanks again writinglittlebeasts <3
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denrath · 1 year
my secondary job is teaching eng lit to grades 5-12. something I've taught my students, that I think could fit here, is the 3X3 method. I have made this up, and it works really well as a basic skill for describing the scene/characters/or other.
3 things you obviously see
this is your direct approach to the description! ie. tall grass; snowy mountain peaks; heavy mist touching the tips of the verdant forest; a thick scar above their lip; reddish rugged beard -- think of what you literally see right in front of you
3 things you can assume based on evidence
this is your indirect approach to describing! ie. my pants stopped fitting in the spring; no matter what, he couldn't open a book without being put to sleep; the sickeningly sweet smell of fallen leaves made her nose crinkle in disgust -- think of what you want your reader to deduce from your descriptions
3 things you want to add (realistically)
now, what are the things that fit in the scene that you want to add that might be a little less obvious ie. the characters don't see a figure watching them; the scene changes suddenly for the worse; what are the characters thinking?; how do they assess their surroundings?
Usually, I give my students a picture, and I ask them to use the 3X3 method. Something like this:
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3 things I obviously see: a man in a boat, a body of water, the setting sun
3 things I can assume based on evidence: he's spent all day fishing (the rod in the back), far away from land (an island in the back), could rain soon (clouds creeping in)
3 things I want to make up (realistically*): the man is worried he won't make it back in time, there's a creature watching him, the man is exhausted
And the descriptive paragraph could go something like this:
Time passed the lake mindlessly, and before long, the orange haze of the setting sun painted the sky, and everything it touched, a pumpkin hue. The small waves rocked the man's boat, which pulled him from his slumber. It was then he realized how far he had drifted out from the safety of his home. He frantically reeled his bait in; the whizzing sound of the wire burned against the guides as he set the hook safely at the highest notch. He pulled the oar from his feet and shoved it into the lake, splashing the water up against him. He paid no mind, steering for home. The warm summer sun made him so tired, but how could he fall asleep knowing the stories of these waters? He had been debating their legitimacy when something bumped the belly of his canoe. He stilled, waiting and listening to any movement in the water. Then suddenly, he was submerged in the dark depths of the water; no cry could be heard as the liquid muffled his screams.
This is just how I efficiently/effectively write descriptions! Try it out and lemme know <3
*When I say realistically, I mean to say not adding something unrealistic like "rubber duckies in the sky" -- this might also just be something for young students ahaha!
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denrath · 1 year
favourite line tag
tagged by @eurydicefades <3
A rarity amongst the fæ was two souls split but born together, tied infinitely by the line around their pinky; they were one and like, meaning no harm could ail one without damaging the other.
this line holds a special place in my heart.
softly tagging; @sarahlizziewrites, @moondust-bard, @verba-writing, @aquadestinyswriting
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denrath · 1 year
@castledisneyfan we’ve been caught
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denrath · 1 year
oc name meanings
tagged by the wonderful @moondust-bard !
rules: share the name of an oc -- or ocs -- and tell us what the name means
I'll do a twist on this! I want to explain the titles + some names!
pronounced like [ˈlund]; "loond", this is the title given to a female leader of a court, meaning "Moon" in Fojikalan [fo.ˈjɪ.xɑ.lɑn]; "foyikhalan"
pronounced like [ˈzɑ.nə]; "zahnuh", this is the title given to a male leader of a court, meaning "Sun" in Fojikalan
pronounced like [ˈæs.tɚ]; "asster", this is the title given to any children or wards of the Lund or Zane
pronounced like [ˈfɝ]; "fair", this title is given to anyone who is a master of all elemental/natural magic (fire, air, earth, water)
pronounced like [ˈjɜn]; "yen", this title is given to someone who has mastered one element, usually from the court they come from
pronounced like [lu.ˈkʰɑʃ]; "lookash", meaning "light" or "bringer of light" -- since he's from the Ignis (fire) Court, this is fitting
derived from Ansel/Hansel, pronounced like [ˈɑn.sə.læd / ˈɑn.səl]; "onsuhlad". meaning "protected by god"--even if he's not Moon-Blessed, he is still a creature of the Moon and protected by Her
this was fun! thanks so much for tagging me <3
i'll softly tag: @nightlylaments, @kaiusvnoir, @sparemayonnaise, and @eurydicefades + anyone else who wants to!
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taglist: @sarahlizziewrites, moondust-bard
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denrath · 1 year
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@sarahlizziewrites, answering it here because @verba-writing seemed interested to know, too!
What is the magic system in Veldor's Host?
mm, an incredible question. as I mentioned in this post, there is a cyclical cardinal rule that anyone who can wield magic must follow!
This rule is:
However large or small the sacrifice, the caster gets its equal in magic. Do not take more than you've been gifted, as there are consequences. Magic cannot be wielded against the dead, for they have returned to the Moon and her Syster Ren.
there are some exceptions to the rule. I'll list them below!
Moon-Blessed: this type of person is gifted with a crescent moon birthmark. As the Moon is the femme diety, She usually gifts this mark to female/femme souls. Their role on Fojikal has traditionally been that of a mage or priestess.
Sun-Kissed: only one person on Fojikal can have this power, and it is generally op. This gifts the Sun-Kissed host access to unnatural magic, divination, and elemental magic. They are usually marked with deep golden eyes that are said to have "trapped the Sun's rays". This person has always been the leader of Fojikal.
Runes: Fae, Folk, or others (who are not naturally inclined to magic) can get a rune tattooed onto their skin in order to perform magic. However, it has to be tattooed by a Moon-Blessed magic user. For example, Rowyn has Veldor tattooed on her chest because she's human. Depending on what species you are, runes can give you different things, but usually, they are received as a form of protection. Humans can only have one rune because their bodies cannot handle more magic than that, but folk can have more.
What can the magic user use to wield magic?
Your typical things like siphons, crystals, runes, staffs -- the magic has to be channelled through something because you wouldn't want the magic to bounce back.
Hope that helps you understand the magic system on Fojikal! Let me know if there are any other questions :)
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taglist: @moondust-bard
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denrath · 1 year
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@aquadestinyswriting asked: why are his people considered a separate species?
From this post.
LOVE this question!
The natives of Fojikal all have something folk about them. They have bark skin or beetle wings (like the Kaefer/Adelbard) or gills and fins -- you get the point--because each portion of Fojikal was separated into five elements: Astero (Star), Ignis (Fire), Loch (Water), Ventus (Air), and Terra (Earth, but you knew that one). This is due to the origin story of their continent and the Moon gifting life to them. If people are interested in that, I will also post that here!
So when other fae creatures from different continents colonized Fojikal, they started bringing their own culture with them, which didn't have folk, stealing the culture there and incorporating it into their lifestyle. The fae live for a very long time, so this history wouldn't be taught to fae or folk (who definitely aren't allowed in academies--except for one I hope to introduce to you soon).
Since Adelbard looks like they could be fae but has folk attributes, the fae still considers him less than fae. However, everyone from the Ventus Court isn't "fae" because the Ventus Court floats above Fojikal in the clouds and couldn't be colonized. Thus, he is considered a different species.
TLDR; Adelbard is considered a different species because of colonialism.
Thanks for the question! I hope I have provided insight into the politics of Fojikal and Ro's journey with Adelbard.
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taglist: @moondust-bard
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denrath · 1 year
Are there any wip tags you use to organize your wips here on your blog? I’m hoping to learn more about your works’ worldbuilding! 🌙💫🔮
ooOo! yes, i usually tag my wips as:
wip: veldor's host
wip: the mentor
wip: eclipse falling
so far, i have the most under veldor's host (mostly because it's the biggest and has the deepest lore)
thanks for the ask and your support <3
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denrath · 1 year
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denrath · 1 year
Writing isn’t enough I need to climb into the world of my characters and live there, full immersion
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denrath · 1 year
17. and 28. for OC of your choice!
OoOOoo! (from this post) [8, 12, 14, 16]
I'll do Rowyn again cause I wanna
17. how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
Since Rowyn is the adopted Aster of Foresthelm, she gets very little free time. However, when she does obtain it by some miracle, she writes in her journal.
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
Rowyn is incredibly loyal! She's a for-lifer and will stand by someone's side no matter what. She's the type of friend that will listen to you when others clearly aren't, or she will wait while you tie your shoe. Definitely ride-or-die. If she doesn't like you, it's not that obvious because she is generally polite unless you're like really fkn evil.
thanks so much!! I really like doing these
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denrath · 1 year
WIP Intro ★ Veldor’s Host: Red Hood
"Power unknown is power unused, and power unused is power wasted." 
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genres ★ fantasy (dark, high, fairytale retelling, sword and sorcery), action/adventure, lgbtq+, new adult
tropes & themes ★ love triangle*, identity, found family, fate, prophecies, soulmates**, diverse cast
*not where two guys are after one girl, literal actual triangles the old-fashioned way where one of them is gay and one of them is stupid and one of them is oblivious
**not the "we locked eyes, and i knew" kind cause *ugh*, the "we developed a bond overtime and became inseparable" kind
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Foresthelm is all Rowyn knew. She is the mortal ward and adopted Aster of Foresthelm’s Lund, the estranged maternal figure keeping a secret. When soldiers from an earthen court attack her home, she is forced to flee with nothing but her wits and rune–the latter of which grants the host magic to wield as her defense.  Those she meets along the way–two of the same soul and the last of flight–aid her in the search for her Lund mother and the secret so well hidden it takes them across the vast continent of Fojikal, created by the Stars’ Syster Ren and ruled by the Moon and Her husband, the Sun.  What she learns in this adventure surpasses Foresthelm as she gains knowledge of the vast land under her boots and her place in its courts as their Sun-Kissed ruler, the High Queen.
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main characters:
     ★ Rowyn “Ro” | 24, she/her      ★ Adelbard “Adel” | 500, he/they      ★ Enselad “Ensel” | 28, he/him      ★ Grettelicia “Grettel” | 28, she/her      ★ Magna | 800, she/they      ★ Lukacs | 80, he/him      ★ Frykter | 800, he/him
other things you should know:
expansive lore, deep worldbuilding, grimm fairytale retellings, constructed languages, mythology, very dnd meets fairytales meets lotr, multiple perspectives (third person omniscient)
i will always talk about veldor's host to anyone who wants to listen. this wip lives rent-free in my mind, and i constantly think about it.
if you like what you see and wanna know more, don't hesitate to reach out! <3 thanks for reading
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denrath · 1 year
“Oh my god you’re a writer? Can I read your stuff?”
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denrath · 1 year
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