caydenla · 7 months
It’s November 18th,
The day I left the hospital after my attempt two years ago, I’m happy I’m alive
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caydenla · 10 months
The wall of compromised color. July 2023
Let hang out,
In picture frames lined across our stairwell.
In the walls we compromised the color on,
The wood grained texture is best
Yet, other moments fit just as well in dollar store frames we’ve kept since before even begun to save, in a studio apartment dining over ramen listening to the vinyl collection built from scattered shops.
I imagine I’ve taken most of the space that fills them with cameras that stagnant and broken on a book case in the living room. Just as much I like the ones you thought I would never print out, self portraits on taken on phones, some with a camera you bought or I’ve let you barrow.
Above that framed with our friends around fires and road trips I couldn’t even begin to think would be captured.
There you are next to my mom, I am next to my dad.
Next store, your family sitting in a cozy cafe.
Perhaps my mom next to yours.
On this wall our family merge because just above.
In rest, a photo of our families merged.
With you and I wrapped in some rings, on our way to the party where you wake up the next day after after 5 shots, 3 glass of wine and some cake.
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caydenla · 11 months
One fine morning; July 2023
One morning you’ll wake up to sun rays on your face and find it’s easier to breathe, the pain has washed in the night. All the restless tossing in sheets will be replaced with laughter with friends and all those nights nights picking up the scattered pieces from longer days will be met with rest, you have grown around the grief. You have changed; for you will know what it’s like to be okay.
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caydenla · 1 year
The metaphor of a mosaic (or; alternatively my favorite tiles)
This mosaic, a twenty-something year old. “Work in progress.”
Sitting before you.
Designed by all eight billion intersecting artist; breathing life into all the groves, edges and curves.
Each color a representation of: a favorite way to cook ramen, a spontaneous dance in the rain with friends in the village green, a memory playing chess on a high rise kitchen table or even just a moment spent in silence where everything feels clear again.
I, a mosaic; with each tile bringing the work in a new direction and flow.
Unique in shapes, lengths and widths. With artist of their own.
Though, by far. My favorite tiles have been the ones you’ve added. My only hope is you add more.
- Cayden Larrosa
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caydenla · 1 year
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How can I heal from this? By Cayden Larrosa
… to be honest, I’m just starting to process a lot of bad stuff that’s happened in my life, these comics are helping. If I can help even one person feel seen. Then I’m glad to help.
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caydenla · 1 year
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caydenla · 2 years
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Heyo! I recently got the tools to do digital art again! So if you want some art done please DM me! I’ll legit draw nearly anything you want! I’ve been drawing for nearly all my life so I have a vast range of skills and styles I can do! A lot of my work is on my website if you wanna see it! Okay! I love you all! Hope to hear from you!
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caydenla · 2 years
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Works from humans: Zine Project!
For artist and creators!! If you make poetry, art, design, short stories, films, photography! It’s all welcome!!
Zine Applications: https://linktr.ee/cayden.la
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caydenla · 2 years
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Some recent sketchbook works
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caydenla · 5 years
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It’s been a Long Long time. 
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