wosstue · 6 days
Sometimes I wonder what Gothamites think of the different Robins.
This kind of spiralled from Gotham Tok on my fyp all the time, so here’s how I see the progression of how Gotham sees its Dark Knight and Boy Wonder’s:
Pre-Robin Batman:
“Batman isn’t real”
“Batman’s a cryptic”
“Batman is a concept made up by the Gotham PD to scare off criminals”
They don’t believe he’s real. The only people who have actually seen him are hospitalised or in prison, or mentally deranged enough that no one would even believe them.
Enter Dick Grayson:
“What do you mean you saw colour… in the Gotham sky? You mean the red tint every night?”
“Batman and Robin on the paper? No that’s definitely staged. Why would there be a child running around in a leotard, and what, do you think Batman is human?”
They don’t believe again. But they see him grow up, they see meta’s in Gotham led by him. And they accept maybe Robin is an actual person running around with the bat that… might be a person, I mean he has ‘man’ in the same but who knows?!
Enter Jason Todd:
“What do you mean Robin got younger? I thought Robin was in San Francisco now.”
“There’s actual candid shots of the bat and the bird now… maybe it is more than a wives tale.”
First clear pictures on the paper and on the news. People start to actually believe both Robin and Batman exist. But they also knew Robin was in san Fransisco, and taller than 4”10.
Enter Tim Drake:
They don’t notice a single difference between the extremely short 16 year old Jason, and the 13 year old Tim. Goons do however notice the kid wears more armour now and has trousers… good for him.
Enter Stephany Brown:
Any civilians that actually saw her thought it was a costume and a badly picked one, dressing up as a vigilante in Gotham is waiting for someone with a bone to pick.
Enter Damian Wayne:
“Is… robin shorter again… and since when does he stab criminals?”
They once again can’t get a clear picture of Robin. He’s always in the shadows! And he’s fast. Also multiple villains swear he can sound like all sorts of different people. Why can he sound like Amanda Waller?! Goons continuously shit their pants when he just decides to fuck with them and sound like whatever villain they were hired by.
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wosstue · 14 days
Firstly I do know why Jason wasn’t an option for the Robin roster in TTG
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That’s right, they show his urn and that’s it, he never shows up alive, this is the bit, and they never go back on it. I can respect the bit.
But back to the actual TTG Robin is actually the Robin from All Star Batman and Robin: the boy wonder:
The Batman in All Star Batman and Robin: the boy wonder who dubs himself “the goddamn Batman” speaks like a child who’s just learnt how to curse, and acts like baby’s first non PG work. He’s an actual asshole to Robin, who still tries his best.
How does this connect to TTG?! It’s a PG version of how much the Goddamned Batman acts like a child. Aka instead of actually helping when something happens
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he laughs it off with Gordon.
Does any other version of Batman act silly like this?
Yes, LEGO Batman exists. However Robin seems to be absolutely thriving in that universe.
Let me jump back a bit because that’s off topic: Batman acts like a child, yet Robin is still terrified of making him disappointed or angry. Even though in TTG most Batman appearances are him giggling away with Gordon, or giggling in general.
I get overthinking… but there’s a certain level. I have actually been keeping track of “Robin’s issues” in my notes for another thing altogether while I rewatch TTG, and in the thanksgiving episode, S2EP12, he spends the whole time freaking out about making it perfect, it doesn’t end up perfect and he’s dreading when Batman will see the train-wreck it was, just for him to laugh it off. I’m sure there’s more examples but I’m still rewatching the series rn.
Also an example of the Goddamn Batman acting like a child is him painting a whole room yellow to argue with Green Lantern. It was funny ngl. Wait did I write Batman painted the room? I meant to say he had Robin do it. Still that scene is funny specially asking Hal if he wants lemonade.
I think that’s about enough of this weird rant…
What if Teen Titians go is actually in the Dark Kight returns universe?!?
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This is a crack headcannon but just bear with me… I HAVE PROOF!!
This started off as: hmm… robin goes through some hard times here, he’s even got a rat in his room, kinda makes me feel as bad as the All Star Batman and Robin: The boy wonder series… WHAT IF?!?!
Then the obvious stuff comes to mind like Carrie Kelly:
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She’s in the Robin roster! Sure Tim Drake is also there and he doesn’t exist in the dark knight universe… or at least we never see him. But he’s a more popular Robin. And why would they put Carrie instead of maybe Steph? Damian? Or even Jason?!
That cutesy one isn’t Jason, it’s golden age Robin, which is still Dick Grayon!
This helps my theory actually because why would they have 2 DICK GRAYSON’S?!?!?
Because one of from a different universe, along with the Tim Drake there. Both from the mainline comics (or at least the golden age Robin would be) meaning TTG Robin could be based on different comics altogether!!
I might add more to this…
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wosstue · 15 days
What if Teen Titians go is actually in the Dark Kight returns universe?!?
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This is a crack headcannon but just bear with me… I HAVE PROOF!!
This started off as: hmm… robin goes through some hard times here, he’s even got a rat in his room, kinda makes me feel as bad as the All Star Batman and Robin: The boy wonder series… WHAT IF?!?!
Then the obvious stuff comes to mind like Carrie Kelly:
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She’s in the Robin roster! Sure Tim Drake is also there and he doesn’t exist in the dark knight universe… or at least we never see him. But he’s a more popular Robin. And why would they put Carrie instead of maybe Steph? Damian? Or even Jason?!
That cutesy one isn’t Jason, it’s golden age Robin, which is still Dick Grayon!
This helps my theory actually because why would they have 2 DICK GRAYSON’S?!?!?
Because one of from a different universe, along with the Tim Drake there. Both from the mainline comics (or at least the golden age Robin would be) meaning TTG Robin could be based on different comics altogether!!
I might add more to this…
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wosstue · 16 days
Even Cannon DC isn’t taking the whole cannon seriously. It’s impossible with how many retcons there are.
DC cannon is literally just: truth until proven otherwise.
You can’t tell me that Jason Todd was both a ginger professional acrobat who’s parents got killed in an act and then he died his hair black became emo, AND that he was a street kid, who’s dad is in prison and mom who OD’d in front of him before he stole the tires from the Batmobile.
You can’t tell me Tim Drake is both a genius kid who watched the Flying Grayson’s on their last night before figuring out Dick is Nightwing because of a quadruple summersault AND that he got put into witness protection while trying to figure out Batman’s identity, and Drake is actually his middle name that he made his last time because he was in witness protection.
You can’t tell me Damian’s birth was all: from a post-mission consensual activity, a drugged Bruce, AND Bruce and Talia’s DNA in an artificial womb! You can’t have all three, I’m sorry.
DC cherry picks what stories they want to acknowledge or not. Like how they’re definitely just ignoring Gotham war already in the new Red Hood comics.
"but tim is a misogynist in the earliest comics" "but dick cheated" "but jason is a manipulive sadist" pookie if you want to be in this fandom as well as to be sane you Cannot take the whole canon seriously. if we all would do that then- well. you can imagine
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wosstue · 19 days
I am obsessed with the idea of Dick Grayson, recently become Nightwing, finding out about Jason being Robin and wanting to be angry at him but then Jason is a ball of sunshine and it melts Dick’s icy anger out before he even says a word.
Like imagine him going to complain about it to the Titians!
Wally: so how was meeting the new kid?
Dick(annoyed): it was horrible! He’s so precious!!
Roy: is that juxtaposition?
Dick: how am I meant to be angry at him for taking my place… when he goes and says “Robin is Magic”! And now what?! Am I meant to say that little boy doesn’t deserve that magic?! That little ball of sunshine that could probably power superman better than our sun does!? He deserves it!
Donna: so you’re still annoyed because?
Roy: he’s angry that he can’t be angry.
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wosstue · 4 months
I feel like I haven’t heard enough people talk about this.
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People keep saying: “Oh Dick is probably one one most likely to follow Bruce’s adopting kids habit”
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