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“I know my life can get so crazy but as long as you're right here None of the gossip, nothing can stop us I'm wanna love you with no fears We can do this thing together.”
lives in: Forest Hill, New York.                       works at: Photographer at The Daily Bugle. status: Undocumented.                                  identifies as: Hero. alias: Troia.                                                    operates as: Wonder Woman (associated)
past life
Donna Troy was born under an unfortunate star. Created by a magician to be a near duplicate and companion to Princess Diana, although with her own soul and personality, her early years were very good. This all changed when she was kidnapped by an enemy of the Amazons searching for the dark haired princess. Enraged by taking the wrong child, the villian curse the little girl to live in an endless cycle of tragic lives, gifting her the last name ‘Troy’ as a heartless poke at the curse, though Donna would not find out about it until her adulthood.
In one of these versions of herself, Donna was the daughter of two relatively normal people, a father who passed away and a mother who had to her give her up as she reached toddlerhood. Raised partly by a goddess who then erased her memory, the raven haired girl started exhibiting superpowers once she hit puberty. Working with Wonder Woman as Wonder Girl for a while, she took on the name Troia as she outgrew the position. Great hurt in her life led her to pursue a relationship with a Green Lantern, but tragically it didn’t work out between them,
One of the crop of super sidekicks to reach adulthood and become a full fledged hero, Donna is looked up to by a lot of the new sidekicks, namely Cassie whom she has a major soft spot for. She works at the Daily Bugle as a photographer, and makes friends with the freelancer Peter Parker, while still operating in her identity whenever she has time. Recently, however, Donna’s beginning to get pulsing headaches with flashes of a life that she feels was one of her own, and she’s too focused on figuring out why to give heed to the nasty rumors of a vigilante registration accord.
WONDER WOMAN + WONDER GIRL: Arguably and in truth the first ‘Wonder Girl’, Cassie absolutely adores and looks up to Donna in every way possible. Despite the years between them, Diana and Donna are more like sisters than mentor mentee, and are quite close.
GREEN LANTERN (KYLE): They tried, but it didn’t work. It’s hard to work with someone who’s seen you naked and whispered sweet nothings in your year that you barely see anymore, but both of them strive to get through it. Both of their hearts still ache over the way it ended.
NAMORA: Both badass princesses in a way, the strong willed and strong armed women often spar to test their skills against each other. Never was there an odder pairing, one from below the waves and the other a child of the gods, but somehow it manages to work.
“Plenty have tried, almost came close But none of them compare to you So let's live our life, more than one night Promise if I could, I'd do it twice.”
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“And all those things I didn't say Wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream them loud tonight Can you hear my voice this time?”
lives in: Avengers Tower, New York.              works at: Superhero. status: Documented.                                      identifies as: Hero. alias: Hawkeye.                                              operates as: Avengers
past life
Even though Clint and his brother Barney were very close, the circumstances were far from ideal. Their alcoholic father Harold was verbally and physically abusive to both of his sons, and it didn’t make for a happy childhood. When the drinking ended the lives of their parents, the boys were sent to multiple foster homes that they habitually ran away from, eventually ending up at a traveling circus.
They trained and stayed there for several years until Clint was framed by his mentor and left for dead. His relationship with his brother deteriorated quickly. He became an expert marksman as part of the troupe, and it was from there that Director Nick Fury recruited him and he became partners with the notorious Black Widow. Though he lost most of his hearing in an unfortunate mission, it’s never kept the active man down. He kept surveillance on Thor as part of SHIELD, and unexpectedly became a member of the Avengers.
Although frequently deployed on other missions, Clint has remained an important part of the superhero team. After SHIELD’s dissolution he decided to just stay with the team helmed by the perfect soldier and the man made of metal. He thinks there shouldn’t be registration acts per se, but a bit of reckoning never hurt when it was deserved...right?
GREEN ARROW: Reasonably speaking these two should not get along. Rival archers, both blonde and (according to them), ‘heartbreakers’, they should be rivals. Yet, Oliver and Clint get along swimmingly, as well as their proteges Artemis and Kate. A match made in archer heaven, it is.
AVENGERS: Even though nearly everyone but him is imbued with great and terrible power, many attest to Clint still being the favorite. He’s the quipping, sharp shooting heart of the group and they love him for all his faults.
BLACK WIDOW: Back to back in the field, the well of trust between these two goes deeper than almost anything. Not even to speak of the sizzling chemistry between the two, Clint and Natasha spent the most time with each other. He’s the only one who gets to call her Tasha.
“This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song.”
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“She says I smell like safety and home I named both of her eyes forever and please don’t go I could be a morning sunrise all the time, all the time yeah This could be good, this could be good.”
lives in: Manhattan, New York.              works at: Socialite. status: Undocumented.                         identifies as: Hero. alias: Batwoman.                                   operates as: (vaguely affiliated) Batfamily
past life
The daughter of a colonel and a captain, Kate had the military in her blood from day one. Her parents regularly brought their work practices home with them and it cultured the atmosphere the redheaded girl grew up in with her twin. They moved often due to military promotions and her father often spent time outside of the home. While in Belgium the family was unfortunately adopted, sans the father, wherein Jacob Kane had to endeavor to save those he loved. Only Kate made it out alive, but was summarily traumatized by the images of her dead sister and mother.
Although she found purpose in the military, when it was discovered that Kate was a lesbian she was discharged as per the DADT clause. Jacob eventually remarried a wealthy socialite, putting Kate in the limelight, which she characterized by heavy drinking and partying. She entered a relationship with detective Renee Montoya, but it ended when Renee said she had no purpose in life. This changed when Batman saved Kate from a mugging. With her fathers blessing and help Kate traveled all over, learning different styles of fighting and honing her skills.
After joining forces with her ex, Nightwing, and a vigilante named the Question, Kate officially took on the mantle of Batwoman. Saving people who can’t protect themselves gives her purpose and drive. She doesn’t like the idea of superhero registration, as she genuinely believe the operate better under their own orders.
BATFAMILY: Second oldest (only Bruce is her senior), Kate feels a bit more world weary then the rest of the Batfamily. Jason is still the rough child who doesn’t quite do what he’s told, but they bond a bit through that, and Steph and Barbara probably get along the best with her.
BLACK WIDOW: Natasha is Kate’s badass sister in arms. Talk shit, get hit from these two amazing ladies, and a wonderful friendship was formed from the instant they met.
ZATANNA: Kate has a bit of a crush on the magical woman, and it makes her blush just the tiniest bit when the raven haired woman is around. Whether or not Zatanna is aware of this is up for debate, but she has been kind to her so far.
“And I can’t change, even if I tried Even if I wanted to And I can’t change, even if I tried Even if I wanted to.”
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“I fell into a burnin' ring of fire I went down, down, down And the flames went higher And it burns, burns, burns The ring of fire, the ring of fire.”
lives in: Wherever, New York.                 works at: Demon Hunter status: Documented.                              identifies as: Anti-Hero alias: Ghost Rider.                                  operates as: Unaffiliated.
past life
The little blond haired boy didn’t know it, but mystical forces surrounded him even before he was born. Johnny Blaze came from a bloodline gifted with Spirits of Vengeance, but his youth was drenched in motorcycle grease and fire, not fate. Even though it started happy for him, his mother absconded with two of his siblings was Johnny was still little. His father soon followed, and he was adopted by a different family who gave him a different backstory that Johnny, still young, believed. He and the families only daughter grew closer as they grew, and Johnny was unaware that his mother still came by occasionally to check on him, fearing the Ghost Rider curse.
A twist and turn of events leads to Johnny selling his soul to the demon who had put the Spirit of Vengeance in his bloodline in order to save his fathers life (thought of course it all turned horribly wrong). Though his adoptive father dies anyway, as deals with demons tend to go horribly wrong, the love that Roxanne, the only daughter, had for Johnny drove the demon away. Despite this, the demon Mephisto still bonded the Spirit of Vengeance to Johnny, so when in the presence of the evil and wicked the Ghost Rider would take over
Johnny is a true vagabond, though he often spends time in New York due to the high concentration of villainous characters there. Though he struggles with the demon within, he still has some control and protects the innocent even in his fire run rages. As an on fire demon the government has eyes on him already, but are powerless to stop him.
BEAST: Henry may be a pain in Johnny’s flaming ass, but the two are somehow, somehow friends. It’s weird, neither or them have the answers, but they don’t question it. Hank hasn’t done enough wrong yet to have Johnny find his demons
RAVEN: Johnny and Raven literally cannot be in the same room together. Her demon heritage and the sheer amount of demonic influence in her upbringing bring the Ghost Rider out of him and cause him to fly into rages. Although he understands that she wont hurt anyone, the core of who he is will not allow them exist together without calling for her blood.
“The taste of love is sweet When hearts like ours meet. I fell for you like a child, Oh, but the fire went wild.”
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“The world can be a nasty place You know it, I know it, yeah We don’t have to fall from grace Put down the weapons you fight with
Kill 'em with kindness.”
lives in: Forest Hills, New York.             works at: The Daily Planet status: Documented.                             identifies as: Civilian. alias: n/a.                                               operates as: n/a.
past life
Lois has been a force of nature since day one. Headstrong and defiant against any restrictions the world put on her, much to the pride of her military member father. Sam encouraged his daughters Lucy and Lois in all things, and taught them how to defend themselves enough to be able to put an outspoken person in their place. As army brats she moved around a lot as a kid, and when she was around fifteen she approached an editor at the local paper and asked about a job.
Despite her lying about her age, Lois’s outstanding tenacity and urge to write her story impressed the man, and got her her first job. Loving her work, the girl (quickly turning into a woman), rose through the ranks quickly, becoming The Daily Planet’s most prolific reporters. When she started working there full time as an adult, she even won the prestigious Pulitzer Prize Award.
An invitation to visit a space station led to an accident that Lois observed, and was shocked to see a blue and red clad flying man save those in trouble. She wrote about it immediately, calling the hero Superman. When a ploy of hers to meet Superman was foiled by new (attractive) reporter Clark Kent it understandably pissed the woman off a bit, but she got over it. There was always the next story , and Lois would be damned if anyone got in the way of it.
SHE-HULK: Jennifer Walters has the kind of lady balls that Lois admires, and has come to ehr aid on several cases were corrupt and now destroyed businesses tried to sue the prolific reporter. They hit it off when the Avengers sent someone to help (it was a case involving the heroism of the hero team and the business only told Lois about it in order to make them look bad), and the two now hang out semi regularly.
SUPERMAN: (depth of relationship UTP)
“Your lies are bullets Your mouth's a gun And no war and anger Was ever won Put out the fire before igniting.”
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“I've made mistakes before but I know I'm not perfect It's ok 'cause who could ever be As long as I did my best It won't matter what no one says Cause deep down in my heart I've got the power to make it all happen.”
lives in: Queens, New York.                 works at: UTP. status: Documented.                             identifies as: Hero. alias: Green Lanterns.                           operates as: Young Avenger.
past life
Greatness can come from the most unlikely of places, and for Jessica it came from a very surprising one. During a trip in the woods with her friends, Jessica and her group accidentally came across a posse of mobsters burying someone they’d recently killed. Terrified, they weren’t going to speak, but the villains didn’t want to have any witnesses and shot everyone. Miraculously Jessica managed to survive, but it left huge emotional scars on her that led the woman to lock herself in her room for four years.
She didn’t emerge until the Ring of Volthooth forced itself upon her, possessing Jessica’s body unlike the way Lantern Rings are supposed to work. Under it’s influence Jessica was confronted by the Justice League. Batman’s words about how hard but worthwhile it is to overcome what made you a victim. Jessica gained control of the ring, and allied herself with the side of the good.
With the help of the original Green Lantern Jessica is slowly coming into her own, learning who the new her is outside of her past. Anxious to prove herself, she is still shocked that younger heroes look up to her, and tries to be a good role model for them, often like how she looks at the Justice League. Relatively new to the superhero community, she’s not sure how she’d feel if heroes had to operate under the approval of the world’s governments.
GREEN LANTERN: Jessica is the current only female Green Lantern from Earth and it makes her stand out. They all get along relatively well all things considered, and help mentor her. Hal in particular helped her gain control of her ring in the first place, and she looks up to him greatly.
WHITE TIGER: Angela is the kind of take charge that Jessica wants to be, even with the five year age difference between them. When Jessica shyly introduces herself to Angela the two get along great, and the White Tiger became her first friend in the superhero community.
“Well, throw your hands up if you know that your a star You better stand up if you know just who you are Never give up Never come too far.”
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“What would my head be like If not for my shoulders Or without your smile But follow you forever.”
lives in: Manhattan, New York.             works at: N/A. status: Documented.                             identifies as: Hero. alias: Lady Hawkeye.                            operates as: Young Avenger.
past life
Though as a young girl Kate looked up to her business oriented publishing father, fairytales aren’t meant to last. Kate’s mother died when she was young, and she didn’t share the same values as her older sister Susan did, so she of course idolized her father despite his standoffish, emotionless tendencies. When the young girl caught her father beating up a subordinate in his office, Kate’s tender ideologies withered and died, helping her become the independent, blunt, exceedingly stubborn personality she later developed.
When she tried to thwart her fathers activities she was caught, and subsequently held for ransom by his enemies. The Avengers managed to save the day however, and Kate was exceedingly impressed by all of them - Hawkeye, with his lack of powers, seemed to be the one she admired the most. This caused the girl to turn the purple suited Avenger into her new father figure. A trauma before her elder sisters wedding led the girl to attend therapy for a bit, and caused her to train herself to peak physical strength and self defense.
A run in at her sisters wedding caused Kate to discover Cassie Lang, the daughter of Ant-Man. They created the Young Avengers without the permission of the original team, but continue to operate to save others. Kate is against any sort of superhero registration.
HAWKEYE: Clint and Kate may have a bit of a father daughter relationship, but Clint’s sort of a mess so that’s a bit debatable. They roomed together for a bit, but their bond is deep and unshakeable.
ARTEMIS: Sisters in bows, the two girls share similar skills and senses of humor which makes a fantastic recipe for a friendship. With Clint and Oliver as mentors, Artemis and Kate are both quirky and very opinionated, and frequently prefer to train with each other.
“May it never leave you To sleep in the stone, maybe Stay lost on our way home
C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I'd like to believe in all the possibilities.”
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“Say that I need therapy Well, my darling so do you Don’t need for you to tell me What is wrong in all I say or do.”
lives in: Xavier’s Institute, New York.    works at: Student. status: Documented.                             identifies as: Hero. alias: White Phoenix.                             operates as: X-Men.
past life
In recent years the mutant population has been struggling to uphold itself. It seems as if something has gone wrong, and all births of mutants has halted. Then came Hope, the first mutant born in a very long time, and the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her parents were quickly killed by those anti-mutant, and the world hopping Cable was the one to save her, as he believed she would save the world and mutantkind.
Although many of the X-Men thought Hope would be better off with them, they eventually decided she was in the best hands with the grizzled soldier. The two spent many years running from Bishop, a mutant who believed that Hope would bring about the end of the world, and Hope had much of her childhood in different timelines. After much fighting and battles, Hope was able to return to the normal timeline she’d been born in, and was subsequently enrolled in Xavier’s Institute.
Nearing graduation as she is, Hope is unsure what she wants to do next with her life. As a member of the X-Men she has a permanent home at the Institute if she wishes it, but she doesn’t know where to go from here. Many of the mutants at the school treat her as a sort of messiah and it weirds her out, which leads to her spending a lot of time with older heroes instead of those her own age. She currently has no opinion on any hero registration.
SPOILER: Stephanie both isn’t a mutant, and has no knowledge of all the stuff Hope’s had to go through for her cause. What the blonde girl is is friendly to Hope, always looking for new friends, and since the girls are only a year apart in age it brings them closer. Steph doesn’t judge her or see her differently, and Hope is endlessly grateful for it.
IRONHEART: Riri is another one of those people who sees Hope for who she is instead of her ‘destiny’, and easier to get to because of the whole living in Avengers Tower thing. As Hope is still finding out the range of her powers, Riri helps her out with experiments and such.
“You make me wanna throw this shoe right through that concrete wall Maybe you should pack your things If it’s that dreadful Then just leave it all.”
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“Everywhere I’m turning Nothing seems complete I stand up and I’m searching For the better part of me.”
lives in: Manhattan, New York.            works at: Student. status: Undocumented.                        identifies as: Hero. alias: Wonder Girl.                                operates as: Justice League (Reserves)
past life
The daughter of an archaeologist and the Greek God Zeus ( though she did not know the latter part for a while), Cassie was a bright curious girl. She regularly ran around the museum her mother worked at, charming the employees but still managing to get into tons of trouble. This tendency to get into trouble followed Cassie as she started to attend schools, and had to transfer to many different institutions. In her late teens her mother employed a new worker, Diana Prince, whom Cassie immediately idolized.
This was only taken to the next level when Cassie saw Wonder Woman save someone and figured out that the new coworker and the hero were one and the same. She begged Diana to let her fight crime with her, wanting to follow in the footsteps of the other Wonder Girl who now went by Troia. Diana agreed, if her mother was okay with it. Helen Sandsmark agreed, and Cassie took on the mantle of Wonder Girl with powers that Zeus granted her.
Eager to prove herself (somehow too much so) Cassie a strong hero who stumbles onto trouble more often than not. She stumbles over her words sometimes as well, saying things that perhaps she should’ve kept to herself. Her huge crush on Superboy is something that she does manage to keep to herself, due to her friendship with Miss Martian. Currently she takes classes to get her at least an associates degree, though she spends most of her time heroing and is a waitress to pay her dues.
WONDER WOMAN + TROIA: Her idols in every sense of the word, Cassie just wants to make both of them proud. Diana, on her part, is supportive of the girl and wants to help her make a superhero of herself in her own way. Donna is also friendly with the girl, and tells her of her experiences as Wonder Girl frequently.
“I am a Superwoman Yes I am Yes she is Even when I’m a mess.”
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“Cause it makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder It makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter.”
lives in: Avengers Tower, New York.    works at: Student. status: Undocumented.                        identifies as: Hero. alias: Ironheart.                                    operates as: Iron Man Affiliated, Avengers (Reserves)
past life
Named after her father when she was born just a few months after he passed away, Riri grew up in Chicago with her family. Not the most social, her mother and stepfather took her to a psychologist around the age of five, and found to their surprise that the girl was a supergenius. Overjoyed at the discovery, they fostered and supported her talents and endeavors, wanting to give her the best of everything they could give her. Her sister Sharon’s huge love for the Defenders led Riri to be aware of superhero activities even as a young girl, and it kept close to her heart as she aged.
Around age fourteen horror and unmitigated violence marred Riri’s life. During a picnic with her family and best friend, they were caught in the crossfire of a car chase in which a robber was shooting out of his window. Riri’s stepfather and best friend were caught in the fire and passed away, giving the girl grief. She received a scholarship for MIT and took it, although the work often bored her. One day Riri discovered a discarded Iron Man model and took it back to her lab. trying to challenge herself, she managed to reverse engineer it and soon had a prototype suit of her own - albeit one made with stolen materials from campus. Riri was discovered and flew away, and in her escape decided to stop some inmates that were escaping. The news of an armored hero reached New York and Tony Stark decided to check it out himself.
Since the base of the Avengers operation was in New York (and her mother didn’t approve of her hero activities and the fact that she’d dropped out of college), Riri has no problem relocating herself to the Tower. With Tony’s help she engineers a much better version of the suit and decides to go by the name ‘Ironheart’. Tony would only let her continue to be a hero if she went back to college, so she’s currently taking classes…while flying around and saving the city.
IRON MAN: The man is called ‘The Mechanic’ for a reason, and Riri and Tony are in a very close mentor, mentee relationship, along with Wally West (Kid Flash) and Spider-Man. He’s the first person she goes to if she’s having problems with her experiments, and through him reaches his boys club of geniuses. Due to losing both father figures at a young age, Tony has become that figure for the girl.
STORM + NAMORA: Riri heavily admires both of these women for their strength. Storm’s wisdom and gentle tutelage is in stark relief to Namora’s more take charge ways and strict diplomacy, but Riri is sort of mentored by them both. Since Namora lives in the tower with Riri, they’re a tad bit closer, but Riri and Storm have a special bond.
“Made me learn a little bit faster Made my skin a little bit thicker Makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter.”
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“Baby, there's a shark in the water There's something underneath my bed Oh, please believe I said Baby, there's a shark in the water I caught them barking at the moon Better be soon.  ”
lives in: Avengers Towers, New York.   works at: n/a. status: Documented.                             identifies as: Hero. alias: Namora.                                        operates as: Avengers.
past life
Born a princess she may be, but Aquaria Nautica Neptunia was always about kicking butt and taking names. The daughter of an Atlantean man and an Earth woman she was nicknamed ‘Namora’ after her (problematic) but powerful distant cousin Namor. She liked the shorter name, and made it her own, even when she met said far off relative and he thought he was hot stuff. She wasn’t a fan, needless to say. Her father moves them to deep sea Northern colony when Namora hits her teens, and are therefore removed from many of the activities that cause Atlantica to make its mark above ground.
It isn’t until Namora hits the cusp of adulthood that her world is rocked, as her skin faded from Atlantean blue to a pale, peach tone that many of the surface dwellers had. Her father told her of her true heritage and Namora’s world was rocked for a bit. Wounded and unsure, she goes back to their capital to ask her now-royal cousin about it, happening to arrive when Namor’s father was killed. The two of them take revenge, and he tells her about the world above ground - it is then that Namora decides to help out the heroes above the sea.
Namora has gone toe-to-toe with many of the Earth’s heavy hitters and proved herself with her immense brute strength and the surge of power that comes with contact with the sea. The Avengers were initially a bit wary of the sea Princess, but accept her eventually. This initial reluctance (which she blames on the haughty actions of her cousin Namor) only rankles on her a bit, and she puts it behind her, determining to help save as many as she can.
SHE-HULK & VENUS:  These two Avenger ladies have welcomed her with open arms, and they get along splendidly. Due to a fight shortly after her arrival, Namora and Captain Marvel aren’t the best of friends, but they can keep it together. For now, the green lady and incarnation of Aphrodite are for sure Namora’s tried and true friends.
AQUAMAN: They come from rival kingdoms, so they shouldn’t like each other. Namor and Arthur clearly don’t, that’s for sure. Aquaman’s never done anything to Namora though, so the two of them are cool. She’s even visited his palace before, so it’s safe to say that they’re on good terms. If only Namor would stop ruining interactions between the two kingdoms...
FALCON: Sam hits on her every chance he gets, which is pretty often considering the fact that they’re both Avengers and Namora straight up lives in the tower. If she discouraged him he would back down, but she likes the attention and doesn’t dissuade him. The fact that she could flip him over her head with a flick of the wrist probably has something to do with the attraction between the Falcon and herself, but can you blame him?
“Some tricks up my sleeve, for noticing me Wouldn't cause you any harm I just want you in my arms I can't help, I can't help myself.”
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“I used to think that I could not go on And life was nothing but an awful song But now I know the meaning of true love I'm leaning on the everlasting arms.”
lives in: Manhattan, New York.             works at: Therapist at American Veterans Association. status: Documented.                             identifies as: Hero. alias: Falcon.                                         operates as: Avenger.
past life:
It takes two to make a thing go right, and it was the combination of Paul and Darlene Wilson that caused a bright little boy named Samuel (Sam, he insisted later) to enter the world. Born to a minister and his loving, also God-fearing life the boy was brought up in the church, though he became disillusioned at sixteen. Sam told his parents he didn’t believe in the faith he was brought up in, and rather than try to crack down hard upon him as they had assumed they provided him with books on theology and religion, encouraging him to broaden his horizons. This action brought the three of them closer, along with Sam’s two siblings.
Tragically, Paul Wilson passed shortly after this trying to stop a fight between two rival gangs, and Darlene followed when a mugger tried to attack her while she was out with Sam’s younger siblings. In her protecting of her children Darlene sustained mortal wounds, and Sam became the head of the house at only a bit before high school graduation. Stepping up to the challenge, Sam rallied, though the experience left him a bit jaded. Supporting his family he waited until they were old enough to leave the nest and live their own lives and joined the US Air Force.
During his time serving his country Sam became a pararescueman, and was so good at that that he, along with his buddy Riley, were nominated to be a part of an experimental program. This program involved the use of cutting edge tech as manual wings, and Sam and Riley took to it like a duck to water. Jokingly, Riley started to call Sam ‘Falcon’, and the name stuck. Despite many successful missions Riley was struck down by an RPG, and Sam soon lost the will to continue to serve.
He returned to the US and rededicated his efforts to helping his fellow retired serviceman get through PTSD, and found himself in the surprising company of Captain America himself. It was quite strange to have his jogging routine interrupted by the man who was considered the most patriotic soldier to serve, but Steve quickly became Sam’s friend. When Steve needed him, Sam was there, and kept at his side when he started the search for the Winter Soldier. Now, Falcon is a full fledged member of the Avengers, and highly enjoys the wide scaled way he’s able to help save lives. Steve’s buddy through it all, Sam has his back on the registration matter, though the specifics he keeps to himself.
NAMORA: Sam has thought the water woman looked hot from the second he saw her and hasn’t hesitated to let her know. Namora can rolls her eyes and rebuff him all she wants, but the glitter in her eyes and barbed innuendo comments just egg the man on (and Namora knows it). They’re consenting adults, after all. Why not have a little fun?
STEVE TREVOR + GREEN LANTERN (HAL): The Three Fly-ateers, all three men have extensive knowledge on the plane front. Though Hal spends more time fueled by willpower than propellers and Sam is more a fan of the hands-on flying experience, it bonds them together. Steve and Sam are perhaps a bit tighter due to shared military experience, but this doesn’t matter whether or not they’re cracking a beer in front of the game at Steve’s place or racing through the sky in all of their ‘vehicles’.
WINTER SOLDIER: Sam is the hazing, pain in the ass older brother Bucky never knew he wanted (this is still up for debate). Still a little bitter about the beating he took while Bucky was mind controlled, it took some time for the two to become comfortable around each other, but now Sam sees Bucky as a good friend...a good friend he must give shit to, always. Noogies included.
“If I can see it, then I can do it If I just believe it, there's nothing to itI believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away.”
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“We, we don't have to worry bout nothing 'Cause we got the fire, and we're burning one hell of a something They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space Light it up, like we're the stars of the human race, human race.”
lives in: New York, New York.               works at: Model. status: Documented.                             identifies as: Hero. alias: Starfire/Kory Anders.                    operates as: Justice League (Reserves).
past life
Koriand’r didn’t mean to be first in line for the Tamaran throne. She had an older sister in fact, but when an illness stole the ability to turn ultra violet light into light energy from Komand’r suddenly all the responsibility fell on Kory’s shoulders. When the bitterness dwelling in her sister causes her to turn against her people the Tamaran Princesses life takes a turn for the worse.
Her enemies don’t care about the goodness that lay within Kory’s heart and instead endeavored to experiment on her and her sister. The six years of torture, both physical and psychological, both draw the two girls apart and pulls them together. Nothing bonds quite like shared horror and terror, but there was the fact that Komand’r was the reason that they were there. The reason that their civilization had crumbled and two were no longer princesses, but subjects.
Eventually the two manage to escape with Kory’s discovery of superpowerful light bolts from her hands, but Komand’r’s rage has only deepened in their captivity and blames Kory for the entire debacle. She tries to kill her baby sister and Kory, finally recognizing exactly how far to the dark her sister had gone, fled off world. 
Kory reaches Earth exhausted, but the Justice League takes her in, with the Avengers and Fantastic Four accepting her as well. Despite her orange skin and glowing green eyes Kory is enchantingly beautiful and this helps the rest of the human world look past her ‘imperfections’, causing her to start a surprisingly lucrative career as a model (it also helps that Tamaran society did not have as many hangups as Earth’s did). Though Kory has grown stronger in the years since her escape she occasionally suffers from deep nightmares. Any superhero registration law would not affect her as she is already a public figure, and a loved one, though the realization that this could change lurks in the back of her mind.
RAVEN & BLACK CAT: These two ladies are Kory’s absolute closest friends. She trusts them unconditionally even when they doubt themselves, and even when Raven and Felicia are at odds (which happens more often than Kory would like) as long as Kory is a part of the equation they all mesh wonderfully.
THOR: Both are fish out of water. Both feel the pain of treacherous siblings. Both are imbued with great power. Thus is makes sense that the two would find a kinship with each other, and Kory can frequently be seen hanging out with the God of Thunder.
NIGHTWING: Instant attraction rockets between the two, sizzling like the ends of Kory’s hair. Still a relative newcomer on Earth Kory doesn’t necessarily wish to mess with whatever it is that’s between Barbara and Dick, and the three operate in a very awkard triangle wherein Babs and Kory are friends that just happen to like the same guy.
“When the lights turned down, they don't know what they heard Strike the match, play it loud, giving love to the world We'll be raising our hands, shining up to the sky 'Cause we got the fire, fire, fire, yeah we got the fire fire fire
And we gonna let it burn burn burn burn.”
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“Beating in my heart, the thunder of guns Tore me apart You've been Thunderstruck.”
lives in: Avengers Tower, New York.       works at: N/A. status: Documented.                               identifies as: Hero. alias: N/A.                                                operates as: Avengers.
past life
The boy with the golden hair grew up in a world glossy and shiny and full of possibilities as he would grow to be. Thor was the child who could do no wrong in his fathers eyes, and despite the fact that he and his brother Loki were loved by both parents Thor was the oldest, and thus the favorite for the throne. He didn’t care and loved his brother all the same, the affection blinding him to Loki’s blatant jealously of his position. After a confrontation with the Frost Giants that goes horribly wrong Thor is sent to earth stripped of his powers, and learns the meaning of humility and being a true leader.
To his father disappointment Thor puts off being ruler, as he has time yet to be the  protector of the Nine Realms. He becomes a member of Midgard’s Avengers and discovers another family that while as strange as dysfunctional as it is, is his other home. Thor protects the world that his become his second home from his brother and puts him in chains with a heavy heart. It is not until the resurrection of the Frost Elves that Loki and Thor work together again, and their relationship is still plagued by their differences. Ultron throws Thor’s life into a lurch again and he takes some time off to search for the Infinity Stones, though he has recently returned.
Thor has decided to stay on Earth, at least for a while, as it seems to be the realm with the most trouble attracted to it. He lives in Avengers Tower and trains with some of the younger heroes at Captain America’s side, though he frequently wishes for the old comradery of their fivesome. While he understands the concerns of Earth’s governments, no law would affect him. No jail can hold the God of Thunder, of course.
THE AVENGERS: Even though their ranks have grown in the back of his mind Thor still counts the team he is apart of as Tony, Steve, Bruce, Nat, and Clint. He welcomes new members of course, but the dynamic is now constantly changing, and it irritates him that everyone doesn’t just get along. Do they not all wish for peace for everyone?
BLACK BAT: If it wasn’t for Thor’s superior strength Cassandra could kick his entire ass, and is a woman of little words. She intrigues the God of Thunder in a number of ways, and he has resolved to both be her friend.
“Yeah yeah they, they, they blew our minds And I was shaking at the knees Could I come again please Yeah them ladies were too kind You've been Thunderstruck.”
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lives in: Harlem, New York.                works at: Bartender. status: Undocumented.                      identifies as: Hero. alias: N/A.                                           operates as: Unaffiliated/The Defenders.
past life
UTP (somewhat flexible)
THE DEFENDERS: The team made up of Luke Cage, Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones. Work well together, rib each other, pick up beers together. Dysfunctional family of a group. He works the best with Matt, as the emotions between Luke and Jessica are thick with ambiguity at best.
NIGHTWING: His little bro. His little rich, absurdly nimble, bro with a charming smile that brings swarms of women to Luke’s bar whenever he’s working. His little bro who has an millionaire for an adopted father and was trained by Batman himself. Yeah. That little bro. (in all honestly, Dick and Luke have a very older brother younger brother relationship)
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“Said that we're not lovers, we're just strangers With the same damn hunger To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all.”
lives in: Gotham, New York.                works at: N/A. status: Undocumented.                       identifies as: Villain/Civilian alias: N/A.                                            operates as: League of Shadows.
past life
Talia was born for a purpose. Her fathers, to be precise. She traveled around with him much in her youth, learning all that Ra’s had to teach and excelling above any of her brothers and sisters, much to her fathers delight. Despite her sex she rises through the ranks of the League of Shadows with deadly efficiency and aplomb, and is gifted with the job of handling many of her fathers operations, effectively making her his right hand. Talia overcomes every obstacle that is put in front of her, and makes Ra’s proud.
She meets Batman for the first time in a rescuing operation that he executes to try and save her, and Talia helps out by killing said villian before he can kill Batman. The dark cowled man and the murderous daughter have an unmistakable spark from the second they meet, and it’s not something they can always fight. Meeting Bruce turns out to be the turning point in Talia’s life, and they have a constant tug and pull over both their attractions and the sides of good and evil they fight on. This relationship is further complicated when she saves, and thus rehabilitates Jason Todd - somewhere deep within him, Bruce blames her a little for how the Red Hood turned out.
Talia has previously dallied between her home with the League and Gotham, but has recently decided to try and spend a bit more time in the condemned city. This brings her within closer proximity to Batman and all that comes with him, and is disgruntled when she finds that the vigilante Catwoman has been stealing a bit more than she has done to others. There is no end to the secrets that the woman keeps, and is studious enough about lying under the radar that she knows that no hero accountability law would affect her - after all, who said she was a hero? 
BATMAN: Complicated. In every way. (intimate details up to players).
PUNISHER: Frank has a rough way of going about things, that’s for sure - but he gets it done. No fuss, a bit of a bloody muss, and sees things in black and white. Of the assasins that Talia knows, this one doesn’t talk a mile a minute or make comments about her ass, so she prefers Frank above most company.
“When I wake up all alone And I'm thinking of your skin I remember, I remember what you told me.”
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“I thought I would know better - that's wishful thinkin' Thought there'd be no pressure - that's wishful drinkin' Is anything forever or just a feeling? What have I been so afraid of? I don't know.”
lives in: Gotham, New York.               works at: Student. status: Undocumented.                       identifies as: Hero. alias: Spoiler.                                       operates as: Unaffiliated.
past life
Stephanie didn’t get in this business to save people. Not all of them, at the least. Just the ones her father affected. Although Gotham was rife with villians from top tier to the common thug, Stephanie’s father was ‘Cluemaster’, and was more a middling kind of evil, and spent much of her youth in jail or away from the family. When she reached her teens her father promised her that he would stay out of jail this time, and stay out of illegal activities, but all those words were just a blatant lie. Furious, Stephanie decided to do what she could to foil him. Making her own costume she set out as ‘The Spoiler’, and would leave little clues so that those on the good side of vigilante law could bust her father a little easier. 
On one of her outings she works with Batman and Robin, and is surprised when the sidekick tracks her down after their fight. Although attracted to the lighter companion to the Dark Knight, it made her constantly annoyed that he knew who she really was and Stephanie didn’t know Robin’s identity. When her father escaped from prison once again Stephanie donned her Spoiler costume and set out to help Robin catch him once again, leaving him with a kiss after they had triumphed.
After a kidnapping that went awry Cluemaster finds out about his daughters secret identity, and goes back to prison. Genuinely liking the superhero life and the lives she can change for the better, Stephanie continues to go out as Spoiler, doing what she can for the cause. As she’s pretty low level when it comes to superheroes on the worlds radar she dislikes the idea of any sort of registration, though struggles with the morals of such a law to herself.
BATFAMILY: Batman is sort of the grumpy subtly disappointing father Stephanie never had, but aside from the occasional demand for her go home, he lets her be, and it makes Steph a little fuzzy inside. Nightwing and Batgirl are sweet to her though, and she genuinely enjoys their company, though it is truly Robin that melts her inside. Although she doesn’t know how Tim Drake feels about her (not even knowing his real name), they’ve exchanged many a smooch and their relationship remains ambiguous. 
WHITE TIGER: There’s a trust between these two ladies that comes from working together every time ‘Spoiler’ ventures out of Gotham. Wanting to be a bit of a positive mentor in Steph’s life Angela goes ahead and tells her her real name and occupation, and does not judge the blonde girl for her parentage (as it should be).
“But once in a while, I catch myself; once in a while, I ask myself What am I doing? Once in a while, I need your help; but once in a while I feel like I just wanna dance And feel good.”
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