umaichu · 2 years
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plot. how they act when they’re drunk
pairing. all brothers x gn!reader (separate)
genre. fluff
warnings. drinking + alcohol, mentions of throwing up, suggestive content
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tries so hard to hide it but his face is bright red. his collar is loosened because he’s sweating so much, especially when you come near him asking if he’s okay. uncharacteristically jumpy and quiet; gasps a little when you touch him, even though it’s 100% innocent. he’s praying it wears off soon.
honestly a mess. like his big brother, he’s going to cover it and then fall flat on his face two seconds later. very a little frisky, but listens when you tell him no even though he’s pouting the whole time. will sing a song and then cry on your shoulder right after. might confess his love.
panics, cries, throws up a little. big big crier- poor baby is so confused because he’s never been this drunk before. he’s stumbling around the room in circles looking for you, tears and snot dripping down his face. won’t calm down until you’re rocking him, then he knocks out right then and there.
holds his liquor very well, so well you don’t suspect a thing until he talks. it’s a whole lot of nonsense, but at the same time it’s...philosophical? academic? he sounds really smart but once you break it down he’s just reciting things he’s read from his book. nod along and pretend you understand, though, or else he’ll throw a fit.
frisky frisky frisky. he’s just itching for someone to do something, but everyone knows it’s best to leave him alone. he’ll have his arms all over your, clinging on until someone (lucifer) has to physically restrain him. by then he’s like a whining puppy with its tail tucked between its legs.
if you thought his sober kitchen raids were bad, think again. the entire place is trashed from floor to ceiling—wrappers, stains, puddles everywhere, maybe a broken pipe or two. nothing will satisfy his drunk hunger, so make sure you have a lot of snacks to keep him busy.
the tamest of them all. once his words start to slur, expect him to fall over and not wake up for the next couple of hours (maybe days). it’s honestly refreshing not having to watch over him since he won’t move a muscle. if you’re patient, he might talk in his sleep.
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umaichu · 2 years
this blog is archived—for now! i currently have no interest in writing for obey me. i may or may not return sometime in the future. feel free to continue reading my works!
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MAY <3 they/she/he, 7teen, mammon’s gf (real)
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masterlist ・ rules/faq
recent works: drunk and nasty!
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main: @kazudon​
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umaichu · 3 years
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plot. how they react when you’re under the mistletoe together
pairing. lucifer, mammon, diavolo, satan x gn!reader
genre. fluff
a/n. so so sorry for not releasing any works lately!! hope y’all enjoy this one for the holiday szn <3 i also used this exact prompt on my tr blog oopsies
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despite the disappointed sigh he lets out, there’s a tiny blush on the bridge of his nose as he glances to the side, then quickly composes himself. “well, it’s best not to break the tradition.” lucifer leans forward and gives you a chaste but warm and satisfying kiss that leaves tingles up and down your spine. when you part, he’s redder than he was before, but there’s also the gift of the soft, genuine smile on his face.
mammon’s quick to blow a raspberry and insult the poor plant. he immediately turns away and, with his nose in the air, acts as though he’s going to walk off. anticipating his rehearsed reaction, you mirror his movements. he immediately turns into a stuttering mess, rambling about holiday curses and ghosts and how he “doesn’t want to risk it.” all it takes is a quick peck on the lips to shut him up—you swear he might faint from how lovestruck he looks.
a deep, hearty laugh—the kind that rumbles in his chest and makes you feel warm and fuzzy—fills the already hot room. his twinkling eyes tell you “it’s alright,” paired with a jubilant smile you can’t help but swoon for. and, in the most charming, princely manner, diavolo sweeps you off your feet (he dips you, actually), and takes your lips in a captivating, magnetic kiss that lights your day far better than all the holiday lights in the devildom.
satan, against his will, is the one who sets up the mistletoe, per asmodeus’s request. as he climbs down from the ladder, a misstep sends a box of ornaments falling to the floor. fortunately for him, you’re able to catch an armful while the others land safely on an ornate carpet midst your stroll through the house of lamentation. but now you two are staring at each other, realizing the predicament you’ve gotten yourselves in. then you smile and, with tender affection, kiss satan on the lips, leaving him as red as the ornaments in your arms.
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umaichu · 3 years
ALWAYS — belphegor
lesson 16 spoilers, mentions of blood and death
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there’s a crater in belphie’s bed where you once were. he can sense the shift in weight even in the depths of slumber, and when he does, he wakes in a flash of panic. it takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, darting around the room like a frightened animal. he lets out a sharp gasp when you appear over him, head cocked to the side in confusion with your hand wrapped around a steaming cup of tea.
“belphie?” you whisper. “did i wake you?”
it’s an odd question to ask knowing nothing can rouse belphie from his sleep, yet he shakes his head and looks down bashfully, gripping the blanket tighter. 
you set your mug on the bedside table before sitting beside him, rubbing soothing circles on his shoulder. he relaxes under your touch, melting against your palm that cradles his face and brings his eyes to yours. 
“what is it belphie? you can talk to me.”
his throat grows tight as images of his nightmare rush through his mind, vivid and unwavering. they aren’t figments of his imagination—they’re memories he can’t erase, relentless reminders of the demon he was and still are.
he hears the weak gasps of air, feels the sweet, scorching blood dripping from his fingers. the smirk that comes to his face is natural; he took pleasure in watching you suffer, all because of his vanity. it didn’t matter if he tore his brothers’ hearts to shreds; belphie had to finish what he started with lucifer.
but that’s not the same belphie that softens when you’re around, the belphie that’s gentle and caring and loves you with his entire cold heart. the sheer thought of, the unfathomable grief that’d wreck him if he were to lose you plagues him in the one place he thought he’d find peace—his sleep. too many times has he lived through that day, unable to rid himself of the sick pleasure. but it’s not him; he promised you that and himself.
never once in centuries has he been in a situation like this, sitting alone with the one person across the entire devildom he adores, letting someone step into his world for once. the reality of it squeezes his chest, but it’s a comforting grasp. for that, he does his best to kiss you as tenderly as he can, placing your hand over his heart to feel its rapid beating. 
belphie loves you, but he doesn’t have the strength to admit what’s truly bothering him. part of him doesn’t want you to worry, and the other is afraid if he speaks it aloud, it’ll come true all over again.
after you’ve parted, heads pressed together and breathless, he puts on the same faux smile his lips have memorized.
“i’m okay,” he sighs. “i’m always okay.”
and that is always a lie.
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i kinda hate this lol but i’m posting it anyway
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umaichu · 3 years
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ATONEMENT — you face the consequences of the demon brothers’ sins
lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan
asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
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umaichu · 3 years
plot. you face the consequences of the demon brothers’ sins
pairing. asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor x gn!reader
genre. angst
warnings. toxic relationships, suggestive content
part one
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there’s no one asmodeus truly loves more than himself. even when you came into his life, the shining star that made him temporarily forget his vanity, it was—well, temporary. there was no reason to drag out the false pleasantries once he got what he wanted; for you to worship him and his body. you weren’t asmo’s precious mc anymore—you were his toy.
his hunger surpassed the need for food. there was no one else who depended on you more than beel, the poor demon who needed your presence to curb his enormous appetite. but that was all a rouse to keep you by his side, to hold your wrists in a death grip if you tried to leave. “you can’t, mc,” he’d plead with an edge of mockery. “i need you, remember?”
as beel’s twin brother, whatever he has, belphie must have too—including you. he was an expert at maintaining his sleepy facade around the rest of his brothers, but behind closed doors, you bore witness to his true nature. you spent day and night listening to his long-winded cries, ultimately leading him to unleash his demon form if you didn’t comply. “you know what i can do,” he sneered. “and i won’t think twice.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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umaichu · 3 years
i write on my own time and do not accept requests; however, suggestions are always open but it is not guaranteed to be written. i’m often inactive so if you are looking for an active mutual or writer i am not the one lol. i will rarely discuss politics or social issues but i do support the lgbtq+ community (i am queer), blm, and do not tolerate islamophobia, racism, anti-semitism, etc. i won’t hesitate to block ppl if they make me feel uncomfortable.
basic dni criteria (racist, homophobic, sexist, etc.), looking to cause or invole me in discourse, anti of my fav characters or shows, sends anon hate, a mdni/nsfw/18+ acc, -15/29+
what fandoms do you write for?
obey me
can i spam like/reblog?
go for it as long as you are only spam liking/reblogging my written work. please do not spam like or reblog my shitposts or inbox interactions. you will be blocked.
can i translate your work?
hard no.
can i repost your work on other sites such as youtube, ao3, wattpad, etc.?
again, hard no. idc if you credit me, i do not want my work on any other sites except tumblr and my own blog.
can i use your fic/smau/hcs/any other works as inspiration for mine?
it depends. please ask me beforehand because my answers will vary depending on the piece.
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umaichu · 3 years
plot. you face the consequences of the demon brothers’ sins
pairing. lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan x gn!reader
genre. angst
warnings. breakups, toxic relationships
part two
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lucifer never truly saw you as an equal. you always had to be below him, a lowly human whom he constantly reminded was in the devildom per diavolo’s request, not his. even when you had taken things further and his criticisms turned to subtle words of affection, they weren’t enough to sooth the pain he caused. each interaction only rubbed more salt into your open words, and you had had enough. it wasn’t until you packed your bags and swore to never return that lucifer finally understood the severity of his actions, now heartbroken and alone.
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mammon was a sweetheart, but that soon turned to bitterness. it felt nice to be spoiled by him, always shrouded in gifts with no special reason other to make you smile. but the inevitable finally came; his debts began to pile until he was neck-deep and desperate. rather than a partner, you became mammon’s personal bank until he had run your pockets dry. he didn’t love you anymore—he loved your money. unfortunately for you, you fell deeper into his schemes until his debt wasn’t just his; it was now yours.
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you’re not sure now many times you had told levi you loved him, but one thing was certain: he never believed you. he couldn’t grasp the idea that you, miles out of his league, could ever fall for a loser like him. you loved him, you truly did, but each attempt at reassuring him ended in fallen tears and his bedroom door being slammed in your face. it was always a competition for him, a hunt to see which of his brothers would win you over next. levi’s inability to see the truth in front of his eyes led to just that—losing you to one of them.
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there was always a calm before the storm with satan; peaceful evenings, the whispers of sweet nothings, and promises of a hopeful future. then came the crashing of the tides, a hurricane that often left you trembling beneath his shadow, wanting nothing more than to leave and never come back. once the frenzy had dwindled, satan’s facade returned once more, playing the role of the charming prince he often studied in his novels, only this time, you weren’t going to let him trick you again.
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likes and reblogs are highly appreciated. requests are also open!
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umaichu · 3 years
pairing. mammon, lucifer, leviathan, belphegor x gn!reader
genre. fluff
warnings. none
word count: 0.8k
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mammon likes gift giving
even when he’s at the bottom of his bank looking for scraps, he’ll scrounge up enough to buy you something
it can be as lavish as a new outfit or something simple like a cup of coffee
there’s a gentle knock at your door before the door swings open. to see mammon enter your room brings a delighted, but confused smile on your face. he’s never this polite unless he did something to get on your nerves. in his hand is a paper cup with steam flowing from the lid, and the sweet smell of chocolate and vanilla hits your noise, immediately making your mouth water. 
“i got you something,” he says almost shyly. “i would’ve gotten you coffee, but it’s late, and i don’t want you staying up. i hope cocoa is fine.”
“when did you become so nice?” you tease, easing the cup from his hands into yours. “thank you, mammon. it means a lot to me.”
a gentle blush creeps on his face as he searches for the right words. “oi, it’s nothing.” the last words come out in a strained mumble. “anything for you, my love.”
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lucifer isn’t the best with words or intense physical affection
it takes a while for him to loosen up, and when he does, the intimacy is something he learns to enjoy
lucifer prefers physical touch over words since it’s easier (and less stressful) than trying to find the right things to say
it’s late at night. the demon brothers have all gone to bed except lucifer who keeps you company. usually, it’d be a bit unnerving for you to be in the eldest brother’s room, especially when you came to him first, but the strong grasp of his arms washes your worries away. 
your eyes are red and puffy, a result of mammon’s teasing that had gone too far. lucifer nearly lost his temper when he found out, but hearing your pained cries and pleads for him to stay were enough for him to remain calm. you’ve shared little words, though neither of you mind. you appreciate his attempts to comfort you, holding you close to his chest when he rubs his hands up and down your spine. 
in his warm embrace, you feel your eyes grow heavy with sleep. before you slip into a deep slumber, you hear the faintest words followed by a kiss to your forehead.
“i love you.”
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levi’s another one who has a hard time with words and affection
he gets way too flustered and embarrassed around you
he uses his otaku mind to (hopefully) charm you in his own interesting ways
in the middle of a lecture, your D.D.D. starts to vibrate in your bag. as inconspicuously as possible, you pull it out and hide it beneath your desk, away from your professor’s line of vision. you’re met with a flurry of texts from levi who’s sitting a few seats ahead of you. the first message is a link to a game from akuzon.
[LEVI]: look mc! i found this new dating sim that i think you’d like. the cool thing is that there’s only two playable characters, the main character and their love interest- i don’t have to fight anyone for your hand!!!
at the front of the room where levi’s seated, his somewhat cool face is no cause for suspicion, except for the small smile creeping through.
[LEVI]: hey, if we had to play this game IRL, i wouldn’t have to fight anyone, right?
you grin down at your screen.
[MC]: of course not. you’re my one and only.
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belphie’s #1 love language is physical touch
now that you’ve come along, he can’t sleep peacefully without you
being nearby isn’t enough; belphie needs to be able to feel you in order to have a good night’s (or day’s) rest
for someone who is such a heavy sleeper, even the slightest movement on your end stirs belphie from his sleep. it seems that nothing, not even the orders from lucifer, can wake him except you. you usually have no problem staying still, but tonight, you can’t keep your eyes shut for more than a minute. 
a nice, long walk around the house of lamentation would suffice, or the special tea barbatos sent over. unfortunately, every attempt to quietly slip out of bed results in belphie tightening his grip around your waist, groaning softly into your neck. you hate to disturb him, but you don’t want to be exhausted tomorrow morning.
after a couple nudges to his shoulder, his drowsy eyes flutter open.
“hm? mc, what’s wrong?”
“can’t sleep, belphie,” you whisper. “i need something to tire me out. i’ll be right back, i promise.”
“wait-” he sits up just as you do, taking your hand in his before you can leave. “i’ll come with you.”
“are you sure? i know you’re pretty tired and-”
belphie presses his lips to the corner of your mouth, stopping you mid sentence. “don’t worry, i’ll be alright. just wanna be with you, that’s all.”
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umaichu · 3 years
pairing. mammon x gn!reader
genre. fluff
warnings. slightly suggestive
word count. 300+
a/n. likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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“Yknow what, I hate you. I hate you a lot. Why do humans have to be so annoying? I wish you’d just leave me alone.”
The white haired demon looms over the side of your desk, arms crossed over his messy uniform. Your sharp tongue lacks the energy and drive to snap back like it usually does. Instead, you keep your eyes trained on the book below you, the ancient text scrambling around your brain. Despite Mammon’s words, he remains at your side, inserting himself into your personal space in your room.
The uncomfortable heat of his presence makes you wish you were a demon yourself to shun him out, but alas, there is very little you can do physically. There’s the pact, you suddenly remember, but your mouth freezes when you even think about shouting the words, “Mammon, out!”
You hate to admit it, but having Mammon here is nice. Under the awful facade he puts on, it’d break his heart to keep himself away from you. You’ve caught the little glances and soft blushes, the whispers to his brothers on how he should act around you when he doesn’t know you’re listening.
If there’s one thing Mammon is good at, it’s being a terrible liar. He’s lying without words through the suppressed gasp when you “accidentally” brush against his arm as you stand up to stretch. He can’t hide the panic in his eyes when you hook your finger under his chin, leaving the whisper of a kiss against his lips as he gulps.
“W-What are you doing?” It takes everything in him not to lean in and connect his mouth with yours, which is so close yet so far. 
“Not so talkative now, hm?” Your words come out in a purr against his skin, the syllables rolling off your tongue like honey.
He lets out a heavy breath when you lean back and slither back into your seat, ignoring the blood rushing through your ears and the pounding of your heart. 
“You humans,” he growls. “So... so-”
“If you want a real kiss,” you say. “Do me a favor and shut up.”
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umaichu · 3 years
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shut me up (0.3k, gn!reader, fluff, suggestive) 
always (0.4k, gn!reader, angst, spoilers)
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umaichu · 3 years
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how they love (fluff)
atonement / part 2 (angst)
under the mistletoe (fluff)
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umaichu · 3 years
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