tom-hanks-is-bae · 2 years
Unpopular opinion:
Holding a grudge is not a bad thing.
As long as you don’t dwell on it each and every day, it is perfectly okay to hold a grudge against someone. I have grudges I don’t think about until that person is brought up, and it saves my from being too forgiving. If someone hurt me, I am allowed to not like them and hold resentment towards them.
I think whoever came up with the idea that one shouldn’t hold a grudge was someone who did something and had a grudge against them, so they gaslit the world into thinking grudges were a bad thing all the time.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 2 years
Sometimes I think “maybe I am neurotypical” and then I decide to make a physical representation of every single movie over ever watched and want to watch, organized in separate folders by genre.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 2 years
One of the best differences between my ex and my current bf is that my current bf doesn’t go batshit when he loses on a video game. He might says “damn that sucks” or something similar but it he doesn’t scream and freak the fuck out and get in some wack ass mood and take it out on me.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 2 years
My grandma and my mom are fighting and my mom is pouring it out on me, which I understand, she doesn’t have anyone else. But she (mom) won’t take my advice and ignore her. She (Gma) keeps calling her to add on little bits to the fight, the most recent one being “you are not a good mother because you let (me) sleep in the same bed as boys.” … im 22, in an almost 2 year long relationship, live by myself, have a full time job, and pay my own bills…. Make it make sense???
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 3 years
I absolutely HATE texting sometimes because you can’t pick up on tone and I’ve got such bad anxiety about people being upset with me and bad previous relationships. My boyfriend texted me and said “I want to go on a walk with you before the leaves fall” and in my mind that was bad????? I stressed for HOURS until we called to talk before bed and it came up and I asked why all of the sudden “I went outside today and it felt nice” ok check but then I asked “why before the leaves fall?” (Because the time stipulation of the walk was a stressor) response: “because if we go after they fall it won’t be pretty?” Ah, yes, that makes a lot of sense… WHY DOES MY BRAIN DO THIS!!!!
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 3 years
My biggest flex is the fact that Tish (I’m in me mums car, broom broom) are mutuals on tiktok now after I’m pretty sure we were mutuals on vine too. He’s so cool.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 3 years
I am SO MAD that I wasn’t into Andy Griffith like I am now when he was alive because I feel like it would have been so easy to meet him. I literally could have driven to his town and probably just asked where he hung out and I feel like he would be so happy to have a young fan.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 3 years
If he tries to apply any logic of video games to serious real life scenarios/problems then he is NOT IT SIS
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 3 years
I really need to vent and I think like 2 people I know irl follow me on here so this is the place. I’m over my ex, like I would never take him back. But I find that he is posting things about me (vague things but still things) and it’s public where most of our mutual friends can see it. I wasn’t perfect in the relationship and I’ll be the first to admit that. But he seems to like to act like I was the full bad guy. Saying I was so horrible to him. But I never talked about how badly he treated me. How rose colored glasses were worn all the time. I wouldn’t care if he wasn’t posting it for our friends to see but if I do the same it’s an issue. So here’s a list of things that he did that Ik probably add onto
-one day we were out walking and he wanted pictures of himself taken a certain way. I tried my absolute best to take them at the angle the was describing, the right lighting, etc. but it wasn’t good enough. He physically put me in the position he thought was perfect and I stayed in it, took the picture and it still wasn’t right because “you moved” then jerked the phone out of my hand and said “I’ll just do it myself”
- Got mad/upset when I wouldn’t lend him money for a toy/ something he wanted (this was rare but it happened)
- Got mad when I had to change plans because of covid and wanted to go somewhere when covid was at its peak and I couldn’t
- He came to break up with me and texted me mom a long paragraph before hand that included “if she does anything I’m not responsible for it” or something like that (which he’s not but like why say that???)
- Texted MULTIPLE other girls all the time during our relationship (one of which was his ex that he used to be madly in love with) but I didn’t ever say anything because I trusted him and they were just friends (I don’t think he cheated but that was sus, plus he always talked about how hot one of our mutual friends was)
- He came to breakup with me on like a Friday, we decided not to that day, planned a walk the next day to just get out with each other and he brought me a necklace and put it around my neck all romantic and gave me SO MUCH false hope.
- Told me I needed to talk to my mom about things (making a fuss if I go out during covid) but wouldn’t talk to his parents about things I had issues with because “they are how they are”
That’s all I can type right now but I’m sure I’ll have more later.
I almost wish I could tag him but he has me blocked on here, but I’m done being the person that’s quiet and stomped all over, I just needed to get it out.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 3 years
While my boyfriend of almost 3 years was dumping me I said something to the extent of “what about all our plans and everything we have together?” And he said “what plans (my name)” and that’s when I knew he never took us seriously. That he was a child and I was more like a mother than a girlfriend to him. Don’t be blinded by feelings and take less for yourself everyone.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 4 years
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Me as hell with a specific person
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 4 years
I am || <- THIS close to going to medical school only because I’m tired of doctors not caring about their patients and dismissing their symptoms.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 4 years
Soooo was anyone (like a doctor) gonna tell me that modafinil could lessen the effectiveness of my birth control? I was looking at medications that mess it up because I think I’m gonna need antibiotics and holy fuck. I stopped taking it months ago thank god but what if I hadn’t? I literally wasn’t told.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 4 years
I can’t wait to have my own house. Something nice. I don’t care what I have to do but I just want something nice and mine
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 4 years
Am I catching feelings? Maybe a little.
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 4 years
A big huge thank you to whoever just sent me $40. I’m assuming this is what it is for. I just paid using it, here’s a confirmation of that. I deeply appreciate it.
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I need some help. Please.
Okay, so this is my baby, Alex
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On the morning of August 25, I lost him. This is a hard post to write.
I drove home late Saturday august 24th because he wasn’t doing well (my mom took care of him while I’m at school but I FaceTimed him every single day)
Alex wasn’t eating or pooping, this has happened before but we can usually get him out of it by using pear juice, baby gas drops, tummy massages, critical care and other things. I knew this time was different. We got him to the emergency vet (over an hour away) at around 8:30 PM. He was different this time.
They took an x-Ray and did some bloodwork and found he had a big gas bubble in his tummy. And the bloodwork showed his potassium and proteins were off. His temperature was Also a little low, running 99ish and rabbits should run over 100
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They wanted to hospitalize him for 24 hours but I didn’t want to leave my baby. We stayed for a while and they gave him pain meds, he became very sleepy after this, this is the last picture I have of him alive, he was sleeping in my arms
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They started an IV drip to hydrate him and hopefully get things moving, there was also pain medication in the drip.
We left him there but got a hotel 5 minutes away. ($120) I slept absolutely none, and called to check on him ever 1-2 hours.
I called at 4am and they tell me his temperature had dropped (96ish) and were planning on starting syringe feeding at 6am if there were no improvements
He didn’t make it to 6
I woke my mother and we went there straight away. We get there about 4:10 and he was in a small room they have for rabbits and it was really warm trying to raise his temp. At this point we’re doing almost everything, there’s one other thing they can do.
A procedure where they sedate him and go in his stomach with a tube and release the gas (which he still had not passed)
I agree to this because it was a last resort, my baby wasn’t eating or using the bathroom. I sat on the floor and held him for a couple minutes before they took him to do the procedure. I remember holding him and putting my head on his and thinking “I hope this isn’t the last time I get to hold him, I have to remember this moment.” And it was the last time I held him alive.
They did the procedure and the vet comes out and says they got a good amount of gas out and he pooped one pellet, I was hopeful. I went back to see him and he was laying on the table, groggy from the sedation. I rubbed him and told him I loved him. I told them about how sweet of a bun he was, how he loved to get under the recliner and thought it was a game, how he just got a scooby doo chair that made him feel like a king.
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They took him back to let him rest and I thought he could use it so I went to the waiting room. I’ve questioned and went over 1000 times or more in my head if I did the right thing. Because about 10-20 minutes later the vet comes and tells me Alex has arrested.
My baby. Writing this is beyond hard. I scream, I cry, she leaves and said something about CPR. I run to the back and open a door, I see him on the table and her trying to revive him. The vet tech comes out and tells me she’s doing what she can, I scream, I beg them to save him. He wanted to come home. I screamed I didn’t care about the money, just to help him.
They brought me my limp baby boy in a blanket, brown stuff all over his mouth and I cried and begged him to wake up. He didn’t. My baby was gone and gone too soon.
To you he may be just a rabbit but he was my baby, he helped me through things in ways I never thought he could. I found a love for rabbits, much more then them just being cute, they have personality and he was the best boy, he just wanted to be loved and he was, but I wanted to love him more and more and more and more.
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Early in the night we realized the bill was going to be much more than the money we had in our pocket or our bank accounts. So we applied for care credit and were allowed $1,500. The total ended up being a little over 1,600 and we used $200 something from my grandmas credit card that we will have to pay back to her. The whole time I said “it’s okay, Alex has insurance, they’ll cover most of it right?”
WRONG. I got NATIONWIDE exotic pet insurance for emergencies like this and I submitted a claim. They are willing to give us a whopping $279??? So we called to find out the reason, and here’s the gag. They’ll only cover up to a certain amount of $ for a certain issue, so for GI Stasis (which is in simple terms what Alex had but there was other stuff going on) they only cover $140. They have a limit they will pay for each health issue so essentially Alex would have to have been even worse for them to cover more (I don’t remember what the other $139 went to) the exam itself cost $130. So honestly boycott nationwide because not only did they do this but we called the day it happened and told them to cancel the policy because he was deceased and when we called to question the amount, the policy was STILL ACTIVE!
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So I’ve got this thing to pay off and if it’s not paid off in 6 months it gains 14% interest, not on what you have left to pay, but on the entire loan amount. Which is almost $200 more. I’m a student and will be doing work study but I can only work 80 hours per semester and will make less than $700 if I did all that. My dad doesn’t work because he has multiple sclerosis (and so do I, yippi! 😕) my mom is picking up every shift she can but we have extra medical bills because I just started a new medication after having a relapse on my old one.
I’ve been in a super depressed state since losing him, not being able to eat, drink, shower, or just generally take care of myself. This bill is a big stressor because I know it’s stressful to my mother as well and I worry about losing her too. I hope this post gets seen by people that would be willing to help me or at least pass this post on so that others could. I would never ask for this if I wasn’t desperate.
I’d do anything to hold my baby again, to tell him how much I love him, get nose kisses and give him treats, I’d pay even more. I’m going to post a couple more pictures of him and then my links to PayPal/cash app/ and Venmo at the bottom if anyone wants to donate to help me. If this gets a lot of attention somehow and I get enough to pay the bill off I will not let people continue to give me money, I will post updates of the care credit balance once i make payments. Here’s my baby:
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My paypal: https://www.paypal.me/mikalaalex
Cashapp: $mikalaalex
Venmo: mikalaalex
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tom-hanks-is-bae · 4 years
My mom on the phone in a crowded Walmart: “Yeah, she gets her last treatment tomorrow but then has to go back next monday for more. If the school doesn’t go online she will and will just do isolation.”
The lady next the her looking a me: 😳
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