the-nectar-of-the-gods 6 months
my new place I share my work xx
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the-nectar-of-the-gods 6 months
long time no see !
hello there !
i've come back on here to let you know that I have a new platform I share my work on ! the link is bellow, I hope you come check it out :)
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Recovery - a stream of consciousness
I think I may be thawing, or at least I hope I am.
My frozen and stiff muscles are softening with the heat of the sun and ideas of who I used to be - who I (naive child as I was) was adamant on being forever - are melting away; dripping from my brain out of my nose - removing the toxicity that coursed within my bloodstream. Do you think nosebleeds can symbolise rebirth?
I think I'm afraid of showing the world and it's inhabitants the true colour of my blood - I was ashamed of it's boldness and slick, soft movement, pulsing as unapologetically as the oceans tides. It has currents and ferocious waves like the ocean too, boiling and swelling with the cycles of the moon, washing away sense of logic in times of defense; but, alas, the waves aren't always so ravenous as they are in these spells - and they will never be that way forever.
What I'm trying to say is that the ice-age is coming to an end, my walls are tearing away, melting off my bones like butter to hot iron, and I am becoming myself again.
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The Siren
My world feels effervescent and mirthful,
even with a storm approaching,
full with gratuitous violence.
I am a creature of the inbetween; I haunt the daydreaming sailors
and those with nightmarish souls long for my presence,
in hopes of seeing me
baring vicious teeth
drenched with the blood of those who heard my song.
Yet, the ocean is my only lover.
I lure in lost souls for her consumption,
I'm the girl they sing about in sea shanties,
the muse of poets
- yet only the ocean knows of my soul.
Well, the ocean and maybe
one girl
I let get closer than most,
much closer that she could smell
the salt and
corrosive, copper blood,
and stayed anyway.
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a drunken stream of consciousness
When all seems dire, when my vision is blurred and scalp bleeding; when there's crusted copper scented blood under my nails and face slick with tears; when no one is there but myself left to pick up broken fragments of an old version of me; when the only grounding presence is the cold lick of my wall against my back and my own demons and delusions, i'm reminded that I shouldn't be afraid of the monster in my mind; or of the one in my closet. What's to fear when you can be a monster too?
I think now I can detach myself too easily. I'm afloat and no longer caught in my own mind; I no longer care what happens to the body. When I come down I know it will hurt again, but it doesn't now and that's all that matters right?
So please, pass over the bottle, I like feeling free from my burdens.
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strange behaviour
It鈥檚 staring at a girl who kills god聽on the weekends as she is聽
devouring the bloody
forbidden fruits licking the聽
sticky-sweet nectar聽
trickling down those pail hands that have held weapons聽
in the form of pens and blades,
she is the essence of girlhood聽
and grazed knees.聽
The copious consumption of聽
sweet things helps dilute the bitterness聽
of her soul you聽
are chamomile and honey
she is coffee and cigarette breath I聽
am her and聽
are to be decided.
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play taylor swift this is me trying
I licked the salt corroding glass bottles until I could see myself again, regardless of the sting.
I resurrected my altar and bathed in dried herbs, set with the intention of trying.
I lived alongside the wretched weight in my head and took it out on walks through the sharp winter air.
I sat eating fisfulls of pomegranate seeds basking in full moonlight in honour of femininity, in all her power and darkness.
I read books even though I didn't understand them, but more so to make them feel listened to.
Maybe I'll understand in the morning,
I'm sure everything will be clearer then.
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drink up
Hello, you don't know me but maybe through my work you'll get an idea. I love words and writing. I love art. I love, love. I love dissecting the human existence in all of its grief and beauty. I'm acid tongued and sweet. A gentle, walking contradiction. I love growing and changing. I love constantly rebuilding myself. I love sharing my passion and love and work. I love sharing my authentic self and painting it all over the canvas of my existence, in my corner of our world.
I hope my work can give you something, a smile, a look of disgust, a craving to be god, confusion, hurt, resonance, literally anything. I'm trying to get used to putting my work out there, so feel free to rip into it and through reading it, make it your own.
I hope to write to you soon x
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