the-captaincoffee · 7 months
Home is more than a place
or a person
it’s a feeling
a feeling of belonging
of warmth
not the warmth of the fire on a cold night
but the warmth that ignites your heart
the warmth that makes you humm
the warmth that puts a smile on your face
home is more than just something to go to
its a way of being
and i can see you havent found it
from the dark storm behind your eyes
from the twitch of your fingers
from the forcefulness of your smile
i hope one day you find it
your home
and i hope i’m there to see it
to feel it
to be home
with you
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the-captaincoffee · 7 months
When the sky is dark
And I’m falling apart
I look at you
And then smile a little too
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the-captaincoffee · 1 year
When I see you my heart... it... she struggled with words, trying to sort the tangled web of her mind enough to explain to him how she felt its as if my heart is a bird trapped inside the cage of my ribs. And when I see you... she took a breath... it tries to break free from the cage. It sings and it hums and it flutters about. That's why I'm so scared, it's never done this before. And I'm scared that if I set it free it'll never come back. But I guess that I should follow that old saying right? If you love something let it go. You have my heart, you have the bird that sings for your ears only...
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the-captaincoffee · 2 years
I look for you
I look for you
On the screen
In the bar
I look for you
When I hear a funny joke
From some old bloke
I look for you
When the soccer is on
When we are all having fun
I look for you
And I wonder
If sometimes
You maybe
Just maybe
Look for me too
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the-captaincoffee · 3 years
I think there is something magical about feeling sadness after happiness
You know that feeling when the weight lifts off
And you can finally breathe
And the world doesn’t seem so dark anymore
But your world is still broken
You’re relieved and sad but oh so happy
It’s beautiful and heartbreaking
Or maybe just heartbreakingly beautiful
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the-captaincoffee · 3 years
When I was younger I had dreams of moving overseas, and seeing the world and eating new foods, of having a job and a nice car and just being happy. And now i'm older, and I have those things except I'm not happy, my world still feels broken, it still hurts to breathe, and the coffee that tasted like magic just tastes like coffee. And I don't know if that means that I got all I wanted and it wasn't enough or if I wanted the wrong things, but whatever it is, I'm now stuck in a world dreaming of how to get that magic coffee back
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the-captaincoffee · 3 years
To the boy who
How can you say thank you to a person who showed you how to feel complete
Who showed you that you deserved to feel more than just sadness
Who looked at you with so much love and made you feel worthy of it
Who wanted you more than for just your pretty face
Who wanted you for more than the way your skin felt beneath their fingertips
Who held you when you cried and who made you laugh straight after
How can you say thank you to the boy who showed you what a man was supposed to act like
Who pushed you just enough so that you could see all you could be but never asked for more than you were
Who taught you how to love and how to be loved
... How can I say thank you, to you?
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the-captaincoffee · 3 years
Learn to love who you are Without your makeup and high heels Learn to love your heartbreaks And breakdowns Your off-tune singing and dancing to your own beat Learn to love yourself For all your so-called flaws Because you deserve more than someone that just “tolerates them” Even if that person is you
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the-captaincoffee · 3 years
He told me that he’s sorry
And asked to try again
He said that he’d do better
And be a better friend
But this is not the first time
He’s said those words to me
And now I can’t help wondering
If I should set him free
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the-captaincoffee · 3 years
I’m not sure when it happens, or how it happens, but there is this moment, a small insignificant moment when we realise that we deserve more then what we are getting. Its not a big moment, it’s not earth shattering or profound, it is not met with clapping or screams, it is just a moment, a small insignificant moment.
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the-captaincoffee · 3 years
I don’t know what I feel for you
Or if I even do
I don’t know what to think of you
Or if you think of me too
All I do is wonder
As I stutter through my thoughts
And it scares me half to death
As I think of how what I felt for him was all the love I had left
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the-captaincoffee · 3 years
One and Done
You broke me I was fine and happy and content and you came along and broke me and now I cant breathe you broke me and I cant breathe and you don't care its as if its a normal day for you as if you didn't take my heart and smash it into a thousand pieces as if you didn't tell me you loved me and then walked away and I don't know what to do because you were my home you were my person you were my one and done and now I'm the only one and you're just done
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the-captaincoffee · 4 years
The boy in the green jacket
I’m scared to say yes
To the boy in the green jacket
I’m scared to feel anything
For the boy in the green jacket
I’m scared to miss
The boy in the green jacket
Because without fail
When I do any of these
It’s as if I change
It’s as if everything I was feeling was a lie
And I start to say no
To the boy in the green jacket
And I begin to feel nothing
For the boy in the green jacket
And I don’t even think
About the boy in the green jacket
And I don’t want to hurt
The boy in the green jacket
So I sit
Thinking about the boy in the green jacket
And all we could be
Then I put on my mask
And hide
From the boy in the green jacket
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the-captaincoffee · 4 years
home is more than a place or a person it’s a feeling a feeling of belonging of warmth - not the warmth of the fire on a cold night but the warmth that ignites your heart the warmth that makes you hum the warmth that puts a smile on your face home is more than just something to go to its a way of being and i can see you haven't found it from the dark storm behind your eyes from the twitch of your fingers from the forcefulness of your smile i hope one day you find it your home and i hope i’m there to see it to feel it to be home with you
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the-captaincoffee · 4 years
I want to live in a place where everything is nothing. I want important matters to be the types of pasta I eat and sunsets on the beach.
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the-captaincoffee · 4 years
I think maybe I loved you And maybe I didn't see it then Maybe I didn't want to But I’m looking through my phone And I’m seeing these photos Of me and you Of us smiling Of us laughing Of the pictures you took when I wasn't watching And it hit me The feelings that I didn't know were there And now your dating someone And shes amazing And you love her And I’m stuck just feeling These damn feelings
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the-captaincoffee · 4 years
She stood meters away from her house in the freezing wind trying to build up the courage to walk through that front door. The only problem was, unlike most people her Demons did not live inside her, they lived in the place she once called home.
They did not know they were her demons and she wondered why. Every word that their tongues formed made her centimetres smaller. Every comment made her want to run away. And the worst of it all was that they felt that the way they spoke was okay.
That they did not have to justify themselves to other people, that other people's happiness did not depend on them. Yet they had children, parents, partners. She did not understand how someone could grow to become a monster. Did they not see how people's words and actions affect them? Did they not care? How could someone become so hollow and cold?
She knew one thing for sure she would never turnout that way. She would do everything in her power to make herself better than the person she once was. The person she was becoming. Kate would not be angry. Hatred would not drip from her every pore. She would make herself unspeakably happy, she would not justify herself to the cruel would that she was once a part of. The only question she had to ask herself was how?
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