#zwei's gifs
evilvvithin · 7 months
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@margaretoakgrove requested: HEISENBERG'S FACTORY resident evil village
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segacity · 3 months
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Boo! 'Panzer Dragoon Zwei' SEGA Saturn
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nocturnal-impala · 2 months
Update info
Hi there!
The progress of the animation for episode 6 part2 is now 35%!
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andrej-delany · 15 days
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Daniel Sträßer in Conti - Meine zwei Gesichter
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daimyosprincess · 8 months
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please don't repost my gifs, reblog to share :)
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howlingday · 10 days
I wonder how jaune and ruby will react that zwei got juniper pregnant like would jaune pull out a shotgun or try to strangle him and Ruby it try to stop him.
Or would they both cry because they're grandparents now because I can see their furry friends as their children.
Honestly, I think Jaune would be more curious, surprised, shock, and pretty much every emotion that can be best summarized as
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"I just... how?" Jaune pondered as he shifted between scratching his chin and scratching his head. Even rubbing his hand over his steed's bulging belly did little to elucidate the quandary spinning in his head. "Like how how?"
"Well," Ruby leaned in, "when a mommy jackalope and a daddy corgi love each other very much..."
"Ruby, Juniper is the size of a horse."
"A small horse."
"Still a horse! And Zwei is a really small dog!"
"Hey, he's not small!" Ruby puffed her cheeks. "His legs are just so beefy that they look stubby."
"And who cares about how? What really matters is what we do now!"
"What we do?"
"Yup! Grab your fanciest tuxedo, because it's time for these two to settle down!"
"Ruby," Jaune rubbed her temple, "I get that you're happy and excited for Zwei-"
"I'm actually excited for both of them."
"-but this is a serious situation! I mean, how do we know Juniper will be able to safely give birth to the jackorgis?"
"The what?"
"Jackorgis." Jaune repeated. "The jackalope-corgi hybrids."
"Oh." Ruby knit her brow. "That's dumb. They should be corgilopes!"
"Yeah..." Qrow looked to you, "They're gonna be at this for a while. Maybe come back later, or somethin'."
As the two bickered, Zwei cuddled up to Juniper, the swollen steed seated prone and on her side. He nestled against her belly, listening close to his hybrid pups growing inside.
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izpira-se-zlato · 3 months
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It must be so, so hard to be surrounded by giants... who won't let you forget 😂
Joker Out with NGVOT at Platosonic 24, ESNS 24 Groningen (18.01.2024)
(full recording by me here)
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honeywolflower8364 · 5 months
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This is the only therapy I have for the RWBY fandom
Enjoy some gif’s of the good boi Zwei
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apaethy · 1 year
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Kinder denken sich gerne Geschichten aus.
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linilunilumi · 2 months
Schloss Einstein Staffel 26 Rewatch pt. XI
Folge 1047: Nolin Breakdown Spezial (wie passend gerade)
die ungewöhnlichen Liebeserklärungen gehen in eine weitere Runde: - "Ne, ich finde Colin super. Als Platzhalter." - "Es können ja nicht alle schlecht gewesen sein bei deinem Casting" - "Colin war gut." - "Colin, du bist der einzige nicht nervige Mensch auf dem Einstein." wir steigern uns - "Ich brauch' dich, du bist mein Jackpot." der kommt nur leider von joel ahha
Um mich mal selbst vom 25. April 2023, 19:11 Uhr zu zitieren: ""ich kann das nicht.." und dann das seufzen? bro colin, was meinst du? den kopf ausschalten oder dich neben noah setzen und in ihn verliebt sein??!" dramatic gays
"Was in aller Welt könnte denn jetzt wichtiger sein als unser Projekt?!" aaand cut to:
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noah and his lil satisfied smirk :')
die ganze Szene aber auch einfach... i need to talk to whoever is responsible for all of this
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and this:
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the staring? the ~ bisexual flag behind colins head?? the matching three-coloured hoodies??? wenn ich sprachlos bin, switche ich ins englische. i'm sorry aber HILFE
Okay, kurz beruhigen. Folge 1047 endet wie folgend: Noah: "Willst du lieber gehen?" Colin: "Weiß nicht...", daraufhin steht er allerdings auf und sagt: "Ich bring' ihm mal die Geruchskammern." Dann verlässt er das Zimmer. Die Szene war immer etwas komisch für mich, weil Colin zwar sagt, dass er nicht weiß, ob er lieber gehen will, sich dann aber scheinbar doch innerhalb von wenigen Sekunden dazu entscheidet, es zu tun. (Habe ich aber auch nie weiter hinterfragt, weil es ist Colin. Natürlich wird er helfen.) Dementsprechen bin ich irgendwie auch immer davon ausgegangen, dass Colin dann für eine gewisse Zeit bei Joel im ShareSpace bleibt und ihm mit den Kammern hilft (weil wie wir wissen: Joel ist für die Ideen da, Colin für die Umsetzung lol). Wir sehen in der Szene anschließend zwar nur Joel mit den Kammern im ShareSpace, aber es kommt ja durchaus mal vor, dass drehtechnisch ein Schauspieler eingespart wird und dass Colin zwar nicht on screen zu sehen war, aber theoretisch trotzdem anwesend gewesen sein sollte. Folge 1048 beginnt dann allerdings so:
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Es ist Abend und sowohl Colin, als auch Noah tragen noch dieselbe Kleidung wie aus der letzten Folge. Zufällig? Oder soll es tatsächlich noch derselbe Tag sein wie aus Folge 1047? Und heißt das, dass Colin eben schnell beim ShareSpace vorbei ist, um Joel die Kammern dort abzuliefern, aber dass er dann direkt wieder zurück ins Internat, zu Noah, ist? Und dass sie den Abend zusammen mit kickern verbracht haben?? Ist ja nicht so, als würden die im selben Haus wohnen und dass das da wahrscheinlich häufig so vorkommt, aber wieso finde ich das trotzdem so wholesome? Die beiden kleben wirklich aneinander zu diesem Zeitpunkt! and look at my all queer friend group being happy together <;3
P.s. Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass Nesrin wegen dieses blöden Streits den 4D-Stuhl in die Luft jagt (wenn's auch nicht ganz mit Absicht war). Nicht nur Joels Arbeit seit mehreren Monaten, sondern auch Colins! Ihr Sportsgeist ist hier wohl kurz verloren gegangen...
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gorillageek27 · 1 year
Zwei and junpier need to meet and become best friends!
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Imagine giant jackalope zoomies!
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segacity · 16 days
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Finished Off 'Panzer Dragoon Zwei' SEGA Saturn
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Mir ist aufgefallen wie viel Mikka und Colin eigentlich gemeinsam haben:
Sie kommen mit ihren besten Freund:innen an die Schule.
Sie sind sehr schlau und entwickeln komplexe Systeme quasi nebenbei.
Sie sind überaus harmoniebedürftig.
Sie lassen sich für die Ideen und zum Wohl anderer häufig einspannen.
Sie sind die nettesten Menschen.
…allerdings hat Colin viel Tiefe bekommen, die Mikka leider fehlt.
Julia und Colin sind viel glaubwürdiger als best friends. Damit ist auch ihr Konflikt greifbarer. Mikka und Caspar nimmt man die jahrelange Freundschaft dagegen weniger ab, weil einer den anderen so offensichtlich ausnutzt. Ihr Streit geht einem damit weniger nah, eigentlich ist man froh, dass Mikka Caspar los ist.
Das ist auch genau das, was Mikka fehlt: echte Verbindungen zu anderen Charakteren. Colin hat Julia, Joel und Noah. Mit und an ihnen ist er gewachsen. Mikka hat niemanden… vielleicht könnte man über Reena streiten, aber das wirkt auch eher oberflächlich.
Diese Staffel steht für Mikka die Schatzsuche an erster Stelle und ich befürchte einfach, dass da nebenbei nicht viel anderes passieren wird und das wäre echt schade, weil die Grundlage für einen guten SE-Charakter ist eigentlich da.
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marcmarcmomarc · 2 months
After the news of Rooster Teeth’s death, I decided to remake this post of Ruby telling the tale of RWBY+J’s time in the Ever After to the Remnant Alliance as another dose of RWBY positivity, once again inspired by this post by @pmpknsoup.
(In Theodore’s office in Shade Academy at early evening, Team RWBY and Jaune face the main members of the Remnant Alliance.)
RUBY: Listen. Thanks, everyone, for your patience. It took a while to figure out how to tell you, and I know being left in the dark about our whereabouts over the remainder of the winter, the whole spring, and the summer has left you anxious, but now, I’ve decided it’s time to reveal what’s been going on. Miss Robyn Hill, I’ll need your Semblance to prove all of this correct.
ROBYN: Uh, okay.
(Robyn steps away from the group, removes her glove, and joins hands with Ruby. Her Semblance turns on and glows green with every piece of information Ruby gives.)
ROBYN: So what happened in the pocket dimension?
RUBY: Well, after I fell, I regained consciousness on a beach surrounded by giant seashells. I tried to hone in on a giant tree, but just ended up looping in circles. Eventually, I had to stop, then found a mouse trying to pull a plant out of the ground. I pulled the plant out for the mouse and fed them a cheese. After the mouse revealed that they could talk, I named them Little, and they decided to stay by my side as I tried to get home. Then we found Weiss and Blake captured in vines by a whole village of talking mice. It didn’t take much convincing to get them to let them go. Then we went to look for Yang and found a creepy Grimm-looking creature moving jerkily. And I mean very creepy. Then Yang came barreling out, already fighting the creature while missing her arm. Then Blake realized we were in our favorite childhood fairy tale, The Girl Who Fell Through the World.
(Confusion and wonder all around. “That fairy tale?” “The Ever After?” “It’s real?”)
OSCAR: That fairy tale actually happened? And the Ever After is real?
RUBY: Which meant the creepy Grimm-like creature was the Jabberwalker from that story. Also, Weiss had a very hard time wrapping her head around the Ever After’s absurdities.
(Weiss blushes with embarrassment.)
WEISS: Did not.
RUBY: Our hands are glowing green, Weiss. Robyn’s Semblance never fails. Then we went to the village in the Crimson Acre to barter with the Jinxy Peddler, who had stolen Yang’s arm, or “took something we weren’t looking at”, according to Little.
EMERALD: You met the Jinxy Peddler?
VELVET: Was he cute?
WEISS: Yeah.
RUBY: And, despite being older than he was in the book, his strategy was the same, selling treasures that are really other items in disguise. If my memory serves me right, he had a yellow scepter, a pink rabbit statue, and a marionette-like doll. Toy soldiers won the scepter, and we only got it back from them because Little tried stealing the marionette, exposing Jinxy’s treasures as fakes. The rabbit statue was another mouse, the scepter was Yang’s arm, and the marionette was one of Penny’s Floating Array swords. The soldiers followed us to arrest us for stealing Yang’s arm, or “royal property”, before I traded Penny’s sword, with a story of her being the greatest warrior to ever live. “She was touched by magic, and she gave her life for thousands. She took a message of hope to the stars, and she saw the world through better eyes.”
(The gang gets emotional, especially Winter and Pietro, who are comforted by their loved ones.)
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RUBY: The soldiers escorted us to the Crimson Castle for the birthday of who we thought was the Red King, but turned out to be the Red Prince, who was more of a spoiled brat than Weiss was at Beacon.
YANG: (nudging Weiss) Heh-heh.
RUBY: We challenged him to a game of chess, where he shrunk the girls to the size of chess pawns. Not that it hindered their performance against the Prince’s pawns. When we revealed that we’re humans and beat him, he threw a tantrum and wanted us beheaded, and the Curious Cat rescued us.
(More interested chatter. Nora gets giddy.)
NORA: The Curious Kitty?!
REN: Were they as chatty as the book made them out to be?
RUBY: Mm-hm. Not to mention easily distracted. Anyway, they took us to look for ingredients for a Growgurt Parfait in the Garden Acre, and we told them our life story, then they briefly distracted me with questions about how I’m supposed to save the world now that Salem has two out of four Relics and that Atlas is gone, making me lose them over and over again. After the third time, we met an herbalist, a caterpillar named Herb who seemed to be asking us questions to figure out what medicine he needed to make to help us. Reasonable, as too little medicine is useless, but too much medicine is toxic. Eventually Herb just decided to smoke a hookah for a bit and drugged us with leaves that made us see our past selves tempting us to “go back”. To be free. To be simple. To be whole. To be different. The other girls rejected and had already accepted their failures as something to learn from, but I almost gave in, before the Cat stopped me, then got Herb swallowed by a hole in the ground.
TAI: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. You guys did drugs?
QROW: Don’t let alcoholism be next, girls.
RUBY: Anyway, the Cat led us to a market to keep looking for the Parfait ingredients. Along the way, they told us about a process that occurs when an Afteran is no longer doing the assigned role that they are supposed to be, triggered by them losing their ways, wearing out, doubting themselves, or even just finishing their assigned tasks, upon which they are taken to the Great Tree and repurposed into someone or something else with a new identity, personality, and role. Their memories are erased in the process, but the heart very rarely forgets. They don’t die. They ascend.
(Such a concept catches the interest of the gang.)
RUBY: And then, the market was attacked by Jabberwalkers using Neopolitan’s Semblance. Yeah, Neopolitan fell with us, too.
(The members of the Alliance who know who Neo was grow worried.)
REN: Uh-oh.
TAI: Neopolitan? Who’s that?
RUBY: Roman Torchwick’s parter. She’s held me responsible for his death at the Fall of Beacon and wanted me dead to avenge him.
RAVEN: Was she that chick I saved Yang from on the train on Mountain Glenn?
RUBY: Yep. Then I disposed of her by opening her umbrella on an Atlas airship in the sky during the Fall of Beacon. Apparently she survived that fall without any of those Grimm surrounding us eating her.
OSCAR: Team JNPR and I last fought her right after Ironwood declared us fugitives.
RUBY: Then she fought us in the pocket dimension between here and Solitas. Heck, she was the reason Yang, Blake, and I fell. Anyway, we had all of the ingredients for the Parfait, and the girls grew back to normal size just as we got assistance from the Rusted Knight riding his white rabbit.
WHITLEY: Did Weiss go goo-goo eyes the second she laid eyes on him? She had a crush on him when she was younger.
BLAKE: I think everyone had a crush on the Rusted Knight at some point.
RUBY: Well, things didn’t help when he turned out to be a grown-up Jaune with longer hair and a beard, who grabbed a fruit that sent him back in time twenty years right after he landed.
(The gang gasps at the new knowledge of the Rusted Knight being not only Jaune, of all people, but Jaune thrown backwards in time, grown older, and living without his friends for so long.)
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NORA: Oh, my Gods, Jaune!
JAUNE: I was stuck there isolated from other human contact, too.
YANG: Weiss certainly loved how mature he was.
RUBY: And the white rabbit was a jackalope Jaune named Juniper.
NORA: After his team? Aww!
RUBY: Then Jaune told us his perspective on the Tree, that he believed it was death, that Alyx backstabbed her brother Lewis, the author of the fairy tale, who wrote the story the way he wished it happened, and that the Cat couldn’t be trusted. Before long, we got caught in a “punderstorm”, which creates a physical manifestation of a mental or emotional problem. Jaune, Weiss, Juniper, and I were sent to metaphorical and literal crossroads, while Yang and Blake were sent to two broken, wooden, rickety bridges connected to a giant pillar that they could only make more planks to advance toward if they were honest about their feelings for each other. Yeah, Yang and Blake are girlfriends now.
(Everyone’s hearts melt, all proud for the Bees.)
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NORA: See, Ren? I told you there was more going on!
KALI: Our baby girl found love?
TAI: With my sunny little dragon?
RAVEN: Wow. She really is your daughter, Tai.
RUBY: Then the Cat bailed on us after mistaking us for selfishly using them to get home, and once the storm passed, Jaune let us spend the night in his house in the Origami Acre, then he introduced us the next morning to a village of paper stars called the Paper Pleasers whose purpose was finished and kept trying to go to the Tree to gain a new purpose, but Jaune had been stopping them for as long as he knew them. He also named them after all of us. On Jaune’s to-do list, I saw Ren, Ruby, Oscar, Nora, Neptune, and Pyrrha. Anyway, a Paper Pleaser told us that Jaune had nothing to worry about, that the Tree isn’t death, it’s rebirth. They were just listening to Jaune so as to not hurt his feelings. Then Neo’s Jabberwalkers attacked, and while we were distracted, the Paper Pleasers finally managed to off themselves via destroying the koi pond dam, then when the girls asked me to help comfort Jaune, I blew up at them for caring more about everyone else’s feelings or getting home, taking my mental health for granted and ignoring my problems…
(Everyone leans in anxiously. Things are getting even more interesting, but not in a good way.)
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(Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Jaune exchange looks of guilt.)
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RUBY: …then I ran away, came across the Abandoned Acre, and entered a random mansion, where Neo had made clone illusions of Roman Torchwick, Penny, Pyrrha, Professor Lionheart, Clover, Ozpin, and Ironwood, and used them to physically and psychologically abuse me, beating me up ruthlessly and blaming me for their deaths, and when the chaos was over, I felt no will to live or be myself anymore, not helped by Torchwick’s question: “Do you really think you can stand to watch more of your friends fall? Or are you ready to admit the truth, that the world would just be better off without you?”
(The gang regards Ruby with sorrow over her being trampled by her trauma. Ozpin can be heard sniffling.)
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RUBY: Then Neo offered me tea made from leaves from the Tree intended to wipe me from existence, then the Cat blasted her away, but then turned out to be evil and tried to possess me, while revealing that they had been trying to wear me down, then Neo fought them off and stomped Little to death, then I finally gave in, drank the tea, offing myself, and got swallowed by the Tree.
YANG: (tearing up) Oh, Rubes.
RUBY: Then I met a Blacksmith, who I also found at the market, or, rather, she found me, and then she presented me with a choice to either change my identity or be myself. I saw my mom’s weapon and was treated to a vision of the night she left with Raven on another one of Ozpin’s secret missions and never came back.
(Tai turns accusingly at Raven.)
TAI: Raven?
YANG: She lied? She left with you?
RAVEN: Yeah… Hey, like I said to her, “First time for everything.”
(The gang gives her a look.)
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RAVEN: Really? Sheesh. Tough crowd.
HARE: (to Ruby) Wait. What did you say your mother’s name was again?
RUBY: Summer.
HARE: (muttering) So, her uncle is Qrow, her father is Taiyang, and her sister’s mother is Raven. All are members of Team STRQ. Summer, Summer, Summer… (out loud) Summer Rose, the leader of Team STRQ, was your mother?
REMNANT ALLIANCE (walla): Summer?…Summer Rose?…The previous silver-eyed Huntress?…That’s Summer Rose’s daughter?
RUBY: Yeah. And then, I finally remembered my mom’s words, “I love you just the way you are,” and chose to be myself. And I. Came. Back, and helped the girls fight the Cat. And we won.
(Cheers and applause all around.)
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RUBY: And then Neo killed the Cat with the Jabberwalkers, who, by the way, are the only creatures to prevent Ascension if they eat Afterans.
BLAKE: On my count, there were a whopping five of them.
REMNANT ALLIANCE (walla): Five?…Five of them?…Five Jabberwalkers?
SUN: Talk about overkill.
ELM: (after doing the multiplication math in her head) That’s gotta be over ninety teeth!
RUBY: And, according to the girls, Neo was possessed by the Cat, and she chose to accept Torchwick’s death and undergo her own Ascension. Oh, and Little ascended, too, into who we called Somewhat, and succeeded Jaune as the protector of the Ever After. By then, we had made it to the Tree by coming to terms with the truth, we’ll never be perfect, that even the most skilled Huntsmen and Huntresses have failed, and we walked through the door back home, landed inside the plane of the Tree, met the Blacksmith again at her workshop, and when we noticed two statues of the Brother Gods, she told us their backstory. That the Ever After was overfilled with plants and dangerous wildlife in its primordial years, but the Brothers were created to clear it out. Then they created the Afterans as well as the different acres for them to live in. They designed new creations that would replace them in maintaining the Ever After. This was how the Cat was created. They later created the Jabberwalker as a form of destruction. However, the two disagreed on whether it disrupted the balance or not and began to wage war.
OSCAR AND OZPIN: (both scoff) What else is new?
RUBY: The Blacksmith told us how balance isn’t supposed to be two opposing forces locked in battle; balance is an ecosystem, an organism, and a living thing, thus balance isn’t restored with force or manipulation, it’s restored naturally, requiring love and patience to see it through to the end. The Gods got to Remnant because the Ever After created a door to a “greater beyond” for them, so they can leave and experiment in creating new worlds as much as they like.
NORA: (snickering) So the Tree basically said, “You think you have life sorted out? Then get out of my house”?
RUBY: Pretty much.
(Everyone laughs at the Brother Gods basically being kicked out of the house by their “mommy”. Some Gods they are.)
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YANG: (wiping a tear) Oh, my Gods, that’s such a hilarious way of looking at it. Thanks, Nora.
RUBY: Anyway, the Blacksmith told us that we have impacted the Ever After significantly; just like Somewhat, Alyx, and Lewis, and that the Cat caused a bad impact. Then she de-aged Jaune, but let him keep his memories, which explains the white streak in his hair, and made us a portal in the desert on the outskirts of the city, and now you’re all caught up.
(Ruby lets go of Robyn’s hand. The freedom fighter rejoins the rest of the Alliance.)
RUBY: So, I’m happy to announce that I’m not throwing in the towel anytime soon. We will not rest until the world is saved from Salem and her forces, for we are Team Remnant, led by me, Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY, offspring of Team STRQ, trainee at Beacon Academy, officially licensed Huntress, worldwide beacon of hope, and Silver-Eyed Warrior of peace!
REMNANT ALLIANCE (walla): Yes!…Great!…Alright!…Thank goodness…Welcome back, Ruby…Good to have you back, kid…Way to go, Ruby!…That’s my girl!
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YANG: We’re so proud of you, Ruby.
RUBY: Thanks, guys. You and your support mean the world to me. And I’m just as proud to call you guys family. All of you.
(Everyone looks at Ruby with warmed hearts.)
Starring the voices of:
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Cristina Vee as Robyn Hill
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Caiti Ward as Velvet Scarlatina
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Burnie Burns as Taiyang Xiao Long
Jason Liebrecht as Qrow Branwen
Anna Hullum as Raven Branwen
Howard Wang as Whitley Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Tara Platt as Kali Belladonna
Anairis Quiñones as Harriet Bree
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Dawn M. Bennett as Elm Ederne
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Additional Voices:
Sena Bryer as May Marigold
Ashley Burns as Coco Adel
Tiana Camacho as Glynda Goodwitch
Cam Clarke as Bartholomew Oobleck
Michele Everheart as Fiona Thyme
Dave Fennoy as Dr. Pietro Polendina
Gavin Free as Scarlet David
Caitlin Glass as Willow Schnee
Lauren Landa as Carmella Lindt
Mick Lauer as Marrow Amin
Cherami Leigh as Ilia Amitola
Marissa Lenti as Joanna Greenleaf
Joe MacDonald as Yatsuhashi Daichi
Aaron Marquis as Nolan Porfirio
Elizabeth Maxwell as Winter Schnee
Lani Minella as Rowena Sunnybrook
Max Mittelman as Fox Alistair
Josh Ornelas as Sage Ayana
Anthony Sardinha as Peter Port
Kerry Shawcross as Neptune Vasilias
Keith Silverstein as Professor Theodore
Melissa Sternenberg as Maria Calavera
J. Michael Tatum as Klein Sieben
Kent Williams as Ghira Belladonna
Anne Yatco as Xanthe Rumpole
“One Day More” section here.
Moodboard index here.
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daimyosprincess · 11 months
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Temuera Morrison as Dr. Hone Ropata in Shortland Street 1.01
please do not repost my gifs, reblog to share :)
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howlingday · 7 days
Somewhat: So, who should I consider my enemies? Is that an enemy?
Blake: Those are chickens. They're not dangerous.
Somewhat: What about the cat? A cat is dangerous, isn't it?
Blake: Maybe when you were smaller, but now that you're bigger, they shouldn't be able to hurt you.
Somewhat: Then... what about him? Is he a friend?
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Blake: ...
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