#zuko x azula x mai x ty lee
ljf613 · 2 years
Why is the fire foursome problematic?
This is Zuko x Azula x Ty Lee x Mai, right?
Hmmmmm...... nothing here stands out as particularly heinous or problematic...... don't think their social status levels are too far apart....... three women should be able to hold their own well enough against one man...... they seem to work well as a team....... I guess the fact that some of them are benders and some aren't isn't great....... but other than that it seems like a pretty stable and healthy dynamic, I guess?
Ask me why your ship is problematic
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ssunphire · 9 days
Zuko: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
Sokka: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Zuko: What the- Yes it was.
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Imagine Azula having a crush on you and everyone but you knowing it
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You walked into the dining room to hear Ty Lee and Mai talking. Ty lee seemed to be worried about something and Mai nodded along. "Just invite y/n too and she'll be in a good mood" Mai replied and your ear perked up "invite y/n where now?". Mai and Ty lee jumped vividly. "Y/n" Ty lee said shooting you a smile "good morning how are you?". You smiled "morning, i’m good how are you?". "Really great" Ty Lee smiled and you nodded "so this thing you're inviting me to?". Ty lee nodded "yeah so basically the Kyoshi Warriors need some fire benders to help with the winter preparations and I was wondering if you and Azula could spare half an hour or so?". You nodded "of course! I'm seeing her after this for training so I’ll ask her then. What time do you need us for?". "Erm this evening if it’s okay?" Ty lee asked and you nodded "sure!". You tucked into your breakfast missing the sly smirk Mai shot Ty lee.
You asked Azula and she agreed to help so together you made your way to the foundations below the palace where the heating system lay. Ty Lee and Suki were waiting for you. “Thanks for coming” Suki smiled “we’ve got a few firebenders but the two of you will definitely be a strong force”. “Of course, Y/n and Azula have always been an excellent duo” Ty lee grinned and Azula made a noise. You didn’t notice and simply smiled back at Ty lee “of course we do, that’s why we’re best friends” and you shot Azula a fond look. Azula smiled back at you but you noticed she seemed nervous. You made a mental note to ask her about that later when you were alone and turned to Suki “now, where do you want us?”. 
Azula’s POV
Once you’d helped balance the heating system Azula excused herself hoping to avoid any further teasing from Ty lee. Suki accompanied her back up to the palace but apparently the warrior had caught onto Ty lee’s teasing. “I have to admit I was surprised you could make it tonight” Suki told her “I figured your schedule would be far too busy to spare even half an hour”. Azula nodded “it is, I had to push several things around just to be here. Hence why I’m rushing away now”. Suki nodded “I guess you must really care a lot about Ty Lee and y/n”. The warrior stressed your name and Azula tensed. “Of course” Azula nodded “now excuse me i’m going this way” and she left the warrior. Azula could’ve sworn she heard the sound of chuckling and it took all her willpower to prevent a blush creeping up her neck. She’d be having stern words with Ty lee, that was for sure.  
Your POV
To celebrate winter a ball was thrown every year and the annual event was fast approaching. When you questioned Ty lee on what she planned on wearing she admitted she wasn’t sure. You could always tell when there was something Ty lee was leaving out so encouraged her and she admitted there was something she’d like to try. The Kyoshi Warriors were all very close and apparently they regularly went shopping together and had chosen their outfits for the ball as a group. Ty lee liked how fun the group fashion shopping-spree sounded and confessed she wished she could do that with her friends but Mai and Azula hated shopping with a passion. You frowned recognising her predicament but you didn’t see why they both couldn’t do this one thing for Ty lee. She was always there when Azula needed her and you’d lost count of the number of times she’s skipped social events for Mai. So you agreed to talk to them both, determined to make Ty lee’s wish come true. 
You had dinner as a group often and the next time it happened you decided to broach the subject. Ty lee left early for her guard duty and you figured it was the perfect time. You set down your cutlery and breathed “So...I have something to ask you both. It’s a thing Ty lee would like us to try”. "What thing?" Azula asked immediately and you smiled nervously. "Hear me out before you dismiss the idea. She wants is to go shopping and choose outfits for the ball together". Mai groaned instinctively "eugh but shopping is the worst! Especially in groups". Azula nodded "that is true, what is even the need? We’re all capable of selecting clothing". “The idea is to have some fun together” you smiled undeterred “we can pick out outfits for each other and give advice and encouragement. We can make a whole day of it and anyway it will make Ty lee so happy! Isn’t that enough". "No" Mai replied and you sighed "what about you Azula? What do you think?". Mai saw Azula’s conflicted expression and began to worry. You stared at Azula with wide pleading eyes and Mai could feel her ally slipping with every second. Azula eventually sighed "fine...I guess this once couldn't hurt". You squealed and wrapped yourself around Azula. "Thank you you’re the greatest" you cried pecking her cheek "sorry Mai but 3 against 1 we’re going! I'll go find Ty lee" and you rushed away. 
Azula’s POV
"Traitor" Mai hissed the second you’d left and Azula blushed. "I'm no such thing. I just agree this will be a nice thing for Ty lee". "Sure you did this for Ty lee" Mai said and Azula blushed "whatever perverted thought you have about y/n...". "I never mentioned y/n" Mai smiled and Azula blushed. "whatever" and she rushed from the dining room.
So the four of you found yourself in a boutique a few days before the ball. You and Ty lee were very enthusiastic and Azula watched as you had soon selected several outfits for each girl which you thought would suit them. However when it came to choosing an outfit for yourself you realised you hadn’t even thought about it. Standing there empty-handed Mai smirked at you. "Maybe this is why you should be less social" she teased and you smiled "I'll be fine I don’t care what I wear I'll just pick....this" you said grabbing the first dress you saw. Azula paused as she saw the chosen item. It was a stunning gold dress, she knew it would match your body type and skin colouring perfectly. "How do you just pick up a beautiful dress like that?" Azula asked and you smiled "magic hands, now let's try them on". You rushed to the changing room and the woman paused "I'm sorry we only have 2 private changing rooms available and there’s a time limit. We’re very busy with the ball just around the corner”. Azula glared "I knew I should’ve booked this whole place out". She felt her anger rising up inside her and was about to tell this woman exactly who she was when you placed a hand on her arm and all that fell away. You shot her a smile and stepped forwards "it’s okay we can just share them! Mai and Ty lee in one and me and you in another". The woman nodded "that would work”. Azula turned bright red "but share changing rooms...are we really that desperate". "You said you would do this" Ty lee whined and you frowned "it won’t be that bad Azula I promise". Azula sighed but gave in. Azula let you lead her into a changing room and froze when the door closed. You hung up your one dress and began pulling your coat off. Azula felt the heat rise to her cheeks and panicked. Did she walk out? Could she make covering her eyes seem casual or would that be too weird? Should she just act as normal? You chatted to her through all of this and Azula had no idea what to do. You began pulling your clothes over your head obliviously and then you got tangled. "I don’t think I undid all the buttons" you laughed "Azula can you help?". "Me?" Azula cried. She had her eyes glued to the floor and now you wanted her to look at you! "Who else?" you giggled "can you just help pull it over my head please?" you asked. Azula frowned and looked at you. "The dress is tangled on your necklace" she explained and you sighed "knew it! Can you loosen it?". Azula did so, pleased you couldn't see the huge blush on her face as she tried not to look at you. Finally your t-shirt came over your head and your face came into view. Your hair was all messy and your face was so close to hers. Azula thought you looked effortlessly beautiful and she hastened to look away. "Thanks" you grinned before turning to grab the dress you’d brought to try on. Azula turned away and gave you privacy. "Aren’t you trying anything on" you asked and Azula paused. She’d actually forgotten that was the whole point of this but the thought of undressing in front of you made her even more embarrassed so she shook her head. "No I just remembered I already have a dress I want to wear to the party anyway". "That’s good" you smiled "what does it look like?". "It’s nothing special" Azula tried brushing the subject away. "I'm sure that's not true" you replied instantly "can you zip me up?". Azula turned back around to see you’d gotten the dress on and it looked stunning. The gown hugged your body in a flattering fashion and it looked as if it had been tailored for you. You just looked great in everything apparently. Azula stared at you in shock before she realised you were watching her. "Azula?" you asked “a little help?” and she nodded "yes of course”. Azula brought her shaking hands to your zipper and pulled it up. "So how does it look?" you asked spinning around and Azula shook her head "you look so beautiful". You blushed and Azula did too "I mean the dress is beautiful and it really suits you". "Thanks Azula you’re so kind to me" you smiled hugging her. You let go far too soon for Azula’s liking and opened the door "Mai, Ty lee are you ready?”.
Once the other two girls appeared compliments and opinions were exchanged while Azula stood there awkwardly. It was decided Mai’s dress needed accessories and you disappeared back into the shop to find something for her. Ty lee and Mai chattered amongst themselves but Azula’s lack of outfit didn’t go unnoticed for long. "Azula where's your dress?" Ty lee asked and she shrugged "I decided to wear an old one". "So you just..went into the changing room with y/n for fun?" Mai asked with a smirk and Azula blushed. "No I helped her zip it up and I'm going to wait out here now anyway". The duo laughed and Azula was getting ready to shout at them when you returned with the wrap for Mai. “I’ve got it! What did I miss? Wait are you guys actually enjoying this?” you asked grinning. Ty lee nodded and Mai smiled devilishly “you know I hated it at first but now I’m getting into it. This is fun” she grinned shooting Azula a look and the princess groaned. This was going to be a long afternoon. 
Finally the day of the ball arrived and Azula, of course was one of the first ones present. Azula watched the people enter the hall, mentally taking notes and putting names to faces.
About an hour into the party Azula began to wonder where you were. Most of the guests appeared to be here and the party was now in full swing but still there was no sign of you. Azula paced wondering what was keeping you.
You entered with Ty lee and that answered Azula’s question. The chi blocker was late to everything of course she'd held you up. Azula watched as you descended the staircase and felt her skin erupt in goosebumps. Whenever she saw you she just got lost for a few seconds and this time she let herself. She noticed how a piece of hair had slipped out of your bun but how if anything it framed your face wonderfully, making you look even more glamorous. She noticed how the bracelet you always wore on your arm jingled up and down as you spoke animated to Ty lee. She saw how your eyes sparkled with excitement as you surveyed the room. And then they landed on Azula herself. You smiled immediately in response to her and Azula felt a warm sensation sweep over her. The smile was all for her and she basked in it before turning away so as to not creep you out. "Y/n and Ty lee look good" Zuko commented and Azula nodded "they certainly do". “Although you probably think more so for the former”. Azula’s head snapped around rapidly. “Mai told you?” she hissed and her brother chuckled “yes but she didn’t have to. You’re very territorial, sister. Anyone comes near y/n and you’re ready to maim them in case they hurt her. You’ve all but declared her yours”. Azula rolled her eyes “you don’t know what you’re talking about and I’m hardly going to take dating advice from you. It took how many years before you acknowledged your feelings for Mai and even then she was the one who asked you out because you were too scared!”. Azula had meant to provoke her brother into storming away but he only smiled. “Try and change the topic all you want but it doesn’t change how smitten you are for y/n and speaking of...you should be careful Azula someones stealing your girlfriend" Zuko teased with a glint in his eye. 
Azula immediately froze and spun around to find you in the centre of the dance floor with some boy. She narrowed her eyes and glared "what is that boy of yours doing here?". Zuko smiled "who Jet? I invited him to the party, if I remember right he's quite a smooth talker isn’t he Katara?". The water bender, who apparently had been rudely listening to the whole conversation, nodded smugly. "He is. Quite the ladies man". Azula narrowed her eyes and the pair exchanged a smile. "Well I don’t care" Azula said in a weak attempt to brush off their comments. She was quiet for three seconds before she burst "and y/n’s gay anyway so he’s wasting his time". Your laughter suddenly broke across the room and Zuko smirked "I’m sure you’re right”. Azula glared and Katara took pity "you know Azula if you just told y/n...". "Told her what! There’s nothing to tell!" she cried and Katara raised her hands in surrender. "Okay but if you did like y/n, then telling her would solve all your issues". "You don’t know anything about me" Azula snapped and stormed away.
Azua simmered on the edge of the dance floor, watching you laugh and smile while wishing the boy would trip over and hurt himself. She kept grabbing drinks from nearby trays for something to distract herself and was beginning to feel the effect of them. Azula drummed her finger against the empty cup and tried to deal with all the feelings swirling around in her head. 
She felt annoyed that everyone she knew had been teasing her mercilessly for her crush. She felt anger at that boy for presuming to touch you and even slightly miffed at you for not telling him to back off. She felt anxious being in a social setting surrounded by so many people who were more extroverted and socially advanced than her. But mostly she just felt sad. She wanted you to look at her the way Zuko looked at Mai. She wanted you to hang off her arm and laugh at her quips. She wanted to be able to dance with you like that boy was and to be confident enough to tell you how she felt. 
But she wasn’t and so she’d have to stick with the consequences.   
Then suddenly, as if summoned by her thoughts, you stopped dancing and made your way directly towards her. Azula pretended to look busy but considering she was standing alone that was hard. She stared at the hem of her sleeve and pulled a stoic face when you appeared. “Hey” you smiled “how are you enjoying the ball?”. Azula snorted “as much as I always do”. You smiled “I thought you might say that so came here to shake you out of your slump”. “And how do you suppose to do that?” Azula asked. You just smiled. "I want you to dance with me"  you replied and Azula froze. "Me? But why?" she managed and you smiled hooking your arm through hers. “Because it will stop you stewing over your thoughts”.  Azula paused "but I...you know I've never been good at this why don’t go get Ty lee?". "Because I want to dance with you not Ty lee" you replied and Azula suppressed a shiver. "Okay" she nodded and you smiled. You wrapped her hands around your waist and placed yours around her neck. It was dangerous being this close to you. Azula had worked out being closer to you triggered her weakness more and this was as close as she’d ever been to you. To make it worse she couldn't avoid looking you in the eye either. She had to stare into those dazzling orbs and try not think about how beautiful they were. "You lied to me" you said suddenly and Azula froze "what do you mean?". "You told me you weren’t wearing anything special and you turn up in a dress like that?”. Azula blushed "you've seen this on me a thousand times". "So?" You asked "you look wonderful in it every single time. The red matches your hair and skin tone well and you know how much it brings out your eyes. Admit it you wear this dress on purpose" you teased and Azuka blushed. "I didn’t but seeing how good a reception it apparently receives" she replied and you smiled "every time". Azula couldn’t think of a reply so she looked away. She was aware the others were probably watching, laughing at her red cheeks but she tried not to think about it. All she had to do was get through these next few minutes and then she could calm down. When the song ended you knew Azula would want to stop so led her away from the dance floor. You asked Azula if she wanted a drink and she agreed so you headed to the bar. However you never arrived. On the way there you bumped into the avatar. You apparently knew him well and chatted when Sokka appeared. "Azula" he said nodding to her and Aang looked up confused. "Ow sorry Azula I didn’t see you there. Are the two of you enjoying your evening?" he asked. Azula nodded "so far it's been pleasant". Aang smiled "I’m glad to hear it and can I say the two of you make a lovely couple".  Azula flinched as the Avatar’s words sunk over her. Was this child really joining in with this whole teasing her for her crush thing? The subtle mischievous look on his face told Azula he was. You obliviously looked from Aang to Azula "ow we’re...we’re not a couple". "You’re not?" Sokka asked joining in with the act. "No" you said blushing slightly and Sokka hodded. "Huh...sorry I figured you two were...". "It’s fine" you smiled and Azula could feel her face burning. She couldn’t even speak she was so angry. Had Zuko put them up to this? Mai? Her thoughts swirled and she finally couldn’t cope. She stormed was angrily and exited the ballroom. She raced through the corridor and stormed towards her own wing. Once there she began attacking the practice dummy in her room trying to get all her pent up rage out.
She did not think she would be followed.   "Azula?" you asked knocking softly on the door before entering. Azula paused mid-punch. She was aware she’d probably ruined her makeup and looked a mess but she didn’t care. You stood frozen in the doorway "are you okay...Sokka and Aang didn’t mean anything by their comments". Azula sighed "it's fine I just need some time". You nodded but didn’t leave. "Was it that bad?" you suddenly asked in a small voice. Azula didn’t hesitate "yes". You shrunk away at that and looked down "okay...sorry I didn’t realise being mistaken for my girlfriend was so terrible" and you left. Azula immediately realised that was that you'd been asking and froze. "Y/n!" She yelled and chased you. You hadn't gone far but didn’t stop when she called out to you. "Y/n I didn’t mean that" she called "I meant being teased! Or course i didn’t mean you!". You stopped walking and eyed her wearily "are you sure?". Azula nodded "totally". "Then what made you so angry?". Azula sighed "I can’t tell you". "Why not?" You asked upset "if it’s about me then I deserve to know". "But it will ruin things between us" Azula explained and you frowned. "What could possibly ruin our relationship?". "Trust me this will" Azula replied and you stared back at her stubbornly "why don’t you trust me enough to believe that it won't?". Azula sighed "y/n...". "Azula please” you cried and she sighed "I like you! There are you happy". You froze "like me as in...". "In that way" Azula nodded and you went silent. "I..." you started but Azula cut you off "wait not here. Anyone could be listening. Can we go back to my room?". If she was going to be rejected she’d rather it be done in private. You nodded and followed her back into her room. Azula closed the door as you both entered and turned back around. "So I guess you might have questions?” she asked and you nodded. "Kind of...why did liking me make you so angry?". Azula shook her head "liking you didn’t...well not alone. It was more the principle, the fact people were using it to tease me and make jokes. It makes me feel humiliated and weak". You nodded "because you like me?". "Yes" Azula nodded "liking someone who doesn't like you back is always embarrassing or so i’ve heard". "But who says I don’t like you back?" you asked. Azula froze "what?". You smiled softly and walked closer "who says I don’t like you back?". Azula paused "I...just assumed". "Your brain is usually impeccable Azula but not this time...see if you’d have asked me out or even to this ball tonight I'd have said yes because I like you". "Romantically?" Azula asked and you chuckled "yes, was my flirting on the dance floor that bad?". Azula shook her head "no I noticed I just figured you didn’t mean it in the way I heard it". You nodded "i don’t know why it didn’t occur to me subtle flirts wouldn’t work...here let's try something more straightforward”. You came to stand right in front of her and your eyes softened "Princess Azula can I kiss you?". Azula nodded and you moved even closer your lips meeting hers. Azula got lost in the sensation from the start. She’d wanted this and you for so long it was surreal. She wanted to make to most of it and to experience every second of it. All she could feel was you and it intoxicating. She wasn’t even aware her hands were wandering when you suddenly pulled away. You were bright pink, excitement and something else clearly lingered in your eye but you also looked down bashfully. "I think maybe just a kiss for now?" you asked and Azula was horrified. "I...of course I'm so sorry I just got over-excited". You noticed Azula's worry and immediately reassured her she had done anything wrong. You gripped her hands and smiled reassuringly. "No I enjoyed it greatly just I'm kind of new to this so would like to take this slow. I want you too but I don’t want to rush into this. I want to savour it and you". Now Azula was the one blushing "I...that sounds..." Azula trailed off and you smiled "alright?". Azula nodded "of course! Better than alright that's why I trailed off...i like you a lot! If that was evident from that kiss..." Azula trailed off "anyway I'd love to date you". Azula cringed at her own words and you noticed smiling fondly at her. "I'd love to date you too" you smiled pecking her lips "how about tomorrow night we go to dinner?". Azula nodded "yes! I can have the restaurant cleared for us and the best chiefs brought in". You smiled "as much as I love the passion how about we just slip out of the palace and visit one in disguise? Then we could stroll around the park after and watch the sunset? I love your title but I don’t need anything special. Just you is perfect". Again Azula was lost for worse and she babbled before being able to speak "yes of course".
The two of you returned to the party hand in hand and of course your friends were like bloodhounds and appeared seconds later. Ty lee gasped so loudly half the room looked over and Mai’s eyes were wider than Azula had ever seen them. “You told her?” Sokka cried disappointed “we were just starting to have fun”. “Yeah...we never get to tease you about anything” Zuko pouted. As your friends all nodded along an idea came to you. "Wait you mean you all knew and have been teasing Azula this entire time?" you asked. Everyone paused and your eyes turned darker. "That is so horrible!" you cried "all of you! Ty lee? Mai?". The girls looked down and you looked to Zuko "Firelord? Even you?". Zuko babbled "we didn’t mean any harm by it" and you just swatted him. "Didn’t mean any harm by it! Remember that time I nudged you when Mai entered the room and you wouldn’t speak to me for a week! And now you did this to your little sister! And you" you said turning to Aang "you're the Avatar!". Azula smiled watching as you took on everyone in the room scolding them. A smug expression settled on her face and she laughed to herself. "My girlfriend is the greatest" she said quietly. The next morning  Azula woke up the following morning with a jolt. The night came flooding back to her but she wasn’t sure if her crush admitting she liked her back was a dream or real. She looked around her room for any hints but didn't find any. Snoring suddenly startled her and she jumped before spotting Ty Lee asleep on her sofa. The chi blocker was too tired to walk home so had crashed at Azula’s. Azula quickly rushed and woke her up "Ty lee get up I need to ask you something". Ty Lee groaned "Azula it's barely even light...". "Did y/n and me start dating last night?". Ty Lee opened her eyes "really? You can’t remember?". "No I can remember but I'm not sure If it was real, it seems like one of those things that was too good to be true. Did it really happen?". Ty Lee smiled "it did Azula, y/n likes you back". Warmth filled Azula and a smile worked its way onto her face without her even noticing. She sat back in bed and Ty lee giggled softly. "That is good news" she said awkwardly in reply. There were several things that Azula knew she should be worried about. The fact she’d never been on a date or to a real restaurant before were two big ones but in this moment none of that mattered. A smile worked its way onto Azula’s face and she basked in the moment. Her crush liked her back, nothing else mattered. 
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zukkaart · 10 months
Pt. 3 of a:tla characters as posts/tweets
Couples edition!!
(Romantic or platonic whatever makes you happy) (Pt. 1, Pt.2)
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ninolovers · 2 years
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forevermore05 · 2 months
Let's say you're one of the writer's way back when Atla was first starting. Bryke has stepped back and let the writers do their thing. What are some things you would keep or remove completely? What are things you would have done differently? What would you have liked to explore more of with the story and the characters?
OOOH good question
I would definitely be giving South Asia, Hinduism, and Buddhism their honour back but making Desi main characters not caricatures. I will pay my respects to those religions by using them properly and not discarding them when you don't truly understand their meaning. And better representation will all the cultures.
Likewise, I would make a 4th (or maybe more) book, so we can see the healing of the 4 nations and flesh out the Gaang and other characters properly. I feel like ending it on book 3 was too sudden, and I hate the comic, so I don't even recognize those, since it is so OOC.
I would make Zuatara canon through some slow burn. I would not pair Aang up with anyone, since he is too young but keep him having a crush on Katara for the Chakra arc (which stays true and respect to Hinduism) but to provide a lesson on heartbreak and moving on. Same with Toph, such a cute little baby.
I will REMOVE those nonconsenual kisses entirely. Basically out with Kataang.
I want to see more of the evil politics of the Fire Nation before Aang defeats Ozai and how Zuko deals with it. In contrast, to how Zuko handles politics being Fire Lord.
I WANT more Suki and her backstory. I also want to see her and Ty Lee fight side by side. It would be so cool.
I would actually have Zuko and Katara speak to Azula after the Agni Kai.
I would keep Sokka's sexism arc.
Not only that, but I would love to explore Yue even more and her take on the NWT
I also want to go in depth with Mai, I want to give her some depth.
Have Aang's character understand the Mahabharat scripture before making a choice. (Maybe kill Ozai)
I want to see a healing arc for Azula
I also want Uncle Iroh to face some repercussion of being an activity member of war. I love Uncle Iroh, and I want to write the consequences and him accepting humbly due to his development.
Book 4 and (leading to adulthood) head canons for the Gaang
Katara: Helps the SWT and NWT, then goes on to become ambassador for the SWT in the Fire Nation
Zuko: Fire lord
Aang: Helping all the Nations to heal
Toph: I think she would totally be the creator of the pro-bender, you cannot change my mind, I think she would also become a teacher
Suki: Girlbossing as a Kyoshi Warriors and being known as one of the best
Sokka: Become Chief of SWT and a skilled engineer
I want Katara and Zuko to find his mother together (so we can get good development)
I feel like I have more, but I will add more if I think of any.
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yandere-avatar · 1 year
Hello!, I hope your day/night is going well!, I thought of something to request and just wanted to shoot my shot lol!
- How about some headcanons of possessive yandere ty Lee?
- // oh and I just wanted to ask this in case your comfy with writing team up yandere scenario's if not I totally understand!-//
-Maybe a scenario where the fire nation squad/ zuko, Azula, mei and ty Lee are all yandere for the reader?
/ I totally understand if you don't vibe with these requests! No pressure to do them just wanted to stress that hgbgb, anyways have a lovely day/night :) /
I write Polygamous stuff, but I don't know if it's the best, but I can always try. This has been in the drafts since: July 14, 2022 [Almost a full year... I'm so sorry. You've probably forgot you requested this because it's been so long] (3rd oldest draft and oldest ask)
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[Possessive] Ty Lee
She doesn't understand why you get so mad that she only wants you to pay attention to her
Granted multiple people flirt with her, but she always shuts them down
She watches you and uses her abilities to get to high places to see you
If you're a bender, she uses her Chi Block on you
She's very giddy and loves being with you
She loves partying w/ you and taking you places
She doesn't want you to meet her sisters, in fear of you comparing them to each other
She wants to be herself with you
She's ecstatic and always energized
She always defends you when someone tries to make you look dumb
Unlike Mai, she would trade the other nations if they kidnapped you, because she loves you more than anything else in the world
Though, she is like Mai in the sense she'll betray Azula, because she loves you more than she fears her
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Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko
You were at first with Ty Lee
Though, you two were never official
You two just bonded better than the rest of them
Zuko and Mai became protective over you, seeing you repeatedly get hurt
Azula just saw you as stupid and she liked humiliating you
Zuko saw himself in you and wanted to protect you from Azula
^Mai was jealous at first, but soon realized you weren't enemies, but friends. You deserved to be protected from the monster that is Azula
You love Azula, because you've realized that she's never really had love in her life [It's more out of pity]
You go with them everywhere, though this gets you a lot hurt
They always get you, but then Azula becomes a little more anxious about letting you come
Azula would never tell you, but she loves you more than anything in the world and that scares her
Ty Lee just thinks your fun, but she doesn't really form a complex feeling for you. She just likes that you're fun
Mai and Zuko see themselves as your protector, especially against Azula. They kind of act like your parents, but they're both distant emotionally, but you definitely open them up
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The GAang [Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Toph]
Katara was the first to fall for you, but not the first to tell you her feelings
It's probably Sokka who tells you
But you don't take it seriously, because he's a flirter
Toph is mean to you and is kind of like a big bully
Aang is nice and treats you like he's known you forever
You both just click so well
When Toph and Katara fight, you are brought into their fights, because they want you to be on their side
"I think Sokka is calling me-"
You don't want to catch that smoke
You're probably the most scared of Katara, she reminds you of a scary mother, but don't tell her, because she wants you to see her as a lover not a mother
It took you the longest to get close to Toph, because she has walls up and it's hard to get them down
You bring up her being blind and she get super angry and you quickly blush in embarrassment
^ You do try and watch it and be more considerate of her, but she also doesn't want you to treat her different. Just treat her like the rest. Once you do, she'll let you in
Aang and Sokka make fools themselves in front of you, because they're not good with crushes, no matter how smooth Sokka is
Though you do all get along better than the relationship with the fire nation group [Ty Lee, Azula, Zuko, and Mai]
You're very close and it's hard to break you apart
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the-air-nomad · 1 year
Burning Destiny (part.2)
part 1 : https://www.tumblr.com/the-air-nomad/719741684747059200/burning-destiny?source=share
part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/the-air-nomad/721589459145080832/burning-destiny-part-3?source=share
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  How many years had passed? 3 or 4? You didn't even know anymore. The town where you hid was suspended in time, it seemed as if the 100-year war had not existed. This state was due to the lack of resources that made it unimportant both for the Fire Nation and for the Earth Kingdom. People were peaceful and welcoming to the rare visitors who ventured into their corner of the world.Although you appreciated the kindness of the townspeople, you always complained to Agni about the endless monotony. Every day you went to the market, then to the school where you worked as a teacher, then home.
            It was a new day and you had just gotten out of bed. Confused, you looked out the window and noticed that the Sun was not yet in the sky. You were sure you heard a child crying. You slowly left the house and looked at the street. Not far from your house, a small child is staring in amazement at a boy no older than 12 years old. You thought it was just Li and his younger brother Taro and that the two of them were sneaking into your house to play a prank on you. Remembering that the last time they did this you lost an eyebrow you headed towards them wanting to scare them.You threw yourself at the older boy managing to immobilize him and pull his hat off his head to pull his ears. Both you and the boys screamed. The two were scared of you and you were scared of the blue arrow that adorned the head of the young man in your arms. The Avatar! You knew Agni hates you! If he is here, it means that the Fire Nation is not far away! You quickly send the smaller boy to his house and push the avatar towards your house.
 Y/N: what are you doing here?! You're crazy?! The Fire Nation will destroy the whole city to find you!
 Aang: Um, me and my friends stopped by to get some supplies ma'am..
 Y/N: my name is Y/N, I'm one of the teachers in this town. I will help you stock up, but as soon as you do, you and your friends will leave. We have a deal?
       The boy approves energetically and then bows respectfully. Y/N helps him cover his arrow and then they leave together for the market. There they meet two panicked teenagers dressed in Watertribe clothes. Y/N sighs, no wonder the Fire Nation always finds these kids. They don't even bother to change their clothes to blend in better with the crowd. The teenagers run towards the avatar looking suspiciously at the y/h/c woman. Y/N quickly explained the plan to them. She quickly buys them a good amount of food and other goods that could be useful to them on their journey. Then the woman offers them a bag with a reasonable amount of silver coins. The children hug her gratefully but she tells them that she is just trying to do her part in winning the war and advises them to run away quickly. You agreed to help them carry the supplies to their bison to make sure they would actually leave. There you met a small girl dressed in the clothes of the Earth Kingdom who seemed on the edge between panic and anger. The girl comes towards you and taps her foot accusingly. 
Toph: what took you so long?! we have to leave quickly! The crazy princess and her even crazier friends are close. i feel the komodo rhinos approaching.
 Y/N: Azula?! Run away from here immediately! 
        In a few minutes, the bison rises to the sky, and the noise of an angry Komodo rhino pierces the silence of the forest. The y/h/c woman tried to run away but it was too late as a circle of blue fire surrounded her. 
Azula: what else do we have here? who are you peasant?
 Y/N giggled bitterly. She takes a deep breath in her chest and turns to the princess. 
Y/N: let's just say I'm not exactly a peasant my dear
 The princess's face falls to the ground. All of a sudden, more expressions appear on her face than she has in years: insecurity, amazement, sadness, anger, happiness. The older woman looks at her with a broken smile and opens her arms in anticipation. The young woman throws herself into her arms and gives her a tight hug. Y/N sighs and returns the hug.Ty Lee and Mai also arrive and look at the scene in front of them confused. Then they analyze you and finally recognize you. Ty Lee quickly runs towards you and tries to join the hug but Azula angrily pushes her away then hugs you again. Y/N gives the girls an apologetic look and orders them to set up camp. After a few minutes, Azula moves away from you and begins to interrogate you. You sigh, feeling like you're talking to the old Ozai, this girl doesn't know how much she really resembles her father. But you hope that she will not go down the same path of destruction that her father decided to go down. You stop her talking with a wave of your hand. She blushes slightly and then regains the dangerous calm that is so characteristic of Fire Nation nobles. 
Y/N: let's just say I needed a break from all the stress of the Palace. I have no excuse for my actions, and my only regret is that I felt like I left you alone. I know Zuko had Iroh, and your father deserved to spend some time and rethink his actions. But, I'm afraid that Ozai applied the tactic of blaming any other people besides himself.
 Azula: You're saying my father was the reason you left? But why? He did nothing wrong!
 Y/N: let's say that the two of us had some adult arguments. You are too young to understand, believe me.
 Azula: I'm sure you'll sort everything out when we get to the palace. 
Y/N: that's all I could wish for.
            The journey to the palace was fast and tiring. Azula was getting more and more impatient with each passing day. If at first Y/N thought about a possible escape, an idea she gave up because she didn't want to hurt the three girls, then she reconciled with the idea that she would at least have a chance to roast Ozai a little for the Agni Kai with Zuko. Someone has to take the place of Ozai's heart until she returns from vacation, that is if she didn't die with Lu Ten. Y/N was starting to think that the second option was the most plausible of the two.
          Arriving at the palace, Ty Lee and Mai went to their rooms and Azula hid Y/N in her rooms. Y/N tried to rest but that was almost impossible with all of Azula's talk. Y/N had already noticed from the trip that no one had paid attention to Azula, only to the wonder princess. The good part was that now Y/N knew everything that had happened in her absence. The bad part was that the only way Azula knew how to show her affection was to report all the useful information and do anything else despicable to get recognition. Okay, maybe there was another bad part. Azula had become worryingly paranoid, Y/N had noticed how Azula tentatively smelled and tasted her food before letting her eat, how she eyed the guards suspiciously, how she seemed to check on her every few minutes to make sure she hadn't disappeared.
          After a few days in which Y/N ​​tried with all her might to make Azula a little more relaxed, the day of truth arrived. Now she was outside the Fire Lord's chambers waiting for Azula to leave so she could enter. Azula had insisted on breaking the news to Ozai but Y/N didn't want to risk that psychopath venting his anger on Azula because of her actions. Azula left the room and told Y/N she could come in. Y/N stopped thinking and entered. Ozai was sitting at his desk reading a scroll. He didn't even bother to look up and said boredly: 
Ozai: I hope you have a very good reason to bother me, Minister of Agriculture 
Y/N: I look like an old man struggling to walk without a cane, Ozai?
           Ozai gets up from the desk and for a few moments looks at the woman as if he saw Agni before him. The woman rolls her eyes but bites a sharp remark from her tongue. There are more important things than her pride at stake. She knows Ozai and knows that he is not extremely difficult to handle if you know what strings to pull. Ozai approaches her like a predator who doesn't want to lose his prey. She looks at him the way the old dragon tamers looked at a wild dragon. Yes, if she has to die, she will die fighting because she is a firebending master and is no longer afraid of burning herself.If the price to protect Azula and the rest of the world from this monster is her life, then she will pay it with a smile.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it. please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see my next posts! Don’t forget that the request are open💖💖💨
You can buy me a coffe if you want:  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
Tell me if you want part 3!
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crybabylulu · 5 months
ATLA style 6 this is correct no I will not take criticism
Azula: what? *wearing a I Love MILFS shirt*
Zuko: WHY?!
Azula: it’s the mommy issues
Mai: you still don’t have a chance
Ursa: *shook asf and concerned asf for her daughter*
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ssunphire · 8 days
my fav atla ships as ship dynamics pt. 1 ‼️
art credits: dawningrot on tiktok
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kayray-art · 1 year
atla pride art with my personal headcanons
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close ups ~
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Imagine getting Azula a present for her birthday
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The first thing you noticed when your family returned to the fire nation was how serious everyone was. You’d been born in a fire nation colony so had little experience with the capital of your nation. Your parents were high born but even they’d relaxed in the colonies and allowed you to have a mostly normal life. However once Ozai declared your parent’s mission over and summoned them back to the capital that all ended. Rules patroling you seemed to spring from everywhere. Don’t wear your hair fully down, don’t meet the eye of anyone who ranks higher than you, bow from the floor to all members of the royal family...the list was endless! Due to your parent’s being very well respected you were introduced to Azula and she took you into her group. Part of you wondered if she only did it to please her father or because you were considered an oddity here in the capital but as time went on you didn’t think either was the case. Everyone here was very strict or distant and even Azula’s closest friends didn’t know her very well. Mai seemed to tolerate her mainly because of her titles and brother. Ty lee, while seemingly fond of Azula, obviously didn’t try getting closer to her than necessary. That wasn’t how friendships worked in your town and you were determined not to pick up this capital custom. So you put time and effort into all three of the girls and made progress with each. You’d go shopping with Ty lee, discuss popular and obscure theology with Mai and help Azula think through her battle strategies. Azula was the one who reacted the strongest to your attention and friendship. She began spending more time with you alone, seeking you out regularly and inviting you to events where even Mai and Ty lee weren’t permitted to go. You found yourself drawn to Azula because she seemed like the one who could most do with a friend. Mai had Zuko, Ty lee seemed content flitting from numerous different people but Azula didn’t really have anyone.
So you continued nurturing your friendship and when Azula’s birthday came around you set out to get her the most meaningful present you could to let her know she was cared for. You were very excited with your choice of present and rushed into the palace, the box you’d spent hours wrapping and unwapping until it was perfect, held tightly in your hands. “Good morning” you smiled finding Mai, Ty lee and Zuko in the royal wing. “Good morning” Ty lee beamed back but Zuko and Mai just nodded not being morning people. Mai noticed your present first. “What’s that?” she asked and you smiled “Azula’s present!”. They all looked at you confused and Zuko spoke first “why are you buying my sister a present?”. “Because it’s her birthday” you explained but that didn’t seem to help, they all still stared at you blankly. “It’s her birthday so I got her a birthday present...is that not something you do in the capital?”. “No but it sounds very sweet” Ty lee grinned. Mai shrugged “I would like presents every year just for being born but I can’t say I understand the logic”. Zuko nodded but you shrugged “ow well, hopefully Azula will enjoy it anyway”. “You’re still going to give it to her”? Zuko asked shocked and you paused “well why wouldn’t I?”. “She might think it’s weird considering you only give people presents when you’re...”. Mai hit Zuko’s arm before he could finish and shook her head. You stared confused “if you’re what?”. “It doesn’t matter” Mai said quickly “Zuko was thinking of something else, I think Azula’s in her study if you want to see her”. You frowned but Mai and Ty lee smiled at you encouragingly so you shook Zuko’s words from your mind and went to find the birthday girl. 
You knocked on Azula’s door and heard her call come in. “Happy birthday Azula!” you cried as soon as your eyes fell on her. Azula jumped vividly, the  brush she was writing with dragging messily across the page ruining her letter. “I am so sorry” you gaped “can it be saved”. “No it cannot” Azula sighed angrily “please in the future don’t scream just because it’s my birthday”. You nodded “is wishing someone a happy birthday not a thing here either?” you asked “just when I think I’m getting a handle on the capital I mess everything up”. “Birthdays are not a big deal here” Azula nodded “only important ones are given any recognition but I have heard of some places where every single birthday is celebrated. I take it your home town is one such place?”. You nodded smiling at the memory “Yes! Every year you usually have a party or do something special with the people you love most! You eat your favourite foods and someone usually makes a cake, it’s lovely”. Azula nodded her head but looked unconvinced and then her eyes fell on the box in your hand. “And what is this?”Azula asked. “A present” you smile brightly but Azula blushed and looked away for some reason. “For my birthday right?” she asked “this is one of your odd traditions nothing more?”. “Yes” you agreed unsure what else a present could mean “you also give the person whose birthday it is a present, something you think they’ll like and wrap it up nicely for them...can I give it to you?”. Azula was still red but nodded so you placed it down on the desk before stepping away. 
Azula picked it up hesitantly and undid the bow before removing the lid carefully. You watched her face excitedly for any reaction but all Azula did was stare inside. You were dying for a sign however small to know if she loved or hated it but Azula continued to stare until you thought you would burst of anticipation. When you couldn’t contain yourself any longer you sighed “so do you like it? It’s the trinket we saw in that glass store in town”. Azula nodded her head “yes I recognise it...how did you decide on this for me?”. “Well I thought I saw you admiring it when we were there because you kept staring at it but now I’m not sure if you staring at something means you love or hate it”.
Azula remembered the day a few weeks ago when you went into town together and she recalled how you’d mysteriously disappeared before reappearing minutes later. She picked up the small figurine carefully. It was a rose that fit in the palm of her hand made of different orange, red and yellow coloured glass all intricately folded together. When the light hit it looked as if it was on fire and Azula remembered thinking it looked very beautiful and she had the same thought now. 
“So...is it okay?” you asked nervously “If you don’t like it then I can always return it and get you something else?”. “No!” Azula said sharply before she composed herself and rid her face of the emotion she felt underneath. “It is a nice present, I like the colours...” she said awkwardly aware she was blushing “I will keep it, thank you”. The look on your face made Azula’s heart beat faster. You were so happy that she liked the tiny piece of glass and Azula figured if such a small thing could cause you so much happiness maybe it wasn’t such a stupid tradition after all. “I’m so glad you like it” you grinned “I was going to suggest we have a meal or something to celebrate but as that’s probably not a thing here either I’ll leave you to your work. Have a lovely birthday day Princess” you smiled and with a bow to her you disappeared.
All day your gift didn’t leave Azula’s mind. Usually when you gave someone a present it meant you were interested in courting that person. For a second when you entered Azula thought that was what you intended, she thought this was your declaration before she realised what your intention’s really were. As she stared at the small rose she recalled the slight relief she felt realising you didn’t mean to court her but she also felt another feeling, larger and deeper inside herself which she refused to acknowledge. 
Azula placed the rose back in the box and got back to work. A while later a servant let her know that her father was ready for her and she prepared to meet with him. She hesitated to leave the present you gave her and frowned. She saw the servant glance at it and blushed furiously. “Tell my father I will be there soon” she commanded and he scurried away. Azula sighed and lifted the lid off the box once again. The rose was still shining beautifully and Azula hesitated before picking it up and slipping it into her pocket. 
The meeting did not go well. Ozai didn’t mention Azula’s birthday which wasn’t odd but the fact he didn’t even seem aware it was today stung a little considering a girl she knew for only 8 months did. The meeting went from bad to worse as Ozai started snapping at everyone in the room and through it all Azula gently held your rose. It was cold in her palm and she liked the coolness. She carried on with her meeting, holding the rose whenever she needed something positive to focus on, and got through the meeting. 
When Azula was finally dismissed she was relieved and felt the toll it had taken on her. She started back to her study aware she still had work to do but honestly her eyes were tired and her brain hurt. She didn’t want to do any more work and your offer suddenly came into her head. You’d mention something about food...a tradition you’d thought to try before figuring Azula wouldn't want to. Azula thought it over before she found a messenger and dispatched them to go find you.
You arrived at Azula’s apartments in the palace confused. Her note hadn’t said much just that she wanted to see you and to come quickly. So you dutifully dropped your very busy schedule (which concerned lounging and reading in the gardens) and made your way to her door. Two guards let you in and you called out for Azula. “Ah y/n” a voice replied and you turned to see Azula descending the stairs. “Azula” you smiled before remembering the note “is everything okay? Your note just said to come here”. “Everything is fine” Azula assured you “I just...thought we could entertain that custom of yours”. “The meal?” you asked excitedly. Azula nodded looking away to disguise her blush “exactly, what must we do?”. You laughed “we don’t have to attack it like a battle! I have everything planned, I’d already gotten the picnic ready and I still have the spot in the gardens although I do need to decorate it and call the others...if you give me an hour I will have everything ready!”. Azula nodded “that is fine” and with a smile you rushed for the door. Before you could disappear Azula called out to you “ow and y/n there’s no need to disturb the others i’m sure they’re too busy on such short notice”. You paused “are you sure? You’re their friend so i’m sure they’d happily drop whatever they were doing to celebrate your birthday, I mean it only happens once a year”. Azula smiled at the sentiment but shook her head “somehow I doubt they’ll think that way but it doesn’t matter, I will be happy with just the two of us”. Now it was your turn to blush. You nodded and bowed slightly “of course princess” and left the room. 
An hour later Azula made her way to the gardens, following the instructions you’d sent her. She usually avoided the gardens for obvious reasons but she was hoping you’d give her a good memory in the place her mother cherished. You’d said to follow the yellow flowers and so Azula did that until she saw a raised area. There was a small platform with food all arranged along a small table. A small cake perched in the centre with the words “Happy Birthday Azula” frosted on the top. Lanterns hung around the platform and lines of colourful fabric hung from the ceiling of the structure. Cushions were placed on the floor in a seating area and the whole area looked very inviting even if it wasn’t very fire nation. Azula took in the scene for a few seconds before she realised you were there. You were muttering about something as you re-arranged some of the decorations your back to her. “Y/n” she called and you jumped “Azula! I promise I’m almost done I was just trying to work out where to place the balloons”. Azula smiled “there’s balloons too?” looking at the sea of decorations all over the small structure. You paused “why is it too much?”. Azula stepped through the doorway and saw due to the streams of decorations you were practically hidden away from the rest of the garden. Azula liked that idea and surveyed the rest of the platform. The lanterns made the light that passed through them change colour and they chimed nicely in the breeze. The food looked and smelled delicious and the cushions looked very comfortable. “No this is just perfect” Azula smiled. You beamed at her happily and squeezed her arm “I’m so happy you like it! You deserve a special day”. Azula blushed and wasn’t sure how to respond to something like that, especially while you were staring at her just inches away. So Azula just avoided the topic. 
“Shall we begin?” she asked and you nodded. You placed a selection of all the foods (which were all Azula’s favourites of course) on a plate and passed it her before doing the same for yourself. You joined her on the cushions and smiled “so! How was your birthday? What made you decide to indulge me?”. Azula looked down at her food “it was fine...I had a really long war meeting and honestly the thought of doing more work after it was not appealing, so I contacted you. I know it’s not ideal, a whole evening wasted on being frivolous but there’s nothing to do about it now. I’ll just work extra hard tomorrow”. You frowned before looking up at her “it’s your birthday so I think you’re allowed to have a more chilled day just enjoying yourself. Plus you already work so hard anyway, if anyone deserves a rest it’s you”. “Yes but I work hard for a reason, you don’t become the best by being lazy”. You nodded “yes but you’re already the best!” you grinned “so sit back and relax for one evening. The world will still be waiting for you to conquer it tomorrow”. You nudged her shoulder and despite your words going against everything she’d been taught Azula found herself smiling “okay”. 
The two of you chatted while you ate and when you finished you began cutting Azula a piece of cake. She watched the concentration clearly etched on your face fondly. You passed Azula the piece and she took a bite cautiously but she had no reason to. It was wonderful. “This is rather nice y/n what type of cake is it?”. You smiled “it’s based off a red velvet cake because you know fire nation but I also added some spice because I know you like it”. “You made this?” Azula cried and you nodded “yes but it was no bother...i’m just glad you like it”. “I do” Azula agreed “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this silly custom of yours. It is nice to be spoiled”. You nodded grinning “it is! My birthday is in January just so you know”. Azula froze at the thought of having to plan something like this for you when you laughed “don’t worry I was joking, you don’t have to do anything for me”. “Well I doubt I’d be able to match this” Azula said gesturing around her “but I will remember, you have my word”. You smiled blushing but didn’t break your eyes away from her “thank you Azula, I’m really glad I met you”. Azula went red matching you and nodded her head “I am too...although I should be going soon. I have a meeting early tomorrow morning”. You nodded standing “of course, would you like me to walk you back to your room?”. Azula shook her head “that is fine thank you y/n...do you need any help with all the decorations?” she asked hesitantly. You shook your head “no it’s fine, the decorations will take 5 minutes to pack away and i’ll take the spare food to the kitchen...the only thing is the cake, would you like to take it or would you like me to?”. Azula eyed the cake remembering the delicious taste and nodded “I will take it with me”. You packaged it up for her and smiled “well I hope you’ve had a nice birthday”. “I have thank you” Azula nodded “now I must be going”. You nodded and waved as Azula left the gardens. 
Azula walked through the palace to her room your cake in her hands and she felt proud. Her friend had made this to celebrate her birthday. She hadn’t asked you to, you did it because you wanted to do it for her, because you cared for her. Azula stepped inside her room and looked about her. She couldn’t help but realise after all the colourful decorations you’d used just how dull her room was. Despite all of the finery none of the room was really hers. None of the pieces had been bought just for her, they were all things passed down for generations. Azula placed your cake on a table and took your present out of her pocket, running her hand over it softly. Nobody had ever bought her something just because they wanted her to be happy. Azula wondered where to place your present. She didn’t want it out in the open where anyone could see or break it. She couldn’t find anywhere suitable so she changed and got into bed still undecided. She toyed with the figurine remembering the way you’d smiled when she said she liked it. Now safely in her own room alone she recognised she’d been slightly disappointed this was a token of friendship and nothing else. She enjoyed having your attention and liked you most out of all her friends but in a very different way. Still, even if this wasn’t a romantic gesture it was still a gesture of love and such an open un-fire nation one. 
Azula smiled to herself before placing the rose under her pillow where she could hide it but also keep it close to her while she slept. “What a strange day” she muttered to herself but she knew it hadn’t actually been strange, it had been the best birthday she could remember having and it was all because of you.   
I’m constantly sad Azula never had anyone really love and care for her like Zuko did, she deserved better. But even if someone had shown her affection, based on her sad upbringing, I feel like Azula wouldn’t know how to respond to it because she’s never been shown what love is so I want to shower her in it!!  Hence this story :)
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Atla, a first time watcher's episode reaction part 5: at this point, this has just become a series lmao. Anyways, today, I watched episode 4-7 from season 3 for the first time! I'd say the most memorable out of them all was "The avatar and the firelord" where we get the revelation that Roku is Zukos great grandfather. Tbh?? I kinda predicted that?? I really don't know how, but I had a feeling that they were related in the episode where roku destroyed his temple in season 1. That was a lucky guess that ended up actually being the truth-
Anyways I LOVE that we discover that both of zukos great grandfathers were best friends. Zuko realising that he has been chasing his great grandfather's reincarnation this whole time is so priceless to me LOL. Also, uncle iroh is finally talking!!! I hate that he got treated so badly by the prison gaurd :(( it breaks my heart.
The beach episode, for me was hilarious lol. Just teenage drama. Azula flirting with the admiral's son had me cackling and cringing at the same time (also when she laughed, it sounded psychotic) Zuko and Mai are such a mess together aswell 💀
but I do think its super super cute that Zuko got hella angry on mai's behalf when ty lee called her aura "dingy" and told mai to stand up for herself instead of letting that behaviour slip. Like ain't no one insults his gf and gets away with it 😤
I like how we got some minor azula and Zuko bonding. Yknow her telling him to come to the beach with him and stuff. Zukos flashbacks of the beachouse was sad as well.
I'll just take the time to say that out of all the members of the gaang, tophs powers and skills have impressed me the most?? Girly can metal bend, earthbend, can tell if someone's lying, can tell if someone's approaching from far away ALL when she's blind????? OMG
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king-bumis-armpit · 8 days
hihi, let me just say i love ur writing omg it’s so good
i was wondering if you could write a maiko fic about fire lord Zuko and fire lady Mai, post war, where zuko was put to do business and he comes back early after finding out mais been attacked by another assassination attempt (obv) and he goes borderline insane even if she’s just really chill about i, you don’t have to ofc just thought it was an idea 💗💗
You're my Peace
Summary: “Kiyi! It's good to see you again. Where are Mai and Izumi?” The Fire Lord was eager to see his wife and daughter. He had been forced to travel urgent diplomatic business, and it had been nearly a week since he was home.
Kiyi refused to break their embrace, “Izzy’s with mom and Mai… is okay. There was another attack.” Zuko’s world shifted. His inner fire turned to ice. His mind stopped.
Author’s note: HELLO!! Thank you, @darkacdemiasworld I absolutely loved this idea! Thank you so much for suggesting it <3 And thank you for your kind words! Zuko is such a protective person and if there’s one thing we all know about Mai it’s that she doesn’t need any protection, lol. I changed the premise just a tad. I thought it would be more dramatic if Zuko didn’t know what had happened until his return. But I hope you enjoy! Again, thank you so much for the ask!
My inbox is always open! Sometimes I take a while to respond, but I love all of the ideas!! I’m terrible at writing from scratch so they really help me. 
ALSO! Thank you to everyone who's reading right now. It brings me so much joy that I can share what I write with all of you. So thank you <3
This fic is cross-posted on Tumblr and ao3
TW: Stabbing, strangulation, death of a side character, and one raunchy joke. 
Expanded warning: Somewhat detailed description of an attack on Mai’s life and the resulting injuries, specifically stabbing and strangulation. It is also mentioned that a minor character dies. If these topics are triggering, please sit this one out. I’ll be posting something fluffy on Thursday or Friday for everyone to enjoy.
WC: 2,798
“Zuko!” His youngest sister barrelled into his arms as soon as he entered the palace. It was hard to believe she was already twenty.
“Kiyi! It's good to see you again. Where are Mai and Izumi?” The Fire Lord was eager to see his wife and daughter. He had been forced to travel to Yu Dao on urgent diplomatic business, and it had been nearly a week since he was home.
Kiyi refused to break their embrace, “Izzy’s with mom and Mai… is okay. There was another attack.” Kiyi finally pulled back and Zuko could see the anxiety in her eyes. His world shifted. His inner fire turned to ice. His mind stopped.
— —
“I need you to take a deep breath, Zuko.” Kiyi clutched the long sleeves of her robes so she wouldn’t fidget. She didn’t want Zuko to think she was upset, even if she was. 
“Where is Mai?” His voice sounded calm. Impassive, even. But Kiyi knew better. She could see the slight quiver of his bottom lip. He was blocking out every emotion in order to deal with the situation as quickly and efficiently as possible. It was a coping mechanism he’d picked up from his wife.
“Mai’s okay. She's gonna be fine.” 
“Good,” he was grinding his teeth. “Where is she?”
“It was another assassination attempt. The assailant was one of her father’s most loyal followers. All that stuff with the New Ozai Society happened so long ago that he wasn't even on the watchlist anymore. But–”
“Kiyi!” Zuko interrupted, “Where. Is. Mai.”
She put on her stern voice. “Fire Lady Mai told me to debrief you before letting you go to her. She said she would be too tired to answer all of your questions.” Zuko humphed but Kiyi could tell this put his mind at ease a bit. He knew that Mai was conscious and communicative at least. 
“This guy held a serious grudge against her for betraying her father. His journal had a bunch of misogynistic stuff about how she should have been prepared to sacrifice everything in her father's name.” 
He grabbed her shoulders, “Please, just get to the point!” Zuko was begging now. Kiyi really didn't need to be going into so much detail. She hated keeping her brother in suspense, but she was hoping he would regain some more of his composure before she told him what happened. And Mai really had asked her to explain everything to Zuko before she saw him. She didn’t want to make her sister-in-law relive her own attack in another round of questioning.
“He posed as a member of the kitchen staff, and took a tea tray up to Mai’s office. It seems she had fallen asleep at her desk. He stabbed her in the right shoulder, but Mai woke up before he could remove the knife. He– he tried to–” Kiyi felt tears sting her eyes. She had wanted to be the one to tell Zuko because she knew that if anyone else did he would probably light them on fire, either on accident or intentionally. But she hadn't accounted for her own feelings. She loved Mai too and this awful man– “he tried to strangle her. She has bruises…”
By this point Zuko's face was buried in his hands. He let out a strangled sob, and repeated his refrain, “Where is Mai?”
“She's in the spare room in the West Wing of floor 2.” The location was chosen because it was private and easily defensible, but still close to the Royal Healer’s office. However, Kiyi did not have the opportunity to explain as Zuko was already moving in that direction. Kiyi watched her brother run, formal robes trailing behind him, and she said a silent prayer to Agni that everything would be okay.
— —
He ran with abandon and burst through the door. “Mai!”
“Zuko, you're back.” She sounded as unaffected as ever. Hearing her voice for himself again jolted his world into focus once more. He stopped to catch his breath. Mai was sitting in the center of a large bed that he remembered well. This was the very same room where Mai delivered their child. So much pain, but in the end even more joy. 
He couldn’t say the same for today. Mai was wearing a white robe so that the healers could spot it if she began to bleed through her bandages. The wrappings peeked out through the collar of her clothing, and he wondered how far they extended. As Kiyi had said, Mai had haunting bruises on her neck. He could almost see the patterns of fingers. He inhaled sharply and looked away.
Azula and Ty Lee were in the room as well, sitting on either side of his wife. There was another chair halfway between Azula and the door, but Zuko strode past it and perched himself gently on the edge of Mai’s bed. He didn't want to cause her discomfort, but he would also die inside if Azula was sitting at his injured wife’s beside while he was relegated to the corner. He sat on her left to minimize disturbance to the wound.
“Are you really okay, darling?” Zuko searched her face for the slightest bit of pain, but as usual her expression betrayed nothing. 
Mai gestured for him to move closer to her. “I'm truly fine. I trust Kiyi filled you in?”
“She gave me the basics. I was… eager to see you.” Zuko forced himself back into composure. He needed to be strong right now. For Mai. He gently tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.
“Bleh!” Azula made a face. “I thought you two would grow out of your sappy phase.” In the past years, his sister had a change of heart morally, but her attitude remained intact.
Zuko clenched his fists and felt his anger invigorate his chi. “I can and will have you escorted out of here right now!”
Mai took his right hand in her left and brought his knuckles to her lips for a quick kiss. “It’s okay, Zuko. Azula and Ty Lee have been looking after me.” She moved their joined hands into her lap. Zuko felt awful. His poor, injured wife was comforting him because he couldn’t keep it together around his sister.
Ty Lee stood from her place. “A calm aura is important for convalescence. I’ll have the servants bring us some–” she remembered the manner of Mai’s attack and her face went pale.
Zuko felt queasy, but Mai laughed. “Oh c’mon, we can’t let this ruin tea for us. What will Iroh say? The assassin could have just as easily been bringing dinner and I would still eat.”
Azula nodded, “We can’t project fear. In the next few days, we will have to make a public statement about the incident.” She eyed her brother warily. “Do you think you’ll be up to it?”
“Of course,” he stated with more bravado than he was feeling. “But I didn’t really let Kiyi explain the whole thing. When did this happen?”
Mai looked down at their hands. Azula answered for her, “It happened two nights ago. The day before yesterday.”
Zuko blinked. “You– you didn’t send word to me immediately?” He tried to keep the hurt out of his voice. He didn’t want Mai to feel guilty or anything, but he also felt genuinely confused.
Mai leaned into his side, not meeting his gaze. “We didn’t want the public to know, and you were coming home so soon anyway. I didn’t want to worry you for nothing.”
Zuko pursed his lips. He wasn’t satisfied with that answer, but he also knew that it wasn’t the time to argue.
“Okay.” He managed a small smile and tilted Mai’s chin up so she was finally looking him in the eye. “Do you want me to write to Aang and Katara? They can probably be here in a day or two.”
Mai bit her lip, and Ty Lee piped up. “We already did. According to their return message, they’ll be here in a few hours.”
She told them before she told me. Am I really so useless as a husband? Zuko pushed the thoughts away. “That’s good. Hopefully Katara can speed up the healing process a little bit.”
He let his eyes wander to the bruises on her neck once more. Rage lit a match in his heart, and it took like dry kindling.
Mai, sensing the shift in his mood, reassured him, “Really Zuko, I’m alright.”
“As long as you’re alright, Firelily, then everything is fine.” But everything was not fine. He was going to visit that man in prison and light every single hair on his head on fire until he told him everything he knew about everyone who could be a potential threat. And then he was going to find those people and he would–
“Izumi missed you,” Mai said calmly. 
Some of the heat left Zuko’s body. Their baby girl was only six, and Zuko despised being away from her. Ever since her birth, his absences were few and far between. Of course, an assassin would capitalize on the opportunity. “I should check on her before bedtime. Poor thing. I’m sure she’s worried about you.”
“She is, but she acts so brave. I talked to her as soon as I was stable so she could see me, but I don’t want her to spend too much time in here. I don’t want her fixating on my injuries and having bad dreams.”
“Have you seen her today?” Zuko asked. 
Mai nodded, smiling in the radiant way she reserved for talking about her daughter. “We had breakfast together. She tried to feed me with her chopsticks so I wouldn’t have to move my right arm.”
Zuko felt tears welling up in his eyes again. Family breakfast was such a mundane thing. He didn’t realize how much those moments meant to him until he was faced with the prospect of their end.
Ty Lee was still standing awkwardly by Mai’s side, unsure if she was joking about wanting tea. But Azula took control of the situation. “How about we all have a family tea? Ty Lee, you can bring the tray. Zuko, you and I can get mom, Noren, Kiyi, and Izzy. Mai, you’re due for a check in with the royal healer. They said they should be able to dress you in something more substantial by now. If you’re feeling up to it, we’ll regroup here when the Healer leaves.”
Mai nodded again. “That sounds really nice, actually. Thank you, Azula.”
Zuko wished he had his sister’s confidence and calm. He should have been the one to think of that and get everyone in order. It was a very Fire Lord-ly thing to do. He, on the other hand, was about to cry or commit a felony. (Could you commit a felony as an absolute monarch? He was going to find out.)
— — 
As he and Azula made their way through the palace halls, he realized she was leading them off course. “Where are we going?”
She looked at him sharply. “We’re taking the long way. You need time to pull yourself together. I’m not taking you back to Mai until you’re fully under control.”
He huffed. “I thought I was doing a good job, all things considered. I had half a mind to march to the prison myself and find the pathetic–”
Azula raised her hand, stopping his tirade. She had led him to the fountain, where he had tackled Mai as children. His heart seized. If his sister was trying to make him less emotional, this was a bad choice.
“He’s not in prison, Zuko. I killed him,” Azula reported in a disinterested tone.
That brought him up short. “What– When– How– Are you… okay?”
Azula shook her head dismissively. “Of course I’m okay. Ty Lee and I were entertaining Izzy, but she started getting fussy. I volunteered to go find Mai. When I opened the door, that bastard had his hands on her throat. She pushed him off and I… I filled him with enough lightning to arc across the ocean.”
Zuko’s mind was racing. He hadn’t been there, but Azula was. Would he have been able to do what she did? To take a life? In his anger, he’d thought about it, but he had never followed through. Even in the war. When Uncle spoke about his experiences, he could tell they haunted him. 
He put a hand on Azula’s shoulder. “Umm… Thank you. And I’m here if you need to talk.”
Azula rolled her eyes. “Mai’s my friend too, remember? Even without you, she would still be a sister to me. It was the least I could do after everything in our past.”
Zuko withdrew his arm. “I know that. But I’m still grateful. If you hadn’t been there…” He choked on his words. “Azula, I wasn’t there! I’m her husband and I wasn’t even there! She didn’t even tell me. I don’t understand. Doesn’t she trust me? Why can’t I do anything right?” The tears were flowing now and he collapsed on the ground. 
Azula lowered herself awkwardly beside him. Comfort was not her strong suit. “Listen, Mai loves you very much and she trusts you completely. Why she does those things is beyond me.” Zuko shot his sister a watery glare, but she continued. “But she made the decision to not contact you because she’s the Fire Lady. She knew you would be forced to choose between her and your duty to the Nation.”
Zuko took several deep breaths until he trusted himself to speak. “I still don’t get it, Azula. Doesn’t Mai know that I will always choose her over everything else? I took a vow before Agni to put her first in all things.”
Azula patted his back, hesitantly. “Yes, I think she knows that quite well. In fact, I think that’s why she made the choice for you. Whether she was right to do so or not, Mai wants what's best for you and for the country more than she wants what’s best for her. She’s not someone who thinks of her own pain as consequential. Her wounds aren’t fatal, so she’s hardly taken account of them.” 
Zuko sighed. When did his wife get so altruistic? No, she was always like that. She always put him first, even when they were angsty teens who hated the world. When had he stopped noticing? He needed to be attentive and start listening to the words that she left unsaid. When she was fully healed, they could have a long conversation about communication. Again.
He wiped away his tears. Mai was alright. The man who hurt her was dead. His family was safe. And Azula… was empathetic now? Perhaps life wasn’t so bad after all. 
“Change of plans,” Azula’s voice brought him back to the present. She was standing above him now. “I’ll find Ty Lee and tell her to delay tea. You go back to your wife and sit with her for a bit. But we’ll be joining you in an hour so don’t do anything obscene.”
Zuko rolled his eyes. “She’s injured. Have some decorum. But, thank you. That was almost sweet.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Azula offered a hand and helped him off the ground. “Don’t get used to it.” She punched his arm, harder than playful, and the two went their separate ways. 
— —
When Zuko was readmitted to Mai’s room, he found she was indeed wearing a slightly heavier red robe. He took it as a good sign that the bleeding was under control. The healer had also secured loose bandages on her neck, purely to hide the marks.
“Hey,” Mai greeted him with a small voice.
“Hi.” Zuko resumed his place next to her on the bed, even though they were now alone and the chairs were vacant.
“Are you mad at me?” Mai asked. “I didn’t want to hide anything from you but I knew you would worry and get all worked up for nothing.”
Zuko didn’t think an attack on her life was nothing. He took a lock of her hair and twisted it around his finger. “I could never be mad at you. Not really. I’m angry at myself.”
His wife looked surprised. “Still? After all this time?”
“No,” he laughed humorlessly. “Again. I wish I was better at anticipating your needs. I want to always be exactly what you need. I wish I could have been by your side and prevented all this.”
Mai held his cheek. “You are always exactly what I need. You’re Zuko.”
“And you’re Mai. My fearless Fire Lady.”
“And we’re still here.” Mai brought him in for a kiss, and for a few minutes he felt peace.
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ao3statistics · 1 month
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This is self-made. Date: 25.04.2024.
I'm baffled that Azula/Ty Lee comes in first? But why not. Also: So many poly ships...
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
Includes all fandoms connected to the character "Azula".
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
Also, this made me laugh:
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And what kinda wackadoodle ships are y'all comin up with:
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