#zoro the drummer
sw4nfire · 24 days
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so I made the mistake of listening to the character songs sung by the voice actors and it sparked a buggy centric mad max style musician/music au and I cant get it out of my head here is a google doc with all the details and my reasonings
I tried not to change much about one piece's wacky world since I love it so much
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twirlymarimo · 5 months
someone said drummer zoro…that’s just akihiko kaji from given
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gyzeliiart · 6 months
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Did someone say drummer Nami🍊⭐️
Working on a One Piece band au and Nami is definitely gonna be the drummer. Im also thinking Robin would be on vocals and Zoro would play a triple neck guitar. Brook on electric violin. Not 100% sure what to do with Usopp, Franky, Sanji, Jinbe, and Chopper. Idk if Jinbe and Chopper should be in the band but more producer and manager. As for Usopp and Franky theyd be on keyboards and turntable (anything electronic). Sanji on bass guitar and Luffy, the star of the show, would be lead vocalist/guitarist.
The brain is rotting rn
Pls let me know if you have any suggestions!!
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
Hello!! What are ur thoughts on a modern + band au? My favourite headcannons are with Sanji and Law being in a duo before the strawhats come tgt, with both of them doing vocals, Sanji on guitar and Law on bass. Luffy's looking really hard for a guitarist, then he stumbles upon one of their jam sessions and goes all like "JOIN MY BAND!!!" to both of them 🫶
I love it.
Sanji and Law being dumb and having no drummer. Just jamming in Cora-sans garage outside of them working. Both not really knowing what to do at the moment because yeah, they're doing fine, playing shows is fun, the scene in town is fun and their actual jobs are good. Where as Luffy keeps walking through this neighborhood hearing these people jam but the garage door is always shut. Zoro never lets him go and open it despite them needing a guitarist.
But one day the garage is open and Luffy's alone and there's two guys in the garage just laughing and playing chords and riffs back and forth as they smoke. Luffy is staring at them from the sidewalk before running into the garage and demanding they be in his band. They're both staring at him in confusion as Luffy demands they join again.
Cora-san popping his head into the garage and asking what's going on. Luffy is telling him they're joining his band and Cora simply goes 'sounds fake, okay' as he pulls his head back and closes the door. Sanji bursts up laughing as Law sighs and Luffy tells them when to meet up for practice and leaves. When they do actually show up to practice Zoro is staring wide eyed at them as Usopp sighs and Nami starts yelling at Luffy.
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alexoreality · 1 year
Platonic and Romantic All x Luffy AU but different
...The AU starts off with the traditional hat passing down but its a promise to both Uta and Shanks, father and daughter that belong to the prestigious music-making family of the Figureland/Figarland.
Luffy, even without training, had a beautiful voice but PREFERRED to sing off tune because its much more free and fun! Nonetheless, he can still sing properly! LOLOLOLOL
He's made a ton of friends along the way, meeting Zoro (an overlooked yet very talented drummer/ LMAO THREE SWORD STYLE BUT WITH DRUM STICKS??), Sanji ('A MASTER CHOREOGRAPHER HELLO?? How come no one sees their talent?' Luffy pouted), Nami the manager and temporary driver (her family was in debt and Luffy had to abandon his idol post for a bit and undergo as the Singer; L to win a cash prize to raises her from said debt.) Usopp the vocalist (HE IS AMAZING), Robin the Veteran (she was from a failed idol group, the disbandment was said to be her fault but no.), Chopper the ad supporter (he's never met a group of idols like them before!), Brook the mentor (Luffy LOVES Brook's method of teaching!), Franky the driver and technician (He knows everything and knows exactly what to do!) and Jimbe the producer! (HE IS JUST THE GREATEST)
And the Straw Hat idol groups beloved Lead Vocalist and Dancer; Monkey D. Luffy.
But despite his talent, whenever he and his group reach the finals of a tournament/competition they join. They seem to back out, the only bad rep they have is that. Some say the Leader of the group looks down on his opponents, quits mid-way Thinking they are wasting their time with mediocre rivals. Some take it up a notch and comment on how cowardly Straw hat Luffy was (pissing off a co-vocalist in the Straw hat idol group). However... the truth... The truth is... The truth is known by their most recent final opponent that they had left the victory to; Law and the Hearts.
When Law saw his rival perform on the semi-final. He knew he couldn't hold a candle to that. To that performance. Every performance from the group was new, unique and featured every other member. Law knew Luffy could win and he would have no qualms about it (except he was worried about the deal with his manager; Doflamingo, if he doesn't win this competition for the 5th time and rise the ranks, he won't see Corazon again-) except he won by default.
Speaking of the toxic ranking system that cages the idol groups. The Grand Line System is something Shanks, uta, and Luffy share a deep hatred and disagreement with. With that system, idols who want to show their talent are not often allowed to join certain competitions and tournaments. The three of them seek to abolish that system.
And Luffy chooses to stay at the bottom. A humbling action, yes, but its his way of separating himself from the toxicity.
He may be known as Straw Hat Luffy or the Genius Idol.
But he is also called the 'Trophy less Idol'
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zoro-needs-a-leash · 5 months
New One Piece au
Alright…just hear me out-
Think of Zoro being a rockstar in modern au-and the straw hats are his “crew” The band name would be Straw Hats.
Like say,Robin and Jimbei would be bodyguards.
Sanji would be his personal cook.
Chopper would be the “crews” personal doctor.
Nami would be the one finding places to preform who doubles as the drummer.
Franky would be the sound effects guy/background music.
Luffy would be his silly manager that always manages to get them into some semblance of trouble.
And Usopp would be the driver,since he has the best eyesight in my opinion.
(Sorry for the delay) Brook would be the guitarist,bass/keyboard player.
And let’s say the warlords would be rivals and trying to be more popular.
Mihawk would be pretty much Zoros mentor to one day beat him in a sing off.
Ace and Sabo would be die hard fans ngl.
And last but not least-Corazon is still alive in this au and pretty much Law’s adopted father.
And I like to think Sanjis brothers aren't assholes in this au...so yeah. Requests are open for this au.
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zombiedumbie · 8 months
there really isn't a point, I just wanted to write about a band and put the reader as the drummer (because I'm addicted to drummers). It ended up becoming a slice of life without much purpose, I even thought about writing more, but I didn't feel like I could get anywhere. and I based it on some posts, mainly in @/attyattlaw's band au!! if you want to see: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
5361 words.
slice of life, fluff, band au, pre-timeskip and occ law, complaining about one night stands, slightly zoro x reader, slightly friends to lovers (i'm a sucker for this) friends sleeping together, everyone is of legal age, suggestive language, there's no explict sexual content but it is mentioned a lot. mdni.
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A thin layer of sweat covered your skin, glistening. You took a deep breath, tired but still pushing through, your limbs already sore from all the movement, but Law kept urging you not to stop, so you didn't stop.
It had been a few hours since you had been like this, and Law seemed just as exhilarated as you. His skilled and tattooed fingers worked their magic, while his mouth emitted the most beautiful sounds you had ever heard, and apparently, he had no intention of stopping anytime soon. Sweat drops traced the spaces between his muscles perfectly, distracting you a bit. He softly called your name, bringing your attention back.
You glanced at your jeans discarded in the corner, focusing solely on continuing.
But your arms felt like they were about to give in, your legs too seemed ready to give up, a burning sensation filled your muscles, but you needed to keep going, at least until the end of this song.
The clatter of the cymbals rang in your ears as that 3-minute segment - which felt like 20 - finally ended. You threw your head back, groaning, feeling like you were going to die from the heat. You had already ditched your jeans a while ago, only a long black tank top covered your body, the little breeze in the room flowed through the wide sides; you were still wearing it out of respect for the homeowner.
You had shared tiny hotel rooms with these guys enough times not to care about it.
Ikkaku handed you a cold bottle of water when he saw you struggling to catch your breath, leaning on the drum set and tilting your head down. "Come on, Law", Ikkaku said. "We've been here for hours! Y/N can't even breathe properly!"
"I..." panting. "Am..." panting. "Fine..." panting.
Law flashed his famous half-smile before responding to Ikkaku. "You're right, Y/N-ya can't even concentrate properly", he teased you while taking the strap holding his guitar from his shoulder, you groaned. "Y/N-ya, you should groan less, you sound like a dog that way", you responded with a middle finger, too dog-tired to even swear back at him. He laughed.
You crawled to the cool garage floor of Rosinante, pressing the cold water bottle against your neck. "What are you all looking at, bunch of losers?!" You asked Shachi and Penguin, who were standing beside your body, they seemed to have some clever comments in mind, but they gave up when they saw your angry look.
All of this because you were going to play at an event, the Grand Line, that weekend, in a not-so-nearby city.
Your guitarist, vocalist, and frontman seemed to be in some kind of frenzy, maybe a manic or perfectionist phase, you had no idea, but he had made all of you cram into the hot garage of his house and rehearse until the drumsticks broke or your fingertips bled.
It wasn't even one of those stupid competitions you used to participate in; he just wanted to look better than other bands, like Victoria Punk or Straw Hats. He wanted to make sure you all were in perfect sync, like a big heart beating at the right frequency to ensure that all parts of a body received blood in the right amount, quality, and at the right time.
And you accepted it, after all, it was Law. You two were like peas in a pod; you would do anything for him, just as he would do anything for you; so you always gave your best to make everything the way he wanted it, after all, that's how friendship worked, right?
Rosinante entered the garage, with his wide smile on his lips and his eyes almost closing. In his gloved hands, he held a tray of hot cookies, smoke rising from the small dough men. Bepo was the first to get up and walk to the door.
You were all at the train station near Law's house, some suitcases, guitar and bass cases scattered around you as you waited for Shachi and Penguin to arrive in their uncle's pickup truck, affectionately named Polar Tang, to take everything to that damn event.
You were sitting on one of the suitcases, talking to Ikkaku about these events and how you wished they would happen closer to your hometown. Law was sitting on a wooden bench, Bepo was napping beside him, using him as a pillow. The vocalist watched as you conversed.
"Look on the bright side", she commented. "At least there are more people to meet", Ikkaku grinned mischievously.
"As if anyone pays attention to the drummer", you replied, laughing as you put your cold hands in the jacket pockets.
Law found himself looking at you for a few moments, admiring how the smoke escaped from your mouth as you spoke, or the way you swayed on the suitcase, sitting on it as if it were a wheelchair.
"I mean, you're always up front, can easily be seen by everyone", you laughed. "I'm hidden behind drums, overshadowed by the rest of you", Ikkaku laughed at how dramatic you were.
It was late in the day, a layer of orange light covered your skin, indicating that those were the last rays of the sun on this particularly cold day. Law loved to see how your lashes were gently kissed by that light, almost appearing a bit transparent.
"It's not like you're invisible either", Ikkaku commented, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. "I mean, you have some people interested in you too, but I've never seen you interested in anyone", you wrinkled your nose.
"I don't like it", you shrugged. "I don't think those people really like me. It seems like everyone just wants a chance to say they fucked with someone from a band..." Ikkaku pouted. "Hey, but that's my opinion, not saying you guys are wrong for it."
You looked back as you laughed at your friend's reaction, saying that you didn't understand and things didn't work that way, and that you were making her feel bad for wanting to be with some people sometimes. Law was looking at you attentively, an indecipherable expression on his face, but it was too late to look away, so he just gave a nervous smile. You responded with a raised eyebrow before turning to calm Ikkaku and say that there was no problem in taking advantage of it.
The guitarist sighed, his cheeks red from being caught looking at you.
The thought seemed too ridiculous to him.
Law would never admit this - he wouldn't even let anyone see him like this - but you made him nervous. He never had any trouble getting any girl he wanted, after all, look at him, his perfectly messy hair, tanned tattooed skin, and golden piercings, not to mention the perfect body he always showed off in fishnet shirts or open jackets with nothing underneath.
But you... You were different, none of that seemed to matter when it came to attraction. He had never seen you interested in anyone, always looking at everyone as if they weren't worthy of your attention, wearing a look of boredom when someone tried something with you; it was a mystery to him.
A mystery he would like to unravel, perhaps out of curiosity - or even caprice.
Shachi and Penguin arrived minutes later with the yellow pickup truck, you insisted on sitting by the window in case you got nauseous, receiving complaints from Bepo because he also wanted to sit by the window, but when he was reminded that the back seat had another window, he stopped complaining, until Shachi reminded him that he had to sit in the middle.
Law made sure to sit next to you, flashing that goofy ass smile of his when he got into the car right after you. You rolled your eyes and put on your headphones. When the instruments and bags were secured in the back of the pickup and everyone was settled in the car, Shachi took the wheel of the Polar Tang.
At some point, you rolled your thumb over the plastic knob that controlled the volume of your headphones, lowering the music to hear what they were talking about. You immediately regretted it when you heard Penguin explaining something about balls; understanding immediately when you saw Law and Ikkaku's incredulous faces and Bepo's red cheeks.
As unpleasant as these situations could be, it was nice to travel with them. Bepo was always responsible for giving directions, but he could never sit in the front and always had to stay in the middle. Those were the moments when you all talked the most, after all, there was nothing else to do. You loved hearing Shachi and Penguin's stories about their uncle, a guy named Wolf, who was always building something new as if he were Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Law called him Mr. Junk.
You also sang together sometimes, which reminded Law why you weren't the vocalists of the band; but it was fun to share those moments. It was funny to see how they behaved in those roadside shops when you stopped to eat something, Shachi and Penguin liked to pretend not to speak the native language just to mess with the sellers, and you, Bepo, and Ikkaku sometimes joined in, inventing new languages or speaking your language poorly just to confuse them.
You woke up a few hours later, after drooling on your neck pillow. It was just past midnight, and you had the same feeling of waking up in the middle of the night to travel, but in this situation, you already were. The sound was somewhat muffled inside the car; it took you a while to understand what they were saying.
When you finally got out of the car, you stretched, raising your arms above your head, only for Penguin to start tickling you. While you laughed and tried to free yourself from your friend's hands, someone came out of the hotel door, speaking loudly and excitedly.
"Torao!" The sound of flip-flops and the nickname immediately made Law tense up, his muscles tensing. Luffy, the frontman of the Straw Hats, immediately hugged the guitarist, wrapping his arms around him. You marveled at how Luffy could always be so electric.
You all brought your bags inside while Shachi parked the car in the hotel parking lot, Luffy and some other members of his band were at the reception, talking to you as you checked in, Kid and his band were nowhere to be found, Nami, one of the Straw Hats' vocalists, told you.
You saw Zoro on the other side of the room, his green hair was unmistakable; he was the drummer, so you always had something to talk about. You were on your way to him when you heard your name being called.
"Y/N, the rooms here are pretty cheap", Ikkaku told you, getting your attention at the counter. "We can get a room just for us and leave those idiots to fend for themselves", she said with a smile. You accepted without thinking twice; sharing a room with four guys was a nightmare you still didn't feel prepared to go through again.
As soon as you sat on the comfortable sheets of the bed, you realized how tired you were and fell asleep almost immediately upon entering the room.
It's barely 8 in the morning, and Luffy is once again speaking loudly and being enthusiastic, this time at your room's door. He was knocking on the door of the next room, where the others were sleeping, telling them to come have breakfast and that Sanji had kicked the cook out to prepare the food for all of you.
You didn't bother changing your clothes, heading to the hotel cafeteria in your pajamas, accompanied by five others who made the same fashion choice. The Straw Hats were already there, just as excited as their frontman. You finally got to see the Victoria Punk band, all of them seeming to be hungover, still wearing the clothes from the day before.
Law didn't seem to be in a good mood either, but unlike them, he didn't grunt at anyone who passed by the table. Bepo was almost falling asleep in his chair, and you had to stroke your friend's white hair to wake him up when Sanji arrived at the table, serving dishes for all of you.
"For you lovely ladies, a special dish", the blonde said with a wink as he placed a plate for you and Ikkaku. It looked way too appetizing compared to the others' plates, which also seemed delicious. Law furrowed his brows and crossed his arms.
"Why are they getting special treatment?" Your guitarist asked.
"Mind your own business, Torao", Sanji replied without turning to him.
"Tsk", Law lowered his head, probably trying to hide his eyes behind his hat, which he wasn't wearing. "Stop hitting on my band members."
"Mind your own business, Law", it was your turn, along with Ikkaku, receiving an incredulous glare from Law.
"You guys are unbelievable..."
While eating and teasing Law for being jealous of not receiving any special treatment, you felt a pair of eyes on you. When you turned, you saw Zoro looking at you, with his usual scowl and crossed arms. You smiled at him, receiving a wave in response.
Law seemed to notice this, as when you turned back to continue eating, he was watching you with furrowed brows.
You returned to your rooms to get ready. You had to take the instruments to the Grand Line, set everything up, and then perform at night. The thought of spending the whole day in a pub made your head ache, but you were impressed when you saw the size of the place; the sound would resonate better there, so you wouldn't have to worry about the soundcheck bothering your ears.
Since it was only one stage for the three bands, you would be using the same drum set for practicality. You, Zoro, and Killer, the drummer of the Victoria Punk, were setting up the drums, trying to adjust them so that everyone could play comfortably. You watched Killer add more drums, props, and cymbals to the set, sitting at the end of the stage while taking a break before the soundcheck. You had the feeling of being watched.
Zoro approached with a can, tapping it lightly on your shoulder to get your attention. "Beer?" You accepted, taking the beer.
"What happened to Luffy?" You pointed to the man sitting depressed in the corner, holding his hat in his hands while looking at the door anxiously.
"He's waiting for his brothers; they said they'd be here to see him play", Roronoa explained, and you nodded, sipping your beer.
"And you guys, bums, not working?" Kid asked, and you rolled your eyes.
"You're not doing anything either, Gizao", you said with a smile, apparently enough to annoy the redhead.
Before Kid could say anything, a tattooed hand stopped on his shoulder. "Don't annoy Eustass-ya; he's nervous because he has to work twice as hard as us because he's lame", you and Zoro laughed when you saw him turn even redder than his hair, turning to curse Law, who only responded with a sly smile.
You continued talking to Zoro while watching Killer test the drums. At some point, you got up to test a quick segment to see if the drum set was well-suited for you. When it was Zoro's turn, you saw him do his usual move, putting a drumstick in his mouth to play one of the cymbals near his head.
You didn't exactly understand why, but you found it amazing to watch him do that.
"Y/N-ya", a voice pulled you from your thoughts. "Could you please help Bepo?" Law asked, arms crossed, looking a bit annoyed, but you didn't want to ask why. You went to help Bepo set up his timbales and some drums in the corner of the stage, leaving room for people with lighter instruments to move freely.
It didn't take long for the night to arrive. Everyone was in the dressing room, and you couldn't help but feel somewhat suffocated with so many people. Robin and Nami approached you at some point, calling Ikkaku to get ready together. At some point, Kid and Killer approached you all, resulting in a comical moment of the six of you exchanging shades of lipstick. You felt the same sensation of being watched again.
In a way, everything seemed like organized chaos. You saw Robin stepping back a bit to help Franky with his mohawk, which you were sure wasn't natural. Zoro was on the couch fixing Chopper's hair while Sanji did the same, adjusting Luffy's hair, who only stopped complaining that his brothers hadn't arrived yet when Sanji gave him food.
Bepo was chatting animatedly with Chopper, and it was funny to see the two of them talking since they were the youngest, so they seemed to identify with each other. You saw Shachi and Penguin posing in front of the mirror in front of Usopp, who was fixing his afro next to Brook, who was styling his hair. They were sharing the mirror with Jimbe, who was finishing a braid.
When you looked at Law, the feeling of being watched disappeared as soon as your guitarist averted his gaze. You walked over to him, sitting on a high stool in the corner, arms crossed and alone. He was watching you as you approached.
"Aren't you going to get ready?" You asked.
"I'm waiting for one of the mirrors to become available", you nodded, smiling. Automatically, your hand reached for your makeup kit, taking out a small eyeshadow palette, raising his eyebrows, already knowing what was coming.
He let you do his makeup without saying anything, but without moving an centimeter to help; you had to hold his chin to lift his face. It only got worse when you applied your lipstick, pulling the color beyond the corners of his lips.
"Are you nervous?" You asked, feeling his jaw tense under your fingers. With a gentle movement, you began applying red eyeshadow just below his eyes; he looked up to help.
"No", he replied promptly, but you felt him tense up even more.
Law wasn't exactly the easiest person to deal with; he always appeared relaxed, but beneath that, he was always tense, overthinking. And he still had that damn habit of looking at you as if he knew a secret of yours that you would never find out what it was, the smile that no matter how many times he gave it to you, it would always tease you.
He always seemed to be hiding something.
"Then you should relax those muscles a bit", you smiled and moved a bit closer to his face, now holding the eyeliner pencil. He shrugged.
You were too concerned about not poking your friend's eye with the pencil to notice his cheeks blushing more and more. Nami took a photo of you two in that position.
"That's mean, Nami", Robin said, laughing.
"I can't help it if these two idiots are so cute together," the redhead said, looking at the photo on her phone screen. "And besides, I might be able to sell this."
The Straw Hats were the first to be called, apparently following a random order; Luffy refused to go on stage until he was informed that his brothers had already arrived.
"Zoro!" You called him when he was about to enter the wrong door. "It's over there", you pointed while laughing; he grunted and looked away, cheeks red. "Good luck", you said after patting his shoulder and handing him an extra drumstick he had forgotten.
You watched them from the corner of the stage, behind the curtains, singing and dancing with Bepo and Ikkaku. Law was also there, but he didn't say anything, just nodding along.
You were up next, and the nerves barely managed to affect you because of the excitement. Despite Law being a bit manic about his rehearsals and perfection in these shows, you loved to perform. It was fun to see people react to the music you produced.
"Here come the aspiring Limp Bizkit", you heard Kid say, and all of you responded with middle fingers.
Shachi threw himself into his DJ booth, Ikkaku already had her bass in position, and Penguin stood next to her, adjusting his guitar and microphone. Bepo was timidly behind his drums, while Law posed in front of everyone, his leather jacket open to show his chest tattoo and the plumage on his neck.
"We are the Heart" Law said before starting the aggressive chords of the song, his voice intentionally lower and sexier.
Amidst the bright lights, you saw the line of people drooling over Law; you rolled your eyes as you began to play. A brief pause for Ikkaku's fast solo before Law started singing, with Penguin accompanying him on his rhythm guitar and background vocals. Bepo played his timbales more gently than you hit your drum kit; Shachi organized the melody and added an extra touch in his DJ booth, all of you in perfect harmony.
"Go ahead, Deftones", you said to Kid as you bumped into him while leaving the stage; it was their turn to perform.
"That's unfair", Shachi grumbled when you entered the dressing room; most of the Straw Hats members should now be scattered throughout the pub. "They went on right after we warmed up the audience."
"We also went on right after the Straw Hats", Bepo replied.
"But we're different!"
You collapsed on the couch to rest; your arms were burning from playing the drums so energetically. However, your peace didn't last long when you saw a small group of people enter the dressing room, all smiling and eager to chat with you.
You often felt sad for some people who entered the dressing room to really talk to you because they were fans. You had talked to many interesting people before, but they often got lost among those interested only in taking a piece of you as a trophy to show off to others.
You even considered talking to a cute guy who was looking at you, but that desire faded when you saw one of the girls practically rubbing her cleavage on Law's arm, and he responded with a smile before looking at you.
You got up from the couch as quickly as possible, suddenly feeling more uncomfortable than you should. You tried not to let it ruin your night, heading to the bar alone. You thought about inviting Bepo with you, but he seemed to be having fun talking to an equally shy girl.
You found Zoro at the bar, drinking with Nami and Jimbe. You decided to join them since there was nothing more interesting to do. You even danced with Nami and Chopper, sang some songs in the karaoke after the Victoria Punk show, but nothing could shake that strange feeling in your chest.
"Is something bothering you, Y/N-san?" You heard Sanji's voice as you sought fresh air outside. He was smoking, his hair was messy, and there were some lipstick stains on his neck and collar.
You thought for a moment before responding, deciding whether it was a good idea to tell him or not. "Kind of, Sanji", you replied, sighing. "But it's silly."
"If it bothers you, it's not silly", you had never heard him speak seriously for so long without hitting on you. "Come on, I don't mind listening."
"I'm not sure how to explain," you smiled, looking at the street. "There are some things someone does that bother me, but I don't feel like I can say anything, especially because it doesn't... make sense for me to complain."
Sanji raised an eyebrow, recognizing the slight blush on your cheeks.
"I could resolve this by talking, after all, this person is my best friend, but I don't feel like I have the right to complain."
"I see", he took a drag of his cigarette. "Maybe you're creating the problem yourself; if this person is truly your best friend, they'll listen to you."
You bit your lip, leaning forward as you thought. "You're right, Sanji-san", you replied. Law walked out of the bar, looking around until his eyes landed on you. Sanji saw him arrive and sighed.
"Relax, Y/N-san", Sanji smiled at you, placing his hand on your shoulder. "Not all the answers are within yourself. Don't keep everything bottled up", and then he left, passing by Law and Bepo without saying anything.
"Y/N-ya", Law sounded irritated. "Bepo and I are going back to the hotel", you raised your eyebrows, looking at Bepo. "Shall we?" Maybe he was asking if you wanted to go back with him, but it sounded like an order.
You had no preference between staying and going, so you just nodded. Law stared out the taxi window with a scowl, while Bepo laughed quietly and covered his cheeks with his hands. You were sitting between the two, just enjoying the music from the taxi's radio.
It didn't take long to reach the hotel; you entered your room without saying anything. Throughout the way, you had been thinking about what Sanji told you. Would it really be a good idea to talk to Law about this? Perhaps it would become too awkward, or it could end your friendship. However, given how he acted, maybe he didn't even care. Maybe that would be worse.
Your phone vibrated with a message from Ikkaku. She asked if you could, at least for that night, sleep in the boys' room; she didn't need to say more for you to understand. You didn't get irritated; it was the first time she could enjoy the hotel room for this purpose.
After brushing your teeth and changing your clothes, you left the room even before she arrived. You waited a bit before knocking on the door of the next room, sighing. The corridor that intersected yours was open, with a view of the garden, and the moonlight barely illuminated the flower bushes.
You walked over there; there was a wooden bench against the wall next to it, and you didn't hesitate to sit down, enjoying the silence and the cool breeze. Closing your eyes, you heard the sound of laughter and footsteps of people trying to be quiet; it must have been Ikkaku, and then silence again. It went on like this for a few minutes until you were startled by a voice.
"What are you doing here?" It was Law, the firm tone was unmistakable. You opened your eyes and gasped, startled.
"Ikkaku found some company for the night", you muttered, leaning your head against the wall, slowly regaining your composure and calming your heart. Law didn't bother to apologize.
"I think Penguin and Shachi did too", Law replied, crossing his arms in front of his body before leaning to rest his arm on the wall beside him. "Bepo is snoring in the room", you shrugged. "He got all giddy because of a girl he was talking to today."
"Oh, that girl was cute", you said, recalling their rosy cheeks. "It's surprising that you haven't found anyone either", you commented with a brief smile, looking at the open corridor ceiling; there was an acidic tone in your voice, again remembering what Sanji had said.
"What do you mean by that?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Come on, you know", you sighed. "All these groupies, eager to appreciate your finger skills", you chuckled softly, recalling the line of girls in front of the stage, screaming in the hope of getting some attention from the Heart's frontman.
"I won't lie; I have my charisma", he replied with a smile, looking away. This guy was damn hot, and he knew it; you couldn't blame him. "But I wasn't in the mood", you laughed again.
"Funny", he raised his eyebrows.
"And you?"
"I don't think I've ever seen you with someone, or even showing interest in anyone during our shows", your eyes shifted to him, your head tilting to the side as you watched your guitarist.
"I'm not interested in that."
"Not even the lettuce head?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Lettuce head?" You thought for a moment. "Roronoa?" He nodded slowly. "What about him?"
"I saw you talking; it looked like something was going on."
"Yeah, of course, definitely", you replied with irony and a touch of humor in your voice. "He was just giving me some tips not to break my drumsticks anymore; I've been hitting them in the wrong place accidentally", you turned your eyes back to the ceiling.
"And the suit guy?"
"Sanji?" You laughed at the nickname. "We were just talking about the show", you lied.
Law paused for a moment, sighing. He clutched his arm while biting his lip, summoning the courage to continue the conversation.
"Do you... like someone?" He asked, and you looked at him curiously. "Like... you never seem interested in anyone who approaches you... But I know you're not asexual or anything", you raised your eyebrows.
"What makes you think that?" A smile appeared on your lips.
"I've overheard you guys talking."
"Hmm, eavesdropping, Trafalgar?" You chuckled.
"It's kind of hard not to overhear when you guys are talking at 3 a.m. in the same room as me while I'm trying to sleep", yeah, that must have happened for sure. "But seriously. You never approach anyone, or let anyone get close."
"I don't know", you smiled, adjusting your posture. "I think I might like someone, yeah", you scratched your head, your smile slowly fading; perhaps this was your chance to talk about what was bothering you. "But I don't want something fleeting with him, you know? That's not my thing", you sighed. "And I think he's only interested in that, so I've lowered my expectations. I must have just a crush; I don't think I'm in love or anything like that", you murmured.
Law's golden eyes watched you with hope as you spoke, not all was lost after all. He even dared to think that maybe he was the person you liked, if that were the case, all he had to do was show that he was interested in more than sex... was he really?
The thought made him choke on the air, coughing aimlessly. He liked you, a lot, but he also liked his fleeting things, after all, sex didn't have to mean anything. At the end of the night, people would leave your room anyway, so he wouldn't have to worry about the pain of losing someone else if everything was short-lived. But if he thought like that, why was he going so far for you?
It wasn't like a prize that he would spend hours rehearsing with his band to win and then just put it on his shelf as if it were something shiny to look at. You were much more than something as fleeting as a night of sex, far more present than his week-long flings, and more solid than his relationships that lasted less than two months.
You were much more than this mystery he wanted to unravel; far more than anything his whim could provide.
"Are you okay?" You asked. "You look a bit pale. Nervous?" He swallowed hard.
"No, no", he caught his breath. "I was just thinking, that's all", you sighed before clutching the wooden bench.
"Careful, soon there'll be smoke coming out of your head", he laughed, and you did too, awkwardly. "Hey, Law. Is there space in your bed? I really want to sleep", he raised an eyebrow.
"What? Why in mine? Do you want to sleep with me?" Law asked, straightening up on his feet, and his question came out more defensively than he would have liked. You raised your eyebrows.
"You're the only one I see awake that I can ask", Law relaxed his expression, hoping the dark corridor hid his flushed cheeks.
You squeezed into Law's single bed, hugging your friend and intertwining your legs with his, fitting into the small space. He breathed hesitantly, as if afraid of doing it wrong. "Relax, idiot", you murmured against the fabric of his shirt. "It's not like it's the first time we've slept together, right?"
Then you fell asleep, but he didn't. Law made sure to feel every centimeter of your body against his, relishing your warmth as he tried to rearrange his thoughts, which was much more challenging with your breath against his skin.
He thought, thought some more, and then some more until morning came when you got up, saying you were going to get ready to go have breakfast. He kept thinking for a while as his bandmates moved around the room, changing clothes and brushing their teeth.
"Fuck", he grumbled; his cheeks were warm, his heart was beating faster, and there was a smile on his face. "I think I'm in love."
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if you like my work, please consider buying me a coffee.
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camscramps · 5 months
Juan piece OC
I fell into the rabbit hole that is one piece and decided to make an oc, I’ve had him for a while now but i haven’t really showed him off in the internet besides to my friends soooo
Introducing Roronoa Kaito
He’s supposed to be Zoro’s cousin( so kewl right?)
He’s taiko drummer / idol
He gets into a lot of shenanigans from both marines and pirates (both hate him equally)
Although not a devil fruit user water seems to hate him
Is known for being kinda a partyboy and bit of a douche
I wanna go so into detail on more of his lore but this just and intro plus i still need to tweak some stuff :p
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soulslimes · 9 months
so..i had an idea based off the two bickering idiots again lmao
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I just got this idea for a one piece fic that's been scratching at my brain, so I wanna write down the concept before I absolutely forget about it lmao.
its an retired-singer!sanji and bassist!zoro fic where the strawhats (luffy's high intensity thrasher metal band) are in need of a lead singer when they spot sanji at dive bar, singing jazz music, and luffy takes an immediate liking to the guy and wants him to join much to zoro's distaste because 'who the hell do you know that sings jazz knows anything about thrasher metal? it seems weird to have him of all people as our lead singer luffy'
it's basically lowkey the baratie arc (without don krieg for now bc idk where I could possibly fit him him in to this without it being clunky and weird for a band recruitment, but once I reread the arc I can see how I can translate it to this au) but instead of pirates it's thrasher metal musicians and some slight smooching. (and maybe, if you guys like the original idea i can write the east blue saga through this lens lmao)
originally, zoro is confused about why luffy insists on coming to the baratie dive bar to recruit sanji into their band. they already have their drummer position fulled by usopp, and their rhythm guitarist position filled by nami, so zoro just thinks they can figure out which one of them--nami or luffy really, 'cause he has no interest in singing anything lmao, just writing--can be the singer. but, of course, luffy insists on having someone else do it, someone who he deems 'the one with the perfect voice'--whatever that means, zoro doesn't really know. he doesn't really see the vision about a soft-spoken jazz singer joining a thrasher metal group, but luffy has a plan and when luffy has a plan, you kinda have to just go for it. ya know, musical genius and all that.
so they ask sanji who originally says no. he's already employed at the baratie and content with singing his jazz music zoro thinks that's gonna be the end of it, but no no no lmao. luffy is insistent. even though sanji says that he's comfortable at the baratie singing jazz and that he isn't quite sure if a rockstar's life is for him.
and then ya know...the whole 'zeff wants sanji to accomplish his dreams of being in a super popular band and shit because he tried to do it for years and was never truly successful at it' and junk. lmao. queue the sanji wanting to become the lead singer of the strawhats and actually work with them to prove to himself that he can accomplish his and zeff's dream and god damn it, zoro just thinks that's the finest bit admirable, but he's not going to admit it to a guy he just met a month ago (uh-oh he's gonna catch feelings lmao)
(also lmao, luffy isn't the lead singer bc i think the guy would shred on the lead guitar. also also, he started the whole band in the first place, that also gets you status lmao)
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welp. that's it really. im done.
if y'all have any suggestions/ideas for this silly au I came up with while prepping for an exam then let me know!
also lmao: this might just end up being a retelling of one piece through this thrasher metal band au bc tell me how I got an idea planned out for whole cake island......I might just commit to retelling one piece (at least, sanji and zoro's important arcs for now. perhaps I will expand it to a series of some sort) through the lens of music lmao
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sleepy-ace-dragon · 15 hours
The best modern au fanfic I've ever seen is about the Strawhat Crew from OnePiece being a band and Zoro is the drummer with three drumsticks. A+ gold star writing
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atlas-the-bastard · 2 months
making a webcomic with my friend and its like a low fantasy world n the main characters r just a bunch of friends in a band. and it's accidental hero trope bc really they're just trying to achieve fame and success with their band but all these bad guys keep trying getting in the way so they really have no choice but to beat them up. like when they're still a pretty small band, they turn up to some dingy little bar for a gig and there's like some dodgy shitty criminal shit going on like the bar owners being controlled and threatened for money or smthg and theyre like, well we can't fuckin play here when this shits going on, guess we gotta deal with these dicks first. it's awesome I love it so so much already.
but also its hilarious because like. every character we've made is partly just me projecting my favourite one piece characters in to our world💀there's a himbo drummer guy who, for an unexplained reason, doesnt have any sort of fantasy powers or anything, just got a mean right hook, who reminds me STRONGLY of a mix of luffy and zoro, there's a violinist I came up with who is 100 percent nico robin, portgas d. ace except he's a vampire and the lead vocalist, a super nerdy geeky girl but she plays bass and is actually cool as fuck and a cyborg and the mom friend totally a mix of franky and maybe nami. and of course the honorary gay depressed emo one (lead guitarist) who is just an alt universe version of law.
God this is going to be so much fun
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twirlymarimo · 1 month
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drummer zoro and bassist sanji au = akihiko and haruki from given 😌
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enteisabo · 9 months
WHO AM I KIDDING my self indulgent modern AU is a band AU. Luffy sings. It's horrible and the catchiest thing you've ever heard. Zoro is a drummer and has been a fucking prodigy at it since he was introduced to it at the age of five. Sanji learned the bass bc a girl told him bassists are hot when he was 13.
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braindeadmaggot · 2 years
Fuck, Snog, Marry, Avoid, Kill (Supernova edition part 2): Hawkins, Apoo, Luffy, Urouge, Bege (Nope, you won't get Law. Too bad)
Jokes on you I DON'T WANT LAW!!
Kill - Apoo. I love music. I know music. What Apoo makes it's trash. Its worse than pornogrind. Worse than nightcore. I'd rather listen to an entire classroom of kindergartners thrash on pots and pans and pianos for 67 hours. It'd be better music than Apoo's stupid fruit. I gave him the benefit of the doubt in Sabaody but as time went by he got worse. Trash human.
Avoid - Luffy. As much as I love One Piece. As much as I love the plot and story and everything... I'm not that big of a Luffy fan. I love him don't get me wrong, he's an amazing character but like, there are more entertaining characters out there. Like Zoro and Brook looking at just in the crew alone. Goda did an amazing job making hundreds of amazing characters. Also, I don't want to do anything intimate with him so... yeah.
Snog - Urouge. He looks like he'd be fun to suck faces with.
Marry - Bege. He did right by Chiffon. He is the best husband and the best father ever! Such a great dad. Better than Shanks that's for sure (looking at you Film Red) and better than Yasopp and Dragon and Franky's dad and Robin's Uncle. I'd marry him because I know he'd treat me and my children right. Plus he's got that cool fruit, i'd never run out of storage space. Plus free traveling lol (go to sleep in my own bed, wake up in Japan or something. No need to pack, got everything I need. Plus shopping will be amazing cuz I don't need to worry about check in luggage lol)
Fuck - Hawkins. He looks like Joey Jordison of Slipknot - specifically from the self titled album (plus I have a long hair kink lol)
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I mean look at him, tell me that ain't Basil. Joey is my favorite drummer of all time. I love him so much 🖤 RIP #1
Bonus: dude from CP0 kind of looks like Corey Taylor from the All Hope Is Gone era
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arachnaesghost · 11 months
Zoro as a drummer with a third drumstick in his mouth lmao I can't be the first person to have thought of that right?
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gildedmuse · 4 years
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Just a little follow up to my "Strawhat Band But, You Know, With ZoLaw" AU.
OK i’ve been thinking about your zolaw post a lot, specifically drummer zoro, and i raise you this: deaf law
considering the drums are the only thing he could feel/hear of course he’d be immediately into the Very attractive drummer
Accepted, but only if Kuina was deaf. Zoro learned the drums so he could play them for her.
also if zoro only knows a few signs so after the confrontation & law tells him he can’t hear, he’s like “oh shit sorry” in signs but learns more after befriending law
Plus with Kuina you know half the signs he does know are kendo related. They seemed a lot more helpful at the time, damnit!
Oh! First time Luffy meets Law. He's as chatty and friendly as ever, including mentioning how much Zoro always talks about him and how Zoro's been watching him from stage for ages and he's so glad Zoro's finally talked to him and Zoro is just sitting there like, "Luffy... Luffy... Oh thank God he didn't hear may of that."
Luffy: What? Why wouldn't he hear me? AM I NOT TALKING LOUD ENOUGH OVER THIS MUSIC!?
Zoro: .... Luffy, Law's deaf that's all.
Luffy: Oh! *Immediately hugs Law because what better way to show you like someone?*
Zoro: *Gives up because Luffy*
Meanwhile, Shachi is just openly signing everything Luffy said to Law, who keeps smirking and glancing at Zoro (while poor Zoro tries to control his bandmate/bestie)
AJDKJDS thats so cute im passing away, of course luffy would embarrass the hell out of zoro
Luffy making up signs for "my drummer thinks you're cute".
They make no sense and yet Zoro is inherently embarrassed
Shachi and Penguin are both fluent in sign language, and are oh so ready to spill any secrets that come their way. Like that time their "manager" Nami practically forced Zoro to admit he got his drum solo wrong because he was distracted by Law looking at him. Penguin is all over that shit.
hearing shachi and penguin always be talking mad shit
They're constantly signing to Law and people are like "wtf up with these bartenders?" And they're all, "oh, sorry, not sorry, the cute drummer has a singing part in this song for some reason and he has his eyes on the boss the entire fucking time."
"Sir, this is so much more important than your drink."
ok but who in the strawhats plays what instrument
im 100% certain robin plays keys
Luffy sings. No instrument is the only one they trust him with.
Luffy: Singer/Triangle (they have to let him so something)
Brook: Guitarist
Usopp: 2nd Guitarist (He's the George Harris of the Strawhats)
Jinbe: Bass
Robin: Keyboard (Trained as a classical pianists but she learns their style fast)
Sanji: Various brass horns
Zoro: Drums (three drumstick style, obviously)
Chooper: Fan/Symbols when Zoro feels weak for him
Franky: Sound/Equipment/Roadie
Nami: Manager/Merch
Vivi: Back up singer/female vocals
this is so incredibly accurate
sanji is truly the culmination of every brass player ive ever known
I just imagine a young Chopper sitting on Zoro's lap and Zoro being like, "okay now" and Chopped being so excited that he gets to hit the symbol
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