#zionists do not interact
scorpion-flower · 24 days
Greece's singer preteded to fall asleep.
Netherlands' singer covered himself with his coutry's flag.
Ireland's singer wrote "Ceasefire now" in old irish.
Latvia's singer said that every country deserves to be free.
I know it's not much, but I still love those subtle hints of diss agaist Israel 😂
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original-username42 · 2 months
Why are open Zionist interacting with my blog, please keep your genocide kink away from me, you may not realise this but genocide is bad actually
Zionists do NOT interact with me at all
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atimefordragons · 23 days
if it is true that Joost punched someone from the zionist's delegation, I will use all my votes for Netherlands.
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astraystayyh · 24 days
kpop stans literally have no backbone LMAOOO when skz gets hate for collaborating with more and more zionists because as we can see they are VERY well welcomed by stays, dont come crying. what a useless fandom. literally we had one job and it’s to NOT platform a zionist and an israeli settler but nooooooo 💔💔💔 people are losing their jobs and students are being arrested for protesting against israel but 90% of stays cant even boycott ONE song.
it’s not a coincidence that zionists are infiltrating kpop i need u to PLEASE utilize ur critical thinking skills and realize that those zionist brands/artists/companies are looking for new audiences to gain since they’re being shunned away. this is only the beginning this isn’t a matter of supporting skz alone PLEASE
it could’ve been you born in palestine and it would’ve been your people and family and friends and loved ones that are genocied. and then you’d be the one asking people to not platform zionists and to shame them but oh well. good luck living life being this fucking spineless
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kelocitta · 3 months
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Taking a short moment to speak about the news regarding the RW/Ludeo Collaboration
First and foremost: I fully support the independence and defense of Palestine against the state of Israel. Genocidal regimes have no place existing. I want to make stance clear.
With that said, based on current information I do believe this was a honest mistake on the part of the RW team and that they are legitimately upset to learn their collaborators held such ideals, as it seems a large portion of the planning and work for this mod came from a least a year ago. I will be continuing RW art month/fanart as normal and hope they can properly sort out and address the concerns here. I've seen a lot of disappointing company actions over the years and my initial impressions of the situation are tentatively favorable. I hope I don't have to eat my words.
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spite-and-waffles · 3 days
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wormonastringtheory · 6 months
people who are completely anti-religion/theology/spirituality need to unpack a lot; destruction of religion can be an sact of cultural genocide. divorcing religion and/or spirituality from culture is nearly impossible and would strip elements of a culture inherently
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fuckbarca · 2 months
find it ironic that israel is crying about iran violating international law when 30k+ palestinians are dead because of their continuous bombings and airstrikes and open fire on starving civilians (controlled starving, mind you, israel is also preventing aid from entering the gaza strip) waiting for food. we've had to hear the argument that israel is merely defending themselves because of oct 7 for several months now, but it's a violation of international law when iran targets israeli military sites after israel bombed their embassy in syria on april 1st? much to think about.
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druidcore · 2 months
damien haas willfully sitting next to known disgusting zionist noah grossman............. what the fuck is going on at smosh
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reuna · 1 month
Zionists saying stuff like "Jews deserve their own genocidal ethnostate because they aren't safe if they aren't a forced majority who violently oppress and displace other people".
I wonder if they believe the same things about any other group who's ever been oppressed and discriminated against?
By this logic, telling black people to go "back to Africa" or some shit like that is probably something they belie... wait. Is that why they have suck blatant anti-blackness in zionist circles?
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eve-is-a-terf · 5 months
not one of my classmates reposting that tiktok that’s like “why was palestine not talked abt at tne golden globes? because zionists control the entertainment industry and if you’re not a zionist you can’t get ahead” (like not dog whistling it actually literally said that) 💀💀 are we gonna pretend like that’s not insanely antisemitic and also the most common trope of all time (jews control the world and keep everyone else down!!!1!1!1!!”) orrrr 🤡
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riddler-apologist · 4 months
btw if ur not boycotting stranger things s5, ur a freak
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montewave · 3 months
Reading Fables by Bill Willingham is a fucking trip. You have your edgy 2000s humour that's vulgar, sexist, and racist and then you have fucking Bigby Wolf declaring that he's a proud Zionist.
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opla · 5 months
hey, guys! i'd like to bring up some serious stuff rn, given the current issues in the fandom regarding taz skylar's recent statements about the genocide in palestine, since i believe this is too important to ignore.
myself, & therefore this blog, unconditionally supports palestine & condemns the genocide & ethnic cleansing of the palestinian ppl currently being carried out by israel.
taz's stance of 'neutrality' is frankly incredibly harmful & should not be tolerated. to be neutral in the face of oppression is to stand on the side of the oppressor. not only that, but the silence from most of the cast (with the exception of morgan davies) on this issue is frankly deafening.
i have therefore decided to no longer post content related to the opla cast (except for what is still in the queue), unless they have directly shown support for palestine, as any decent person should, to be frankly honest.
this likely won't change much & it might seem meaningless to you, but i thought i should let you know where i stand in this.
wishing you all the best & free palestine.
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satoriberry · 5 months
person a: i hate zionists, they're so evil, they can die for all i care about.
^ are some of you mentally challenged?
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santaresistencia · 7 months
I'm so confused. I'm not sure what is true anymore!
When I tried talking to a close relative of mine about Palestine, they started going on a huge spiel. They insisted it wasn't genocide, that they voted for Hamas and that Isr*el warned them and gave them time to go south before the bombings happened, that Palestine struck first, and that Isr*el had given them their land.
When I asked them for proof, they dodged the question, claimed they've been in the loop for a very long time (they're nearing their sixties), and said something about the quran.
I don't know what to do and I'm so torn!
warning: this post has a plethora of links (everything underlined) i encourage you and anyone reading to click through them and learn more.
hi lovely sorry it took me so long to respond. i understand why you're confused right now - there's currently a huge, censorship, disinformation campaign being waged by isr*el (and backed and supported by the united states) to keep people confused about what's going on right now. and sadly if you (like me) grew up in the united states/the west very little is taught about palestine and we are steeped in propaganda from the very moment we can talk. it is a failure of the system, and ourselves, and done purposefully to keep us ignorant about an evil from which we directly contribute and benefit.
and if you simply went by what western leaders and cable news are reporting right now you would be vastly misinformed about the true horror being waged and why it is being waged. social media is a powerful tool and is being weaponized by isr*el to fight a proxy war. (a war which they are losing with certain demographics, if the sheer number of us awakening right now and by your very question is evident).
many people are trying to push a narrative of this being a very complicated issue so they can remain "neutral" and i'm here to tell you it isn't - what it comes down to is that isr*el is illegally occupying palestine (which they've been doing for almost 75 years) and are currently waging a genocide against the palestinian people, who throughout the last decades have been forced to live under an apartheid state in both gaza and the west bank - areas which are really just ghettos controlled by their colonizer - isr*el.
i will note here - this is a very basic fact that many are unaware of, to our shame, but gaza is not a country, it is a strip of land under the occupation and total control of isr*el. (to even justify calling this a "war" is unfair in the extreme - wars are fought by more or less equal powers with a standing army of their own - gaza does not have it's own army. the current aggression taking place is david and goliath-levels unequal). more basic facts/questions that we are too afraid to ask covered here and here.
gaza especially is recognized (the united nations included) as the world's "largest open-air prison." palestinians cannot freely travel without the permission of isr*el (on their own land!), and everything - food, electricity, water, incoming supplies, everything - is controlled by isr*el and subject to their whims. they are under constant surveillance and overly policed, killed daily by both the state and isr*eli settlers stealing palestinian land, and thousands of them are held illegally without trial indefinitely by isr*el. (does this sound familiar to you? it should because most of america's police force is trained by the IDF).
and while hamas did attack isr*eli civilians, the attack did not occur in a vacuum and the response to that attack has been very, very, very, very, disproportionate - it is collective punishment against a civilian population and a war crime.
the oct 7th attacks are being used as an excuse to carry out isr*el's dream/ultimate goal of cleansing palestinians off their own land so they can claim it as their own.
but to address the specific claims made by your relative - yes the ongoing isr*eli occupation's aggression is genocide (and has been acknowledged as such by experts in holocaust history, human rights groups, and quite openly by isr*el itself). while hamas did "strike first" they did so in response to the many human rights abuses, systematic oppression, and colonial violence that the palestinian people have been undergoing for close to a century. an oppressed people pushed to the edge of survival and left with no other choice will be forced to use any means necessary to resist their oppressors.
the demonization and dehumanization of hamas is used to paint palestinian resistance as "terrorism" in order to justify wiping a whole group of people (2.3 million) off the face of the earth. civilians - men, woman, and children are not "terrorists" and their slaughter is not and will never be justified.
the claim that isr*el is giving them "warning" and "time" to evacuate before bombing is laughable - where are they supposed to go? they've closed down the borders - no one can get in or out of gaza. they have specifically targeted civilian infrastructure such as hospitals, churches, and residential homes which have been serving as shelter to civilians. they told them to evacuate the north of gaza and into the south (which is impossible when you think of over a million people being given 24 hours to evacuate their homes), and then continue to bomb the south and north anyway. they are also carrying out violence and aggression in the west bank which is not controlled by hamas and so their excuses are simply that, excuses.
no their goal is not to get rid of hamas, their goal is the complete and utter annihilation of gaza and the palestinian people. (which they will not succeed in doing, palestine will be free, whether in this life or the next).
and the idea that isr*el gave palestinians their land? it's their land! isr*el stole their land, violently displaced (such a soft word for such a violent act) over 750,000 people (which has created a diaspora of six million palestinian refugees), forced the remaining into gaza and the west bank, has been subjecting them to a slow suffocating death for decades, and now openly slaughters them by the thousands.
the mention of the Quran specifically by your relative is thinly veiled islamophobia (which is rampant in the west and in the united states in particular). this is not a religious war. and the fact that a majority of palestinians are muslims (though christian palestinians do exist) is being used to paint a whole people as "terrorists" and encourages the dehumanization of palestinian people.
this is why the many many videos and images of dead palestinian babies, men, and woman mean nothing to certain people - palestinians (and frankly brown/black ppl) are not seen as fully human and equally worthy of life. their lives and their deaths weigh less in certain ppl's minds (just compare the global support ukraine received when it was invaded by russia to the indifference that palestine is currently receiving).
to some and (your relative) the horrific slaughter by the literal thousands is justifiable - an "unhappy but inevitable consequence of war." this is not war, this is genocide. these are not battles being fought, these are blatant war crimes being carried out by isr*el who have been given carte blanche by the united states and other western powers to do as they wish.
tbh there are many others on here that can explain better and their masterposts and blogs are valuable resources available here, here, and here. and i recommend these tiktok users here, here, and here. i also recommend the decolonizepalestine.com website as it is highly informative.
and for keeping up with current news in gaza that is not blatant propaganda i recommend al jazeera - which has been doing some of the most comprehensive and amazing journalism i've ever seen. (seriously they are putting their very lives on the line, as several of their reporters have been assassinated by isr*el).
it is a tragedy that we have been kept largely ignorant of a struggle that has been happening right under our noses for years, supported by our own money and aid, and which we directly benefit from. but now that we know the extent of the horror it is our duty to educate ourselves, to reach out and educate others, to uplift palestinian voices, and to do everything we possibly can to help. to do otherwise is a failure of our very own humanity.
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