#zeus week 2023
stalkerofthegods · 4 months
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Zeus Greek god, Straight to the point deep dive on epiphets, offerings, etc.
Herbs • Holm oak, olive tree, star anise, dandelion, almonds, pine, vervain, oak in general.
Animals• cuckoo-bird, swan, bull, satyr, eagle, wolf, woodpecker
Zodiac • Sagittarius and Pisces, maybe cancer.
Colors • Silver, blue, white, gold 
Crystal• White and yellow diamonds, Lapis lazuli, Blue and yellow sapphires, turquoise,  celestite, iron/steel, any quartz
Symbols• olive tree branch, throne, Lightning bolt, a crown, scepter, the Aegis
Diety of• sky and weather, the Greek gods, cities, the home, property, strangers, guests, and supplicants, law, order, justice, hospitality, Kings
Patron of• the sky and weather, men, the Greek gods, cities, the home, property, strangers, guests, and supplicants, law, order, justice 
Offerings• Wine, Whiskey, Milk, Tea, Coffee, Small cakes, Breads, Red meat, Scaled fish, Fruit, Rain water, Silver, blue, white, gold candles, Figures of eagles and bulls, Symbols of a thubderbolt, The scales of justice, Crowns, Statues of Himself, eagles, or thunderbolts, Cinnamon, Laurel, Art or pictures of eagles and bulls, Eagle and bull plushies/toys, Oak, Pine, Toy crowns, Imagery of thunderbolts (ex- art, keychains, pictures, toys), Photographs or art of storms, Golden oobjects, Blue, white, or gold flowers, Assignments you got good grades on anything you are proud of (ex-art, writings, a dance you made or perfected, your songs, your favorite toy that you’ve taken care of for years.), the fat on the bones of the animals, a scepter, throne photos &, etc, fruit juice, rainwater, wedding rings, White wine, medals, hammers, acorns, cotton balls, coins.
Devotional• Check the weather for the day, Learn to recognize the different kinds of clouds, Speak out if you see an injustice (do not speak over those actually receiving the injustice), Dance in the rain, Examine ideas on fatherhood, examine how any paternal influence you received may have impacted your life,  your parents for the good parenting you received, Listen to storms and bask in their glory (whether its a real storm or you’re just listening to a recording of one), Learn to appreciate different kinds of weather, learn the property lines of your house, Take care of yourself, Learn a little more about politics and the current political state of your country, fight for what you believe in (only if it is not harming others), Help sort out a conflict or an argument, Also learn about your country’s legal system, Be hospitable, Take leadership in a project that you’re doing, Destigmatize sex work and homelessness, Practice divination, Learn about your local hawks/eagles/birds of prey,  learn ornithomancy (divination from the flight of birds), study meteorology and climate change, study local and national politics, practice good citizenship, vote, volunteer to register voters, support issues and candidates, collect rainwater, support your family, help your grandparents, help people move, donate to charity & homeless centers, worship his family in his honor, singing his praises (he likes being complimented)
Ephithets• ABRETTE′NUS/Abrettênos-surname of Zeus in Mysia, ACRAEUS/Akraios-given to various goddesses and gods whose temples were situated upon hills, AEGIDU′CHOS/AEGI′OCHOS/Aigidouchos/Aigiochos- surname of Zeus, as the bearer of the Aegis when he strikes terror into the impious and his enemies, but also a surname of Zeus being fed by a goat, AENE′IUS/AENE′SIUS/Ainêios/Ainêsios- surname of Zeus when he was worshipped in the island of Cephalenia, AE′THIOPS/Aithiops-the Glowing or the Black, AETNAEUS/Aitnaios -an epithet given to several devine beings connected with Mount Aetna, AGAMEMNON/Agamemnôn- A surname of Zeus, under when he was worshipped at Sparta, AGATHODAEMON/Agathodaimôn/Agathos Deos-Good God, when Greeks drank a cup of unmixed wine at the end of every repast, AGE′TOR/Agêtôr- surname given to several gods, AGO′NIUS/Agônios- a surname or epithet of several gods used in the sense of helpers in struggles and contests, AGORAEUS/AGORAEA/Agoraia/Agoraios-epithets given to several divinities who were considered as the protectors of the people in agora, ALASTOR/Alastôr- surname of Zeus, describing him as the avenger of evil deeds, ALEXI′CACUS/Alexikakos- the averter of evil, AMBU′LIU/AMBU′LIA/AMBU′LII/Amboulia/Amboulioi/Amboulios- surnames when the Spartans worshipped Athena, the Dioscuri, and Zeus, APE′MIUS/Apêmios- a surname of Zeus when he had an altar on mount Parnes in Attica where sacrifices were offered to him, APESA′NTIUS/Apesantios- when zeus had a temple on mount Apesas near Nemea, where Perseus was said to have first offered sacrifices to him, APOMYIUS/Apomuios- driving away the flies, AREIUS/Areios-  either the warlike or the propitiating and atoning god, ASBAMAEUS/Asbamaios- protector of the sanctity of oaths, A′SIUS/Asios- surname of Zeus, from the town of Asos or Oasos in Crete, ATABY′RIUS/Ataburios- surname of Zeus derived from mount Atabyris or Atabyrion in the island of Rhodes, ATHO′US/Athôos - a surname of Zeus, derived from mount Athos, CA′RIUS/Karios-where he had a temple at Mylassa in Caria, CA′SIUS/Kasios-surname of Zeus, derived from amount Casion not far from Pelusium, CATAE′BATES/Kataibatês-who descends in thunder and lightning, CATHA′RSIUS/Katharsios- the purifyer or atoner, CENAEUS/Kênaios- derived from cape Cenaeum in Euboea, CHRYSAOR/Chrusaôr- The god with the golden sword or arms, CLA′RIUS/Klarios- the god who distributes things by lot, CO′NIUS/Konios- the god who excites or makes dust, CORYPHAEUS/CORYPHAEA/Koruphaia -the highest or supreme god, and is, CROCE′ATAS/Krokeatas- derived from Croceae, near Gythium in Laconia, CRO′NIDES/CRONI′ON/Kronidês/Kroniôn- a patronymic from Cronus, and very commonly given to Zeus, the son of Cronus, CTE′SIUS/Ktêsios - the protector of property, DICTAEUS/Diktaios- derived from mount Dicte in the eastern part of Crete, ELEUTHEREUS/Eleuthereus- used in the sense of the deliverer, and occurs also as the surname of Zeus, EVA′NEMUS/Euanemos- the giver of favourable wind, 
GAME′LII/Gamêlioi theoi- divinities protecting and presiding over marriage, GENETAEUS/Genêtaios- derived from Cape Genetus on the Euxine, HETAEREIUS/Hetaireios - the protector of companies or associations of friends, HOMAGY′RIUS/Homagurios- god of the assembly or league, HO′RCIUS/Horkios- the god who watches over oaths, or is invoked in oaths, and punishes their violation, HYES/Huês- the moist or fertilising god, HYE′TIUS/HYES/HY′PATUS/Hupatos-the most high, ITHOMATAS/Ithômatas- derived from the Messenian hill of Ithome, LABRANDEUS/Labrandeus derived from a temple he had at Labranda, LAPE′RSIUS/Lapersios- derived from the Attic demus of Lapersae, LAPHY′STIUS/Laphustios- derived either from Mount Laphystius in Boeotia, or from the verb laphussein, to flee, in reference to the human sacrifices which were offered to him in early time, LARISSAEUS/Larissaios- derived from the arx Larissa at Argos, LECHEA′TES/Lecheatês- the protector of childbed, LEUCAEUS/Leukaios- when he was worshipped at Lepreus, in Elis, LIMENO′SCOPUS/LIME′NIA/LIMENI′TES:LIMENI′TIS/Limenia, Limenitês/Limenitis, Limenodkopos- the protector or superintendent of the harbour, LYCAEUS/Lukaios- a surname of certain divinities worshipped on mount Lycaeum in Arcadia, MAEMACTES/Maimaktês- the stormy, MECHANEUS/Mêchaneus- skilled in inventing, MEILI′CHIUS/Meilichios-the god that can be propitiated, or the gracious, MESSAPEUS/Messapeus- derived when he had a sanctuary between Amyclae and mount Taygetusm, MO′RIUS/Morios- the protector of the sacred olive trees, NEMEIUS/Nemeios- when he had a sanctuary at Argos, with a bronze statue, the work of Lysippus, and where games were celebrated in his honour, NOMOS/Nomos-a personification of law, OGO′A/Ogôa- the Carian name of Zeus at Mysala, when he had a temple where a sea-wave was seen from time to time, OLY′MPIUS/Olumpios- the Olympian, occurs as a surname of Zeus and in general of all the gods that were believed to live in Olympus, O′MBRIUS/Ombrios- the rain-giver, PANHELLE′NIUS/Panellênios- the god common to, or worshipped by all the Hellenes or Greeks,, PARNE′THIUS/Parnêthios- derived from Mount Parnes in Attica, PATROUS/PATROA/Patrôios/Patrôia- all the gods whose worship has been handed down in a nation or a family from the time of their fathers, whence in some instances they are the spirits of departed ancestors themselves, PHY′XIUS/Phuzios ex- the god who protects fugitives, PI′STIUS/Pistios- the god of faith and fidelity, POLIEUS/Polieus- the protector of the city, SOTER/Sôtêr- the Saviour, STHE′NIUS/Sthenios- the powerful & the strengthening, XENIUS/XE′NIA/Xenia- masculine Xenios are epithets of Athena and Zeus, as presiding over the laws of hospitality, and protecting strangers,
ZYGIUS/ZYGIA/Zugia/Zugios-  surnames of Hera and Zeus, and as them as presiding over marriage, Ομβριος/Ombrios- Of the Rain,  Ὑετιος/Hyetios- Of the Rain, Αφεσιος/Aphesios- Releasing (Rain), Σκοτιτας/Skotitas- Dark, Murky, Κεραυνιος/Keraunios-Of the Thunderbolt,!Αστραπαιος/Astrapaios-Of the Lightning, Καταιβατης/Kataibatês-Descending, Λαβρανδευς/Labrandeus-Furious, Raging, Ικμαιος/Ikmaios-Of Moisture, Κονιος/Konios-Of the Dust, Μαιμακτης/Maimaktês-Boisterous, Ευηνεμος/Euênemos-Of Fair Winds, Λιμενοσκοπος/Limenoskopos-Watcher of Sea-Havens, Βασιλευς/Basileus-King, Chief, Ruler, Ὑπατος/Hypatos-Supreme, Most High, Ὑπσιστος/Hypsisto-Supreme, Most High, 
Κορυφαιος/Koryphaios-Chief, Leader, Κτησιος/Ktêsios-Of the House, Property,Ἑρκειος/Herkeios-Of the Courtyard, Βουλαιος/Boulaios-Of the Council, Αμβουλιος/Amboulios-Counsellor, Τελειος/Teleios-Of Marriage Rites, Μοιραγετης/Moiragetês-Leader of the, Fates, Κλαριος/Klarios-Of the Lots, Σημαλεος/Sêmaleos-Giver of Signs, Μηχανευς/Mêkhaneus-Contriver, Κοσμητης/Kosmêtês-Orderer, Θεος Αγαθος/Theos Agathos-The Good God, 
Επιδωτης/Epidôtês-Giver of Good, Πλουσιος/Plousios-Of Wealth, Φιλιος/Philios-Of Friendship, Ξενιος/Xenios-Of Hospitality, Strangers, Ἱκεσιος/Hikesios-Of Suppliants, Φυξιος/Phyxios-Of Refuge, 
Παλαμναιος/Palamnaios-(Punisher) of Murderers, Καθαρσιος/Katharsios-Of Ritual Purification, Προστροπαιος, Prostropaios-Turner of Pollution, Απημιος/Apêmios-Averter of Ills,  Σωτηρ/Sôtêr-Saviour, Deliverer, Μειλιχιος/Meilikhios-Gracious, Merciful, Πανελληνιος/Panellênios-Of All the Greeks, Λαοιτης/Laoitês-Of the People, Πολειυς/Poleius-Of the City-State, Σωσιπολις/Sôsipolis-City-Saviour, Ελευθεριος/Eleutherios-Of Freedom, Χρυσαορευς/Khrysaoreus-Of the Golden Sword, Στρατιος/Stratios-Of War, Warlike, Αρειος/Areios-Of War, Warlike, 
Σθενιος/Sthenios-Of Strength, Strong, 
Τροπαιος/Tropaios-Turns to Flight, Defeats, Φυξιος/Phyxios-Puts to Flight, Banishes, Ὑμηττιος/Hymêttios-Of Mt Hymettus (Attica), Παρνηθιος/Parnêthios-Of Mt Parnes (Attica), Ανχεσμιος/Ankhesmios-Of Mt Anchesmus (Attica), 
Απεσαντιος/Apesantios-Of Mt Apesas (Argolis),Λαρισαιος/Larisaios-Of Larisa (Argos acropolis), Νεμειος/Nemeios-Of Nemea (Argolis), Κροκεατος/Krokeatos-Of Croceae (Laconia), Ιθωματος/Ithômatos-Of Mt Ithome (Messenia), Ολυμπιος/Olympios-Of Olympia (in Elis), Λυκαιος/Lykaios-Of Mt Lycaeus (Arcadia), Κιθαιρωνιος/Kithairônios-Of Mt Cithaeron (Boeotia), Λαφυστιος/Laphystios-Of Mt Laphystius (Boeotia), Κηναιος/Kênaios-Of Cape Cenaeus (Euboea), Ολυμπιος/Olympios-Of Mt Olympus (Thessaly), Δωδωναιος/Dôdônaios-Of Dodona (Thesprotia), Αινησιος/Ainêsios-Of Mt Aenus (Cephallenia), Πελασγιος/Pelasgios-Of the Pelasgians (Tribe), Πελασγικος/Pelasgikos-Of the Pelasgians (Tribe), Δικταιος/Diktaios-Of Mt Dicte (Crete), Αταβυριος/Atabyrios-Of Mt Atabyris (Rhodes), Καριος/Karios-Of Caria, Λαβρανδευς/Labrandeus-Of Labranda (Caria), Λαβραυνδηνος/Labraundênos-Of Labranda (Caria), Καπετωλιον/Kapetôlion-Of the Capitol (Rome), Βουλαιος/Boulaios-Of the Council-Hall, Αγοραιος/Agoraios-Of the Market-Place, Σκοτιτας/Skotitas-Of the Dark (Oak-Forest), Λευκαιος/Leukaios-Of the White-Poplar Grove, Λυκαιος/Lykaios-Of the Wolves, Απομυιος/Apomyios-Averter of Flies, Λεχεατης/Lekheatês-Of the Childbed, Κλαριος/Klarios-Of the Lots, Τελειος/Teleios-Full-Grown, Αρισταιος/Aristaios-Of Aristaeus (hero Ceos), Μεσσαπευς/Messapeus-Of Messapeus (hero Sparta). 
Equivalents• Jupiter (Roman), Rigyeda (Hindu), Di Pater (Oscan), Ioues Patres (Marrucinian), Iupitar (Umbrian), Tina (Etruscan), Mitra / Varuna (Vedic, probably syncretized), Mithra (Old Persian), Dei-Patrous (Illyrian), Dyaus Pitar (Indian), Debess Tevs (Latvian), Attas Isanus (Hittite), Dievas (Baltic), Tatis Tiwaiz (Luvian), Papaeus (Scythian), Thor (Norse), Odin (Norse)
Signs their reaching out• Sudden signs of his animals, his statues, art of him, his mythos, a sudden pull to him. 
Vows/omans• His wedding vows.
Morals• Morally dark.
Courting• Hera/Juno, they are married.
Past lovers/crushes• I couldn’t find all of them, and please cut me some slack, but some are, Semele, Demeter, Europa, Eurynome, Métis, Callisto, Leto, Mnemosyne, Thaleia, Themis, Electra, Leda, Aegina, Alcmene, Ganymede, Persephone, Dione, Maia, Metis, Nemesis, AIX, Alkmene.
Personality• I heard he is funny, mercifully, calm and collected, and obviously father like.
Home• Mount Olympus. 
Mortal or immortal • Immortal
Fact• He led a rebellion with all the Olympians except Dionysus because he wasn’t born yet, against his own father, and won.
Curses• bad flying conditions, storms, lightning, thunder, justice, Eagle poop all over your car, marriage issues
Blessings• good flying conditions, good storms, good lightning, good thunder, having justice, help in creating an eternal fire, no marriage issues, help in legal matters
Roots• Crete, raised by the nymphs Adrasteia and Ida, daughters of Melisseus, nursing Zeus, with the milk from the goat Amalthea, given to them by his mother Rhea.
Parentage• Rhea and Cronus
Siblings• Hestia, Hades, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, and Chiron.
Attendees• Kratos (Strength), Zelos (Rivalry), Nike (Victory) and Bia (Force), he is often seen with Hermes, his high councilor is Themis, Hestia in hall, and Metis in his stomach (the Greeks thought the stomach held knowledge, and wisdom) or mind, Harpies and Hebe and Ganymede
Pet• A golden eagle named Aetos Dios
Children •AGDISTIS (born when Zeus accidentally impregnated Gaia the Earth),AIGIPAN/Aegipan (son of Zeus and Aix or Boetis), ALATHEIA (daughter of Zeus)APHRODITE (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Dione, most say she was born in the sea from the severed genitals of Ouranos), APOLLON/Apollo (son of Zeus and the Titaness Leto)
ARES (son of Zeus and his wife Hera.), 
ARTEMIS (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Leto), ASOPOS/Asopus (son of Zeus and Eurynome, however most call him a son of Okeanos and Tethys), ATE (daughter of Zeus, others say she was born fatherless to Eris), ATHENE/Athena (Titaness Metis and Zeus), 
BRITOMARTIS (daughter of Zeus and the Nymphe Karme), DIONYSOS/Dionysus (son of Zeus and Semele or of Zeus and Demeter or Dione), EILEITHYIA (daughter of Zeus and Hera), EIRENE/Irene (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Themis), ERIS (daughter of Zeus and Hera, most say she was a daughter of Nyx), ERSA (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Selene), 
EUNOMIA (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Themis), HARMONIA (Zeus and the Pleiad Elektra, usually a daughter of Ares and Aphrodite who was only fostered by the Pleiad), HEBE (daughter of Zeus and Hera), HEPHAISTOS/Hephaestus (son of Zeus and Hera, though many say Hera conceived him without the assistance of Zeus), HERMES (son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia), HORAI/Horae (Dike, Eirene, and Eunomia--were daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis), KABEIROI/Cabeiri (sons of Zeus and the Mousa Kalliope, but call them sons of Hephaistos and Kabeiro), KAIROS/Caerus (youngest divine son of Zeus.), KENTAUROI KYRPIOI/Cyprian (sprang from Gaia the Earth when Zeus accidentally impregnated his failed attempt to make love to Aphrodite),
KHARITES/Charites (Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thaleia are daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Eurynome), KORYBANTES SAMOTHRAKIOI/Samothracian Corybantes (sons of Zeus and the Mousa Kalliope), LITAI/Litae (elderly goddesses of prayer were daughters of Zeus), 
MELINOE (She as a daughter of Zeus and Persephone), MOIRAI/Moirae (Atropos, Lakhesis and Klotho, who are daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis, others say they were daughters of Nyx, Ananke or Khaos), MOUSAI/Muses (Kalliope, Terpsikhore, Kleio, Euterpe, Ourania, Thaleia, Polyhymnia, Melpomene, Erato, were daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Mnemosyne), NEMEA (minor goddess-nymph, daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Selene), NYMPHAI/Nymphs (Nymphs in general were sometimes called the daughters of Zeus), NYMPHAI THEMEIDES (Three goddess-nymph daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis), PALIKOI/Palici (Twin gods of Zeus and Thaleia, but others say they were sons of Hephaistos and Aitna), PAN (son of Zeus and Hybris but others invariably call him a son of Hermes), PANDEIA (devine daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Selene), PERSEPHONE (Devine daughter of Zeus and Demeter or, according to one account, of Zeus and Styx), PHASIS (devine son of Zeus, other say he was a son of Okeanos and Tethys like the other Rivers), ZAGREUS (divine son of Zeus and his own daughter Persephone), 
AIAKOS/Aeacus (son of Zeus and the Nymphe Aigina), AITHLIOS/Aethlius (son of Zeus and either Protogeneia or Kalyke), 
AKHEILOS/Acheilus (son of Zeus and Lamia), ALEXANDROS/Alexander the Great (son of Zeus born to the Makedonian Queen Olympia), AMPHION (He was a twin son of Zeus and Antiope), 
ARGOS/Argus (He was a son of Zeus and Niobe.), ARKAS/Arcas (son of Zeus and Kallisto.), ARKEISIOS/Arceisius (son of Zeus, or according to others, of Kephalos and Prokris), ATYMNIOS/Atymnius (He was a son of Zeus and Kassiopeia), 
DARDANOS/Dardanus (He was a son of Zeus and Elektra), DIOSKOUROI/Dioscuri (Twin princes of who were hatched from an egg laid by Queen Leda. Polydeukes, was fathered by Zeus, but the other, Kastor, was the son of Leda's husband Tyndareus), EMATHION (son of Zeus and Elektra), ENDYMION (He was the son of Kalyke, either by Zeus or her husband Aithlios), EPAPHOS/Epaphus (son of Zeus and the much-suffering Io), GRAIKOS/Graecus (son of Zeus and Thyia), HELENE/Helen(daughter of Zeus by Leda or the goddess Nemesis), HELLEN (son of Zeus and Pyrrha, though others say his father was Pyrrha's husband Deukalion),
HERAKLES/Heracles (1) (Alkmene who was seduced by Zeus in the form of her own husband.), HERAKLES/Heracles (2) (A son of Zeus and Lysithoe), HEROPHILE (daughter of Zeus and the Libyan queen Lamia), IARBAS (Zeus and an African Nymphe), IASION A prince of the Island of Samothrake (son of Zeus and Elektra), 
KEROESSA/Ceroessa (daughter of Zeus and Io), KOLAXES/Colaxes) (son of Zeus and the Nymphe Hora), KORINTHOS/Corinthus (He was a son of Zeus but, according to others, of Epopeus), KRINAKOS/Crinacus (He was a son of Zeus.), KRONIOS/Cronius (Zeus and the Nymphe Himalia.), KYTOS/Cytus (Zeus and the Nymphe Himalia), LAKEDAIMON/Lacedaemon (son of Zeus and the Pleiad Taygete.), LATINOS/Latinus (son of Zeus and Pandora.), MAGNES son of Zeus and Thyia but some say he was the son to Aiolos and Enarete), MAKEDON/Macedon (He was a son of Zeus and Thyia), MANES (a son of Zeus and Gaia), MEGAROS/Megarus (son of Zeus and a Sithnid Nymphe), MELITEUS (He was a son of Zeus and Othris), MINOS (He was a son of Zeus and Europa.), MYRMIDON (He was a son of Zeus and Eurymedousa.), ORION (He was conceived by three gods--Zeus, Hermes and Poseidon--who urinated upon a bull's hide and buried it in the earth, to grow an earth-born infant), PELASGOS/Pelasgus (He was a son of Zeus and Niobe, but others calls him a son of Poseidon and Larissa or an Autokhthon), 
PEIRITHOUS/Pirithous (son of Zeus and Dia, most authors say the father was Dia's husband King Ixion), PERSEUS (son of Zeus and Danae), POLYDEUKES/Polydeuces (his twin brother were known as the Dioskouroi, the son of Zeus and Leda, while his twin brother was the son of Leda's husband Tyndareus), RHADAMANTHYS (a son of Zeus and Europa), SAON (he was the son of Zeus and a local Nymphe, but others say he was a son of Hermes and Rhene), 
SARPEDON (1) (He was a son of Zeus and Europa.), SARPEDON  (2) (He was a son of Zeus and Laodameia), SPARTAIOS/Spartaeus (one of three sons borne to Zeus and the Nymphe Himalia), TANTALOS/Tantalus (son of Zeus and the Okeanis Plouto), TARGITAUS (son of Zeus and a daughter of Borysthenes), 
TITYOS/Tityus (a son of Zeus and Elare others say he was a fatherless son of Gaia the Earth), ZETHOS/Zethus (He was the twin brother of Amphion and a son of Zeus and Antiope.)
Appearance in astral or gen• regal, mature man with a sturdy figure and dark beard.
Festivals • Diasia, Epulum Jovis, Hetairideia, Lykaia
Day • Tuesday 
Status• Greek major god, as the king of all gods, part of the Big three. 
Planet• Jupiter 
Tarot cards• the Emperor, Justice, Wheel of Fortune, King of Swords, King of Wands
Reminds me of• Vapes (my dad vapes), cloaks, marriages, and Dad jokes.
Scents/Inscene • Frankincense, myrrh, or rain sceneted incense, Vervain, Sage
To attract more eagles 
Zeus, king of the Theoi, god of the sky, father of gods and men, Zeus, the one that holds sacred the sharp-sighted eagle and far-flying hawk, I come humbly before you with a single request. I ask for the friendship of your cherished eagle and hawk, The symbols of your power and grace, Gentle reminders of your ever-watchful presence and protection. I shall revere them as I do you. Great Zeus, Father Zeus, I thank you for this newfound friendship.
In general
Father Zeus, protector of the weak, help me to be strong against my fears. Father Zeus, protector of the wronged, help me to do right by all I meet. Father Zeus, protector of the home, help me to safeguard those within my walls. Father Zeus, help me to do what I must, be with me as I walk in the world.
Links/websites/sources •
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zeus https://www.theoi.com/Olympios/Zeus.htmlhttps://www.theoi.com/Olympios/ZeusFamily.html https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zeushttps://www.theoi.com/Olympios/ZeusFamily.htmlhttps://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/626464048642408448/zeus-offerings/amp https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/638693970789138432/zeus-devotional-actshttps://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/638790200476221440/tuesday-is-zeus-day https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/638790200476221440/tuesday-is-zeus-day https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/650165209920651264/acknowledge-the-duality-of-the-godshttps://honorthegods.tumblr.com/post/159458931171/what-offerings-would-you-recommend-for-zeus-and/amp https://www.theoi.com/articles/where-was-zeus-born/#:~:text=Greek%20mythology%20states%20that%20Crete,significant%20deity%20in%20ancient%20Greece.https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-equivalents-to-Zeus-in-other-god-mythologies https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-equivalents-to-Zeus-in-other-god-mythologieshttps://mythopedia.com/topics/zeushttps://www.desy.de/gna/interpedia/greek_myth/creation.html#:~:text=When%20it%20came%20time%20to,a%20handsome%20youth%20on%20Crete.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_(nurse_of_Zeus)#:~:text=According%20to%20Apollodorus%2C%20Rhea%20gave,were%20the%20daughters%20of%20Melisseus%22.https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-equivalents-to-Zeus-in-other-god-mythologieshttps://www.havefunwithhistory.com/facts-about-zeus/https://www.tumblr.com/alder-bos/669862051714318336/deities-and-their-tarot-cards-long-post https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/640511172666392576/prayer-to-zeus-for-hawkeagle-friends diana-thyme
Zeus is the Greek god of weather and many things, you may see him as a ‘Cheater’, but in many cases, the people who claimed to stem from Zeus were just fatherless people, wanting to claim fame for their bloodline. He is a kind a merciful God, as long as you don't speak unwell or lies.
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This deep dive is a payment to my friend Bri @briislame, May you look up and find Zeus looking down with smiles.
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mcl-mia · 5 months
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//zeus week day 7 - party
you're invited!!
aidma: @eye-cri
gladys: @gladdygirl18
wren: @demonidoodles
katia: @nitia95
xavier: @magikchicken
lillias: @dark-wizardess
this was also just an excuse to draw a lot of ocs LMAO i hope u all don't mind <3
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shummashum · 5 months
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party → celebrate → champagne → adopted!!
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eye-burning · 5 months
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8 notes · View notes
newsintheshell · 6 months
Novità su Arcane, The Witcher, Ultraman, Il Principe dei Draghi, Blood of Zeus e tanto altro!
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Siamo nel pieno della Geeked Week 2023! Torna il grande evento annuale di Netflix, nella sua terza e abbastanza gustosa edizione, nonostante al momento siano latitanti novità su Moonrise, completamente sparita dai radar, e sulla da poco confermata terza stagione della serie live action di Alice in Borderland.
A proposito di live action, per quelli sto preparando un post a sé stante. Per ora godetevi trailer, clip e annunci lato animazione, che sono quelli che ci interessano di più alla fine, no?
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Come vi ho già anticipato a parte - visto che non stavo nella pelle da quanto ho apprezzato la prima stagione, uscita ormai nel 2021- per la seconda, attesissima, stagione della serie che ha dato vita propria all'universo di League of Legends, dovremo aspettare novembre 2024.
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Primo trailer per la serie originale scritta da Hirotaka “Otsuichi” Adachi (My Capricorn Friend, Summer Ghost, Exception), realizzata presso uno studio taiwanese di animazione in computer grafica.
La serie debutterà il 23 novembre e vi confermo che sarà anche doppiata in italiano.
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Annunciato ormai un paio di anni fa, si fa finalmente vedere il nuovo film d'animazione con al centro lo storico supereroe di casa Tsuburaya, protagonista della celebre serie tokusatsu anni ‘60.
Ideata e diretta da Shannon Tindle (sceneggiatore di Kubo e la spada magica), con John Aoshima come coregista, la pellicola è tuttora in programma per un generico 2024.
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Cerchiamo di non pensare alla serie live action (povero Cavill, per fortuna ora è passato a Warhammer 40k) e di essere positivi: Geralt torna sul piccolo schermo, stavolta in versione animata, doppiato sempre dal mitico Doug Cockle.
Il film si basa sul racconto "Un Piccolo Sacrificio", che fa parte della raccolta La Spada del Destino e arriverà a fine 2024. Dita incrociate che non macellino pure questo D:
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La seconda stagione della serie mitologica, nata dalla mente di Charley e Vlas Parlapanides, arriverà nel corso del 2024.
Svelati un primo teaser trailer e una clip in anteprima.
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Primo teaser ufficiale per la sesta stagione della popolare (e sempre più dark) serie fantasy creata da Aaron Ehasz e Justin Richmond, anche questa in arrivo durante il 2024.
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Di seguito una clip in anteprima, tratta dal primo episodio della serie ispirata ai romanzi storico-soprannaturali di Baku Yumemakura (La vetta degli dei, Garouden, Chimera), in arrivo su Netflix il 28 novembre.
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Il primo trailer della nuova incarnazione di He-Man e i Dominatori dell'Universo ci svela che la miniserie di 5 episodi, da 25 minuti ciascuno, approderà sul catalogo della piattaforma a gennaio 2024.
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Pubblicata un clip in anteprima anche per film di Robert Marianetti, Robert Smigel e David Wachtenheim.
La commedia musicale, con protagonista la lucertola settantaquattrenne interpretata da Adam Sandler (e da Edoardo Leo nella versione italiana), farà il suo debutto a breve, il 21 novembre.
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Presentato il primo trailer del nuovo film d'animazione targato DreamWorks, tratto dal libro per bambini di Emma Yarlet.
Il lungometraggio uscirà su Netflix il 2 febbraio 2024.
Visto che il limite di video per post è di 10 e non ho voglia di mettermi a smanettare con l'HTML, vi linko semplicemente qua di seguito qualche contenuto bonus:
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft (dietro le quinte)
Blue Eye Samurai (dietro le quinte)
Devil May Cry (dietro le quinte)
Scott Pilgrim: La Serie (trailer finale)
Terminator: The Anime Series (annuncio)
Exploding Kittens (annuncio)
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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toasttt11 · 3 months
calder trophy
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July 25, 2023
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Octavia sat on the edge of the bed texting Simon waiting for brothers to finish getting ready because they take forever.
She smiled at the text before clicking off her phone when she heard her brothers all walk back into the room, she looked up seeing the three all in their suits but she shook her head at Jack’s hair because what did he do to it.
Octavia was wearing black trousers and a black off the shoulder long sleeve with black and white low Nike dunks, she did a light makeup and straighten her hair.
“Finally!” Octavia groaned standing up off the bed slipping her phone into her trousers.
“It’s takes time to look good sunny.” Jack smirked ruining a hand through his hair.
“They why did it take you so long?” Octavia innocently questioned tilting her head before walking to the door and walking out of the hotel room with the three following.
“Hey!” Jack complained as he followed Quinn and Luke who were snickering.
Octavia just smiled slighty before continuing the walk to the hotel lobby where there parents were. They all walked down broadway to the arena and onto the red carpet.
“Taves!” Auston Matthew grinned calling out her name walking over to her, he pulled her into a gentle hug.
“Hi Aus.” Octavia grinned slightly hugging back before pulling away seeing her family looking at her with a curious looks, as Octavia doesn’t tend to like a lot of people.
“Auston this is my family, My mom Ellen, My dad Jim, Quinn, Jack and My twin Luke.” Octavia proudly smiled introducing her family to one of the teammates she is closest with.
“It’s nice to meet all of you!” Auston politely smiled at the Hughes having met Quinn and Jack a few times before.
Jack saw Nico and perked up dragging his parents with him to the Hischer’s, Quinn trailed behind them, Luke looked at Octavia and she just smiled nodding knowing Luke wanted to say hi to his captain.
Octavia and Austin started talking and posed for a photo together a media person asked for before Auston noticed her shoes and let out a chuckle.
“What?” Octavia scrunched her eyebrows looking confused.
“Mitchy is gonna be so mad.” Auston chuckled gesturing to his shoes and her shoes.
Octavia looked down seeing Austin wearing the same pair of Nike dunks as she is, and just shook her head knowing Mitch will be upset, and speaking of Mitch they heard his voice and looked over seeing Mitch and Steph walking to them.
“My Child!!!!” Mitch Marner grinned going right to Octavia pulling her into a tight hug, “We missed you!”
“Hi Mitchy. I saw you a few weeks ago.” Octavia deadpanned but accepted the hug from Mitch.
“A few weeks too long. Zeus misses you.” Mitch pulled back looked very serious.
“I miss him too.” Octavia replied with a very small grin, before turning to Steph, “Hi Steph.”
Steph grinned pulling Octavia into a hug, “Tavia!” She gently pulled back smiling at Octavia’s outfit, “You picked this one.” Steph smiled having gone shopping and picked out that outfit for Octavia.
“i like it.” Octavia simply nodded.
“I’m glad.” Steph fondly smiled at the girl who her and her husband have adopted as their own during the season.
Mitch gasped dramatically, “Guys! You didn’t.” He frowned seeing Auston and Octavia matching shoes, “You said no!” Mitch asked them to match and Octavia said she had her outfit already and Auston said no.
“Would you believe us when we said we didn’t plan this.” Auston mischievously smirked at his best friend.
“No.” Mitch deadpanned.
Octavia shrugged, “Well i didn’t willingly match with him.” Mitch nodded believing Octavia.
“I wanna meet your twin!” Mitch smiled excitedly wanting to meet the person that means the most to Octavia, and he tried to meet Luke during the season but they always kept missing each other.
Octavia nodded turning around, “Lucky!” She called out gaining Luke’s attention who excused himself from the group and walked over to his twin sister linking his arm with hers, “Lucky this is Mitch and Steph. This is Luke.” Octavia proudly introduced her twin brother.
“Hi! Winnie has told me all about you guys!” Luke smiled shaking Steph and Mitch’s hands.
Mitch awed holding a hand to his heart, “You talk about us Tavie!”
“Shut up.” Octavia muttered ignoring the smiles from all four of them.
“Winnie?” Steph curiously questioned tilting her head at the twins.
“Oh i’ve always called her Winnie after her middle name.” Luke quickly explained making the three nod.
Steph, Austin and Mitch all have seen a softer side of Octavia whenever she talking to or about her twin but seeing her interact with him it’s easy to notice how much softer she is with him.
Octavia and Luke saw their family already walked into the Arena, the twins walked in with Auston, Mitch and Steph into the Nashville Arena sitting in their seats which happen to be right next to them, The Hughes were in one row and Mitch and Steph behind them and Auston sat next to Mitch.
Octavia sent a small wave to Nico who sat with his family at the end of the row her and her family sat down in, Nico sent a smile and a wave back.
Octavia slid into the seat next to Jack and Luke sat next to her at the end of the row.
Octavia sat through most of the awards given out to players, clapping politely. Now it’s the Calder Award, the award she’s nominated for.
Jelly Roll a newer artist was the one that announcing the award, he walked out with a grin, “What’s up Nashville, I love y’all too.” The crowd cheered for him, “Ha, It feels right that i’m handing out the Calder Trophy because i am kinda a rookie of a year myself. But for everyone you see as a rookie or an overnight success there are years and years of hard work to going to that first breakout season, and here are the finalists.”
The screen lite up showing the finalists and then showing each one again, first Matty Beniers Seattle Kraken and a few big highlights from his year, Owen Powers Buffalo Sabres and all of his highlights, and Lastly Octavia Hughes and her highlights of her season.
Mitch reached forward shaking her shoulders during her highlights making her shake her head fondly.
“And the Calder Memorial Trophy goes to OCTAVIA HUGHES.” The crowd went crazy cheering for her as she stood up and was pulled into a tight hug by her twin brother.
She turned around getting pulled into a hug by Jack and quickly Quinn, before scooting forward letting her parents hug her, she accepted the fist bump from Nico.
She scooted back down the aisle seeing Mitch and Austin standing up and leaned over her chair pulling them into a hug at the same time, “Thank you.” Because Octavia knew how much they helped her this season, she sent a smile to Luke before beginning the long walk down the aisle between the rows and walking the steps onto the stage.
Octavia got handed the trophy and held it to her as she walked to the microphone alreadly dreading the speech, if she was being completely honest she didn’t remember a single word for the speech trying not to throw up.
Octavia let out a breath as she walking back down the stairs, she walked down the aisle back into her seat sitting down. “How bad?” Octavia whispered to her twin wanting to know how bad her speech was.
“It was perfect.” Luke gently smiled at his twin reassuring her.
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2700lagostas · 6 months
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Blood of Zeus - Season 2 Official Clip (Geeked Week 2023)
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Earth & Fire
Chapter VI - Orpheus
Pairing: Hades (Hozier) x Anthea (OFC)
Word Count: 7,932
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, imagined character death, Hermes being a massive d*ck
Summary: An intruder makes it past the gates to the Underworld and sets forth a chain of events that finally makes Anthea and Hades realise their true feelings for each other.
A/N: Gosh, this chapter turned out to be a real beast. It got longer and longer, so decisions had to be made and I ended up splitting it into two separate chapters. I think it does not take away from the reading experience, but it means you will have to wait just a tad longer before our two sweethearts will finally make a move.
Earth & Fire - Masterpost
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Picture found on Pinterest
If you like my story, you are very welcome to like, comment or reblog. Please don’t copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.
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Anthea hurried to get away from the palace. It was still early in the day, at least she believed it was as there was no way to be sure in the complete absence of sunlight. But the hallways had been suspiciously quiet and she had not encountered anyone on her way outside. 
Looking back over her shoulder, she found that she was a good distance from the palace now, and more importantly, that she was still alone. But just to be on the safe side, she stepped around one of the larger rocks to her left and crouched down. With a swift movement of her hand she produced the golden robin her father had given her upon their arrival from inside her garment. Even though it had travelled back and forth quite a few times by now, it looked as spotless and shiny as on the day of her arrival. 
The day of her arrival, she mused, as she opened her hand to set the tiny bird free and watched it lift off. Had it already been a week? Or two? Maybe even more. Anthea had no idea. All she knew was that time seemed to pass even slower since Aidon and her had returned from the pond. 
If only it had not been for that dreadful dream. She had not dared look him in the eyes when their paths had crossed the next morning. And he had not spared her a word either. It was almost as if he knew, as if her desire and the shame it caused surrounded her, like an aura, visible to no one but him. And his withdrawal only confirmed what she had been fearing all along—that their behaviour inside the cave had been untoward. 
She should have known, should have realised from the way it had excited her. But she had chosen to give in to it, not knowing what it would cost her, and now she was paying the price for her lewdness.
On the day she had arrived here, Anthea had thought that she had nothing left to lose except her life. How foolish she had been. But now that she had lost him too, she knew better. The days seemed endless without his company, and the nights even more so, as they brought back images of his sweet smile, the sensation of his warm embrace and the melody of his laughter. Sometimes she was lucky though, when dreamless sleep found her and let her wake in the merciful misbelief that, even if Zeus had taken away her life as she knew it, she still had him.
But realisation always came too soon, and when it did, it hit her with full force, the violent clench inside her chest almost impossible to bear. 
There was not much to do for her now that she had driven him away, except for writing to her father. Of course she had told him nothing about the recent developments. It was not so much that she feared his anger, but she knew that her unhappiness and solitude would worry him, and he had enough on his hands to worry about because of her already. 
At least it seemed that his plan of leading Zeus astray was working. For now. They both knew they could not outrun the All-father for all eternity. It was only a matter of time before he would discover her hiding place. Especially with all the devoted spies and allies that were only waiting for a chance to prove their loyalty to the King of the Gods. 
Hephaestus had reminded her of that in his last letter, urgently. To be careful, to trust nobody and to not let anyone see her when she released the robin. It would probably have been best not to use him at all, but she did not have the heart to give up the only silver lining she still had. 
Anthea jolted as suddenly a warm, wet snout pressed into the palm of her hand. He had come out of nowhere, but now he was everywhere. Two heavy paws landing on her shoulders, her back met the rock behind her. One head licked her face eagerly, the other still nuzzling her palm in an enthusiastic appeal for her attention, as the third one barked in excitement.
“Cerberus, please,” she squealed as she tried to push the Guardian of the Underworld off of herself. “I would love to give you all the pats you deserve, but you’re making this quite impossible if you keep squashing me into this rock.”
She doubted that he had understood a word she had said, but he stilled anyway. Then he turned and it was only when a voice came from above their heads that she knew why Cerberus had chosen to stop his antics.
“It’s not hard to see why he let you pass the gates to the Underworld unharmed.” 
First a pair of feet strapped in leather sandals came into view. And the set of tiny wings, fluttering excitedly at their heels, was enough to give away the identity of the intruder. He peered down at her with his signature haughty smile and she knew there was more to come. 
“He adores you.” He stopped for a second to give his next remark more weight. “They all do.”
She knew he was referring to his father, and once again Anthea felt that warmth spread through her when she remembered that, even though he was the Messenger of the Gods and therefore a  gossipmonger by nature, she had nothing to fear from him. Thanks to Aidon. And without knowing how he had achieved his aim, finally Hermes' words began to sting like he had intended them to. 
“Aidon sure doesn’t.” 
Even to her own ears, her reply sounded awfully childish and bitter. And despite averting her gaze, she could hear the god’s amusement upon her negligence in his answer.
“Oh, I am certain there is no need to fear the loss of his affection, my dear. Or do you really think he would allow you to call him Aidon if he wasn’t utterly smitten by you?”
Her bewilderment must have shown as her eyes snapped back to the intruder. At least it coaxed a frustrated sigh from his throat before he condescended to clarify his words.
“No one calls him that. They don’t dare. Not even Hecate or Thanatos, two of his closest friends.”
Anthea pondered the new information for a moment, letting her fingers sink into Cerberus’ soft fur to ground herself while she did. “I’m sure it means nothing,” she finally stated. “He just didn’t want me to feel uncomfortable, being the excellent host he is.”
“Ha! Excellent host,” Hermes sneered, tipping the brim of his winged petasos back a little. “I bet the residents of Tartarus would like to disagree.”
“If he does his job right. After all, they earned what they got, didn’t they?”
“Probably.” Hermes’ grin had fallen a little, still he was nowhere near satisfied with the torment he had caused so far. “But tell me, if he really is such an excellent host, why does he leave you on your own so much?”
“I…he…” Anthea’s fingers dug deeper into the hound’s silky fur. How dare he question the hospitality of the only being in the whole universe that had been kind enough to take her in, despite the risks standing up against Zeus might entail? “I’m sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for it. Maybe he just has an awful lot of obligations to fulfil. And besides that, he owes me nothing, not even his company. He has already done more for me than anyone would have under these circumstances.” 
“Oh, I am sure he has.” A wicked grin continued to spread on Hermes’ lips until two rows of pearly white teeth were revealed.
“What are you insinuating, Lord Hermes?” Anthea spat, the tone of her voice so sharp that even Cerberus felt compelled to join in with a low growl. Then suddenly he stiffened, his heads whipping around in unison, and before she knew what was happening, he dashed off. 
She felt bared without his protection, completely vulnerable now in the presence of a god who had no regard for the feelings of others. A situation that was all too familiar.
“I am insinuating nothing. Nothing at all.”
His smirk told a different story. 
“Aidon is not like that.”
“Like my father, you mean.”
Anthea rose to her feet. “And like you. Like all the other gods. Taking what they want, whenever they want, regardless who they hurt in the process.”
Her outbreak did not impress the god in the least. Instead he laughed at her, a deep, guttural laugh that made Anthea dizzy with rage. 
“And what do you think qualifies you to be the judge of that? You have known Hades for what, a week?”
Anthea did not rise to his provocation. She would not let her guard down with him more than she already had. So instead of granting him an answer, she just glowered at him.
“Suit yourself. It’s all the same to me. But you know what they say, the higher the pedestal, the deeper the fall.”
“I don’t think he’ll ever do anything to change my high opinion of him.”
“And how could he, seeing that he spends no more time with you whatsoever?”
His remark felt like a smack to her face. It stung, reaching deep within, her gut twisting and turning as she tried with all her might to battle the rising tears back down.
“As I said, I’m sure he has good reasons for—”
“To be honest with you,” Hermes came a step closer while he cut her short, “I don’t think he has. And even if he did, it hurts, doesn’t it?” He took another step, letting his hand sink against the rock now that he was close enough, to shield her in on one side. “The rejection. The realisation that there are more important things in his life than you.”
Anthea swallowed. He was so close now that she could feel his hot breath hitting her face like the scorching fires of Tartarus. 
“That’s not—” came her feeble reply and her words died away completely when all of a sudden a loud noise filled the air. Some kind of warning signal, she guessed from the alarmed look on Hermes’ face. And as he drew away, eyes scanning their surroundings frantically, she could feel a familiar panic rise inside her.
“What is happening?” she almost screamed at the god who was already lifting off the ground.
“An intruder. You should head back to the palace.” 
He had found her.
And he was here to finally claim what he had been denied.
Hermes was right. She should head back to the palace, run as fast as her feet would carry her to the only shelter she knew. But she could not. Frozen in place she watched the Messenger of the Gods fly off, without a single look back. And the further the distance grew between them, the harder Anthea found it to simply breathe. Soon she was gasping for air, her breaths stuttering like the beat of her heart. She needed to support herself against the cold stone as the world first began to spin and then blur. Good, she thought, unconsciousness would be the only mercy she could hope for when he finally found her.
“Anthea!” The voice came from far away, still it possessed the power to stop her mind from descending into darkness. “Oh, thank the Fates.”
A pair of arms wrapped around her, just in time to stop her from sinking to the ground, and she felt herself sinking against him instead. 
“It’s all right. It’s all right,” the soothing voice chanted over and over again. “It’s not him.”
She registered a faint whooshing noise, but she paid it no mind. It did not matter, not as long as his scent surrounded her and his arms kept her close. She was safe. 
But then his arms were replaced by another softness, not as warm and nowhere near as comforting, but she felt that he was still there, still by her side, and as well-known hues of pink and purple welcomed her back, she knew where he had taken her. 
“Aidon,” she muttered, blindly reaching for him as her lids still refused to open and allow her the sight of his beautiful face.
“I’m here, love.” His hands wrapped around hers, lifting it to his mouth to press his lips against her knuckles in a tender kiss. 
“Please don’t go.”
Aidon hesitated, a mere heartbeat, but his silence finally gave her the strength to open her eyes. He looked pained, almost heartbroken as he glanced down at her from the bedside.
“I’m afraid I must. Even if it is not Zeus who has tried to sneak into the Underworld, I still have to deal with our uninvited guest.”
Anthea nodded. “Of course.” She heard herself say the words, but they were not her own. They were the words of reason, when every fibre of her being wanted to beg him to stay, or at least take her with him. But she knew that was out of the question. He would not let her get up, not in the state she was in. 
“Rest now. I will come looking for you as soon as I can.”
His lips found her hand again before he gently laid it down on her stomach. A smile played on his lips, to reassure her, she knew, but it was dimmed by his worry. She hated to be the cause of that. Hated to be so weak, making it easy for panic to overwhelm her. 
And this very second it was as clear to her as it could ever be. She needed to brace herself, for the moment would come when she could no longer outrun her deepest fears. And she would meet them with a brave face. She had to. For him. 
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Hades loathed leaving her like this. The pleading tone of her voice, still shaking with fear, had broken his heart. Even more so as he could not stay by her side to soothe her. A mortal had tried to breach the gates to the Underworld and even though Hades knew that his presence here had nothing to do with Anthea, he wanted him gone as soon as possible. 
He had come in vain anyway, especially after scaring the living daylights out of Anthea with his appearance. Of course, he could not have known what torment he would cause her, but that did not change the fact that he had and thus had sparked the ardent wish to make him suffer for it in the God of the Underworld. 
Hades’ mood only darkened further as he watched the young man stride through the packed throne room now. His face was a perfect display of deference, but underneath it Hades could sense the same arrogance that he had had to endure countless times on his rare visits to Mount Olympus before. The arrogance only a god could muster, and had now bequeathed unto his mortal son. 
The lyre he clutched in his right hand was another hint to his divine father, at least for those who had never encountered the god Apollo and therefore could not recognise the uncanny resemblance. Especially his flowy blonde curls and eyes as blue as the sky gave irrefutable evidence of his descent.
Hades sighed as the intruder sank to one knee at the foot of his dais. Yet another disturbance of his peace Zeus was to blame for. As if Hermes was not enough of a pest already.
“Orpheus, son of Apollo, you have tried in vain to descend into the Underworld unnoticed and in doing so committed a grave crime against the laws of this realm.” 
The murmur of the spectators had died away with their ruler’s first words, yet there was one individual who did not know when it was best not to break the silence.
“My lord, I—”
“Quiet! It is not your turn to speak yet, bard.” Orpheus’ eyes went wide and a few souls exchanged knowing glances. “But taking into account whose son and grandson you are, I will forgive you the lack of decorum, just this once, as you are clearly not to blame for it. So you will better not speak up again without permission. Do you understand?”
Still on one knee, Orpheus obediently lowered his head and his free hand clutched the fabric of his crimson chiton right above his chest.
“Yes, my lord. And I thank you for your lenience.”
Following the rules of a hearing like this, Hades would ask the Thracian to defend himself and state his case, but he had heard of his story already. Everyone knew of it, in the mortal realm as well as in the realm of the dead. 
Orpheus was here to plead for his beloved’s life. Eurydice. He had lost her on the day of their wedding. It had been a joyous day, everyone who had witnessed the ceremony agreed, and the bride had asked her groom to play on his lyre so she could dance with the naiads in celebration. It was a skill Orpheus had been taught by his father and mastered to perfection, and so he was eager to fulfil his wife’s wish. 
But as they danced, a shepherd saw her. Enchanted by her beauty, he wanted her for himself and began to chase her. In the course of her flight, she stepped onto a nest of vipers and was bitten. Orpheus, who had chased after the shepherd and his wife to protect her, could do nothing but hold her in his arms as she slowly slipped away to the other side.
Since then, Orpheus had been in mourning, pestering everyone in the Upperworld with his laments. Soon their fate was known as a tragedy that had moved many hearts—even those of the gods.
Some of them must have given him the advice to journey to the Underworld and reason with its ruler. Why they had done so, Hades could not tell for sure. A few might actually have meant well, honestly touched by his loss, others just liked to cause mischief and watch chaos unfold, eager to find out whether Orpheus would make it to the Underworld alive, which was not the common result, not even for the son of a god. Actually, most mortals who set out for the realm of the dead never even reached the Styx, lost somewhere in the dark labyrinths that led here or discovered by Cerberus, who took his assignment as guardian of the gates to the Underworld very seriously. 
Strangely enough, Orpheus had made it here unharmed. Not without help, Hades suspected, and as he looked around to find Hermes amidst the crowd of spectators, the messenger’s impish grin confirmed his suspicions. It was probably his nephew’s way of paying him back for making him swear that oath to protect Anthea. He did not like to be pushed around. But neither did Hades. So hopefully Hermes was prepared to see his revenge backfire, even though it would be others who had to pay the price in his stead.
“Orpheus, as many before you, you have come to the Underworld in the hope to return to the light with your wife Eurydice. I know your story, I have heard it several times, and I cannot see how it differs from those of others I have sent back home empty handed. So that will be your fate as well, to leave the way you came, Cerberus by your side to escort you back.”
Hades could see the young man’s head shoot up, unbelieving eyes finding his in an instant. He was not prepared to accept his rejection yet, but Hades’ mind was made up. It had been, long before Orpheus had even conceived the plan to travel to the Underworld in the first place. Hades had never overruled the decisions of the Fates, not because he could not, but because death was part of life. From the day of birth, it was inevitable that life would eventually end. It was the only true equality there was. And who was he to take that away by making exceptions?
“I accept your verdict, Lord Hades. Even though it is very uncommon not to allow the petitioner to state his case.” A turmoil rose among the crowd. But it was only after a while, as the murmuring grew louder, that Hades realised it had not been started by the bard’s repeated impertinence, but because he himself had ignored the fixed procedures. And when he found Hermes’ eyes in the crowd again, he knew that he had been played. Now all he could do was wait for the humiliation, and he did not have to wait for long.
“Please,” Orpheus spoke again, raising his arms to calm the agitated audience, and to Hades’ great dismay, they listened. “Lord Hades is right. There is nothing that makes my loss greater than the loss others have suffered, or my grief any graver. It is a truth hard to bear while standing right  at the centre of a storm that threatens to tear you apart. But I thank you for reminding me of that, my lord.”
“You are welcome, son of Apollo,” Hades pressed out as casually as he could. There was more to come, he was sure of it. Orpheus would not leave without at least trying to sway him, not after coming all this way.
“My lord, against the warnings of others, you have been most kind to me. Will you allow me to express my gratitude with a song before I return to the mortal realm?”
Hades would have liked to refuse, but there was no way he could. Not without angering every single soul in the Underworld and in turn losing their respect. He would have to endure what was coming. But how hard could it be? It was only a song. It would change nothing.
And so he felt himself nod and extend his hand in an invitation for the bard to proceed.
A mixture of disbelief and triumph flitted across Orpheus’ face, but it faded quickly as he was eager to use the chance he had been given. He knew he would not get another one. 
And so deft fingers began to move, coaxing the first tunes from the strings. They were soft, designed to be inconspicuous, and soon Hades found them weaving their way into his ears and from there, as they were met with no resistance, reaching deeper. Not in any way did their facile nature prepare him for what was about to come. 
A force so strong he had to close his eyes suddenly overcame him. And there she was. Warm eyes, the colour of fertile soil, and golden hair, always shining as if it held the light of the sun itself. The hint of a shy smile played on her lips and when her eyes found him, it erupted into something so bright he was tempted to blink before his heart would burst with joy. 
It was only now that he noticed she was dressed in wedding attire. Part of her hair was braided and someone had done very well to weave in some flowers here and there. She was magnificent, even more so than she usually was, if that was possible. It was beyond him how he had managed to tear his gaze away from her, but he had, and as he looked down his own form now, he found himself matching her outfit. 
How…? What was this trickery? 
Until this very day he had never even given the faintest thought to marriage. It was a luxury, he had concluded early on, the God of the Underworld could never be granted. And being married to her, well, that was never going to happen anyway. He had vowed it would not, and yet somehow here they were, dressed the part, her hand reaching for his and he knew everything was just as it had always been meant to be.
Still, however real the bliss of being bound to her for eternity felt, he knew this was only a dream. It had to be. No matter how warm her body felt as it pressed into his, or how his stomach fluttered as her lips came closer, her heated breath already drifting across his own as a foretaste of the sweetness that was yet to come. 
But suddenly she stilled in his arms, her grip a little tighter as her eyes drifted to the ground. To her feet, he corrected himself, staring in disbelief at the two angry red punctures on her ankle. And when she found his gaze again, the turmoil of her eyes left him in no doubt that she knew. 
With mere moments left, life already leaving her body, her weakening form collapsed against him and he held her as they both sank to the ground, his heart sinking even deeper. There were no words left to speak. For what could be said in the face of inevitable loss, of forced separation from the one you vowed to spend your life with? This and every other that was yet to come.
Hades was not sure if he could have found his voice anyway, with devastation clutching his heart in a tight grip and his mind plunged into chaos. He could not lose her, not now and not ever, not without losing a part of himself that would die with her as soon as her heart would stop beating. 
Please, please, he thought, not even sure who he was pleading to, not her. Anyone but her. 
It did not take long for the tears to rise from deep within and find their way into his eyes. Some would have seen them as a mercy, would have welcomed them as they began to cloud the view, but Hades fought hard to force them back. not wanting to be robbed of the last moments they had together. There would be plenty of time to weep, but now all he wanted was to look at her, to take every single second to memory, so he could remember what it had felt like to be blessed with the gift of being alive at the same time she was. 
Death was close now. He could feel him luring in the shadows already, but his old friend refused to turn himself visible just yet. A kindness that was greatly appreciated and would not go unnoticed. 
“Anḗr,” she whispered, collecting what little remained of her strength to lift her hand and reach out for him. But she was too weak already and so he cupped her hand with his own and brought it up to his cheek for her. It was only this tiny gesture and the warmth of her touch that stopped him from breaking apart upon the way she had addressed him. It would have been easy to convince himself that he had simply misheard, but he knew that he had not. She had said it, however feeble the whisper had been. Anḗr — husband.
She was gone as soon as she had appeared before his eyes while the music slowly faded. And even though his torment was still fresh, lingering like the soul of a newly deceased that was not ready to leave the mortal realm just yet, already it was wearing thinner to make room for relief. And there was no relief he had ever felt that could compare to the alleviation that spread through him this very instant. She was alive, her heart still beating somewhere inside the walls of this palace and all he had to do was listen closely and he would hear it.
A comfort the man at the foot of the dais did not have anymore, Hades realised as his eyes found him there. What had only been a nightmare to him, was Orpheus’ living hell, day by torturous day. To wake every morning in a short moment of oblivion, just to be hit by realisation the next. Happiness and grief, side by side, shifting in the blink of an eye. Ripping his heart into shreds, over and over again.
It was only now that Hades became aware of his surroundings once more, and found the whole room in a state of distress that seemed to resemble his own inner turmoil. As they began to wander, his eyes caught souls trembling with the trauma of their own deaths renewed, nymphs were weeping as they held onto each other in their despair, even some of the gods and daimons present were wiping tears from the corners of their eyes. Strangely enough, the only one who seemed perfectly composed was the man who had stirred them all with his performance. And as an even greater  surprise, the bard simply bowed, and then turned to leave.
Hades had no idea what came over him. His mind had been made up. No exceptions. Still he found himself rising to his feet as his voice echoed from the walls in a strange and unfamiliar sound.
“Wait.” Immediately Orpheus halted his steps, yet he did not dare turn and look at the ruler of the Underworld just yet. “Son of Apollo, look around. You have touched the hearts of every being in the Underworld with your mournful song.” Orpheus did as he was told and let his eyes glide over the crowd. Finally, they settled on the King of the Dead once again and he continued. “As your reward, I will not drive you away as I have done with every other mortal who came here in hope of returning to the Upperworld with their deceased loved ones. Instead, I will grant you the chance to actually regain what you have come here for—” murmur broke out among the spectators, as he had suspected it would, and so he spoke up, his voice taking on its full godly boom, an effect he almost never used. But he needed Orpheus, and everyone else, to hear the next part loud and clear. “If, and only if, you can give me one good reason why you cannot wait until the day you will be reunited with your Eurydice the natural way.”
“By death, you mean?” Orpheus asked hastily, but immediately realised the foolishness of his question. What other natural way was there to reunite him with his wife? Still the humiliation of his folly did not weigh heavily on him, as shortly after, he suddenly started to smile sweetly.
“Well, my lord, since the day my Eurydice was carried away from me on Thanatos’ large wings, life is not life anymore. It is death already, but instead of the fields of Asphodel, my forlorn soul is trapped inside this body on the wrong side of being.”
What sweet words, Hades thought. Still they were words, nothing but words. Orpheus was a bard and a poet, it was his profession to persuade with words. But words could easily deceive. 
“For someone who claims to be dead already, you seem very much alive to me, Orpheus.”
A hearty sigh rose from the intruder’s chest, almost a little too dramatic to be fully convincing. 
“If by alive you mean that I am breathing and my heart is beating, you are right, my lord. But living is more than being alive. It is loving and being loved, because in knowing someone else completely and being known by that person in return we live not only in ourselves but in the other and thus become immortal. In losing my Eurydice, I have lost not only her but part of me as well,” his voice was almost a whisper when he added, “the bigger part.”
Hades was quiet for a moment. He could have ridiculed him for his comment on immortality. There was no immortality, not for mortals anyway, and yet it was what they eternally seemed to chase. Still, there was a truth to Orpheus’ words that even he could not deny, a thought that had been growing inside of him for a long while as well, but had only fully ripened these past days, and he had not been able to put it into words until now. He was just about to voice his reply, when Orpheus’ growing unease upon the god’s silence made him speak first.
“Forgive me, my lord, but if you do not believe that I speak the truth, it can only be because you have never experienced the wonder of love.”
Love. What was that even? He had asked himself many times in the centuries of exile. For most, and he suspected Orpheus to be one of them, it meant not being alone. To have someone to spend their life with. But it had never been the solitude that had bothered him. The absence of someone being around. In the rare cases he had found himself longing for company, he had always had Cerberus. Hecate and Thanatos too, even Hermes from time to time. 
But for him it had never been about company. Or sating his desires. He could have had that with Minthe long ago. No, it was something else. He knew that now and thanks to the bard he was at last able to lend the right words to his thoughts. It had been the being unable to communicate the things that mattered to him, the lack of understanding, the realisation that not a single soul truly knew him, and never would, that had made him feel so utterly lonely. 
But things had changed. He had changed.
“As impossible as it may seem to you, son of Apollo, I do know that feeling you speak of. But mere words will not be enough. I will need you to prove that you actually know what you are speaking of and did not simply borrow those words from someone who does.”
“Anything, Lord Hades, I will do anything.”
“Careful, Orpheus. Others have made that claim before and, as you very well know, none of their stories did have a happy ending.”
He could see Orpheus gulp as the words sank in, and for a moment, he almost pitied the young man.
“You will leave this realm instantly.”
“But, my lord—“
“Quiet! Calm yourself and let me finish, or you will leave with less than you have come with. I will grant the soul of your wife to follow you. But,” now it was Hades’ turn to use the dramatic effect and pause a second, “if you turn back to look at her before the sunlight touches both of you, she will be returned here immediately and the day of your reunion will be decided by the Fates alone.”
Orpheus fell to his knees once again, his legs unable to support his weight upon the chance he had been presented with, a chance no one had ever been granted before. 
“Thank you, merciful Ruler of the Underworld. I will not fail you.”
If Orpheus had even inherited the smallest ounce of his grandfather’s temperament, Hades very much doubted that this venture would end well. 
“Should you fail, Orpheus, your failure will not be at my expense. Go, leave now, and be reunited with your Eurydice, before I regret my decision.”
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The whisper of her own voice still echoed through Anthea’s head as if she had just spoken the word. As if she had actually spoken it. Even the cold of the black pillar that pressed against her back could not stop her mind from repeating it over and over again, nor did it soothe her racing heart or her laboured breathing. Instead it made her wish for his warm embrace even more ardently. 
But it was not only his touch she longed for, it was also that look in his eyes she wanted to feel again, so soft and full of love for her as he took her in. There had been flowers in his hair, emitting a scent so sweet that it had made her lean in until she had been fully pressed up against him, their hearts being as close as they had ever been. It had been in that very moment, a mere heartbeat before his lips would finally touch hers, that she had known. This was the way it was meant to be. The Fates had woven their threads together, entwined for eternity, never to be untangled again. 
But the sweetness never came. Instead a sharp pain had spread through her and before she had even known what was going on, she found herself ripped away from the love she had just found and thrown into nothingness instead.
For a moment she had hated Orpheus for doing this to her when she had come back to her senses, had hated him for inflicting such cruelty. Even more so as her attention had soon been directed to the god she had called husband mere seconds ago, who had held her as she had slipped away from him, and who now was in a state that seemed in no way lesser than her own torment. 
Aidon was talking to Orpheus, she could see his mouth moving amidst the dark hair that covered half of his face, and even though her mind was still too far gone to capture the gist of their conversation just yet, she could feel his agitation despite his controlled demeanour. And to her own surprise she felt herself stir in her hiding spot behind the pillar, her feet eager to run up the steps of his dais so that her lips might press to the creased spot between his eyebrows until the skin was smoothed out and the worry chased from his mind. 
But of course she could not do any such thing. He had told her to rest and wait for him in her room, if she showed herself to him now, showed him that she had left her bed and wandered all the way through the deserted corridors regardless, it would probably only add to his worries. Because what he did not know was that she had left in search of him, every fibre in her body yearning to be in his soothing presence after that horrible scare, and that she needed to feel him close, that it was actually her who needed to press her lips to his forehead to calm her own demons.
Quickly she turned, leaning her back against the cold stone pillar once more to deprive herself of the view in front of her. It was dangerous to keep watching because she could feel the truth creeping up on her with every passing second. Anthea knew that it had always been there, she had just done well in denying its presence. But ever since that bard had been allowed to sing his lament, it was harder and harder to remember why she had been so eager to fight the obvious this whole time.
And it seemed that simply turning away from him had not been enough. It was not even anywhere near enough. Anthea should have run instead, or better yet she should have stayed in bed as she had been told to. Because she would have never heard what she heard now, would have never felt that new spark of hope deep inside her, igniting her heart as easily as if it were carved out of tinder.
“As impossible as it may seem to you, son of Apollo, I do know that feeling you speak of.”
Could it be? Did he actually… But Anthea did not get to finish that thought. What her ears picked up next was far too unbelievable to let her mind stray from the conversation at this point. Had Aidon just…had he just allowed Eurydice’s soul to return to the mortal realm? Orpheus’ stunned voice and the murmuring that broke out all around her seemed to suggest just that. 
Truthfully, she did not know all too much about the Underworld, but she could not remember a single story anyone had ever told her that spoke of another case in which Aidon had ever used his powers to overrule the Fates and permitted a soul to return to the Upperworld. She understood why he had not. There were rules to life and death, and they existed for a reason. Breaking them might lead to chaos, and it was the gods’ purpose to keep the world from that fate. And unlike so many other gods, Aidon had always appeared to her as one of the few who actually took this task seriously. So why break these rules now? Why risk chaos for a grieving mortal and his wife, however beautiful of a song he had sung?
“Oh, I think you know exactly why, my dear.”
The unexpected, and even more unwanted, voice made her jump. 
“You!” Anthea glared at the sneering god in front of her. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be? You seemed to be rather eager to get away from me as soon as the alarm was sounded earlier.”
“Ah, you see, it wasn’t so much about getting away from you than about getting here as quickly as possible. The best seats for this kind of event are taken faster than you might think and I wouldn’t have wanted to miss this hearing for the world.” He paused, his grin growing even further during the short moment’s silence. “Besides, I would not have wanted to rob Hades of his chance to come to your rescue and thus stand in the way of young love.”
“Fuck you, Hermes.”
She pushed past him, not caring any longer whether Aidon might see her or not, as long as it would take her away from this insufferable deity. But to her great surprise, she found that the room had already been cleared out. There was no one left but her and the nuisance who called himself Messenger of the Gods, and he appeared very eager to pester her a bit longer. 
Hermes was quick to follow her on his winged sandals, outpacing her with ease just to cut off her way.
“Not so fast, sunshine. I was not finished yet.”
“But I was finished talking to you.”
“Feisty.” His blue eyes sparkled with excitement. “I can see now why my father is so enamoured with you. I did not think that would float Hades’ boat too, but I guess no one truly knows what is going on inside that head of his anyway.”
“What do you want, Hermes? Are you just trying to mess with me or rile me up by mocking Aidon? Or is there an actual purpose to your existence?”
His smile wavered for a second and he took a step closer.
“Careful now, missy. I think you might be forgetting that you are talking to a god here.”
“How could I forget, my lord, when all you ever do in my presence is display the greatest of your powers, God of Mischief?”
“Huh,” one corner of his mouth slid upwards in a crooked, but not unimpressed grin, “that is rich, coming from you, my dear. But, please, keep calling me out for being a trickster when we both know the real trickster in this room is you.”
Anthea rolled her eyes upon the ambiguity of his words. 
“And whatever could you mean by that?”
That was Hermes cue to move. Slowly he was circling her while his watchful eyes locked onto her face as if he could not afford to miss even the tiniest alteration of her expression. 
“Oh, don’t play innocent with me, Anthea. I know exactly what you are up to. First my father, now Hades… Why not take a little trip to the seaside next? I bet it will be a mere trifle for you to ensnare the last of the big three as well.”
“What?” Anthea spat in utter bewilderment. “Do you know just how ridiculous you sound right now, Hermes? Why would I do such a thing?”
“Isn’t that obvious? Just think of the war that could ensue if the rulers of this cosmos would fall out because of a woman. It would be so convenient, wouldn’t it? I bet your father is in on it too. Fates, he probably still hates the lot of us for not standing up for him when Zeus cast him out. It would be quite easy to reclaim his place among the Olympians, maybe even reach for the throne, with the three most powerful gods out of the way.”
It did not matter to her how many insults and ludicrous assumptions about her he came up with, but by calling Hephaestus a schemer Hermes had crossed a line.
“How dare you drag my father into these fantastical conspiracy theories of yours when I am only in this place because of yours?”
“This place?” he repeated her own words to her, not even rising to her allusion in the least. “You say it as if it was a bad thing for you to be here. You know, I might be wrong, but I thought that you were beginning to finally warm to the Underworld. Or at least to its ruler…”
She could have denied it. It would have been the wise thing to do so, considering who she was with. But there was something inside of her that simply could not deny the truth in his words any longer. And her silence seemed to be answer enough for Hermes.
“So it is true then. Thanks for the affirmation.”
Anthea was silent for another moment. It would still not have been too late to contradict him, but her rage had pushed her way past that point. 
“Are you happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear? Is your curiosity finally sated?”
“It isn’t so much my own curiosity. I mean, personally, I couldn’t care less who your puny mortal heart is beating for,” he paused dramatically, “but there is someone who does care and whose heart it will break to hear the news.”
Anthea snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. As if Zeus cared whether I have feelings for anyone.”
“Not Zeus, silly girl,” Hermes tutted. “Minthe.”
“Minthe?” Anthea’s brows knitted together in confusion.
“Yes, have you forgotten about her already?”
“Of course not. I—”
“Well, but I bet you didn’t even waste a single thought on her sudden absence from the palace, did you?”
Anthea had to admit, she had not.
“I didn’t think so. But just in case you are interested now, seeing that it really is your fault, you might want to ask your beloved Hades about her whereabouts.”
“Listen, Hermes,” Anthea began, pinching the bridge of her nose, “why don’t you safe us both some time and just say what you so obviously want to get off your chest so we can go our separate ways again?”
He had just reached the blind spot behind her back during one of the many circles he had drawn around her when he stopped. And suddenly his voice was close to her ear, freezing her in place.
“And where would be the fun in that?”
Anthea spun round, ready to give him another piece of her mind, but all her fuming eyes found there was the empty room.
Chapter 7
43 notes · View notes
demigoddessqueens · 5 months
Main masterlist 8
Staring at them in admiration
Critical Role 🎲
Vox machina - dancing with Percy / truth or dare? // the party with vampire!reader // but why me? // Vax and his fighting “buddy” // hand kisses // feeling “flirtatious” // love you?? // love me as a wyrm // Bloodborne!reader // the boys + dentist appointment // I love you 🥺 & I love you too 😄💕 // the love letter 💌 // Vax + writing prompt //
PercyxVex week 🩵🤍💙 - ao3 series
modern s/o series, canon/AU - Percy 💙 + others //
Mighty nein - modern AU //
Mollymauk Week - ao3 series
Bells 🔔 hells/Crown 👑 keepers - orym and his crush // Ashton x reader who likes pink things // spin the bottle //
Song fics (all fandoms) - keyleth song fic // BR batch 3 // songs for boys 1 // grog song fic //
Castlevania 🦇- Dracula with a colomba!reader // but why me? // hand kisses // facing BBG + CR // Dracula drabbles // Castlevania “I love you” prompt // Trevor + jealousy // Dracula and his love //
Marvel - boxer!Miguel // ares x Aphrodite // incorrect quotes // magician ✨friend // single dad!Miguel // incorrect quotes: swoon // incorrect quotes 3 //
Monster lover(s) 💕😈🥺 - hand holding prompt //
The dragon prince - aaravos x monarch!reader // aaravos + reincarnation //
Baldur’s Gate 3 - I really like the vamp // be nice to him ☹️ // I like Gale and 🦇 a lot // Astarion angst // incorrect quotes // astarion fluff // Gale + Wyll + Halsin fluff // Shadowheart and Karlach fluff // poly headcanons // romance novel // incorrect quotes // Gale + prompt // Astarion + prompt // Blood Lycan Tav // sun and moon + Astarion //
Blood of Zeus ⚡️- Hermes with grumpy!reader // Apollo x god!spouse of different pantheon //
Assassin’s Creed - July codexmonthly “Eden” // arno birthday headcanons // August codexmonthly // shay birthday headcanons // belated birthday headcanons // Haytham + angst headcanons // he needs a good cry // but why me? // smutty 🔥 Haytham // pregnant headcanons // snowed ❄️ in // sleep seggs // oc daughter // at the ball // learning languages // drunk Haytham // sleep seggs part 2 // hand kisses // Ezio drunk 🫠🥴 // September codexmonthly // Haytham proposal 💍 + wedding night // haytham sloppy toppy // assassins and “I love you” prompt // soft Haytham // more assassins fluff // Haytham + Ziio & reader // Frye birthday 🎉 headcanons // dullahan shay and vampire Haytham // boyfriend headcanons // November codexmonthly // Haytham smut
Codextober 2023 // ao3
Dragon 🐉 Age - why I like mages // Cullen + writing prompts //
Genshin Impact - I like the new guy 🩵🤍💙 // hand kisses + Miguel //
Star 🌟 Wars - touch starved + others // Ezra bridger //
The Last of Us - Joel + kisses //
24 notes · View notes
gisellelx · 5 months
Twilight Advent Calendar, Day 3
Dec. 3 - Pick one deceased Twilight character to draw or tell us more about. How would the Twilight universe be different if they were still alive?
"Or Does It Sag"
(~2,000 words)
December 3, 2023 Ashland, Wisconsin
Bella had been the one to break this particular dam.
It was a problem they all suffered from, if Edward were honest. The world changed so quickly around them, and it was easy to lose track of new possibilities on offer, especially when they were personal. An advancement in engine mechanics; sure, Rosalie would keep on top of that. A contemporary pianist rising to new fame; Edward would be aware. And with his daughter, these days, it was simple to be aware of other things he would once have not noticed: memes and new phrases, fashion trends too pedestrian for his sister to pick up on, Greta Gerwig and Christopher Nolan opening polar opposite films on the same weekend.
They all would forget, often, that the world changing might mean that certain things they had taken for granted needed reconsideration. That over time, the arc of history bent toward making the impossible possible.
His wife was sitting with their daughter on the the piano bench, Renesmee’s hands aglow from the white Christmas lights his mother had strung on the banister in the foyer. The tree would come later—Christmas Eve, their tradition since that very first serious fire hazard Carlisle had lit in the room of an inn on the shores of the Bay of Fundy, trying to coax, if not joy out of Edward, at least something a bit more like delight—but the house was already filled with other greenery, the air thick with the scents of white pine, ripened pinecone, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Across the room, Alice and Esme discussed the tree’s placement, how big it would need to be, as they hung ten stockings on the mantle in order by their entrance to the family: J, R, B, J, A, E, R, E, E, C. Although Edward knew Carlisle and Esme always hung them all anyway, this would be the first Christmas since the pandemic had begun that all ten of them would be filled. Jasper and Emmett had taken their Christmas cheer outside on Esme’s orders, and Rose had followed them, the living embodiment of the saying that behind every great man was a woman rolling her eyes.
And then there was Carlisle, whose newest schedule thrust him into two weeks of boredom at a time, curled up into one of the wingback chairs in his socks, staring at a page dense with text in the smallest font on his Kindle, but only pretending to read.
It had been earlier this year. Seventeen years of marriage, nearly nineteen of a relationship, and somehow Edward had never mentioned this crucial fact to his wife. They had been at the Toulouse house, discussing their next visit to the States, when Edward had mentioned something about his sire’s past; the knowns and the unknowns, and had let slip a crucial bit of missing information, a basic fact everyone had always taken for granted would forever be irretrievable.
Bella had just blinked at him a few times, and then, in the cutting way she had, offered, “Edward, haven’t any of you ever heard of Ancestry dot com?”
It had taken Bella all of twenty-four hours. A new account. A deep dive into church registers in London, 1600-1650. The parish records of one Saint James Aldgate, kept from 1625-1668 in a cramped handwriting that looked for all the world like Carlisle’s, which, when remarked upon, had only earned him a large eyeroll from his wife. “Edward. I know you think Carlisle sprang fully formed from the head of Zeus”—this time it was his turn to roll his eyes—“but you do realize that at some point someone had to teach him to write?”
And so they had pored over the records of births and marriages, baptisms and deaths, until they found her. Married, just barely twenty-two. Dead, just shy of twenty-four. One child, baptized the day she died. And the name, lost to the centuries until now.
They had presented this information for Father’s Day. Printouts of the pages; the dates, the eerily matching handwriting. Carlisle had swallowed deeply, thanked them, and shortly thereafter, left the room.
He hadn’t spoken of it. Edward hadn’t been sure if it had been an offense.
The composition under his daughter’s nimble fingers was over forty years old now, otherwise sounding like any other contemporary piano piece except that something about it sounded wintery, a musical affectation of the rapid whooshing of the Wisconsin wind against windows Esme had insisted upon keeping single pane. And as Edward listened, he let his mind drift along with his family's. It will need to be shorter. Esme, contemplating the tree. An expensive pair of earrings, no a necklace, no earrings, and…goddamnit, Emmett as Jasper tried valiantly to hide his holiday thoughts from his wife.
Pride, in equal measures, Jacob and Bella, listening to Renesmee at the keyboard.
And then…a little girl. Well, no, Edward realized at once. Not a girl, a child. Blond hair hanging in ringlets down to thin shoulders, a hat in the child’s—his—hand. The hat, falling to the ground from an open fist, as the dress swung around the child’s ankles, the hair flying in the wind as the child—the boy—giggled, racing into a woman’s round, pregnant belly.
“Carlisle,” the woman scolded gently. “You’ll wake your sister. Quiet, child.” A glance across a room, firelight dancing from the hearth, where a cradle sat on the floor, a warm glow across the cheeks of a plump toddler. Then the warm laughter again, a hand caressing the swell that was to be the third child. A boy, Edward knew somehow, through that strange alchemy that was his own mind and the mind he knew almost every bit as intimately. Then the boy, scooped up, held tightly to the ample bosom even as he giggled and squirmed. The imagined scent—roses, fresh air, sweat, soot.
As quickly as it came, the whole scene vaporized, replaced with live piano music, the scent of resin, Esme’s gentle laughter, the glow of LED twinkle lights. Edward looked up, catching eyes from across the room. A muttered excuse, and the sound of denim on upholstery as his sire excused himself, nonchalantly, as though he’d forgotten something.
But when he hadn’t returned ten minutes later, Edward also made soft noises about needing to find something, pressed his lips to the crown of his daughter’s head, and said, “Keep it up, Sweet.” His wife, ever perceptive, looked up from the bench.
Carlisle? she mouthed, and Edward nodded.
The house wasn’t large. The two of them had chosen it for themselves a hundred years ago, only later to share it with the woman Carlisle had, in all his impulsivity and to Edward’s initial dismay, saved from her own attempt at death. Following a scent—especially this most familiar one—was easy, and a moment later, Edward found himself in the study. His father’s chair was turned toward the wall, staring at a bookcase full of all manner of tomes organized in some system which after a century, still remained impenetrable even to Edward.
He didn’t say anything; it wasn’t as though he could sneak up. They both said nothing, the only sound in the stillness of the room their inhalations and exhalations.
“A sister?” Edward said finally. The head turned, and two pairs of golden eyes met.
“And a brother,” Edward added, and Carlisle shrugged.
It was the 1640s. Six would have been common.
“That’s not at all what I was commenting on, and you know it.”
Carlisle gulped. Edward came closer, perching himself on the perpetually messy desk.
“I wasn’t even sure you appreciated the gift,” he said quietly. “You’ve said so little about it.”
The blond head shook furiously. “I’m sorry. I’m grateful. It’s just—”
A flurry of images. The boy, giggling again. Older, hair shorter, wearing breeches this time. The sister, just as towheaded, her long ringlets dancing behind her as her brother pulled her through a small churchyard, scattering the handful of hens which lived there. The woman, a stern and wry look on her face, bouncing a toddler in her arms. Then blankness, again, the cutting off that Edward knew, like the slamming of a steel door, as Carlisle closed off his thinking to protect Edward from things he did not wish Edward to be privy to. Then came the sensations: the twist in the pit of the stomach, the raw, searing grief as fresh as it ever had been.
When this quiet had continued for several minutes, Edward spoke up. “You would’ve died, you know.”
A nod.
“And none of us would be here.”
Rosalie’s face swam suddenly in Carlisle’s mind. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Edward raised his eyebrows. “You’d trade us? Esme?” A pause. "Me?”
His father bit his lip, an uncannily human fidget that had once been put into his repertoire on purpose, but had now become so ingrained it was just part of him. The image shifted again: a series of flashes, rapid, one after another. The boy, school-aged, holding bravely still while the woman bandaged a knee. A teen, lifting a playful toddler out of the sacristy of the church—the sacristy remembered, the toddler imagined. A fourth child, Edward realized. The towheaded boy grown tall, his face the face of the young man Edward was used to. Clutching hands with a woman in white, anxiety and adrenaline and joy as he stood before an altar, the woman beaming at him from the first pew. And finally, the woman, older, her hair graying, as the young man placed a squashed-face infant into her arms.
Edward knew this part now, understood that Carlisle was so deeply content that he lacked the ability to imagine a family other than the one he had. That his dreams had a way of mixing the present with the past with the imagined, as though all of it were true. That if Edward had been able to lift the imaginary bride's veil, he would've seen the woman whose voice he could still hear floating down the hallway. That the infant being handed over in the memory now was the only infant Carlisle had ever imagined having: even though he had met Edward at age 17, he had a firm idea of what he would’ve looked like at six pounds. No hair—redheads were usually born bald—a grip surprisingly firm for a one-day-old infant. He saw the way the imaginary Carlisle beamed as he handed the bundle over to the woman. The way her eyes halfway closed in delight. Edward felt in the memory the way the baby felt in the hands, and recognized the way Carlisle’s mind was mixing this imagined baby and his imagined weight with a concrete memory from September, seventeen years before: Edward’s daughter; Carlisle’s palms.
I wish she could meet you.
Swinging his legs off the desk, Edward let out a bark of a laugh.
"Carlisle, you’re the one who believes in heaven. You really think she hasn’t?”
The image which surfaced this time was so similar, it was hard to tell if it was Edward’s alone or Carlisle’s, or both. The woman, fully gray haired now, her face wrinkled and her hands beginning to show liver spots. Sitting in their living room, laughing and giving tree advice to Esme, listening attentively to Renesmee, joking about Edward and Carlisle with Bella.
“Come on, Carlisle. If she’s anywhere, she’s here.” He hopped off the desk. “And you hiding in your office is probably not what she’d want.”
The nod came slowly. I suppose you’re right. He ran a hand through his hair and attempted a smile. Standing, he placed a hand on Edward’s shoulder. “I am glad you’re here. All of you. Even though the house is way too crowded.”
He chuckled. “We’ll leave before New Year’s.”
“Is that a promise?”
Edward punched Carlisle in the bicep, but they both laughed. Carlisle gestured to the door.
Come. Let’s see what your mother has figured out about the tree.
Edward nodded, and followed Carlisle’s steps. But at the door, his sire stopped, gazing back toward the desk where Edward still stood. The young boy resurfaced, lying against the woman, the girl, still asleep, the unborn infant a flutter under his brother's rib. Slowly, the boy's eyelids, too, grew heavy.
Carlisle blinked, snapping his mind abruptly back to the study. The boy was replaced by books. Thank you for giving her back to me.
And Edward saw it. Obscured by two pieces of mail, but still on top of the pile, the scent of Carlisle’s fingers still fresh, as though he’d rifled through it as recently as this morning. The envelope that he’d prepared, lettered in Bella’s handwriting, given for Father’s Day. The name, lost to time, resurfaced with technology, and with it, memory, imagination, grief, and somehow, love. As he moved, he brushed aside the bank statements on top, leaving the whole envelope visible as he exited the room.
it read.
Closing the study door, Edward turned out the light and headed back toward his family.
Masterpost/Prompts Montage Masterpost
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chiefhellenist · 8 months
Welcome to my little blog, lovelies🦉
Today is 4th of Metageitnion (21st of August)
As I embraced a more consistent approach to my practices, I couldn't help but notice a glaring gap in accessible resources. It's true that one could attempt to scour the internet for information about Hellenic holidays and events, but who has the time or inclination to sift through exhaustive 10k word Wikipedia articles? All that just to discover that recreating authentic Hellenic rituals and practices is nearly impossible! What a pain, huh?
Picture a scenario: a holiday is on the horizon, and the desire to honor the Gods in a meaningful manner ignites within. But there's a problem – there aren't many good sources of information to help you figure out what to do. It's like a big roadblock that makes things confusing. So, here's the big question: how can we solve this problem and find a way forward?
Fear not, for I am here to give a guiding hand to all baby pagans, inquisitive researchers, and all those intrigued by Hellenic polytheism. Allow me to explain the ways Hellenic polytheists manage to slip their practices into their daily life, and provide you with insights, rituals, and a roadmap to navigate through ancient traditions. On this platform, my goal is to make this special belief system easier to grasp, so you can really understand the important rituals and traditions.
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A special week (23rd-30th of Hekatombaion/10th-17th of August) has just came to an end, finishing the 8-day-long premier festival of the year - Panathenaia! And to be even more specific, this year (2023) we were graced to celebrate Panathenaia ta megala (Great Panathenaia) an occasion that only happens once every 4 years!
A history lesson about this festival for anyone interested!
The Panathenaia is the celebration of Athena's birthday, for it is an ancient belief that on the 28th of Hekatombion, Athena bursted from the very head of Zeus. Though it is her day, all the Olympians attend the festivities. This is a sacred feast at which gods and mortals celebrate Athena's birthday together.
Beginning in the 7th century BCE, the annual festival, the Panathenaia ta mikra (Lesser Panathenaia), involved an impressive procession from outside the walls of the city to the Acropolis and the main purpose of the procession was to convey the new peplos for the image of Athena.
The loom for this peplos had been set up at the festival of Khalkeia (in Pyanepsion), nine months before, by priestesses and young girls (Arrephoroi) particularly dedicated to the worship of Athena and the weaving had been carried out by the Ergastiai (workers), maidens chosen from Aristocratic families. Now the colossal wool garment, with traditional yellow and blue decoration woven into it was carried in a ship-like cart. Everyone in Attica took part: Kanephoroi, young women who bear baskets on their heads (containing the meal/grain to through on the sacrificial victim); Diphrophoroi (Chair bearers), young girls carrying chairs; Thallophoroi, green branch bearers who were old men; young men wearing purple robes (the Skaphephoroi, or tray-bearers) of the resident non-citizens carried trays of cakes and honeycombs as offerings; daughters of Metics carried water jars; and freed slaves and other non-Greeks carried oak branches. Representatives of subject city states of the empire brought suits of armor and a cow as offerings and all of them were likely in the parade as well.
The annual Panathenaia included several other distinctive elements: a torch race (run by Athenians only), an all-night service (the Pannychis) and a meat meal for everyone at the city’s expense.
Then in 566/5 BCE, athletic games open to all Greeks were added to the festival so that, every fourth year, the city observed Panathenaia ta megala (Great Panathenaia). And late in the 6th century, the tyrant Peisistratos added musical competitions and recitations of the poetry of Homer. Athletic events included foot-race (stadion), pentathlon, wrestling, boxing and pankration, in three age categories: men, beardless youths and boys. Horse competition were also held, including four-horse chariot, two-horse chariot, horses ridden singly, javelin-throwing from horseback and races for foals as well as full-grown horses. Winners received, among other things, olive oil purportedly from the sacred olive tree of Athena in distinctive white and black amphoras.
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Wow, all that sounds like a huge event, don't you think? It sure is! But you won't catch anyone butchering a HUNDRED cows as a offering in honor of Athena these days.
I believe Gods are always around us, they understand and see how the world changed thus why some of the rituals can't be practiced anymore. All we can do is take inspiration from the ancient ways people used to celebrate these holidays.
How can we celebrate Panathenaia nowadays?
Unfortunately, me and other people who follow Hellenic traditions can't get a whole city to bring back these old practices. So, we usually make the festival shorter, just for one night or day if it's easier. During this night, the procession is added to by the bearing of a torch. Libations are poured to Athena, most often with olive oil, milk, wine and/or honey. Most of us don't want to do something as big as butchering a cow, so we stick to offering a piece of beef to Athena instead and partaking of the meal as well, as the celebration did not call for a holókaustos (burning) of the ritual offering.
We should honor Athena with offerings, prayers, reading of Hymns (Orphic Hymn 32 and Homeric Hymn 28), and with a communal meal. Consider planning night-time worship starting at sunset. If possible, arrange running races, contests, and a torchlit procession. Study Athenian history, art, and architecture. Additionally, learn about Athena's stories, Athens' history, and your own city. Some make garments for the statue of Athena, showcasing our care. Embrace sculpting, sketching, painting, sewing, and more!
If you want your ritual to be really fancy (which I absolutely love) I highly suggest following the steps of the user LeopardBoy here:
What I personally suggest doing?
Such a big way to celebrate is sure fun, no doubt. But let's be honest here, that's really a lot!
I suggest celebrating Panathenaia by a wake (full night of worship), and here is an idea of how possibly it could go:
8:00PM - 10:00 PM: this is the time for final preparations. Clean up the space (Hestia doesn't like things out of place as we know, so you can go ahead and mop the floor, vacuum, move everything out of the way), prepare your altar, lay out everything you need for personal cleansing, your offers to the Gods, everything you need to burn and pour offerings
10.00 PM - 11.00 PM: Torch procession (lit with Hestia's flame) from outside the living room to the shrine, cleansing (called katharmos), hymns to Hestia (Homeric Hymn 24), to Nyx (Orphic Hymn 3), to Selene (OH 9), to the Stars (OH 7), to Sleep (OH 85), to Dream (OH 86), to Zeus (OH 15) and finally to Athena (HH 11/HH 24), libations of olive oil to Hestia and Athena with a repeating of their respective hymns, making a cloak for Athena
11.00 PM - 12.00 PM: katharmos, libations of red wine to Hestia and Athena after proclaiming their hymns, offering of chocolate to both Goddesses, reading the Odysseia by Hómēros
12.00 PM - 01.00 AM: katharmos, libations of milk to Hestia and Athena after proclaiming their hymns, reading the Odysseia, preparing the candle making
01.00 AM - 02.00 AM: katharmos, libations of honey to Hestia and Athena after proclaiming their hymns, candle making
02.00 AM - 03.00 AM: katharmos, offerings of barley to Hestia and offerings of beef to Athena after proclaiming their hymns, divination session, reading the Odysseia
03.00 AM - 04.00 AM: katharmos, libations of honey to Hestia and Athena after proclaiming their hymns, reading about the history of Hellas and Athens
04.00 AM - 05.00 AM: katharmos, libations of milk to Hestia and Athena after proclaiming their hymns, reading about the history of Hellas and Athens.
05.00 AM - 06.00 AM: katharmos, libations of red wine to Hestia and Athena after proclaiming their hymns, reading the Odysseia, finalizing the candles.
06.00 AM - 06.30 AM: katharmos, libations of olive oil to Hestia and Athena after proclaiming their hymns, reading the Odysseia, cleaning up the space.
Don't be afraid to change up some things, the way you perform rituals is supposed to be meaningful to YOU!
If all you can do is simply dedicate the day to think about Athena, send a prayer and pour libation of tap water into a cup, that's enough!
See you next time:)
Adkins, Lesley and Roy A. Adkins, Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece, 1997
Apollonius Sophistes, “Seasonal Festivals of the Greeks and Romans”
Burkert, Walter, Greek Religion, English version 1985
Parke, H. W., Festivals of the Athenians, 1977
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his-endless-rambles · 5 months
Pages of the Week 08/12/2023
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Fantastic Four Issue #14 by Ryan North and Ivan Fiorelli. This Fantastic Four run has been a hoot and a holler, and one of the many reasons why is just how creative Marvel's First Family have been with their abilities. Reed especially has shown his stretching powers are diverse enough to rival Plastic Man himself, showcased here by him going full Doc Oc with just one hand.
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Shazam! Issue #6 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora. Shazam! has been a pretty darn kooky comic with all sorts of zany hilarity occurring including the holy grail of comic occurrences—gorillas doing things they don't ordinarily do. But so far, the best instance yet has been Zeus, King of the Greek Gods, getting turned into a mallard and talking like Daffy Duck. (Also Dan Mora is an art god).
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Extremity Issue #1 by Daniel Warren Johnson. I came across the comic due to my love of the writer/artist who did some spectacular work with Marvel on Beta Ray Bill. The space metal vibes from that comic are present here too, just a little more fantasy-flavored and the story so far has me very intrigued.
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mcl-mia · 5 months
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//zeus week day 5 - power
go get 'em, skull dragon.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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VIDEO: NATO completes Steadfast Noon nuclear exercise
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/28/2023 - 18:49in Military
NATO held its long-planned annual nuclear exercise, Steadfast Noon, from October 16 to 26, 2023, in international airspace in Europe.
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More than 13 Allied countries and 60 aircraft participated to test the Alliance's ability to respond to a wide range of threats.
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This year, this routine training activity involved a mixture of aircraft types, including advanced fighters and U.S. B-52 bombers that flea from the United States. Conventional jets, surveillance and refueling aircraft also participated in the exercise, designed to ensure the credibility, effectiveness and safety of NATO's nuclear deterrence.
“We fly against a fictitious opponent and our scenarios do not reflect current world events,” said SHAPE Head of Nuclear Operations Daniel Bunch to describe the exercise.
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Held annually over a decade, Steadfast Noon is constantly evolving. According to Colonel Bunch, "it is an absolutely realistic training against the threats we realized we would face".
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For example, the Alliance analyzes emerging technologies that may have an impact on operations and has recently included small unmanned aerial systems in the exercise scenario. NATO's Strategic Concept makes it clear that the fundamental objective of NATO's nuclear capability is to preserve peace, prevent coercion and deter aggression, but for this, Colonel Bunch stresses that the Alliance "is prepared for any contingency".
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The planning for next year's exercise will begin next week.
Tags: Military AviationMilitary exerciseNATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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eye-burning · 5 months
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Happy Birthday My King, I absolutely adore you now and forever with my heart.
With this marks the end of The Week Long Birthday Fest for Zeus 2023. I once again cannot express any more gratitude for those who participated. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for participating in such a special event.
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suna1suna1 · 9 months
Okay, new WIP Wednesday Game
I'm going to number each fic, and underneath that number and title, I will post the last 3 paragraphs of that fic I have written. I'm excluding the one I plan on updating next, so Sweets and Secrets won't be here this week.
But you can send an ask, a reply, or a reblog with one or more numbers or titles, and I will set a 25-minute timer and work on those fics
Which for me means I'll probably get about 500 words worth of progress if I can focus
Feel free to do this too if you want!
Here are the fic numbers and titles if you don't want spoilers:
Angels and Demons
Dark Gaia Boom Sonadow (Title is a WIP)
H&P Whispangle one-shot (Title is a WIP)
Immortality (Shadamy Week 2023)
The Heart of the Ark
Here we go, fics below the cut! Spoilers ahead!
TW(s) // The Whispangle WIP touches on a past suicide in that AU where I left off, so do tread carefully
And the Immortality Shadamy fic alludes to some of what Zeus tends to do in Greek Mythology, but it does not outright state what it is, and I tried to keep it as vague as possible.
Angels and Demons
“We should be safe here,” the echidna said, carefully setting Shadow down on the ground. “Now can you explain who you really are?”
“Could I get your name first?” Shadow asked. 
“Oh,” the echidna said, as if he’d been startled. “I am Knuckles, the last of the mighty Echidnas.”
2. Dark Gaia Boom Sonadow (Title is a WIP)
Tails stood there for a little longer, then a look of determination set itself onto his face, and he ran out of the hospital with nothing more than a rushed goodbye. 
Sonic was about to try to follow him when someone called his name behind him. He turned to find a tired beaver with a pair of glasses and a clipboard standing in the doorway. “Your friend is stable,” she said, almost as if she could hardly believe it. “He’s still unconscious but he looks like he’ll pull through.”
Sonic sighed, his shoulders finally relaxing. “Phew,” he said. “For a minute there I thought he was a goner.”
3. H&P Whispangle one-shot (Title is a WIP)
Whisper stroked Tangle’s fingers with her thumb. “I know,” she said. “I hear you mutter someone’s name sometimes in your sleep. You tell them not to jump.”
“My father.” Tangle shifted away from Whisper. “He didn’t listen.”
They were both quiet for a moment, until Whisper asked, “How old were you?”
4. Immortality (Shadamy Week 2023)
“Then come along.”
Hades commanded Cerberus to stand, and they continued their way through the Fields of Punishment. Hades avoided looking at Kore, whom he could practically feel the waves of disgust and anger rolling off of. 
He had to admit, Kore had a point. There were many people who could be argued didn’t belong here—especially if Zeus had any say in it, given they often did the same things the thunder god got away with on the daily.
5. The Heart of the Ark
“Focus on exhaling,” Tails said. “Your body has too much carbon dioxide from the air in there. Try and get as much of it out as you can.”
Sonic nodded and pushed himself to his feet, exhaling forcefully. “Let’s find Knuckles,” he said. “Unless he found a big ugly monster too.”
Amy nodded and followed as the boys set out down the hallway.
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