#yue sai wa wa
anti-solidcoffee · 3 months
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Fell behind on drawing the dolls I've gotten, so I decided to doodle them all together now that I've got another!
They're talking about the Frankenfurter OOAK I'm gonna turn the Ken into lol
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pikahlua · 3 days
MHA Chapter 421 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 おまえらもかよ omaera mo ka yo "You guys too, huh?"
2 そっちもな socchi mo na "And you as well."
3 警察から"まだ戦える者は"って……! けいさつから"まだたたかえるものは"って……! keisatsu kara "mada tatakaeru mono wa" tte......! "[I heard] from the police, 'Who is still able to fight?'......!"
tagline A組続々… エーぐみぞくぞく… EE-gumi zokuzoku... Class A, one after another...
4 相澤先生が黒霧を味方につけたって聞いてーーー あいざわせんせいがくろぎりをみかたにつけたってきいてーーー Aizawa-sensei ga Kurogiri wo mikata ni tsuketa tte kiite--- "I heard that Aizawa-sensei got Kurogiri to join our side---"
5 友だちがまだ戦ってんの見てーー… ともだちがまだたたかってんのみてーー… tomodachi ga mada tatakatten no mite--... "I saw that my friends were still fighting--..."
6 行かずにいられましょうか いかずにいられましょうか ikazu ni iraremashou ka "And I felt like I had to go."
7 意識がある内は…どこへだって! いしきがあるうちは…どこへだって! ishiki ga aru uchi wa...doko e datte! "As long as I'm conscious...to wherever you go!"
8 勝つ為にここまでやってきたもんね かつためにここまでやってきたもんね katsu tame ni koko made yatte kita mon ne "We've come this far for the sake of winning."
9 今日踏んばれなきゃ きょうふんばれなきゃ kyou funbarenakya "Today we have to stand firm."
10 何の為にヒーローを夢見たかわかりゃしねえ!だからよお〜〜 なんのためにヒーローをゆめみたかわかりゃしねえ!だからよお〜〜 nan no tame ni HIIROO wo yumemita ka wakarya shinee! dakara yoo~~ "For what reason did we dream of becoming heroes! That's why!~~"
11 みんな…! minna...! "Everyone...!"
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1 オイラたちが OIRA-tachi ga "We"
2 来た‼︎ きた‼︎ kita!! "are here!!"
tagline No.421 WE ARE HERE 堀越耕平 ナンバー421 ウィー・アー・ヒア ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 421  UII AA HIA  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 421 WE ARE HERE Kouhei Horikos
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1 灰色の肉が並んでいる… はいいろのにくがならんでいる… haiiro no niku ga narande iru... (literal.) "Gray bodies are lined up..." (context.) "You are all just gray bodies to me..."
2 本来ならば僕は弔の一部として…もろともうちくだかれていたのだろう ほんらいならばぼくはとむらのいちぶとして…もろともうちくだかれていたのだろう honrai naraba boku wa Tomura no ichibu to shite...morotomo uchikudakarete ita no darou Originally, as a part of Tomura...I probably would have have been destroyed along with him.
3 だが daga But,
4 与一が砕ける音を聞いた時 よいちがくだけるおとをきいたとき Yoichi ga kudakeru oto wo kiita toki when I heard the sound of Yoichi smashing to pieces,
5 僕の世界は色褪せた ぼくのせかいはいろあせた boku no sekai wa iroaseta the color of my world faded.
6 執心を喪い しゅうしんをうしない shuushin wo ushinai "I've lost my passion,"
7 故に ゆえに yue ni "therefore,"
8 喪失の穴に通る攻撃はなくーー… そうしつのあなにとおるこうげきはなくーー… soushitsu no ana ni tooru kougeki wa naku--... "there is no attack that can pierce through my loss--..."
9 僕は止めを免れたのだ ぼくはとどめをまぬがれたのだ boku wa todome wo manugareta no da "I am the one who escaped the final blow."
10 今なら理解る いまならわかる ima nara wakaru (kanji: rikairu) "Now I understand,"
11 緑谷出久 みどりやいずく Midoriya Izuku "Izuku Midoriya."
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1 悲劇こそが人を強くする ひげきこそがひとをつよくする higeki koso ga hito wo tsuyoku suru "It is tragedy that makes people stronger."
2 そう思わないか? そうおもわないか? sou omowanai ka? "Don't you think so?"
3 どうだろね dou daro ne "I don't know about that."
4 あんたらみてーに起伏に富んだ人生じゃねえから あんたらみてーにきふくにとんだじんせいじゃねえから antara mitee ni kifuku ni tonda jinsei ja nee kara "My life is not full of ups and downs like all of yours."
5 「明日の実技置いてかれねーよーに」とか…そういう事でしか俺は頑張ってこなかったな 「あしたのじつぎおいてかれねーよーに」とか…そういうことでしかおれはがんばってこなかったな 「ashita no jitsugi oitekarenee yoo ni」 toka...sou iu koto de shika ore wa ganbatte konakatta na "I had no reasons to try my best other than things like...'I don't want to be left behind at tomorrow's practicals.'"
6 それに sore ni "Also,"
7 今日まで大変そうだったよ きょうまでたいへんそうだったよ kyou made taihen sou datta yo "until today, he seemed like he'd had it rough,"
8 かつてガンギマリだった彼は かつてガンギマリだったかれは katsute GANGIMARI datta kare wa "and one time his face was so intense and distant*." (Note: What Sero is saying here is that one time Shouto had this look on his face that is described by the Japanese slang word: gangimari. Gangimari refers to an intense, eyes-wide face that comes from a marijuana high. It also refers to a feeling of emptiness that comes with the high. If you search for images of the face, you'll see it's often a frightening look. I believe Sero here is referring to the face Shouto makes at him in their sports festival battle in chapter 34, so I believe this description is meant to refer to how Shouto was overwhelmed with anger and mentally somewhat removed from the fight itself.)
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1 悲しー事なんざ かなしーことなんざ kanashii koto nan za "[I think] such sad things"
2 あるよりない方が良いだろ‼︎ あるよりないほうがいいだろ‼︎ aru yori nai hou ga ii daro!! "would be better not to have than to have!!"
3 赫灼 かくしゃく kakushaku Flashfire
4 熱拳 ねっけん nekken Fist
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1 早くリカバリーガールの元へ…! はやくリカバリーガールのもとへ…! hayaku RIKABARII GAARU no moto e...! Quickly, to where Recovery Girl is...!
2 婆さんも怪我人(?)をX続けて限界(?)だ…XXできるかどうか… ばあさんもけがにん(?)をXつづけてげんかい(?)だ…XXできるかどうか… baasan mo keganin(?) wo X tsudzukete genkai(?) da... XX dekiru ka dou ka... (Note: This line is only partly legible. I've skipped figuring it out in the interest of time and may come back to it later. The gist of this line is something like "The old lady is also at her limit with injured persons... Whether or not anything can be done...")
3 あんたいても母さんたち熱いだけだ あんたいてもかあさんたちあついだけだ anta itemo kaasan-tachi atsui dake da Even with you here, mom and the others will only be hot.
4 行きなよ いきなよ iki na yo So go.
5 まだ少しでも まだすこしでも mada sukoshi demo Even if it's [just] a little,
6 力が出るんなら ちからがでるんなら chikara ga derun nara if you can muster [any] strength...
7 ってな! tte na! "That's what"!"
8 荼毘に勝ったって聞いた時ちょっと思った! だびにかったってきいたときちょっとおもった! Dabi ni katta tte kiita toki chotto omotta! "When I heard you won against Dabi, I thought about that for a moment!"
9 ……ありがとう… ......arigatou... "......Thank you..."
10 戦える奴召集完了 たたかえるやつしょうしゅうかんりょう tatakaeru yatsu shoushuu kanryou "Recruiting of those who can fight complete."
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1 ガイズ‼︎今日が分水嶺だ‼︎ ガイズ‼︎きょうがぶんすいれいだ‼︎ GAIZU!! kyou ga bunsuire da!! "Guys! Today is a watershed [moment]!!"
2 行こう‼︎最後の大仕事だ!!! いこう‼︎さいごのおおしごとだ!!! ikou!! saigo no ooshigoto da!!! "Let's go!! It's the last big job!!!"
3 手負いのヒーロー…これだけの数がいて何も感じないのは…寂しいものだな ておいのヒーロー…これだけのかずがいてなにもかんじないのは…さびしいものだな teoi no HIIROO...kore dake no kazu ga ite nani mo kanjinai no wa...sabishii mono da na "Wounded heroes... With just this number of them here I don't feel anything... How lonely."
4 オールマイトに届きえぬ屑肉に オールマイトにとどきえぬくずにくに OORU MAITO ni todokienu kuzuniku ni "You scraps of meat who can't match All Might,"
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1 掃き掃除だ はきそうじだ hakisouji da "I'll sweep and clean you up."
2 逸らせえ‼︎ そらせえ‼︎ sorasee!! "Deflect!!"
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1 速ぇ…! はえぇ…! haee...! "Hurry...!"
2 一つの挙動に数十人で対処しなきゃ ひとつのきょどうにすうじゅうにんでたいしょしなきゃ hitotsu no kyodou ni suujuunin de taisho shinakya "If dozens of you have to deal with a single action."
3 戦いになんねえ! たたかいになんねえ! tatakai ni nannee! "this won't become a battle!"
4 みんな離れないで‼︎ みんなはなれないで‼︎ minna hanarenaide!! (literal.) "Everyone, we can't be apart!!" (contextual.) "Everyone, we can't be scattered!!"
5 一かたまりになって戦おう! ひとかたまりになってたたかおう! hito katamari ni natte tatakaou! "Let's fight as one bunch!"
6 行かなきゃーーー いかなきゃーーー ikanakya--- "I have to go---"
7 体が…! からだが…! karada ga...! My body...!
8 戻ったのはあくまで数分 もどったのはあくまですうふん modotta no wa akumade suufun "Only a few minutes were returned [to you],"
9 腕を失う少し前まで… うでをうしなうすこしまえまで… ude wo ushinau sukoshi mae made... "to a little bit before you lost your arms..."
10 継戦のダメージは残ったままだ けいせんのダメージはのこったままだ keisen no DAMEEJI wa nokotta mama da The damage from the rest of the battle remains.
11 …どれ程長く激しい戦いを… …どれほどながくはげしいたたかいを… ...dore hodo nagaku hageshii tatakai wo... "...What a long and violent battle..."
12 …っ ... "...gh!"
13 僕は…OFAをなげうちました ぼくは…ワン・フォー・オールをなげうちました boku wa...WAN FOO OORU wo nageuchimashita "I...relinquished One For All."
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1 ないのか⁉︎ nai no ka!? "It's gone!?"
2 歴代の"個性"は……でも… れきだいの"こせい"は……でも… rekidai no "kosei" wa......demo... "The successive generations' quirks are......but..."
3 短い時間だったけど… みじかいじかんだったけど… mijikai jikan datta kedo... "[I had it for] a short time, but..."
4 "無個性"の僕に染みついてる… "むこせい"のぼくにしみついてる… "mukosei" no boku ni shimitsuiteru... "it's ingrained in me [as I'm] quirkless..."
5-6 オールマイトがそうだったように OORU MAITO ga sou datta you ni Just like with All Might.
7 まだ残り火があります まだのこりびがあります mada nokoribi ga arimasu "I still have the [lingering] embers."
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1 残り火があれば…AFOあいつは… のこりびがあれば…オール・フォー・ワンあいつは… nokoribi ga areba...OORU FOO WAN aitsu wa... "If I have the embers...then that All For One..." (Note: This line is partly cut off, so I made some educated guesses.)
2 ……緑谷 ……みどりや ......Midoriya "......Midoriya,"
3 傷薬と包帯あと…体を冷やしちゃいけない きずぐすりとほうたいあと…からだをひやしちゃいけない kizugusuri to houtai ato...karada wo hiyashicha ikenai "After a wound salve and bandage...don't let your body relax."
4 避難先の方々からだ ひなんさきのかたがたからだ hinan saki no katagata kara da "It's from the people who evacuated."
5 メンズノンノの全サ第五弾Tシャツ…! メンズノンノのぜんサだいごだんTシャツ…! MENZU NON NO no zen SA daigodan T SHATSU...! "A Men's Non-No one-size-fits-all fifth edition t-shirt...!" (Note: Men's Non-No is a men's fashion magazine.)
6 走ろう☆ はしろう☆ hashirou ☆ "Let's run ☆"
7 僕らは君の力が必要だし君も僕らの力が必要だ ぼくらはきみのちからがひつようだしきみもぼくらのちからがひつようだ bokura wa kimi no chikara ga hitsuyou da shi kimi mo bokura no chikara ga hitsuyou da "We need your strength, and you also need our strength."
8 この手を握ってくれ青山くん このてをにぎってくれあおやまくん kono te wo nigitte kure Aoyama-kun Please grasp my hand, Aoyama-kun.
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1 頑張れ…‼︎ がんばれ…‼︎ ganbare...!! "Do your best...!!"
2 皆 みんな minna "Everyone"
3 一緒に戦ってくれてるよ いっしょにたたかってくれてるよ issho ni tatakatte kureteru yo "is fighting together!"
4 デクさん DEKU-san "Mr. Deku!"
5 緑谷兄ちゃん みどりやにいちゃん Midoriya-niichan "Big Bro Midoriya!"
6 デク…! DEKU...! "Deku...!"
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1 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare Do your best!
tagline 少年は走るーーー しょうねんははしるーーー shounen wa hashiru--- The young man* runs--- *(Note: This word can mean "boy," but it's also the word All Might uses for Izuku that often gets translated as "young man." Both work.)
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funficwriter · 20 days
A Wolf and A Snake - Letters' Interlude #4
Taglist: @yue-caelum, @reyy-chanx, @mis-disaster, @ladyarchiviste, @keigo-hawks-takami-simp
Warnings: Cursing, sexism, corruption, mention of violence, some yandere shit but you know that by now. Moral dilemma? Lol.
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From: Lady Y/N Balthazar - Balthazar Manor, Court Region, Fontaine
To: Duke Wriothesley of Meropide, Fortress of Meropide, Liffey Region, Fontaine
I know I risk sounding like a broken record saying this, but I really do wear each day. I'm just happy that I can still write to you because I feel that it's one of the few pleasures I have left. Between my piano lessons and reading time being interrupted by meeting with Archandelle, my parents' constant nagging, and the fact that I constantly have to sneak around their backs even for things unrelated to my marriage prospects... I'm exhausted, my love. And troubled. That's why I'm writing this.
When our last meeting ended abruptly, there was so much more I wanted to say to you. I was barely scraping the bottom of the barrel and our day lives tore us apart again. At least Frosty is good company and patiently waiting for me to finish this letter and send it to you.
Yesterday, I snuck out to the police station under the pretense of 'shopping'. Do you remember that young officer I once mentioned? Jacques? He looked scared when they let me in his office, even though everyone else seemed excited for him. I guess the visit of a noble does that.
I'm a terrible person, Wriothesley.
The first time I came here, I picked him specifically because he was young and new and a little naive, as all new cops are. He was so ready to help me, even more so when I said: "An injustice is being done upon me. I need evidence to counter it.". He almost jumped out of his seat until he understood what I meant: The 'injustice' is merely procedure. What woman says this, only for it to be her engagement that she, her parents, and the suitor agreed to? What sort of injustice was noble tradition that was carried out for centuries?
And I shoved the cash on the table, and it increased in volume. And I invoked his poor family that he was trying to feed, the girl he wanted to marry... "Do you really want to wait forever on your shitty wage, when you could propose in an hour? All you have to do is give me what I asked for. It's not that hard.". He couldn't. I was corrupting him, and by Focalors, what sort of noble am I - a Balthazar no less - if I use the very enemy of justice for my own selfish gains? All of this to not get married?
It was lengthy. It was uncomfortable and I could feel the fibers of my being twisting to accommodate this act that I would never have dreamed of committing. It was like exerting a muscle I didn't use, but way more intense. In the end, he gave me the pile you saw last time.
I did it again this evening. Wriothesley, last time, I was ridden with guilt. I think you'd understand why better than most. But this time? I started justifying it. With each reason I gave as to why this was fine, good even, my guilt washed away. After all, there would be no need to resort to such extreme measures if I could just be with you from the start. And then I thought: "I've never justified my father's deed until I started committing it. I am more like him and less just than I thought.". I wanted to cry. Who is this new person - no, these new people and this new logic? Why am I less like what I used to be?
Fuck my life, why do I have to be less like what I used to be just so I can marry the one I love? A privilege that many girls today have?
I'm sorry for the plaintive note today. I'm just... So torn. Yes, I think 'torn' comes closest to it. I am turning into what I was warned about my entire life, but it's not like I'm doing it to embezzle money or get someone wrongfully convicted. I just want to be with you, but even that's too much to ask in this stupid class and family...
Total truth? There are times where I want do more. Once, my father was talking to his friends about how excited he was for my prospects. Do you know what my brother said? "I was worried she wouldn't get her eyes off of that Meropide mutt. At least she's probably forgotten about him, as she should.". They laughed a lot and later joked about Father's lack of control during my first social. They said that they couldn't tell who needed a leash more: You for being "a dog", or me for giving you "loving eyes" back then, as if I wanted you for a bit. Father dismissed them by talking about another man's daughter and her bad marriage. He was embarrassed, but I wanted to go over there and scratch his eyes out. Maybe my brother's too, and the other men who were joking. I wanted to wrench my hand into Lord Carmichael's back and make his wife a widow to be judged. Maybe then he'd enjoy it down in hell. Or have some emotional intelligence.
I'm thinking of you, and hoping we can see each other soon. Maybe my spirits will be lifted....
From: Duke Wriothesley of Meropide - Fortress of Meropide, Liffey Region, Fontaine
To: Lady Y/N Balthazar - Balthazar Manor, Court Region, Fontaine
Y/N dear,
It was only a matter of time until you sent me such a letter. For one, during our latest meeting, you looked like you had way more to say. I can only look forward to a life where the dawn doesn't shut us up and away.
First of all, please don't apologize for the sadness that you feel. Unlike that idiot suitor and father, I don't expect you to be happy 24/7, even if at your own inconvenience. I may call you 'my doll', but I know you've got a far wider emotional range than that.
I don't know how effective saying this would be, but your message reads a lot like my younger self. How it saddens me that you had to realize the double-faced quality of Fontainian justice like this... Even if you knew it deep down, as you grew up and understood how so many noblemen get away with their crimes, engaging with it is a whole greater beast. Sometimes I wonder whether there are judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other potential lawful agents who have lost faith in our judicial systems. Many of our current judges are indeed doing their best to combat it (I know Neuvillette will never rest as long as this issue remains), but it doesn't change the fact that many are still being failed today. Orphans. Young noble ladies. Poor people. Us. By Focalors, us.
As Meropide's administrator and a noble, I'm certain that you would think of me as a man of justice, just like many others. I think of myself that way, too. I know I have the power to end the laws and traditions that are screwing us over (and sometimes I wonder: How many other couples like us?). It sounds hypocritical, doesn't it? I am hiring back-alley investigators and threatening data out of whoever knows what I need. And you, a lady raised in the hearth of justice, you're lying to your parents and corrupting police officers. How could we possibly be good, you may ask?
After these few months, I came to a conclusion: A man of justice should not mean being a doormat, especially if the injustice will cost him his love.
For one, the change that could benefit us is nowhere near as fast as needed. What does this result in? Potentially happy couples are being torn apart. The point behind justice is to protect one's right to a life that he desires, that his loved ones desire and that harms no one. Is our union based on economic exploitation, power dynamics, sexism or leveraging? No. How is it that most noble couples stand on these crimes, while the only one with ours is that I am not fully human and that you want me? I am not going around slaughtering people or terrorizing the city. You, an angel sent by Focalors herself, have never commissioned your husband to kill, silence or bribe. Archons, what did you do to deserve this fate when I can think of women far more rotten than you?
Now you may counter me and say that you have engaged in bribery yourself, and that's bad. But you know what? It doesn't matter to me. I couldn't care less about it. This may sound worrisome to hear from a man of justice. But as a man, without fancy titles and more emotions and feelings, I'm getting real sick of this. I don't bring myself to care about judicial principles if an obvious double standard is taking place, one that is taking you away from me. I know what makes me get up and do my best everyday. I know what I'd turn savage for, who I'd risk a life sentence and a downfall for, and it's not justice. Justice can't enjoy brownies with me on a star-lit night. Justice can't lie in my bed. Justice can't wake me up with a good morning kiss and take me to go swim in Belleau. All of that is you, and it will always be you.
I care about justice. I really do. But justice, along with your father, money and Fontaine, can go fuck itself if it compromises my wife.
I look forward to the day that the noble class is held accountable, and choice unions are the norm. Until then, I'm just going to have to fight tooth and nail for my own. It's actually a must, my dear. We need to set a new precedent for the upcoming generation. Backing down is not going to challenge what your parents and their fellow nobles have always done.
I know your schedule is getting more hectic by the day. When you can, though, please let me know if a free window opens up. Perhaps we can see and update each other on our findings.
Always yours, and you're always mine,
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Ikkiuchi - Lyrics + Translation (一騎打ち)
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English title: One-on-one combat / Duel
Translator's notes can be found at the end and are marked with an asterisk.
Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【Re】 ヨーホー! ヨーホー!
誰もが恐れおののく 俺は海賊
コックのように フルコース
味わわせてみせよう 華麗な技を
【Ce】 イーハー! イーハー!
誰よりも誇り高き ボクは戦士
【Re】 笑わせるな
お前はルーザー 俺はクローザー
【Ce】 生きるか死ぬか 覚悟はできたか?
【Re】 生意気な若造 世間を知らない
口先ばかりで 恐怖も知らない
【Ce】 何を生き急ぐ? 驕り高ぶる大人よ
【Re】 死なない人間などいない
【Ce】 だからこそ譲れない
【Re】 「やるな……」
【Ce】 「そちらこそ!」
【Re】 「さぁ、決着をつけよう!」
【Ce】 「望むところだ!」
【Re】 知らないがゆえに 壇上を舞う強さ
【Ce】 知っているゆえの 盤上の駆け引き
【Re・Ce】 讃えよ
【Re・Ce】 海の藻屑となるがいい
【Re】 Yōhō! Yōhō!
Daremo ga osore ononoku ore wa kaizoku
Kono fukku ga chōri shite yarou
Kokku no yō ni furukōsu
Ajiwawa sete miseyou karei na waza o
【Ce】 Īhā! Īhā!
Dare yori mo hokori takaki boku wa senshi
Kono Taigā Rirī ga tatakai no yorokobi o oshieteageru
Senjō o seisuru rūrā
Tatakai no rūru wa boku sa
【Re】 Warawaseru na
Omae wa rūzā ore wa kurōzā
Omae no inochi o owaraseru mono
【Ce】 Ikiru ka shinu ka kakugo wa dekita ka?
Inochi ga mijikai no wa dochira no hou?
【Re】 Namaiki na wakazō seken o shiranai
Kuchisaki bakari de kyōfu mo shiranai
【Ce】 Nani o iki isogu? Ogori takaburu otona yo
Dōse shini yuku sadame na noni
【Re】 Shinanai ningen nado inai
Toki wa dare shimo byōdō de zankoku na no sa
【Ce】 Dakara koso yuzurenai
Kono mi o toshita ichigeki wa
【Re】 “Yaru na……”
【Ce】 “Sochira koso!”
【Re】 “Sā, ketchaku o tsukeyou!”
【Ce】 “Nozomu tokoro da!”
【Re】 Shiranai ga yue ni danjō o mau tsuyo-sa
【Ce】 Shitte iru yue no banjō no kakehiki
【Re・Ce】 Tataeyo kasaneau tsurugi
【Re】 Hana o chirashite
【Ce】 Hana o chirashite
【Re・Ce】 Umi no mokuzutonaru ga ī
【Re】 Yo-ho! Yo-ho! 
I am a pirate that makes everyone shake from fear
With this hook of mine, I’ll cook
A full course like a chef
I’ll give you a taste of my brilliant technique
【Ce】 Yee-ha! Yee-ha!
I am a warrior, prouder than anyone else
This Tiger Lily will teach you the joys of battle
I am the ruler who controls the battlefield,
The one who makes the rules of the battle is me
【Re】 Don’t make me laugh
You’re the loser, I am the closer*
Who will end your life
【Ce】 Are you ready to live or die?
Which of us shall have the shorter life?
【Re】 You’re an impertinent young lad, ignorant of the ways of the world
You’re all talk and no bite, and you don’t know terror
【Ce】 What’s the hurry? You’re an arrogant adult
Even though you’re doomed to die anyway
【Re】 There’s no such thing as a human who will never die
Time is equal and cruel to all
【Ce】 That’s why I won’t give up
The single blow I’m risking my life for
【Re】 “Not bad…”
【Ce】 “I could say the same.”
【Re】 “Now, let’s settle this!”
【Ce】 “That’s what I want!”
【Re】 The strength to dance on the stage because of ignorance
【Ce】 The ability to use tactics on the board because you know them
【Re・Ce】 Praise be
To the overlapping swords
【Re】 Let us fight fiercely
【Ce】 Let us fight fiercely
【Re・Ce】 Until one of us dies at sea
Notes: (クローザー) Closer- “In baseball, a closing pitcher, more frequently referred to as a closer, is a relief pitcher who specializes in getting the final outs in a close game when his team is leading.” [Wikipedia]
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facesbehindglass · 5 months
Casual doll collector. I barely know what I'm doing.
I want to collect at least 1 of each fashion doll brand. Especially early 2000's ones. There's plenty so I don't count knockoffs (unless they're really interesting....)
If you ever look for info like
-do X doll clothes fit Y doll
-doll id (try google lens first tho!)
-size comparisons
then feel free to poke me after checking the list below (cause you'll know what dolls I got)
If there are any dolls you find interesting and aren't on the list, share, I wanna see :3
(Also, personal posts are tagged as #rustyspots)
✓ Owned
🔜Will arrive soon
👁️‍🗨️ Have my eyes on them
Arabian Friends
✓ Barbie
✓ The Beatrix Girls
👁️‍🗨️Beauty Cuties
✓ BeKind Dolls
Be Fashion Academy
✓ BFF Crybabies
✓ Boxy Girls
✓ Bratz (but the tall ones lol)
✓ Bratzillaz
👁️‍🗨️Bratz Kidz
👁️‍🗨️ Bright Fairy Friends
👁️‍🗨️ Candyloks
Catwalk Kitties
✓ Cave Club
✓ Creatable World
Crush: Urban Energy
✓ Cutie Pops
👁️‍🗨️DC Super Hero Girls
✓ Decora Girlz
Defa Lucy
✓ Disney Descendants
✓ Diva Starz
✓ Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini
✓ Dream Seekers
✓ Enchantimals
👁️‍🗨️Ever After High
✓ FailFix
Fairy Tale High
✓ Famosa Club Hello Kitty
✓ Fidgie Friends
✓ Flavas
✓ Freckles & Friends
👁️‍🗨️The Fresh Dolls
Glitzeez ?
👁️‍🗨️ Glossy Bossy
👁️‍🗨️ Glo-Up girls
✓ Gorjuss
Gorgeous Creatures
✓ Hairdorables
👁️‍🗨️ Hairdorables Hairmazing
👁️‍🗨️ Hello Kitty and Friends
✓ Hi Glamm
iBesties (?)
Juku Couture
Just Grrls
👁️‍🗨️Kawaii Crush
👁️‍🗨️ Kindi Kids
👁️‍🗨️ Kurhn
👁️‍🗨️ Kuu Kuu Harajuku
✓ Lalaloopsy
✓ Lammily
✓ La Dee Da
✓ Licca
👁️‍🗨️Little Bebops
✓ Locksies
✓ LOL OMG Fierce
✓ LOL Tweens
✓ Lottie
👁️‍🗨️LPS Blythe
✓ Magic Mixies Pixlings
👁️‍🗨️Mermaid High
✓ Mermaze Mermaidz
👁️‍🗨️Mia by Hello Kitty
Miss Scouby
✓ Monster High Frightfully Tall
✓ Monster High G1 (LilSis, Medium, BigSis)
✓ Monster High G2
✓ Monster High G3
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Girls
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Teenz
👁️‍🗨️Myscene (any...)
✓ Myscene Fab Faces
✓ My Little Pony Equestria Girls
✓ Na! Na! Na! Surprise
Na! Na! Na! Surprise Teens
Naija Princess
✓ Nebulous Stars
✓ Novi Stars
✓ Once Upon A Zombie
✓ Pinkie Cooper
✓ Piny Doll (PinyPon)
Pixie Doodles
✓ Power Puff Girls Z
Precure Bandai (?)
👁️‍🗨️Prettie Girls Tween Scene
✓ Project Mc²
✓ Queens of Africa
✓ Rainbow High
✓ Rainbow High Junior
✓ Rainbow High My Runway Friend
✓ Regal Academy
Secret Jouju
✓ Shadow High
✓ Shibajuku Girls
👁️‍🗨️Shopkins Shoppies
✓ Sindy (Hasbro)
👁️‍🗨️Sindy (Pedigree)
✓ Snapstars
✓ Star Darlings
✓ Steffi Love
👁️‍🗨️Strawberry Shortcake
Style Bae
Sunny Day (?)
✓ Sweetyz
✓ Tattoo Divas
Twilight Teens
👁️‍🗨️Unique Eyes
We Teens
✓ What's Her Face
Wild Childz (?)
✓ Wild Hearts Crew
✓ WWE Superstars Wrestling
Vibe Girls
✓ VIP Hair Academy
Vi and Va
Yue Sai Wa Wa
Zeenie Dollz
👁️‍🗨️Zombie Girls
Side quest- Mini dolls? Chibi or kid-shaped
👁️‍🗨️Best Furry Friends
👁️‍🗨️Lady Lovely Locks
✓ Sparkle Girlz Little Sparkles
Dolls (or their remains) that are pretty much impossible to get but one can hope ;w;
-Country Kuttiez
-Trashion Alley
"Duplicates" I want anyway cause they're my grails:
-target exclusive Pinkie Pie EG
-failfix, the blondie one cuz shes smoler than the rest
-Novi Stars Doe A Deer
-Monster High Isi Dawndancer
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delaluna · 10 months
Engeki [nanou]
Please feel free to use these with due credit or to inform me of mistakes! The official lyrics are hyperlinked in the title.
Kanji, romaji, and notes under “Read More.”
Once upon a time, somebody told me That we all have a role to play We share what we’re lacking and, Making up for each other, live life in that way If that's the case, should my own blanks Not be filled in by somebody else? Can that "somebody" hear me?
Somebody told somebody else, (1) That this was their own role to play "I say these words out of love, For we all live life in that way” I was glad to see that joyful expression, So I desperately played my part, To the point of forgetting how to even breathe
My childhood backpack was carelessly thrown away In a back alley dumpster Since when did I get into the habit Of worrying about my surroundings even as I smiled? If I could have but a single wish Come true, what I would like Is for this absurd theater to be over
I've been living life the wrong way Now that my collar's been taken off, Where on Earth am I supposed to go? I simply wanted a certain sense of self God above, is this the price I am to pay? All of this, it’s all far too much
Well, never mind that, hurry up And put an end to it
或る時誰かが言いました みんな役割があるんだと 足りないものを分かち合って 補い合って生きていると それなら私の空白は 誰かが埋めてくれる筈で 聞こえますか その誰かさん aru toki dareka ga iimashita minna yakuwari ga arunda to tarinai mono o wakachi atte okinai atte ikite iru to sore nara watashi no kuuhaku wa dareka ga umete kureru hazu de kikoemasuka sono dareka-san
誰かが誰かに言いました 君の役割はこうだって 「これは愛故の言葉だ」と 「皆そうやって生きてる」と 喜ぶ顔が嬉しくって 必死で役を演じました 呼吸さえも忘れるほど dareka ga dareka ni iimashita kimi no yakuwari wa kou datte “kore wa ai yue no kotoba da” to “minna sou yatte ikiteru" to yorokobu koe ga ureshikute hisshi de yaku o enjimashita kokyuu sae mo wasureru hodo
路地裏のごみ置き場 雑に捨てられたランドセル 笑う時すら周りを気にする癖は いつからだったっけ もしも願いがただひとつだけ 叶うならば終わらせたいんだ この ふざけた演劇を rojiura no gomi okiba zatsu ni suterareta randoseru warau toki sura mawari o ki ni suru kuse wa itsu kara dattakke moshimo negai ni wa tada hitotsu dake kanau naraba owarasetainda kono fuzaketa engeki o
間違ったまま 生きてきたんだ 今更首輪を外されたって 一体何処へ行けばいいの ただ確かな 自分を欲した その代償がこれですか神様 全部酷過ぎるよ全部 もうういいからさ 早く 終わらせてよ machigatta mama ikitekitanda ima sara kubiwa o hazusaretatte ittai doko e ikeba ii no tada tashika na jibun o hoshita sono daishou ga kore desu ka kamisama zenbu hidosugiru yo zenbu mou ii kara sa hayaku owarasete yo
While the first line could technically be translated without a subject, that phrasing is what one would use to say somebody told them something. I thought it was interesting in conjunction with the line marked as (1), as the person this is being told to is still the same, and yet it has lost its self and just become a “somebody” now. 
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shookethdev · 1 year
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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sleptting · 1 year
hello :)
Hyoujun hensa inai no jinsei Hyoujou koroshite kusatta hinsei Hora hora kizukeba mata Tada tada sugiyuku hibi
Hyougen yoku mo hibon na sai mo Manzen to ikitecha nanmo nan nai no Yada yada atashi wa yada Nageke do kawaranu mama
Ukeire gatai shinjou wo nejikomu no ga ai nan da
Atashi wa JAKKUPOTTO SADDO GAARU Wakariaenu mama ten to sen de ENDOROORU egaku hibi no naka Dare ni mo ienai manma kakaeta omoi koso kachi ga arun da Sagashiteita kotae datte mirai mitai ni te no naka ni
Seiron bakka ja chootsumannai Jinsei wa isshu no JOOKU nan da HAROO HAROO ki no muku mama Sono oto naraseba hora
Seishin souba wa choofuantei Antei na saku to ka honto taikutsu sa Mite mite atashi no naka Kokoro no okusoko ni aru
Kuroku yodonda suisou ni utsuru no wa bishou datta
JAKKUPOTTO SADDO GAARU Wakariaezu tomo shin no zou no BIITO wo tsuyoku hibikasete Munebari seisei doudou shoumen toppa de machigaerun da Kakushimotta niawanai NAIFU itan yue no sai sentan
Hii fuu mii yoo Ii muu naa yaa
Nee sensei koko muhou chitai Anata iwaku sude ni sutarekareta anekumeene Kusaki haezu jinrui no sumenaku natta CHIIPU de KICCHU na shouwakusei
Nee sensei anata baka janai no Ima da tagiru kanjou wo shiranai no Korikatamatten nara obenkyou Koko de muku de muchi de mui na sanbi wo misetsukeru wa
Soredemo JAKKUPOTTO SADDO GAARU Wakariaeru ka na donna fuan mo taida mo mina kakaeta mama Dare ni mo ienai manma jibun no manma de kachiagarun da Sagashiteita kotae datte mirai mitai ni te no naka ni atta
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
Kiara Theron: Character Playlist
Since this is Polyglot day, I thought the perfect way to celebrate it would be to have a multilingual playlist! I have a feeling Kiara's taste in music would be eclectic and that she would probably use songs too when learning - or to better appreciate a known language. I will try to provide lyric translations wherever possible.
You can find it on Spotify here!
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Aïcha by Cheb Khaled (French/Arabic)
She said: "Keep your treasures
Me, I'm worth more than that.
Bars are still bars, even if made of gold.
I want the same rights as you
and respect for each day,
Me, I want only love."
In my HC, Kiara has both French and Moroccan ancestry. This song, which both French and Arabic lyrics, made me think immediately of her. Plus I do love that most of the song - which is from the man's perspective in trying to win the woman's affections - is in French, but the portion where he is his most honest and vulnerable is in Arabic.
Vivir Mi Vida by Marc Anthony (Spanish)
I’m going to live in the moment
To understand destiny
I’m going to listen in silence
To find the way
Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin (月亮代表我的心) by Teresa Teng (Mandarin)
You ask me how deep my love for you is,
How much I really love you…
My affection does not waver,
My love will not change.
The moon represents my heart.
Translations + meaning
99 Luftballons by Nena (German)
Ninety-nine years of war
Left no place for victors
There are no longer any ministers of war
And also no jet fighters
Today i'm making my rounds
I see the world lying in ruins
I have found a balloon
I think of you and let it fly
Translations + meaning
El Gamra by Bab l' Bluz (Darija)
I couldn't find lyric translations for this one, but a lot of the reviews for the song as well as the song description state this: “it praises the Moon and her restorative power, inviting all to party under the night sky charged by trancing guembri and rocking chaabi, by ecstatic harmonies and handclaps that come fast then faster still.”
In my HC, Hakim is the son of the Duchess of Castelserraillan and a man from the Gnawa community in Morocco, and this band uses a lot of influence from Gnawa music.
Musica È by Eros Ramazzotti (Italian)
Because a world without music
Cannot be imagined.
Because every heart
even the smallest
is a heartbeat of life and a love that
That is music...
Tu Me Regardes by Angèle (French)
Chess scares me
I was playing with the king, the queen took my heart
I've been thinking about it over and over again, I like you
I'll probably hide it from you, I like you
Harunohi by Aimyon (Japanese)
I want to see what future
is waving at us right now
My body tired from the daily grind
has been looking for a place to call home
Look, the sun is already setting
Whenever we remember the light of that day
we will realize what we truly treasure, right?
Opos Palia by Vasilis Karas (Greek)
Give me a cigarette and some fire
have a drink "to my health"
Like in the old neighborhood
Remind me again of my dreams
Ghalini Shway Shway by Oum Kulthum (Arabic)
Sing for me a little, a little
Sing for me, take my eyes
Make me sing a tune
that the audience sways for
and the branches flutter for
the narcissus with the jasmine
and travels with the caravans and traverses the deserts
A little, a little
One HC I had of Hakim, Kiara's father, is that he was a HUGE Umm Kulthum fan and would often dedicate Alf Layla Wa Layla (A Thousand and One Nights) to Joëlle.
Waymala - Iri Di (English/Amhiric)
It's not the beginning and end of the matter
Adapting yourself to the dance widen your borders
Claps and voices shifting
Stirring wonder
Divine laughters
All confined in a circle
(I couldn't get a translation for the verses in Amhiric, but I did find this quote from the artist on the song: “Humans create cycles, that’s what I’ve understood in life. Waymala means wait; it’s saying let’s wait for each other. Every word I’ve chosen in those lyrics is synonymous with circle. The way Hamer people dance is by making a circle of men and women on each side and people dance in the middle. When people join the circle gets bigger. When they leave it gets smaller. We’re moving to create balance. If you have cycles in your mind, everything we do is ritual. Cycles of our planet become visible.”)
Vellai Pookkal by A. R. Rahman (Tamil)
Let the white flowers blossom everywhere in the world
Let the dawning world dawn for peace
Let the yellow light fall above the earth
Let the flowers rise getting rid of the laziness
Let the child open their eyes in mother's warmth
Let the world awake in the first cute smile of the child
Tizita by Kibrom Birhane (Instrumental)
I ended the playlist with Ethiopian musician Kibrom Birhane's Tizita. It's a beautiful piece of Ethio-jazz music, and follows the Tezeta genre which is meant to evoke strong feelings of rememberence and regret in the listener.
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eyenaku · 1 year
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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kinzavskpop · 1 year
tagged by the lovely yue @aura-mp3​
three fav solo artists?
NADA (formerly of WA$$UP & unpretty rapstar)
five favourite bgs/ggs?
got7/svt (no I will not choose)
NCT Dream - best discography of NCT imo!!
twice (2 & 3 are interchangable depending on what year we’re talking about LMAO)
brown eyed girls
top 5 favourite mvs?
starting this list by saying I don’t usually watch the MVs I am a spotify or illegal streaming girlie
(g)i-dle - hwaa
ptg - do or not
youngjae - vibin
itzy - wannabe
svt - snap shoot but the mingyu version/spider - HOSHI
bonus: hot potato by N.Flying - they got a whole ass BOXING RING for a song about being a hot potato ok I have to mention them
top 3 leaders?
hui of pentagon - pentagon comeback WHEN!!!! also I will never forgive cube for firing dawn
bang chan of skz -  mY bOyS sPiTtIn' FaCtS tHeY lOcKeD aNd LoAdEd!!!!!!
soyeon of (g)i-dle - I love women who produce and also deal w shitty comapnies and still manage to produce absolute bangers <3
how many albums do you have?
0 bc I am: broke
do you share/have a birthday close to an idol?
changbin from skz is like 6 days older than me lol
fancy date w bias or at home date w bias wrecker?
fancy date are u joking I have to be looking my best just to measure up to their every day looks 
mvs or live performances?
both!! mvs are gorgeous and I love looking for lil easter eggs and editing tricks but also live performances have some of the best costuming
fav album + song of your current ult group?
fav album: I burn for sure. like as much as I love oh my god and lion, I burn has HANN, HWAA, moon, and dahlia. straight up BANGERS!!! AND the beginning of producer line
fav song: DAHLIA loml
fav album: semi colon my beloved
fav song: aju NICE *trumpet noises*
three fav maknaes?
yangyang - yue unlocked a WHOLE bunch of memories when she listed him so yes absolutely yangyang my little chaos bringer
wooseok (ptg) - JUST LOOK AT HIM. the literal definition of “I’m just a baby :( ... IM JUST A BABY >:(”
dino (svt) <3 
rap or vocal line?
depends on the group but I think majority of them I go w rap line 
what song got you into kpop?
HyunA - Ice Cream and The Boys - SNSD
current album you have on repeat?
I burn - (g)i-dle (unsurprisingly) and dawndididawn - DAWN
if you were in a kpop group, what positions would you have?
dancer for sure, ahjumma (or whatever the opposite of maknae is), language master of the group
tagging @jeongcake and @crispy-chan
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anti-solidcoffee · 4 months
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Finished the outfit for my first Yue Sai Wa Wa girl! I wanted to do a fun kind of skater punk look, and I found the perfect little skateboard for her that definitely fits the vibes
It isn't exactly the vision I had for it (esp bc you can't see her cool chain belt under it), but I still really like her
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pikahlua · 6 months
MHA Chapter 405 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 風は吹いた‼︎ かぜはふいた‼︎ kaze wa fuita!! The wind blew!!
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1 "ここ"じゃなかったのか…?ナイトアイ "koko" ja nakatta no ka...? NAITOAI Wasn't it "here"...? Nighteye
2 "ここ"だったよオールマイト "koko" datta yo OORU MAITO It was "here," All Might.
3 "ここ"が夢の終わりだった "ここ"がゆめのおわりだった "koko" ga yume no owari datta "Here" was the end of [your] dream.
tagline No.405 ラスボス‼︎ 堀越耕平 ナンバー405 ラスボス‼︎ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 405  RASU BOSU!!   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 405 Last Boss!!  Kouhei Horikoshi
4 運命が捻じ曲がったんだよ うんめいがねじまがったんだよ unmei ga nejimagattanda yo Fate was twisted.
5 たしかに君の夢は たしかにきみのゆめは tashika ni kimi no yume wa For certain, your dream
6 彼処で終わった あそこでおわった asoko de owatta ended over there.
7 そして soshite And then...
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1 約束が残った やくそくがのこった yakusoku ga nokotta [your] promise remained.
2 "先達は死して託す"と相場は決まってるのにな "せんだつはししてたくす"とそうばはきまってるのにな "sendatsu wa shi shite takusu" to souba wa kimatteru noni na Even though the price of "die and leave everything to my predecessor" was decided, huh? (Note: I think All Might is poking fun at Nighteye's business lingo here and saying something like "the speculating market price became fixed" by his decision to sacrifice himself.)
3 それは架空の話さ八木俊典 それはコミックのはなしさやぎとしのり sore wa KOMIKKU no hanashi sa Yagi Toshinori That's [something from] a comic book story, Toshinori Yagi.
4 幻覚に何を言わせてんだろうね私は げんかくになにをいわせてんだろうねわたしは genkaku ni nani wo iwasetendarou ne watashi wa Just what am I making these illusions say, I wonder?
5 ヒーローであり人間だもの ヒーローでありにんげんだもの HIIROO de ari ningen da mono [You] are a hero and a human being.
6 楽には死ねないさ らくにはしねないさ raku ni wa shinenai sa [You] can't die that easily.
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1 何だ⁉︎ なんだ⁉︎ nanda!? "What's that!?"
2 爆破の"個性"…⁉︎ ばくはの"こせい"…⁉︎ bakuha no "kosei"...!? "An explosion quirk...!?"
3 あれ…昔 敵連合にら致られた… あれ…むかし ヴィランれんごうにらちられた… are...mukashi VIRAN rengou ni rachirareta... "That's... A while ago, he was kidnapped by the League of Villains..."
4 名前何だっけ…体育祭で拘束されてた… なまえなんだっけ…たいいくさいでこうそくされてた… namae nandakke...taiikusai de kousoku sareteta... "What was his name... He was restrained at the sports festival..."
5 っで dde "Deh!" (Note: These are just funny noises they're making as they skid on the roof.)
6 だっ da "Dah!" (Note: These are just funny noises they're making as they skid on the roof.)
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1 バクゴー‼︎ BAKUGOO!! "Bakugou!!"
2 ハア…! HAA...! "Haah...!" (Note: This is a heavy breathing noise.)
3 ハア…! HAA…! "Haah...!" (Note: This is a heavy breathing noise.)
4 爆豪…少年!大丈夫か…⁉︎ ばくごう…しょうねん!だいじょうぶか…⁉︎ "Young...Bakugou! Are you okay...!?"
5 こっちの台詞じゃ! こっちのせりふじゃ! kocchi no serifu ja! "Ain't that my line?!"
6 ヨボヨボのジイさんがよ YOBOYOBO no JII-san ga yo "You senile old man!"
7 ボッ BO "Ble-"
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1 こっちの…台詞でもあるんだ…が⁉︎ こっちの…せりふでもあるんだ…が⁉︎ kocchi no...serifu demo arunda...ga!? "But...that's also...my line too!?"
2 ヨボボボボボ YOBOBOBOBOBO "Bleghhh!" (Note: I think this is just a funny throwing up sound effect.)
3 エッジショット⁉︎ EJJISHOTTO!? "Edgeshot!?"
4 中に溜まった血を吐かせた…少しは楽になったか…? なかにたまったちをはかせた…すこしはらくになったか…? naka ni tamatta chi wo hakaseta...sukoshi wa raku ni natta ka...? "I made you vomit out the blood that collected inside you...do you feel any better...?"
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1 各臓器折れた骨… かくぞうきおれたほね… kakuzouki oreta hone... "For each of your organs and broken bones..."
2 俺の体で おれのからだで ore no karada de "using my body"
3 秘伝袴田流もやい結びを施した故 ひでんはかまだりゅうもやいむすびをほどこしたゆえ hiden Hakamada-ryuu moyai musubi wo hodokoshita yue "I made the secret Hakamada-style bowline knot, so that"
4 まず綻ぶことはない…! まずほころぶことはない…! mazu hokorobu koto wa nai...! "above all, they won't collapse...!"
5 だが…一息が地獄の痛みの筈だ だが…ひといきがじごくのいたみのはずだ daga...hitoiki ga jigoku no itami no hazu da "But...every breath must be like pain from hell."
6 動いていい身体じゃない…! うごいていいからだじゃない…! ugoite ii karada ja nai...! "It's not a body that's okay to move...!"
7 わーってる waatteru "I get it."
8 生かしてくれて いかしてくれて ikashite kurete "For keeping me alive"
9 ありがとう先輩 ありがとうせんぱい arigatou senpai "thank you, senpai." (Note: If you don't know, "senpai" is how one addresses their senior coworker or upperclassman in Japan.)
10 …俺は… …おれは… ...ore wa... "...I..."
11 繋いだだけだ つないだだけだ tsunaida dake da literal. "merely connected it." context. "merely tied you back together."
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1 心肺を強制的に動かし続けてはいたが しんぱいをきょうせいてきにうごかしつづけてはいたが shinpai wo kyouseiteki ni ugokashi tsudzukete wa ita ga "Although I continued to force your heart and lungs to work,"
2 意識が戻らなかった いしきがもどらなかった ishiki ga modoranakatta "you did not regain consciousness."
3 忍法千枚通し"極"は にんぽうせんまいどおし"きょく"は ninpou senmai dooshi "kyoku" wa "Ninpou Thousand-Sheet Pierce 'Zenith'"
4 自身の生命活動を削る姿 じしんのせいめいかつどうをけずるすがた jishin no seimei katsudou wo kezuru sugata "takes the form of whittling down my own biological activities."
5 限界を迎えーー… げんかいをむかえーー… genkai wo mukae--... "As I reached my limit--..."
6 "自分"か"爆豪"を天秤に掛けざるを得なくなった頃 "じぶん"か"ばくごう"をてんびんにかけざるをえなくなったころ "jibun" ka "Bakugou" wo tenbin ni kakesaru wo enakunatta koro "when I was forced to weigh both me and Bakugou in the balance,"
7 血流に乗り けつりゅうにのり ketsuryuu ni nori "[something] riding in your bloodstream"
8 流れてきた ながれてきた nagarete kita "started to flow through."
9 それは sore wa "That [thing I saw] was"
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1 "死"の直前爆豪の全身から溢れ出ていた "し"のちょくぜんばくごうのぜんしんからあふれでていた "shi" no chokuzen Bakugou no zenshin kara afure dete ita "overflowing from Bakugou's entire body just before his 'death.'"
2 小さな汗の玉 ちいさなあせのたま chiisa na ase no tama "A small bead of sweat."
3 俺は… おれは… ore wa... "I
4 繋いだだけだ つないいだだけだ tsunaida dake da "merely tied you back together."
5 "目覚めさせた"のは "めざめさせた"のは "mezamesaseta" no wa "What awakened you was"
6 お前が磨いてきた"個性"だ おまえがみがいてきた"ちから"だ omae ga migaite kita "chikara (kanji: kosei)" da "the power (read as: quirk) that you've honed."
7 つーか状況的にAFOだと思ったら何だあの光るチビブッとばす つーかじょうきょうてきにオール・フォー・ワンだとおもったらなんだあのひかるチビブッとばす tsuu ka jyoukyouteki ni OORU FOO WAN da to omottara nanda ano hikaru CHIBI BUttobasu "Anyways, because of the situation I thought that was All For One, but what's that glowing runt I bum-rushed*?" (*Note: Literally he says "rushed at/attacked/blew away [his arms]." I tried to add slang and emphasis to the word with "bum-rush" because Katsuki uses the BU- prefix.)
8 AFOだよ少年 オール・フォー・ワンだよしょうねん OORU FOO WAN da yo shounen "It is All For One, young man."
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1 手を てを te wo "[Give me] your hand."
small text "凝血"で動けない "ぎょうけつ"でうごけない "gyouketsu" de ugokenai "I can't move due to Bloodcurdle."
2 もう機能は失っているが… もうきのうはうしなっているが… mou kinou wa ushinatte iru ga... "Although it's already lost its functionality..."
3 添え木くらいにはなる そえぎくらいにはなる soegi kurai ni wa naru "it'll be like a splint."
4 "大・爆・殺・神 "だい・ばく・さっ・しん "dai baku sas shin "Great Explosion Murder God"
5 ダイナマイト" DAINAMAITO" "Dynamight." (Note: The quotation marks denote that this is the name of the gauntlet, not that All Might is merely saying Katsuki's hero name.)
6 こんなものしか…与えてやれないが… こんなものしか…あたえてやれないが… konna mono shika...ataete yarenai ga... "This is the thing...I can give you..."
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1 ……いや…後回しだ!ここまできたらOFAを先に頂く‼︎ ……いや…あとまわしだ!ここまできたらおとうとをさきにいただく‼︎ ......iya...ato mawashi da! koko made kitara otouto (kanji: OFA) wo saki ni itadaku!! ......No...postpone that! If I've gotten to this point, I'll take my little brother (read as: One For All) first!!
2 その為に弔の強すぎる精神を完全に乗っ取らねば! そのためにとむらのつよすぎるせいしんをかんぜんにのっとらねば! sono tame ni Tomura no tsuyo sugiru seishin wo kanzen ni nottoraneba! To do that, I have to completely take over Tomura's overly strong spirit!
3 "本体"自身の"個性"を弔に"与え"なければ…! "ぼく"じしんの"こせい"をとむらに"あたえ"なければ…! "boku (kanji: hontai)" jishin no "kosei" wo Tomura ni "atae" nakereba...! I have to give Tomura the quirk from my main body...!
4-5 そもそも向こうの"精神"が主導権を握れていれば…! そもそもむこうの"ぼく"がしゅどうけんをにぎれていれば…! somosomo mukou no "boku (kanji: seishin)" ga shudouken wo nigirete ireba...! If only the me (read as: spirit) over there had seized control in the first place...!
6 腸が煮えくり返る…! はらわたがにえくりかえる…! harawata ga niekurikaeru...! My insides* are boiling over...! (*Note: Literally, this word means "intestines.")
7 何故こうもーー なぜこうもーー naze kou mo-- Why--
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1 歯車が狂う⁉︎ はぐるまがくるう⁉︎ haguruma ga kuruu!? is everything going so awry like this!? (Note: This idiom literally reads as "Why are the gears going amiss!?")
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1 俺がラスボスだAFO‼︎ おれがラスボスだオール・フォー・ワン‼︎ ore ga RASUBOSU da OORU FOO WAN!! "I'm the final boss, All For One!!"
2-3 風は僕に吹いていた筈だ‼︎ かぜはぼくにふいていたはずだ‼︎ kaze wa boku ni fuite ita hazu da!! Literal. The wind should have been blowing to me!! Context. The wind should have been blowing my way!!
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tagline 繋がれた一撃‼︎ つながれたいちげき‼︎ tsunagareta ichigeki!! One blow lands!!
1 OFAに拭えねーもんは あいつにぬぐえねーもんは aitsu (kanji: OFA) ni nuguenee mon wa "What he (read as: One For All) can't handle..."
2 こっちで拭うってなぁああ!!! こっちでぬぐうってなぁああ!!! kocchi de nuguu tte naaaa!!! "I'll handle right here!!!" (Note: This line is a callback to the words Katsuki spoke in his apology to Izuku in chapter 322.)
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moonxsuncelestials · 2 years
What if I want to be Yours? (Part 2)
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He was chilling out in Persephone’s garden, petting some of the flowers as he helped tend to them. It wasn’t anything new, Yun could usually be found here whenever he felt a bit melancholy or just wanted to be alone with his thoughts. And they have been lately about a certain redheaded demon lord that just made him feel what he has denied himself for the last one thousand years. Beelzebub just has always been able to get him comfortable, make him feel safe and secure, woo him-it had scared him in the beginning, Yun won’t lie.
But now? After what has felt longer than the mere five hundred years of them getting closer, becoming best friends? It was like he found his home, where he belonged. His uncle, Emperor Sai Gong, suggested that he live in Hell a few years ago; just after one of his many visits to also check on Garnet who was expecting. 
And it was very tempting.
After all, Yun has lately felt like he didn’t belong in the Oasis anymore. Yue would be marrying Jasper before long, thus his soon to be brother-in-law becomes the new king. Yes, Yun acknowledged that he’s likely being envious of how Yue was able to move on from what the bastard pharaoh had done. She was now a mother to four beautiful children, one happens to also now be a teenager, has Jasper who is a demigod and loves his sister deeply; she rules whilst he’s always in Shadow Pass. 
He is if anything, nothing more than the Guardian and it was eating away at him because he didn’t want to hurt Yue again. That is an event he’d rather not relive, thanks, or have that bitch of a rui shi twist it to fit her agenda. 
One of the flowers, ironically an Angel’s Trumpet, moved to suckle on his claw which pulled him out of his spiral and caused him to look at it.
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 “You guys just don’t want me to leave do you?” He asked softly with a chuckle as he felt the rest of the garden coo and vibrate under his feet. It was funny how Yue could hear the souls that cried for the light, that cried for help; yet she couldn’t hear the gardens’ voice in the Underworld. Perhaps because as much as Yue loves their parents, Yun just always felt more at ease down here. Then again, Mother Hell herself as well as the Fates said that the Underworld was as every part of him as Hell itself.
The gardens cooed under his feet as they whispered like always ever so faintly, ‘Stay. Stay forever with us, Prince of the Underworld.’ 
“I can’t just abandon Castle like that.” He replied softly as he felt a thornless rose press it’s petals against his horns causing him to shiver with delight. How many nights has he imagined Beelzebub’s hand stroking him, placing him that wondrous headspace of being just calm and happy? And saying the phrase that sent him to seeing stars? 
The ringing of his phone snapped him out of the trance that garden was attempting to pull, and answered in a rather flustered manner. “Hello? Beelze-ah no, just tending to Mama’s garden.” He chuckled nervously as he gently swatted the rose away from him. “Eh? No no, I’m fine!” Shit his tone was going to give it way! “Er, yeah seriously, I’m good. The flowers are just whispering for me to stay.” Gods he felt his face heat up at hearing his best friend’s voice. That damn twang that drove most up the walls was comforting and it was rather fun to listen to his idioms; he smiled softly before his face became a brighter red. 
Right. Movie night was coming. “I’m up for it. The boys had plans and Yue I think has some involving Papa. Huh? Oh no no, Hydra is staying with Castle back at the Oasis.” Yun’s voice was softer almost timid as he noticed the questions were starting to sound a lot like how Jasper was in courting his sister. And then came the question that had his heart pounding. 
“Do ya wanna have dinner at Chateau mon Amor before our movie? I…I really need to talk to ya, Starfire and it can’t be said over the phone.”
Chateau mon Amor! Beelzebub’s first fine dining restaurant that he had worked so hard on! Oh Gods Yun was on cloud nine! Ah!! Shit okay okay okay don’t be like that bird in that series with the imp!!! Which he must have been looking like at the moment with his own wings flapping behind him. 
“Starfire? Baby you there?” 
“Yes!” His voice got a little higher and he cursed as he swore Beelzebub was smiling. “Uh, yes on dinner and…I need to talk to you too, Baby Daddy.” He replied while trying to hide that timid tone he just noticed. Why now? Why now am I getting all stupid twitterpated?! He wanted to roar and just go destroying something but he felt the vines wrap around his waist causing him to gasp. “No no, I’m fine! Mama’s vines are just being bad that’s all.” Out of all the times those naughty vines decided to pull that stunt it was now.
Making their arrangement and hanging up, Yun shot a look at them. “You know better than to do that, especially when I’m talking to him.”  The vines though were rather persistent little buggers. “...I hate you.” He grumbled at the vines.
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innerpalaces · 2 days
CHAPTER 173: Old Friends Reunited
Li Weiyang's carriage stopped at the outskirts of the city, and she saw a large nunnery among the lush trees. The red walls were covered with green leaves, making it appear somewhat solemn and mysterious. Looking up, there was a plaque hanging high above the nunnery, with the words "Qingxin Nunnery" written on it. There were several female nuns cleaning in front of the building. One of them, an old nun who seemed to be in charge, was directing them. When she saw a carriage coming, she approached them.
The old nun's eyes fell on Zhao Yue, and she nodded: "The benefactor is——"
Zhao Yue was about to speak, but Li Wei Yang had already walked up and said: "We are here to offer incense."
The old nun nodded and said: "Benefactor, please wait a moment." After saying that, she walked into the nunnery, and not long after, a middle-aged nun came out. The middle-aged nun smiled and said: "This benefactor, please excuse us, but there is a distinguished guest staying in the nunnery, so it is not convenient to receive outsiders. There are other nunneries not far ahead."
Li Wei Yang smiled and said: "Mistress, I know who the distinguished guest in your nunnery is, and I'm here to visit her. Please inform her."
The middle-aged nun hesitated for a moment and said: "Benefactor, this... is really inappropriate. This distinguished guest has been in my nunnery for half a year and has never been willing to receive guests. You'd better go back."
Zhao Yue frowned, but Li Wei Yang's smile was warm: "Mistress, please do not misunderstand. I have no other intentions, it is just that I have an old friendship with this esteemed guest. I passed by and heard that she was practicing here, so I came here to visit. Please pass her a message and let her know I'm here."
The middle-aged nun just frowned, still not seeming happy. Li Wei Yang took a step forward and put a gold ingot into her hand. The nun was surprised. Li Wei Yang laughed softly and said: "Ask her one question for me: After she went to Yuexi, does the promise still count? It's just a small matter, don't you think?"
The middle-aged nun laughed and said, "Alright, then I'll first invite Benefactor to go in and wait."
Li Weiyang entered the abbey and walked around the back of the Maitreya Buddha shrine and up the wide steps. The Buddhist hall was very gorgeous, with incense and candles already lit. There were dozens of nuns wearing cassocks, ringing bells and beating drums. The middle-aged nun smiled and said: "I'll go ask her. Benefactor, please pay your respects to Buddha."
The middle-aged nun went straight away. Li Wei Yang took a look at the abbey. A nun who was chanting sutras came to greet her. Seeing her interest, she curiously said: "I wonder where the benefactor came from?"
Li Wei Yang smiled and had no intention of answering, which made her even more curious. However, Li Wei Yang had already started looking around the nunnery. The Yuexi Dynasty followed the old imperial system of Daxing in the previous dynasty. All the sons of the emperor were to be crowned Grand Princes.
 (t/n: As mentioned before, there are different ranks of prince.  "亲王" (Qin Wang) translated as "Prince of the First Rank" or "Grand Prince" is the highest rank of prince aside from Crown Prince. Typically, an emperor's sons would only be given the rank of "郡王" (Jun Wang) which is a second-rank prince title, while only a favored prince or a prince who had made great contributions to the empire would be made a Qin Wang, as was the case with the Dali Emperor making Tuoba Yu a Qin Wang at his wedding in Chapter 165. In Yuexi, however, all of the emperor's sons are given the rank of Qin Wang.)
The eldest son and grandson of the Grand Prince were given the title of "Prince Heir" (t/n: literally "世子" (shizi), meaning "heir son", refers to the heir apparent to a Qin Wang) when they were ten years old. They were the successors to the Grand Princes and this rank was hereditary from generation to generation. It is said that during the Daxing Dynasty, a total of thirty Grand Princes' palaces were established in Yuexi. Except for those who had no sons or had their titles stripped due to crimes, the other Grand Princes passed on their titles until the demise of the entire dynasty, and a total of 97 Grand Princes were canonized. Forty-five of the ninety-seven Grand Princes built tombs, all located near their respective palaces, leaving behind large and complete cemeteries. The tombs of various Grand Princes were mostly built in the mountainous areas near the suburbs of the capital. They were built with the mountains without any set rules, but they were all extremely luxurious and spectacular. After the fall of the Daxing Dynasty, having so many tombs became a big problem because the buildings in the tomb area are all green tile stone walls carved with dragons and phoenixes, which are forbidden items for the common people. In addition, the tomb is unlucky. Not to mention the nobility, even the ordinary wealthy people are unwilling to buy it, so they could only leave it like this.
In this situation, the approach of the Dali Dynasty would be to frantically destroy all the tombs left by the previous dynasty, tear them down and rebuild them, in order to eliminate the royal aura of the previous dynasty. However, the Emperor of Yuexi ordered that all mausoleums be converted into Buddhist temples and nunneries, and they had to pay heavy taxes to the state, which was completely different from the Dali treatment of monks and nuns. Just like the temple called Taiping Temple that Li Wei Yang passed just now, people from hundreds of miles around came to burn incense and pray for blessings. Even the stone pavement left deep ruts, which showed that the incense ceremony was really prosperous and the treasury must also be enriched. The same is true for the nunnery she is in. Not only is the appearance very luxurious, but the interior furnishings are also very exquisite.
After a while, the nun came to invite Li Wei Yang in with a bit of surprise on her face: "My lady, please come in." When Li Wei Yang walked in front, the nun immediately returned the original gold ingot to Zhao Yue. Zhao Yue was slightly surprised, but the nun smiled and said: "I didn't know that your master and the princess were old friends before. I'm very sorry, please forgive me."
In fact, it wasn't really her fault. After moving into the nunnery, that woman never wanted to see anyone. Even the imperial princesses were turned away... And this visitor was beautiful, with a calm and elegant temperament. She seemed to come from a noble background, and the nun was under the impression that she was here to social climb. However, after hearing those words, Princess Yongning's expression changed and she immediately told her to invite this person in. The identity of this visitor was very special. But what kind of identity can make the majestic Eldest Princess of Dali show that look...
Li Wei Yang walked all the way into the courtyard behind the nunnery. The landscape was even more luxurious than the front. The courtyard simulated the three fairy mountains of Penglai, Yingzhou, and Abbot with artificial landscapes, making it seem like a paradise. Li Wei Yang smiled, she was truely an imperial princess, still so lavish even when she came out to do spiritual cultivation.
Soon, she saw her old friend — Princess Yongning. But this time, her clothes were no longer gorgeous, but simple and unadorned, as if she had already delved deeply into Buddhism, and her face was indifferent. When she saw Li Wei Yang, she called herself "poor nun" and only called her "Benefactor".
Li Wei Yang laughed, but there was something indescribable in that smile.
"Your Highness looks good. How are you doing recently?" Li Wei Yang said gently.
Princess Yongning looked at her, smiled and said, "What's wrong with a poor nun cultivating her character here? Why has Benefactor come to Yuexi?"
The maid on the side poured tea for Li Wei Yang. Li Wei Yang lowered her head and took a look. The top-quality green tea leaves showed that the princess was still living a very comfortable life here. She said lightly: "I, of course, have my own intentions. "
Princess Yongning frowned slightly and said, "This poor nun doesn't understand."
She was a dignified princess, but she often said the word "poor nun", which made Li Wei Yang shake her head and say: "His Majesty has already appointed the Eighth Prince as the crown prince."
Hearing this, Princess Yongning didn't speak for half a moment. After a long time, she said: "I should have expected that. My father has always liked Concubine Rou so much, but suddenly abandoned her. So whether it is the third brother or the seventh brother, they're just making a wedding dress for someone else." (t/n: a chinese idiom that means doing all the work only for someone else to get the benefits.) At this moment, she had changed her tone. She no longer called herself a nun, but sounded like a member of the imperial family, which showed that her mood was extremely complicated.
Li Wei Yang smiled slightly and said: "In fact, the upper echelons of Yuexi should already know this news. Why is it that after so long, your highness is still unaware?"
Princess Yongning sighed and said: "I am just the living dead now, who would come here to tell me this news?"
Li Wei Yang glanced at her, half-smiling, and said: "Why did the princess come here?"
Princess Yongning said calmly: "I came to fast to atone for my sins in this life and hope to live a better life in the next."
Li Wei Yang heard this and was surprised: "Your Highness has donated money and done many good deeds in the past, so why is she guilty?"
Princess Yongning sneered: "Everyone in the world has sinned. If you want to cultivate a beautiful afterlife, you must constantly atone for your sins - Anping, you are also a person with an ill fate.I advise you to cultivate the Buddha's heart and not overthink things. If you have nothing else to do, you can also stay and accompany me to pray for the next life."
Li Wei Yang suddenly laughed.
Yongning looked at her strangely: "Why are you laughing?"
Li Wei Yang said in a calm tone: "The next life? I am a blind person, I only recognize this life. If I can't live happily in this life, why do I want to live in the next life?"
Princess Yongning said displeasedly: "What are you saying? I mean it sincerely——"
"Sincerely? If the princess really cultivates Buddhism, she should disperse her servants, scatter all her wealth, and shed all her worldly worries. Look at you now. All your food and clothing expenses are a princess's. How is this called practicing Buddhism? I'm afraid the princess' thoughts are on Buddhism, but her heart is outside!" Li Wei Yang said indifferently.
Her eyes were as gentle as water, but Yongning felt that they were like a beam of bright light, shining directly into her heart. She gritted her teeth and said, "Every person's way is different. I can't persuade you, and you can't persuade me."
Li Wei Yang smiled and said: "Princess, you came here not to practice Buddhism, but to hide in peace, right?"
Princess Yongning's expression changed greatly, and she threw her tea cup heavily on the ground. The sapphire cup cracked into pieces, frightening the maids in the room. They all knelt down on the ground in fear. Princess Yongning said angrily: "Anping, how dare you be so rude!?"
Li Wei Yang smirked: "Are you asking as a princess or as a nun? If you are still a princess, then I will naturally apologize to you, because I was indeed disrespectful first, but if you are a nun you should tolerate the sins of an ordinary person like me."
Princess Yongning turned pale with anger and was embarrassed for a long time without saying a word. Indeed, if she said she was Princess Yongning, Li Wei Yang should naturally admit her mistake, but if she said she was a nun, why should Li Wei Yang admit her mistake? She stared at Li Wei Yang for a long time, but the other party didn't seem to care at all. She couldn't help but feel angry to death. After a long time, she slowly calmed down, waved her hand and said to the maids: "Forget it, you can go out first."
The maids looked at each other in confusion. After all this, the guest was not kicked out. Instead, the princess seemed to want to talk to her alone. Why is this? However, no one dared to speak, and they all quietly retreated.
Yongning looked at Li Wei Yang and sighed, like a defeated rooster, losing the aloofness and indifference she had just pretended to have: "Anping, why are you laughing at me like this? Do you know what I went through when I arrived in Yuexi?"
Li Wei Yang looked at her and said: "I would like to hear the details."
Princess Yongning took a deep breath and said: "I didn't know until I arrived that Grand Prince Yan had already married four beautiful side princesses, all of whom came from famous families in Yuexi. They were all young, beautiful and powerful. During the first two months I still thought about cleaning up the backyard and restoring the proper order, but later I found out that although these people followed protocol to greet me every day, in their eyes, I was just an old waste that no one cared about. One of the secondary wives was even more formidable. She relied on that bastard's favor to make things difficult for me at all times. In addition, I am the Princess of Dali and yet I have no contact with the other princesses. I was gradually being ostracized by the entire imperial family... It's not that I don't want to stay there, it's that there is no way to stay."
Li Wei Yang smiled and said: "Princess, is this all?"
Princess Yongning gritted her teeth and said: "If it was only these, then it would be fine. But after that bastard came back from Dali, for some reason, he couldn't touch women for a while. I thought he had finally cultivated his moral character. Who knew that I later found out that he was impotent? After that, he went around looking for medicine and finally found a secret recipe to cure his illness. From then on, he became worse and more shameless. I can tolerate him no matter what he does outside, as long as he doesn't disrespect my position. But who would have thought that he actually took a fancy to one of my closest maids and insisted on taking her as his concubine. She came to me crying and complained, and I made a scene. He superficially agreed, but behind my back he actually hated and plotted against that maid. While I was away, he sent her out to entertain guests. She followed me from the age of eleven for eight years. How could she endure such humiliation? She threw herself into a well that night."
Princess Yongning's so-called 'entertain' is not simply greeting guests. Li Wei Yang has long heard that the Yuexi imperial family's extravagant and hedonistic style is even worse than that of Dali, and their methods of playing with each other were very astonishing. One of them is to present the beautiful maids in the house to the guests to win them over and have fun. Some lucky women will be chosen by nobles and taken back to become concubines, but most will become household prostitutes, who would go over and over again to receive new guests. But this kind of woman is usually a maid of low origin or a courtesan bought from outside. But sending the imperial consort's court lady out to entertain guests is really ridiculous. It is simply a deliberate revenge. It shows what a narrow-minded person Yuan Yu is.
Li Wei Yang's eyes were clear without any shadow. They were childlike and innocent, but they also had a sharp and heart-devouring power: "Your Highness would not break up with King Yan just because of that female official."
Yongning paused for a long time before continuing: "The next day when I heard about this, I was very angry. I went to demand and explanation from him, and there was an unintentional fight—" Her voice became lower and lower until it was almost inaudible, "I fell down the stairs, and at that moment, I saw red... It turned out I was pregnant and the fetus was male, already starting to form... If he had been born, he would have called me mother by now..."
Yongning's voice was very gentle, and there was not even a single fluctuation in her tone. She spoke in an understatement, as if this was a very common thing. However, there seemed to be an overwhelming hatred within her voice, as if this were the calm before the arrival of a monstrous waves.
Li Wei Yang sighed: "The princess is really kind-hearted. If it were me, I couldn't forgive His Highness Grand Prince Yan for such a thing."
Yongning sneered, as if she had heard the most ridiculous thing in the world: "Forgive him? I can't wait to devour his flesh and blood to pay for my child's life!"
Li Wei Yang smiled slightly: "In that case, what is the princess doing here?"
Yongning violently ripped off the beads in her hand. Li Wei Yang only heard the sound of them clattering all over the floor. Princess Yongning's eyes showed a hint of ferocity: "What do you think I am doing here! If I could avenge my child, would I still need  to be a living corpse here?!"
Li Wei Yang looked at the plum blossom in the bead vase at the side: "So, the princess is not here to cultivate, but to escape. Watching her enemy spending time drinking and being extravagant, the princess will naturally feel uncomfortable."
Yongning's heart was in extreme pain, but she smiled and said: "Of course it's uncomfortable. If I were still in Dali, I would have asked my father to kill him. I would rather be a widow again than see that shameless face!"
Li Wei Yang smiled faintly: "The matter has come to an end, there is no point in talking more. Since the princess is here to cultivate, Wei Yang will not disturb her." As she said that, she stood up.
Princess Yongning didn't expect her to leave suddenly, so she couldn't help but look at her in surprise. Li Wei Yang smiled as usual and said: "See you again when we are destined."
Yongning watched Li Wei Yang walk out without any hesitation. Abruptly she came to her senses and stood up from the chair, shouting: "Stop!" However, Li Wei Yang continued to walk out without looking back. Princess Yongning hurriedly chased after her. She accidentally knocked over the table on one side and mistakenly dropped the white jade Guanyin on the Buddhist altar, which was more than a foot tall, on the ground. The mutton-fat white jade was broken into several pieces. There was a loud crashing noise. However, Yongning didn't even look at the white jade statue, and quickly stopped Li Wei Yang: "Anping, you came here to ask for my help, right? Then why didn't you ask me?"
Li Wei Yang smiled and said: "No, I have nothing to ask for from your highness."
Yongning's eyes suddenly became fierce, like a wild beast that had been deprived of food. She clenched her teeth for a moment, and finally made up her mind: "Fine, no matter what you want me to do, I will help you. But, I want Yuan Yu's life! Can you do it for me?"
Whoever speaks first will be at a disadvantage in this transaction, and what Li Wei Yang wants is absolute dominance. The reason why she talked so much to Princess Yongning is also for this point. Li Wei Yang laughed and said: "I hope the princess will not regret in the future."
Yongning sneered and said: "If you had tasted my pain, you'd know whether I will regret!"
Li Wei Yang sighed and said: "Princess, please believe me, I will help you, but you must listen to me."
Looking into those bottomless black eyes, Princess Yongning trembled. At this moment, she suddenly had the illusion of selling her soul. However, thinking of her child and the pain of suffering day and night, she solemnly nodded.
Li Wei Yang smiled and said: "Then please pack your bags and return to Prince Yan's Mansion as soon as possible. I will come to you when the time is right."
In Yuexi, Princess Yongning was naturally not as comfortable as in Dali, but the imperial family in Yuexi still had to worry about her identity. As long as the Emperor of Dali reigned, he would guarantee his daughter's position as Princess Yan. Therefore, Yuan Yu did not dare to fall out with Yongning directly. He only dared to use various dirty methods to torture her to vent his resentment for being forced to marry her. He dared not retaliate against the Emperor because of his hatred, but only dared to take it out on women. This kind of man was simply extremely filthy.
Princess Yongning was a little uneasy: "You...are you really going to help me take revenge?"
Li Wei Yang smiled, gently held her hand and said: "Princess, I want Yuan Yu to die more than you do, please believe me."
The hands were cold but very powerful. Princess Yongning had seen Li Wei Yang's cruelty. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you."
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favourite anime and anime characters part 1
7 Seeds- Natsu Iwashimizu 
7th Time Loop- Rishe Irmgard Weltzner 
11Eyes-Yuka Minase, Kakeru Satsuki
16bit Sensation-Konoha Akisato 
22/7-Sakura Fujima
30-sai No Hoken Taiiku-Natsu Andou 
86-Vladilena Milize
91 Days
100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams- The Heroine 
.Hack- Tabby[.Hack//Roots]
A Certain Magical Index/Scientific Railgun- Index, Mikoto Misaka
A Channel-Tooru Ichii
A Couple of Cuckoos-Hiro Segawa 
A Dark Rabbut Has Seven Lives-Saitohimea/Himea Saito 
A Destructive God Sits Next to Me- Kotoko Sumiso 
A Galaxy Next Door-Shiori Goshiki 
A Girl & Her Guard Dog- Isaku Senagaki
A Good Librarian Like A Good Shepard-Tsugumi Shirasaki
A Herbavorous Dragon of 5000 Years Get Unfairly Villainized-Reiko 
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar  
A Place Further Than The Universe-Shirase Kobuchizawa 
A Playthrough of a Certain Dude’s VRMMO Life
A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special 
A Sign of Affection-Yuki Itose
A Sister’s All You Need- Nayuta Kani
A Town Where You Live-Asuka Mishima
Absolute Duo-Julie Sigtuna
ACCA-Lotta Otus
Accel World- Kuroyukihime
Acchi Kocchi-Tsumiki Miniwa
Ace Attorney-Mayoi Ayasato/Maya Fey
Ace Of Diamond
Acendance of a Bookworm 
Action Heroine Cheer Fruits-Ann Akagi
Active Raid-Asami Kazari
Adachi and Shimamura-Sakura Adachi, Hougetsu Shimamura 
Aesthetica Of A Rogue Hero-Miu "Myuu" Ousawa
African Office Worker 
Afterlost- Yuki 
After School Dice Club-Aya Takayashiki 
Agatha Christie’s Great Detectives Poirot and Marple 
Age 12
Ah My Buddha-Chitose Nanbu
Ah Harimanada
Ah My Goddess-Belldandy
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai- Reina Aharen 
Ahiru no Sora-Noa Nanao
Aho Girl-Yoshiko Hanabatake
Aguu- Ai
Ai Mai Mi
Ai Yori Aoshi 
Aikatsu- Mizuki Kanzaki, Sumire Hikami Koharu Nanakura(Aikatsu Stars), Mio Minato(Aikatsu Friends) 
A.I.C.O- Aiko Tachibana 
Air Gear
Air Master-Mina Nakanotani
Ajin-Izumi Shimomura 
Aishiteruze Baby 
Akame Ga Kill- Sheele 
Akaneiro Ni Somaru Saka-Minato Nagase 
Akashic Records of a Bastard Magic Instructor-Rumia Tingel 
Akatsuki No Yona-Yona
Akazukin Chacha
AKB0048-Nagisa Motomiya 
Akebi’s Salior Uniform-Komichi Akebi 
Akiba Maid War-Nagomi Wahira 
Akiba’s Trip The Animation-Arisa Ahokainen
Akikan- Najimi Tenkuji 
Akkun to Kanojo 
Akudama Drive-Ordinary Person/Swindler 
Alderamin On The Sky-Haroma Becker 
Aldnoah.Zero-Asseylum Vers Allusia 
All Out-Umeno Hoakari
All Saints Street 
Alice and Zouroku 
Alice Gear Aegis-Yotsuyu Hirasaka
Alice to Alice 
Allison And Lillia-Lillia
Am I Actually the Strongest-Flay 
Amaim Warrior at the Borderline- Shion Shishibe
Amai Choubatsu
Amagi Brilliant Park- Isuzu Sento
Amanchu-Hikari ‘Pikari” Kohinata
Ambition Of Oda Nobuna- Oda Nobuna 
Amnesia- Shujinko 
And Yet The Town Moves-Hotori Arashiyama
And You Thought There Is Never A Girl Online?-Ako 
Angel’s 3Piece-Jun Goto
Angel Beats- Kanade Tachibana
Angel Hearts
Angel of Death – Rachel “Ray” Gardmner
Angelic Layer-Misaki Suzuhara 
Ange Vierge-Almaria
Ani Ni Tsukeru Kusuri Wa Nai
Ani Tore
Anima Yell- Kohane Hatoya
Anne Happy-Anne “Hanako” Hanakoizumu  
Ano Hana- Meiko"Menma"Honma
Anonymous Noise-Nino Arisugawa
Another- Mei Misaki
Anti Magic Academy-Usagi Saionji
Antique Bakery 
Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzoo- Kanon Hatori 
Aoashi-Hana Ichijou 
Aoi Hana- Fumi Manjoume
Ao Haru Ride-Futaba Yoshioka
Ao Oni
Ao no Orchestra-Ritsuko Akine
Ao-chan Can’t Study- Ao Horie 
Aquarion- Zessica Wong(AE), Kokone Kikogami(AL)
Aokana-Asuka Kurashina 
AppareRanman-Sofia Taylor
Arakawa Under The Bridge-Maria 
Arata:The Legend-Kotoha
Arc The Lad-Lieza 
Are You Lost- Mutsu Amatani 
Argento Soma
Argevollen-Jamie Hazaford
Aria- Akari Mizunashi 
Aria The Scarlet Ammo- Kinji Toyama, Aria Kanzaki
Armed Girl’s Machiavellism-Rin Onigawara
Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen 
Armored Trooper VOTOMS 
ARP Backstage Pass  
Arpeggio Of Blue Steel- Iona
Arte-Arte Spalleti 
As Miss Beelzebub Likes- Beelzebub
Asagami SS- Rihoko Sakurai
Ashita no Nadja-Nadja Applefield 
Ask Dr.Rin
Asobi Asobase- Kasumi Nomura
Assassins Pride-Melida Angel 
Assassination Classroom-Kaede Kayano/Akari Yukimura 
Assault Lily- Riri Hitosuyanagi 
Astra Lost in Space-Aries Spring 
Astarotte No Omocha
Asterisk War-Kirin Toudou
Asteroid in Love- Mai Inose 
Astro Boy
Asura Cryin-Misao Minakami 
Atelier Escha And Logy- Escha Malier 
Atelier Ryza- Reisalin “Ryza” Stout
Atom-Ran Ochanomizu
Attack On Titan- Mikasa Ackerman 
Aura Battler Dunbine 
Ayaka-Ibara Ichijou 
Ayakashi Triangle-Suzu Kanade, Matsuri Kazamaki(female)
Azumanga Daioh- Tomo Takino, Chiyo Mihama, Yukari Tanizaki
Azur Lane- Laffey 
B The Beginning- Lily Hoshina  
BProject-Tsubasa Sumisora 
Baby Steps- Natsu Takasaki 
Baccano- Isaac Dian, Mirla, Harvent, Firo Prochainezo 
Back Arrow-Atlee Ariel 
Back Street Girls
Backflip-Asawo Kurikoma 
Baka and Test- Mizuki Himaji,Minami Shimada,Hideyoshi Kinoshita,Yuji Sakamoto
Baki The Grappler
Bakuman-Miho Azuki 
Bakumatsu- Hyou and Kasumi 
Bakumatsu Bad Boys-Akira
Bakumatsu Rock 
Bakuon-Chisame Nakano
Bamboo Blade- Kirino Chiba, Temaki Kawazoe
Banana Fish
Bang Brave Bang Bravern 
BanG Dream-Kasumi Toyama
Banished from the Hero’s Part-Rit
Bannou Bunka Neko Musume DASH
Barakamon-Miyoko Kinjou[Handa-kun] 
Bastard-Tia Noto Yoko 
Battle Programmer Shirase
Battle Athletes-Kanata Akehoshi(Victory Restart)
Battle Game in 5 Seconds-Rin Tatara
Battle Girls: Time Paradox
Battle Girl High School
B Daman
Beast Tamer-Kanade 
Beck-Maho Minami
Beelzebub- Tatsumi Oga, Hilda
Beet the Vandel Buster-Poala
Ben-To-Sen Yarizui 
Berserk of Gluttony 
Best Stuadent Council-Rino Rando
Betrayal Knows My Name-Zess/Luka Crosszeria
Beautiful Bones-Sakurako Kujou 
Bermuda Triangle 
Between The Sky and Sea- Haru Soramachi 
Beyblade-Multi Nanairo(Beyblade X)
Beyond The Boundary- Mirai Kuriyama
Bibliophile Princess-Elianna Berstein 
Big Order
Big Windup 
Binbou Shimai Monogatari- Kyou Yamada
Birdie Wing-Eve
Birdy The Mighty Decode- BIrdy 
Black Blood Brothers, Jiro Mochizuki, Mimiko Katsuragi
Black Bullet- Rentaro Satomi, Tina Sprout 
Black Butler- Sebastian Michaelis
Black Cat- Train Heartnet,Eve
Black Clover- Noelle Silva 
Black Lagoon- Revy
Black Rock Shooter
Black Summoner-Efil 
Bladedance Of Elementalers-Claire Rouge
Blade And Soul-Alka
Blade Runner Black Lotus 
Blade Of The Immortal- Rin Asano
Blassreiter- Joseph Jobson 
Blast Of Tempest-Hakaze Kusaribe
Blazblue Alter Memory 
Bleach- Ichigo Kurosaki, Renji Abarai
Blend S-Maika Sakuranomiya
Blood- Saya Otonashi [Blood+],Haji[Blood+], Saya Kisaragi[Blood-C]
Blood Blockade Battlefront-Chain Sumeragi 
Blood Lad- Fuyumi Yanagi
Bloom into You
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan-Dokuro Mitsukai 
Blue Dragon-Bouquet 
Blue Drop-Michiko Kozuki
Blue Exorcist-, Shiemi Moriyama
Blue Gender-Marlene Angel
Blue Lock
Blue Period-Maki Kuwana
Blue Reflection Ray-Hiori Hirahara
Blue Seed- Momiji Fujimiya
BNA-Michiru Kagemori 
Boarding School Juliet- Juliet Persia
Bobobo bo Bo Bobo- Beauty
Bocchi The Rock-Hitori Gotou 
Bofuri- Maple/Kaede Honjou 
Bodacious Space Pirate- Marika Kato, Kane Mcdougal
Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi 
Bomberman Jetters-Shout
Boogiepop Phantom 
Book Of Bantorra
Bottle Fairy- Kururu 
Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki-Aoi Hinami, Minami Nanami 
Boys Be
Boys Over Flowers
Brave 10-Isanami
Brave Exkaizer 
Brothers Conflict-Ema Asahina 
Brynhildr In The Darkness-Neko Kuroha 
B’t X
Btooom!- Himiko
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040-Priss S. Asagiri 
Bubuki Buranki-Kogane Asabuki 
Buddy Complex-Mayuka Nasu
Buddy Daddies 
Build Divide-Hiyori Tori 
Bungou Stray Dogs-Kyouka Izumi 
Bungou to Alchemist 
Burn-up Excess-Rio Kinezono 
Burning Kabaddi
Burst Angel-Jo
Buso Renkin
Buso Shinki-Ann 
By the Grace of the Gods-Eliaria
C-C:The Money and Soul of Possibility- Mshyu, 
C3-Fear Cubrick 
Call of the Night-Nazuna Nanakusa 
Cagaster of an Insect Cage-Illie
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill 
Campione-Yuri Mariya 
Canaan- Maria Oosawa
Cannon Busters
Canvas- Elis Housen 
Carnival Phantasm
Carole & Tuesday- Tuesday Simmons 
Captain Earth-Hana Mutou
Captain Tsubasa 
Cardcaptor Sakura-Sakura Kinomoto
Cardfight Vanguard-Megumi Ookura(Overdress)
Casshern Sins 
Castle Town Dandelion-Akane Sakurada 
Cat Planet Cuties- Eris
Cautious Hero-Ristarte 
Celestial Method
Cells At Work- AE3803, U1196(Cells At Work Code Black)
Centaur’s Life-Nozomi Gokuraku
Ceres Celestial Legend 
Chaika The Coffin Princess- Chaika Trabant
Chain Chronicle-Phoena
Chained Soldier 
Chainsaw Man-Kobeni Higashiyama
Charlotte-Nao Tomori 
Chaos Dragon-Eiha 
Chaos:Head- Rimi Sakihata, Serika Onoe[Chaos;Child]
Cheating Craft-Ou Koui 
Cheer Boys
Chi’s Sweet Home
Chihayafuru-Kanade Oe
Children of the Whale-Lykos
Chillin in My 30s After Getting Fired from the Demon King’s Army-Marika 
Chio’s School Road-Chio Miyamo
Chitose Get You
Chivalry Of A Failed Knight-Stella Vermillion 
Chobits- Chii 
Chokotto Sister-Choko
Chou Shounen Tanteidan
Choyoyu- Lyule 
Chrome Shelled Regios- Layfon Wolfstein Alself, Nina Antalk
Chronicles of an Aristocrat Reborn in Another World-Telestia Terra Esfort, Silk von  Santana
Chronicles Of The Going Home Club- Natsuki Ando
Chrono Crusade- Rosette Christopher 
Chronos Ruler- Mna Putin
Chu-Bra-Haruka Shiraishi 
Circlet Princess 
Citrus-Yuzu Aihara
City Hunter
Clockwork Planet-RyuZU
Clamp School Detectives 
Clannad- Nagisa Furukawa
Classicaloid- Baranowska 
Classroom Crisis-Mizuki Sera 
Classroom of the Elite-Airi Sakura 
Claymore- Clare
Clean Freak Aoyama-kun- Moka Gotou
Clione no Akari
Code:Breaker- Sakura Sakurakoji, Rei Ogami 
Code Geass-Lalouch Lamperouge/Vi Britannia,C.C,
Code E- Chinami Ebihara 
Code:Realize-Cardia Beckford
Comet Lucifer-Felia 
Combatants Wil Be Dispatched- Alice Kisaragi 
Comic Girls –Kaoruko “Kaos” Moeta 
Comic Party-Yuu Inagawa 
Concrete Revolutio-Kikko Hoshino
Convenience Store Boyfriends- Mami Mihashi 
Cooking Master Boy
Cop Craft- Tilarna Exedillica  
Coppelion-Aoi Fukasaku  
Corrector Yui 
Corpse Princess- Makina Hoshimura 
Cowboy Bebop- Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine
Coyote Ragtime Show
Crane Game Girls 
Cromatie High Shool
Cross Ange- Angelise Ikaruga"Ange" Misurugi
Cross Game 
Cue-Maika Takatori
Cuticle Detective Inaba-Noah 
Cutie Honey Universe- Honey Kisaragi 
Cyber Team in Akihabara 
Cyberpunk Edgerunners-Rebecca 
D Cide Traumerei-Eri Ibusaki 
D4DJ- Rinku Aimoto 
D-Frag- Roka Shibasaki 
D.Grey-Man- Yu Kanda, Lenalee Lee
D.N.Angel-Risa Harada
Da Capo-Sakura Yoshino,Yume Asakura[Da Capo 2],Charles Yoshino[Da Capo 3]
Daily Lives Of High School Boys
Dai Shogun-Chiharu
Daimidaler-Soriko Majikina 
Dagashi Kashi- Hotaru Shidare
DamexPrince - Ani Inako
Dance With Devils-Ritsuka Tachibana 
Dance with the Dragons 
Dance Dance Danseur 
Dance In The Vampire Bund- Mina Tepes
Danganronpa-Kyouko Kirigiri, Chiaki Nanami 
Daphne In The Brilliant Blue-Shizuka Hayama
Dark Gathering-Yayoi Hozuki 
Darker Than Black - Hei 
Darling in the Franxx-Zero Two 
Darwin’s Game-Shuka Karino 
Date A Live- Toka Yatogami
Days- Chikako Ubukata
Day Break Illusion 
Dazzle-Rahzel Anadis 
Deadman Wonderland- Shiro 
Dead Mount Death Play-Misaki Sakimiya
Deaimon-Itsuka Yukihira 
Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody-Tama
Death Note- Light Yagami, Misa Amane
Death Parade-Nona
Deca Dence-Natsume 
Deep Insanity-Sumire Motiki  
Delicious in Dungeon-Marcille Donato
Deltora Quest 
Delusional Monthly Magazine 
Demon King Daimaou-Keena Soga
Demon Lord Retry- Aku 
Demonbane- Al Azif
Dennou Coil
Denkigai No Honya-san- Sensei
Denpa Onna To Seishun Otoko- Erio Towa
Desert Punk, Junko Asagiri, Kanta Mizuno/Desert Punk, Kosuna 
Devil May Cry- Dante,Lady,Trish
Devil Lady-Kazumi Takiura  
Devilman- Miki Makimura 
Devils’ Line- Tsukasa Taira
Detective Academy Q
Detective Conan 
Devil Surviver 2 The Animation- Io Nitta
Diabolik Lovers 
Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater-Hinata Tsurugi 
Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life-Adele von Ascham/Mile 
Di Gi Charat-Dejiko 
Dies Irae- Kasumi Ayase 
Digimon- Yoshino Fujieda(Digimon Savers), Nene Amano(Digimon Xros Wars), Eri Karan(Digimon Universe),Ruli Tsukiyono(Digimon Ghost Game)
Dimension High School 
Dimension W-Mira Yurizaki
Disastrous Life Of Saki K-Kokomi Teruhashi
Disgaea- Laharl, Etna ,Flonne
Divine Gate-Midori
Do It Yourself-Juliet Queen Elizabeth VIII/Jobko 
Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks-Mamako Oosuki
Doamaigar D
Doctor Elise 
Dog and Scissors- Kirihime Natsuno 
Dog Days-Millhiore Firianno Biscotti 
Dog Signal 
Doki Doki School Hours
Domestic Girlfriend-Rui Tachibana  
Don’t Hurt Me My Healer-Carla 
Don’t Toy with Me Miss Nagatoro- Hayase Nagatoro
Dororon Enma-kun- Yukiko-hime
Double Decker Doug & Kirill
Double J
Doujin Work-Tsuyuri
Dr.Slump-Arale Norimaki 
Dragonaut-Sieglinde Baumgard
Dragonar Academy-Eco 
Dragon Ball
Dragon Crisis-Rose 
Dragon Drive 
Dragon Goes House Hunting-Nell 
Dragon Quest- Maam(DQ:TAoD)
Dream Eater Merry- Merry Nightmare 
Drifting Dragons-Vanabelle 
Dropkick My Devil- Yurine Hanazono 
Dropout Idol Fruit Tart-Nina Maehara
Drugstore in Another World- Noella 
Durarara- Shizuo Heiwajima, Anri Sonohara
Dusk Maiden Of Amnesia- Yuko Kanoe
Dynamic Chord 
Ebiten-Rikei Hiromatsu
Eden’s Bowy
Edens Zero-Rebecca Bluegarden 
Ef-Chihiro Shindou
El Cazador De La Bruja-Ellis 
El Hazard
Elegant Youkai Apartment Life-Akine Kuga/Mayuko Suzuki
Elfen Lied-Nyu/Lucy
elDLIVE-Mizuru Sonokata
Elemental Gelade-Ren,Cisqua 
Emma- Emma
Endo and Kobayashi Live!-Lieselotte Riefenstahl
Engage Kiss-Kisara
Engage Plant Kiss Dum
Engaged To The Unidentified-Kobeni Yonomori 
Enmusubi no Youko-chan- Tosan Suusu 
Ensemble Stars-Anzu 
Ergo Proxy
Eromanga Sensei-Megumi Jinno, Elf Yamada, Muramasa Senju
Estab Life-Equa
Eternal Boys
Eureka Seven
Evil or Live
Excel Saga-Excel 
Extreme Hearts-Saki Kodaka
Eyeshield 21
F Zero
Fafner In The Azure 
Fairy Gone
Fairy Ranmaru
Fairy Tail-Erza Scarlet
Farming Life in Another World-Rurushi Ru
Familiar Of Zero-Louise Francoise Le Blanc De Valliere 
Fanfare of Adolescence 
Fantastic Children 
Fantastic Detective Labyrinth 
Fantasista Doll-Akari
Fantasia Sango-Xiao Ling 
Farewell My Dear Cramer-Midori Soshizaki 
Fate-Saber[stay night], Illyasviel
 Von Eizbern[Fate/Kaleid], Jack The Ripper[Fate/Apocypha], Nero Claudius[Fate/Extra Last Encore], Gray[Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II], Ana/Medusa[FGO Babylonia] 
Fena-Fena Houtman 
Fight Ippatsu Juuden-chan-Plug Cryostat
Fighting Beauty Wulon- Mao Ran
Final Approach-Akane Mizuhara 
Final Fantasy:Unlimited
Fire Force- Tamaki Kotatsu 
Firefighter Daigo  
First Love Monster-Kaho Nikaidou
Fist Of The Blue Sky
Flame Of Recca
Flip Flappers-Papika 
Flowers Of Evil 
Flower Witch Mary Bell 
Fluffy Paradise 
Flying Witch-Makoto Kowata 
Fooly Cooly 
Forest Fairy Five 
Fortune Arterial-Haruna Yuuki 
Fractale -Nessa
Frame Arms Girl-Ao Gennai
Free- Gou Matsuoka 
Freezing- Satellizer El Bridget
From The New World 
Fruits Basket- Tohru Honda
Fugou Keiji
Fumikiri Jikan
Full Dive
Full Metal Alchemist-Sheska 
Full Metal Panic- Kaname Chidori
Full Moon wo Sagashite-Mitsuki Kouyama
Fushigi Yuugi 
Fuuka-Fuuka Akitsuki
Fuuto PI-Akiko Narumi
Futsal Boys 
G On Riders- Yayoi Hoshikawa
Gabriel Dropout-Raphial Ainsworth Shiraha
Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san
Gakuen Alice
Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight-Manami Amamiya 
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class-Kisaragi Yamaguchi
Gagantia On The Verdurous Planet 
Gal & Dino-Kaede 
Galaxy Angels 
Gamers-Chiaki Hoshinomori
Ganbare Goemon
Gantz-Kei Kishimoto 
Gargoyle of Yoshinaga House-Futaba Yoshinaga
Garo The Animation 
Gatchaman Crowds-Hajime Ichinose
Gate-Rory Mercury 
Gate Keepers 
Gegege no Kitarou- Neko Musume 
Gekidol-Seira Morino
Genki Bakuhatsu Ganbaruger 
Genshiken-Kanako Ohno 
Getbackers- Natsumi Mizuki 
Getsumento Heiki Mina-Nakoru Hazemi
Getter Robo
Ghost Hunt- Mai Taniyama, Kazuya Shibuya
Ghost In A Shell
Ghost Sweep Mikami 
Giant Beats of Ars-Kuumi
Giant Killing
Gibiate- Kathleen Fukuda
Gift-Riko Fukamine 
Gingitsune-Makoto Saeki
Gintama- Sarutobi Ayame
Girly Air Force- Gripen 
Girls Beyond The Wasteland-Yuuka Kobayakawa 
Girls Bravo- Miharu Sena Kanaka
Girl Friend Beta- Kokomi Shiina 
Girls’ Frontline- M4 SOPMOD II 
Girls Last Tour-Yuuri
Girls Und Panzer-Miho Nishizumi
Girlish Number-Chitose Karasuma
Girlfriend Girlfriend-Nagisa Minase 
GJ Club
Glasslip- Touko Fukami
Gleipnir-Elena Aoki 
Goblin Slayer- Priestess 
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