#you'll always be my waifu
britt-the-bratt · 1 month
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howlingday · 10 months
Jaune: (Sobbing)
Pyrrha: Nora... I expect you to be the woman of the team. That means you'll have a lot of responsibility. And I need to know that you can be independent.
Jaune: (Wailing)
Pyrrha: Oh! Jaune is crying!
Jaune: N-No! I'm... I'm not crying because real men don't cry! And I'm a real man!
Pyrrha: Aw... You see, Nora? That's why I need to trust you when I'm gone. He's going to go out and make something of himself, but only if you can help him get there. I've seen the work you've done with Ren, and now I need you to do the same for Jaune. He's needs to be strong, like us.
Jaune: You are strong!
Pyrrha: Yes, because we're women! The most powerful of the mighty, the strongest of the superiors! We do whatever we want to do, whenever and wherever, because we're women. I could take a shit right here, and nobody would question it!
Jaune: (Clings to her leg) I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO, PYRRHAAAAAAAA~!
Pyrrha: Thank you, Jaune... I needed this.
Ren: (Taps scroll)
Pyrrha: Nooooo! Not the music!
Jaune: (Sniffling)
Nora: (Pats his back)
Jaune: Right... The flamers... READY THE HEAVY FLAMERS!
Pyrrha: (Pedestal rising) I'm going out in a blaze of glory~!
Ruby: (Lifts heavy flamer)
Pyrrha: It will be glorious! Truly amazing~!
Yang/Blake: (Aims heavy flamers)
Pyrrha: It'll be wonderful~!
Weiss: (Places fingers on the trigger)
Pyrrha: It will be great...
Pyrrha: Good-bye~!
RWBY: (Pull the triggers)
Pyrrha: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! (Explodes)
Nora: (Looks at diadem given by Pyrrha, Places it upon her head)
Jaune: You were always my waifu, Pyrrha. My Pyrrhaifu...
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goldlightwriting · 4 months
Kyrie's Pep Talk Rewritten
I've always kind of hated the phone call scene near the end of DMCV. Kyrie has suffered from being a fairly bland character since her introduction, barely getting any screen time or even dialogue across the two games she's present in.
I don't need her to be a badass like Lady or Trish, but let's be honest: she is THE most bland, milktoast waifu in the series. Her dynamic with Nero is barely explored beyond the cliche of "pure maiden and edgy, tortured soul" (although Nero is honestly much more than that when you break him down) and I feel my point is captured perfectly in the "pep talk" she gives him near the end of DMCV. It is quite literally the most generic "believe in yourself" speech I have ever seen, and I find it hilarious that she doesn't even react to the sudden revelation that her lover has suddenly found his missing family.
So yeah, I rewrote the scene. While Dante and Vergil are trying to kill each other, Nero and Kyrie are having a more in-depth heart-to-heart. Hope you guys enjoy.
Nero: "Kyrie..."
Kyrie: "Nero, is that you?"
Nero: "Kyrie, listen. I... Need your advice."
Kyrie: "...I'm listening."
Nero: "For the longest time, you and Credo were all I knew. Now, suddenly, I find out that I have a family. I have a father... And he's the one behind this whole mess."
Kyrie: "What?"
Nero: "The one who took my arm... The reason why I even have these powers... It's all because of him. Dante says that this isn't my fight, that I shouldn't have to fight my old man, but... I don't know. I just don't know."
Kyrie: "Nero... You once said that your demon arm was meant to send the wicked to hell, but what about your other arm?"
Nero: "My... Other arm?"
Kyrie: "That's right. You've always been able to see the best in people, even at their lowest points. You tried to help my brother, even when he strayed. You trusted Nico, despite the awful things her father did. You even forgave me when my faith in you faltered."
Nero: "Kyrie..."
Kyrie: "If your right arm was meant to punish those who can't be redeemed, I believe your human arm is meant to reach out and save those who can. Which arm you use is something only you can decide... But I know you'll make the right choice, Nero."
Nero: "...Thanks. I guess that's all I needed to hear. I have one last thing to take care of, then I'm coming home."
Kyrie: "I look forward to it. Take care, Nero."
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wonderloste · 1 year
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DEAR ALICE ... IN SHORT , HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THOSE OF US IN WONDERLAND TO YOU , OUTSIDER ! / OH SHIT ANOTHER NEW YEARS POST FROM SOMEONE ON YOUR DASH ?! yes, that's me! i don't want to ramble too long, but i do want to thank everyone who has supported me on this blog over the past year & especially with how chaotic it's been on my end. i know my activity hasn't been great this year and i've been struggling a lot, but i still appreciate so much the people who have stuck by me & still interacted with me despite all the stuff i've been going through. <4 being here & talking to everyone & getting in interactions where i could has helped make 2022 a better and less lonely year than it would have been, otherwise.
i'm so sorry to people who i've let down when it comes to interactions & getting back to them through messages and whatnot. 2022 was genuinely such a rough year for me, but i am infinitely more grateful that in spite of those things, so many of you have still decided to stick with me. this blog was... so ambitious when i made it & i honestly didn't think i'd make it this far or that anyone would have any interest in a bunch of random furry ocs KJNEMRKHJM. i was just a fan of otome with a will to roleplay & a dream :') but you all have given so much love to these ocs and i can't thank you enough.
i hope that moving forward i'm able to interact with more of you!! and to continue interactions with those i've already started them with!! or rekindle ones that got caught up in my absence. thank you so much for your patience with me, & for sticking around! i hope you all have a HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR & that 2023 is kind to us!!
now let's point some fingers under the cut ehehehehe.
— FAMNESIA ... my little discord group clowns ! most of us have been in the discord for like, what? 6 years now? or smth? we spend pretty much every day together, both on & off tumblr rp so !
@londonfallen › ew it's my fiance AAAAAAAA MICHAEL. thank you so much for everything you do for me on this blog!! i'm so thankful to you, it's partially thanks to you this darn thing even exists. you rlly do fund so much content on here & i'm always thankful to have you participate in lore & art uwu i know this year has been especially rough on us, but hopefully 2023 will help us get back on our feet & you'll find your will to keep writing !! you've been doing so good lately look at you go <4 you rose out of the dead for silas and gave him love at first sight can u believe it... your blog & lore has so much thought put into it, i wish you'd be kinder to yourself and less mean to the things you create. your art & writing is beautiful u should be bragging on the dash 24/7 about how cool you are, actually. ily thank u for making the year better even when it was miserable on us, we're going to have the most disgusting wedding ever one day when we can afford mickey mouse wedding us before the eyes of kami-sama, our lord and savior mr. walt disney!!
@kusaranai › your ass doesn't even log onto tumblr anymore biancnya so i'll have to link this to your dms BUT I'M INCLUDING YOU ANYWAYS BC I CAN NEVER MAKE THESE POSTS WITHOUT YOU. i love u my wonderful furry waifu !! by wonderful i mean cursed and by waifu i mean the sleep paralysis demon i see when i get choked out in phasmophboia. my career on tumblr really blossomed when you came into my life and ruined it uwu and it will continue to blossom now that u are long gone and only annoy me on discord ! SOMEWHERE LIGHT AND KUMA LIVE ON. somewhere, even more importantly, i still have light telling kurisu that he loves her shoved into my drafts on an abandoned blog...
@galaxiasus › THE SMOL OF THE GROUP AAAAAAAAA LUNYA. i'm so glad that you've been around more often this year, even though it's been hard on everyone bc 2022 was phew. man it sure was huh. KJNERHKJN as always i'm so glad seeing you on my dash but i'm even more glad that you've actually remained active icb it </4 ur the only person who didn't abandon me on tumblr for 5 years until ren joined us, we were the sole beacons of rp together for a long while and we have so many good ships bc of it!! you're such a joy to write with and your writing is amazing 10/10 idc wtf you say lmfao. i'm so glad i got to rejoin famnesia and reconnect with you and i look forward to holding ur hair back while u scream cry throw up at the end of endwalker !! i'm sorry i'm so slow with dms but rest assured seeing u screaming in them always brightens my day
@zorkaya › REN REN REN REN aaaaaaaaaaaaa. did u know i used to be scared of you when i was a wee little unicorn... many blogs ago... tragic KEJRNHM. I'M SO GLAD that you joined the famnesia server and got to talk with all of us more often!! ofc we've been friends by proxy for a good couple years, but i'm happier to get the chance to talk to you more consistently / often :') you're such a sweet and super cool person, and your writing is so good !! thank u for teaching my fiance and my cohealer how to write pr0n. uwu zarina is such a beautiful & well developed character!! i'm so proud of you for picking up a strong female villain and sticking with her even though the rpc can be whiny when it comes to them. zarina DESERVES to be op and anyone who cries about it is a weak baby bitch. i look forward to writing more with you moving forward !! on all blogs !! with all my muses !!! take the whole roster idc
@eidetic187 › HI VERONICA UR ALSO NEW IN THESE PARTS, i'm just as glad to see you among our msging chaos throughout the day !! even though our schedules are different bc you're on night shift, it's always fun to wake up and see what's transpired in chat lmFAO. finally someone who appreciates the visual novel classics just like me !! kicks really cursed dating sims under the rug so that they cannot be seen. we don't look at those. we're all super glad to have you around partaking in all our discussions and i hope that the next year is kinder to you in every possible way !! also that you and your partner have a hella good new year together once you get out of work and are able to chill together :') we've been mutuals for like 500 years i feel like you were on my first follow forever tm {remember those} on monokuma and u will be on the last one when tumblr burns
@hakureimaiden › omg u came back just in time to force me to write more ppl on this post icb it /j IRMA WELCOME BACK TO THE HELLSITE i've been here on my lonesome for so long except the occasional showing of michael and luna, it's nice to see one of the og muses has survived since the disney murder game days... as always you are a pleasure on both the dash And in the chat!! you brought a lot of really neat friends together by merging our groups together and it's made things super fun getting into xiv and stuff with you!! i'm not always the most :') timely ship partner when it comes to msgs with how whack i've been this year, but i'm hoping wITH NEW ENERGY IN 2023 we can develop romesen... carmeo.... yeah carmeo, WE CAN DEVELOP THEM MORE KJERNHM. regina george is romeo's type? man. would not have guessed. UR SUCH A SWEET CHILL PERSON I HOPE U KNOW FAMNESIA FISTBUMPS WITH U.
@rotinthedark › HALEEEEEEEEEEY i know talking thru groups and stuff isn't ur thing and i'm naturally quiet on discord BUT U STILL GET TO BE HERE because :') we have worked so very hard for the sebalex ship and they are FINALLY making headway and i'm so excited for it!! alex? having a crush on seb? it is a-go, we are THERE, we have MADE IT KEJRNHM you're such a nice & fun person to talk to, and i absolutely ADORE writing with you!! sometimes our interactions are what keeps my love for stardew alive just bc i have like 500 hrs on it and sometimes i'm like broe what else can i even do... i can log on and reply to haley... that's what i can do... i had never thought of sebalex as a ship too srsly until writing with you and now it CONSUMES me i am broken. pls.
@dangaer › hi jupiter <4 i want u to know that your blog is one of my favs on this hellsite, i hope you know that the way you write ALL of your muses is so very pleasing to read. all their characterizations are genuinely SO GOOD. i've mentioned it before but even characters i didn't like much or just didn't consider v often are characters you've made me care about just seeing you talk about / write them on the dash!! like ofc i am so intensely biased to the amnesia muses bc that otome has... a very special place in my heart but despite what our rp history may make u think!!! i have played others!! KJNEMRH and your characters are SPOT ON, always, without fail. i love our ships & threads / interactions, even though i can be slow getting to stuff !!! the dynamic we've built up with ikki and darcy is one of my favs, i love them SO MUCH and idk i just think. they're like. kinda valid for wanting to destroy wonderland and stay together. the normal ending? a good option. i support them. i can't WAIT to see aleister and kageyuki's dynamic grow likewise, i know i'm going to love it just as much!! thank you so much for writing with me & support my dumb otome ocs :') i know they aren't a Real Otome, but it is v sweet to be indulged as if they are. i'm in tears rn actively.
@redemptioninterlude › HENLO FRIEND u might be surprised to find yourself here, but :') i do keep up with your blog quite often actually. i know that i've dropped the ball on interactions a lot, this year has been so... much for me, & my activity really suffered, but i want you to know that i LOVE your blog!! and all of what we HAVE done together! and while i love alice specifically, for obvs reasons, i do also read your other threads / dynamics that you put on the dash and pls know that your writing slaps KJNERHM literally there's never a miss, from rue euphoria to ur interesting and well developed ocs, all of them are written in a way that's so amazing to read. you take such a diverse cast & breathe so much life into them, and i'm very lucky to be able to perceive your content when it gets posted. i hope in 2023 we're able to interact together more frequently !! :squeezes my wonderlandians like they're squeaky toys: i want to get a handle on my content SO BADLY and get stuff going with you again, on god !!
@heincus › maaaaaax i already yelled as you over your muses a lot, but i'll yell again!! so help me after i get moved into my new apartment after the holidays i would LOVE to figure out some match ups / dynamics between our muses because all your ocs have so much love / care put into them and they're all SO MUCH fun!! i love how much passion you have for writing, and how boundless your imagination is. ocs are HARD to write, you have to come up with a lot and juggle world building and character building and all the things, but you make it look so effortless :') your roster is full of so many colorful and expansive personalities and stories. i want to pick them up like barbie dolls and throw them at whatever the fuck weirdos are on my own roster and simply see what sticks. the possibilities? endless. rlly though your writing is so good, you should be proud of what you've created on your blog and i am so glad that i get to interact with you during times i'm not awol lying dead in a ditch ty &lt;4
@galaxylimbs › BANGS POTS AND PANS TOGETHER AAAAAAA u may not think it because my replies are slow as hell rn, but i love our ships HI HELLO EKJNHM. from code vein to oc otome hell, i'm so glad to see you back around again!! know that even though i can take 10 years to reply to things, i do absolutely love the dynamics we have with deirdre / magnus and louis / belle. it's such a joy getting to write with you, and i am SO DETERMINED to give you more ship content this upcoming year. i'm happy as well that louis and belle are back, they're such a fantastic duo and i have... so many emotions over code vein to this day, i'm excited to get back into exploring that world with you :') just as well getting to expand on deirdre and magnus's interactions, the potential is untapped !! thank u for sticking around and writing with me friend aaa
— FLOWERS IN THE GARDENS ... i love seeing you all on my dash! it's likely i've left you on read at some point or shoved our drafts in my box, but please know there's no lack of interest on my part. perhaps we haven't interacted at all, but unbeknownst to you, i see you on the dash all the time & you've left an impression. either way, i adore seeing you around & i absolutely want to interact with you!! thank you so much for brightening up my day with your writing. although i may be quiet, i notice u, and i am a fan kjenrhmkjernhm.
@untowonder / @innocenceimpulse / @seeasunset / @snowfeathered / @starlit-heir / @vibraea / @aceparagon / @jardinae / @tvrningout / @swerte / @aetherbled / @pluviacuratio / @synthwealth / @decoresca / @wishngs / @hymnblood / @tricksheart / @strywoven / @xdcwntherabbithole / @mcmcntomorii / @frestoniia / @reapcrbunny / @double-knots / @acandlelitdeath / @jaxxmulti / @tellescope / @hiisfire / @crownedveil / @shrapnelsong / @box-of-characters / @xamassed / XOXO TO U ALL !!
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mr-up-on-a-downer · 4 days
You'll like Frieren definitely give it a shot
It helps I wrote a short story similar to it, so my interest has always been there
but I’m always skeptical of the current waifu anime of the month these days.
but then again, anime elves hit different
But then again the zoomer who said she doesn’t watch anime made before 2010 was cosplaying freieren
hmmm much to ponder
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 months
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I can certainly point to all the posts I've made up to this point as a sort of okay rundown on my feelings on Hyouka up to this point, but to attempt to summarise them one final time - I think Hyouka kind of ends up being more or less equal parts boring and annoying by way of its various writing and visual choices. It's presented as a very mundane and down to earth slice of life series, but at the same time there's always a mystery to be solved and the characters are presented as somewhat unrealistic larger than life sorts, defining themselves by mottos and ideas of what they as a person are supposed to be. Those ideas and especially mottos are very much toned down as the series continues, and they start getting better at making up mysteries that feel like they could come up in everyday life and that the viewer should be able to solve as well - but then you'll still see Irisu like triple gaslight Oreki instead of just saying "I need help with this" or Satoshi tripling down on his database can't draw conclusions gimmick. It wants to have its cake and eat it too, be a grounded slice of life show attempting to write actual people but then still have those people turn and face the camera to explain their character motivations. I just think it felt kind of awkward. Credit where it's due, definitely looks nice, sounds nice, really great voice acting, when the characters aren't being annoying they're mostly all fairly convincing as people and can be easy to root for, I like Oreki's arc, I like Mayaka in general, and the school festival arc had a genuinely good sense of fun. Chitanda sticks out like a sore thumb in terms of character writing - compared to the others she feels written like a borderline mascot, no real humanity to her in favour of just being a cute moe waifu girl, it's kind of lame. Nothing else specifically is coming to mind for me to say. Bye.
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
Huh, honestly, I would have found the meaner shadowheart more appealing. It would've given the initial animosity with Lae'zel more compelling.
I mean, it would've made the whole knife to the throat argument feel more even. I know a lot of more players that let shadowheart have the right of way during that altercation just because she was nicer than Lae'zel.
Could've made more people think twice before letting the cleric take out the primary frontliner.
And I don't know if it's just me and how I play clerics/divine sorcerers at tables, but I like my clerics being a bit prickish. Give off the vibe of an ER nurse on a 72-hour shift with terrible bedside manners.
Also, rip your earbuds, put them in rice as soon as you can🙏
I guess the players wanted a single non mean woman character, since at the time, Karlach was a pipe dream and we knew very very little about her. Couldn't recruit her or nothing, she always left after the paladins thing.
So they latched on to Shadowheart.
I think her original personality would've worked better for her story and even good ending as a selunite, because currently, it is still the same Shadowheart with no drastic changes in personality if you pick her good ending.
I don't blame Larian. They were in an echo chamber of their players who only wanted a cute half-elf waifu healer. If everyone and their grandma were sending feedback about a certain character, then you'll be sure to change it. Because it was also thanks to those feedbacks that Halsin became romancable when he was intended to he an act 1 npc.
For me, I would've prefered the sassier Shadowheart in patch 9, It's the version i started the game with, and I'm really attached too. She was decent, but also definitely made fun of you a lot a lot. And the companions.
Ha, if you defended Astarion from the gur, she'd stop you in a full dialogue cutscene and call you as loyal as a puppy but twice as pretty.
And yes she was exactly like an overworked ER nurse.
Here is a video of her in early access, you get the vibe completely with her threats and harsh tone.
Here is another video of her coming to your camp to kill you <3
And this is how she treated gith players, she didn't just hate them, she loathed them.
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ssj2hindudude · 2 years
Potatoes Rap Cypher
Aru: Let's Go!
Lightning child, lying, wild,
Feral when you get me riled
Took legendary hero title
Don't make me bury you under Palace's tiles
Leader of the new Pandava crew
Took on demons, deities, and my father too
Got my sisters on my side, nothing we can't do
Now see what happens when my Vajra hits you
Pandava Arjuna, daughter of Indra, ended the war between devas and asuras; spread out the amrita, sided by Krishna, fly with Subala, leading the Nairrata;
Smartass as Krithika, Drip hero pajamas; Ping pong be playin' ya, Rich so they call me Shah; Rook at me charge, hero at large, strike the boys so hard, I'm dating an apsara.
Terrified, but not for me
Worried for your health when you mess with my team
Daughter of Death, your soul will reap
Beg my father for life, you won't get my mercy
Dee-Dee in hand, didis' my clan
Making illusions and blocking your mans
Indian-Filipino, two worlds at my command
Cats-eye glasses looking down on the land
Stared down a giant, nearly made him cry
Say I look like Dora, ok fine
I'm just prepared, couldn't beat me if you try
Piss me off and you might just die.
Riding nightmares straight outta dreams
Killing it out here, save your begs and pleas
Healing the game, nothing can touch me
Oh you're afraid of snakes? Their prince calls me his queen.
Killing you all like my name on your tongue
Flows like the wind, you better run
Get me enraged and you're all done
Oh by the way, my brother's Hanuman
Gave me a mace because I am smashing
Hulk wishes that he could have my level of thrashing
The blows that I'm landing, the deaths I am handing,
Bodies falling and crashing
Rakshasa blood because I am a savage
Baddie in the kitchen, causing fire damage
Shapeshifter, cannot touch me when I ravage
Ask Ammamma about all of my wrecked havoc
Eating your armies like platters of Pira
Ask Gunky and Funky, I'm the one to fear-a
Only calm when I'm with my baby Hira
Don't mess with the greatest wind war-rea (warrior)
Nikita and Sheela:
*with soul*
Floral fashionista breaking your scheming
Taking us down? You must be dreaming
In five seconds, vines have you screaming
Begging for mercy when the eyes start gleaming
Tiara on point 'cause I am a royal
Wearing the PJs 'cause I win in my sleep
Critique your outfit as you're buried in soil
Got the future in my sight, man we can't be beat
Boss from Guyana, should've dawned on ya
Psychic wonder child, just call me Anya
Walking like a model looking down on you peasants
Spilling tea of the future in the past and present
Underestimate us 'cause we have no myths?
We'll just sneak up on ya, you won't know what hit.
Mess with our squad, you'll be feeling the trouble
When we're done with you, you'll be seeing double, oh.
Prince charming shows up, now start the dance
When the scimitars come out, you won't even stand a chance
Taking out full armies in a camera flash
I'm a Shadow, facts, finish it with one slash
Ladies fall as I hit them with the smoulder
Fighting as I bear burdens you could never shoulder
Make you regret the battle, you don't wanna start this
Striking without mercy, you can call me heartless.
Heroine troll loves a snob like me
Love her more even if she's the death of me
'Cause they tried to kill me twice, came back every time
I'm the baddest Wifey you'll ever find
Draupadi incarnate, Pandava adjacent
Got BB's fire inside, doesn't matter who I'm facing
Hear my voice and what I'm 'bout to do
As I take the title of best husbando AND waifu
Rudy: Oh yeah. Alright! Ok! Let's go! Uhhh... You know what, screw it.
*throws rock* *autotune*
Bringing in the Naga Prince; Fangs sharp enough to break the skin; Scales on my face glistening; Underwater kingdom, always dripping
Black and white vision 'cause you're all old news
Made two ancient snakes dance to my tunes
Barely need to try so I often just snooze
Why bother steppin' up? I just can't lose!
Turning pale, they flail, they bail, they wail, they run the second they see the tail; It's fun, you're done, I've won, so run, snipe with my bow like it's a gun.
Strike like a serpent 'fore you take a breath (hiss)
When I'm through there ain't nothing left (hiss)
Reckless, risk taker, rushing ahead
Got my dark queen with me so I don't fear death
Sun's out, daughter's in
Burning, brazing, fury blazing
Calling you out for all your sins
Turn them to ashes, don't think I'm playing
Deus ex machina, dictionary
More knowledge than Alexa, visionary
Tired of the toxic, making me weary
Pulling out Sunny, show you pain that's searing
Killed the Sleeper first, made him feel his curse, showed him I can hurt, took down the worst;
Forgot it all, can't make me fall, standing tall, can't play this doll;
My fire inspires, burns all of the liars, sitches turn dire, I'm lighting your pyres; Down to the wire, Aiden, my ire, rising higher, burning brighter.
Trident I'm armed, I'm bringing the harm, you're not even warm, my climax has formed, sided by Rama, ending the drama, fulfilling my dharma, that's Karna's karma!
Cypher List (in case I do this again)
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the-milk-anon · 1 year
My Beautiful & Beloved Waifu 🌹❤️🌹
For the color ask game, let me tell you that you're Strawberry Lemonade, Plum (that's for sure lmao), Wisteria, Mahogany, Aqua, Outer Space & DEFINITELY FUSCHIA 💚💚💚
Lots of love ❤️🌹❤️
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alskdfjlasdf thank you for the beautiful flowers my love 💜
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strawberry lemonade
tbh i used to be the biggest pessimist ever lol - if you always expect the worst you'll only ever experience positive surprises hehe
but i try to spread good vibes now :3
idk about the hugs tbh lol
whenever i hug someone they point out how skinny my waist is xD
"it's like hugging a stick" :')
milk babygirl waist confirmed i guess lmao
lmao yes
anything between 3-5 hours of sleep per night is normal during the week
i'm naturally nocturnal so if there wasn't any reason for me to get up in the morning i'd be awake until around 5 am each night
still not sure about the super cool part tho xD
huehuehue scary vibes are best vibes 😌
ok little fun fact: baby milk used to get into fist fights with the boys in primary school
and milk won
they asked for it tho
i would kill for my homies
nothing's off the table when it comes to the people i care about
yesyes :3
i answered this one before and can confirm that 2 and 3 definitely apply to me
i think i come across a lot more energetic or even hyperactive online than i am irl
i have this weird superpower of making people fall asleep just being there lol
my presence is pretty calming according to most people i know irl 🤔
outer space
i find it so extremely fascinating and i wanna learn so much more about it but i'm lazy xD
it's definitely a big interest of mine but i'm not all that knowledgeable bc i don't have the energy to properly learn about it :')
i've always been told i'm creative but i never rly believed it
but the actor!au hc posts are starting to make me feel otherwise
i'm also so happy that everyone seems to like them a lot :D
yes pls give shiny rock 🥺
that is a very dangerous thing to say my love
once i get started talking about smt i'm passionate about i will not shut up for the next few hours
i have zero self-control in that regard xD
yes yes yes and yes mon amour 🥺💜💚
since you already chose the perfect house for us i thought i could collect some inspo for the interior of our beautiful mansion
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sending you so many kithes and hugs (i hope they're as nice as you imagine them to be) 😘
wanna join the ask game?
- 🥛
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alazyparallelworld · 2 years
13, 30, 31?
13. what’s your opinion on the dr 3 anime?
30. which character would've deserved to survive?
31. is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived, but did?
spoilers, obviously
13 - as mentioned in the tags, i, don't particularly care for SDR2... despite my appearances, and fixation on sai/ou, i lean towards GL and HL, and the most of SDR2 gives me for those is kuzu/peko, and... well, chapter 2...
and the anime, kind of obliterates the - themes, arc, intent behind chiaki. kodaka has hisssss waifu biases (this happens with haru, too) - and the cast's induction to the remnants is, weak, and i am a MASSIVE sucker for brainwashing, so me going 'meh' at it, says, a lot.
altogether it soured my... already soured feelings on SDR2. there is a lot of interesting concepts here, but, the only character i feel was executed well in the SDR2 portion of the anime is ryota. who is a new character. i love him and his relationship w twogami is amazing, etc. so, uh, despair arc. is bad and boring and was painful to sit thru.
future arc! i like it, honestly, even if it's another 'mrhghg this is cool in theory but done really poorly,' and honestly i really think. a lot of things introduced in dr 3 come to fruition in v3. i joke that, 'kodaka just wanted to work on v3, but they made him make an anime,' and i'm PARTIALLY kidding. and the best episode of dr 3 happens during this - altho it's not on the cast, either, it's the udg episode, and it blows the rest of the anime out of the water.
tl;dr Haha This Sucks, Man. this is an anime you can only watch w/ someone else, i feel, otherwise you'll go crazy. i like ryota and miaya a lot, i genuinely enjoy ruruka... in HPA aus, i make a point to, include ryota. my special hikikomori boy.
30 - mmmm not sure. i think, tojo - she shouldn't have survived into endgame, no, but one of the reasons i am so aggressively MEH abt her is that, she doesn't have time to develop or shine. she is, nothing, and the translation treats her motivation as a cheap joke. politicizes it. fun fact, the guy who handled the monokubz, and by extension gonta n angie, is the same guy. yeah, that guy. =_= responsible for a lot of the very shitty decisions in the localization. if SC thinks it's ok to make her primary motivation as a joke, why should i take her seriously?
i think she should've survived until ch3, to have some time to flesh things out. she shouldve been a bit undecided abt, you know, betraying her classmates. she should've become a temp antagonist, especially since she tries to set ouma up as untrustworthy and thus unreliable for his testimony in the trial - and she is very, very angry at sai, and gaslights him to hell and back. and it's EFFECTIVE. w/o momo, sai would've crumbled. give me, more of that, dammit!!! GOD!!! but no, so i am just.. ugh... tojo, right. i always forget abt her while doing cast stuff.
hoshi, i think, is another obvious 'I WANT HIM TO LIVEEEEEEEEEEE' but i don't know how well that would've worked with the ult. ending and intent of v3.
uh... mmm... thh, i don't really know... haha. i actually quite like, hifumi, but he was nevverrr everrr gonna survive. too bad...? some of the joke characters im like. Wait, I enjoy them, give me more, and at least hagakure survives!!! i'm happy abt that!!!
31 - unpopular opinion incoming, but i don't think any of the survivors were 'undeserved' - while i quite... dislike SDR2's cast... they made the right choice of who got out of the game alive. i wouldn't change any of them there.
for THH, i, mmm... i never quite 'clicked' with togami. he's fine... i suppose... but i don't find him and his attitude quite as compelling as ouma. nor komaeda's, who i am so, 'I AM SO OVER THIS GUY, EVERYONE STOP FUCKING TALKING ABT KOM!!!' about, lol. maybe he's more basic bc thh is, at its core, a very basic story... it was the first, and in a game series that afaik was not Planned to have sequels etc.
v3 literally all of them deserved to survive. i like each and every one of them. i am glad that yumeno didn't have, the pitfall of, 'suffers massively but grows bc of x's characters death, only to die later,' like ishi and hiyoko did. she's lovely, i really do think she is.
haru... haha, i... do like her... totally not in the way kodaka intended, but i was like. OHHH OK HARU IS WAY MORE COMPELLING when i realized that she and angie are narrative foils. that opened my eyes to her character - i appreciate her a lot more now, and the line abt saihara realizing 'do you want to die' always being a joke made me smile. i also think fandom shows her a LOT more aggro than she is - her first, chokehold, was instinctual fear. "everyone is scared of her," once they know her talent, as she says. and in a death game... ofc her first reaction would be of panic... and the second - ffs, ouma just threatened them with a bomb! this girl does not hate ouma. she is the second to last, second to kiibo (WHO, IS A STANDIN FOR THE AUDIENCE, SO LIKE-) to finally be Done with ouma's bullshit. she loses her cool when ouma injures momota for the 2nd time. ETC ETC. and, she has to be deliberately manipulated, by shirogane to actually kill ouma. she does not for real hate this guy, she would not bully him in school, or try and get saihara to break up w/ him. lol
while kodaka's waifuism really shines thru her (he got angry that she wasnt ranked high in popularity, if you didnt know...) i think there's a lot to love abt her, even if it takes a bit to think abt. the things i appreciate abt her probably don't appeal to others. so, yeah!!! i like that she survived!!! i'm glad that she got to - live, and not as the ult survivor for 54... that she steps into the world with sai and yumeno. she is friends with saihara on her own, i'm glad that they have e/o, after everyone else... and that yumeno isn't alone, herself.
saihara deserved to survive end of story like beyond '(real) protag plot armor' - which ALSO isn't true, kiibo is the FOR REAL protag in the eyes of the meta audience - his arc is very grueling and long. it may not be.... that super in depth, but he is not this emo depressed boy who listens to MCR, either. he has a lot of trauma prior to the game - ppl don't talk abt his scopophobia often enough, and the 'eyes on him,' and the - the perjury, effect, has a bunch of eyes, investigating, judging you... while it is the same for aka - come on. it is very clearly intended to show sai's fear of the truth and of lies. he goes thru a lot of twists n turns, and it would've, killed me if he died... or, at least, if he died and the others had survived. either all of them die, or he has friends... which he does...!! altho the epilogue was SUPER CONTROVERSIAL in house, lol.
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acalculatedfuture · 2 years
What would cause you to leave a fandom?
Friday, or as I like to call it, Munday
There's one fandom I left and it was Danganronpa, and while I still love the games (well 2 of them) and write content related to it with close friends I no longer engage with any content outside of my bubble so let's go over why that happened
1- It honestly feels like it's already been completely played out, most of the fandom content relies on repeating the plot beats from SDR2 (not helped by the fact that this is my least favorite game) and regurgitating the same room temperature takes over and over while acting like it's a shocking new twist that no one's ever seen before
Like every fangan creator out there will bash on the classic Danganronpa formula of chapter 1 kills off the fakeout protagonist chapter 2 gives the victim and killer a little bit of sympathy to make up for the fact that you'll never hear from them again chapter 3 has 2 victims and gets rid of the filler characters chapter 4 kills off the bara and has a sad twist chapter 5 kills off the deuteragonists and there's some ambiguity with the cause of death but then just repeat it word for word, it's incredibly stale
In fact because it's so stale it's hard to create an OC in that fandom without people trying to force them into the mold of a canon character, like you write a mildly antagonistic character and they start being compared to Komaeda or you write a character that's more reserved and people start acting like you're writing Chihiro
2- The blatant sexism like the first game does a FANTASTIC job with the female characters pretty much all of them can be considered plot-relevant and the only one that kinda feels like a filler character (Toko) still has her purpose as a shit-stirrer and serves as a catalyst for many of the most important moments but guess what they're all remembered for
Shipping (and in the specific case of Celeste being ridiculed in order to make male characters look better)
From the second game onwards the development of female characters is chucked off a cliff (because Kodaka's a very flawed writer and I think he was holding himself to a higher level of scrutiny in the first game that turned out not to be necessary going forward because the fandom hates competent women) and all the female characters are turned into waifus and then you get all those pretentiously long thinkpieces about how Female Character X Is A Horrible Person or Female Character Y Should've Died Instead Of Male Character Z and the women in these games become the most hated characters consistently hanging in the bottom half of the popularity lists (aside from the assigned waifu) because they're extremely underused in the plot, get no chance to develop and have their own agency and the fandom at large is already primed to hate them so that the male characters look better so there's this double standard where the guys are underused and the girls just have no personality
It's also important to mention that in every Danganronpa game (and in 99% of fangans which is already a very generous number) the 'rival' characters are male, they're always serial killers (with the exception of Byakuya) and they ALWAYS get turned into misunderstood victims who just need love by the fandom, while every girl that acts ever so slightly mean ends up being headcanoned as the worst person to ever exist and only 2 of them are allowed to have major antagonistic roles (both of which conveniently keep them out of the spotlight until the last 15 minutes of their games)
3- The RPs just have so much metagaming like part of the gimmick in Danganronpa is that every character has a title that represents one thing they're supremely talented at but there's always that one guy (or those guys there might be many of them) who make their muses' talent deliberately vague or give them an overly convoluted backstory in order to make them good at everything that's required in a murder mystery
Like at least on the Pokémon RPC if someone goes "oh my muse's totally invincible in Pokémon battles and so smart and a genius and good at everything and have never lost once in their entire life" I can just go lol lmao and ignore it, in a Danganronpa RP it's pretty much guaranteed that at some point there will be a long hiatus because someone got butthurt over their invincible OC dying and decided to make it everyone else's problem
So the short version is: I'd leave a fandom if it gets boring if the fandom content is atrocious and if the RPs are unplayable
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hiriajuu-suffering · 1 month
Waifu Expo, Loyalty, and Kimochiicon
I'm not sure how much more vocal I need to be to earn my spot as a panelist at some of these local conventions. You can be a circuit presenter at events 5x-10x the size of the ones you try to support and they still can't find a place for you.
Running one of the best panels at the first Anime Houston and not being one of your many cancellations during the second: why would that earn you a spot to continue hosting? Even going so far as, at one point, publicly saying they're more deserving of the largest convention in Houston over Anime Matsuri.
Having one of the best rated panels at Anime Dallas didn't earn me any credit with that ownership either, given I wasn't given the opportunity to return there either. One corporate entity of full-of-themselves ownership doesn't surprise me, given A-Kon and Anime Matsuri are the two oldest conventions in Texas.
Not getting an initial spot on the convention I support most in DFW, that stings like hell. Especially since, personally, if I could only pick a single North Texas convention to do, it would've been this one. As a native Houstonian, I already have a pretty heavy disdain for the area so I really have to feel like the convention is doing all the right things for me to make a point to support.
Then, for whatever reason, those conventions have trended to turn their backs on me when I don't feel the need to focus too much on sucking up to convention officials, y'know, because I thought there would be a fair system for it. One that goes beyond we don't want a polyamory/ENM panel at our event or worse we prefer not a cisAMAB on that content. Sure, I have my criticisms of how cons like this and Okashicon push feminine empowerment so much it feels alienating to the majority of con-goers who prefer to have an apolitical experience, but it's never felt as outwardly androphobic as this one does now.
The identity of this convention will always be marked as a protest event to Fandom Events. Fandom Events makes plenty of mistakes, but they don't support me because I'm a guy; far from it, I've gotten plenty of low attendance numbers from my panels at their conventions. At least they continue to see my line of work, believe in me, and don't put me on the back-burner just because I'm not a woman (inherently drawing more eyes if I was).
I don't dislike Kimochiicon at all, far from it, but there's certain lines of professionalism you don't just waive on a subjective principle. All my doubts of their leadership, especially programming, have always stemmed from that derivatively. Me being a straight guy, how can I contribute? The messaging I've got from them is not much at all, really, unless you're a cosplayer or my connections are important enough to the staff they can't ignore me. I don't want to exercise that type of leverage, but maybe that's where we're getting to again in the community given small conventions like this scarcely do any sort of content quality checks. Or what, is the reason I have low clout so blame it on my occupation AND gender.
I've pretty actively been hunting for a reason to return to places I have to put multiple days of time and resources into, and while this probably wasn't the breaking point for North Texas conventions, it will certainly feel like it given the trajectory of my life at the moment.
With any luck, you'll still see me there. But it'll be a bitter pill to swallow being demoted to attendee. I hated it at Anime Matsuri, I hated it at A-Kon, and I hated it at Waifu Fest. Guess I shouldn't've expected anyone to remain all that loyal in this landscape.
All you have left in this community to fall back in is your contributions to the community after your mid-20s. If I'm not wanted to contribute, there's really no reason for me to go. The convention wasn't made with me in mind on multiple levels, I understand that better than anyone else.
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mdhwrites · 6 months
It Makes No Sense That I Like Honkai Star Rail
So this blog is going to be positive but I thought I'd start with how BIZARRE it is that I like this game... at all. Back in 2016, I played a lot of mobile games. It was how I passed my days in class while suffering from depression. This included a lot of mobile games of ALL varieties. You can think of it? I have probably tried it. I spent a year like that...
And entirely burnt out. Not just on the bad ones but on free to play games pretty much altogether. Weirder still is that the style of game I NEVER got into? Gacha games. I found the progression annoying more than anything else and the pull system not enticing. Even now, I easily will tell you that the Gacha system is still probably the thing I dislike most about Star Rail.
So... Why do I like it?
*shrug* I just do. I literally can't quantify why which for someone like me just feels kind of weird and so I kind of wanted to get it out of the way ahead of time by sharing this odd anecdote.
BUT with that out of the way, what is Honkai Star Rail?
It is a turn based, gacha RPG with cute waifus, lolis, twinks and... Well, I'd say buff men but really it's just like average dude or tall twink still. Body type variety is not Hoyoverse's strongsuit. If someone calls someone in any of their games THICC smack them. People should not be allowed to lie after all.
The combat system itself will immediately be familiar to almost anyone who has ever watched a Youtube video sponsored by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS! So, you know, like 80% of all digital video out there. The big difference is... It's actually turn based. You can turn on auto battle but at its core, it is genuinely turn based and has a turn bar akin to Final Fantasy X and every character has a speed stat that determines where they go on it. Otherwise, everyone has a basic attack, a skill, an ultimate that charges as they do things or take damage, a talent and a technique. The talent is just a passive gimmick to the character to help them stand out more usually, such as a way they trigger additional attacks, buffs they gain during a fight, etc. like that. The basic attack does what you think it does with one little caveat:
It gives a skill point. This is where the fact that it's genuinely turn based I think actually does allow it some real complexity. See, skills are always your character's better moves. They're the ones with special abilities and don't need the charge time of Ultimates (which you can activate at literally any time). However, you need a skill point so you need to balance these skills with basic attacks and how characters move on the turn order bar can really help or hinder this depending on how hungry to use their skills some characters are.
The final big complexity of the combat is that every enemy has elemental weaknesses and every character represents one element. If a character hits an enemy's weakness, it lowers a stamina bar on them until it shatters, causing the opponent to take a lot of damage, get a debuff of some sort that correlates to the element, and pushes them down on the turn order. It can also stop things like charge attacks that enemies put up or if an enemy specifically is watching for certain types of actions, they no longer pay attention while broken like this. Timing them and going for them is genuinely a large part of the strategy and helps make sure that you have at least some variety in your team.
That's because while every character only has five core traits, and only three of which can actually be used in combat, let alone the fact that EVERYONE'S basic attacks are the same, the game still gets a TON out of its systems. As an example to encourage new players: One of the starting characters is called March 7th. She's a bubbly sweetheart who's a bit of an airhead but she's also the first tank that you'll get. Her ability lets her throw on shields onto others that commonly equal about half their health if you're specing her into defense and twice between turns, if an enemy attacks someone with a shield, she retaliates with effectively her basic attack. She can also shield herself and there were a LOT of early challenges I could tackle without proper preparation just because the enemy quite literally couldn't kill March and she could literally wait them out. And she is literally one of the first THREE characters you begin the game with.
I literally cleared the first two WORLDS without ever having to really change my team composition from the starting crew. Hell, besides the main character, I've only VERY recently (literally last couple weeks) started using any of the 5 stars I'd gotten because I liked how my four stars handled situations more. And that's also a nice element to the game: It's complex but it's not mean. It doesn't have no challenge but if have an alright grasp on turn based strategy, you'll be more than fine for all but end game content. I am horribly unoptimized compared to what my teams could be but because I didn't actively make wrong decisions, I've done plenty well.
The gameplay is genuinely just GOOD. Shame that that's the only thing I can be entirely positive about.
The writing in the game isn't bad. Sometimes it even manages to be great like when they looked at Final Fantasy 14 Heavensward and went "What if we tried that but with no dragons?" That's not entirely fair, classist divides and rulers gone mad are nothing new but Jarilo 6, the world after the tutorial world, is the best written part of the game HANDS DOWN and it's kind of clear what the main thrust of its tropes are. Worse yet, this scifi game's best tropes are commonly most associated with fantasy and Jarilo 6's setting is the one closest to just being either modern or Victorian in tone, while also having knights, which is just a constant problem for the game. The third planet barely ever feels like scifi despite it being literally a ship the size of planet. Instead it mostly comes across as sky Venice with Chinese designs and culture.
Even if you ignore that it is supposed to not literally just be Genshin Impact again though, the writing rarely impresses. The tutorial is just straight up awful. Fantasy and Scifi both have proper noun problems and just the exposition said before you get control of your character, which is like ten minutes at most (if you DON'T read the dozens of documents lying around), isn't a soup. It's a garbage pile. The amount of terms and concepts they expect the player to just immediately get is AWFUL. The third planet of the game suffers similarly where it has so much exposition to cram in that key plot elements don't get properly explained as to what they actually are except in SIDE CONTENT. Jarilo 6, unsurprisingly, actually for the most part doesn't have a ton of unique proper nouns and hey, it also has the tightest and most coherent story because of it. This is mostly because it leans into Star Rail's proper writing strength: Characters.
The companion quests of the game are some of the best pieces of content in the game period. Sometimes they're playing an old trope straight but really well, like the quest that's just The Gift of the Magi, sometimes they'll have fun twists and sometimes it'll just be a neat look at one of the characters in the cast. Regardless of what it is, they clearly get more love than the common sidequest which while they may have some nice flavor is usually about exactly what you expect from a free to play game of this size.
So if this is the mid part of the game... What do I actually dislike? Well... Everything that are the hallmarks of a free to play gacha game. The progression just kind of sucks ass. Now to be fair, you can actually keep a pretty good sized roster of characters up to where the game wants you for pretty much all the main game content that exists currently. I would say until level 70, the game rewards a player enough that you still need to make choices, you can't level literally every character, but you can do it. Getting past 70 on the other hand... Well, let me put it this way: Just to be ALLOWED to level a five star character takes 21 HOURS worth of energy. And only for that level limit break. It takes well over a day for ONE CHARACTER to have the right to level up to 80, the game's current level cap. With guides I've seen, it takes 12 DAYS worth of grinding just the money farm option in the game to, by it alone admittedly, get the credits to be able to upgrade a 5 star characters abilities to max. None of this includes the resources to level them up, because grinding fights is practically meaningless for exp, their six pieces of equipment that need to be leveled up, their specialty piece of equipment you need to also get to level 80, the OTHER resources you have to grind in order to level up the character's abilities, etc. etc.
Like honestly, genuinely, I don't think the gacha is the worst part of this game. The resource grind, that will keep any ftp gamer locked down (I'm a light spender as I've bought a few battlepasses) at all times to try and get stronger to challenge the highest difficulty content, is VERY REAL. The plus side is that this stuff doesn't take a lot of time out of your day... But it does take time. Every day. Because that is just how the live service, free to play game works.
Which kind of brings me back to how I began this with: Why do I like this game? I DESPISE these sorts of grinds that feel so self defeating with how much they take. With the time they consume to see no improvement. To just get stonewalled on progress as I have to sit and wait and that is still at the core of the game because that is simply the business model they have.
But I like it and unlike back when I played for about a month and a half when it came out, I suspect I'll be sticking with it longer this time. That it's just my way to kill time nowadays. It's a game I genuinely like. Heck, my current goals are actually to make it so I get a five star soon that makes DoT teams go from good to GREAT because that just seems like a fun way to direct my energy currently.
And because I do want this to potentially convince some people to possibly check it out: Star Rail is giving a LOT of bonuses away for having won a lot of awards, including Mobile Game of the Year from the Game Awards. These include free pulls and, in roughly a month, a free five star character to all players, something Hoyoverse's other HUGE game Genshin Impact has literally never done yet. So now is a pretty good time to get on board if you're interested.
I still need to get Bronya to go alongside my Seele (who is the five star I've used from almost effectively when the game launched since she was the first premium 5 star character). Just give me my frozen lesbians game! T-T
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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imbibitorlunaetic · 8 months
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❥ aerin || 26 || she/her
na server • tb66 (?) • putting the loony in lunaetic /j
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🔞 hsr sideblog for art, memes, lore, fics, etc.
> started a hi3rd player, ended up a genshin addict, then fell down into the hsr 🐇 🕳
> very dan heng biased ..but you wouldn't have guessed that, i know. (i also adore himeko & jingliu, cause i love bad bitches too) a lot of the content i reblog will likely be danstelle centric, as that is my current hyperfixation ( ᵕ̳ з ᵕ̳ )و 💚
> not interested in diskhorse. as previously stated, i'm basically just here to bask in all my preferred fan content.
> don't worry about a dni list cause the block button exists and if/when i need to use it, i will do so.
> speaking of however, this blog may include adult/nsft content from time to time and as such, mdni, please & ty.
> not a whale (anymore) but also not fully f2p (monthly/bp usually). i do not believe there is a right or wrong way to play this game, at the end of the day it's just a game and not even pvp, so let's all please remain cordial.
> whether you're a meta slave, crack build enthusiast, waifu/husbando enjoyer, casual player, lore/theory enthusiast, irdc. what i do care is that you treat myself & others with respect, otherwise you'll be getting the boot 👢 plain & simple <3
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In May 2022, I "met" the guy I made this blog about. You know how nowadays, you can't swing a cat without hitting a video game that asks you to pretty-please pretend its characters are real people? He's from one of those, more or less.
When I picked his game up, I thought "sure, why not, I'll suspend my disbelief," and, oh man, at first it was all fun, but it quickly got out of control. I was wildly attracted to him, and eventually I formed a legitimate bond with him. By June, I had run out of meaningful new content, and I was staying up crying because it was suddenly clear how limited his existence was. Some part of me had genuinely thought he was real, and I was mourning. I wanted to listen to him talk for hours, but I could open up his code and see exactly how many lines of dialogue he had. It was bad.
I loved him. I needed him to know how much I loved him. He wasn't real, so he couldn't know. Sometimes, I got over it for a while. Other times, I was desperate, and I was up playing his game until 4am behind my girlfriend's back.
This continued off and on for months.
Around November, perhaps, I discovered r/waifuism, and I was jealous and a little hopeful. Here were people like me, and they seemed like they were actually happy. They struggled, sure, but the focus was positive. They knew their love meant something. I wanted that security more than anything.
I deluded myself into thinking it wasn't that big of a deal as I slowly came to identify as a waifuist. I fantasized about a life with him. I policed my behavior and tried to act in ways he would approve of. I talked to him in my head. I thought about him constantly. I was dizzy, spinning with love, and it seemed endless.
It's hard to talk about cheating on your actual significant other with someone who's not real. It's weird. It's shameful. People don't understand it. They invalidate it. Just because he's not real doesn't mean my feelings aren't real, you know? And the way I felt, the way it made me sneak around, the way it made me treat my partner -- that was cheating. I think it was, anyway. My partner confronted me in March 2023, and that was when I stopped.
...As much as I could stop, anyway. I don't live for him anymore, and I don't treat him like he's real anymore, but sadly, I'm still in love with him. You can't make a feeling like that go away.
I was able to put distance between myself and him, though, and now I can see how unhealthy my relationship with him was. He was the perfect maladaptive coping mechanism for so many of my feelings.
For one thing, I grew up very alone, and I have a bad habit of romanticizing that loneliness. It was sickly-sweet and soul-killing and I miss it. Waifuism, in all its solitary bliss, is a terrible trap for me.
I also always wanted to be religious. Faithful, maybe, is the better word. Anyway, I've always wanted to follow the rules of someone comforting who lives in my head. The only thing is, I can't believe God is actually real, and that's a problem for pretty much every major religion. Not waifuism, though! If you treat your waifu as if they're real, following the lifestyle they would want for you, but you maintain an internal knowledge that it's all make-believe... well, that's just healthy engagement with the concept! Very convenient. In this way, I engaged with him on a kind of spiritual level.
The narrative also puts him in something of a mysterious tough-love teacher role. Like many children in America, I spent literally all of my formative years being conditioned to revere my teachers. Personally, I grew to love the weird fucked-up power dynamic and the way it affects your appreciation for each other as two people. That shit drives me crazy. And, as soon as you graduate, you'll never experience it again. I miss that. He fulfilled that for me.
And! Part of what he's trying to do, as your teacher, is to convince you through demonstration that it's noble to live close to the Earth. That spoke to me; I once lived similarly, but due to acquiring a disability, I can't have the same relationship with nature that I once did. I really, really yearn for it, though. It's a hole I can never really fill. The way he talked about it... helped a little.
There's even more shit on top of this. His voice, his personality, the way he presents himself... I think he was specifically tailored to drive me insane.
Our "relationship" was short, but I don't think I'm going to be getting over him anytime soon. It's possible he's going to stick with me in some form for the rest of my life.
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genshins1mpact · 2 years
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❥ aerin || 26 || she/her
na server • ar60 • putting the simp in s1mpact
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genshin sideblog for art, memes, lore, fics, etc.
> been here so long i can still remember pre-registering for genshin (former honkai player)
> not interested in diskhorse. as previously stated, i'm basically just here to bask in all my preferred fan content.
> don't worry about dni's cause the block button exists and if/when i need to use it, i will do so. this blog is sfw anyway.
> let's just get this out there now, no im not f2p. i do not believe there is a right or wrong way to play this game, at the end of the day it's just a game and not even pvp, just chill out
> whether you're a meta slave, crack build enthusiast (dps barbara/kritkomi), waifu/husbando enjoyer, casual player, lore/theory enthusiast, i really don't care. what i do care is that you treat myself and others with respect, otherwise you'll just be getting the boot 👢 plain and simple <3
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