#be there to harass him when he fucked up
britt-the-bratt · 1 month
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mugentakeda · 6 months
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i know this makes no sense cus iroh had only just met zhao in 1x03 i believe but i saw this in a fic a long time ago (or i hallucinated it idk) where jeong jeong also trained lu ten and i Just. lalalalalalaaaaa
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memehayes · 9 months
writing my 10th essay to my friends on how frustrating it is to watch fans and hgs alike downplay and undermine the distress women face from being stuck around men who make them uncomfortable while simultaneously needing to retain those very men’s approval / favor for any number of valid personal and professional (ie game) reasons but not clicking send bc it’s 4am and their sweet unsuspecting selves don’t deserve to wake up to that
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clovertheloser · 2 days
Me: ok even though I really don't want to, I should probably pirate and watch the new episode so I know how it can factor into hell of a time
(22 minutes later)
Me:....I want to slam my head against the wall.
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winslowat3am · 2 years
You prob won’t see this but hi! I follow you and your beautiful wife bc of your love for black women and life tips! I wanna share a story that happened yesterday where I was harassed in a gas station by an aggressive black male security guard and get nonblack poc feedback bc I no longer feel safe around black men and just curious to what advice or thoughts you have.
Last night I walked inside a pilot gas station to use the restroom where I wore a yellow camo track suit with the hood up bc I was cold. The security told me to take my hood down even tho there was no policy where I could see and followed me to the restroom door and called me out my name (I heard him thru the door), after I finished in the restroom I went to confront him at the register he was hiding behind where we got into a heated verbal exchange , I cussed him out amd I hurt his ego evidently bc he felt the need to follow me outside to escalate it but I outtalked him and got in my car. I never took my hood down. I went back in the gas station with a girlfriend for water after informing her of what happened where he then tried to make me remove my hood again and tried to encourage the women at the registers to refuse me service bc I wouldn’t remove my hood, we got into it again. He was aggressive, approached me slamming his hand on the counter, got loud, and sensitive bc I got the best of him twice verbally and in the end I still got the water and never took my hood down; the nice white lady at the register took my money from my friend who paid for it, the black woman at the register was a m@mmy. He nitpicked my outfit and physical appearance but ppl passing thru wore hoods and had pants hanging off their asses, tummy shirts, brought dogs in the store, but was never harassed like I was. I don’t have a problem following a policy but I won’t follow a policy when it’s enforced on me but no one else. So I called the police and they told me to file a complaint with corporate and see what I can do about it so I will be calling them in the morning. Did I mention the security tried to get me banned for trespassing just bc i didn’t back down and verbally whooped him?? LOLL!!! I’ll be carrying a switchblade from now on and learning to shoot a gun real soon!
Read my tags. I'm assuming you're a bw? It doesn't take all the hoodrat buffoonery Glocktavious displayed to ask someone to remove their hood. Talk to a lawyer, they'll help you go about prosecuting Dustavious the right way. So unprofessional. I hope this isn't a late response, I don't really check Tumblr lately or read every ask but yours grabbed my attention. You did the right thing! Always stand up for yourself. You're a savage for checking his ass. Never be afraid of a man, & keep a weapon on you. 👏👏👏👏Insecure, pussy "men" pick fights with women, they think being aggressive & loud intimidates you & they never prepare for a strong retort that shuts their shit down. My completely honest & straightforward unfiltered pov: We need to address the fact that the bullying of bw is a problematic behavior that is perpetuated by bm primarily (not all, but atp it's so common it might as well be). You'd be better off opening up your dating options to men outside of your race, tbh. (Be very selective & careful when itrl dating). Non-bm build their communities & protect their women. [Redacted] That's why I don't understand why some ww leave wm, who have privilege & power, for bm, who 9/10 don't have anything to offer except dick, kids & struggle love. Even when bm manage to have success it doesn't change their crusty ass mentality. I recently learned that a bw is killed by a bm every six hours. [Redacted] Bm are the only race of men who publicly bash, degrade & bully their race of women while praising, fetishizing & worshipping non-bw. But you can't expect men who hate themselves to love or value you. I see the bs bw have to deal with daily & it saddens me. I feel like they target bw cause they think it'll make them men & acceptable in the eyes of wm, it's embarrassing. [Redacted] I can't imagine treating my baby like that. [Redacted] I'll never post or reblog a "this is a safe space for everyone" post. It's not. I don't post for them. I don't want racists/colorists in my space where bw & woc tell me that they feel safe, seen & protected. I gatekeep my blog so that you're safe expressing your feelings here. I thought it was obvious since I never acknowledge bm but it needs to be said. I 100% agree with the bw advising bw to choose higher quality men. You should watch Cynthia G & Paris Milan on YouTube & other black women who cover domestic & racial topics, it's very educational & insightful, they offer a lot of perspective & I agree with so many points they make. [Redacted] The best advice I can give you is to run & never look back. Good luck. ❤️
#you can sue him personally for discrimination & verbal harassment & file a complaint with corporate#If you're banned from the store then you can have the cops get his information & press charges#once corporate finds out about the incident he'll more than likely lose his job#Make sure to stress that he intentionally embarrassed you by making a scene followed you to the bathroom & outside of the store in attempt#to escalate the situation he was highly aggressive & approached you & that you felt scared for your safety which caused emotional distress#those are super important details & ultimately where he fucked up#& if you're able to write down the date/time this occurred & have the camera footage obtained by police & your friends as witnesses#it'll help your case#The moment someone loses their cool & lowers themself even lower than they already are you already won#As you go through life the more jackasses you'll encounter & you'll become so immune that shit won't even anger you the way it used to#Speaking from experience#I don't see him living long cause losers who fuck with people & think being loud & ghetto gives them an upper hand never live a long life#toxic masculinity is a fear of strong women masked by a fraudulent superiority complex#he's corny asf if the only thing he could think to call you was ugly like what guy doesn't automatically run to that as an insult?#They even use it when they get rejected it's always that or 'bitch' cause they're sooo original#they're tiring#long post#ask
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kelpiemomma · 7 months
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He hesitated as the child below him smiled and reached up. His claws rested right above its head and yet it looked delighted to see him. Did it not realize the danger it was in? It grabbed his fur and giggled.
...if he was asked, he was simply raising it up to help him infiltrate human settlements better.
#Khan a.#Zoroark Khan#Raised by Zoroarks au#Khan finds Akari in the middle of nowhere and is about to kill her (bc all humans deserve to die in his eyes)#But when she smiles at him he can't do it and decides to take her in and raise her instead#There was something about her looking... Happy to see him that stopped him#(when was the last time anyone was happy to see him?)#(this is bc I thought it'd be funny if Khan raised akari as a Zoroark and then got upset and jealous#When ingo drops the fuck out of the sky and after becoming the warden becomes friendly#the weird feral child running with Zoroarks. He tries to guide her into human behaviors which she finds so INTERESTING#Esp when he decides she's good enough to go into town!!! The town humans are neat and not at all scary like khan had always said#Ingo lies and says she's his daughter. That they had gotten separated during travel. That she had to survive on her own for a time#Which is why she's... Like That. Everyone eats it up. Gives her free stuff. Tells her they're glad she's reunited with her dad.#Akari tells Khan (who's only referred to as 'malice' yet) and Khan gets jealous as FUCK.#That is HIS BABY. HE FOUND HER. HE RAISED HER. SHE'S HIS DAUGHTER. NOT INGO'S!!!#But when he tries to sneak into Jubilife to steal her back? Bring her home? Do something? He's caught and chased out. And the next morning#Things are abuzz with the news that a black Zoroark had tried to break in!! Those things are so dangerous!! Say...#Hadn't the clans mentioned a black Zoroark before?#Akari discovers then (long after befriending ingo and months since she started coming into town) that Khan had told her the truth.#That these people hated Zoroarks. Feared them. But Ingo tells her that the clans have been harassed by them for generations.#That Malice is right but also he's wrong. And Akari decides she's going to show how GOOD Zoroarks are!!! How loving the are to their family#She ends up helping Laventon and Rei with the dex. She is still known as Warden Ingo's Feral Daughter. And everyone wonders and fears#Bc somehow one of the first pokemon she caught was a zorua she keeps in her party ALWAYS. Ingo thinks her wanting to show the good side#of Zoroarks is a good thing. Peace would be beneficial. He's heard hunters in the pearl clan discuss wanting to track down and kill#Every Zoroark and zorua to keep them from hunting the clans. He doesn't want an entire species wiped out!#So there is Ingo and his 'daughter' (who he is genuinely starting to see as his daughter) and then suddenly#One day there is a knock at the door. And ingo opens it to see a young man with a nasty scar GLARING at him#And the first thing he says is 'give me back my child' which makes ingo ???)#There were more tags but Tumblr said 'fuck you that's too many'#TLDR ingo has to lie to Jubilife residents and tell them Khan is his ex and the residents are LIVING for the perceived Family Drama™️
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beeben · 3 months
Everything i hear about h bomber guy makes me hate him
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forcebookish · 7 months
lol boston gets to be a bad friend to everyone but his friends who rightfully call him out for it are worse i guess
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zipquips · 2 months
so fucked up that you can look like a stereotypical dyke and men will still hit on you
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”I don’t want to give Jehovah’s organization a black eye so I have to suffer in silence. Oh the pain! The pain!”
Mhm. Have you ever considered that Jehovah’s organization has given you not one, but two proverbial black eyes, broken ribs, and a concussion over the years; and maybe you should expose them for the abusers they are, if only enough to get yourself help to heal from the abuse you’ve experienced? You’ve got Stockholm syndrome bad, and you’re making it everyone else’s problem. You cared about your abusers so much that you abused me in their name, just because I wanted no part of their organization. Even if I didn’t seek out apostate resources, I wouldn’t have needed them to make my decision to leave because of how much you vented about them to me since I was about five years old. Did you just expect me to stay here and take the abuse like you did? I’m better than that; I’m better than you.
#exjw#ex cult#I woke up and he was venting about it to my mom very loudly so I just went “fuck that”#I could’ve went somewhere in the house to eat but I specifically chose the 20 degrees F screen room so that both of them know#I’d rather freeze than hear one more second of his venting knowing that he is still refusing to get help#Mom wants to watch the convention? Glorious. I’m not leaving my room until he’s done talking. I will not be her deus ex machina#I will not be her excuse to end the conversation so she can watch the convention with me#She can sit there and listen to it; and maybe she’ll grow some reasoning ability and realize#the religion she so piously subscribes herself to is splitting us apart and killing her husband#and maybe she’ll begin to take his triggers seriously and not make passive-aggressive remarks about how she wants to listen#to all the comments and not mute it when an elder who sexually harassed him begins speaking#and maybe my dad will grow some common sense and realize that continuing to go to meetings will ensure he is in a state of trauma#for all eternity#and maybe — just maybe — they will realize that everything they read in my diaries was right#and that they were absolutely positively 100% in the wrong for screaming at me about their contents#and apologize for what they’ve done to each other and to me#But that’s wishful thinking because [first name] “I’m more stubborn than you” [last name] will hold out until it kills him#and my mom is ex-Catholic and convinced the JWs are entirely truthful just because she prefers the possibility of death over hellfire#You can’t make this shit up#I live in a madhouse with crazy people
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scootersscooter · 1 year
Hate when the entire fandom misinterprets one of your favorite characters and you literally can't find any fan work where they actually act like their character
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outer-edges · 10 months
it's insane how one terrible forty five second interaction can ruin the next entire day. anyway. i guess time to consume maximum amount of fluff and scroll through tumblr ad nauseam to try and take my mind of things.
#mattie gets personal#fucked up real bad last night#wasn't paying attention while walking#ended up walking by a bunch of harassers and for the entire time it took to walk by they were just being terrible#and now my anxiety is off the fucking charts#un fucking real#and i actually feel so bad because my friend followed me thru it#and the only reason we were going that way was because she was letting me lead#but i was just running on autopilot and NOT paying attention to our surroundings#and i should not have been responsible for that#by the time i realized what was happening like turning around would've been the same distance as just powering thru so i tanked it#but still#fucking terrible#i apologized to her so many times but i just feel like such an idiot#i'm just like#i never usually have to deal with that#because i'm typically paranoid as fuck and also look like teenage boy usually#but yesterday i was NOT paying attention to anything and also was in a very revealing outfit because it was a music festival#some dude followed me earlier in the day too#he only stopped when a guy friend i was with shouted at him to leave me alone#cuz obviously me telling him to fucking leave me alone didn't work#anyway. this is one of the reasons i dress like a teenage boy#not just the gender thing#this is the worst i abused the tags but no one reads these and i need to like put this into the world but not have it be consumed ukw i mea#cuz it's so normal i just like haven't had to deal with it before
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 days
stop no im entertaining myself way too much with this idea now. a scruffy little trans dude intent on being a bad influence, a mostly-soulless antichrist who is both younger than them and looks physically older than them, and a former angel vessel with a murder mission walk into a bar. they all have equally weird obsessions with the devil in completely different directions.
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want to reread ciconia bc i love those kids so much and i love that so many countries get represented in it and it's just. so emotionally impactful.
don't want to reread ciconia bc, while there are a lot of fun and interesting and compelling moments from the get-go, a lot of the end-game impactful emotion is Depression and Disillusionment... and the Horror that, in ryukishi's words, "it was like writing about Godzilla and Godzilla really ended up coming".
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tenrose · 5 months
Does someone have a secret recipe to get unwanted men the fuck out of my life???
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tobe-sogolden · 10 months
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