#you never saw me // mack
golvio · 1 year
Every once in a while I remember the “hand clasp” shots in “Rose’s Scabbard,” both the setup with Pearl holding her own hand as she reminisces to herself, them the payoff when she clasps hands with the ghost-hologram of Rose, and I go absolutely feral.
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beastie-anon · 1 year
C’mon, chill out guys, there’s no need to fight. Why do you even hate eachother so much?
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"Why don't you ask Hog? She seems to be an expert."
Mack replied sarcastically.
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"Come on guys, Can't we get along? We're all pokemon here!- more or less.."
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mbappebby · 3 months
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Sometimes you just need your brother || Pt.1
Summary: in which max's little sister finally feels free from her home life and max is there to support her straight away.
Makayla Verstappen (OC) x f1 grid
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Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 123,828 others
makaylaverstappen: study & new friends🦈💗
view all 1,183 comments
user12 Prettyyy😍
user61 Sharks are your new friends ?!
user81 Future marine biologist here !!
user62 The aesthetic✨
maxverstappen1 If u die, it’s your own fault!
makaylaverstappen wow, thanks bro
maxverstappen1 welcome Mack :)
user15 I love their relationship🥰
user61 Max and Kayla >>
user29 🥰🥰
user33 Max💀😭
landonorris How are you not scared ??
makaylaverstappen Nothing to be scared about!
landonorris It’s sharks!!
user19 Lando😭
user44 The fact that she’s 16 and so many people wouldn’t want to do what she’s doing🤣
Everyone knows what Jos Verstappen was like treating Max Verstappen growing up. Everyone saw that Max didn’t see his mother Sophie and his sister Victoria much due to him always travelling around the world.
When they got divorce, Jos went off and got married again and had more children who became Max and Victoria’s step siblings.
Max couldn’t say he had a favourite siblings, but when it came to Makayla Verstappen, her and Max got very close despite the big age gap.
Makayla Verstappen is a 16 year old, she has all her focus on her studies to hopefully achieve her dream of becoming a marine biologist.
If her father let her, that is..
Jos’s relationship with Makayla wasn’t good, they both argued all the time just because of the career Makayla wanted to have wasn’t good enough according to him.
They were always having an argument, like right now.
“Why can’t you just accept it’s the career I want to have!” Makayla said. “It’s not good enough Makayla, what good in the world does a marine biologist do?” Jos shouted.
“Mhm I don’t know! Making fucking looking after the animals and the planet?” Makayla shouted at him, something that she never had to courage to ever do until now.
“Don’t you dare shout at me, you know what will happen if you do that again? You’ll be out of this house” Jos spat has her. “I don’t wanna be there anyways!” Makayla said.
“Go then, I won’t care you are always in your bedroom all day everyday anyways!” Jos replied. “So, this is what you are doing? Kicking out a 16 year old!” Makayla exclaimed.
“Yes” Jos replied as Makayla just stared at him as he walked into the kitchen. She slowly made her way up to her bedroom to start packing a suitcase. After a few hours she had everything packed.
She was finally free.
Something that Max Verstappen wasn’t expected was to see his 16 year old sister the other side of this door, with a suitcase and a sad look on her face.
“Mack, how’d you get here?” Max asked her softly as helped her into his apartment and pulled her into a hug. The girl could see quite a few drivers there so she buried her head into his chest.
“C’mon, talk to us we won’t be able to help you otherwise” Daniel said as he walked over to the two siblings. “He kicked me out..” Makayla mumbled and all the drivers faces fell.
All that Max felt was anger, why in the world would his father kick out his daughter who is only 16 years old? He pulled out of the hug and went to go find his phone.
“Max! Don’t do anything please!” Makayla said as he tried to go after him but she was pulled into a hug by Lando. “Let him calm down,” Lando whispered.
Daniel went after Max to try to calm him down, Makayla had been led towards to couch and started to have a small chat with the drivers.
“Wait! What happens if I get put into care?! I’m not a legal adult!” Makayla exclaimed as Max appeared back into the room and wrapped his arms around his sister.
“Everything is going to be alright, I’ll get it all sorted out I promise you..” Max told her as he left a kiss on her forehead.
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coolprettyleo · 2 months
my soul has changed? - will smith au
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wc: 1.4k
tw: depression, suggestion of an ED, awkwardness? mean girl.
will smith x oc celebrini sister!
lola celebrini was in a point of her life where everything felt still. she was pretty sure she was suffering from depression and it was a cycle she didn't know how to get out of.
she would wake up, go to school, go to work, and then sleep. she was lucky if she fitted a meal in between that meant she had lost tons of weight.
she had been a pretty healthy teen, she played hockey up until high school alongside her brothers; but when the time came to play college hockey, she got no offers. contributing to her depression.
it was a sport she held so much love and dedication, she couldn't understand why she hadn't been good enough? I mean her brothers were good enough, they got college offers. macklin was even projected to go first overall, so why couldn't she?
those were thoughts that were constantly haunting her mind. if she found something to forget them they would flood back in, like if they wanted her to be a lifeless doll she had been feeling like.
her family had been really worried for her. she had finally seen her brothers after a year, at the NCCAA playoffs and it only caused them to worry more.
lola knew that macklin and aiden were gonna bombard her with questions as soon as they were alone. they could hardly recognize her. growing up she was always a smiling person with a big personality and now she was about forty pounds lighter and was a ghost of the person she used to be.
"april what's going on" macklin said shutting the door behind him.
"what do you mean"
"cut the bullshit. I know your not okay, you barley answer my text anymore, what's wrong"
"it's nothing mack-"
"no it's not nothing, maybe I can fix it-
"you cant 'fix' it"
"and why not-"
"because I don't know what wrong with me!"
that had been about two weeks ago. she just didn't know what to tell her family. she really didn't understand why she had been feeling that way.
she was currently at work where she was a barista in a cute coffee shop. she honestly loved working there, she had got the job when she was in high school and had kept it till college. seeing as she didn’t move far away for college, choosing to stay close to her parents.
she often wondered if she might be happier if she moved away just like everyone else did, just like her brothers did. but it would always end in her telling herself; that it's not worth dwelling on.
it was currently six am and at this time of day there weren’t many customers. the cafe was always busy mid day when people were looking to find somewhere to study.
so she was surprised when she turned the open side around, to find a boy waiting outside to come in. a boy who looked a lot like will smith.
lola wasn’t an idiot to hockey, she kept up with it a fairly good amount, so she would have to be living under a rock to not know the guy who dominated the ice at her brothers rivalry school.
that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to act like she didn’t know him.
he reached for the handle and took a look at her before turning as red as a tomato and blushing,
“hey, are you guys open?” he asked nervously, mentally slapping himself because he just saw her turn the sign around, to ‘open’
“uhm yeah I’ll be with you in a sec” she told him.
will couldn’t help but think her voice was cute. she had a rasp to it that made him want to give her everything she’s ever wanted.
lola finished up, putting the coffee too brew and turned to the counter.
“okay! order when your ready”
“uhm. i actually never been here before… any recs?” he asked after a moment nervously scratching his neck.
“well I get a dirty chai, but considering my brothers hate it, you might hate it too… I guess you might like a frap?” she told him, a little too monotone.
“yeah okay” he told her again nervously. he found her to be breathtakingly beautiful.
he paid and stood back as she got to making the drink.
“you from here?” will asked hoping to make small talk.
“uhm kinda. I was born in Vancouver but moved here when my dad got a job”
will panicked. oh god was she still in highschool
lola must of saw the worry on his face because she added,
“that was a couple years ago, im eighteen now” she said smiling at his face. something she didn’t do often anymore.
“oh, i’m eighteen too”
“oh yeah, what brings you to san jose, school?” she said innocently knowing very well he was drafted here and was most likely here to work on development.
“no. I”m came to meet with some people here. I go to boston college” he answered. lola starting to not feel so bad because she saw he didn’t want to right away say he was a hockey player.
“far from home huh”
“yeah, i’m literally across the country from everything and everybody i’ve ever known” he told her wanting to slap himself. did she need to know that!?!
“i’m sorry. it’ll get easier” she said remembering her brother had been homesick too but utimatly started feeling better after some time-- as she handing him his drinks and gave him a sympathetic face.
“yeah i hope so, i should be moving here soon, if everything goes right” he said as he took a sip.
“hey this is good!” he said taking another sip as lola smiled. something that will thought looked amazing on her.
lola smiled at him remembering the fact her brothers liked that drink. boys were so typical
“i’m glad… and hey— if you ever need a friend in town my names lola” she told him as she held her hand out to him to shake.
will starred at it for a moment before he quickly met her hand.
“will” he told the girl with a smile.
they were cut out of there moment when two customers walked in.
“I should get back to work. i’ll see you around will” she told him as he smiled a nodded and walked right out.
say something! ask for my number! do anything!
lola felt really dumb after she basically just presented herself in a silver platter to the boy and he didn’t finish his part in asking for her number. he had definitely rejected her in the nicest way someone possibly could.
meanwhile will got into the Uber with a gitty feeling. she seemed really cool and having someone to hang out with other than his teammates was going to be so nice.
he was midway into the meeting with some general managers when he realized he didn’t even ask for her number.
“oh my god” he mumbled as he came to the realization
"i'm sorry?" one of the GM's said confused.
“uhh— I said I was excited to join the franchise!” he covered up, feeling like an idiot.
hopefully she was still there after the meeting.
the meeting had gone a little to long for his liking and as he raced down to the coffee shop he hoped she was working a long shift.
he opened the door to see a blonde girl who looked old but yet looked young, and a taller boy with curly hair working behind the counter.
“hi. is lola working today?” he said breathlessly
the blonde eyed him for a moment before smirking,
“I don't recall a lola ever working here...my name samantha though” she said with a face that will knew was a face of someone who was lying.
“yes there is, she helped me earlier-"
“if your here to file a complaint against her, I can totally help you then,” she said
“no she was great— wait, you said you didn’t know an lola-“
“your looking for lola?” the other barista cut in
“yeah she was here earlier, i was hoping she was still here”
“she got off like two hours ago but i can give you her number!” the curly haired boy told will. he was one of lola's friends and he wasn’t going to ruin this opportunity for her.
“you totally can’t do that!” the blonde girl said in a nasally voice.
“shutup samantha. go take candy from a baby or something” he sassily told her.
she rolled her eyes before walking away to wipe a table down.
“sorry about her, here’s her number— good luck!”
“thankyou so much” he told him as he thought about what exactly to text the pretty girl.
both lola and will not knowing the epic love story they were about embark on.
hi guys! i hope this is kinda good, dont feel shy to send in ask and au thoughts… i like never get any but im so open to it!!
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lix-ables · 5 months
𖨂 mdni . 🍓
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his eyes find the book resting in your hand, a page bookmarked. but when he slowly lifts it up from you, he notices a couple of other pages marked as well. curious, he reads the lines of the page you're currently on, eyes smiling and a smirk forms on his face when he realises what it actually is.
he notes the name of the book, future reading maybe or studying, whatever it may be – consider me, becka mack. when he reaches to place it back in your hand, or next to you, your eyes fly open, looking at the way his fingers clutch the book you were reading.
"w-what were you doing?"
"i could ask you the same, baby. tell me, why are certain pages bookmarked hm?" his fingers don't let go of the book between your bodies, his thumb tracing the spine of the book, and your knuckles. "her teeth tug on her bottom lip, lashes batting, and i’m already pulling the tie free...," he continues, when he manages to pull the book from your hand, reading the words on the page in front of him. "cute."
"it's not c-cute," you whisper, your eyes never leaving the way he's holding the book. "oh right, sorry. hot. do you want to recreate this hm? is that why you've bookmarked it?"
"n-no," you spit out, hoping he'd leave the book any minute, so that you can hide it from him.
"lies. i think i saw something about blindfolds. think we can try that tonight?"
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chan, minho, changbin, jisung, felix, i.n
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buckrecs · 1 year
hey! Hope you're having a good day!
i was wondering if you can mack a masterlist for bucky x female neighbor?
masterlist | req masterlist
EVERYBODY should have a bucky barnes as their neighbor
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Next door neighbor by @buckylattes
Your next door neighbor, Bucky, has been trying to get your attention for a while now, but he fears that he’s taken the whole situation the wrong way. Will you ever give him a chance?
cookies, kisses and such by @stevebabey
All This Time by @jobean12-blog
When you finally meet your new neighbor you can tell you’re going to have a difficult time staying away from him, even though you should.
Bribe the Super by @real-jane
You have a very hot neighbor. He happens to think the same of you.
What Are Friends For? by @gogolucky13
When you threaten to swear off men for good after your last bad date, your neighbor and friend offers to help change your mind.
Day After Tomorrow by @buckyarchives
enhanced hearing is both a blessing and a curse. eavesdropping, loud music, footsteps and when your sweet neighbor has been coughing her pretty head off all day.
do i even have a chance? by @noceurous
you’ve found him and he was sure he didn’t have a chance
just a dream by @itsmeatballworld
Bucky and reader are neighbors in Brooklyn. When reader has a spicy dream about the broody man, it sets off a series of events that ignites something in both of them.
mutual by @buckycuddlebuddy
the windows you were sharing were belong to your bedrooms, and ─okay, it was wrong, bucky knew this but he was only human ─ you sometimes left your curtains open.
valentine by @softlyspector
You're Bucky's neighbor, Bucky is your secret admirer. Valentine's day and a potential date forces him to act.
Foolish Heart by @jadedvibes
You thought Bucky would never want to settle down, but it turns out you were very wrong.
A Very Special Recipe by @straywords
You’re feeling adventurous in the kitchen and your sinfully attractive neighbor has just the ingredient you need for that unique experiment.
Secret Admirer by @bxcketbarnes
Sneaky by @imagine-docx
Being neighbours with a cute boy has some perks. Also, Sam is being the best wingman (no pun intended) he possibly could.
see through by @buckys-black-dress
where bucky's your inconsiderate neighbor, but he's a frequent flyer at the coffee shop where you work, and you're determined to get on his good side.
Gentle Giant by @touchstarvedirl
You and your neighbor Bucky have will we, won’t we thing going on and you devise a plan to get him to tell you how he feels. It doesn’t go according to plan, or does it?
Neighborly by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
living in the apartment down the hall from Bucky Barnes is definitely not what you expected-and you definitely didn’t expect him to show up bleeding at your door.
blame it in the neighbors by @nev3rfound
having recently moved in next door, you and bucky become fast friends. however, there’s something looming between the two of you and it comes to light when it’s revealed you’re in the hospital.
Can’t Hurt Me by @sweetbbarnes
You're the one that takes care of Bucky after missions, only this time he asks for a different kind of relief.
new neighbor by @alisonsfics
being bucky's next door neighbor and slowly getting to know each other and falling in love?
Paper Walls by @writingcroissant
 Your apartment happens to be right next to Bucky's, heads only separated by a paper-thin wall, leading to you witnessing every second of his nightmares. Although, bonding over your late night conversations, you seem to forget that you never even saw him before.
Time after Time by @justsomebucky
When the reader’s parents divorce, her mother moves her to a new town, right next door to Bucky Barnes. This is their love story.
Hey Neighbor by @moonbeambucky
You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right... that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
Teardrops on Lashes by @delicatelyherdreams
After the Chitauri invaded New York and nearly ended your life, you moved to Bucharest to get away from the superhero stuff. You simply wanted an uneventful, ordinary life. But when a stranger moves into the apartment next to yours, you begin to question those aspirations and choose to risk it all for love.
A Friendly Wager by @justsomebucky
Reader and Bucky Barnes are neighbors and best friends. After yet another bad date, reader comes home to find Bucky with his typical weekend target. They decide to make a wager about dating, but is there more on the line than reader cares to admit?
Come Over by @moonstruckbucky
You’re new to New York City. Fresh out of post-grad and wanting a change of pace, and this change comes in more ways than one. 
Keeping Me Up by @writing-for-marvel
When Bucky moves in next door, you seem to get much less sleep than when your previous neighbour lived in apartment 4a.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Bumpy Ride
Scarlett Johansson x Actress!R
Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda) x F!R (a blip of a scene)
Request by: 🦥
A/N: I wrote the EO x R kiss as if I was writing a Wanda fic, literally just wrote the imagined scene. | Also, if this is too beyond what you wanted, feel free to request a do over fic. I might’ve gotten carried away.
Warnings: Jealous/Possessive Scarlett.
Smut: Daddy (Top-R), Kitten (Power Bottom-S), Fingering (S), Face-Riding (S) Kinks: Lactation, Praising, Slight Degradation.
18+ | Minors DNI
Labeled, please don’t report.
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Scarlett wore a wide smile as you guided her through the set of your current Marvel film. This was a nice experience for her, watching as the legacy she had an integral part in building continued on through you, and the others.
It was rather bittersweet too though, seeing images from the iconic movies past, when she was younger and in the fittest shape of her life. Now she wears her post pregnancy tummy pouch with reassured pride, and eats a far less restrictive diet as she holds no obligations to have a widely unobtainable superhero physique.
Without Marvel she wouldn't have skyrocketed in her career, and she is beyond grateful to them for that, but she more importantly has them to thank for finding you, and the sweet, domestic life she now lived with you and Leo. The pretty little boy grew in her body, but he shared your likeness, as you hadn't the time to be pregnant yourself, so IVF it was until 2026 when your contract with Marvel was finally up.
When you finally turned to take in your wife after droning on about today's filming, you noticed the deep pout she wore, and you softly pecked it away. "What's troubling you, love?"
"I miss Leo," she confessed quietly, and you smiled sadly at her, the ache in your chest was the same as his smiling face tauntingly flashed through your mind, "Me too my love, I miss his kissable little face, and his sweet giggles at the inappropriate hour of 2am," you kissed her pout away, and smiled as she herself giggled.
"It'll be okay soon, my last scenes today and tomorrow you'll have that important meeting, then we'll steal him back from your moms."
Scarlett burrowed into your offered embrace with a muffled huff, "I miss his baby smell."
"Me too," you snorted as you swayed her body.
"Wait, did you say you had a steamy scene with Lizzie today?" Scarlett's mind finally caught up to your previously uttered words, and that once soft pout of hers slipped into a deep scowl.
You chuckled softly, "I'd hardly call it steamy," your wife however wasn't amused, "It's a kiss."
"A kiss that will create a hoopla of rumors."
"Scarlett," you sighed, it was always the same insecurity, and you'd never get mad at her for it, the fans edits can be quite convincing seeing as how you and Lizzie are literal best friends.
"They have been shipping us since the dawn of time, and that's cause I'm an amazing actress," you subtly reminded her of your profession, the one she shares with you, "Do you know how many men I've had to see you macking with?"
Scarlett shrugged, a silent gesture in attempt to brush passed your honest counter to hers.
"It doesn't really matter either, because I am assured every night when I come home to your loving embrace that you're all mine, and it's not a question baby, I'm irrevocably yours."
"I just wish they'd stop it, you know? We're all married now, with our families in the making."
"Yeah, but also Scar, when you agreed to marry me you knew Lizzie was apart of that deal," you teased her as you brought her into the dressing room so you could prepare for the kiss scene.
Scarlett rolled her eyes, it was the truth, she of course saw Lizzie as family, but she didn't have to like the way the world of Hollywood works.
Elizabeth was your first connection at Marvel as you started filming together, so it was no shock that the two of you hit it off. Then your alliance was set in stone from the moment Age of Ultron hit theaters. People shipped your character with Wanda's, but it was a different era, so the palpable chemistry between you and your new friend was swept under the rug, and it was exchanged for a queer coded on screen pining on your character's ends as she explored the more sellable at the time ship with Vision.
As fandoms do though, they took the shipping a step further and soon it was you shipped with Lizzie. Clips from differing press junkets were stitched together, along with solo interviews where you'd be questioned about the other. Elizabeth and you were platonic soulmates, so it was easy for fans to romanticize your replies.
At the time you were out, you never once hid from Hollywood, and neither had Lizzie, she didn't expressly label herself, but the way she spoke so candidly at times gave her away. So the shipping didn't bother either of you much. But it did bother Scarlett, she had her eyes on you from day one, and once she had you she was constantly afraid you'd leave her for the mutual friend who wasn't still hiding away.
Throughout the years it had only got more and more aggressive, and it infuriated your now wife. It occurred at its peak during a time when Scarlett hadn't wanted to have to come out yet. She was still trying her darnedest to wipe away her forced image as a sex symbol, the last thing she needed was creeps fetishizing your love.
However, after about three interviews with your posse of girls during the Infinity War junket your lover finally lost her composure. Four years of having the love she'd built up with you overshadowed by indecent rumors, well that was enough to drive her to break.
They'd handed the three of you a bin of spicy tweets, and when she was handed one to read about you topping Lizzie she lost it, she glared at the unsuspecting man, throwing the ball of paper at him just before staring directly at the camera as she muttered: "The only person Y/N is topping is me, so suck on that scwitch22."
Scarlett wasn't even embarrassed afterwards, she simply took the spot in your lap, and the interview continued on without a hitch, the tweets were significantly thinned out though. No one wanted to risk another outburst from the shockingly intimidating blonde woman.
"Yeah, as our good friend, not my sister wife," Scarlett eventually huffed after moments of silence, she was too busy watching you change. You looked up to see her arms crossed under her enlarged chest, with her plump lips pursed, and you just could not help but to tease her.
"Well, Leo will one day call her auntie, why not change it to mom?" You dodged her hand as she tried to slap your exposed shoulder, "Y/N, stop testing me, I am still rather hormonal, and unless you wish to be on Snapped, I'd stop."
"A feature on my favorite show?" You gasped with a hand flying over your grinning lips, "You're just the sweetest wife ever my dear."
Before she could actually bring life (or death) to her words you snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her in for a pre hair and makeup kiss. "Stop stressing over the press, you have nothing to worry about, I'm yours!"
The kiss was sickeningly soft, and far too quick for either of your likings, "I love you," you whispered against her lips. "I love you too," she tried to mindlessly chase your lips, but as you pulled away with an apologetic smile she pettily grumbled, "I'm also still mad at you."
"Story of my life," you remarked with a laugh and an indifferent shrug of your shoulders.
Scarlett rolled her eyes at your retreating figure, then after three short minutes stood alone she reluctantly (desperately) followed after you to the trailer for hair and makeup.
Watching you getting into character brought a smile to your lover's face, she adored how you took this role so seriously. Resentments to the rumors aside, she admires the way you and Liz had crafted such a beautiful, long winded story for the fans to devour. Today's scene is actually monumental for the MCU, it's the first intimate confirmation for Wanda and Eliza, so she let her anger go in favor of supporting you.
"You're gonna do great," she whispered into your ear from behind your designated chair, she'd seen your tightly furrowed brows, all she wanted to do was make you feel at peace. You slowly peered up from your script to lock eyes with her through the mirror, and she smiled reassuringly along with her words. "Thanks."
Scarlett nodded, "How can I help my love?"
For the next ten minutes you ran lines with her, there was no reason to worry about her leaking the contents, she wasn't Tom Holland. The woman was a MCU veteran, and knew how to deflect even the slipperiest of questions.
A smirk graced her face as the loosely described kissing scene was up next, she was always looking forward to practicing such lines with you, whether for her film or yours, it didn't matter much; the prospect of letting your costar taste her on you was too exciting.
"Hey ladies."
Speak of the devil...
"You ready Y/N/N?" Lizzie side hugged your scowling wife as she spoke to you with a knowing smirk, "You're a cockblock Olsen."
"Can't have you macking on my woman," she jested, dangerously if Scarlett's glare was to be translated, "She's my woman, remember that."
"She was mine first," Lizzie continued to goad your wife, she would've kept going too, and left you with a monster to drive home with if not for the saving grace of your favorite stagehand.
"Mrs. Y/L/N—Johansson, Mrs. Olsen, the set is ready, and the director sent me to collect you."
Lizzie left with him instantly, knowing when to retreat from a standoff with your wife, and you were two seconds away from doing the same, but your stewing wife stopped your attempts. Her hand swiftly cupped the back of your neck, she pulled you into a bruising kiss, tentatively sliding her tongue in your mouth, unfairly arousing you as she groped your clothed ass. She kissed you until you were near breathless, and mindlessly chewing on her fruity gum.
"Scar," you went to whine, but she traced her thumb around your lips to quell your worries. The lipstick was promptly cleaned off your skin, and a fresh layer was reapplied, it was as if she had never even touched her lips to yours. But the dizzy look in your eye tells her the memory was strong enough without the mess.
For the sake of your career she slid her hand into yours, and guided you to your outdoor set, "Go get em tiger," she winked, and you simply chuckled as she referenced your character's feline tendencies, her silly antics always helped to settle your heart, she was the ideal partner.
Scarlett waved to the familiar director before she settled into your chair, then her eyes zeroed in on the leather jacket they slid over to you, and then she saw the motorcycle. Natasha was always on a motorcycle, it was like her signature ride so she was familiar with the set up for the scene. Scarlett had never been on one though, which now that she thinks of it is rather odd since riding was a leisurely passion of yours up until Leo was born. The Harley taking up space in the garage a daily reminder.
That familiar twinge of jealousy returned to her with a renewed passion as soon as she heard the director call 'action' because then she saw a scene play out that she wanted as her reality.
Wanda was in the process of slipping on her signature red leather jacket, the one she got (stole) from her mentor all those years ago. As soon as the tight fabric melded to her body you were behind her, slipping your hands just below the chilled fabric to grip her by the waist. Wanda hadn't even a moment to think before a squeal of surprise left her parted lips. With an undeniable strength, and incredible ease you lifted the redhead by your grip on her body, settling her onto the bike, then you seamlessly walked around, hand still on hip, so that you could face her, "You're a bit of a show off..."
"I learned from the best," you sadly stated, a subtle nod to the fallen Avenger who'd trained the both of you into the heroes you were today.
Wanda nodded solemnly, a beat of silence held before you went on, "You ready to go honey?"
You went to step away as she nodded, but the redheads hand shot out to wrap around your wrist to halt you. "Would you judge me if I said I was nervous?" You chuckled softly, but your eyes softened when you realized she meant it.
"Baby," the world rolled off your tongue with a familiar ease, and it successfully made the woman blush, "You've literally flown hundreds of miles above ground without a parachute."
"Eliza," she groaned, her grip tightening at your incessant teasing, "I have control over that."
"Yeah, and this is a walk in the park for me baby girl, I am an expert at this sorta thing."
Wanda bowed her head, a new nervousness settling within her bones as you continued to drop the pet names. "What's wrong Wands?"
The redhead picked her gaze back up, shaking her head from side to side, "Nothings wrong."
"You can't hide from me," you pulled a hand free from her loosened grip, and softly caressed her cheek, her breath promptly hitched, "Eli."
"Mhm?" You smiled innocently, but your eyes shone with an understanding that made her stomach erupt with a soft fluttering. Suddenly your faces were closer, breaths mingling as you both waited on the other to close the small gap.
Wanda felt your hand drift to behind her neck, anticipation built within her as you caressed her heated skin softly. Once your eyes fell to her parted lips she knew it was coming, but in a moment of desperation she surged forward to rush the process along. Her lips pressed to yours firmly, there wasn't much room to move at first as she sought to keep you against her, but when she felt your fingers playing with her baby hairs, while your other hand laid against her hip she knew you weren't going anywhere.
You soon guided the kiss, tilting her head with your firmer grip in her hair you slipped your tongue passed her lips. Even with the kiss deepened, you maintained a softness, exploring her mouth with a tenderness that equated to an 'I've loved you for eons, and I will continue to,' she melted into you in total reciprocity.
"We really have to go baby," you whispered once you pulled away, she panted affectedly while your breathing remained steady enough.
"Why?" The witch whined pitifully, "I don't want this moment to end Eliza, it's perfect."
You smiled in agreement, "Yeah, it was."
Wanda pouted as you spoke of the moment in the past tense, meaning it was over, and so you leaned back in to peck it away, "It'll be even better when we get to a safe house sweetheart."
Wanda sighed, "I'm holding you to that then."
"How about I hold you to me instead?" You teased the witch as your leg flew over the bike behind her seamlessly. Wanda rolled her eyes, but she wore a wide smile that you couldn't see.
Wanda melted into your form as you pulled her body back into yours, your arms slid beneath hers so that you could reach for the handles. Her body shuddered once you placed a kiss to the nape of her neck just before you slid a helmet onto her. "Safety first, Avenger or not."
Wanda giggled, then her hand spun in the air, and a helmet appeared over your head next, "The rules apply to you too, nine lives or not."
You snorted, then instead of prolonging the teasing banter you kicked the stand of the bike up, revved the engine, then shot off abruptly.
Scarlett watched the heady kiss without even flinching, it was a bit of a surprise to her, but she found herself envying Elizabeth's chance to ride on the bike with you more so than the making out. The directors had trusted you enough to actually race around the lot, and when you and Lizzie returned in a fit of giggles she felt the jealousy only intensifying. It was not fair to you, but she only gave you a curt nod when you asked if she was okay, she once again cleaned the lipstick off your face, then left to try and simmer her rage inside your trailer.
"What's the matter now?" Lizzie joked from your side, and you only shrugged, but you'd never struggled to read your wife, the way she had glared at the motorbike as if it had killed her entire family was all you needed to know.
This silly scene here opened you up to a future night full of making it up to your wife. You sighed softly before turning to your scene partner, you watched a grin take over her face as a realization of sorts had dawned upon her.
"You're welcome," she winked before turning around to return to the set, you two had one more follow up scene to shoot, and then you'd have to face your attractively jealous partner.
The ride home was radio silent; literally, she slapped your hand away when you tried to fill the tense silence with your favorite playlist.
Scarlett pulled into the garage, a heavy sigh left her lips as she unbuckled, but she didn't speak.
Her door slammed shut, she attempted to race into the house, but you were too quick for her. Scarlett's breath hitched when your hands held her firmly in place, "Now, now kitten, why must you make this difficult by running?"
Scarlett tried to keep her angry front up, but when you manhandled her into the air she lost any semblance of control, you spun her around in your hold so that your lips brushed teasingly as you plopped her onto the Harley backwards.
"Is this what you needed baby?"
Scarlett mindlessly leaned back against the handles, her legs spreading as she did, and you couldn't help but to chuckle at the sight of her.
"Such a beautiful, desperate mess you are for daddy, look at you, you're soaked on through."
Scarlett's skin flushed, she didn't need to hear you say it to know it, the lacy, red material was uncomfortably stuck to her skin, and truth be told it had been like that for hours now. Ever since she'd kissed you breathless, and when she watched you handle that scene with a sexy flair she couldn't stop imagining you handling her in a more sinful way. You drove her wild.
"Tell me what you want," you stepped closer to her, ghosting your lips over hers, "I'm not a mind reader baby, but I do aim to please here, so just tell daddy what it is you need from her."
"Can you give me a ride on the bike?" Scarlett was confused herself as the words left her, it was what she genuinely wanted, but you both know she wanted something else much more.
"Oh, I can," you smirked as your lips met hers, "You can ride me however you want Scarlett."
"Fuck," she sucked in a breath as your fingers slid the sticky fabric of her panties to the side.
"Be good for daddy," you coo'd as your fingers trailed teasingly through her folds, she bucked her hips on instinct, causing the bike to shake, so you held her hip down firmly with your free hand, "Relax my love, you know I've got you."
Scarlett's always been super reactive with you, but as she hadn't been touched like this in over six months she was beyond her normal arousal. Her cunt was dripping all over the leather seat, and if it wasn't so hot you might've even cared about it, but honestly the bike needed a polish.
A mewl left your wife's lips as soon as one of your fingers entered her, you kept a slow pace, too afraid to overwhelm her, and even then you still did, she cried out in shock, "I'm leaking."
You looked down, noticing the pebbles of white that left your wife's breasts, she'd only recently stopped breastfeeding your son as her leave was quickly coming to an end. You were truly enamored by the opportunity here, the urge to taste her milk had always been there, but the chance had yet to present itself until now.
"Oh love, that must hurt," you rasped, and the aroused blonde whimpered her agreements as she looked into your blackened orbs, the need you clearly felt for her was palpable, and it only made the sloshing between her legs louder.
You kissed down her jaw, nibbling enough to make her moans sweeter, but not to mar her skin until you reached the valley of her breasts. You sucked harshly, a deeper red blossomed over her hot skin, the sensation only spurred her moans on, and the sound was addicting.
"There you go kitten," you kissed up the side of her sensitive breast en route to her nipple, "Let daddy know how good she's making you feel."
Scarlett nearly toppled your bike over when your lips wrapped around her nipple, the way you curled your fingers just as you began to suckle made her mind go blank, and legs shake. The sound of your delighted moan made her feel an overwhelming warmth, an unexpected wave of pride flooded her chest at the idea that you'd like her milk enough to moan like that.
"Thank you daddy," she clutched tightly to your biceps, curling her nails into the skin for grounding that she usually found in bed sheets. As you moved in rushed kisses over to her other breast you could feel her hips trying to meet your thrusts, shaking your bike again.
"Stay still," you mumbled around her nipple, making her urge to move higher, but even in her dizzy state she still managed to cooperate. In the bed you wouldn't mind, normally you'd encourage her desperate thrusts as you teased her, but this wasn't your usual spot; the bike wasn't exactly the safest place for her writhing.
Scarlett's quick compliance made you beam, "You're always such a good girl for me."
Scarlett smiled dopily, she was a sucker for your praises, her walls clenched tightly around you when you returned her smile. Nothing could ever really describe just how much she loved your beautiful smile, it was almost always all she needed to want to jump your bones.
"Kiss me," she begged, the desperation clear as day when her lip had trembled in anticipation. You didn't waver in your stare as you neglected to give in to her pleas, you instead continued to piston three fingers into her slick hole, curling them every few thrusts, and doing so before you couldn't resist the temptation to kiss her.
"You're close," you panted the truth against her lips as you reluctantly pulled back, if you could you'd kiss her until your lips went numb. She whined, her eyes then fluttered open at the loss of your sensational lips took effect on her. The pleading in the haze of her eyes was clear, she needed you to give her permission, to send her tumbling over that edge. "Go on kitten, come for daddy, mess up my bike like a good girl."
Her back instantaneously arched into your handlebars, the horn being set off as her body trembled, her orgasm had taken it's full effect. You watched in amazement as her arousal gushed around your digits, it was only her first release of the night and she squirted all over.
"Let's get you cleaned up," you whispered as you nibbled down her jawline, soft red marks left behind that you knew would fade come morning, she had a meeting tomorrow after all.
Scarlett was beyond dizzy, your moves turned her brain into mush, but even in a delirious state she knew what she wanted, and she'd get it. You had both always had such high libidos, but with the baby neither of you had the time or better yet the energy to keep up with them.
But in this jealous fueled daze Scarlett was not short on energy, no, only patience. As you went to guide her to the bedroom for aftercare she stopped you, even with shaky legs she managed to shove you down onto the couch, "Lay down, and let me mark my territory," you knew she wasn't asking, clearly you weren't rebutting.
"Thank you daddy," she straddled your thighs so that she could lean in to peck your lips, you saw the way she eyed your top, so as a reward for her manners you slipped it off as she rose.
"Come on kitten, let daddy make you feel good," you beckoned the short circuiting woman forward, and without letting another minute fly by she crawled up your body, her abundant wetness smeared on your skin, and the feeling left you salivating for her essence.
Neither of you felt like teasing tonight, so the blonde plopped her sopping folds onto your face, so you followed her lead, and immediately began to devour her. Raspy, choked moans echoed off the walls of your quaint living room, with how sensitive she was it didn't take long for her to grow sloppy with the way she rode. Without even looking you gripped her hips, now guiding her thrusts, and pressing down harshly to help your tongue reach her deeper.
With your arms wrapped tightly around her thighs you used all your strength to flip her onto her back, the jostling movement led your tongue to press into her sensitive spot just as your thumb showed up to stimulate her clit.
"Oh fuck," Scarlett bucked her hips in sync with your tongue as you continued to fuck her fluttering hole even after her cum shot down your throat, and her entire body subsequently slumped into the lived in couch cushions.
Scarlett's face was serene as she rode out the bliss you'd given her, she tiredly smiled when your lips trailed over her body, tenderness was all that you offered as you kissed over her skin. Lips lingering over the marks she'd despised until you made her love them the way you did.
"Daddy," she groggily whimpered your title, her hands haphazardly reached down for you, and her nails dug into your shoulder blades so that she could pull you up and into her lips.
"You're insatiable Scarlett," you chuckled as she relinquished her lips hold on you, she met your amusement with a smirk of her own, "If you had a smoke show for a wife you'd be too."
"I do," you deadpanned, and she smirked even wider as she winked, "Glad you're self aware."
"Oh, I am, the amount of people that want you is endless," you huffed, a twinge of jealousy to rival hers showing through, but she helped to melt it away with another kiss to your lips.
"We're clearly just Hollywood's hottest couple," she reasoned, "I guess I should have expected all the attention, of course people want you."
"I really do hope you understand that you're all I'll ever want Scarlett," your eyes glistened with happiness, visions of your future with her all you needed to bring you to tears, "You, and Leo are my entire world, nothing will change that."
"I miss him," she reaffirms her earlier feelings, as do you, "Same, I need my bubba butt back."
"But wait, I have a proposal," she mused, and looked to you with a sinful grin and dark eyes.
"I'm listening."
"Well, my meeting won't end until like five, and it's over an hour away to my moms," she spoke with feigned exasperation, "Why would we pick him up tomorrow near his bedtime? That's just irresponsible. We should let him sleep, and use our bonus night off for an overdue date."
"Hmm," you hummed, pretending as if you were actually thinking over her sex coded offer, "I could just pick him up in the morning," you didn't mean it, but you'd never give up the opportunity to tease, and neither would she.
"Nope," she popped the p, and smirked up, "You're coming to the office baby girl, and we'll be taking your bike so no room for the baby."
"Oh, we are now?"
"Yeah, you are my guinea pig for the day as we test out our newest products, I didn't tell you?"
"No, you most certainly didn't," you grumbled, and climbed off of her, she went to protest the loss of your warmth but she didn't get the chance as you threw her over your shoulder.
"If I'm your guinea pig tomorrow, then you're my cum dump for the night," you threw her down onto the mattress, smirking as her dilated eyes widened at your promise, and so you winked. "What? Might as well use our free time wisely."
Scarlett smirked victoriously once you turned away to collect your strap, her plans for a full weekend now coming to life before her eyes. Leo's return will likely be postponed, it's a good thing she already confirmed a Monday pick up.
4,908 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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siancore · 8 days
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Tell Me You Want Me Too
Written for the @sambuckylibrary SamBucky Summer Bingo 2024 Mission Card. Square Fills: Madripoor; Only One Bed; and Undercover.
Rating: E
Words: 2.9k
Content: Sexually Explicit; Jealousy; Bickering; Possessive Behaviour
Summary: Sam was undercover in Madripoor. Bucky was doing the surveillance. There was only one bed at the safe house and their UST was off the charts. Bucky gets jealous of their target and it leads to something transpiring between he and Sam.
 They had only spent one night in the safe house since arriving in Madripoor for their latest mission. The space was standard: Kitchenette; bathroom; table with two chairs; and one double bed. It was a small bed, not dude-sized at all, Sam had made mention. Definitely not dude-sized times two. Either way, Sam and Bucky had no issues with sharing. They had done so before, and would most like have to do so again.
It was no issue for them. Bucky, however, was having some issues that were related to having to share a bed with Sam: He had to try to tame the morning erection he had from sleeping that close to Sam. His mind was wild with images of what he would like to do with Sam. What he would do to Sam.
They had been dancing around one another for some time now. The banter that mixed with flirting. The gazes that lingered too long. The way that Sam touched him; the way he allowed Sam to touch him. The pull. The attraction. Bucky always felt like they were testing the waters. Like they were about to fall into bed together; fall into one another and never resurface. Bucky would gladly drown in Sam. He already made Bucky feel breathless. 
When they reached the safe house and saw there was only one bed, well, Bucky thought it would be that nudge that they needed. Forced proximity that led to them acting on their attraction. Though Sam, it seemed, was a staunchly resolute in holding back. 
Bucky was teetering on the edge, and Sam was oh so casually intent on walking about the small room in all manner of undress. Casually reclined on the small double bed they were to share reading the mission brief again. He was not saying anything to let Bucky know he wanted him, and Bucky was too dumbstruck by Sam to even ask. The time before they were set to go on their mission was crawling by slowly. 
Bucky geared up and waited. He was eager to see Sam in his undercover garments; was sure the other man would look stunning as always. He was testing the surveillance equipment once more when Sam sought his attention. 
“How do I look?” asked Sam as he pulled on a jacket that had a colourfully intricate design emblazoned on it. 
The deep flecks of purple that danced across the fabric looked striking against Sam’s complexion. He wore tight black jeans that left little to the imagination. The denim hugged at his perfect ass and gorgeous thighs. Bucky’s gaze lingered a beat, before he dragged his eyes up Sam’s body and took in his chest through the sheer mesh fabric of the violet undershirt. He looked like a treat all wrapped up so prettily waiting for Bucky to tear all those fancy layers away and devour what he found underneath.
“I know Conrad Mack dresses to impress, but come on,” said Sam as he ran a ring-adorned hand over his chest and down his front. “I think I did a pretty good job of levelling him up here.”
Bucky’s eyes roamed over Sam’s body once more. He looked good enough to eat. Bucky instinctively licked his lips as he drew his gaze back up to Sam’s eyes. If Sam saw the hunger and lust behind Bucky’s gaze, he made no mention of it as he looked at himself in the mirror again.
“Good,” said Bucky, before clearing his throat and getting Sam’s attention. “You look good.”
Sometimes Bucky missed how smooth he used to be. Pre-war Bucky — wait. Which war? He had seen so many. 1940s Bucky would have already charmed and bedded Sam Wilson. He would have known exactly what to say. He would have tested the waters a little more and made it known that he wanted Sam. Lord, he wanted Sam.
It was bad enough on a regular mission where they were dodging bullets flying at them. But there, amid the flashing lights and pulsing music, on the dance floor in that club that smelled of alcohol and sex, as he kept eyes on Sam, who was moving to the beat, it was almost impossible to bury that want.
Sam was highly aware of his physicality. Of what his body could do. He had to be. There’s no way he could do PJ work if he didn’t. No way he could be Falcon or an Avenger. No way he could do what he did as Captain America if he wasn’t self-aware. He was a man who knew his own body, and it was evident in the way that he moved on the dance floor.
If Bucky thought Sam was made for flying, he was certain he was made for dancing, too. Bucky didn’t much understand contemporary music or the dance styles of the modern times. But he sure did see the fuckin’ appeal as he watched Sam moving to the beat. His sweat-kissed skin reflecting the colors of the lights. The way his eyes closed, and his lashes brushed against his cheeks. How his mouth fell open when he was enjoying the moment between himself and the music. Flashes of Sam underneath the disguise. Bucky felt like he should look away as it seemed almost intimate. But they were on a mission: Sam was undercover as Conrad Mack aka the Smiling Tiger and Bucky was in a small room in the back of the club running surveillance of the scene.
They had been there for almost two hours. It seemed the arms dealer who had intel on an impending attack and the mastermind behind it was a no show. Just as Bucky was going to call it quits, the guy from the dating app that the Smiling Tiger used to arrange these dealings approached. Bucky instantly sat up straighter and focused his attention. He watched as the target offered Sam one of those drinks that the Smiling Tiger was partial to. After a brief beat of barely hidden disgust, Sam took it, clinked his glass with the target’s, and swallowed the shot down.
The target took the empty glass from Sam’s hand and then laced their fingers together. He pulled Sam close, and they began to sway to the music. Bucky narrowed his eyes and watched.
He had obviously seen Sam in undercover situations before, but it was never like that. Never where their mark was able to get that physical with Sam. He watched and felt a deep ire twist inside of him. They danced and the target leaned in too close. He was too close to Sam and Bucky did not like it. He could lie to himself and say it was because of the threat to Sam’s person. But he knew it was because of this primal possessiveness that took over a certain part of his brain – this pang of jealousy. Bucky chose to focus on what they were saying through the comms as Sam used the proximity to ask about the intel they were there to get. 
Sam was doing his job; Bucky would need to push that jealousy down and do his. He focused on the conversation. The guy, whose face Bucky definitely wanted to break, kept saying how fuckable the Smiling Tiger looked. How he couldn’t wait to be alone with him. How he was glad they were finally going to get together.
“Business first,” Sam said, flirting back and taking it all in stride. 
Their mark went to lean in for a kiss, but Sam spun and started grinding up on the guy’s dick. Bucky could hear him moan through the comms and so badly wanted to put his Vibranium fist through the guy’s stupid fucking face.
“Tell me what I want to hear,” said Sam as he looked over his shoulder at the target. 
The other man wrapped his arm around Sam’s body and started to grind himself against Sam’s ass. Bucky almost broke the surveillance gear.
A name. Finally, a name. The target whispered a name and then pressed his lips to Sam’s neck. Just then, someone came through the crowd and pulled the target away from Sam. The target went to pull out a weapon, but the man took the gun from him and then pistol whipped him, before grabbing Sam and dragging him out of there. He pulled Sam into a waiting vehicle, got in the driver’s seat, and then sped off.
“Bucky? What was that?”
“Mission’s over,” he said as he took his photostatic veil off. 
“What the fuck, man! He only just gave up the name we wanted. I could have gotten so much more from him.”
“We got the name and that’s enough.”
“You almost fucked up the mission!”
“Mission is over.”
Bucky said nothing else as they drove back to the safe house.
Sam waited until they were inside before questioning Bucky more.
 “What the fuck was that back there, uh? You could have jeopardized the whole mission comin’ in like that. What’s your deal?” asked Sam as Bucky slammed the door shut and then went to check the closed-circuit camera feed to ensure they were not followed.
“He gave up the intel, Sam. There was no need to prolong the mission.”
 “I could’ve gotten more from him. I had him in the palm of my hand.”
Bucky turned and was now face-to-face with Sam. He stepped closer and levelled all of his intense stare on Sam.
“Did you like it?”
 “Like what?”
“That prick dancing close like that,” said Bucky, as he held Sam’s gaze. “Putting his fuckin’ hands on you? Trying to kiss on you? You liked it?”
Sam went to roll his eyes, but Bucky leaned in closer and said, “Did you like all that attention?”
“Sure fuckin’ looked like you did.”
“I was undercover,” Sam said, barely protesting. “I’m good at acting.”
 “Right,” said Bucky with a laugh.
“What’s your fucking problem, Barnes? What, you didn’t like what you saw, uh?”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed more. Sam was so good at pushing his buttons. Was so good at riling him up. Was so good at getting under his skin.
Sam tilted his chin up a little and said, “Or maybe you wished it was you?”
Sam paused and searched Bucky’s eyes. There was a fire behind them. He pushed even more.
“That’s it. You wanted to be out there on that floor,” said Sam, as his eyes fell to Bucky’s lips for a second. “You wanted to be the one with his hands all over me. With his hard dick grinding against me. That’s it, isn’t it? But instead of being a man about it and admitting it, you come in all hot and bothered and nearly fuck up the entire mission.”
Bucky saw red. He felt heat encompass his body and he saw red. He also felt this overwhelming desire to shut Sam’s pretty fucking mouth with his own. Bucky’s eyes narrowed even more as he moved closer to Sam.
“Watch what you say to me next,” Bucky said, low and menacing, with a hint of something else around the edges; something incendiary.
“Or what?” Sam challenged, defiant and reckless and beautiful.
Bucky made no reply, instead he reached up and slowly wrapped his hand around Sam’s neck. He pushed him backwards with his free hand until he had Sam pressed against the wall. They stared at one another, both breathing heavy; both enraptured by the other.
He ran his thumb down over Sam’s pulse point. He could feel how rapidly Sam’s heart was beating; how it quickened further as he leaned in, pressing his salivating mouth to Sam’s neck. Sam moaned immediately, even before Bucky’s clever mouth began kissing and sucking. Sam’s hands gripped at the other man’s clothes, drawing him closer. He threaded one hand in Bucky’s short hair and moved him so that they were face-to-face, breath hot against their lips. Eyes locked onto one another. Pupils blown wide with lust.
“Say it,” said Sam as he stared into Bucky’s soul. “Tell me how much you wanted me. How much you want me.”
“I want you so fucking bad,” said Bucky, his voice laden with desire. “Not just tonight. I wanted you from the first time I saw you. I mean, look at you. You look like a dream. So fuckin’ beautiful.”
He felt Sam shiver then. Felt the gorgeous man shiver because of his words. He pressed his lips to Sam’s then, and the kiss sent pulses of electricity through him. They explored one another’s mouth, teasing and pulling, giving and receiving. Relishing in the moment; being lost in it and in one another. Bucky broke the kiss to catch his breath. He took in Sam’s appearance and swore he might just die right then and there. There was desire and want and something else etched across Sam’s handsome face.
“I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone or anything,” said Bucky, as he kissed at Sam’s neck and whispered in his ear. “Tell me you want me, too.”
Sam guided Bucky’s hand to the front of Sam’s jeans. Bucky could feel how hard Sam was. He inched back so that he could look at Sam’s eyes once more. They stared at one another as Bucky rubbed Sam through the fabric of his jeans.
“I want you, too,” said Sam as he pressed a kiss to Bucky’s lips before drawing back slightly. “Fuck, I want you, too.”
It took some skill to rid Sam of his garments and get him on that small bed as quickly as Bucky had. He had wanted to rip the clothes from Sam’s body, but did not want to have to argue about it afterwards. Instead, he used what little composure he had left to undress Sam and make sure he kissed every inch of exposed skin. 
They fell onto the bed. Bucky covered Sam’s nakedness with his own. Lips and tongues and teeth and nails. Sweat-drenched skin, goosepimples, and scratches. Marks that would fade when the sun came up; others that would endure. 
Sam laid on his back with Bucky grinding between his parted legs, their hard dicks rubbed together as Bucky thrust on top of Sam. They clung to one another, sharing messy, heated kisses. Moaned into one another’s mouths as they rolled their hips and rubbed their arousal together. The delicious friction pulling them closer to release with each deft thrust.
Bucky stared down at Sam, wonder and lust and something else behind his eyes. He held Sam close as he bucked his hips forward, causing their aching cocks to quiver from the immense and intense pleasure of it all. 
They shared another kiss and then rolled over. Sam sat straddling Bucky’s hips. Bucky took both their dick in his hand and strummed them together as he watched Sam. He looked like an angel, awash in dim light and a look of ecstasy on his face. He looked so beautiful that Bucky could barely believe he was real. That the moment was real. That they had finally given in to their desire for one another. That were possessing one another’s bodies and maybe even each other’s souls. Bucky had to pause what he was doing for a beat so.
Sam used that moment lean down and catch Bucky’s mouth in another kiss before he began to roll his hips. Each movement pressed his dripping cock against Bucky’s. The veiny ridges of Bucky’s thick shaft ground against Sam’s, pulling pleasured moans from his lips. Sam leaned back, took hold of Bucky’s hands and kissed his knuckles. He held Bucky’s hand to his chest and rode him until they both came. Both of their seed shot out in hot ribbons and coated Bucky’s chest and abs. Sam collapsed on top of Bucky as the older of the pair held him close while they fought to catch their breath and relish in the peak of their pleasure. 
After cleaning up and checking the security camera feed, Bucky made his way back to the small bed. He gave Sam a soft smile and climbed in behind him, chest to back. Sam reached for his hand and pulled his arm over his middle. They cuddled together, fingers entwined, as Bucky peppered featherlight kisses to Sam’s shoulder and neck. He breathed in Sam scent and let out a contented sigh. 
“You okay?” asked Sam as he gave Bucky’s hand a gentle squeeze.
“Yes, better than okay,” said Bucky with a giddy sort of smile. “You?”
“Same,” said Sam with a smile of his own. 
A comfortable silence settled around them before Sam’s body started to tremble.
“Sam?” asked Bucky with concern. 
He heard it then, the little spurts of laughter coming from Sam. 
“What’s funny?” asked Bucky, lips against Sam’s warm skin.
“You. Us. This,” said Sam. “Your dramatic ass.”
Bucky let out an amused laugh before saying, “I get the job done.”
“Sure, but why does everything have to be a fight with you? Can’t just tell me you want me, gotta make it into a fight,” said Sam with no ire or judgement, just utter joy. “Dramatic ass.”
Sam’s exuberance was catching. Bucky felt it in his chest; felt it down to his bones.   
“Yeah well,” said Bucky as he held Sam close and kissed just behind his ear. “It’s like they say: Some things are worth fighting over.”
“That’s not what they say at all,” Sam retorted with a laugh. “It’s some things are worth fighting for, Buck.”
A wide smile spread across Bucky’s face as he said, “You’re definitely worth fighting for, Sammy.”
“You’re a sap,” Sam replied, even though he shifted to be closer and held Bucky’s hand tighter. 
“Probably,” said Bucky, doing the same in hopes of being closer. “But only for you.”
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deltaharrington · 1 year
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PAIRING: John B Routledge x Female!Reader
WARNINGS: Small bit of angst, unrequited love, dramatics.
SUMMARY: It hurts you to see John B and Sarah together, and it hurts the Pogues who know about your love for the blonde to see you in pain.
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“Somebody help!” You heard, your heart immediately racing at the familiar female voice.
You and the rest of the Pogues rushed to the sound, only to see John B on the ground. He had either fallen or been pushed.
“John B!” You said, about to rush to his aid when Sarah Cameron cradled him close.
You couldn’t deny the jealousy that coursed through your veins, and JJ saw this, pushing you back.
You knew now was not the time for this.
John B had been your best friend since you two were in diapers. Your dads knew each other and we’re best friends, so it was only fair that you two were.
JJ entered and you three became a trio in the third grade. All was well until you made it to middle school.
That’s when you began to realize your feelings for John B were not just platonic.
As the years went on, the more you craved and yearned to be with him. He was perfect for you.
The other Pogues assumed you guys were macking, until Sarah came into the picture.
Earlier that night, John B had brought it up and you and Kie were both shocked. You were more hurt, and JJ knew. Of course he did.
He could always read you like a book. That made you hate him and love him at the same time.
He knew that John B was hurting you. It was only a matter of time before your pot overflowed.
When John B met the Pogues at The Wreck the next day, he was surprised when he didn’t see you.
Regardless, he told the others about his current situation, how he was staying with the Cameron’s and that they finally had a map of Tannyhill.
When you didn’t arrive after an hour, John B became worried. Where had you gone?
“Where’s Y/n?” He asked and JJ sighed, looking towards his friend with a cast.
“She wasn’t feeling too good, she was going to stay home but work called her in.” JJ said with a shrug. In reality, you didn’t want to see John B, you couldn’t face him after the night before.
“I’m gonna go find her” John B said “To make sure she’s okay” He added and JJ tried to stop his friend but John B was intent on finding you.
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You worked at the Country Club in Figure 8 part-time as a waitress. Even though you had to deal with Kooks, it paid well, and you gained a lot of tips.
While on your break, a frantic Topper approached you. Knowing what he did to John B, you tried to retreat back inside, but Topper stopped you.
“I didn’t push him” Topper explained and you looked shocked “You have to believe me. I don’t like him, but I’d never-“ He continued but a hand on his shoulder interrupted him.
“Get the fuck away from her, Thornton” John B said, pulling the Kook away from you. Topper pulled his hands upwards in surrender and he backed away.
“I didn’t do it!” He called and you shook your head before turning around to walk back inside, not even acknowledging John B.
“Hey! Hey, where are you going?” He asked and too stopped, turning to face him. God, you wanted to hug him so bad.
As if he could read your mind, he held his arms out to you. You fell into him, soft cries leaving your throat.
“Y/n…why are you crying?” He asked and pulled back enough so that he could see your face. He gently cupped your cheek with his non-broken hand, wiping your tears away.
“You could have fucking died!” You said and he laughed a bit, causing you to hit him on the chest, laughing a bit too.
“I wouldn’t ever leave you.” He said and you swore your heart stopped in your chest.
“Don’t do that, John B.” You said and he looked confused. He was confused. What did you mean?
“Don’t do what?” He questioned and you looked hurt. You were.
“Nothing, I need to get back to work” You said and he nodded his head, a sigh leaving his lips at your mood change.
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A few weeks had passed and you distanced yourself from the Pogues. You worked more so that you wouldn’t have to be around John B and Sarah.
It hurt your heart too much. The other Pogues knew, but John B didn’t.
“Why doesn’t Y/n come around anymore?” John B asked and JJ and Kie both looked at each other before him.
“It hurts her too much” JJ said and John B’s head shot up.
“What?” He started, running a hand through his hair “How can hanging out with your best friends hurt?” He asked and Kie huffed.
“She’s in love with you, idiot” She said and John B immediately felt like shit. “She can’t be around you and Sarah and not want to break down…” She added.
“Me and Sarah aren’t even together anymore” John B said and Kie sighed.
“How would she know that?”
“You fumbled” JJ said and got an elbow from Kie “I heard she’s seeing Rafe Cameron now” He added and John B was shocked.
His Y/n wasn’t seeing anyone. Was she?
John B was going to find out.
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John B found you at work, Rafe Cameron was perched by the monitor you were cashing people out at.
You laughed at something he said and John B swore he felt his heart clench in his chest. He couldn’t let you be with Rafe.
Fuck, maybe he was in love with you too.
He walked into the club and right up to you, the sight of him making your heart race.
“John B?” You said and Rafe turned to look at the Pogue, glaring.
“What are you doing here?” He asked and John B scoffed, stepping in between the two of you.
“Back off, Cameron” He said “She’s mine” John B said and your heart stopped.
Wasn’t he with Sarah?
Rafe didn’t want to fight John B in the Club so he backed off retreating to his seat.
You had just gotten done with your shift so you moved to put your stuff away and John B waited.
“Can I walk you home?” He asked and you shrugged, nodding.
The wind hit you as soon as you both stepped out of the club. You looked to John B and he looked at you too, stopping at the entrance of the club.
“John B” You said and he smiled.
“Kiss me” He said and you nodded, pulling him close in the collar of his shirt. You both kissed each other with desperation, his hands trailing along your exposed waist.
You smiled when you pulled away, John B doing the same.
“I love you too” He said with a laugh, grabbing your hand to walk you home.
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alimaybankkk · 1 year
∞ 𝖋𝖎𝖌𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 ∞
summary: are drunk words sober thoughts? your drunk self thinks so. after an argument, jj breaks up with you and it haunts you until you decide to take action on figure eight.
warnings: mad angst, addiction
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
i miss the way the light danced in his eyes. they twinkled only when i looked at them or when i wiped tears from them.
no one else saw jj maybank as a kind soul.
“he’s nothing but a fool.”
“he hits and then he runs.”
“jj maybank is a criminal.”
but i did.
i still do.
perhaps if i never drank that extra drop of beer would i have kept him in my life. but i sipped hard that night at the kegger, going to mouth nothing but mistakes to the only boy in the world that catered to my needs.
sure, jj was a criminal. but i was too. we were criminals together. our favorite rule to break was ‘no pogue on pogue macking.’
but there was pogue on pogue,
and there was macking.
* i’ve laid every night of my life since that night of the breakup in my bed, wishing i was spending it with jj.
it does feel like he hit and ran. he ran, ran, ran away from me as soon as i said those old words to him.
they replay in my head every day.
“𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐲, 𝐣𝐣. 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.”
and every day i hear those words in my head, cringing every time at just the thought.
he’d raised an eyebrow.
“𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤.”
i’d giggled, putting a hand to his cheek and staring straight into his eyes.
“𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬.”
but those drunk words were not any sober thoughts of mine. i still don’t even know where they came from.
jj had nodded, thinning his lips.
“𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐟𝐟. 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐦.”
i pinch myself. stop thinking about it.
“𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐨.”
then i had turned to walk away, stumbling and tripping on the sand.
“𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤. 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐝𝐨. 𝐰𝐞’𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞.”
“damnit, damnit, damnit!” i scream, punching my pillow and cursing as tear cloud my eyes.
there is nothing i want more than jj. i miss his smell, his touch, his hair, his eyes and his lips that would kiss mine in the middle of the night and the lips that would tell me i’m beautiful.
i sob into my pillow, picking the wall. “how the fuck could i do this to myself? what is wrong with me?”
i turn on my phone. no messages from my best friends since the breakup.
it’s pretty evident they took his side, leaving me to wallow all alone.
but i’m going to change that.
* i pace on the sidewalk, stepping beside the twinkie as it pulls up.
i cross my fingers, hoping jj is not inside.
he isn’t.
sarah, kie, john b, pope and cleo step out with concern.
“hi,” i say awkwardly, expecting angry faces. they just seemed nervous.
“hey,” pope responds, scratching his neck.
“can we talk?”
they all nod, walking over to a bench right next to a neighborhood. i follow them.
“um,” i start, taking a deep breath. “i guess jj probably told you about what happened..”
they nod. john b sighs. “he told us everything.”
i bite my lip. “and just saying, you have every right to judge that i’m in the wrong.”
cleo shrugs. “i don’t really care. i just miss us being friends again.”
“i do, too. but i know you guys would choose jj over me.”
there is no protests. it’s just silent awareness. sarah steps up. “i’m sorry.”
i shrug. “whatever makes you happy, you know?”
pope swallows. “listen, i don’t want things to get better. i really do! it’s just… jj hasn’t been so reasonable.”
“i’m a bitch,” i mutter under my breath. “what’s he doing?”
“alcohol. weed. the usual. just… overly more constant.” kiara says.
“shit!” i cry. “damnit!”
john b frowns. “it’s taken a toll on you, hasn’t it?”
i nod. “yea. i hate myself so much. i just… i think i need to talk to him, y’know?”
everyone tries to get words out, but it’s only spluttering. pope is the only person to make a slightly coherent sentence. “it might be-be—um. best if you didn’t?”
“where is he at right now?”
john b sighs. “um, figure eight.”
“tonight’s midsummers. he’s going, right?”
john b nods. “he’s going. but i’m not sure if he’ll listen to you.”
i bite my lip. “the only way for me to get in is if kiara invites me.”
kiara turns her head. “i don’t know. i don’t know if i should.”
i grab her hands. “kie, come on! we’ve been friends since first grade. you HAVE to do this for me if you want to have that friendship back again.”
she freezes, then she sighs. “does anybody have a pen?”
i grin as pope reaches into his bag and gives her a pink ball point and she grabs a post-it note. she scribbles something out for a second and then hands it to me.
𝒊, 𝒌𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒂, 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒚/𝒏 𝒚/𝒍/𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒊𝒅𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒔.
i hugged her, lifting my foot. “he’s working, right?”
she nods. “and wear a cute dress to make your ass look good. you know he used to fold over that.”
i try not to laugh, but i fail, slapping her on the back.
* sarah had come over to help me get ready.
i raise a necklace to the height of my shoulders, and then another one to the height of my shoulders. “which necklace? gold or silver?”
“with that red dress?” sarah asks, combing her hair out. “definitely gold. what are you even thinking?”
i sigh. “sorry, i’m not exactly a kooky fashionista. none of these kind of events have ever been offered to me. i’m a little nervous.”
she raises an eyebrow. “for being around kooks or being around jj?”
i giggle, turning around so sarah can put on my necklace. “and the dress? how does it look?”
i hear an exhale from behind me. “your ass looks good. jj will NOT handle you tonight.”
i suppress a laugh, hoping she’s right.
* i stand on the balcony with sarah who is biting her finger nails. “there he is.”
she points him out and my gaze follows. he looks so pretty.
i’ve never seen him that dressed up. i’ve never even seen him dressed up before, actually. he looks uncomfortable until he spots the bar, immediately turning to grab a drink.
my breath gets stuck in my throat and sarah has to slap my back before i breathe again. “you good?”
“yeah.. yeah, it’s just…” i stop myself. i can’t tell if it’s how he looks—breathtaking—or the way he chugs down beer after beer.
“he’s been doing that since the kegger. went straight back to the guest room at the chateau and just chugged.” sarah tells me.
i force a smile. “are you trying to make me feel guilty?”
she shrugs. “it’ll most likely be the only way for you to go down there and get your man.”
“i will. just give me some time.” i say and walk downstairs.
i avoid, at all costs, the bar. i even go near the bonfire and talk to some random kooks i’ve never heard of before finding kiara.
she’s dancing. she’s dancing with a random guy i’ve never seen before who really seems to like her. a little too much.
i gasp and pull her out of the crowd, bringing her into a little hallway. “kiara, what do i do?”
she squirms. “damn, firm grip!”
“how do i talk to jj?”
she shrugs. “just say any word and he’ll want to talk to you. you know how droolly he gets when you wear that dress.”
i bite my lip, trying to hide my smile, but i fail. “go. go dance, i’ll find him.”
she does so, running back inside to the man she was dancing with before. i straighten my dress with the sweaty palms of my hands before making my way to the bar.
i wish, for some reason, that this was a masquerade ball. anything to hide my face would be great. i spot a plant on the ledge of a table and grab it, hovering it over my face and continuing to walk.
i reach jj, who is smoking a joint right in front of me. i frown and grab his hand. he stumbles as i pull him away from everyone else.
still pulling him away from everyone else, i hear him chuckle. “there’s no need to hide your face, y/n, i can tell it’s you.”
i freeze and drop the pot as it shatters. i turn to him. “jj, can we please talk?”
he shrugs. “talk away.”
i take a deep breath. “jj, you are all that matters to me. i’ve spent every night since our breakup sulking in bed and only today have i decided to do something about it. figured out you’d be here and i did everything to see you because i learned that you’ve been drinking and—”
“who told you that?” he interrupted, clenching his jaw.
“the… the pogues. sarah really confessed to it, though.”
“damnit, y/n,” he groans. “it’s an addiction; it’s all because of you.”
i gasp. those are surely the worst words i have ever felt.
“maybe i am just like my dad, now, right?”
“jj,” i say, tears filling my eyes. “i was.. i was drunk, okay?”
he shrugs. “drunk words are sober thoughts.”
“jj, please. you are all that matters to me; if not more. it hurts so bad. i have not gotten a full three hours of sleep since that night and it hurts so bad to do anything for myself. i cry for you, jj. i cry every night, remembering the words that i said.”
he had started crying now, too. “you ruined me!”
“jj, jj…jj.” i repeat, trying to find the right words. “i know. i’m going to help you, okay? i will do NOTHING but help you.”
he sobs. “i really am just like my dad.”
“you’re nothing like your dad. he’s terrible, okay? and you’re not. you could never be.” i pull him into a hug. i kiss his bicep, hoping he hugs me back.
reluctantly, he wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. “i’m so sorry. i’m so sorry i was so quick to get rid of you. i am so sorry i tried so hard to move on.”
“i’m sorry i got us into this mess,” i say, finally looking up at him. he lets out a sob once more before pulling me into a kiss.
“i was never mad at you,” he says, “that whole time, i only wanted you back. but i didn’t think you loved me anymore.”
“i do, jj,” i say. “i love you so much.”
“i love you, too.”
“and even though we’re not from figure eight, i will love you for what figure eight represents.”
he cringes and laughs. “i kinda get what that meant, but it was hella corny.”
i sigh, taking in the smell of him. this is definitely the happiest i’ve ever been.
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ladylooch · 5 months
One of my favorite blurbs you made was Timo and Liv’s daddy daughter date (the cutest ever 😭) But what happens when Nico takes his girls out on daddy-daughter dates? 🤣🤣🤣
A/N: AH! THANK YOU! I love that one too. Livy is so sassy... and mama's #1 fan hehe.
“Hischier babies! Look at mama!” Lexi calls to her girls. All three of them are dressed in matching red dresses. Nico is in one of his game day suits in the middle with a daughter on each knee and the littles on her butt between his feet. It’s Galentine’s Day! Which means all the Hischer women are taken out by their main man. Except this year, Lexi is staying home to enjoy some much needed alone and quiet time. Lexi grins as she clicks her phone to take a burst of photos. Wow, her and Nico made gorgeous babies.
“Daddy, do you like my dress?” Lucie asks. She sets her black ballet slipper against the opposite knee she is sitting on, right into Mack’s lap. Mack scowls, pushing it off her. 
“Very pretty, Luc. Just like you. But please keep your hands and feet to yourself tho."
Lucie and Mack lock eyes, clearly annoyed with one another. 
Nico sighs. This is why Lexi needed a break. 
Two year old Sophie excitedly runs to Lexi. 
“See!” She yells. Lexi turns the camera to show her daughter the pictures. Soph claps her little hands together and stomps her feet. She loves her daddy. She bounces back over to him, holding her arms in the air. “Up.” Her 'p' pops dramatically. Nico swings her up. 
“Okay, girls, jackets, hats, and mittens on.”
“I hate these shoes!” Mack yells. She punts them both off, running to the mudroom to get her big puffy yellow boots. 
“Well, at least we got a nice picture before.” Lexi smiles at Nico.
“I am in for it tonight?”
“Big time. Good luck with those two.” She motions between Mack and Lucie who are back to glaring at each other. 
But Lexi should have learned by now to never underestimate her perfect husband. 
“How was it?” She whispers to Nico as she helps him bring their sleepy girls back into the house after their busy night. They had burgers and fries and milkshakes and saw a 3D movie at the nice theater with heated seats. Nico let them each bring blanket too. They got to pick out a drink and a snack. He even let them all get the blue icee AND candy.
“Good. Lucie and Mack snuggled up together in their seats. It was cute. I'll show you the picture when we get them to bed.
“No way.” Lexi stops at Mack’s doorway with her, gaping at Nico.
“Yeah.” He says, disappearing into Lucie's room.
“How in the…” She mutters, shaking her head. Lexi and Mack struggle through getting her little pajamas on. She resists the whole time, saying she is too tired to change. “I know you’re sleepy, but we can’t wear this to bed.”
“I hate this dress. Next year I get to pick the outfit.” 
“Next year, Sophie does.” Mack whines. “It is only fair.”
“But she is littler than me.”
“Yeah, now you know how LuLu feels when you get to pick.” Lexi puts her long sleeved pajama shirt over her head. Nico walks in, pulling back Mack’s covers so she can snuggle into her pillow.
“I had so much fun with you today. Thank you for spending time with me.” Mack’s demeanor softens into gooey compliance at her daddy’s sweet words. “I love you.” He kisses her forehead. After Lexi gives a smooch too, her and Nico leave their middle child. Sophie is next followed by Lucie. They find their oldest sitting up on her propped pillows, crying quietly. 
“What’s up, baby?” Nico asks worriedly. 
“I don’t want our day to be over.” She mewls. 
“Oh sweets.” Nico pouts sitting next to her. “I had the best day with you. Thank you for helping me with your sisters. You’re getting so big.” He smooths her hair down. Lucie and Nico talk for a bit longer about their exciting night and how Lucie can't wait for him to take her to school on Monday since he will be in town. Eventually, Lucie’s brown eyes begin to close. Nico slides out from under her limp body, settling her back into her pillows. Him and Lexi tip toe out. 
She grins, wrapping her arms around him from behind as they walk together to their room.
“Our girls love you so much, Neeks.” She puts her nose into his spine, dropping a kiss there.
“I am not gonna lie, I don’t know how you do it by yourself. I am so tired after a few hours with them. You amaze me, baby. If I haven’t said it recently, thank you.”
“You literally said thank you this morning.” She reminds him, running her hand down his chest, resting it on his hip. Her green eyes meet his brown ones, reliving their morning connection. 
“Wanna do that again?” 
“Mhm. Really bad.”
Nico chuckles, leaning down to kiss her.
Now it’s time to take care of his favorite Hischier girl.
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beastie-anon · 1 year
BUT ITS A CRUCIAL PART OF THE PLAN 😢 whatever it’s fine you look like. You look like uh…RAYMAN. Boom yeah gottem 😎
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"..And you look like a balding middleaged man."
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janicho88 · 10 months
When It All Falls Apart - Chapter 12
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Pairing- ex!Jensen x Padalecki Reader
Word count- 3,827
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Sad reader. Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N-We're going to hear a little bit more from Jensen, and the reader gets to know someone new a little better. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
When Mackenzie leaves your apartment complex, she makes her way back to Jensen’s place.  Her brother is on the couch with a glass of what she assumes is whiskey in his hand, his phone on the table in front of him.  He’s just staring at a black television screen.  
She doesn’t know if he heard her come back or not, because he hasn’t moved yet.  Walking behind him she slaps the back of his head before coming around the front of the couch.
“Ouch, what was that for?” Jensen questions, rubbing the back of his head. 
“For being a dumbass, and losing the best damn thing that has ever happened to you.” 
She picks up a pillow from the end of the couch and throws it at him, with the glass of alcohol in his hand he doesn’t react in time to knock it away.
“What has gotten into you today?  I liked yesterday’s Mack better.”
“She hadn’t just spent the last couple hours with Y/N.”
Jensen looks up at her, “you saw her?”
“I did, and considering how much you always said she meant to you, you did a piss poor job of showing it.  I don’t think I have ever seen Y/N so down and hurt.  What the hell were you thinking treating her like that?”  She ends with a shout.
“I never wanted to hurt her!” He yells back. 
“Well mission not accomplished!”  
Kenzie is pacing back and forth in front of the tv, while her brother gets up and moves to the kitchen.  She follows him after a moment and watches him fill up his glass with whiskey and down it.
“If the man you told me about yesterday, and what she said today is who my brother is turning into, I don’t think I want to know him.”
“That makes two of us.”  He pours another drink before his sister takes the glass away from him.  He takes a big drink from the bottle instead.  “I looked through my phone today, my text messages with Y/N.  There are so many I never responded to.  I didn’t even make it to checking the call log.”
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“What happened to you?  This isn’t how mom raised us, and this isn’t my big brother that always used to watch out for others.”
When he doesn’t reply she continues.
“How could you just push her to the side like she doesn’t mean anything?  Yesterday, you told me you already bought her a ring.  Were you having second thoughts about asking her?  Did you want to end things?  What was going through that head of yours?  Did the new hairstyle come with a dickhead attitude?”
“No, I don’t know. I didn’t mean to.”
“You didn’t mean to?  You’re not a kid that accidentally broke mom’s vase here.  She is really hurting Jay, heartbroken and living in some closet sized dump of an apartment.” 
He stares at his sister and replays the last thing she said.  Is she not at Jared’s anymore?  Grabbing his empty glass and going back to the couch, Jensen sits down in one corner and Kenzie sits in the other facing him.  
“Talk to me please,” she softly pushes. 
“For the first time in ten years I was walking onto a new set.”
“It’s not the first time you’ve been on a new set.  You were just on a movie set before this one.”
He rolls his eyes at the interruption.  “I know, but it was the first time I was coming on after being the star of my own show for so long.  The Batman movie, we were all pretty much in the same boat there.   These guys on The Boys, have been together for two years already.  Not everyone was the most welcoming at first.  Hell, one of the guys even told me, he didn’t want to like me.” 
He pauses for a moment before continuing.  “I didn’t want it to end up being like Dark Angel, where there were stupid fights over lines, or screen time, or some other idiotic thing.  So I did everything I could to try and fit in and avoid rocking the boat. I found a new friend in Karl, and we hung out outside of work. We might go golfing or hit up a bar, maybe both, sometimes Chace or Jack would join.  Then Karl would invite me along when they all went out as a group.I didn’t want to tell them no, and let them think I wasn’t a team player.”
“Okay, but what’s that have to do with how you treated Y/N?”
“When she showed up to dinner with Eric, I was afraid they might see it as calling in a favor with the boss to get my girlfriend to be around.  I don’t quite know how to explain how I saw it at the time.”
“That’s ridiculous.  What about barely talking with anyone before that?”
“We would spend a lot of time on set.  Might not always be the ones filming, but we were there. Phones had to stay in our trailers.  Some nights I was so beat that I just wanted to shower and get to sleep.  Honestly there were times, I didn’t even think to look at it. This character, he’s not exactly the best guy.  There were days or nights I would get in this awful headspace, and I just shut myself away.”
“Mom, Y/N, me, any of us could have helped and talked to you if you needed it.”
“But I got it in my head that I needed to do this on my own.  Prove I could do it just as well as the other guys they were looking at for the part.”
“Bravo, you did it.  You just became an asshole in the process.”
“I never meant to.  I got caught up in everything, and the filming process is different.  It isn’t really just one episode at a time.  Plus there are all these extra things thrown in that we’re filming.  Everything together, it was just a crazy couple of months.”
“I think you need to take some time now that you’re home, to figure out where exactly you stand, and what’s important in your life.  You treated Y/N like shit, and your family didn’t fare much better. I doubt your friends did either.  But you would be an even bigger idiot than you have been if you let that girl go without a fight.”
“After everything, there is no way she would want me back.”
His sister shrugs, getting up from the couch.  “Well this has been an interesting two days, but I need to get back to Dallas.  You need to work on removing your head from your ass.”
“Thanks, Mack,” he quips with a roll of his eyes. 
Picking up her purse she heads for the door.  “Good luck, you’re going to need it.”
“Thanks, drive safe.  Text me when you get home.”
“It would serve you right if I didn’t.”
He just glares at her.
“Alright, fine.  Love you.”
“Love you too, kid.”
With a hug she is off the front porch and over to her car.  Jensen waves as she pulls out of sight.  Shutting the front door he makes his way back to the living room thinking over everything that had been said. 
You spent the rest of your Sunday on the couch with the now empty bag of popcorn.  The Hallmark Channel didn’t last very long.  Flipping channels doesn’t get you anywhere, so you pull up Netflix and decide on Lucifer.  Rich had worked on that show before, and had given you a hard time about not checking it out yet.
Unfortunately, you end up falling asleep on the couch and your neck and back are not happy with you Monday morning.  At least today should be a fairly easy one.  You just have two early scenes and should be free after lunch.
After hair and makeup are done with you this morning, you head to wardrobe before going to your trailer to wait for your call time.   While you are going over the script there is a knock at the door.
“Come in,” you call out from the couch.  
Looking up you see Keegan walking in, seems like he is all ready for the day also.  
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“Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to run lines for the second scene?” he asks.
“Sure, you can have a seat.”
Sitting across from you he pulls out the needed pages while you flip to your own.  The scene is just the two of you talking or arguing about Cordel after he has stormed out of their parents house. It has your two characters slightly at odds.  You want to cut the ranger a little slack after everything that has happened, his brother does not. 
A short while later a PA comes to call the both of you to the Walker family house set.  Jared is talking with the director.  Violet and Kale, who play Jared’s children, are off to the side looking over their scripts, while Mitch and Molly, the elder Walkers, are seated in the family living room already in their spots.   
During a break after the second take, Keegan pulls out his phone and takes a quick video of everyone waiting for the next take.  
“Here is some of our amazing cast hard at work on episode 2.”
You wave and smile when he turns it to you.
“Are you ready for this Miss Padalecki?”
“I believe I am.  How about you?”
He turns the camera on himself before shrugging. “Guess we’ll find out.  Bye for now.”
The morning goes quickly.  Since you are finished with your scenes, you are getting ready to head out.  Jared comes over as you are locking up your trailer.
“Hey, where are you off to?”
“Heading home.  What do you have?”
“A couple scenes after lunch, then some work on the producer side.”
“Good luck, hope it goes well.”
“Thanks.  I was heading for lunch, did you want to grab some with me before you go?”
You are about to say no, but your brother looks a little down.  “Sure, sounds good.”
You follow him over to craft services and notice that once he has his food, he’s looking around for a place to sit.  Unlike the Supernatural set, those here just look at him and nod as he walks by.  No one calls out for him to join them.  The two of you sit at an empty table in the back, he looks down while he starts to eat.
“What’s going on?”
Looking up in confusion, Jared just shrugs.
“Okay, let’s try this.  Where do you usually eat lunch here?”
“Gen was here some last week so she and Tom joined me.  I’ve had some meetings over lunch other days.”
“You don’t join in with the others?”
“I’m their boss here.  I’ve tried to joke around to get them to loosen up, but it’s still early I guess.  Mitch isn’t bad, but he usually eats in his trailer so he can skype his wife.”
“Y/N, you’re still here!” you hear Keegan call out behind you.
Looking up, you notice him walking over toward your table, he pauses when he sees Jared.  
“Hey Keegan, why don’t you join us?” you call out to him.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, come on.  Do you have more scenes this afternoon?”
“Yep, Jared and I have the brother’s confrontation scene next.  Then a flashback with the Walker family.”
“Okay, did you two need to run lines or anything?”
“I don’t want to bother Jared,” your new friend starts to say.
“It’s no bother.  I’d be happy to.  We can figure out how we want to play it before we get there,” Jared interrupts him.
You leave a short time later with those two in an animated discussion. 
Back at your apartment you decide to take advantage of the workout room.  All your extra snacks and sweets lately have your wardrobe fitting a little tight.  A swim after helps to cool you down before going back to your place. You have the next day off and give Gen a call to see if she wants to get together.  She has some meeting for a fundraiser board she is on, so you offer to come watch Tom.
It’s been a few days since your nephew has seen you.  The little man keeps you on your toes all day Tuesday.  You are playing with his toys indoors, out in the pool, and then running around the yard for a game of chase.  By the time Gen gets back you are wiped.  Tom settles down for a nap, while you spend some time with her.   Back home later that night, you head to bed early knowing the next three days will be long ones on set. 
Jared gives Jensen a call Tuesday night when he is once again hounded by Tom because Aunt Y/N didn’t bring Uncle Jensen over today.  
“Hey,” Jared greets his longtime friend.
“Hi Jare,” Jensen answers. 
“Tom wants to know when he's going to see Uncle Jensen.”
“My week is pretty open, what’s yours look like?”
“I’m on set all week. Tom has an appointment tomorrow Gen is taking him to.  She’ll be home with him Thursday, and she’ll be on set Friday afternoon so he’ll be there.”
“How about I pick him up Friday before Gen goes to work.  That way he isn’t stuck on the lot, or in your trailer.  I can take him over to the park, and bring him back to my place until one of you is done.”
“I’ll run it by Gen, but it should work.”
The two make small talk before ending the conversation.  Jared texts him later that Friday is good for them.
Wednesday and Thursday end up being longer days on set for you, and you are thankful there are only three scenes you are a part of on Friday.  They are just spread out a bit so you are still spending the whole day on set.  You see Gen arrive and go over to greet her and Tom, and are surprised when your nephew isn’t in the car.
“He’s with Jensen.  Tom has been begging to see him,” she tells you with a slight wince.
“Oh, I bet he has.  It’s good that they can spend some time together,” you respond with a small smile.  “I forgot something in my trailer, I’ll catch you later Gen.”
Back inside your trailer you take a seat on the couch.  Why are you upset about this?  Tom loves Jensen and you knew eventually your brother and him would be hanging out again.  Is it because you wish you were included in the plans like you used to be?  You just have to keep reminding yourself that you need to get used to the new way of things.
One very excited Tom is in his car seat in the back of Jensen’s truck on the way to the park.  The little boy hasn’t stopped talking yet. It helps take Jensen’s mind off of the tense exchange he had with Gen.  She is loyal and fierce, so he should have expected that.  Tom has told the adult up front all about his new lego set, the mess Sadie made in the house after she rolled in mud the other day, and the trip he took where he got to wave a sparkle lighter in his hand.
“What’s a sparkle lighter?”  Jensen asks, looking back at him while they are stopped at a light.
“A stick that my daddy put fire on and then I got to hold it while the sparkle lights shot off it.”
“Oh, you mean a sparkler.”
“Yeah, a sparkle lighter.”
“Sure bud, did you do that all by yourself?”
“Daddy helped.”
When they arrive at the park, Jensen is thankful it isn’t very busy.  Tom takes off for the swings first, when he’s tired of being pushed it’s over to the slides.  He makes sure his uncle is watching him go across the bridge on the play set to get over to the tall slide.  
Jensen is keeping a careful eye from down below to make sure he doesn’t fall.  Watching the small child, he can’t help but remember the last time he came here with you and Tom.  You were right up there with Tom making sure he got across just fine.  The first time down the slide you had to go with him, after that he wanted you up with him, but to slide down himself.  Jensen, definitely misses your company today.
When it’s time to leave the park, Tom convinces Jensen to stop for ice cream on the way back.  Looking at the time, Jensen calls in a pizza for them to pick up for dinner before they stop for ice cream.  When they reach his house, he takes Tom and the ice cream inside before coming back for the pizza.  He tells the little boy he has to eat some actual food before he can have his ice cream out of the freezer.
While they are eating Tom starts to tell Jensen about a time when you were watching him.
“Mommy and daddy weren’t home and me and Aunt Y/N got pizza and bread and cake and cheese fries and popcorn and cookies and ice cream.  I had one but she got two.”
“You had all that at once?”
“Yeah, she told me not to tell mommy though.”
This was the opening Jensen was looking for to see what was going on with you.  “How is your Aunt Y/N?”
 Tom shrugs his little shoulders. “She was crying a lot, but only when she didn’t see me there.”
“Is she still?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you see her cry anymore?”
“Not when she visits.”
“She doesn’t live with you anymore?”
“No. Why isn’t Aunt Y/N at your house?” the little boy quickly returns.
“Um.. well.. What did she tell you?”
“You were busy working.  But you aren’t now.  So can she leave her new home and come back there?  I don’t like it.  It’s really small and she has bad snacks there.  Mommy let me take goldfish over for you when you go to her new house.  So you don’t have to have the bad snacks.”
“That was very nice, thank you.  What’s Y/N’s apartment like?” Jensen tries to fish out more information.
“I don’t like playing there. Her bed is in the living room and kitchen together.  We can’t even play hide and seek.”  It doesn’t have any place to hide.”  He waves his hands around as only an exasperated four year old can.
The picture Tom is painting in Jensen’s head isn’t a great one.   Why would she leave Jared’s for a place like that?
After dinner and ice cream Jensen finds a kids movie on Netflix and hangs out in the living room with Tom.  He is out before the end of the movie and Jensen covers him with a blanket before turning off the movie and sitting there in silence.  
A knock at the front door quickly stirs him from his thoughts, he tries to get there before they wake up the little boy.  Opening the front door, Gen is on the other side.
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“I’m here for Tom.”
“I figured.  He’s asleep, come on in.”
Gen silent follows him in the house, stopping in the hallway when Jensen questions her.
“How is she?”
She turns to look at her husband's best friend, and her sister-in-law’s ex. “I’m assuming you mean Y/N,” she replies after a moment.
“That would be correct.”
“Why should I tell you?”
He runs a hand through his hair, “Mack and Tom both said some things. I’m worried about her.”
“Where was that worry two, three months ago?”
“I screwed up, I majorly screwed up, okay.  That doesn’t mean I don’t care about her.  Please.”
She stares at him a good minute before responding, “You hurt her bad.  She puts on a good front, but those that know her can see through it.”
“Is her apartment as bad as they both said?”
“None of us are thrilled with her current living arrangement.”
“I was surprised to hear she moved out.”
“I don’t know how many times I heard her tell Jared she didn’t want whatever happened between the two of you to come in between you and Jared.  One reason she moved out was so he could still have you over without worrying about upsetting her.”  Gen shakes her head.  “As hurt as she was…is,  she still cares about you.”
“I never meant for this to happen.  Hurting her wasn’t my intention.”
“What was your intention then?”
“I got caught up in my own head and trying to get through filming.  I just… I didn’t realize what had happened until it was too late.  She’s right, I didn’t take the initiative and call her.  Took a few weeks after the breakup  for me to realize I was still checking my phone for messages or calls from her.  I had been doing that during the…the end of our relationship, I was too wrapped up in my own things to pick up the phone and call her to see how she was doing.  I left it to her to do all the communicating.”  He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.  “Hell, I still check my phone to see if there’s anything from her.  I’ve come to realize, I failed her on a number of levels.”
“You really did. It’s about time you realized it.  Now how are you going to fix it?”
“I don’t think I can.  She deserves a better man.”
Gen shakes her head.  “I agree she deserves better, or at least better than the you in Toronto.  But I know you still have her heart.  What the two of you had was something very special, and I thought it would be worth fighting for.”
“I won’t be around much the next few months.  I have a recurring role that films in New Mexico.  It’s not fair to her to try and win her back when I’m leaving again.  What if I just fall back into the same habits?”
“I don’t think you would be stupid enough to do that to her twice. Get your shit together Ackles, because you hurt her again, Jared will kick your ass.  But that’s nothing compared to what I will do.”
She leaves him with that, walks into the living room to pick up a sleeping Tom.  Jensen holds the front door open, and moves the car seat back to her car, all the while replaying what was said.  Could he try and win her back?  Does he wait until he’ll be around more?  Is Gen wrong and it’s already too late?  Does he even deserve to?
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 13
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24 @pineapleavocado @siospins2 @deans-spinster-witch ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2 @jawritter @hobby27 @amyzombie1013  @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
WIAFA Masterlist
@woodworthti666 @spnfamily-j2 @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @kaz11283 @deans-baby-momma @let-me-luv-you @senjoritanana @itzabbyxx @djs8891 @tmb510 @perpetualabsurdity @mellyie @fiftyshadesgrl @jessicalynnann @prettyinplaid94 @itsdesiree86 @mrsfox79 @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @jamerlynn @jessica-marsh09 @abaker74 @ladysparkles78 @monkey-d-hoshizora98
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countryclubkook · 1 year
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader (somewhat)
Warnings: mentions of hook ups but nothing explicit, I don't really think there's anything else in here that needs a warning
Summary: The newest “pogue” member has a secret
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this🤍 it was so much fun to write (there's a fun little twist in here😏)
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You read through all the texts from the same number you've gotten over the last several months. You tried explaining to them that you needed more time, it was too soon to text you again but they refused to listen. You just hoped it would be over soon. “Hey y/n, are you coming or are you just going to sit there and stare at your phone all day?” John B spoke which snapped you out of your thoughts. You had all planned on going surfing since it was such a nice day out. You were the fifth and newest member of the infamous pogue group, you’d always seen them around town but never really made any efforts into being friends until a few months ago. It wasn't until you got closer with Kie that the friendship blossomed into what it is now.
“Oh yeah sorry. Got lost in my thoughts again.” laughing as you grab your towel before heading out to the twinkie. You see the rest of the group waiting for you guys and braced yourself when you saw JJ running towards you to pick you up. It was a tradition for him at this point, the day he didn't run full speed towards you and wrap his arms around you while swinging you in the air was the day hell would freeze over.
He always had a small crush on you and vice versa, but neither one of you acted on it knowing it would just ruin the friendship you have now and ruin the group dynamic. Plus there was a rule, no pogue on pogue macking (and yes that rule still applied even if you were technically a kook) Instead it was just small acts of affection, lots of flirtatious comments, and occasional hookups when nobody was around to see. Even if you were a year older than the group, that never stopped you guys from always being together and having a fun time all the time.
“Hey Princess. Ready to get your ass kicked in our weekly surf competition?” JJ said with a large smirk on his face knowing he would win.
When you first began hanging with the group, you and JJ quickly formed a bond over your love of surfing. You weren't very good but that never stopped you from doing it and so JJ came up with a fun idea to have a “surf off” and see who lasted the longest. He was doing it purely for bragging rights (and because he found you extremely hot when you surfed) but you liked to think you had a chance. Plus it's not even your fault! Your board just totally sucks and sets you up for failure.
“Oh you wish Maybank, I'm taking your ass down today. Prepare to bow before me” you gave him a small wink and he just laughed knowing how it would go but nodded his head going with what you said.
Of course he won, that boy eats, sleeps, and breathes surfing. The first wave was easy and you genuinely thought you had it covered. But the second wave? The second wave was a bitch and instantly knocked you off your board while JJ made it his bitch and rode it with ease. The others watched in amusement and paid each other money from the bets they placed.
“Uh oh, tough wave Y/N/N. Looks like I still hold the surf champion crown. I think you should bow before me” he said with the same smug look he always got when he won.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I was just being nice by letting you win.” you smiled at him as you walked back to the shore and began drying off. He looked hot right now, water dripping down his very toned stomach and tan skin, there was no denying it. Apparently, your admiring stare was a little too obvious and JJ noticed it almost immediately.
“Like what you see princess?” flexing his abs and arms. You just rolled your eyes and shook your head before pushing him into the sand and running back to the van. A playful gesture right?
“Y/N! What the hell?” he yelled but he was met with laughter.
“Last one to the van has to help John B clean the chateau!” you heard him yell something to the effect of ‘that's so not fair’ and the others let out a loud laugh at the sight of you two but you were already halfway there so you didn't care to stop and chat. Safe to say you won and JJ sulked the whole way back.
When you arrived, it was around 9:30 PM, you were tired so you decided to head back to your place before your parents freaked out about your whereabouts and why you weren't home. Your phone buzzed notifying you of a text message you received, you decided to get home first before checking it. You pulled into your driveway and turned off your car before heading inside, once you got settled and headed up to your room, you checked the text.
“Is it done?”
“Answer me”
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, this took time. You needed a little bit more time.
“Calm down. It'll be done soon.” you typed before hitting send and turning your phone off, sleep taking over you.
The next morning you woke up and got showered before making breakfast and heading out to the mainland. You had some errands to run for the day and that was the only place you could really go for anything other than groceries. You both loved and hated it there, you loved the shops and being able to get away from the island despite loving it, but it was always so packed and sometimes impossible to get there. You wanted some coffee from your favorite cafe at least but the line leading all the way outside of the building told you that wasn't happening anytime soon. You let out a small sigh before you heard someone call your name.
“Y/N? Is that you?”
“John B? What are you doing here?” you turned to face him and gave a small look of confusion. He never came over here, he really had no reason other than maybe a DCS meeting, so what was he doing here now?
“Oh um-” he seemed to look around as if searching for an excuse, or a person, before continuing, “I'm with a uh, a friend. Yeah they said they needed some help moving something and said they'd pay me well for it so I agreed. You know me, always up to do something if I get paid well” you knew he was lying but who were you to judge?
“I hear that. I'm on errand duty today so I'll be stuck here a while but I'll see you later yeah?”
“Oh, actually I uh, I won't be home till way late but I'll see you tomorrow?” he said rather quickly which made you suspicious, but you truly had no time to push so you let it go.
“Yeah sure. Well, I've gotta go kill some time and hope this line gets shorter so I can have some caffeine, but I'll see you tomorrow JB” giving him a small smile and wave before heading to one of the many clothing shops.
You ran to a few more stores and finally got your coffee before deciding to head back to the island. Your phone went off and again, another text from the same person with the same question. This time you responded with ‘tonight.’ and got a thumbs up in return. You pulled up to your house and ran inside to grab a bag of things you'd meant to drop off at John B’s earlier . You knew John B wasn't there so you called it for Kie, then JJ, and then Pope.
You were met with no response so you opened the front door and walked inside. You placed the bag down slightly behind the couch so it wouldn't get stepped on. You left the house, making sure to close the door behind you, and went back to your car. Pulling your phone out you gave the same person a call.
“I did it, it's all set for tomorrow”
“Good girl. Meet me tomorrow morning at my place. I love you” was all they said before hanging up.
When you woke up the next morning, you got ready and headed towards their house. Upon pulling into the driveway you saw them standing outside, you got out of your car and you both greeted each other. They gave you a small kiss on your head and a smile before you both walked inside, hand in hand, entering their home office and making a call.
“Kildare sheriff's office” the lady on the phone spoke in a relatively monotone voice
“I'd like to report a robbery. I have reason to believe that JJ Maybank broke into my home and stole money, a watch, and a few other pieces of jewelry from me.” giving them John B’s address knowing that's where he stayed and thanking them as they told you they were on their way.
”Well, how did I do?” looking at the person.
“You did perfect baby. We're going to make them pay for what they did to Top. I love you so much” Rafe said, looking at you in admiration.
You couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when they finally put together the pieces and came to the realization that you had been plotting against them for months. Playing pretend as even a pogue by association was exhausting so you were glad you finally got to go back to your real life and real friends soon. Sometimes it came in handy keeping to yourself and not telling everyone your personal business. The fact nobody on the island other than Kelce and Topper knew you and Rafe were together came in handy. Those stupid pogues should have never touched Topper that night. You looked over at Rafe who gave you a smirk, one you mirrored in return, before your phone rang once more. You clicked accept and put it on speaker so Rafe could hear as well.
“We got him. Found a bag with your stolen belongings behind a couch. He's being taken into custody now ma'am”
“Thank you so much for your help sir.” you said in a sweet voice, hanging up after he explained what was going to happen.
‘Mission accomplished’ you thought. You don't know how they never figured it out. They 100% trusted you and let you in as one of them. It was almost too easy, JJ was so easy to get wrapped around your finger. All you had to do was flirt with him and swallow your pride to hook up with him, you hid your disgust very very well apparently. He fell right into your trap and now the real fun could begin. You and Rafe were going to enjoy every last second of it.
It would always be you and Rafe against everyone and everything for the rest of your life.
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playgroundfadings · 2 years
i saw your post about the slashers playing just dance, and jasons got me thinking about: what if the slashers came home to you singing along pretty vulgar songs? like cupcakke- i just think it would be funny
saijfdhfdu pls this has me wheezing just thinking about their reactions. I hope you will enjoy this honey boo <333
TW: not beta read, cursing and slightly NSFW (songs lyrics).
|| Reacting to their SO singing vulgar songs || 
Featuring Michael, Thomas, Brahms, Jason and Yautja
Michael Myers
After a long day of work, you’re finally relaxing with some wine and music in the background. Anaconda by Nicki Minaj starts playing, and you’re singing along.
Normally, Michael would already be gone by this time, so you gave your all in this performance, believing you’re alone.
It just so happen that Michael makes himself known right as the lyrics ‘’this dude named Michael used to ride motorcycles’’ comes. 
And now that just catch his attention. The rest of the lyrics are vulgar at best, and he scoffs. 
You nearly jump off your skin, because you never heard him enter the living room. Lowkey ashamed he heard you sing.
Michael doesn’t care what kind of song you listen to, really. But he will tease you.
Thomas Hewitt
For the sake of this, let’s say the movie happened in recent years, because I don’t know songs from the 70s.
You’ve always appeared to be such a soft, calm person. Someone who could do no wrong.
So when Thomas comes up from the basement after hearing your voice, curious about you were doing, what he hears makes him pause.
This can't be right, you would never say things like that.
‘’My B-I-T-C-H is on my dick like this’’ and you even give a little hip thrust in the air.
That’s something he expects from Hoyt, not from you.
Then you jump and yelp when you notice Thomas, who’s staring at you with eyes the size of saucers.
Has to wrap his mind around the fact you’re not as innocent as he believed. 
Brahms Heelshire
It was an honest mistake from your part. You should have introduced Brahms to more modern music. So you don’t really blame him for his reaction when he caught you singing Need to know by Doja Cat.
‘’I heard from a friend of a friend that that dick was a ten out of ten’’ what friend??? Which dick????
Brahms will instantly believe you’re talking about Malcolm. To his knowledge, the delivery boy is the only other man around you.
‘’Are you cheating on me??’’ ‘’Huh?’’ 
Ensue a series of questions, until you realize what he’s talking about.
Making him listen to the song is quite an experience. A mix of intrigue, horror and disgust plays in Brahms’ eyes.
Let’s say he’s not a fan of crass songs, but he wouldn’t mind trying some of the stuff mentioned in the lyrics with you.
Jason Voorhees
The first time he heard you sing CPR by Cupcakke, he nearly had a heart attack.
What do you mean, you save dick by giving it CPR??? 
Will rush to the radio to either turn down the volume, or completely shut down the device. 
In his eyes, you are perfect. An angel sent from heaven. So hearing such crude words from you gives him whiplash. 
He will never stop you from doing things you enjoy, but he might ask you to not blast such songs in the cabins.
Or, at the very least, wear headphones.
Yautja (predator)
The human language is way too complicated in his opinion. 
But he does find it interesting how many words can be used to reference something.
Especially when you scream ‘’I WANT YOU TO PARK THAT BIG MACK TRUCK RIGHT IN THIS LITTLE GARAGE’’ at the top of your lungs while doing the dishes.
And how mortified you look when you realize he’s been standing right behind you all this time while you gave your best performance of WAP. 
Male Yautjas can be crude amongst themselves, so he really doesn’t blame you for the vulgarities you sing.
Though, your mate will probably poke fun at you and the song’s silly lyrics.
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starseneyes · 1 year
Chenford- Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 12
"Death Notice" aka "Bow Chicka Bow Wow"
SPOILER ALERT: If y'all wanna stay un-spoiled. Run. Just run. I say this with all love, but this is not the place to be. I am going to spoil EVERY SINGLE DETAIL that I notice. But, if you want to digest every morsel of deliciousness with me, come on in!
How'd it all shake out? Let's dive in!
Riding in an Elevator
Let's just call out Tim for stopping the elevator for Lucy, and her little breathless, "thanks". These two are adorbs. Also, shoutout to the makeup, hair, and costume departments who put a lot of work into this scene.
And Tim's eyeroll on the "Detectives" line? I was rolling.
Tamara and Lucy
FINALLY getting to see Tamara, again!
"You're here." "I live here. "I went to bed at one and you still weren't home. "Oh, I came home around then. I must've just missed you. Trivia went late." "And how was Trivia?"
Let's be real. The entire point of this conversation is that Tamara wants to let her know that she's onto Lucy. Tamara wants to talk about this new development, considering last she knew of Tim and Lucy was "This is work" when she caught them macking in the living room.
And Tamara is never going to judge Lucy, and will always give her space. But, it's about time the gal came clean with someone.
"You are such a smooth liar. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, all that undercover training." "I'm not lying. "I saw Tim drop you off."
I love the fact that Lucy literally drops the weight she's been carrying. Not only that, she slides around to sit on the couch and dish with her roomie about her new boyfriend.
Lucy crosses from behind the couch that was separating them and sits on it, leaning down to chat with Tamara. The camera moves down with her, the audience settling in with Lucy.
"Thank God. I am so over coming up with cover stories." "Why the big secret? You're both single." "I mean, we're just keeping things under wraps until we figure things out."
There are so many layers and levels here to the why. But this implies that Tim and Lucy don't want to go public until they have a gameplan. And that really makes sense for both their personalities.
I've seen folks ask, "Why is Tim so cool with this secret dating thing?" Do you know how weird it can be when friends start dating and they spend every. freakin. day. around their other friends? Everyone has an opinion.
Tim doesn't mind delaying that a bit longer. Same with Lucy. But, also, this is a huge transition. Even though they're both secure in the knowledge that they want one another, and they have years of history, they have to figure out who they are together.
"We're not sleeping together." "Why not?"
First off, the music cue had me rolling. Oh. My. Goodness. Director, Editor, whoever came up with that idea? Thank you. I had a much needed giggle.
But, also, remember that this is strange behavior for Lucy. Lucy isn't a one-night-stand girl, but she's also not a "dating you but not doing you" girl.
Tamara's gotta be wondering if Tim misfires or something, at this point, because there ain't no other reason she can think of that Lucy hasn't torn those clothes off by now.
And this is part of the maturity of Tim and Lucy's relationship that I love. They don't need to be sleeping together to be fully committed, but they're also not rushing to get to that moment.
"We're taking it slow. We want to do this right." "So, you're not sure how you feel?" "I know exactly how I feel. I mean, this is the most amazing relationship I've been in since, ever."
Oooh, the "r" word returns. Lucy tried to talk to Tim about their relationship on her last day riding with him as a Rookie and the man was not a fan of putting a label on it.
But, it's also important to note that Tim and Lucy have been dating a matter of weeks and she already knows this is the best relationship of her life. Not only the most important. Best.
"Okay. And you're waiting why… again?"
I hear Tamara's point! If y'all are on the same page and completely committed, why aren't clothes flying through our living room? For one, Tamara might want to get a look at Tim's bare chest in Jackson's honor. For two, what's the hold-up, lady?
I've talked a lot about them savoring this relationship. But, I also think Lucy has been using the "taking it slow" idea as an excuse so she doesn't have to think about the roadblock in her way.
Think about it. Lucy couldn't process through whether or not to date Emmett, so she needed to talk it out with Tim. Lucy couldn't process why she didn't want to move in with Chris until she talked it out with Tim.
What Lucy needs to do is talk it out with Tim. But, Tamara's push is taking Lucy in a different direction. It's not a bad direction.
They could have slept together and it wouldn't have wrecked anything. But, I think the security they have at the end of the episode (Yes, I'm skipping a little... go with me, here) is what Lucy needed.
Tim isn't facing the issue of their professional relationship. This whole episode demonstrates that. They need to take care of that power imbalance, because if they don't, then there's no point in any of this.
To truly be together, there were three things that had to go as outlined by Tim in Season 5, Episode 1. "I'm dating Ashley. And Lucy is with Chris. And I'm her Superior Officer, so..."
Tim told us himself what has to go for them to truly be together. And it's that last one that's still in their way, whether they acknowledge it or not.
"Morning." "Morning."
First, I have to say I love to see them greeting one another fully. Back in 5x06, Lucy kept trying to tell Tim "Good morning" and he kept looking past her or trying to avoid it. Because he was trying to avoid her and his feelings for her.
But that particular obstacle is out of the way because Tim knows how she feels about him and Lucy knows how he feels about her.
Now to the part y'all thirsty folks really care about:
Hands. Glorious hands. Wandering, sexual-desire filled HANDS. Lucy holds her keys in both hands so she can release one as she sidles up alongside Tim. Tim taps on her thigh with his fingers, a little, "hey, honey". Then he tries to catch her finger with his pinkie. In broad daylight. In front of the station. Are you insane, Tim Bradford?!
They can't keep their hands to themselves! Y'all, these two are outside a police station where they both work. Before they were dating, they would stand outside with at least enough room for the entire Holy Trinity. Now, they're practically walking on top of each other and "sneaking" in touches.
But nobody's gonna notice? Yeah, right!!
Tim seems to finally remember himself and wipe that gorgeous grin off of his face. But, oy, I love seeing him so happy!
Both of them quickly make fists with their hands after the initial contact, and Tim even presses his hand against his pocket as though checking for his keys.
But it's Tim's smile that I can't stop rewinding and watching. Look. At. Our. Boy. Have we ever seen him so happy? Tim is beaming and all they did was barely brush one another.
Because much as the physical is amazing, it's about simply being close to the person who makes you happiest in the world. Lucy is Tim's person and he gets to touch her and have secret moments with her.
He's no longer pining across the parking lot. He's walking alongside her knowing she is his as he is hers. And, let's be real, this isn't about being possessive. Lucy isn't a purse any more than Tim is a wallet. It's about knowing that this person is your person. And Tim and Lucy are each other's.
And don’t think I didn’t peep the ring. Lucy chose to put that on this morning when she told him it was naked time, just like she did when she came to the station to tell him Chris was out of the way. The streak continues!
Folks... I haven't made it past the first two words of the scene... Y'all know this is gonna be a looooong one. I hope you have snacks!
Look how Tim is still smiling as he leans his head closer to hear what she's going to say. So cute.
"Tonight is the night."
Tim was not expecting that. I'm not saying that he doesn't want to add that layer to their relationship. I'm simply saying he wasn't expecting her to announce it in the parking lot at work.
"Oh, really?"
Look at that man's quizzical brow. He wants to be sure he understands perfectly, that he's not misunderstanding. Because, come on, he misread things once before and Lucy set him straight. They've been on the same page for a while, now, and he wants to be sure they still are.
Lucy, meanwhile, has already planned out the outfit she's going to wear when he finally undresses her. Come on. You know she has. After the disaster of running late to their first date because she couldn't pick an outfit, Lucy can't be late to her own apartment.
Lucy's got a plan, and she's ready for her man. Wow, Dr. Suess just got a kinky upgrade, and I didn't even intend it! Anyway...
"Yes. Really."
Come-hither Lucy has made her appearance, folks. Yowza!! The Velvet Voice has traded places, and Lucy is already seducing her man... in the parking lot.
And poor Tim can't even see the way she's looking at him... Like he's whip cream and her tongue can't get enough. Like he's a chai latte and she wants to drink every last drop. Like he's... Okay, you get it. Lucy's got it bad for Tim Bradford and I am here for it!
"My place or yours?"
With doubt out of the way, Tim is wasting no time. And I'm proud of him for it! He is so fully committed to this relationship, and so is she, and it really shows in the confidence they both have.
Let's talk about that for a second. Lucy doesn't look to the future with the guys she dates. She doesn't want labels. She doesn't want to meet the parents. She doesn't invest in the relationship because it's never been worth it before.
Tim is the exception. In the past, it was Tim who didn't want to label their "relationship" (partnership... mentorship), but Lucy has always put a label on it. Even when she blurted out her feelings, she labeled it a "relationship". That was while she was still dating her "work in progress".
Because it's different with Tim. She doesn't want to rush into bed because she wants to savor every second of this. I've said it before, but when you know it's your last anything... you savor it a bit more.
Lucy's already half-joking about grandchildren, and thinking about their future together. She has the confidence that this is built to last—and Tim does, too.
We've talked throughout the series about Lucy's issues with second-guessing, but Tim has his own self-esteem issues. He trusts himself as a cop explicitly, but as a man, far less.
That's why he was so cautious coaching Little League, why he minimizes himself and his wants in relationships. He's so afraid of being his father. He doesn't trust who he is outside of the job.
Lucy has helped him find himself, again. She helped him go after his dreams of Sergeant. She prevented him from sacrificing himself to protect Isabelle. She had his back with the false-fender-bender. I could keep going, but I'll stop.
The broken pieces of a man are almost impossible to put together, but like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, there is a way to mend them into something whole and beautiful. Different from what it was before, but no less complete.
Tim helped Lucy find surety in her decisions, sure, but she helped him find confidence in himself. They balance one another so beautifully, and in the light of one another's love, they're blossoming.
Tim is confident in who he is with Lucy. Lucy is confident in who she is with Tim. There's the promise of forever without the discussion. Because it isn't needed. They both knew as soon as they took this risk, it was all or nothing.
And now, they're taking the next step in their relationship, together.
"Jealous dog or nosy roommate?"
Kojo! Oh, Kojo is going to be so happy that his Mommy and Daddy are finally together. That poor pups been sitting there thinking, "When is the blonde lady who tastes gritty going to leave so I can get Mommy back?" Well, baby boy, your Mommy is coming home.
Just not tonight.
"Tamara knows." "What? You told her?" "No. She has eyes. I didn't have to."
Let's be real. Anybody with eyes (not you, Nolan) knows what's going on here. Tim's been smiley. Lucy and he are now glued to the hip out-of-uniform. He's doing an awful lot of "nothing".
"But she is staying at her friend's tonight. So…"
Suddenly Tamara's knowledge about them is a good thing. "I should go," Tamara once said... No worrying about her walking in on them this time.
And, look, I know some people really wanted to see Tamara catching them. But we already got that in S4 and it was hilariously done.
Not everything has to happen on-camera. Not every item on our wish lists will be fulfilled. And that's okay. This isn't the Chenford show (much as my Metas might suggest otherwise).
That's what fanfics are for! And, believe it or not, I wrote quite a bit back in my college days, mostly for Alias.
We are going to see some gooooooood stuff on-screen, even if we don't get everything we want. So, stick around, eh?
Side Note: It sounds like Eric has a cold! They really mean “the show must go on”. I once did a show with a fever of 102. I knew I wasn’t feeling great but had no idea how bad it was until I got off the stage. Performing’s a funny profession!
Grey whisks in, reminding me I'm supposed to be talking about Chenford and not me. Yikes! Let me get my focus back.
Tim and Lucy need that same splash of cold water because they are looking at one another and Lucy's doing that thing where she presses her lips together while thinking about Tim that is doing things to our boy.
"Mm, this is gonna be awkward. " "It doesn't have to be. We've ridden together hundreds of times." "Never as a couple."
Oooh, we've graduated! First it was "we're dating", then we got the "relationship" mention to Tamara, and now we've got the "couple" label. Nice!
Why am I making such a big deal about this? Lucy doesn't do labels. In that past she did, we know, because she mentions her boyfriends never being good enough for her mother. But with her guys in this show? Nope!
She wanted to keep things casual with Nolan and wouldn't leave her stuff at his place. Emmett was not her boyfriend, as she stated many times. Chris was her "work in progress".
Tim is a labels guy. He likes things to have boxes and labels and organization. His house is very put together and uncluttered.
But I feel like he is taking her lead on this. He knows Lucy. She doesn't do labels. But she does with Tim. Because Tim is the one she's been waiting for... she just didn't know it.
"So, are you telling me you're not gonna be thinking about tonight?" "Not at all. Thank you." "Me, neither."
It's like an un-said bet, except she is totally checking out his ass.
Also, Lucy and Tim opening doors for one another. Wow, is that a metaphor for this episode. Lots of opening and closing doors all over the place.
It started with the elevator with Tim making sure it stayed open and letting Lucy go first. Here, Lucy's the one opening the door for Tim.
Their whole relationship is littered with opening and closing doors. And this entire episode (much as the theme seems to be "judgment" and "the choices we make") is about opening and closing doors.
"I could tell Grey that I got food poisoning." "Just to get out of riding with me?" "I mean, I get the day off. We avoid all this weirdness. Wins all around." "You're overthinking this. We leave our personal life at the door, just like always" "Oh, And you can just shut it off?"
Lucy is the one thinking clearly, here. Look, I love Tim. He's my favorite character (Lucy is a very close second), but he's not facing reality. The reality is—something has to change.
And, oh, that is scary for a person who grew up with instability and clings to what is known and safe. The minute he acknowledges this problem, he won't be able to ignore it, and then they have to face it, and then everything has to change.
"At 7:59, I'm your girlfriend. At 8:01, I'm your, what? Your subordinate?
What. Did. You. Just. SAY!?!?! Lucy Chen, who has resisted calling any of the guys we've seen her date a "boyfriend" just self-identified at Tim Bradford's girlfriend.
I'm gonna need a minute, here. Because, OH MY GOSH IT HAPPENED!
I should save that for later, right? Right.
But, nope, I'm losing it. I'm squeeling into a pillow trying not to alert my kids so they run into the room saying, "Mama, Mama!" and then I miss what's next. Because Lucy bad*ass Chen just called herself Tim Bradford's girlfriend.
They've been dating three weeks! Remember Lucy's initial response to why she didn't love Chris when Tim asked. She said they hadn't been together long.
But everything is different with Tim. And it always will be. They were carved from opposite sides of the same stone, destined to reunite when the time was right. Or, we might take Plato's nod and think of the one being split into two, destined to search for their other halves.
"Really?" *models herself* "My duty belt. My taser is on the wrong side. Usually, you'd be all over me for that."
I admit, I didn't notice. Crap. I'm as in love with her as Tim is!
"You did that on purpose? You don't do Tim Tests. I do Tim Tests." "Well, that's 'cause this isn't a Tim Test. It's a Lucy Lesson. And, admit it, you're taking it easy on me. We're not even on duty, yet, and our dynamic has changed."
Damn, Lucy! Holding him accountable!! But I love Tim blowing air out as she said, "Lucy Lesson". He's so exasperated with his woman.
Lucy taps his arm, and I must applaud her restraint. It's definitely a "on-duty Lucy" touch in that her hand is open and barely connects with his arm. But, she's trying to check him.
"Get in the car." "It's called a Shop."
Much as I hate the point, she's absolutely right. Tim and Lucy on-duty dynamic together has changed. And it has to.
"You haven't noticed?" "What? That you're carrying your coffee in your gun hand? Of course, I did. I just haven't said anything because these Lucy Lessons are pointless." "You really don't think you're treating me differently?"
First off, Lucy's touch lingers, this time. Much as she's telling Tim that their dynamic has changed (and he does need to acknowledge it), she's demonstrating it accidentally as much as on-purpose.
Also, remember Tim barking at Lucy for holding her radio in her gun hand in front of Emmett? And how Lucy was angry at Emmett for making an issue of it, because Tim was technically the in the right?
That's where my brain goes, immediately. He rarely goes soft on her, and she always notices. But now Tim Bradford is f*cking mush around his lady.
Tim wants so badly for this not be an issue. It reminds me of him at the restaurant trying not to react to the two men arguing, hoping that it would go away. If he doesn't acknowledge it, it doesn't have to be faced... but this has to be faced.
"You're not a Rookie. You want to change up your duty belt, carry your coffee in your right hand, it's up to you. You know. This isn't about us. I'd give Thornsen the same leeway."
*cough* BULLSHIT *cough*
"This is robbery. Wait a minute, you had your gun! This is armed robbery." "I'm sure your earrings will come up. We will call you when we have them." "I want a receipt" "We don't issue receipts. Look, it's all in the report. If you want to file a complaint, you can do so at the front desk on your way out." "I didn't take the earrings." "I know."
Tim will never accuse you of stealing, but this is a big deal. And Lucy knows it. Tim knows it, too, but he wants to do whatever he can to save her.
FAST FORWARD: And, let's be clear, after exhausting every avenue, he was going to do it... to report her. But he was going to try everything in his power, first.
"God, I've been so focused on us. Did I screw up?"
Damn. This hits hard. Poor Lucy always does her best to do it by the book, the way Tim taught her. Where did the earrings go? Tim doesn't want to acknowledge it, but you can see how soft his eyes go, immediately. He's worried for her. He's not thinking about the earrings—he's thinking about Lucy.
FAST FORWARD: And, yes, I've seen the whole episode, now, so I know. But... I like to write these as though it's the first time. And the first time, I should have seen that Lucy Lesson coming.
I mean, it was so beautifully set up with Tamara commenting on Lucy's ability to lie so smoothly, and then with the string of Lucy Lessons. I should have seen it coming, but I admit I expected the worst and didn't.
I truly expect ships I love to go through horrible pain and be destroyed. I'm learning to trust The Rookie more as the show goes on, but I have a lot of harnessed distrust there to dislodge.
"We'll keep checking until we find them." "Wait, wait, okay. Look. You need to file a memorandum with the chief. It's protocol. I get it." "We're not there, yet."
Tim is avoiding. He's trying to hard to not have to face it. And Lucy's the one being practical, here. She can see that Tim is treating her differently and she knows it can't be that way.
He doesn't want to face it. He once felt responsible for pushing her towards a serial killer. We saw how unhinged he was, and they were nowhere near this level in their relationship, now. If he is the one to write her up and it tanks her career... He'd blame himself.
"Well, how long can it wait?" "I have discretion with things like this. We find the earrings no paperwork necessary." "But if we don't you need to report me to IA." "Maybe janitorial swept them up."
Lucy can see what Tim is clearly (yes, I used their word) missing, here. But she's trying to let him get their on his own. Talking to him about it was getting nowhere, so she changed tactics.
And I love how this is shot. It's giving me major CSI Grissom/Sara vibes. Flashlights and searching while dealing with tension and romance? Yeah, I've got a type.
But, seriously, there's such simplicity in the matching over-the-shoulder shots of them, on opposite sides of this issue, but still very much in line with one another. I love the symbolism, intentional or not.
"We canceled our date." "What happened?" "Well, Tim and I rode together today and it really drove home all of the problems with dating your boss." "It did seem tricky, but I didn't want to say anything. Does that mean you guys are breaking up?" "No."
No hesitation from Lucy. Look, I love Tamara (and her relationship with Lucy is one of my absolute favorites on the show). But, Tamara's view of relationships is filtered through her own experience.
Come on, all of us filter how we see Tim and Lucy through our own experiences, for better or worse. But those once-in-a-lifetime relationships are different. They change how you see your future because for the first time there is a future with that other person.
Tamara hasn't experienced that herself, yet, and based on what she's seen with Lucy, none of her other guys really stuck.
Tamara's known about this relationship one day, so she doesn't know all the details or struggles Tim and Lucy had getting to this point. There's no going back for Tim and Lucy. It isn't even a consideration.
"We'll figure out how to make it work. " "Great. How?"
This is tricky. This is tough. Tim and Lucy have to figure this out, and do it now. There's no more time to put it off, to pretend it's not an issue, to ignore what they know to be true.
Tim puts the people he loves ahead of everything because they are so few and far between.
He didn't want to coach Little League for two seconds, because just being on that field in that position risked him becoming his father.
We all know that risk is near impossible, but Tim doesn't. As a child of abuse, he's haunted by what he's survived and terrified of becoming it.
He will do whatever he needs to for Lucy... but that doesn't make it right. With Isabelle, he was about to go over that line if not for Lucy. We know he's capable.
And, to be fair to Tim, when there was no other recourse, he was willing to do what was right in this case. He hated it, but he was going to do it. Because he is still the man he was... thanks to Lucy.
"Lucy! Your boyfriend's here."
I love Tim's face on "boyfriend". This is likely the first time he's heard himself called Lucy's boyfriend, and it just makes me giggle every time I see it.
Tim has his hands in his pockets, much as he did the last time he stood outside this door, urging her to go to UC school as she feared he was pushing her away.
"Did she tell you I figured it out on my own? I'd make a great detective." "I have no doubt."
Such an interesting quirk to hear Tim echo those words in that doorway, again. Last time it was to Chris about Lucy's level of care. This time, it's about Tamara.
So, I have to believe that on some level, he means it. And that could be a very interesting turn of events if they ever wanted to take Tamara down the path of becoming "the rookie" since they try to have someone in a "rookie" position each season.
"Hey, I thought we canceled." "Uh, we didn't." "Oh."
Now that Lucy doesn't have to hide from Tamara, she goes in for the hug. And I love the way Tim's head ends up in the crook of her arm. It reminds me of the hug from Breakdown in Season 4.
It's like he's nestling into her. Because, it takes effort for him to bend down to that level. I'm always fascinated watching tall/smol ships and how they handle that.
Tim and Lucy have history to draw from, but I look back at The X Files and I giggle thinking about the "Gilly boxes" they had Gillian Anderson stand on to get them framed well in the same shot. I have wondered a time or two if they'd used them for Chenford. No lie!
But I love how... relaxed Lucy is in front of Tamara knowing that she doesn't have to hide Tim, anymore.
But this is a serious discussion, and they need Tamara to skidaddle. "Go on, kiddo. Mom and Dad need to talk."
"You have to report it, now." "I know." "And if it was Aaron, you would have reported him already." "I know. But it's not Aaron. It's you." "And you can't be objective when it comes to me, right?"
Look at Tim's sad face and the shake of his head. But this is where Lucy needed him to go. He needed to see that he is going to treat her differently, and that's not going to work.
"And now endeth the Lucy lesson." *giggle* "The what?" *giggles*
I love this, "What" Because Eric Winter puts so much into it that I am cackling with laughter.
"The earrings were never missing?" "Nope! I set them aside and I gave them back to Sergio after work." "That's evil. And impressive. And evil."
GIRLFRIEND! I am so proud of you. It's like a productive prank. Yes, she manipulated him, but much like some of the Tim Tests, it was what he needed. Tim helped Lucy become a better cop. She's helping him become a better boyfriend.
Because in this case, what he needs to do is be honest with himself. He can't be objective where she's concerned.
"I know, but you weren't facing the problem." "Okay, well now I am. So what do we do?"
These two are absolutely working together. I stan a couple who communicates. Because he slides that "we" in there so fast. Lucy and Tim are learning how to really communicate and work through issues as a couple, and I love seeing that on my screen.
When my husband and I first married, I came from a family where screaming and name-calling was the norm. He came from a family where conflict was ignored because it was "unpleasant". It took forever for us to learn how to have a productive discussion when we were on opposite sides of an issue.
One of the simple pleasures of The Rookie's track record with ships is getting to watch our favorite couples work together. Jyla and Wopez paved the way for Chenford, in that respect.
"We only have two real options." "Break up or one of us leaves Mid-Wilshire."
First off, I love how they never even entertain the option of breaking up. Because that isn't an option for them. Yes, it technically exists as an option, but it's not one Tim and Lucy will ever consider.
They're in this and neither one is giving up on it. No second guessing. No doubt. Tim and Lucy are completely sure about one another and secure in their relationship.
"It should be me." "No. No, you love it here." "No, I do. But there isn't an open Sergeant supervisor job anywhere else in the division. I checked. Which means you would have to take a demotion and that's not happening."
I love that she talked about it. And that she'd already researched other Sergeant positions. That's our girl! Sorry... Tim's girl.
But right this second, I can see the wheels turning in Tim's mind. Lucy is basing her assumption on what she's seen of him in the past.
She knew before Rachel did that he wasn't leaving LA. She didn't know about Ashley trying to pressure him into retiring, but anyone who knows Tim knows he loves patrol.
Different as this is for Lucy, I don't know if she yet realizes how different it is for him.
"Lucy-" "No, it'll be fine. Rookies leave their first station after making P2 all the time." "That's true." "So, this is the best move, right?" "Maybe, but we don't need to decide right now."
Lucy is ready to commit to this decision, and I love it for her and for Tim. Because Lucy is choosing Tim. Forget her friends, her commute, and her comraderie. In this moment, Lucy has chosen Tim. And what other woman in his life has ever done that?
It's a hard, hard decision either way, but they both are on the same page... something has to give.
And someone better do something, because there's footage all over these cameras of an Officer and Sergeant in love. Like, that could be a problem, too, if they don't get on top of it.
Tim and Lucy's Silent Approach
This is their first time in a dangerous situation together as a couple. Tim's trying to keep it straight, and so is Lucy. They have innocents to protect. This isn't earrings. This is human life.
And Tim and Lucy get the job done.
But was it harder because of their relationship? That's the question, here. Lucy already proved that Tim can't be objective because of her, but now they're looking at the other angle—what if that hadn't happened so perfectly?
"Nice work today." "You, too. It's not a bad way to end our partnership, saving a family."
First off, Tim has really embraced complimenting Lucy. Second, Lucy has fully embraced that they are no longer going to be in the same chain of command after today.
Look at her picking the lint off of his shirt, which was a classic relationship test in the series New Girl. And then she's touching him and
"Yeah, although we're still not partners. I mean, on the job, anyway."
Look at her tapping his arm in a very gentle hit. Because, now they are partners. And her adorable smile that coaxes out his loving one. Oh, these two!
"It's going to be so weird going to a different station knowing I'm not gonna to see you all day." "Yeah. And there's no guarantee that our shifts will sync up." "I hadn't thought of that. Wait. Wait, wait. So by doing the right thing, we're going to see each other a lot less?" "Most likely." "No." "Yeah."
Gosh, this is hard for them. Melissa O'Neil broke my heart with how Lucy delivered, "I hadn't thought of that". Because Lucy is often the one who has thought of everything.
But this is an area Tim knows better, and now that they're facing this reality, it kinda sucks. But note how Lucy doesn't change course. Because, much as it sucks, they both know it's the right thing to do so they can stay together.
"I'm going to put in my transfer request in the morning."
This is heart-breaking. Lucy goes to pull the bags out of the Shop, like she always does, but Tim grabs ahold of the one closest to him, waving for her to give him the other. He's carrying her burdens. And look at the way she smiles at him.
They hate that the status quo is going to have to change for them to be together. But they will be together. And that's worth it.
Meanwhile I'm screaming at the screen, "Swoop in and resign first so she can stay!"
"Got a minute." "Sure."
Well, that was fast! Tim closes the door behind him and takes a seat. He didn't even wait to get into plainclothes to have this discussion because he wants to be sure he gets there before Lucy does.
And, it's so easy to say, "Oh, there's Tim Bradford giving more, again." But he really isn't. He's giving exactly what Lucy was willing to give for him. Only this scenario is actually better for them even if it's worse for him.
Because Tim finally has a partner who gives and takes, who will hold his hand through the heartache, and call him on his bullshit, and be the one to hold him when he deals with the rolling emotions of his father finally passing. Tim finally has the love of his life. And that's worth all of this.
"I've been keeping something from you. Lucy and I started dating a few weeks ago." "I suspected as much."
No surprises here. We've always said that Grey was onto these two. But, I think he was waiting for them to come to him since it wasn't impacting anything, yet, from what he could tell.
"Sir, we wouldn't've lied, but we needed time to figure out how we felt."
Which means we've missed some scenes. Look, I know I was the first person to say that we're not going to get to see everything (and y'all fic writers are on it, I'm sure). But I don't think they needed time to figure out how they felt so much as they wanted to make sure the other was fully on the same page.
After half a season of miscommunication, Tim and Lucy are trying to get on the same page at every step. Lucy's "Lucy Lessons" illustrate that they have a ways to go, but also that she knows how to get through to Tim when needed. They've got this.
"And since we're having this talk, I assume it's serious." "It is, but for it to be appropriate, I need to move out of her chain of command."
First off, "it is." That's it. That's all Tim has to say because he has full confidence in Lucy's love. Have we ever seen him so sure? Have we ever seen him so secure in love that he will shift the course of his entire career? Of course not.
Lucy is his sun. She is "the one" that Grey once said starting over would be worth it for.
And Grey doesn't question that it only took a few weeks of dating for Tim and Lucy to get to that conclusion. He's watched them battle against one another and together. He's seen the dance as they wrestled with what they felt, and he wasn't oblivious when dancing around one another shifted into dancing together.
This isn't a "You're marrying a man you just met" scenario. Tim and Lucy have known one another in so many ways. The typical timelines and steps don't apply. Yes, Tim and Lucy are taking their time, but that's never been for lack of assurance in one another's commitment to this relationship.
And now Tim is doing what he needs to to protect that relationship... to put them first. Not Lucy first, as Tim too often has done in his relationships, minimizing himself. He's putting them first.
Grey doesn't love helping Tim with this because he knows he's losing a great Supervising Sergeant who can hold down the fort when he goes on trips to visit his daughter at University. This is going to create a giant hole in the Chain of Command.
But Grey's going to help Tim, anyway. Because, this is a man of integrity—a man who walked into this office to come clean without prodding, who wants to do the right thing, who has finally finally found love after all his heartache and loss.
Who wouldn't want to help a man like that?
"Okay. Unfortunately, there's only one position open that'll do that." "I'll take it." "It's not a great job." "Doesn't matter. I'll take it."
TIM BRADFORD. See this is what we love about Tim. When he's all-in, he's all-in. Before, it was the job. Now, it's Lucy.
He is walking away from the job he loves to get out of her chain of command and keep her from having to leave. This is such an incredible demonstration of love, and despite the Chenford scene following this one, this is the scene that has me in a choke hold.
Tim doesn't ask for a pay scale. He doesn't ask for a job description. Hell, he doesn't even know what the job is. He sees that it meets what he needs to maintain his and Lucy's integrity and not be separated from the woman he loves. That's it. That's what matters.
Some things matter more.
No, he didn't utter the line. But, he's saying it with his actions. By making this sacrifice, he's showing her that a job will never be more important than her. That his love of patrol is great, but his love of Lucy is greater.
Because, at the end of the day, he doesn't want to see Lucy only on alternating Tuesdays and bank holidays. He wants them to have time together so they can continue to build this relationship. He wants them to build a life together. And that takes time.
So, to give them the time... he takes a step back. Because this is true love, damnit.
"So, I've been thinking, Hollywood division would be kind of ideal."
I love Lucy cooking for her man. Because next time it's Tim's turn. This is something neither of them will ever do out of duty or expectation, but because they both enjoy cooking, and this is an expression of love.
Lucy has a whole meal planned out for Tim. There's salad bowls, an open bottle of wine, plates and placemats.
Second, Lucy's about to give me a Wings-style heart attack with how many candles she's lit (the place burned to the ground while the couple hooked up... it's the only episode of that show I remember).
We knew from end of Season 4 that she likes to light candles like my Dad when he was tipsy during a hurricane (so. many. candles), but last time they weren't actually considering naked time.
"Well, it's not necessary. I talked to Grey, And you're looking at the new Court Liaison Sergeant." "But that's a desk job." "Yeah. Out of your chain of command. "You'll be bored out of your mind."
First off, Lucy knows Tim well enough to know he'd never be satisfied in a desk job. She didn't even consider this job when she looked up available jobs. But he took it without looking at the job description. Because some things matter more.
"That doesn't matter. Look, you and I'll get to see each other every day. And you won't have to travel to some, I don't know, far away station where they'll make you work the midnight shift because you're the newbie."
He has a sound argument. My husband and I worked opposite schedules the first year and a half of our marriage. I worked nights and he worked days. It was awful. Building a marriage when you never seen one another is a struggle I wish upon none.
And at this angle, I FINALLY get to confirm that Tim is wearing a shirt that snaps open and closed. It's not even a button-up. He went for snaps. This man came prepared. Talk about understanding the assignment!
"Tim-" "It's done. Okay. No sense in arguing about it."
This is such a husband move. Like, we all know she was willing to be the one to go, but he jumped in first, and it means they get more time together. "Wins all around", right Lucy?
And Tim and Lucy could argue about it (because they are "worth the effort"), but it's unnecessary. What's done is done.
"But we're so good at arguing."
Lucy, now you are reminding me of the couple with the golf clubs. The horny side, I mean, not the property-destruction side. Because, YOWZA, you knew what you were doing leaning over and kissing him like that, leaving enough room for him to stand up and come to you.
Yes, I know there are pieces of tape on the floor showing them where to stand. Shhhh! I'm in Chenfordland, right now, and I'm going to give Lucy full credit for that move.
Tim slips in his "I know" before kissing her, again, practically murmuring it against her lips.
"I know. But I'm hoping that we're good at certain other things, as well."
Welp. THAT happened. I mean, how the heck am I supposed to get through this scene without taking apart every move of the hand, of the lip, of the eye, of the BELT!? Oy vey, y'all, strap in (heh), because this is gonna take a bit.
First off, Lucy's kiss when he was sitting was definitely a come-hither kiss. She's got her arms wrapped around his shoulders for balance, but also to put a little weight on him. I mean, for all we know she likes it on top, right?
As they stand up, she's already got her hands on his shirt, on his chest. She's telegraphing interest as Tim's right hand takes a trail up her thigh to her waist.
And. Look. At. His. SMILE! Tim Bradford just walked away from patrol to take a desk job, but it's all worth it because he's looking into the eyes of his love, and she's staring back at him. And now they're both ready for this next step.
Tim is glowing in the light of her love. I once likened Lucy to the sun and Tim to a star. Now, technically, a sun is a star, right? And some solar systems have more than one sun. Lucy and Tim are each other's light. Neither has ever felt this secure in a relationship. This alive.
Rachel wanted Tim to move. He didn't. Ashley wanted Tim to retire. He didn't. Chris wanted Lucy to move in. She didn't.
Three weeks in and they're both ready to walk away from the job they love for the other? In the words of How I Met Your Mother, "That's love, bitch."
"Want to find out right now?" "Yeah."
Tim's "yeah" is barely above a whisper, but it's there. I wasn't certain it would be subtitled, but I'm so glad they did!
And I love that they are both on the same page. There's no doubt or confusion about what's about to happen. Lucy invited Tim to cross another threshold with her, and he breathed that sweet "Yeah" that's peppered their conversations since they became a couple.
"Yeah" when she said she wanted to get dinner sometime. "Yeah" when acknowledging they would do the right thing but never see each other. His soft little "Yeah"s are multi-purpose.
But that breathless one just now? Oh, that takes the cake, folks!
Lucy wastes no time with Tim's shirt. Her hands were on his snaps before his mouth met hers. No wasting time, here. She starts with one snap at a time, but at the end it's like popcorn, tearing that shirt open because it is in her way.
And her little sounds as she's undressing him? Girlfriend is gone. (and I can say that, now, because I'm never going to get over Lucy Chen being Tim's girlfriend)
C'mon. When she was wiring him to go undercover as the Hit man she was totally scoping those pecs. And let's not forget Rachel's house where all the man was wearing was a towel. Lucy's seen things. Now she wants to fully appreciate them.
There's a difference between admiring artwork from afar and really getting your hands into the clay on the wheel. Lucy's done looking. It's time to get hands-on.
Tim's left hand goes for her face, but he feels the last button give. She pushes the shirt over his shoulders, and as he pulls the sleeves off, completely, Lucy is all eyes on her man.
And what I love about this is that as Lucy is appreciating every inch of Tim's chest, her hands tracing the V toward his pelvis, his eyes are watching her, drinking her in. Seeing her turned on is turning him on all the more.
Her eyes meet his, and she smiles the most serenely sexy smile. This is everything she ever wanted in a relationship, and tonight is everything she ever wanted in a last "first time".
The second he shakes that shirt lose, his lips are back on hers. Her right hand winds around his back, her other on his face. He has both hands on her face, directing each kiss with the surety Lucy once dreamt.
Tim loves to touch Lucy's face. Like the airplane bathroom and the kiss at the food truck. But this kiss is different. Instead of sweet, this is starving.
Tim is starved from his want of Lucy. Forget the dinner Lucy was making... Tonight Tim and Lucy feast on one another.
Lucy got the engine started, but Tim's the one driving, now. And like her dream of him, she's all the more turned on by him taking the lead.
He's firm, but not aggressive, as he kisses her, drinking in every taste of her mouth like it's his first drink of water after days without. Lucy is the only thing to sate his thirst.
Her hand traces his back before both hands land on his belt. She's pulling him as much as he's pushing her toward the bedroom. They walk in step together, like the hottest four-legged, sandwich-style race. Lucy giggles as they go.
Because sexy as this is, it's also still them. Tim and Lucy are enjoying themselves. And we've learned through the course of this relationship, thus far, that comes with some giggles from Lucy.
No doubt, she's built this up in her mind. They both have. But here in this moment, they aren't second-guessing or wondering. Tim's not standing before her, waiting to see if she's interested. Lucy's not thinking about the past and letting it still her.
In this moment, they are both living, breathing, and craving right now.
Tomorrow, there'll be the jobs, and the logistics, and all the other things to worry about. But in this moment, Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen are carefree save the love they carry for one another.
Every kiss is punctuated by desire fueled by love. There's echos of every other kiss they've shared—but these kisses are like breathing. In this moment, Tim and Lucy are one another's oxygen tanks, and the only way to exchange breath is to share it.
They could bee-line right to the bedroom, but Tim can't help himself. He doesn't want to wait to feel himself pressed fully against her—every curve of her body responding to his.
His right hand reaches for the door frame, so when he pushes Lucy back against it, she doesn't hit her head. In fact, his left hand is cradling her head, so it's his hand that meets his hand.
But she feels every muscle, every part of Tim pressing against her, wanting her, aching for her. With every touch of his bare skin against her skin, his taste on her lips, and his pelvis pressed against hers, her desire grows.
Her left hand winds to his neck, as though she could pull him even closer, somehow merging every part of them before they've even made it to the next layer of clothing discarded.
Tim shifts so his left hand is around her waist as she backs into her bedroom, Tim practically on top of her, not wanting to separate an inch now that he's finally here. He can feel her responding to him, and like her lips, he's growing addicted to that feeling.
Tim pushes the door most of the way closed as Lucy giggles, completely free in the wonder of his love. Locks of Lucy's hair catch the frosted glass as the door slams shut—Lucy no doubt with her back against that door (and possibly lifted up by Tim, judging on the placement of her hair in that window).
Tim Bradford once more forgetting the bed behind him because they're going to break it anyway.
Seriously. I fully expect "Lucy needs a new bed" to be a plot point. Just to see her scrolling options on her phone would be enough for me! That bed is not ready for the action it's gonna see tonight.
I have to say, I love that we can hear the scene. The music isn't overpowering this moment, and for someone like me whose ears hear everything, but can't separate if sounds are too close in decibel or pitch, that made the scene.
Back when they kissed in the airplane bathroom, we could hear the sounds of their lips. But this scene was so much sexier with all of Lucy's hums and gentle moans into his mouth. The music volume was perfect to add to the moment without distracting from it.
Fan Fic Writers... go do your thing!
And to Eric Winter, golly, I hope he wasn't too sick. Listening to how much of a voice he has in each scene and gauging shooting scheduled based on how weak it was was amusing. But, seriously, the job of an actor can be killer. Any job in the industry that involves being on-set, really.
My mom is a hair and makeup artist. She worked on a series in Wilmington in the late 90's where one of the lead actresses and she both had the flu. Didn't matter. They both had to work through. Mom has this photo of the two of them passed out on a couch together between scenes. It makes her smile, now, but it reminds me of how hard it can be.
We think about the glitz and glamor. And while that does exist, the hours alone can be a huge deterrent for any sane person. Creating art takes time, patience, and a crew of folks who sacrifice so much of their personal lives to make it happen.
If it's a good crew, it can become like family. If it's a complicated one, it can be incredibly trying to get through 18+ hour days stuck together, short turnarounds, and Fraturday schedules.
Also, I hope poor Melissa O'Neil didn't get sick from Eric Winter because of this scene. Because, golly, it's a weird job, right? I once did a shoot where I had to make-out with two separate men I'd never met before on the same day (no, it wasn't a porno). Like, you're really getting paid to do this. It's so weird.
Back to the show... There's a line in this episode that Wesley says to Angela that really sticks out for me... kind of the mantra of all the ships of The Rookie "It's not ideal, but we can handle it."
Romance in real life is messy. Too often, I see television shows go one of two ways... full on soap opera or train wreck. There are very few shows I trust with ships, even in hindsight.
The Rookie shows these very real people dealing with very real issues. Kids keeping you on a schedule that prevents you from getting any sleep. Having more kids. Shared calendars. New love and job schedules. All of that is so relatable, and it's so nice to see a show that is committed to showing people work through.
It's a detail that I really appreciate as a real person with real issues.
Anyway, if any of y'all are still alive, I want to thank you for reading. I have so much fun writing these, and the fact that people read and comment and enjoy them still blows me away. Thank you.
See you on the next!"
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