#you guys remember niff?
disbear · 2 years
I wrote Warbler fanfic in 2011 and that is why I am now immune to all shame.
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niff-of-draws · 1 year
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feb. 2020 - june 2021 - march 2023 redraw of a redraw to see how far i've come and damn is it far. its crazy that its only been 3 years since i started digital art and i've come so far. i can't wait to see where i'll be in 2026!
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Charlie: "Okay everyone, please remember- stabbing can be valid and FUN part of your relationships, but everyone involved has to consent to it FIRST!"
Vaggie: "I wanna stab angels and they're consensually attacking our hotel. Does that count.
Charlie: "Oh it so TOTALLY counts."
Angel Dust: "Yeah yeah. An' it looks hot when ya girlfriend does it, huh toots?"
Charlie: "No comment!"
Husk: "I do not fucking consent to watch you two flirting."
Vaggie: "Your eyes are open and you live here."
Husk: "My soul's in chains and you have a room for that shit."
Angel Dust: "I'm not chained here~ I'm just single and bitter~"
Charlie: "Well you're also OUT VOTED! Boooo! Pen and Niffty don't mind us being cute in public, do you guys?"
Sir Pentious: "Ah, oh- Welllll... honessstly?"
Sir Pentious: "...I am looking, for tipssss..."
Angel Dust: "NOOOO!!!!!"
Angel Dust: (picking up Niffty) "Damnit- your vote, Niff. Do NOT ruin this for us."
Everyone else: "....."
Angel Dust: (sets her back down)
Angel Dust: "So seein' ya girl get rough and deadly with people turns ya on, huh Charlie Puff? That's a normal, non-freaky way to have fun."
Charlie: "Sliiiight correction- it's only fun for me when SHE'S having fun with it!"
Vaggie: (puppy eyes) "Awww, sweetie... really..?"
Charlie: "Vaggie." (cradling vaggie's face and staring soppily into her eye) "My beautiful former Exorcist turned violently protective hell angel- you can have a little bloodshed, as a treat~"
Vaggie: "How 'bout a kiss?"
Charlie: "That's not a treat. That's just what happens when you look at me for too long."
Vaggie: "I'm looking..."
Charlie: "And my lips are your lips! Or, uh- mmf!"
Husk: "I hope a fucking Exorcist slam dunks a cannibal corpse right over my head, killing me instantly."
Niffty: 'Why? There wouldn't even be much blood."
Husk: "Mercy kill."
Niffty: (lifts angelic dagger)
Husk: "Not from you."
Niffty: (lowers dagger) "Consent denied." (sighs) "Rats..."
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instarsandcrime · 1 month
what fun words or slang do you hc for our hotel gang? 😊
(Like Husk using "chucklefucks" unironically for example 🤣)
Oh gosh, that's a good question! Let me go down the list here for as many as I can think of...
-In the beginning of Va/ggie's fall, she was probably very in love and very awkward while she tended to Va/ggie's wounds. And as a fellow bisexual, would definitely throw finger guns and go "Hey...y-you?" before backing out and leaving. This has happened several times. The gay panic was probably too strong for her.
-For Char/lie I literally cannot think of anything except every Salvadoran nickname under the sun. I'm not even going to list them. Just think of any one of them and you've got it.
-Similar to Al/as/tor, but instead of terms of endearment it's terms of insults™
-Purposefully calls Hu/sk names that put him down. In Loser, Baby there are a lot of insulting labels thrown his way, and I think after some time Al/as/tor did call him enough of those that purposefully also echoed other people to get under his skin a little more. Maybe some of those were Al/as/tor originals...
-Char/lie's are much more pleasant, but he especially likes to sneak in ma fée (my fairy, normally used for your child) as far away from everyone else as possible, and as close to Lu/ci/fer as possible knowing he's centuries old and knows what that means 10,000%. And as far away from everyone else because unfortunately, a small unfortunate part of him really does mean it.
-Just. Just so many cheesy nicknames. He was once an angel, and angels are definitely sappy guys. 'Char Char', 'Stardust', 'Sweetie', 'Dear', 'Kiddo', 'My little girl', etc. Similar to Li/li/th! 'Lily', 'Darling', 'Love of my life', etc.
-Contrary to popular belief, Al/as/tor does in fact get a nickname. 'Him'. Everything else is just an insult so they don't count.
-I really enjoyed your fic Watch My Back and him calling Niff/ty 'little one'. I am sticking with that headcanon no matter what.
-Va/ggie gets extreme deja vu when Lu/ci/fer has trouble talking to her at first, knowing she's a big part of his daughter's life. So despite being straight(????) and not knowing our rich bi history, and without knowing Char/lie has done this, throws finger guns in the exact same way and goes "Hey...y-you?" before backing out and leaving. It's only happened once but Va/ggie definitely still remembers it.
-Oh An/gel Du/st. There are just. So many nicknames. I definitely agree with 'Chucklefucks' for everyone generally. Specifically, An/gel is much, much different and more personal compared to everyone else. He'd probably alternate between 'kid', 'loser', 'cher'-- in which he picked up Louisiana slang from Al/as/stor and will get away with it because he knows An/gel Du/st will never look up what it means (term of endearment for loved one)-- 'Ange', and probably when he learns his real name, 'Tony'.
-Calls Niff/ty 'the menace' or 'little menace' for obvious reasons.
An/gel Du/st:
-Calls himself 'gal' and 'dame' a lot. Fuck gender roles honestly, he's all for being called what he's rightfully deserved.
-He tends to share the 'loser' nickname with Hu/sk. But he does have others-- 'baby', 'sweetheart', and 'tesoro'. (treasure/darling). Which is unfortunate because he knows Hu/sk will look it up and get incredibly flustered every time it's used. NO ONE knows what this word means except Hu/sk and has no idea why he fled the room. At one point Pen/tious considers it a threat from secondhand observation.
-Leans a lot towards 'babydoll' and 'cutie' for Char/lie because he definitely sees her as a cute, shining ball of energy (and respects it, probably, considering where the show is going with him and redemption)
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silvergolddraco28 · 2 months
LMK x Hazbin Hotel- part 9- Introductions
cowritten with my friend Dortiii on AO3
heart comment and reblog! Remember i have a secondary version that's open for anyone interested!
Crystallized molten gold iris floating ruby red sclera blinked several times, ears pinned back, tail swaying like a cat’s in minor confusion. “What in the ten realms of the Diyu are you?”
"Now THAT !" Lucifer speaks with a beaming smile of sharp teeth. "...Is a good fucking question, my dear monkey man! Now I'm going to completely ignore that in favor of singing you a WELCOME SONG~!!"
"We should eat him!" Giggled the little cyclops cutting off Lucifer as the rest of the group now stood paces away from the groggy simian. 
"He's kind of cute… looks like he can go a few rounds without breaking a sweat. ” The spider demon drawled.
"Are you INSANE?! Look at those eyes! He'll eat us first!" Shrieked the snake demon in horror and disgust. 
"No one's eating the monkey," Lucifer warned with a demonic tone to his voice. "Ignore them! You're in hell! I'm Lucifer never Lucy so don't try. I run shit here and I'm your fucking guide until well, we'll get to that when we do I guess." The demon smiled. "YOU look like you could do with a song! or more water your pick!"
The golden monkey blinked at the wildly and completely left-field reactions. “I'm a vegetarian, thank you very much.” the golden monkey deadpanned to the others with the leveled look of a disappointed parent. 
“Guys… Come on this is no way to treat our new guest. I’m sure they have a lot of questions! We should help them, not repel them away.” The princess implored with the others feeling the weight of the disappointment from the newcomer. 
“Whatever you say toots.” The spider demon shrugged.
“He didn’t say no!” The cyclops giggled immediately making her way over before being abruptly held back by the dark-furred feline. 
“Not a fucking chance Niff.” the feline huffed holding the cyclops by the back of the dress.
“I feel incredibly judged by him.” The snake whimpered into the spider demon who promptly moved away. 
It certainly did not help once the mystic monkey rose to his full height garnishing an array of reactions. He had stood up to his full height of an even six feet, the clothing and his fur drying out with some steam puffing off his body. 
“Meeeooowww~ he’s tall! ” the spider whistled only to be smacked upside the head by the winged feline with a minor glare directed at him from a slightly irritated Lucifer. The spider had the decency to look a little ashamed at that comment.
“Hell… as in Heaven and Hell?” Wukong asked recalling the concept from his travels to the west and how some believed in it.
“CORRECT! Crashed right in the center! Practically the best place to land to avoiding ya getting ya know-“ Lucifer made a slashing motion with his neck to indicate his point. “By those other sinners down here. You sure did make a fucking entrance with all… that. ” He gestured to the mystic monkey. “Though enough of that! RIGHT! Intros! Intros! Cause honestly I don’t even know half of you either- You already know me monkey man and this here,” bringing the blonde demoness forward with a beamed smile. “Is my dear darling daughter Charlie! The one and only Princess of Hell!”
“Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, and the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. Wukong is fine, Sun would be the equivalent of a family name in Western culture if i remember correctly.” Wukong replied with a bow to Charlie his tail picking up the crimson and gold staff left leaning against the couch before expertly flicking it up into the air and catching it to shrink down.
“Great to have ya on board monkey man! You’re gonna get on just fine here! More or less. Maybe.” Lucifer shrugged.
“Wow…it’s an honor to meet you! Mr. King sir.” Charlie beamed extending her hand with a flush. “P-Please! No need for formalities! We’re all friends here!” Waving away such a gesture. Despite the many years and her title, the extra attention could never sit well with her. “I-I’m…sure this…probably wasn’t at all what you pictured waking up to but we welcome you to our home.” The princess, was sincere with her words as she smiled elated and oh so fascinated by their new guest. “I’d love for you to feel welcomed here Mr. King and I’m super so sorry that it hasn’t been!”
“A magic stick!” The cyclops awed, breaking free from the dark-furred feline as she skittered over to the giant mystic monkey. “Can I hold it?! It looks a little grubby…I can clean it!! I promise I won’t eat you Mr.!” The little cyclops jumped up in excitement at whatever magic trick the great sage had performed with the tool. “I’m Nifty! I work at Charlie’s Hotel! I clean real good!”
“Little one i don't think you’ll be able to lift a seventeen thousand ton staff that's finicky with allowing anyone to carry it as it is,” Wukong replied.
"It's that heavy?" The cyclops marveled scuttling around the giant mystic monkey as if trying to locate its whereabouts. "Can I try it? Canicanicani-"
"Nifty baby. Can't ya see you're tirin' 'em? Give the man some space why don't yus?" The spider demon drawled, circling the king simian with glinted intrigue in his many eyes. "I could try," The spider smiled eyeing Wukong through a half-lidded gaze. 
“ Like he could lift his head out of his ass." Muttered the darker furred feline from the side earning a snort from the grey-skinned demon. The spider shot them a look to say 'I'll deal with you later.'
“The only one who might be able to lift my staff is Dreaming Star-Lucifer.” Wukong corrected himself on the name.
"What's your deal anyway handsome? Are you single? I'm Angel Dust by the way. You'll remember it soon enough.~" The spider in question grinned placing a teasing hand across the simian king's chest.
“I have a Mate and a Cub already,” Wukong replied the partial truth. His tail flicked behind him while his left ear twitched at the omitted details. 
"Is that so handsome?" Angel pried, cocking his head to one side at the details. This was nothing new, he had been in the game long enough to notice the little cracks in certain claims. ‘Oh I could have fun with this. Just how far was Mr. Big Stick going to go?’ Before he had the chance to say whatever he needed; to possibly ruin a crudely established relationship upon the simian's statement surprised eyes fell on Lucifer who had long since tuned out the horrendously boring set of intros finding entertainment in a beautifully crafted duck in his hands.
"Woah… No fair!" The little cyclops marveled.
"I guess with Dad being connected to you and the tree it makes sense…" The princess murmured, looking thoughtfully between the two powerful divine beings. A part of her couldn't help but wonder if she had a part to play if any at all. All she had so far was being a rainbow. ‘What exactly did that mean?’
"That fucking rules! I got to try it sometime- away from the public which we should do Charlie! Those creatures will be here at any moment giving the-" The demon king gesturing to the defiant tree.
“Does that include the Wendigo currently trying to dismantle my Sanctuary spell with Forbidden Magic?” Wukong asked with a slight tilt of his head while his eyes trailed over the lovely wooden duck. ‘Mihou would love that type of craftsmanship for his puppet plays.’
"I'm hoping if we ignore it he'll go the fuck away." The demon king simmered earning a look that seemed to showcase disappointment and disapproval from the princess. "Can ya make it stronger? Hell keep him out forever I'll pay ya!" Lucifer's eyes seemed to brighten at the thought but also the simian's interest in his craft. He held it higher and proudly for the simian to see. "My latest! Been working on this beauty for a while." Lucifer bestowed proudly
"Dad you know we can't- Sorry about that Mr. King that would happen… to be our dearest friend-" the Princess tried to argue but was cut off by the other residents.
"I am not associating myself with that guy." Angel jabbed unhelpfully. 
"'Dear' is too strong of a word." The snake begrudgingly agreed.
"Yet ver~y~ fitting," Angel smirked.
Wukong hummed. “How well can he keep up in a fight?” Wukong asked while a calculating look passed through his eyes.
"Pretty long actually. Especially when he battles against me!" The snake demon chimed, boastfully.
"Pentious you don't count." Angel snarked.
"A while. Trust me. And it's clear he hasn't had any losses against an opponent either." A low gruff emitted from the grey-toned demon who shared light, meeting the king's gaze. Seeming unphased by the apparent behavior. "Vaggie." She introduced curtly with rigid statue, but not unkind.
Wukong nodded before he recalled breaking something. “I snapped your spear,” Wukong muttered before he looked for said pieces easily pulling out the tip and part of the shaft from the couch he had been on before picking up the rest of the broken shaft. “Luckily it's all metal, an easy fix,” Wukong stated as he lifted the two pieces into a small transparent golden bubble of magic before he took a breath and blew golden flames right into the bubble easily causing the two metal pieces to melt from the intense heat and liquefy. Cutting off the golden flames he quickly used his bare hands to pick up and mold the liquid metal crafting it back to its previous shape with added details of runic engravings along the shaft and spear tip itself. “For a spear infused with immortal blood, it's construction is rather weak.” Wukong idly commented cooling the spear with a mixture of wind and water until he was back to mortal temperature. “Here.” Wukong held out the finished and repaired spear to Vaggie.
Vaggie seemed surprised by the notion, both her and her weapon had seen far worse days yet coupled with the gesture from the king simian she was left quite stunned. She could practically feel the beaming eyes of her partner knowing the kind of reaction she would make. She let out a soft smile at the thought, softening her features. There was no denying it was quite intriguing to even watch his display of power.
"Thank you, for the trouble. Mr. King." She bowed, graciously accepting her spear. The weight was familiar in her hands yet she could feel the noticeable difference. It wasn't surprising he could point out its flaws though it still managed to alert her attention. ‘Despite the many disadvantages, it had been done on purpose after all.’ 
"Oh Vaggie! It looks amazing!" The princess beamed, precisely how the militant demon imagined as she flushed. The princess also regarded the simian king with a grateful beam.
"H-Hang on what about me?! I'm calling injustice! I never got to- " The snake was abruptly cut off by the militant demon who sharply wielded the weapon in his direction causing him to drop back with a shrill cry. 
"Sir Pentious." Vaggie points to the cowering snake who offers the simian a bleak wave before shifting the spear's attention to the direction of the darker-furred feline standing to the side. "And the grump is Husk."
Wukong nodded to the duo. “Been a while since I've seen a snake demon. Domestic animal type and horned demons are more common but the wings make you a very unique and rare species had you been a mortal-born demon.” Wukong stated the latter half mainly pointed at Husk. Wukong asked seeing the familiar spark of innovation in those snake-like eyes. ‘Mihou would get along with him.’ Wukong thought to himself. 
"Oooh? I'm special!" The snaked cooed. "I suppose we are quite ra-"
"Please. I fucked 10 of yus yesterday. And don't get any ideas bub- That ones mine." Angel pointed to the king simian.
"I don't recall asking for your unsolicited speech-" Sir Pentious jabbed.
Husk let out a huff, though not unkind taking in the king's words. His wings were always a harsh reminder of his overlord days. It only made him stick out more once he was recognized as having fallen from grace. Though the positive light shed was rather... Unexpectedly pleasant. "Goes for those eyes of yours. Quite the lookers you got there." The former Lord nodded. "You'd be the first monkey we've ever had down here. Welcome by the way. Though there isn't much to offer but lost souls I'm afraid."
"Mr. Hard dick here used to be an overlord that's why." Angel butt in. "The big dicks at the top tend to look like that or weirder."
Wukong then turned his gaze to Lucifer. “I'm guessing you never took up blacksmithing?” Changing the topic.
Lucifer shook his head eyes gleamed at the mention of the craft. "EXACTLY! I tried man really but it just wasn't as challenging as I had hoped for ya know?! Sides they aren't as cute with the material." Lucifer recalled the prototypes with that method of innovation but ultimately switched to working more with magic-infused rubber.
Wukong flinched slightly growling lowly as his eyes turned back to the direction of the Wendigo's power that was starting to become a minor headache with his rancid smell of rotting meat. “Ms. Morningstar, I’ll be completely blunt. Are you nuts ?!? My barrier prevents anyone who enjoys killing and has consumed the flesh of another from entering the grounds. It's why the spell is called Holy Ground, to begin with!” Wukong questioned while throwing those diplomatic lessons Mihou had more or less beaten into his head centuries ago out the window. ‘I am not letting a youngling get manipulated by a True Monster.’ “I can't allow something that vile to come in here and mess with or even eat younglings,” Wukong added expressing how unsettled he was by the Wendigo.
"I-I promise he means no harm! H-He's just...a little mad?" Even the princess seemed unsure but despite her qualms, she defended the creature. "My place is for all. Despite what it may seem I want for everyone to feel as though they belong- and change for the better so they don't..do those things!"
"Sweet pea I want him dead." Lucifer snarked.
Wukong hummed. “Lucifer, Vaggie may I request you both to see to the Wendigo? I wish to see him for myself and implement some rules before I even consider letting him enter.” Wukong asked the two. “Might get down to a brawl if he pisses me off.”
“Now that! I’d pay to see it. My money’s on tall, dark, and sexy over there.” Angel pointed unashamedly towards Wukong.
Vaggie looked to the princess who still seemed unsure in regards to the debacle that could unfold but she gently took her hands into her own. “It’ll be fine hun. I promise.” She assured. Seeing that her words did have an effect, Charlie visibly relaxed. 
“Dad please just…try and see eye to eye?” The princess murmured.
The reigning king looked about ready to throw in another insult but stopped at seeing his offspring’s face. He let out a groan. “FINE- pumpkin… for you and you only though.” Waving a hand. “Very well! Maggie, Wukong, and I will go.”
Wukong made a cloud over Lucifer and sprayed him with water. “Vaggie.” Wukong corrected.
“What the?! HEY! YOU CHEEKY LITTLE!-“ The king of demons attempted to scold but he was far too amused by the antic. “Fine, my bad there Mag- I mean! Vaggie. Vaggie my dear. ” He corrected, earning a small giggle from Charlie.
“None took sir.” Vaggie smiled. “If…you may do the honors?” 
“Certainly! Let’s pay the old fucker a visit.” Lucifer grinned adorned in golden light casting over the other two.
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tare-anime · 3 years
SxF chapter 53
(Beware spoilers)
Wow..... I really didn't expect this kind of chapter. I thought, after the last bloody one, we will finally enter the closure of this arc. But apparently not!!! 😲
And to my dismay, Sniff Job still alive, standing, and unschated 😫😫
Ahem, anyway.... we got a totally badass Yor, so I'm grateful. 🥰🥰
(Another cliffy though 😫)
So we started the chapter with Yor wiping of blood from her face. Lol.... of course... and she still tried to persuade Sniff Job to back off. Not with the director though.
Once again we saw how McMahon was being the more experienced here. He knew that people like Sniff Jobs would never back off, if there're money involved. @nonokoko13 made a wonderful analysis here.
Btw, a very nice survival advice from Yor
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Whenever there're bad guys pointing dangerous object at you, discard all politenes, and pummel their weak spots, before running away.
Anyway... carry on...
Apparently, as expected, such a genius tactician like $niff Jobs would always prepared plan A, B, C, etc.
Enter, a noble samurai.
I must say I like him! He held his bushidou, and hold up his end of the bargain. So powerful that he could sneak past two of Garden member, and attack them from the blind spots. Knocking McMahon in one strike. (Profing that Yor was indeed stronger than him. Perhaps age also play a part here. He's waaayy past his glory time.)
Anyway, back to the samurai guy, he noticed that Yor was distracted, and held back for a moment despite being in opposite sides.
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He even didn't immediately finished off Yor. He simply stopped when he saw Yor has no more will to fight. (A big mistake on his part, but I'm gratefull)
Top tier trait!!!
I really like him! I hope he didn't die...
Now speaking of distraction, once again we saw that Yor didn't fully focused in doing her job.
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The reason turned out to be her questioning herself and her humanity. McMahon harshly pushed her till the limit. Saying that she didn't belong in any normal family, and that she could be removed at any time. (Part of the training, I hope)
And Yor was so distracted that she even had time to think about reasons when she returned 😅 (I love short hair Yor, btw)
And that distraction was enough to make her recieved a fatal blow to the jaw... and make her dizzy, thus she started rambling in her thoughts.
Lucky though, that blow was enough to make her found her reasons to fight. I was cheering when I saw that. Finally!!! Finally she found her reason!!! Yaasss!!!
And differ from Loid who want to "save" the "world", Yor just want to "save" one or two important people in her life. (Ugh, these two really compliment one another). Interesting analysis by @thelreads regarding different views of these two applied here.
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And.... I scream for crumbs of TwiYor content here...
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Yor, remembering the compliment Loid ever gave her. Right at the very begining of their encounter....
Ugh.... my heaaaarrrrtttttt 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
And those memories were enough to make her stand up.
Yes!!! Yor!!!! Stand uuuupppp!!!! Fight baaaacckk!!!
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This panels is so badass I'm...... I....
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! My Queeen!!!!
Btw, as an elite assassins, all of Yor's wardrobes ARE weapons!! Wow
Heels, earings....
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Just wow....
Please Garden, to complete the collection, will you make them special clothes that could withstand bullet or sharp objects??? Their flesh aren't bullet proof 🥲
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Okay, so I think this fic was called The Dalton Blue Blazers or something like that. I remember that Blaine was a part of an exclusive group of Dalton boys that had blue insignias on their blazers instead of red. I think they weren't a very nice group. Other than that, I remember it was on S&C and I don't recall seeing it on ff or AO3 at all. I think the last I knew it had 12 chapters and was incomplete. I guess I am curious if it was ever finished. Thanks guys!
I can't find this fic. I downloaded most of the ones from S&C before it closed, but I focused on completed fics. Since I don't have it, I assume that it was never finished.
If anyone has an electronic copy or know whether it was completed, please let us know. - HKKVoyage
[ETA] Thank you @1908jmd for this fic suggestion. It might not be the fic, but it has an unfriendly Warbler group. This fic has been abandoned. - HKVoyage
Dalton for The Elite by zught [last updated October 20140 Kurt Hummel transferred to Dalton Academy, for the Elite, to have a better life. He was granted a scholarship and is the only student considered as a "commoner." Upon entering, he meets the warblers, a five-member group (Wes, David, Jeff, Nick and their leader Blaine). They are the top of the school, Richest of the rich. They bully whom they want without consequence. Klaine Niff
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bgn846 · 4 years
Regression FFXV Promptio Fic
Summary: Gladio gets hits with a status effect and becomes 17 again.  This would be somewhat bearable if it weren't for Prompto's terrible crush on the guy. 
Hands roughly shoved him, sending Prompto sailing off to the side.   Landing in the dirt he covered his head instinctively to avoid getting clocked by the monster they were fighting.  Gladio was already sprinting after it, yelling like a madman and swinging his great sword at the thing.  Of course, it had to be Gladio that had rescued him this time.   Getting up quickly he ran after his friend to try and help.
Stupid, big, loud, annoyingly handsome Gladio had saved him.  One of these days he was gonna repay the favor. Taking aim with his pistol, Prompto fired off a few shots.  The monster slowed somewhat allowing Ignis and Noct to attack next. This day needed to be over, he was tired and not looking forward to the teasing he’d get later for needing help. Maybe he had gotten distracted, Gladio’s fighting style was hard to ignore after all.  The guy was a wall of muscle and even sweaty he looked good.
Six, he needed to clear his head; this wasn’t the way to think during the heat of battle.  Running closer Prompto took another shot and hollered in glee when the monster fell over.  They were finally getting the upper hand, or so he thought. Sure, the big ugly monster thing had tipped sideways; the only issue now was the plume of yellow-colored gas coming out of its mouth.  
Ignis’ voice rang through air ordering them all to take cover.  He clearly didn’t like the look of the stuff either.  Noct came out of nowhere and tackled him, sending them both behind a rock.  Holding his breath and watching the air around them, Prompto waited for the yellowish tint to disappear.
“Is everyone alright?” Ignis asked from somewhere nearby.
“Good here!” Noct replied as he stood and hauled Prompto up with him.
Emerging from their makeshift hiding spot Prompto realized they’d not heard from Gladio yet. “What about the big guy?” he asked trying not to seem too concerned.  Noct knew about his crush but he didn’t really want to have that rubbed in his face at the moment.
“Shit, you’re right,” Noct supplied nervously as he ran towards Ignis. “Any sign of Gladio?” he checked with worry.
“No, the last I saw him he was over here.” Ignis offered as they ran around the monster.
The weird yellow stuff had literally been his last dying breath.   Prompto never wanted to see another one of those things again; it was aggressive and hard to kill. Ignis’ gasp of surprise when they’d reached the other side of the battleground made Prompto panic slightly.   Running up beside him to get a better view he was left dumbstruck.
A dude was standing there looking around like he was lost.  Once he spotted Ignis he huffed out a breath and ran over.  Prompto felt as though his chest might explode as he watched the guy.  He looked like Gladio in a way, but there were some major differences.  Height wise he’d shrunk and his clothes were baggy, plus his hair was short!  What had happened?
“Iggy, thank the six, what the hell is going on?” This, Gladio look-alike, asked with an air of frustration in a voice that wasn’t the normal deep baritone Prompto was accustomed to. He was scanning the rest of their little group and when he landed on Noct his eyes lit up.   “Shit, Noct’s here too.  Who’s the scrawny kid?” Gladio asked with a nod directed at him.    
Prompto chose to sulk as they picked their way back to the car.  It appeared Gladio had been affected by some weird-ass status effect.  He had been de-aged, to the wonderful age of seventeen.
How charming, in the most terrible way possible.  
Dealing with his feelings for twenty-four-year-old Gladio was hard enough, now he had the pubescent teen version to contend with.  One that kept questioning his skills since they’d never fought together before. This stupid status effect needed to be over, like yesterday.
“So you don’t remember anything that’s happened so far?” Noct asked for the third time as they drove along to the next outpost.
“Seriously, I just remember training like usual along with all the other stuff, like school and then boom there was that gross monster dead in front of me.”
“Huh, that’s strange.”
“Yeah, tell me about it, how do you think I feel?  All of this is new and I’m so confused.  I’m supposed to be twenty-four, right?”
“Yep,” Noct offered without batting an eyelash.  The prince was clearly not bothered by Gladio version 2.0 or was it version 1.0, this was so messed up!
“Damn, never thought you’d be able to look me in the eye princess, it’s weird.”  
Noct laughed and leaned back in his seat. “You’ll need to be careful though, you’ve not had the real-world experience your older self has gained.  Stick close and don’t do anything brash kay?”
“Me?” Gladio scoffed, “Never!”
The day was definitely terrible, it had to be cursed or something because not ten minutes later the stupid empire attacked them.  Two dropships full of those irritating tin cans fell from the sky.  With no other choice than to engage them, they all piled out of the car and prepared for battle.
Teenage Gladio was freaked, it was obvious, but the second one of those things went for Noct, the shield in training sprang into action.   His moves weren’t as polished, but he held his own for the most part.   That is until he got overwhelmed.  Training one on one was good and all but when four MT’s came stomping towards you that was a special kind of hell.
This time Prompto was ready, he didn’t need rescuing he was going to be the one helping.  However, he had to figure out how not to hit Gladio.  The guy wasn’t exactly staying in the clear, that kind of fighting style had been fine-tuned since they’d all left Insomnia.
Running faster to get closer Prompto almost had a heart attack when one of the MT’s took a swing at Gladio.  Thankfully, he ducked and fell to the ground.  Without thinking, Prompto rushed over and fired a shot point-blank into the enemy.  It sputtered and sparked falling in a heap nearby.  Hovering over Gladio’s body Prompto fired his gun at the remaining MT’s.  Each shot rang out loudly as he hit his targets with deadly accuracy.  Maybe Gladio wouldn’t be so unsure of his skills now!
Jumping up in celebration when the last MT fell, Prompto turned his attentions back to Gladio.  The not so big guy was staring up at him in awe.  Oops, perhaps he’d overstepped his place when he’d helped out.   Noct and Ignis hadn’t been that far away, they could have easily stepped in to lend a hand.
Slipping into silence he backed away and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry didn’t mean to freak you out there, figured you could use some backup.”
Gladio was pushing himself up off the pavement, that odd look still plastered on his face. “Nice shot, where’d you learn to shoot so well?”
“Crownsguard training, same as you went through.”
“Nah, I don’t remember anyone being that accurate in the range. Seriously where’d you learn?” He asked walking closer with a raised eyebrow. “That was amazing!”
Taken aback by the compliment Prompto suddenly felt his face heat up.  Great, he was blushing in front of teenage Gladio.  Someone needed to shoot him to put him out of his misery.  Laughing nervously he waved him off, “its just practice I guess.”
“You’ve got skill that was impressive.  Thanks for saving my butt.” Gladio offered with a wink as he sauntered past and got back into the car.
“I’ll remind you Prompto that he is technically underage, don’t do something you’ll regret later,” Ignis added coolly as he walked past a moment later.
“You told him!” Prompto bellowed as he turned and ran after the person he thought was his friend.  Noct, the tricky bastard, warped away and got back to the car without having to answer for his crimes. Grumbling at the injustice of it all Prompto slumped in his seat and scowled at the scenery going by.  
Ignis had cited the concern of getting attacked again for the choice to stay in a hotel for the night.  He didn’t want to risk anything with Gladio, not at his peak performance level.  Praying that Ignis would book two rooms so he could hide in one, Prompto almost yelled when Ignis arrived with one room key once they’d checked in.  This day sucked so bad!
Taking a deep breath he followed his friends to the room.  He could do this; the status effect would only last a couple of days at most.  If they were lucky Gladio would wake up taller and less cocky tomorrow morning. Dinner went without incident; he supposed fighting all day had made them hungry.  You can’t talk much when you’re shoveling food in your mouth.
Once the dishes were cleaned and put in the drying rack of the small kitchen, Gladio began asking questions.  He wanted to know everything that had happened to them.  Why were the niffs around? What had happened to everyone?  That wasn’t a pleasant conversation to have at any time. Ignis took the reins on that one and carefully retold the events they’d all suffered through.
He only explained enough to give Gladio an understanding of why the enemy was out and attacking them.  They didn’t want Noct to marry Luna. Ignis left out the part about Insomnia falling and everyone’s fates.   Gladio didn’t ask for more specifics so Ignis didn’t technically lie, he merely omitted certain facts. There was no need to let Gladio relive that moment again that would have been cruel.
Teenage Gladio shook his head in disbelief at the enemy being brazen enough to attack in broad daylight but didn’t comment further.  Standing up he began pacing the room.  “So what’s next, where are we going?”
“We’ve been en route to meet up with Lady Lunafreya.” Ignis offered.
“Cool, so we’re just waiting here till this funky effect wears off?”
“We can’t risk you getting injured, that wouldn’t be fair as you’ve not trained with us all.”
Sighing Gladio nodded but didn’t look too happy about the idea. “I guess that makes sense, I just don’t like waitin’ around for stuff to happen.  We gotta get out there and show the niffs we mean business.”
“Yes, well, all in due time I’m afraid.  Enjoy the break while we have it, we’ll be on the move again soon.”
Humming in acknowledgment Gladio paused when he passed the mirror above the dresser. “So older me is pretty buff huh?”
Prompto quickly looked away when Gladio began flexing and had to bite his lips to stifle a moan when Gladio took off his jacket.  Dear six, his back was bare. No tattoo, no scars, nothing.  Just smooth skin and muscles.  Apparently even at seventeen Gladio still looked like a freaking supermodel.  Unable to look any longer Prompto bolted up from where he’d been sitting at the table and jogged to the door. “I’m gonna go grab a soda or something. Berightback!” he blurted before throwing himself out into the hallway.
Taking off like a flash Prompto ran all the way to the vending machines.  He had to clear his head, this wasn’t good.  Crushing on regular Gladio was bad enough, this was downright painful.  Ducking his head he sighed heavily and began digging for money in his pockets.
“Need some change sugar?” An unfamiliar voice announced, causing Prompto to whip his head up. Standing a few feet away was another hunter.  The guy looked drunk and had his hand extended holding up some gil. “Come on sweet thing you can take it, I won’t ask for much in return.”
Prompto backed away from the machine like it was on fire. This guy was super creepy and he wasn’t planning on sticking around much longer. “I’m good, thanks,” he managed.
“Don’t get all bent about it, I’m just offering you a good time.”
“I don’t think he wants any kinda time with you buddy.”
Turning around Prompto saw Gladio stalking over like he was on a mission.  Despite the situation, Prompto nearly had another heart attack.  Gladio was wearing a t-shirt now instead of his usual jacket.   The only thing was the shirt was one his.  There, dangerously stretched out over his still developing muscles was Prompto’s moogle t-shirt.
Prompto didn’t have time to react when Gladio stood in front of him and stared down the drunken hunter. He was prepared to fight this guy.
“I suggest you shove off buddy, he’s with me,” Gladio growled, not at all sounding as young as he was.
“What are you gonna do about it?  I saw him first.”
The thing Gladio ended up doing was breaking the guy’s nose.  One minute the dude was mouthing off, and the next he was stumbling backward holding his face. He’d gotten the message this time, and shuffled off swearing about how kids didn’t respect their elders these days.  There was nothing to respect, that guy was a douche.
“You okay?” Gladio asked once it was quiet again.
“Sure, just dandy!” he quipped shakily. “We should get back to the room.”
“Not without our soda!  We had to survive that asshole, we deserve a reward.”
“Fair enough,” Prompto mused as he took out his cash.
“So, uh, do you wanna do something later?” Gladio asked casually as he stepped closer.  
“We could play some kings knight if you want, that mi--.”
Gladio laughed and grinned, “No, I mean like hang out somewhere later, ya know when Iggy and Noct are asleep.”
“And do what?” Prompto squeaked as he was starting to grasp what Gladio really meant.
“I dunno, stuff, we can take it slow,” Gladio smirked with a devilish grin.  “I’m young but I still know how to have a good time.”
This wasn’t happening; Gladio wasn’t hitting on him and suggesting they go do ‘things’ to each other in the middle of the night.  That couldn’t be possible. However, everything seemed to indicate that was the younger man’s intentions.  Gladio was attempting to unleash his un-honed skills of seduction on him.  “I can’t!” Prompto yelped, “You’re only seventeen!”
“Aww come on, you know you want to, besides I’m really twenty-four.”
“I can’t, I just can’t. Ignis told me I couldn’t, earlier.  We can’t make Ignis angry. That would be very bad.” Prompto sputtered as he backed away and bumped into the vending machine.
Gladio pouted but there was a twinkle to his eyes.  He wasn’t upset about how this was going.  The jerk was having fun.  Thinking fast Prompto threw out the only idea he could think of that might save him. “Why don’t we wait until you’re older again, and then you can ask me out?  That way we won’t make Ignis angry and we’ll go have some fun, uh later.”
“So you’ll go out with me?” Gladio checked seriously.  “I just have to wait until I’m back to normal.”
Nodding so fast he gave himself a head rush Prompto agreed. “Yeah for sure, just ask me first and I’m all over that like cheese on pizza.”
Gladio barked out a laugh and reached out to punch Prompto in the arm.  “You got it sunshine, let’s buy these drinks and head back.  I’m gonna ask you out tomorrow and you better be ready.”
Smiling at the statement Prompto got the sodas and the rest of the evening was filled with gaming and talk.  Though he knew nothing would happen in the morning.  Gladio would go back to normal and forget any of this ever happened.  He would never ask him out and Prompto would go back to pining from a distance.
Ignis saved the night so to speak when he announced the sleeping arrangements.  Noct and Gladio would be sharing one bed and he and Ignis the other.  At least he didn’t have to worry about Gladio making a move in the middle of the night.
Sleep didn’t come easily once they’d all turned in.  Prompto kept thinking about what Gladio had said.  Maybe if they’d met under different circumstances things could have worked out.  Gladio was Noct’s shield and he had a duty to uphold.  He wasn’t about to go chasing after him.  That shit didn’t happen in real life.  Finally pushing the thought from his head Prompto fell into a fitful slumber.
Morning came eventually and Prompto had all but forgotten the previous night’s escapades until he opened his eyes.  Flinching in shock he almost fell off the bed.  There lying next to him was older Gladio, watching his every move.
“Easy there sunshine,” he hummed slowly.
“What –what are you doing? Where are the others?”
“They are out getting breakfast.  Ignis said you didn’t sleep well last night so I figured you could use a little extra shut-eye.”
“I can sleep fine without you watching me!”
“Sure, but maybe I wanted to be alone with you, didja ever think of that?”
Prompto couldn’t get a handle on what Gladio was thinking.  Was the man teasing him or being serious?  “Okay we’re alone, so now what?” he spit out helplessly.
“I was thinking we could do something later if you’re up for it.”
Letting out a breath, Prompto groaned. He didn’t want to train with Gladio later that was the worst idea ever.  Figures the big guy turns back to normal and his first thought is training. “I don’t wanna train with you later okay. I’m not re—ompffff.” Prompto’s brain short-circuited. Gladio was kissing him, morning breath and all. Gladio had his hand securely in place at the base of Prompto’s head, keeping him from moving away. When the need to breathe became greater than the desire to continue kissing, Prompto tapped out and Gladio released his hold.
“I never said anything about training,” he offered with a salacious grin. “I thought I was told to ask you out once the status effect had worn off?  Did I misunderstand that request?” Gladio’s teasing tone of voice and smirk wasn’t helping Prompto make sense of what was happening.    
“You remembered?!” he whispered, hardly daring to believe it.
“Sure I remember, sunshine,” he chuckled. “I think the next step is for you to say yes.”
“Om em gee, yes!” Laughing like an idiot Prompto leaned forward again and kissed Gladio a second time.  So maybe de-aged Gladio hadn’t been such a terrible thing to endure; now he just had to figure out what they could do later!
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ruffianbc · 4 years
Bad day
He met the morning with an unpleasant nausea and headache, which at first he wanted to put down to a normal hangover, but the severe migraine that followed made him regret that his thoughts seemed to have learned to move quite physically. It is a hell of a punishment for an alcoholic to be unable to drink even a sip of beer.
Big thank for @jadeile-writes for help in editing the english translation. I'm awfully grateful to you!
It was a shitty day. It all started with the fact that he simply couldn't drink. More precisely – almost couldn't. Since the morning, he had felt strangely weak and sick, and what about alcohol? He could not even eat a piece of bread. And then there was the fucking migraine, the hammering in his head and the ringing in the back of his ears. God... Satan? Someone! Give him the strength to last until the evening, to finish the day and lock himself in his room, away from all the turmoil of the hotel and its flighty inhabitants. By the way, about them. Today was supposed to have some kind of a celebration. Naturally, Husk hadn't bothered to pay attention to what the Princess had said with gusto a week ago, but watching her fuss since the beginning of the day, his mind had led him to this idea. Still, he didn't care, as long as it didn't involve him.
It was at this moment that he heard a loud "Husk!" that made him wince. Goddamnit. He put away the glass he had been polishing for the past half an hour, adjusted his hat, and turned to face the smiling Niffty, who had perched on one of the bar stools and was leaning against the counter. She looked casual enough, except for a few bright flowers woven into her hair. The cat demon breathed a sigh of relief, trying to put on a restrained smile. The cyclops was one of those he was willing to tolerate almost at any time.
"Hi! Charlie asked me to bring some nice bottles of champagne, will you help me?"
The bartender just nodded curtly, muttered "No problem" and disappeared into the back room. Quickly navigating between the shelves, even with a sore head, Husk fished out three bottles of stashed Pol Roger and returned to the waiting Niffty, setting the champagne on the counter in front of her with a quizzical arch of an eyebrow: "Can you handle it yourself, or...?" he tried to ask, but received an answer almost immediately.
"Of course!" enthusiastically came from the direction of the cyclops, after which the bottles instantly disappeared from the tabletop. However, she still paused before going back to her business and again looked at the winged cat, slightly narrowing her eye in the aftermath. He cursed under his breath; he must have seemed more fucked up than he'd originally thought.
"Are you all right?" There was a note of concern in her voice.
"Just a headache. And you know I'm not getting any younger here, Niff."
"Maybe you should take a break. I'll let Charlie know, she won't-" but at the same moment she was interrupted by a slightly raised clawed paw. Husk shook his head, continuing instead.
"No, thank you. It's the evening, my shift will be over soon, so there's no point in taking a break now. Besides, it's pretty quiet here today and I haven't been accosted by the red-assed bastard in a day, so I'm fine."
"That's all because we are now organizing a festive dinner that will begin after the event with fireworks! By the way, be sure to come and see it, I’m already can't wait to start!"
The last words were already thrown on the run and, in a few moments, Niffty’s small figure vanished from the room, leaving the bartender once again in splendid isolation. Which he was still very happy about. And his head was glad of the silence.
* * *
Everything seemed to turn into a big, loud sound that made Husk twitch and open one eye. Apparently, it was the promised fireworks, and he had just managed to doze off. Eh, whatever. The cat demon settled his head more comfortably, slightly pushing aside an empty beer bottle that had somehow appeared on the counter, although he clearly remembered that he hadn’t touched alcohol today. Whatever once again. All his mind wanted to do now was sink back into sweet slumber. The noise outside began to sound like a distant, lulling hum, and the bartender didn't even hear the hotel's front door open.
A sudden tug on his shoulder. Husk's instincts kicked in immediately and he bristled, grabbing what was closest at hand – which was an empty bottle – and smashing it in an instant. He turned to the attacker and held him by the collar, putting the glass directly to his throat. Immediately, the sharp smell of alcohol hit his nose, making the cat's completely sober mind feel another wave of nausea, and he winced.
"Damn it, Husk, it's me! Easy."
Angel Dust appeared in front of him, raising one pair of hands in a soothing gesture, while the other slowly reached for the broken bottle to pull it away from his neck. Blinking a couple of times and finally realizing what was happening, the bartender growled and roughly pushed the negligent spider away from him, trying to relax again: "If you do that again, I'll definitely finish what I started. What the fuck were you thinking?"
Angel grunted pointedly, making a very displeased expression as he adjusted his suit and started to say something in response, when another volley of fireworks exploded over the roof of the establishment. Husk was deafened for a second, and then he felt pain coming from his right paw. When he looked down, he realized that he was still clutching the bottle, and a part of its glassy surface had already been stained with his blood. There was blood on the floor too, and it looked like he'd cut the pad of his paw. Another explosion occurred.
* * *
He turned at once at the scream. The guy who was a couple of meters away from him, had both of his legs torn off, and the other four were much less lucky than he is. His arm was grazed by a splinter, not seriously, but there was a lot of blood; it was worth making a bandage from improvised means. But first of all – to get out of the crossfire at all costs, they must get to the shelter. After assessing the condition of the rest of the squad, he ordered the survivors to keep directly behind him; they needed to get out of the open place as soon as possible, since here the enemy who had ambushed them had a clear advantage. The sound of machine-gun fire sent a chill down his spine.
* * *
Focus on that damned green spot. It was the only thought that Husk had time to pick up as he came to himself, and he repeated it over and over again. He stared at the bright green interior of the hotel until his eyes hurt, clutching the bar with both paws and trying to catch his breath. Not a fucking flashback. No, his day was already ruined, so there was this shitty "mind game". However, it was obvious that this was a fucking flashback and he urgently needed something to drink, preferably something stronger. Then he remembered Angel and turned his head in his supposed direction. The spider was gone, and so were everyone else, so the cat let out a sigh of relief. Less of a problem. Clumsily stepping over broken glass and bloodstains, the bartender took a couple of steps in the direction of the back room, closing the door behind him and casting a roving glance at the shelves of various bottles. Perhaps rum or vodka would help him in this situation. But as soon as the cat reached for one of those bottles, his mind reeled again, this time toppling him into a veritable abyss of screams of horror and pain, machine-gun fire, the whiteness of dead eyes and blood. Someone else's blood on the grass, on the ground, on his clothes and on his hands. An abyss of helpless despair.
He saw only images of something familiar, a cacophony of sounds mixed in his head with an inexplicable buzzing and ringing in his ears. He saw through drooping eyelids, he felt the heat from the fire, as if it burned through all his clothes, and the putrid smell soaked into his skin so thoroughly that it felt like the smell got right into it, and it came not from piles of corpses all around, this was Husk rotting alive.
The endless succession of images in his mind was interrupted by a sharp splash of something terribly cold right in his face. He took a reflexive breath, coughed and opened his eyes, trying to focus on something and realized that there was too much red.
This was said almost in the face of the winged cat, who now looked more like a hunted animal, trying to regain his breath and running his eyes around the room. Finally, he stopped at the most distinct object directly in front of him and grunted hoarsely. Sounded like Italian. Sounded like another expletive. He regained more of his consciousness with every moment, and with every moment the bartender's face grew more haggard. He blinked again, finally coming to his senses, realizing where he was and that he was probably up to his ears in shit again.
The tight grin on the face in front of him wavered slightly, and then its owner handed Husk a towel. He was about to take it, but abruptly stopped, hiding his right paw, which of course didn’t escape the attention of the Radio Demon. Without further ado, Alastor intercepted the bloody limb, and naturally the evil hiss directly in his face didn’t stop him in any way. Quickly figuring out what was wrong, Alastor took the towel back, wrapped it around the cat's cut palm and looked at him from under his brows, which caused another portion of the cat's defensive aggression to be unleashed: "I wouldn't have figured it out without you, maldito hijo de puta."
"Have you been drinking today?"
However, this question Husk hadn't expected.
"No. I've been fucked up since this morning and now it's just getting worse."
A snap of the fingers. A glass and a bottle of good whiskey materialized on the table next to them. After that, the deer demon got up from the couch and left the main room, and only now the bartender noticed that the man's coat was thrown over the back of a chair in the corner, and they were in the Radio Demon's room. Now it was clear why his first thought had been red.
Based on the noise coming from the room next to him, Alastor was washing his hands. The winged cat interrupted the thoughts of blood, and then leaned over the back of the couch and picked up the bottle, opened it, and immediately tipped it down, taking several large gulps. He naturally ignored the glass. The returning radio host watched the scene for a few moments, and then teleported back to his seat, causing Husk to almost choke on the last mouthful.
"Will you ever stop doing that?"
The deer demon didn't answer him again, just took the whiskey from his clawed paw and pulled him into a familiar side-hug, and the bartender, as luck would have it, was too weak to resist.
"My dear Husker. The only one who can take proper care of your condition is you. However! I hasten to say that sometimes you force me to take extreme measures." Alastor seemed to be speaking without his usual fervor, or else the cat demon was too tired to notice. He had already partially relaxed on the red shoulder, yielding to light scratching, but the last words made him twitch nevertheless and nudge the other in the side. The same man continued as if nothing had happened: "I've already told Charlie that you won't be at the bar for the next four days, and you'll have to spend that time here."
The hell I will - Husk wanted to protest, but his relaxed mind gave out something unintelligible. The radio host could care, but in his own way. Most of the time, the bartender wasn’t happy with the methods that the deer demon was employing, but he had to put up with it. If it wasn't intentional sadistic violence, the winged cat didn't care. Or he did, depending on the situation.
He closed his eyes, pushing the rest of his thoughts from his mind, and listened to Alastor's still-speaking voice with half an ear. The last thing he heard was a phrase that Husk agreed with one hundred percent: "And no more fireworks."
The response for the Radio Demon was a soft purr and a light half-hug from the dozing old man.
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regalbanshee · 4 years
Sebastian x Blaine - I Want You Back
A random piece I found that I wrote a while back, so it’s probably really bad lol
Fandom: Glee Cast
Pairing: Sebastian Smythe x Blaine ‘Warbler’ Anderson
Word count: 1,459. Wow! long one today I guess lol
I hope you enjoy, and without further ado……
Sebastian's POV
Blaine had come back to Dalton Academy with some of his so called 'friends' from the New Directions. I am a little hurt that he left the Warblers to join the New Directions just so he could be with his boyfriend. Not only was he a great singer (at least that's what I've heard from Trent and David and the others), but he helped keep the group together. Earlier, when he was walking down the hallway, all I could do was stare at him. I had been told by Niff (Jeff and Nick) that he was 'sex-on-a-stick' and boy were they right! He was my teenage dream (A/N notice what I did there ☺). When everyone started singing the intro to the song I remembered what I was meant to do. I was a bit late, so I had to squeeze through the two guys at the front of our formation so I could get to Blaine. He was standing next to Kurt (who I am totally not jealous of - notice the jealousy). I couldn't help giving Blaine 'the eye' and checking him out. He looked amazing. Perfect, even.  
I never ever broke eye contact with Blaine, even when we had finished the routine. Then I asked him the one question that I wanted to know the answer to. I only hoped he would say yes.
"So Blaine, will you join the group you abandoned." What he said next hurt me so much.  
"I joined the Warblers because they were classy. None of that" He gestured behind me with a flick of his wrist "was classy." I don't know why it hurt me so much. I never even knew him, but the fact he had said no to coming back to his brothers just broke me. My heart shattered in that moment and the Blaine turned to his 'friends' (uhhgg - I hate them) and said "let's go". They left and then the Warblers all left the room gradually, until it was just me, Jeff and Nick. They had always stuck to my side ever since I joined Dalton and I was incredibly grateful for them.
Nick walked over to me where I was sitting with my head in my hands - close to tears - sunken into one of the sofas. He put a comforting hand on my shoulder and when I didn't respond he sat down. I didn't know where Jeff was in all of this but when I looked up, eyes bloodshot, Jeff wasn't in the room. I looked over at Nick and smiled weakly at him.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I don't know. It just hurts so much. It broke me that he said no." I trailed off, figuring there wasn't much else to it except had we had eternally lost a member of the Warblers. Nick didn't say anything for a while, so I looked at him again, prompting him to talk.  
"You're gonna hate me for this, but I think you're in love with him. I know it's crazy, but that's the only logical explanation."
"You really think so? Even if I was in love with him, there's no chance that he would ever love me back. He has a fucking boyfriend for goodness' sake."
"You'll never know any answers to all your questions if you never at least try to find the answers. They may hurt but you'll feel better after a while. Trust me."
*end of flashback*
I had chosen to listen to what Nick said two days ago. I got Blaine's phone number off of one of the other Warblers - to be honest, I can't remember his name - and I texted Blaine, asking him to meet me at the Lima Bean Café. He said he would be there, so that is why I was sitting by myself holding a steaming hot cup of almond milk latte, in the Lima Bean. Blaine walked through the door and I waved to him. He gave a nod of acknowledgment in my direction then walked up to the counter, ordered his drink and walked over to the table I was sat at.  
"So what did you want to talk about?" He had a slight accent I couldn't quite recognise. All I knew was that I loved it.
"Ummmm....I don't know exactly. I suppose I should ask you how you are. So, how are you?"
"I'm fine. What about you?"
There was a pause as I thought about what to say. "Okay. Blaine, I may not know you, but I can tell when you're lying. So, tell me the truth. How are you?"
"To be honest, not great. I hate myself and my body, and when Kurt found out, he immediately broke up with me. But when he told everyone else, he twisted the whole thing and said that I was taking all my hate out on him and being abusive to him, which was totally not true, and now everyone hates me and whenever I try to talk to anyone they just walk away from me or ignore me. I just want someone to talk to because I have no one." (A/N I love Kurt with all my heart, and I never wanted to write him as a mean character, but it kind of just happened. Please don't kill me.)
I looked over at Blaine and saw that he was very close to crying. I knew he wouldn't want to break down in public so I stood up, grabbed his arm and walked outside into the fresh air. I walked round to the back of the café to the little back alley, where all the bins were (I know - not nice - but it's better than exposed to everyone) (this is me just checking before I post, but like this is absolutely DISGUSTING ahah what was I thinking). When I turned back to him, he was getting really worked up and I think he was starting to have a panic attack. I held both of his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.  
"Look at me. Think of something happy. Like friends." He looked at me. "Crap. Yeah. OK.  Not a good thing. OK. OK. What do I do? Ummmm..." I was just thinking out loud at this point. Then I had an idea. I crashed my lips to his. I held the kiss for a second or two before I pulled away. I looked down at Blaine, who was flustered and still had his eyes closed.  
"What just happened?"  
"You were having a panic attack and then I kissed you."
"Yeah I know that. But how? Why? Why me? Why kiss me?" He looked scared. Like a three-year old who's just woken up from a bad dream.
"To answer your first question, I read somewhere that holding your breath can stop a panic attack so yeah... In answer to your second, third and fourth questions, I kissed you because I like you. And you shouldn't feel alone - like no one likes you, cos that’s just not true. Because they do. I like you. And I get it if you don't want to see me again, but I'm not leaving you until I know you are home and OK."
"No. Please don't leave. I want you to stay."
"Whatever you want. Anything."
"Really? Anything?" He smirked.
"Then kiss me again." He smiled shyly, and I smiled back at him.  
I put two fingers under his chin and lifted it up a little, then I leaned in and he did the same. The second our lips touched, it seemed as if it was only us and there was no one else in the world. Our lips moved in sync and I put my hands on his hips, pulling him closer to me. He gasped at the sudden movement, and I used this as my chance to slip my tongue into his mouth. He moaned and wrapped his arms around my neck, followed shortly by his legs around my waist when I picked him up and pushed him back into the wall. We kissed for a few more seconds before I pulled away.
"Wow." We both said once we had got our breath back.
"Come back to Dalton. Please. We need you. I need you."  
"Yes. Yes I will.  Of course I will."
*2 weeks later*
So that was the story of how I, Sebastian Smythe, fell in love with Blaine Anderson, and how he came back to Dalton Academy and the Warblers. Also, the day after our first kiss, he, very hesitantly, asked me on a date, and then, at the end of the date, asked me to be his boyfriend. So there you have it. I have a boyfriend who loves me for who I truly am, and whom I love so much, no matter what happens to either of us.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I hope you like this. My other Tumblr blog is imperialpirates, my Wattpad is regalbanshee and my Instagram is badassbanshee1819.
A/N: also, I feel terrible for making Kurt a not nice person, but it was the only way I could have a Seblaine one shot this way.  Please don't kill me.
I really hope you enjoyed this one. Do send in your requests and I will get them done as soon as possible.
Remember to always be yourself over anything else and always have fun.
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redfoxline · 4 years
Thanks to @whumptober2020 for their hard work at organizing the challenge! I’m so excited to participate this year! =D
Whumptober Day 01-02
Theme: ‘Let’s hang out sometimes’ + ‘In the hands of the enemy’
Prompts: ‘Waking up restrained’ +  ‘Kidnapping’
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Word count: 2264
Summary: Prompto opened his eyes to the sight of blood spots on his white shoes. The very same pair of sneakers that he had begged Cor to purchase for him as a gift at the beginning of the school year. Cor, who was neither his father nor his foster parent, but who looked after him like a godfather anyway. Cor, who abhorred spending unnecessary funds on trinkets, but ended up paying a pair of shoes a third of his wage just because they were trendy and Prompto had wanted to look cool. Barely one semester in, and Prompto got them ruined.
Prompto opened his eyes to the sight of blood spots on his white shoes.
The very same pair of sneakers that he had begged Cor to purchase for him as a gift at the beginning of the school year. Cor, who was neither his father nor his foster parent, but who looked after him like a godfather anyway. Cor, who abhorred spending unnecessary funds on trinkets, but ended up paying a pair of shoes a third of his wage just because they were trendy and Prompto had wanted to look cool. He had made him promise to take good care of it, at the very least, because it was useless to spend this amount of money in mere shoes if they didn't last the whole school year at least.
Barely one semester in, and Prompto got them ruined.
His internal laments were cut out by pain. Like a wake-up call, his brain finally registered that he was sitting in a very uncomfortable chair. Around him, nothing but plain, dented walls of some sort of warehouse. The door was locked, a brand new padlock glistening in the beam of sunlight.
Fear rose in his throat like bile.
Prompto lurched against the ropes binding him, straining his neck to get a better look through the window. He could barely see the top of some skyscrapers further away, and the sky. Was he that high? Was he in some kind of abandoned parking lot?
There was a district full of this kind of building near the checkpoint entrance of Insomnia. Prompto had never set foot in this area. It was rumoured to be haunted by the old people in the Niff District. Noctis had promised him it only was an urban legend, that it was empty because no one wanted to build a house this close to the gates, where fights would happen should deamons or niffelheim army sneak past the Wall.
Noctis! He smiled at the thought of this friend. Didn't Noctis explain to him what to do in case of kidnapping?
"Don't provoke them. Keep a low profile and give them what they want until rescue comes to get you," Noctis had recited in an obviously bored sigh. "Look at them and your surroundings. Try to gather as much information as you can. If you can communicate, try to give as much information as possible about your location. If they leave you behind, keep hidden until sunlight and get to the nearest place with a phone. Only act against them if it's your last resort."
That wasn't very useful to him, Prompto thought. !there was no one to make demands. Not that he could grant any, anyway.
He tried to move but the chair had been screwed down to the concrete. Grumbling in defeat, he looked around for another option, until his eyes found the door and its padlock again.
Wait. How come he could see the padlock? Shouldn't it be outside?
A wave of dread ran through his body and made his skin crawl.
If it was inside, it could only mean that, whoever had taken him there, had locked the both of them in.
After a long minute where terror froze him into place, he tried to turn around. A large wood board had been screwed on the back of the chair, preventing him to fully see what was behind him. He craned his neck as much as he could, his eyes turned so far back he felt they would just pop out of his head, he managed to glimpse at a tinted mirror. From the look of it, Prompto imagined it was large enough to cover most of the wall.
His stomach twisted. If there was a door to access the other side, it probably was right behind him.
How many were they? Were they watching him? He could imagine their stares burning his neck through the wood board.
The sob escaping his lips took him by surprise. He valiantly tried to blink back the tears but they fell anyway, tracing burning tracks on his cold cheeks. The empty room suddenly felt freezing, extracting another full-body shiver out of him. He didn't dare to speak up. Whatever they wanted, Prompto couldn't give it to them. Not that he would have wanted to, anyway.
They probably expected him to be able to provide information about Noctis, he realized.  Maybe they would even ask for ransom. His face had appeared enough times in tabloids, trotting along with the Prince, for them to understand Noctis would go to great length to retrieve him.  Too bad for them. The only information he knew about Noctis that was public was his love for fishing and tomato-flavoured chips. No one would have been stupid enough to let a civilian like him get access to security data. If there were in for the money, though, he wasn't sure about what would happen. Certainly, King Regis wouldn't let an underage civilian,  especially a friend of his son, in the hands of his kidnappers. He wouldn't pay, though. If he sent the Kingsglaive, Prompto wasn't sure what would happen to him in the crossfire.
Hope bloomed in his chest when his internal voice of reason - which has suspiciously started to sound like Ignis as of late - reminded him they could do it for intimidation. To prove they could get close to the Prince. Anti-Crowners. They would have left him there.
Metal scratching the concrete dashed all hope away. Someone had opened a door.
Someone had opened the door right behind him.
His world went spinning and stopped whirling at the same time. There was nothing to feel but the utter terror blossoming in his belly when the man came into vision.
"Prompto Argentum." He knew what fearing for his life meant, now that his own name had left the man's lips. "Good afternoon, kid. You slept for a very long time. My buddies and I were wondering if we might have roughened up you a bit too much."
The blood on his shoes, Prompto realized. It came from somewhere, of course. He felt bad overall, but no place hurt more than another, so he assumed they hadn't beaten him up that much. It wasn't like he remembered how they got him there.
"Do you know why you're there, Argentum?"
He shook his head. The man grinned and snickered.
"He doesn't know why he's here! What an unassuming boy!". His hands plumped on Prompto's shoulders, all amused attitude vanished from his face. "Are you serious?"
Prompto couldn't get a word out, but that didn't seem to matter to the man. He turned back, leaving Prompto with a bad case of trembling knees, and started rambling.
"What a joke. He doesn't know!" The coldness of the man's glare would have been enough to pin Prompto down to his damned chair if he hadn't been tied up already. Prompto had seen Coeurls on Lucian Geographic who looked less murderous than his perpetrator.
"You're the bestie of the Prince and you don't have a clue what business we could have with you, kid?" A raucous laugh that didn't sound right ricocheted against the walls.
"Guess what? You're a lucky one. We're not bad guys. We don't care about the Prince. He is a kid too, and we're not child murderers. No need to be scared of us. We just want information about a man, and you happen to know a lot about him. Right, Argentum?"
Names and faces flashed through his mind. Who could he know that would have that much importance to that man? He didn't know the King personally, hadn't met him yet. Neither did he know Gladio's dad. The man probably didn't mean Ignis, because even if Iggy was the future Chamberlain, he wasn't one yet, and anyway he was barely legal so he didn't have time to do anything some crazy old man would want to...
"Seems like the Immortal is quite fond of you."
"The Immortal?" He heard himself whisper, bewildered.
"Yes, the Immortal. Fancy that you know him. We've been tracking the little Prince for a while just to catch him. Seems like a busy man. Even if he's the head of the bloody royal security, we never saw him in a mile radius of the prince."
The man laughed and squeezed Prompto's shoulder. Hard.
"And here you come! The Immortal never visits the Prince, but Uncle Cor sure wouldn't miss the chance to take his dear nephew shopping, Imma right? Or are you his son, maybe?"
"I'm not. I'm really not!" He insisted, feeling the man digging his fingers deeper into his shoulder, making him wince in pain.
"Sure thing you aren't, kid. Why would the Immortal spend his time with you then?"
"I swear I'm not! I'm niff! The Crownsguards took me back in Insomnia when my parents were killed in Gralea!"
His pleas only made the man angrier.
"Likely story, eh? Someone like him wouldn't spend so much time with you if you weren't linked somehow."
A series of impatient knocks on the tinted mirror interrupted him.
"OK, kid. I just have a few questions about daddy dearest." If he ever made it out alive, Prompto would never laugh at B-Movies lines ever again - in real life those were downright terrifying to hear.
"Where does the Marshal live?"
Where did-Where did Cor live?
The walls of his apartment were painted with a light yellow. In the evening, the living room gleamed in the golden light.  Being perched on the 32nd floor, it felt like being nestled in a cocoon nest, unreachable and above the clouds. Prompto had stayed the night a few times, whenever Mrs Argentum had to go away and needed him to be watched and every time he had managed to snatch a handful of amazing sunsets snippets. It didn't hurt Cor hid a fantastic collection of photography books in his office and could make a killer paella.
It seemed crazy people wouldn't know where it was situated. As far as Pormpto knew, the location wasn't a state secret. He wasn't an important person either. No matter what Noctis said, Cor wasn't exempted from following the rules. If the location of his apartment was deemed sensitive information, Prompto would never have been allowed up there.
"I don't know," he heard himself say, anyway.
"You don't know?"
"I don't know," he repeated, feeling a bit more sure of himself despite the tremors of his voice. "I suppose he has an apartment in the Citadel or something."
Next thing he registered was pain.
The punch would have sent him flying if the chair hadn't been screwed onto the ground. His vision turned blurry from the tears and he could hear the man yelling and yelling, but could not concentrate enough to understand what he was saying.
"Think you're funny, little shit? Think this is a joke?!"
"Calm down Dan." A new voice piped in. "Not gonna help if he can't answer."
"Do you know where he lives?"
"N-No." He kept his eyes on the ground.
A kick to his knee tore a cry from his throat. Finger dug hard at his jaw, forcing his chin up.
"For a Niff you're quite loyal, aren't you?" He shoved him back, dirty nails scratching Prompto's cheeks. "Perfect. Then if you don't know where he lives, you can tell me where he works, right?"
"The-The Citadel?"
"And how does he get his orders?"
"By phone -I think he has some by the phone. the secured stuff. And - hum, he gets summoned by the King sometimes."
Wasn't it common knowledge? Or was trying to coerce some other information from him with those questions? He hoped not. Had he revealed sensible information?
"This number...is it his secure phone, or his personal mobile."
A screen was pushed under his nose - Prompto hadn't even noticed the other guy walking in! - with Cor's name flashing right at him. Despite the new crack on said screen, he immediately recognized his own phone.
"It's...I don't know. I've never asked, "he stammered. "I think it's his personal phone?"
"Does he usually pick up right away when you call him, or does he call you back?"
The new man spoke with a heavy accent, Lucian accent. His calm demeanour was throwing Prompto off. The violence and the rage of the other man, that was what Prompto expected from a kidnapper. What was up with this guy? And what kind of questions were these?
"I- we - I mostly text him and he calls me back."
They couldn't do anything with that kind of information, right?
Wrong, he realized, when the new guy threw a punch and took a picture of his crying face.
Wrong, he realized, when he made a show of tapping the 'send' button. The tiny arrow icon flashed blue a few times before the picture was sent to Cor.
Wrong, wrong, wrong wrong...
Seconds grained like sand into an hourglass, stretching as they fell, until the screen lighted up back to life, displaying the text as 'read'.
Immediately his phone started vibrating.
He didn't need to see the ID to know who was calling. The cruel smile spreading on the new guy's face was telling enough. Before he could do or say anything, though, the two men left and snapped shut the door behind them. He strained his ears but quickly gave up. Walls of concrete didn't let pass many sounds, let alone distinct conversation.
With nothing but fear and uncertainty for entertainment, he went back to staring holes at his bloody shoes.
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hkvoyage · 4 years
Any fics where Blaine and nick are best friend??
Most fics that have Blaine and Nick as besties also have Niff (Nick and Jeff as a  couple). Here are my favorites. - HKVoyage
Dance Me To The End Of Love by @kurtswish
While unwinding at a club, Blaine Anderson meets a stranger who promises him one night of passion. When the night is over, Blaine wants more, so does Kurt; but what Kurt offers him is not quite what he was expecting.
Anderson Barbershop by PaellaIsComplicated
AU where Kurt never visited Dalton.
Now it’s December of 2016 and Kurt has graduated from NYADA. He’s having trouble getting cast in anything and loses his apartment after he and Adam break up. So when he inherits an apartment in Hackensack, NJ from a great-aunt he doesn’t remember meeting, he decides spending a few months cleaning the place out will give him time to regroup.
Blaine opened a barber shop and lives in Hackensack, NJ with his friends Nick and Jeff from Dalton. He’s worried about making a success of his business, but not too worried to be intrigued when an attractive guy moves into the neighborhood.
Note: This is the first part in the Barbershop Quartet series.
Soul Mate by  fablewriter
Special request from a friend on my Tumblr. theladyoftheland asked: hello, this au has been floating around tumblr for a while and it’d be awesome if you wrote it!Klaine soulmate AU | They don’t know each other, but people know them.Kurt Hummel is the famous fashion designer, who wears a cuff around his wrist and says that his soulmate’s name is his own business, but jokes at interviews about it.Blaine Anderson is a young, successful singer-songwriter who does the same things, keeping the name hidden from everyone. But what happens when he accidentally tweets. 
You Can’t Always Get What You Want by aslongastherearestarsaboveyou 
Just out of Fashion College, Kurt takes a job as a PA to famous musician, Blaine Anderson. Kurt is unprepared for how difficult working for Blaine is, especially as his attraction to him grows. Klaine AU, slight Badboy!Blaine
Set Me Free by @fablewriter 
After an accident, Burt Hummel pulls Kurt out of McKinley and has him transferred to Dalton Academy School for Boys. - Set during the beginning of his junior year -
Crowded House by kellyb321 (WIP)
All of your favorite Warblers and a few new faces, too. Follow our boys as they start their lives in NYC, each couple facing their own challenges, heartbreak, self-discovery and redemption. Stick around as they realize support, acceptance and most importantly, true love can all be found in one big Crowded House. Heavy on the Klaine and Niff.
It’s Not Just a Stomach Ache by DreamingisBelieving
No, Blaine didn’t have cancer. This stuff doesn’t happen to seventeen year old boys and definitely not Kurt Hummel’s boyfriend, who was full of life and joy and would go out of his way to do anything for anybody, whether that be an old lady crossing the street or a misguided teen like himself. Cancer was suppose to be reserved for old men and women who were going to develop health problems anyway, not Blaine Anderson, someone who wasn’t even legally an adult yet. 
Sequel: It’s Not Just A Stomach Ache One-Shots
Soul Mate by  fablewriter
Special request from a friend on my Tumblr. theladyoftheland asked: hello, this au has been floating around tumblr for a while and it’d be awesome if you wrote it!Klaine soulmate AU | They don’t know each other, but people know them.Kurt Hummel is the famous fashion designer, who wears a cuff around his wrist and says that his soulmate’s name is his own business, but jokes at interviews about it.Blaine Anderson is a young, successful singer-songwriter who does the same things, keeping the name hidden from everyone. But what happens when he accidentally tweets. 
Along For The Rides by @slayediest /notarelationship (just practising)
AU.  Blaine and Kurt get their summer romance on. Mostly fluff, awkward flirting, a side of misunderstanding and some hanky panky. 
Need for Speed ‘Verse by @lady-divine-writes
Kurt Hummel moves from California to Lima after his dad’s heart attack causes them to lose their repair shop. Kurt leaves his prestigious performing arts school and any chance of moving to New York and getting into NYADA. His only other joy in life is custom tuning cars, but his father doesn’t approve. Things seem to get back on track when he joins the Dalton Crew as their mechanic, behind his father’s back. He’ll make the money he needs as long as he can put up with the unwanted attention of Sebastian Smythe. But, how will his dreams change after he meets the head of the McKinley Crew, Blaine Anderson, who decides that winning Kurt Hummel will be his next big challenge?
Private Message by @gleefuldarrencrissfan
Kurt Hummel is an intern at by day and a novice fan fiction writer by night. Or is he really a writer if he’s not even gotten one single review or private message. At least, not until now. Little did he know that one message would be the start of something that would turn life as he knew it completely upside down. 
The Warbler by TheWhiteOwl
Kurt is a famous actor and singer who gets threatening messages and phone calls. One night his house is attacked and his manager suggests him to hire a bodyguard… Or better a whole team, the Warblers. Things just turn more complicated when Kurt finds out that the Warblers’ leader is none other than Blaine Anderson, his former one-night stand.
Sequel: Haunting Past 
Hummel’s Home for Non-Conforming Adolescents by BeautifulUnseen
Blaine Anderson had learned from the time he was marked as Non-Conforming that his life would never go according to plan. Still, the last thing he expected was Hummel’s Home and its head boy Kurt, who had, against all odds, escaped the same fate. Dystopian AU.
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autumn-maple13 · 4 years
Lost to Time - Chapter 32
Chapter 32: Lighthouse
It was still early in the morning when Amara and the other's decided to go ahead and get back on the road, much to the barely awake Noctis's disappointment. Between complaints of wanting more sleep and wanting to do more fishing, she wasn't too sure how he managed to get everything put away back in the armiger, let alone follow them back to their vehicles without stumbling over himself. For leg of the drive, as short as it looked to be, Ignis decided to take control of the Regalia, leaving Prompto to cheerfully volunteer to ride with Amara. So, for the short hope through the tunnel and to a large dirt parking area below the Cape Caem Lighthouse, Prompto held onto his seat behind his former classmate while the others followed at a safe distance in the car. Not too worse for wear, Prompto made a little quip about being happy to see Talcott again as he hopped off the bike, leaving Amara to roll it over to the large billboard to park under a little bit of shelter. The others, including a (thankfully) more awake Noctis soon joined her, looking up at the hill they needed to climb in order to reach the lighthouse.
Gladiolus was the first to grumble out a comment, though it seemed he was looking at their goal instead of the path. "Woah, pretty impressive lighthouse."
"What's say we head on up?" Prompto was too happy for being awake so early. He gently smacked his friend's shoulder. "C'mon Noct."
Ignis chuckled, looking at Amara for a moment. "Ought to be a nice view, if a bit blustery."
"I think I saw a path up there." The redhead gave him a small smile before taking off. There was indeed a path of sorts not far up the slope, and after only a few feet, they realized there was something else there too.
"Hey, Cindy!"
"What's up?"
The blonde smiled, crossing her arms. "Knew it was ya'll! Recognize the purr of that engine anywhere!"
prompto copied her motion as he walked up beside his friend, looking impressed.
"Whew! You know your stuff."
Iris giggled, giving a quick goodbye before heading up the hill alone, leaving everyone else there with Cindy. Finally, Noctis looked at her. "How's the boat?"
"Paw-paw's tinkering away. Reckon he'll be tinkering for some time."
Ignis seemed concerned. "Trouble as sea?"
The woman shrugged, turning to lead everyone up the hill. "Seen her share, by the looks of her. Some parts we can fix, others need replacin'."
Gladio shook his head with a grunt. "An overhaul."
Cindy didn't seem deterred at all, instead smiling brightly. "Don't y'all worry. Paw-paw ain't goin' nowhere 'til the job's done. Parts won't fetch 'emselves, though. Was kinda hopin' y'all wouldn't mind helpin' out with that?"
The advisor nodded. "We're at your disposal."
"To tell the truth, we already got a couple hands on deck: Dustin an' Monica. Those two have been real swell. Managed to gather just about everything we need."
"You can depend on the Crownsguard," Amara commented, looking back at everyone as she walked ahead of the group. "They'll usually do whatever they have to and do it well."
The other woman nodded, suddenly looking a little upset. "Trouble is, they ain't had much luck findin' a certain somethin' by the name of "mithril". Apparently the stuff's hard to come by around these parts, least accordin' to the little fella from the city."
"You betcha! Sharp as a tack, that one. Could tell y'all more about the stuff'n I could."
"We'll be sure to ask," Noctis confirmed, giving Prompto a glance before noticing Cindy had stopped walking. The others stopped not far ahead when the woman gave them a smile.
"Paw-paw's down on the dock. Now if y'all'd excuse me, I'm gonna grab my tools and skedaddle. Got a garage to look after."
"Thanks for the help Cindy."
"Ain't nothin'! Good luck."
The group watched the woman head off to gather her stuff before heading off themselves, but as they were reaching the top of an old staircase carved out of the rock face, they became aware of something calling for Noctis. A quick glance over towards the source made them notice Talcott waving excitedly from the porch of a weather-beaten house, so they changed direction to head over to him. As soon as they approached, it seemed that little Talcott went right into professional mode, only exchanging a few hellos before looking up at Noctis.
"I think Miss Cindy might've told you already, but she needs a very special kind of ore called mithril to fix the boat. Remember the waterfall? I read in Grandpa's notebook there's some ruins near a lake just north of there. It said you'll find mithril inside!"
"Hey, thanks for the great info Talcott!"
"Of course, if you guys are going to leave to find it soon, be careful."
"Yeah." Noctis gave the boy a smile, then looked over to where Iris was standing, patiently waiting her turn. "Iris?"
"Well. About that lake: pretty sure he was talking about the Vesperpool. I asked Monica to look into it, and she told me the road leading there's under imperial lockdown. You'll wanna be ready for anything."
"You're right. We'll make sure we're ready before heading out."
"Yeah, just… give us a second." Gladio was unusually quick to jump in, giving his sister a worried look.
"Uh, okay? I'll be inside, then."
Once Iris and Talcott had made their way inside, the Shield was slow to look at his friends, and more specifically at Noctis.
"So yeah, gonna have to ask you to handle this boat business without me."
Prompto gasped, almost jumping forward. "Say wha?"
"Got some business of my own to deal with."
Noctis took a breath but nodded. "Do your thing. Not like we could stop you anyway."
That seemed to put the taller man a bit more at ease. "You know me too well. See ya 'round guys."
Amara rolled her eyes, whistling to get his attention as he tried to leave. The man seemed a bit surprised when she threw the keys to her motorcycle at him, but she just gave him a wave. "Don't fuck it up and we'll be fine."
With another nod, Gladio turned to make his way back down the hill, heading off to do whatever the hell it was he had his mind on. The others seemed a little bit unnerved by his departure, and the woman could feel their eyes on her as she watched her friend disappear from view. But they didn't have time for that. She decided it was her turn to go get some stuff done – namely checking their supplies and talking to Monica about a few things before they left for the Vesperpool. Knowing that there would likely be a good period of time passing before they could come back, she checked and rechecked everything, acting almost as if she was about to deploy on a Glaive mission.
It was actually kind of impressive to watch.
Before too long the group was saying their goodbyes and heading down to retrieve the Regalia, with the younger men snagging the back seat to themselves so Amara could be up front, and on point. Ignis didn't say anything, but he saw her summon a gun from her armiger and slip it into the map pocket of the passenger door.
"It's going to a be a few hours until we get there, but while we're there we should definitely take advantage of being in the area," the woman turned to look at her former classmates in the backseat. "There's a tomb in a forest there."
"Great, so we can grab the ore, and get a new Arm all in one go?"
"Not quite? It looks like the tomb and the ruins are on opposite sides of the Vesperpool, however , it shouldn't be too hard to get both while we're there. Y'know, if we can get past the imperial blockage undetected."
"Do you think they're be much of a fight?"
Something in Amara's mind was screaming at her to be careful, so she shook her head. "No. I think we may just get "help" again."
Now that got a groan out of everyone else in the car, but not much else. They group fell into a bout of silence, the younger men deciding to pull out their phones and distract themselves for the time being while the duo upfront scanned the road ahead. Ignis was clearly allowing himself a fair bit of leniency with the Regalia's speed, and within the first hour they were passing the waterfall where the tomb had been hidden.
"The waterfall cave was down there," Ignis remarked as they crossed the bridge, leaving Prompto to stick his head up front.
"That means the lake should be to the north!"
"Yes, but we must be careful – where we go the Empire tends to follow."
Amara nodded. "Even if the Vesperpool is under lockdown, I doubt the Niffs wouldn't vall in some backup just for us."
Ignis hit the switch to put up the car's roof as a few raindrops began to fall. They fell back into silence as the downpour started, drumming on the roof with a steady rhythm until another sound interrupted it. A siren was going off as a set of large metal doors appeared ahead of them, opening up for them as they got closer. The group exchanged an unsettled glance as they entered the tunnel the door had sealed off, Prompto finally breaking the silence after a moment.
"Wait – what happened to "under imperial lockdown"?"
Ignis slowed the car to a stop, turning to look back at where they entered. "They all but turned the key and left the gates open for us – as if awaiting our arrival."
The younger blond groaned for a moment. "And if anyone's waiting for us, I bet it's that guy."
"Chancellor Izunia," the advisor agreed, looking to Amara as she rolled her eyes.
"Can't complain as long as he lets us in," Noctis almost sounded as if he were disappointed.
"That doesn't mean he'll let us out," his friend sighed, looking at her boyfriend, then the others. "We need to be careful, guys."
Ignis nodded. "Not to mention we're a man down. Would that the marshal were here with us. No offense to you Amara, but when it comes to dealing with him…"
"I don't want to be involved either." She made a motion at him, and finally Ignis began to drive again, soon bringing them out of the long tunnel and out onto a rain-soaked road lined on each side by tall cliffs. Having to turn his focus to not hydroplaning around the curves, they were all less than thrilled when he slowed again not long after reaching a straight part of the road.
"An imperial blockade."
"Oh, there's the "under imperial control"."
Ignis stopped the car, opening the door soon after. "We must be doubly cautious!"
"Right," Noctis looked at them. "No room for error here."
Amara was one of the first to start for the imperials, eyeing the battery soldiers with a less than impressed look as they began firing at her, then the guys as they closed in behind her.
She was heading for that MA-Veles that had decided to start firing rockets at them, which she heard exploding around her as she warped through the air. Amara warped in, aiming for the cockpit, which she thrust a broadsword through the glass of. The blood of the human pilot splattered across the remainder of the screen before she sent the weapon back into the armiger so she could leap away from it. Summoning her scythe, she turned to breaking down the mech's weak 'legs', listening to bodies begin to hit the pavement behind her. Pouring her magic into the weapon allowed the weapon to be brought down easily (though she was partially sure it was because the mech was so old). In fact, as soon as she got away from the explosion the walking tank erupted into, she realized that none of the forces had been very strong. They had been such a pathetic fight, that even the guys looked concerned.
"Something's off here."
"Why would they have such weak forces up here to "meet" us?"
Ignis adjusted his glasses, turning to head back for the car some few yards away. "Doubtless part of one of Izunia's ploys to make us lower our guard. Come, it will do us no good to ponder it now."
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bladesandkittens · 5 years
hc question: what do you think makes noctis so attracted to prompto and his friendship? obviously its otp levels of adorableness and angst, but what kept noctis remembering prompto all those years and wanting to seal the deal and keep him close past that? do you think there's an element of fate or soul mates to it? or do they work hard because they simply care about each other so much?
WARNING: LONG POST. Please press J on your keyboard to skip to the next post if you don’t wish to read!!
. // Ahh thank you so much for this question! I had obvious reasons to love Promptis, for example, I enjoyed their unbreakable bond and how their lives seemed to be bound together by fate since the start. I mean, for Prompto, a fugitive to not only end up in the same school as the Prince of Lucis but to also be one of his only friends is quite impressive! But there’s so much more to them than fate alone. 
First of all, I think we all are kind of familiar with how obsessed people would be with the Royal family. This can be observed through the way others interact with Noctis at school. They are all fascinated with his lifestyle. And I can imagine this obsession extends beyond school grounds.
Idk about where you’re from, but some Australians are obsessed with the British Royal Family and we’re hella far away. I can only imagine how their faces would occasionally be plastered upon magazines and how there’d be scandals and opposition etc. (There was obviously some tension in Kingsglaive). 
BUT ANYWAYS that’s besides the point. Let’s just look inside his classroom (this is when they smol). We know the girls are obsessed with Noctis (or rather, his status e.e), but (most) of the boys would probably lose interest in him after a few years. I mean, first year in the same cohort? They’d all be excited to know a Prince but… wouldn’t that kind of… die down eventually? I can’t imagine its full KSDJFLAK IT’S NOCTIS every dang time he walks down the hall for the next couple of years, ya feel? So, say the guys are just in the background, probably glancing at Noctis when they see him and then moving on with their day lalala. And then imagine a bunch of squealing, girls who probably write fanfiction about him in the foreground. Gets kinda repetitive. All of a sudden, amidst the sea of doe-eyed blushing girls, he meets this boy who’s a bit clumsy and adorably SHY.
Said boy then just watches him from afar, hiding behind tiny poles (cute) to just… watch him. It wasn’t the same type of ‘observing’ as the girls. Prompto wasn’t giggling about him. And it wasn’t the same type of ‘observing’ as the boys either, because Prompto paid attention and was probably really consistent with how often he’d ‘watch’ Noctis, rather than just noticing him as he passes by. It was more than just acknowledging or gossiping. 
‘Watching’ has a bit of a negative connotation but in Prompto’s case, I found it sweet. It’s the context. This boy who pretty much lives in solitude is so inspired by Noctis, and Luna’s letter that he observes to almost learn from and to admire. He watches everyday until he deems himself good enough to approach the Prince. 
Secondly, Noctis is pretty observant, I think. At least that’s how I see him. He’s in touch with his emotions albeit feeling the need to hide them. (I think he’s in touch because he responds to his emotions, we see anger a few times during the game) He’d grown up quite lonely so he’d be his own best friend. He’d listen to himself. Because he’s observant, he’d probably notice Prompto. And by ‘notice’ I don’t mean “oh yeah its that guy over there again”. He’d notice the changes in Prompto’s frame. He’d notice every time Prompto watches him. He’d feel the energy. And he’s smart enough to see that it isn’t the Omg aaaaa Prince Noctisss vibes. 
There’s a big difference between admiring something/someone out of respect, and obsessing over something/someone because they’re different or intriguing/entertaining. (Like how some Karens™ I know in Australia OBSESS over the British Royal family, but only when there’s goss.) 
Thirdly, when Prompto approaches him in highschool, Noctis is pretty quick to offer a smile and become friends with him. That’s because Prompto isn’t approaching him for personal gains. He knows this because the boy has just been watching from afar day after day. If Prompto had any ulterior motives, he’d either one, approach him MUCH MUCH earlier, or two, hide himself more carefully so Noct wouldn’t have known he was being watched? (idk if that makes sense, I mean if you’re a shady person you wouldn’t be outright shady, right??)
And before I end this LONG AS post, I just want to add: the idea of ‘fate’ plays a role in every single interaction we have. Fate and luck and the planets aligning etc. But it takes more than that for a mere meeting to blossom into a friendship or a relationship. The beauty of Promptis is that we can see how much Prompto has poured into the relationship, and how he is continually contributing by being ever at Noctis’ side. We see a healthy bond between two individuals dealing with the weight of their preconceived identities and their journey finding themselves despite their labels. (i.e. Noctis: Prince. Prompto: Niff clone) 
Here’s a bit of a thought, but I especially want to portray their relationship as mutual. I know we see Noctis as a sleepy Prince who’s rolling with the punches half the time, but I believe he’s more than that. I believe he has his own love language and quirks, and he’s still learning how to express his emotions, which is the next step after being in touch with your emotions. He’s still fighting that battle of You gotta grow and be a strong masculine King one day and I want to express love, care and affection and be vulnerable with this person. 
I want to explore their flaws, too. I can imagine Noctis having Prince’s jealousy (like… a sense of entitlement or lowkey possessiveness) –I mean, you see that behaviour with children who don’t have siblings, so I can imagine an only-child who’s also a PRINCE would possess such attributes. And then there’s Prompto with his insecurities (ones he understandably has), there’s a whole lot of stuff to work through, and their relationship will have its challenges. (The whole Prompt/Noct misunderstanding when the train scene happened sheds some light on the possible gaps and imperfections in their relationship. It seems to suggest that Prompto’s insecurities may lead to a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ scenario and how Noct possibly has some difficulty knowing how to reassure Prompt by just using words.) But as an angst-addict I am ABSOLUTELY THRILLED to explore all of that realism, all of the flaws and quirks and what makes them both so unique. 
IN CONCLUSION: Fate plays a big role in their friendship in its budding stages, but hard-work keeps them together. Noctis became fast friends with Prompto because he is familiar with who Prompto is and understands his motives to be different than his other peers’. 
Noctis and Prompto both have flaws/things to work through in order for them to work as a couple (or even as friend asdfa) but that’s why we love them B) 
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bullshittierlists · 5 years
Tumblr media
I see no god up here other than me
Nishinoya- My favorite character. My guy. The rolling thunder. The absolute madlad. I just love him, what else can I say? I was supposed to make it to his canon height (5′2), but I never even made it there, so I am officially shorter than Nishinoya Yu.
Tadashi- He’s so cute. He’s going to be the next team mom after Suga leaves and I absolutely cannot wait. He’s just so adorable and I love his freckles.
Suga- Team mom, what else can I say? I can relate.
Oikawa- Mmm, he’s cute and not in the same was as Tadashi. I know it’s typical, but it’s also accurate. If you don’t think Oikawa’s a stud, then you’re wrong. Also, his intimidation talk is so attractive.
Kenma- :3
Akaashi- His dynamic with Bokuto is hilarious. I absolutely adore their relationship. I just can’t resist laughing everytime Akaashi essentially says, “Go home, Bokuto, you’re drunk.”
You’re the best
Bokuto- Fun story: I saw that season three was going to be dubbed (yes, I watch the dub, fight me) and I got super excited and immediately looked to see who Bokuto’s voice actor was going to be. When I saw that it was Ian Sinclair, I got really excited and screamed. However, I’m really dumb, because Bokuto was in season 2, and I just didn’t notice his voice. Way to go, me.
Iwa-chan- Shittykawa. Assikawa. Trashykawa.
Akiteru- I named the main character in my story after him. Plus, he’s pretty cute.
Lev- Tol bean.
Saeko- She’s so great and such a good big sister. However, I would not like to be in a car with her.
Hey, I think you’re pretty cool, I like you a lot
Tendo- He’s funny sometimes, I guess.
Aone- Shouyo Hinata protection squad, Kageyama move over.
Takeda- He taught me everything I know about volleyball.
Yachi- Aww, what a cutie.
Kiyoko- Calm and collected. And super hot.
Hinata- He’s the main character. Yep. That’s it.
Ukai- Sorry, sensei, you didn’t stick out to me all that much.
Kageyama- Nic, niff, nife, knife, nnnice.
I remember you
Dadchi- Very dad. Very stern.
Tsukki- Cute around Tadashi, just a tsundere around everyone else.
Asahi- Scaredy-cat tough guy.
Kuroo- Very cat dad. Very cat stern.
Ennoshita- Yeah. He existed.
Tanaka- Very loud. Could do without.
Ushijima- You should’ve come to Shiratorizawa.
Futakuchi- I literally remembered he existed today since his birthday was yesterday.
Then there’s that one guy that I don’t remember. I know who he is, but barely, and I don’t know like, anything about him, so I’m choosing to ignore his existence.
Final favorite characters list:
1. Nishinoya Yuu
2. Tadashi Yamaguchi
3. Sugwara Koushi
4. Oikawa Tooru and Morisuke Yaku
5. Kenma Kozume and Akaashi Keiji
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thedarklordmegatron · 5 years
The Least I Can Do
Fandom: FFXV
Relationship: Implied Promptis
Brotherhood Era
Prompto’s terrified. No, scratch that, he’s about two seconds away from climbing the Citadel and throwing himself from the roof. He’s also 100% positive that whoever deemed it necessary to have their graduation televised is pure evil. Like, who honestly expects a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds to be happy with being on TV, just because the Crown Prince just so happens to be in their year, stupid nobles that’s who.
He groans softly and throws himself onto the bed, kicking his slacks and shirt aside in the process. There’s no way he’s going to be able to get through the whole ceremony. He’s going to embarrass himself by doing something stupid, trip up the stairs maybe, oh maybe knock someone off the stage! Now that would be interesting and something for the history books. He can see the headlines now ‘Niff attacks teacher at Prince’s Graduation’. Oh Six. Nope. That’s it. He’s just going to accept that he’ll never be graduating, while Noct’s at the ceremony he’s going to pack his bags, run away from Insomnia and start his life beyond the Wall as a professional Chocobo photographer.
“Whyyyyy” He laments, grabbing the nearest pillow and burying himself beneath it. His life’s going to end tomorrow morning.
Noct and Iggy are going to show up on his doorstep at 8am sharp, expecting him to be dressed and looking half-decent, as if that’s even possible when his best clothes are already three years old and too small; and they’ll run away in shame because how could he ever hope to stand beside his best friend when he looks as poor as his bank account says he is. Or maybe they just won’t let him graduate, that’s a possibility. Maybe the Principle will deem him too poor to stand among the nobles and the Prince, considering how amazing everyone else is going to look he won’t be surprised. They’ll just kick the poor Niff kid to the side like they always do. Hide him from view to make sure he can’t tarnish their perfect image. Not that he blames them, he’d do the same in their position.
He’s two seconds away from just giving up for the day, closing his curtains and pretending the world doesn’t exist when his doorbell rings. Moaning in frustration he slithers off of his bed and onto the floor, reluctant to face whoever decided to interrupt his internal lamentations. Did they not know it’s rude to interrupt a man while he’s contemplating his life choices? He makes an attempt to flatten his hair down as he stumbles down the staircase, taking it two steps at a time. He’d learnt months ago that getting to the door in record time is important especially considering the only people who ever come to his door are either debt collectors or someone coming to check the gas meter. Both of whom are super impatient and rarely willing to hang around just because the teenager living there was having a little breakdown.
The doorbell rings again, this time followed by three harsh knocks.
“Coming!” He shouts as he jumps the final three steps. Normally he’d spare a second to check who was on the other side before opening the door, but whoever it is sounds impatient enough already and he really doesn’t fancy getting into a fight. So he opens the door without a second thought, eager to get the conversation over and done with so he can get back to his bed sooner, and promptly freezes. There standing in his doorway with what is obviously a suit bag thrown over his shoulder, is Noctis.
“You going to let me in?” Noctis asks casually, shifting from one foot to the other. “Prom?”
“Oh, uh, yeah!” Nice save Prompto. Such intelligence, much wow. He steps aside allowing his best friend into his humble abode, which he’s only just realised looks like a tornado’s blown through it. Ramuh strike him down. He doesn’t even bother to try and explain away the mess, it’s not like Noct’s apartment is any better. Noctis doesn’t even hang around, he glides straight through the living room and up the staircase as though he owns the place, which he might as well considering how much of the furniture he’s insisted on buying over the past year.
“You coming?” Noctis calls, peeking over the edge of the staircase to look at him with a raised eyebrow. Oh right. Noctis. Suit bag.
“Yep!” He replies with a grin that was only half-forced before shutting the front door and bolting after his best friend. “So what’s up? Thought you had that thing with your dad this afternoon?”
“I do but it’s not til five.” Prompto digs his phone out of his back pocket to glance at the time, 2.38, plenty of time he supposes; although he does stil set an alarm for 3.50 to make sure they don’t lose track of time.
“Still doesn’t explain why you’re here.” He jokes, sliding past Noct to take his rightful place on top of his Chocobo bedding. Noctis just looks between him and the crumpled clothing on the edge of his bed. “Don’t judge me.” He huffs but he does scramble to his feet and put the clothes away. Noctis just laughs and flattens out the bedding so he can lay the suit bag down.
“Iggy dropped this off this morning, thought you’d want it today rather than panicking tomorrow morning.” He explains, unzipping the bag and presenting Prompto with what had to be the most expensive suit he’d ever seen. Prompto’s not sure how long he stands there just staring at it, his mouth agape but it’s long enough that Noctis snorts and elbows him in the side. “Come on dork, try it on.”
Wait. What?
“What?” Noctis rolls his eyes but smiles all the same.
“This,” He says slowly motioning to the suit “Belongs to you” He points at Prompto. Okay, what? He’s no fashionista, but Prompto’s quite sure that the fabric isn’t just a cheap cotton or something similar that he could have picked up from a store.
“Noct,” Prompto says breathlessly. He can’t accept it, not when Noctis has quite literally kitted out his entire home in the last year. Not when he’s made sure that there’s permanently food in his cupboards, that his heating is always on and his roof will always be over his head. It’s too much. Six damn it, it’s too much. He’s not quite sure how it happens but one moment he’s standing in front of his wardrobe, biting his lip, and the next he’s on the floor crying with Noctis’ arms wrapped around him.
“Hey Prom, it’s okay.” Noctis soothes, rubbing his back and gently nuzzling the top of his head.
“It’s too much Noct,” Prompto sobs as he buries his face in the soft fabric of Noctis’ t-shirt “I don’t deserve any of this! I don’t deserve the suit, the food, you.” He knows Noctis knows it’s true, he has to. Surely someone in the Citadel noticed how much the Crown Prince has been spending on the stupid Niff pleb, if no one else Ignis had to have picked up on it by now. There’s no way Noctis could order so many things for him and have it go unnoticed.
Apparently he’d been speaking aloud because Noctis moves quicker than he’s ever done before and takes his face in his hands. “It’s never enough.” He says firmly, a steely determination in his eyes. “I’d give you the world if I could Prom. Bahamut knows you deserve more than that.”
“But I’m a Niff!” Prompto protests, though the intended impact is somewhat lessened by his less than attractive crying.
“No you aren’t. You’re a Lucian citizen but more importantly you’re you. You’re my best friend who puts up with me when I’m the worst person on this planet. You got yourself kidnapped trying to protect me and didn’t tell them anything when they hurt you.” Noctis pauses “I don’t...nothing I do is ever going to be enough to repay you for everything you’ve done for me Prom. Let me do this for you. Please Prom.” And Gods he’s weak. Logically he knows he should tell Noctis to stop buying things for him, to turn away the suit and just wear his original outfit, even if it meant being the worst-dressed at their graduation. Hell he should have just never approached Noct in the first place, kept himself to himself and ignored Lady Lunafreya’s request. “If you think it’s too much we can always get something else, or I can lend you one of mine if you don’t want something brand new.” Noctis rambles on.
Prompto takes a moment to look over the suit, barely visible from where they’re sprawled on the floor. It’s a gorgeous suit if he’s completely honest with himself, and something that he’d never have dreamt of wearing to his graduation. Not to mention it was something Noctis, and apparently Ignis, had thought about and arranged for the sole purpose of making his day that little bit better.
“I don’t know when I’d wear it again.” He finally admits with a sniffle and it’s not a lie. It’s not like he has hundreds of galas and formal events to attend like Noctis and Ignis do, hell the most formal event he’d ever been to was Noctis’ private birthday party in the arcade.
“Ignis says it’s always handy to have a decent suit on hand,” Noctis mutters “Never know when you might need one.”
“Like tomorrow” Prompto jokes weakly
“Like tomorrow.” Noctis agrees with a small smile. “I can take it back if you really don’t want it.”
“I do but…” Prompto pauses, though he’s not quite sure why he does.
“But?” Noctis prompts.
“Is it really okay for me to have it? Like, won’t I look out of place in something that I clearly haven’t bought myself. People will start to think that I’m using you for your money.” Noctis just shrugs and pulls him into a hug.
“I don’t care what they think, neither do dad, Iggy or anyone else who matters. It’s your call though Prom, I’m not going to make you accept something you don’t want.”
“Like my couch?”
“Dude, that thing was a death trap. Gladio said so himself.”
“Yeah well the Big Guy was the one who broke it!”
“A mouse could have broken that couch Prom.” Noctis huffs and honestly he’s not wrong. It was a horrible old couch that had been in the house for as long as he could remember. Knowing his parents, it was probably already there when they bought the place and they just didn’t see the point in replacing it when they weren’t going to be round to use it. “So, suit?”
Prompto smiles, finally allows himself to relax in Noctis’ arms “I’ll wear it so long as you work some Princely magic to make sure I’m not going to be the first one up on stage tomorrow.” The joys of having a surname beginning with the letter ‘A’.
Noctis just laughs and holds him a little tighter “I think we can arrange something. Principle McKellan was trying to convince me to go first anyway, something about appeasing the press.”
“My hero.” Prompto laughs.
He’ll never understand what he did to deserve a friend as wonderful and caring as Noctis. However, Prompto does know one thing for certain, he'll spend the rest of his life making sure Noctis knows just how much he’s appreciated, and if that means finally filling out those Crownsguard application forms he’s had in his desks for months now, well, it’s the least he can do.
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