#you dont see that it is the little prince okay.. some reason that hand wouldnt let me switch between swatches >.>
bubblepopsims · 7 months
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Chapter 4
Part one here:
Morgana was 16 now. Itd been a year since her father Uther announced she would be of marrying age. At the very least of age to be promised to someone, and it was easy to say that Morgana was not pleased at all. Arthur had tried to sway their father, as gently as he could without angering him, but Uther wasnt having it. The old man was already confined to his room, sick beyond repair, and he 'had to make sure his children were taken care of.' It didnt matter how. It didnt matter if Arthur would be miserable as a young king, or Morgana miserable as a house wife; as long as they were taken care of. And that's when Morganas teen rebellion really kicked in. Everyone knew about it, Morgana would sneak out late, making it incredibly easy for anyone to find her going to see her latest 'crush' of the week. She didnt mind the gossip-- she even welcomed it. The one suitor who had been at the castle when he heard about her 'cheating' - which, for the record, the prince had only asked Uther to court her; never morgana herself- was absolutely mortified. And Morgana couldnt have been prouder. Gwen and Arthur were... reasonably a bit embarrassed, but they had about as much of a chance of stopping her as Uther did. And if Gwen was really being honest, she found it hilarious. All Morgana had to do was ask for a kiss from a fair lady and the busybodies in the castle would get to work.... unfortunately the more it happened the more Gwen and Arthur were less amused. Gueinivier couldnt quite put her finger on it but it made her stomach turn whenever she saw Morgana kissing some other lady... Arthur was more annoyed in general, in a brotherly way.
But today seemed different. A lot more relaxed... no one was giving her letters from princes' or kings, and no need to ask for more favors from the ladies in the town or working in the castle. The perfect day to get up to something with Morganas favorite people in the world... Gwen and Arthur. ... well, Gwen was definitely a favorite, arthur really got on her nerves a lot, but he was still her brother. So that's what brings us to the now. Gwen and Morgana walking through the forest in comfortable silence... Arthur had unfortunately been roped into another meeting with the king and the round table, so the two thought to make it a girls day. As they walked, Gwen couldnt help but let her mind wander, glancing over to Morgana... it was true, the Pendragon siblings were both very good looking. Anyone anywhere would love to be their king or queen... but gwen loved them beyond their looks. Morgana was mischievous, mysterious and bold. Arthur was strong, dependable and kind... the two put her head in a tizzy. But with Morganas.... escapades lately... she couldnt help but give the witch the cold shoulder. The secrets and kisses from other girls were funny and cute at first but now they had gotten a bit more frequent... a little more bold. And unfortunately, Gwen was far too good at hiding her true intentions because Morgana hadn't even noticed anything was wrong. Sure she had acted a little off at times but, times were strange now... with her fathers declining health and tensions on making sure Arthur was ready to be king...
... and then Gwen nearly jumped out of her skin. Her thoughts were so abruptly interrupted by a sudden presence that she let out a squeak in suprise. the suprise guest in question laughed at her reaction, along with Morgana.
Mab had been watching the two for a few minutes, waiting for a good moment to suprise them and drop from her place in the trees. "Hello you two." Mab put her arms around the girls. Admittedly it had taken her a while to accept Gwen even as an acquaintance. But what really sealed the deal for Mab was Gwen's pure, genuine fascination. Whenever she looked at magic and its byproducts her expression held nothing but amazement, wonder and fondness. And if anything, Mab wanted to keep amazing her, just to see that look on her face. It never failed to make her laugh. "I'm suprised you're both out today..." the princess trailed off, and Morgana groaned. "Its been absolute hell back at the castle." She rolled her eyes and slumped her shoulders for emphasis, to which Gwen chuckled and shook her head. "They... that is, Arthur and Morgana... have had their hands full to say the least." Gwen further explained to Mab, who got a thoughtful look on her face before replying. "Sounds like you've come to the right place to decompress then." She winked at the girls before wordlessly leading the way further into the woods...
"Ahhhh...." Morgana sighed in relief as she sunk down in the fairy made hot spring. She didnt realize how much tension she was holding in her neck and shoulders until now, but the hot water was absolutely amazing on her muscles. All that running away from terrible princes, knights and responsibilities does a number on ones self she supposed... "Are you two done yet?? The waters going to get cold." Morgana called through the thick veil of greenery to Mab and Gwen, who were currently whisper fighting with eachother. Since neither girl was exactly ready for a suprise swim, Mab had let them borrow some of the stollen goods she... acquired as offerings in her woods. People who dont want to be kidnapped, killed, cursed or worse always left her a little something at the threshold of her home. And the few cloaks she'd acquired she allowed Morgana and Gwen to use... they were her least favorite anyway. But honestly, Mab didn't see *why* you needed to cover up around others while you swam, showered, bathed, etc. It was a completely foreign concept to her, but she got a kick out of the red faces from Morgana and Gwen she just told them both to hop in. "I cant just go in! What if its... not secure enough." Gwen gestured to the 'swim-suit' Mab fashioned for her. "Well, then itll fall off. What do you *think* would happen?" Mab hissed back at her sarcastically. "You'll be fine. Its not like she'd bite you.... well..." Mab had to reconsider that. Gwen shoved her arm and the faerie princess grinned. "Follow my lead." She said confidently, Gwen watching as Mab strutted out. She had her usual attire on. Not uncommon, since it looked like the plants that made up her base clothing were just a part of her; but the few nice touches of clothing or signs of humanization were gone.
She stopped at the far end of the spring before jumping in and swimming over to Morgana with ease. "Come on Gwen." Mab said impatiently, and Morgana shouted after her. "Sooner you get here the sooner we can play water games!"
Gwen took a deep breath. Be brave. Just like them. She rolled her shoulders and closed her eyes, calming herself down before opening them again, now with new determination. Her nerves wouldnt get in the way of this rare day off. So, she took off running... and dove into the water. She could hear Mab and Morgana clapping and laughing above, swimming over to them now as she breached the surface. "That was amazing!" Morgana said with a big grin. "One things for sure we've got to do that together-- just... neyoooommm... " she put her fist in the water suddenly, making a splash. "See how big a splash we can make..."
"Well. One things for sure, the fun is only just beginning." Mab gave them a mischievous smile.
The fun was officially in full swing. Mab had invited a few fresh water sirens to come play a guessing game with them, and it only escalated from there.
Some of the river nymphs were playing as a referee for the games going on; some of the kelpies at the bottom of the hot-water would sing while a few of the fae would try and guess what they were singing. Some of the sirens were playing a competitive diving game with their treasures; bits of bone, a pearl or two. Whoever got to it first kept it. Which, without supervision quickly devolved into a bloody fight. A few of the not-so-water-resistant creatures were having loads of fun just on the shore, making flower crowns for any winners and not so subtly trying to help the contestants who they thought were the cutest. Morgana had joined Gwen in the kelpy game, since the creatures had a tendency to drag any losers down underwater and drown them... but Gwen was doing suprisingly well. Morgana was only a little bit jealous. Mab had split from the girls briefly to compete with the sirens, winning a few games and rejoining her friends once she had enough trophies of victory. They came to sit with eachother at the edge, all three of them smiling to themselves and basking in the fun. "So. How's your day off been?" Mab asked them with a grin. "Well considering Gwen's won more games than I... I'd say not so well." Morgana joked, making Gwen laugh. "Well, I can give you some pointers next time." She winked and nudged Morgana with her elbow; making Morgana blush just a little. "Well. Either way you both look just about ready to join the sirens with the way you're pruning up there. Let's get you two dry." Mab hopped out of the 'pool' and shook herself dry a bit. "Okay *mom* " Morgana teased as Gwen and her followed. "No you pronounced it wrong. Its MAB." Mab corrected her. Morgana wasnt super sure if she was being serious or not, but it didnt matter. Mab lead them to a closed off area where she stashed the twos clothing. "Once you're dressed we can do some land-games." Mab winked at them, squeezing out her hair. Gwen and Morgana went over and grabbed their clothes as Mab got some cloth to help dry them. The fae girl allowed them both a screen of ivy and vines to get dressed in a bit of privacy...
Today was... something else. Gwen couldnt remember the last time shes had this much fun. The amazing wonders around her filled her head with dreams and her heart with hope and longing for adventure... discovering more and finding things no ones ever seen before... but only if it was with her friends. As cliche as it was... she wanted Morgana... Arthur, even Mab there with her. Wherever the road took her. They completed her in a way she could never have imagined. She wanted to be there for them. Just as they would for her... Gwen had many friends as a child. But when her family moved to Camelot, all of it was ripped away from her. She wondered sometimes... if they thought of her. But the Pendragons and this magical world... took the heartache away.... but... recently? With Morgana..? The heartache returned... no it wasnt the same as before. No force on earth could take Morgana away from her. No, the heartache wasnt one of sadness... it was longing. So similar but so different. The heartache that belonged to Morgana was one that was bitter-sweet. Whenever she looked at her it was the feeling of coming home to a warm fire and sweet fruit.
So then... why did the thought of being with Morgana... hurt at the same time?
..she knew the answer. Arthur. She loved arthur just as she loved Morgana. And yet... not. They were so different but she loved them all the same. The kind of love she'd want to come home to and kiss before bed every night.... Arthur and Morgana... were her love.
Meanwhile, Morgana got dressed. Nothing in particular was on HER mind. No... but something was on Mabs...
The faerie peaked her head through to Morganas side. Seeing she was infact decent. Mab had been infatuated with Morgana for a long time. She'd known it in her gut. Shes told so many of her friends and they all dismissed it as wanting a pet. And shes seen fae have human pets... the feeling wasnt the same. For them It was control... dominance and cruelty. But Mab wanted Morgana for the very reason just to love her. When she thought about kissing Morgana her heart raced, when she thought about curling up with her, going to bed and waking up to see her face everyday... it made her heart hurt with how much she wanted that. Real love...
"Morgana." Mab began... there was a pause. "... Mab?" Morgana questioned her. She looked incredibly suspicious... was this the start of some prank? "I..." Mab stepped further in. "Wanted to tell you something." She crossed her arms loosely. Mab had never actually planned this part out. She always figured that somehow, someway, she'd just sweep Morgana off her feet and Morgana would have no choice but to practically marry her on the spot!.... but this was definitely not how things were going to go. Morgana was... difficult to really wow, or 'sweep feet'. "... okay." Morgana narrowed her eyes at the faerie, getting ready for some sort of prank or attack of some kind... Mab walked closer... and awkwardly put her hand on Morganas shoulder... and came in closer... until the side of her face touched the side of Morganas... okay so maybe it wasnt 'telling' her anything... Mab didnt even know if she could say the right words... but she hoped and metaphorically prayed that Morgana understood.
She did. It was an intimate gesture. Mab trusted her... to turn her face to her and keep her close; faces touching just slightly. This was big... and Morgana couldnt help the huge suprised grin that spread across her face. Off and on throughout their friendship she's thought about it-- being with Mab. Theres no doubt that they got along and shared so many things in common, but she never even dreamed that Mab would come to her first. And like this.
Mab slowly pulled away. Looking reserved and guarded, waiting for Morganas reaction... still hopeful she understood, and accepted. "So... you like me?" Morgana asked with her grin. Mab looked just a little insulted at that. "Of course I like you! What do you think I am? An idiot? It would be stupid of us not to court! We love the same things, we're already so close and we-" Mab was cut off by Morgana kissing her on the cheek. "Ah yes. How could I argue with such air tight logic?" She asked sarcastically. Mab was completely frozen for a moment. "Is that a yes?"
Morgana smiled. "Does this answer your question?" She pulled Mab back in and kissed her. The faerie could feel her heart hammering in her chest. She pulled Morgana as close as she could, and kissed her back... unbeknownst to them, the screen Mab created was falling apart into beautiful wild flowers to reveal the scene to Gwen...
When Gwen saw the two... she felt like she was going to vomit. Not out of disgust. Never. But she never thought that seeing her secret love and good friend kissing could break her heart so much... she just stood there. Frozen.... until Morgana noticed. And she laughed.
"Wow. Look at miss queen of the fae... cant control her plants when shes kissing." Morgana teased Mab, who was now red in the face, looking around to see Gwen and of course... no screen of greenery. "A-um- i- I can control them! I can do... anything!" Mab argued. Morgana laughed. "Does that include making your face go as red as my hair?" She asked. And honestly... in the moment... gwen couldnt help but laugh along..... it was better than being heart broken.
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idjitlili · 4 years
Okay hear me out
Fili x modern!reader
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Summary: imagine convincing fili to let you do his hair.
word count:3894 longest fic so far
a/n its my birthday tomorrow aka the 14th of july
You had been somehow transported into Tolkien's universe, at the time of hobbit, landing infront of Gandalf. The fall hurt your bottom, you had groaned and looked up to see Gandalf looking at you in shock. However he had decided you would accompany him to Bilbos house. You didn't have a choice you didn't know where you bloody were! Gandalf has seen pretty nice, he said he would help you, but didn't understand how on middle earth you had ended up in a different world.
At this point Gandalf had already been at  bilbos house and left a mark on the door, so it was quite dark when you both arrived. When you had reached your destination , dwarves , lots had stood infront of the door pushing against eachother to get inside. You stood staring at the dwarves as the door was pulled open harshly ;by an annoyed hobbit.
stumbing down on each other with grunts and groans of frustrations ,plus pain. They evently all got up slowly ,your patience was low not as low as the hobbit who muttered 'Gandalf' ,before rushing further into the hole. Bilbo had realised that Gandalf was up to something sighing in defeat as Bombur scoffed down his expensive cheese.You felt bad for the dude these dudes were trashing his den and eating his food, you didnt really like sharing your food ,so you could imagine the pain Bilbo felt. Bilbo didnt even glance at you next to Gandalf he was too busy preventing his hole collasping inwards.
You and Gandalf had walked into the hobbit hole ,swiftly once the dwarves had. The warm air hitting your chilly cheeks,the warm light making your eyes blur for a spilt second ,the burst of loud laughter, clanking of plates and such filled your ear drums. You were going to have a huge headache by the end of the night.
You had hid behind Gandalf ,like a child would behind their mothers when talking to strangers ,as he led you to the dinning room. You were nervous there was no doubt about that ,you didnt want to be refused by this horin you had heard about,but Gandalf told you not worry. Apparently Thorin wasnt even here yet,a muscular dwarf told Gandalf ,he had glanced at you suspiciously before going back to getting ale.
Gandalf had asked a brunette dwarf to find you a seat and some food  ,pulling you out from behind  him. The dwarf had sent you a wide smile, lifting your hand pressing a kiss to you knuckles,doing a bow sorta thing. "Kili,at your service." his gesture had made you blush,no one had ever done something like that before.
"uh, y/n at yours." you had spoke quietly to dwarf,who smiled again still gasping your hand tugging you to a seat next to a blond dwarf. After he let go of your hand, you had sat ,while the brunette dwarf sat down beside you, there wasnt a lot of  room so you were shoulder to both dwarves. The blond one had turnt to you eyeing you,which kili had shoved some bread and ale  infront of you. You were starving so you didnt  waste anytime eating it ,Kili had smirked looking towards his brother.
"y/n this my brother Fili,Fili this is y/n" you had looked up at Fili with a mouthful of bread,gulping it down quickly,sending him a smile. He was indeed very handsome like his brothr,he had smiled at you. "Nice to meet you" you had spoke quietly yet again. "you too." he had replied unsure of his words,he had taken in your clothing it was very strange to anything he had ever seen a human dress.
"so y/n, will you be accompanying us on our journey?" Kili had questioned you,making you break you gaze from Fili. "i-i dont know,Gandalf says i am ,but this Thorin dude sounds scary." even his name sent chills down your spin ,making you shake slightly,the brothers had broken out into loud laughter. You had looked towards them in confusion. "you are not worry ,uncle cannot refuse a wizard." Fili had spoke to you smiling.
"Yeah,plus we will protect you from him,wont we Fili?" Kili had thrown his arm around your shoulder,making you blush a little again. "Yeah,plus uncle will be too distracted with us causing trouble"  You had smiled up at fili,chugging down the ale down that you were given. Soon enough Thorin had arrived ,and Gandalf had explained your situation,arguing with Thorin that you were brought here for a reason,eventually Thorin gave in.
You signed a contract, while Kili questioned about your world on and on,he even asked you if you had a boyfriend which you hadnt even had one real relationship. The Durin brothers were pleased with you answer, Thorin didnt hate you,but wasnt keen on a young women joining this quest incase you got hurt. Plus he didnt want to have to worry for you , like he had already did for his nephews,at least you werent an elf...
By the morning you were on a pony,sharing with Fili becayse no one had planned on a 15th member until you fell infront of Gandalf. You hadnt rode a pony for many years only a couple of times as a child,even though you werent going fast your arms were still wrapped around Fili waist/chest. Kili had smirked at his brother,raising his eyebrows,Fili rolled his eyes mouthing 'jealous' and that was that,of course you didnt know about the interaction.
"If I poppedmy cherry,while riding this pony ,i swear." you had spoken quietly,the phrase confused the other dwarves and Bilbo.
"uh, miss y/n what does that mean?" Bilbo had asked ,he was generally curious,you had smiled at the hobbit.
"it means to break my hymen while riding on a pony ,so basically lose my virginity." Bilbo's mouth gap open slightly in shock,but he slowly nods. Bofur,Fili,kili,and some other dwarves had laughed at your worry.
"you'll be fine as long as you dont ride him to hard" Kili had smirked at you sending you a wink,you had scoffed. Fili had smirked at you rjecteing his brother,it gave him some hope that you would eventually like him, he was developing a small crush on you. You had sent a blush to hus face when you had choosen to ride with him.
Obliviously you hadnt packet for this trip, you were lucky enough to fall into this world ,when you had your toothbrush and toothpaste in hand when you slipped and fell into a portal thang. You were lucky enough for the dwarves to give you any unneeded blankets,so you didnt freeze at night,and fili and kili shared their water pouches with you. When it came to night the brothers would set up their bedrolls either side of you ,and if Fili saw you were cold in the night he would pass his furs over you.
But that was months ago,the war was over ,erebor was reclaimed,apparently the reason you were sent here was to save the Durins line which you did. Thorin liked you much more now ,he had now given you a room ,near his and his nephews chambers. You felt lonely,useless even now ,your task was done you had nothing left to achieve in this world. However Thorin coranation ball was soon,he had already sent you dress makers to make you a dress,as gift for you. He wouldnt let it down that you saved his family ,basically he is your bank,he buy you anything you want,not that you wanted to take any of his money.
You had a dark green dress made ,apparently the tailors said it was best suited for you, it was simple ,busted your boobs a bit,and was to the floor,simple as that. avelvet material,shoulders showing with arms,you didnt want to be cold to be honest. You laid on you bed above the covers ,with a towel wrapped around your torso and upper thighs,covering your parts. Head on your pillow,wet hair spread upon it too,staring the celling.
That was until three brief knocks hit your pine door,knock,knock,knock. You didnt know who to expect probably Bilbo. "come in" you replied with a monotone voice. The door creeked open,closing shortly after as footsteps could be heard approaching you. You turnt your head to see Fili, with a blush upon his face ,seeing you in just a towel, you smiled at him ,before turning you head back to the celling.
"im sorry,y/n , I'll come back later"he spoke quickly,looking at you waiting for a response.
"no,no ,no, stay," you replied hurredly ,getting up from your bed quickly trying not flash the prince, grabbing your tshirt throwing it over your head ,so it covered your. You trousers the same just going under the towel, then removing the towel,you didnt know if fili had watched you but he wouldnt have seen anything anyways.
"uh..so why did you come here?" you had questioned the prince ,turning to facing him, he had his back to the door,from giving you privacy getting dressed. "you can face me now fili im not naked." he chuckled nervously ,before turning swiftly around to you. "I just came to see how you were, I havent seen you for days." he sent you a gently smile,walking closer to you ,inspecting you,for signs of distress.
"Im totally cool,don't worry about me." you didnt want to upset Fili by telling him the truth,but you knew he knew you werent ,you had been in your room for three days straight. He had risen an eyebrow at you. "i just don't know why im still here ,I saved your family,now I feel like im useless to be here anymore." you had spoken quietly , eyes looking at the floor which your bare feet stood. You sit at the edge of your bed ,shoulders lower as the bed dips next to you Fili pulls you into a bear hug his strong arms around your shoulders pulling you into him.
"You are NOT useless ,in the passed few days ,do you know how much I missed you,kili has been driving me nuts. I needed you there so i could punch him and  you to say it never happened." you laugh quietly into Filis chest ,as your arms are wrapped around his waist tightly. "ill do it if you let me do one thing,please." you looked you from Fili's chest into his blue eyes. "depends what you wanna do?" he smirked at you,still holding you tightly. "Let me do your hair , like evan almighty." you smiled hopefully at the dwarf ,ignoring his joke,his eyes became wide ,he didnt think you knew about courting rituals.
"Y-you want to do my hair?" he was a little taken back ,you just nodded excitedly at the blond prince."okay,go ahead." he didnt want to call you out on it just incase you didnt know,plus he didnt want to face rejection. You jumped up out of his arms to run and grab a brush ,running back launching yourself on the bed ,making fili laugh at your excitement. You kneel behind the prince ,gently taking out his brides,you kept asking if you were allowed to do this he assured you that you could. After you had done that,you brushed out his blond locks ,before pulling it back into a low ponytail. You wish you could do that pony braid on his beard like in the movie but this will have to do. "hehe ,its done." Fili got up and went to the mirror on your dresser,smiling at you in the mirror as you watched. "i love it,thank you,but now its your turn."
Before you knew it he had picked you bridal style with ease ,placing you on a chair,grabbing a brush standing behind you. Bro it happened in 0.3 seconds ,before he started brushing through your h/c hair. Soon his thick dwarven fingers were lacing through your hair ,it was indeed soothing,ever now and then he would place in his beads at the ends of your hair. Once he had finished he had brought you to the same mirror,once you had looked,you realised he braided your hair exactly like he would.You had turnt around quickly,grabbing hisupper arms tightly,thanking him. "Oh my god fili,lets pranked kili!" he had smirked at you."how?"he was always up for playing tricks on his brother.
"Ill pretend to be you,i already got the hair even though its not exactly the same,i just need to borrow some clothes. And if he asks where you are ,ill be like im right here brother," fili had laughed at your plan argeeing to it.Thorin had gift you with many clothes and even makeup which is what you needed right now. You had drawn on a moustache,that fili had before he had led you to his room fetching you some clothes. Luckily kili nor anyone else had spotted you. You had taught how to do an a dance from evan almighty   if he was to be caught. You had changed quickly ,keeping your own trousers just changed your shirt while fili faced away. He had given you one of his tunics and his coat while he just wore a tunic,you left yuor clothes on his bed before the both of you fled out the room, you rushed a head while he sneaked behind.
Soon enough you had ran into kili,who eyed your attire confused,at first he thought you had slept with his brother. "Y/n w-what are you doing?" he questioned you,you smirked at him. "Brother what are talking about? y/n is eating potatoes in bed>" you gripped kilis shoulders ,in a botherly manner eyeing him. He had reached up your braids ,touching the beads. "why are you wearing fili's beads? are yo-" "YOUR IT!" you tapped his shoulder ,running away from him,he didnt question you further ,but chased after you ,but you were simply  to fast with your long human legs. You had made it to Thorins throne ,which he sat you jumped into his lap roughly,wrapping an arm around his neck
Before he spoke you had breathlessly taken that chance, "Uncle ,kili stole my last piece of bacon." he had chuckled at you, "now my sisters son ,you may have his dessert tonight." you had cheered,as you did Fili had ran into the room,Kili soon after slow coach.
"Fi;i what are you doing?!" kili shouted ,you smirked "no what areee ya doin'?" fili grinned as kili glared at you turning to his actual brother. Fili started doing the dance from evan almighty "uh,uh,uh" mving his hips with his arms in sync motion. You had jumped out of Thorins lap,to join Fili dancing. Before grabbing his hand ,running off into the gardens as it poured down with rain. The rain streamed down your face ,making the makeup do the same,okay so it wasnt really a prank it was just a little fun.
"Oh mister almighty,you do look very handsome."you spoke smirking at fili as the rain soaked you both.
"As do you ,but I think miss y/n is much more beautiful." he spoke to you making a blush rise on your face,you pressed a kiss upon his cheek. "oh my i just kissed myself." fili chuckled lightly ,you forced fili to give you a piggy back ride to his room,so you could both change and to wash your face , Leaving your clothes to dry however you both left you hair,making your way to dinner in which all the company were attending to you. As you walk in all eyes are on the pair of you,kili gestures for the two of you to sit next him ,exactly like when you both met,kili to your left fili to the right. The company kept galancing at you ,as you began to eat your potatoes and pork.
"y/n?" you had glanced up to see Bofur addressing you ,you nod at the hatted dwarf "did fili do that to you hair ,and you do that to his?" he questioned carefully as fili glared at him. "well.. yeah, i wanted to his hair as something different, but i couldnt because his beard wasnt long enough and yeah" you werent even sure what you were saying,because you knew they wouldnt understand if you said steve as even almight/noah.you shove a mouthful of mash into your mouth,you were hungry,your hair was still soaked.
"you are aware that touching a dwarves hair,is a a courting ritual,lassy?" Balin had questioned you making your face go red,choking on your mash,kili patted you back."shes even wearing his beads!" dori had interjected  "and lass wearing dwarves clothes suggests that you get it on-" Dwalin began only to be cut off by Thorin "thats enough! shes human ,and from another world how on bloody earth would she know any of our courting customs? shes wouldnt now leave it NOw." Thorin had defending you sensing you were embarrassed,sending you a smile, which you return lightly."Thorin,may i go finish my food alone,in my room?please."   It wasnt that you didnt like fili your crush grew huge over the months , its just you had felt like he had set you up for embarrassment by not telling you. Thorin had smiled at you nodding ,thats all it took for you to grab your plate and drink before rushing up to your room.
You couldnt eat your food now,you had shoved it a side before laying down like earlier ,staring intensely at the cream celling,it felt like it only minutes you had been laying there,but the sky was dark ,the month light shinning in through you window. However you didnt know right now kili was coaching fili how to express his feelings for you,to court you. Eventually they had came up with the idea for fili to ask you to walk with him in the gardens, but first he would have to apologise. Fili had basically became sonic sprinting to your room ,kili was currently hiding in a bush in the gardens. Fili he knocked hurriedly on your door, you had ignored his calls ,he had spoke "I'm coming in y/n." he had opened your door rushing to you,you had ignored him again ,pretty childish you know. "Im sorry ,y/n. I didn't mean to embarrass you,please let me explain." he had spoken sincerely,gripping your left hand. "go a head then." you replied still looking at the celling.
"walk with me." you had groaned,you werent mad with fili,you were just embarrassed about the confrontations,you had slipped your shoes back on ,fili held your hand walking you to the gardens in silence.
Bilbo had walked by kili,only to be pulled in the bush ,telling him to shut up ,and watch. There was a pond with breaks around it,fili had led you to sit on there with him,his rough thumb circled your palm whilst holding it gently. You looked into his ocean eyes whilst he stared back in your e/c ones. "y/n l/n I did not intend to embarrass you only to portray my feelings for you,because I am too much of a wimp to face heartbreak if your feelings werent returned.Also didnt mean for the others to think we slept together ,I saw the joy in your eyes when you wanted to annoy kili ,with me.I didnt want to deny that,okay pretty bad excuses I know but what I am trying to say is I love you." he poured out ,turning away from you red faced ,eyes watering slightly,you had pulled his face to you. "i love you too, seth rogen." you had blushed pressing your lips onto his before pulling away,before pushing him into the pond. You had moved out the way so he couldnt grab you had pull you in. He had went under before resurfacing, "hey when you fell in did you flounder?" you had smirked at your pun,it had matched the situation ,as hours ago you had forced him to impersonate steve carell,kili and bilbo were trying not to giggle. "what was that for?" he had gasped ,climbing out of the pond. "oi,dont be so koi ,you had that coming ,for not sticking up for me at dinner." you had pointed at him,still punning before he walked slowly towards you. "you are right maybe i should present my affection to you to make up for it." he held out his arms ,smirking you had widened your eyes muttering "no,no,no" about to run for it but you were too late,he had grabbed you,lifting you onto his shoulders before jumping back into the pond.
You had only been in the water a few seconds before fili had gotten out,lifting you out after,carrying you bridal style,you smiled up at him soaking wet, before walking towards the building. "lets go get dry then you can braid my hair ,hm?" he had finally gotten his love ,and there was nothing better, maybe a child but not right now,you finally felt you had a meaning to be in middle earth. There was a reason you were sent here to say fili,because you were meant to spend your life with him. "okay mister seth rogen?" he had looked down at you confused,as bilbo and kili stared in awe before sneaking off to tell thorin and the others. "who is seth rogen?" you had laughed "you are the seth rogen to my james franco," he didnt know what the hell you were talking about ,yet he smiled,he really was your seth rogen.
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spootiliousrps · 5 years
Fluffy/Angst Ineffable Husbands
Stranger: Aziraphale jumped, a bit spooked as the doors to his book shop slammed open, only to reveal Crowley on the other side as he strode in. Aziraphale sighed, scrambling to organize his paper and books before he stood up. "Crowley, the book shop is closed. Why are you here?" He walked  past his friend, giving him a small forced smile before closing the doors of his shop before anyone else came in thinking they were open. He turned back towards Crowley. "Is everything okay? Do you need something?"
You: "No, angel it bloody isn't." Crowley retorted as he stormed through the room to the other side of the shop. He didn't even pause to glance back at the Angel as he dug in one of the cabinets where he knew Aziraphale kept his good liquor. "I need a drink. That's what I need." He answered a bit animatedly as he poured a large glass and a small second to be handed to Aziraphale.
Stranger: As he saw Crowley storming away, Aziraphale began to worry, following his friend to the other side of his shop as Crowley poured them both a glass. Aziraphale didnt feel like drinking amything for the time being, but he said thank you as Crowley handed it over to him. He tried to study Crowleys face, trying to figure out whats wrong. "Whats wrong, my dear? Has something happened? Does involve Heaven and Hell?" He hoped it didnt. "Why dont we sit down and relax." He tried to motion to the couch but wasnt sure if Crowley was going to actually sit down. He was just so worried about what was troubling the other. He didnt like it when Crowley was upset.
You: Crowley shook his head at the offer of sitting, brushing it off completely as he threw back his drink and began pouring another. "This is partially your fault, you know." He accused. "You let me encourage you into helping me so often..." He huffed, tossing another back and refilling. "Maybe if I wasn't so good at being bad... No, no... I wouldn't be a Demon if that was the case." He rambled seeming to talk to himself more than Aziraphale. He turned, leaning against the small table as he gestured as he spoke, his drink sloshing a bit as he waved it about. "And where has that gotten me? Hm?! Everywhere everyone else wants to be! But not me angel! Not me!"
Stranger: Aziraphale grew more worried and the look of confusion washed over his features. He watched his friend down a few more drinks and planned to step in and stop him from drinking another if he poured hiself another drink. Aziraphale set his glass to the side and stepped closer to Crowley trying to get the other man to foxua. "Crowley, whats the problem? Youre mumbling, dear, and I dont understand whats going on. Did I do something wrong?" He said deflating a bit, worried that he was the one to get Crowley in trouble because of the accusations. "Whats gotten you so worked up?"
You: Crowley hesitated, his frown deepening at the sound of Aziraphale's concerns. Still he seemed to calm when the Angel was near. He lifted a hand giving a lazy wave of dismiss at the question. "No, angel... You didn't do anything." He sighed, deflating a bit. Still he paused, scrubbing a hand down his face. "Its Hell..." He began, peering down at the liquid in his glass and swirling it a bit. "They... Well... They want to give me a promotion." He explained.
Stranger: Aziraphale relaxed a bit at the same time as he saw Crowley calming greatly. He shifted his feet and gave another confused look. He tilted his head a bit, trying tovthink of a way to cheer up Crowley. "Isnt a promotion a good thing? Or does that mean something different in Hell? Still, I congratulate you." He chose his next words carefully. "For being an amazing troublemaker for Hell, you really are quite . . generous." He clasped hia hands together, knowing that was another word for Crowley being a kind person.
You: Crowley, so distraught with his own news either didn't seem to notice the compliment or chose to ignore it. "No... No! You don't get it, angel!" He huffed pushing away from the counter and began pacing in front of the fire place. "I'm already a /Duke/ of Hell." He reminded shaking his head. "How much higher do you think I can go?" He asked, arching his brows as if the answer was obvious. Above a Duke there were only two titles: Prince and King... and in Hell... They were the same Rank and only one being held it currently. Satan himself. What most beings didn't realize is that Satan was the name of the first Devil... Since then he had been dethroned twice usually violently, and replaced by another of the original fallen Angels. As of six months prior the last Prince of Darkness, King of Demons, Ruler of Hell had been dethroned leaving the position... available.
Stranger: He watched his friend move frantically and Aziraphale unconsciously took a step towards himcwanting to calm down, but froze when the realization of what Crowley was saying hit him. He looked away from Crowley, not wanting to show the saddness he was feeling to Crowlwy. Usually when someone is promoted higher then Duke in both Heaven or Hell, they usually stay in Heaven or Hell on occasion and the thought of Crowley going to Hell and staying there forever hit him like he had been stabbed in the heart. "Oh. . . .well, you really are a good Demon, arent you?" He gave a small forced smile. "If you get your promotion, will you have to stay in Hell? Is the weight of controlling all of one side worrying you?" He shiftes his feet, glancing at Crowley. "Do you even want to be Prince?"
You: Crowley shook his head, downing his glass once more and giving a sigh. "Angel... I didn't even want to be a /Demon/." He reminded. "It just sort of... Happened! As for staying in Hell..." He slammed his glass down on the table next to Aziraphale's reading chair before sauntering over to the sofa and collapsing onto it. "I'd be forced to... Maybe even indefinitely. A few centuries to be sure... With a new ruler... everything has to be changed, coups diverted... Demons to behead... /Paperwork/ to be done." He shuddered at the thought.
Stranger: Aziraphale nodded, watching his friend flop onto the couch. "Yes, I know. You are good at your job, but you are not evil." He ealked over to his glass that he had not drunken and miracled the drink back away before he took the glass and put it away. He walked back over to Crowley standing at the edge of thw sofa and chuckled lightly. "Yes, oh how could anything be as bad as /paperwork/? Youll have so muxh to do, youll never have time to do the things you like. Thats why I was happy to be a soldier and not a leader. Earth is home now and I dont want to see you go, Crowley." He said, he face growing a light red as he moved to sit in his chair. He had never convinced to ever missing Crowley.
You: "/You/ don't want to see me go?" Crowley scoffed, throwing his hands up into the air. "/I/ don't want to see me go!" He retorted. "What am I suppose to do in Hell? Torture people! Boring! I give it a year and I'll be ready to bathe in Holy Water just to have something to do!" He scoffed. "Not to mention Beelzabub! He's going to be up my arse the whole time and while I'm usually not opposed to something like that I'll pass thanks!" He scoffed. "But I don't know what to do! I can't refuse, I'll be destroyed!"
Stranger: Aziraphale gave him a sympathetic look, not sure how to help his friwnd. "No I dont. And I can see how Hell can be boring. I wouldnt want ro do any of those duties, niether would I want to do Heavens." His eyes went a little wide at Crowley inappropriate remark, and he blushed. "Crowley! You language sometimes, I swear." Then an idea stuck him. "What if you tried to covince the people and Demons of Hell to choose another peraon? Or you started doing some Heavenly things? Or did something thats against Hell?"
You: Crowley shook his head almost immediately at the suggestions, though he seemed to hesitate a bit at the last. "There is no one else, angel... The Angels that fell with me have all perished... Its just me now... Thats one of the reasons I decided to stay here on Earth. Even if I decided to do something Heavenly it is written in the law of Hell that a Fallen /must/ be the one to sit on the throne. I could gain my sainthood and still be forced to rule." He sighed. "The only way to change that would be to have the current ruler rewrite the laws but there is no current ruler. Which is why the issue is here to begin with!" He huffed in frustration.
Stranger: Aziraphale sighed, out of ideas. He moved his hands to his lap and folded them, fiddling with his fingers. "Then when you are ruler, why dont you just change the rules? Give the spot over to somone else or kepp it but allow yourself to move around freely?" He looked over to Crowley. "Its all so frustrating. We shouldnt have to worry about any of this stuff when we have been stationed onto Earth."
You: "But thats just it, angel... I'm in this situation /because/ of being stationed on Earth." He sighed, sinking down across the cushions. "I wouldn't be in this position if I had been down there. I'd be dead by now. Honestly that sounds like the better deal at the moment." He huffed. "Maybe I'll just return to my transform and hide among your books for the rest of eternity." He suggested, shifting into a small grass snake and curling up on himself as if to emphasis that he was serious.
Stranger: Aziraphale gave another saddened look, realizing Crowley had no way out of it. "Oh please dont think of Death as an option. I dont like that idea." Then he gave a small smile, amused. "My dear, even if Id allow that, and I would, they would come searching for you and once they find out you have been hidding away with your opposition, an /Angel/, trouble is bound to happen." He always thought Crowley as a snake was adorable. He was always so graceful and beautiful as a snake.
You: Snake Crowley gave a small hushed hiss in response, slithering in between the cushions until the only thing left that was visible was his small snout. Aziraphale was probably right though, Crowley could always argue he had 'tempted' an Angel which was more than any of those bastards could manage. Though it still wouldn't stop his promotion. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place and the only thing he wanted to do was curl up and sleep for the next few centuries.
Stranger: Aziraphale smiled at Crowley, watching as he moved into his sofa only leaving his snout to be seen. And as Crowley thought, he probably had "tempted" an Angel. The Angel never wanted to leave Crpwleys side and the friendship that had been grown of the last 6000 years made him happy, even if they were hereditary enemies. "Would you like me to just leave you alone for now? You can stay there. I was actually planning on openning the bookshop again. Its bewn awhile."
You: "HSSSsss." Crowley retorted harshly, obviously not liking the idea. No, he was probably about to get taken away from his only friend... He wanted to spend every second he could with the man. Still, his snout disappeared in the cushions and for a moment the were nudged this way and that as Crowley slithered beneath them. He slid from the sofa, onto the floor and up the back of the Angel's chair before sliding across his shoulder's lazily.
Stranger: Aziraphale agreed with Crowley, not actually wanting to open his shop or leave the other alone. "Youre right. Im not going to, a few weeks ago these parwnts came in and let their kid walk around with his grubby little hands. It was rather bothersome and spoiled my good mood." He watched as Crowley slide under the cushions and then onto the floor, watching him gracefully slither over to his chair and begin to slide along his shoulders. He didnt mind, but it always made him happy to have Crowley so close to him, no matter what form he was in. He did get nervous from time to time, but Aziraphale just focused on Crowley on his shoulder, sadly thinking this might be the last time they talked or did this.
You: Crowley didn't reply. Technically he could speak in this form though his voice usually came out slurred and muffled, but he rare did. He much rather simply listen to the Angel speak. He moved to wrap himself loosely around the man's neck, pressing his face against the pulse of Aziraphale's heart beat. He would never admit this to the Angel but he enjoyed this form most if only to give him an excuse to be pressed against the man. After all, snakes needed heat, generated from a body or otherwise.
Stranger: As Crowley wrapped himself lightly around his neck, Aziraphale thought. Trying to think of a qay to save his friend, but could think of nothing. He gave a sad smile, trying not to move his neck to much to mess with Crowley. Eventually, he whispered, "My dear, I wish you could stay." He didnt like the way he voice cracked a bit and cleared his throat, trying to ignore what he just said. "You can stay here for as long as you want but you can not run. WE can not run. I am glad that
Stranger: You are good enough to be King, but I wish ut disnt come at the price of never coming to Earth again."
You: Crowley was practically a statue as they sat in the silent warmth as each other's company. He allowed his eyes to drift closed as if he were sleeping but listened to the words closely. He gave a small hissing sigh as the words. The sound of Aziraphale's voice cracking broke his heart. "I... am ssssorry... angel." He managed in his soft snake voice, pressing his face closer to the other man's skin. "I will.... missssssss you." He admitted, though he would loathe to. He hated admitting weaknesses, especially feelings.
You: *was loathe
Stranger: Even Crowley was not moving, he knew the other man was not sleeping or not listening. As Crowley spoke, he gave a smile, happy that he was not the only one to miss the other. "No need to be sorry. It is not your fault. I will miss you as well." He stayed silent for a moment, enjoying the feeling of Crowley on his neck. He gave a small chuckle. "I would hug you right now but you not in human form." He moved a hand up and hesitantly move a few fingers on the spine of the snake, not sure if Crowley was okay with ir. He neq it was hard for cRowley to show weakness, but he appreciates it.
Stranger: Even if*
You: On a typical day Crowley might have pulled away with a hiss... Today, however, he didn't even hesitate to press into the touch. He lifted his body to slide it against the softness of Aziraphales fingers almost cat like. He had to pull his head back from where it rested and make his way to the Angel's other shoulder to keep from sliding down his front however, since he currently had no way to catch himself. He did, however wrap his small tail around the man's pinky, almost affectionately; as if they were holding hands.
Stranger: Aziraphale smiled, happy that Crowley was okay with it and curved his pinky a bit so he could hold onto Crowleys tail. "I know you dont like me saying this, but your truly are a nice person. Even if we are not on each others 'sides' ou have helped me a lot. I wish you luck in Hell, He voice became a littlw harsher when he spoke again. "And if you ever, ever, think of killing yourself because hell is boring, promise me you wont do it. Just run up here and say hello because there is a difference between dead and being in Hell and I dont like it. You are welcome here anytime."
Stranger: His voice*
Stranger: (Do you have wattpad or tumblr that we could continue this on?)
You: [I don't I'm afraid. I tend to just use email or specific omegle tags]
Stranger: (Email is fine too)
Stranger: (Im c******************@gmail.com)
You: [Log and reply send :3]
Stranger: (Okay)
Stranger: (Theres a problem sorry. I cant respond right now my phones not letting me log in. We can still continue on here for a bit if you want too)
You: [Thats perfectly fine. No worries ;3]
You: A hissing chuckle escaped the small snake as he ducked behind Aziraphale's head and worked his way atop it, enjoying the feel of the blond locks tickling his stomach as he did so. He knew visiting Earth would be near impossible and yet... "Promisssse." He replied against his better judgment.
Stranger: Aziraphale tilted his head a bit away at first but soon realized what Crowley was trying to do and a small shiver went down his spine as he felt Crowley move through his hair. "Good. You find a way to get back on Earth to visit sometime or Ill come down there myself." He half-joked, not aure if he would risk doing that just to see Crowley.
You: The snake gave a snort... At least as close to one as a snake could get. Either way it was obvious that he didn't believe the Angel. The sentiment wasn't lost, however; he appreciated what Aziraphale was trying to do. The thought was too painful though and he slowly began to remove himself, heading for the floor once more, untangling himself from the other man.
Stranger: He dropped his hand and helped the other glide to the floor, only a bit saddened that they were no longer touching. He smiled a the little snort, "You dont believe me? I will. If I or you really want me too." He gave small chuckle. "You are probably right not to believe me."
You: Crowley was silent as he climbed back onto the sofa and shifted back into his humanoid form, lounging across the cushions. "It's not that I don't think you would go to Hell, angel. Knowing you, you'd causually throw open the doors and chide the guards for not bothering to greet you properly. Give them a good tongue lashing about their manners. No... I believe you would... I'm more worried about you surviving it." He admitted with a shrug, entangling his fingers as he rested his hands behind his head.
Stranger: He faked offense, giving a small gasp. "I would not, I know /some/demons have manners, unlike you dear." He teased, glancing over Crowleys body to prove his point. Crowley was lounging, notnsitting up straight or proper, but lounging. "And I am not always like that." He gave a small smilw berfore letting it drop. "You dont think I would survive Hell? Well, Id have you to help me stay safe." He pointed out
You: Crowley chuckled at that. "Thats not what I meant, angel." He mused lightly. "I know you. If a single Demon even thought about harming you I'd have to destroy them. Which would mean destroying every one that you came in contact with. I've seen how upset you can get seeing any creature harmed, even a Demon." He pointed out, arching a brow as he peered through his dark glasses as if daring the Angel to challenge him. "You'd blame yourself and I can't have you doing that now can I?"
Stranger: Aziraphale frowned. "No. I dont want that. Someone should only be harmed if its the last case scenario. Sure a Demons job is to tempt but if they havent hurt anyone, then they should not be harmed, even if they are quite rude." He gave Crowley a challenging look back. "I suppose I would, so no. And I dont think youd find it very fun to have to destroy a demon." Aziraphale crossed his legs, getting more comfortable.
You: Crowley seemed to take no offense to the jabs the Angel dished out, only gave a tight smile of amusement as he propped his feet up on the arm of the couch. "I wouldn't. Too much paperwork." He admitted, though the paperwork was a bit of a stretch. He just didn't care for killing in general. HE had always found it pointless. He was quite for a moment, smile fading into a small frown. "You know neither of those options are likely possible." He sighed. "Once I'm promoted... Theres no escaping it.... I'll be stuck down there...."
Stranger: Aziraphale made a small face as Crowley propped his feet up on the edge of the couch, but ignored it so hee could focus on what Crowley was saying. He held back an eyerole and smiled, but frowned a bit as Crowley continued. "And I have stay up here. We are both stuck apart and might never see each other again." The thought of that hurt Azitaphale and so he stood up, moving to a stack of books not so far from the couch and his chair so he could straightencthem. Giving him something to do.
You: Crowley was thankful, not for the first time, that his shades were dark enough to hide the pain in his gaze. He watched Aziraphale stand and busy himself before he pushed to his feet as well, moving back to the liquor cabinet to pour him another drink. "I can't argue with the truth." He mumbled to himself. "Though... Its not the way I saw this happening... Six thousand years and we're sepperated by something as simple as a promotion." He huffed with a shake of his head before tossing back his drink.
Stranger: Aziraphale moved to another pile, straightening it as well as he glance over to Crowley to watch him pour himself a drink. "No. No one can. We just try and hide from it though but that never works." He gabe a fond smile thinking of all their talks, even the arguments. "I never thought we were going to be separated, if we are being honest here. Stand by each others sides at the beginning, die or live by each others sides at the end." He gave the other man a smile.
You: Crowley laughed at that. "What, like an old married couple?" He teased lightly. "No, Heaven and Hell would have discovered our arrangement soon or later and put an end to it... At least... Thats what I had expected." He sighed. "Though..." He began softly, voice barely hiding a wave of emotion. "That does sound rather... nice." He admitted.
Stranger: Aziraphale chuckled, he guessed it did sound like a plot from one of the many romance novels that he has read. "Well, I suppose, even if thats sounds silly." He shoke his head remembering the time a human had told him that he was better off without him, like they had just broken up. "I have only run into a few that think we are datinf or married, but that was not what I was meaning in a way but it makes sense." He shook hus head. "Thats also why I said die by each others sides. I would assume that someone would figure us out and Im sure we would be just punished, my dear." He froze a bit as he was straightening some more books and looked up at Crowley when he heard the emotion. " Yes. It would be. Very much."
Stranger: Wouldnt be*
You: Crowley studied the Angel's features, trying to gauge his reaction. The man was so expressive as it was it should all be written on his face and yet Crowley always had to focus to read him. Perhaps it was simply because he had grown so acustom to it. "I mean... I of course, wouldn't be opposed to spending the rest of my existence with you." He shrugged as if it were nothing to talk about. Just a mere fact, as if he were stating the weather.
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jul-bilant · 5 years
prince seungcheol
he was always the buzz around the whole kingdom *i mean y wouldnt he?? have you sEEN the guy????*
he’s always going around town, supervising incase any dumbass decided to sell drugs around the block or smth
(he once caught one and he didnt kno seungcheol was the prince and offered him marijuana and got arrested bc of tht and bc seungcheol got offended lmao)
and whenever he passes by, theres always gonna be some thirstyass girls staring at him like
or like
*runs up to him* “cAN I BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND??”
and tbh seungcheol just deadass rejects her but like,,, politely bc pRINCE MANNERS
and thats why he has two bodyguards with him at all times outside the palace now
anyways;;; prince seungcheol’s rlly rlly rLLY polite and well-mannered
he’s also a smart boi like
8 yr old seungcheol can solve 10th grade algebra, write a whole 10+ paged essay abt cytology and find the cure for cancer
kidding lol *nOT*
but srsly, this boi is smarter than yo algebra teachers like bi h
and he’s also sort of leader-like, so people already know he’ll be a great king one day
but he also has a kind heart and cares for everyone he loves and the whole kingdom
a 5 yr old girl once tripped over a rock infront of him and he took her to a bench, bought a bandage and aided her scraped knee ;-;
you can tell im soft for seungcheol hhhh
anyways, he’s been stressing out for a while because his coronation as king is nearing and it’s in a few months since his father died a year ago
and he needs to find a suitable partner
thats where you come in
you’re a maid in the palace
the maids have a thing where they check on seungcheol every two or three hours to see if he’s hungry, needs smth, or anything like tht
and this time, you were assigned to check on him
tbh you’ve never been assigned because it’s always the head maid that checks on him or that one maid thats always been the head maid’s fave
but not today
it was 10 pm and you went to see if seungcheol needed anything so you go to his study room
but before you knock, you hear something from inside his study room
it sounds like crying
and you know for a fact that thats seungcheol’s voice thats crying
you were at a loss of what to do, so it took you a while to do anything, but you decided to go down and tell the chefs that he was hungry just so you could bring him his favourite food to cheer him up
when you went back to the study room, you knocked
but he didn’t answer
it was quiet now, no more sobbing
so you opened the door
and saw seungcheol with his head down on the desk
you quietly wheeled the food towards his study table and put the tray on the other desk near the couch
you carefully approached seungcheol out of curiosity
his cheeks were stained with dried tears, but other than that, he still looked as handsome as ever
you grew concerned and took of the blankets from the bigass closet near the prince’s room and draped it over him
i mean, you were already there so why not lol
the next morning, seungcheol awoke to the smell food and a blanket around him
he grew confused but shrugged it off, he expected one of the maids to do these things
but he smiled knowing someone cares
meanwhile, the head maid came up to you and told you that you’ll be the maid who’ll regularly check up on seungcheol from now on since she was, quote-on-quote, “busy”, and her favourite maid had to retire for god knows what
you didn’t know why but you felt a sense of happiness and anxiety at the same time
so in the afternoon, you go to check on seungcheol as he’s in the study room, sorting out papers
when you enter the room after knocking, seungcheol kinda stares at you
not in the bad, offending way, nah m8
but like
‘holy shit this woman looks better than a grilled cheese sandwich’
which roughly translates to “prince seungcheol is making googly-eyes at maid y/n” ty v much
and he blushed a bit but hid it well when you approached him
“good afternoon, prince seungcheol.. i am maid y/n, i’ll be the new maid who’ll check on you from time to time from now on..” you inform him
he smiles
s m i l  e s
“thank you for informing me, miss y/n,” he replied
“may i ask you a small favor?”
you were like
‘w8 boi whut-’
but you just replied with an “ok”
“please tell the maid who draped a blanket over me and brought me food last night 'thank you’, and tell her it’s from me.” he smiled
you contemplated on telling him whether or not it was you,
which would be odd for other people, since they would of cOURSE take the chance and say that they did
but you had a sense of not taking credibility in most cases bc you like being humble and shiet so you nod and telling him you’ll inform her
“thank you, it means a lot to me..” seungcheol smiles
a few months after, you hear his royal adviser, which no one rlly likes tbh (tht includes seungcheol), scolding him because he has yet to find a partner
so you go check on him in his bedroom after knocking, and he let you in
you two had, undoubtedly, grown close
which is weird bc he doesnt really make friends w/ workers in the palace, much less be best friends with them
but thats what happened
he basically tells you everything from his dreams, to when his father passed, to how his cat scratched the curtain of the theatre room and etc.
so naturally, you started liking him
but of course, why’d the prince like a maid like you????
yall were just best friends
(like any other ff pfft)
you sat down on his bed, a concerned look on your face as he was on the verge of tears
“whats wrong?” you asked, even if you already knew what dampened his mood
“Mr. Song is pressuring me into getting married again, but this time he told me other things..”
you watch as a tear or two falls from his eyes
its really painful to watch him cry
“its okay… you dont have to tell me if you dont want to..” you reassured seungcheol but he just shakes his head
“no.. i think you deserve to know”
and he told you about how his adviser called him a worthless prince for not being able to even court a girl, telling him that if he was this indecisive, the kingdom would fall, and other hurtful things like that
at this point, he was crying the whole waterfall somewhere in the deep woods near the kingdom
“cheol.. i’m sorry you had to endure that…”
without thinking, you gently pulled him into your arms, pulling him into a warm hug
both of you were surprised, but didn’t waver away from the hug
for a second you thought 'omf why the fu c  k did i do that’
but you just shook the thought away, telling yourself that your best friend is in emotional pain and you did that for moral support
(which wasnt the only reason but you wanted to deny the others hhh)
but seungcheol on the other hand was lo si  n g his shit
on the inside, of course
he’s like 'omg omg omg she’s hugging me mOM-’
but thats where it dawned on him
he likes you
the next day, you knocked on the door of his study room
but it was silent, just like that one night when he cried himself to sleep
so you opened the door,
but he wasnt there
you panicked a little, thinking about where on palace grounds he couldve gone to
so you checked his bedroom, the kitchen, the theatre room, the throne room, the royal gardens, everywhere
but aside from finding his cat scratching the theatre room curtains, they were all empty
you asked the head maid where he was and she answered you with a shocked expression before replying
“you mean to tell me you didn’t know he was in the neighboring kingdom, meeting up with his arranged fiancee?”
arranged or not, it still hurt to know that he was with the woman who he was going to marry
and that was not you
the head maid gave you the day off, since seungcheol wasnt here for the day
you dressed casually, a white, plain, sleeveless dress that goes to your knees, instead of the regular, convervative, longsleeved maid uniform you were obliged to wear when you had work
you took a walk around the palace grounds, eventaully stopping when you reach the rooftop balcony
the moon was already making an appearance, the night ready to take over the sky
you stay there for the time being, finding the night sky, stars and a few blobs of clouds enticing to the human eye
moments later, you find yourself holding back tears
you let out a few stray tears drip down your cheeks as you sniff, not bothering to wipe them away
you were surprised when a blanket was wrapped around you, and a familiar pair of arms pulling into a hug
“its cold, you shouldn’t be out here at this ti- ….why are you crying?” you heard him voice out the last part in a soft whisper, contrasting his normal tone of speech like how he talked a few moments ago
“n-nothing… its dumb..” you tell him, dismissively
but he wasnt having it
“come on, i’ll listen to you.. tell me whats bothering you to the point where you’re crying..” seungcheol wiped a few of your tears away
“i’ll be fine, cheol.. and.. aren’t you supposed to be in the neighboring kingdom until tomorrow?..” you asked
“yes.. but there was no reason to stay if i rejected the marriage.”
w h a  t
“you- what?!” you turned to him, dumbfounded
he chuckled
“yeah, i rejected the marriage. i have my eyes on another girl..” he confessed, not breaking the eye contact you both shared
“…quite literally..” he grinned
“she was there for me through everything, comforted me at the toughest of times, and brought me food and a blanket when i fell asleep at my study room..”
so he knew
you blushed, knowing exactly what he meant
he approached you slowly, and once he had you in his field of reach, he cupped your face and pulled you closer to him
“would you…” he paused
“…marry me?”
you smiled a gentle, assuring smile
“..of course.”
and in a fit of smiles and small laughs, seungcheol kissed you
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir!svt // lee seokmin
♥ fluffy and angst if you look at it under a microscope
♥ 1.5k words
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the one word everyone associates with lee dokyeom: sunshine
this boy radiates like the actual fking sun and his smile oh gOd even the emos who wallow in the darkness cant surpress their happiness when they see him
he just has that amazing friendly aura that makes people's day happier
it's mainly because his family runs a high-tech farm where they cultivate fresh and high-quality produce
one of their important devices was a speaker
because hOo boi who knew strawberries liked to listen to Troublemaker iconic
and who ever visits their farm during a school trip or for picking fruits, may or may not have the chance to listen to the Prince sing to the blueberries
and its just the most wholesome sight ever
even though theres like weird equipment whirring and pumping in filtered water or something
you'll see this shining handsome boy, singing his favourite ballad while he checked on the equipment
and sometimes when it does a sudden weird noise, it shocks him so much that he does a typical slapstick comedy and slips onto his butt
but he brushes it off with a smile and little cute dance when he gets up
anD he is just. so. adorable
so everyone literally fawns over him everytime he passes by with that radiating smile
and the girls just swoon even more whil his hyungs want to make sure no o n e messes with him or they'll have to face them
since his family produces such top-notch quality fruits and vegetablez
they naturally get sponsored or help their fellow chefs and friends
and one of them is your father!!
your father runs this one michelin star restaurant by the sea and serves mostly seafood
but their dessert is as good as their secret special home-brewed eel soup i just made that up idk i want sushi
which your mother is in charge of!!
and their both friends of seokmin's parents so naturally, the both of you know each other
sometimes a little too much
"lee seokMIN stop telling the raspberries that i fell in front of the entire school or I'll tell them about how you fell into the toilet"
yeah so the both of you are really close friends but its not surprising since seokmin is like a friend to everyone
and everyone knows that you're a part of seokmin's protection squad which jeonghan leads
"make sure everyone claps for him at the farm when he's done singing, got it?"
"aYe aYe cAptAin,"
so naturally you're always there for him
walking to class, walking back home together and eating lunch with him and your mutual friends
its not only because you're there to protect him but he's just such an amazing and nice guy to have around and his voice is like warm milk on a sleepless night and also because he looks amazing with that smile-
ok maybe you dont just see him as a friend,,, and probably mayhaps more
but who could blame you when an actual embodiment of rainbows and everything good in this world is your best friend
im very weak for this baby can you tell
everytime he saves your ass from embarrassing yourself bY embarrassing himself
or when he makes sure you've eaten all your three meals everyday and stays hydrated
yea he's a bit of a nagging mother but you reciprocate the care in return by ensuring that he's doing so well in choir and that everyone loves him for trying his very best in the extra curricular
like you even have to force him to spill your feelings towards you
because you KNOW this guy tenfs to surpress and bottle up his feelings and that is not healthy at all
talk to your friend/family if you're bottling it up too ❤
and seokmin makes sure he treats you with fresh berries from his garden whenever you come over
and you guys sometimes talk about everything and anything under the stars while snacking on those fruits and snacks your parents prepared for you and him when you drop by
and its all so pure and warm and being next to seokmin always has this welcoming aura that you never really sense with anyone else
not even when you have those crushes in your first few years of high school
and that was when you realize that you saw him more than just a best friend
on the other hand, seokmin has always admired you for your personality and how you're so caring to nearly everyone and especially him
oh my how his heart races whenever you look at him with those worried look in your eyes
or the way your voice turns so soft and calming to his ears when he's feeling down
wow look at this its the pining pals sorry for ending soft hours it will come back shortly
the both of you were walking to school, the usual routine:
you guys are sipping on your favourite drink, talking about the recent school rumors
and everything's normal,,, like nothing has changed
but it feels different some how
did your feelings for him grow too much?? did you no longer see him as your best friend?? or did you want to be more than just friends?
and you notice that seokmin doesnt have his arm around you like always
his absence of not clinging around you in the autumn breeze made it more chilling
and,, you just want him to hug you, even if it was a half-hearted side hug
but did your feelings get the best of you? does he know that you have feelings for him and is that one of the reasons for him being distant??
you werent ultimately sure but your last thought keeps lingering in your mind, taking attention away from the fact that you and seokmin had reached your class
"i guess we'll see each other at lunch! take care and focus in class alright?" he chuckled, ruffling your hair a little before jogging through the halls
what made his heart race wasnt his quick steps but the way you had looked towards him so innocently, that adorable look on your face being hard to wipe away from his mind
he had tried his best to keep a space between you, hoping that maybe the space would give him some time to think
but it was no use, his crush on you only grew
and he only thought about you for the rest of his classes
"yn, seokmin needed to clarify some things with his teacher so he'll be a little late to lunch. he asked me to forward the message, take care alright?" jeonghan smiles sweetly before he waves you goodbye to sit with joshua and seongcheol
was this another way for him to get rid of you in some way? no you shouldnt get ahead of yourself,, he's only being a hardworking student,, right?
ten minutes pass and seokmin rushes to your table with an apologetic look
"im so sorry yn, i wont be able to stay for lunch because i need to help some of the juniors from choir to find their costumes. but i brought some of the fruits from the farm for you to enjoy!! eat up okay? see you after school!"
and thats all you heard from him for the rest of the day
and once school had ended, he had given another hurried excuse that he had to attend a group project meeting and asked you to meet him at his farm instead
the both of you did hang our there quite often, but you werent sure if seokmin would even show up at this rate
but the little pinch of hope you had left made you walk straight to his farm
maybe,,, just maybe,, you were just overreacting
you sat by the bench outside the strawberry tent, nibbling on a bowl of berries his mother had given you for snacks
a few minutes pass and a figure comes running towards you
disheveled in his school uniform and,,, a bouquet?? in his hands??
seokmin huffs, stopping right in front of you while he clutched the bouquet to his chest gently
"i needed to stop by your parent's restaurant for a while,,, for this,"
and he shows you a bouquet of a variety of fruits, cut and scalped into flowers like an actual bouquet
and when your eyes trail back to his, and despite the panting and running he had done the second before,
he looked far more radiating than before
his eyes sparkled and his lips wouldnt budge from the wide grin it had plastered on his face
and it was all because he was looking at you
"i needed to make sure that your dad didn't mind me dating his child," he chuckled, taking your hand in his with so much care that it made you seem fragile
"so will you go out with me yn? your dad says its a-okay and that-"
you cut him off with a peck on his lips, eliciting unstoppable giggles from your lips as you hugged him tight
"you should have just given me the fruits as it is but you just had to go the extra mile,"
"anything for you, yn,"
a/n: i dont know why this took me so long to finish like i waited a whole week just to finish the ending in 10 minutes :| im an idiot but i hope you guys have a nice day/night ♥
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m-i-y-o-k-i · 6 years
listen, host/bim would be perfect for a cinderella au because then host could be prince charming and now there's an actual reason that he wouldn't remember bim-derella's face. wilford could be his fairy godfather, and dark could be the stepmother bc he's an Asshole, and then just fit the other egos in as the stagecoaches and stuff :D
THIS IS,,,,REALLY CUTE (ALSO THIS IS REALLY ROUGH BC LOWKEY I FORGOT HOW CINDERELLA WENT)the host is the most charming, most handsome, and most caring prince in all the land. son to the powerful and righteous king mark. giving as much love and kindness to the kingdom as he can, be they peasant or rich as he. never turning away from a citizen of what will soon be his kingdom someday. bim is just as charming, as beautiful, and as caring as the prince. son to the kingdom's local seer, whom sadly passed on. leaving bim in the hands of his evil stepfather with a name to match his heart; dark and his twin sons, jim and jimmy. each day, bim is awoken by the harsh ringing of the grandfather clock. spending his days on his knees, scrubbing away at dark's lavish manor. spending his days being bossed to dress and perfect the two twins. spending his days being treated like the dirt under their shoes for simply existing. and each day, bim cries. looking up to the shooting stars above in the night sky. his room dark and cold, yet still dreaming for a way out. dreaming for a true love. but never saying his wish aloud, it's just like how his mom said before she died, "have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through."the host stands out on the balcony of his castle every night. the fireplace in his room keeping it lit and warm. clad in his silk pajamas as he sighs. his father had just left his quarters; begging him to give this last ball one last chance to find someone worthy of being the princess or prince of the kingdom and someday -- queen or king. yet, he doesnt care for the status. he doesnt care for the title, nor the kingdom. all he dreams of is true love.the next morning, bim is rudely awoken by dark, slamming his door open, the small room shaking, "get up, you waste of space! not a moment to lose!!""wha--?! d-dark--""shut it!!" jim shouts behind dark, throwing his obnoxious blue suit his way, jimmy shoving his black suit towards him, "yeah!!""tonights the last courting ball for King Mark's son," dark sneers, "a servant boy like you wouldn't understand." "but, i do--""shut up," dark stops him, "you're going to scrub my sons' suits clean, prepare their hair, freshen them up, and have the manor clean by 5 tonight. got it?"bim's close to tears. how...how can anyone manage that?! how can he deal with this harsh treatment much longer?! what...what was the point of even trying to go..."now, stop looking so down," dark whacks bim with his cane. the twins laughing loudly at his pained hissing. the smirk never leaving dark's face, "you're going to ruin my sons' morning if you keep moping. why, you have a great life here, bim. right?""of course, govern dark." bim bows, his voice as broken as his heart, "i'll get started right away..."///the twins leave after dark commands bim to his room for the night. laughing as dark teaches his sons the proper way to court and impress a man. "just dont be anything like /bim/." dark sneers loud enough for the other to hear, "a lonely poor servant boy. that and nothing more.""yeah," jimmy agrees, "not some poor classless servant!!""a nobody, seen and not heard, right father?" jim asks as the coach takes them to the ball.leaving bim to sob in his room. the cold never bothering him until now. the dark never bothering him until now. the rags he wore to scrub the manor down never bothering him until now. sobbing in the dark as the house settles. shivering in his bed.why did all his dreams die?why did his heart ache every moment he was alive?a burst of light goes unnoticed by wilford. the pink and white hue fading gently to form a man. a peculiar man."why did mama lie to me...?""shh," the mysterious voice breaks the silence, hugging bim close, "she didn't. why, if you didn't have a bit of hope for your dreams in you, i wouldnt be here." "wha?!" bim scurries back. the man, clad in a pink suit, a white cloak hung around his shoulders, rich black hair framing his face. a pink mustache upon his lip as he waves a white wand."its okay!! i'm -- i'm here to help!! without a moment to lose. miracles take time too, ya know.""wha, who...who are you? miracles--?" bim stops, remembering the old legends his mother told him as he grew up, "are you my...fairy godfather?" "here in the flesh!!" he twinkles his wand, "just me and you, little one. now...lets get you ready for that ball!! my magic can only help so much, ya know. not a moment to lose!!"///everyone eyes the young newcomer to the dancefloor. the king walking his son over as soon as he laid eyes on him. the crowd in awe of his beauty, in awe of his mere appearance, in awe of this...mystery person. holding their breath as the soft clicking of his glass slippers nearly silences the band.a dazzling pale blue ballgown trailing behind him, his black hair messed about in the most perfect way with a white headband. his soft brown eyes smiling as he bows to the king and his son.practically falling in love at first sight as he takes in the host's appearance. tall, handsome, bandages hiding his eyes away. clad in his very best proper uniform for the night. blushing away as his father hands him off. "please, talk as long as you like." the king smiles.he has a good feeling about this one.as he sees the pair dancing away, swaying to the music. dazzling the crowd, his son smiling and laughing at whatever this mystery person says, he knew his gut feeling was right. practically a match made in heaven(at least he's already a hell of a lot better than that pair of twins)
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donghyxns · 7 years
Royalty! AU | kim donghyun (2)
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character: kim donghyun
genre: fluff
bullet scenario
i love donghyun ok + this is extremelyyyyyyy long
“you want me to work for you???”
he looks at you dumbfounded
“yes? if you want your brother to get better, you have to work with me”
he looked at you as if you were trash
you sigh
you knew it was going to be hell
but your little brother was everything to you and he needed to get better
“okay, i will work for you”
he claps his hands “i will send seongwoo to your house to gather all of your belongings”
“I start now??” 
“of course, now go get me a bottle of water”
you look at him like ‘bitch tf i just got here idk where the fricken kitchen it’
he sighs at your expression before standing up
“come on i will show you around the castle”
when he said casTLE HE WASNT KIDDING
u walked at lEAST 2 miles 
at the end of the tour, donghyun turns towards you
he had a smile on his face
it lowkey confused you??
like wasnt he evil or something wtf????
he leans down to eye level, “good night, sleep well because im going to put you through hell tomorrow”
the next morning comes too soon
you are given a schedule of where you are supposed to go by the other maids
at 4:30 AM, you have to go to donghyun’s room to wake him up
why cant he just get an alarm clock?
his room was huge
but then again what in this castle wasnt huge?
even as a servant, your room was huge
you walk over to his gold and silver bed
your heart is beating fast for some reason????
okay then
you shake him slightly
“prince donghyun, it is time to get up.”
you hear a groan before you are pULLED INTO HIS BED
you are lowkey freaking out
but at the same time
you want to stay
it was so so so warm
and he smelled good
what the fuck dude
after laying in his arms for like 45 seconds and lowkey enjoying it
you get out of his grasp and pull the covers off of his body
he was only wearing boxers hECK
“donghyun!!!! wake up!!!!!” you yell into his ear
you slap his bare chest a good 5 times
you walk over to the large windows and pull open the blinds
you turn your body to see if he was awake
he was standing behind you
like literally 2 inches away
looking down at you with sinful eyes
“prince donghyun?” you mutter out
he licks his lips before biting his bottom one, “dont call me prince, sweetheart, call me dadd-”
you pushed him away
“breakfast is in 25 minutes, you need to get ready”
“whats the rush baby girl?” he laughs
you literally run out of there
what the heCK kind of prince is he
for the rest of the day you dont really see him
you are busy with washing dishes
mopping the floors
cleaning windows
basically boring shit
when it is 9 PM, you retreat back to your room
he said that today was going to be bad
but honestly it wasnt that terrible
a little boring but thats all
before you can get into your bed and finally go to sleep you hear a soft knock on your door
you give a slight groan before walking back to the door, pulling it open
“yes, donghyun?” 
he rubs the back of his neck before giving you a package, “here is the medicine for your brother. it should cover like 2 months or something.”
ur shOOK
u didnt think he would give the medicine to you so fast
“oh, thank you!” 
he smiles, “i also put a big heater in your house again so he wouldnt get sick again”
you feel tears welling up in your eyes???
this was so kind??
donghyun’s face shows immense worry when you start to cry
“_________? what’s wrong?”
he hugs your head to his chest in a comforting way
you could hear his heart beating extremely fast
“this is just so nice, thank you donghyun”
he pulls you away and looks you in the eye
he leans down and kisses your cheek softly before pulling away
honestly, same tho
he literally bounces so fast out of there
once he pulls away from the cheek kiss he gives an awkward ass smile and RUNS down the hallway
what a bby
you thought that the next day would be kinda cute
since you know
but no
you went to wake him up
he woke up almost immediately and then told you to get out harshly
ngl it kinda hurt you
today was the day you were scheduled to be with him
you were serving his breakfast, lunch, and dinner
all three meals he thanked every servant except you
you were there beside him during archery practice
he said nothing but, “servant, get me water!”
you were pissed, confused, and hurt all at once
the final straw happened when you were getting him ready for bed
he looked at you with sharp eyes and said, “why are you just standing there? do something, you useless servant!”
you literally didnt think through the situation at all
you threw your water bottle that was in your hands at him
“why are you being like this all of a sudden?!” you scream
his face is dark
“just last night you kissed me and were being a decent human being! what is wrong with yo-”
“I don’t want to lose you, okay?!” he yells back
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makkeuga · 7 years
markhyuck prince/servant au
mark as a prince and hyuck as his servant and..... this is like headcanons i guess 
this is way too long jesus christ good luck 2 reading </33
- ok so mark would be the most admirable prince ever because he is so hard working and modest and kind and all the girls swoon over him tbh
- hyuck is his like... personal servant kinda?? who always wakes him up and makes him his bed and all so he isn't like too low in the hierarchy  
- mark's family didnt want a maid to do that stuff for him bc they dont want their perfect son to feel lust over any girl
- but as we all know, mark isnt really even interested in girls but we will get to that later
- okay so hyuck and mark are very close since hyuck was born to the castle too since his mom was a servant like him and they grew up together
- they are lowkey highkey best friends but !! they have to keep it low because its not suitable for a good boy like mark to hang out with people like donghyuck.
- mark always tells donghyuck his worries and opens up to him before going to bed and he would sit on the edge of his huge bed in his nightgown talking to him and donghyuck would pretend to do some last minute chores so he doesnt have to go just yet
- but of course he always has to go because mark is a prince and donghyuck is just a servant
- all the other boys bore mark so much. he has to attend these fancy ass dinners and all because well, duties, and the other children are just as dull as middle aged men or either too rebellious and talking down to others. mark isnt good at making friends in general even though his parents always tell him to so he tries
- and yet he is always thinking about donghyuck and comparing him to the other boys. donghyuck is always better, always more funnier and more understanding
- so when he gets back to his room donghyuck is waiting for him and mark is on the verge of tears (of frustration) and he almost tears off the fancy clothing he is wearing because its tough to be the perfect prince
- donghyuck would just sigh and take marks hand and rub his thumb over his knuckles and shake his head
- "they are all so horrible, i wish i could take you to those dinners instead"
- "i wouldn't be suitable for that anyway, you have to find a girl to marry who you will take as your companion"
- mark would just go all quiet and shrug his shoulders because mark wants no girl. he is quite convinced donghyuck is all he needs (and his parents, he loves them, really)
- he would also miss the sad look in donghyuck's eyes
- because all the girls swoon over mark but donghyuck is the one who really knows him and who really loves and admires him. not the perfect image but the real mark who gets his palms dirty when he falls off a horse and who whines like a child when he has to get up in the morning
- ok but in the mornings after hyuck has gotten up and ready, he goes to wake mark up. he sneaks carefully into his room and shuts the door and then is when he marches determinedly to the windows and opens the curtains to let the morning rays of sun in
- "good morning sunshine!" he'd yell to mark who would just turn on his side under the heavy blanket and well, whine and groan
- "it's time to rise and shine!" hyuck singsongs the same cliches every morning so it doesnt affect mark anymore so he just closes his eyes
- donghyuck walks to his bed and starts pulling the blanket off but mark just grabs (sleepily!!) donghyuck by his arm and tugs him into the bed next to him and just wraps his arms around the younger boy
- because sleepy mark is also very cuddly mark. its the same thing every morning and it makes donghyuck lose his marbles bc... no.... u cant do that.. ily my bro... thats whats he is thinking
- mark keeps his eyes shut but when he opens them donghyuck's face is so close and the sunshine coming thru the window is reflecting on his eyes and he just looks super beautiful like that and mark is kind of starstruck
- he gets the butterflies and all but he refuses to think about it so he just smiles and laughs with his voice kinda deep because its the morning. mark doesnt understand why donghyuck looks so flustered
- hyuck hits his head with his palm and sighs very loudly
- "you have to get washed up" and drags him up
- donghyuck has known for a very long time that he doesnt like mark only as a friend. he isnt even exactly sure when it escalated to that point bc mark just has always kind of been there and hyuck has seen him grow and mess up and all
- he is /super/ possessive of mark tbh but he never tells the older boy it. like in the whatever space where the servants and maids and all live he can hear the servant girls giggling about how handsome and perfect mark is and how they are jealous of the princess who gets to marry him and donghyuck goes all >:[
- so hyuck would just say something snappy or mean that mark wouldnt like girls like them bc !! he is so jealous !!! bc donghyuck isnt a girl and he is still just a servant after all and it makes him so mad
- donghyuck has some issues with anger management too like nothing super hardcore but anger makes him wanna break bricks
- so he just walks out and tries to find mark
- and like when he is walking somewhere with mark and he sees the girls hyuck just steps closer to mark and glares at them because the older boy is his
- even though he knows he isnt and it wont last but he wants to pretend!
- mark on the other hand had a long, long (ass) ride with realizing what he felt towards hyuck... like where hyuck realized it in their preteens mark only realized it just now as in like... age of 16
- its like... he never really felt attraction to girls anyways or it was always like "i guess they are pretty but thats it" where about donghyuck he was like "my beautiful intelligent funny understanding warm best friend" but it was always like !! best friend !! boys dont like boys !!
- like. highkey in denial
- but it was also bc he was quite young and all so he thought that he will have crushes on girls when he grows up. but he never does and at first he is kind of confused and scared bc everyone is talking abt he will feel strange things towards girls but he never does
- at some point he just puts the two together like... the feelings you should feel towards girls and what he feels towards donghyuck
- again it scares him bc mark is stuck to the stuff he has been taught to!!!
- but after a while he is like.. hyuck is my best friend and i dont wanna lose him bc of this.... so its okay.... and just accepts it (its tough but!!! he manages)
- he doesnt tell hyuck tho
- they both are highkey oblivious but the way they act is so boyfriend-ish anyways so they rlly wouldnt need a lot of chance
- sometimes when the duties and the life in castle gets too much mark asks hyuck to sneak him out
- when he did it for the first time hyuck was hesitant and kind of angry like "??? dont u realize i could get killed for doing this?????" but tbh hyuck is so whipped and cant say no to mark
- and now it happens more often
- mark loves the rush and excitement and seeing the normal life around the town and hyuck just loves to please mark (thats a lie, its not about pleasing but making him happy)
- mark wears a cloak with a hood and keeps his gaze down and narrows his shoulders to appear smaller. he holds donghyucks hand while they r walking on the cobblestone ground bc... he doesnt even have a reason he just wants to hold his hand
- donghyuck doesnt question it bc he doesnt want mark to stop either
- they always have a blast in the town and mark feels normal and ordinary which he likes
- but this time when they r drinking hot chocolate in a narrow street, sitting on a porch, mark doesnt let go of hyucks hand. he just keeps his fingers linked with his while looking away bc he is kinda embarrassed
- they finish their drinks in silence and mark is lowkey sad bc its getting late and they have to go soon but he isnt just ready to let the moment pass so he leans his head on hyuck's shoulder and goes like
- "i dont want this to end. i wanna be normal. with u" and hyuck feels so so so sad
- but they return to the castle, like always
- ok but its mark who confesses bc... he knows he has the upper hand if things would go wrong (which he doesnt wanna talk about)
- its after a fencing practice and mark is all sweaty and gross and covered in mud and mark is gonna take a bath and obviously hyuck is in the bathroom to help him
- but mark is still kind of high on adrenaline while being very exhausted so its a strange state of mind he is in and thats what leads to him just blurting it out (also that how pretty donghyuck looks with a little bit dirt on his cheekbone and messy hair)
- so mark just blurts it out like vomiting "donghyuckilikeyousomuchlikeishouldlikegirlsbutilikeyou"
- and donghyuck is like....excuse me
- like he heard it but ??!!!???!?!?!? his brain is yelling and screaming and he is like what
- mark is coming down to it too and almost taking it back but hyuck is raises his finger saying that shut up, let me think, so mark just stands there lowkey panicking
- "you like me?"
- "im sor---"
- "you, the prince, mark lee, like me?"
- "i didn't----"
- "shut the fuck up"
- and donghyuck just walks to him and kisses him but its not like boom lips on lips action but very careful and gentle and very very clumsy bc neither of them know what they r doing
- but yay! they both realize they love each other!
- also they know it wont be easy but........ they both agree that its worth a try
- and mark gets more of his morning snuggles
and im ending this here its almost 3am adios this was a ride i maybe will continue this someday who knows
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