#you don't need to alphabetise these
fishthegenderwitch · 9 months
Every week I come into the one work location and there's just... DVDs all out in front of the other ones, blocking the titles so you can only see the ones in front, stacked on their backs, instead of the ones lined up deeper in (see Dia. 1)
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So every Wed and Thu, I pick up the ones in front, and stick them on top of those ones, so you can see Every Single Title (see Dia. 2)
Today I had just finished doing this when my coworker came out to relieve my shift so I could go home, and I had noticed some of them were sort-of alphabetised. We don't do this at the bigger store because Customers (also we have hundreds of them on racks, not a single bookcase like this location, and we'd need a dedicated employee to do that and watch customers like a hawk to keep them tidy. There would be fisticuffs). They'll put shit back wherever they feel like it, and trying to keep it organised is an exercise in frustrated futile energy expenditure.
I ask coworker, "are you.... alphabetising these?" to which he replies, "YES! I do it every week and somebody keeps messing it up, so I have to do it again!"
I just blinked, and was like, "Yea we don't do that at the other store, because there's customers who don't give any fux about where they stick stuff back in. This seems a great way to make yourself crazy."
He just looked at me like I was the crazy one
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
"Can You Buy Me Supplies?"
Masterlist Here
Crack Dialogue
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Summary: How the OP characters react to you asking them to purchase you sanitary items for your menstruation period. One sentence dialogue.
Robin, Franky, Chopper, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Kid, Killer, Law, Mihawk, Crocodile, Buggy, Shanks, Beckman, Doflamingo, Corazon.
Notes: this goes out to my afab!readers who experience menstruation. Little HC on how I think they'd react to your request. Enjoy!
Apprehensive Tag List: @sordidmusings @feral-artistry @i-am-vita @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @mfreedomstuff @carrotsunshine @vespidphoenix
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Reaching for your Den-Den Mushi shell, you punch the buttons on the back of the receiver to relay your request.
You: "Hey, would you mind if you could get some things for me while you're out? I've just started my period, and I'm out of supplies."
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Robin: "Already did, love. I'll also purchase some comfort foods for Sanji to cook for you to get you through it. We'll be back soon!"
Franky: "Super! Absolutely, I can! Did you want anything else while I'm out?"
Chopper: "Sure! I'm also getting flavoured pain relief for you, sugar makes it go down easier. And a bubble boba-tea. You want milky or fruity?"
Zoro: "Didn't you get your period last month? Didn't we get enough of the stuff last time?"
Sanji: "I have prepared soup, a heated blanket, a special sitting space to read by yourself, and I'll pick you up whatever you need. Let me take care of you, my sweet."
Luffy: "Supplies for a period? Like meat? Like a meat period? A period where we're only eating meat?"
Nami: "Hey, we're in sync! I am keen on a night in. Wanna share snacks, books and be in our pajamas for the rest of the day when we get back?"
Usopp: "I think I can do that? It's not intimidating, and I'm not scared at all. But just in case you think I am, would you mind telling me exactly what you need so I don't get it wrong?"
Brook: "Yoo ho ho ho hoo. Absolutely I will."
Eustass Kid: "What size pussy ya got?"
Killer: "Do you want one of each of the sizes? Is there a preference to what type you want? Gotta help me out a bit, here."
Law: "Did you check my office steel cupboard? I've got the back ups in there. Are they the right size, or do you have a preference for a different style? Actually, while you're there, would you mind telling me if we're out of gauze strips and bandages? Do we have enough pain relief?"
Mihawk: "Check the drawer beneath the sink in your ensuite. I resupplied last week in preparation for your upcoming cycle. I also bought wine and dark chocolate. They're in the kitchen if you need them."
Sir Crocodile: "I'll send for some for you. While we wait: would you prefer if I embrace you to give you some body heat for comfort, or leave you alone to grit through the pain?"
Buggy: "Fuck yes, not preggo! Yesssss! Okay, I'm heading out. You want the usual, or do you want me to get you a different style? You know, shake it up for a change? Wanna try one of them cups that keep it all up in there? Hah, would a party popper work?"
Shanks: does not pick up the shell, and shows up the following week as if nothing happened. Beckman, however, sends you a care package with usual supplies with an apology on behalf of his captain's lack of care.
Beckman: "Just the usual, or do you want a weighted heating sack too? I can also pick you up some new pajamas and comfortable socks from the tailor beside the store. Tell me what you need."
Doflamingo: "No. Suffer."
Corazon: does not speak and taps the speaker end of the shell in alphabetised code "You. Want. Tampons. Or. Pads. ?. Can. Also. Get. Pain. Relief. Medication. .. What. Do. You. Need. ?. Do. You. Want. Chocolate. Or. Red. Meat. ?."
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panelshowsource · 4 months
saved a few anons asking personal questions not all related to panel shows, spamming answers below the cut :)
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interesting question! first, i think it's very special that you had the opportunity to study at an international university and i am glad to hear you had so many amazing experiences!
i also feel like i need to preface anything i say with... holidays are obviously different from living, and i hope people can trust that i wouldn't base an entire lifestyle decision off, like, being a fan of taskmaster lmao the state of politics, brexit, housing, prejudice, and more make it difficult to say i'd want to commit to life there — plus i really love new york city, where i do feel at home
that said, i would be open to living in the uk for a period of time, yes. i am certainly very motivated to visit a lot of places, particularly in england, and decided last year to start spending a month or two over there every year (this year i think i will be in york! maybe i can post a little about that if people care). the history and motivations behind that decision are really personal to me, but it feels...right. i am really looking forward to my time there this year and treasure being someone who works remotely and can make that happen
living permanently, it's hard to say, but speaking for my interests in history, architecture, art, cinema — it would be wonderful to explore those things more in person, yes!
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i really think in the 6+ years of this blog this is the first i've ever been asked about music! which makes sense ofc it just took me by surprise!
hmmm i think this playlist most accurately expresses what i'm listening to a lot of the time + a lot a lot a lot of classical music, some dad rock, and a few balladeers like judy garland and rufus wainwright
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i don't claim to be the world's biggest comedy buff or keep up the best with all of the comedy coming out of the uk and american industries — even though i do enjoy it so much! — but growing up i was very interested in comedy writing. in high school, i worked at a dvd store where people could trade in their old dvds for store credit to buy new ones, so we had a HUGE selection of not only new releases but older, sometimes nicher stuff that you typically wouldn't see at a suburban american blockbuster-like shop. i can't stress how formative this was! i would always go through the store and "beautify" the shelves (pulling all the spines up neatly, keeping everything alphabetised, etc) just to constantly look through what we had in stock, grab the old black bar criterion films before some movie buff snatched them up, touch all the special editions (physical releases were more than just steelbooks back then, like stuff like this). each of the employees had a little shelf in the back room where you could store dvds you wanted to buy when you eventually had the money, keeping them off the floor so no customer would see and buy them. i was always reserving 30+ dvds at a time and spent my whole paychecks at work hahaha
anyways, that's how i found a lot of the random british films i ended up loving — by people trading them in or me just running across them at the store: a cock and bull story, death at a funeral, this is england, gosford park, monty python, (particularly holy grail and life of brian), confetti (didn't love this one but it had a lot of actors i really liked in it so i remember watching it quite a few times) and more — but especially withnail and i and in the loop. i was fucking obsessed with in the loop, which i watched on a loop (zing!) and was ultimately how i worked my way backwards to the thick of it as well as shows like the office uk, alan partridge, green wing, fry and laurie, peep show, and more. (the thick of it and peep show were particularly everything to me!) i still have all of the dvds from the dvd store i worked at! lol
in terms of american comedy, i was obsessed with the state and then their groups' projects like wet hot american summer and reno 911 (michael showalter is a great example of a writer/director i don't think is one of the greats but follows his heart & vision, and i really respect that; my fave of his, which is genuinely so good, is hello my name is doris! underrated lil treasure). i also really loved it's always sunny, flight of the conchords, party down, arrested development, jackass and wild boys, and house md, and some of the wild characters on bravo lmao. we had this channel called logo that was my lifeline to queer content before i really had full-time access to the internet outside of a shared family computer, so i was always watching reruns of jeffrey & cole casserole, the big gay sketch show, plus the l word and queer as folk, and they also did syndication of reno 911 (but i already had all the box sets of that 😭). i was never heavy into the judd apatow/bro comedy that was so big in the 2000s, and even the 80s–90s american comedy heavily influenced by the talent at snl wasn't particularly engaging to me; of that, my favourites were probably throw momma from the train and a couple of romcoms
+ every panel show i could get my hands on! and i think because i was really engaged with sketch comedy i was also reading a lot of playwrights, especially alan bennett, harold pinter, and edward albee, who i had (and have!) huge collections of
and, yes, so many of these are at the foundation of my very favourite formats and styles of comedy: mockumentaries , black comedy or dark comedy, existential comedy, stories rooted in reality or plausibility / domestic dramedy. i used to be very engaged by sketch comedy and wanted to crack the science behind writing funny sketches, but i do think i've moved away from that format and filled that void with the improv nature of panel shows (it works for me the way i think the format of podcasts work for so many other people... i wonder if anyone will relate to that comparison)
comedy evolves so much by the decade and i appreciate a lot of the ways in which it has grown, so i don't think of it as a then vs now, which is better, whatever. and like you i can't help but revisit my nostalgic faves often!
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i do think eventually he will! but rn he's lapping up that tv money hahaha my very fave is firing cheeseballs at a dog, but they're all genuinely great!
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hitmanexchange · 9 months
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Welcome to Hitman Halloween Party, a Trick or Treat Prompt Fest for the Hitman Fandom! 🦇
This is this year's intro post for the concept, the general timeline of this event, all important links, and of course the rules.
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General Links
Hitman Exchange on Tumblr | Dreamwidth | Twitter
2023 Collection | 2023 Tag Set
September 15 – Nominations Open
September 30 – Nominations Close
October 1 – Collection Opens for Prompts
October 30 – Sign-Ups Close
October 31 – Gift Reveals (16:59 UTC)
November 6 – Creator Reveals (16:59 UTC)
All times are 23:59 UTC unless otherwise specified.
The Basics
Hitman Halloween Party is a Trick or Treat Prompt Fest for the Hitman Fandom.
Prompt fills should have a minimum wordcount of 500 words.
What is a prompt fest?
A Prompt Fest is a challenge in which participants can submit one or more fanwork prompts that other participants can choose to fill.
Who can participate?
This event is open to everyone who wants to participate in good faith.
You need an AO3 account to participate. If you don't have one yet, request an invite as soon as possible.
Should your estimated invite day make it impossible for you to nominate characters, pairings or additional tags before nominations close, leave a comment and I'll add them for you.
The first phase of Hitman Halloween Party is nominations, where you submit the characters, relationships and additional tags that you are interested in writing or receiving in this prompt fest to the tag set.
Each user can nominate ten character or relationship tags and 20 additional tags. The tag set is what participants can use for their prompts later in the process.
What fandoms are eligible?
Hitman (Video Games), Hitman (Comics), Hitman: Enemy Within, Hitman: Damnation
Nominations format
You can nominate characters, relationships, and additional tags.
Nominating characters
You may nominate named canon characters that don’t have a tag on the Archive yet. Please use the name order "Given Name Family Name" as usual for Western canons.
Nominating Relationships
You may nominate / or & relationships. "A/B" is a romantic or sexual relationship; "A & B" is a platonic or familial relationship.
Nominating mixed groups (A/B & C) is allowed.
Please alphabetise ships by family name.
Nominating Scenarios
You may nominate additional tags to add scenarios, situations and details to the tag set. These can be used as inspiration and to later craft the prompts. 
How many prompts can I add?
You can add up to two prompts to the collection. If you add two prompts, one of them should be for a Trick and one should be for a Treat. If you only add one prompt, you can choose if you’d rather receive a Trick or a Treat.
Additional Tags
For each prompt you can include up to 20 additional tags from our 2023 tag set. If you’d like to suggest a specific scenario, add it to your prompt’s description.
Try to find the right balance between an interesting idea that gives authors something to work with and a too restrictive prompt.
Characters and Ships
Requests for individual characters can be gen or shippy. You may request a single character and mention in your optional details what scenarios or ships you would enjoy them in; however, a ship is not guaranteed.
If you absolutely want to see the character interacting with a specific other character, make sure to request ship tags — A/B for romantic or sexual interactions, A & B for platonic or familial interactions.
Trick or Treat
Please add the tags Trick or Treat: Trick or Trick or Treat: Treat to your prompt, to make sure you receive the kind of gift you were looking for.
A trick should be more angsty, nightmarish, or scary. A treat should be more sweet, sexy, or fluffy. These are a bit vague to give the writer room for how they interpret trick or treat.
Mature and Explicit Prompts
If you are under 18, please don't request prompts with mature or explicit scenarios. Please follow common internet safety rules and don't mention that you're a minor, but simply DNW mature or explicit fics in your sign-up.
DNW and Letters
You also have the option to add a link to a letter. These can be very useful to give your writer ideas for possible tricks and treats. It can also be invaluable for telling them what you do not want at all.
If you have anything you Do Not Want (DNW), it must be in the prompt directly to be enforceable. Authors should respect the Do Not Want list; however, the requester should not abuse it to try and force the author into a corner. Do Not Wants that appear only in an external letter will not be enforced.
If you are under 18, please DNW mature or explicit fics in your sign-up.
Am I guaranteed one (or two) gifts?
No. This is a prompt fest, not a gift exchange. Prompt fills are not guaranteed, but we can work together to make sure everyone gets a gift. 
Can I stay anonymous?
You can add your prompt(s) anonymously, but I’d recommend de-anoning before October 30th, to give your author the option to gift their work to you.
Prompt Fills
Minimum Requirements
To go with the Halloween theme of a quick treat (or trick), the minimum requirements are intentionally low: 500 words. If you want to write more, you can.
Prompt fills need to include the requested character(s) and character dynamics, as well as the scenario suggested in the prompt. They also need to be themed trick or treat according to their request. Works need to be newly published for this exchange and created by you in good faith. AI-generated works are not welcome.
Mature and Explicit Prompts
If you are under 18, please don't fill prompts with mature or explicit scenarios.
In order to post, go to your AO3 claims page and click the "fill" button on your claimed prompt. That will take you to a new-works form with the prompt already tickied. If the prompt you picked was not anonymous (or is not anonymous anymore by October 30th), please gift your work to the person whose prompt you picked. You might need to add the username yourself.
There is no hard deadline, but since this is a Halloween themed prompt fest, you should aim for having your prompt fill ready before is October 31st.
Works are anonymous until creator reveals, the Monday after work reveals.
Extra Tricks and Treats
You may claim a prompt that has already been claimed by someone else. Since this is a prompt fest without assignments, please try to also claim a prompt that hasn't been claimed yet, to make sure everyone who participates receives at least one gift.
Be friendly!
Make sure that your prompts and your fanworks do not contain any hostile elements towards people you disagree with in any part of the fanwork (title, tags, summary, author's notes, body text). Refrain from adding DNI notes.
If you shame or harass other participants, or if there are signs that you have deliberately caused problems in multiple exchanges, the mod will delete your signup.
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benevolentgodloki · 6 months
[ @forevermuses | from peter ]
"Don't want you feeling left out, sweet cheeks. Knock knock."
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"Call me that again and I'll alphabetise your innards."
He stares at Peter, as if willing him to leave.
But he can't resist the desperate need for a punchline.
"Who's there?"
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yandere-toons · 2 years
-- Alphabetised by Title --
★ No need to limit yourself to what's here! This is more of a formality than anything concrete.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The Great Gatsby
The Hobbit
The Hunger Games
The Lord of the Rings
Mortal Engines
No Country for Old Men
Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Ready Player One
The Silence of the Lambs
A Song of Ice and Fire
Star Wars: Dark Disciple
Comics & Manga:
Blue Exorcist
Boku no Hero Academia
Death Note
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Disney Duck Comics
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri
Outlast: The Murkoff Account
Scott Pilgrim
Soul Eater
Tokyo Ghoul
The Transformers: More than Meets the Eye
Accepted (2006)
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
The Angry Birds Movie
Austin Powers
Back to the Future
The Bad Guys (2022)
Bad Ronald (1974)
Bad Taste (1987)
Balto (1995)
Bambi (1942)
Bambi II (2006)
The Banana Splits Movie
Barbie (2023)
Batman Begins
Batman Forever
The Beekeeper (2024)
Beetlejuice (1988)
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Big Hero 6
Black Christmas (1974)
The Black Phone
The Book of Life
Brave (2012)
Brother Bear
A Bug's Life
Bullet Train (2022)
Cars (2006)
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness
Chicken Little
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Con Air (1997)
Corpse Bride
Cowboys & Aliens
The Dead Don't Die
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool & Wolverine
Despicable Me
Detective Pikachu
Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)
Dracula: Dead and Loving It
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
The Emperor's New Groove
Exchange Student Zero
An Extremely Goofy Movie
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Fast & Furious Saga
Fear Street Trilogy (2021)
FernGully: The Last Rainforest
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023)
Free Guy (2020)
Frozen (2013)
Galaxy Quest (1999)
Ghost Rider (2007)
Glass Onion
A Goofy Movie
Grease (1978)
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
The Happytime Murders
Haunted Mansion
Hellboy (2004)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Hercules (1997)
The Hobbit Trilogy
Hocus Pocus
Holes (2003)
Home (2015)
Home Alone (1990)
Hotel Transylvania
Howard the Duck (1986)
How to Train Your Dragon
The Hunger Games
Ice Age
The Incredibles
Inside Out
IT (2017)
John Wick
The Jungle Book (1967)
Jurassic Park
Jurassic World
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Knives Out
Kung Fu Panda
Legally Blonde
The LEGO Batman Movie
The LEGO Movie
The LEGO Ninjago Movie
The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special
LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation
Lift (2024)
Lilo & Stitch
The Lion King (1994)
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
The Lorax (2012)
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Luca (2021)
Luck (2022)
Mad Max Saga
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Mean Girls (2004)
Meet the Feebles
The Meg
Meg 2: The Trench
Minions: The Rise of Gru
Mission: Impossible
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
The Mitchells vs. the Machines
Monkey King Reborn
Monsters, Inc.
Monsters University
Monsters vs. Aliens
Mulan (1998)
My Little Pony: A New Generation
My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)
Napoleon Dynamite
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Night at the Museum
The Nightmare Before Christmas
No Country for Old Men
NOPE (2022)
Now You See Me
Open Season (2006)
Osmosis Jones
Over the Hedge
Pacific Rim
Penguins of Madagascar (2014)
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Planet of the Apes
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Ready Player One (2018)
Return to Oz
Rio (2011)
Rise of the Guardians (2012)
Road House
The Road to El Dorado
RoboCop (1987)
Robots (2005)
Rock Dog
Ron's Gone Wrong
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Shark Tale
Shaun of the Dead
Sing (2016 & 2021)
Small Soldiers (1998)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money
Space Jam
Spider-Verse Trilogy
Spies in Disguise
Star Trek
Star Wars
Storks (2016)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Surf's Up
The Terminator
Titan A.E.
Titanic (1997)
Toy Story
Treasure Planet (2002)
Trolls (2016)
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil
Turning Red
Vivo (2021)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Wreck-It Ralph
TV Series & Web Series:
The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police
The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin
Adventure Time
Alvin and the Chipmunks
The Amazing World of Gumball
American Dad!
American Dragon: Jake Long
American Gods
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Ash vs Evil Dead
Barry (HBO)
Bates Motel
The Batman (2004)
Batman: The Animated Series
Better Call Saul
Big City Greens
Bigtop Burger
Black Clover
Bob's Burgers
BoJack Horseman
Breaking Bad
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
Camp Camp
Carmen Sandiego
Cars on the Road
Clone High
Codename: Kids Next Door
Count Duckula
Courage the Cowardly Dog
The Cuphead Show!
Danger Mouse
Danny Phantom
Dan Vs.
Darkwing Duck
The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
Dexter's Laboratory
Diriliş: Ertuğrul
Doctor Who
Dogs in Space
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Duck Dodgers
DuckTales (1987 & 2017)
Exchange Student Zero
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
Game of Thrones
Good Omens
Gravity Falls
Green Eggs and Ham (Netflix Series)
Gregory Horror Show
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Happy Tree Friends
Harley Quinn
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Hero: 108
House of the Dragon
Inside Job (2021)
Inspector Gadget (1983)
Invader ZIM
Kim Possible
King of the Hill
The Lion Guard
Looney Tunes
The Looney Tunes Show
Love, Death & Robots
Making Fiends
The Mandela Catalogue
Max Headroom
the middle.
Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series
Milo Murphy's Law
Mob Psycho 100
Modern Family
Monkie Kid
Monsters at Work
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Mystery Skulls Animated
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
The Office
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
Our Flag Means Death
The Owl House
Peaky Blinders
The Penguins of Madagascar
Phineas and Ferb
Pinky and the Brain
Popee the Performer
The Powerpuff Girls
The Proud Family
Regular Show
The Righteous Gemstones
Salad Fingers
Samurai Jack
The Sandman
Schitt's Creek
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Shaolin Wuzang
Silicon Valley
Silly Symphony
The Simpsons
Sonic Prime
Sonic X
Soul Eater
Space Force
SpongeBob SquarePants
Spooky Month
Star Trek
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Static Shock
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teen Titans (2003)
Tiny Toon Adventures
Tom and Jerry
Total Drama
Transformers: Prime
True Detective
Twin Peaks
The Umbrella Academy
The Walking Dead
Wander Over Yonder
We Bare Bears
Welcome Home
What If...?
X-Men: Evolution
Xiaolin Showdown
The Yogi Bear Show
Zig & Sharko
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
The Purple People Eater
Board Games:
Video Games:
At Dead of Night
Batman: The Enemy Within
Crash Bandicoot
Cuphead: Don't Deal with the Devil
Destroy All Humans!
Dino Crisis
Don't Starve
Eloquent Countenance
Fallout: New Vegas
Far Cry
Five Nights at Freddy's
Friday Night Funkin'
God of War
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
Grand Theft Auto V
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series
John Doe
L.A. Noire
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Lollipop Chainsaw
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Mass Effect
MazM: Jekyll and Hyde
Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Monkey Island
Monster Prom
Mortal Kombat
Naughty Bear
Nicktoons Unite!
PaRappa the Rapper
Rampage: Total Destruction
Ratchet & Clank
Red Dead Revolver
Resident Evil
Road 96
Silent Hill
Slime Rancher
Smile For Me
Sonic the Hedgehog
Total War: Warhammer III
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evansyhelp · 1 year
Do you have any resources or advice on how to make a muse list for a rp blog?
Hi, I don't have any resources, but I can share some tips.
A muse list should ideally be simple, tidy, and contain only "top level" information about each muse. A muse list is not the place to include 20+ stats or a whole character bio, unless you're using a page theme that has pop-ups/drop-downs to store extra information.
For each muse, a muse list could include (if relevant):
The muse's name and pronouns
The muse's faceclaim (either a picture or their name)
Their availability status (ie. "semi-private" if you'll only RP them in certain situations)
Their priority status (i.e. "primary/secondary/tertiary" for how much focus you'll designate to that muse)
Key information about the muse, like the fandom or a punchy tagline (ie. "goth florist")
Key stats about the muse, like age, species, ethnicity, sexuality, career. What stats are most relevant will depend on the genre, i.e. there's no point including species if you only play humans.
A link (or links) to a more in-depth about page, a verses page (if they have multiple verses), and/or their character tag
For accessibility, their name should be the most prominent part of their listing. For example:
IRIS WEST-ALLEN (INFO) — she/her. The Flash (DC TV). FC: Candice Patton. Primary.
If you have more than 5 muses on a single blog, I would recommend splitting them up into categories.
You could divide them by fandom, genre, species, priority status, age range, gender, etc... This makes the list easier to digest.
You can also list them in order of priority status or alphabetise them.
Ultimately, as long as the list serves the purpose of telling people (a) which muses you play and (b) any essential info needed before interacting with them, you've got yourself a functional muse list.
Hope this helps!
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elizabethkiem · 1 year
in the London Library
Alphabetisation is your friend.
it is the friend who, sensing you tire of Timothy Morton and are plagued still by a short story set in Hinchingbrook Park, recommends you go in search of your last successful local introduction -- Victor Serge, alongside of whom sits: Gemma Seltzer (to finally tell the ventriloquist dummy story you have been waiting for ever since that ride home from Deptford) and Ponsonberry Senior (if you recall correctly) whose "Diary of Mrs. Pepys" certainly relieves you of the burden of some sort of serialized Samuel, for it (the fictionalised diary of Elizabeth Pepys, a wondrous character) is the best enjoyment you will receive as a legacy of that annual celebration of 'his' stone-day. And atop the Diary sits "She Married Pushkin," so you take her out for a smoke, since she (not the titular she, but the long-lost Goncharoff she plagued by the need to finish her own serialised life of the long gone) reckons Natalia should have as much of a say as Elizabeth. And though Natalia had the more glamorous oaf, Elizabeth gets all the good lines.
You don't know all that immediately but you will, once you cast off Seltzer and Serge and, waylaid by "Ness", which grabbed you just as you were leaving and, truth be told, does sweep you off your feet for the rest of the dance because for a 40 minutes you really don't need anything else but McFarlane on Orford (not Loch).
But Elizabeth Pepys and Natalia Pushkina have been great mates over this 'arctic' (let's face it, it doesnt mean what it used to mean) December.
As kindred spirits as alphabetisation itself.
0 notes
Me: okay, we really need to do this thing, I know it's not fun but it will benefit us in the future... and pretty much requires immediate attention.
Brain: okay. But first we will completely rearrange our sock drawer.
Me: no-
Brain: you don't get a say in this *rearranges sock drawer*
Me: okay, now that's done, we need to do this important thing, remember?
Brain: hmm
Me: what?
Brain: colour isn't working for me. They should be arranged alphabetically.
Me: how do you even arrange SOCKS in alphabetical order.
Brain: don't ask ridiculous questions. They need to be alphabetised.
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hexesims · 3 years
Night-Time Legal Secretary Career
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Are you a night owl? A vampire in need of a job? Or maybe you just rather work alone, either way Pancakes & Associates may just have the position for you! Your responsibilities will include filing away paperwork, setting up meeting rooms for the next day and answering the phone to clients who don't realise lawyers do in fact go home for the day (eventually).
My First ever career made for The Sims so please be gentle lol. This is a 8 track career with the last 3 tracks being purely pay rises.
Level 1 Trainee
Congratulations you have been hired, you are now a trainee learning the ropes from you predecessor who is leaving for -redacted- reasons. It won't be long before you are remembering where all the filing cabinets are!
Level 2 - Front Desk
Yey! Go you, you can answer a phone! Have fun picking up the cups the lawyers don't know how to return to the kitchen and shredding paper you find on the floor (Let's hope they aren't important).
Level 3 -  Associates Desk
Moving on up! Your performance has impressed and now our associates want you to alphabetise their filing cabinets.
Level 4 - Partner's Desk
A partner can only do so much in a day and they want you to deflect calls they don't have time for in the day, good luck!
Level 5 - Senior Partner's Desk
The senior partner's have noticed your tenacity and want you to set up all the meeting rooms for the next day with appropriate paperwork and the clients favourite biscuits, work well and pay rise may be on the way.
Level 6 - Senior Partner's Desk (1)
A pay rise can only mean one thing, those new kitchen counters you wanted!
Level 7 - Senior Partner's Desk (2)
More money? More problems? Not for you!
Level 8 - Senior Partner's Desk (3)
Take a vacation you need it, and now you can afford it.
Make sure to not put .ts4script files more than one folder deep in your mods folder or the career won’t appear in game and only one Neia Career package is needed in the folder so if you have any other careers already installed don’t worry about moving that over.
Patreon (Free)
SimsFileShare. (No Ads)
Big thanks to @midnitetech​ for her tutorial on how to make careers.
Thank you for downloading my mod =)
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himiko-yumehellno · 4 years
Beta AU fan quotes part fifteen:
Angie: Hey Himiko, you want a tarot reading?
Himiko: Those are pokemon cards.
Angie: You got a Magikarp.
Himiko: ...
Angie: ...
Angie: It means fuck you. *kills her*
Source: unknown
Kaede: When we make things we put a little bit of our own humanity in them. It's one thing to laugh at a quote created from hard work; from the mind of someone you do not know. It is another thing entirely to be able to know and think of the humanity and feelings that went into a quote; the snapshot of yourself and your life at the time the quote happened.
Ryoma: Shut up Socrates, it's an incorrect quote.
Source: cursed conversations between Kagz and I
Shuichi: You know, I think I could maybe win in a game of two truths and one lie.
Shuichi: Lots of people here have done really wack stuff but I don't think anyone would seriously consider the fact I've comforted a serial killer before. They'd just think it was a lie.
Rantaro: YOU'VE WHAT?!
Source: me
Tsumugi: I just ended an almost three year relationship.
Kokichi: Oh, are you okay?
Tsumugi: It's fine, it wasn't my relationship.
Source: twitter
Kaede: You didn't have a happy childhood?
Kirumi: My favorite toy was a knife. You finish the puzzle.
Source: victorious
Gonta: Jellyfish have survived 600,000 years without a brain.
Rantaro: A ray of hope for our classmates.
Source: twitter
Kaito: Have you guys seen Star Wars? I'm thinking of binging it tonight and if you wanna you can come.
Kaito: Do you know where Shuichi is?
Kaito: Is it time for dinner yet? I'm hungry.
Kaito: Shit. I'm sorry, I keep interrupting you guys.
Tenko: Honestly, you kind of just keep interrupting yourself and not giving us time to answer.
Miu: Only The Force Awakens, no, yes I made spaghetti, and watch the language bro.
Source: avengersandco
"I’m gonna open a cat cafe, but I need investors. Here’s the plan. The first floor will have normal cats, but as you go up, each floor will have more and more dangerous cats, and at the top floor is me with a gun."
- Kiibo
Source: twitter
Tsumugi: Wait... Are you a boy or a girl?
Shuichi: I'm a disaster.
Source: me
"Violence is not the answer. Violence is a question and the answer is yes."
- Ryoma Hoshi
Source: unknown
Barber: How would you like your haircut?
Tenko: Preferably with scissors but a sword could be badass.
Source: twitter
Kiyo: What are we gonna do?
Kaito: I don't know. Maybe sushi?
Kiyo: ...
Kaito: ...
Kiyo: About the motive, Kaito.
Source: friends
"Had about nine cups of coffee today and now I can see inside out through time. Don’t have any blood left, just vibration. I am going to alphabetise the alphabet; it’s all wrong, will explain later, then going to fight the moon. Good night and good morning and thanks."
- Rantaro Amami
Source: twitter
@kagazuly Can't believe we're up to number 15 with these batches of quotes
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ohscorbus · 7 years
Has Harry met scorpius: I want him/Draco to see how cute their sons boyfriend is, part 1. Al says early on he knows Harry doesn't like scorp implying Harrys met scorp though it might be JUST bc he's Dracos son. 2, scorp and Harry don't acknowledge each other when scorp runs up in 1st alternate reality. Bc they already met or bc of the current circumstances? 3, Harry later says to al that he can nowsee scorp is not the black cloud implying he's never properly interacted with his fluffiness before
Has Harry met scorpius: I want him/Draco to see how cute their sons boyfriend is, part 1.
Oh they’re definitely cute, but I think Harry and Draco are mostly going to see how happy they are together. Harry will notice how the smile never leaves Albus’s eyes and how he doesn’t curl his hands up into his sleeves when he’s with Scorpius. Draco will notice how Scorpius lights up around Albus the way he’s only ever seen him do in bookshops…. and sweet shops. Oh and that one time he took him to a muggle zoo- ok. Bad example. But he sees, they both see, how completely comfortable their sons are with each other. It’s like they belong together, you know? But Draco would only mock Harry for using the word ‘cute’. (Even if he secretly uses it himself when he’s telling the photograph of Astoria about them in his office later on.) And anyway, Harry should have seen three year old Scorpius on his first toy broomstick wearing full Quidditch gear, goggles and all. Now that was cute.
Also, just to deviate for a second. I’m 100% convinced that it’s after the first official ‘meet the boyfriend’ dinner that Draco begins his campaign for Malfoy-Potter. They’re out of earshot of the boys of course, but Harry needs to know now that Potter-Malfoy isn’t happening. It’s not even alphabetised. His son will never stand for it. (The word ‘wedding’ hasn’t even crossed Scorpius and Albus’s minds yet, won’t for years, but their parents just know already.)
Al says early on he knows Harry doesn’t like scorp implying Harrys met scorp though it might be JUST bc he’s Dracos son.
I do believe they’ve met. Even if it’s just quick hello’s on the platform. The boys must have mentioned each other in their letters home constantly. I can’t imagine any parent not wanting to meet the ‘best friend’ after a year of, ‘then Albus and I’ and ‘so Scorpius said’ etc. Even if it’s just out of curiosity, given their surname.
As for their first meeting, I don’t think Harry would have known how to take Scorpius? On one hand, there is all that history with Draco and the Voldemort rumours in the papers. (Although as someone who’s had similar experiences with the Daily Prophet, I like to think he doesn’t believe them.) Regardless, he’s bound to have some preconceived idea as to who Scorpius is. Not that any of that seems to fit with what Albus says about him in his letters… Anyway, he finally meets this kid and he sees a Malfoy but that’s where it stops. This boy is visibly nervous and fiddling with his clothes. He’s excitable and talks too much, too fast. I can imagine Harry’s eyes getting bigger in alarm with every squeak. He’s not what he was expecting. At all. He’s an anomaly. That works as much in Scorpius’s favour as it works against him.
2, scorp and Harry don’t acknowledge each other when scorp runs up in 1st alternate reality. Bc they already met or bc of the current circumstances?
Scorpius doesn’t acknowledge Harry at first because he’s so focused on Albus. He’s been in the hospital wing for 24 hours by this point, during which I’m presuming Scorpius was denied access and updates. So finally seeing him again, alive and well and looking all grumpy Albus-y? I doubt little else matters to Scorpius in that moment. Present company included. He only looks to Harry after Albus has ran off.
So yeah, I’d say it was the current circumstance. Of course any previous meetings before would have made what happened next hurt more, especially if Scorpius wasn’t aware Harry didn’t like him. (I’ve always believed Albus protected Scorpius from that bit of information.) But Scorpius’s confusion and hurt in that moment as he looks at Harry is all from realising whatever Albus is doing to him, doing to them, it’s Harry’s fault.
Everything about Harry’s actions towards Scorpius in that scene are cold and dismissive. It’s cruel. I mean, I understand why he did what he did, but it doesn’t make that scene any easier to watch. Scorpius is looking at Harry, the saviour of the wizarding world and his best friend’s dad, silently asking why. He gets no answer but Harry’s unfaltering glare back is clear enough. His sharp stare isn’t for show, it was intended to sever their ties. Which is why it hurts to see Scorpius always break the eye contact first. Harry must go from hero to zero in Scorpius’s eyes and he doesn’t even know what he did to deserve it. He just wasn’t worth the explanation. He wasn’t worthy of Albus. No wonder he went to his dad in tears. He thought he was the only person he had left now :’(
3, Harry later says to al that he can now see scorp is not the black cloud implying he’s never properly interacted with his fluffiness before
Yeah that’s why I’m inclined to believe their previous interactions have only been minimal. I get the impression Harry wasn’t overly thrilled at the prospect of Scorpius coming to stay over the holidays which makes me believe he hasn’t been over before. I’m guessing it’s either the ‘Malfoy the Unknown’ thing or it’s because that’s the only time he gets to bond with Albus and knows he could never compete for his son’s attention with Scorpius around? Or maybe he has been over before and that’s the reason why? Anyway, that’s another issue for another time…
I think once the events of CC are over, and the two boys (and their families) start spending more time together during the holidays, that’s when Harry will get to know him properly. It won’t be long before he too loves and appreciates the bouncy bean of knowledge that his son has become so attached too. I mean, it’s Scorpius. He’s impossible not to like. Smug dad Draco mode activated. Although I’m sure Harry’s still a little wary of him from time to time. But these days that’s got nothing to do rumours or surnames. Oh no. It’s all down to the bounce in his step as he walks into the Potter kitchen with a history book clutched to his chest (bookmarks and parchment sticking out everywhere), followed by the dreaded, “Mr Potter. Harry. Sir. Hello. Scorpius. Erm… could I ask you about-“. Despite the frequent (and numerous) impromptu interviews, Harry does end up loving Scorpius like one of his own. It doesn’t take him long to see he much he adores Albus and Albus is clearly at his happiest when the two of them are together. What more could a father want for his son? *cough* and his future son-in-law *cough*. That, and he is rather entertaining and useful to have around too. No, he’ll happily take a thousand afternoons of questions for that privilege. (And he does, by the way.) But standing there, chopping vegetables with Albus ready for dinner, as Scorpius frantically annotates his book curled up in the armchair that he’s claimed as his own, Harry feels as blessed as Draco does to have gained another son. He honestly couldn’t be happier.
…although maybe if Albus stopped laughing quite as much every time he’s forced to use the ‘but I was there’ line on Scorpius? That would be nice.
(Scorpius may have learnt he can’t literally re-write history, but it doesn’t stop him from re-writing his own history books. Harry’s a great firsthand source and all, but no true historian is going to take one person’s word over hundreds of accounts. He’s got to make sure it’s right, you know…)
Aaaand lastly, because I look for any excuse to recommend @torestoreamends​ fics, you should totally read ‘The Same Side’. It’s a take on Scorpius and Harry’s first conversation post-CC. Enjooooy!
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hitmanexchange · 8 days
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Welcome to Summer Bonus Missions, a fest to create and share fanworks set during or inspired by the bonus missions of Hitman World of Assassination!
Detailed schedule and rules under the cut!
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General Links
2024 Tag Set | 2024 Collection
June 1 – Nominations open June 15 - Collection opens for prompts July 13 – Work Reveals (16:59 UTC) July 20 – Creator Reveals (16:59 UTC)
All times are 23:59 UTC unless otherwise specified.
The Basics
Hitman Summer Bonus Missions is a fest for the Hitman fandom to create and share fanworks set during or inspired by the bonus missions of Hitman World of Assassination.
You can create and claim prompts for any of the bonus missions in the game. Minimum wordcount is 500 words. Art is welcome. AI generated prompt fills are not welcome.
What is a fest?
A fest is a challenge in which participants create works that fit the theme of the challenge.
Is this a gift exchange?
No, you choose the prompt you want to create for. Please gift your fanwork to the prompter, if they're not anonymous.
The first phase of Hitman Bonus Missions is nominations, where you submit the characters, relationships and additional tags that you are interested in writing or receiving in this prompt fest to the tag set. Each person can nominate 20 character and relationship tags, and 20 additional tags. The tag set is what participants can use for their prompts later in the process.
What fandoms are eligible?
Hitman (Video Games)
Nominations Format
You can nominate characters, relationships, and additional ("freeform") tags.
Nominating Characters
You may nominate named characters that don’t have a tag on the Archive yet. Please use the name order "Given Name Family Name" as usual for Western canons.
Nominating Relationships
You may nominate / or & relationships. "A/B" is a romantic or sexual relationship; "A & B" is a platonic or familial relationship.
Please alphabetise ships by family name.
Additional Tags
Additional tags add flavour to your prompts. Nominate scenarios or tropes you think would be interesting to see in fanworks for the bonus missions.
You can add up to three prompts to the collection. Please pick one of the Bonus Mission additional tags for your prompts. Prompts need to be Bonus Mission-themed.
Additional Tags
For each prompt you can include up to 20 additional tags from our 2024 tag set. If you’d like to suggest a specific scenario, add it to your prompt’s description.
Try to find the right balance between an interesting idea that gives authors something to work with and a too restrictive prompt.
Characters and Ships
Requests for individual characters can be gen or shippy. You may request a single character and mention in your optional details what scenarios or ships you would enjoy them in; however, a ship is not guaranteed.
If you absolutely want to see the character interacting with a specific other character, make sure to request ship tags — A/B for romantic or sexual interactions, A & B for platonic or familial interactions.
If the scenario you're requesting is not based on specific characters or ships, you can request the Worldbuilding "character" in the character tags.
When filling a request with the Worldbuilding character, please don't add it to the character tags!
DNW and Letters
You also have the option to add a link to a letter. These can be very useful to give your writer ideas for possible scenarios. It can also be invaluable for telling them what you do not want at all.
If you have anything you Do Not Want (DNW), it must be in the prompt directly to be enforceable. Authors should respect the Do Not Want list; however, the requester should not abuse it to try and force the author into a corner. Do Not Wants that appear only in an external letter will not be enforced.
Am I guaranteed one (or two, or three) gifts?
No. This is a prompt fest, not a gift exchange. Prompt fills are not guaranteed, but we can work together to make sure everyone gets a gift.
Can I stay anonymous?
You can add your prompt(s) anonymously, but I’d recommend de-anoning before April 25th, to give your author the option to gift their work to you. You don't have to de-anon your prompts if you prefer to stay anonymous.
Minimum Requirements
The minimum wordcount is 500 words. The work needs to be complete and qualify as a fanwork on AO3.
Works need to fit the theme of the claimed mission prompt.
Works need to be newly published for this fest and created by you. AI-generated works are not allowed.
In order to post, go to your AO3 claims page and click the "fill" button on your claimed prompt. That will take you to a new-works form with the prompt already tickied.
Please gift your fanwork to the user whose prompt you filled, if they're not anonymous.
Make sure to tag your prompt fills correctly. This means not only remember to add the mission tag, but also, please choose the correct relationship tag if necessary.
A/B is for romantic or sexual interactions, A & B is for platonic or familial interactions. Don't tag both unless your work is deliberately ambiguous.
There is no hard deadline, but work reveals are on July 13th, and creator reveals are on July 20th. You can add your works after that, but the anon period is part of the fun!
You may add (more) prompt fills after reveals!
Works are anonymous until creator reveals, the Saturday after work reveals.
You may add your work to the anon collection if you wish to stay anonymous even after creator reveals.
Additional Prompt Fills
You can claim as many prompts as you want, and each prompt can be claimed multiple times.
Be friendly!
Make sure that your fanworks do not contain any hostile elements towards people you disagree with in any part of the fanwork (title, tags, summary, author's notes, body text). Refrain from adding DNI notes.
If you shame or harass other participants or non-participating fans, or if there are signs that you have deliberately caused problems in multiple exchanges, the mod will delete your signup.
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hitmanexchange · 1 year
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Welcome to Sapienzanniversary, a Prompt Fest to celebrate Sapienza's anniversary on April 26th!
Detailed schedule and rules under the cut!
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General Links
Hitman Exchange on Tumblr
2023 Collection
2023 Tag Set
February 23 – Nominations Open
March 5 – Nominations Close
March 5 – Collection Opens for Prompts
April 25 – Sign-Ups Close
April 26 – Gift Reveals (16:59 UTC)
May 1 – Creator Reveals (16:59 UTC)
All times are 23:59 UTC unless otherwise specified.
The Basics
Hitman Sapienzanniversary is a prompt fest for the Hitman fandom to celebrate the anniversary of the World of Assassination destination Sapienza on April 26th.
Prompt fills should have a minimum wordcount of 500 words.
What is a prompt fest?
A Prompt Fest is a challenge in which participants can submit one or more fanwork prompts that other participants can choose to fill.
The first phase of Hitman Sapienzanniversary is nominations, where you submit the characters, relationships and additional tags that you are interested in writing or receiving in this prompt fest to the tag set. Each person can nominate ten character or relationship tags and 20 additional tags. The tag set is what participants can use for their prompts later in the process.
What fandoms are eligible?
Hitman (Video Games)
Nominations Format
You can nominate characters, relationships, and additional ("freeform") tags.
Nominating Characters
You may nominate named characters that don’t have a tag on the Archive yet. Please use the name order "Given Name Family Name" as usual for Western canons.
Nominating Relationships
You may nominate / or & relationships. "A/B" is a romantic or sexual relationship; "A & B" is a platonic or familial relationship.
Please alphabetise ships by family name.
How many prompts can I add?
You can add up to three prompts to the collection. Prompts need to be Sapienza-themed.
Additional Tags
For each prompt you can include up to 20 additional tags from our 2023 tag set. If you’d like to suggest a specific scenario, add it to your prompt’s description.
Try to find the right balance between an interesting idea that gives authors something to work with and a too restrictive prompt.
Characters and Ships
Requests for individual characters can be gen or shippy. You may request a single character and mention in your optional details what scenarios or ships you would enjoy them in; however, a ship is not guaranteed.
If you absolutely want to see the character interacting with a specific other character, make sure to request ship tags — A/B for romantic or sexual interactions, A & B for platonic or familial interactions.
If the scenario you're requesting is not based on specific characters or ships, you can request the Worldbuilding "character" in the character tags.
When filling a request with the Worldbuilding character, please don't add it to the character tags!
DNW and Letters
You also have the option to add a link to a letter. These can be very useful to give your writer ideas for possible scenarios. It can also be invaluable for telling them what you do not want at all.
If you have anything you Do Not Want (DNW), it must be in the prompt directly to be enforceable. Authors should respect the Do Not Want list; however, the requester should not abuse it to try and force the author into a corner. Do Not Wants that appear only in an external letter will not be enforced.
Am I guaranteed one (or two, or three) gifts?
No. This is a prompt fest, not a gift exchange. Prompt fills are not guaranteed, but we can work together to make sure everyone gets a gift.
Can I stay anonymous?
You can add your prompt(s) anonymously, but I’d recommend de-anoning before April 25th, to give your author the option to gift their work to you. You don't have to de-anon your prompts if you prefer to stay anonymous.
Prompt Fills
Minimum Requirements
The minimum requirements are intentionally low: 500 words. If you want to write more, you can!
Prompt fills need to include the requested character(s) and character dynamics, as well as the scenario suggested in the prompt. When filling a request with Worldbuilding as a character, please don't add it to the character tags!
The prompt fills also need to be Sapienza-themed. Works need to be newly published for this exchange and created by you.
In order to post, go to your AO3 claims page and click the "fill" button on your claimed prompt. That will take you to a new-works form with the prompt already tickied. If the prompt you picked was not anonymous (or is not anonymous anymore by April 25th), please gift your work to the person whose prompt you picked. You might need to add the username yourself.
There is no hard deadline, but since this is a prompt fest to celebrate Sapienza's anniversary, you should aim for having your prompt fill ready before April 26th.
You may add (more) prompt fills after reveals!
Works are anonymous until creator reveals, the Monday after work reveals.
Additional Prompt Fills
You may claim a prompt that has already been claimed by someone else. Since this is a prompt fest without assignments, please try to also claim a prompt that hasn't been claimed yet, to make sure everyone who participates receives at least one gift.
Be friendly!
Make sure that your prompts and your fanworks do not contain any hostile elements towards people you disagree with in any part of the fanwork (title, tags, summary, author's notes, body text). Refrain from adding DNI notes.
If you shame or harass other participants, or if there are signs that you have deliberately caused problems in multiple exchanges, the mod will delete your signup.
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