#yes that was confirmed to be his last name
dokries · 23 hours
cat’s out of the bag
pairing: jeon wonwoo x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers
word count: 2k
warnings: mentions of food/drink (no alcohol), someone trips and falls (yes, in love but also literally), author doesn’t know how to describe games
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author note: hehe thank you for the request again anon! i’m making this its own post because as you can tell, i wrote a lot more than i expected to….also yeah, i don’t know how to describe games, i’m sorry. (the game i mention is actually a real one if you’re interested!) my first time writing wonu, i hope you like him ♡
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“do you want a drink, wonwoo?” joshua waits until his friend looks over at him before continuing. “seokmin brought cola if you want some…?”
wonwoo shakes his head, pointing to the can of monster in front of him on the living room table—as soon as he saw the familiar packaging, he had grabbed it before anyone else could have even looked at it. joshua shrugs before giving you a pat on the shoulder as you sit down on the small couch, squished between wonwoo and chan. 
there’s a big get together happening with all of his closest friends, and well…their other friends too. their group of thirteen is comprised mostly of extroverts after all, and one of them, namely seungkwan, is why you’re here in the first place.
wonwoo knows you from before though; you always make sure to wave at him when he talks to seungkwan and even started up a conversation with him the other day about his gaming setup, even if you aren’t necessarily that informed about those kinds of things. he appreciated your attention though, and slowly after that, he saw you everywhere. at little parties like this, in the library during the weekend, and even at his house, when mingyu had invited you over with seungkwan. 
surprisingly, he doesn’t mind your questions, and you’re always respectful of his boundaries. in fact, you seem to read him well—you know when to not push further or sit in content silence with him. 
you say hi to chan, pinching his cheek to get a smile out of him before turning your body to greet the other man beside you. “hey, wonwoo!” 
he nods at you, taking a sip of his drink, hoping you don’t notice his robotic movements. he can’t help but be conscious when he’s right next to you, your elbow dangerously close to his right knee. 
to be perfectly honest, he didn’t know exactly when he started acting like this around you; it isn’t like there was a big moment where he realized he liked you more than friends. however, once he became aware of it—he was staring at his ceiling, about to sleep one night—he couldn't help himself from being so…careful around you. the funny thing is that even though he’s like this, you always end up making him comfortable enough to forget it—it’s dangerous for him to be so at peace around you, should he let his impulses win and actually confess one day. 
chan leans forward to see the both of you with a smirk on his face before putting an arm around your shoulder casually, and takes note of how wonwoo slightly adjusts his grip on his drink. chan calls your name smugly, his eyes watching the both of you (but especially wonwoo, so he can tell all the guys to tease his older friend later). “so…anything new?” 
“oh, i—” you start to speak but wonwoo cuts you off with a sigh in chan’s direction. “come on, don’t they tell you anything? they went to the beach recently, and then walked along the trail for a good few hours, even though it was dark and they were by themself. i don't know if it was last week or the week before that, but they also got some new plants—though i’m pretty sure they were for their neighbours more than themself, right?” he finishes, looking at you for confirmation as chan gapes, eyes wider than they’ve ever been. 
you have a similar expression on your face, and wonwoo clamps his mouth shut. “well, i’m screwed,” he mumbles under his breath. 
chan scratches his cheek. “well, they don’t tell me that much, that’s for sure.” 
he quickly excuses himself with a full blown grin on his face, and gets up to go visit the friend closest to the three of you—seokmin, who’s standing and talking to seungkwan, and another friend you don’t recognize. chan drags the two you know to the side, whispering something into their ears, and gasps emerge from their animated conversation that looks a little too much like old women gossiping.
you watch them for a moment before turning back to wonwoo—wait, is that a tinge of red he sees on your cheeks? you both stare at each other before you break the silence with an awkward laugh. “well…i uh.” you trail off, looking into the distance before you clear your throat and look straight at wonwoo with a small smile. “i didn’t realize you paid that much attention to my rambling.”  
he shrugs nonchalantly (you can practically hear the hinges in his shoulder creak as he does; he is very chalant) before staring down at his shoes. “of course.” it’s you, after all, is what he adds in his head and he clears his throat, looking away. 
you raise an eyebrow at his actions before changing the topic. “so anyway, about those plants…”
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“wonwoo?” you call out, and he looks down at your concerned look. you laugh awkwardly before continuing. “i’m done tying my laces, so we should go catch up with the others.” 
right, he stayed behind with you on the way to the ice cream shop because you needed to tie your shoelaces. you had grinned up at him, exclaiming, “safety first, am i right?” 
he had shook his head in amusement before waiting on the side patiently. 
he notices the way the dim light from the street lamps nearby hits you, colouring your skin golden. he thinks it suits you, with the way you continue to make him feel…warm. of course, he’s happy around his friends, even though he may not necessarily show it like some of them do; he isn’t clingy like hoshi, or sweet with his words like joshua. you make him feel slightly different though, and he’s not entirely sure what to do about it. 
you seem to notice that he prefers to watch and stay quiet than join in on the antics of the group, and make sure to include him in your own little ways. he appreciates it more than he can tell you, and it’s probably the main reason as to how his affection for you built up gradually.
wonwoo crouches down to your level and touches your cheek gently, brushing a stray eyelash onto the tip of his finger. he smiles slightly, holding it in front of you so you can see it well before whispering your name. “make a wish.” 
you grin, pausing to make a wish before blowing gently so that your eyelash goes off on a journey of its own in the wind. you get up quickly, lending a hand to wonwoo—he doesn’t need your help but…he still takes it. once he’s up, you drag him with you, walking quickly in the direction where the rest of the group went.  
“i think seungkwan might order some weird flavour for us if we don’t hurry up, if i’m being honest.” you turn back to him with a sheepish expression before it turns affectionate. he knows that you have a soft spot for seungkwan, considering you’ve known him much longer than the others. wonwoo thinks you have one for him too, considering how much attention you pay to him specifically. 
he nods solemnly—the urge to be more expressive around others so that they wouldn’t misunderstand him never seemed to apply when he was around you. 
you smile, focusing on your feet as you walk before speaking hesitantly, your hand going to rub the nape of your neck naturally. “hey…do you remember that game you mentioned last week? the one with the cat wizard, i mean.” 
puzzled, wonwoo looks at your face, thinking back to the time you’re talking about. right, he was talking about a game where you play as a cat and draw shapes to vanquish your enemies—he heard about one of his favourite esports players having that game, so he tried it out himself. wonwoo had brought it up randomly as the cuteness of the game reminded him of you. his explanation made it sound grander than it really was but you nodded along to everything he said. 
“yeah, i remember talking about it. divineko, right?” he says, taking out his own phone to show you the signature animal on the app icon. when you nod, he gives you a content smile once his phone is securely in his hoodie pocket. “what about it?”
you bite your lip nervously before speaking. “so…i may have downloaded that game and oh my god, wonwoo.” you pause to look at him before squealing in pure joy, taking out your own device to show him your avatar—a special wizard skin on your black cat. 
you look at him and then back to your phone screen, eyes widening with a realization. “dude, if this cat had glasses, it would literally be you!” you grin up at him before looking off to the side, muttering under your breath. “it’s definitely as cute as you, that’s for sure.”
“huh?” wonwoo blinks at you before shrugging, and the two of you start walking faster—after all, the rest of the guys are waiting for you. 
he looks down at the street in front of the two of you, a warning on his lips as he frowns. “hey there’s a—” you cut him off with a yelp as you trip on an uneven part of the sidewalk and fall down, saving yourself from getting too injured by bracing yourself with your knees. “…weird section of the sidewalk in front of you.” dazed, wonwoo finishes his sentence before he gives you his hand to help you get up. 
you take it and pull yourself up, brushing off any dirt that might’ve gotten on you. you look at him sheepishly again, and wonwoo laughs at you. 
he looks forward again, and can’t help but blurt out, “wow, i like you so much, huh?” as if he has no self control. 
you freeze, and so does wonwoo. did he really just say that?? he looks at you slowly through the corner of his eye, and sees you processing. 
in fact, you are processing. he—HE WHAT NOW? your mouth drops open without your permission and he turns to face you, his focus solely on his shoes. wow, when was the last time he washed them? 
wonwoo hesitates as he says your name, and you turn red at his gentle tone. “um, i. so cat’s out of the bag, huh?” he pauses to run a hand through his hair, moving his bangs to cover how red his ears have become. 
he looks up at you, and smiles slightly as he confesses what’s been on his mind for a while now. “i…i like you a lot, actually. but not as friends.” he stumbles on his words as his arms move around quickly—he’s the most expressive you’ve ever seen him, and you find yourself even more endeared somehow.
wonwoo’s face falls slightly when you don’t respond right away. he wasn’t expecting you to say that you thought of him in the way—no, that’s a lie. he wants you to return his feelings so that he can shower you with all the love you deserve, even if he shows it quietly. besides, you’ve already shown that you get him; you’ll know what he means, even if it’s implied.
your giggling clears his thoughts away as he watches you grin with pure joy; it’s almost as if it isn’t midnight but midday for wonwoo as he looks at you. 
“wonwoo…” you say before bursting into another fit of soft laughter, and he chuckles, already knowing your answer to his confession. 
“actually, i feel the same way. i mean, i didn’t just approach you because i liked you—i want to be clear about that.” you pause to make sure he understands—he gives you a nod to continue—and you smile at him again. “i think i just…found out what a great person you are eventually.” 
wonwoo nods again, biting back a grin before he frowns slightly. “wait. what do we tell the guys?” 
you give him a sneaky smile before grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the ice cream shop you two were supposed to be at like…ten minutes ago. “we can tell them that we’re together now, can’t we?”
wonwoo uses his hand to cover his smile as he looks off to the side, his ears red. “yeah, i think i’d like that.”
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laughroditee · 3 days
Your Ghost | Part 2 - XIII Death
Part 1 is here
CW: this story takes place after Soap's death and contains supernatural elements, tarot, mentions of death and blood
Summary: Evangeline reluctantly goes to talk to Simon about Johnny at Johnny's urging.
The ghost of John MacTavish looked down at me with a serious expression.  “I did.  I need yer help, Evangeline.  Yer the only one who can do it.”
“No,” I said.
He blinked. “‘No?’”
“No,” I repeated, my eyes a little too wide. 
“Ye haven’t even heard what I want from ye.”  John looked annoyed, his brows drawing down in a frown that lined his face. It made him look maybe just a little bit intimidating.  Having issues with displeasing someone, who me?
“Don’t want to.  Can’t.”  I shook my head for extra emphasis as if I needed it.  “Mm-mm.”
“Are ye always so childish?” 
Oof, right in the feelings.  “You want me to talk to someone, don’t you?” I accused, my finger jabbing the air at him.  
“Knight of Swords.  Air.  Communication,” I explained as if this were common knowledge and a perfectly logical conclusion to reach.  “You just have that very chatty air about you, and I dunno, man, I’m not about that life.  I have social anxiety.  I don’t play well with strangers because I’m too busy having a heart attack around them.  It’s just not a strength that I have.”
John looked momentarily apologetic before despair swallowed the expression.  This gave me pause.  Fuck me and my Catholic guilt.  “Fine!  Okay, alright, I’ll hear you out, but I can’t promise you anything.”  I sat down on the edge of the bed, just trying to quell the anxious jitters making my fingers shake, The Knight of Swords card dancing slightly in my grasp.  I placed it back with the other two in the reading and looked up at my ghostly kinsman.
John’s examining gaze was concerned as he stood across from me.  “Ye alright, lass?”
Reminding myself to take a deep breath, I simply nodded.
A single confirmation nod from John was all he gave before launching into his story.  “I was a soldier in life.  SAS.  British special forces.  We were on a mission a few months ago, chasin’ a Russian terrorist in the London tunnels.  Makarov.”  His eyes blazed as the memories washed through him, spitting his enemy’s name as if it were poison.  “We had ‘im too.  But the fucker was slippery.  My captain and I got shot while we were diffusin’ a bomb.”  John’s hand went to his shoulder as if to soothe the phantom wound.  “Makarov was about to finish ‘im off – my captain, I mean – but I managed to get up and clap the bastard, only… I ended up gettin’ shot in the head.  Killed instantly.  Then Makarov buggered off.”
I listened intently to John’s story, my heart squeezing in my chest for him.  “I’m so sorry, John.  I… don’t know what else to say.  You were really brave.”
He smirked.  “A lot of good it did me.  Still, Captain Price is alive, and I dunnae regret that.”  His eyes seemed focused on something far away, and I waited for him to continue.
When he didn’t, I had to prompt him.  “John?  What is it that you want from me?”
His eyes refocused on me, his mouth set in a grim line.  “I need yer help, Evangeline….  My boyfriend was there that day.  One of my teammates.  He’s not doin’ well.”
Shit.  I blew out a long breath as if I was trying to exorcise my demons.  “I’m so sorry,” I repeated uselessly.  “John, I’m… probably the last person you want to go and talk to your boyfriend about your death or literally anything else.  I suck at this kind of thing.  I never know what to say to grieving people, even if I’ve known them forever.  Words just aren’t enough.”
“Please,” he said, kneeling by the bed, his ghostly hand passing through mine as it lay on my lap, chilling me.  “You’re all I have, lass.”
Despite the urgency in his voice, I was hesitant for reasons that should have been obvious.  I stared down at the three cards on the bed once again, reinterpreting the reading as The Knight of Swords representing John, the Death card — for the first time in one of my readings — representing his literal death, and the Three of Swords representing his boyfriend’s subsequent heartbreak.  There are always multiple ways to interpret the cards in every situation; you just have to move through it and see what fits—a little like grief.
I looked back at him with an expression of resignation on my face.  “You’re lucky I like you.”
His face lit up.  “So you’ll do it?”
I sighed, coming to terms with the decision I was about to make.  “Yeah.  I’ll do it.”
“Sorry I called ye childish,” he said apologetically.
“Yer beau’iful,” he tried again.
I gave him a grin.  “Aww, how kind of you to say.”
“Yes, I am kind. Now you compliment me.”
“Why should I when you just did it yourself?”
He chuckled before his expression sobered.  “Thank you, Evangeline. I cannae repay the favor you’re doin’ me.”
I looked back at him, noting how similar our eyes were.  “You can owe me in the next life, how’s that?”
“Sounds like a fair deal.  So, are ye gonna clean up this mess?”
“Sorry, you’ll have to clean yourself up.”
I leaned down and started to gather my fallen tarot cards, picking out carpet lint and hairs occasionally as I stacked the deck.
”Y’know…,” he began, “ye make me wish I could’ve met you while I was livin’.  Think we coulda been friends?”
Deck neatly in hand, I looked up at him, a warm, bittersweet feeling blossoming inside my chest.  “Yeah, I think we could’ve been.  Could still be.”
He laughed.  “Well, bein’ friends with me is a blessing in itself.”
“I’m sure it is.”
We headed out by taxi to John’s old flat to see his boyfriend, Simon.  Simon Riley.  I turned the name over in my mind as we drove, wondering what kind of man he was.  It was odd traveling in a car with a complete stranger, knowing that you have a ghost with you.  I kept looking at the driver in the rearview mirror, paranoid that he’d be able to see John, but aside from my own awkwardness, the trip concluded uneventfully.
I stared at the door that I was supposed to be knocking on and felt immediately threatened, that familiar fight-or-flight feeling making my extremities tingle.  “Shit.  John, I can’t…”
“Easy.  I’ll be right here; I won’t leave ye.  But we have to get in and get to Simon, alright?  The eejit’s blootered.”
I stared at him in confusion.  “He’s what?”
John rolled his eyes, exasperated.  “Drinkin’, hen.  He’s right sloshed.  Now get knockin’.”
Stepping toward the door, I looked at John and said, “I feel like your Scottish level just increased.”  I wrapped my knuckles on the door before I lost my nerve and stepped back.
He smirked, though it didn’t reach his eyes.  “I think yer just too American to understand—“
The door flew open, revealing the personification of my Death card: an enormous man wearing a skull balaclava, no shirt, about one billion muscles, and an appropriately sized scowl.  His displeasure was evident despite the mask covering his features.  It radiated off of him in waves like heat, like the smell of alcohol that invaded my nostrils as it drifted out from him.  Piercing dark eyes stared down at me briefly before squinting, and then he slammed the door in my face.  I could hear his heavy footfalls retreating further into the flat.  I looked at John, at a complete loss, and maybe with a bit of anxiety.  Just a wee bit.
He sighed.  “Knock again, Evangeline.  He’ll answer.”  
“Why do you not look convinced?”
“Because I’m not.”
“I appreciate your honesty.  Is he gonna kill me?” I asked, somehow finding the nerve to knock again through my blooming dissociation.  It was a genuine fear.  What do I actually know about these guys?  Not much.  John hadn’t told me anything about Simon besides that they were both in the military.  He most certainly didn’t tell me about how absofuckinglutely intimidating his man was; he looked like he could just break me in half with those dark brooding eyeballs of his, no hands necessary.  My heart lurched, palpitating in my chest wildly like a canary in a proverbial coal mine.
“He won’t kill ye,” John assured me and my anxiety.
Ten beats passed. Nothing.
“Steamin’ bloody Jesus,” John said in frustration and then disappeared through the wall of the flat.  I could hear him swearing and yelling, all in vain.  He emerged, raking a hand through his mohawk in irritation.  When his eyes finally locked with mine, a silent plea filled them.
I didn’t like that look on John’s face; the pain and concern etched there was almost a tangible thing, and it hurt.  It made me feel edgy and a bit unstable, as if the ground beneath me wasn’t as sturdy as I believed before coming out here.  I stepped up and knocked again, louder, more insistent.  For him.
This time, I could hear the lumbering stomps of Simon’s gait as he approached the door to the flat, and I braced myself for whatever might come.  My hair sucked forward from the sudden vacuum the door caused, and I nearly expected the door to be ripped from its hinges, such was the velocity at which the door opened.  I hadn’t stepped back, but Jesus, I wished that I had.
“The fuck do you want?”  Simon’s voice was a low growl, his thick British accent raking across me like a physical attack.
There was that small animal voice in the back of my head as I looked up at the angry behemoth at the door, which said, with zero doubt, “You are going to die.”  He braced a forearm on the doorframe, leaning in closer.  My eyes widened fractionally with every millimeter that decreased between us.  Shit.
“Um… A-are you Simon?  Simon Riley?”
He blinked at me with unfocused eyes.  He’d been drinking heavily as he reeked of alcohol, which was wonderful for me because we all know that drunk people are totally predictable.  “Who’s askin’?”
My eyes flicked to John, who stood beside the door, nodding encouragingly.  “M-my name is Evangeline.  I’m here about John—"
“Johnny,” John — or Johnny — corrected me.
“Johnny?”  I glanced at my ghostly companion, who nodded.
Simon narrowed his eyes.  “The fuck you on about?”
“Look, I know this will sound crazy, but he sent me here with a message.”  This was a bit of a stretch since, now that I thought about it, Johnny didn’t actually give me a message for Simon.
“So, what, you’re a bloody fortune teller?” Simon asked, his gravelly voice seething with bitter outrage.
Shit shit shit shit shit.  “No, that’s not—“ I started, taking a defensive step backward, but he barreled on.
“What the fuck do you want here?”
“Johnny wanted me to—“ 
I had little time to react before he picked me up by my jacket lapels and slammed me against his door, the air quickly evicted from my lungs.  The back of my head stung as I looked in horror at him.
“Johnny doesn’t want anything.  He’s fucking dead.”
I froze under his gaze, which was both hateful and wounded, the cold rush of adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream.
Johnny interjected in a panic, “The first thing I ever said to him was, ‘I’ll save you a seat, sir.’  Tell him!”
I could feel my throat starting to close up.  I couldn’t move, couldn’t talk, couldn’t breathe.
“Shit.”  Johnny rushed forward, moving through Simon, trying to get him to loosen his grip, but it was useless.  Next, he passed through me, my body feeling the chill of his presence, a strange, otherworldly shiver as suddenly, my mouth moved.
“LT, let ‘er go.”  The voice was mine, but the inflection and the speaker was Johnny.
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starsreminisce · 6 hours
@crazy-ache and I were talking about windows, and while Elain was usually seen at windows, so was Lucien. We were discussing what kind of literary device the window could represent, considering both Elain and Lucien loved looking through them.
Windows in the books tend to be places of reflection. Feyre would stare at the night sky, finding solace during her times of hardship, which was revealed to be because her mate was the High Lord of Night. At one point, Lucien was staring out the window to Velaris, realizing that Spring Court was never truly Feyre's home and wishing that what Feyre had now could have been how the Spring Court would be.
I found it interesting how windows were used to portray three big moments between Elain and Lucien and their bond. The first time they met was in front of a window, then Lucien tried to feel Elain through their bond, and Elain confirmed there was a bond there. Lastly, they stood together during the meeting after the war.
“There’s a plate of biscuits. Would you like one?” He didn’t expect her to answer, and he gave himself all of one more minute before he’d rise from this chair and leave, hopefully avoiding Nesta’s return. But sunlight on gold caught his eye—and Elain slowly turned from her vigil at the window. He had not seen her entire face since that day in Hybern. Then, it had been drawn and terrified, then utterly blank and numb, her hair plastered to her head, her lips blue with cold and shock. Looking at her now … She was pale, yes. The vacancy still glazing her features. But he couldn’t breathe as she faced him fully. She was the most beautiful female he’d ever seen.
Outside the house, movement again caught our eye, and we found Rhys and Cassian strolling in through the low front gate, returning from their first meeting with Keir’s Darkbringer army commanders—already rallying and preparing. At least that much had gone right yesterday. Both of them spotted us in the window within a heartbeat. Stopped cold. Don’t come in, I warned him through the bond. Lucien is trying to sense what’s wrong with Elain. Through the bond.
Helion was the last of the High Lords to arrive. I didn’t dare look through the ruined doorway to where Lucien now stood in the sitting room, close to Elain’s side as she and my sister silently kept against the wall by the intact bay of windows.
It's equally fascinating that Azriel and Mor had a big revelation in front of a window as well, after the High Lord meeting where Mor retreated within herself from Azriel's outburst. This moment showed that Az's problem wasn't so much that Elain isn't his mate but that Elain is mated to a Vanserra. It also cemented to Az that Mor would never be the person he wanted her to be.
The fire banked to embers and Helion threw a half smile in Mor’s direction. “Interesting. I heard her family wanted internal ties to power, and that they didn’t give her a choice before they sold her to Beron.” Sold her. Mor’s nostrils flared. Cassian ran a hand down the back of her hair. Azriel didn’t so much as turn from his vigil at the window, though I could have sworn his wings tucked in a bit tighter.
Az's bonus chapter shows his envy about not having a mate and how the third was given to another. However, it's deeper than that because the third was given to a member of a family who had caused someone he loved harm. It's equally telling when he referred to Lucien by his name and claimed he wasn't deserving of Elain, despite Lucien being in a politically advantageous position for Rhys to prioritize his being alive.
This also goes back to the gift Azriel gave Elain—a stained glass pendant where light is needed to show its secret inner beauty. Windows are used for stained glass, where the sun shows off the art. This could symbolize how both of them are looking to each other for what they lack, using each other to fulfill a desire, even though that desire doesn't align with what exactly they need.
Interestingly, Elain held the pendant up to the light, and it ended up with someone who can produce her own glow to show off that secret inner beauty organically.
I could interpret this as Elain telling him that I don't have what you are looking for.
Both of them are seeking light, but as Rhys said in ACOMAF, sometimes too much can be equally deadly. Azriel "protects" Elain to the point where she could feel stifled, and the light Azriel seeks in Elain causes his shadows to disappear, whereas it plays well with Gwyn's gentle glow.
Regardless, Elain returned the pendant to Azriel after he called it a mistake, and Elain seemed unaffected by his rejection.
The next scene we see her in, she is once again close to Lucien during Starfall, in the same clause as his true father, separated by a comma.
If SJM intends to use her characters looking out the window to convey realizations through reflections, she extends the window symbolism for realizations through actions if they are by them.
But what is interesting is that after the Solstice, Lucien and Elain were on a veranda. What’s interesting about verandas is that there are no window panes.
That barrier is now gone.
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He’s Mine (For Tonight)
✰ older!tasm!peter parker x f!reader
✰ word count: 0.9k
✰ summary: a date night after work??? with the man you love?? yes, please.
✰ warnings: mentions of alcohol, mention of a bruise, a few kisses, mushy gushy fluff, peter is a gentleman but also a downright fool for the reader.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
main m.list ⋆ peter parker m.list
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⋆ gif by @josshelps
The first few weeks of June brought that humid air that came along with living in the city. Brighter colors seemed to make their way out of the depths of people’s closets while the last bit of leaves sprouted on the trees. With the music playing along in your earbuds, you observe the little things of the changing of seasons. 
You wipe the moisture off your forehead as you’re now aware of how harsh the sun is; the perspiring drink in your hand becomes a mirror image of you. 
The rhythmic beat of the music stops suddenly as Peter’s name appears on the screen. Smiling to yourself, you answer the call, “Hey, Petey.” You know he hates that name, so he isn’t surprised when he hears your smile through the phone as you use the nickname you tease him with. 
“Hey, bug,” he starts, as he leans back in his office chair, his fingers raking through his hair, “do you have any plans tonight?” Peter checks his watch, his work day soon ending as the clock strikes four-thirty. 
You’re turning onto your apartment's street when you think about the coming hours, before shaking your head as if Peter was standing in front of you. You giggle to yourself at the mistake, “I have to let the neighbor's dog out, but either way…there’s nothing,” you reach your front door and push it open, the air conditioning hitting your face, “why? What are you thinking?” Unplugging your phone from your earbuds, you toss your phone onto the kitchen counter and put your boyfriend on speaker. 
“I was thinking of going to that jazz bar over in the East Village,” he pauses as he thinks of the streets, “over on Thirteenth and First Ave.” Peter’s voice echoes throughout the space as you start to change into comfortable clothes. 
Turning your head to hear him better, you can tell he’s walking home now, “Yeah, I’m up for it.” Your voice is raised a bit to make sure he can hear you. “Will your nightly activities interrupt our date night?” 
He huffs a chuckle, “I think the city can give me one night out to spend with my gorgeous girl.” A warmth falls on your cheeks as you smile to yourself. Peter’s always found little ways to make you feel loved, including his way with words. 
Slipping on your slippers, you open the door again to check on your neighbor's dog, your phone pressed to your ear, “I’ll be waiting for you.” A playful tone rings through your voice and makes its way to Peter, causing him to grin. You end the call with your usual ‘I love you’s, and continue to the apartment next door. 
After finishing up with the tiny brown Dachshund, you catch Peter entering your shared apartment. You rush to him and greet him with a kiss, “Welcome home, handsome.” He leans down to give you a quick peck before holding the door open for you. 
By the time you two made it to the bar, it was well past six, and the place was crowded. The red light casts a deep hue onto your skin, something Peter can’t help but notice. You lead him through the crowd, hand in hand, as you find a table near the side of the stage. Peter pulls out your chair for you before you sit, the view of groups of people fills the room with life. 
As you scan the room, Peter can’t help but stare at you. He’s always known you were effortlessly beautiful, ever since the day he met you: but looking at you now, it confirms it. With the sound of the brass instruments playing in the background, he’s awakened from his daze. 
Reaching across the small table, you hold his hand, rubbing your thumb along his slightly bruised knuckles, “You’re the best, do you know that?” 
Now it was his turn for a blush to spread across his cheeks, the red lights covering them, “Shouldn’t I be telling you that?” 
“Maybe,” you look into his eyes, “I just feel like you need to hear it more.” He brings your hand up to his mouth before placing a gentle kiss on the skin on the back of your hand. You were about to say how much you loved him, until a waitress interrupted the both of you, asking for your drink orders. 
You’re both a little surprised as you begin to tell the woman what you want and after she leaves, you look back at Peter and giggle. It felt like you were both teenagers again, getting caught holding hands at the movie theater. With Peter, he still gave you those butterflies that you swore were only for kids. 
For the rest of the night, you two were always within arm's distance. And on the walk home with a few drinks in, the two of you laughed the entire way. You joke that you probably look crazy to onlookers ahead, to which Peter says that he doesn’t care. 
As long as Peter was by your side, you knew everything would be alright, even if his nightly activities made it hard to have him to yourself tonight selfishly. 
⋆ author's note: hi you great and gorgeous people. long time no see! it's been a while, but i think im back? thank you guys for the support during my hiatus!! you're the best. ok, ily bye!!
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Hear me out!
I had an idea
So remember where Wukong had some memory loss of the present and thought he was in the past? And that he drank a love potion right? Well while tang and pigsy was helping him out, he saw the shy yet sweet female reader ( who was just waiting for them to come back since she was on a look out for thier stuff ) took off her hair tie and does that hair flip and shook her hair alittle before seeing them coming back.
I got this idea by listening to this song called “ might start singing ” by wuvv . I thought the part where wukong just caught her on time doing that sexy hair flip and looks at him smiling ( yes I’m going for those movie scenes where the character falls for the other by a song that plays in the background if that makes sense lol ) I hope this was okay!
This totally makes sense and I love this idea! I hope you like it!
“Love bound” Amnesiac!Wukong x reader (love potion)
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This whole mess you were in felt like a fever dream and the cherry on top was amnesiac Wukong who went to retrieve the kidnapped Tang with Pigsy like the routine shenanigan on Wukong’s Journey. When you, Tang, and Pigsy were trapped in the van and Pigsy shoved the dangerously hot pepper in the sage’s mouth you opted to sit on the edge of the van while the others were getting used to being seen as their reincarnations.
You sighed and put your head in your hands, hoping that Mk and others were having better luck with finding the rings or making progress on your mission. Through one of the little cracks of your hands, you saw movement and lifted your head to pull back in surprise to see Wukong staring at you puzzled. His face focused and his nose scrunched up like he was trying to figure out if he knew you. Probably what the hell some random woman that wasn’t there yesterday was doing on the journey of his.
“Who are you? I don’t remember you being here last night or before that and you’re not a demon.” he trailed off and his eyes glowed gold as if to double-check that you weren’t in fact a demon before going back to their regular shiny gold. Wukong’s head tilted and you snapped out of your trance. “Yeah, I’m Name. I came from a nearby village to help with a mission to save your master,” you said hesitantly and partially lied since it wasn’t entirely false.
He hummed and nodded, looking you up and down before smiling a bit. All of them went back to their attempt at finding Tang, looking at Pigsy and whispering that you were going to stay here with the van and their stuff. He nodded and looked like jealous since he was suddenly snatched by Wukong’s tail and ran off.
You let out a breath and ran a hand through your hair, failing to suppress the blush painting your face and replaying the adorable personality of Wukong’s past self. His lack of attention and similarity to an energetic child was cute. Your crush was pretty evident given you all had been in the van for the past couple of days and your interactions were mostly quiet short ones.
That didn’t mean he didn’t make small teases and small conversations that flustered both of you a tad. It was a while until they got back and you guessed that more than one problem had happened. Tang and Pigsy were arguing while Wukong was looking more affectionate and soft. You took your hair out of your band and flipped it, massaging your roots to fluff it up and ease the strain of the tightness.
You tossed your head back up and made a noise of surprise when Wukong was close to your face, both of you smiling widely with flustered expressions and noticing that your crush had heart-shaped pupils. This only confirmed your suspicions and laughed softly when Wukong wrapped his tail around your arm. Nuzzling your chest and cheeks as he ran his claws through your hair and was seemingly fascinated with it.
“Pigsy? Can you explain why Wukong is suddenly a cuddle bug and lovey-dovey?” you asked and walked over with the mystic monkey still clinging to you. He turned rubbing his eyebrows and sighed. “While we were rescuing Tang Monkey King was eating the scorpions on the table and accidentally ate a bottle of what is probably a love potion. Probably to make Tang stay with the Scorpion queen and all,” he said and groaned, packing up the camping stuff and failing to get Tang from running up the hill to find a bolder for something.
Meanwhile, you and Wukong were cuddled up with each other just outside the van, taking advantage of the situation by snuggling with him and smiling when he started purring. However, it all ended when Pigsy yanked you from getting crushed by a bolder that was meant for Wukong because of “amnesia rules” and thanked him for saving you but couldn’t help the disappointment when he returned to normal.
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sweaterface · 3 months
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my favorite anime
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vaedar · 2 years
      So, because I just wanted to share. Now that I am wasting the precious small time I can make in the Duolingo High Valyrian verse instead of trying to RP, I realized that the valyrian translators me and other fellow rpers have used in interactions, do not translate accurately. As in, structurally. Because High Valyrian is a head-final language, it’s not the same as English would be structured. 
For example, “Your dragon is eating my dog” would translate to “Aōha zaldrīzes ñuha jaos iksis eating ( it doesn’t translate this word )”. 
The correct translation would be “Aōha zaldrīzes ñuha jaos ipradas”, which would be from the literal english structure of “Your dragon my dog is eating”. 
For “you are powerful” would be “kostōbon iksā” as opposed to how it would literally translate form english into “iksā kraj”. “You are beautiful” = “gevie iksā” ( literal ‘beautiful you are’ ) “I see the wolf” = “Zokla urnen” ( literal ‘wolf i see’ )
So yeah, ever since I started the course, now because the muse of course demands it, I have to try to structure the english into the high valyrian way to try and translate it as close to correctly as possible but even the translators don’t have the words that I have learned in the course so I’m actually pleased, so it’s not been a total waste I guess? 
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nenasspot · 2 years
I was thinking of live blogging, but to not overwhelm with posts, here is it: gmmtv's bl line-up for 2023 is currently giving us:
1. a forcebook office romance, which to me means: force. in. a. suit. that's really all I have to say about this lmao. also I hope it's funny
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2. more joongdunk! hidden agenda with dunk trying to get joong's ex and getting him to teach what she likes.. a recipe for disaster. also it has the vice versa side (boom and aou) that I liked sosososo much so yay!! and pod being a beaut..
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3. an offgun cooking romance?? I honestly thought they were dialing back on bl, but there they are... the true gmmtv pillar.. the audience going absolutely batshit insane, me too. also gun says 'i've liked it for quite a while' in the teaser and it got me giggling, kicking my feet, the whole shabam. once again, i really hope it's funny
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4. jimmysea in something called 'last twilight'. money-troubled jimmy becomes an assistant to almost blind sea. It's like that one vietnamese series!! mostly, the poster looks melodramatic. lovely. directed by the p'aof though!!!! also; sea's fit in this event is crazy.
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5. only friends with forcebook and firstkhao?? I didn't think forcebook was that impressive in enchanté to get 2 new titles immediately, but it does mean we're getting a series called 'only friends' with two pretty legendary actor friendships... it's looking very complicated and one big web of sex and feelings and all that shit-- in short, i can't fucking wait. the ost also sounds great already
(force is wearing glasses at the event and I'm weak in the knees)
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we interrupt this message with: neo is confirmed in 2 of these 5 and all we're doing is waiting for a title with him and louis as main... it's not looking good guys
6. dangerous romance with, get this, perth and chimon. it's looking like highschool enemies to lovers! chimon tutoring perth for money. perth's character is a footballer, of course. this pairing came out of left field for me,, i knew they'd give perth someone but i didn't know who it was gonna be.. we'll see! both of them are strong actors so... I thought for a second that pepper (only his profile in shot and with the slickback) was mew and i almost shit my pants lmao
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7. CHERRY MAGIC WITH TAYNEW????? ohhhh so gmmtv is going crazy next year is what you're saying. gmmtv is trying to be the best next year. gmmtv is (hopefully) trying to keep the adorable office set vibes that japan has perfected, and adding the only thing we were missing from that series: honest physical interest. that's truly the only thing they can add to the masterpiece that is cherry magic. so i hope they do, and w/o taking away the rest that made it so good.
tay and new were so overdramatic in this announcement, it was great lmao
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8. our skyy 2. so some short 'after their stories' things, which i kinda like. they're doing like,, every pairing they had in 2022 so that's cool! bad buddy, the eclipse, forcebook from boss and babe, tale of 1000 stars, pondphuwin's pairing from never let me go, joongdunk from the star/sky series, vice versa and geminifourth from the school president thing (i think they're also a moonlight chicken side, but I'm not sure).. it's a crazy line-up
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I cannot believe we're getting all of that. and we're still waiting on some for this year?? I can't wait to get my paws back on frigay... because frigay is only frigay if there's a gmmtv series airing, you feel me?
BUT ONE LAST THING: WE'RE GETTING AN OFFICIAL MILKLOVE SERIES :)))))) i cannot believe this is happening :'))
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cockaiine · 27 days
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Gojo the womanizer, they called him.
Yeah, ‘he will break your heart’, you were told.
But they don’t see the look in Satoru’s eyes when you tug at his arm when you ask him to stay the night. No one knows how he kisses your forehead every night, restless until he makes sure you’re asleep.
Your friends warned you, they told you he fucks girls for fun. But they never warned you of the intimacy his grip holds, or the softness in which he huffs your name, calling you as if you were the last girl alive. No one warned you you’d find yourself stuck in his arms every morning, kept close like you’re life itself.
You knew Satoru’s a busy man, everyone presumed he’s busy fooling around with someone else. But you know better. You’re the only one who sees him wounded, muttering that he’s fine, it’s just a scratch, but hissing whenever the cotton dips at his skin.
His blue eyes were dangerous, you were told—and they are, in all the ways you weren’t told. They’re sweet, caring, and lost. He’s not sure what he’s doing, he doesn’t know right from wrong, and he thinks of you as an anchor. You used to think his eyes were crystals, bland and rich and hard to reach. But Satoru’s eyes were an ocean, behind them hid a thousand lives in a man who is not thirty yet.
Satoru brings you flowers every Thursday, a different arrangement from last week, and tells you it’s a good day to celebrate having you in his life. Satoru apologizes when you sneeze because you’re allergic to one of these flowers—he spends the next week making it up to you until it’s Thursday again.
You’d been told he’ll dump you over text, but whenever he’s away on a mission he texts you to make sure you know he loves you. To make sure that you love him. He promises you he’s gonna kiss you until you pass out when he’s back, he tells you he can’t sleep without your snores, he swears he’s going to lose his mind if he can’t see you for much longer.
Satoru listens to every word you say, memorizing every note your voice rises and committing it to memory. He remembers every topic you discuss, every movie you talk about, every pet you gushed over, and even every problem you complained about. But his favorite? Oh, the way you moan his name, trying to hold back but it comes out sobbed and pitched and desperate. He loves it so much he hears it even in his dreams, waking up needy and clinging to you.
And oh, people sing of the miracle he is in bed, chanting of how good they hear he is. But he’s clueless; unsure how to please you, afraid he’d get things wrong. It’s so sweet, really, the way he studies your face, waiting for confirmation that yes, he can continue. That he’s making you feel good.
You heard people say they’d never seen him with the same girl twice, but today you celebrate your second anniversary. Your third anniversary. Your fourth anniversary, when he insists you celebrate at home, unlike every year. Where he gets down on one knee in your backyard, asking you with keen eyes to make him the happiest man alive.
‘Oh, but he’s not a family man,’ You’ve been warned, ‘he’s so busy, your family would be a mess!’ But he swears he won’t be happy until he gets a kid with your eyes. Satoru holds your hand every night, reminding you that he wants to have children and watch them grow with you, promising you you’d be a happy family until the very end of your days.
He’s the strongest, you were told. You told him to stay, you told him it’s too dangerous to go. But he promised he’d come back, what could possibly go wrong? He is the strongest, after all, that’s what all the tales of him tell.
But everything else they said was a lie, and this was no exception. You swore you loved Gojo Satoru, but you’ve never hated him more than when you received news of his death, a baby in your stomach, only three months away. Even when you weep over his coffin, begging him to come back, promising him you’d never be mad at him again, promising him you’d never keep him up late again, promising him you’d never stand in his way again, he doesn’t. 
You don’t regret Gojo Satoru, you never could. But you wonder to yourself every night, what would you tell the little one growing in you? That her father was a legend? Would she understand that?
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pucksandpower · 11 days
So Good to Me
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: Charles Leclerc is the perfect man for you … getting stopped on the street for a random TikTok challenge just serves to prove that even further
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The warm Monaco sun beats down on you as you stroll leisurely along the bustling sidewalk, a canvas tote bag filled with fresh produce and flowers from the local farmer’s market hanging from your shoulder. The salty sea breeze wafts across your face, carrying with it the excited chatter and laughter of tourists admiring the luxurious yachts bobbing in Port Hercules.
You smile to yourself, relishing this perfect Mediterranean afternoon. Just a quick stop at home to drop off your purchases, and then maybe you’ll take a dip in the infinity pool on the terrace to cool off before Charles is done with-
“Excusez-moi, mademoiselle!” A young man’s voice breaks through your daydreaming. You glance over to see a twenty-something guy with a neatly trimmed beard, expensive-looking sunglasses, and a black t-shirt emblazoned with HUSTLE in white block letters. He’s holding a mini microphone and has his iPhone pointed at you, clearly filming.
A TikToker.
You sigh internally but force a polite smile.
“Oui, puis-je vous aider?” You reply in French.
“Ah sorry, I don’t speak much French! Do you speak English?” The TikToker asks eagerly in a British accent.
“Yes, I do. Can I help you with something?” You say, switching to English yourself. You just want to get home but you know these influencer types can be annoyingly persistent.
The TikToker grins. “Brilliant! I’m doing a social experiment for my followers. I was wondering — do you have a significant other? A boyfriend or husband perhaps?”
You raise an eyebrow questioningly but decide to humor him. “Um, yes, I have a boyfriend,” you answer simply.
His eyes light up. “Fantastic! And would you say your boyfriend loves you very much?”
You can’t help but chuckle at the boldness of this stranger’s line of questioning. “Yes, I would definitely say that. He loves me a lot,” you confirm, a soft smile playing on your lips as you think of Charles.
“Perfect! Okay, here’s the challenge,” the TikToker announces dramatically, staring intensely into his camera. “I want you to call up your boyfriend right now and ask him to send you some money. Doesn’t matter how much. But for every €100 he sends, I’ll give you €20 to keep for yourself. Let’s see how much he really loves you, shall we?”
You stare at this guy incredulously for a moment before bursting out laughing. Is he serious? He clearly has no idea who your boyfriend is. An amused smirk spreads across your face as you fish your iPhone out of your designer purse.
“Alright, you’re on,” you say confidently, already unlocking your phone and tapping on Charles’ contact. The TikToker looks surprised but excited that you actually agreed to his silly challenge.
“Put it on speaker phone,” he instructs, zooming his camera in on your phone screen which is now dialing Charles.
After a few rings, the warm, honey-smooth voice you adore comes through. “Allô mon amour, what’s up?” Charles greets you sweetly. “I’m just finishing up some simulator runs but I should be done soon to help with dinner.”
“Hey baby,” you reply, your voice automatically softening. “Sorry to bother you, I know you’re busy. But I’m out right now and I just passed by that little boutique near the casino, you know the one? And I saw the most incredible pair of shoes in the window. I swear they were calling my name.”
Charles laughs affectionately, the sound like music to your ears even through the cell phone speaker. “Oh yeah? The ones that were calling your name last week turned out to be, what was it, €900?” He teases.
You roll your eyes playfully even though he can’t see. “Okay, fair, but you know I hardly ever splurge on myself. I’m usually so frugal!”
“Mmhmm, whatever you need to tell yourself, chérie,” Charles says wryly and you can practically hear the smirk in his voice. “Let me guess, you need to go get these dream shoes right now? Or else they’ll haunt you forever?”
“You know me so well,” you gush dramatically. “I promise I’ll pay you back though! I get paid next week and-”
“Hey, hey, stop,” Charles cuts you off gently. “Mon cœur, you never have to pay me back, you know that. I love being able to treat you and spoil you. You deserve the world. Never forget that.”
You feel yourself melt at his earnest words, momentarily forgetting you have an audience. “I love you so much,” you murmur. “Thank you for always being so good to me.”
“Right back at you, ma belle. Je t’aime,” Charles says tenderly. “There, check your banking app. Let me know if you need any more. And have fun shopping! I’ll see you at home in a bit, okay? À bientôt!”
You glance down at your phone as a notification from your bank pops up on the screen. Your eyes widen slightly when you see the amount Charles sent over, but you recover quickly.
“Thank you, baby. See you soon!” You reply before hanging up. You turn back to the TikToker who is gaping at you in disbelief. Casually, you turn your phone screen towards him and his camera so he can clearly see the notification that €10,000 has just been deposited into your account.
The poor guy looks like he’s about to pass out from shock. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, rendered speechless. You just laugh good-naturedly.
“Well, guess I won your little challenge, huh?” You remark, slipping your phone back into your purse. “Tell you what, why don’t you donate whatever money you were going to give me to a local animal shelter instead? I think it’ll be put to much better use there.”
The TikToker finally manages to pick his jaw up off the floor. He laughs shakily and nods. “Yeah ... yeah I can do that. Wow. Um, thanks for being such a good sport about this. And congrats on, uh, winning, I guess?”
You give him a friendly wink. “Anytime. Have a nice rest of your day!” With that, you turn gracefully on your heel and continue on your way back home, feeling rather smug and deeply appreciative of your wonderfully generous boyfriend.
“Wait!” The TikToker calls out after you. You glance back over your shoulder curiously. He hesitates before asking in an awed voice, “If you don’t mind me asking ... who the hell is your boyfriend?”
An enigmatic smile plays on your lips. “No one special really,” you reply breezily. “Just a guy who loves driving fast cars.”
You leave the gaping TikToker in your wake as you saunter off, already daydreaming about showing your appreciation to Charles later for being the most incredible boyfriend imaginable.
Maybe you really will splurge on those designer shoes after all … and pick up a little something special from the lingerie boutique next door while you’re at it.
Your smile widens. Just as a little thank you to your man, of course. Life is good when you’re in love with Charles Leclerc.
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r3ynah · 4 months
Danny as Phantom, bored out of his mind tried his best to keep his eyes open, this JL meeting, the meeting was about a cause of mind control or something, in short this was just boring,
he was here as a substitute for Constantine because that man ditched the last second, and left Phantom for himself.
His so gonna push the man off the ledge when he sees him.
Danny continued to dissociate, until he heard a familiar name, coming out of the dark knight's mouth.
"Ember? the popstar? batman do you really think she's the one doing this mind control thing?" Flash asked, he was also almost falling asleep until the popstar's name was said. "Man, Ember's songs are such a vibe, hope she's not some supervillain"
"It is not confirmed, All we know is that she might only be a meta civilian that really just wants to show the world her songs" Wonder woman reasoned, from the far end of the table.
"Until further notice, we shall gather some crimes she unknowingly did, and have her quarantined for the mean time." Batman stated at the other side of the table.
wait what? Quarantine Ember? His rogue and friend, no that wouldn't do.
"I need to disagree with you there Mr. Batman" Phantom called out gaining all the members attention
"And why is that, Phantom?" Superman asked for Batman, who only stared at the ghost with curiosity.
"Well, you did specifically said that members cannot, mess with other members rogues" Phantom exclaimed "If you mess with Ember you're practically breaking your own rules,"
"The Ember, is your rogue?" Flash said astonished. "Wait that means she's also a ghost like you, But why are you just letting her go around the world parading?"
"Yes she's a ghost like me, i let her parade the world because she's on a vacation I mean this whole world tour speaks for itself, putting her in quarantine will do no good for her or anyone, and the whole mind controlling thing is so last season for Ember, she just sucks the energy out of people who hear her songs so she herself can have energy." Phantom explained, floating down to sit on his designated chair. "Besides I keep track of her, to make sure she doesn't create havoc and overdue her powers, she hasn't mind controlled anyone that's for sure."
Phantom eyed batman who still remained, quiet, he looked like he was thinking of something deeply, whatever it was Danny didn't care as long as Ember and the other ghosts are safe.
"And how would you guarantee that Ember won't harm any human citizens?" Batman questioned.
"Oh that's easy, because I already told them what will happen, if they either try to hurt humans" Danny let out a smile that showed all his sharp fangs, his eyes glowed a toxic green, that made everyone in the room uncomfortable, his hair floated more aggressively and uncontrollably. "I think they got the message."
Everyone felt scared at that moment, just who the hell did Constantine, bring in here?
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claypgeon · 15 days
he got the girl | george russell
pairing: george russell x wolff!reader
summary: that awkward moment when you get caught going on a date with one of your dads drivers.
notes: i have my chemistry final tomorrow, wish me luck!
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liked by georgerussell63, alex_albon, maxverstappen1, and 973,826 others!
f1gossip: y/n wolff was seen last night on a date? with george russell, (yes the mercedes driver) last night in monaco? this was actually very surprising for us as well, thoughts?
view comments below!
user1: no shit
user2: no way george pulled y/n
user3: GEORGE IN THE LIKES ??????
user5: sorry guys 😅😅 but that’s actually me and y/n, not her and that skinny twig 😅😅
user6: maybe they were just hanging out ??
user8: this is actually crazy
user9: okay guys..but the pictures are actually so cute 🙂‍↕️
alex_albon: holy shit @/georgeussell63 no way you actually got her
georgerussell63: well don’t act so surprised 🙄
maxverstappen1: we will act so surprised. she’s rejected you 10 times.
georgerussell63: she has NOT!
maxverstappen1: sorry, 20 times**
charles_leclerc: holy cow 😳
mercedesamgf1: omg no
mercedesamgf1: What the fuck is this. - Toto Wolff
user13: TOTO NOOO
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liked by georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, yourusername and 43,837 others!
tagged: yourusername, and georgerussell63
f1: it’s been a while, but y/n is back!
view comments below!
user15: her and lewis 😞😞
user17: she looks so good 🙄
mercedesamgf1: please un-tag George William Russell. - Toto Wolff
user19: someone PLEASE get this old geezer his own instagram account
user20: the way he adds - Toto Wolff, like we don’t already know ???
user21: oh what i would do to be a fly in the mercedes garage right now
user22: the use of george’s FULL name ??? that boy better run
georgerussell63: 😍😍
leiwshamilton: do you want our boss to kill you?
landonorris: it’s like he WANTS to die
user24: after years of being rejected by y/n he wants everyone to know he finally got her 😭
user25: george finally gets y/n and he loses all fear
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f1gossip; y/n was asked about the dating rumors today she was asked “are you and george dating”, she answered, “i think he’s made it very clear, hasn’t he?”
view comments below!
user27: i low key thought george was having like a manic episode and was pretending to date y/n but this basically confirmed it, happy for them!
user28: LMAO WHATT
user29: okay now toto’s reaction pls
user30: wait but if she’s toto’s daughter? why is her hair like blonde blonde
user31: she dyes her hair religiously
user32: okay but george being like so proud of this relationship is so incredibly cute 😞
user33: netflix is going to eat this up
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liked by, yourusername, lewishamilton, georgerussell63, and 926,826 others!
mercedesamgf1: our family 🙏🙏
view comments below!
user38: this is hilarious
yourusername: p5 and p7 👏👏
georgerussell63: wanted to make you proud 🥰
user40: toto will appear in an estimated 3 seconds
mercedesamgf1: 😐 - Toto Wolff.
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f1gossip: george russell and toto wolff were seen speaking after the race in monaco, sources say that after a intense chat, they hugged it out, thoughts?
view comments below!
user41: AND HE APPROVES !!!!
user42: YAY
user44: okay now i can actually be happy about this relationship
user45: i kinda feel bad that his own daughter didn’t tell him that she was dating someone…
user46: they bro hugged 🥹
user47: so happy for y/n and george ❤️
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liked by f1, lewishamilton, danielricciardo, mercedesamgf1, and 637,927 others!
georgerussell63: after 4 years, i finally got the girl 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
view comments below!
landonorris: YEAH RUSSELL 🗣️
oscarpiastri: finally 👏👏
danielriccarido: HELL YEAH
maxverstappen1: i still don’t believe it…
lewishamilton: proud of you man 🫂
charles_leclerc: YAY!!!
carlossainz55: he finally made it🥹🥹
mclaren: she could do better
user48: ADMIN ???
yukitsunoda: really?
alex_albon: still not convinced this is real 😅
user49: this whole comment section is killing me 😭
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liked by, georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, and 736,260 others!
yourusername: when he’s dad approved 😍
view comments below!
mercedesamgf1: eh - Toto Wolff.
yourusername: father pls get instagram
georgerussell63: my beautiful gorgeous exquisite breathtakingly beautiful girl 😍😍🥰🥰
user50: need me a man like THIS.
lewishamilton; simp 🫵
yourusername: ??? who taught you that
lewishamilton; the internet
user51: now get married and have 3 kids !!!
georgerussell63: soon!
mercedesamgf1: NO NOT SOON. - Toto Wolff
f1: beautiful couple 😻
user53: i need me a man who loves me as much as he loves y/n
user54: he waited 4 years for her 🥹🥹
user55: the train tracks looks really delicious right about now
user56: me and who ???
user57: why is george kinda sexy…
yourusername: how are you just realizing this now?
yourusername; no comment.
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5sospenguinqueen · 1 month
Bedtime Stories | Daniel Ricciardo x Author! Reader
Summary: For the past six years, you've been dreaming of a future with Daniel. Until one silly little interview shatters every illusion.
Warnings: Swearing. Angst. Baby fever. End of a relationship. Daniel bashing.
Female reader with various faceclaims. Takes place in the 2022 season.
Main Masterlist
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User 2 no, it's not an announcement. her best friend is currently pregnant and she was gushing about looking forward to aunty duties
User 3 omg her and daniel would make the cutest babies though
→ User 4 i bet she can't wait until they have their own mini-me
User 5 imagine our rom-com queen going from writing the cutest but filthiest fiction imaginable to writing about why you should eat your carrots
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User 6 i can't believe this man was talking about being in the height of his career when he's been nothing but a flop since leaving red bull
User 7 the way he's been stringing this poor woman along for 6 years, knowing how badly she wants children, to then decide in a random interview that he's never going to have kids because they would be a 'distraction'
User 8 fans spotted y/n running from the pits once she saw that daniel was safely done with racing
User 9 i fear we may be witnessing the downfall of something we once held sacred
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fallontonight just posted
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liked by YourUserName, kellypiquet and others
fallontonight did you know @ YourUser Name was once chased by a kangaroo? find out how in tonight's episode of The Tonight Show 📚🦘
YourUserName thanks for having me! ✨
User 11 excuse me, ma’am, reassess what
User 12 daniel has been absent from her last 3 posts
→ User 1 not even in the likes or comments
→ User 2 and he didn't even congratulate her on the recent book launch
→ User 3 ya’ll are reaching. he's busy racing. she's busy doing book promo. they still follow each other
User 4 anyone notice she didn't look as happy as she usually does
→ User 5 yes! and i swear she got teary when talking about her life plans 🥺
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, mclaren and others
YourUserName my happy place 🌊🐚🦀 Aug '22
User 6 does this mean a new book is coming soon
→ User 7 girl, we’ve just had one. let the woman rest
→ YourUserName sorry, my lovelies but i don’t think i'm in the right headspace to being right a romance novel at this time
→ User 6 confirmation??!?!
→ User 7 we’re children of divorce
→ User 8 honestly fuck those two because i couldn’t have cared less about vroom vroom boys until mother started dating one and now i'm crying in class ‘cause they’re over
landonorris get that bread, queen 🍞
→ YourUserName who let you out of daycare
→ User 9 not y/n and lando interacting like she didn’t break his teammates heart
→ User 10 more like his teammate broke y/n’s heart. let's not make daniel out to be the victim here
kellypiquet p said get writing those children’s books so she can brag about aunty y/n to her friends
→ YourUserName my sweet girl. i saw the cutest dress the other day for her so I’ll pop round soon x
→ User 11 i love their friendship
→ User 12 get this woman a child. She’s too sweet to be stuck in cool aunt mode forever
User 13 anyone notice she didn't do her annual birthday post for daniel?
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User 14 no because the interviewer was so real for that. checo has a few children and he’s currently 2nd best. max is nowhere to be seen on the grid he's that far ahead and he makes sure p is his priority when she’s there so???
→ User 15 and the way he stormed out. i bet PR are sooo happy with him
User 16 nah because mclaren recently announced that they’re not extending his contract so he currently doesn't have his seat and doesn't have his y/n, all because he thought he was better than that
YourUserName posted a new story
danielricciardo posted a new story
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danielricciardo just posted
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liked by landonorris, estebanocon and others
danielricciardo yesterday was something. p17 wasn't the result we were expecting, and the media were a challenge but it's always a delight to be in Suzuka. Moving on to the Americas
User 1 maybe if y/n was there, you wouldn't have done so badly
User 2 maybe if he had a baby waiting in the paddock he would’ve had more incentive to do better
mclaren we’ll get them next time 💪
User 3 letting mclaren and lando down
→ User 4 the real reason he and y/n broke up is because he has no wins. she should move onto lando or something
→ User 5 he’s way too young for her
→ User 4 they'd make a good looking couple tho
(comments have been disabled for this post)
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by charles_leclerc, bloomsburypublishing and others
YourUserName thirty, flirty and thriving. please enjoy a small snippet of my 30th birthday, organised by my favourite girl. these are the nice moments before she plies me full of cocktails and i become the sloppiest person in monaco tagged: kellypiquet
kellypiquet any chance to celebrate you 🤍🤍
→ kellypiquet and an even better chance to drink the entire bar and force max to carry us home
→ maxverstappen1 i'm just glad i was able to pull you both out of the sea before you drowned
landonorris can't believe you tried (and failed) to stop us from gatecrashing
→ YourUserName it was an exclusive event, we don't let randos in
→ landonorris i know you're joking but it still hurts my feelings
maxverstappen1 happy birthday, sloppy. you don't look a day over 40
→ YourUserName i'm gonna let that slide but only because i love the bag that kelly told you to buy
User 7 happy birthday to the best author
User 8 happy birthday queen
carlossainz55 happy birthday, y/n 💐
liked by YourUserName
danielricciardo happy birthday x
User 5 kelly and y/n look like the funnest people to hang out with
→ User 6 literally need to know how to become part of their duo
lewishamilton happy birthday, y/n. have a lovely night 💕
liked by YourUserName
mclaren happy birthday to papaya's favourite author (we're still waiting for a racing rom-com that is quite clearly about your favourite f1 team and their super sexy admin) 🥳🥳
liked by YourUserName
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This is going to be part of a Baby Fever Angst series with the other drivers. So, multiple drivers are going to have an smau like this.
Max’s Version | Lando’s Version | Lance’s Version
Charles’ Version | Oscar’s Version
I do have Part 2s planned if people want them but also happy to leave it like this :)
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onlyjaes · 2 months
hands (p.sh)
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pairing. stepdad!sunghoon x fem!reader
— 𖦹 warnings. taboo relationship (stepcest), pwp, choking, fingering, cunnilingus, degradation, hair pulling, multiple orgasms
authors note. don't like it, don't read
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you're thinking about hands.
long, slim fingers and knuckles that are a little prominent, a little pinker than the pale skin it is against. rough but careful ministrations, cradling the back of your head even as they yank your hair, pulling your head around so your gaze meets his.
hands, hands, hands... thumb brushing your lower lip before pushing past to rest on your tongue. hands on your neck, just enough pressure to have you seeing stars. or maybe no pressure at all. maybe they sit loose around the base of your throat like a collar to remind you of your place. they dip just below the neckline and you hope they’ll go further. 
hands that press forward, hands running along your body, along every tender place—neck, waist, thigh. hands that still at the slightest response from you, pausing in a way that you can feel the smugness through his fingertips. 
he loves it when you beg, he demands it of you; not with his words, but with fingers curled just right, with your legs draped over his and his breath hot on your neck. the only thing he loves more than hearing you beg is knowing you’re too far gone to do so, too fucked out to form words. he can pinpoint the moment it happens, too... feels it in the skip of your pulse, the way you clench around him. he loves making you look at him with a hand on your jaw and another between your legs, watching as you struggle to pull your eyes back into focus. "c’mon, baby, look at me, you can do it, yes, good, so good for me..." you want to pull him closer after that. sloppy open-mouth kisses, his tongue sucking yours as you cry out and ankles locked around his waist and hands clutching at his shoulders desperately, and...
“class dismissed for today! remember to turn in your papers by..."
class is over already? but you could have sworn you’d just opened up your laptop and logged on but your professor seems very clearly to be wrapping things up. a quick glance at the clock confirms that yep, you’ve been checked out for the last half hour of the lecture.
you need to spend more time focusing on your schoolwork, and less time lusting over your stupid hot stepdad.
sunghoon isn’t an idiot. he knows hooking up with his own stepdaughter is a bad idea. it is probably the worst idea he's had. he knows his wife would kill him.
but you’re making it incredibly hard for him to remember that.
you, prancing around the apartment in ankle socks and tiny little shorts paired with oversized sweaters that hang off your shoulder and make it look as though you aren’t wearing any shorts at all. you and all your casual touches... a kiss on the cheek when you thank him for doing some chore for you, a head resting on his shoulder when you sit next to each other on the couch, a hand on his arm as you pass him in the hall. you, sweet-voiced and soft-eyed and blushing at everything he says... dirty or otherwise. 
you, buying a vibrator. 
he’s always been curious about your sex life yeah, but you haven’t given him much to work with. you weren’t really in the habit of bringing anyone home. there was that one asshole named jungwon or whatever you’d been dating long-term when sunghoon first married your mom, but you always slept over at his place. sunghoon met him a few times and seen the way he treated you. it didn’t take him much more than five minutes of knowing the guy to be pretty sure there were zero orgasms happening. 
and now… you broke up with jungwon. now you spend your nights in your room. now you share a wall with... your mom and stepdad.
and now you own a vibrator.
he wonders if he’ll be able to hear you. he's been living here almost for a year. surely you must have gotten off in that time. he can just picture you biting down on your lip, brows slightly knit as you shake and tense and arch off the mattress.
he’s always liked his partners vocal but for some reason the thought of you in his bed trying so desperately to stay quiet just makes him want to rise to the challenge. already you make the prettiest noises whenever you’re startled or excited or shy. given the chance he could coax a fucking symphony out of you, he just knows it. he just doesn’t know when such an opportunity will ever come.
as it turns out, though, opportunity does knock... and sooner than either of you would have ever thought.
friday night. your mom is working late and you're eating dinner with your stepdad. he has that stern look on his face 24/7 so you suggest cracking open a bottle of wine to share. to your surprise... sunghoon agrees.
he's always been on the stricter side. he always frowns when you do anything... risky. so you didn't think he would say yes to drinking with you.
neither of you are drunk drunk yet but the combination of alcohol and being alone together makes you both start playing never have i ever in your room. you both have glasses of wine in your hands. his pretty hands.
"never have i ever... uh... gotten married." you smirked and your stepdad just rolled his eyes at you.
"very funny."
"okay you go."
"never have i ever gone my whole life without cumming even once."
you turned completely hot as you wondered if he meant that.
"what?! where did that come from?"
sunghoon nods at the box with your vibrator. you just now realize that it's sitting wide open on your nightstand and you blush.
"just assumed."
you sit up quickly. "i just got out of a yearlong relationship okay. what... you think i've never cum?"
"have you?"
"yes..." he tilts his head and you get flustered. "yes god, yes! yes, i've had an orgasm before!"
you aren't sure what it is about this night, this moment that makes you so honest with him. is it the alcohol? or his gaze? the clear and cruel behind his glasses? "only by myself," you whisper and cross your legs to hide the ache between them. "never because of someone else..."
to your surprise he doesn't laugh or mock you for your answer. he purses his lips and shrugs. sighs. "at least you can get off on your own."
"yeah i guess... i just," you look back at the box, "it's different having someone touching you. i'd rather have that... without the orgasms.... if i had to choose." you look up at him shyly and look away. the atmosphere grows serious, vulnerable, and intimate. and then your stepdad snickers. you look up at him. "what?"
"you don't have to choose."
you roll your eyes. "yeah right."
"i'm serious."
"pfft. aren't you confident? are you sure no one's faked it with you?"
"faked it? possibly. but unlikely."
"jungwon couldn't tell i was faking it."
your stepdad scoffs, "he's a boy. he doesn't know how to pleasure you like a man."
"like you can do any better."
he goes quiet. it's unlike him... so unexpected, and you almost ask him what's wrong. but he says "come here" in a low voice.
"come here y/n."
you haven't had enough to drink to be drunk. but as you move across the mattress toward him, you kinda know what's coming and you want to jump into him. you've been touched before, cuddled, but there's something different tonight. something about the way he pulls you onto his lap so that you're straddlign him. something about the feeling of his hand on your thigh, his palm on your cheek, his warm chest against yours.
"was that a challenge dear?" he asks.
"what if it was?"
sunghoon isn’t sure which one of you makes the first move or who leans in first but it doesn’t matter, because how many times has he fantasized about exactly this? how many times has he sat there on the couch with your head on his lap as you watched some mind-numbing chick flick, run his hands through your hair and beat back the urge to yank?
he doesn’t hold back now. one hand curls into a fist and he pulls your head back, forcing you to look up at him. but that's his stepdaughter! he can't just... fuck your cheeks are flushed and lips slightly parted—
he wants to fucking ruin you.
your hands are still against his chest but they went slightly limp in surprise at having your hair pulled. when he slides his hand up the back of your shirt, you seem to come back to life, winding your arms around his neck. you’re breathing faster than usual and he can feel your nipples through your shirt and you’re tugging at the collar of his shirt and yeah, if he doesn’t get your clothes off sometime in the next thirty seconds he’s going to go insane.
he doesn’t tear your shirt in half... he has more self control than that. much easier to just pull it up and force your arms above your head, and then before you can bring them back down, push you gently so that you fall on the bed, legs still parted around his hips and eyes wide. he tugs off your shorts and underwear, and you grab a fistful of the front of his shirt to bring him crashing back into you for a desperate open-mouthed kiss. he catches the back of your neck with one hand mostly for support, his hand big enough in comparison to your neck that he’s able to rest his thumb just below your jaw. when he gives your neck an experimental squeeze you gasp into his mouth.
you as quiet as he'd expected. just gasps and whimpers. it’s cute. it’s also infuriating. he wants to hear you. he wants to hear you moan, beg, scream. and he doesn’t need a vibrator to do it.
you’re playing with the hem of his shirt. your fingers are electric against his skin and the slight touch sending flickers of desire careening through his veins and it’s too much and not enough and he reaches around your back to snap open the hook of your bra a moment before he lets you pull his shirt over his head, and there are no words to explain how it feels to have his stepdaughter's bare chest flush against his... to reach down and feel how wet you are. you’re soft and warm and so so wet, it’s driving him crazy and he isn’t even inside you yet.
as he pulls away and backs up to stand once more by the edge of the bed, you get into as upright a position as you can manage, trying to brace yourself on your elbows. “what are you...?"
the mattress slips out from under you as he pulls you forward by the waist, positioning you so that your hips are in line with the end of the bed as he sinks to his knees and buries his face in your cunt.
he doesn’t move slowly and doesn’t ease you into it. one moment you’re lying there bewildered, and the next you’re trying to buck your hips up against his face. trying because he’s holding you down with enough force you half expect to find his fingerprints there tomorrow.
he listens to you, pausing until you whisper yes and please. he takes each twitch of your legs and sharp intake of breath into consideration as he finds each sweet spot and latches onto them with precision. 
you scrabble for something to hold onto, grasping at the sheets. he takes enough pity on you to reach one hand up... the other on your hips keeping you firmly in place... his pretty fingers interlacing with yours. another lick has you arching off the bed with your head thrown back and it takes you a moment to realize he’s guided your hand to the back of his head. 
you thread your fingers loosely through his hair careful not to pull. he can tell you’re holding back because he makes a frustrated noise against you and then he turns his head and bites your thigh, his free hand pushing your hand against his hair. when he sucks on your clit again it’s startling and sweet and so intense that you don’t think twice about tightening your grip... unconsciously guiding him exactly where you need him. 
the first time you really let go and tug at his hair he lets out a growl, pleased and primal. sunghoon's hold on your hips loosens, allowing you to ride his face in earnest with all your shy manners gone and forgotten as the overwhelming wave of sensations narrows to a point of pure excruciating pleasure and you finally cum.
he doesn’t stop.
why would he? now that he finally has you where he wants you. and vice versa if the way you’re still writhing on the bed is any indication. you’re still frustratingly quiet but the sight of you so lost in sensation and twitching with the aftershocks is enough to sate him for now.
you’re overstimulated for sure with your hand weak against his temple but all your protests are replaced by whispered pleas for more, oh fuck, more, daddy, more please as he slips one finger inside you. slowly. wet as you are and relaxed from your first orgasm of the night. 
did you really think he’d stop at one? the thought makes him chuckle against you. he's two knuckles deep and to his delight he gets something more than a gasp. he repeats the motion and adds another finger and oh, oh, you sound just as good as he’d imagined. better, so much better. he moves harder and faster, working you out until he feels you tensing, feels you right on the edge...
... and he stops.
you whine. you’re turning your head up to look at him. he’s pleased to see what a mess you look: flushed face, messy hair, your lips kiss-swollen. your eyes still clear and soft with the afterglow of your previous orgasm. “why did you stop?”
he lets out a low thoughtful hum before turning to face you. “what’s the matter?” you’re taken aback by his eagerness across his face. he licks his thumb and smirks and you bite your lip. “one isn’t enough?”
"ah... uh..."
he climbs up the bed to meet you in another bruising kiss, the taste of you still on his lips and your legs spreading further to allow his hips to slot between them. once you’ve helped him get off all clothing below the belt you melt into his touch only to be jolted back when he rolls over to pull you on top of him.
“i stopped,” your stepdad grunts, getting a good handful of thigh to squeeze and smirking when he hears your moans, “because this time you’re going to cum on my cock my pretty girl.”
he pulls you against him as if to demonstrate and you can’t help but let out another louder sigh at the feeling of him long and hard and throbbing against you. you sit up to align yourself and the first press of him inside you is so good that your head tips back and your lower lip caught between your teeth as you bite back another moan. 
sunghoon's voice is mocking but he breaks as you slide down to be seated fully against him with the tip of his cock practically kissing your cervix. “fuck... such a cock hungry whore.... cum once already and you’re still so tight. is this what you needed?” he starts leading you in an achingly slow rhythm and relishing in the way you clench around him with every thrust. you nod as your eyes flutter shut. the sting of his hand on your ass makes you whimper. “c’mon little girl. want to hear you say it.”
“say... oh fuck, i, fuck, daddy." you moan.
“you act so innocent. i bet you think about me fucking your pretty pussy all the time huh? you think of your stepdad fucking you? behind your mom's back? huh? tell me.” he fucks up into you hard, his hands on your hips pinning your hips to the mattress. “convince me you deserve to cum.”
when you reach for your clit he catches your wrists in one hand. “please.”
“please what?”
“please let me cum daddy.“
he shakes his head. “not good enough. if you’re desperate enough to grind on my cock then your slutty enough to tell me exactly what you want me to do to you.” 
desperate, slutty... you’d never realized until now that degradation was something that turned you on. you bite your lip one last time and your eyes fix on his. “i want to cum on your cock. please daddy, fuck."
"that so? you want your stepdad to fuck you? aren't you such a dirty whore?"
"y-yes... i want you to fuck me hard. want you to fuck me all night." he rewards you with a few fingers circling your clit and you almost choke on a moan. ”i want you to fuck me into the mattress until i can’t think straight.”
sunghoon can’t help but shudder at that... at the sound of you. you, his shy and not-so-innocent stepdaughter. such filthy words in your sugar-sweet voice.
it’s only a matter of seconds before he has you on your back with your legs draped over his shoulders and he's filling you up at an almost brutal pace. he’s rewarded with the shaking of your legs and the frantic drag of your nails across his back, and most of all the way you can’t help but moan with each thrust as you grow closer and closer to falling over the edge.
when you cum again you seem to melt into him, clenching and squelching around him with the prettiest cries he’s ever heard and that’s all it takes for him to pull out so that he can come on your stomach. you’re still twitching as he does and all he can think as he collapses next to you is that he’d give anything to see you like this, fucked out and hazy and covered in his seed every day for the rest of his life. 
“two orgasms,” he finally says, once the two of you have spent a few minutes in silence. “easy. your ex must be even more of an idiot than i thought.”
without thinking you press a kiss to his shoulder. “thanks,” you whisper. he doesn’t answer... not at first. not out loud. but a moment later you feel him shift, reaching across you to grab something from the nightstand. then he’s above you and kissing you. it's soft, deep, sleepy in your mutual post-orgasmic haze and you sense some mischief behind it. when he pulls back you see it in his eyes as well.
you blink up at him. “what are you..."
“making you cum a third time.” you can do nothing but grab your stepdad's shoulder again as he reaches down to lower the vibrator to your clit and as you whine again at the sting. you feel his free hand on your cheek and take two of those long pretty fingers into your mouth. he smirks at you. “why don't we test your limits baby?”
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leclsrc · 9 months
wanna be nearer ✴︎ mv1
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genre: 18+, fuck buddies ahhhaha, smut, porn w/o plot basically...
word count: 3.6k  
It seems every time you tell yourself to stop, Max comes back into your life and all sense of resolve crumbles. title from this
auds here… hiii :) req'd by SO MANY PEOPLE i can't even start compiling all the asks hahah but if u asked for this here it is! writing's been tuff for me lately but this was the one thing i could continue daily (weird) also there is a case to be made re: max's hottest pictures being like 1 pixel in resolution... hope u all like it!!!
nsfw warnings under the cut!
18+ because... sexual tension, penetrative sex, some vague sexting/a sex tape being watched, praise/dirty talk central, size kink, unprotected sex, handjob (f receiving), max being a meanie
It’s busy today. You haven’t seen him all day. 
To be fair, you weren’t necessarily looking—not at first, anyways. How many days had it been since the last time, now? The one in your hotel room? Almost two weeks, you think. The real answer’s blurry in your head, especially when you count the close calls, but this should be a record for you two at this point. Neither of you acknowledge that the only reason you’ve been so good at staying away from each other is because when you’re not roped into the same media junket, you avoid each other at all costs.
The media pen is full; everybody’s shoulder-to-shoulder because a few other networks bought their way into the space for the Singapore race. Right when your mind settles back into the focus of work, though—
“Here,” he says, his voice rough and tickling your ear. You nearly stumble forward, shocked at how his voice almost vibrates through you, a low trill that ripples top to bottom.
His hand settles at the small of your back, like his verbal confirmation wasn’t enough on its own; it’s big and his thumb rubs softly at the smooth strip of skin in-between your low skirt and your top. “Passing through.”
“Sure,” you say, dry. “Sorry.” You clear your throat and cant backwards into his touch—briefly, before you step forward and allow him to pass fully. Across you, Lissie looks up from her phone and you sense her trying to gauge why you’re so close to Max.
You blink and wait for him to disappear, wondering what you’ll tell her—how, more like. How the conversation even opens. How you’d phrase the truth, which in itself is a horribly grey area. Well, Lis, if you must know, Max and I have casual sex. A lot. It’s actually not very casual. We stopped now, but—yes, Max. That Max, yes. 
“What about Max?”
Your eyes snap upward and then to your left, where you can see Max’s figure disappearing into a crowd of engineers. They return to Lissie and you feign confusion to mask panic. “What?”
“You were spacing out and then suddenly said his name.” She presses the tip of her pen onto her chin, humming. She doesn’t look at you and you thank God for it—eye contact would’ve rattled the truth out of you in seconds.
“I…” You shake your head. “I was irritated with—I’ve been irritated with him all morning. It’s. Yeah.”
“Oh,” she says, nodding, looking away for a second but not pausing. “Oh, okay. D’you wanna go over this edit again?”
The stale air of his hotel room, alleviated only by the vaguely fragrant linen spray they use when he’s out, is what greets Max when he arrives in the afternoon.The first thing he does—the only task he’d even thought of en route here—after the door clicks shut is pull up his Messages app and type.
Just got to hotel. He tosses his phone onto the bed while he waits, tugs his cap off and rakes reckless fingers through his hair. His new stylist’s got him onto jeans that don’t “look painted on” (you once said, verbatim), but he’d rather die than lounge in denim, so he swaps them out for just his Calvins.
His mind’s lethargic, but even his version of lethargic is high-drive for others—his brain has the silly tendency to work in absolute overdrive. He itches for a drink and orders a Scotch on the telephone. He checks his phone, which is lying facedown still, and as soon as he picks it up it chimes with your reply.
OK, nice. Did u need something?
No, just wanted to let you know. He hits send, then adds another. You’re off @ 8?
Ended early, I’m in the car. He’s in the middle of drafting a response when you send a follow-up.
I thought we agreed no contact unless business
He scoffs out a dry laugh. Despite himself, he reads the text in your voice, his brain completing the image of the bossy tone with crossed arms and a wickedly arched brow. In response he types: Can’t even update a friend nowadays? I am very tired you know.
Rules are rules, he reads. Then, Get some rest.
Yeah. Got a drink.
I said rest, not drink. Even then he can hear the exasperation in your voice.
How was work? I hurt a muscle doing training. That’s why I’m at the hotel early.
Feel better soon, you send. Had some press stuff today. Boring shit
Yeah? I missed you today.
A lot. He hums and leans backward, lets his head settle into the pillow, the smell of the linen spray consuming his nostrils. He waits for his phone to buzz, vibrate softly on the hard surface of his chest. It does, after a few minutes, after he’s let his eyes shut and let himself rest them for a bit, after the room service comes knocking and gives him the Scotch he’d requested while ago.
He’s back sitting on his bed when it vibrates. He picks it up and reads: How much?
You’re awfully easy to rile up. He smiles around the rim of his glass—he knows exactly where this is heading. 
So much I think I’ll watch some videos of us.
The only caveat of casual sex as two people who essentially dislike each other is the fact that it’s all under wraps—which means if you two try to sneak off together, or are even caught in the same vicinity, people raise suspicions. And that means there are weeks where you barely get to fuck.
And that means you both grow antsy for it. He makes fun of you for being needy, when you’re tipsy and palming at the denim of his jeans or when you bend over when you know he’s looking. But the truth is he grows needy for it, too, craves you like you’re all that matters—he gets extra handsy, drops another innuendo when he knows you’re listening. There is a case to be made that he’s worse, in fact, because fans sometimes skirt around his words and wonder why he sounds so flirty when you’re the reporter in the room.
It was difficult but eventually he found a minor workaround: sometimes he films the two of you. There’s none of those propping his phone up kind of stuff, he just fishes for it in the middle of fucking you so he can store it for himself. It’s locked on his phone and he only has a few (the few has grown in number lately), but God it gives him release when he needs it and you’re not there.
I’ll call you when I’m at the lobby, comes the response. It’s always futile, the attempts to stay away from each other.
He pulls up the folder and lets his eyes skate over the thumbnails, squeezes himself through his boxers. Fuck. He can’t seem to decide what he wants to watch—the ones of you sucking him off, the ones of his fingers stretching you out. He recalls the whine in your voice in each of them, the pleads that escaped you for him to fuck you harder.
So Max, for the life of him, can’t even count how many times these videos have made him cum. But there’s one he hasn’t seen yet—the one he took the night before you two parted. You’d become extra needy on this night, preceding the season, he supposes, the separation. You already were anticipating the deprivation, starved for him more than usual. He’d have kissed you pretty, given you one orgasm after another and still you’d want more. And on this night it was you who asked him to film, you who wanted all of them on tape, so you’d both have something to tide you over until he got to fuck you again.
He pulls his cock out and strokes over it. And with his other hand, he presses his thumb on that video.
In it he’s fucking you in the dark, keeping the phone’s flashlight on your pussy as he sinks his cock into you. When he pulls back out the light reflects on the slick coating his dick, makes it glisten. It looks so wet, sounds so wet, with each thrust into you. He remembers just how it feels; he imagines that he’s back in your bed, fucking you again; that his fist is your pussy, and the spit lubricating it is the wetness that’s drooling out of you on camera.
He can see how tight you are—the way your pussy grips the shaft each time he pulls his cock out, greedy for him. Just like you.
The two of you were supposed to be quiet, too. You were at a hotel, your room beside another driver’s; you were supposed to be careful not to stir anyone. But your moans are louder than he remembers; so is the way you say, breathily, between gasps, Right there, Maxie, m’so close. Max inhales through his teeth, his cock throbbing at that—that Maxie, the cute little whimper out your mouth.
He strokes himself faster, watches the way your fingers slip into frame to rub at your clit, his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier. He can see, hear—feel how wet you are, the sound of your cunt growing wetter with every thrust. He hears his own voice again, mutter out So good for me, yeah? And your babbled affirmation in response.
You cum hard, your slick getting everything wet and shiny and Max watches himself cum next. His dick’s already spurting when he pulls out and lets himself release on your lower stomach, some of it shooting onto your tits. He blinks, anchors himself back, quickens his wrist and digs his heels into the bed to keep himself from coming. Just a second longer. He knows what comes next and he needs to see it.
Like clockwork, he watches two of your fingers swipe through his cum, bringing them up to your lips. You blink up at the camera and smile. Quit it, your lips mouth, pink and cum-slick. Put it down, Maxie… fill me up again. He releases in weak spurts over his fist, a damp, flushed grunt escaping him as he does. He feels like the air’s been knocked out of him.
His phone rings and he presses it to his ear. “Hey, angel. Come on up.”
One week later
“Vodka,” you say to the bellboy when you get to the elevator. “To my hotel room. Very cold. Please. And thank you.”
The guy scurries off to fetch it for you, and five minutes and one elevator ride later, you're wrestling himself into your room, flexing your sore foot. Japan does hotel rooms well. The leather of your Manolo digs into your foot the way it does after you’ve walked the entire day and you can feel a blister forming on the back of your right heel but it doesn’t really matter, you guess, if you’re already home. Hotel-home, anyway.
You expect to find solace lounging on your bed, waiting out the hours to your morning briefing for the race and throw back a glass or two of vodka. 
Instead, you find Max on your couch. He’s sipping ice-cold vodka—your ice-cold vodka.
“Hey, pretty,” he says. “Good vodka. I got staff to wire my FIFA on the TV.”
You just stare. “My TV. What,” you say, your eyes spotting the bottle of frosty vodka by his glass, “are you doing here?”
“I hadn’t seen you all day and I wanted to,” he explains simply. “Do you want food or something?”
“Food? I—nevermind,” you shrug. You’re frozen by the door, only just warmed now from the cold air that bit at your bare legs. “Max, how long have you been here?”
“Since Will Buxton started the post-FP debrief,” he huffs. He fiddles with the remote in his grip and extends it to the TV, where FIFA comes to life. “Aw, come on, angel. I know, I know. No sex and all that. I just like your company, you know?”
“Please. Go fuck yourself,” you scoff, toeing off your shoes and wiping your hands on the fabric of your skirt. He says one thing but you expect another—it’s only natural, given all the other times one of you had failed to keep a similar promise. But still you walk yourself beside him, fix the strap of your short dress, and allow him to pour you a drink.
“You know what I’ve been thinking about lately?” He asks absently. “About how you’re always having these talks with me about… about not having sex anymore, but you never even last two days.” He raises you the glass. “What is it, relapsing?”
“Fuck you,” you mutter. “It’s only because you keep trying to get me all hot and bothered.” You recall each time: in Monaco, in Madrid, in France. “Maybe if you got off my back once in a while, we’d be back to normal.”
He shrugs. “You just don’t have strong resolve.”
“Excuse me?” You scoff, irritation scratching at your throat.
“Wanna test that out? Come play.”
Your eyes flit over to the bright screen, all exhaustion cleared from your system. An animated Kylian Mbappe kicks a football in a loop. “Fine. One round and you’re out of my room.” He throws his hands up in surrender and you make a move to sit next to him. Max puts his hands out towards you then, nodding. You mistake it for some handshake, accept them, and then he’s wrangle you onto his lap facing outward. You feel your pulse at your throat as he pulls you tight against him.
“This is cheating,” you say, your voice dry.
“You got it wrong. Teaching.”
He moves his fingers atop yours, explaining what to press, what goes where, what to do for this or that. He can smell your perfume, hear your stilted breaths, and when he peeks over your shoulder he can see where your dress falls loose, showing the lace of your bra and your tits underneath them.
If he had it his way, he’d hike your dress up and have you ride him. But he’s given you a challenge.
You play a practice round and end up scoring a few goals, fingers making quick work of the buttons. Behind you, Max watches, content, answering your questions when you ask them hurriedly—how do I do this? That? Did I just score?
You score once, then twice, then three times, and before you know it you’re scoring in quick succession. The game is fun—it’s easy. If Max was trying to give you a hard time, he failed. You grow determined, competitive within seconds (something he really should’ve anticipated), and you’re scoring goals with skill that you’d confidently say rivals Max’s.
Max. You almost—almost forget he’s there, and then you sit up straighter and you’re hit with the sensation of his dick pressing into your ass. You inhale sharply and the controller clatters to the floor.
“You okay, pretty?” His hand comes up to rest on your knee, inching closer and closer with every hitch of your breath. Your hand, now free of the controller, seizes his, stopping it right at the middle of your thigh. 
“I’m fine.”
“Yeah? You look stressed.” He doesn’t move. “You were so close, too, weren’t you?” The score stares you right in the face: 4-5. “Maybe you just need to get your mind off it.” It’s so bullshit, so extremely obvious, but he’s right in your ear and his hand is so near where you’ve missed its presence.
You’re usually competitive. You can usually hold your ground. But with this and him—
“Maybe,” you breathe, loosening your grip. He spreads his legs, spreading yours in the process, and brings his hand closer, running slender fingers over the lace material of your underwear until you’re squirming. It grows damper the more he touches, your mouth hanging open with stunted whimpers.
“You always come back to me, schatz, don’t you,” he says, whispers against your ear. You wrench a moan out. “Remember the first time? You interviewed me in Abu Dhabi… you teased me the whole day and begged to come thrice in my room. The time in Monaco you touched yourself to me when I was in the next room. The time we almost hooked up in Miami…” He groans, to himself more than you. “You’re a dirty girl.” He’s curling two fingers inside of you now, grazing against the sweet spot pulls the most delicious moans out of your innocent mouth.
“Every time… you go, that was the last time.” While your mind recaps the memories he’s busy spelling into your ear, Max’s fingers are curling inside of you against that sweet spot just right, and your moans are getting louder and louder.
“Fuck,” he huffs, watching your flushed face get more and more euphoric.
“Aw, pretty, look at that,” Max laughs. He’s looking at your thighs, watching the way they tense and shake as his fingers stroke your g spot. Each pump and curl into your twitching pussy feels better and better, and your dripping walls are starting to clench around his fingers.
“Wait, I—I can’t,” you pant, lolling your head onto his shoulder and involuntarily bucking your hips upward. 
“Yeah you can,” he orders. “It’s so easy to get you to cum, isn’t it? Or is that just for me? The driver you hate the most?” He laughs. “Get all wet for the guy you couldn’t care less about. Say you hate me and get my dick nice and wet the next day.” You’re grinding onto his three fingers now, shameless with it.
“Are you gonna cum?” He asks.
“Oh,” you whine. “Yeah, fuck—yes.”
“Tell me what you’re gonna do,” he says wickedly. You can hear him smile.
“I’m gonna—please—I’m gonna cum,” you pant, tension coming to a halt and then bursting all at once out of you. His other arm holds your hips down against him, and you spend a minute and another twitching, your skin sticky with sweat and slick.
It’s not long before you’re whirled back to face him, your hands making quick work of his jeans. It’s a skill you’ve both mastered, the art of the quickie—in closets, hotel rooms, with sweaty, open-mouthed kisses pressed along the column of your throat, moans swallowed. 
He hikes your dress up and your panties to the side, immediately bullies his cock into you—the glide is slow, but easy. You’re so fucking wet.
“Fucking big,” you gasp out. “Jesus, Jesus—fuck.” Your head drops and presses against his; he uses the opportunity to kiss you. You moan into it, feeling the stretch, your slick wetness dragging down the length of him as he thrusts up, up, further. “Been a while.”
“Feel good, though, yeah?” Your toes curl and you nod; you’re flushed all over and you need him to hurry up. You grind downward, onto him. He does, then, fucks you hard and fast, like he’s thirsted for this for way longer than he did. You’re squirming, all wet, and it tempts him to go harder. Your face is shiny with sweat, lips drawn in between your teeth.
“Slo—slow down,” you manage, babbling; he doesn’t, speeding up his thrusts until you’re moaning his name. “Max—wait—fuck, you’re so mean,” you whine, wrapping your arms around him and letting him take control. 
“You’re fine,” he grunts, pulling out almost all the way. “You take my dick so well, schatz, every fucking time. Don’t you?”
“I do,” you gasp out, and he’s slamming into you gain. You cry out loudly, sniffling from the overstimulation—you’d barely recovered from your initial orgasm and already you’re hurtling into what feels like three at the same time. 
“For someone who doesn’t like me,” he sneers, “you sure do moan like a slut, huh?”
His words get you more turned on than you’re willing to admit, but you shake your head.
“No?” He laughs, breathy from the effort. “Maybe I should film you now. Send it to your boss, let him see his stellar reporter’s getting Verstappen’s dick wet.” 
Finally, the tension building inside of you reaches a head, and your pussy starts to twitch around his dick. He notices, grunts sharply and leans forward, shuddering as he releases into you. Your moans are choked and tapering into whimpers as you release slick all over him, and you attempt to catch your breath, collapsing onto his still-clothed, now-sticky chest. You scratch at the dri-fit material and inhale him, the smell of his cologne, his sweat. You bite at his earlobe, laugh when he flinches.
“That,” you say into his skin, “was the last time.” It’s both seriously and as a joke, playing off of what he’d remarked earlier.
“Jesus, princess. I’m still inside you.” 
You giggle and drum lightly along the plane of his chest. In a few minutes he’ll pick you up to shower, but now you’re content to inhale him in. Quietly you wonder why you just can’t get enough of him—if you were in better senses, you’d have realized he was thinking the same thing about you.
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harrysfolklore · 5 months
jacob elordi and yn take a lie detector test | vanity fair
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MASTERLIST | MY PATREON | jacob insta blurb
"YN," the interviewer said, you and Jacob were sitting side by side with expectation shown in your faces, "Jacob."
"Hello," you said in unison, which made you look at each other and laugh.
"We're going to be taking a lie detector test today," the interviewer explained, "One of you will he hooked up to the machine while the other asks questions, and then you'll switch."
"Why are my palms sweating?" you said, making Jacob laugh and kiss the side of your head quickly.
"Who would you like to go first?" the interviewer asked again.
Jacob and you looked at each other for a few seconds before he winked at you and told the interviewer he would go first.
The video showed someone from the crew getting the machine ready and getting Jacob hooked to it.
"Do I look afraid?" Jacob asked, making you relax and laugh.
"You look fine, babe," you looked at the guy who was in charge of the machine, who give you the cue that you could start asking questions, "Okay, is your real name Jacob Elordi?"
"Yes," he answered.
"Were you born in Melborune, Australia?"
"No, I was born in Brisbane."
"Are you ready to take this lie detector test?" you asked, a smile playing on your face.
"I think so," he looked at you with a nervous smile and then looked at the camera.
"Okay, let's get started."
"So, you were born in Australia. Do you like LA better?" you asked, reading the folder in front of you.
"Right now, yeah," Jacob answered, a small screen on the top left showing the lie detector machine working.
"Would you say you've adopted the LA lifestyle since moving here?"
"Do you like going to yoga classes with me?" you raised your eyebrow, noticing a smile appearing on Jacob's face
"Absolutely." he answered confidently and you directed your raised eyebrow to the man behind the machine.
"He's telling the truth," the man said
"Were you doubting me?" Jacob said, an offended tone in his voice.
"Just confirming," you looked at the folder once again,"Do you consider yourself a heartthrob?"
"Yeah," he answered, but the look on his face said otherwise.
"A lie," the man said.
"I don't consider myself a heartthrob," he began, "but I mean I guess I kinda have to accept it."
"Yep, there you go," you said and a cheeky smile played on your face as you read the following question, "Have you ever felt jealous of any of my co stars?"
The room got quiet after the question, Jacob threw his head back and closed his eyes for a moment, and you couldn't help but laugh.
"Just answer the question!" you said and he shook his head.
"I wouldn't say that I'm a jealous person, specially not of your co stars because I'm an actor myself and I know how it works," he began, "I'm just protective, okay?"
"No reading, that was too close," the man behind the machine spoke, "It was a gray area, we could ask it again or we could just move on."
"Let's move on, he doesn't want to admit that he was jealous of Andrew Garfield on camera," you joked and Jacob couldn't help but laugh along, "Did you feel nervous during our first date?"
"Yes," his eyes widened at the memory, "I was about to piss my pants, actually."
"Oh I already knew that," you shrugged with a cocky smile, "If I asked you to move to New York with me, would you do it?"
"Yeah, definitely," he smiled, "New York is the shit."
"Alright, babe, let's keep this interesting," you said with a grin. The lie detector machine still monitoring his responses, "Have you ever borrowed my clothes without asking?"
"Of course, guilty as charged," Jacob chuckled, "Your oversized sweaters are just too comfy to resist, love, and don't get me started on your purses,"
"This shouldn't have been a question, everyone knows the purses you use to go out are mine," you rolled your eyes with affection,"Okay last one from me,"
"Bring it,"
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
You looked at Jacob curiously, and he took a moment before replying.
"Yeah, I do," he answered smoothly, "I mean when I met you, there was this instant connection, and I just knew there was something special about you."
"He's telling the truth," the lie detector confirmed, and you couldn't help but smile.
"Smooth answer, Elordi. Looks like we're on the same page about love at first sight," he smiled back at you, "Lord that was so cheesy, It's my turn! But, did at any point of this interview did you lie and we didn't catch you?"
"I mean, I don't know if you caught me," Jacob rested his chin on his hand.
"Did he lie?" you asked the man, both you and Jacob turning to look at him.
"He's not lying," He confirmed and Jacob gave you a smug smile
"I guess you passed the test."
You took your place in the hot seat while Jacob prepared to play the role of the interrogator, nerves kicking in as the crew hooked you up to the machine.
"Okay, YN," Jacob said, a smirk showing on his face, "Let's get started, shall we?"
You nodded and he sent you a wink.
"Is your favorite movie still 'The Notebook'?"
"Absolutely," you answered immediately and the machine confirmed your answer.
"Classic," he muttered, "Have you ever faked a compliment about my cooking?"
"Maybe once or twice, but it's only because I didn't want to hurt your feelings," you bit your lip, and Jacob gave you a surprised expression
"So, I've been living a lie?" he raised his eyebrow at you.
"No, no," you reassured him, "Your cooking skills have definitely improved over time."
"Truth," the man in charge of the lie detector said, and Jacob nodded in approval.
"Fair enough. Now, have you ever pretended to like a movie just because I wanted to watch it?"
"Guilty again," you covered your face in embarrassment,"But in my defense, no one wants to watch the Star Wars movies after a long day of filming."
"My feelings are definitely hurt," Jacob said and dramatically put a hand on his chest, "This test is making you look like a bad girlfriend, actually,"
"Come on now, give me more questions,"
"Alright, let's dig a little deeper," Jacob said with a smirk, "Have you ever considered stealing my phone to read my text messages?"
"Maybe once or twice," you said, "But only out of curiosity, not suspicion."
"Well, you know I'm wrapped around your finger so I would let you go through it anytime," he shrugged, "Do you think my Australian accent is sexier than your American one?"
"Oh, come on! That's not a fair question," you couldn't help but burst into laughter.
"Just answer the question, love," Jacob teased.
"Fine, fine," you said, still laughing, "Yes, your Australian accent is undeniably sexy."
"Truth," the machine confirmed, and Jacob playfully raised an eyebrow looking satisfied.
"Do you regret any of the roles you've played?" he asked, and you took a deep breath before answering.
"No, all of the roles I've played have been very meaningful to me," you replied, and the man operating the machine machine looked at you with a raised eyebrow."
"She's lying," he simply said, and you shut your eyes hearing Jacob laugh.
"I guess you have some explaining to do," he chuckled, shooting a playful glare at you, "Come on, spill it."
"Okay, fine," you admitted, "There was this one project early in my career that I took for the paycheck, and looking back, I wish I had chosen something more aligned with my values. It's not a regret per se, but more of a lesson learned."
"Fair enough," Jacob nodded, moving to the next question, "Have you ever stalked fan accounts dedicated to me?"
"Maybe a casual scroll here and there," you admitted, trying to seem cool about it.
"Casual scroll, huh?" Jacob raised an eyebrow and peeked at the lie detector, "The machine doesn't seem convinced, right?" he asked the man.
"It's a lie," he confirmed ad Jacob burst into laughter.
"Caught red-handed, love. What's next? Have you ever used my toothbrush without telling me?" he teased, making you laugh
"No way! That's just gross," you protested
"You hesitated there. Are you sure?" Jacob raised an eyebrow again
The machine signaled the truth, and you sighed in relief.
"I was just grossed out by the thought. I promise I've never done that."
"It's not like we haven't kissed before," he teased and you rolled your eyes but smiled, "Okay last question.
"Hit me with it," you said, ready for whatever it would be.
"Have you ever thought about what our future holds? Like, where we'll be in 10 years?" he asked, his expression turning serious.
You took a moment to contemplate the question.
"Yes," you answered sincerely, "I think about it quite often. I imagine us still together, maybe with a family, still acting and pursuing our passions and of course supporting each other."
"Truth," the lie detector machine confirmed your words, and Jacob's serious expression softened into a warm smile.
"Well, looks like we're on the same page there once again," he said, "Did you lie at any time and we didn't catch you?"
"Nope, I was an open book, babe," you replied, sending a wink his way.
"Did she lie?" Jacob turned to the man behind the machine,
The man hesitated for a moment, building suspense, before finally saying, "She's telling the truth."
"Told you!"
The video ended with both of you laughing at each other, and it became one of Vanity Fair's most watched Lie Detector tests.
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