#yes that is their cute little tree log house in the background
dolotonglo · 10 months
your honor may I present
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viktuuri as moomin 🌱🌷
simpler version under the cut :P
they are simply in love 💞
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cynettic · 3 years
Burning Things with Genshin Impact Characters
Summary - Burning things together, escaping burning buildings, and raiding Hilichurl camps <3 Ahh, the epitome of love.
Pairings - Chaotic Reader x Albedo / Venti / Ayaka / Scaramouche
Warnings - Mentions of fire, alcohol, suggestive themes, and uhm- ✨ c h a o s ✨
A/N - Bro- this is just my mental break after writing 6.9k of smut in my last post ;-; And my next two posts are supposed to be for Genshin women and their smut so… I need some cute fluff before I get into that.
“Y/n… calm down.”
Urgent eyes darting over the vicinity of your apartment, you hardly spared the light haired boy a glance. “‘Calm down?’” You asked incredulously, flapping your arms around as if that would solve the issue of smolk. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed yet, but our house is ‘burning.’” The bits of ash stung your arms, smoke seething against your eyes.
“I’m aware, I’m just asking you to get off the windowsill.”
Looking down at your already prepped foot right on the metal of the only opening the room, you flashed him a glare. “Uhm… no? I’ll have you know I have things to do and places to be, I’m a very important-”
“‘Y/n,’” Albedo interrupted, exasperated. “Please, come here.”
“No!” You shot back, “‘You’ come here, you aren’t going down in flames with your lab experiment. No matter how important it was.”
You could slowly see the patience from Albedo’s face melt away. An incredible feat, it was far too bad you didnt have the time to admire his ticked off face. “And you plan to jump off and break a couple bones?
“Better than death by fire.”
This time, the alchemist simply pointed to the experiment table, unable to form words.
“Yes and? I already know you messed up your experiment.”
“And,” he continued, irritated. “The table is the only ‘damn’ thing on fire. ‘The only thing on fire.’ The entirety of the house is just ‘dandy.’ Now help me put it out.”
You removed your foot of the ledge. “Oh, now that you mention it…”
Albedo put a hand to his head, sigh escaping as he rubbed his temples. “You’re almost worse than Klee… no, scratch that. You’re worse. Klee wouldn't have run away, she has the decency to stick around and out the fire out.”
“I thought it as a life threatening situation!”
“Mhm,” he hummed, displeased. “Whatever you say, get over here.”
Your drunk figure stumbled across the plain of grass, arms outstretched as you spun around. The wind rushed past your face, cool against the heat that ran through your veins. You felt dizzy, the world spinning in circles around you.
“Hey!” You spun around, foot sliding around the grass as you struggled to keep yourself from falling back. “You- you over there.”
“Yes?” The bard spoke, whisking the alcohol bottle in his hand in circles. He too had chugged a few too many bottles, but nothing to get him as wasted as you were at the moment. “And I do have a name you know- I’m aware you’re drunk, but it still hurts to know you’ve forgotten it~”
Squinting your eyes, you racked your mind for a name. “Oh.. uh…” It took only a moment till the name flashed in your name, and with a giggle, you turned back around. “Venti!”
“Yes?” He responded, this time with a wide grin.
All that stretched in front of the two of you was a wide field of grass, a grand tree, and a hilichurl camp. The two of you were too far away to quickly make it to the tree, and far enough not to arouse any suspicion with the monsters.
Of course your focus was on the hilichurl encampment.
“Look!” You pointed to the wooden pillars perched upright, two or three hilichurls dancing around a fire. “Lets destroy it!”
Venti nearly choked on the beverage in his mouth, swallowing it before he let out a chuckle. “Destroy it?” he repeated bemused, staring at your knocked up state. “I’d be surprised if you managed to make your way there-”
As if to prove him wrong, you started sprinting.
“Uh oh- hey! That wasnt what I meant!!” And he was sent racing after you.
By the time you made it to the camp, the Hilichurls had taken notice of you. All three of them standing up with some kind of weapon in hand. Your joyous laugh sent shivers down their spine, wobbly walk making them back up.
You were ‘scaring’ them.
“C’mere,” you cooed, arms wide. “I don’t bite.”
“Yes you do,” Venti mumbled once catching up to you. Too low for your ears to catch.
When the hilichurls didnt move, you whirled around to grab the vodka from his hand. A high percentage of course, Venti couldnt get drunk on normal wine or too low of a vodka. With a squeak of surprise, he reached for the bottle.
But it was too late.
You’d throw the bottle right at the hilichurls, who dashed away right at that moment. They abandoned camp and sprinted towards the meadow to find some refuge in the trees.
But that wasnt the end of the chaos.
Oh no, the bottle just ‘had’ to spill its contents onto the grass. And well, knock over a torch light stand while it was at it, which meant what? Fire.
“Its burning!”
“Oh dear…”
Venti pulled you away from the camp, sending a gust of wind to pick up the remainder of whatever was burning and put it out. “What am I gonna do with you…” he whispered in a groan. You happily skipped alongside him, giggling at his remark. “My little menace.”
He made a mental note not to bring you to the tavern again.
Side note - No Hilichurls were harmed during the raid-
“‘I’m saving her.”’
Hanging on a tree just beside the Kamisato residency, you and Thoma crouched on a single branch, tipping from side to side to regain balance before falling. That wasn’t the main issue, because just beside you was Ayaka, trapped in a burning building as she frantically tried to put the fire out.
“I’m her bodyguard,” Thoma beside you seethed, pushing you lightly to get you to move. “Therefore its my jobs to protect her, move.”
You shoved back, “And she’s the girl I love, got an issue with that?” You stuck your tongue out, “Or maybe you’re just ‘jealous’, wanna play hero and get her to fall in love? Too bad, you know we’re a thing, get over it.”
“Do you ‘want’ me to hurt you?”
“No thanks, save that for your new girlfriend and your bsdm kinks.”
But you’d already jumped, grabbing with both hands onto the window ledge and hoisting yourself up. The smoke hit you, burning your eyes and making your nose scrunch up in distaste. If this was your first reaction- how was Ayaka?!
You looked around, spotting the girl trying to put out the fire. It wasnt a big one, in fact it was just the cooking stove and a tinge of the carpet was on actual fire. The rest was just too much smoke, and a coughing Ayaka spilling water over everything.
Racing over, you began stomping on the flames of the carpet. Noticing you, she put her attention on the stove, and the two of you managed to clear away all the fire in no time.
It was when she put her hand over her mouth to cough that you realized you needed to get her out of there. Picking her up with ease, you cradled her in your arms as you dashed to the window. You didnt want to know what the rest of the house, and if there was any more fire, Thoma could put it out right?
Unfortunately for you, that wasnt even your main worry as you made it to the window. Water had somehow made it just below the windowsill, and instead of jumping out with precision, you slipped you with Ayaka in your arms, screaming out in surprise.
So you did all you could do, tuck her in your arms with your back to the ground and hoped you didnt die.
“‘Umph’- holy you’re heavy.”
You weren’t dead but…
‘Being in Thoma’s arms is worse.’
His face said the same, so he dropped you and instead held Ayaka in his arms. You watched as his face morphed into one of worry and compassion, “Princess- are you alright?”
“I was the one who caught her!” You blurted from your position on the ground, stumbling up to stand.
“And I caught both of you,” he corrected, flashing her a grin before giving you a look of distaste. “By accident, it was by pure luck that you happened to be holding onto her.”
You flashed him the middle finger, “Well your jobs done, saved the day, now fuck off.”
“‘You’ fuck off.”
“You have no reason to be here.”
“And leave Ayaka with an incapable fool? How did you slip out of a ‘window?’”
“Water you dumbass, now let go of her before I beat the shit out of you-“
“Ha- I’d like to see you try.”
Meanwhile, Ayaka rest cradled against Thoma’s chest, a look that your bickering was getting to her, and that she was seriously getting ticked off.
“Can you both just ‘shut up?’”
Everything was ‘burning.’
Scarlet flames licking the wooden planks, crackling as splintered logs came crashing down and silenced by the background screams. Chaos strewn from side to side, a contrast from the normal pace of your footsteps, the calm collected look on your face.
“That was fun,” you simply stated to the boy beside you, squeezing his hand. “We should do it again some other time.”
He squeezed your hand back, a gesture far beyond him. However, he didnt reply, just walking alongside you with your hands interlocked and casually walking away from the crime scene.
Side note - you could really tell I got hit by writers block on the last one ;-;
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catchmewiddershins · 3 years
What it’s like to be loved by them
Ah yes I am throwing out some scraps of content because I finally was able to free up some time to write! And then had no ideas! So we’re doing something cliché lol - Also I used a random character wheel to pick who to write for- (I CAN’T SPELL HINATA’S FIRST NAME IT ALL LOOKS WRONG)
Includes: Miya Osamu, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hinata Shoyou, Yaku Morisuke, Akaashi Keiji, Oikawa Tooru and Shouhei Fukunaga
Miya Osamu:
Osamu is silver-blue piano and soft chords, the sunlight that slips so softly through the slats on blinds that are slightly broken, the slightly sticky feeling of wet rice in your hands as it fits into the lines that weave across your palms. He is white, cotton blankets and fluffed pillows, cloudy lemonade and losing sight of your toes in a thick carpet. He’s the feeling of calloused fingers on yours, fluffy socks and the taste of warm soups in winter as it breathes its hot steam down your throat and heats your stomach. He is cold cheeks and noses, tea-stained pages and the golden scent of fresh bread that signifies the best feelings of life. Osamu is hand-knitted tea cosies and watercolour paintings blu-tacked to the wall, warm, buttered popcorn and the feeling of the highstreet at night. He is the lights that glimmer on the midnight motorway and moon when it's risen in a blue afternoon sky. Being loved by Osamu is to bob on the ocean, the sun at your back and baking your legs, with salt crusting your skin and the taste of the sea on your lips while his fingers lock with yours, the perfect puzzle pieces to finish you both as the crowing laughs of seagulls echo above you.
Ushijima Wakatoshi: 
Ushijima is solid wood and tall forests, the green sound of a breeze ruffling grass like a father’s hand on the head of his child. He is apples and ice cubes and soft, plaid blankets laid on the dirt. He is the sight of a small ladybird, crouched on the tip of a finger, wings spread to fly into the great expanse of sky that stretches before it. He is red sunrises and purple evenings, the hazy, grey brightness that slows the day, the syrupy sluggish afternoons of drizzled rain and icing on lemon cakes, eaten with hot tea in a library. He is muffled laughter in the corridors and coats and hands that swamp and cover and protect, and the feeling of always looking up, up, up. He is the dusty, old clock you found in the attic and the wooden slats of old houses, he is peeling plaster and new paint, and the squeak and shine of polished floors. He is secret passages through the walls and flights of stairs that extend to infinity, and the deep, throbbing, beetroot purple of the tightest hugs that root themselves down into your chest. Being loved by Ushijima is being loved by the bass line of life, it’s his hand on your head and the other hovering at your waist, slow dancing to songs that weren’t meant for such smooth delight, him spinning you out as the air sparkles and being close to the beat of his heart and mind as you glide and dip and swerve to the thrum of his voice.
Hinata Shoyou:
Hinata is the tightness in your thighs they day after exercise and the sweet tang of mangoes in summer. He's August days when the ground wavers and the grass becomes caramel. He is hot red bricks under bare feet and the dizzying height of the walls of your garden. He is water fights and sprinklers in the baking sun, the squinting eyes and glaring lights, the shortest shorts you own. He is the smokey scent of sausage that stings and waters your tongue, the barbequed weekends and idle chatter of friends and the chink of ice that melts too quickly in glasses of juice that have been kept in the fridge. He's the soft comfort of pyjamas and burning hot skin on a cold day, marshmallows and fire and smouldering logs. He is the dance of heated air and the warmth that fogs the bathroom mirror. He is sand in your toes at one moment and the top of a cliff the next. Being loved by Hinata is the kites that float over the hilltops and the whipped foam of waves and the splattered paint of blankets, the mismatch of deckchairs and parasols at the beach, a sandcastle and the flagpole on top, and the horizon that stretches so far into the distance.
Yaku Morisuke:
Yaku is beaming, sunshine laughter and the ruffled hair of little kids. He is the background chatter in a café and the music playing in your favourite shops, the rushing of places and people as you're dragged down the street on your way to somewhere special. He's the thud, thud, thud of sprinting down a massive hill as the air is ripped from your lungs and your joyful screams are lost to the spiraling sky. He's the blur of green and blue and the smell of grass as you roll half of the way. He is the juice of melting ice lollies and the teasing winks of wind chimes by the sea, he's the sticky residue of broken stems that leaves itself on your fingers after the construction of a daisy chain. He's the light of a phone screen in the dark and the print of an old book where the s and f look irritatingly similar. He is the warmth of your own bed and the scent of your own home, the feeling of old clothes and attachment. Being loved by Yaku is to call to the birds that circle overhead and to feed fresh strawberries to one another, to play fight with sticks and paint your legs with grass stains and to trundle home with the exhaustion that comes from euphoria, sharing a hand, high on life.
Akaashi Keiji:
Akaashi is a lake, clear as glass and just as cold, although not the biting cold, but the cold that invites hot chocolate and a log fire. He is the lakes that teem with fish that nudge your numbing fingers and make you wonder at the world, he is the sunlight that glints off of slick rocks and your glimmering skin. He's the royal blue of day and the navy of night, the colour of the ocean, and of flowers, and of the quiet hum of a cello played delicately. He is the fingers of trees that reach to the sun, and the crunching silence of wet autumn leaves, the scent of old books and ink and the eternal echo of time in a museum. He is the sculpted face of statue and the warmth of a flushed face, the fragility of butterfly wings and flower petals and the strength of the trunk of an oak. He is hummingbirds and kingfishers and the simmering yellow of a springtime kiss. He is the sun at your neck and the shade of a tree above you, the splash of a diving duck and the tickle of grass on your bare feet. Being loved by Akaashi is staring up at him from where you sit, serene tranquility, the faint thrum of a river beneath you as your hand disturbs it, the creak of an aging wooden boat and the dappled sunlight that streams through the trees as he rows you to love.
Oikawa Tooru:
Oikawa is the tinkling of bells and the birdsong that flies in the early morning. He is the banded sunrise and all of its colours, the yellow songs on the radio that you sing along to, the orange-gold warmth of early evening, the pink of a blush on his cheeks, the purple light of the night that casts his face into shadow and the navy blue of his wallpaper. He is doodles on desks and using highlighter ink for nail varnish, he is cute stationery and over-curled handwriting and the giggles that come from sharing a secret. He is the creak of benches that have been sat on too many times and the blinding colours of tropical fish in an aquarium. He’s the blasting sound of loud radio, the rush of windows wide open at seventy miles an hour, the pressure against an arm thrown out of the window and the crescendo of voices singing at the top of their lungs until your voices crack and your throats are deserts. Being loved by Oikawa is whipped cream on your nose and joyful laughter, pancakes on the ceiling and sprinkles scattered over the floor, it’s playing children’s games while waiting for a cake to cook, and snuggling up with popcorn in a fairy-light bedecked fort, with foundations of cotton and walls of blankets as the white glare of television shines in your eyes.
Shouhei Fukunaga:
Fukunaga is uncontrollable giggling and whispered jokes, he is the fire-engine red of plastic buckets and spades, the sweetness of sugary treats and the fizz of sherbert on your tongue. He is brightly coloured doors and hanging baskets of flowers, the unevenness of cobbled streets and pastel houses. He’s the soft song of a springtime breeze when it brushes your cheek with a tender hand and blows your eyes open, dusting your face and head, the exhilarating rush of staring into the wind, the drop in your stomach as you lean backwards into its support. He is the chime of a shop door and the crinkle of packets that have been piled into your arms, the warmth of a kitchen and the taste of joy. He’s puns and playful nudges and blinding grins, crinkling eyes and soft cheeks stretched wide, he’s homemade food and the sparkling expression of the one who made it, he’s the warmth of a borrowed jumper, the mould of a side that you fit to so easily, the clicking of a keyboard when online games are played together. He is the snacks that have melted slightly in his bag, odd socks with garish patterns, googly eyes stuck all over his books, doodles in the margins and fluffy pencil toppers, dancing with no rhythm to old songs in the kitchen and letting yourselves go wild. Being loved by Fukunaga is to lie under the coffee table, your eyes falling into his as he stares you down, deft fingers nimbly shuffling cards, it’s to laugh in disbelief as he pulls your card from the deck, eyebrows wiggling their way off of his face, a playful beam poking through his lips, your legs are tangled together and one of your arms is going numb but it doesn’t matter, you are his and he is yours.
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solange-lol · 4 years
i don't need three bars to tell me we're meant to connect
words: 1,997
AUctober day 21: academia
read on ao3
There’s a boy in Will’s Intro to Writing class, and Will is in love with him.
Maybe love isn’t the right word, but he’s definitely encased by this guy. He has dark hair, dark eyes, and he’s way smarter than everyone in the class which is something Will can seriously respect.
Every day at 2pm he logs on, never really quite sure what’s going on in the class because he’s too curious about what he’s wearing or if Will can get some sort of idea as to who his roommate is. 
In a normal circumstance, Will would consider maybe introducing himself, or at least trying to catch this kid at the dining hall. For now, though, he’s stuck staring at him through his tiny computer screen.
This whole Zoom class thing limits what he can learn about this kid, especially since he only has two things hung up in the background of his call: a pride flag and a poster for a card game Will has never seen.
All Will can know about him, for now, is his name is Nico, he’s gay, and he’s really, really hot. 
Which is enough for him to already be falling.
And by some ungodly power, his friends already knew, too.
Will’s roommate, Connor Stoll, probably figured out the day he just so happened to walk past Will’s desk just as the blonde had pinned Nico’s screen to his computer (he was just trying to get a better look at what his shirt said.)
“Stalker much?” had been the only thing he remarked. Of course, less than a week later and he was already getting advice on how to ask Nico out from Connor and his boyfriend, Mitchell.
“I don’t even know him,” Will points out, to which Connor responds with, “You know him enough to care about what’s written on his shirt.”
He rolls his eyes. “That was a one time thing.”
“Trust me, Will. If I managed to get this one to ask me out, I think you can ask out someone,” Mitchell said, slugging Connor lightly in the shoulder who only nods proudly.
When that hadn’t turned out to be much helpful (Will isn’t exactly the best at just doing things,) he opts to ask Lou Ellen and Cecil, the two kids he had met in the first week of classes
They had been introduced when the teacher put them in breakout rooms to get to know each other in small groups. Will knew both already vaguely: Lou was also in his Chemistry class, and Cecil lived on his floor.
The three ended up bonding over their shared love of Star Wars and inevitably made a group chat together to share homework answers for the class or discuss whatever the weekly drama was that they were able to catch bits and pieces of. Turns out life is just as eventful even when everybody is stuck to their own dorms.
Will had barely been able to get two words out to them on FaceTime before Lou interrupts him.
“You need help asking out Nico from our writing class, don’t you?”
Will just blinks. “How did you know?”
“Because you mention every day what he talked about in class today.”
“I do?”
“Yeah, and you asked me if I knew what floor he lived on,” Cecil adds. “I was betting on murder, maybe, but once Lou Ellen told me it was probably a crush it made a little more sense.”
Will shakes his head. “I’m gonna choose to ignore the murder part.”
“I sent Mitchell after you. Isn’t he supposed to be a love expert or something?” Lou Ellen asks.
“That was you? I thought that was just Connor oversharing his roommate drama with his boyfriend!”
“You really think Connor has enough brain cells to do all that? The kid can barely remember what he has for breakfast most days,” Lou rolls her eyes. “Look, the best case scenario, he’s your soulmate and you guys get married and have a million kids.”
“I don’t even know if I want kids-”
“Fine, dogs, whatever. Worst case scenario, classes are all online this semester and you literally just don’t look at his face for the rest of the year.”
It’s a good point, and Will really is seriously considering it now, but there’s still one thing standing in the way.
“Okay, well, it’s not like I can really ask him out,” Will points out. “We’re barely allowed to leave our dorms, and I don’t know if a Zoom first date is the best idea.”
“Then just figure out a way to get his number. That way, you two can talk, and when this whole quarantine thing is over then you’ll be close enough that you can finally go on a date,” Cecil suggests.
Both Will and Lou Ellen nod enthusiastically.
“Cecil, that might be the smartest thing I’ve ever heard you say,” Lou says dreamily. 
“Now we just have to figure out a way for Will to get the balls to actually do it.”
Will gasps, fake hurt. “I’ll figure it out, thank you very much.”
They continue discussing their plan before Lou Ellen inevitably notices that they’re in fact, 15 minutes late to Intro to Writing.
As the three scramble into the Zoom meeting at the same time, Will may or may not notice Nico bite back a laugh. He decides being late was worth it.
When Will’s teacher put him and Nico in a breakout room together, Will knew this was probably his chance.
That is until he has to go and make a fool of himself.
“I like your duck tree,” is the first thing Nico says when they enter the room, referencing the mini fake Christmas tree (even though both him and Connor are Jewish) that’s covered in all sorts of rubber ducks behind him. It was their 3am creation after moving into the dorm, which featured a midnight run to the dollar store and two noise complaints from their neighbors.
And, because Will can’t take anything seriously, he makes the mistake of talking.
“Thanks,” he says, then before he can stop himself, “Did you know they have curly dicks?”
Nico snorts. “What?”
Realizing what he said, Will just has to push through. “The ducks. It’s like a corkscrew shape.”
“Ah, gotcha,” Nico nods. “Is that your topic for your paper?”
Maybe explaining himself wasn’t a good idea.
“Nope, just, uh, something I learned in Biology when I was a freshman.”
Nico nods again. “Cool. So what is everyone’s topic?”
Yup, he blew it. Asking Nico out might take another decade now, or however long it takes for Will to regain his dignity after that interaction.
It’s another few weeks before Will actually sees Nico in person for the first time.
Ever since their breakout room conversation, he had only interacted with the boy if it was for class. Slowly but surely, he was healing from that mess of a first introduction.
That, of course, all went out the window after Will nearly ran straight into him on the way to his dorm after spending the weekend with Lou Ellen at her parent’s house. Meanwhile, Nico must have been on his way out.
Will almost didn’t recognize him when they bumped into each other, too panicked about running straight into someone he didn’t know. Once he recognized the wavy black hair and olive-toned skin, he knew immediately who it was.
Nico was shorter than he had thought he would be, almost a whole half foot smaller than Will, but that didn’t make him any less attractive. In fact, he was so, so much cuter in person than over a screen.
“Hey,” Nico grins. “Duck penis kid.”
Will ran straight into that one.
“I have a name, you know,” he narrows his eyes. “And like, actual interests.”
“Besides ducks and their breeding habits?”
“Yes, besides that. I wouldn’t exactly consider that an interest.”
Nico raises an eyebrow as if he’s skeptical, but his smile gives it all away.
“Well, I do know your name, William,” he says, and Will nearly passes out right then and there. “Do you know mine?”
“It says your name on Zoom, Nico,” he responds as casually as he possibly can. “And it’s- it’s just Will, actually.”
“That’s not what it says on your Zoom name.”
“Well, that’s-” Will flushes. “That’s because I don’t know how to change it.”
“Well, I guess you'll have to remind me to teach you if we’re ever in a breakout room together again,” Nico laughs. “I’ll see you around, Will.”
He heads off, and before he can stop himself, Will calls after him.
Nico spins on his heel at the bottom of the next staircase, looking up at him with those dark eyes. For a moment, Will completely forgets what he wants to say.
“Um, would you want to, uh, play GamePigeon sometime over iMessage?” he offers. It was the ‘foolproof’ invitation that Lou Ellen had come up with, considering it’s something they did on a near-daily basis.
“Intro to Writing isn’t the most interesting class— well, maybe you think it is, I don’t know— but maybe, if you want a distraction one day…?” he continues, trailing off hopefully at the end.
Nico winces. “Oh, uh, I don’t have an iPhone, sorry,” he says, holding up his Samsung as proof. There are two little charms hanging off the phone case: a small rainbow and a skull, which makes Will melt a bit. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help his case at all.
“Oh, okay, then can I maybe get your number? Just… in general?”
Nico grins, raising his eyebrow again. “Are you asking me out, Solace?”
Will fights the heat creeping to his cheeks at the use of his last name. “Um, yes? If you want? We can’t really go out right now, Nit we could just talk? See if we work as friends and then maybe reconsider that date thing if you’re up for it? Because, uh, I think you’re cute, and we’re both queer, and I noticed your Ramones shirt the other day which is super cool because my dad introduced me to that band, so there’s something we have in common. And, uh, we can talk about whatever else you’re into, but I just thought I would take my chance because I’m into… you,” he rambles out.
Nico just blinks, and Will wonders if this was the best or dumbest decision he’s ever made.
“Or… or not,” he adds on, just in case.
Nico laughs, which is totally adorable, but also totally activates Will’s fight or flight. Before he can escape to his dorm, though, Nico holds out his hand.
“Solace, please,” he says, still in the same light, laugh-y tone. It takes a second to activate in Will’s brain that he’s asking for his phone to put his number in.
Will steps down the staircase until he’s at the same level as Nico, pulling his phone out of his bag and handing it to the boy.
Nico stares at it. “Uh, you might want to put your passcode in first.”
“Right, right, sorry,” Will takes it back, unlocking his phone and finding the contacts app so Nico can put in his number.
This time when he hands it back, he’s smiling again. 
“See you in the Zoom call,” he tells Will, before turning the corner around the staircase, and Will realizes he should probably get back to his dorm if he wants to make his 7:00 Chem class.
It isn’t until he’s back in his room, listening to his professor drone on about chemical properties when he finally opens his phone. He taps on the contacts app, just checking to make sure the entire interaction wasn’t a fever dream.
Just as he expected, a new number is embedded in his contacts. Nido di Angelo. Next to the name, the duck emoji and the eggplant emoji.
Yeah, he was never going to live that down.
solangelo tag list (message to be added/removed): @unicornsgomooo @anxiouswinter @soulangelou @number-of-fucks-i-give-0 @underworldystuff @theeloquentsnake @solangelover@thefandomsaretakingover @internallyexplodingrainbows​ @hairasuntouchedaspartoftheamazon​ @motivatedcryptidtamer @emilyfairchild @wherethewildthingsare-nt @hetapeep41 @blavk-dahlia
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Title: Untitled
Author: @shippingrevolutionary
For:  [redacted, at their request]
Pairings/Characters: Hajime Hinata & Komaeda Nagito, Chiaki Nanami Rating/Warnings: A bit of drinking involved
Prompt: A drunken night (or any scenario) leads to loose lips of compliments and praise from Hajime.
Author’s notes: Hi! I hope you enjoy, It was a fun write but it was tough. It was a very long time since I last wrote a fanfic. I wanted to write with the other two prompts as well but No good ideas were brewing. x-x
There’s not much of loose lips on this one, and there’s a bit of drama but I hope you like it! :)
Synopsis: Slice of life AU. After six months of avoiding his best friends, Nagito decides to rekindle his friendships when an opportunity arises. Instead of a nice night, he is met with feelings of regret, awkwardness and embarrassing scenarios.
I was supposed to disappear, so why am I here, now?
Scrolling through my phone, I scan my message log once more. I make sure to double check the details given to me the night before, to know if I’m at the right place.
Hanamura’s Seaside Grill at 7pm tonight.
I can’t wait to finally see you two again.
Please don’t be late, Nagito!
I press the phone’s snooze button and I’m greeted with my haggard reflection displayed on the black screen. I’m wearing a messy head of hair and a pair of dark circled eyes from not getting a wink of sleep last night. I brush through the messy white strands with my fingers making it look at least a little less like a birds nest. Once I’m happy I pocket my phone and look at the signage of the newly built restaurant.
Yep, this is the place. Hanamura’s Seaside grill, and I’m 15 minutes early.
I breathe in deep and let out a sigh.
How long has it been since I’ve seen both of them? 6 months?
I bite my lip as I make my way through the restaurant’s doors.
Upon entering the restaurant I immediately see the familiar head of brown hair. A jolt of electric current runs through my body, I’m stunned. I want to turn back at this instant and run back home. I thought I was ready to see him again, but now I’m already regretting coming here.
“Umm, excuse me, sir.” a voice right beside me asks.
“Oh! Uhm… hey…” I say to the petite waitress. She looks at me, confused, like she’s waiting for me to say anything further. “Welcome, to Hanamura’s Seaside grill, a table for how many?” she asks.
And before I could say anything else, Hajime notices I’m here and waves at me with a bright grin on his face. I gulp. “Oh, I’m with him.” I tell the waitress, and I point towards Hajime.
“Okay, sir. Right this way.” She says, leading me to sit right next to my friend.
“Here you guys go,” she hands us the menu. “Today’s special is octopus, It’s very fresh, it was just caught this morning. Please do take your time, I’ll be right back with some water.”
She leaves and my mind screams “Please, take me with you.”
“Hey, Nagito, it’s been a while.” Hajime says, looking up and down at me, probably checking how I am.
“Hey, Hajime.” I smile and catch myself laughing awkwardly.
“It’s been what? 5 months?” “6 months.” I correct him. “Yeah, sorry I haven’t contacted you guys in a while. I’ve been busy.” I laugh nervously.
“Oh, that’s not a problem.” he says and gives me a small smile.
I hope he isn’t upset or mad, but then again, why would he be? I’m just one of his many friends. I’m typically a background character in his life just like how I was in everybody’s during high school. “So how’s Chiaki?” I say, changing the subject of the conversation. This seemed to irritate him because His smile wavered for a few seconds. “I… uh, I haven’t contacted her in a very long time as well. I’m sure you guys made sure to catch up once in a while.” I force a grin.
“Oh, she’s doing great. She’s competing internationally, so she’s been busy as well.”
“Ah, I remember when it all started. She was really good at that video game, It’s no surprise to me. She’s exceptionally talented and filled with hope when it comes to gaming.”
“Ahehe… Yeah,” He laughs nervously. I wonder why, it’s really a mistake coming here… “So anyway, how have you been?”
“Well, I’ve been busy writing,”
“Ah, finally going to publish something?”
“Yeah, I had to move to a new apartment. To start fresh, a new life. Anyway, enough about me. What about you Hajime?”  I smile and wonder how he’s been. I hate to admit it but he’s been on my mind for the past 6 months but I also remind myself, not to get close again. He possibly can’t like me the same way I like him.
“Ah, well, where do I start?”
Talking about what’s been happening for the past 6 months has filled me with tension, like I’m waiting for him to say that He’s finally together with Chiaki or something. But by the end of it I was relieved to find out nothing much has changed between them. They’re still pretty good friends. But I also hate that I felt relief. I should be wishing what’s best for them, but here I am having a bit of hope for Hajime and I. It’s silly and wishful thinking.
“So, hey, let’s start ordering.” Hajime declares
I try to talk him out of it so we could wait for Chiaki, but he has his face buried in the menu already. “Hey, so do you want to go for the sharing platters?”
I look at the time on my phone and check if Chiaki sent any messages. Finding nothing, I pocket my phone again.
“Uhm, aren’t we supposed to wait until Chiaki gets here?” I tell him.
He doesn’t look at me, he still has his head behind the menu. Instead, he waves his hand. “It’s okay, at least the food will be ready by the time she gets here.”
I sigh, and instead of insisting that it would be rude to order without her here yet, I look at the dimming sky. Some of the stars have already appeared above the rocking waves, sitting in space. I’d rather be up there with them right now—observing, watching, not having any problems with whirlwinds of feelings.
“Hey, you love Eel, right?”
My attention snaps back to my friend and I’m caught off guard. “Wh-what?”
“Eel,” He says slowly.
“I mean, you remember?”
He flops the menu down on the table and he’s looking at me with a frown and a raised eyebrow.
”Of course, I remember what your favorite food is.” He shakes his head and raises the menu back to his face. “We’re friends, aren’t we?”
That’s all we can ever be.
“Well, I didn’t think you’d remember such an unnecessary detail of someone like me.”
He sets the menu down with another big flop and glares at me. “Nagito, I swear, I thought we’ve already talked about this little problem o—“
I raise my hands and give out a small laugh. “Geez, Hajime, I was only kidding.”
He looks at me for a while and lets out a sigh, his frown turning into a small smile. “It better be just a joke.”
Our waitress for the night comes back over and pours water, filling our glasses. “Are the both of you ready to order?” she asks me with a smile.
“Oh, he’s ordering for us,” I say gesturing towards Hajime.
She looks at him, and Hajime gives her a smile back “Yes, we’d like the house salad, a sashimi plate, the grilled eel platter, an order of shrimp tempura, and three bowls of rice please.”
“Anything else?”
“Oh, and a bottle of shochu, please.”
I feel my eyes widen. Not only was the order huge for three people—not to mention expensive—but why in the world is he ordering alcohol too?
The waitress repeats the order and once Hajime nods, she leaves.
“Hey, Hajime,” I whisper. “What are you ordering alcohol for?”
Hajime shrugs. “I just feel like celebrating tonight. That’s all.”
“Hajime, you only drink when you’re feeling down.”
“Oh wow, I didn’t think you’d remember such an unnecessary detail of someone like me.” He says, mocking me, repeating what I said earlier. I just let out a sigh as a response.
Hajime gives a chuckle and looks at the glass of water in front of me. “It’s nothing, It’s going to be the first time in a long while that we’ll be able to get to see Chiaki again, you know?” he says, then proceeds to look outside the window, avoiding my gaze.
Something’s up. The two times he ever drank was when he was down about not getting into our school’s talent course, and the other time was before the final exams of the final year. He only drinks when he’s anxious or sad, otherwise, he’d be the one lecturing his friends about drinking too much. I wonder though. Why now? Is he that nervous about seeing Chiaki again? Or maybe… he’s probably finally going to confess to her?
With that last thought, a small pain in my chest starts growing rapidly—like a tree branching out from the inside of my chest.
“Oh,” I mutter. “Well, I hope Chiaki gets here soon. Aside from the food getting cold on her, I’m excited to see her again.” I smile, trying to mask what I’m really feeling.
“Yeah, I can’t wait either,” Hajime says, eyes darting from me to the window, probably looking at the stars I was looking at from earlier.
I check my phone and it’s already 7pm. No new messages. No missed calls. I try to call for the third time, but it’s no use. I can’t reach her.
“Heeeeeey, Nagi… Gimme one more sip.”
The slurred voice grabs back my attention and my grip onto the almost empty bottle of shochu tightens. “I told you, you’ve had enough to drink, why are you being so careless tonight?”
Hajime stares at the bottle with sleepy eyes, like he didn’t even hear a single word I’ve said. He tries to grab it from me but he slips and almost falls to the floor head first. Good thing I grabbed onto his necktie. “Hajime, what’s wrong with you!?” I say in a loud voice, but not loud enough for the staff to hear… I hope. He looks at me and giggles. “You know, Nagi, you look so cute when you’re mad.”
My cheeks flare up and I mutter a “Just shut up. Do you want me to drop you?” I place the bottle at the corner of the table where he can’t reach it, I stand up, push Hajime into a sitting position, and sit right next to him so he doesn’t fall flat on the floor.
His head nestles onto my shoulder and I can smell the mix of alcohol and the ever so familiar scent of his cologne.
I sigh.
“Mmmm… Nagito.”
I feel my cheeks get hot as I feel his hot breath tickling my neck, him saying my name, not to mention how close we are from each other. I look away and I try my best to brush these weird feelings out. I know better. He likes Chiaki. Not me.
Speaking of Chiaki, I grab my phone again and try to give one more call.
Still no answer.
I wonder. Why can’t I reach her? Was her flight delayed? Perhaps, cancelled? Why hasn’t she tried contacting us? Maybe, they just landed? Did she lose her phone? Is she okay?
I look over at Hajime, who is now breathing deeply and slowly.
“H-hey Hajime, don’t go sleeping on me, now.” I try to shake him with my shoulder but I stop and look at the peace displayed on his face. I feel my cheeks warm up again. I cut my gaze and look at the table. All the food is gone. Hajime ate most of it, that huge amount of food… The expensive food. Expensive…
Oh! The bill! There’s no way I can afford all this! I dig into my pocket to find my wallet, shaking off Hajime’s head in the process. I open the cheap piece of leather and find a total of 2,000 yen, not even close to the total amount we ordered.
What now?
Before I decide to check my wallet’s other compartments, I feel Hajime’s hand on mine.
“Eh?” My mind lags and I feel my face near boiling point.
“Don’t worry Nagi, I got this.” he says with a voice that is still slurred but clearer now.
He puts the total down, flat on the table and he goes out like a light.
Why in the world did you have to drink?  We didn’t even get to see Chiaki, so your drinking was all in vain.
I puff out a deep breath and it forms into a cloud disappearing into the night air. I look up above me, and I see the stars once again, but this time, they’ve all shown up.
“Oh, Hajime, you’re awake.”
“Wherer wi?”
“What?” He moves his face away from my back. “I said, where are we?” “I’m taking us home, you couldn’t walk so I’m carrying you. Anyway your house is on the same way as my new apartment.” I say as I shift Hajime from my back to make sure he doesn’t fall off. It’s a good thing we are almost the same height and weight, if he was a few kilograms heavier I wouldn’t be able to carry him at all. “There are no more rides at a time like this since we’re at the rural part of the island.”
“Oh… Sorry…” He says.
He tries to get off me and we almost both fall in the process.
“You can’t walk,” I say. “Why did you have to drink so much, anyway?” He doesn’t answer for a few seconds but then he says, “Chiaki…”
I swallow my saliva and I feel the branches in my chest again. Now it’s more like vines squeezing my heart.
A few more minutes pass and I can feel him just looking to the side. Probably at the ocean.
“Mmm, Hey, Nagito?” He suddenly says.
“Where’d you go?”
“What do you mean?”
“Where’d you go?”
I don’t answer. “I haven’t seen you since Chiaki left.”
“Aren’t we friends?”
There’s that word again, friends. Just friends.
“Sorry, I’ve been concentrating on writing my first book. I needed the time to be alone.” I lie.
It’s his turn to be silent.
After a few more meters of walking, I feel his grip on my shoulders tighten a bit. “Hey, Nagito, can we watch the ocean for a while?” “Huh, why?” “Maybe we could rest for a bit, until I can walk, at least.”
I comply, not because I’m exhausted, but because of the awkward tension lingering in the air around us. I take the nearest route to the closest sands of the beach, and once we reach the shore I see the blue and green glows of the water. I stand there breathless—although it’s not my first time seeing glowing plankton on the ocean. They are like stars on the waves, but unlike those that are above, these stars are within arms reach.
Hajime gets off my back and he falls into the sand.
“See, what did I tell you?” I say at the drunken Hajime.
“Just shut up, Nagito.” He says and we both stare into each other for a few seconds, then we both laugh.
He sits upright and I sit close to him. We both grow silent while watching the mesmerizing glowing waves.
I wish this moment could last forever. Just Hajime and I, enjoying each other’s company, under the starlit sky surrounded by the glowing waves. God, It sounds like a cliché thing to say, but that’s just the truth.
“Hey, Nagito, do you think Chiaki likes me?” Hajime whispers.
“W-what?” I stutter, caught by surprise.
He looks at me “Do you think Chiaki likes me?” He repeats, but this time I feel like he is staring into my stripped out soul. I dart my eyes to the sand then towards the ocean again, trying my best to conceal whatever I’m feeling on the inside.
“I… I don’t really know.”
“I see,”
He doesn’t say anything for a while so I take a peek at him, and he’s looking above again. I shift my eyes back to the ocean.
“Do you like, Chiaki?” He suddenly says.
We both look at each other at the same time, and I can see his eyes are full of curiosity.
“What makes you say that?”
“Nothing,” he says, averting his gaze.
I continue staring at him, thinking of what he’s been asking me, why he’s acting so strange. Is he worried about me liking Chiaki? is he worried I’m getting in between them? My heart drops.
He looks right back at me and we both are staring at each other again.
“I think we should go… It’s getting late.” I say, standing up and dusting my pants.
“Yeah…” he says, standing up too, but he wobbles as he gets back up on his feet.
This time I support him by putting his arm over my shoulder. “Maybe we should just get to the nearest inn…” I suggest.
He stops to think, but he end up nodding. He follows my lead and doesn’t say another word.
“Uh-uhm, of course!” the blushing inn keeper says. “You two are lucky, we only have one room left.” She turns her back towards us to find the keys to the room.
Hajime and I shoot each other a look of confusion. “Here it is! Room 7. Now, both of you enjoy.”
I take the keys and walk over to the rooms with Hajime still right beside me. We reach our room door and I proceed to unlock the door.
“What was that about?” i whisper.
Hajime shrugs.
After unlocking the door, I put my keys back into my pocket and I open the door wide. I stare at the room, stunned. There’s only one queen sized bed in the room.
“Oh, so that’s why,” we both say in unison.
What an exhausting and awkward night it’s been. And to top it all off, Hajime and I need to share a bed. Not like the night has been embarrassing enough for me.
This is all Chiaki’s fault…
I shift under the covers trying to fluff my stiff pillow, making sure to be careful not to disturb Hajime. Once I’m comfortable I shut my eyes, expecting the night to finally end.
“You still haven’t answered my question.” Hajime’s voice echoes in the dark room.
“What?” I ask, my eyes wide open again. “Do you like her?”
I don’t answer.
He sighs, Irritated. It takes him a few more seconds before he says the next set of words. “You know, Nagito, I hate to admit it but I’m kind of jealous…”
I blink. “Jealous of what?”
He sits up and sighs again. I turn my head to look at him but he has his back facing me.
“I’m kind of jealous of how you and Chiaki get along…” He says.
My chest tightens again. He’s probably hurting and it’s all because of me. Am I really getting in between them? “Hajime, you don’t have to worry… You don’t have to worry about me anymore.”
This time he turns to look at me. I see him staring angrily at me. His face under the spilling nightlight illuminating through the window.
“What do you mean?”  he asks.
I sigh and sit up so we are shoulder to shoulder. “Look,” I say, staring at the shape of my legs that are under the blankets. “Im just gonna leave the both of you alone. Starting tomorrow.”
He shakes his head. “What!? That’s not it, Nagito. I never want you to leave… I don’t… I don’t get it. Do you really like her?”
I look at him and try my best to read him but the more I analyze the more confused I get. I have to tell him the truth, one way or another. “No, Hajime. I don’t like her like that.” Even if it means confessing to him, and ruining our friendship. “I like someone else…”
He pauses, his eyes going from left to right, like he’s reading. “Someone else? No, you’re lying. I know you like her. That’s why you stopped hanging out with me when she left.”
“No, Hajime. The thing is, I don’t want to get in between you and her and please believe me, I really don’t like her in a romantic kind of way. So go ahead and just confess to her already.”
“What!?” He says, almost shouting. “Confess?” he shakes his head. “I used to like her that way but that was a very long time ago.”
I blink again, stunned. “Well, earlier, you asked me if she likes you.” I say, puzzled. “So, why are you so worried about Chiaki liking you, and why are you so worried about me liking, Chiaki?”
“Im not worried” he whispers, and scratches the back of his neck. “I mean it’s fine if you like her, but the reason why I asked if you think she likes me was to get a reaction out of you. To get a hint if you liked her or not.”
“Oh…” I say, my mind not being able to comprehend what’s going on. Why all the strangeness and the questions then? “Then wha—“ “Nagito I… I don’t know what you would think of me after this but the reason I asked if you liked Chiaki was because…”
I feel my eyes go wide. For some reason, everything clicks and I pray to the heavens it’s not just wishful thinking. Does Hajime like me?
“because I like you, Nagito… more than a best friend. I don’t know… you’re probably disgusted and all but I think you’re cute and you’re such a wonderful person and … .. .… … .… … .. .. .… … . .”
The room is spinning and my brain is going on overdrive. Hajime keeps talking but nothing is registering anymore. All I know is after he said he likes me more than a best friend I just want to jump up and down and kiss him but at the same time I fear that I’d wake up any second now, lying next to him, finding out that this was all just a dream. I blink a few time to make sure I’m awake. And I give myself one big hard slap.
Hajime blinks, horrified. “Uhh… are you okay? Look, I’m sorry if you don’t feel—“
“NO, I LIKE YOU TOO HAJIME.” I shout, ecstatic. “The person that I like… is you.”
“Wha-?” He looks bewildered.
“I-i thought you liked Chiaki too. So I uh… I decided to just leave you guys alone, since 6 months ago.” I look at him, feeling a huge weight of guilt on my back. “I didn’t want to get in the way of the romantic relationship blooming betwee—“ I stop because I feel a thud on my head.
“Ow!, What was that for!?” I scream because he karate chopped my head.
Hajime moves towards me and gives me a tight hug, and of course I hug him back.
We don’t say anything for a while… then laughter starts, him and then me.
“We are idiots, aren’t we.” Hajime says as we both release from the hug.
“Yeah…” I stare into his eyes. “Hey, Hajime. I’m sorry.” I say, giving him smile. “I didn’t really want to leave, it just hurt too much.”
“I understand. I thought you were into her too. I’m sorry too.” he says. “This is my fault, I should have listened to Chiaki.”
“Chiaki?” Before I could ask anything further, he moves closer and I move closer and before we know it, we are both locking lips.
I melt under his warm embrace and the rest of the night goes by in a blur.
I wake up to my phone buzzing on the table. I try to wriggle myself loose enough from Hajime’s embrace to reach phone, careful to not wake him. I grab my phone, lean my back against his chest  and smile at last nights events.
I thumb the black screen and check my notifications and it says I have a message from Chiaki.
Oh, Chiaki! She must be wondering where we are.
I take a look at the message and my smile fades. “EH!!!???” I scream.
And Hajime wakes up, startled. “Huh!? What’s wrong?”
We are both sitting away from each other, locking eyes. “Chiaki… You!?”
Hajime gives me a sheepish grin and laughs.
Good morning, guys! I hope things worked out well for the both of you. I’m pretty much confident you guys are together by now, and I hope the both of you are finally happy. This could have been much sooner, but I’m finally glad that Hajime listened and went along my well planned secret “date Nagito" objective, since I know that you, Nagito, is lacking too much in confidence to ask Hajime out and vice versa.  It took way too long for this thing to commence, and to put it bluntly, both of you are to blame. But anyway, Nagito, If Hajime hasn’t told you yet, I’m actually arriving in about a week from today. So by the time I get here, you guys better come to my welcome back home party, so, see you guys soon!
Oh and by the way all our friends know you both are into each other (Except for Soda, he lost the bet and owes me money now.), so please don’t forget to update and celebrate with them.
I’m happy for the both you. <3
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1117squad · 4 years
a scrapbook of memories | y. changgu
↬ pairing: changgu x gn!reader
↬ genre: fluff
↬ word count: 1346
↬ requested by: anon
Can I request a react with Jinho/Yeo One where the s/o always takes a picture for their scrapbook that’s filled of moments of their dates/little things they do? ♡^▽^♡
sorry this took a l o n g while to come out, but i hope you enjoy this fluffy story :D -admin a 
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i really should tell jinho to get a life and stop trying to set me up, but all the same…
“y/n, come on!!”
“slow down, you’re moving way too fast!”
“it’s not my fault if you walk slow,” jinho shot back, sticking his tongue out at you.
you rolled your eyes, but quickened your pace to a jog. you loved your brother, but he was so immature, even though he was older. “why are you so excited to take me to a shipping yard, anyway? is there a particular special seagull you want me to meet?”
“the seagull’s name is changgu, and he’s a very nice guy.”
you stopped dead in your tracks. “seriously?”
“well, he’s not actually a seagull, but you need to meet him anyways!” jinho looked surprisingly serious even though his voice was light. it seemed like he had been planning this for a while.
“why a shipping yard, though?”
jinho let out a long sigh. “so many questions. look, you’re a photographer, he’s an instagram model, and shipping containers make for good backgrounds. are you happy?”
“i’m— yeah, sure.” you weren’t sure if you exactly wanted to interact with the egocentric type you’ve known most influencers to be, but if jinho was this insistent…
after several minutes of searching for this changgu dude, you finally heard jinho cry out, “over here!”
you headed toward the sound of his voice. rounding a corner, you bumped into someone’s chest. “ah, i’m so sorry!”
“no, you’re okay!” coffee brown eyes met yours, and you felt your cheeks warm.
“y/n, i see you’ve met changgu,” jinho jutted in, the smirk on his face obvious without you having to see it.
“pleasure to meet you,” changgu said.
“l-likewise…” you knew that instagram models were of course conventionally attractive, but jeez, this guy was on a whole ‘nother level.
“apologies, my lil sibling is kinda shy,” at this, you shot jinho a dirty look, “but i’m sure you two will get along swimmingly! y/n’s a virtuoso when it comes to photography.” your glare shifted to a thankful glance.
changgu clapped in excitement. “let’s get started, then~”
neither of you knew it at the time, but you and changgu became closer than jinho would ever have imagined.
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our first date! he took me to see the christmas decorations. the trees were entwined with lights, and when they were reflected in his eyes, they sparkled.
“isn’t this wonderful?” changgu said, turning to you. “it feels kinda like...”
you grinned back at him. the scenery was certainly pretty, but it was definitely outshined by the way his face lit up. seeing him look so happy really got you into the christmas spirit, more than any santa cosplayer or yule log ever could. “magic,” you finished for him.
he reached for your hand and squeezed it, eyes crinkling, then started to walk. “this isn’t even the best part of the display, though.”
“oh?” you replied, surprised.
“you’ll see!”
passing by happy couples in identical outfits (you hadn’t thought to ask if changgu wanted to match, and now you were feeling a bit guilty at the fact), you finally came to the center of the exhibit—a giant christmas tree adorned with a shining star.
“ta-da!!” he exclaimed, doing jazz hands for extra pizazz. 
“...this is it?”
his face fell. “well, um, i thought you’d like it—”
“it’s amazing!”
changgu’s eyes widened. “you sure?”
“yeah, i’ve always wanted to see one of these! i only ever got to see those tiny fake store-bought ones,” you commented, making a face.
“that’s not all, though.”
you yelped when he abruptly pulled you along to a spot behind the tree.
he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “so, it seems like we’ve been caught under the mistletoe.”
you looked upwards. it was true. there was a small red-berried ornament hanging above your heads. “wow—”
you were caught mid-phrase with changgu’s lips meeting yours. you pressed closer to him, threading one hand through his hair. 
slowly, he pulled away, cheeks flushed. “merry christmas. i mean, it’s kinda early, but—”
you pecked his cheek, bringing his ramble to a halt. “merry christmas, changgu.” 
and in that moment, you knew you would never be able to think of the holiday season without thinking of changgu and his unmatched smile. 
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going plant shopping! i didn’t know he had such a green thumb, haha
you couldn’t believe you were about to move into an apartment with your boyfriend.
you were about to move in with changgu.
changgu, the love of your life. changgu, your ray of sunshine on cloudy days. changgu, the most kind and gentle soul you had ever met. 
changgu, maybe-possibly-definitely your soulmate.
and you were standing in a greenhouse, surrounded by flora, directly next to him as he touched every single leaf he saw.
you raised an eyebrow in amusement. “babe, what are you doing?”
he closed his eyes in mock enlightenment as he rubbed a vine between his fingers. “it’s called getting in touch with vegetation. feeling the soul of life.”
you snorted. “i’m sorry, wise one. carry on.”
still in the act of being some grand god of all things gardening-related, he said, “yes, yes… this one has some unique potential.”
you peeked over at the label of what he was touching—lamb’s ear. “cute, but i’m not sure if we can grow it in our house.”
he opened his eyes, getting out of his persona, and huffed dejectedly. “you’re right, but it just feels so soft…”
you patted his shoulder. “let’s go check out the succulents. or maybe the hanging plants? we’ll find something!”
he hit you with that stunning grin that you loved so much. “anything’s good when it’s with you.”
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anniversary date; it’s been three years already… i really love him so much
you drew in a deep breath. you were waiting at a pierside cafe for your fiancé, and even after being with him for over a thousand days, the nervous jitters never left you.
“changgu! you’re here!”
he took a seat. “sorry i’m a tiny bit late, i may have gotten lost…”
you laughed. “always with your head in the clouds.”
“the thought of you constantly distracts me.”
you covered your mouth with a scandalized gasp. “are you, perhaps, flirting with me?”
he waggled his eyebrows goofily. “and if i am…?”
fanning your face, you said, “this is much too improper!”
at that, the two of you broke down in a fit of giggles. your relationship was one of humor and mirth, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
a waitress came to your table, and you placed your order. you looked at changgu, who was gazing at you with adoring eyes. now was good a time as any to present your gift.
“so… since we’ve been together for so long, i want to show you something. keep in mind, it’s not finished.” slowly, you pulled out the scrapbook, the thing you had been working on for so long. “this is sorta like a museum. all the memories we’ve made together.”
he looked at you in wonderment. “y/n…” delicately, he flipped through the pages, quietly gasping occasionally and making comments in-between. “you have ticket stubs from that terrible cinema?”
“the one that we swore never to go to again but kept coming back to just because?”
“the box office staff looked at us like we were crazy,” he chuckled.
for some moments, he kept completely silent, just glancing up at you a couple times like he couldn’t believe this was real.
when he reached the last filled page of the book, he stood up from his seat. without a word, he walked to you and planted a long kiss on your forehead. 
“thank you so, so much y/n. this is just… wow. this really means a lot, more than you’ll ever know. i love you. a lot.”
you could see his eyes glistening with the start of (happy) tears, which made you want to cry as well. “i love you too, changgu. happy anniversary.”
“happy anniversary.”
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zenonaa · 5 years
Coming Out
“... and her legs! Like, damn!” Leon crowed, giving his thigh a hearty slap as he slouched forward.
The campfire crackled. Its flames licked the crisp air, causing light and shadow to dance across Leon’s grinning face. Everyone sitting around the campfire glowed, and as one’s eye ventured further from the warm-hued scene, definition and detail receded into a dark unknown.
Log benches surrounded the heap of burning branches. Kiyotaka, seated between Mondo and Makoto, stared into the pit of night behind him with his hands folded tightly on his lap. He could distinguish a few trees, but they were but a couple of the woods’ many, many fangs.
“Maizono Sayaka-dono is certainly cute, though a, ah, generic choice,” remarked Hifumi. “Of course, I’m not interested in girls like you all are.”
Kiyotaka tensed and turned back quickly. Hifumi had his arms folded over his chest.
Mondo let out a tut and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. You only like fictional girls, like in pictures and shit.”
Hifumi’s smirk tightened, sinking into his features, and he pushed up his glasses. Kiyotaka blinked. His shoulders wilted a little, and the voices around him that resumed the discussion of their female classmates dissolved into background noise.
As Kiyotaka studied the fire in front of him, the occasional word slipped through the gaps in his head’s static. Names. Hifumi, saying Celes. Makoto, with some prying, revealing Kyouko and Chihiro. Leon listed a few names, and Kiyotaka gripped his thighs harder.
“Eh? Fukawa? Do we even have someone called that in our class?” Leon asked after Hifumi threw in that name with some contempt.
“Unfortunately,” replied Byakuya.
Yasuhiro gave a laugh. “C’mon, Togami-chi! I mean personally, she kinda scares me, but you guys could make it work. And don’t think we haven’t seen you sneaking glances at her when you think no one’s looking!”
Kiyotaka lifted his head. Yasuhiro beamed from ear to ear, his arm draped over Byakuya’s shoulders. Byakuya gritted his teeth as his face coloured red. Though with what emotion, Kiyotaka couldn’t say. He had never been good at reading people.
“What about you, Ishimaru?” said Leon.
The question came out casual, said with a smile, like the snap of a stick cracking in the flames, but Kiyotaka jumped, feeling like an interrogation light had been aimed directly at him. More and more eyes gravitated toward him. He pulled at his collar and fixed on a lopsided grin.
“Girls, huh?” he croaked. Hearing himself, he cleared his throat. “They’re... nice?”
That did nothing to deflect their stares.
“Got any names for us?” asked Mondo, smiling.
Kiyotaka squirmed more. “Just... generally. In general.”
“What about Ikusaba Mukuro-dono?” suggested Hifumi. “Is she your type?”
A furrow formed in Kiyotaka’s brow. He tilted his head a bit and scratched his head as he considered. “She’s hardworking, and dutiful.”
But when he tried to imagine being with her in That Way, the scene crumbled away fast.
In reality, all the others saw him do was jerk his head back. Everyone peered at him, pressing their heavy gazes against him, trapping him between hard, imaginary walls, until Yasuhiro piped up, “What about you, Oowada-chi?” and their target shifted. Kiyotaka exhaled and refamiliarised himself with breathing, but he couldn’t shake off the prickling in his skin.
Their class contained a lot of pleasant girls, but none that Kiyotaka could see himself in a romantic relationship with. And when he had tried reading some of Touko’s romance novels, he couldn’t make it too far in them before stopping. He wanted to encourage his classmates in their talents, but his insides would quiver and a dark cloud would hang over him when he tried for too long. The romance in those books... weren’t for him. Weren’t a fantasy or a world he could escape or meld into. Not comfortably.
Whenever he forced himself to imagine himself at his own wedding, a faceless mannequin wore the dress.
“Hey, Kyoudai... you alright?” said Mondo.
Kiyotaka twitched. They were all scrutinising him. Again.
“I’m... I’m fine,” said Kiyotaka. His fists were shaking. How long had they been shaking for? He gulped loudly.
“Come on, what’s up?” said Mondo, frowning more. “You got gas or something?”
“No. Yes. No.” Kiyotaka splayed out his hands then immediately balled them into fists again. “It’s just... this conversation. I’m sorry, but I can’t think of any girl... like that.”
A beat passed.
Then, Yasuhiro said brightly, “I see! You’re gay, a’ight?”
Kiyotaka gave a jolt. His eyes darted about. A few of the others nodded at him, but the ones who didn’t weren’t glaring or sneering or anything.
“So...!” Leon sprung off his log and swooped down, slotting himself between Kiyotaka and Makoto. He cupped his mouth as he spoke into Kiyotaka’s ear, eyebrows raised. “... this guy, it’s me, right? I’m the best looking one here, after all.”
Mondo leaned over and shoved Leon away.
“He’s not gonna want to say in front of everyone,” Mondo pointed out. He rested his hand firmly on Kiyotaka’s shoulder, the one furthest away from him.
Leon retreated back to his log and pouted. “Whatever... so what about guys in other classes? They’re game to talk about, aren’t they? Anyone seen that Tanaka guy? He’s pretty good-looking!”
“He is,” agreed Makoto, and he gave a small smile. “There’s a guy in the reserve course who I’ve seen around a few times. We haven’t spoken much, but whenever we have, he’s been really cool.”
“The one that hangs out with that Nanami girl?” asked Mondo. Makoto nodded. Mondo thrust up a thumb, the rest of his digits shut in a fist. “Sweet! Hey, so you know that Nidai guy...? Well...”
Mumbles bubbled around the campfire. Byakuya remained silent. Yasuhiro nudged Byakuya in the ribs with his elbow.
“Let me guess. You like that imposter guy, but only when he’s dressed up as you!” Yasuhiro said.
“Shut up!” Byakuya scowled.
“Or do they have to be like Fukawa-chi? Small, glasses... nerdy...”
Byakuya’s cheeks caved in sourly.
“My preferences in men aren’t the exact same as they are in women,” said Byakuya. He hesitated, his brain catching up to his mouth, and he stuck up his nose. “However, they’re both none of your business.”
Yasuhiro laughed. Everyone continued chattering. Kiyotaka relaxed slowly, grinning genuinely, feeling warmer than any fire could make him. He peeked at Mondo, at the curve of his mouth as he laughed. At his purple eyes outlined in thick black eyeliner, that creased as he listened to everyone else, housing a light in them that drew Kiyotaka in.
Clenching his fists, Kiyotaka shifted nearer to Mondo, heartbeat accelerating, and without looking at Kiyotaka, Mondo moved his hand from Kiyotaka’s shoulder to Kiyotaka’s waist and pulled him closer.
His cologne smelled sharp. Kiyotaka breathed it in. He liked it.
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chrysolina · 5 years
𝕞𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕒𝕚𝕕 '𝕟𝕠'
𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝟞 - 𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕖𝕧𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
A/N - AYEEE here he is!! My personal fave being, well - the best!! Enjoy ghouls!!
Trope/inspo - Spending a holiday with the family (bcos I’m such a sucker for daddy! Chris E )
Warnings - SMUT (18+ READERS ONLY), stress, body changes/acceptance, Chris being a fool, floof, eh nothing else really 
Autumn, that time of year was upon you again. It was unarguably your favourite season of them all, the cool air on sunny autumn days, crunchy leaves, wonderful coffee, sweaters that’d swallow you whole and kisses that leave a cold ghost of its passing on your skin - just a handful of the many things you adored about the rust-tinted season.
That being said, you tend to find that you were also a bit happier in the fall months. Be it September, October or November - you always had this irreplaceable smile on your face that’s only grow when with the right people. It was a continuous annual trend in your behaviour, the kind of trend that’d only be noticed by your husband Chris.
But this autumn, things were turning out to be a little different than the last.
October was supposed to be the month spent playing and enjoying the company of your two angelic children. October was supposed to be the month where traditions would come alight and make everything seem warm and fuzzy with anticipation. But this October was turning it to be something quite the opposite.
Just that July gone, you had given birth to your third child, your little baby boy Luca. At first, Lucas was an angel; slept like a log, fed during the day and not so much during the night, didn’t repeatedly puke up or poo on himself like your first son Alex did and was always greeting you with sweet, gummy smiles - at most times when you were getting your breast out.
He really was an angel, until he got his booster jabs done near the end September and seemed to be catching every known virus possible.
Not only did you have a sick three month old baby, two very attention-seeking toddlers who wanted to be by you twenty-four seven, a husband who was in and out doing scenes across the country, a house, a career, friends and family to keep up with - you were also suffering with a seasonal cold and a clogged breast.
In all honesty, things couldn’t have been worse.
Without even putting your mind to it, you knew that since there were too many variables asking for your sparse attention, you’d have to cut back on some more pleasurable things in an attempt to juggle everything you had going.
Friends wanting to meet up for a coffee in town? Sorry ladies, the answer would have to be no. Your PA asking about possible magazine photo-shoot she’d like you and your family to shoot? Not today Julia. Going on a daily walk to help burn off the baby fat you put on? Nope, can’t happen today Y/N.
You get the picture.
In this flurry of people spitting stuff for you to do left, right and centre and a baby stuck to your breast nearly all day, you also failed to notice the happiness and joys that came with Autumn - Chris picking up on this almost immediately when he mentioned how beautiful the red, yellow and orange trees in the garden looked.
He expected you to go into your little happy rant over the beauty of them but instead, you replied bluntly “They’re ok I suppose.”
With all that that was going on around you, Chris couldn’t help but feel absolutely useless. You were doing, literally, everything. From helping out with the kids to sorting out laundry, dinner and Luca - you were everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
You were absolutely nothing like your usual chipper, loving self with Chris or the kids, you were a void doing stuff by demand.
And Chris knew he needed to do something about it - fast.
As if by sheer luck, an opportunity too good to miss arose from the depths of nowhere. It was only a matter of days until Halloween was upon the Evans family and with that said, Lisa decided to host a Halloween party for friends and family - a get together come meal everyone could enjoy, even the kids who could go trick or treating if they wished.
Chris knew that you’d most probably turn down the invite and send him with the kids and he knew that you’d most probably spend the night either asleep with Luca or weeping in the shower over what your life had become, his heart breaking at the memory of hearing your weeping as he passed the bathroom one evening.
So with sneaky yet good intentions, Chris told his parents and Scott - who’d take the kids for the night - the plan he wanted to put into action to help revitalise the love of his life and asked them to help him with it and to keep it on the hush, to play everything as if it would go the way Chris had predicted.
And they did exactly that.
Chris was pleasantly smug when he saw you dress up all the kids in their little costumes he’d chosen out for themselves. Aiela was in a beautiful frilly witch costume equipped with a broom, point hat and potion bucket for her sweets, Alex was dressed as a mummy and Luca was dressed in a pumpkin costume, topped with a puffy pumpkin hat for safe measures.
Yes, this was going just how Chris had planned.
Right up until you decided to go and get changed.
“Shit,” Chris whispered to himself and immediately dialled up Scott who answered on the first ring. “Hey Chris, what’s up?” Scott’s chipper tone made Chris wince and pinch his brows in annoyance.
“Change of plan, can you come and collect the kids now?“ Chris looked to the clock that hung on one of he kitchen walls and then back out to the living room. Good, you still hadn’t come down yet.
Much to Chris’ confusion, he could hear Scott beginning to laugh quite smugly through the phone, making Chris wonder as to what he found so funny. “Just take a look outside.” Scott all but replied to his brother’s question and watched from his car as Chris scowled at him from the porch steps.
“Ha ha very funny.” Chris made a point to flip the bird to his brother and then quickly ran inside to get the kids and sleepy Luca and his diaper bag ready to leave. To say Aiela and Alex were excited to be going off early to the party was a little bit of in understatement, just by buckling themselves in to the car alone had them fizzing in their spots.
“Be good for Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Scotty, alright?” Chris have his best serious face and tone as he kissed the three heads of his little cherubs, a chorus of yeses and frantic nodding heads coming from Aiela and Alex.
And with that Scott sped off in the direction of his parents house meaning that the real fun had only just begun in the Evans house for that night.
“Chris?” You called out as you padded quietly down the stairs, your fears starting to build once you took a swift look around the living room and only found it empty, the sound of cartoons playing low in the background.
You took the time to look in the kitchen and the laundry room, the bathroom and the pantry - and not to forget the backyard as well but to your utter confusion and slight trepidation, the kids were no where to be seen.
As if by god’s calling, you heard the metallic jangle of the lock on the front door open and shut and the sound of Chris’ flicking his shoes off and his feet padding towards the living room, the smile on his face soon falling once he saw what you were dressed in.
Your costume was nothing like that of what you’d wear as a twenty-something year old but it certainly demanded attention that only gawking eyes could give you. You were dressed in simple yet incredibly figure hugging all black t-shirt and leggings with brilliant white skull bones plastered in the appropriate places.
Oh, and the cute black and white striped fluffy socks you wore were just to die for too.
Chris couldn’t believe it. No, he could believe it - he just didn’t want to. To think that for all that time, all that time of not being able to see what was hiding under those baggy jumpers you wore, they were all leading up to this.
In his mind, even back when you put the idea forward Chris spat at the thought you’d need to lose some weight - and thank god he dismissed them back then. Your figure was to die for, literally; even after three kids your waist rivalled the likes of Beyoncé’s, your grown breasts could make any man water and the mere sight of them accompanied by your hips and ass - god did the ‘extra padding’ of baby weight do some wonders on you.
Not even snapping you fingers in-front of Chris was doing any good, he was in a total trance that made him lost to the world - the only signal of life being the way his eyes clouded over as they kept trained on your rigid figure, a look foreign to your mind taking residence on his growing smug face.
“Sorry sweetheart,” Chris cooed whilst winding an arm around your waist, sliding you towards his muscular form. “I forgot to tell you, I sent the kids away to my parents for the night.” Your breath caught at the thought that you hadn’t prepped the kids for an overnight stay.
“Bu-but I didn’t pick them any pj’s or anything or enough milk for Luca..”You tried to push away from Chris’ hold in an attempt to do something with your nerves but found it useless when Chris’ grip grew stronger around your body and had you pressed against him again.
“That’s why I did babe,” Chris smiled down at you with that cheeky smile you’d grown to ignore these past months.
Your breath caught in your throat again, for all the right reasons. “Wh-what?” You laughed in an airy tone.
“Yeah, while you went to Luca’s checkup last Thursday I took the opportunity to sort out a bag for Aiela, Alex and Luca,” Your mouth hung open like a broken door as you listened to Chris’ master plan unfold before you.
“And I dropped it ‘round mom and dad’s - all so I could spend tonight, with you.” And there it was again, that all too well known glint flashed in those irresistible blue eyes and made your stomach churn both ways - you couldn’t have sex yet! You looked like a hag under those baggy jumpers you used to shield your flaws with.
But Chris was having none of it.
You tried to slide away, you tried to hide the evident blush that adorned your cheeks - only one of which was proven slightly successful. With a steady hand you ducked away from Chris’ nearing head and felt him take purchase on your neck - the one place he didn’t want to be, yet.
Just by your stiff yet hiding for, Chris could tell you were having some serious doubts about something and he just knew it had something to do with your body.  
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Chris lightly pecked a kiss or two at the sensitive apex of your neck and felt you squirm into his buff chest like an uncomfortable child. “Please baby, tell me what’s going on.” Ah yes, pleading would most certainly help the situation at hand - not.
“N-no, I can’t..” You stumbled over your words like hazardous rocks on a pathway, fumbling after every snagged step.
“Can’t what sweetheart?” Chris edged you on a little further in a warm, soft tone and a supportive hand finding residence on the lower part of your back, your body slowly relaxing once the familiar feeling of safety kicked in.
“I can’t have sex Chris..I-I’m too ugly..” Your voice dipped a decibel once the real reason of your insecurities slipped past your lips, the feeling Chris moving his head up to look at you brought back the sudden tension in your body.
As much as he tried to fathom it, Chris couldn’t actually believe what you had said - you? Ugly? He and the growing erection in his pants had to scoff at that claim unanimously.
“Y/N,” Chris sighed deeply and made you look up at him with weak eyes. “I think you know what I’m gonna say next so, hear me out;” You only stared at Chris expectantly as he took another deep breath in through his flaring nostrils.
”Give me ten minutes of your time and I will show you just how beautiful I really believe you are - is that a deal?” Whether it was the smirk on his face or the feeling of his erection nudging at your lower stomach, Chris gave you no other choice as to what to say.
• ————— •
And by god did he keep by his side of the deal.
Even though it was going on 8pm at night and the ‘ten minute’ oath had long been thrown out of the window, neither of you wanted to stop.
It was as if you two were hooked on the high of each other’s touch, the months spent preoccupied doing other things meant nothing to either one of you as Chris carried on eating you out like a starved man, your own orgasm hurtling with great speed towards you.
It all felt so foreign, from the way Chris’ tongue lapped up your flowing juices to the way he sucked on your clit like a pacifier, making euphoria seep through every crevice of your body - you couldn’t help but allow the happy tears to escape your eyes as you screamed out your second release of the night, the sound of your euphoria channelled down to Chris’ straining erection and made it throb in a longing agony.
“Mm so good to me baby-girl,” Chris hummed as he travelled back up your body and latched his soaked lips to yours, the taste of your salty sweet juices mingled in a toxic manner along the hairs of Chris’ beard and the dips and curves of Chris’ lips. The feeling of his straining erection standing tall along his navel reminding him to get to real stuff.
“You ready darlin’?” Chris smirked devilishly at you whilst pumping his tall, proud and thick shaft that oozed out pre-cum by the second, a sight you really wished you could capture on camera. You could only nod in desperation and whimper like a caged animal from your spot on the bed-sheet, the feeling of exhaustion leaving you as you watched Chris’ smirk grow.
“Then y’know the drill, turn over for me.” Without hesitation, you complied entirely and flipped yourself onto your stomach, pressing your ass upwards towards Chris - who could only groan in response, the belief that you felt you were ugly in any shape or from evaded Chris’ mind even now.
With the slick tip of his shaft pressed to your lips, you whimpered at the sudden feeling of Chris’ hand latching onto your swollen breasts and the heat radiating off his front as it lay on your back. “Since this is your night tonight, you call the shots - rough or slow baby?” Chris cooed into your ear and licked it, for extra measures.
As much as you loved Chris’ slow and intimate side, the greater part of you pleaded for something more - something better - than regular love-making. With a heavy moan, you bucked your ass up into Chris’ navel and scrunched the bedsheet into balls in your fists. “Fuck me up Chris - please, just fuck me so hard I won’t be able to lift a leg tomorrow.” And like that, Chris was inside of you.
Did you really just say that? Maybe Chris’ foggy mind was playing tricks on him, yes that’s what it was - but there again, you did say that. The dirtiest thing you’d said since way before the children were even little specs in the sky.
Hearing something like that, that confession of yours, it just made something go within him - not the way his hips ploughed into yours but something deeper. That’s when Chris realised it, you never changed - not even after the birth of three kids. You were still his and his alone.
And that only fuelled the raging list fire within Chris’ pit.
“Say it again-” Chris growled into your ear, his hips relentlessly throwing themselves into yours. “Talk dirty to me Y/N - God, just..fuckin’ say it again baby.” Chris groaned again, throwing his head back at the feeling of your sinful walls fluttering around his shaft.
With a pornographic moan, you bent your head down and thought up some of the worst/best lines you had to offer. “Mmm Chris don’t stop please!” You begged out in euphoria. “Prove to me just how much you love me baby! Give me everything!” You pleaded again and felt the hot sting of a slap ghosting over your ass cheek, your cries growing louder at the sensation of another smack landing on your ass.
“That’s it baby, take my fucking cock and all my cum like the fucking star you are, go on.” Chris yelled a hiss out whislt stepping up the pace of his thrusts, his hips meeting the flesh of your ass at a steadily increasing pace and then he did it. He hit it.
He was hitting your g-spot like a madman. And you couldn’t contain yourself much longer.
Lifting your head up, you yelled out in what sounded like pure euphoria and clung to the bedsheet schruched in your hands like they were the strings to life and if you let go, you’d lose yourself completely. Just by the dip of your back and change in positioning, Chris couldn’t help but also throw his head back in bliss as the climatic feeling of his orgasm neared him like freight train at full speed.
“Fuck I’m so clo—close babe,” Chris grunted and squeaked into the apex of your neck and began sucking a large wet bruise on your flawless skin, one of his hands finding their way down to your clit and began to rub it furiously - the euphoric feeling of it alone made you howl out and your walls flutter and clench.
But Chris didn’t stop at the feeling of your walls becoming vices around his length, instead he ploughed into even harder than before with one thing on his mind - turning you into a quivering, cumming mess.
“Chris—I’m gonna—“Chris heard you heaved in desperation underneath him, remnants of euphoric tears on the sheets below but Chris couldn’t care. No, he knew you were just a whiskers inch away from giving him your third - and perhaps best orgasm of the night and like hell he wouldn’t be selfish and milk it for all it’s worth.
Between the frantic rubbing and rolling of your clit between Chris’ cool fingers, the harsh wet bruises and kisses he was leaving along your bare shoulders and the pure feeling of your skin against his - you were lost. And just like that - you snapped and came.
A loud, elicit moan far too similar to that of a pornstar Chris would grind off to as a horny teen escaped your red, flushed lips and had his breath caught in his throat, ropes of cum spraying from his length into you as your walls seized him in place.
With a grunt and a moan of content release, Chris let himself drape over your smaller yet slicked form and held you to him, the feeling of his heartbeat beating through your ribs and through to yours - you really could stay in this post coital bliss forever.
“Fuck I love you Y/N.” Chris moaned tiresomely into your hair and ran a hand up the globe of your slicked bright red ass, one of his favourite sights by far. “Was I too rough?” Chris began to worry once he saw the remnants of tears on the sheets below the two of you and turned his face to have a look at you, the smile on your swollen lips told him different.
“No,” you sighed with a tired smile. “You were perfect, absolutely perfect - thank you.” Even though the context of your thanks weren’t specified, you had an awful lot to thank Chris over this week alone. But just by the imminent thought of sleep, this would just have to suffice.
“No baby,” Chris objected as he laid you two down on your sides, your bodies irremovable due to the sweat climbing to each other. “You’re the one that deserves a thank you out of either one of us.” You couldn’t help but smile at the cheesiness that oozed off your sleepy husband.
“And hey Y/N?” Chris smiled down knowingly at you, a glint of mischief still lingering in his beautiful blue eyes. You only hummed in question and refused to meet the glint in his eyes “No more no’s, okay? When you need help, tell me and I’ll be there - no questions asked.” You could only smile tearily at your husbands confession.
“No more no’s - got it.” You smiled and fell into a deep, well needed slumber, eager for the next day to follow.
• ————— •
Chris / Steve rogers tags - @patzammit @tacohead13 @youreahandsomedevil @thisismysecrethappyplace @fanfic111
Permanent tags - @multireality @its-a-pretty-interesting-wall​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @titty-teetee
Hey y’all, just letting you know that if you think you’re seeing double here - you’re not, don’t worry. Tumblr bitched about my post so here’s my FUCK YOU to the stupidity of Tumblr ((: ENJOY!!
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Star Trek Gold Key #26: The Perfect Dream
Our issue begins with a bang. A planet-sized bang, to be precise.
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[ID: A comic splash page showing a ringed planet exploding in space. The title in the upper left corner reads Star Trek—THE PERFECT DREAM Part 1. Narration box one: “Federation board of inquiry: Stardate 30:20:4! Investigation into possible Federation involvement in annihiliation of neutral planet body! Recorders log: Testimony of Captain James T Kirk...” Second narration box: “Members of the board, the issues at point are of delicate diplomatic balance! Therefore, so that you may understand the Enterprise’s position, I must carefully reconstruct the events that took place upon Rifas-L...”]
Evidently Kirk is in some trouble about this, since he’s explaining it to a Federation committee. Y’know, they’re supposed to seek out new life and new civilizations, not blow them to smithereens. Bit of a faux-pas, that.
In flashback, Kirk describes how they found this weird planet, or at least something that looked like a planet, but was a bit lacking in some typical planet characteristics. Such as being in a solar system. Or being in orbit. Instead it’s just moving across space in a straight line, Great A’Tuin style, with all its light and heat apparently being provided by its rings.
Well, what’s a crew to do when confronted by a mystery planet but beam down to it and check out what’s going on. Kirk beams down with Spock, Sulu, Chapel, a redshirt, and...Uhuru?
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[ID: A landing party consisting of [left to right] Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Sulu, a balding redshirt man, and Nurse Chapel, partway through beaming into a grassy space with some trees and rocks at the edges. Kirk’s narration: “The landing party I took down with me for observation purposes included Spock, Helmsman Sulu, Medical Officer Chapel, Communications Lieutenant Uhuru [sic] and Security Officer Manning!”]
As they start to look around the landscape, Kirk reminds everyone to be careful since they don’t   know much about their surroundings, and Spock is like “lol humans can’t just appreciate something beautiful can they.” Immediately after he says this, the group is attacked by a wild mountain lion. Let that be a lesson to you, Spock.
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[ID: Four square panels arranged in two rows of two. First panel, Uhura is saying, “Captain—it’s beautiful! I’ve never seen anything like it!” while Kirk, in the foreground, says, “Yes, stunning! Still, all the beauty could be hiding something—be alert!” Second panel, Spock, Kirk and Uhura are on the ground while the viewpoint shows a beige mountain lion-like creature poised in a tree branch above them. Spock: “Captain, I fail to grasp why humans cannot face beauty without doubting or destroying it...or both!” Third panel, the creature pounces onto the redshirt man with a “RRRROOOWWRR!” Sulu, in the foreground, is saying, “Manning! Captain! A carnivore attacking Manning!” while from offscreen Kirk says, “Set phaser on stun, Sulu, fire on my command!” Fourth panel, Sulu and Kirk fire their phasers onto the creature with a shout of “Now!” from Kirk, knocking the creature off of Manning.]
As if alien mountain lions weren’t bad enough, a giant flock of SPIES OF SARUMAN black birds also shows up. Uhura is somehow able to identify them as ‘like Earth ravens, but carnivorous’ from a distance.
Luckily, before our hapless crew can get Hitchcock’d, they’re rescued by a crowd of...Japanese people…? They yell at the Enterprise crew to drop to the ground while they take care of the birds.
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[ID: Three people in samurai-like armor and one in a short tunic fighting off birds and lion-creatures with katanas. In the foreground Sulu is saying, “Captain, I’m not quite sure of what I’m seeing! If I’m not mistaken, they’re using a variation of samurai technique used in ancient Japan!” and Kirk is replying, “Whatever it is, it’s working!”]
Ah yes, the ancient Samurai technique of ‘hitting birds with swords.’
Once all the birds have been driven off, the newcomers politely invite the crew back to their city, where they can treat their injuries with healing balm. Chapel gets unnecessarily hostile about this and snaps that, “I’m quite sure I have the proper supplies to care for my own patients, thank you!” Calm down there, Chris, they don’t know you’re a doctor.
So the crew take a hike back to this city with the mysterious Anachronism People. On the way, Spock and Kirk note that there are farmlands nearby, but they’re only cultivating wild growth instead of developed land, which they find odd since a planet this plentiful isn’t where they would expect to find nomadic farming. After all they’ve been there like, a whole five minutes, which is definitely enough time to do an in-depth analysis on local agriculture possibilities.
But the farming ruminations will have to wait, because they soon arrive at the city.
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[ID: A large panel showing the Enterprise crew along with their armored guides approaching a Japanese-styled city by a river. In the background are indistinct shapes of buildings beyond an arched bridge over the river, with mountains in the distance; in the foreground is a while building with red roofs, where a woman in a short pink tunic is standing on the steps saying, “Welcome, travelers! I am Oshino of the Third Dan! This the imperial city of Shondo Ho! Come! We have quarters waiting—Yamoto saw your arrival!” Uhura is saying to Kirk, “Captain, it—it’s perfect! It’s like those enchanted cities I vid-sorbed as a child!”]
Like the what that you what now
Oshino introduces them to a guy called Ekoe of the First Dan, who’s supposed to ‘see to their needs,’ which he does precisely none of in this story but never mind that. Once installed in some guest rooms, Kirk and Spock talk over the situation. Spock thinks this is all weird because the people seem to be living in total perfect harmony with their surroundings, which he’s quite sure humans aren’t capable of. Really? That’s what you find weird about all this?
Kirk has a slightly more salient point: he’s noticed that of all the people they’ve seen so far, he’s only seen six distinct faces. It’s rude to call out the artist like that, Kirk. Anyway Kirk says he’d think maybe that meant everyone around here is an android, but they all show up on the scanners as human. Hm.
Oshino shows the group around the city some. Uhura notes that they all seem very relaxed and not rushed, and asks what their lifespan is. At this Oshino acts confused and says she doesn’t understand what this ‘lifespan’ thing is because they are ‘of Yamoto and the moment.’ Ekoe jumps in and says that maybe they should be thinking more about what happened before and what will happen after, for which he gets chastised for asking questions he’s not supposed to be asking. How, exactly, these people have managed to build up a society with agriculture and a developed city when they have no concept of past or future is...well, that’s, uh, that’s quite something.
But apparently asking “what happened before right now” is a hanging offense around here, because Oshino rats Ekoe out for incorrect thinking to some guy she calls ‘clan father’ who says that Ekoe’s going to have to be ‘dealt with’ for that. But not right away. We can have some dramatic passage of time first.
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[ID: Sulu talking to Oshino, an Asian woman wearing a short pink tunic with flowers in her hair, inside a building with yellow walls. The narration box reads, “Oshino tended to spend more time with Sulu. Because of the similarities of their cultures there seemed to be intellectual identification between them!” Sulu is saying, “Can you tell me anything of your history—your planet’s development?” Oshino says, “History? I don’t understand! I—I...lakes?”]
Oh yeah, sure, Sulu’s from 23rd century Earth and she’s from an alien planet vaguely emulating ancient Japan, but their cultures are just alike!
Turns out this whole ‘lakes’ thing is Oshino getting a vision of something happening previously—aka ‘remembering’--specifically a bunch of people rising out of lakes. Huh. Weird. She shrugs this off and asks Sulu to tell her more about where he came from, so he tells her about concepts like ‘night’ and ‘stars’ and ‘other planets’. I’d fear for the Prime Directive, but I think that got busted quite a while back.
Meanwhile, Spock sees Ekoe constructing a cute little model house, but when asked about it Ekoe says that obviously he couldn’t be constructing anything because he’s a First Dan and his functions don’t allow for that. Then he destroys it in a rage. A...weird rage.
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[ID: Ekoe, an Asian man in a belted green tunic with a green wrap tied around his hair, sitting at a table and angrily knocking apart a model house, saying, “What is this? This is merely a semi-quadrainial, psi-sided convertional nothing!” Behind him, Spock is standing with one hand thoughtfully on his chin, thinking, “Curious! Ekoe is unlike anyone we’ve met here...”]
A semi-what what-sided convertional what now?
Spock notes that Ekoe stands out around here, not just because he speaks in weird gibberish, but because he alone seems to be unsatisfied with his role in life and is questioning the whole society. When questioned Ekoe reveals that he also has the magical skill of ‘seeing the past’ but his memories don’t make any more sense than the lake thing.
Kirk takes Uhura and Sulu out to scout around for a bit. And he’s giving a captain’s log...during a flashback? Sure, okay.
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[ID: Kirk, in the foreground, and Sulu and Uhura in the background, exploring a grassy wooded landscape. The narration box reads, “Stardate 30:19:15...continuing with our data collecting on Rifas-L...We have set out to explore surrounding wild areas!” Kirk is saying, “Sulu, I want samples of that glowing ore over there sent up to the Enterprise for analysis!” and Sulu replies, “Aye aye, Captain!”]
Sulu, I wouldn’t get too close to that glowing ore if I were you.
While poking around, Uhura notes that nearly all of the flora around here has food value, which allows for the prosperity the local people enjoy. Kirk also mentions that he hasn’t seen a single child anywhere around, causing Uhura to posit the existence of some kind of child storage institution.
Spock, meanwhile, is off somewhere else, wiping out the local wildlife.
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[ID: Spock standing in grass, shooting his phaser at a lion-creature leaping towards him while another one snarls in the foreground. Spock is thinking, “The ferocity of those creatures would seem to contradict the environment of this world! However, I have a theory...I believe they’re guarding something!”]
Leaving a trail of dead carnivores in his wake, Spock eventually happens onto an isolated building which is giving off weird ‘life force emanations,’ so naturally he goes inside to take a look. Evidently someone went to the trouble of getting a bunch of lions to guard the place, but didn’t think to put a lock on the door.
Back in the city, Kirk is talking about wrapping up this whole venture soon, when Ekoe comes in with another model house and asks if the Federation might have a place for him (and his little houses) somewhere, because he doesn’t fit in around here. Before Kirk can respond to this, a bunch of armed guys (whom Ekoe refers to as ‘collectors from the Garden of Eternity’) burst in to arrest him. Turns out Ekoe doesn’t fit in so much that he’s going to be executed for being a ‘mental deviant.’ The crew tries to save Ekoe, but sadly they’ve misplaced all their phasers—apparently--because they’re forced to resort to whacking the armored guards with their bare hands, which doesn’t work out so well.
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[ID: Sulu ridiculously chopping a man in samurai-like armor with the back of his hand while exclaiming, “She’s right, Captain! We’ve got to stop them long enough to make them listen!” In the background, Uhura is pushing over another man in armor.]
Eventually Oshino bursts in and gets huffy at them for interfering in something they know nothing about, and tells them that if they don’t stop fighting they’ll get executed too. So the Enterprise crew just has absolutely no choice but to watch Ekoe, along with some other ‘deviants’ and the elderly, get hauled onto an execution platform and, well, executed.
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[ID: Three figures, one of them Ekoe, holding their hands up and crying, “Noooooooo!” while being incinerated with “swurrrrrrrr! Ziiiiiiiiittt! Ziiiiitt!” sounds.]
swurr ziit ziit indeed
Poor Ekoe! We hardly knew ye, and yer little houses. Also that execution platform seems mighty high-tech for this society. Does anyone make a note of that? Of course not.
Well, so much for this whole ‘perfect society’ thing. Uhura tries to explain to a confused Oshino why they disapprove of killing the unusual and elderly, prompting Oshino to have another attack of memory. This is observed by the clan father (I think—it’s pretty hard to tell who anyone is in this art style), who notes that Oshino is starting to get all deviant-y too.
Meanwhile, Spock, exploring the mysterious building, makes a shocking discovery—a cloning lab! That’s right, the identical people with no children are all clones! Man, who could’ve guessed.
While he’s looking around, he’s interrupted by Yamoto himself, who introduces himself as the creator and overlord of this world, which actually isn’t a planet but a giant spaceship (there are a surprising amount of those knocking around the galaxy). Evidently this is all just some big socio-scientific project of his, the reasons for which we are left in the dark about. He just wanted to make a planet, I guess. Anyway, he shows Spock around, talking about how he’s genetically programmed all these clones into three perfect ‘classes.’ Then he zaps Spock with a paralysis ray and says he’s gonna take samples from him to make a whole new, even better class of clones. I dunno how well an entire society of Spocks would function, but I guess Yamoto hasn’t known him very long.
Back in the city, the guards have burst into the room once again, this time to take away Oshino and those dang Federation newcomers who have been causing unrest. Fortunately this time Kirk and his crew have their phasers on hand and are able to take them all out in about two seconds. Kirk tries to call up Spock but can’t get an answer, so he proclaims that they’re going to find Spock—going to, one might even say, search for Spock—and then get the hell off this weird not-planet. Oh, and Oshino can come too if she wants.
Oshino thinks Spock might have gone to the ‘Palace of Life’ so she leads the crew there, taking out yet more lions on the way. Geez, those things must be respawning somewhere. In the lab, Yamoto has successfully taken all the cell samples he needs, so now it’s time to get rid of Spock. Luckily for Spock, Yamoto is distracted in the nick of time.
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[ID: Spock laying on a table looking up at Yamoto, a man wearing a green tunic with very large yellow sleeves and a black flat cap, holding a phaser. Narration: “Suddenly...” Yamoto: “Intruders!” Spock, thinking: “He’s distractred—my Vulcan healing abilities have overcome the paralysis! I must act now!” A screen in the background is flashing and going, “woo-ah woo-ah woo-ah.”]
The crew have found the Palace of Life and make their way inside, where they discover the Terrible Secret. Oshino reacts...not super well.
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[ID: Oshino attacking and destroying machinery with one hand. Sulu, behind her, is saying, “Captain! She’s berserk! She’s tearing the place apart!” Kirk, looking offscreen, is saying, “We’ve got bigger worries right now! Look!”]
Yamoto sends some security robots after the intruders, but they’re easily dispatched. Spock shows up and suggests they perform an expeditious retreat—but before they can, Oshino grabs Sulu’s phaser and runs off deeper into the compound on a quest for vengeance. Kirk is reluctant to let her go, but she blocks the doorway behind her (with a bunch of giant boulders that conveniently fall from the ceiling), so they have no choice but to leave her behind. They run outside, where the collectors have caught up to them, but a quick beam-up solves that problem.
The Enterprise runs away, and Kirk narrates to the board what he thinks happened next: Oshino found Yamoto, kills him, and then presses a button that makes the whole not-planet blow up. Yeah, just one button. Evidently this place was designed by Dr. Doofensmirtz.
Kirk tells the board that clearly, Federation intervention can’t be responsible for what happened to the not-planet, even though Federation intervention was directly responsible for what happened, because it would have happened eventually anyway. The board is like “cool” so everyone leaves, but on the way out they’re interrupted by a space janitor.
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[ID: Two panels. In the first, a man in a blue shirt and green cap is approaching Kirk, Spock, Uhura and Sulu as they exit a room, holding out a small model building to them and saying, “Captain Kirk, will you look at this! The space scooper picked it up as it was cleaning up Rifas-L...survived the holocaust like a straw in a tornado! You wouldn’t know what it is, would you?” Spock replies, “I think I can answer you, sir!” In the second panel, Spock, in the foreground, says, “It’s quite probably a semi-quadrainial, psi-sided, convertional nothing!” while the man looks shocked in the background. THE END is written in the lower right corner.]
I’m not sure if Spock’s end comment there is supposed to in some way be meaningful or pithy but it...it...yeah. One would expect something like “oh, a fragment of a civilization now lost, the last remnant of a man who had great hopes and dreams but is now gone and remembered by almost no one, let’s keep it as a reminder of this great tragedy” but no, Spock just smirks and spouts out a comment that seems snarky but doesn’t actually mean anything and walks off. At the risk of actually seriously analyzing these comics—most certainly a hopeless venture—this is a strong example of how shallow the writing in them is. There’s a sense to me here of someone trying to mimic good writing without any idea of how it actually works, so instead of actual emotional beats you just get this sort of weird nonsense. “Oh, it’s really clever to end a story with a smart call-back, right? This is clever, right? Right?”
I do love the space janitor’s mustache and look of comical surprise there though. And the idea that a straw surviving a hurricane is anything like a tiny model house surviving AN EXPLODING PLANET.
So that’s the end of that story. It’s probably racist? But to be honest I’m so confused at this point I wouldn’t even know where to start on that one. The moral of the story is, uh...don’t...make clones? Sure. Let’s go with that.
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taiblogcomics · 6 years
Apple of My Pie
Hey there, number one trending topic on Japanese Twitter. More ponies? Yes. Back to the main series again, I think, yeah? We'll get back to not-ponies someday, don't you worry about that~
Here's the cover:
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Yes, Pinkie, annoying Rainbow Dash is my favourite pasttime too. This is a really cute picture. The expressions are great, and the little details are very appealing, like the lollipops laced into Pinkie's flower necklace. Octavia's not thrilled about being trapped on a cake, but she should be thrilled just to be on a cover~
Okay, first of all, shout-out to the artist, Toni Kuusisto. They've gotta be new, since I haven't seen them before, and they're really good. Very vibrant expressions and detail. I hope to see them do more issues in the future! So anyway, we open with Pinkie Pie in her secret base. She's answered a fan letter, which thanks her for taking the writer's mind off their troubles for a while. Pinkie is glad to get letters, but she's frustrated that she can only solve somepony's problems "for a while". She lays out her big plan. If she could just edit Ponyville a bit, she could make everypony happy forever~
Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle meets Applejack out at her farm. A very mysterious thing has happened out at Sweet Apple Acres: a golden apple has sprouted. Fortunately, it doesn't say "for the fairest" on it. In fact, it might be even more dangerous. Applejack relays to Twilight exactly what the issue is: the golden apple grants the eater whatever their heart desires, so long as their desire is strong and their heart is pure. And if you guessed that Pinkie Pie was the one who ate it, you can probably see the inevitable chaos coming down the road. Her very first wish was to overgrow the apple tree, so its fruit would all be just as delicious as the golden apple.
Realising the seriousness of the situation, Applejack and Twilight dash off, and already Ponyville has gotten some alterations. Pink grass, sugar-based roads, trees that sprout candy... Like Discord took over, but more Pinkie-like. And the first pony they encounter, they almost miss. Fluttershy is here, but you can barely see her. Pinkie has thoughtfully wished that Fluttershy would blend into the background all the time, just like she likes, and now even her close friends can barely tell she's there. You can see the harm in good intentions, yeah~?
And so, Pinkie goes skipping down the street, setting her plans into action. She wishes that the yarn-seller's whole cart was made of yarn. She wishes Rarity's necklace shone even brighter. She wishes everypony could hear Octavia's music, no matter where they were. She wishes the roads were made of liquid chocolate! That the clouds were balloons! Than the sun was bigger and brighter than ever!! Improvements for everypony! When life's a party, why would you ever want it to stop?? And naturally, almost immediately her changes cause trouble, as Rainbow Dash flies headlong into one of her balloon-clusters.
After battling the balloons, Rainbow spots her friends and heads down to ask them for help. Unfortunately, even Twilight's near-godlike magical powers can stop Pinkie. She has to want to stop. Rarity also comes over, but unfortunately (another one of those episode where I'll be using that word a lot~) her necklace is now so luminescent that it's blinding all her friends. She discards it just as Pinkie shows up, jump-scaring the group. Rainbow point-blank asks her if she knows the purpose of clouds, which Pinkie admits she does not. Among other things, they block out the sun, which has begun to become oppressive. Pinkie retorts that balloons are important for a party. And when Twilight replies that life isn't a party, Pinkie basically states that her intent is to fix this notion~
And as she accidentally teleports herself by wishing, we're treated to a two-page spread of Pinkie's new reality. Buildings replaced with giant cakes, huge lollipops growing from the ground. One stallion is crushed by a giant disco ball. Carrot Top finds she can't swim in the thick chocolate river that's replaced the roads. Pinkie's friends are justly horrified, and Pinkie tries to fix it by wishing the rivers solid. This instead has the effect of just closing around Carrot Top, incapacitating her further. Pinkie returns it to liquid, and Carrot Top barely manages to drag herself ashore.
Twilight tries to reason with Pinkie. Pinkie protests that she's just trying to make life happier for everypony, not just herself. Life is a party, and she wants to share it with everypony. A never-ending parade of sunshine and confetti and cookies. Fluttershy points out what happens when you eat too many cookies, and suddenly things click for Pinkie. She's realised what she's doing is wrong. Before they can just wish it all better, though, disaster strikes. The looming sun has now set fire to a house, plunging it into the chocolate road and setting it ablaze. Fortunately (there's the better variation of the word~), Pinkie has a plan.
Applejack and Rarity drag in some fallen trees (physically, to Rarity's complaints), and Pinkie lashes them together using the yarn from the yarn-seller's cart. Twilight and Rainbow gather some of the balloon clouds and add them to the log rafts. And with Fluttershy organising a bucket brigade, they use these flying platforms as aerial support to douse the flames from above. Very abruptly, the magic all wears off. Pinkie no longer has to worry. And later on, Pinkie throws a little apology party for all her friends. A small one, not too extravagant. She jokes that now she has pointers for how to handle the roads the next time she gets omnipotent magic powers, which her friends don't find that funny~
This issue is a lot of fun, if a bit similar to previous stories. Something about Pinkie just makes her a good choice for stories about abuse of magical powers. Such is the nature of chaotic good, I suppose. Either way, though, the art really sells it, like I said earlier. The expressions are just really good. Very cute and well done~
Next issue: another Golden Girls rerun. I mean, what~?
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taniasinel · 7 years
Our prayers go out for those suffering under Hurricane Irma.
 It’s finally here!  This weekend “Home Again” opened all over the country and it might be just what America needs:  an hour and a half of a sweet romantic comedy.  We certainly need something to lift up our spirits.  Between all the hurricanes and a massive earthquake in Mexico – Mother Earth is testing our faith and making us all reach out for family and friends.
So, if you need something to take your mind off all this, maybe a few laughs will be the perfect tonic? 
Home Again Premier:  The child stars, Reese Witherspoon, Producer Nancy Meyers, and Writer/Director Hallie Meyers-Shyer
Hallie is gorgeous!!!
I’ve written twice before about the movie sets for “Home Again” and I swore I wouldn’t do it again!  But, come on!!  It’s Nancy Meyers!!!   I was thrilled to receive some brand new beautiful and exclusive set photographs from Period Media who represent Meridith Baer Home, the stager that provided all the furniture for the movie.  And - then there is my favorite web site – One King’s Lane that did a pictorial on “Home Again” and they have a fabulous “Get The Look” sale this week!   Yeah!!!
I was really surprised to read that Meridith Baer Home was involved with the movie, but actually it makes perfect sense.  She is THE home stager – the person who helped start the field of staging houses to make them both sell faster and for higher asking prices.
What a Home Stager does – Before & After:  Meridith Baer Home took this empty dated apartment – painted it white, removed the old curtains, and added trendy furniture. Suddenly an uninviting space becomes a dreamy destination for a young, chic family.
Meridith Baer has a fascinating background.  Her father was the warden at San Quentin Prison and she grew up on its grounds, attending a one room school.  She became a writer and even wrote a screenplay about her life at the prison, which was made into a B movie.  When she turned 50, Baer moved out of her home and rather than store her furniture – she put it all in a friend’s house, which was for sale.  After languishing on the market for over a year – the owner was stunned when his house sold within a week after Baer’s furniture was placed there.   Real estate agents took notice of his success and started calling Baer to stage their own properties.  An extremely successful business was born:  staging a house doesn’t come cheap and can cost up tod $50,000 a job.   Now, 20 years later, Meridith Baer Home has a huge business – doing over $1.7 million a month.
Meridith Baer Home likes to use neutral upholstery – she brings in color and pattern with pillows and rugs.   The neutral background is pleasing to prospective buyers – it lets them imagine their own aesthetic in a house.
Here in another house, Baer used animal prints to pop the neutral backdrop.  I  love what she did here.
It’s amazing what a statement the right sized pillow can make!!
With warehouses filled with furniture – it makes sense that a Set Designer would either rent or buy furniture from a stager such as Meridith Baer Home  - and that’s exactly what Home Again’s production team did.  Director Hallie approached Meridith Baer Home and asked them if they wanted to be part of the production – and the answer was YES!  Of course it was!  Who wouldn’t want to be involved with a Nancy Meyers production? 
As written in the past two stories, “Home Again” was filmed at the original Brentwood house where Cindy Crawford and Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck once lived.  This iconic house had been decorated by such greats as Michael S. Smith and Peter Dunham – so it obviously had the chops to star in the movie.  
And starring in the movie is exactly what role the house played:   The director/writer Hallie Meyers-Shyer says the house is a character in the movie.  The plot involves Alice, played by Reese Witherspoon, who is a mother and recent divorcee, newly moved from New York City back to her childhood home in Los Angeles.  Then, a trio of young men move into her guest house on the property.  An interesting note:  Hallie says that people who question if the plot is too fanciful should know that she wrote her script based on a childhood friend whose mother lived the same life as Alice:  guest house and three young men included!  Now, the question is – who was this friend?
Hallie said the house had to have a magical feeling to it – it is the “place where everyone wants to be.”   Most of the filming takes place at the  Brentwood estate – so extra care was taken to find just the right house.  Additionally, they needed to find a property that had a guest house.  The Crawford-Garner-Affleck house proved to be the perfect fit!!
Hallie told One King’s Lane that she searched for a Spanish styled house that was bright and light and then they made the decision to have it decorated with a bohemian feel.  The color pink was chosen for the decor scheme by Hallie herself – she felt it matched Reese Witherspoon’s personality and style.  The production designers chose a neutral background and then layered the color in with pillows and throws – exactly as Meridith Baer Home does when staging houses.   When choosing the furniture - the designers avoided a showroom look, which would be a too-perfect style for the house.  The furnishings all mix and match and the boho feel runs through each room.    To add layers, the designers used a lot of accessories on the sets – adding art work and blue & white porcelain throughout.   The house proved so perfect for the movie – they didn’t even have to repaint it!!
In the end – it’s what any fan of Nancy Meyers has been waiting for!!  A new fabulous movie house!!
And while you watch the movie - just think of Cindy Crawford giving birth to her two children, right in THIS house!!
  Or you can imagine Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck sitting in this Peter Dunham designed living room!  Love!!!
I’m thrilled to share these new behind-the-scenes set photographs sent to me from Period Media and shown on One King’s Lane – along with the “Get The Look” ideas. 
Here is the courtyard – where several scenes were filmed.  I love this view – you can finally see the back of the family room, with its large paned window.  The swimming pool is in the background.  The set decorators added the furniture and the blue and white cushions on the hearth.
Succulents and votives were placed on the rustic console – used on the patio.
Faux succulents never die HERE.
And at the front lawn, additional lanterns were added to the original ones hanging in the trees.  At the end of the lawn is the charming guest house.  This guest house was essential to the property – and is probably one of the main reasons why this house was chosen to film at.
Cute lanterns for the outside or inside HERE
A view of the original lanterns placed in the trees by Cindy Crawford’s landscaper.   I love these – they add so much atmosphere to the property - such a great idea!! 
A new photo – of the dinner party, outside.
The entry, with an antique looking console, and ethnic baskets.  All the baskets give the entry the “boho” look that director Hallie wanted.
Note:  those baskets were hung a bit too close to each other and not high enough, in my esteemed opinion.  LOL
Whenever you are hanging a grouping on a wall – lay it out first using craft paper to be sure it will look right, without ruining your wall with lots of nail holes.
The living room – with the bright pink pops of color.  The pink rug is layered over seagrass.
Cheap-chic rug HERE.
OK.  This darling chair is NOT in “Home Again” – but it should be!!  HERE.
A professional photo of the living room.  Through the door is the family room.
I’ve never seen a round log carrier before – but so boho!  HERE
The rattan chaise from Anthropologie is THE hot item of the year.  Serena and Lilly has one.
Serena & Lilly HERE.
The Anthropologie version is a little less.  HERE.
But ALL the cheap-chic wicker daybeds are out of stock – this is a cute alternative! HERE.
Everyone is out of stock of all cheap-chic wicker/rattan bench/daybeds.  The entire country – I’ve searched everywhere!!
This is a smaller version, a bench.  But it’s sold out – you could get on the list?  HERE
Family Room:   Here’s a new view of the family room!  LOVE!!!   The production team kept the original curtains which were placed here by Jennifer Garner and Peter Dunham.  Blue and white stripes are influenced by Hallie and Nancy’s close relationship with decorator Mark Sikes.  Love the stripes!!!
This is another view of the family room.   Here are some lookalikes:
Serena and Lilly HERE
Target super cheap-chic HERE
Blue and white striped chair HERE
Here is a copy – not in brown leather, but it still looks great HERE
The office is off the family room  - it’s set up as Alice’s interior design office.  Alice’s work board reminds me so much of the ones that Mark Sikes uses!  Is this one of his?  Probably not – he doesn’t use a lot of pink…but…
Here is one of Mark Sikes boards for a client.
On his blog,  Mark says that he helped with the decor for “Home Again!!”  AND he says, if you look carefully, you can see his book was used in several rooms!   I LOVE IT!!!
And here is the professional photograph of the office set.  Love those chairs.  I found this cheaper chic versions:
Chairs HERE
The dining room by Michael S. Smith for Cindy Crawford has a fabulous light fixture and Bennison curtains.  Those two elements remain in the house to this day.
Here is the dining room – in Home Again.  The pink and orange comes in through the art work.   This chair comes in every color.  I love it in green, below.
In green HERE
The dining room is off the breakfast room and kitchen. 
The kitchen was decorated with Mark Sikes inspired blue and white tiles and blue and white striped shades.  Hallie and Nancy Meyers meet with Reese aka Alice.
Here is the very first view of the breakfast room!!  So cute!!!
And another view of the breakfast room with its banquette and Bennison curtains from Cindy Crawford’s days.
cute chairs ONE KING’S LANE HERE
Great price on Tulip Table HERE
Large basket HERE
Table Cheap-Chic – cute! HERE
All the doors in the house are original – they add the Spanish detail.  Here is the door to the master bedroom.
Reese – he’s too young for you!!!
The pink headboard is darling!  I just can’t find one anywhere!!  But…
here’s a look-alike pink pillow:
Pink pillow HERE
Here is the professional photo of the bedroom.
 It’s not the pink one – BUT, I love this seagrass textured headboard.  Cheap-Chic. HERE
Reasonable Rattan bed – so cute!! HERE
Accessories in the master bedroom on top of the antique chest:
Blue and white jar HERE
10” jar HERE
Darling dog bed.  Cover the pillow in your own fabric:  HERE
Be sure to go see Home Again this week if you need a light, pick me up moment!   I’m going to try to sneak in a matinee this week!!! 
And don’t forget to shop the One King’s Lane Get-The-Look of “HOME AGAIN” HERE:
from COTE DE TEXAS http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2017/09/home-again-again.html
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