#yes i know what that means but at this trajectory he's end up in hell or back on Chuck's wheel or whatever the fuck is worse than the rebar
deansmultitudes · 1 year
Hey so could revivals fucking not??
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farolero-posting · 5 months
no but, like, Prototype is SO interesting when you think a little harder about him and I just want you to see my vision for a sec because im feeling normal. hiding this under a cut though.
I think the main line i wanna say is that yes we can easily see why Silver or The World Machine see themselves as flawed machines but I don't think that notion is too out of reach for him yknow? Like. He was built to "greet the messiah of the old world", which ended up not happening as it was supposed to. Worst part of it is that considering the lore Cedric provides, Proto was the one to figure out this quest for a savior was pointless. It's like predicting that his very existence is futile, and then just having to live with that?? Somehow?? Not only this, but the implied cultural shift that this event caused had to be considerable. People left their research, they changed their outlook in life, this action ended up changing the trajectory that people had. Hell, maybe some people took their own lives. I mean, that note in the Barrens had to be inspired by something.
Could you Fucking Imagine realizing that your actions had THIS effect? That you effectively have caused harm by sharing this knowledge, but this was either out of your scope, or it was something you were programmed to do from the start? That this is all out of your choice? What the fuck even. "OP it's not that deep" I know but it could be. Hello. I mean listen. if the Author hadn't known everything was going to end in the next few years, do you think he would've tried to create TWM?
And then, I guess. the simulation is created and as problems arise, the Author's children are tasked with a backup plan that could help them be tamed. There is no guarantee that whoever ends up with the simulation will attempt it, but they need to believe it's possible. And they all wait, and make sacrifices. Prototype not only hides in a corner that's harder to access but we find him without part of his memories, in such a way that he can't even introduce himself properly. The data is close to him, and yet body and mind and identity are kind of divisible. And there's no guarantee that his wait will amount to anything. Maybe he wouldn't even realize that, in that state though, I don't fucking know. Is it better to not know? Either way this sounds like quite the sacrifice to make, and I want that to sink in.
And sure, then the savior does show up, except the circumstances are different. This world is possible to save, this world is simpler, it's also just a simulation, and all of this is stuff he knows and has accepted. He doesn't even fulfill his purpose as he should because there's another robot taking that spot. And what he ends up doing, can be once again summarized as delivering information about things that he NEEDED to share for a greater good, and that causing a negative reaction of a magnitude that accelerates the corruption of the world, and his one chance to actually guide the savior ends up leaving them more confused, upset and doubtful that they can do anything. He tries to predict what could happen next, or at least, states he does and he is always too late. Too late to tell them of the corruption, too late to tell them that the mines will collapse, too late to react to make sure Silver and himself make it out alive. And yeah this event does make Solstice a far riskier route than intended. Did the Author and co. consider this possibility? Likely, did they THINK it would actually go that way? Probably fucking not.
It's fine, in the end. Robots can be repaired, and things did turn out okay, but the cost was still big, and no replacement can really make the consequences disappear. But time goes on, anyways. What else could you expect? What else can you do? Can you say you failed if it was out of your control? If it was never meant to be anyways? What did you make of the chance you did get?
And, in other topics, from where DO you draw your worth? What defines you? Where is "you"?
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shadowqueenjude · 7 months
Lucien finally loses his shit part 7
Lucien finds himself in a duel to the death with the male who dared to hurt his mate! Lucien knew it was only a matter of time before Azriel had him in a vulnerable position again. Still, he fought, tooth and nail, deciding if he was going to die, he was going to flip death off all the way to the end.
All of a sudden, the shadowsinger disappeared. Lucien whipped his head around, searching for him when all of a sudden, he appeared behind him. Lucien stumbled back, raising his sword to try to deflect the blow as Azriel’s knife arced towards his heart. Lucien tensed up, expecting a blow which never came.
As Azriel fell face first to the ground, Lucien stared at the arrow protruding from the center of his back.
He looked up, following the trajectory of the arrow to find Elain standing several paces away, bow in hand, looking every bit like a mighty immortal huntress. Her eyes were as fierce as Lucien had ever seen them. By the Cauldron, she was beautiful. His mate.
Lucien stared down at Azriel. He should end it. Slit his throat. But he hesitated.
His mate cared for him. Besides, he was a downed male. Smart as it would be to eliminate him, Lucien couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“The next time you come after me, I’ll kill you,” Lucien hissed. He stalked over to Elain, who handed him a bottle of some sparkly purple liquid. Lucien narrowed his eyes.
“It’s not poison,” Elain quipped, and Lucien smiled slightly. “Looks like it. What the hell is this?”
Elain only stared at him with clear, piercing eyes. “Do you trust me?”
I barely know you, he wanted to cry out. But he found himself saying, “Yes. Yes, I trust you.”
“Then drink,” she said, and tipped the glass into his mouth. He obeyed, swallowing large gulps at a time. It tasted like cinnamon and vanilla and banana and something else he couldn’t quite place. “It should help you restore your magic faster?”
“And how exactly,” Lucien said between swallows, “do you know that?”
Elain smiled slightly. “Cooking is an art. You’d be surprised how many magical recipes there are in those cookbooks.”
Lucien grinned. “Smart girl.”
Elain’s smile went a little wider at that. Lucien soon found she was right. Within a few minutes, he found much of his strength returning. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”
Elain’s smile faded. “Why should I go with you?”
“Please,” Lucien begged. He’d get on his knees if he had to. “I’m not asking you to be with me. I just need to get you out of here. Someplace safe. Your sisters will be there too. Don’t you trust me?” he said softly. Tentatively.
He waited for the no that was surely coming, but she merely said, “Yes. Yes, I do.” Relief flooded through him at her words. “Then come with me.” He offered a hand. Elain took it with little hesitation. Her hand was so small in his. And so soft. Like a dove’s. He tried to ignore how perfectly their hands fit together, how beautiful her hair was flowing in the wind, her bright eyes as brown as a faun’s coat. He closed his eyes and winnowed.
When he opened his eyes, Graysen’s mansion was before them. There was no sign of the man, however, much to Lucien’s relief. He did not want Elain running into her foul former fiancé.
When Lucien arrived with Elain in tow, Feyre and Nesta instantly came running. Elain didn’t let go of Lucien’s hand until Feyre grabbed her in a bone-crushing hug. Nesta hugged her equally fiercely. Then all three sisters gave him a big hug which left him blushing and a little bit tongue-tied.
All three sisters continued to fuss over him as they walked inside Graysen’s mansion, but all thoughts emptied out of Lucien’s head at the look on Jurian’s face.
“What is it?” Lucien demanded. Jurian was pale and sweaty, his anxiety most unlike him. He turned to Lucien at his words. His mouth was drawn in a thin line. “It’s Vassa. She’s gone.”
No. “What do you mean, gone?”
“She was taken back. By Koschei. I don’t know what happened to the deal their father struck, but he took her back.” Jurian’s voice was filled with pain for his best friend and lover.
No. “When did this happen?”
“Last night,” Jurian choked. He wiped his face, trying to hide his tears. “She left a note.” He tossed it to Lucien.
No no no no.
He could’ve sworn he heard the Mother speak in his mind once more. Your woes are just beginning, son of Helion.
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i-sveikata · 22 days
Hello author Just wanted to say that I am really enjoying the relationship dynamic between Vegas and Pete in your story. I somehow feel that in spite of how the whole relationship began, they both are on equal footing now. They both really respect the other truly. You also mentioned this whole idea in your story too when Pete confronted Kinn about his relationship with Porsche. I am really looking forward to how they are going to navigate their relationship, now that it will truly be out in the open. while Vegas has never hidden or shied away from his feelings since the beginning (kind of like when he was confronted by his father in the safehouse), it will become real for Pete once he comes out to his grandmother. Sure, he has admitted his feelings to other people especially ones in the Main family, but I am really looking forward to how he will deal with everything once his Yaai is involved While we're waiting for the new chapter, there is something I have been meaning to ask about your story. Since you have been so actively interacting with readers of your work and getting feedback, are there any parts which you have altered from the original direction you planning to go to.
Just wanted to add that I am in awe of the way you have just dealt with these characters. Yours is one of the first few fanfics that I came across ever, and it has made me appreciate fanfic writers in a way I never knew I could.
hello anon!!! thank you so much!! yes they are much closer to equal footing than they ever have been before and they are finally beginning to understand one another a hell of a lot better!
ah anon im sorry but dont get too far ahead of yourself there!! you are forgetting how deeply in denial of his own feelings pete has been so as annoying as it might be his grandmother knowing about them isn't going to be the final push he needs to fully face what they are to each other (though that is coming soon!!). Pete is still very much in the denial phase. but yes part of the russian deal will be them standing out in the open with their relationship and navigating everything that comes with that and im looking forward to playing around with the new dynamic bringing pete out into the spotlight for once!!
oh that's a great question!!!! tbh i wouldnt say that ive drastically changed the trajectory of things based off reader feedback because that would imply i had a step by step plan in the first place (lol nope) whereas it was more like vibes and the emotional journey along with a general basic outline ive been following all along. but yes i definitely have been influenced by people's takes or observations on vegas and pete's dynamic in the comments or even just based off characters readers ended up enjoying (for example i hadnt actually planned for dr kunakorn to be a recurring kind of character but everyone seemed delighted with him and then it just worked out having a medical professional around that pete actually trusted and one theyd need cause they keep getting half killed all the time lol) so it's probably been minor things like that. nothing has really been set in stone from the get go (besides me refusing to kill Chan and sort of vaguely following the events of the show) which is more of my preferred style tbh since im writing free of rigid plans so that leaves a lot of room for ideas to shift the story along as they come in tbh.
ahhh thank you so much that's really kind of you to say!! oh wow im so honoured to be one of the first fanfics under your belt! so glad to hear that!!! we really are just a community of writing nerds over here its amazing!
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naminethewriter · 8 months
Hidden Interests
We're back again, @intrulogicalweek is here! I am participating on a smaller scale this year, so I hope you enjoy this little One Shot! Just some insecure Logan and his supportive boyfriend Remus to start us of. Hope you enjoy 💙💚
Masterpost | Intrulogical Week 23 Masterpost | Ao3
Summary: Logan wants Remus' help with an experiment. Remus figures he knows where he got his inspiration from this time.
Content Warnings: None
“So, what did you drag me out here for, Supernerdva?” Remus asked as he steps into the Imagination, following after Logan, who was holding a clipboard to his chest.
“I would like you to help me conduct an experiment.”
“Alright, what kind? Is it going to be bloody? Am I going to get hurt? Oh! Oh! Can we see what happens if we melt my skin off???” Remus jumped up and down in excitement, but Logan shook his head.
“I am willing to assist you with your ideas another time but right now I would like to test how the human body would move if it had the qualities of a rubber ball.”
Remus tilted his head. “Like the bouncy ones?”
“Yes, indeed. I am particularly interested in how the human shape effects the trajectory and I would like to differentiate between you having full mobility and no mobility at all.”
“Like turning my bones and muscles into rubber as well?! Sounds fun!” Remus grinned and Logan seemed delighted by his enthusiasm in turn.
“So, you are amicable to assisting me?”
“Yeah, sure! I’ve got just one little question beforehand.”
“Very well.”
“Have you been watching Phineas and Ferb?”
Logan froze. Remus was grinning at him with his sharp teeth on full display. A shudder ran down his back.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he tried to deflect but Remus’ grin just grew wider.
“Oh, don’t be like that, Lo Lo! Nothing wrong with watching a kid’s cartoon. Especially not a classic like Phineas and Ferb.”
“Again, I do not know what you are referring to. I do not engage with children’s media.”
“Riiiiiiight. So, you weren’t inspired to do this by The Night of the Living Pharmacists where Phineas, Ferb and their friends build a machine to rubberize themselves so they can bounce around and coincidentally end up immunized to the zombie apocalypse Doofenshmirtz accidentally started after he zapped his brother with an inator that’s supposed to make him super-duper ugly?”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“I do not see how this is a relevant discussion.” Logan turned away from Remus, trying to hide his flushed cheeks.
“Lo Lo,” Remus called quietly after a moment of silence. He didn’t try to move into Logan’s line of sight, but he brushed his hand with his own in a silent question. Logan reached back, letting Remus know it’s okay to hold his hand. “I’m just teasing you a little. There really isn’t anything wrong with you watching the show.”
“But… it’s for children,” Logan insisted in a small voice.
“So what? Thomas watches lots of kid shows. Especially cartoons. Hell, he made up an entire character to teach people how much you can learn from them.”
“Yes, but he’s Thomas.”
“Yeah, and we’re part of him.”
“But I am logic! I am supposed to read books, help him stay focused, not…”
“Hey, hey, stop,” Remus interrupted his rambling before it could move too deep into self-deprecation. “We’ve talked about this, Logie. You being logic doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to feel or enjoy things. I know it’s hard to internalize, so let me tell you again.” Gently, he pulled on Logan’s hand to get him to turn around and face him. “You are more than just your function. Your interests are valid, no matter what.”
Logan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I know.”
“Good. And if you forget, I’ll be here to remind you.”
“Thank you, Meus.”
“Always, Love.” Remus pulled him into a quick kiss before stepping back a bit. “Now, let’s make me the bounciest bitch around!”
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darthbreezy · 7 months
A short story.
'He spoke very fondly of you, you know...'' Aziraphale murmured as he leaned back into the Bentley's seat, his eyes closed. ''And that he remembers what you did for him... and how much it still means to him...''
Crowley made a noise in his throat, but didn't so much as turn his head. He wasn't ready to broach that particular subject yet, what with Aziraphale only having been back for less than a day - a night really - and things still felt fragile and raw. Yes, Aziraphale was back, (home if you will,) and Heaven was now under 'new management' so to speak - Yeshua Ben Joseph, also known as Her Son, had opted to pass on the Second Coming (''Was it a 'Nah'? Crowley had asked bitterly, much to the angel's confusion.) and take over operations in Heaven itself. This much Aziraphale had told him before Crowley had very effectively put an end to that discussion.
It was amazing how quickly a kiss (among other, less verbal things) change the trajectory of a conversation, but now, here on the A3 to Brighton, he wanted to bring it up again.
''He asked me to serve as a... a consultant,'' Aziraphale continued slowly, eliciting a grunt from Crowley. ''Not remaining upstairs, mind you,'' he added quickly, seeing Crowley's fingers tighten on the steering wheel, his knuckles whitening. ''Just meeting up and discussing things in a... well, not as the Former Supreme Arch Angel of course...''
''Of course not,'' Crowley echoed drily. ''Just a casual meet up with Christ, HER Son! Just pop down to the Wetherspoons there in Guildford for a pint!'' His tone became acidic. ''I'll just nip over to Maccas for some 'fries' and a 'burger' while you two have a 'chin wag', shall I'?''
Aziraphale's voice remained soft as he gently placed a hand on Crowley's knee. ''No, of course not.'' He considered and then added with a sniff. 'Well, not a Wetherspoons, anyway...''
Without warning, the Bentley (which had quietly been playing the overture to Mozart's 'Marriage of Figaro') suddenly cut in with a deafening chorus of Queen's 'You're my Best Friend' as Crowley swerved off the road in to a (miraculous) lay-by. He stared at Aziraphale, his eyes not full of anger, but raw hurt.
Aziraphale reached up to cup Crowley's chin with his other hand, as the Bentley's radio clicked itself off. ''Oh my Dear boy,'' he said leaning in to plant a tender kiss on Crowley's fore-head. Crowley closed his eyes, and allowed it. ''It's nothing like that. I so wanted to talk to you about this last night but,'' he paused, suddenly colouring. ''Well, it wasn't as important as other things...''
Another grunt from Crowley, who's eyes were tightly closed, his whole body tense as if he were expecting a blow. It broke Aziraphale's heart a little. ''It never will be,'' he finished quietly. ''I made it perfectly clear to them that the only thing I wanted was - if you'd still have me - was to be an us...''
Crowley took the hand that was cradling his cheek into his own, and kissed the palm before letting it go. ''Fair enough,'' he sighed. ''But you do want to do, well, this 'consulting thing' for Heaven then...
Aziraphale pointed at the roadway. ''Can we leave it for now?'' he asked, almost pleading. ''I just want a little overdue 'us' time.''
Crowley nodded as he eased the Bentley back into traffic. ''Give me the Petites bouchées, then. from here to Petworth so it's not hanging there all weekend.''
''Right then,'' said Aziraphale, fiddling with his bow-tie with his right hand while his left remained firmly attached to Crowley's thigh. ''Well, you know about the truce between Heaven and Hell, and how Raphael, Saraqeal and Sandalphone (and here, he gave a little shiver) are going to be the initial ambassadors-''
Crowley snorted. ''Should have appointed Micheal. She would have been right at home!''
''Oh, that was one thing I did suggest to Yeshua,'' the angel replied with a gleam in his eye. ''But he thinks that Heaven is so terribly out of touch with humanity, that there needs to be a... 'personnel training course' of a kind. A human apprenticeship, if you will. angels - including Arch angels - will be sent to Earth to do blessings and generally try to learn about Her beloved creations firsthand...''
Crowley arched an eyebrow. ''You're not suggesting -''
''I'm not suggesting anything,'' Aziraphale said primly. ''However, I am saying Micheal had been rather pushy about promotions and important positions -''
Now Crowley burst out laughing. ''So where is Micheal going?''
''The southern United States, I believe.'' He replied with a grin, not even attempting to hide his delight. ''I believe she's been assigned to a small church somewhere - I didn't get the finer points. Uriel is going to be taking over Scrivener duties for a while as quite a few of them volunteered for Earth assignments. Muriel's reports have made quite an impression...''
Crowley nodded, then pointed a a sign for a Winery up ahead. ''Wanna wrap this up for now, Angel? Looks like a good as a place as any to stock up.''
''Sounds lovely,'' Aziraphale agreed. ''I'd like to get a gift for... Well, a friend.''
The mood in the car immediately darkened as Crowley thinned his lips. They'd reached that sore spot.
Well. best to rip that plaster off and be done with it.
''So, is Yeshua going to be requiring his own room at the bookshop?'' Crowley asked tightly. ''Perhaps an office away from home?''
Aziraphale rolled his eyes, and sighing heavily, he moved his hand higher up Crowley's thigh and gave it a squeeze. If the Bentley hadn't been used to its driver's erratic driver's habits, they may well have ended up in the ditch. ''Don't be ridiculous, you silly old serpent. You did him a kindness the last time -''
''Not as many as Magdalene,'' he muttered, colouring even as he regained control of the car. Aziraphale just shook his head.
''You showed him the entire world!''
''It was supposed to be a temptation!''
''Well, in any case, he's kept that... that beauty of the world in his heart for the last two thousand years. In effect, you saved the world again!''
''But you were... oh for someone's sake!'' Crowley huffed. ''Angel, I don't want to drown in mutual sycophancy - get to the point.''
''He'd like your help,'' Aziraphale said at last. ''We would like your help.''
''You know how I feel, Angel...'' Crowley replied after a moment. his throat tight and voice full of pain. ''Please...''
Aziraphale nodded and to Crowley's surprise he was smiling. ''I do, and so does Yeshua. He asked me to ask you to meet him in person before you gave a final answer. ''
Crowley swallowed hard. ''I guess having even a short time where we could even pretend to be just Us was too much to ask for.''
''Where do you want us to go?'' Aziraphale said suddenly. ''Anywhere in time or space, you and me - just say the word!''
''What about -'' but before he could finish a thought, Crowley found himself being pulled into a very passionate kiss. When he was finally released, he found that the Bentley had happily pulled into the Winery's car park.
''Anywhere!'' Aziraphale repeated, his eyes shining, and he kissed Crowley again for good measure. ''Us...''
''Us...'' Crowley agreed, kissing the angel back. ''All right. when we get back to London, we'll plan to meet for a drink.''
''Wonderful!'' Aziraphale cried, pleased as punch. ''There's a wonderful new Curry house in Brick Lane, they have a dish that's labelled 'Hellfire', and if you can eat it without asking for milk, they take your photo for their wall, and you get a lovely dessert for free!''
Crowley arched a curious eyebrow as they walked to the winery's entrance together. ''And where did you hear about this place? Surely they don't have restaurant reviews 'upstairs'?''
''Oh, of course not,'' Aziraphale replied, taking his hand. ''Yeshua told me about it. He's quite the fan...''
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extasiswings · 2 years
Hey feel free to not answer, but I'm really curious about your opinion on eddie about the donor thing. I didn't expect him to be angry and being a caveman and saying "nope you can't do that" but I really expected something like " are you really sure about that" instead everything was very comic. Do you think we'll get to a point in which they talk to each other?
In a word: yes.
Here’s the thing. Was it what I expected either? No! But did I think it made sense in the context of the episode? Absolutely.
Where Eddie is concerned, 1) Eddie keeps his cards very close, 2) except in very special circumstances, Eddie does not React(TM) to things instantly in the moment, he is too controlled for that, and 3) (tying into both of those) Eddie doesn’t generally air his business publicly (in smaller, private conversations, sure, but generally if Eddie’s ended up with his personal life being a topic of overall firefam conversation it’s because someone else brought it up). On top of that, the reveal happened fast and they immediately had to go to work. I highly doubt that Eddie even knows how he feels about it because it was so far out of left field, and when they got in the truck they really didn’t get to ask many questions before Bobby shut that down. It makes sense given how it played out that he’ll need time to actually unpack how he feels about it and why.
I do think they’ll talk about it eventually. Especially since it seems like (both from my read on the upcoming episodes and from things Oliver has hinted at) Buck is going to have a really difficult time with this. That said, they are doing something really interesting with Eddie right now: highlighting how far he’s come and how much he’s grown (and is continuing to grow) while still holding back on letting them talk about certain things. The longer they go like this, the louder it is that the well/the will/the shooting are the things that Eddie still isn’t touching (when those are things that Buck needs to talk about).
(Sidenote: it was loud as hell that Eddie was talking about the tsunami and him and Christopher having dealt with their tsunami trauma without Buck being there, because of the three of them, Buck is the one who hasn’t ever dealt with his tsunami trauma—and that’s really where this love story started, isn’t it?)
See also: Eddie’s comment about the longer you go without facing the things you’re afraid of, the more terrifying they become. He’s come so far and grown so much…but all the things he’s kept locked in a tiny box marked “do not open” (the shooting, the will, his feelings for Buck/his sexuality most likely), those only get bigger and scarier the longer he puts off talking about them, and my guess is that’s exactly why he hasn’t (something about that and “what are you afraid of” being the question that bookended his breakdown…thinking thoughts…). Buck being a sperm donor, Buck being in a position where he’s once again one step removed from parenthood—it’s so very Eddie/Christopher/will-coded, which means that it’s very possible that when Eddie gets a chance to actually digest this situation, he’ll put it in that box with everything else. And if that’s the case, for them to meaningfully talk about the sperm donor thing or anything else on the list of things they haven’t talked about, Eddie needs to get to a point where not unlocking that box starts to have more terrifying consequences than what he might risk by just doing it (maybe a Buck near-death-experience will get that through his head 👀).
Anyway, I think I had a post several weeks ago that I’m often wrong about the specific timing of plot points because I always underestimate the writers’ dedication to drawing out these arcs so the characters really get what they need from them instead of shortchanging anything for quicker gratification. But rarely wrong about the actual narrative trajectory. And that’s still true and I think something that everyone can keep in mind when feeling frustrated that XYZ hasn’t happened yet.
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cahmilo · 2 years
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Carlos Madrigal dating a Ballerina
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pairing: carlos madrigal x fem!reader.
tags: headcanons, modern au, ballerina reader
notes: not a ballerina but was trained in similar styles so sorry if there are inaccuracies. feel free to correct me
requested by: anonymous (btw im so sorry this is so late and i accidentally deleted your ask so i cant find you anymore and just put u as anon 💀💀)
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You singlehandedly changed the trajectory of Carlos Madrigals' life since day 1 with just a simple smile
Camilo invited Carlos for a talent showcase in his school and that's where he first saw you
Carlos never thought he'd be the one for romance and he absolutely never believed in love at first sight but Camilo only laughed at him when he saw hearts coming out of his brother's eyes when he saw your solo
Carlos begged Camilo to introduce you to him and despite Carlos making himself look like a cold jerk, he kept melting inside when you would talk to him
Soon enough he asked you out and when you said yes he went home with a dumb smile on his face
He is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. Despite you two not having much in similarities, you found common ground in music and dance
Carlos is literally your biggest fan. He is present in ALL your practices, presentations, shows, competitions, etc. This man would cross the river and a hurricane just to see you dance
"Do you ever get dizzy spinning around so much like that?"
He would not hesitate to drive you everywhere for practices and events. His other hand would either be on your lap or on your hand (he's not a fan of PDA so if your ballet friends are hitching for a ride his other fingers would be tapping on the steering wheel resisting the urge to hold you)
Carlos is a gift-giver. He would be spoiling you with new costumes, new pointe shoes, new tutus, and other stuff that makes you look good
Would volunteer to break your pointe shoes the moment he gifts it to you. Sometimes he goes overboard but you find him hot in the end when he's smashing and crushing the poor soles of the shoes
When I say he is your biggest fan, I mean it. His phone wallpaper is you in an arabesque position with a pink and gold decorated tutu that his cousin Mirabel had sewn for you
He also flexes you, a LOT. He's always bragging to his friends how his girlfriend is a pretty ballerina and shows them hundreds of videos of you that he took
Carlos would go to hell and back to make sure that you're okay. In his car or his room there's always a kit for you that includes hot packs, adhesive relief patches, band-aids, essential oils and pain remedies if ever you feel discomfort at the end of the day
He also keeps extra hoodies of him in the car for you to wear if you feel cold or breezy in your dance outfits
Both of you are private people in general, not too open out so communication may get a little tricky between the two of you
But you make it up through quality time. Carlos knows how drained you get after whole days of dancing so at night he either brings you out for a night drive, stays in to watch a movie with you, or to just cuddle with him until you sleep
The moment he hears you groan in pain, he's out there grabbing meds and ice packs dashing at the speed of light
Bringing back to when I said that Carlos is your biggest fan and supporter. This means he would go the extra mile to help you improve better;
Everyone knows Carlos Madrigal is good with the guitar. But what they don't know is that he secretly bought a piano and learnt it by himself so that he can practice the classical pieces that you perform to.
Every time he sees you dance, he falls in love again and again. And mind you, he's trained for punk rock so if he sleeps through every other classical performance except for yours, that's how you know he's whipped af for you.
He's always complimenting and calling you beautiful every time
If you two pose for pictures after show, his hand is always on your waist. No exceptions.
Carlos Madrigal is an awkward romantic. You can tell he really tries and it makes you find him adorable and sweet (he hates it when you tell him that though)
His petnames for you always have the word 'my' with a word related to your career. My ballerina, my princess, my doll, my queen, my swan, my feather, etc. It makes you melt inside and he loves the look you get when it happens
If Carlos is a gift-giver, he's also a gift-keeper. He's a sentimental person lowkey and he has this antique chest where he keeps your show tickets, dried roses you have received, stray ribbons that fall from your outfit, and even the spare fabric that he sneakily steals from his cousin when she sews an outfit for you
He knows the strict diet you must follow as a professional dancer, so as much as you discourage it, he sneaks in small candy in the pockets of your sweatpants for a little guilt filling treat while practicing
He's also a trouble maker not only during your practices but also on your shows. Despite the 'no recording' rule, he always hides in his seats while filming you for safekeeping (also so that he can re-watch you again and again)
Lowkey gets hella jealous when you're with other male dancers but he won't admit it. You can tell because he unconsciously pouts and gets extra affectionate at the end of the day when you two get home
Highkey wants to dance the last dance scene in that Barbie movie you love at his wedding day but he's too cowardly to admit it (also because he's barely confident in his dancing skills and doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of you
You don't notice it, but when you two go shopping he eyes a bunch of baby tutus and doll shoes and he gets all giddy inside
Only you can manage to make this boy soft tbh he barely shows any emotion towards anyone else but he's always so open and chaotic when you two are alone together
To other people, he's really nonchalant and chill but if he's with you he's always speaking so softly
But when you two argue he would try so hard not to raise his voice but it fails. You two take time off each other and Carlos misses you again so he just runs back to you and acts like a lost puppy wanting to be pet
Only you can see this warm side of him. Never does he act all happy and giddy in public not even in front of his twin brother
Speaking of Camilo, he snitches to you a lot on how flustered Carlos would get when your name gets mentioned at their family dinner
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so sorry if this is short <//3 also i cant find the one who requested this one so oops i hope youre still here
taglist: @thegirlwiththebangs , @mirabelleza , @carcat-02, @brushofease , @camilos-luna, @kitasgloves , @ducky-is-dead-inside , @elegantkidfansoul , @moon-cakiie , @ignoremepeople37 , @its-mia88, @try-cry-why-try ++ join here
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
trigun bookclub time :D volume 2 thoughts
chap 00.1
-vash's method of meditation is the only one that's valid in my eyes/j
-3 seconds of meditating vs 3 hours of training...huh...i wonder...why is that...and what...that says about him...
-hes bad at chess hes like me fr fr
-yey we love a day without casualties :D
chap 00.2
-the bit about us taking shelter on technology but still not knowing what the future holds...yeah that feels timeless now huh
-vash don't go there! oh no he has earbuds he cant hear me (that would literally happen to me tho)
-i love that panel where no one says anything after the girl is like "yeah i can give you pocket money." nice representation of the irritation people feel towards that kind of people. they arent mad just really tired of that bs
-oh man thats actually pretty horrible (page 23)
-"and i think of nothing but love and peace" besides that we know your head is empty but we love you so its ok
-yeah vash show her the real world
-interesting that he makes her see the chance of her dad dying (he didnt know what was gonna happen) which makes sense cuz she cant run from the truth anymore but its also interesting cuz if we was able to not see it he would. he hates seeing people dying and yet he watches and makes others watch. i dont think its about "if i have to, you have to as well" but more about her seeing the consequences of violence (what her father did) and the cycle of hate so she doesnt repeat it. idk.
chap 1
-rem coming out of his coat....hm....
-weird man coming
-if rem is holding him back you say...hmmm...i will go back to that later
-well thats creepy
chap 2
-my boi is in jail nooooooooooooo
-you can feel the size of the ship with one panel nightow is ridiculously talented when creating big spaces, like the sandsteamer shot in the last volume
-..... :c
-my babygirl :c
-i like he started the flashback angry as hell and then it turned into sadness cuz even if he makes knives pay nothing will bring rem back
-also the literal ship crashing into his memories what if I [redacted]
-aaaand hes angry as hell again cuz the memory finished with knives. interesting
-dont look at me with those kind eyes, we saw you
chap 3
-aw cmon :c
-and there goes the arm
-hey >:[ dont call my girl milly an idiot
-ugh you can feel how fucking stressed out he is ahhhhhhhhh
-ah yes, we love seeing how right knives is...
-huh, i wonder if knives is smiling cuz before he was like "nah she was stupid like the rest" but since she got to correct the ships's trajectory he got a bit of respect for her in the end
-is monev vs vash supposed to be like david and goliath? hm
-my god thats fucking beautiful
-also i dont think thats a ghost but maybe like her presence? like vash is remembering her and her kindness
chap 4
-oh meryl...oh honey...sweetie...
-the scars appear :D yey :D
-meryl is kinda asking him "arent you tired of being nice dont you want to go apeshit" but not really and i like that
-yknow what meryl is right pls go away and live a quiet life pls, ik whats coming but just thinking about it....
-yee ik the reason why but still >:v
-oh....oh i actually forgot about that...oh
-"rem didnt sacrifice her life for a world like that" im tearing up actually and idk why...its been a hard week
-lmao hes so mad at vash
-yeah hunt him down babygirl >:D
chap 5
-....metal >:D
-they deserved it btw
-huh thats actually kinda nice of him i forgot
-ofc he would blame vash for that, then again vash makes all of us at least a little bit soft i think
chap 6
-i love you vash that takes his sweet time to process traumatic situations, yes that was scary
-vash saying "im the deathwish" means a lot to me as an mcr fan lmao. i will think more about that later tho
-"go home or go to hell" oh im getting that on a tattoo one day actually, so metal
-...cmon, me me big boi
-THAT SMILE, THAT DAMN SMILE im gonna jump off my local cliff
-vash in the beginning saying he can read people and then wolfwood comes and READS HIM LIKE ITS NOTHING
chap 7
-"is that a friend of yours" he looks so offended lmao
-ahhhh that must be so scary, he already has knives to worry about but the fact not everyone can see legato makes his job harder ahhhhh
-bye baby ily (hes my son that i only share with a couple of other ww enjoyers)
-OH THAT PANEL IS SO GOOD (also even more princess coded, like looking at really from a castle idk)
-i keep forgetting hes missing his little arm :c
-lmao wolfwood is right, i wouldnt go to a church all the way there :b
-yeah and shes hot while teleporting all over the place
-ok but shes really fucking cool, despite wanting to kill my comfort character, yknow how these things go
chap 8
-aaaand...there goes my wife
-ahhhhhh he looks so little :c
-idk ww :c idk when will it end
-yeah right i dont like this part :b (its not bad just personal stuff)
-ok he do be looking pretty tho, i wonder if its a family thing
-im a ball of rugged paper and my feelings are nothing...thanks nightow ily
-oh wait...he actually thought that was the end...thats so fucking smart nightow...wow i never considered that....
-aw babygirl :c but i cant even imagine how that must feel, how much hate he feels towards knives rn
-i think besides the "he called me by my name" meryl and milly let him go cuz they just felt he was going to matter what, like you can feel vash and his unstoppable energy on those pages
-oh hes so fucking pretty
-knives just fucking reads vash like an open book its incredible and it makes me so sad cuz vash cant escape, he cant hide nothing, not in front of knives
-he cant be knives without the good old gaslighting >:D
-the yelling throughout the page is amazing
-vash is crying noooooooooooooooo :c
-also :c
-im not too sure of what happened with his legs but ok sure
-im afraid my babygirl cant give you an answer ww, i dont think he knows
-.....why is the world so mean to him :c
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f0point5 · 8 months
Oooooh my god the feels from this chapter!! The drama! The emotions! Those two babies 🥺
Whenever you make it sound like those two aren't supposed to end up together as a couple, I'm stuck thinking about it, wondering if you're right. Reading this part I honestly don't see them ending up with anyone BUT each other.
There is so much emotional damage and hurt for both of them and they do need to grow from this and learn how to really trust in a relationship, how to not fear a repeat of their own parents marriages, how to love and be loved and not run from this.
BUT seeing how y/n speaks about Elliot and their "relationship" and how she deals with that makes me believe she's never gonna trust any "normal" boyfriend the way she trusts in Max and their "relationship". She said she needs him. And we can all see how he needs her too. They can learn together. They understand each other's fears and they can work with that. They're already acting like a married couple, just without marriage and the intimate part of a relationship. But everything else is there, all the emotions, the trust.
I can see it. For the first time since you brought up the question whether they might possibly be better off as friends, I can clearly see how that doesn't have to be the way it goes.
The texts between Max and Daniel felt kinda illuminating... I've made this ask a couple weeks ago, how I felt like there's been sth happening in the past that made Max believe y/n wouldn't see him as more than a friend and him reacting to that in a way that made her believe he wouldn't see her like that.
Well... what if that something was the blind date that Clara set up for them? If what Daniel wrote is true to some extent, Max might have been a lil more keen on her back then than she'd thought he was. We only got her side of the picture, saying Max drew his line. But what if he didn't? What if she just thought he did and made it seem like she isn't interested either?
I think I remember y/n once said to someone that Max takes what he wants. But would he now? If he thought there's not a chance in hell she'd like him for more, he wouldn't try. No doubt. I'm not saying he's insecure in that department. But I feel like he's not always aware of how people perceive him. And he might not care about that, especially with anyone else. But be seems to care with her. If I think back to him telling her off for the Twitter posts, I wonder if it was him becoming all self-conscious because he's just not sure how to take those things from her. And if he really thought, like way back in the days, she's not attracted, doesn't see him as boyfriend material, whatever, it might explain his reactions to her publicly discussing how hot she thinks he is (let's put it like that).
Because he might start to think she means it. And it's probably a can of worms he doesn't want to open. Firstly, because of all the obvious reasons and their shared panic of relationship commitments. And secondly, because he might need to rethink the path he's taken with her all those years back, missed chances and all. And Max isn't one to ponder on the past.
Just my feelings about this part and some rambling... sorryyy for the long text again. 😅
Love your work!! 🧡
Right so. I waited until I had time to answer this because honestly it took me a while to formulate an answer for many reasons.
You. Be. Cooking. Like…yes. You and I are cooking from the same stove but you don’t have all my spices, if you catch my drift.
I keep going backwards and forwards whether I’m going to do a flashback part with the actual dinner date because on the one hand I want everyone to know what happened but on the other hand I like the idea that such a big part of their story is this mystery that the characters get to keep private. IDK ITS HARD. Because the story of why it wasn’t a date is illuminating but then also in the grand scheme of things doesn’t make too much difference.
I will say obviously it affected the trajectory of their relationship but there’s more to Max’s thought process than what happened in 2017.
Ugh your rambles always SO tempt me to reveal things that I want people to pick up on more but then it’ll make the plot slightly less surprising.
I will just say that Max and Y/N have known each other a LONG time. And Max has been a public figure for a LONG time. Both of things have shaped his perception of the situation maybe more than even he likes to admit. I mean…it’s kinda hinted very vaguely in a bonus part.
Keep cooking. It’s smelling good ;)
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Sometime last month (or the one before, as it’s now December, which is fucking ridiculous and I don’t know how it got so late in the year so fast, but that’s not the point), I was on a night of just clicking through different stand-up clips on YouTube, and I came across some Alun Cochrane. I’d heard him before on the Stewart Lee Alternative Comedy Experience, and I’d really liked his material there, so I figured I’d look for more of it.
I ended up enjoying a few clips, and then finding more of the trajectory he’s been on recently. Then my night of watching different stand-up clips on YouTube turned into a night of working out where the hell Alun Cochrane had gone. As far as I can tell, from stuff I looked up that night, for a very long time he was a mostly observational comedian, but the edgier side of observational, if that’s a thing. Going a little darker than one would expect from the term “observational comedian”. That’s the stuff I really liked. But it wasn’t political, as much as anything can be apolitical, and I generally argue that nothing in the world is completely apolitical, but to be fair, material about whether he’s accidentally eaten the sticker on an apple is in fact pretty apolitical. He did this on stand-up shows and one four-episode Radio Four series in 2013 (which I haven’t heard), and very occasionally did things on panel shows too. He was also on a radio show with Frank Skinner for about ten years, which I’ve also not heard, so I can’t claim to know him well.
Then, starting, as far as I can tell, with his 2019 Edinburgh show, he went in some new and strange directions. Directions involving: “it’s political correctness gone mad!” and: “Why do all those cultural bullies get so mad when you say bad things about trans people?”, and: “You’re not supposed to say this, but why can’t we criticize Islam?” (oh shit you are the first person to ever think of that, I mean I coach a lot of Muslim teenagers who all have complex and individual relationships with their faith and ethnicity and I’ve been privileged to know some of them well enough to have them share with me their personal thoughts about how they reconcile the good and the bad of that religion, and how it fits into their personal and political lives and into their families and into larger society, and how it can be struggle at times but other times be a blessing, but yes thank you we definitely need white men to have the groundbreaking realization that they should be the first person in the world to say “Islam Bad!”, and sorry for the tangential rant but holy fuck when I think of the varied and thoughtful opinions of so many different individual Muslims I know, I have so little tolerance for that line of “I’m just being the reasonable white person here, bringing up what no one else will talk about" thought in particular), and: “Those cancel culture oppressors are trying stop me from offending people, well facts don’t care about your feelings!”
This led me to listening to his 2021 BBC Radio Four stand-up special, which is called Centrist Dad?, and it’s pretty much exactly what you’d expect based on that title. You know, it’s about how he’s oppressed for just having normal, centrist opinions, by all those far-left extremists who do things like be vegetarian and tear down shrines to mass murderers. Rise up, silent majority – that sort of stuff. The words “silent majority” actually appear in it. There’s also literally a “blue hair and pronouns” joke. Not just that style of joke with different examples, he actually says “blue hair and pronouns” without a trace of irony. I mean there’s hackneyed material and then there’s straight-up plagiarism; surely there’s some Reddit user from the now-banned Tumblr in Action forum who can make a case for joke theft there.
Now, I did actually try to listen with an open mind, because he’s not gone full right-wing extremist, and I am genuinely interested in how the other side justifies their views. In my younger years, I spent too many hours letting disingenuous racist misogynists waste my time with “debate” that was never going to go anywhere, and I don’t do that anymore. But if I believe someone is talking in good faith about something I disagree with instead of just spouting the same rhetoric that’s been done to death, I will tentatively try to understand.
There was a fair bit of done-to-death rhetoric in that BBC special, but there were a few points that I thought were a somewhat new angle on things. A few points that I disagreed with, but thought a reasonable person could agree with. And about 1.5 points that made me actually say… you know what, I think that one’s valid. Along with a lot of points that I could, like I said, literally have found on the dregs of Reddit five years ago. Not many jokes, incidentally. A couple of okay points and a lot of bad points, and very few jokes among them. Which I’m just pointing out for the irony, given how many people say left-wing political comedians make points instead of jokes.
There were several times when he pontificated about whether society’s changed or whether he’s changed – Have I drifted right or has everyone else has lost their minds? And I’m just like… it’s the first thing, dude. You got older, you got defensive about how difficult everything is, and you drifted right. Mystery solved, next question.
It looks like COVID may have exacerbated that drift, as it did for many people. This year he lost his decade-long job of doing a radio show with Frank Skinner, for reasons that might involve him being unvaccinated, though they also might not and I guess I shouldn’t throw in unconfirmed rumours about a show I haven’t even heard, but it says something that people who have heard the show would even think that could be true. There’s a YouTube video of something he did for one of those comedy nights that was billed as “free thinkers unite” or some shit, in which he did some anti-mask stuff, and some “the lockdowns aren’t really about safety, they’re about the government controlling the population” stuff, that the crowd fucking loved.
In that YouTube video, he goes farther than he went on the BBC with the right-wing jokes. There’s a bit about how the state should not subsidize lunches for low-income children over holidays, which seemed pretty bold comedy to me, and I guess at this sort of thing, “boldness” is the point. You’d think even a curated right-wing crowd might balk a little at the “we should take food away from poor children at Christmas” material, but it seemed to go over fine.
In fact, most of it went over fine. It was up and down a bit, and I think he lost some of them when he talked at length about his atheism, but based on the audible crowd reactions and the YouTube comments, they by and large liked it. He got applause for a few of his points, including the COVID conspiracy stuff. Which again brings me to the hypocrisy, of all those people who say left-wing political comedians are out there to get applause from audiences that agree with them instead of to do “proper comedy”.
That does make me wonder whether that is, to some extent, the point. Maybe he spent years watching his colleagues get audiences that loved them for the way they articulated those audiences’ views, and he wanted some of that. Because no one applauds a joke about an apple sticker, and maybe he wanted to say something that would make people agree so hard that they clapped and cheered.
I see three broad possibilities for what happened to Alun Cochrane, and I genuinely don’t know enough about him to guess which it is.
1) He’s always held certain political views and avoided sharing them for a long time because they could get him labelled negatively, so he stuck to mostly apolitical observational stuff. He did this until a year came when he decided there probably was a market for it, and/or just stopped caring.
2) He used to have no real political views at all, and/or just be vaguely centre-left or whatever, but then there came a time when the internet was awash with right-wing propaganda that moved many people’s political views. He was one of the people who fell into that, and he genuinely believed this was groundbreaking stuff he’d figured out and he needed to share it.
3) His actual political views are [anything but what he’s been saying recently], but he spent years trying to achieve the fame he wanted with apple sticker-based material and that didn’t work, because there are so many comedians doing that sort of thing and it’s hard to stand out from the crowd. So he cynically decided to enter the less competitive market of right-wing comedians, as there are fewer of those but a growing audience for it, and he’d have a better chance of getting noticed. I mean - that’s worked on me, hasn’t it? I haven’t listened to his 2013 radio series (though to be fair I think I’ve heard a lot of what’s in it from other clips I’ve seen and heard him do), but I listened to his 2021 thing. Am I part of the problem? Shit, I might be part of the problem.
I realize I’m preaching to the converted here, and I don’t need to say this because no one on this website doesn’t already know this, but God I hate the “how dare you judge people by their political views?” crowd. In some ways they’re worse than the people who just go properly alt-right (which, by the way, I don’t think Alun Cochrane has, for all his claims that people like me will label anyone we don’t like a Nazi – he isn’t one of those, but I don’t think “not as bad as Nazis” is a high enough bar for morality). Not in practical ways, obviously. From a practical perspective, it’s much better to have a world of centrist dads than a world of people who are willing to actually identify as alt-right. But from a “what annoys me most on the internet” perspective, sometimes part of me thinks at least the alt-rightists believe in something. At least they’re not making me the bad guy just because I think politics matter. They’re making the me the bad guy because I’m a woman and a queer and a feminist and a Muslim lover and I think poor children should get food at Christmas, and some of my best friends have blue hair and pronouns. But God, sometimes I’d take that over the people trying to say we should all just get along, and not judge each other on any of it.
Political views are the best reason to judge people! Politics are about how society should treat its people, from the most powerful centres of corporations to the most vulnerable and marginalized. And the best reason to judge someone is on how they think people should be treated. Okay, maybe it’s the second best reason, after how they actually treat people. But your political views are how you treat people, because if you live in a democracy, you vote for people and parties that will treat your fellow humans a certain way, and by doing so, you are by proxy treating them that way too. Or you don’t vote, which means you’re saying you don’t care how people are treated, and I will judge you for that too.
Not every single political issue indicates a major value difference, and not every disagreement makes me think someone’s a bad person. Many issues have lots of reasonable sides, and I might be on one but be able to get along fine with people who are on any of the others. But some political issues - even many political issues - do indicate fundamental values about how people believe others should be treated. If you're on a side that disagrees with me about the best way to treat people well, I'll try to understand that. But if you're on a side that doesn't care about that, then yes, I’m going to judge you.
No one’s perfect and there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, as discussed in communist Tumblr, and NBC’s The Good Place, and, a topic he covered surprisingly well, Alun Cochrane’s 2021 BBC special. That’s fine. I don’t hate you for not being vegetarian, Alun. I’m not vegetarian, because I like eating meat more than I feel compelled by all the ethical reasons to stop. But I do recognize that people who go vegetarian or vegan have made a more ethical choice than I have, and I don’t need to yell on the radio about how they didn’t.
I came across all this a while ago, and I thought all those things, and I thought about writing a post about it, but I didn’t, because I have spent lots of my life and lots of this blog going on about that sort of thing already, and I didn’t feel like re-hashing it again. But I just re-listened to some of this stuff because I thought I might cut up bits of it and put them into something else, and listening to it made me think all these things, and I thought I’d rather write out 2.5 pages on the subject than just be annoyed about it and not write 2.5 pages.
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bontenten · 3 years
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The Choosing
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Pairing: Daichi x f!reader (ft. Captain Squad <3 and Sakusa)
WC: 3.2k
Genre/Warnings: Crack/Bad Humor, Smut, Romance, Reverse Harem, Royalty AU!, mention or hints of size kink, exhibitionism, creampie, breeding kink, dick and ball worship, you’re perverted and gross
Summary: You are the Princess of the Kingdom of YoreNaym and you need to choose a husband.
Repost from my main because I say so. Lee... :gru: i miss u
Also, no beta we die like Daichi.
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It’s a tradition carried through many, many generations that the daughters of nobility from the Kingdom of YoreNaym must choose a suitor from the eligible bachelors from the neighboring kingdoms. It’s a show of kinship to the other kingdoms and also a means of securing peace.
At some point, everyone’s sister’s cousin’s second uncle’s sworn brother’s adopted daughter’s nephew twice-removed will be related and connect back to the Kingdom of YoreNaym. In short, the blood of this kingdom’s daughters unite the lands. No incest, there’s enough genetic diversity, if you will. And because you are also a princess of this kingdom, it’s your turn. Yay.
While growing up, you hear the elders say that the youngsters should be grateful that they have the agency to at least pick a suitor. They spin their looms and cackle, reminiscing that, “Back in our days, we didn’t get to have a choice. Our elders appointed a spouse for us from whichever kingdom had a suitor. Unlike you girls who get to choose, ungrateful wenches…”
Does it really matter? It’s just the false pretense of choice, isn’t it? At the end of the day the selection of eligible bachelors are all chosen ahead of time, deemed worthy, and then after the initial picking, you are just allowed to pick. It doesn’t matter who you choose, any one of them will fit the criteria. Maybe you’ll just close your eyes and pick one randomly. Can you actually say, “I’ll choose my own hand and marry myself.”
That’s pretty brave, hell yea that’s a main character move right there. Speaking of which, who are the eligible bachelors you can choose from today? It’s practically your engagement day, yet you really haven’t been paying any attention at all.
“Hey,” you whisper, lifting the curtain of the palanquin. A maid quickly answers to your beckon.
“Yes, my lady?”
“Who are the candidates today again? You have a...list or brochure of sorts?”
“Just a moment, my lady, I’ll retrieve the scroll for you.”
You open the scroll and peruse the contents. Huh, all the neighboring kingdoms are going all out this year. There’s the Kingdoms of Nekoma, Inarizaki, Fukurodani, Aoba Johsai, Shiratorizawa...Wow, even Johzenji and Nohebi have candidates? Funny, all of these are all presenting their crown princes too. As they should, you are the most beloved princess of the Kingdom of YoreNaym, and the suitor you choose will bring you back as a blessing to his kingdom. It’s a total bummer that the Kingdom of Itachiyama isn’t participating this year. Sakusa’s crown prince succession is next year! You have heard so many swoon worthy stories about that princeling, even paid handsome amounts of money for paparazzi paintings of the beautiful man. No one will find out that the princess of YoreNaym actually hoards little pictures of Prince Sakusa in her panties drawers. It’s a shame you aren’t picking your husband next year.
There’s one more Kingdom on the list that surprises you. Kingdom of Karasuno, or more commonly referred to as the Kingdom of “Fallen Crows”. According to legends, they used to be quite a prosperous kingdom, but after a few generations of inept leadership, a drought, and poor trade economy...the Kingdom has mostly faded into obscurity. It’s been years since a suitor candidate has been offered. So who is it?
“Sawamura Daichi,” you whisper to yourself, “Interesting.”
The festival ground outdoors is especially grand. There are a huge number of tables prepared off to the side for guests. Trays of food, fruits and wine are provided for every single guest in attendance. You are led by the attendants to the temporary throne seat as the guest of honor. As you make your way to the throne, all the guests stand up to acknowledge your entrance. It’s so pressuring and a part of you wishes you can just dig a hole and bury yourself on the spot. You don’t even want to think about how many eyes are on you. They are all just jealous because, really. Take my word for it, I’m the narrator.
When you take a seat, the guests reseat themselves. A shaman comes to the center stage and bows to you.
“My lady, the time is auspicious, let us commence the Festival of Unity. At this time, I’ll be introducing the eligible bachelors from neighboring kingdoms near and far. They have passed the arduous tests and come as the best to offer in asking for your hand. Each of the suitors will present to you with a talent or skill, as to show you their excellence. After the demonstrations, you will be allowed to take your pick. Whereupon you will—”
“Okay, I get it! They will participate in a talent show, we clap, and I choose a husband, I got it!” You snap, cutting the shaman’s words off. Your patience is wearing thin.
A number of guests can be heard mumbling in the crowds, probably commenting on your behavior. Your eyes scan the guests, you can care less. Judgmental eyes, scheming eyes, lecherous eyes, disgusting eyes....Your gaze meeting with a pair of eyes that are absolutely blank. Wait, not blank as in emotionless. Non-judgemental? The opposite of unkind? Dare you say, polite? He gives you a smile and returns to taking a sip from his goblet. You scan his clothing up and down to look for his family crest. Black and orange. A crow. Karasuno.
Your thoughts are jumbled as an increasing amount of questions fill your mind. He? Karasuno? That Kingdom of Fallen Crows? You barely hear the shaman announce the first candidate.
“Bokuto Koutarou from Kingdom of Fukurodani.” Bokuto is a very large, very well built man. He is wearing his family crest of an owl across his back proudly. You can tell his chest is incredibly broad, the bulge of his big tiddies stretch the tight shirt he’s in. If you squint hard enough, you can maybe see the outline of his nipples through the training shirt, but maybe that’s just your perverted imagination too. Bokuto comes to the center stage and greets you.
“Hey! I’ll uh, demonstrate my strength to you, my lady.” He easily picks up a huge hunk of metal and lifts it with ease above his head. Damn beefiness, those arms of his. Seeing the bulges flex when he flexes has you dreaming of mouth along that delicious flesh. And when he pins you down under his massive body? Ooh, if this is the first demonstration, you’re excited to see the whole lineup today. Gasps and murmurs can be heard in the crowd. Bokuto grins and drops the load on the ground. You can almost feel the tremors beneath your feet. Truly, a herculean feat.
“Thank you, Bokuto, I have seen your demonstration and all those here are witnesses.”
Bokuto’s demonstration is a showy start of the competition for your hand. The shaman announces the next candidate. “Ushijima Wakatoshi from the Kingdom of Shiratorizawa.”
Ushijima walks up to the stage exuding the regal aura of nobility; a byproduct of his strict upbringing. The twin crests of an eagle decorate his shoulder pads. His expression is quite cold, but there’s a saying, “it’s always the quiet ones.” You lick your lips and study him some more.
“Greeting to the princess,” he says with a deep bow. “I also bring a demonstration of my martial prowess.” Ushijima takes off the bow and quiver of arrows from his back and nods at his attendant who then catapults three apples high up into the air. Everyone’s eyes follow the  trajectory of the objects, squinting to see what’s happening. No way.
Ushijima draws the bow back and calmly shoots one arrow, perfectly spearing the three fruits along the shaft. The crowd bursts into cheers. You also find your tight grip on armrest loosening, the tension from the scene dissipating in a moment. Ushijima’s calmness, accuracy, decision-making...he would make a very suitable partner for sure. Co-workers of sorts, that is.
You know your marriage carries a lot of weight politically and the fate of the whole universe will rest on your decision. Maybe not the whole universe, but close enough. But, marital bliss is important too right? Is Ushijima the right choice? There are still many more candidates, it’ll be best not to make a rash decision. Your gaze wanders over back to the Karasuno prince who is clapping earnestly for Ushijima’s performance. He’s acknowledging a rival’s strength, you think to yourself. Well, that’s certainly a rare but admirable trait. A confident man, he is.
After Ushijima’s demonstration, Oikawa Tooru’s enchanting musical performance offers a much desired change of pace. The rhythm and melody from his zither carries both the energy of fortitude as well as a graceful spirit. Quite stunning, but just not quite the musical vibe you’re feeling at the moment. Bummer, maybe a different day, really. Could be friends?
Kuroo Tetsurou from the Kingdom of Nekoma offers a particularly memorable performance too. Kuroo comes to the center stage with a trough filled with flames. Everyone is at a loss as to what is going on. Kuroo flashes you a grin before taking out a few pouches containing some powders. In a poof, the flames burst alive with colors blending blues and purples. And moments later yellows and greens, even reds. No one has ever seen fire change color like so.
“Witchcraft!” someone gasps.
“No it must be alchemy. Dangerous craft,” another adds.
Kuroo bows to you. “My lady, this is called chemistry, a discipline of science.”
Kuroo’s smiles teeter on the edge of flirtations and you cannot deny that your heart flutters just slightly when you see his crooked grin. He’s intelligent, humorous, and attractive. Definitely also a contender. A union with him might be fun. And especially when you see Kuroo run a hand through his messy, black locks and give you a piercing gaze, you almost wonder if this is the feeling of chemistry. It feels like you are naked under his seductive, golden eyes, completely submitted to his will and absolutely drugged. And you fear that if he sends you another one of his grins, you’ll come untouched. Dangerous, send him off immediately.
“Thank you, Kuroo, I have seen your demonstration and all those here are witnesses.”
After Kuroo, many more candidates also come to the center stage for their demonstrations. Kita Shinsuke from the Kingdom of Inarizaki composes and recites poetry on the spot. His literary talents and mastery of public speech move a very large crowd of the literati officials. Kita is a charismatic leader and commands confidence. But he doesn’t seem to be the best fit. Your brain says ‘yes’, but your coochie just isn’t feeling it. The nerve signals say no.
Terushima Yuuji demonstrates a one-man comedy show, but his storytelling skills, although humorous, fall just a little short after Kita’s. Had Terushima been slotted for a different position, perhaps he would make a stronger impact.
Daishou Suguru. Interesting. But tongue itself will eventually get boring too.
A few more candidates demonstrate their talents to you. Most of them fail to impress you at all. Your blank expression is more than enough to make a few almost shit their pants or cry on the way they exit the stage. It’s really not their fault, you’re just a bit tired after seeing so many performances and demonstrations. You are just trying to find the best fit after all. It’s your duty and responsibility as the muthereffing princess of the Kingdom of YoreNaym.
“Sawamura Daichi from the Kingdom of Karasuno.”
The crowd is silent as Daichi stands up from his seat and makes his way to the center. His shoulder is relaxed and his head is held high. He doesn’t have the large build of Bokuto nor is he decked out in regal fabrics like Ushijima. His hair is simple and clean. His expression is polite and pleasant. Amongst the sea of beautiful and talented men, Daichi is like an ordinary seashell buried in the sand. But like how too many bites of dessert beckon the simplicity of water, Daichi’s humble presence makes him stand out in particular.
Daichi bows deeply. “I send my deepest regards to the princess. I am Sawamura Daichi from the Kingdom of Karasuno.”
“Please rise, Sawamura. What demonstration do you bring to me today?”
“My lady, I have nothing showy in particular. I only bring myself. And please feel free to call me Daichi.” You can feel his piercing gaze on you, confident and assertive. So he has some guts. It beckons you to submit, but you bite back. Grrrrr.
“Just yourself? That’s quite cocky of you Daichi. Others bring talents and demonstrations of qualities that make them fit as my suitor. What do you have to offer for me to choose you? Or is that something you are not looking for at all?”
“Karasuno,” Daichi begins, “Karasuno is a good kingdom. For many years long ago, our people have suffered greatly and we have gained a poor moniker. However, for the last few years, the kingdom has made significant progress and improvements. Alongside my brethren and officers of my court,” Daichi gestures to his entourage sitting off to the side, “We have come a long way. ”
“You tell me much about your home, Daichi, but what about you?”
Daichi pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts. He is well aware of the pressures you are putting on him, testing his convictions to the limit. You are a princess after all, so it’s only natural that you test his qualifications. Diachi swallows his nerves and faces your confrontation head on.
“I come to tell you the truth, my lady. I cannot hide these facts about myself or my kingdom. I am truthful, honest, but I have an unshaken belief that my kingdom will prosper because I have my closest and trusted with me. Each of them have their talents and strengths. Karasuno is a band with a bit of everything, and we’re family.”
You inwardly sigh. It seems like Daichi won’t be completely living up your hopes. At first you thought that his confident yet humble demeanor must hide something. Something incredible, because he can sit back and freely applaud other men for their talents. Something remarkable because he doesn’t feel the need to jump out in front of others. Something big. Very big.
“I don’t doubt your family’s bond or strength, but I am here to choose a suitor, a husband in layman's terms. So, I suppose that—”
“Wait,” Daichi cries out, and gestures towards his Karasuno brethren.
A tangerine head jumps up and brings out a scroll. He skips a few steps towards you and passes the document over to the shaman who brings it to you.
“My resume, if you will, my lady. I have no other talents but what is shown there.”
You glance at Daichi, studying him closely. From his clenched fist, you can tell that even in this moment, he’s a bit shaken and nervous. You undo the ties on the scroll and unravel the contents.
All eyes are fixed on you, trying to decipher every microexpression you make. The slight widened eyes, the twitch of the brow. The slight part of the lips and the deep breathes from you trying to calm the invisible fire that’s building in your core. It’s big. If the resume is accurate, Daichi’s demeanor truly is hiding a beast. A massive, humongous, schlong. Finer than any specimen you have seen in banned pictorial books you read and hide under your massive princess bed.
The sheer size and girth of the XL 2d image is rendered in X-TRA fine detail. You brush a finger onto the parchment, tracing the lines depicting the veins running along the shaft. You gulp, rubbing your finger down what is drawn as a big, swollen tip that’s glistening. Artists these days are so detail-oriented, it looks as if precum is just dripping from the tip and shimmering. So realistic, you just want to take it all into your mouth. To gag or to choke. Neither are a question.
The balls, those massive balls that are the storehouses for an endless supply of fresh cum. Organics from the finest the kingdom has to offer. Precious jewels hanging at the base, ripe for your licking. It looks so juicy and plump and you want nothing more than to rub your cheeks, cooing at how cute they are.
You know it’s good. It better be good if the painting is depicting something this sumptuous. If this is the real deal, then you really have nailed the jackpot and secured a brilliant future for yourself. Marital bliss. Bedroom adventures. Bedroom adventures where he’ll fulfill every nightmarish fantasy you ever have. It’ll be hard at first, your cunt’s so tight and he’s so big! But it’s okay, you’ll take him like the royal princess you are because the Kingdom of YoreNaym raises whores and sluts only!
No scratch that. Coital activities can take place anywhere. Maybe you’ll cockwarm him while the two of you hear what the morning court has to say about the affairs of the kingdom. Maybe you’ll find yourself tumbling around in the garden after a cute game of hide and seek, skirt hiked up, as he fucks a grass stain into your back! Okay. That might not be the best idea. Perhaps just once. For novelty’s sake.
But hear me out, when you are sneaking into the kitchen for some snacks, he’ll pin you on the large baker’s table and just take you right there to fuck his babies into your womb. His cock pumping into you as the table creaks and shakes from his thunderous movements. He’ll fill you to the brim with copious amounts of his hot cum, heaps and heaps of them, just like the baker fills the buns with cream custard in the most obscene fashion ever. Watch your belly rise and bulge up like pastries in the oven. Oooh cummies.
You sigh and squirm in the seats as you continue examining the masterpiece of a dick. You feel your heartbeat racing wildly as if you are caught tinkling in the castle fountain. It’s unknown if you ever did that, by the way. Just saying, your memory is failing you just a tad. But oh gosh, you’re wet already. The slick pooling between your folds is just soaking through your princess panties; the ones in the drawer where you keep all your secret prince Sakusa drawings heehee. But Sakusa’s pretty face aside, you are now face to face with the most magnificent dick pic you’ll ever receive. Not really unsolicited, but damn work of art. Literally.
The crowd is silent when you clear your throat and roll up the scroll, taking extra care to not let anyone else touch your new precious treasure. You lean forward and perceive Daichi. Daichi gives you a cocky grin, showing his teeth. Slightly stained with the wine, but it’s just temporary. It doesn’t matter as long as the real deal is...well, real.
Daichi catches your eyes wandering to the outline of the bulge between his legs. The glorious dickprint that he’s casually showing to everyone present. It puts Herculean Bokuto to shame, Ushijima into a blushing mess. Kuroo nearly snorts his colored powders. Daishou’s tongue hangs out and dries. Oikawa is sent to the medics. Kita no longer waxes poetry about the weather. Terushima leaves the party early.
Daichi is smug and casually asks, “My lady, would you like to examine the goods? I am a pure man and would not carelessly offer tastes to anyone. But you are a princess of the Kingdom of YoreNaym. You can have a sampling before you commit. Satisfaction guaranteed.”
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supernovafics · 3 years
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pairing: chris evans x fem!reader
summary: in which you were about to get married to the guy you thought was the one for you, but a conversation with your longtime friend, chris, makes you question everything you thought was right
warnings: angst, angst, angst, explicit language, minor fluff at the end
word count: 3.8k words
author’s note: this started out as a very minor idea and then it turned into something bigger lmao anyway hope you enjoy!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
This day should’ve been perfect, and everything should’ve felt right, but instead, it all was beginning to feel like a nightmare.
Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but how else would you describe locking yourself in the bathroom of the hotel you were staying at, and being on the verge of a breakdown, two hours before your wedding was supposed to happen.
You paced around in the small space and tried your hardest to avoid looking in the mirror, not wanting to see yourself in the stunning white dress that your mom and bridesmaids helped you pick out on a day that now felt like a lifetime ago.
As vain as it may sound, you knew that you looked great in your dress, and the way that your makeup and hair had been styled only aided in your beauty. But, at that moment, you felt the farthest from great.
Your fiancé Tyler was perhaps one of the best people you had ever met, and from the moment he proposed to you, you truly felt like you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. But now you were doubting absolutely everything.
All because of Chris.
An abrupt knock on the bathroom door slightly startled you.
“Y/N, please come out. We have to go take pictures soon.”
The simultaneous worried and confused voice on the other side of the door belonged to your good friend and maid of honor, Maria. She was amazing at reading almost any situation, one of the reasons why you liked her so much, at times it almost felt like she could read you like a book. However, this was one situation that had transpired so quickly, and she had no idea how to read it.
Everything started out fine that morning. You, her, and your other bridesmaids drove to the hotel in Connecticut that your wedding was happening at, you ordered breakfast room service to the room, and then you all started getting ready, laughing and smiling as you did so. You seemed happy, and you definitely seemed okay. But, then all of a sudden, things took a turn, and the next thing Maria knew, you were hiding out in the bathroom. And your wedding was starting in less than two hours.
Even though you knew your friend was waiting for some sort of a response to her previous statement, you stayed completely quiet. You really didn’t want to leave the bathroom anytime soon, especially not to take pictures. You knew that the doubt and uncertainty you were currently feeling would be clearly recognized in all of the photos.
“Y/N?” Maria said, speaking a bit louder to make sure you could hear her through the locked door.
An awkward silence began to linger, and you sighed, taking a seat on the closed toilet.
“Chris,” You finally said, responding in a way that only confused the girl on the other side of the door even more. “I need to see him.”
“Okay,” Maria answered tentatively, a curious tone in her voice. “Okay, I’ll go get him.”
You knew that your friend wanted to question you about what was happening, but she wasn’t going to at that moment. Not when time was of the essence and every minute mattered. Because each minute counted down to the time you would need to walk down the aisle and profess your love for your fiancé. It was something you were unsure if you wanted to do anymore.
If you weren’t about to bawl your eyes out, you think you would’ve laughed at how quickly everything managed to change. Before your conversation with Chris last night, everything was on the right path; it was almost like you could see your life with Tyler laid out in front of you. Marry him, travel for a bit before starting a family, start said family, etc., etc.
Now it was the first step that you were struggling with, and with that struggle, everything else slowly fell apart too.
What did it mean that a five-minute conversation with one of your best friends managed to completely change the trajectory of your entire life?
• • •
You were laughing, and it was a moment that you knew you’d remember forever. Not the exact thing you were laughing about, but instead, you would remember how you felt, which, in your opinion, was what mattered more.
“Glad to know I’m such a comedian,” Chris said, smiling at how happy you looked at that moment. The two of you were sitting on opposite ends of the couch in the living room of his Boston home, sharing a large throw blanket that was draped over you guys’ legs which were entangled in the middle. Chris could feel the blanket move with how much your body shook with happy laughter.  
“I swear I haven’t laughed this hard in forever.” Your statement was only partially a lie because you actually did remember the last time you laughed this hard, and it was with Chris three weeks ago.
It never surprised you how easily you could fall into some sort of happy comfort with Chris. The two of you had been friends since what now felt like forever; you couldn’t remember a time where you weren’t friends with him. In almost all of your fondest memories, he was always right there with you.
“Are you excited for tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I think so,” You answered Chris’s question after a brief moment of contemplation. Your mouth then turned upward in a smile. “Are you excited for tomorrow?”
“Excited to be a groomsman for a guy I barely know? Not really. But, I’m doing this for you, and that's all that really matters to me.”
Having Chris be one of Tyler’s groomsmen was one of your biggest and most important requests for the wedding. He was your best friend, and you wanted him to play some sort of part in the wedding that wasn’t just being a guest.
“You’re the best; you know that, right?” You were still smiling as you spoke, feeling nothing but honesty drip from your words.
In your mind, that was the wholehearted truth, but to Chris, it was nothing but a lie. Because if he really were “the best,” he would have been completely honest with you a long time ago. Honest about the fact that he didn’t think Tyler was the one for you. And he was unsure if he thought this for selfish reasons or because he knew that it was a thousand percent true.
“I don’t know if I am anymore,” Chris finally responded to your previous words. Your brows furrowed in confusion at what he meant by his statement, and you were quiet, silently signaling him to continue.
In the many years you had known Chris, you’d rarely ever seen him nervous around you; you both had always felt completely comfortable around each other, always.
However, apparently, there was a first time for everything because a look that you could only deem as nervous was taking over his features. He was quiet for what felt like forever, and now you were worried because you genuinely had no idea what he was going to say to you.
“You can’t marry Tyler.”
And there it was. He finally uttered the words that he had wanted to say right when you told him that you and Tyler were engaged. He knew, at that moment, it was the selfish part of him that had wanted to say that to you. However, now after carefully noticing some things about you over the past year as you planned the wedding, and even in some small moments from tonight, he finally realized how right he actually was.
Because if Tyler was the love of your life, the last time you laughed so hard shouldn’t have felt like forever ago; it should have been happening every day with him. And if he was truly the love of your life, when asked if you were excited for your wedding day, you wouldn’t have answered with a passive, “Yeah, I think so.”
“Chris…” Your voice trailed off because you had no idea what to say. You had no idea what to think. Actually, it wasn’t that you didn’t know what to think; it was that you didn’t want to think about what he just said, not at all. “Don’t, please.”
Chris barreled past your soft-spoken words. “I know you, Y/N. I know you so well, and I know that you’re not truly happy with him.”
You shook your head, trying your hardest not to fully think about what he was saying. You were afraid of what can of worms would open up if you did so. Instead, you fully committed to the fact that what Chris was saying was not the truth. So, you said, “You’re wrong. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You said you hadn’t laughed hard in forever. He should be making you laugh hard all the fucking time.” Suddenly, Chris wondered if Tyler had ever made you really laugh because if he had, he would know how beautiful you looked when you did, and he would definitely want to do it all the time.
“Stop, Chris, really,” You mumbled as you pushed the blanket off of you and detangled your legs from his, sitting up straight on the couch.
You needed to leave. The faster you did so, the quicker you could start attempting to make yourself forget everything that happened in the past five minutes. Because fucking hell Chris was right, and you really needed to forget that.
“I have to go. I can’t be here right now,” You stood up from the couch and started making your way toward the front door; you could feel Chris following right behind you.
“I’m sorry that I decided to tell you like this. But, I’m not sorry that I said it. It’s all the truth, and deep down, you know it, Y/N.”
You didn’t respond to him as you put your shoes on because there was nothing you could really say. Yes, he was right, but you were going to convince yourself otherwise. It was the only thing that you could do.
Before opening the door, you finally looked at Chris. He looked worried and confused, and you wondered how you looked in his eyes at that moment. As fucked up as you knew you were? “I hope I’ll still see you tomorrow.”
You closed the door behind you, but you didn’t move for a long moment. You sighed and shut your eyes and willed yourself not to cry. It was almost as if Chris could sense your presence still lingering outside the door because you could hear him start speaking again, and you knew his words were directed at you.
“I could love you more than he does. I already do love you more. So much more.”
As much as you wanted to say something in response, you didn’t. Instead of acknowledging his confession, you finally walked toward your car. His heartfelt statement was just another thing that you convinced yourself you would need to forget before tomorrow.
You couldn’t stop your tears once you were sitting in the driver’s seat.
• • •
Forgetting everything was actually pretty easy to do. Until it wasn’t.
You buried everything deep down inside and locked it all away in a small box that you knew would never be opened.
Everything was fine, and all morning, you kept convincing yourself of that fact. But then you put on your wedding dress, and suddenly you realized how wrong this all truly was.
The box was opened, and you couldn’t close it.
Chris’s words were true; you couldn’t marry Tyler. And not only was it that you couldn’t marry Tyler, but you also didn’t want to marry him.
It should have felt like a relief, realizing something that you’d eventually come to regret before you did the action. But, what you felt was the opposite of relief. Instead, it was intense dread weighing heavily on your chest, almost making it feel as if you couldn’t breathe.
That was what led you to the bathroom and kept you in there for as long as you had been.
Your family’s opinions and approval had always meant so much to you, and suddenly, you realized that you were doing all of this for them. They were the ones that had pushed you and Tyler together, your two families already having been close for many years. And you were happy with him, but not as happy as you could be. You hated that you were just now recognizing all of this.
And finally, you realized how distant and passive to the whole wedding planning process you had been. Case in point, your wedding was in fucking Connecticut, and you hated Connecticut.
The sounds of voices on the other side of the door pulled you out of your scattered thoughts.
“She’s in here,” Maria’s slightly muffled words were what you heard first, but you knew they weren’t directed at you. “Please try to talk her out of there. The rest of us are gonna go down and start with the pictures. I’ll try to stall the photographer for as long as I can.”
“Okay.” You heard Chris’s voice and your heart sped up a bit. It should not have felt like a surprise hearing him right then because you were the one that told Maria to get him, but you still felt startled. Now you weren’t even sure if you wanted to talk to him anymore.  
A soft knock was what you heard next, followed by Chris saying, “Y/N, it’s me.”
You didn’t respond. You were completely and utterly silent as fresh tears brimmed in your eyes for reasons you couldn’t even fully decipher anymore.
“Are you okay in there?” Chris asked after waiting a few moments to hear you say something, but you didn’t. There was a hint of worry in his tone.
You let out a small sigh. “No.”
“Do you wanna open the door?”
“Not really,” You told him as you began absentmindedly playing with the fabric of your dress. “I’m kinda spiraling in here, and I think it would be best if I kept it contained.”
“What happened?”
“What happened?” You scoffed out an incredulous laugh and blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill. “Last night is what fucking happened, Chris. You ruined everything, and I can’t stop thinking about it. My mind is a fucking mess because of what you said, and all I wanna do is bawl my eyes out right now. But, I can’t because that would ruin my makeup and I’m supposed to get married in, what is it, an hour now? God, I’m supposed to get married in an hour.”
You were rambling, and your voice was cracking because of the apple-sized lump forming in your throat. But, you had yet to start crying.
This time Chris was silent, and for a moment, you were sure that he had left, but then you heard his voice. “Please unlock the door.”
You were reluctant at first, but ultimately you stood from where you were sat on the closed toilet and went to unlock the door. Chris opened it a second later and entered the small space, a worried look was written across his features.
Seeing his face broke the dam, and all of a sudden, you were crying, no longer able to hold back your tears. Chris almost immediately circled his arms around you, and you accepted the embrace without a second thought.
“You’re right, and I hate it, but you’re right. I can’t marry him,” You spoke as tears streamed down your cheeks and onto Chris’s suit jacket that your face was pressed against. Your makeup was definitely a complete mess at that point, but right then, that became the least of your worries.  
“It’s okay. You don’t have to,” Chris told you, and that was when that intense dread hit you again like a wave.
“No, I do. I have to marry him,” You said, heart hammering hard in your chest as you realized it all. “Our families; they’re so close, and they’ve been expecting this for years. My family really wants this for me. I can’t ruin everything, not like this.”
“No offense, I know how much you love your family, and they’re great most of the time, but fuck what they want right now,” Chris said, and you were only mildly startled by his bluntness. “This is about you and the rest of your life. Do not do this if you don’t want to.”
You pulled away from the embrace the two of you were still in and then shook your head. “I really don’t want to.”
“Then don’t, please don’t. Your family will understand eventually.”
You considered his words and wondered how true they were. Maybe the first year would be pretty hard, you definitely wouldn’t be able to show face at any family barbeques or other events, but eventually, this would blow over; it had to. At least that was what you sincerely hoped.
You were silent for a beat longer and then finally said, “I won’t do it.”
The small smile that broke out on Chris’s face made your heart squeeze a bit; it let you know that what you were doing was the right thing. You gave him a small smile back.
• • •
“The first thing I wanna say is sorry. I’m really, really sorry, Ty,” Your voice sounded slightly nervous as you spoke into your phone, leaving Tyler a voicemail that you hoped he’d listen to later rather than sooner because you had no idea what his reaction would be.
You anxiously looked around the hotel parking lot, worried that someone you knew would notice you in the hotel parking lot, standing next to Chris’s car, and about to flee your own wedding. You looked normal now since you were changed out of your dress and back into the simple t-shirt and leggings combination you had arrived in at the hotel early that morning, but you were still on high alert. Honestly, that morning now felt like years ago to you.
“This is wrong,” You continued on, your voice still nervous, but at least you knew you were telling the truth. You really didn’t want to leave the voicemail, it all felt so embarrassing, but you knew that you owed Tyler at least some sort of explanation. And since you couldn’t muster up the courage to actually face him, you decided that a voicemail would suffice for now.
“And it took me so long to realize that, but I think deep down you know how wrong this is too. We’re good together, but we’re not great, and now that I really think about it, I realized that we’ve never been great.  And I think we both deserve to find that “great” person. If that makes sense. God, none of this probably makes sense, and I’m sorry for that too. I should probably stop rambling. I know you hate me, and that’s okay, but I do hope that one day you can understand why I had to do this.”
And with that final soft-spoken statement, you hung up the phone. You hesitated for a brief moment before taking a final breath and look at the hotel, and then you opened the passenger door of Chris’s car and sat in the empty seat; Chris was already sitting in the driver’s side.
He reached over and placed his hand atop yours and gave it a light squeeze. “You still okay?”
You took a moment to really think about his question. “I think I’m in that phase between freaking the fuck out and being completely okay with everything.”
Chris looked over at you for a brief moment. “I’m not entirely sure how to respond to that.”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything,” You told him honestly. The fact that he was with you at that moment truly said enough.
His hand was still on top of yours, and you shifted your hand so that it was laced with his instead. It was quiet in the car. Quiet, but it also felt like a million things were being said in that silence.
“It should be you.” You muttered out the words that you had never verbalized but they had almost always lingered in the back of your mind. “It always should’ve been you.”
Chris gave your hand another tight squeeze.
You turned to look at him, and he looked right back at you. His eyes were saying something that you couldn’t decipher, but the look made your heartbeat quicken all the same.
“It’ll always be you too,” Chris said softly as he pulled his hand away from yours and rested it on your cheek instead; you easily leaned into his touch. Those five words and his small action managed to melt you from the inside out.
Before you could respond or even fully process what was happening, Chris was leaning in, and you were following suit, and suddenly you were kissing.
It was uncomfortable, the turned position you were in with the center console pressed hard against your torso, but you wouldn’t change anything. Because with the way his lips pressed against yours, you knew exactly how right this all was. There wasn’t a hint of regret beginning to linger.
It was the first time in your long friendship that you two had kissed each other, but for some reason, his lips felt so familiar. They felt like home. You silently wondered if Chris was feeling the same thing, a part of you knew that he did.
“We should’ve done that sooner. We should’ve done that so much sooner,” Chris said when you both pulled back from the kiss. Your faces were still dangerously close to one another because neither of you wanted to part too far from one another.
You smiled at his statement and nodded your head, not verbally saying anything because you couldn’t form any cohesive sentences at that moment. Your brain was only full of thoughts of Chris and the fact that this all had been so obvious, but both of you had been so nervous and scared to pull the trigger.
“I love you.” The words were soft and quiet, barely above a whisper, but Chris heard them.
“I love you too,” He told you and smiled before pressing another kiss on your lips.
After lingering for a few more moments, he then put the car in drive and finally drove out of the hotel parking lot. You didn't know where exactly you were going, but you did know that it would be away from Connecticut.
No longer were you feeling dread, but instead, there was a small inkling of hope and excitement for the future starting to spread within you.
.· .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know your thoughts<3
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chateautae · 2 years
I was watching a movie and the guy got hit on by a woman, she went so far to suck his fingers and he was too stunned to move and once he was aware what was going on he immediately went home. But he didn’t tell his wife, I think some men don’t bother bother to care that it’s a big deal since they didn’t advance. It got me thinking though.. would mid!tae immediately tell yn or would he just push it aside as some inconvenience in his day. I have a big feeling he would tell but I’m only wondering, if he did tell.. how would yn react? sorry if this is odd but mid has been added to the trajectory of my brain when I see certain things that remind me of them 😺
Omg anon… why do I feel like I know what film this is? This sounds so familiar? But you’re right, some men just give so little fucks that sometimes they don’t tell their significant other simply because it meant nothing to them. But as for mid!tae, he’s certainly not rude enough to completely reject a woman. I think he may keep wifey oc in the dark at first, simply because he’s afraid of her reaction, but end up telling her most likely out of sheer guilt.
Here’s how I imagine the exchange playing out between wifey oc and mid!tae. Ahem, *cracks knuckles, starts smashing keyboard*
warnings: nsfw/18+ content at the end!
Taehyung’s felt antsy since the second he came home.
Here he is, leg bouncing incessantly as he watches you carelessly shimmy around in one of his Balenciaga button-ups to Earth, Wind & Fire’s ‘September’. You occasionally pass on your imaginary mic to Taehyung, who softly denies you to rather watch you instead. He feels compelled to hug you from behind, smother you in kisses, maybe even let his hands wander your palace of a body as you cook for him, but he refuses himself the opportunity.
With a skillet in hand, and without a clue of his turmoil, you concoct a cheesy reduction for the carbonara you’ll soon share for dinner; Taehyung’s favourite.
That bruises his heart, though, because here is his perfectly faithful wife whipping up his favourite meal for him, while earlier today, Taehyung had another woman’s mouth wrapped around his fingers.
It’s not like he wanted it, hell, Taehyung ripped his fingers out of her scheming mouth and scowled at the random broad so menacingly, she scurried away out of sheer fear. But the heft of what was done weighed Taehyung down for the entirety of his evening. The woman’s sultry hands and lips, her cunning eyes, her seductive movements—he couldn’t fathom knowing any other woman except you tried to tempt him.
It even made him a little sick.
Guilt overrided his system the second he saw his wedding band glint underneath the bar’s lighting, and he couldn’t believe something of this degree had occurred, instantly vacating the premises.
When he trudged through the front door and was greeted by your warm eyes and hug, Taehyung at first, didn’t hug back. He believed himself unworthy of it—undeserving of you. But when he saw your sad eyes and pout, your soft, smaller hands caressing the nape of his neck and inquiring what’s wrong, Taehyung shoved his face into your neck. He embraced you with all his might, and you were cocooned tightly in his arms like a precious treasure.
So as Taehyung pushes around his pasta now upon the dinner table, taking nervous sips of his water, hands clammy, his lips suddenly fall open to disturb the comforting silence.
“Another woman sucked my fingers today.”
Shocked by his own spillage of the beans, Taehyung’s wide eyed observe you closely. He watches as your face contorts with confusion across from him.
“Another woman… what?”
Taehyung sighs, his sullen eyes falling to his now cold pasta. “I-I’m sorry, Princess. I should’ve told you the second I came home.”
“What do you mean, Tae?”
“I mean I… you know how I went out for drinks with the guys after work?”
You slowly nodded, having placed your utensils down to attentively listen. “Yes, baby.”
“Well.. um,” your husband nervously shifts on his end of the dinner table, eyes flitting everywhere other than at you. It was such an unusual sight, though funnily endearing.
Was he truly this nervous to tell you something?
“Well, I got hit on. More than once, actually, and I always tell you about that stuff.” He rigidly rubs the back of his neck, swallowing. “But one woman took it far enough she actually ended up sucking my fingers.”
Your lips purse with disapproval, eyebrows furrowed. “A women flirted with you hard enough that she ended up sucking your fingers?”
Taehyung becomes uncharacteristically timid, nodding. “Yes. I swear I didn’t tell you at first because I thought you would get mad, and I didn’t want to make you stress when we’re… you know… still trying to conceive.”
Taehyung sincerely pledges, mindful that any mental strain right now could affect your cycle—an issue you both couldn’t afford right now.
He watches your expression brood for a bit. You peer at the table and at your dinner aimlessly, your gears shifting. Suddenly, you break out into a little chuckle, even snickering. “You really thought I’d get mad about that, Tae?”
Taehyung’s taken aback, lips falling open. “Wait, you’re not mad?”
“I mean, did you like it when your fingers were in her mouth? Did you let it happen for a long time?”
“No way,” Taehyung instantly denies, your husband looking appalled. “I would never, I denied her within seconds and came straight home. I wanted to see you immediately.”
“Exactly. And you didn’t initiate it, right?”
“Absolutely not.”
You giggle. “Then you’re good, babe. I’m not pissed.”
Taehyung releases a deep breath, his hand over his heart. “Jesus Christ, I thought you’d be going bat shit crazy right now. I’m surprised you’re not angry.”
“Oh trust me, I’m pissed at the woman for doing it. Which hand did she stick in her mouth?”
“My left.” Taehyung lifts said hand to show you.
“So she should’ve seen your ring, then, knew you were married and still went ahead. Also, considering your reputation, there’s really no soul in Korea that doesn’t know about us, or about you having a wife. So the next time you go to this bar, you’re taking me with you so I can knock whoever this bitch is out. You know I have a mean right hook.”
Taehyung breaks out into infectious laughter with his fist over his smile, busting a gut with you. “My God, Princess, you really are the best, aren’t you?”
“Guess you’ve rubbed off on me, sailor.” You bounce your brows and send him a kittenish, bright smile.
And Taehyung’s reminded for the forty-thousandth time that he married the right woman indeed.
“But anyway, finish your dinner quickly.” You suddenly demand.
Taehyung arches a brow. “What? Why?”
“Because I’m riding you until you fucking forget about her mouth around you tonight.”
Your husband’s eyes glimmer with excitement. “Are you jealous, Princess? Trying to mark me as yours?”
You scoff, folding your arms. “Of course I am, asshole. Hurry up and eat before I skip dinner and end up eating you.”
Taehyung hides his laugh behind a hand, bouncing his brows. “I wouldn’t mind. In fact, I’m not exactly hungry for food, either.” Your husband suddenly rises from his seat, large hands planted on your dinner table as he eyes you, his voice dripping with sin.
“I’m hungry for whatever’s between your legs.”
Gushing, you swallow intensely, masking your horniness with nonchalance. Arms still folded, you tip your chin with pride. “Come here, then. It won’t eat itself, will it?”
Chuckling, Taehyung shakes his head, rounding the dinner table before settling into his knees in front of you and casting your thighs over his shoulders.
His gaze never left yours as he gifted you pleasure like never before… more than once.
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holykillercake · 3 years
Coin Stealer
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Trafalgar Law x psychic!Reader
word count: 3.3k
summary: Law does not believe that you can see dead people, so you crochet him the strange-looking beanie of the strange-looking man that walks around the Polar Tang. 
highlight: ¨I´ll give a chance to the uniform, and I´ll only address you as Captain when you behave as Captain.¨
warning: You are entering Trafalgar´s room. 
notes: Bello, ma people! This is the 3/3 part of a lovely anon request in which the s/o makes them a thing with crochet! This time is Dr. Heart Stealer edition!! I really enjoyed writing this, and it got a little long, but I did not want to cut off important things. Anyway, I hope you like it!
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𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞!
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¨Hey, Bepo! Have you seen Law?¨
¨Y/N! I don´t know where he is... I´m sorry.¨
¨Oh, it´s ok!¨ you patted the mink´s shoulder, giving him a warm smile. 
You were never a big fan of his constant apologetic personality, but you couldn´t deny that you missed it during your time apart from the crew. 
The Heart Pirates had parted ways a long time ago when your Captain decided that the time to put his life-long plan in action had finally come. The crew split into three parts, and each one followed a different path. 
After the sudden disappearance of the Strawhats, the Paramount War, the Rocky Port Incident, and Law obtaining his title as a Warlord of the Sea, you were the first to depart, remaining in Sabaody Archipelago, waiting for the owners of the Thousand Sunny to return. You fought alongside a fishman called Hacchin, a weird guy that reminded you of Black Leg and other allies to protect the ship. 
Next to leave was Law, who sailed to Punk Hazard, where he formed a partnership with a crazy scientist bastard. Then the rest of the crew went on their own towards the island where you would meet once the plan was concluded.
The trajectory was not smooth by any means, but you did it, all of you. And now you feasted along with the Strawhats, celebrating whatever it was that you did not understand. Maybe they were like that, or maybe they didn't understand the risks you would take from now on. 
Anyway, the crew seemed to be in need of some music and fun, and you were too busy looking for your Captain to care about that.
In the midst of the evening breeze, the crackling of the fire, and the barrels of beer crashing in celebration, you saw the answer you were looking for.
Of course.
¨If I didn´t love you...¨ you growled as you made your way out of the island to reach the Polar Tang. And let´s face it, that was a detour.
You went straight to your room, where Law would probably be sipping coffee, napping, or just running from the crowds. And just like you, it has been months since he stepped on his own ship and slept in his own bed. 
So maybe you could cut him some slack. 
However, as you approached the room, there was no smell of coffee. No smell of coffee and no light snoring. Just a stillness carried with heavy emotions and your boyfriend, sitting in the dim light holding tight the crochet piece you gave him years ago. You swayed in place, expecting that thing you made to provoke him to be at the sea bottom.
¨Wondering why I kept this?¨ he asked. 
¨Not really.¨ you replied. ¨But I am surprised. Am I disturbing?¨
¨You never do.¨
You jumped on the bed, sitting beside him and resting your head on his shoulder.
¨YN-ya... do you know how he...¨ the question struggled to come out.
¨Hm.¨ he nodded.
¨I don´t like when he smiles, though. It creeps me out.¨ His body bounced slightly as he joined you in a chuckle. 
¨Remember when you gave me this?¨
¨Of course, you almost kicked me out of the ship!¨ you giggled with the memory.
¨You were really annoying back then.¨
¨Hey! Objection!¨
¨Objection rebuffed.¨ he smirked and moved on the bed, pulling you to lay down on his chest.
You told him to shut up before cuddling in, not falling asleep immediately. None of you said much. Instead, you enjoyed the calming and comfortable silence of each other´s company. 
It has been a while since you had that. 
You remember every moment of your early days as a Heart Pirate. You and Law hadn´t started on the best terms, but he needed you - well, your skills - and you were given a good deal. 
The pivot of your history together began on a chain of coincidences. The first one being both of you docking on the same island. The second one was him finding a rare coin for his collection, the same one you would later slip into your pocket. 
You wandered around towns using the beautiful art of distraction to get anything you wanted from anyone. Watches, necklaces, wallets, and, well, coins? It was all he had in his pocket, and since it was a cute one, you decided to keep it. 
Some called you a thief. Some called you a burglar, and some may even have called you a big son of a bitch. But the thing they all had in common was that none of them knew exactly who they were calling those names. 
The thing is, you messed up the first rule and made eye contact with him. Well, it was more of you not being able to take your eyes off of him. He stood out in the crowd, and you had gotten cocky. So when he later found out about the missing coin, it did not take him long to connect you to it. 
A lot of things went through his mind. He felt frustrated because his Haki failed him, annoyed for the trouble he would have going after you, and intrigued by the touch so light he did not feel at all. 
Or that is what he kept telling himself. 
Yes, he was interested in someone with skills like yours, but maybe there was something else he would not admit. The way you looked at him as if you had deciphered his entire life and found the missing pieces of his puzzle. Even the ones he tried to hide. 
That night he went out for your head. Or better, your heart, literally. 
You were enjoying the comfort of your hotel room, eating some snacks, and playing with your new commemorative coin when he materialized himself by the bed. You instantly knew something was about to go down.
Oh, fuck.
That situation got pretty tense pretty quickly, both ends asking things, and no one willing to offer any answers. The stakes were high, glares cutting the air like blades. It did not help to ease the mood when in the sway of his hand your heart popped out of your chest. 
Long story short, his plan was never to drag you to the Polar Tang. Law wanted you to go willingly, joining his crew in exchange for your heart. However, the unfortunate variable he did not consider in the equation was that you would not go down without a fight. So by the time he reached the ship, he noticed the gentle fresh breeze ruffling his hair. 
You know, since his hair was usually covered by the hat. 
The next morning when he returned, you were waiting for him with a satisfied smirk bending your lips, the hat on your head, and the coin dancing between your fingers. 
At some point, you had stolen it, and once again, it passed unnoticed by him. That was not a good night for the Heart Pirates. And that was also the night Trafalgar Law realized a couple of things. The first, he needed you on his crew. And the second, you were going to be the death of him. Or maybe the aneurysm of him, he would not give you such credit. 
¨You´re late.¨ you said, amused, and his grip tightened around the sword.
¨What´s your name?¨ he repeated the question you dodged several times during your last encounter. 
¨What´s with the dog?¨ you pointed at the tall, white polar bear wearing a uniform. Law pursued his lips, breathing heavily through the nose.  
¨I am B-¨
¨Bepo-ya don´t talk to he-¨
¨Your name is Bepoya?¨ you ignored the man, bumping into his shoulder as you walked towards the mink ¨Hi, I´m Y/N! Nice meeting you.¨  
The polar bear looked back and forth at you and his Captain, not knowing how to behave in this situation, so he apologized and stepped farther back. 
¨Alrighty, now that we are all introduced, shall we go?¨ 
¨Come on, Law, focus.¨ you snapped your fingers multiple times, teasing him. ¨You came here to pick me up, right?¨
¨No. I want my hat back.¨ He tried to grab it, but you ducked in time, holding the hat on your head with both hands. It was so soft. 
¨How about a trade? The coin for the hat.¨
¨How about my hat for your heart? Do this, and I won´t...¨ his words died in his mouth as he clutched his pockets. 
¨Looking for this?¨ You held your heart, wrapped in a cold and gelatinous box that you retrieved when you bumped into him minutes earlier.
How could you fool him again? He kept seeking answers that explained why it was so easy for you to outwit him, and his expression showed. 
¨You´re getting close, Law. Put your little trash can to work.¨ you tapped your temple, smiling mischievously at him. 
¨YN-ya, you know I can kill you, right?¨
¨Yeah, but you won´t.¨
¨How do you know?¨
¨I got a sixth sense for these things.¨ 
The rest of the conversation did not take long to come to an end. Amid sarcastic comments and threats to each other's lives, what should have been the pinnacle of the moment became a random passage in the Heart Pirates´ logbook.
¨So, YN-ya, do you want to join us? You´re gonna have to wear a uniform and address me as Captain.¨
¨I´ll give a chance to the uniform, and I´ll only address you as Captain when you behave as Captain.¨
Law sighed, giving himself a carotid massage ¨Ok. Let´s go.¨
He walked a few steps ahead of you and Bepo, wondering why he spent so much effort on an arrogant thief that wouldn't even call him Captain.
You quickly became friends with the polar bear, even apologizing for calling him a dog. He strangely apologized for your apologies, culminating in what would almost make the notorious Surgeon of Death suffer a stroke.
¨What the hell is that?!¨ you shouted when the Polar Tang entered your field of vision ¨That´s not a ship!¨
What if I am claustrophobic?
The ya thing is a schtick?
Death? That´s a little borderline controversial for a doctor.
Trafalgar more like Trafraude!
On occasions like that, Law wondered how peaceful and quiet would be the sixth level of Impel Down. From a current perspective, your initial interaction served as a vaccine, creating the necessary antibodies Law would need to deal with future pirate alliances. 
The crew got attached to you very quickly. Your adventurous spirit, your stunts, and street trades fascinated them. Losing bets against you seemed acceptable, your card tricks and the thing of guessing the numbers they thought was like fuel for a good day at work.
Law didn't seem to mind that much. After all, you wouldn't get him on his nerves if you were busy with them. However, one day, you let slip something that caught his attention. 
¨YEAH! That´s exactly what she looked like! How did you do this?!¨ 
Law heard Shachi´s roar, followed by a wave of surprised ´ooh´s coming from the kitchen, where the majority of the crew hunched around the dinner table. 
The doctor leaned against the door, silently observing what could possibly be more important than keeping the ship working. He had been drowning in files all night, and now he decided to have a coffee break. That mess early in the morning did not make him happy. 
No one seemed to be too intimidated when he cleared his throat, announcing his presence. Everyone greeted him with smiling 'good mornings' and turned their attention back to you.
 ¨What is going on here?¨
¨Captain did you know Y/N can see dead people?!¨ 
The coffee left a bitter aftertaste on his mouth.
¨Yeah, Captain!¨ Shachi yelled on Law´s face, earning a death glare ¨She just described my mom!¨
¨Really, Y/N-ya? Now you´re a magician and a psychic?¨ he asked, taking the seat across from you. 
¨The perks of being me.¨ you shrugged. 
¨Do you see more dead people here?¨ 
¨No. But you sound a little skeptical, Law.¨ 
It was way too early for that discussion, but your biological clock didn't seem to care. Whenever Law came with his teasing, you would be ready to strike back.
He gave everyone a lecture about empathic accuracy and how good you were reading cues communicated by words, emotions, and body language. Or some crap like that. 
¨Ok, let me see if I got this right.¨ You shifted in the chair, hands moving in the air ¨You can pull organs out of people´s bodies, cut them in pieces without killing, switch their souls, but you do not believe that I can see dead people?¨
He tilted his head, but not giving you an exact answer.  
¨Do you wanna know what I think?¨
¨I´ll tell you anyway. I think you have something you don´t want people to know, like a soft spot or a tragic past.¨ you sought the answer in his eyes ¨I´m guessing a loved one who died?¨ 
Overall, he was not wrong. You were a master in reading people´s body language, but you were not a jackass. So when the slight twitch of his mouth cleared up your doubts, it was time to stop. 
You knew how it felt, soft spots, tragic pasts, or late loved ones. There was no need to go further and throw more salt on his wounds. Hopefully, that taught him a lesson. 
An awkward silence ensued while everyone watched the scene, uncertain how to act, fearful that an extra spark would make everything explode into massive destruction.
¨Whatever.¨ he sighed ¨Show´s over. We´ll be reaching land in a few days, and we should be preparing to dock.¨ 
When everyone left the kitchen to go about their businesses, you remained alone with the figure that constantly wandered the submarine. He didn't do it in a creepy way. Despite his extravagant makeup and the intimidating aura, he was not a bother.
And it wasn't like he was there all the time, definitely more than anyone else. His passages were guaranteed on the days when Law was more sensitive. For bad or for good. He would look after him from the distance like a parenting figure. 
¨Who are you?¨ you murmured under your breath. 
For the next few days, Law made sure you were too busy to foster discussions about dead people or paranormal abilities.
When your services stealing rare supplies or getting answers to your Captain's questions you weren't required, you would help him with mountains of paperwork.
Only this time, he had outdone himself.
He managed to assemble the annual check-up of the crew, the inventory packing list, and the update of the logbook at once. This last one could easily wait until after you docked. But that freaking workaholic sadistic surgeon would not let this opportunity slip. So you pulled several all-nighters writing, signing, and stamping, all without exchanging a single word.
When you emerged, a few miles from land, you barely enjoyed the fresh breeze and sunlight. The crew hopped around, getting ready to put their feet on the continent as you sat in the kitchen profusely grouchy.
Your brain was fried, burnt, carbonized. 
¨You´re not coming?¨ Penguin asked, and you shook your head. ¨It´s been a while, Y/N, you should come.¨ you shook your head again. ¨I guess you´re not buying anything for the Captain´s birthday as well.¨
An incohesive question came out of your exhausted being. Penguin couldn´t help but feel sorry for you. ¨By the time his birthday comes up, we will be underwater, so everyone is preparing.¨ 
¨Do I have to?¨
¨No!¨ he chuckled ¨He doesn´t really like it, but we still buy him something.¨
¨´Cause he is a good Captain!¨ he said and sprunt out by the voice of someone calling him, waving goodbye at you. 
 It wasn't that you didn´t think Law was a good Captain. It was just an inherent nature of yours to clash every time you looked at each other. 
But on such occasion, you could combine the useful with the pleasant. After all, you were grateful because he gave you friends. Of course, he was the unfortunate by-product that came with them, but you could handle him. 
So fighting against your will to stay and sleep, you forced your way out to the solid ground, hoping to find the most random store someone could wish for, a haberdasher. 
Much to your delight, you did it. You picked a burgundy color wool and the first hook you put your eyes on and returned to your soft bed. 
The chances of you having scared your crewmates by staring at the blank for hours were high. In reality, you wanted to memorize and come up with a pattern for the strange-looking beanie that man wore. 
It had no pompom at the top like Penguin´s. Instead, two long pieces of fabric ran down from each side with heart-like things hanging.
When the sixth day of the tenth month arrived, Law´s desk was cluttered with presents. You had decided to wait until you were done with work and heading to bed to give it to him. 
After conquering that task, you locked yourself in your room, where you stayed until you had it finished. For some reason, you bothered to buy a box to put it in. Whatever.  
On the sixth day of the tenth month, Trafalgar Law could not focus on work. Every slight movement of yours, every bathroom break got him jittery, rehearsing words that wouldn´t make you hate him more. 
Not that you ever hated him, but you didn´t talk, so he didn´t know. After some time starting small talks and being ignored, you just gave up trying. 
By the end of that night, he had given up too. So when you placed the golden-yellow box on his desk, he couldn´t vocalize his feelings. It became just another silent night. 
Chests tight and hearts clogged with unspoken words. 
Law did not work for the next couple of days, and if he left his room, no one saw. The gifts on his desk were not even opened. Everything was left the way it was. 
Maybe you had crossed a line. 
As you marched up to the room at the end of the hall, several paths popped into your mind. You could act like you didn´t care, so what if you left? You had been alone for so long, it wouldn't make any difference! Still, something was begging you to apologize. To ask to stay, because being there was good, everything you never knew you wanted.
You were ready to pack your bags and have your title as a Heart Pirate retracted when you woke up one morning, finding a note on your desk telling you to meet him in his room. Your nails dug into your sweaty palms. Where did this tightness in your chest come from?
When you set foot in the room, your eyes hovered around. It was the first time you saw Law's room. It was exactly how you thought it would be.
Keeping your gaze locked on his was more difficult. He was sitting in an armchair near the foot of the bed. From afar, his appearance remained neat, as always, but as you approached you saw the circles under his eyes even darker. A thing you didn't think was possible.
For the first time, you didn't know how to read his expression. And seeing him vulnerable like that made your stomach drop. So you prepared yourself for the worst. However, to your surprise, all he did was ask you questions. 
No snarky remarks. You just talked.    
That day something changed. And from that day on, Law had found someone to help him carry the unbearable weight he had on his shoulders, and you found a place to call home. 
¨Y/N-ya.¨ he called you, who was a cuddle away from sleeping.
¨Before you left, in Sabaody...¨
¨You stole the coin again, didn´t you?¨ 
You giggled and pulled the commemorative coin from your back pocket, snuggling closer to his body and feeling the vibration of his chest as he chuckled.
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Extra notes: I hope you had enjoyed it! It came out a little too long, but I have been feeling like I´m limiting myself when it comes to the number of words... I don´t know, I´m confused. 
Anyway, is that pink and red that I see on the horizon?
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wedreamedlove · 2 years
Wait the was a theory going round in Weibo that Osborn might be the half brother of Evan you know the boy in the trajectory and if it might be true ✨drama✨😍
honestly, i'm pretty neutral towards this theory. i think the text can go either way in support of this and, coincidentally, i was asked about my thoughts on this elsewhere so i'm just going to copy and paste my response.
if this does end up coming true it will be hilarious because, once again, i show that i have excellent taste in biases and drama.
spoilers up to chapter 12!
In Evan's past, he was 10 years old when he saw his father with his other family at the amusement park. Meaning, if that was actually Osborn, then going by Osborn's age he would have been 7 at the time. At 11 years old, Osborn was trapped in the warehouse where he met the heroine. It's unclear if this is before or after he met Ye Chuan, but that means in the span of 4 years something terribly drastic happened to that happy family at the amusement park for Osborn to be so accustomed to being beaten and bullied. If the timeline isn't wrong here (since they had to adjust Osborn's age for when he met the heroine), then in the confrontation with Zhao Ze in Chapter 8, he says that Osborn was a useless waste at 16 years old. He also says that the person Osborn has been searching for all this time has died because of him, and that he can never protect who he wants to protect. It doesn't sound like they're talking about the heroine here. In Chapter 12, we learn that Osborn's father left behind a box, with the two snakes symbol, about Blood Clan and human vessel stuff, but we still don't know if he's missing or dead. I actually can't remember if Evan's father was confirmed to be killed or missing either, hm. Ye Chuan sounds alarmed when he asks if Osborn's mother has returned, to which Osborn says that he doesn't care about what happened in the past anymore and even if she did return then it wouldn't mean anything to him. Again, if he was born into the happy family that Evan saw... what the hell happened LOL. The pressure of living on the run cracked them both? She couldn't be a single mother to Osborn and dumped him? The conversation between Evan and Osborn in Chapter 8 honestly doesn't weigh much with me. Longday, the bounty hunter guild, knows of the existence of the Blood Clan and is against them (shown in Osborn's winter date). Osborn has been tracking down the Blood Clan experiments since the beginning of the game with the two snakes bracelet, although it's unclear who he is doing this for (admittedly, it could be personal since Zhao Ze said Osborn has been looking for someone). Some people have associated the two snakes symbol with Evan and his father, but there's nothing to support that. We only know it's a design the Blood Clan in Guang Qi City use for their experiments (the guy who died in Chapter 3) and that they are experimenting on humans to be vessels; but the West Family in Evan's winter date shows it's not unusual for Blood Clan members to transfer themselves to other Blood Clan members (Eugenie taking over Marianne's body). The only thing of note about the two snakes design is that Osborn and the heroine meet again in Chapter 2 at a museum. She explains that the double helix snake symbol he was looking at in the museum comes from Sumerian culture and they have a god, Ningishzida, who was a tree god and also the god of creation and culture (in Light and Night). She says this god looks similar to Nuwa, the Chinese goddess of creation (this is because Nuwa forms a double helix with Fuxi). It's interesting that Osborn has two snakes on his collar (not entwined though) and that his promotional art has a black snake in the background...
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