#yes 90% of my yelling is going to be about languages
clumsiestgiantess · 26 days
Survivors — people barely a foot tall who were forced to take refuge in our world — have become a normal part of society. Unfortunately.. it’s not in the way they were hoping.
(original story here)
There’s no way I lost my 90 dollar ball.  Are you kidding me?!  I spent months saving up for that thing; how could I lose it?  I’d torn up my bedroom in search of my prized possession: a professional-grade soccer ball.  It had come with me to every practice session since the day I bought it.  I stormed out of my room, heading towards the garage.  Maybe I’d left it with my gear.  
“Woah!  Where are you headed so grouchily?”  My older sister asked snidely as I stormed past her in the hall.  “You wouldn’t care,” I huffed.  She shrugged offhandedly, “That’s probably true.”  Digging out all of my equipment — even my old stuff that I knew couldn’t possibly have my ball in it — I still couldn’t find it.  Ohh wait…  One of my friends had shown up halfway through practicing at a nearby park.  He’d dragged me away to a local store because one of our favorite games was on sale.  Dang it, I left it there, didn’t I?
“If Mom gets home early, tell her I’m at the park!” I yelled through the doorway.  “Why are you going to the-?”  The door fell closed on my sister’s voice and I rushed to my bike.  The park wasn’t too far from my house; I could be there in 15 minutes if I hurried.  
“Hold it.”  Julie stopped me as I wheeled it to the garage door. “Mom told me to keep an eye on you today.  Where are you going again?”  “The park,” I responded innocently.  “For?”  “I think I left my soccer ball there.”  “Oh?  The survivors have probably taken it by now.”  I sighed at her joke.  Ever since the little human-like creatures had stolen the phone right out of her purse while she was distracted — true story — she was constantly referencing it.  At first it was out of spite, then it became a habit.  “Come on, I’ll drive you.  It won’t be long, right?”  I shook my head, grateful for the lift.  
As I rode along with Julie, I begged the universe for things to work out in my favor.  Please let it still be there.  Don’t let someone take it.  By the time we reached the park entrance, my anxiety was calmed.  I could see the white spot of my ball towards the end of the field.  “Yes,” I cheered quietly as my sister pulled into a space.  “Alright, go get it,” my sister nodded.
I stepped out of the car and ran across the field in a half-jog-half-walk.  But I stopped as I got closer — staring in open-mouthed horror.  My ball was lopsided; punctured toothmark holes of a large dog pierced the sides.  “Are you kidding me?!  At least if somebody took it I wouldn’t have known they’d done this!”  Angrily, I ran up the last few feet and kicked the deflated ball as hard as I could.  It sailed across the field and hit the fence as a startled yelp reached my ears.  Below me, a survivor was hunched over on the ground, looking around in fearful confusion.  He gasped, scanning the sky above him intently.  
“Huh?  What are you-?  Oh.”  Following his gaze up to the sky, I watched a hawk or some other large bird circle around overhead.  “Are you hiding from that bird?”  The survivor glanced fearfully at me, then back up at the sky, whispering something I couldn’t understand.  “Right,” I sighed, “You have your own language.”  
The survivor was.. different than the ones I’d seen — maybe because they looked to be about my age, or maybe because they were actually alive and well rather than the few depressed half-dead ones I’d seen before.  Whatever the case, I didn’t feel like leaving them there to get picked off. 
I went to go collect my ball so the survivor would have cover again, but he yelped and rushed after me, cowering under my shadow.  His gaze finally tore away from the sky and landed on me.  Eyes wide, he asked me something I didn’t understand, but I could guess.  
I sighed, but nodded.  “Come on,” I gestured for him to follow me, and began walking back the way I’d come.  The survivor sprinted after me.  Halfway across the field, he wheezed something that vaguely sounded like he was asking me to stop.  Oh man, even when I’m walking I’m going too fast for him.  Poor guy.  I stopped and let the little guy catch up with me.  He sat down on the grass, out of breath.  However, that bird noticed we’d stopped moving.  I watched as it swooped down and landed on the telephone wires beside the field.
“Dnimreven!  M’i enif!  S’tel tsuj teg tuo fo ereh!” the survivor gasped, scrambling to his feet.  He walked on and I kept up with his pace, walking beside him at whatever speed he wanted.  It was slow going, but when we reached the parking lot, he stopped.  “I.. hhu.. t’ndid yllaer kniht siht raf daeha.”  Glancing around the lot, he looked over at the bird, then glanced up at me.  “What?” I asked, “It’s alright, I’ll follow you.  Just go back to the woods or something.”  I waved a hand at the woods, but he slowly shook his head.  “You.. no?  Don’t you live there?”  He just pointed at the bird and shook his head.  I squatted on the ground beside him.  Still he was shorter than me, but not by nearly as much as when I stood.
“Hey, it’s alright!  Just go hide in the woods for a while.  That bird will have to stop following you eventually.”  A car horn startled both of us just as the survivor was about to speak.  “Hey!” Julie called, “What are you doing?  I thought you said you’d be quick!  Stop pestering that little survivor and get in the car!”  “Alright!” I shouted annoyedly back, standing up again.  “I’m coming!  One second!”  I started walking to the trees nearby and the survivor raced after me.  When I got to the edge of the parking lot, I stopped and pointed towards the forest.  “Go on.  I’m sure some other survivors will come along and help you.”
But would they?  He gave me a solemn look and trudged towards the underbrush like I was exiling him.  The car horn startled him again and he ducked away into the foliage.  “Ok!  Ok!  I’m coming!”  The whole drive home I was, according to my sister, ‘unnaturally quiet’.  I blamed it on my popped ball — and normally that would make me angry — but I was just too caught up thinking about that survivor.  I tried to remember every time I’d ever seen one.  Surely one of them looked like they were doing ok, didn’t they?
Yet, as much as I wracked my brain, I couldn’t think of a time when I’d seen one happy.  They always looked scared.  At best they seemed kinda.. out of it.  At worst they were, well, dead.  I hope that survivor doesn’t end up like them.  He was my age.  Surely he’ll survive better than the older ones, right?  But there was that bird…  I was up the whole night coming up with a plan to sneak out of the house and return to the park.  I had to go find him again — to make sure he was safe.  
I’d never actually interacted with a survivor before.  It wasn’t at all what I expected.  My friends said they were little scavengers who liked to steal.  All the articles about them said they were a kind of mimic of us from a whole other mimic of our world.  But everyone made them sound like little animals.  The guy I met today — he seemed so familiar in a weird way.  He spoke to me, gestured for me to understand, and even his expressions were so human I could understand him just by reading them.  Then again.. maybe he was just a really good mimic.
During lunch the next day, I passively mentioned going to hang out with some friends at the soccer field, and was thankfully met with little opposition.  My mom reminded me to wear a helmet when I went out, but that was all.  I wrapped up half a grilled cheese I made for myself, tossed it into my bike basket, and pedaled off.  I think I beat my previous record of biking to the park by a few minutes, that’s how anxious I was.  I scanned the sky as I arrived.  No predatory birds in sight.  
Stepping over to the place where I left the survivor the other day, I made my way into the woods.  I searched the ground with every step until I came across a survivor laying on the ground.  A sickening feeling lurched in my stomach watching flies buzzing around them, landing on unmoving limbs.  Shit...  I’m too late.  I carefully stepped over to the body and knelt beside it.  I turned away after only a moment, but as I went to cover it with dirt, I realized their hair was much too long to be the survivor I saw before.  Holding my breath, I bent down to get a better look.
Firstly, their chest had been torn wide open, and their arms and legs picked clean down to the bone.  The position they were in looked painful, as if they’d been struggling.  I realized in my examination that the survivor was a female, and let out a relieved breath.  Whatever had caught it.. caught her — had eaten her.  Wait.  I shouldn’t be relieved by that!  What the hell am I thinking!?  I was just glad that it wasn’t my little friend who’d died, but I felt extremely guilty about thinking of this survivor’s death in that way.  She’d died likely being hunted — eaten.  Was she still conscious during all of it, or had the animal killed her by then?  I just hope I’m not too late to help the other survivor.
Gently taking a few handfuls of dirt, I covered the little corpse.  With a quick glance around myself, I spotted some wildflowers, picked one, and laid it carefully on the small mound.  “I would’ve helped you too,” I said softly, as if that were any consolation for how horribly they’d died.  No wonder the guy I’d met yesterday had given me such a desperate look when I sent him out here.  I was basically sentencing him to a horrific struggle for survival in a place where he wasn’t meant to live in.
Standing back up, I backed away from the little grave and headed in a different direction.  “Hello?” I called, “Survivor dude I met yesterday?  I’m sorry I don’t.. know your name.  And I’m really sorry I left you alone out here!  Please be alright...”  I walked through the forest along the outskirts of the soccer field, watching my every step and calling out once and a while.  I began giving up hope as I rounded the end of the field, but something stopped me before I could turn around: my popped soccer ball.  It wasn’t left where I’d kicked it earlier.  It was tucked beside a tree a little ways past the wooden fence that separated most of the park from the overgrown trees and whatnot that I’d been trekking through.
Heart pounding, I raced over to the ball and yanked it away from the tree.  A fearful yelp came from beneath it as the survivor from the day before huddled up against the side of the tree with his arms over his head.  “Hey!  Hey, it’s alright!  It’s me!  Remember me from yesterday?” I asked excitedly.  The little guy looked up at me with a bewildered expression before his face slowly fell into shock — recognizing me.  “Tahw?  S’tahw gniog no?  Tnaig edud, t’nod llet em er’uoy ereh rof ruoy llab niaga…”  I had no clue what he said, but I was too relieved to even listen.  He was alive — still using my ball for shelter.  “Oh, here!  I brought you something.”  Digging into my pocket, I pulled out the bag of my half a grilled cheese and took it out.  
“I wasn’t sure if you had anything to eat out here, so I brought you this.  It.. might actually be a bit too big for you.”  Laughing slightly, I handed the piece of sandwich off to him.  It was half his height, but he took it eagerly.  I sat down lightly, keeping watch for anything that might hurt him as he chowed down.  “Yeh tnaig?”  The survivor startled me from surveillance.  “Hmm?  What’s wrong little guy?”  He pointed to his throat, then cupped his hands and pretended to drink.  “Oh!  You’re thirsty?  I have some water, but it’s back with my bike.  Sorry, I should’ve brought it.”  The survivor gave me a confused look.  He didn’t understand me.  I knew he couldn’t, but I kept forgetting.  He looked so normal that I expected him to speak a language I knew.
“Come on,” I gestured for him to follow me like I had the day before.  He promptly got up and headed after me.  The pace was even slower than yesterday.  In the field, the little survivor could easily keep walking all the way across, albeit his steps were much shorter than mine.  Here in the uncut forest, he had to weave and duck through the foliage like it was a jungle.  He was exhausted after only a short time, and made the same gestures for a drink again, as if I hadn’t understood him the first time.  I wanted to go and bring him one, but that body I’d found had me scared.  What if I left him and something attacked?  I’d feel awful if I came back to find a similar scene to the first survivor.
I.. I can try taking him there myself.  But is he going to run away from me if I do that?  Wild animals generally don’t like being held.  But he wasn’t some wild animal.  Surely he was smart enough to understand that I was helping him.  Taking a knee, I slowly reached for him.  “I’m just gonna help you out, ok little guy?”  The survivor backed away from my hand uncertainly, but he didn’t run.  “I'm just taking you to get a drink, like you wanted,” I told him, pointing towards the edge of the woods and the parking lot.  
The survivor glanced between me and the distance he had to travel several times, then eventually glanced down at my hesitating hand.  I came closer again and he held his hands up slightly, squeezing his eyes shut.  However, he stood perfectly still. 
His reaction hurt slightly.  Doesn’t he know I won’t attack him?  He looks scared of me, but I’m not a predator.  I’m a person; I wouldn’t eat him or kill him for no reason.  Slowly, I gripped his torso in a light fist and lifted him into the air.  He yelled — dangling legs instantly pulling in against himself as he rushed to grip my fingers.  The survivor’s eyes were wide open now, looking around himself fearfully.  
“Hey, come on, really?” I asked, causing his head to whip back around towards me.  His breathing picked up against the palm of my hand.  “Is it really that scary?”  Apparently it was.  He readjusted, trying to cling even tighter to my fingers.  I sighed, “Man, you’re like.. the same age as me!  Can’t you tell that I’m not some big scary animal?”  I headed back to my bike with him in my hand. He struggled so much I nearly dropped him accidentally.  It wasn’t violent struggling like he was in danger, but still.  
Finally, I reached my bike and released him on the asphalt.  He scrambled backwards and tripped over his own feet, glancing around at the sky before taking a few steps closer to the bike, shying away from the open space.  “It’s alright," I assured him, taking out my water bottle and pouring him a capful.  “I’ll shoo away anything that tries to get you.”  “I- I t’nod tnaw ot eb tuo ereh,” he said nervously, ducking closer to the bike’s wheel until he was pressed against it.  Tsuj- t’nac uoy ekat eht retaw revo ot eht sterof daetsni?  Stnaig t’nod yllausu ekil em gnignah dnuora ni eht nepo, dna eht sdrib ekil ti a elttil oot hcum.”
I chuckled and shook my head.  “I have no clue what you’re saying, but you sure are talking.  Here, have some water.”  I handed him the bottle cap filled with water, but he only pointed to the woods.  I didn’t move until he begrudgingly took it.  Sitting on the curb beside my bike, I watched the little survivor.  A few dogs passed by on the opposite side of the lot.  Both of us eyed them warily, but they were well-behaved pets.  They ignored us and continued on after their owners.  
Wait.. pet.  I glanced down at the survivor.  He’d relaxed a bit once the dogs passed us, but he was still on alert.  I’d been thinking about that body — the poor survivor who could do nothing to save themselves from such an awful death.  “Hey little guy?  What do you think of becoming my pet?  Some people keep survivors and train them, you know.  You’d be a lot safer with me!  I’d have to hide you from my family, though,” I grumbled.  “Maybe I can make you a little home in my backyard or something.  What do you think?”  He just gave me a blank, confused look.  “Right…” I sighed, “Before I teach you any tricks I think I’m gonna have to teach you some words first.  At least you understand gestures.”
The only thing my musings were met with was a small gesture for more water.  I thought for a moment as I refilled the survivor’s bottle cap.  “I guess I should start with a name.  Hmmm.. should I give you a human name or more of a pet name?”  I thought for a moment, “What if I name you Bandit?  Because you took my soccer ball?  My sister did warn me that your kind likes to steal things.”
Once Bandit was done with his drink, I stood up decisively.  He startled, but calmed down soon after.  That was until I reached for him again.  Bandit dodged away from my grasp and stepped away from my bike.  Pointing towards the woods, he told me something and started walking in that direction.  “No, look!  I’m going to give you a real home now!  Your name’s gonna be Bandit and I’ll take care of you.  You don’t have to fight to survive out here anymore.”  I stepped over to him and tried to pick him up again, but he took off at a run — surprisingly fast for something so small.  Thankfully, it only took a little jog to catch up with him and corner Bandit with my hands.
The survivor began yelling as I stood back up.  His legs were pinned in one hand and his torso in the other.  “Tahw eht lleh?!  Tahw era uoy gniod htiw em?!  Tup em nwod!  I t’nod tnwa uoy ot yrrac em dnuora; I nac klaw tsuj enif!”  He sounded angry, but he just didn’t understand.  He probably thought I was taking him back to that sad little spot I’d found him tucked up in.  “Man, you gotta calm down!” I told him surprisedly, “You’re yelling like I’m going to murder you or something.  I’m literally saving your life!”
As gently as I could with all his struggling, I placed Bandit into my bike basket and hopped on.  He peered over the edge for a moment, confused.  However, he gasped and ducked down inside as I lifted the kickstand.  “Yeh!  I- I thguoht ew erew sdneirf!  Erehw era uoy gnikat em?”  “That’s right,” I said softer than before, “I’m getting you out of here.  Now hold on tight!  We’ll be at my house before you know it!”
I biked slowly through the parking lot and across the road, but once I hit the bike trail, I took off — excited to bring home my new pet.  Bandit yelled a few more times, and I slowed down each time.  However, I kept forgetting and speeding back up again.  About two-thirds of the way there, my little pet finally had enough.  While I was focused on a blind turn up ahead, the little thing lept out of the basket.  A heartstopping thwack resounded off the dirt path as he hit it.  I came to a screeching halt a few feet further and dropped my bike to the ground, rushing to his side.  
Blood had begun pooling through his pant leg as he hastily scrambled to his feet before immediately falling back over again.  “Bandit!  Holy shit!  Why’d you do that?!  I thought survivors were smart enough to know not to jump out of a moving vehicle!”  An agonizing cry stopped me from scolding him any longer.  “Shit, I..  I gotta get you home and bandage that up.”  Scooping him up in my arms, I drove the rest of the way single-handedly — Bandit gasping and whining the whole way back.  The sound made me sick.  I don’t understand!  He knew it was moving!  They’re supposed to be the second smartest creatures in the world besides humans!
I drove straight into the backyard when I got home, rushing for the back door.  However, when I threw it open, my sister stood in the doorway, arms crossed.  I had quick enough reflexes to hide Bandit behind my back, but that was all.  “I knew you were up to something when Mom told me where you were going!” she accused.  “No!” I yelped, covering up a groan from my little injured pet.  “I was at the park!  I swear!”  “So why are you sneaking in the back-”  Julie’s face paled mid-sentence.  “Ritchie?  Is that blood on your sweatshirt?”  Shit.  It was.  Bandit’s leg must’ve bled into my clothing while I was holding him tucked against my chest.
There was no use trying to lie.  Julie was a veterinary major — specializing in surgery.  She knew blood when she saw it.  “I- I can explain.”  Before I could explain anything, she grabbed my arm and fearfully yanked it out from behind me.  Bandit cried out in pain as he was jerked forward.  Protectively, I tucked him back against myself as my shocked sister let go of me.  “I knew you would go back for that survivor,” she said under her breath.  “But what the hell did you do?”
“I- I didn’t do anything!  He jumped out of my bike while I was riding it and-”  “Give him to me.”  “What?  No!  What are you going to do with him?”  She held out her cupped hands, “What do you think I’m going to do with him?  I have to stop him from bleeding like that or he will die.  Please, just let me have him.”  “I- It’s not that bad!” I lied, backing away, “This stain isn’t even that big!”  “It is to him.”  Julie’s voice suddenly turned hostily serious.  Hesitantly, I tried to give Bandit to her, but he gasped and tried to avoid her hands.
I was about to tell her that I should just bring him wherever she wanted him, but Julie spoke first.  “S’ti thgirla; I t’now truh uoy.  M’i ereh ot pleh uoy.”  I blinked, dumbstruck.  Even Bandit stopped struggling.  “Did.. you just speak survivor language?” I gawked.  Less than a second later, Bandit practically flung himself out of my grasp and into Julie’s arms.  He started speaking so quickly, even she gave him a confused look.  “Tsuj gnah ni ereht,” she said gently, “Ll’i teg uoy dexif pu.”  She rushed off into the bathroom.  The rumbling of medicine bins filled the air along with the sound of rushing water.  I was so stunned I stood in the doorway for several minutes before quickly closing the back door and rushing after my sister.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Ai’ with Aye & Akk - The Eclipse & Thai honorifics
hazmatilda asked: (and tumblr ate it so I’m reposting)
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So I went down quite a rabbit hole with your bl linguistics Tag (thanks for that, 3 hours of reading when I should have been sleeping or working on my masters thesis for Wednesday :/ ), and I am riveted. I started watching Thai BLs with bad buddy when it was airing, and have watched most of the ones that have aired since then and now working on the backlog. I love linguistics, and have been noticing the different personal pronouns etc in Thai especially, so it was really cool to see that all laid out in your posts! The third person one is particular is quite special to me, and I wish it existed more in English and German. It's very frustrating being a genderqueer person living in Germany because non gendered pronouns don't really exist, and when they do it's quite niche and hard to get others to use :/
I couldn't agree more. I've grown to have real affection and love for Thailand's pronouns.
I also adore the way in many Asian languages we can just say our own name for the "I" pronoun. So much harder to forget someone's name and ALSO  you're consistently reminded of what it is and how it shoudl be pronounced.
Just so you don't have to deal with my terrible (and hugely erratic) tagging system, I do have a language post meta guide (master post round up) just in case you want to rabbit hole some more: 
BL Language & Culture Master Post (mostly Thai) 
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Back to your question... 
Anyway, my question is, I noticed in The Eclipse the Ai' prefix (particle?) used between the boys, which you mentioned is not really used in BLs often, and I wanted your more detailed take on the way that Akk changes in his address of Aye in this regard, especially over the last couple of episodes. Is he being particularly rude?
Ai is an honorific originally used between peer/age mates/equals. (Like Phi or Nong.)
But now, depending on the stress/emphasis it carries different connotations including affection (Akk & Aye), insult (Ae & Pond in Love By Chance), annoyance/exasperation (Leo in Don't Say No), or pleading/whining (Fiat in Don't Say No).
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Is he being particularly rude?
Yes but also, no. He's being... rudely affectionate? He's changing the boundaries of their relationship with, what amounts to, what I'd call an “insult honorific or mode of address.” (Common within peer groups, particularly marginalized ones. See gay & masculine identified use of "bitch" in late 90s early 2000s queer culture, particularly in North American coastal cities.)
So amongst some of my queer friends, regardless of gender or orientation someone will often yell, "Hey Biiitchesss!" Technically an insulting term, in this context, a friends honorific among peers and a way of identifying oneself and ones friends as different from the surrounding social morays.
Back to Ai'.
It seems mostly used for relationship emphasis these days (friendly intimacy, of a jocular/teasing nature), and almost always among peers. I think of it occasionally as an insult honorific.
In California the word "dude" is often used for this. "Seriously, dude!?" when someone cuts you off on the FWY. "Hey, Dude" to a friend you meet for lunch. "Awe, Dude, that's rough" affection/sympathy. And so forth.
I haven't watched Eclipse in a while so I can't speak to the bit your actually referring to. So there may be an additional use pattern in play, but Ai is an interesting honorific, in that it's one of those that isn’t always, or even often, entirely honoring. So to speak.
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I do talk about Ai quite a bit in this post: 
Why Ai'Hia was so funny in Cutie Pie
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Never let me go also seems to be playing with the formality a lot, due to the class differences, which is cool to see. I'm sure the changing register and formality will play into PalmNuengs speech as the show progresses hehe.
Sorry for the ramble! 🧡🧡🧡
No apologies for rambling needed here, since I’m ruler of rambletown. 
Yes it’s very very fun to see. You also get this a little with RainPhayu in Oh My Sunshine night (young high class seme + older servant uke), and a TON with Ae & Pete in Love By Chance. 
If you haven’t watched it, I would highly recommend that one. Pete talks almsot entirely in high formal register and Ae in low. It’s a great way to train your ear for the two different registers. There’s no spoiled prince dynamic, so it’s an entirely different play on a class difference than NLMG. They are one of my all time favorite pairs for many reasons. Language is one.
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All the best and I hope you keep enjoying yourself with BL and the linguistics! 
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
Pictures of you-Chapter 13 (90's Liam Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90's Liam Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Angst AF (this chapter is sad guys), mention of mental hospital, Language, Smut, maybe a few spelling mistakes.
Words: 3695
Summary: 1998, your marriage is doing well until Meg reveals a truth that will change your year and your wedding vows forever.
A/N: Hey everybody ! I'm back for chapter 13! I hope you'll like it as per usual. I'll try to publish a Wednesday smut next week but I can't tell for sure because it'll be my birthday week so I might be absent.
Enjoy !
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(Jeez I never saw that picture before and damn he's attractive)
January 8th 1998- New Jersey-USA
I was clean from drugs. Noel was calming down; Meg was clean as well, but Liam was still on them.
I was following therapy and was taking my medication correctly.
I started working again with Oasis, on tour.
I even had stopped drinking alcohol, so parties were almost annoying for me.
This night, Oasis were playing BB&T Pavilion in Camden in New Jersey. I was taking pictures of the band before the gig.
The second before I saw what would change my life and break my heart, I was taking pictures of Bonehead and Alan preparing before going on stage. Then a picture of Guigsy making faces in front of my camera.
Guigs, stop! I said laughing
At least ye’ll have a memorable picture fer tonight!
Oh yeah, certainly! And I’ll show it to everyone on your birthday, mate!
Don’t care, I assume everything! He said laughing
Suddenly, I heard shouting behind me.
I turned around and saw Liam, Noel and Meg yell at each other.
I didn’t know what they were arguing about, but I was anxious about it. So, I went towards them.
Hey! what’s going on here? I asked
Nothing sweetheart, just the usual stuff.
And what’s Meg doing in all this?
I just wanted Noel and Liam to stop arguing, that’s all. She answered
I never heard you yell, I’m just surprised, but thank you for trying to make it stop.
You’re welcome.
As we started walking away, Noel shouted something.
I’m not done with ye, we’ll talk about it later!
Yeah, we’ll see that! Liam answered back
Liam took me by the hand and prepared to go on stage.
It looks more serious than the usual arguments.
Oh no, it was really the usual thing love, there’s nothing to worry about. Noel will calm the fuck down, ye’ll see, he’ll apologize after the gig.
A minute before going on stage guys! Alan shouted
Are ye staying there? Liam asked
Yeah, and might go next to the stage to take pictures.
I’ll put on me best faces, me.
And even if you don’t, you’re still fucking handsome.
I know! He said before kissing me and going on stage
And I did what I had said, taking good pictures. And when I was next to the stage, I could see that Noel was looking at his brother as if he was going to murder him. Something was definitely wrong. I had to found what and how I could act on it.
But nothing more was said this night. The pain I was about to feel had only been delayed for a month.
February 11th 1998-London:
Liam and Noel were out in London for one of their friend’s bachelor party. So Meg proposed me to join her and her friends to have a drink in a pub.
I accepted because I was bored on my own and didn’t want to watch a movie.
I joined them at 9pm, and only drank sodas when Meg was drinking cocktails over cocktails and ended up wasted. Her friends left and we were the two remaining.
Hope they won’t argue tonight, I don’t like to see them fight even if it’s usual. I said
Yeah, me neither. But you know, their eldest big fight is a month old, when…
When you tried to calm them down in Camden?
Oh, actually I was part of the argument.
What do you mean Meg?
Well, I was screaming at your husband. Not Noel. Noel was right to scream at him with me.
What? But…why?
So Liam didn’t tell you what it was about then.
He just told me it was the usual stuff.
Oh sweetie… Sadly it wasn’t usual.
Meg, you’re worrying me, is there something I should know?
By now, yes. Let me order you a drink before I tell you.
Meg… I don’t drink alcohol anymore.
I know, but you’ll need this drink, believe me. I’m not trying to make you an alcoholic again, but you’ll need it.
She ordered my classic big glass of pure vodka, because she knew it was my coping drink.
Is it that serious? I asked, looking at my glass
It is. And I swear on my wedding ring I’m gonna kill Liam for not telling you like he promised to do.
Is it Peggy? Paul? Is one of them sick?
No, they’re fine love, it’s really about Liam.
I was so anxious I took a big sip of my glass.
Okay… I’m ready, tell me.
Listen Y/N... my little darling, it’s going to hurt, but you have to know that Noel and I will be there for you and what it was about. You’re my sister-in-law and also my closest friend, and when I saw this, I threatened Liam to tell you if he didn’t. And I’m really hurt too by the idea of telling you this. It’s the hardest thing I ever had to do.
Please Meg, I love you too but cut the shit.
Okay… A few days before Camden, I was in a café in London with Sadie, and we were sat at a table when a couple came and sat at a table not far from ours. After a few minutes they started arguing and I recognized Liam’s voice. I turned over and I saw he was arguing with Lisa Moorish. Eventually, she left, and I saw why they were arguing. I heard the words “the baby” a few times in their argument. And… Lisa Is pregnant. Like very pregnant.
Meg, that’s bullshit, Liam would never have cheated on me.
Wait Y/N, I’m not done. He didn’t see me at first, and when he was about to leave, he saw me, and I was agape. I think he freaked out. He immediately came towards me and told me I really shouldn’t tell you about this, that I didn’t hear anything, or I would deal with a real bad moment.
My whole world, my marriage, my mental health progress, all of this was falling apart. I didn’t know, but tears had started running down my face and I was zoning out. It took me a few moments for me to “come back to earth” when Meg dug her nails in my hand, seeing I wasn’t reacting anymore.
Y/N, I’m so sorry…
Don’t be Meg. Thank you for telling me.
I drank the rest of my glass in a row, before hugging her and leaving to go home, crying.
Meg didn’t make me an alcoholic. I already was. And before confronting Liam, I needed more of these.
While waiting for my husband at our house, I drank and smoked more cigarettes than I should have. I was wasted, in pain even though all the alcohol I drank, but I still wanted to confront him.
I prepared a bag in case, if what Meg told me was true.
But Meg wasn’t a liar, she never lied to me. It was the cliché of the cheated lover waiting in the dark with a drink in her hand.
When Liam arrived and closed the front door, I threw my now empty glass on the wall next to him. The glass broke, and Liam turned the light on, stunned.
Y/N, What the fuck?! He yelled
You fucking asshole! I answered the same
What the fuck?! He repeated
I was with Meg tonight. Is there anything you want to tell me William?
What? He said acting as if he didn’t understand anything
I know everything you fucker! I was so fucking right to be suspicious about your relationship with Lisa! She’s my fucking ex, my ass!
Oh shit…
A silence that lasted a few seconds took place.
Oh shit? That’s all you have to say?! How could you do this to me?
Listen, love, I’m soz…
You’re sorry? It’s not like it wasn’t something that lasted a few months! And thinking I married you… I should have listened to Noel; he was right this whole time!
You don’t have your word to say. You made a fool out of me!
Y/N, please, I love ye!
Don’t you dare! If you really did love me, you wouldn’t have fucked Lisa and put her pregnant!
I took the full bag next to me.
What the fuck do ye think yer doing?
I’m leaving you.
Yer wot? No Y/N, please, don’t leave me, ye can’t leave me, please, I’ll make it up to ye, I’m begging ye! He said, holding my wrist with his hand
Let go of me! I yelled
Tears started running down our faces, but I had no right to weaken in front of him, he had done enough.
He tried to follow me, but I started running and he gave up.
I took a cab that drove me to Saint Ann’s Hospital. I needed to protect myself from myself. I knew since my suicide attempt that I was weak and dangerous for myself. It would be better to keep me safe.
February 15th 1998- Saint Ann’s Hospital – Daisy Ward
I had the right to receive visits. My husband didn’t know where I was and wasn’t apparently looking for me.
I asked two persons to come and visit me, at the same hour.
I was sat in the park and Noel arrived first.
Here she is. Why did ye go missing?
Because of your brother. Meg told me everything. You were right Noel. He fucked me up.
Hey, no, I’m soz fer saying that, I had a cob on when I said it. Deep down, I hoped he changed. Ye were the first one he wanted to marry. He really did seem to love ye. I’m sure he still does; he just doesn’t know how to keep his fucking dick in his trousers. That’s why when Meg told me what happened, I yelled at him. Remember what I promised 3 years ago? I may act like a fucking bastard sometimes, but I always keep me promises, me.
Am I supposed to thank you Noely? I said sarcastically
Noel chuckled; he knew it was humor.
Why are ye there Y/N?
To keep me from doing something stupid. But I didn’t call you for that.
Why then?
This. I said, showing someone behind him
Behind him was arriving the second person I called, who introduced me to photography. My cousin Pete.
Hi little one! He said
Hi cousin!
He held me in his arms and greeted Noel.
So, why am I here? He asked
I wanted you to meet Noel because I have something to ask you both.
Go ahead. Noel said
Okay, so Noel, Pete is my cousin as you could hear me say, and he’s a photographer. Knowing I won’t be able to follow you on tour for personal and mental health matter, I’d like to know if you’d accept to give a chance to Pete. He’s the one who taught me everything, and to my eyes, he’s the best photographer in the world.
Sure! Did ye see your cousin’s work? Noel asked
If I saw it? Man, I’m the proudest cousin in the world, her pictures are excellent.
I had a good teacher! I answered
Pete smiled
Okay. I’ll give ye yer luck.
Take good care of him Noely.
Also him. I’ll stay here for a few, until I feel a bit better.
Do ye know where to go after?
Noel fumbled in his pockets and took out keys.
Here. I always have a double of my keys, ye never know. When ye’ll be out, go to Supernova heights.
Are you sure?
Y/N, ye’re me sister-in-law and me best friend. If I give ye me keys, yeah, I’m sure.
I hugged Noel.
Thank you.
‘s nothing. He answered
Anyway, are you two staying a bit with me?
Of course! the two answered at the same time
While Oasis were on tour, I was living at Noel’s and Meg’s. The two were calling me everyday to get some news and called me when they were about to come back from tour in March, so I had time to move somewhere else. Meanwhile, no news from Liam.
I moved with my other brother-in-law Paul for 3 months, still no news from Liam.
Then my last destination was Graham’s apartment.
We couldn’t have lived a love story, but we were friends and nothing else by now.
I was alone and bored, so one day, Graham took me to the studios with him. I made friends with the other guys, but Damon was scaring me a bit. Like me, he was suffering from a painful breakup, but compared to me, he was high on heroin.
Still having no news from my husband, I decided to write him a letter that finally I would never send, and that would become one of Blur’s heartbreaking songs:
“Liam, I know it’s over, you don’t need to tell me, I hope you found someone who makes you feel safe in your sleeping tonight.  Won’t kill myself trying to stay in your life because I got no distance left to run. When you’ll see me, please, turn your back and walk away, I don’t wanna see you. I know the dreams that you keep because that’s where we meet. When you’re coming down, think of me here. I knew it would end this way; I hope you found someone who makes you feel that this life is a life. One who settles down and stays around and spends more time with you than I had the chance to. When I was coming home, your absence made the house feel so cold. Now there’s no more home. I can’t keep living this and wait to have news from you everyday. Know that I really loved you.
Y/N Gallagher”
And one day, when Graham came in the spare room I was staying in, he found the letter.
You’re planning on leaving Liam definitely?
I don’t know. Why?
Just found your letter, looks like poetry.
Well thank you I guess? But you can’t throw it away, I’m not planning to send it.
Well actually… Do you mind if I keep it and give it to Damon?
What for?
Lyrics…songs…could inspire him. I know he wants to write something about his story with Justine so…
Oh yeah, whatever, you can have it, give him the whole credits, as if I didn’t write it please.
Okay, thank you.
Nevermind !
That’s how with a few modifications, a soul, instruments and Damon’s beautiful voice, this letter became No distance left to run.
But I had to act. I couldn’t stay like this. So if Liam didn’t love me and want me anymore, the best was to send him divorce papers.
Do you know a lawyer?
December 11th 1998- Graham’s apartment- London
Graham was in Iceland with Blur, so I was all alone in the apartment.
Having no news from Liam, I went to see a lawyer.
I couldn’t stay in this situation, Liam’s silence was too hard to handle, and meant he didn’t want to do anything with me anymore.
So I asked for divorce papers I filled, and my lawyer sent them to Liam.
But I was fucking mistaken.
At 10pm, someone banged at the door.
It was unusual, and I panicked. So I took the first thing I could find, and it was the living room’s lamp.
I grabbed it and approached the door. I slowly opened it and saw my dear husband, who was enraged.
He pushed the door and entered the apartment without being invited.
That’s where ye were fucking hidden then? I’ve been looking fer ye everywhere! He yelled
Not that much apparently! How dare you coming here after almost a year of silence to fucking yell at me? What the fuck are you even doing here?
He showed me a big envelope he was holding in his hand.
Fer this! So this is how ye want things then? Ye want to end a 3 year relationship?
2 years actually, this year doesn’t count.
That’s not what I’m fucking getting at! Ye want us to fucking divorce?! He kept yelling
When I married you Liam, nowhere it was fucking written that you had the right to be unfaithful to me! Nowhere!
I said I was fucking sorry, okay?
I chuckled, even though I was on the edge of tears.
Because you think that saying you’re sorry is enough? Do you think that when your father was saying he was sorry to your mother after beating her it was enough?
Don’t ye dare going on this path!
Oh, but I’ll dare! I wasn’t wrong when I said you were like him, you may not be a wife beater, but just like him, you’re a fucking womanizer.
Liam fists were clenching.
How’s the daughter you fathered by the way? I heard you didn’t recognize her?
It was too much for Liam who started to cry. He put his hand around my neck and pinned me against the wall before letting out a big scream of rage.
Here we are. You show your real face. Still don’t want to divorce? I murmured
Ye fucking whore!
What did you just call me?
Ye’re a fucking whore!
I slapped him.
But I’m the whore you married, honey.
Liam let go of my throat and pushed me. I fell on the ground, and dragged him down with me.
I got on top of him and punched him until he grabbed both my wrists with strength, and I tried to fight back.
But you know Liam has always been stronger than me. He took control and straddled me.
His rage dissipated in a few seconds, when he saw the tears flowing from my eyes.
He softened and kissed me harshly, imposing his body on mine.
And the whole hate of the heated moment disappeared with passion.
Liam slipped the strap of my nightie off and pulled it up to my waist, ripping my panties off, while I was helping him with his trousers.
He pulled them down and kissed me again before letting his lips go down on my breasts and suck on them.
At the very same time, he entered me without warning.
We let out a moan in unison. He didn’t let me get adjusted to his size and started thrusting in me.
His pace was fast, his lips were alternating between kisses on mine and my breasts.
He gripped my hips with strength, making him go deeper.
I never want to divorce, ye hear me? Never! He grunted
I answered with a loud moan.
Don’t ye love me Y/N? ‘Cause I love ye!
I love you Liam… I always did! I whined
I knew my hips would be bruised the next day and I also knew I wouldn’t last long.
Liam was starting to hit my G-spot, and my walls were convulsing around him.
Oh fuckin’ hell Y/N, I love ye…
My nails dug in his back, and I clung to him.
Liam was holding me tight, as if he was scared, I would leave again, rolling his hips against mine sloppily by now, indicating he was close.
His moans got louder, a thin layer of sweat covering our skins, my legs starting to shake.
Oh Liam…
He kept drilling inside me slowly, until my insides spasmed continuously around him.
Yer going to make me fucking cum Y/N…Are ye with me?
Yes Liam… And are you mine?
I’m only yers baby, only yers, forever!
Hearing his words threw me over the edge.
I was a moaning mess, coming undone around his member.
His hips stuttered, as he painted my insides with his hot release, grunting my name and swearing.
He collapsed on top of me, his head falling in the crook of my neck.
Silence took place, but a good one this time.
While we were catching our breaths, a question came to my mind.
How did you find me? I asked, panting
I didn’t marry a stupid woman. He answered the same
What do you mean Liam?
The divorce papers Y/N. The address you were at was written on it.
Oh. Forgot about that.
Can I fucking tear ‘em up now?
It all depends on you Liam. Because of your silence, I thought you didn’t want me anymore.
Firstly, I was on tour until march, secondly, I was thinking on how I could make ye come back, and thirdly, in June, I decided that one of the things that could help ye come back to me was to go to rehab. I stood there ‘til fucking October and during this whole year I tried to know where ye fucking were, ‘Cause yeah, I’ve been looking fer ye. But I would never have guessed ye were at Coxon’s.
Well congratulations, you finally found me.
He looked at me in the eyes.
Y/N, can we start over? I love ye. I really fucking love ye. Always did.
I sighed.
This is your second and last chance. If you ever fucking cheat on me again, it’ll be over. You have to know it might take time, because I have to learn how to trust you again.
I know. And I’ll never do it again. I promise, me.
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zorinanana · 1 year
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Like A Glass Bottle is an illustrated fanfiction I wrote a few months back about Vil Schoenheit going back to his hometown for the winter holidays. I already posted it on Ao3, but I wanted to post it here as well!
Rating: M (Strong language, suggestive content, Vil being thirsty)
Pairings: Jack/Vil, hints of Malleyuu
Content Warnings: PTSD, Anxiety, Vil having a weird relationship with food
Word Count: Long as Fuck (~45k words)
<- Previous (Chapters 1-4)
He’d been trying so hard to pretend he was fine, after the competition. Yes, the loss hadn’t hurt as much as he’d expected, but it wasn’t about the loss. The loss didn’t matter. It was about the way his body had ached and the noxious black sludge he was coughing up for weeks afterward.
It was about seeing those boys lying on makeshift beds in the cafeteria and looking at them and looking at Malleus and knowing that could have been you. If they had been even a minute slower, you would have done something just as horrible as this. And everyone would hate you as much as they hate Malleus now, this gentle, lonely man with too much power to bear and not enough to hold his pieces together.
Something had broken inside him that day, something too fragile and sharp to fix. If they tried to repair it, it would just cut apart their fingers before shattering into smaller and smaller pieces. Like a glass bottle of apple juice on a cold stone floor.
He couldn’t ask Jack to take that, this broken version of himself, and pretend like it was something precious to him.
Chapter 5 - Attraction
The next day, Vil managed to connect to his father at 12:30. Their conversation had been short, just a quick confirmation that they were both fine before the interference cut them off. It was disappointing, after all the worrying he’d done, but Vil was still relieved. He could finally expend some energy stressing out about some other ridiculous thing, like his… weird situation with Jack.
But now, it was a sleepy mid-afternoon, and they had all scattered to different parts of the house to kill time. The snow had started falling in a flurry a few hours before, Jack’s father cursing at the mess the younger Howls had made of the foyer as they rushed to get inside. Vil tried not to laugh when Morris stomped upstairs, yelling “Which one of you knuckleheads filled the umbrella stand with snow?!”
“So, what are our options?” Vil asked from his perch on Jack’s couch, savoring the warmth of the fresh tea in his hand. A fire crackled in the fireplace to his left, Morris had just lit it up a few minutes ago and there were plenty of logs for them to throw in later. Jack sat on the floor in front of the TV, searching for DVDs in the cluttered entertainment cabinet. He held up each offering as he found it, his tail swishing back and forth in concentration.
“Uh… A raunchy 90’s comedy for douchebags?”
“A drama about rival horse jockeys?”
“One of Autumn’s movies?”
“Is it an actually good one, or a so-bad-it’s-good one?”
“I dunno, but the villain is some guy called ‘The Needle Man’.”
“Hm. Maybe later.”
“Some cartoon my brother likes?”
“Depends on whether your brother has taste. Put that one in the ‘maybe’ pile.”
“Paw Blart: Mall Cat 2?”
“Can we just burn that one?”
“I don’t want to risk burning my house down just to destroy Paw Blart: Mall Cat 2.”
“Fine, pass.”
“…Oh for fuck’s sake. A porn video my dad must have lost?”
“…What kind of porn?”
“I’m guessing straight. Looks pretty vanilla, too.”
“Okay, how about…” Jack really had to stretch for whatever it was he was seeing. He adjusted his position to reach further back, lifting his butt in the air. Vil leaned forward, taking a nervous sip of his tea and definitely not staring.
“A… boxset of a tween show that you were in?” He turned the strange object towards Vil, eyebrows high on his confused face. “That is you on the cover, right?”
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“Oh, wow, this certainly brings back memories.” He took the dusty “Fairweather Academy” boxset from Jack, turning it over to read the blurb on the back. “That was a fun job. The writing for this show was surprisingly good. It was something of a cult hit, my fans still ask me about it sometimes.” He didn’t mention that Tammy had been one of them.
“Really? I never heard of it.”
“The network never promoted it properly,” Vil sighed, placing the box on the coffee table and returning to his tea. “It was cancelled after two seasons. A miracle it ever got a second one, really.”
“What was it about?”
“The main character was this girl.” He tapped the smiling brunette on the cover. “She wins a scholarship to a prestigious academy for the arts and she has to pretend she’s rich to fit in. The humor comes from the fish out of water scenario, she’s surrounded by braindead rich kids and always getting dragged into their shenanigans. Imagine: an entire campus full of Kalims.”
Jack chuckled. “That’s mean.”
“It’s not mean if I’m right.” Vil took another sip from his tea. “Anyway, her love interest was the other boy on the cover-the one with the dark hair. I played the rival love interest, always trying to steal her away.”
“Sounds pretty standard to me.”
“You would think so, right? But the main writer-This woman named Fennel Thornsby, she writes for Hightower Manor now-she’s a genius.“
“Oh, damn.” Jack’s eyes widened. “My mom loves that show. Its super popular, right?”
“It is, and that’s for a good reason. Fairweather was a comedy, but she still went out of her way to develop all the characters into complex, fully realized people with intricate personal lives. It had a lot of heart compared to your typical sitcom schlock for kids.”
“Sounds like you really respect her.”
“I do. I’d love to work with her again someday.”
“So what was up with your character, then?”
“He’s the type who looks like a superficial playboy on the surface, but he only acts the way he does because he thinks that his looks are the only thing going for him. As he grows closer to the other characters, he allows more of his vulnerabilities and good qualities to show.”
Vil smiled, gazing at something far away. “He actually had a lot of chemistry with the main love interest. That was a very popular ship at the time.”
“Ship? What? I thought this was an art school, are they sailors now?”
“Shipping. Relationshipping. It’s a thing fans do, where they make stories and art of their favorite characters dating and… other things.”
“Why? Isn’t watching the show enough?”
Vil looked shocked over his half-empty teacup. “Oh, Jack. You poor, sweet, simple boy. It is never enough.”
Jack’s ears flattened against his head, his face still a frozen mask of confusion.
“Nevermind. It’s not for everyone.” Vil sighed.
Jack looked down at the boxset again, sliding the sleeves out and inspecting the discs.
“…Wanna watch it?”
“Absolutely not. Actually, can we burn it with Paw Blart 2?”
“We’re not burning any DVDs, Vil.”
“Hmph. Fine. Just give me the maybe pile and I’ll choose from there.” Jack lifted the tiny pile from the floor to the coffee table, nudging it forward until Vil could reach it.
“Weird that this would be here, though.” The beastman pondered over the boxset some more. “I dunno who would have watched it. Only my brother would’ve been old enough, and this is so not his thing.”
“Maybe he had a friend over who left it behind?”
“Nah, my brother doesn’t have friends.” Jack’s arm froze in midair, poised to place the boxset back on the shelf. “Damn, that sounds really fucking sad when I say it old loud.”
“Surely he has some friends. He probably just doesn’t want to tell you about them.”
“I dunno. He’s all goth and stuff now. Goth kids don’t need to make friends, right?”
“Goth kids make friends with other goth kids. Are you worried about him, Mr. Big Brother?”
Jack’s ears drooped slightly. “I guess so. He’s just changed so much. He doesn’t like the same stuff I do anymore.”
“That’s normal, Jack. He’s experimenting and figuring out who he is. You remember what it was like.” Vil handed him the DVD he’d chosen. It was the cartoon. “As long as he’s not doing anything dangerous, he’ll be just fine.”
“I know. You’re right…”
“Oh, don’t pout. Your little brother still loves you, Jackie. He just thinks he’s too cool to say it.” Vil stretched out from the couch to pinch his cheek. Jack grumbled and swatted his hand away.
Two episodes into Drew’s animated show, the boy himself passed through the hallway, console in hand. His ears swiveled towards the familiar sounds, and he peeked around the archway into the living room. (Apparently, Autumn had been the knucklehead who filled the umbrella stand with snow, and she was currently sulking in her room over having her tablet taken away until dinner.)
“You guys are seriously watching Py-Rats?” He asked.
“It’s actually pretty good.” Jack answered. He leaned back in his seat next to Vil and let his arm drop behind the couch. Vil’s skin prickled, thinking about how close it was to wrapping around his shoulders. “I like the villain. The one with the scar.”
“Yeah, he’s cool.” Drew invited himself in, trudging over to the beanbag chair at the end of the coffee table and falling back into it. He returned to his game, but his ears were pointed, radar-like, at the tv.
“Are you gonna watch the show or play the game or what?” Jack asked.
“I can do both.”
“So, Drew.” Vil smiled serenely at the boy, leaning towards him. “Tell me about your friends, won’t you?”
“Yeah, I’m not gonna do that.” Drew answered, not even looking up.
“Why not? It’ll give you a chance to brag about how cool they are.”
“My friends aren’t cool. None of us are cool. Being ‘cool’ is overrated.”
Oh my god he is so middle school. Vil glanced at Jack, a moment of quiet understanding passing between them.
“I meant cool in relative terms. What do you admire about them?” He prodded. Drew was unamused.
“I guess Abby is cool.” He finally conceded. “She’s got a bunch of bones and stuff in her shed.”
“That’s… interesting.”
“They’re animal bones, dumbass. She finds ‘em in the forest and she makes art out of ‘em.” Drew replied.
“They’re neat. So… she’s cool, yeah.” Drew sunk into his beanbag a little farther, like he was trying to hide. But Vil still saw the light blush on his face.
Oh, I see what’s happening here. Vil smiled despite himself. He still remembered his first real-life crush, a girl in the class next to his who had brilliant red hair and was an incredibly talented dancer. He hadn’t spoken to her even once, so Drew was making better progress than he had.
“Abby sounds lovely. What do you two do for fun?”
“I mean, she’s come over a couple times.” He mumbled. “I write stories, and she draws pictures for ‘em.”
Vil exchanged glances with Jack. The man beside him looked like he was going to explode, the way he was clearly trying to hold back some teasing joke at his lovestruck little brother’s expense. Vil nudged him with an elbow.
“Did she go on vacation?”
“Nah, but she’s got family at her house so she’s not allowed to come over.” Drew finally tore his attention away from the game so he could address Vil properly. “It sucks. She’s always texting me about how mean her cousins are.”
“Poor thing. You’ll have to make it up to her by doing something fun with her after the holidays are over.” Vil nodded sagely at the boy. If anyone was going to get this thing rolling, it would be him.
“I dunno what to do though. I spent all my money on presents so I can’t take her out anywhere.”
“You could write a nice story and read it for her.”
“B-but that’s… cheesy stuff that people do on dates.” Drew grimaced, but it was a grimace of confliction, not disgust. “She’s gonna laugh at me.”
“So what?” Vil shrugged. “I get laughed at all the time. Have you seen my online hatedom?”
“You’re a celebrity, you’re good at brushing that stuff off.” The boy grumbled.
“The more it happens, the easier it gets to brush off.”
Drew just huffed at that, throwing himself back into the beanbag chair. Vil wasn’t worried, he knew how hormonal tweens thought, and that the boy’s brain was currently churning away thinking of the perfect friend-date.
“…Hey, out of curiosity,” Drew returned to his game, but his large ears were turned sharply in their direction. “Is it hard to ask out your best friend? Like, do you ever get scared that you two will start to… not like each other?”
Vil raised an eyebrow. “Pardon?”
“Y’know, ‘cause you’re dating my brother.”
“Excuse me?!” Vil could sense Jack reeling back behind him, his arm flying up from behind the couch and returning to his side.
Drew looked back and forth between the two of them, clearly confused. “Wait. You’re not?”
Jack coughed from his side of the couch. When Vil looked over at him, he deliberately avoided his gaze, staring at the tv. “No, we’re not.” He said.
“Why not?”
Jack stared flatly at his brother, like he was trying to tell him something via telepathy. Probably to shut up. “Because… We… Don’t… Feel that way about each other?”
“It sure seems like you do.”
Jack opened his mouth to answer, but Vil, his composure recovered, tapped his arm to stop him. “Don’t bother, Jack. He’s trying to rile you up.”
“You’re such a killjoy.” Drew pouted at Vil. “You wanna know too, don’t you?”
“I’m too smart to fall for this. You’re not going to get any entertainment out of goading me.” Vil smiled his most angelic smile and Drew huffed out some kind of annoyed grunt. He turned his attention back to his brother, who looked like he wanted to sink into the couch, never to be seen again.
“But you do like Vil, don’t you, Jack?” Drew grinned. It reminded Vil of the triumphant expression Jack had whenever he won a race.
“I do. As a, uh, friend.” Jack’s eyes flickered around the room. “You know, it’s like… you and Abby. Can’t a guy be friends with someone without wanting to date them? Vil’s not even my type.”
“Then what is your type?”
Don’t take the bait, Jack. Vil thought, but he knew I was futile. He reached over to pinch the boy and remind him of his presence.
“Y’know. Buff. Sporty. Long, dark hair. Uh… Rough and rugged. That kinda guy.”
Vil yanked his hand back.
Drew’s eyes slid over to Vil, taking in his shock. “Hm, kinda sounds like the exact opposite of you, doesn’t it?”
“Stop bullying your brother into telling you about his personal life.” Vil grabbed one of the throw pillows beside him and flung it at the boy. It connected with a “ploff” and he fumbled with his game console, almost dropping it.
“I’m going to go make some more tea.” Vil stood swiftly, not even looking down at Jack. He strutted out of the room, a perfect specimen of grace and composure.
Drew waited until Vil was out of earshot before speaking. Jack cringed into the arm of the couch, his face red as a tomato. He was glad Vil had ignored him as he left.
“You are so obvious.”
“Yeah, I know, shut up.” Jack hissed at him.
“Just tell him already. He’s so into you.” Drew returned to his paused game, like they were just talking about the weather.
“You don’t know that. You don’t know anything. And besides, things are… Weird, right now.”
Jack’s ears drooped low. This was simply the reality of the situation. Vil wasn’t even at school with him anymore. He was becoming a real adult, doing a real adult job, starting a real life.
Compared to him, Jack was… the little kid neighbor who liked to follow him around. A 14-year-old with a childish room. A new driver who just got his license and went on stupid joyrides with his buddies. A spiteful idiot who ghosted his best friend when he was clearly hurting.
“It wouldn’t be a good time.”
But Drew just rolled his eyes. He was so above this nonsense. He and Abby were both above it. They would never act like this. “You’re both stupid. Whatever. Not like I care.”
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Vil pulled out his phone as he waited for the water to boil. He scrolled through his contacts all the way down to L, locating a certain person whose number he had only gotten for housewarden duties and who he’d never, ever wanted to speak to again.
Vil: You sly little bitch.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): thats a hell of a way to start a conversation
whats ur deal
also don’t call people bitches its sexist
Vil: What’s going on with you and Jack?
Leona (DO NOT CALL): who
Vil: Jack Howl.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): oh that jack. idk wtf ur talking about i cant stand the guy
Vil: You’re lying to me.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): if i was u would never know lol
but no im not
who even told u theyre was sumthin up? their a dumbass lmfao
Vil: I have my sources.
Do you at least know if he’s been hanging out with anyone in particular?
Someone with dark hair?
And stop pretending that you don’t know how to type properly.
I know you know the difference between “they’re” and “their”.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): lmaooooooooooooooooooo
ur pretty funny vil u should do a comedy for ur next dumb movie
idk whats up with jack and i dont care
what did he finally get a bf and kick ur ass to the curb
Vil: He did no such thing.
You should know about these things, you lived with him for a whole year!
You’re his housewarden, for god’s sake.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): idk what to tell u but its not fucking normal to know every detail of every freshman’s dating life
only a control freak like u would care about that
besides im not the housewarden anymore, ruggie is, ask him
Vil: I don’t have his number.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): then cope ---
Vil resisted the urged to spike his phone into the ground. Morris had just mopped the tiles this morning, and he didn’t want to dirty them with whatever stupid Leona bullshit was now saved to his SIM card. This conversation was over.
So he was startled when the device pinged again.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): ok since were such good buddies and all ill give u ruggies #
its ###-###-####
dont say I never did anything for u
Vil: Why are you helping me now?
Leona (DO NOT CALL): bc i think it will be funnier
ur both trainwrecks u deserve each other
Vil: Thank you, Leona.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): dont u dare fucking thank me or ill delete the message with the #
dont test me jackass
Vil smirked despite himself. Ah, good old Leona. He'd almost missed their little spats.
Vil: Hello Ruggie, this is Vil Schoenheit from Pomefiore.
I got your number from Leona.
Ruggie Bucchi: Lmao he wasnt kidding your really just like this!
Hows it goin dude. Leona’s here rn he already told me you were gonna text me
Vil: It’s going fine, thanks.
I’ll get to the point.
Do you know if Jack is dating anyone?
Ruggie Bucchi: Lol holy shirt???
Sorry autocorrect
Damn you don’t waste any time
No I don’t think he is
He did ask me out once tho
Vil: Excuse me?
Ruggie Bucchi: Yeah I think he’s over that now so you should be fine
Go for it dude, he’ll be over te moon
Cool to know one of our first real conversations is just you thirsting over Jack’s dick tho
Vil: I asked you one question. You don’t even know why I’m asking.
Ruggie Bucchi: To quote Leona:
Bru you guys are not subtle like at all
The only reason he hasn’t noticed yet is cuz hes dense as a brick
You got your work cut out for you
Vil: I don’t appreciate you insulting my friend like that.
Ruggie Bucchi: Srry your right
He’s dense as a brick (affectionate)
There is that better
Vil: Not really, no.
Ruggie Bucchi: I rly don’t mean anything bad by it lol
We all think he’s adorable tbh I can see the appeal
I coulda been his little househusband, rip
Vil: Har har. You and Leona are both very funny.
Thanks for letting me know, though.
Ruggie Bucchi: Good fucking luck
Vil sighed, putting his phone back in his pocket and returning to the tea. He wasn’t going to get anything else out of them, but at least he was reasonably sure that Jack didn’t have a secret rugged dark-haired boyfriend. Great. Wonderful. Why had he needed to know that so bad that he would text Leona, of all people?
It wasn’t as if he had plans to ask Jack out. Yeah, things had been... Weird. And sexy. And weirdly sexy. But it was normal to want a man that hot to hold you in his arms and do horribly, disgustingly dirty things to you, right? Of course it was. Even if that man was Jack, the boy he had known since he was 3 feet tall and who he had seen get his tail caught in a pool drain once.
It was all a fantasy. Pretend. Like his little daydreams about Jack being in Pomefiore. Or the… things he had thought about in the shower the other day.
He made a fist against the cool granite of the counter and stirred just a dash of milk into his fresh tea. It was just murky enough that he couldn’t see his reflection anymore.
In the real world, he knew Jack had an attraction to him as well. He wasn’t stupid. Everyone was attracted to him. What he was worried about were the emotions beyond that.
Vil knew what he wanted from Jack, and it was more than sex. He had a suspicion it was what Jack wanted, too. He saw it in the gentle way Jack would touch him, the unspoken thing that connected them every time they made eye contact. But it was a line that they could never cross.
Because Vil wasn’t a good person, and Jack was.
He’d been trying so hard to pretend he was fine, after the competition. Yes, the loss hadn’t hurt as much as he’d expected, but it wasn’t about the loss. The loss didn’t matter. It was about the way his body had ached and the noxious black sludge he was coughing up for weeks afterward.
It was about seeing those boys lying on makeshift beds in the cafeteria and looking at them and looking at Malleus and knowing that could have been you. If they had been even a minute slower, you would have done something just as horrible as this. And everyone would hate you as much as they hate Malleus now, this gentle, lonely man with too much power to bear and not enough to hold his pieces together.
Something had broken inside him that day, something too fragile and sharp to fix. If they tried to repair it, it would just cut apart their fingers before shattering into smaller and smaller pieces. Like a glass bottle of apple juice on a cold stone floor.
He couldn’t ask Jack to take that, this broken version of himself, and pretend like it was something precious to him.
Vil stood in the kitchen and watched the tea swirl in his cup before turning and unceremoniously dumping the whole thing in the sink.
Chapter 6 - Brush
The snowfall grew heavier and heavier, and soon, it was far too dark and heavy outside for Vil to return home.
Of course, Vil had thought it would be a good idea to leave earlier, but… they were on their 8th episode of that cartoon, and Jack had nodded off and let his fluffy head fall onto Vil’s shoulder. It would just be rude to get up and disturb him.
An hour or two later, Jack jolted awake, looking around the room in confusion. Vil giggled, his mouth stuffed with the leftover pasta he was eating straight out of a plastic container. Regna had very kindly heated it up and brought it over to him when she spotted him holding up her snoring son. The rest of the Howls had already gone to bed, and the fire was down to its last embers.
“Where is everyone?”
“It’s 11PM, Jack.”
“Shit, really? I musta missed dinner.” Jack looked out the window at the snow falling outside, his ears swiveling around to listen to the roaring wind.
“Here.” Vil held up a forkful of pasta. Jack leaned in and ate it without hesitation.
“S’good, but I need more. Be right back.”
Vil’s side felt a little cold after Jack left it. He pulled the throw blanket off the back of the couch and tossed it over his shoulders, but it still wasn’t enough. He could hear the microwave running in the kitchen and a few minutes later, Jack returned, two more containers of leftovers in his hand.
“They were gonna go bad soon anyway.” He said. Vil shook his head at him. He lifted the right side of the throw blanket with one arm, letting Jack settle beside him and pull it over both of their shoulders. That was much better.
The DVD they had been watching had ended, so the tv screen had gone dark. The fire still gave off a little light, and Jack tossed one more log in, extending its life just a bit. It was cozy, sitting in this darkness, the wind howling outside, eating unhealthy (but delicious) leftovers together.
If we got married, we would have a lot of winters like this to look forward to. Vil thought. Yeah, right. Like that would ever happen.
“I’m all rested up from that nap, wanna watch something else?”
“Sure. You pick this time.”
“How about that porno that was stashed in there.” Jack laughed. “I can’t believe my dad just left it out. What if Autumn or Drew found it?”
“How are you so sure it’s your dad’s?”
“Well, it ain’t my mom’s, and it sure as hell ain’t mine. Only old people would watch porn on DVDs.”
“You don’t know it’s not hers,” Vil pointed the fork of pasta at Jack, “Women can enjoy pornography, too.”
“Vil, I don’t want to think about my parents being into any of that shit. Let’s watch the horror movie.”
“The Needle Man” was a so-bad-it’s-good movie, as it turned out. At some points Jack had to hold his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing too hard and waking anyone else up.
“A creative tour-de-force. 5 stars. Perfect. No notes.” Vil remarked, as The Needle Man drove a car up a ramp. The unfortunate victim about to be crushed looked up to see the car’s undercarriage open, revealing a machine gun full of needles.
“This is the stupidest fucking movie I’ve ever seen.” Jack snorted. “I kinda love it.”
Vil woke to wind howling outside and someone clunking around in the entertainment cabinet. He and Jack had both fallen asleep leaning on each other, their empty leftover containers left on the coffee table. Autumn was down on the floor next to the TV, searching through the DVDs.
Vil pulled out his phone, it was 10AM. The other Howls had surely seen them and just let them sleep together like that. He didn’t know whether to be happy or embarrassed.
“Autumn, what are you looking for?” He asked.
“Needle Man.”
“We watched it last night. It’s in the player.”
“Oh, thanks.” She popped it out and placed it back in its case, closing it with a satisfying crack of plastic. “What’d ya think of it?”
“It was… great.”
“You don’t have to lie to me, I know it’s hot garbage.”
“Alright, yes, it was horrible. But it was very funny.”
Autumn turned around to grin at him. Her tail thumped on the carpet a few times. “Yoooou get it. When I tried to get Drew to watch it he started crying at the second kill. Wuss.”
Vil nodded. Wise beyond her years, this one.
“Anyway, I’m gonna go give my dad a hard time for leaving his porn out again. Might be able to get him to buy me another movie to keep me quiet. Later.”
Vil’s mouth dropped open as the little girl skipped out of the room and up the stairs.
The storm continued outside, and the weather claimed it would last until late that night. There wasn’t much to do but wait it out.
They’d tried to watch more movies, but the power kept going out for longer and longer stretches of time. They started another fire in the fireplace to keep the house warm. Buttercup finally came downstairs to lounge in front of it.
Vil hadn’t been able to contact his father, again, but he was feeling a little more at-ease now. Erik had told him he was being safe, and nothing bad had happened yet. The magical phenomena experts had said it would only last a few more days, so hopefully, he would be home sooner rather than later.
After hours of killing time with Jack’s trashy comics and briefly catching up with Malleus, Vil desperately wanted to get some of his nervous energy out. So he borrowed a yoga mat from Regna and rolled it out in the living room.
“Everyone’s gonna get sick of us commandeering this room.” Jack remarked, but he didn’t get up from his seat on the couch.
“We can always leave if they want us to.” Vil said, holding a warrior pose. “It seems like everyone has their own place they like to go. I suppose this is ours.”
“Ours is the only room with a fireplace. Sweet.” Jack lay back on the couch and reached down to scratch Buttercup’s back. She was purring so loudly Vil could hear her from the other side of the room.
“Are you just going to be lazy all day, or would you like to join me?”
“The first one.”
“Come now, Jack. You don’t want me to teach you some yoga?” Vil finished his stretch, coming back up slowly. Jack turned his head to watch him. Vil pretended not to notice how his sharp eyes were scanning him up and down.
“I can learn just fine from here.”
Oh, so that’s how it was going to be. Fine, then. Vil’s yoga routine didn’t normally involve so many poses that involved showing off his butt or doing splits, but he’d make up for it with some upper body exercise later. If Jack wanted a show, he’d get a show.
“I don’t get it. It just seems like there are so many better ways to work out.”
“It’s not always about doing the ‘best’ workout, Jack. It’s relaxing. It’s good for your mental health.”
Vil sighed in exasperation. He marched up to the couch and tugged on Jack’s sleeve. “Get up, you’re driving me crazy. All I’m asking for is five minutes of your time. It’s not as if we have anything better to do.”
Jack looked at Vil’s hand on his sleeve, then back up at his face. He shrugged and slid off the couch. “Fiiiine.”
“Here, we’ll start with downward-facing dog.” Vil demonstrated the pose. “It’s one of the first poses you learn.”
Jack copied him on the carpet next to him. “Like this?”
“You’re leaning too far forward. Try to keep your heels on the ground.” Vil returned from his pose and reached out to push Jack into the right form. His bushy tail started to wag, but Jack forced it to stop.
“That is a pretty good stretch, actually.” Jack said. “Guess I gotta go buy a bunch of smelly candles and learn how to meditate if I’m gonna get into this.”
“You don’t have to go that far.” Vil laughed.
Vil led him through a few more beginner poses, occasionally correcting his form. Every time he did, his hands lingered on Jack’s body just a second longer than before. This is… Starting to get dangerous. Vil thought.
“Can you do any of those really crazy poses? Like twisting yourself up and stuff.” Jack asked.
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Vil scoffed. He effortlessly lifted himself into a perfect one-legged crow pose, his back and extended leg as straight as an arrow. He couldn’t see Jack’s expression from his position, but he knew he’d be losing it.
Tumblr media
“Holy shit.”
“Don’t be too impressed. There are several that are just as difficult and I’m nowhere near as practiced with them. I’ve still got a long way to go.”
“How long can you hold it like that?”
“About five minutes.”
Jack whistled. “That’s pretty wild, dude. I guess I actually do gotta get into yoga.”
“You see? It’s great for your core… strength...”
He trailed off as he felt something settle between his shoulder blades, light as a feather.
It was a hand. Jack’s hand.
Vil turned his head just enough to see Jack crouched beside him, arm stretched out to touch him. The beastman was looking him straight in the eyes. Daring him. Like a predator staring down its prey.
He’s waiting for me to say something. To tell him to stop. Vil’s breathing grew a little faster, but he tried to keep it under control.
Vil knew that he should say something. But he didn’t. He didn’t want to.
He stared straight back into Jack’s eyes, knowing that he would understand.
Jack moved, just a little. His fingers brushed up Vil’s spine, so light and gentle.
Vil tried to focus on keeping his balance, but it was getting harder and harder with Jack’s touch turning him slowly into jelly. Jack carefully traced every bump and dip in Vil’s spine.
Occasionally, he’d press down a little harder before pulling back again, never quite hard enough to make Vil falter. Jack was toying with him, seeing how he could make him shiver with just one hand.
The drag of Jack’s fingers felt like a master artist drawing a perfectly straight line with an ink brush, Vil’s back as the canvas.
His skin tingled with electricity. The fabric of his shirt was pissing him off and he wished he’d taken it off before he started stretching. Vil wanted to feel those calloused fingers directly on his skin.
Slowly, so slowly, Jack pulled his fingers along his spine, up and up until he was at Vil’s lower back. But he didn’t stop there.
Vil held his breath as Jack’s fingers ghosted over the curve of his ass, barely touching him, and he wanted to scream. And Jack knew exactly what he was fucking doing, because he was smiling down at him like an asshole.
He brushed down the slope of Vil’s ass to where it joined with his thigh, letting his fingers and thumb press down a little harder.
“Jack…” Vil whimpered. “Jack, please…”
Jack spread his entire hand out over Vil’s extended leg and gripped his thigh, hard.
Vil’s arms gave out.
He dropped to the yoga mat, still trying to catch himself safely despite how completely blank and foggy his mind felt. Panting heavily, he desperately gulped down more air. He needed to come back to the real world.
His entire body trembled, not from fear, but from overstimulation. Vil had never felt something like that before, especially not from touches so gentle and fleeting.
Jack had let go of his thigh and pulled away from him. Vil turned his head to look at his friend once he’d gotten some of his breath back. His face was bright red, ears pulled back, slit pupils blown wide. There was no trace of the confident, lustful gaze from moments before, just pure embarrassment.
“I. Uh.”
“I gotta go. To the bathroom. Be right back.” Jack stood abruptly and marched out of the room and up to the second floor, despite there being a bathroom just down the hall. Vil just watched him go, still overwhelmed and trying to regain his composure.
He shakily sat up. Placing his palm on his chest, he could feel his heart thumping wildly. His face felt hot.
Turning his head to look out the window, Vil saw that the snowstorm was finally starting to clear.
When Jack came back to the living room 30 minutes later, neither of them said anything. He just leaned against the archway, just staring at Vil as he sat on the couch. The older boy had one of Morris’ mystery novels open in his lap and was mindlessly flipping through it.
“I’m… Gonna hang out in my room for a bit.” Jack finally said, his voice somber.
“Alright.” Vil replied, simple and short.
But Jack didn’t move yet, and Vil tried to stop himself from trembling. Tried to stop himself from beckoning him over and whispering for him to do that again-
“Are we… Are we ever going to talk about this?” Jack asked, so quiet that Vil almost couldn’t hear him.
“About what.” Vil didn’t look up from the book, even though the text just looked like jumbled letters to him.
“You know. This.” Jack stood properly, spreading his arms wide. “All of this. This weird… thing.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Vil replied, lying through his teeth.
Jack glared at him. He huffed and walked off, leaving Vil to his racing thoughts.
Regna made dinner for him again. Vil was starting to feel bad about eating so much of their food, but she reassured him with a laugh that it was fine, she was just glad that at least one of her kids had someone to hang out with this week. The tofu stir-fry was delicious.
Jack never came downstairs.
His parents didn’t mention anything about it. Regna just put some of the stir-fry aside for Jack to heat up later.
“You want to stay another night, Vil?” Morris asked as they cleaned up after dinner. “You’re welcome to, y’know.”
“I really shouldn’t.” Vil said. “I think Jack may be a little sick of me.”
“Huh? Did you two have a fight?” Regna’s ears fell flat. Her face really was just as easy to read as Jack’s.
“No, nothing like that.” He reassured her. “We just need a little time away from each other, I think. And I need to check on my house.”
“Well, if you say so. But you’d better come back the day after tomorrow and open some presents with us.” Regna smiled at him and pulled off her wet dishwashing glove so she could ruffle his hair. “I’m sure he’ll be over it by then. And your dad might even be back!”
“I hope so. I’ll be there, I promise.”
So Vil left the Howl family home, begrudgingly grateful for his ugly snow boots as he stepped through the unusually high snow. Regna had offered to drive him, but he turned her down. He needed a moment to himself, too. Now that the storm had ceased and the clouds had cleared, the cold winter air felt refreshing in his lungs. The freshly fallen snow all around him was immaculate and pure, not yet disturbed by pedestrians or cars. Above him, the streetlights were dim and sparse, allowing the stars to shine down bright. All was still, and quiet, and empty.
Vil crossed the street and turned around one more time to look back at the Howls’ house. He spotted Jack watching him from his second-story window.
“Please.” He said, knowing he was too far away for Jack to hear him or read his lips. He wasn’t even sure what he was pleading for.
Jack moved away from the window and let the blinds drop. Vil turned back around and kept walking.
But then, only a minute later, he was startled by the sound of snow crunching heavily as something rushed towards him.
For a split second, Vil dared to hope. Someone grabbed his arm and turned him around, and he let them.
Jack hadn’t even broken a sweat to catch up with him, but he was still flushed.
“Jack?” Vil asked, stupidly. He wanted to say more, but his voice felt too weak.
“Vil, let’s go.” Jack blurted out. “Let’s go to where we saw the aurora. When we were kids.”
Vil blinked at him, stunned. “Wh-why?”
“Whaddya mean, ‘why’? Because I want to.” Jack’s grip tightened on Vil’s slender shoulder. “And you want to, right?”
Vil looked at him, this big, beautiful boy who was so quickly turning into a man. Even filled with so much anxious energy, Vil could see it. He’d gotten so much stronger, smarter, more perfect in these past few years alone, and Vil never stood a chance. This was always going to happen, no matter how many lives they lived, no matter how much he tried to fight it.
This was such a bad idea.
“Yes.” Vil breathed. “Yes, I do.”
Jack took his hand and pulled him along, clearing a path for him in the snow.
Malleus: Schoenheit what do these characters mean:
Vil: That’s a penis, Malleus.
Malleus: Oh my goodness no!
Lilia told me it was another secret code that meant “hello”.
I sent it to Yuu and they just typed “lmao” at me.
Vil: lmao
Good to know that Lilia is feeling better.
Malleus: Yes, he’s in much higher spirits.
He’s even pranking Silver again.
Sebek recorded a video and showed me how to save it on my phone:
Malleus has sent a file “silvergetscreamed.wav”
Vil: Are you sure about that filename?
Malleus: ?
Vil: Nevermind.
Oh, the shaving cream on the hand trick.
Haha, that’s so classic. His expression is hilarious.
Good comedic timing on that zoom, too.
Malleus: Oh I just realized you meant the filename sounded dirty.
I am so sorry I’m normally not so crass.
Vil: I know you’re not, they’re just trying to mess with you.
Jack and I joke around like that all the time.
Kind of.
Malleus: Yes, I heard you and Howl were spending the holidays together.
It sounds very nice!
I wish I had a close friend like that.
Vil: You have Silver and Sebek.
And the prefect.
Malleus: Silver and Sebek are more like my br
wait no ignore that wrong button
They don’t really count as friends.
Not that they’re less than friends of course. It’s just different.
And Yuu is also something different.
Vil: Oh? Do tell.
Malleus: There isn’t much to tell, they’ve just been so good to me.
I don’t know what I’m going to do once we get them home.
Vil: Ask them to stay, then.
I bet they would be happy.
We can figure out something else to do with the portal.
Malleus: I don't want to keep them here when they have a whole life to return to.
You already saw how terribly that turned out.
Vil: You know, there's a good chance it’ll hold up well enough for more than one trip.
If it does, you could visit them.
Malleus: I know, but I’m not getting my hopes up.
Even if it does stay stable, Yuu told me that fae don’t exist on their world.
I would stick out like a sore thumb and it might cause a problem for them.
Vil: You can’t give up that easily.
It’s still worth a try.
Malleus: Yes, I think so too.
I’ll just have to be extra careful.
Vil: Oh, I just thought of some other friends you have.
Malleus: Who?
Vil: Us, of course.
I got to know so much more about you all, those last few weeks.
And it seemed like you had a good time too.
Remember when Riddle finished that last authorization request
and we convinced him to celebrate by trying champagne for the first time?
Malleus: Yes, he was so worried about doing something “against his better judgment”.
But then he drank the whole glass and he wasn’t even tipsy.
I remember when Ashengrotto tried to test his new energy drinks on us.
Vil: And none of us could sleep for two days.
Jamil was so smug about it.
Malleus: Idia introduced me to the computer game where you can make a little virtual person and fight monsters with other people.
Vil: Are you still playing that with him?
Malleus: Yes, when I have time.
Lilia joined us once and they both were very surprised.
It turns out they had been playing together for years and never knew it.
Vil: Really? That’s a pretty funny coincidence.
Remember when Kalim tried to teach Yuu and Ortho how to play the drums
and they snapped a drumstick in half?
Malleus: “l o l”! And then it hit me in the back of the head.
But you didn’t even feel it, so you had no idea why they were all so frantic.
Malleus: This is probably strange but
I was really happy that day
They were only frantic because they thought they’d hurt me.
Not because they were afraid of what I might do.
Vil: That’s not strange at all.
Those three in particular always see the good in people.
We’re all lucky to have them.
Malleus: I did like that a lot. Being together with everyone.
But that’s it? That’s enough to make us friends?
Vil: Well, you’d have to ask them individually. I think some of them would say yes.
I’d say you’re my friend, certainly.
Malleus: I didn’t realize that was all it took.
I’m glad.
I hope we get a chance to do something like that again.
Vil: Me too.
Malleus: :) <3
Chapter 7 - Glass
It was the eve of his 9th birthday. He had known Jack for about a year, since the day he rushed in to fight those bullies, but they had only recently started to become friends.
Certainly not close enough friends that Jack could just show up in the middle of the night to throw pebbles at his window, but that was what happened.
“Jack?” Vil had whispered down at him, still blinking the sleep away. “What are you doing?”
“I got a birthday present for ya, Vi.” Jack answered, like it was the simplest thing in the world. He was bouncing with energy, despite how late it was. Vil knew him well enough by now to know that 1.) he wasn’t going to go home without a fight and 2.) he would be heartbroken if Vil didn’t do what he wanted.
“…Ugh, fine. Come meet me at the back.”
Vil slipped on some warmer clothes over his pajamas and unlocked the sliding glass doors, walking out into the chilly air. Though it was spring, now, the winter had been unusually long and there were still some patches of ice and snow stubbornly refusing to melt. The hills and mountains he could see from his backyard were still capped with white. He closed the sliding glass behind him, hoping that this would be quick and he would be back before his father noticed.
Jack trotted up to him, the soles of his little boots leaving light impressions in the slushy mud. His giant ears swiveled back and forth to take in all the night sounds around them.
“What is it, Jack?” Vil yawned. “It’s really late.”
“I gotta take ya to it.” Jack cupped Vil’s hand in his own tiny hands, tugging him forward. “It’s great. It’s as pretty as you are.”
Vil sighed, letting Jack lead him along.
At first, he was worried that Jack was going to take him on some insane hours-long adventure, but he just led Vil to his own house and around to the forest that butted up against their backyard. They cut through the thick foliage, stumbling over roots and rocks in the darkness, and came out the other side to another street in their neighborhood. They had only gone a few blocks, but it made all the difference. As the trees parted, Vil looked up.
A brilliant blue-green aurora hung before them, shifting and shimmering in the dark night sky. The light fell like a celestial curtain, and Vil was certain that if he could just reach out and touch it, it would feel like silk.
It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
Jack kept pulling him across the street to an empty lot on the other side, its far edge capped off by a small hill. When they climbed up, Vil found that the slope on the other side was steeper and dipped into a valley, so the trees hadn’t grown tall enough to obscure the sky. The little boost provided an even clearer view of the aurora hanging over the mountains. Jack finally stopped at the very top.
They stood there in silence, just holding each other’s hands and watching the light shift overhead. The quiet ambience of their neighborhood surrounded them, just adding to the ethereal nature of what they were looking at. For the first time, Vil thought that it was amazing that he had been born on this planet, where beautiful things like this just... happened. All because of a trick of the light.
“I didn’t know there were still auroras in April.” Vil said. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from it if he tried.
“Only sometimes, when it’s colder.” A stray snowflake landed on Jack’s ear and he flicked it off on instinct. His ears were way too large for his head. He was probably going to be really big when he grew up. Right now, his hand felt so tiny in Vil’s own. “I’ve seen ‘em a few times. My dad took me here to watch when I was little.”
“It’s beautiful.”
Jack gently pulled Vil’s hand again, leading the older boy to a toppled-over log that served as a perfect bench. They climbed onto it, both just a little too short, so their legs dangled down without touching the ground.
“This is the best birthday present I’ve ever gotten.” Vil whispered, like this moment was so fragile that it might shatter if he spoke too loudly. “Thank you, Jack.”
“Y’welcome.” Jack replied. “But you ain’t got the rest of your presents yet.”
“It doesn’t matter. I already know this is the best one.”
Vil had gotten plenty of presents that birthday, but he was right. The only one he really loved was Jack’s.
“It seemed so much farther away when we were kids.” Vil mused.
“We had tiny little legs back then.” Jack replied, chuckling lightly. Vil’s heart throbbed. Despite the anxiety hanging over the both of them, his shy little smile was just too cute.
They found the log where they sat together all those years ago. This time, their legs reached the ground easily.
Vil looked up. There wasn’t an aurora tonight, that would’ve been too perfect. But the night sky was still vast and beautiful, so clear now that all the clouds had faded away.
Jack hadn’t let go of his hand even once. The other boy rubbed his thumb over Vil’s knuckles. Vil tried to concentrate on that, instead of the bark biting into his palm and the way his heart was pounding.
“…I’ve been trying to think of what to say.” Jack said, still staring up at the sky. “And I can’t. I’m no good at this stuff.”
“You don’t have to say anything.” Vil answered. His grip tightened around Jack’s hand. That small movement would never communicate all the complicated things Vil had been feeling, but he hoped it meant something to him.
“But that’s just it. I just-” He turned to look at Vil, desperation obvious in his voice. “I wish-I wish we could just. Stop dancing around each other.”
“I know.” Vil said. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to do that.”
“Why don’t you wanna talk about it? I… I can handle it, you know. If you don’t want this. If you don’t want… me. But can you at least tell me the truth?” Jack’s voice cracked, and Vil flinched. This was hurting him, and Vil hated it. Hated himself.
But how was he ever going to explain it? He barely understood why he was acting this way himself.
“Vil. Please. Please look at me.”
Vil closed his eyes and took a shaking, shuddering breath.
He turned his head, and Jack was there, his amber eyes shining in the dim moonlight, his face so open and honest. Vil wished he could be like that.
Jack finally lifted his hand from Vil’s. His rough fingers slid back along Vil’s jaw, brushing through his hair and coming to rest on the back of his neck. Vil had to lean in. He couldn’t stop himself. This was a pull he never could have escaped, never wanted to escape.
Jack’s other hand came up to cup his cheek, and he leaned in, too. Time slowed to a crawl. Vil closed his eyes.
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Jack kissed him, pressing their lips together so impossibly gently, but Vil’s body flooded with emotions. He couldn’t tell which ones-love, heartache, guilt, happiness, euphoria, anxiety, lust, fear, love, love, love.
It was so much, so quickly, all at once, and he never wanted to stop feeling this way.
Vil’s hands flew up to grip Jack’s jacket, pulling him closer. More, more, more. He wanted to melt and sink and drown in everything that was Jack. And Jack would let him. He knew Jack would let him.
Jack put his other hand on his back, closing him in against his big, solid body. He slipped his tongue into Vil’s mouth and oh it was so obvious that he had never done this before and had no idea what to do but it was so cute and Vil didn’t care, he just wanted all of it.
So Vil surged forward, leaning as far into him as he could.  Jack fell backwards on the log and had to scramble to regain his balance, but it only stopped them for a moment and Vil was just happy that he now had a better angle to kiss Jack. He was never, ever, ever going to stop kissing Jack.
And his enthusiasm must have changed something for Jack, because he was devouring his mouth now, hands clutching at every part of Vil’s body that he could reach. He was so wonderfully rough and brazen and shameless, growling against his lips and groping at his thighs until he was sure they would bruise, and it made Vil breathless.
But as his heart pounded in his chest, as he desperately grasped to get as close to this man he loved as possible, something started to creep in. It was easy to ignore, at first, just a strange sizzling feeling in the back of his mind. But it crept further and further, curling around his chest, at first only a little pressure, but growing stronger and stronger as the minutes passed-
Somewhere near them a branch bent under the weight of the snow and finally snapped. It crashed to the ground, and suddenly Vil knew what this sound was.
It was the sound of a glass bottle breaking against a cold stone floor.
No. You can’t do this. You can’t do this to him.
It took all the strength in his body to do it, but Vil brought his hands to Jack’s chest and pushed him away.
“…Huh? Vil?”
Vil stared at the whorls of bark beneath them. He couldn’t look up. He just couldn’t look at Jack right now. He already knew the kind of confused, hurt expression he would have, and he didn’t want to see it.
“Vil? Are you okay?”
No, I am not okay. But he couldn’t admit it. That was like saying he had lost whatever sick, fucked up game his mind was playing.
“Shit. Oh no. I didn’t-” Jack put his hands on Vil’s shoulders, still so gentle, still so kind and good.
It made Vil want to throw up. His head fell forward, his blond hair falling like a veil over his face.
“I’m so sorry, I… I should have asked. Fuck. I’m so stupid. And after you told me that stuff about you getting stalked, too-”
“No.” Vil said, his voice quiet. He wanted it to be quieter. So quiet that Jack would never hear the things he was about to say. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Jack. I did. It’s my fault.”
“Wait, what?” Jack ducked his head lower to try and get a look at Vil’s face. “What are you talking about? What’s your fault?”
“I’m a bad person, Jack.” Vil said. It was the simplest way he could explain. The only thing he could do. Jack deserved an explanation. “I’m such a terrible person that I tricked you into caring about me.”
Jack’s ears flattened to his head. “Vil, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Please just listen to me.” Vil willed himself to be brave, to keep talking.
“I’m not the kind of person you think I am, Jack. I’ve hurt people. I’m… vain, and selfish, and a control freak. I do horrible things to get what I want.”
“Vil. That’s… That’s wrong. I don’t get why you’re saying this.” Jack, sweet Jack, he just looked so concerned. He reached out to Vil, somehow thinking that some kind of contact would make this easier.
Vil pushed his hand away. “Because you deserve better.”
“But you’re the best. You’re Vil Schoenheit.”
“No! Why won’t you understand?!” Vil yelled out, so sudden that even he didn’t expect it. “I’m trying to tell you that I’m too fucked up for you! I’m a problem that can’t fix himself, and I can’t just drop that problem on you!”
“And I’m trying to tell you that you’re wrong!” Jack yelled back. He stood abruptly, fists clenched.
“Vil,” He spat out, “If you didn’t want me to kiss you, you could have just said so.”
“I did want you to kiss me. The problem is that I shouldn’t.”
“You’re not making any goddamn sense, Vil!”
“You’re just not listening!” Vil could feel all the energy draining out of his body. He didn’t know what else to say. His head dropped in exhaustion, and he tried to breathe.
“Yes, I am! For fuck’s sake! I get it, okay, you think that I can’t handle you, is that it? You think I can’t take care of you.”
“No,” Vil answered, “That’s not it. I just don’t want to hurt you.”
“You seriously think you can hurt me? What the hell happened to you?! Where is this coming from?!”
“Jack,” He took a deep, shuddering breath, willing himself not to lose his courage and go silent again. “During the school festival, the competition, I… I overblotted.”
“I know.” Jack said. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“You don’t know how bad it was, Jack. I tried to kill Neige LeBlanche. And… And when the others stopped me. They were trying to save me from doing something I could never come back from, and I tried to kill all of them too.”
He curled in on himself as far as he could, covering his face with his arms. He didn’t want to see it. He didn’t want to see the way Jack must be looking at him right now. “I tried to kill everyone in that stadium. I tried to kill you. You were there, Jack. And I didn’t even think twice about it. I just lost it.
“I ruined it. After all that work, all that nitpicking, I was the one who ruined everything. And I’m going to end up ruining this, too.”
“What do you want me to say, Vil?” Jack asked, his voice sharp in the chilly winter air, “Do you want me to lie to you and tell you that you’re right? That you really are this awful person you think you are?”
“Yes, okay?!” Vil’s head shot up, his hands grasping at nothing as he choked on a sob he couldn’t let out. “I want you to hate me! I want you to forget I ever existed! I deserve it, I deserve all of it!”
“No, you don’t.” Jack said.
“Please, just stop.” Vil couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. They ran hot down his face, but he just couldn’t care. “Please just leave me alone.”
Jack stood in front of him for a long time. Vil tried to breathe, but he just coughed on cold air and stared down into the snow, praying that he would sink in it and disappear.
“This is stupid. You’re being so fucking stupid.” Jack growled. “Who the fuck are you to decide who I can and can’t care about, huh?”
“The world doesn’t revolve around your problems, Vil!” He flinched. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve been freaking out here?!”
Jack’s chilled breath puffed harshly out of his mouth with every word he spoke. “You think I’m a kid. You think I’m too young and too stupid to get it. But I know you better than anyone, and I know that this isn’t you. You don’t run from shit like this.”
“Jack, I don’t… I don’t think you’re a kid.”
“You think you don’t, but you do. You do it in all these… Dumb little ways, like making jokes about my room and my driving, and acting like I can’t possibly understand what you’re going through.”
Vil couldn’t say anything. His shoulders shook. He stared down at the little dots on the snow where his tears were falling.
Jack was right, he knew he was. Vil had been having so much fun these past few days, leaning on their shared history, trying to slide back into that comfortable little scene. Like it was all just a play telling the story of their childhood together.
But they had both changed since then. Their relationship had changed. Jack didn’t want to be treated like the little boy he knew. He wanted Vil to acknowledge him as a man. As a partner. As… Jack.
And the person Jack wanted wasn’t just Vil, the older boy down the street who was his first real friend. He wanted Vil, the adult he was becoming, with all his imperfections and pain that he had been trying so desperately to hide. But he didn’t know. He didn’t know just how bad those imperfections were. They were things that you just couldn’t fix with a good diet or exercise or cosmetics.
“And maybe I can’t understand, but you… You never even tried. You never gave me a chance to try.”
Jack’s voice cracked and he quickly rubbed the sleeve of his jacket across his eyes.
“You never give up on anything, but you gave up on this. So I guess it wasn’t worth it to you.”
Vil said nothing.
No. He thought. I’ve never wanted anything more than this. I’ve just never been this scared before. But he didn’t say it out loud.
Jack waited for him to say something, anything at all. He wanted Vil to stand up, march over to him and smack the living daylights out of him, scream at him, demand to know where he got the nerve to talk to him like that. That was the kind of person Vil was, the Vil that he loved.
But the seconds stretched into minutes.
And eventually, Jack gave up, too.
“…I’m going home. You should, too.”
The snow crunched under Jack’s boots as he walked away, growing quieter and quieter until it was silent again.
Vil trudged into his dark, empty house, kicking off his boots in the foyer. He barely had the energy to move anymore. He thought, vaguely, about how he needed to do his skincare routine, but it was just… Too much, right now.
The moonlight filtered through the sliding glass doors, the only light source in the house. Vil stared outside.
This place had always had a great view, but it hadn’t been good enough to show him the aurora. It hadn’t been good enough to show him how beautiful the stars looked tonight, right before he made the biggest mistake of his life and ruined one of his most precious relationships.
“At least he’ll move on.” Vil said to no one. “He’s only 18. He’ll find someone who deserves him. He’ll forget about me in no time.”
The thought didn’t make him feel any better. He caught his reflection in the sliding glass door and saw that he had cried all his mascara off.
For the first time since he’d come home, Vil crawled into his own bed in his own room. He didn’t bother washing his face or taking his clothes off, he just flopped over on his side and stared at the window across from him. The bed was made far too perfectly, untouched and tightly tucked in. The maid had fixed it up like this the last time he left, and then just left it. It must have given her a little more free time, a bit less work for her to do.
This room barely felt like his room. He had been gone far, far too long, and now all the little things that made this space his were trashed or packed away or somewhere else. No, his room was the housewarden’s room in the Pomefiore dorm. It was Jack’s childhood bedroom. It was the Howls’ living room.
Maybe, if Jack had been here with him, they could have made it his room again. If Jack had followed him up the stairs. If Jack had thrown pebbles at his window, and Vil had opened the sliding glass doors to let him in.
If only. If only. If only.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): ruggie told me to ask how ur thing re: jack is going
Vil: Awful, thanks for asking.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): great keep me posted
Vil: Why are you really texting me, Leona?
I’m not in the mood for your shit tonight.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): bored
Vil: And? Do you not have games on your phone?
Leona (DO NOT CALL): just solitaire it sucks ass
Vil: You can download more games from the app store.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): cant figure it out im a high school dropout
im so dumb i don’t even know what these letter buttons do
im just pressing them at random
Vil: Wait, what? You dropped out?!
Leona (DO NOT CALL): ye didnt ruggie tell u
Vil: No, he didn’t!
Why did you drop out? You were so close!
Leona (DO NOT CALL): also bored
and I never needed the degree anyway im literally a prince
im gonna take a year and go on a road trip
and then i guess ill become a diplomat or whatever
Vil: Are you serious?
Leona (DO NOT CALL): ye
Vil: What about Ruggie? He must want you to finish, right?
He understands the value of the experience, right?
Leona (DO NOT CALL): what about him he’s coming with me
Vil: Do not tell me you convinced Ruggie to drop out too.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): no its his senior thesis
were gonna live in a van and hes keeping a blog about traveling on a budget and shit
i didnt ask him the details
he could drop out tbh i was gonna give him a job
but he wants to do it so
Vil: I swear, your complete lack of foresight drives me crazy sometimes.
How are you so certain this won’t backfire spectacularly?
At least Ruggie has some sense, so you’ll only be ruining one person’s life.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): idk why u think my life is ruined lol im great
unlike u, pining after a guy who clearly loves u but for some reason ur both cowards
Vil: You are infuriating.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): ur just mad that other people are happier than u even tho we dont work as hard
Vil: Fuck you. Stop texting me.
Leona (DO NOT CALL): oops i touched a nerve
block me if u want i don’t care
when ur thing w/ jack implodes ill just ask cater about it
he always knows all that dumb shit
Leona (DO NOT CALL) has been blocked
Continued ->
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when you were a kid were you confused by english singers going 'ég ég ég' in songs
I don't think I ever heard it as 'ég ég ég'. Even when I knew basically no English I knew that 'je' was a word in a lot of songs, and that the songs were in a different language so none of the sounds meant whatever they might have meant in Icelandic (útlenska, 'foreign-ese', is sort of a general term for not-Icelandic, and you learn quickly as a child that a lot of things are some form of útlenska; as an adult you will have learned the proper terms for different languages and don't hear this word much).
I have a lot of memories of parsing English lyrics as random garbled sounds back in the 90s, and singing the specific random garbled sounds I was parsing, and it still vaguely disorients me to hear those same songs now and realize I know exactly what the lyrics say and also the way I originally parsed them actually sounds nothing whatsoever like the actual lyrics.
And occasionally as a kid I would just ask what English words or phrases I'd heard a lot meant. Sometime when I was like five I decided to play a game in English, because it was supposed to be a movie and movies are in English. It consisted mostly of me making random noises or making up words that were garbled versions of Icelandic words with what felt like more Englishy sounds in them, interspersed with the occasional 'Oh no!' or 'Oh my god!' or 'Yes'. I remember my brother and I asking my mom what 'D'oh!' meant, as in the thing that Homer Simpson keeps saying, and she confusingly explained that it was deig (dough). Why is Homer always yelling about his dough? Who knows.
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clatterbane · 9 months
Honestly, I am still disconnected enough where I am these days that I am really not up on who is likely to start yelling at me over using which words. Which may be another reason for my awkward ass to consider trying the local RFSL branch's weekly språkcafé! 🥴
(Which I don't think is primarily aimed at stray English speakers who are actually attached to Swedes. But, I definitely feel like I need some kind of language café for practice at this point, especially no more than I've been getting out and trying to talk to people, with the mobility issues for a while now. After 20 years this month knowing each other in person, the Household Swede still automatically defaults to English at home. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Apparently a hard habit to get out of.)
Good that they are running one, though. Also seeming to be putting some effort into various programs to help support immigrants/refugees from less queer-friendly countries to get settled in and connected with resources they might need.
A lot of language cafés do apparently already lean toward a win-win dual purpose of giving lonely older native speakers a good opportunity to socialize, while also helping immigrants work on their language skills. But, they are explicitly leaning into that, which sounds like an excellent idea.
Anyway, while I was mostly joking about running a reconnaissance mission to spot terminology pitfalls? (Which might or might not even be so effective in this case, likely dealing with a number of older folks.) I am trying to push myself to at least try going for one of the language café sessions, before too long.
I really do need to work on my conversational skills, like seriously--and that seems like a relatively low-pressure way to do it. Plus, you know, actually socialize more myself with somebody locally. That's kinda what language cafés are for.
These damned shoulder problems have certainly legitimately been getting in the way--and have frankly also been providing a handy excuse for not getting my awkward anxious ass out and interacting with people more. My current situation has been getting a little depressing for a while now, which naturally hasn't helped much either.
In this particular case, I'm also up against that old familiar fun of pretty specifically wanting to get to know more/some people in local queer communities--and inevitably unsure of what political situation exactly that I might be stepping into. Or how someone like me is liable to be received, and by whom. That can get aggravating enough, even when you're not relatively new to the country.
These days, on the surface I am some middle-aged AFAB weirdo who is pretty happy married to some large beardy dude. (Who only seems to be approximately cishet-by-default himself, incidentally. Besides a general ally.)
I also seem to come across as less blatantly GNC by general social standards here than where we were living before. Where I actually got loudly "dyked" at on one occasion--while I was out shopping with Beardy right next to me. 🙄 Don't think I ever got aggressively "sirred" with him there, at least.
At least I've had plenty of opportunity to develop significantly thicker skin than when I was coming to terms with the idea that I was bi in the early '90s. I've just gotten progressively queerer, more openly genderweird, and tireder over the intervening years, with much lower tolerance for BS--and yes, some extra hypervigilance by now.
At any rate, no pressure at all! On any front! 🙃 I'll obviously deal, but it really is darkly funny in its own absurd way.
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souryogurt64 · 2 years
Oh gosh someone just punched you on the train?? What do you even do after that? Punch them back to assert dominance? Run away? But like where. You are on a train. Do you just sit there and stare and hope it doesn't happen again??
Yes, this is the full story lmao
This was in Chicago in Januaryish on the red line up by Loyola at about 1pm. So it wasn’t like I put myself in an unsafe situation.
I had headphones in on low and I heard the back door of the car open (never a good sign) but I just ignored it and was staring straight ahead with my back to the door. Someone was yelling in what definitely wasn’t English and may not have even been another language. I heard him come up behind me and he didn’t ask for money or say anything, he just hauled off and punched me in the back of the head. It like, hurt, but I was pretty bundled up so it wasn’t debilitating or anything. It definitely scared me and I was worried it was going to escalate but I just froze up and didn’t move or react at all.
I had no idea what I was gonna do if it did escalate, like I feel like I would’ve been too embarrassed to push the emergency button or been scared that would’ve escalated the situation even more. But there was also a moment when it happened that I realized no one in the car was gonna help me if it did go further— I was the only girl in the car too which was probably why I got hit.
I got really lucky and he just stood there for a minute and then went into a different car. I got off immediately at the next stop and walked the rest of the way home. I honestly thought it was pretty funny, this girl I grew up with who really hated me told me once I enjoy when bad things happen to me more than good things because I like telling people about it and that’s definitely true.
I was bullied a lot when I was younger and I figured out 90% of the time people are looking for some sort of altercation or reaction out of a physical thing and if you don’t give them that they’ll go away lol
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leffee · 2 months
alright here we go again more things for you 🙃
I’m going to throw some vinnil in here for you! heavy vinnie based too
- Vinnie for some reason finds fire interesting sitting there and watching it burn is sorta relaxing for him. Throwing things in said fire is super exciting for him too! it keeps him entertained for hours and bonas it’s warm (he’s still supervised by someone just in case lol)
-whenever they go to the beach Sunil has to make vinnie empty out his pockets before they leave because he has a very bad habit of picking up random things thinking they are treasures he has to keep just in case ( A habit he picked up from minka)
S: “Vinnie broken glass isn’t treasure!” :/
V: “Please babe”🥺 “Minka said anything can be treasure and I found it!”
S: (whispers to himself) “thanks a lot minka” … -_-
- Vinnie I believe has a hard time expressing his feelings so he will sometimes write out how he feels it takes him a while because he wants it to be just right and it’s a nice way to get it off his mind.
- Vinnie and pennyling have tea parties. she always has the best foods and he enjoys seeing his friends happy even if he has to wear a dress to do so. (Plus he looks good in anything according to himself)
- Zoe will often use Vinnie to practice her makeup skills on he ends up looking pretty fabulous by the end. he’s pretty chill about it and the only one who will actually let her. pepper complains, minka won’t sit still, penny will lie even if it looks bad, and Sunil thinks he’s allergic to some of the products, sharukuh has his own makeup team and can’t risk his face. so Vinnie for the win lol
- Russell I feel like would ask Vinnie to teach him to speak Italian. he feels like he could pick it up pretty quickly and he knows Vinnie won’t judge him if he’s not perfect. of course Vinnie would say yes immediately he’d love to have someone who he can have that shared language connection with ( that was something he did want try so badly with Sunil but Hindi is to hard)
- Vinnie loves being driven around he feels so important and would rather have someone else deal with it so he can jam to the radio or eat his snacks or nap while 90% of the time (Sunil) drives and he joyfully sits in his seat worry free.
- I feel like over the years vinnie’s had such long hair but I feel like at some point it got cut because he struggled to mange it.not wanting to style it every morning and accidentally giving himself knots he’d have to have help to brush out and it was easier for everyone to cut it to a shorter style ( in other universes he’d probably have it a bit longer lol)
- for some reason I get the vibe that Vinnie isn’t as comfortable with women, as he is with men don’t get me wrong he loves the girls they are his friends he just as I’ve reiterated before, doesn’t understand them, and I feel like he’s had a lot of women in his life that have left him with trauma like his mom or in some of my headcaonns “moms” or with maybe a past toxic girlfriend when he was trying to “find himself”as examples)
- Sunil has to put Vinnie in “time out” in a corner or separate room sometimes to calm down. because he’ll get so worked up over things or he’ll choose to do something dangerous or dumb and Sunil feels like it’s better to do that then yell at him over it. But if he cries it gets him out faster because Sunil can’t stand to hear it and cuddles him after feeling bad about putting him there to begin with.
- I feel like Vinnie’s taste in music is so random it’s never just one thing it’s everything and it changes day by day but I also feel like he gets hyper fixated on a certain song every once in a while, and would play it over and over until he got bored of it and it would drive everybody nuts in the meantime
- I feel like Russell would invent a watch that Vinnie could wear. That would tell everyone his temperature in an animal universe, so that they could keep track of how cold or hot he gets without worrying too much.
- if Sunil were to leave for any reason, he would leave Vinnie with a with someone because he doesn’t trust him to be alone. Plus, he gets really sad when sunil leaves and he would feel bad leaving him lonely that whole time and would hope the company would take his mind off his absence. In the back of his mind, he knows that won’t work though because he’ll still get 50 million calls and messages asking when he’ll be home and if he could talk all From Vinnie of corse. 
the texts:
V: when will u bee hoMe?
S: Three days.
V: r u sure aboout that?
S: yes, I’m sure.
V: butt I miss u!:(
S: I miss you too. It won’t be too long, I promise.I love you!”
V: luv u too babe! Txt u again in 5 mins Just 2 makke sure u r sure!
All right, I’m gonna stop here for now. I hoped you enjoyed this. I feel like they’re not my best but I still hope there’s something I look forward to your reply. :)
Oh boy, it's my ordered Vinnie fix, wonderful and delightful :}. No, but like I actually have to be careful when reading your headcanons because I couldn't wait yesterday and read it on the train as soon as I saw them and I could NOT stop smiling like an idiot the entire time and I'm quite certain this one lady kept looking at me because of that. I tried to make a neutral expression but it literally did not work for longer than 1 second, omg. So yeah. Anyway, lps, Vinnie and Vinnil? Oh hell yeah. Time to say my stuff
ok, listen, as soon as I only read "Vinnie for some reason finds fire interesting" I thought you were going to say that he's a pyromaniac. But yes! I can totally see that! He would absolutely like all that, I mean fire is warm and burns stuff in an entertaining way, awesome-sauce. I just hope he doesn't burn himself. Wait no, I hope he does actually. But then again I suppose that's why he is supervised lol
Okay okay, Minka totally makes sense, don't get me wrong, but my first thought was Shivers, especially with that part that he has to "keep them just in case". And that of course threw me back to your headcanon of Vinnie at some point living with Shivers and that in turn made me think more. Because they stopped because Vinnie couldn't stand Shivers' 'collecting' habit, right? But now Vinnie's the one doing it. I do kinda headcanon him as having a habit of collecting things, but not random, he just has a lot of attachement to sentimental stuff that can look like nothing but for one reason or another mean a lot to him (like rocks, bobby pins, etc)
oh oh, you know what that remind me of? That one headcanon scenario that when crushing on Sunil (or anyone else) and at the same time Sunil being already in a relationship with someone else Vinnie would write those sort of fanfics with himself and Sunil being together and happy to quench this thirt and feed the obsession. And he has a hard time expressing his feelings, huh? Yeah. Perhaps that's because he just doesn't allow himself to feel those feelings, mine sure has that. Kinda actually. He lets out positive feelings because, well, why wouldn't he? Yes, others should see him being all positive, felling joy, happiness, pride. That's all good. But negative ones? Oh, absolutely not, especially sadness since he genuinely can't stop his anger from showing. Sadness though? Nah, he goes into complete denial, he wouldn't even write about it because not only does he not show it to others but also himself. Can't write about something you don't admit is there aha. That's just my Vinnie though. But that did make me think that if he wrote if would have something designated for this like a journal or just a notebook or something. And he would keep that thing hidden and locked and just for nobody to see. Unless there would be good things there, like words of gratitude he wants to tell someone I suppose
A dress you say? Well, according to me he looks good in anything too, though I have only one style that I genuinely like xd. Tea parties? It's funny cause my Vinnie doesn't really like tea, but he would totally drink one if it's for someone else's tea party's sake. However, it's of my firm belief that he's mostly there for the food (I mean, aside from being there because Penny is there, which is the most important thing). Those two make me happy :)
Wdym he "ends up looking pretty fabulous", he's already achieved the peak of fabulosity 😭. Just kidding, just kidding xD, I mean, he did but you know what I mean. And Vinnie is definitely for the win when it comes to anything for me :))). Zoe's like "Vinnie, I need you for your special services." Zoe and Vinnie together also make me happy, and there's so little of them ;-;. I can't however stop thinking that if it was my, super pale Vinnie white-ass looking mf, Zoe probably wouldn't have the right color of uhh... look, I know nothing about make up, the shit you put on your face to hide the imperfections or whatever (I genuinely, 100%, no joke believe that make-up is one of the most evil things humanity invented, but I won't rant about it here, don't worry)
osdksod I know I keep saying it but Vinnie being Italian makes me so unreasonably happy, like I don't know why plus it's so random, but whenever I think about it or better yet, read your headcanons that include that I feel sooo good. Oh, Vinnie would say yes with stars in his eyes, absolutely. Aside from the whole learning new language skill Russell would gain because of it he would also just hear Vinnie talking a lot of Italian and that's always a treat because he sounds different and awesome. It's just such an elegant language and I love it. You know, my Vinnie is actually pretty good with languages, so maybe he would be able to learn some of Hindi? Then again shit looks complicated, and I say that speaking Polish, listen, you're not going to learn this thing. Technically it's possible but I have no idea how. That also makes me think, I like the idea of Vinnie teaching Russell and all, but realistically how easy/hard would it be for someone who doesn't have any sort of educational preparation to teach someone a language, even if it's their native one? Because I can't imagine myself being able to teach someone Polish, I mean I can translate and all that, but how the hell do I explain tenses? Or how to conjugate words? I don't know about Italian, but in Polish there is literally no pattern to that, I know nobody asked but I need to show you this shit, let's take a random word, let's say dog which in polish is pies. Now look, you can say that in 7 ways: pies, psa, psu, psa, psem, psie, psie; ok, some of those are the same but that can differ between words and as I said, there's literally no pattern. Which makes me believe that perhaps Vinnie would not be able to teach Russell stuff like that, then again perhaps Italian is easier than that. And yes, I'm aware that polish dog - pies, is written exactly like english - pies as in food. It's a really entertaining thought actually
yes yes, he loves it, also because he just loves accompanying others for whatever they need to do. It's cool if they do something of course, but he also just loves being around them, so he's completely cool with just running around with them while they do everyday things like doing groceries or going to a post office etc. He's not necessary there, and they won't be paying much attention to him or talking with him, but he's totally cool with just hanging around "Sir, this is my emotional support Vinnie." So yes, just sitting in a car and chilling and snacking, his one sin is that he will sometimes when sitting in passengers seat put his legs on... on... okay so I don't remember what it's called and I can't find it at all, but you probably know what I mean, just the thing you can potentially put your legs on while sitting in the front. It's going to torment me now and I'm gonna de-terrio-rate
that makes me think of this one headcanon scenario story I have but it actually might be a pretty good fanfic scenario so I won't share it here. If I resign from turning it into a fanfic I will probably say it at some point in a different post. However, nah, I mean, he can have it cut, but my Vinnie wouldn't do this because he's obsessed with his hair and takes really really good care of it, he wouldn't let it get get knots or anything. Plus he leaves it down most of the time so not like there's much stylizing it anyway. It does however take ages to brush it or wash it anyway, knots or not. Wait, fucking wait, I never said what even inspired me in the first place to headcanon Vinnie with really long hair, huh? Omg this is so stupid because this is literally what initiated my human au xD like it happened because I just really wanted Vinnie with those hair but it didn't look good on a gecko. Ok, so listen, this, this is the motherfucker who started it all
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this fucking character - Izuru Kamukura. Listen, when I first saw him I thought he looked SO cool so I immediately tried to give Vinnie this sort of hair, and as I said it didn't look good at all on a pet, so I made him a human (I did shorten the hair and stuff, but still, this is what his hair was based on). This is literally my lps human au origin story and it's so stupid. Thank Izuru Kamakura from danganronpa for that, I guess. At this point Vinnie with short hair just looks naked to me or he is from another universe (like from some sort of swap universe or as I like to call it, upside down universe). It's not that I don't like him like that, oh no, he just doesn't look right to me.
yeah, I remember that reiteration. But wait, it being caused by many women leaving him with trauma? Oh I love this, how come I never thought about this? And "moms" oh oh tell me more please, I'm interested. Is it as in just having two moms as parents or maybe having a mom and then a step-mom or something? I need to know. A past toxic girlfriend, you say? Ohhhh interesting. I wonder how he would get into a relationship like that, I mean, aside from this whole finding himself reason, I just think it's interesting as well. My Vinnie is as comfortable with women as he is with men though, I can't take girls away from him in any way, I just want him to interact with anyone and be fine with them, under right circumstances of course
ayy lmao Vinnie in a time-out is just way too funny. I just imagine once Sunil has had enough he just picks him up by the upper arms, walks with him to the corner and puts him down there. Then he just looks him in the eyes and is like "Stand here or I swear". Wait... Sunil cornering Vinnie... oh... aaah ship I just I just... 🫣. Anyyyway, speaking of crying I can't help but imagine that Vinnie would just look at Sunil like this
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and once Sunil looks at him for too long like that he's just like "shiiiiiiiit" because he knows he already lost. So then he simply picks him up again and lies him on himself on the couch and Vinnie's all like ^^ and Sunil just wonders how on earth that happened again because he promised himself that this time he wouldn't give in.
I believe that he just kinda likes everything, he doesn't have a chosen music genre that he likes more than others, he just "likes what he likes". And yeees, he totally hyper fixates on certain songs sometimes and just listens to them on repeat until he's practically throwing up this song and is like "Ok, that's enough."
oh that is such a good idea, Russell could give it to him as a gift on his birthday or something. Listen, all I'm saying is that if he gets too cold, then a surefire way to warm him up, since he needs something that generates heat, is to hug him :)) I volunteer as a tribute btw. I just love love that his temperature depends pretty much only on the temperature of the environment. Because everyone else's temperature throughtout the days is like a straight line (brown line ofc), and his is probably just something like (green line):
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Sunil would leave him with someone, huh? I just imagine him knocking on one of their friend's door and once that friend, let's say hmmm Zoe oohoh yes, opens the door he's just holding Vinnie in front of himself, once again by his upper arms, and he's like "It's yours now" and gives him to Zoe who is just confused and Vinnie's like "Hi, Zoe, Sunil is going away so he left me with you :]" and Zoe, fully knowing the madness that is Vinnie when away from Sunil, is just like "Oh. Oh no." May I also suggest an example of texts between Sunil and Vinnie in such situation
Vinnie: Suuuuun when will you be home
Sunil: In a week, Vinnie, I told you
Vinnie: *eats Zoe's couch*
Sunil: please don't eat Zoe's couch, it's expensive
Oh of course I enjoyed it all, I could talk about him for hours at a time, he's soooo cute and he's literally just like me (me about every character I like that is literally nothing like me). But now I can't stop thinking about Sunil pinning Vinnie against a wall I just... shiiiiiiit
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Me thinking about him every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year of every decade
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mamma mia he makes me so unreasonably happy you don't understand. Like I know tumblr is the blorbo site but I genuinely sometimes think that I might be one of the most obsessed people with their blorbo even if I know it's probably not true because there are probably others who are just as obsessed with their blorbo if not more. At the same time, how many of them can say that they had the same blorbo for 10 years, never had a falling out with them or that their love has not lowered even once, not abondoned their blorbo after the show has long finished and the fandom practically died hence no content was made for said blorbo and the fandom was small to begin with. Not that many I think. Like 50% of the years he has been my blorbo I nurtured my love for him pretty much only in my head because there was barely any new content for lps.
And also the blorbo is literally just some gecko.
Bro, I just checked and I wrote 2433 words here, I literally wrote the equivalent of a fic just now 💀
I wanna talk about him all the time
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lillotte17 · 2 years
*kicks down the door*
After that post I made about Lavellan's on-again off-again ability to understand elven, I am positively SCREAMING at how much Old Ass Dwarven my SURFACE DWARF Cadash is able to understand and read.
Does Valta understand more than her? Yes!! Of course!!! But...HOW does she know this much at all?? Cadash says they've gotten into Orzammar, but they speak like they don't have a lot of experience with the deep roads at all. She's in the Carta! Does the Dwarf Mafia go out of it's way to educate their members in Ancient Written Dwarven??
I bet Varric can't read this shit and he's from a wealthy merchant family!
It is very cool to talk about dwarf things with a Shaper but it doesn't make a lick of sense!! What!
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sanjisprincesswifey · 2 years
s/o who curses in another language
summary: sanji and sabo find out you're able to speak another language
♡: gender neutral reader. 1.100+ words. content warnings: mentions of blood. sfw content.
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black leg sanji
• when the words first leave your lips, he pauses • he’s disappointed, but not in you. in himself. • he’s devoted himself to you and he didn’t know you could speak a whole other language?? • anyway, you’re just giving sanji another thing to love about you • you could be punching him in the face, and he’d still find you attractive • now that he knows you can speak another language, he asks you if you could teach him
you hummed along to the tune on the radio transponder snail, slicing into the fresh ingredients for dinner. sanji couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he listened intently to your voice, allowing his muscle memory to take over so you’re the only thing he could focus on.
you offer sanji the bowl full of freshly chopped onions, carrots, and celery, which he takes after exhaling a dreamy sigh. “i love with you cook with me, my swan. i love you,” he coos, his voice pitched higher than normal.
the two of you had just confessed your love for one another after months of dating (and months of hiding it, in sanji’s case), and sanji couldn’t stop saying those three words every chance he got.
you faintly giggle, not bothering to look up from cutting up the remaining vegetables.
“i love you too sanji,” you remind, knowing he loved hearing it as much as he loved saying it.
sanji’s gaze falls to the newly purchased knife as you slice into the tomatoes; you were the only person, other than himself, he trusted with the utensil.
he watches your delicate fingertips let each slice fall onto the cutting board, the blade was dangerously close to your skin causing him to chew on his inner cheek in fear you’d hurt yourself.
“sanjiiiiii!” luffy bursts into the room, slamming the wooden door against the wall. both you and sanji jump, and just as sanji feared the sharp utensil slices right into your soft flesh.
“luffy!” you and sanji yell in unison as sanji runs around the counter to kick luffy in the head for scaring you.
tears brim in your eyes from the burning. “you…you amoretz!” you cry out, your normal accent showing itself.
sanji’s leg halts in mid-air and luffy turns his head at a 90-degree angle, not knowing if he heard you right. “what did you just say?” he asks, sharing an equally confused look with sanji.
you watch the blood run down into the palm of your hand, the cut wasn’t even that big, it was just deep and painful. “du farkirtst mir di yorn,” you seethe, wiping away a tear that rolls down your cheek.
sanji’s walking over to you with his hand extended so he can examine the cut himself, but his eyes are wide with bewilderment. he gives your hand a once over, making sure there was no imminent damage, but he has a look similar to the one from earlier on his face.
“you didn’t tell me you could speak…” he trails off, unfamiliar with the language that left your tongue.
“yiddish,” you answer with a chuckle.
“that’s so cool! guys get in here! y/n can speak another language!” luffy cheers heading back out the door to gather everyone.
“if you’re going to get anyone, get chopper, you idiot!” sanji yells, more worried about your bleeding cut at the moment.
“he’s always been a bit meshuggeneh,” you admit, following sanji to sit at the dining room table. “crazy, i mean,” you clarify. he nods his head in agreement, pulling you to sit in his lap as you wait for chopper to come to tend to your wound.
“you think you could teach me sometime?” you perk your head up, sanji’s face has an embarrassed look strewn across it with a faint blush to match.
“why so you can curse at zoro in a language he doesn’t understand? it’ll only make him madder, you know.” you tease, placing a soft kiss on the tip of his nose, “but yes i can my libster.”
“i love you, he mumbles into your shoulder as chopper rushes in, freaking out at the sight of your hand.
amoretz - a numbskull or ignoramus  du farkirtst mir di yorn - “you’ll be the death of me”  meshuggeneh - crazy libster - beloved 
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sabo the revolutionary
• sabo literally turns into this emoji ‘ :O ‘ • he thinks you’re even more of a badass than you already are • “holy shit, that’s hot” • like sanji, sabo asks you to teach him but he just ends up annoying everyone • now everyone is upset with you
“shut the hell up, sabo!” koala cries, her heels click against the floor as she approaches your room.
your pencil stops midsentence as you bite back a smile knowing exactly where she was headed. “i blame you for this,” she points as she passes by your door.
you hear her door slam shut, shaking the connecting wall as your own door swings open. sabo strides in, calm and collected, whistling innocently.
you watch from your desk as he sits at the edge of your bed, mischievously smirking in your direction.
“you need to stop babe,” you plea, leaning back in your seat.
sabo’s hand flies to his heart, faking heart pain. “i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he lies.
“he keeps yelling something i don’t even understand!” koala yells through the wall.
sabo’s widened eyes flicker between the wall and you, poking his tongue out.
“he keeps saying gaesaekki after every minor inconvenience,” hack says, momentarily poking his head in the room, rubbing his temples. “it’s not annoying at all!”
you tap the eraser end of your pencil against the desk, awaiting an explanation from your boyfriend. “it’s the only word i remember,” he confesses scratching the back of his neck.
“you’re such a byeonshin,” you laugh, motioning for him to come over to you.
“thanks babe, so are you!” he shines his dumb, bright, innocent grin as he hovers over you, resting his hand on your shoulder. “but can you teach me just the bad words?” he looks like a little kid learning curse words for the first time and you can’t help but laugh.
you refrain from slapping his arm, pissing off dragon was one of your favorite past times.
“okay fine.”
koala pulls the hood off her head, motioning for you to follow her. you do as instructed and hide behind the wall with her, your transponder snail ringing in your pocket.
“it’s sabo!” you smile, picking up the call. “sabo? i’m here with koala, where are—”
koala snatches the snail from your hand, anger present on her face, “sabo, where the hell are you?! the target is on the move!”
there is a moment of silence on his end before there is a familiar clattering of utensils. “gae-sae-kki!”
“are you eating?” koala asks, confused but not surprised about the amount of audacity sabo has.
“i may have stopped by a ramen stand on the way here.” his sentence is followed by slurping of what you assumed was the broth causing koala to slap her own forehead.
“why would you do that?! you know we have a mission to carry out! didn’t you just eat like an hour ago!” her reprimands are met with even more slurping.
sabo scoffs, “gguh-juh! i was hungry!”
koala squints her eyes at you, pointing a finger at you. “i blame you for this,” she seethes, once again, as sabo laughs on the other end.
gaesaekki - motherfuck byeonshin - idiot gguh-juh - leave me alone gae-sae-kki - son of a bitch
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like, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! (✿◠‿◠)
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hertzwritings · 2 years
Work It
A/N: I can’t say how much the amazing @fanartandfanfiction​ is giving me LIFE. Seriously, she’s like… 90 % to blame for all the smut y’all are getting these days. So you should thank her for her dirty mind, because it fuels my HORN. Anyway, here comes another Henry smut thing, because I love y’all and you deserve it.
You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble/oneshot/multi-chapter fic!
Feedback feeds the soul and requests (and askbox) is always open and there is no limits because I am me, and I have none. At all.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x female reader
Warnings: Language, minor second hand embarrassment, smut (18+ MINORS DNI), fingering, oral (male recieving), face-fucking, praise kink, cum-shot, 
Wordcount: 2.357
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If there was one thing, you loved, it was your work. Even though it always smelled a little musty and a little like hot balls, you loved the gym – you were well-liked and pretty much everyone knew you and greeted you with a smile.
You had never had issues working – that was until Henry Cavill began working out at your gym, late at night, all alone.
The first time you saw his name on the check-in list, you almost fell on your ass. You glanced around the empty gym and saw a sweating, focused face by the racks, hip-thrusting a lot of weight, and felt yourself heat up to a wild degree – it almost felt impossible that he was there, in your gym, hip-thrusting what looked to be about your bodyweight.
Ever since that night, two months ago, he showed up every two days, always at night, always alone and he often came in whenever he knew you were working. Not that you kept tabs, but barely any of your coworkers had seen him at the gym.
You dried off the machine, you were currently cleaning, shooting a glance at Henry as he lifted free-weights and curling them to his chest. He caught your eye in the mirror and smiled, sweat gathering on his brow. You smiled back and rushed to the desk, the sound of the phone ringing filling the air.
“Y/N speaking, how can I help you?” “Bitch! I thought you weren’t going to work late anymore?” Your best friend, Abby, practically yelled at you. You turned your back to Henry and leaned your hip against the counter. “Listen, I wasn’t, but a development happened.” You said in a hushed whisper. “Like what? We were supposed to go out!” “Well, do you know a certain actor by the name of Henry Cavill?” You asked. Your friend gasped. “No fucking way. He’s training at your gym?” “Yup.” “How do you handle that? Like, does he talk to you? Is he as hot as we’ve thought about? Tell me everything.” You laughed a little at her. “Well, not more than hello and goodbye. He’s really a gentleman.” She huffed. “On the outside, 100 %.” “Okay, so… He’s hot. Like… Hot.” You said in a small voice, trying your best not to talk so loudly that you could be heard by him. “I’m telling you, Cavill is 1000000000 % hung like a horse, not kidding. He works out in these shorts, that just… Oh my god, every time he sits down, it looks like his legs are about to just rip through ‘em. It’s insanely hot.” She laughed. “Dude, that man could use my throat as a glove, and I’d thank him.” She roared with laughter. “Oh yeah, he wouldn’t even have to ask. Stick it right in, man.” She responded. “Hmhm. Oh, the things I’d let him do to me. I’m sure he probably has a few kinks.” “Are you kidding, he’s the try everything once man, honestly.” She said. “I think he has a knife-kink.” You laughed. “Yup. A spitting kink.” “Breeding.” “Oh, he’s a dom, I’m convinced. He would like you to call him daddy or something.” “God, yes.” “Oh, face-fucking, a million percent.” You said confidently. “Fisting, maybe?” You laughed a little at that. “Girl, if he wanted to use me as a human lollipop, he could, but I’m pretty sure those hands would be way too big.” “Be still, my beating vagina.” She sighed. “God, he’d slap you around happily.” She sighed dramatically. “Dude, also… I’m sure he’s like into anything you’d ask him about.” You glanced at the clock. “Listen, I gotta start cleaning and locking up, raincheck on the clubbing?” You asked. “Sure. Look an extra time at his ass for me, please?” “That’s wildly unprofessional.” “Is that a yes?” “Yes.” You hung up and grabbed the bucket of cleaning materials, walking to the wall closest to the men’s locker room to start cleaning the bars screwed in there.
“So…” A deep, husky voice rang out far too close to you and you yelped and jumped a little. You turned around to see a sweaty and smirking Henry Cavill a little away from you, leaning against a machine. “You scared me!” “Sorry.” He didn’t look sorry at all. “What can I help you with? We’re closing in thirty.” You said cheerily, ignoring the way your cheeks flushed. “You think I’m hung like a horse?” You felt the color drain from your face completely. Oh no. “Oh my god. You heard that?” He nodded and took a step towards you, almost predatory in the walk he neared you. “And I’d be into anything you asked me to do?” Another step. You took one back. “I’m so…” He cut you off. “Spitting?” Another step. “Face-fucking?” Another. “I’m a dom, huh?” You gulped as your back hit the wall and he took another, long stride to you, his arms capturing you against the wall. “Oh, and… I could use your throat as a glove, if I heard that correctly?” He grinned wickedly at you. “I’m so sorry, sir. I was entirely unprofessional, it won’t happen again.” He was so damn close, it was hard to gather your thoughts and act like a person, not a glop of horniness. “Oh, no, I actually found it… Intriguing.” He said softly, a deadly intent behind the words. “Say it again.” His voice dropped. “Say what, sir?” “There’s a good girl.” You almost moaned at his words. “You know, I’ve been coming here for a while, hoping you’d talk to me at some point. I guess this is a good as place as any.” He grinned. “I’m Henry, but you can call me sir.” You swallowed thickly. “Y/N.” You said meekly. “Y/N…” He tasted your name as it rolled off his tongue and he smirked at you, his face coming closer to yours. “Now… I think we should test your theory, don’t you?” He muttered, his lips close to yours. He smelled like sweat and moss. “Test… The t-theory, sir?” You asked timidly. “You believe I’m hung like a horse, didn’t you, darling?” You nodded, not really believing this was happening. Maybe you slipped on something and now you were having a concussion-dream.
You got pulled straight out of your thoughts as his lips touched yours. You couldn’t control the moan that tumbled from your lips as he met yours. It felt fucking amazing. He chuckled a little at your eagerness, his teeth tugging on your lower lip, and you mewled at the feeling of his calloused hands on your waist, finding the heated skin under your top, roughly pushing it up.
He pulled away from you, panting a little. “Knees, darling.” You didn’t even question it. You fell to your knees, happy that the ground was padded, and looked up at him. “Your eagerness is something else.” He grinned. “Now, you be honest with me. You want me?” You nodded. “Good girl. Pants.” He held his hands on your shoulders as you worked his pants down, completely in awe of how your night had turned out.
You gasped as his cock sprang free, just as big as you had imagined it to be; you felt your pussy throb at the sight of it, a bead of precum already collecting on the tip. You licked your lips and looked up at him, his blue eyes trained on you. “What was it… Face-fucking, love?” he rumbled. You grinned at him and steadied yourself a little, hands on his thighs. “Yes, sir.” “Good girl. Open up.” You opened your mouth and he slowly, but surely, let his cock slide between your lips and into your warm mouth, you moaned at the feeling and he growled and snapped his hips, the head of him hitting the back of your throat. You gagged and choked as he slowly pushed further into your throat, spit slowly dripping down your chin as he settled and moaned at the feeling. Your pussy was already dripping wet, clit throbbing in anticipation.
He began moving his hips, his cock sliding in and out of your mouth, the obscene sounds making you whimper around him. “You’re a good girl, taking all of me, aren’t you, darling?” He mumbled and sped up. You were gagging hard, tears streaming down your face and your fingers dug into his wide thighs, the feeling of his cock in your throat almost making you come on the spot. He twitched a little in your mouth and pulled out in one, hard move.
“Up, love.” You got to your feet, legs shaking and he grabbed you by the hair, pressing your back against the wall. “You’re gorgeous.” He mumbled, holding you hard; you moaned at the feeling. He roughly pushed your leggings down and you quickly kicked them off your feet, his eyes trained on your pussy. “You’re a bad girl, no underwear, baby?” he whispered and let a finger run along your slit. You gasped and your knees buckled. “And so wet for me already? I barely touched you, love.” You closed your eyes as a finger dipped inside of you. “Fuck…” You moaned as he began pumping his finger – you were already close to your edge, feeling completely overwhelmed by his antics. You were a moaning mess as he added another finger, dragging them along your walls, curling them up a little to hit your sweet spot. You moaned loudly, the sound echoing through the empty gym. “I-I’m…” “You can come, love.” He whispered, his teeth grabbing your earlobe. You couldn’t refuse that.
You came around his fingers as they pounded you deeply, riding his fingers through your orgasm. You felt like your body was on fire, your legs were shaking and he chuckled darkly. You came down, trying to steady your breathing as he slowly pulled his fingers from you and held them in front of you – you gladly took the in your mouth, tasting yourself on his fingers. “Perfect girl.” He mumbled and pulled his fingers from your mouth, and he spat at your wet pussy, spreading his spit on your wet folds. He grabbed your ass harshly. “Jump.” You did, trusting him completely.
He held you by your ass, your back against the wall and he moved closer to you, the tip of his cock against your dripping hole. “We’re good?” He asked. You nodded. “On the pill.” He nodded once and pushed into you, bottoming out in one move. You screamed in pleasure, your hands tight around his neck as he stretched you and filled you completely. He didn’t give you time to adjust, but growled as he pulled back a little, and began fucking you hard. His hips were snapping, and his balls slapped against your skin as he pounded you deeply.
You felt fucking full, and a part of your brain, one that wasn’t fogged up with lust, told you that you probably would forever be ruined because of him; nobody would ever feel this good. He growled and bit a spot on your neck, that made you mewl and roll your hips against him, angling yourself a little up to allow him to go even deeper. “Fucking hell…” he moaned and snapped again, speeding up. You felt your orgasm approach rapidly, your legs already shaking as the coil in you tightened and your nerves were screaming at you. “Want to come, baby?” He asked in a husky voice. “Pl-lease, please…” You moaned, not even sure what the hell you were asking for. “Come for me.” He sped up even further, the tip of his cock nudging your cervix and swelling a little inside of you – you came undone around him, your nerves burning under your skin as you gushed around him, and you screamed his name as your pussy drew him in, pulsing against him.
“Fuck!” He pulled out and let you down, and you got on your knees; you knew what he wanted and you were more than willing to give it to him. You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out, your fingers running over your clit as you tried to reach one more thrill before he finished. He pumped his hard cock with his large hand, eyes screwed shut and you fucked yourself, two fingers inside of you and one on your clit as you chased another orgasm, obscene sounds falling from your lips. His hips jerked and his hand stilled, ropes of cum shooting out of his large cock; it hit your face and tongue at the same time as one last orgasm plowed through you and you moaned at the feeling of his warm spend hitting your face in ropes.
You were both panting as you came down and he opened his mouth at the same time as you pulled your fingers from yourself, and slowly wiped the cum on your face off with them, before putting them in your mouth.
He grinned wickedly at you and grabbed your leggings, handing them to you and pulled his pants up. He helped you to your feet gently and laid a soft kiss on your lips.
“So… What else were you talking about?” He asked with a grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know`?” You asked, pulling your pants on and beaming at him. He raised an eyebrow. “Very much so.” “Hm…” You kissed him again. “Well, if you can be ready to leave in ten minutes, you’ll find out.”
TAGLIST:  @acaceta​ @a-skov​ @angelmather1​ @cooldreamlandsandwich​ @est1887​ @enchantedbytomandhenry​ @fionnthebandersnacc​ @herroyalbubbliness​ @keiva1000​ @kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler​ @pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw​ @summersong69​ @spookyboogyuniverse​ @stardusted26​ @thereisa8ella​ @timetraveller4​ @thatonechickhere​ @themanfromu​ @thelastpyle​ @yourlocalhoney​ @wheretheriversrunintothesea​
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
Hiii drew smut where they meet from Madison and have been talking and then the cast plus y/n go out clubbing and they confess there feelings / also can drew be rough.
*Keep it on the low*
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Warning: smut and language.
I got carried away with this one so I hope you guys like.
“ I just feel like we never see each other anymore “ you spoke over the phone Bailey.
“ I know” she whined out. “ listen we’ll fly you out this weekend so we can hang and you can meet my friends okay? You’re going to love them “ she insisted.
“ okay” you agreed, the feeling of excitement rushing through you. Madison was your best friend since middle school and it had been a touch transition since she began filming her new tv show, Outer Banks. Of course you talked on the phone but it wasn’t the same, and you missed her truly.
You had almost became envious of her new cast mates because they were daily posting videos and pictures with each other and it made you miss her more than ever .
You quickly went back to your bedroom, packing a suit case- the weekend couldn’t come any faster .
“ I’m walking down the escalator now” you spoke as you sat on the phone with Madison trying to find your way to her.
“ okay - wait I think I see you” she spoke out.
“ y/n!” You heard someone yell from in front of you. You lifted your head only to see Madison standing at the bottom of the escalator, her hand waving at 90 miles per hour.
“ Maddy!” You yelled before jogging your way down the already moving steps.
“ oh my gosh!” You yelled out as you both wrapped each other in a tight hug.
“ I’m gonna cry “ she spoke as she squeezed her arms around your shoulders.
“ ugh I know I’ve missed you so much” you poured .
“ c’mon we’ve only got the weekend and I have soooo much to show you” she insisted, tugging on your arm .
The ride to Madison’s hotel that she was staying it a was a bit of a drive from the apartment. She was staying pretty close to the beach and Charleston was probably one of the most beautiful cities you had ever laid your eyes on.
Madison had updated you on a lot, including a new girl she was talking to as well as her new friends and their characters on the show.
“ this Rafe guy sounds like a dick” you joked.
“ yeah but you’ll love Drew he’s literally polar opposite than his character . “
"Ahhh she's back!" a blonde headed boy beamed, running over towards your friend, ingulfing her in a hug.
"Rudy this is Y/n" She said with a wide smile, pulling you over.
"Hi" You beamed holding your hand out but Rudy instead pulled you into a hug.
"So glad you finally made it. Maddie over here wouldn't shut up about how much she missed you" He joked.
"Awe Maddie " You said with a sympathetic pout.
"Shut up" She laughed while rolling her eyes before pulling you further into the hotel.
"Guys" She spoke out loudly to a group of people sitting on her couch causing all of their eyes to advert towards you. " This is Y/n" She announced pulling you up next to her.
You awkwardly waved, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as she practically put the spot light onto you.
"I'm Chase" One guy said leaning over the couch, holding his hand out.
"I'm Madelyn " The blonde girl next to him said standing up, walking over towards you. " it's nice to meet you" she beamed, pulling you into a hug.
'Okay so everyone is big into hugs,' you thought. You smiled widely at her before you looked over at another one walking towards you.
"I'm Jonathan Daviss, but you can call me JD" He spoke. you nodded excitedly.
"That's a cool nickname" you beamed, causing a smile to form on his face. You then looked over towards the last face on the couch.
Now this man- he almost took your breath away. He stood up, his tall figure stretching high towards the ceiling.
"Hi, i'm Drew" He spoke, his voice the perfect tone, almost sounded like music to your ears. He had these sky blue eyes, perfectly pink lips, a little bit of fuzz on his jaw from being recently shaved, and brown hair draped over the sides of his forehead, parting perfectly down the middle. Your heart began to pound as he reached his hand out for you to shake. You hadn't realized you were staring until Madison nudged you with her elbow, bringing you out of your trance.
"Oh uhm yeah- i mean hi I'm y/n" You stuttered embarrassingly. He smiled a bright smile, his white teeth shining perfectly on his perfectly aligned face.
You sighed deeply. You never believed in love at first sight until now. How perfect this stranger was to you. If it weren't for you not wanting to humiliate yourself even more than you already were, you would've continued looking at him with admiration, but instead you turned your head to look at Maddie, trying to not to creep the poor guy out.
"okay guys I'm starving" Chase spoke up as the room filled with silence. "who wants to go eat?" He asked throwing his hands up. You grinned , already loving everyone's bubbly personality.
You sat your bag down onto the ground before tucking your hair behind your ear, watching as everyone began to make their way out the door.
"After you" Drew said, you and him being the last ones left in the room.
"Thanks" you said softly, walking out in front of him as he held the door open for you.
Who would've known that this would only the beginning of a very special relationship.
"Drew" You spoke out before his lips placed onto yours once again, his hand placed firmly on your thigh as your were tangled in his hair.
"Hmm" He hummed against your lips, his teeth nibbling on your bottom lip.
"We should tell them" You breathed out in between kisses.
"Mmm" he mumbled, his eyes closed as his lips trailed down your jaw towards your neck.
"I'm serious Drew I don't want to hide you anymore" You responded pulling away from him.
He stopped his movements, making eye contact with you.
"You sure?" He asked.
You and Drew had instantly hit it off that first weekend Madison brought you over.
It had happened the first night you had stayed the night. Everyone had fallen asleep and you and Drew stayed up for hours on hours endlessly talking about anything and everything. The sparks were flying. You were so engaged in every word that came out of his mouth, his sentences sounding like lullabies to your ears.
Before you had left you both had exchanged numbers and before you could even make it to the airport you were both texting each other. Throughout the first week you both spent every night on the phone until one had fallen asleep. It had almost became addictive the way he made you feel.
Neither of you spoke of your friendship to anyone though. Mainly wanting to take things slow but you also didn't want to upset anyone or cause any issues between Drew and Madison. He assured you it wouldn't upset anyone or cause issues but at the same time he wanted to respect your wishes and keep things a secret.
You both had been virtually seeing each other for three weeks before he flew you out for a weekend, just the two of you. You had stayed with him the whole weekend, movie nights and a lot of sex.
This week though you were invited by the whole group, and right now you were hidden off in Drew's hotel hiding from the group with Drew laid on top of you, the both of you shirtless.
"We can tell them tonight okay, i just want to enjoy the time we have together right now" He insisted. You simply nodded before leaning your head forward before placing your lips against his once again.
Drew sat up, smirking at you as he tugged on your jeans, pulling them down your thighs, exposing your pink laced panties that complimented your skin so well.
"So beautiful" Drew mumbled as his hands massaged against your thighs before reaching up towards your panties pulling them down as well. He reached over to the nightstand grabbing the condom on the top before pushing his own pants down, exposing his hardened pink shaft, the veins popping out the side.
You stared in admiration at the size as he placed the rubber over him.
"Flip over" he instructed. You quickly obliged, your face in his pillow. He tucked his arm under your waist, pulling your hips bag some to wear your bottom was pointed upwards.
You gasped loudly as you felt his tip insert into you, stretching your walls around him.
"fuck" you moaned out as he pushed into you, his hips pressed against your cheeks before he pulled back out, letting your own juices help lubricate him before he pushed back in at a faster speed.
"Fuck you're tight" Drew groaned out as he slowly pulled himself of you again, leaving just the tip in. You looked over your shoulder, smirking up at him as he looked down at you, his Adams apple poking out. Drew sighed heavily , closing his eyes for a brief second almost coming undone right then and there just from the sight of you.
He finally regained his composer, looking back down at you before pressing his hand onto the back of your head pushing your face further into the pillow before he began moving his hips once again, this time at a much faster pace.
"God Drew" you cried out as he hit your spot with each thrust, your hands balling in a fist around his sheets as you struggled to breath, overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure you were receiving. You arched your back further against Drew, giving him more access to go deeper into you, your hips moving causing your walls to tighten around him.
"Fuck" He breathed out, lowing his head some as we watched himself sliding in and out of you, his abs flexing with each thrust.
"Oh yes daddy yes "You moaned out, reaching behind you, grabbing hold of his hand that was placed on your bottom.
"You like that baby?" He asked before placing a firm smack against your left cheek. You hissed out , biting down on your bottom lip as your eyes focused on his body jerking forward over and over again, every inch of his body flexing as he moved himself in and out of you.
Since that first weekend you and Drew had spent together alone, he had learned more and more ways to work your body, especially when he realized you enjoyed it rough like him.
"Pull my hair baby" you pleaded, attempting to tug on his hand that had a firm grip on your hip while your body continued rocking back and forth.
Drew quickly obliged, reaching up to grab a hand full of your hair, pulling you back towards him, your back arched to where your arms stretched out, your hands placed against his pillows.
"God yes" You winced out, a slight stinging as he had a tight grip on your hair.
"Fuck princess" he groaned feeling his climax beginning to build. His thrusts began to speed up, your tits bouncing in the air as he continued to pound into you. You leaned up some, arm wrapping around his neck . You both began to lower, you practically sitting in his lap as he leaned back, propped up on one arm as the other had his hand wrapped against your throat. His thrusts were now at a steady but rough pace, slamming up against you as he placed sloppy kisses alongside your shoulder.
"God" He groaned out as his thrusts slowed down, turning more into grinds as his cock pulsed inside you, his warm load filling the condom. You begin rocking your hips back and forth along him riding your own high out, moaning his name out loudly as your toes curled, your climax euphoric. You climbed off of Drew, flopping your body down onto the his bed, breathing heavily as you ran your hands through your hair.
"That was amazing" you breathed out. Drew nodded, himself out of breath as well.
"I'm gonna get a shower" He responded as he stood up, his member beginning to soften. "We gotta meet everyone in two hours. Wanna join?" He asked. You smiled up at him before nodding, grabbing ahold of his reached out hand.
"Finally" Madison groaned as she saw you climbing out of the black SUV that escorted you to the night club you and the gang were linking up at .
"Sorry got caught up" you responded brushing the hair out of your face as the wind blew against it.
"I can see" she chuckled, her eyes focused on the round purple hickey on your collarbone. Your eyes widened, you had almost forgotten about it. You had saw the hickey as you did your make up and Drew's shower but had forgotten to cover it.
"Who were you with?" She asked out of curiosity but you only shook your head, pretending to be shy about your actions.
"ugh okay come on everyone else is inside" She responded. You nodded before tugging slightly on your black dress as it rode up your thighs. You had your hair down with white sneakers on, a simple butterfly necklace and a skin tight strapless dress on that barely that went down a few inches on your thighs.
The music was loud, everyone definitely lit as you both walked in. Your eyes roamed the club. It was definitely a party style. There a lot of people around dancing, and neon objects glowing in the black lights. Madison guided you to the corner booth your shared friends resided in, including Drew.
""You look so cute!" Madelyn beamed as she wrapped you in a tight hug.
"You too babes" You responded, well yelled as you placed your chin on her shoulder, only to see Drew standing behind her, his eyes focused on your body. He almost looked upset. Seeming how you were still on the low about your relationship you didn't confront him, but you did check him out from afar. He stood on the side next to JD black denim jeans with a white striped button up collared shirt, with his signature gold chain around his neck and a black watch on his wrist.
Despite just getting your back blown out by Drew, you had to leave before anyone came searching for you so you didn't get to see Drew dressed up, the last image you had of him was of him in a towel and his wet hair slicked back.
He was looking so good at this point you had to distance yourself from him before you made it obvious of your secret.
"Come dance" Madelyn pleaded tugging on your arm.
"I need to be drunk before i get onto the dance floor" You joked. Madelyn though took you serious and walked over to the bar, ordering at least two shots for everyone since you were each going to be getting an Uber back to the hotels.
"Okay drink up" She responded holding both yours and her shot in the air. You quickly glanced over towards your secret boyfriend who was watching you intensely before you tossed your head back opening your throat, letting the alcohol burn its way down your throat.
"phew" you said, a shiver following shortly after.
"Okay, One more " Madelyn insisted. You didn't plan to get shit faced of course , but you were definitely interested in a good time so you obliged, repeating the same action again, this time the liquids going down a bit easier. You both stood for a second in silence before she shook her head.
"I think one more with do us justice " She grinned. You chuckled, already feeling a slight buzz coming as the alcohol spread through your blood stream.
"Don't you think you've had enough?" You heard someone mumble from behind you. You looked over to see Drew standing behind you. You furrowed your brows together. How the hell did he get over there so fast?
"Don't " you mumbled before looking down at the table trying to avoid his gaze. "You're making it obvious" You responded before taking a step away, turning your back towards him.
Unfortunately you didn't notice how much those words actually upset Drew. IT had almost felt like he was an embarrassment to you with how much effort you put in to hiding him so he walked away, finding his way back next to JD.
"You okay man?" JD asked as he saw the obvious frown on Drew's face.
"Yeah man" He mumbled as he looked across the both of them, watching you quickly gulp away yet another shot of alcohol, bursting into laughter shortly after with Madelyn. He shook his head in disappointment. Of course he wanted you to have fun but he just didn't want you to get so waisted you end up doing something you regret and him not being able to help you since you didn't want him to show his affection towards you in front of everyone.
"Want a shot?" Drew asked glancing over at JD who also looked not too amused at the moment with the environment and in need of some lighting up. They both watched you and Madelyn make your way to the dance floor, merging in with the crowd as the quickly took their first shot, both of them sighing heavily as they attempted to mask the burning feeling.
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You immediately began swaying your hips to the upbeat music, the alcohol coursing through your body, giving you an almost out of body type feeling, something you usually didn't get unless you were in bed with Drew.
You didn't intend to jump into the party that fast. after 2 songs Chase had came by with more shots, unaware to the previous t3 you both had taken but neither of you denied them, quickly throwing your head back, wiping the drips off your chin as you looked over at Drew who surprisingly paid you no attention. You dancing slowed down as you realized the group Drew was associating with.
You could see JD and Rudy with Drew which was not an issue. it was the 3 bimbos standing with them too, one in particular standing too close for your comfort towards Drew, her index finger twirling in a poorly curled strand of hair.
You rolled your eyes, jealously now running through you. It was obviously intensified from the alcohol but you wanted to drag him away from the girls and show those girls exactly who he belonged to but you knew you couldn't say anything considering you and him were a secret.
"Hi" You heard from behind you. It was a tall brunette guy, pretty stocky with what looked to be hazel eyes and curly brown hair. At least that what you guessed since the dance floor was only lit up from black lights above you.
"Hi" You said with a friendly smile before turning back around, a frown forming as you noticed Drew laughing at whatever the girl closest to him just said.
"You got a name?" The guy asked, dancing behind you. You turned your head, almost ready to tell him to piss off until you glanced over towards Drew who still had not even given you a glance.
"Y/n" You responded as you turned your body completely around, facing towards him.
You studied his face. He looked cute, or maybe that was just the alcohol clouding your judgment. To your drunken eyes, he favored Timothee Chalamet to you, which was some one who was a sight for sore eyes.
- but, never the less, he wasn't Drew.
The guy mentioned his name back to you but between the alcohol and the music , you didn't hear him clearly. You looked to your side to see Chase and Madelyn in their own little world so you shrugged your shoulders, turning back towards the tall boy.
"You come here with someone?" He asked as he took a step closer, his body swaying along with yours to the music. You glanced over your shoulder towards Drew, the same scenario playing as earlier . You rolled your eyes becoming agitated with Drew before you looked back forward trying not to be obvious.
"I thought i did but it's looking like they didn't come in with me" You said, your lips close to his ear as he leaned forward to hear you.
"Huh" He responded leaning back. "That's to bad. You're very beautiful" He responded. You grinned widely, enjoying the attention.
The song changed, turning to a slower song, a more sensual vibe to it. You turned around, swaying your hips up against the guy as his hand wrapped around your waist.
You usually wouldn't do this, but between the alcohol and your jealousy towards Drew, you were enjoying every second of it in hopes Drew would catch on and realize what he was losing.
And surprisingly , that's exactly what happened.
Drew tried to play things your way. He tried to pretend that there was nothing going on between the two of you. He even gave other women attention to make it believable but it was all fake smiles and laughs when really all he wanted was to hold you. He did try his best though, that is until he looked up to check on you only to see your body being held by another guy, your ass pressed against the guys crotch as he practically dry humped you from behind.
Now Drew didn't drink as much as you did, but he did have 1 to 2 shots , enough to help spark a fire inside of him, rage flowing through his veins. Drew didn't hesitate to make his way over to you, his mind only focused on removing the guy from his girl.
"Y/n what the fuck" He spat out as he tugged on your hand, trying to remove you from him. Your eyes widened, guilt instantly flowing through you. You didn't mean for any of this to happen and seeing Drew standing in front of you fuming, you couldn't help but to feel embarrassed by your actions.
"Man back off alright she's just having a good time" The guy said with a cocky smirk plastered across his face.
"Fuck off " Drew scolded before looking back at you, completely brushing the guy off.
"This is really how you want to sell it ?" He said, his voice louder than normal because of the music, but those surrounding him including Chase and Madelyn hearing.
"Oh go fuck yourself Drew" You scoffed, rolling your eyes. You began to march off of the dance floor, making your way towards the table you were previously at, leaving the stranger stranded.
"REal mature Y/n" He responded following closely behind you. The rest of the group followed behind, beyond confused as to why the two of you would even be arguing like this.
"Oh but you weren't doing the same thing over here with the chick ? Laughing at every little thing she said" You spat out.
He threw his hands up.
"Y/n i was trying to play your little game of secrets" He argued back.
"Wait what secrets?" Madison spat out. The both of you stared at each other, unsure who was going or not going to spill the truth.
"No point in hiding it anymore Y/n" Drew argued. You furrowed your brows in frustration, crossing your arms over your chest as Drew spoke. Which he was absolutely right which upset you anymore.
"Somebody better start talking in point two second or -"
"We're dating" you interrupted, looking over towards Madison.
Everyone's jaw dropped except for JD's, his response was jut of him shaking his head.
"What!?" Madison yelled out in shock.
"Like talking?" She asked, looking between the two of you. " Or like, dating dating?"
"More like dating dating" Rudy butted in, pushing his index finger into a circle he made with his other hand, indicating intercourse.
You quickly placed your head in your hand with embarrassment.
"No fucking way" Chase responded, a wide grin on his face.
"Bro why didn't you tell me?" Chase yelled out placing his hand on Drew's shoulder.
"We didn't want anyone mad at us or like, i don't know it ruin this friendship we all have" You responded, lowering your head in disappointment.
"Y/n are you delusional? Why would that make any of us mad ?" Madison replied with a wide grin on his face.
"You guys, i called it" JD finally spoke, a cocky smirk across his face.
"Whaattt? " you responded looking over at him with confusion.
"You guys have been clung to each other since you first met. I'm not stupid" He laughed. You shook your head, a grin forming on your face.
"Okay the cats out of the bag so you guys don't have to continue pretending okay? " Madelyn responded. "Can we please get back to dancing?" She pleaded. They all nodded before the group once again went their separate ways, leaving you and Drew alone at the table.
"I'm sorry" You responded stepping closer towards him, placing your hand on his.
"ME too" He responded looking down at you.
"I kind of want to get out of here, yanno" You said with a smirk on your face. He grinned back, nodding his head.
Hope you guys liked!
✨feedback as well as a like and reblog is always appreciated 💗✨
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Honest and Truly
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Summary: Spencer has his prom 10 years late, but none of that matters when it's with the girl of his dreams.
Word Count: 4.8 k
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female (She/Her)-- Fluff
CW: Minimal vulgar language (PG-13)
Author's Note: This just might be my most favorite thing I've written in a very long time :) Also listen to the song I linked, it makes the title and the ending make more sense! thank you to @spookydrreid and @writhingintheroses for helping me a particular scene!!
Add yourself to my taglist! It makes it much easier for me :)
Honest and Truly
“A prom?” Spencer asks, realizing that the conversation had entered uncharted territory, a territory in which he had not a single clue how to navigate. Spencer, being a preteen in high school, never attended prom.
“Yes, Reid. A prom,” Penelope says, staring at him over the many monitors and stuffed cats that littered her desk, “It’s going to be so much fun!” she says, excitedly.
“That sounds like, uh, I’ll have plans that night,” Spencer tells Penelope, spinning around in the swivel chair as he eats his turkey and cheese sandwich. He usually enjoys their lunches together, but when Penelope gets an idea in her head, there’s no stopping her.
@s“Now I don’t believe that for a second, Reid. The only time that you have plans is when you’re with Y/N. And Y/N is going to be at this prom,” Garcia says, her pink glasses sliding down her nose. She winks at Reid, almost like she enjoys watching him squirm.
“How do you know that she’s going? Did she say she’s going?” Spencer asks, unable to conceal his eagerness that Y/N could be attending. Spencer might hate dancing and those fancy shoes that are too tight on his toes, but all that can be talked away if Y/N is there.
“Yes, she’s going because you’re asking her. That and I’m making everyone go,” Penelope says matter of factly.
Spencer opens his mouth, attempting to talk away Penelope’s suggestion. But Spencer Reid is a smart man and he knows better than trying to argue his way out with Penelope. Especially when it comes to Y/N. He might have an excellent poker face, but Spencer can’t hide his love for Y/N.
“I’m not going to ask her. You know she’ll think it’s because-” Spencer says, prepping for a long winded rant before the door of Penelope’s office swings open.
Y/N, with two coffees in hand, floats into the room like she’s walking on air. Or maybe it’s Spencer’s mind that’s floating when Y/N walks in. He can never tell. Whenever he’s near her, it’s like everything is sweeter, lighter and airier. Wordlessly, she passes the coffee to Spencer. Feeling her fingertips graze his reminds him of how pathetic he must be. He nods, telling her thanks, knowing that he’s unable to fully articulate just how grateful he is for the littlest things.
“Who are you not going to ask and to where, Spence?” Y/N says, leaning against the filing cabinets and sipping her coffee. Penelope, never one to be quiet, silently watches as Spencer and Y/N converse. Spencer looks up at her, feeling that light and airy feeling again. He brushes his hair that falls against his forehead nervously thinking of an answer.
“I- uh, I was thinking of asking my mother to come stay with me for a couple of weeks. You know, she hasn’t seen DC in a couple of years. And I do have some personal days banked,” Spencer says, telling Y/N a small white lie.
“She’s in Vegas, right?” Y/N asks, interested in what Spencer is saying, which is something that he’s still not used to. Spencer nods, smiling awkwardly.
“Yeah, she says that she likes the heat,” Spencer says, hating how formal and cold the conversation sounds. It’s normally flowing with easy and familiarity, but something is wedged between them. Penelope, long forgotten by the pair, types rapidly on her keyboard.
“You know, Spence. If you’re up for it maybe we can have lunch or meet at Elmwood Park. I’d love to meet the woman that made my favorite person,” she says, staring directly into Spencer’s eyes. Her stare is so intense that it’s like she’s looking into his soul. He thinks that if she looks deep enough she’ll see her own reflection because his soul belongs to her.
“I-I uh,” Spencer says, immediately thinking that he should actually invite his mother out for a visit, “I think that’s a good idea. She likes the sites and all,” he tells her nervously, trying to ease his beating heart.
He’s her favorite person.
Out of all the people in this city, this world. He’s her favorite person. Spencer, a lover of math, is tempted to figure out the odds of being his favorite person’s favorite person. He knows it’s slim. He knows it’s rare. It’s something magical and Spencer is terrified he’s going to ruin it. He’s terrified he’s going to fuck something up that’s not even his.
“It’s a date,” Y/N says, turning to Penelope, who’s still long forgotten, “Oh, Penny, you need to yell at Morgan for me. He ate my leftovers,” she tells Penelope, who feigns horror, “And now I don’t have lunch”
“How dare he!” Penelope says, her exaggerated response inciting chuckles, “he can get away with murder because he’s pretty,” she says, shaking her head.
He knows that she’s pretending to be disappointed, but he still doesn’t like to see it. Spencer unwraps the other half of his turkey and cheese sandwich and hands it to Y/N. She looks surprised, as if Spencer just handed her a million bucks.
“Spence, you don’t have to,” Y/N says, softly, handing back the half of the sandwich, “It’s your sandwich, I don’t want you to feel-”
“Eat it, Y/N,” Spencer says firmly, looking straight at Y/N, “You need to eat something. We both live off coffee as it is,” he says, hoping that Y/N will take the sandwich.
He’s looking straight at her and she’s looking straight at him. Spencer wonders if he looks deep enough he’ll reach her soul. He dares to think that if he can find her soul, he’ll stare at his face. He’s her favorite person after all, that’s got to count for something.
“Thanks, Spence,” Y/N says, smiling softly, “You make the best sandwiches,” she tells him, taking a bite of the sandwich as Garcia’s eyes flit from Spencer to Y/N. Back and forth, she watches the pair engage in the world’s best miscommunication.
“Y/N, did you hear? I’m throwing a prom!” Garcia says excitedly, hoping that Y/N’s reaction will be more enthusiastic than Spencer’s.
“A prom?” Y/N asks, unconvincingly, “God, I hated my prom. I got punched spilled all over my dress and my date tried to sneak alcohol into the banquet hall. It was a shitshow,” Y/N says, remembering the less than happy memories from high school.
“I didn’t go to prom. You know, between being a 12 year old and a dork,” Spencer says, self deprecatingly, “It’s not the ideal scenario, but I am familiar with the cultural significance of proms in American high school,” Spencer says, speaking to no one in particular, yet looking at Y/N directly.
“Maybe we’ll both get the prom night we deserve, Spence,” Y/N offers, tossing out her wax paper wrapper. She walks past him and it’s like the air is sweeter. He believes in science, but loves magic. Y/N is magic.
“Maybe,” Spencer says, refusing to make eye contact with Penelope, “you know, sorry to uh, cut this short. I have some paperwork to finish. Hotch’s been on me all day about it. So, uh, see you later,” he says, walking out of Penelope's office like a bat out of hell.
He tries to ignore the knowing stares from Penelope and Y/N’s confusion as he ducks out and walks into the bullpen. Spencer doesn’t have paperwork. He finished all his paperwork by 11:12 am. But what Spencer does have is a flight from Vegas to Quantico to book.
And prom shopping.
As it turns out, Spencer doesn’t know much about teenage American culture. Sure he’s seen 90s movies that Y/N forced him to watch. But it was quite difficult to pay attention when all he could feel was Y/N’s fingers brushing up against his in their shared bucket of popcorn or her head laying against his shoulder when she got tired.
He doesn’t know much of anything when it comes to romance. But he knows that he loves Y/N— and hopefully that’s enough. He still hasn’t asked her if she’d go with him. Honestly, he’s not too sure why he even has to ask her in the first place. She’s going to be there already, but Garcia and Morgan convinced him that it’s part of the so-called “Prom Experience”
“Spence,” Y/N says, she’s perched on the tall bar stool and rests her elbows on her kitchen island, “did you find a suit yet? I was thinking that we can go to that vintage store on Rock Ave. They have a surprisingly good size selection, and I think that this whole vintage thing fits your aesthetic really well,”
“My aesthetic?” Spencer questions, again lost at sea.
“You know, you’re like nerdy chic. Equal parts dorky and equal parts handsome,” she tells him. He feels his cheeks burn at her words.
“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not,” Spencer says, eyeing Y/N over the rim of his hot coffee.
“It is,” Y/N says like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Like him being handsome is just as obvious as him being dorky, “And get your wallet. We’re going to the vintage store,”
Spencer has a hate-love relationship with weekends. He loves spending time with Y/N where it was so easy to pretend that she loves him as he loves her. He hates the weekends for the same reason he loves them. Spencer knows that it’s all fake. It’s a façade of the truth.
“Spence! You’d look great in this,” Y/N suggests, holding up a gray sports coat, “I think it will match your eyes perfectly,”
“If you think so, Y/N,” Spencer says, nodding his head in agreement. She continues eyeing him as if she’s imagining what he’d look like in the jacket. He has to admit, it’s a very nice jacket.
“Come on, Spence. There’s a mirror over in the corner. Try it on for me,” she requests and not even a second later Spencer finds himself being dragged by the hand to try on the suit jacket.
Y/N holds the jacket open for him as he slips it on through his arms. He’s surprised to realize that it fits perfectly. He looks into the mirror, staring at his face and Y/N, who tugs and smooths the jacket. Spencer can’t look too much longer because if he does the lines between reality and fantasy will be difficult to distinguish. As much as he wants to stare into the mirror all day long, pretending that this is real, he much rather it actually be real. But wishing and dreaming only ends up with battle wounds and broken hearts.
“You look very handsome, Spencer. Very handsome,” Y/N says, staring into the mirror too now. But she’s not looking at the jacket, she’s looking at him. The beat of silence lasts longer than what’s comfortable, “Um, I think, I saw some pants that would look good on you, with this jacket, I mean,” she says, stumbling over her words. She’s not looking in the mirror any more, her gaze is noticeably away from Spencer and the mirror.
“Okay, uh, whatever you think, Y/N,” Spencer says, “I’m not even sure why I agreed to this thing. I don’t dance,” he says, regretting his choice to go to Penelope’s prom, but feeling guilty for maybe disappointing Y/N all in one breath.
“Did you ask her yet?” Y/N asks, holding up a pair of similarly gray colored pants. She must notice his confusion, “You know Austin, the woman you heroically saved. Does any of it ring a bell, Spence?” Y/N teases. Spencer feels his cheeks burn and his heart tighten, that happens a lot around Y/N.
“Oh Austin, uh no. She wasn’t interested in me, after all,” Spencer says, shifting his weight and staring at his converse, “I mean, I should have seen it coming. It’s transference, that’s like Psych 101,” he says, feeling strange. It was odd when Austin broke up with him, even if you can consider it breaking up. He felt a strange sense of relief when it happened, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.
Y/N clicks her tongue in annoyance as she walks over to Spencer. Tugging slightly on the sleeves of the jacket she says, “well she’s not as smart as I thought she was. You have to be a complete fool to let someone like you go,” she says quietly. She’s standing too close, looking too beautiful, and seeming too perfect for Spencer to not be completely enamoured.
Then it breaks, like shattered glass. The rosey glasses are lifted, leaving only cheeks that sting with nervousness and hearts the yearn for something a little more tangible.
“Stop staring at me and go try it on,” Y/N says, handing him the pair of pants, “Oh and I’m going to look for a vest and a tie to match. This store is unbelievable,” she tells him, pushing him into the makeshift dressing room.
Spencer puts on the pants, which fit, despite being maybe an inch or two loose in the waist. He looks into the tall mirror, which is noticeably empty without Y/N standing with him. A floating hand, belonging to Y/N appears. She holds a burgundy tie and a dark brown vest, both of which are very Spencer. He smiles slightly, strangely happy that Y/N has picked something out that’s perfect for him.
“Tell me when you’re decent,” she says, her voice muffled by the curtain that separates them. He sticks his head out of the curtain, his eyes immediately finding Y/N’s.
“Ohh, Spence, you look amazing. Very handsome,” she says, her hands clasped around the tie, tugging just like she did with his suit jacket before, “What do you think?” she asks, looking at him curiously.
“It’s nice,” Spencer offers, approaching this like he does everything: cautiously, “I do like the texture,” he says, running his hands up and down the sleeves of the jacket.
“You look more than nice, Spence. I know I’ve said it like 30 times, but you look very handsome,” she says. Spencer hopes that she means it. He needs something to be real. Sometimes besides what he feels, because what he feels is the realest thing in the world.
“It’s nice to hear,” Spencer says, “you know from someone who’s not my mother,” he jokes, shrugging off the jacket and grabbing the hanger from Y/N.
“You deserve to hear it,” Y/N says so softly Spencer wonders if she’s saying it all. That beat of silence, followed by the awkwardness is back.
“So, uh, I saw a dress that I’m going to try on,” Y/N tells him, her gaze shifting everywhere but Spencer’s eyes.
“I’ll go pay for this,” Spencer says, walking back into the dressing room and the mirror that lies to his face.
Back in Y/N’s car, Spencer shifts in the passenger seat trying to find a way to sit comfortably while holding his suit jacket, pants and vest. Y/N hangs up her dress, that’s wrapped in a gown bag. She wouldn’t let Spencer see the dress, despite her practically picking out his entire outfit.
“So what’s next,” Spencer asks, as Y/N gets into the car. She smiles over at him sheepishly, leading Spencer to think she’s got another trick up her sleeve.
“I’ve got a confession, Spence. And please don’t hate me for it,” Y/N says, her voice coming out a little nervous as she eyes Spencer.
“I don’t think I could ever hate you, even if I tried. And I’m certain I’ll never have to,” he says softly, resting his hand over hers on the console. He rubs the back of her hand gently, thinking about just how easy things are with her. If he could only be a little braver, maybe then the mirror wouldn’t be so empty.
“Okay. I knew that things didn’t work out with you and Austin. I overheard you telling Derek,” Y/N confesses, “And I know that it makes me a horrible friend or whatever, but I’m sorry that I eavesdropped,”
“Oh, uh how much did you hear?” Spencer asks, suddenly quite nervous. He can feel his heart drop, waiting for the moment when Y/N laughs at the thought of her loving him. He knows that it’s not fair to her, but then again all is fair is love and war.
“Enough to know that you’re still hung up or or someone else. I left once my conscience got the better of me. Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout,” she says, making the three finger salute that’s common in scouting, “I just wanted to hear it from you, you know you’re my favorite person and all,” she says, a frown forming.
“I think, uh,” Spencer says, “That I was just a little embarrassed. You know how Derek and Penelope and Emily and JJ can get. It’s basically just you and Hotch who aren’t jumping down my throat about being, you know, alone,” he says, chuckling awkwardly.
“They just want to help you, Spence. In their own ways, but I’m always on Team Spencer. You never got to worry about that,” Y/N offers, squeezing his hand.
He considers what she says, not responding verbally, but nodding his head. He hasn’t ever had someone on his “team”, so it’s strange. But a good kind of strange.
“Spence, you okay? I wanted to give you something. To be truthful, I’ve been thinking about how I was going to do this for awhile,”
“Ask me what?” he questions, wondering what she has in store. He watches as Y/N rummages in his bag, clearly looking for something. He’s thoroughly confused when she pulls out a TI-84.
“What on earth?” Spencer says, as she places the calculator in his hands. Her sly grin, beaming up at him only further proves his point: his heart just beats faster around her.
“Just shut and press the on button. You’d think that a genius would know how to work a calculator,” she comments, rolling her eyes playfully.
“You know, I never used these. I can just do it in my head faster,” Spencer says, winking at Y/N when she pushes him teasingly.
“God, Spencer just turn it on!” she demands, very apparently getting more and more impatient.
He turns the calculator on and is brought to a green screen that has a picture of a graph. Spencer raises his eyebrow, as if to ask Y/N for the next direction.
“Press the graph button,” she says, getting quieter as Spencer looks at her.
He presses the button that she said to, waiting for whatever is supposed to happen. Spencer watches as the screen draws four black lines running parallel to each other. A curved line is drawn on the first two black lines, forming the letters “P” and “R”. The screen continues to draw, making an oval that looks like an “O” and the last two parallel lines are joined together with a “v” shape, forming the letter “M”. He takes a second glance, reading the 4 letter word slowly.
“Well?” she asks, waiting for his answer.
He’s speechless. Spencer blinks. It’s like his brain has stopped working. It’s a prom, a stupid prom that’s 10 years too late. But it’s the girl of dreams that’s asking him. And that’s the stuff those rom-coms he couldn’t pay attention to are made of.
“I mean, of course. Of course, Y/N,” Spencer says, dropping the calculator into the cup holder and leaning in to hug Y/N.
His heart stops again. Falling into that tricky habit of either speeding up or stopping when she’s around. He thinks he’s ready to implode when she pecks his cheek. Her lips don’t linger, hardly touching his skin for it to be considered a kiss.
“I don’t think I’d want to go with anyone else,” she says, mumbling into his skin. She seals his fate with her lips against his skin. Never again will Spencer imagine what it’s like to have her lips against his skin. Even though it’s a fraction of the time he’d want, it’s tattooed in his mind.
“I’m not much of a dancer, by the way,” Spencer says, reluctantly letting go and sitting back into the passenger’s seat, “so don’t expect too much,” he jokes.
“Oh you better watch it, Doctor Reid. I’m getting you on the dance floor, even if you hate it,” Y/N says, smiling as she backs out of the parking spot and turns into the street.
Spencer looks out the window, thinking to himself that there’s probably nothing he can hate if he’s doing it with Y/N.
Spencer didn’t go to prom in high school. He didn’t do a lot of the traditional things that most former high schoolers reminisce about at his age. He didn’t go to football games or have a best friend to make lifelong memories with.
He didn’t have any of that, until now.
But it’s prom night, 10 years late. His hands are sweaty and his mouth feels dry. Spencer wasn’t this nervous for even his first day at the BAU all those years ago. He tries to fix the burgundy tie that Y/N picked out at the vintage store. It looks crooked and twisted. Nothing like when Y/N tied perfectly in the store for him. He supposes that he can wait till she comes to pick him up.
The mirror, again, is noticeably empty without Y/N standing beside him. He can get lost in there, thinking about her standing with him. He does, because it feels like seconds later when he hears a rapid knocking on his apartment door.
Standing on the other side of the door is Y/N. She wears a sage green dress that looks like it’s made of softest silk. He smiles at her, not sure if he can trust his words. Spencer doesn’t think he’ll be able to do much thinking when all he can focus on is the tiny straps that rest on her shoulders or how the sage green compliments her skin tone.
“You look, god. You’re beautiful,” Spencer says, partly under his breath partly aloud to Y/N, “so beautiful,” he says again, focusing on her eyes.
“And you’re looking very dashing in that suit, Spence,” she says, pushing her way in, “do you need help with your tie?” she asks, looking at the tie he holds in his hand.
“Yes, please,” he says sheepishly. He holds out the burgundy colored tie, but takes his hand back as an idea crosses his mind, “oh wait here, I’ll be right back,” Spencer says, walking quickly to his bedroom.
“Alright,” Y/N says sceptically, “Don’t ditch me, Reid!” she calls out from the living room.
Spencer returns, hiding the new tie behind his back. He places an olive green tie with dusty blue and pink flowers in her hands. He notices her smile grow, realizing that he’s picking a new tie for a reason.
“I might not know much about prom, but I think that we’re supposed to match. You know, since we’re going together,” he offers, “but I need help putting it on,” he says.
“We’re going to match!” Y/N says excitedly. As she unbuttons the first button on Spencer’s cream colored shirt he holds his breath. He can’t breathe when she’s this close. Her fingers are quick and nimble as they feed the tie around his neck and elegantly create a knot. If Spencer wasn’t already in love, he knows that watching her eyes twinkle and her tongue poke out as she concentrates would make him declare it then and there.
“So handsome,” she says, using that quiet voice that makes it seem like she’s talking to herself rather than him, “I can’t wait to dance with you,” she tells him tugging the tie.
“I’m not going to be good, Y/N. I’m going to be a fool,” Spencer says, lamenting already about what an idiot he’s going to look like in front of Y/N.
“That’s nonsense, Spence,” Y/N says, waving him away with a toss of her hand, “You’re going to be the best dancer there,” she tells him rubbing her hand up and down his arm, like she did at the store.
“Would you believe it, if I told you I never danced with anyone?” Spencer says, being the most honest and true he’s ever been.
“We can change that,” Y/N says, stepping towards Spencer and linking her hand in his. She squeezes, restarting and stopping his heart all in one go, “oh wait we need music,” she says, feeling around for where her phone usually is.
“I got it,” Spencer says, stepping away from Y/N. He walks over to the small record player in the corner of his living room. He doesn’t play it too often, the records he has were once his mother’s and they’re too painful to play most days. But Spencer’s sure that he can make every exception to all his rules for Y/N. Maybe he’ll get some happy memories out of it.
“Going old school I see,” Y/N says, teasingly as Spencer walks over grabbing both his hands in hers, “everything about you is very charming, Doctor Reid,” she says, softly swaying to the jazzy tunes of Sarah Vaughan.
“I’m not too sure about that,” Spencer says, following Y/N’s lead as she floats around his living room, carrying him everywhere she goes. She rests her head against his chest and Spencer swears that she’s going to get a concussion from how hard his heart beats.
They’re alone, no audience to witness the moment that Spencer wonders if he can dare to call intimate. It’s intimate to him because every moment with Y/N is intimate. Maybe if someone had told Spencer that dancing like this could bring pure paradise all the way from your fingertips to your eyelashes, maybe he would have done it sooner.
“You’re quite the romantic, Spencer,” Y/N says as the song comes to a close. The record player stops, but they don’t stop swaying, “And you told me you couldn’t dance,” she scoffs lightly, with her head still resting against his chest.
“Is that okay with you?” He asks, “me being romantic,”
“I don’t think that I’d want it any other way, Spencer,” Y/N says, removing her head from his chest and her hand from his. She cups his face, touching him lightly. Y/N holds him like he aches to be held. It’s gentle and tender, yet leaves him desiring more.
“Honest?” Spencer asks, daring to be brave.
“Truly,” she responds.
Spencer shifted slightly, so he can also hold her face in his hands. Y/N drops her hands though, wrapping them around Spencer’s waist to pull them closer together. Spencer’s phantom fingers are like that dance around that dance around Y/N’s skin.
It’s Y/N that initiates the kiss. She moves in slowly and tenuously, looking just as nervous as Spencer is. He’s shaky slightly, the anticipation getting to his head when all he can see is Y/N’s eyes looking into his and all he can think about is how soft her skin is. It’s all he’s ever wanted to think about. Her lips are soft and pillowy.
But it’s more than that.
Kissing her is everything to Spencer. It’s the breathy sighs she lets out as he moves his hands and rests them securely behind her neck. It’s the peachy scent of her perfume that’s so sweet and strong it should be overwhelming when all it is, is intoxicating. Kissing her is dizzying and terrifying, but wonderful and sweet. He can’t tell where his lips start and where her’s end, but it doesn’t matter.
He doesn’t open his eyes because he knows he’s facing the mirror. But unlike before, he doesn’t need a mirror to know what he’s looking at. He can look into his soul for that.
“Very romantic,” Y/N says, smiling through the quick kisses she plants on his jawline, “I always thought you’d be a romantic,” he tells him.
Spencer brushes his thumb over Y/N’s bottom lip. It’s puffy and bitten from his kisses, but he thinks that it would be a shame to not bite and kiss it some more. He smiles so hard he knows that he’ll wake up in the morning and his mouth will hurt. But that’s the least of his worries if Y/N’s there to kiss it better.
“Honest?” Spencer says, calling back to the song, that’s now their song.
@shemarmooresfedora @willowrose99 @calm-and-doctor @spideygenius @measure-in-pain @nomajdetective @spencerreid9 @saspencereid @laurakirsten0502 @winifrede @muffin-cup @idonotexiste @pastelbabygirl19 @strawberryspence @g0lden-cth @spookydrreid
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
Pictures of you-Chapter 10 (90's Liam Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90's Liam Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Language, use of alcohol and drugs, angst, fluff, smut (oral male receiving, p in v sex), maybe a few spelling mistakes.
Words: 1767
Summary: 1996, You are in Dublin for Oasis's gig and something you didn't plan happens. At the afterparty at the bar of the hotel, someone comes towards you, and it isn't someone all of you really want to see.
A/N: Hey y'all !!! Here is chapter 10, I know I already wrote about this event in one of my smuts, but this event is really important in Y/N's and Liam's story, and it's a bit more detailed. Hope you'll enjoy it, see ya next week !
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oh this man...
March 22nd 1996-Dublin:
Everything was doing fine with Liam but was going really fast. When he was drunk or high, which was most of the time, he was always telling me “Why going slow when I know everything I have to know?”
He didn’t even tell me he loved me yet.
He still had his mirror fantasy and had one added in his bedroom in his apartment for when I slept at his place.
I was also drinking heavily and taking a lot of drugs with the band, and decided to stop taking my meds, which was a big mistake, that would have consequences later.
But this night would change something between Liam and I.
The band played to the point Theatre this night. Everything was fine until the afterparty at the bar of the hotel.
We were having fun, drinking, and taking drugs, I was sat on Liam’s lap, my arms wrapped around him, when I felt him tense.
Are you okay babe? I asked
He didn’t answer. But when I saw Noel’s and Paul’s faces, I immediately understood.
Liam’s fists balled up.
Hey Li’, calm down, I’m here.
Don’t. Paul told me
Paul, I’m the only one who can…
No ye can’t. Can’t ye see he’s about to kill him? Paul interrupted me
Their fucking father was approaching us with a goddamn journalist.
Liam, do not react. Noel said
I’m going to fucking kill him! Liam shouted
Don’t fucking react, that’s what he wants! Yer not going to react, don’t get involved. Ignore him. His older brother answered
I can’t! he yelled
Yes you can. Hey Li’, I’m here, look at me. Don’t react, let me handle this, okay?
He didn’t look at me and didn’t listen to me, so I took his face in my hands and put my forehead against his.
Liam! I called him
He finally looked inside my eyes and soothed at my touch.
Good evening me sons! Tommy said
Yeah, good evening, now fuck off! I said
Ah ye must be Y/N! Now young lady, go back to yer babysitting duties before the child breaks the lovely piano.
For you it’s miss Y/L/N. Go away Tommy, it’s a warning. I said getting up and facing him
Liam got up and faced his father with me.
Don’t talk to me bird like this, I forbid ye. Don’t talk to us at all.
Me son! Ye grew up so much!
Liam, don’t fucking react! Noel said
Shut the fuck up! He answered
Go away Tommy, I won’t say it a third time. I added
But the fifty-year-old man didn’t listen to me.
Liam tapped his rear pocket.
I’m a millionaire. He told his father
A smirk grew up on Tommy’s lips and he winked at him.
Right then, I’ll fight ye if ye promise not to kiss me.
Liam’s fists balled up again and I took his fist in my hand, to show him I was there, and he wasn’t alone.
He almost glued his body to his father to intimidate him.
Yer legs are gone, yer legs are gone! Liam shouted
Security guards started to push Tommy away from our table.
Ye couldn’t break Percy Sugden’s legs! The fifty-year-old shouted back
I felt Liam move to follow his old man and really break his legs, but I didn’t let him and decided to hug him instead.
Liam, baby, no! I shouted
He listened to me and came back to sit at our table.
I approached Noel and Paul.
Are you okay? I asked them both
Yea, nevermind, I don’t give a shit ‘bout him now. What matters is the band and our music, but I think it deeply affected our kid.
Leave it to me, I’ll deal with it. Paul?
More fear than harm, thank ye Y/N.
I hugged them both before going back to Liam.
Liam didn’t say a word and drank many more drinks after that, ending wasted and there was nothing I could do. This event messed him up.
I was now the one taking hm back to our room and I didn’t know what was to come and didn’t expect it. As I helped him sit on the bed, Liam broke down into tears.
Oh Liam, darling…
He sobbed hard in my arms, holding me as if there was no tomorrow.
I hate him… I hate him so much… He’s a monster.
I know. I answered, tears threatening to spill from my eyes
He has beaten them up so many times, I was in the middle seeing this… I… I couldn’t do anything, I…
I know Li’. I know. It’s over now. They’re safe, your mum is safe, you’re safe. I am safe.
Yes Li’.
He cried harder against my stomach, wrapping his arms around me. He couldn’t stop.
I was caressing his hair and crying with him, and I felt powerless. I was powerless.
I kept holding him in my arms for a few, when suddenly he desperately searched for my lips and kissed me passionately.
I answered the kiss and deepened it. He started to grip at my clothes.
Please Y/N…Please, I need ye…
Are you sure?
I need ye.
I let him take my clothes off and I took his off. Once we were both naked, I sat on his lap, laying him down on the bed.
This time let me be the one who takes care of you Liam.
I got on my knees in front of him, taking his erected length in my hand, causing him to moan.
I pumped him a few times and licked the tip, giving him a taste of what was to come. I could taste the saltiness of his precum. He moaned again, looked at me and nodded.
So I fully took him in my mouth and bobbed my head up and down while sucking him, always teasing the tip with my tongue.
Liam grabbed a fistful of my hair, holding on for dear life.
Oh me Y/N… Oh me Y/N… hr cried out
Soon, I felt him twitch in my mouth and his groans were growing louder, indicating he was close.
He pushed my head away.
Not like this. Not tonight. He said
I gave him a weak smile and came back on his lap, straddling him. I was aroused enough, so I took his member in my hand and directed it towards my entrance.
Liam sat down with me, and I sank down on him.
We both let out a moan in unison and took a few seconds to get adjusted to his size.
Then I started rolling my hips against his, bouncing up and down on him.
A thin layer of sweat appeared on our bodies, our noises filling the room.
Liam was holing me tight, kissing my neck or my lips, one of his hands on the mattress to hold himself and the other wrapped around my back, while helping me by slowly thrusting in me.
One of my hands came in his hair, caressing him. He needed to be loved. He needed to feel love.
His gaze didn’t leave mine, but mine left his when I felt him touch my magic spot, causing me to moan loudly and for my eyes to shut themselves.
The roles were reversed when he laid me on the mattress. It was now him on top of me. His pace was going faster and hit my sweet spot at each of his thrusts.
Liam… Oh God…
He was looking at me reach my high while trying to chase his, his fingers dug in my hips.
That’s until he let out a loud moan followed by a shiver taking power on his body.
His head fell in the crook of my neck.
I love ye Y/N…
God Liam, I love you too…
Marry me… please, I beg ye, marry me! He groaned
I couldn’t answer as I reach my climax, my walls spasming around Liam’s length, my nails digging in his back, my eyes shutting themselves as I cried out his name.
Liam reached his just a few seconds after, his body trembling.
He came, painting my insides with his hot release, before collapsing on me.
He peppered my neck with wet kisses while we were catching our breaths.
He pulled out of me and laid beside me. I was troubled.
Promise ye’ll never leave me? He asked
Of course I do! Will you?
I promise.
You should rest, things have been said because of alcohol and you probably didn’t mean them. I said
I was serious. Marry me Y/N.
Liam…You’re drunk…
Not that much.
Yes you are.
Y/N, I’m fucking serious!
But Li’, you just told me you love me for the first time!
Oh don’t be fucking picky about it! It’s true, I should have told ye earlier, I was just fucking scared to say it! And ye know me motto. “Why taking things slow when I know everything there is to know?”. What I know right, id that I love ye so fucking much and ye are the love of me life. So yea, I want to marry ye.
Isn’t it too soon?
Ye already have me answer, now ye just have to give me yous.
Liam got up from the bed, stumbling to his jeans, searching in his pocket, and coming back to bed with something in his hand.
He opened it in front of me, revealing a beautiful ring.
Oh you’re really serious…
Dead serious.
I was still living in a dream at the time. So I think my answer is obvious.
Yes Liam, I’ll marry you.
He smiled and slid the ring on my marriage finger.
Don’t worry, we won’t marry now. It’s just I love ye so fucking much I wanted to have a promise and I wanted to give ye one.
We both had big abandonment issues, we needed each other, we wanted each other, we loved each other, depended on each other. That’s why it happened. Only 4 months after getting together Liam and I were engaged, promising to be with each other for better or for worse. Especially for worse. And now we had to tell Noel. Oh fuck.
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write-orflight · 3 years
Settle Down: Chapter 11
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**Gif Not Mine**
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Pairings: SpencerXReader (kinda enemies to lovers)  
Rating: M
Words: 1.9K
Warnings: Child birth, language, tooth aching fluff
Summary: Y/N and Spencer don’t get along but turn to each other for the one  thing you need someone else for… A baby. You can plantonically start a     family, right?
AN: Two updates in a row! (Unedited) Now the taglist is officially closed now that we only have the Epilogue left. Thank you to everyone who took this journey with me, let me know what you think! much love, Cia
Chapter 11: A PowerPoint, really?
Morgan called outside the door for more nurses as soon as he heard what you said. Soon 3 women are rushing into the room, one of them clad with a wheelchair. You look at Morgan as they begin to load you in the chair. 
“Derek, call Garcia and tell her to come with my emergency birth bag, then call Dr. Lizzie and tell her the baby is coming-AHHHHH!” You screamed as you were being wheeled out. Contractions, as they turn out, are the worst feeling ever. 
Garcia is barging into your hospital room not long after that baby bag in tow. You kept an extra one at her place just in case you went into labor when the team was out on a case. “I drove just about 90 mph to get here. How are you feeling, mama bear?” 
“Like Satan himself is putting me on a spit roast.” You grunt through clenched teeth. 
“Think of the bright side you’re about to give birth to the cutest, most intelligent baby.” Garcia says. “Plus Dr. Liz told me I need to keep you calm so let’s do your breathing exercises.” Garcia starts huffing in syncopated time in order to get you to follow. You scream in her face. “Ok, so maybe not.” 
“Who’s ready to have a baby?” Dr. Liz says, in a joyous tone as she sweeps into the room. “Let’s take a look at you.” 
“Thank god! Lizzie, I need epidural. Shoot me up, Doc.” You groan from the pain. 
“So someone is a little more eager to meet the world than we thought. It’s too late to safely administer epidural. You’re going to have to go natural, kid.” 
You look at her wide eyed. “WHAT?!” You shake your head. “I-I can’t.” 
“You can, Y/N.” Penelope says. “You can squeeze me as hard as you can.” 
Tears start to fall from your eyes from the combination of pain and loneliness you felt. “I can’t do this, I need-I need Spencer.” 
You hear the door opening. Spencer walked in pushing an IV still attached to his arm, other one draped around Derek’s shoulder as he helped him walk in. Once Spencer was next to you and leaned against the wall, Derek and Penelope stepped back to give you and Spencer privacy in your moment. 
“Alright, you’re crowning. It’s time to push so next time you have a contraction, I need you to push as hard as you can.” Dr. Liz says, you nod. Spencer is pushing some of your sweat matted hair out of your forehead. 
“What are you doing? You’re supposed to be in bed.” 
“I told you I’d be here for you, for this.” He says, grabbing your hand letting you squeeze around his palm. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Spencer, I--AHHHHH!” You say, pushing. Your hand tightly squeezes around Spencer’s who despite how rough you must look right now is looking at you with the utmost awe and admiration. Dr. Liz gives you some words of encouragement as you breathe waiting for the next contraction. 
“You don’t have to say it, I know, Y/N. I know.” He says, hand running through your hair. 
“No, I need to say it. Spencer, I’m so in love with you. I love you so much, I’m sorry I kept hurting you but I need you. I love you--AHHHH!! I take it back, I hate you! I fucking hate you for doing this to me!” 
Spencer kisses the hand you’re squeezing. “I love you too, Y/N/N. And I know you don’t mean that. It’s actually fairly common for all mammals giving birth to feel disdain towards their partne--” 
“SHUT UP!” You yell as you push. “I usually love your facts but right now, shut the fuck up!”  
“You’re doing great, mom. Just one more.” You hear Dr. Liz shout over your screams. 
They don’t tell you this in any book, Doctor’s appointment, or  mommy and me class but for a moment even though it is a fleeting moment. There is a stillness in the air where everything is silent and you are only snapped out of it at the sound of your baby’s first cry. Everything else from the cheers to Spencer cutting the cord is drowned by the sound of your baby loudly entering the word. 
Your baby. 
They place her on your bare chest and your arms instinctively wrap around your most precious being. You coo as the baby continues to cry the fluid out of her lungs. She’s covered in blood and goop but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Suddenly the thing you’ve wanted for so long was finally here and she was everything and more than what you thought, the perfect manifestation of you and Spencer’s love for each other. 
Genevieve Rosalind Reid was born early November 10th. Given the name Genevieve after the song, Lady Genevieve, you and Spencer loved so much and Rosalind after famous female scientist Rosalind Franklin. 
Not more than a couple of hours after the rest of the team is slinking into the room to get a peak at the baby, bearing gifts and congratulations to you both. Spencer managed to negotiate with the doctor to at least have a bed moved into your room so if they were going to make him lay and rest at least he could be near you and the baby. Soon, one by one the team starts leaving the last being Penelope who Derek had to haul away with him. You turn to Spencer once they’re gone. 
“I love you, Spencer. I’m sorry I didn’t say it. I was scared.” 
“I know, Y/N. I love you, why were you scared?” 
“I didn’t want to lose you with my selfishness. Genevieve needs you more than I do, I didn’t want to sacrifice her having both parents because I couldn’t control myself.” 
He reaches across the aisle between your beds for your hand which you stretch to him as well. “I’m not going anywhere.” He says looking you in your eyes. “I would never abandon either of you. I love you, but no matter what happens between us, we’ll make it work. For Genevieve.” 
“For Genevieve.” You repeat back.  
It’s been about 9 months since you had Genevieve and you and Spencer we’re still going strong. Though the first couple of months were difficult with Spencer being injured and having an actual newborn to care for. You were still better than before, Spencer made things better. Genevieve was perfect and looking more and more like Spencer with each passing day. In fact, it seemed the only trait she did take from you was a wild stubbornness and love for Disney movies. 
You were out walking Genevieve in her stroller when you got a call. 
“Hey Spence. What’s up?” 
“Hey, where are you?” You hear over the line. 
“I’m walking with Gen in the park.” You say. 
“Do you want to meet at the coffee shop on the corner?” 
You shrug even though he can’t see it. “Sure, get me a cold brew.”  
You push the stroller into the coffee shop ten minutes later and walk over to the corner table you and Spencer have deemed yours. Your daughter is already fussy and making grabby hands for Spencer, who smiles and scoops her out the stoller. 
“Hey, Bug.” He says, sweetly as your daughter smiles brightly at him.
“God, she’s such a traitor. Instantly forgets I exist as soon as she sees you.” You say, as he hands her back so you can put in the high chair for lunch. You’re opening her banana and pears baby food when you notice it. “Why do you have my laptop?” You ask. 
“Well, open it.” 
You give Spencer a weird look before handing him the food to feed Genevieve so you can open the laptop. Your heart stops for a second as you read what’s on the screen. 
“A PowerPoint, really?” You chuckle. “Spencer, what is this?” 
“This is Reasons Why You Should Marry Me.” He says, looking up to look you in the eyes. 
“Yea, I got that from the title, Spence.” You chuckle, wetly. “And you thought a PowerPoint was the best way to ask?” 
“Well, I felt you’d be more inclined to consider it if you knew I spent time on a presentation.” 
“That’s true.” You say, chuckling at the memory of your first friendly encounter. You take the food back from him. “Well, show me what you got.” 
“Okay, Reason #1, You love me.” You laugh, nodding as he goes to the next slide. “And I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” 
“Spencer…” You said, swooning slightly. 
“#2, I’d be a great husband.” 
“That’s a debatable fact.” You say, chuckling. 
“Have I given you any indication that I wouldn’t be?” 
You smile and shake your head no. 
“#3, I have a ring, a very pretty one that Garcia helped me pick out and it’s yours if you say yes.” Spencer says, that makes you laugh loudly because of course she did, no wonder she’d been acting weird at work for the past couple of weeks. “In all seriousness… Y/N, I love you and I feel like I’ve loved since you brought me to this coffee shop more than a year ago and asked me to make the best decision of my life. You are my best friend, the mother of my child… I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to share my life with. So..” Spencer takes that moment to stand to kneel down on one knee. “Will you marry me, Please.” 
The tears that had been threatening to fall since he started were coming in full swing now. You nodded fast. “Yes! 1000% yes!” You exclaim. Spencer takes that moment to slide the ring on to your finger as you hear the faint applause from the bored baristas in the empty coffee shop who have gotten to know you both over the years. Spencer sweeps you into a deep kiss, that you can barely stop smiling for. You pull apart when you hear Genevieve start to babble in her highchair, reaching for the two of you. 
“Oh, come here, Bug.” You say, going to pick her up, kissing the top of her head. “Can’t stand not being the center of attention, huh?” 
“Well, she is her mother’s daughter.” Spencer chuckles when you level a bored expression at him. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” He says, starting to pack Genevieve’s stuff back into her stroller. “What movie are we watching tonight?” He asks. 
You think for a second. “How’s Wall-E sound?” 
Spencer smiles when he hears you say the first movie you watched together. That was the night he knew for sure that he was going to marry you someday. You didn’t know it yet, but Spencer did, and he was rarely wrong. 
“Sounds wonderful, baby.” He smiles, as the three of you walk out of the coffee shop, a newly cemented family.
Taglist: @moonshinerbynight​ @crimeshowtrash​ @no-honey-no​ @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel​ @chenlemure​ @sizzlingclamturtlesludge​ @tclaerh​ @k-k0129​ @takeyourleap-of-faith​ @trashyhipsterfangirl @haylaansmi​ @spencerreidlivesrentfreeinmyhead​ @waspyyy​ @itsametaphorbriansblog​ @octaviaxanadu​ @whxt-to-write​ @meowiemari​ @b99andsoc​ @boba-king-iroh​ @punkndisorderrly​ @richardrosejpeg​ @underratedmisfit​ @gredvb​ @criminalminds4days​ @fanfictionislifetho​ @justpeachykeeeen​ @kopfkinomind @moonchildkei @appleblossoms-posts​ @urguardiandevil​ @cm-imagines-07​ @ajeff855 @reidsconverse​ @isknowplaces @ashwarren32​
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leiawritesstories · 3 years
Rowaelin Month, Day 26: You’re seeing my roommate and accidentally walked into my shower. Featuring Sam and Rowan as roommates. :)))
Word count: 1542
Warnings: language, little bit of math gobbledygook that I stole from my stats class.
“Mate, you alright with my girlfriend coming over today?” Sam called out to his roommate. “We’re probably going out, but I asked her over here first.”
Rowan pulled out one of his earbuds and stuck his head out his bedroom door. “Yeah, that’s totally fine, just for God’s sake warn me if you’re going to do the dirty on our couch, bud.”
“THAT WAS ONE TIME!” Sam yelled, “and I was 100 percent sure you had football!”
“It’s called soccer, Cortland!” Rowan laughed, never missing the chance to poke at his British roommate. 
“Whatever, mate. You’re good with Ae hanging out here for a bit, yeah?”
“Sure am. She’s a fun person.” Rowan put his earbud back in and returned to doing his homework, or rather, swearing at his statistics textbook. Some fifteen minutes later, he heard the door of his and Sam’s dorm open.
“Anybody home?” enquired a throaty female voice. “Someone told me he was at home, but obviously he’s too busy to go out today. Guess I’ll just go drink with the girls, then.”
“And leave me lonely?” Sam asked.
Aelin Galathynius, who’d been dating Sam for almost two years now, smiled. “Never.”
He returned the grin and pulled her into the living room, where their conversation faded into a blur of noise too dim for Rowan to interpret. Not that he minded…much. Aelin was hilarious, though, and he loved hearing her make cracks at Sam’s British habits, her friends, her day, and pretty much anything else she thought deserved a snarky comment. 
Slamming his stats book closed, Rowan huffed a sigh and decided that he could use a quick shower to relax a little before heading out to training. He grabbed his towel and a bar of soap and went into the tiny dorm shower, which was low enough that he, at 6’3,” had to crouch to fit under the shower head. Grumbling to himself about the stupidity of whatever idiot architect designed dormitory showers, he stood under the stream of hot water and tried to make sense of all he still had to do. Which was too much. After somewhere around five minutes, he stuck his head out of the shower, realizing the dorm had gone awfully quiet. 
Maybe Sam and Aelin were out, then, he thought.
Rowan turned off the shower and reached for his towel, giving himself a quick dry-off before stepping out. He was just wrapping the towel around his waist when the door swept open.
“Oh, shit, sorry, I didn’t realize you were in here!” gasped Aelin.
Rowan gaped at her, forgetting that the only thing between her and a prime view of what he may or may not have been doing in the shower was a dark green bath towel.
A too-thin green bath towel.
Aelin’s turquoise eyes traveled down his frame, decidedly not missing a single detail. A pink flush spread over her cheekbones, and she hastily backed out of the bathroom and shut the door with a firm click.
Rowan swallowed whatever he’d thought he might have said and told his raging male hormones to calm the hell down. Quickly, before anyone else could walk in on him, he pulled on his practice jersey and sweats and went back to his room, where he grabbed his soccer bag and hauled ass for the gym.
He spent the entire 90-minute workout trying and miserably failing to get the image of Aelin Galathynius in her unfairly attractive blouse and miniskirt blushing at his nearly-nude self out of his mind. When he got back to his dorm, having showered in the locker room, this time without anyone interrupting, Sam and Aelin were gone. Sam had left a note on his bedroom door, stating that he’d probably be back around three. Checking his watch, Rowan groaned. It was almost two, and he’d broken down and signed up for stats tutoring at four. 
He just hoped that whoever the tutor was, they’d be able to help him get his mathematical shit together and pass the course. 
Two hours later, Rowan walked into the library and took a seat in the study room marked with a sign that read “STATS 320 TUTORING 4 PM.” Nobody else was there, but to be fair, he was a little early. He plopped his textbook, notebook, and calculator onto the table and waited. 
And nearly fell off his chair when Aelin Galathynius walked into the room.
“What the hell?”
“What the hell, what?” she asked, obviously amused at his reaction. 
“I--I didn’t expect to see you here, that’s what the hell. You here for tutoring too?”
“Yes and no.” Rowan blinked in confusion. Aelin’s little smirk grew bigger. “I am the tutor, Rowan. You’re here for my assistance…and expertise.” She winked.
He felt himself flush at the image that conjured. “Yeah, expertise, in stats, right?” He knew full well he was stammering like a fourteen-year-old on his first date, but that about summed up how his roommate’s girlfriend made him feel right now.
“Correct.” Just like that, Aelin was all business. She set her backpack down, closed the door, and sat across from Rowan. “So. How can I help?”
He sighed. “I’m stuck. I need this class, it’s the last math I have to take for my major, I’m usually decent at math, and I’m fucking stuck on a concept my professor said was fucking simple.” 
Aelin listened to his mini rant without comment. She pulled out her own stats notebook and calculator from her backpack and slipped on a pair of glasses. Rowan cocked his head. 
“I didn’t know you wore glasses.”
“Reading glasses, Whitethorn. I’m supposed to wear them whenever I’m reading, on my laptop, or studying, but do I? Hell no.” She grinned. “Don’t tell my optometrist.”
“Given that I don’t know them, no problem.” He returned her grin.
She flexed her fingers and turned her attention to Rowan’s math. “Right, big bad soccer boy. Where are you stuck?”
He flipped his book to the section on conditional probability distributions. “Here. I took notes, and it seemed logical enough, but I completely tanked the quiz we just had, and I don’t know where I went wrong.”
Aelin scanned the quiz. “You’re reading the graphs wrong.”
“Conditional probability is the probability of an event occurring given that a certain condition is satisfied.” She opened her notebook to a blank page and drew a horizontal line. “Any time you see a condition, that condition goes in the denominator.” She pointed to one of the problems he’d answered wrong on the quiz. “What’s this question asking you to determine?”
“Probability that a student chosen at random is an engineer given that the selected student is female.”
“Right. So, you take the condition, the ‘given,’ and put that number in the denominator. Remember you’re only looking at the row labeled ‘female,’ because that’s the condition. Once the condition’s written in, you find the other part of the question, in this case the number of female engineers. Put that number in the numerator, divide by the denominator, and there you have the probability. Does that make sense?”
“Condition in the denominator…” Rowan mumbled, writing it in his notes. He looked up at Aelin and smacked his hand flat on the table. “Aelin, I’m a fucking idiot. I spent so much time trying to look at the totals that I didn’t remember to keep the condition, I--goddammit, I’m stupid.”
“You’re not stupid, Rowan, lots of people struggle with conditional probability at first.”
“I’ll bet you didn’t.”
“Oh, I did. A lot.”
“Really? But you just explained this shit to me better than my professor.”
“I…I happen to like stats. Might be part of my major description, but I just find working with the numbers extremely satisfying.”
“What’s your major?” he asked, intrigued.
“Don’t judge me.”
“Nope. Promise.”
“I’m in finance.”
His eyebrows shot up. “I’m impressed.”
She blushed. “Thanks. It’s a lot of stats and spreadsheets and yelling at each other about the stock market, but I really love it.”
“You’re making me look bad; I’m just your standard pre-PT student athlete”
“Standard pre-PT student athlete,” she mocked, “don’t sell yourself short, Whitethorn. Pre-PT is nothing shabby.”
“Yeah, but not remembering a stupidly easy math concept sure as hell is.”
She snickered. “Fair enough. Is there anything else I can help you with, or is that all for this session?”
He flipped through his notes. “That’s all I had for today, but I’ll probably be back at some point whining about another tricky concept.”
Aelin grinned, closing her notebook. “Wait until you get into chi-squared models. I’ll be here then, waiting for all the stats students to come crying to me while I plug seventeen equations into my spreadsheet and hope it actually calculates the quarterly interest this time.”
Rowan shook his head. “You lost me at ‘chi-squared,’ Aelin.”
“Oh, trust me, it’s fun.”
“As much fun as you and Sam have?”
Her voice dropped to a sultry purr. “Your couch would know.”
Before he could sputter out a response, she’d shouldered her backpack and was walking out the door. Rowan watched Aelin Galathynius leave, wondering how fast he could make up an excuse to talk to his roommate���s brilliant girlfriend again.
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