#yeah wer were/are huge
jchampionsgf · 5 months
⁴⁴⁴ cock warming friday ethan landry
summary: On Friday, you and your friends gathered for movie night at Chad and Ethan's dorm, but it leads to having a much more intimate moment with the one you'd never expect, your enemy.
warnings smut!, dirty talking, cock warming 1,298 words
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EVERY FRIDAY ethan, anika, you and the core four would have a movie night, mostly it was for shits and giggles and ya'll never actualy payed attention to the movie. The majority of the group would just want to spend time together or eat pizza, but you? you just wanted to annoy the shit out of ethan landry. ethan was such a jerk, you absolutely dispysed him, making the fact that you wanted his cock in your mouth extremetly more annoying, you tried to deny it and let it asside but you just couldn't anymore, ethan was hot. like if your type became to life hot. but you hated ethan, and ethan hated you, so there was no point in trying, your ego wasn't worth that douchebag.
friday came around and like always, sam would bring pizza, i would bring coke and chad and ethan would lend their dorm. you were getting ready when your phone rung a text message from the group chat. "danny agreed to come to movie night, i hope that's ok with ya'll" sam texted. "the sofa is gonna be full tonight" you said to yourself. "hey, are you ready to go?" tara, my roommate said. "yeah i think so, i wonder what horror movie we will watch tonight, we are almost running out of them" you said, chuckling "well you know mindy, she's got a insanetly huge list." tara said, opening the door to our dorm. chad and ethan's dorm wasn't that far away, you just had to go a few floors up by stairs. "oh and chad said that ethan broke a couch earlier today so there's gonna be less space." tara said, while you two got up the metal stairs. this is what you meant when you said ethan was annoying, he probaby didn't even think of the consequences before busting that couch, he probably did it on purpose, you said to yourself. the truth was, you were absolutely correct, ethan would do absolutely anything to get closer to you, he even convinced sam to bring danny, the guy she'd been eye fucking since they got there. "so an extra person minus one couch? nice" you said, sarcasticly. when you two reached ethan and chad's dorm almost everyone was already there, mindy was choosing in detail the movie you were going to be watching while anika was sitting in her lap. chad was making more popcorn, sam and danny were at the verge of making out in the sofa and of course ethan. he gave you a disgusted look and you sarcasticly smiled in response. "oh hey guys!" chad said, with his mouth full of popcorn, he lifted up from his seat and gave you both a hug, you saw ethan looking away annoyed when chad hugged you. "mindy is just choosing the movie but, come get comfortable" chad said, motioning us to go seat in the couch. chad sat with tara and i choose a more isolated part of the couch, away from ethan. a few minutes into the movie when by and everyone started to get comfortable, except ethan of course, he just had to tell everyone to move. because of that, you had to get out of your seat. it was all going as ethan had planned. you got up and had the horrible realisation that, sam was in danny's lap, tara was in chad's, anika was in mindy's, meaning the only spot available was of course, on ethan's lap. "you've got to be kidding me." you said, insanely annoyed."come on Y/N i won't bite." he said, almost teasingly. "there's no way im sitting there" i said pointing to ethan's lap "i don't know Y/N you might like it" tara said winking at you, knowing you absolutely hated ethan. "move out of the way im trying to watch the fucking movie! just sit on ethan's lap, its not that deep" said mindy, clearly drunk. "fine" you said, having enough of the argument. you seat at ethan's lap uncomfortably, you wer for sure going to get made fun of over this. you sat on the edge of ethan's lap, at his knees. it didn't take long before you were grabbed by your waist by ethan's hands, pulling you closer to him. you were now sitting directly at his lap, your pussy covered by your soaking wet panties ached for touch, you whimpered silently, but loud enough for ethan's ears to hear, he smirked at the tought of the sound he were going to hear if he fucked you, how you would whimper in his ear only for him to hear. "some of us are trying to watch the movie" ethan whispered in your ear, sending electric waves all the way to your pussy. you rolled your eyes in response.
the movie was long gone by now, so were the group. everyone was sleeping or passed out, only you and ethan weren't. before completely passing out, mindy turned the air conditioner to the max volume, making you shiver. "are you cold?" ethan said, porpusedly whispering in your ear, he knew the effect that had on you."im fine" you said, half annoyed and the other half wishing he would kiss you. ethan grabbed a blanket from anika's lap, covering you both. "i said i was fine" you said turning to face him. "who said the blanket is for warming you up?" ethan said grabbing you into a heated kiss. you were now straddling his lap facing you, he pulled you closer to him. "i hate you" you whispered while making out, "so you're saying your not wet?" ethan whispered, you couldn't answer it, because it was true, you were wet. you started to move your hips in desperate need of friction. ethan placed his hand on your soaking wet panties, to confirm his superstition. "dirty, dirty girl, being all wet for your enemies dick." ethan said teasing you, after seeing that you were in fact wet. "i better give you what you want, right pretty girl?" he said, you could only nod. "take that fucking panties and skirt off" ethan ordered you, you followed his order, pulling your skirt up and taking your panties off. he slowly puled his pants and boxers down touching and rubbing your aching clit on purpose along the way. you lined your pussy with his cock lowering you down. slowly you got used to his size. you expected him to be big but he was way bigger than you'd ever expected. after you got used to his size you started to go up and down on his cock. ethan trowed his head back, the feeling of your tight pussy squeezing the life out of him was just too mush for him. ethan noticed that chad had awoken, and he was watching you two, for a while as it seemed by the look of his face. "atta boy" chad mouthed to him. "you tell anyone about this your dead, you hear me? now let me fuck the girl ive been fantasying for months, would you?" ethan mouthed back. "yeah, yeah" chad mouthed, drifting off to sleep shortly after. you started whimpering softly, just as ethan imagined you'd do. after a while you got tired, it was almost 4 am at this point. "ethan please move for me, i need you" you said, after resting on his cock. "for sure you don't hate me now huh?" he said, moving his hips making you jump. "begging for your enemies cock" ethan said, only making you hornier "im cumming" you said, at the verge of an orgasm "cum on my fucking cock slut" he said, you moaned his name releasing yourself. "do you really hate me?" he said "well your cock is inside me so..." you said, bitting your lip.
@jchampionsgf - on tumblr
a/n: i NEEDED to write this
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darling-i-read-it · 11 months
Dandy Mott x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: dandy being dandy, straight up murder, descriptions of a womans dead body, gloria is trying to like sell dandy to women
Author’s Note: i do not know how to feel about this but dandy is still crazy adn sometimes that calls for a weirdly sectioned fic  
Requested: by anon, Hey! Your Dandy Mott fics are absolutely scrumptious and I can’t think of anyone better to hand over this idea to. I was thinking Gloria hires Reader as a personal nurse/kinda nanny for Dandy to get him used to being close to ladies his own age but it totally backfires on her cause Dandy gets interested in Reader and throws huge tantrums when his mom tries to get him to pay attention to other (rich) women
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You really needed a job. The summer had started and now that you were out of school there was no excuse for you to be lingering around without a reasonable way to spend your time. You had scoured the town for help wanted signs, dropped off your resumes at every available desk and even visited the local circus to see if they needed someone to hand out tickets. 
Some places answered. 
None of the places were as interesting as Gloria Mott’s phone call. You hadn’t even been by her house, had no actual idea that she was attempting to hire. You had heard the horror stories of the Mott’s. Dandy had walked around town and caused ruckus but you had never actually met him. 
Gloria’s phone call was high pitched and concerned. 
“A babysitter? I’m sorry Miss. Mott, I was under the impression that Dandy was around my age.” 
“Oh yes, he is! He’s just…a little stunted. In the most affectionate way possible! I would like someone his age to get to know him, get used to the idea of regular people.” 
She said regular people like it was a slur. You had no idea what kind of abnormal people she was speaking about or if she was directly talking about Dandy. Regardless, she was willing to pay far too much money for you to just hang out with Dandy. You had babysat before, granted, no one close to your age. 
It was between that or stocking shelves at the general store for below minimum wage. 
That was how you arrived at the doorstep of a large house. You knocked on the door nervously, unsure what to expect. You teetered back and forth on your feet, peeking through the side window that had the curtains drawn. You jumped when the front door opened. 
A woman answered the door wearing an apron. She had a disgusted look on her twisted face. 
“You’re the new help?” she questioned. 
“I…I guess so.” She didn’t move aside. 
“I’m Dora Brown. Welcome to the freak show.” She finally backed up. “I’m the maid here. Gloria said you were here to babysit Dandy?”
“Yeah, I suppose. Though isn’t Dandy my age? Gloria didn’t really specify what my duties here would be.” 
“Dandy’s behavior is obnoxious and unreasonable. He’s a spoiled brat who doesn’t know manners,” she seethed. You followed her through the house, trying not to be too amazed at the decor. You hadn’t realized how rich the Mott’s really were. You couldn’t imagine having this much money, enough to decorate the walls with unnecessary pastels. 
“So I’m here to make sure he doesn’t act out?”
“I think you’re here to get him used to other people.” She stopped in front of a door. “Good luck with that.” Her tone of voice was not reassuring. She left you there, walking back down the long hallway with no instructions. You looked at the door, unsure what you were going to find behind it. You wondered if this was worth the money. Dora didn’t seem exactly happy. But who was happy at work? 
You knocked on the door. 
It swang open without much of a delay. Behind it was Gloria, her face pinched into a forced content look. 
“Oh good! You’re here.” She moved aside and took your bag from you. “Dandy’s just in his room. If you could just make friends with him.” Her instructions remained vague and you didn’t think you were going to get anything else from her even if you pried. You cleared your throat. 
“Why can’t Dandy make friends-”
“You’ll see dear, you’ll see.” She was ushering you towards the door at the end of the room. You suddenly felt unsafe; like she was leading you to slaughter. You had no room to protest because suddenly the door was open and you were being shoved inside. 
The door shut harshly behind you. 
It was like a children’s play room but enlarged. Toy horses the size of real ones were at the corners of the room. There was a bike and a chandelier. You looked around, absorbing everything rather slow, when your eyes finally landed on Dandy. He was sitting at the front of the room, in front of what looked like a puppet show stage. He stood up when the door shut behind you. 
“You’re the girl my mother is paying to watch me?” he questioned. His tone was closer to singing than speaking. You cleared your throat and nodded. You had never seen Dandy in person, only heard the rumors. He was your age. Handsome, if it weren’t for the childish scowl on his face. 
“Hi Dandy,” you breathed. “I’m Y/N.” You straightened your back. You had to do what you were paid here to do. 
“Y/N.” He played your name on his tongue. He said it again, whispering it and then saying it loudly. “Like a toy.” 
“Sure. Like a toy.” You approached him, still looking around the room. “How are you today?” 
“Fine. You shouldn’t have to be here. My mother thinks I’m still a child.” He sauntered over to you, landing just in front of you. He observed it curiously, like you were nothing but an object. He put his hand on your arm, brushing down it, like you were made of practice. 
“You’re not a child,” you told him. “That’s ridiculous.” 
You nodded once. 
“What do you like to do, Dandy? This room is pretty magnificent. I can’t imagine you getting bored.” 
“I’m so bored,” he promised you. “All the time.” He gestured to everything. “My mother doesn’t like it when I speak about the circus or the clowns. I want to go to the circus Y/N.” You furrowed your brows. 
“I haven’t heard much about the circus. What goes on there that’s so exciting?” You sat down on the round green couch in the center of the room. He turned to look at you, eyes wide. 
“You haven’t heard?” You shook your head, a small smile on your face. 
“No I haven’t.” He sat down beside you, words starting to tumble out of his mouth. He liked to hear himself talk and it was easy to get him going. 
You weren’t quite sure what Gloria and Dora were going on about. Sure, Dandy was high maintenance. But he loved hanging out with you. He was a clingy mess, the second you allowed him to speak to you he never wanted you to leave. Multiple nights he insisted on you spending the night. You got used to him fairly quickly and had no issues getting paid to spend time with him. 
Frankly, after a while, you grew to enjoy your time with Dandy. Having someone fawn over you endlessly and obsess over your every move was more enjoyable than anyone else gave him credit for. He had no interest in the circus after a while. Why would he, when he had you?
You got him fun trinkets from there when you passed by, pictures of the abnormalities he would go on and on about. He kept them on the wall and in the corner, a shrine to your presents. 
Dandy was napping. He had to nap once a day, like a child, otherwise he would get cranky. Typically you read in the same room as him so he wasn’t surprised when he woke up without you. Dora liked to call you ‘Dandy’s favorite teddy bear’. 
You had curled up beside him, holding the book open with two fingers. Gloria opened the door slowly, not wanting to wake him up. 
“Afternoon,” you whispered. Dandy grumbled at the noise but didn’t wake up. She gave you a curt, whimsical nod. 
“Tomorrow evening I’m having some ladies over. Your services won’t be needed.” You nodded once. 
“Are you sure? Are they friends of yours or-”
“Potential suitors for Dandy,” she explained. “It’s better if you’re not here to distract him. Though your services have been increasingly valuable,” she admitted. Her voice was wispy. You nodded slowly, glancing down at his sleeping figure. 
“No worries. Should I let him know?” She shook her head. 
“I’ll let him know,” she said. 
She stared at you for a moment, awkwardly, like she wanted to say something else but nothing else came out. You watched her, evenly, until she left the room. You weren't sure when you had started to hold the cards over Dandy but it felt like you had more sway than her. 
Dandy groaned. You brushed his hair out of his face and he nuzzled against your touch. 
He reached forward, grabbing at your leg. You hummed and he put his head in your lap. You hummed till he fell back asleep. 
It was odd not going to the Mott’s the next day. You wondered how Dandy was handling it. You spent the day pursuing the shops in town, finally having the money to spend. When you arrived back home your phone was ringing. You set down your bags and removed your sunglasses before picking it up. 
“Oh thank goodness.” You recognized Gloria’s phone voice. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for an hour. Where on Earth were you?”
“I was out, I thought I had this afternoon off,” you said. “Is everything alright?” You asked the question, despite being able to hear the ruckus in the background. There was a crash and a yelp from Gloria. You heard some muffled calling from Dora. Then an exasperated groan from Dandy. 
“No! No, everything is not alright! Please come over!” It briefly occurred to you to ask for more money. Clearly your services were needed and Gloria’s pockets weren't exactly hurting. Instead you heard another annoyed groan from Dandy and nodded. 
“I’m leaving right now.” 
When you arrived you could hear the chaos from outside. Glasses shattering, plates breaking, screaming from an annoyed mother. You didn’t bother knocking, instead you just used your key and let yourself inside. 
You followed the noises to the dining room. 
“I don’t like those ladies' mothers! I don’t want those women, those foul overpriced women!” Dandy explained loudly. “I want Y/N!” 
“Y/N is not a- stop throwing things!” Gloria’s strained voice exclaimed. You pushed open the door. There was glass shattered on the ground and beside it, a dead woman. She had a singular gunshot wound in her forehead. Her lips were still open, drool escaping her lifeless mouth. Your eyes floated around. 
“Thank goodness you’re here,” Gloria exclaimed. “Dora will come clean this up. Please, please, just deal with him-” 
Dandy ran over to you, throwing his arms around you. Your receptive actions were halted for a moment, as you took in the events in front of you. 
“What happened?” you asked him as he held him against you. 
“My mother tried to have me marry a different woman,” he seethed. “Doesn’t she know we’re supposed to be married?” Your eyes opened wide. You couldn’t exactly deny your connection to Dandy but neither of you had talked about anything exactly romantic. 
“Oh Dandy,” you whispered. You brushed his hair out of his face. “Did you do this?”
“She wouldn’t leave me alone,” he explained, looking at the dead woman. She was older than him. Much older. Closer to Gloria’s age and status. You narrowed your gaze at her. Dandy was easy to annoy but he was worse when he was uncomfortable. 
“I assure you, she was just being friendly,” Gloria said absentmindedly. You watched as she left the room to find Dora. You wondered if this unnamed woman’s death would be talked about at all, or if they would sweep it under the rug like everything else Dandy does. 
“I didn’t like her,” Dandy whined. You nodded. He was still holding onto your arms, his grip tightening. You nodded once. 
“That’s alright,” you whispered. “Let’s go get some air.” You dragged one of your hands down to his hand. You gripped it, lightly dragging him out of the room. He watched the unmoving woman as he walked. You led him through the front door and to the courtyard. It was empty of any other staff. You were grateful to be alone. 
“I want to go out,” he muttered. “I don’t want to be here.” 
“We can go somewhere else. Where would you like to go?” 
“I don’t care,” he admitted. His hand remained in yours. He looked down at it, observing the intertwined fingers. He hummed, flexing his fingers in and out. “This is nice.” 
“I’m sorry your mother tried to set you up with that other lady,” you whispered. He shook his head. Just the reminder of her made him upset. He had disposed of her and now would need no other reason to think of her. 
“She’s gone now,” he told you. He said it like it was a promise, as though he had done it to protect you. “Where were you?” 
“Your mother said you were having friends over. She said I didn’t need to come by.” 
“You always need to come by,” he insisted. He raised his head and let go of your hand. “You’re not like mother or Dora. You listen when I speak,” he said, head straight. You gave him a gentle smile and he gave you one back. 
You gestured down the courtyard. 
“Should we take a walk?” He thought about it for a moment and then offered his arm. You wrapped your arm through his. He leaned against you and used you as a crutch. You wondered if you were going to get a phone call from Gloria, complaining about where Dandy was. She might even try to fire you, hire a new ‘nanny’ for Dandy, and try and set him right again. 
“Do you think we could stop at the circus?” he questioned, voice suggestive. You both knew you weren’t supposed to go there. 
“That’s a long walk.”
“We can take one of my cars.” He paused. “I have many.” You nodded slowly. 
“Do you have the keys?” His lips turned up into a mischievous smile. 
“I may.”
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drunkenpixie23 · 1 year
👋 hello there! I wanted to ask for a Sallyface Fic? What about where reader is part of the popular group, and so Sal and the gang thinks reader is like the rest of the group but Sal finds out reader has a huge crush on him. 👍
Thank you and take your time writing ❤️‍🩹
Hey sweetpea, thank you for the request! This is honestly a pretty good idea, so I’ll get to it. I hope it’s ok, I haven’t really wrote anything like this before so yeah. I hope you enjoy! <3
Requests are open <3
Warnings: slight swearing
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There you were, standing with your group of friends near the lockers. You stood there listening to each of them bitch about different people in the school, gossiping about others and calling quite a few of them names. Including the blue haired boy you had grown to like, even if it was from afar.
As the bell rang for the lunch break, your attention was caught by Sal and his group of friends walking past. You saw a few of them side eye your friends and your eyes darted to the side instantly, your friends instantly yelling over and calling them freaks before laughing. A sigh escaped past your lips before you glanced to the others, “we should probably head to the cafeteria, unless you all want to stay here? Because I’m not,” you spoke quite bluntly at that before fixing the lipgloss you were wearing and walked in the direction of the cafeteria.
Each of your friends followed, muttering stuff behind you. Once you all entered, you each sat down at a table, your eyes practically wandered around yet again, your friends went back to bitching. You knew being a part of their group would have a toll on how others viewed you..but you knew what you were like, and if others couldn’t see that then you didn’t really bother with them. Your thoughts were racing as you looked around before you were snapped out of the trance you were in and back to reality by the sound of one of your friends voice, “uh Y/N? You good?” she asked. You glanced towards her before nodding then smiled faintly, “yeah, just thinking is all.”
Your friend scoffed instantly and leaned back against the palms of her hands, “ugh..bet any money you’re thinking about that freak you like, what do you think girls?” she spoke quite loudly, alerting not only the girls at the table with you…but also Sal and his group of friends.
Now, we all know Sally isn’t really one to judge but from what he had seen from how your friends acted..he didn’t really want to be around the lot of you. The male thought you were quite pretty, hell, he could even admit if he got to know you more..he’d possibly fall for you. But now wasn’t the time to think about that.
Larry rolled his eyes slightly before leaning forward on the table, looking directly at the blue haired male sitting across from him, “you hear that? They could be thinking ‘bout you,” he teased, though he didn’t like the idea of it himself, “or they’re just trying to pick on him,” Ashley spoke up, looking towards Larry, who went back to sitting properly again. Sal blinked a few times then laughed to himself, “I’m pretty sure anyone here could be classed as a freak, don’t their friends call everyone names?” he asked himself mainly before shrugging, attempting to get the thought out of his head.
You blinked a couple times before quickly putting your hand over your friends mouth, “how loud do you need to be?” you questioned, annoyance practically laced in your tone before you moved your hand, sighing. She laughed before fixing her hair, “oh come on, we may as well say it loud enough for him to hear that you have a crush on him. Like, the biggest crush ever,” she teased, “it’s not like he’d have a chance with you anyways, you’re like, way too good for him.” She grinned after she spoke before glancing in the direction of Sally and his friends, you did the same before looking away, “don’t even,” was all you said before you took out a compact mirror and looked at your reflection slightly.
Sal and his friends had pretty much put together that they were talking about Sally at this point, and all of them were in a type of shock. Sal especially. He sat there, as still as a statue and just stared in your direction. All sorts of thoughts were racing in his head before he cleared his throat, snapping out of it then stood up, “I’m gonna head out into the courtyard,” he told his friends and quickly exited the cafeteria.
You watched him through the mirror, a small frown crossing your face before each of your friends began to laugh, “oh my god, he’s such a weirdo,” one of them said to the other. You glared towards them, shutting the mirror quite roughly before shoving it away and walked out yourself, going after Sal to see if he was ok.
The blue haired male was sitting on a bench outside, lost in his own thoughts before he was snapped back into reality by you standing in front of him, “oh uh..hey Y/N,” he tilted his head after speaking. You held your hands in front of you before smiling ever so slightly, “could I sit with you? My friends are kinda..being assholes,” you laughed quietly. He laughed along with you then nodded, his eye staying on you as you sat down, “so, was what your friend said in there true?” You looked to the sky and chewed the inside of your cheek, “well..I guess it is, yes.”
The male was in some kind of shocked state at this point. First of all, he wholeheartedly thought you would have been a lot more like your friends but..even with the small conversation you were having, it really didn’t seem like it. Second of all, he was surprised that someone so popular and well..beautiful would actually be interested in him. He sat there in silence with you for a short while before he looked up to the sky as well. It wasn’t an awkward silence though, if anything, it was actually quite comfortable…until the bell for next class rang.
You glanced towards the doorway that lead back to the hall and you fixed your hair before standing up, “well…we should get going to class, I hope we can talk again sometime Sal, even if it is just as short as this one was,” you spoke with a genuine smile towards the boy before waving, making your way back inside.
He continued to sit there. He didn’t know what to say nor do…but if anyone looked close enough, there was a faint pink tint to the tops of his ears, signifying he was sort of blushing under his prosthetic. Maybe you weren’t so bad after all, he’d have to tell his friends and maybe you could all hang out sometime.
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smokersbaby · 1 year
Hello :D first of all, I love your Tumblr blog and writing, your posts about Smoker make me feel butterflies in my tummy. (Yeah, he deserves more love, he's such an underrated character and husband material, so I'm really happy to read all your writing about him ✨) Sorry for not sending a request or leaving a comment sooner (I was nervous because I don't speak italian, my native language is spanish, and I'm insecure about my english knowlege 🙏) I'm so excited to see blogs like yours, Smoker is my favorite One Piece character and let's say he was my unexpected fictional crush from the series haha. (He is such a handsome, kind, righteous and complex character, I feel an unhealthy amount of love for him😭)
So, after all that thirst for Smoker, the request. Do you have some thoughts or headcanons of him being a husband or even a father? I've noticed that people often forget that he is such a sweet man with children and that side of him just melts my heart. (The moment with the ice cream little girl in Loguetown made me fall in love with him in the first place💖)
Thanks for all the love and effort you put in your writing :D you don't need to answer my request if you don't feel comfortable with it so feel free to ignore it, I will understand 👍🏻✨ And keep on writing, you're doing amazing🌟
Thank you so much for all your kind words! Don't you worry about the language since I'm the first one who makes a lot of errors here! Moreover, my sister lives in Spain so when she comes to Italy with her little daughter we speak in Spanish (at least I try).
Smoker is the perfect husband material, I'm sorry if I haven't written more SFW about him until now but I didn't have the chance, so I am more than happy to expose him like that! (that scene in Loguetown lives in my head/heart rent free and I go look at it every time I'm sad, just to let you know) 💕
Characters: Smoker TW: mention of sex (intimate moments part) Notes: if you love Smoker and need some comfort, this is the perfect fanfic for you, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it 💕
-> As a husband <-
Jealousy -> he isn't the kind of person that demonstrates openly how jealous he is towards you when someone else gives you attention (there will not be jealousy dramas), but he'll look at the other person with a deadly look from distance. He is jealous of you, more than you could imagine, he can't think of you in someone else's arms.
Sleeping together -> He loves when you use his chest as a pillow (and you love poking and squeezing his boobies too, let's say that), with his arms caressing your back when you fall asleep on him. He doesn't move a muscle when you nap, even though he grunts as he starts to feel his arms getting dizzy from the uncomfortable position due to your weight on him. He snores when he sleeps (sorry for that) and can be a quite heavy sleeper when it's with you (the opposite happens when he has a mission and must be alert).
Protection -> do you remember Smoker saying "you ain't laying a finger on my soldiers!" when he fights pirates? Well, he's protective towards you as well, but hundred times as much! Nobody could harm you when you are with him, if someone does, that person would be torn apart within minutes.
Cuddles -> he doesn't demonstrate his love in public, and Smoker blushes a lot trying to stay calm when you try to do mushy stuff with him in front of people. But, when you two are alone, he loves cuddling you whenever he has the opportunity. The thing he loves the most is hugging you from behind and placing his chin over your head as he does so, it happens almost whenever you are in the kitchen cooking or just brushing your teeth in the bathroom.
Cooking -> Smoker is not the best cook in the couple, he tried a lot of times and with a huge effort trying to impress you but he ended up throwing away a lot of pans since they were almost burnt or too difficult to clean after he finished. Once he gave you the only edible meal he cooked and he thought you were joking as you told him that it was quite good.
Living together -> Smoker never thought he could enjoy living with someone else this much. Since you two moved in together, he started to do everything with you, most of all because his work schedule it's quite strict and he tries to spend time with you as much as possible in your shared house. He's quite an organized person, if you thought he might be messy with clothes you're wrong: it's mostly the times he reproaches you for not putting your things in order (he's a marine after all, what did you expect?)
Going out -> He loves taking you out to play pool with him. He can't help but chuckle seeing you try your best and lose against him. When you make mistakes missing the balls with the billiard clues Smoker laughs a bit, but just because he can use this opportunity as his advance, placing his hands on your waist trying to teach you how to play properly (of course most of the time you pretend you can't play to make him approach you).
Intimate moments -> He's intense, for real. He won't let you leave the bedroom until he satisfies every desire of yours (it's him that insists to do that, not you). He loves your body and kisses every inch of you before using his mouth to make you see stars. Smoker adores you when you ride him taking the lead since he's accustomed to giving orders in his job, it's like a kind of role reversal to him. He can be a little bit rough at times in bed, grabbing you by your thighs and leaving small bites on your neck, but he won't ever push you beyond your limits. Smoker also loves when you ask him to spank your butt since he can't take his hands off of it. He has a slightly praising kink and loves telling you how good you are at taking him all inside of you.
-> As a father <-
Smoking -> he doesn't smoke around you when you are pregnant as doesn't smoke around his children since his family is the top priority to him, but since his kids want to be with their dad all the time he's quite stressed about abstinence from smoke.
Protection -> Good luck to everyone who tries to harm his children, no one could ever think about such a thing, and when the idea of someone harming his children comes into Smoker's mind, he can't help but think about all the things he would do to make these people pay in the most atrocious ways.
Boy or girl? -> He wants a girl, definitely, but he'll be hella protective towards her when she starts growing up. He'll treat her like her little princess and bring her on his shoulder every time he can. Smoker can't resist but give her all she wants, even when he knows he shouldn't spoil her but he can't say no to his little princess.
Cherishes your body -> There's no need to be insecure about your body after giving birth since he'll love every curve of yours during and after pregnancy: every pound you gained in the 9 months is a pound more for him to love. Your stretchmarks are just a sign of you bringing to this world his child. He doesn't care if your body changed after the birth of your babies, this is just another reason to make you feel appreciated more than before since he can't see you sad about it and won't ever let it happen.
Finds time to stay with you -> Probably it won't be easy for you two to find time for yourself when you both have children to take care of and he's away in marine missions for days. But when you finally find a little bit of time to spend alone with Smoker it's like when you were just married, snuggling in bed as he gives you all the attention he can to the person he loves the most.
Playtime -> Smoker tries to find time to play with them, which can be kinda difficult at times because of his job. His children love pranking him while he's busy or distracted. Smoker sighs and puts on a (fake) grunt on his face as this happens and then starts chasing them playfully all over the house. They love pretending to be pirates escaping from the big marine that is their father, Smoker plays along but he's kinda worried when he sees his children enjoying this game, he hopes with all his heart that his kids won't ever become pirates.
When the kids grow up -> He teaches them the difference between what's right and what's simple, which can be difficult since he has seen so many people taking the wrong way in life, but he tries to not push them about it since he knows he'll probably get the opposite reaction from them. He loves his children so much and is a little bit scared of them growing up, Smoker wants the best for them.
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
What are your opinions on solo leveling ships?
I dont mind the ships that are weird or out of nowhere, honestly I like to ship it too, I have limits on what kinds of ships I like, yes, but I just dont interact with them instead of disliking it(worse things have appeared in larger fandoms so im just null to it and prefer leaving it alone) .
It's Solo Leveling and it's no1 pairing is literally a crossover ship so its not like anyone is inmune to crack ships or non canon realted ships :) /
So far these are all the ships I have in my backpack or weird mind, also yes im making up the shipnames as I go uwu/ :
Gamers/AhYoo (Sung Jin-Ah x Yoo Jin-Ho)
Absolutely out of nowhere. Like there wasnt even a sparing glance of this ship whatsoever and then BAM epilogue says the are dating. Confusing as hell in canon. In fandom its quite nice the ideas that pop up so— but at the same time SL is known for its out of nowhere things. (Kinda. I did think there would have been some points in Jin-Ahs life and Jin-Hos were thry could know about each other. Jin-Ho knew the phone number of the house, where he lived, Jin-Ah probably wasnt unaware completely anout Jin-Ho. Its obvious that Jin-Woo post rewind would have introduced him to the family.)
I love the idea that Jin Ah is a pro-gamer (she might have become one in the next life now that she isnt studying to be a doctor for her mom. It was always referenced just how much she loved games, and its also really cute knkwing that Jin-Ho created his own gaming company :3 so like
Headcanoning that she would always help him beta test the games and since she was well aware of what kind of games were popular, it would be cool to see her being a major help in Ahjin corp's success.
Maybe they met through games too, would be a cute AU
But yeah I dont think there is much to say with the ship mainly being wholesome and pure. I do like those kinds of sships when it comes to slice of life but in action i need more drama spiked up to an 11.
JinHae [the name was from @soulintheskies ](Cha Hae-In x Sung Jin-Woo)
Again its not that bad of a match, a lot of people say its forced and i do agree to some extent, but then again its not a bad match, at least not fanon-wise.
Canon just always tries to pair people up with what seems to be the mantra of "perfect couple that will never fight each other so you totally dont have to worry about them breaking up" or in the more special of canon cases its "pair the hottest girl to the main character and it works! she is just a trophy wife after all :D" and JinHae does fall under that I wont lie.
And honestly, Its fine.
From SL Ragnarok I canactually see more of that love put into work and since it gives Hae-In character I have started to genuenly love the ship.
And thats a big deal for me bc I was at first a huge anti to this ship (Not to the point of hating others but I did constantly hate Cha HaeIn, and the way people elogated her to be the absolute best thing ever and her being the main love interest. I m chill with it now but boi was 2018-21 ship wars the worst)
That is until I geniuely started looking up at the content for her and reading the novel, and all I can say is
Yeah the author is a simp.
But Hae-In's character, for me, had fallen too much due to the romance aspect. They focused on her acting as a plot device for Jin-Woo to always rescue her that theve forgotten she was a character with like feelings and stuff and not just love interest.
Like she legit had all the more power to be a far more complex character even if her character revolved around Jin-Woo.
Detective Hae-In as to why Jin-Woo smells good and suddenly uncovering the whole war between the monarchs and the Rulers before anyone else? or about the system? I tell you we were robbed.
At least she got to be there for him in rough times which im happy for Jin-Woo of all people he needs it. Just as I am happy there were also more people in Jin-Woos life apart from Hae In that knew and were there for him.
As much problems as I have with it, the AUs are still fine for me.
Bc Like, fanon gives her the ability to actually express her felings over the whole situation instead of just "welp she is the hot wife now :)"
Like Ive loved the fics that go into into her thoughts of living with such a powerful being in her house, ranging from thrill to full on slice of life.
I liked the fics were she gets to have her fights.
Ive liked the reading and writting more platonic scenes with them than i have enjoyed of quite literally every other m/f ship in other fandoms.
I love how sometimes Hae-In just accepts whetever the fuck Jin-Woo is, like she is so real for that.
The ship can also work well with a lot of different themes if the roles are just purely reversed or are kept. Like they both are also quite diverse in character and I love that about them. Heck my biggest fic brainrot IS them.
Yes I want them to keep being Malewife x Girlboss that will never change in my mind.
but then there is the height difference, the god and mortal trope, the cute x unhinge, princess x knight (Hae In is the knight do not take this from me), "will always find you", soulmates, chill x chaos, black and white, (and orange was also the contrast to purple which like ??? they fit that too??), confident x internal screams, moral support and love birds, and obviously
the uwu/\owo
and if you dont want to follow canon at all its even more fun for me!
Because we got Fem DOM-- *gets shot*
they are adorable i admit
(but chu gong for gods sake it should have been exploreddddddd. I have to stop ranting about them honestly. BUT WE WERE ROBBED)
gasp omg detective Hae-In and serial killer jinwoo
SunPark (Sung Il-Hwang x Park Kyung-Hye)
Oh they are great
No other comments they are perfect, they are my goals for real---
Im happy about them being just themselves
they show love bro, they show they care
I was fine with Ill Hwangs death and the park appeared and i broke
I was this close to calling it sleepyflame
Igris x Sung jin-Woo:
Top Tier shit
Beru x Sung jin-Woo:
Till this day im still processing this:
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ChulWoo (Woo Jin-Chul x Sung Jin-Woo)
Look look look I get I just said the powerbalance for JinHae might be bad, and this one would be definetly worse.
But at the same time Jin-Chul would have a chokehold on this man so I dont mind it. (dont tell me he wont when he was both a boss for JinWoo and still kept working as a chairman during the apocalypse. SLR also had a huge reason but i wont spoil it here)
Its my favorite too (altho not my top, just right with JinHae)
And because it feels right?
Like most of the complains that range in between the JinHae and Jinwoo x Johee ship wars are completely obliterated because this man fufills every card on the list.
"X isnt fit for jinwoo beuse it never met E rank JinWoo" sucks for you Jin-Chul was the first to notice him and go out of his way to keep him alive, this mans small actions that went unrecognized by I freaking know half the fandom and also the rest of the SL world literally saved the entire uiverse they are in.
"X character did nothing for JinWoo" My mans the sole reason the show even started, my mans tried to stop two S ranks from fighting, my mans did everything he could to understand JinWoo and the internal struggles he might be going through both as the chief of survaillance and then as a chair man (SL Ragnarok does not do him dirty in the list my mans FOUGHT for giving JinWoo a better life as well as the lives of everyone.)
"X is not powerful" Look the world if filled with too many S ranks, put those back, he is capable of dealing with S ranks, he is capable of defending himself, and there is literally nothing more dangerous than JinWoo so, even if its not romantic he does care about him so he will be fine :v.
"X is just there for his power " Brother he wishes S ranks didnt cause him 20x the paperwork.
Actually E rank Jin Woo taken care of by Jin-Chul is quite cute ngl. It gives me Scum villain Bingqiu vibes.
(Or maybe thats just me due to the Jinchul isekai fic on ao3 I wrote bro-)
Either way they also have a wholesome dynamic withing fandom, and with canon it was explored far better than any other relationship with Jin-Woo apart from that of his family.
its crazy how we also know SHIT about him, like JinHae again, but this one doesnt feel dependent of Jin-Woo whatsoever, hes got his life worked out before jin-Woo came into the picture, hes got his principles (somewhere more of a true neutral than morally good) and they both complement each other quite well.
I think I can also be more relaxed with this one bc its not a canon ship.
Also finding love in your 30s hits that kind of a soft spot for me, you know. And its not like it would have been an instant dating for them either, they would both seemed to be more focused on other things than themselves, like work and family. Which makes it feels so casual and calm, especially over the whole crisi that they have to face.
Coming back from a long day of work to a cup of coffee and a warm chair as you look out the window, thats the kinds of vibes i get from these two.
Then theres that other fanon idea of making Jin-Woo an all out Yandere for JinChul that im so here for.
LiuSung (Liu Zhigang x Sung Jin-Woo)
They are so insane for real.
They likely fuck all the time
Pretty hoes AND FOR WHAT
No really I do think I like this one from all the hotness that they pull.
Its literally the definition of " I Ship It because its hot men"
And I stand, good for that.
Good for them.
They embody every sexual energy in the room and I love that.
They are both such trophies
They are drama queens but they will do it just to be little shits.
FireTiguer (Choi Jong In x Baek Yoon Ho)
Tier shit again
Its canon
Its absolutely true
They are so real for existing
They are so real for Malewife Yoon Ho and Girlboss Jong In
They are so freaking perfect
Pass me the weddding documents im arranging their marriage
Girl I dont care if Yoon Ho is a daddy now he is still Jong In's boyfriend and ill stand by this until SL Ragnarok gives me an actual reason to care for the wife! (And I swear, gay or good character mother development im not taking anything else.)
But like they are so craxy for this for real
It works too freaking well
Wayyy to well (oh no wonder they gave Yoon Ho a wife! They knew! THEY KNEW —)
N1 (Thomas Andre x Sung Jin-Woo)
Oh I can smell the Himbo all the way from here.
trust me I get the vibes tho i dont usually browse it, I like another Thomas ship more, but this one still is in my mind
very wholesome too actually
that or I need to stop reading a lot of gen
Legit they will do crimes toguether and im happy for them
Legit they would fight and then go on with their day and thats probably their comunication now that I think about it.
Thomas i s just one big puppy for his black cat and im like, hell yeah that shits great.
LiuAndre/KamishBros (Thomas Andre x Liu Zhigang)
(They were in fact, gay)
JinLee (Sung Jin-Woo x Lee Ju-Hee)
Oh so calm.
But at the same time *slams table* NEED CHEMISTRY PLEASE
I love them. I used to watch amv vids of them, they were lifeline
It was actually my first ship because I thought it was going to be end game
It wasnt and I was pretty sad
But their platonic friendship was also something I would have loved to see
Healing toguether? yes please!
Overcoming their strenghts? Yes please!
A fairly good wholesome male and female friendship? Id give you my entire homelife please im starving for that content.
Juhee becoming the third memeber too would have been so much better, she didnt need to do anything but the friendship between Jin-Ho, Ju-Hee and Jin-Woo would have been so wholesome to see legit.
Infierno (Sung Jin-Woo x Esil Radir)
Putting that tag name because of the Infierno tiktok with jinwoo and Esil and since there its been stuck in my mind
Just... They are partners in crime, they will always be partners in crime fr.
These bitches kill like its second nature
Im honestly quite fascinated by this ship. It gives "i will betray everything for you" vibes.
"I will destroy the world for you" vibes too
Demon x human is a hohoho for me too
Deal with the devil, and its the cutest devil ever
It would have also been fun of JinWoo helping her integrate into society, even when he too is like, super bad at it. bro only knows dungeons.
Yoosung (Sung Jin-Woo x Yoo Jin-Ho)
And dude its so wholesome id be willing to give up my money for it being canon too. Again its just the cutest thing ever and I love that for them.
They are sugar and spice and everything nice
They are my cold water in the mornings.
Sugar, sugar for real.
Bad blood (Sung Jin-Woo x Goto Ryuji)
They got bad bloo—
No actually i dont know how to put it as a ship name, sounds way too corny for these mfs, even this one.
But anyways
HOT DAMN how did they get away with making it this hot
Its legit so good im dying about it. I need to call someone to stop me from being addicted to this ship.
The shits so good mostly for the middle aged freaking dilf.
Its like- its like really good.
Gourmet shit
The way I get whipped by these too.
Huh good for them. These bitches got it all:
Rivals, benefit partners, swicharo and it will still look good, their power dynamic is even jucier than anyone in this list.
Like you cant get better than this (you can)
They got a dilf bro. Look at this man! Look at freaking sugar baby-able Jin Woo is.
Look at how the enemies to lovers through sparring for reallllll
That aside, i do find it really fun just how versatile these two can be and since Goto is mainly an antagonist he does have quite a lot of room for development that can turn into good character growth if executed perfectly. Said arcs can also be good for Jin Woo since it lets him latch on to more of his kinder or humane side, as well as having a room to talk with, favorably more expirienced adults about things he doesnt know. Like legit Jin Woo could use a lot of guides through this sudden life changing shift, not just through new and more powerful fights but a drastic economic change to his daily life and how to balance it.
There are a lot of more expirienced and stronger people out there, yes, but Goto fits in there better than Liu, Christopher or Thomas who mainly look like they are ready to fight everytjing that comes their way rather than be some sort of mentor to anyone. Whereas others like Lennart dont have much interaction with him, and by the end of Jeju JinWoo has basically outcompeted the others in Korea so he might want to look for stronger international power level type partners.
it also adds a lot of flavor for me towards Jin Woos relationships with other people since we see that he will instantly kill anyone that wrongs him, and yet there would be Goto who he is dating while constantly being degrated by the man, not in a bad way really, just nagging him about doing things the wrong way in wife mode and him learning from that.
Dilf tsundere is also good 🤌
ChaLee (Cha Hae-In x Lee Ju-Hee)
wlw wins this one
Thay would make such a cute couple
For the sake of Hae In its really hard for her to pair her with someome else due to her smell, but the ship is still cute as heck, and it wouldnt be soo bad if maybe Ruler! Ju-Hee uwu just a thought uwu
Hae in could help Ju Hee also overcome her fears of the monsters. They both would like habe a safe place withing each other
Its so sugar i swear
MagicTank (Lennart Niermann x Thomas Andre)
Bro that looks so cool you so genius for this
Bro the height and body difference
Bro the everything difference
Bro the way Lennart saved Thomas from a freaking Monarch I lobe you my baby boy have the card for character with the biggest balls in this series muak
Bro the way it would also look so cute cuz i picture Lennart always having a soft german accent that still has its serious tone to it
And then there is thomas who is anything but serious
Bro it would be so cute thinking how soft Thomas would be for Lennart meanwhile lennart is 24/7 more confused than anything about how the n1 strongest hunter suddenly laid eyes upon him, like out of nowhere.
He wasnt even in the top ten and yet Thomas just choose him???
Oh thatd be cute af
Draw sword (Goto Ryuji x Reiji Sugimoto)
Honestly it's freaking good
Like I didn't expect to gravitate into it and then I did. It was stuck in my mind ever since and this might just be from the fanfics
It also somehow seems to be far more wholesome than Goto/Jin-Woo huh.
I guess I get that found family vibe with the both of them taking care of the draw sword guild S ranks.
And that's cool I like that :v
Found family but they all a bunch of rats >>>>
MinLee (Min Byung Gyu x Lee Ju-Hee)
Mn yesss doctor x nurse ship mhm bros perfect.
I think the healing together part will actually be the cutest thing here and honestly they deserve their healing arc
They deserved so much better with everything imo
Sung Jin-Woo/Antares
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....Edit: I am so sorry I accidentally clicked the post button again dammit!
More platonic than romantic:
JinYi (Han Song Yi x Sung Jin-Ah)
Cute and lovely, honestly I think this might be the only one that isn't shipped as much, but I like to do it because childhood friends is my favorite trope
Aura (Thomas Andre x Laura)
Hell yeah to Laura and Thomas being thre friking best of friends.
They are just the freaking best
They have taken me away
I love this, I love the story just for this, this is like the biggest glow up due to how starve I am for any kind of man and female platonic friendship and this one is just Hella good, Hella perfect. I'm in fuking love with their friendship.
Number 1
This is the best thing ever made alright
Best thing ever
Top tier shit
Will not elaborate
They are fucking soulmates
No one can take this away from me.
I crown every one who makes more of this ship
I bless you
I thank you
Bow down to you bro
And seriously this is like 100× filled with more potential for everything
They will live in my heart bitches.
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s1nn0hh · 3 months
"An Unfortunate Reunion"
"After two of her disciplines go missing after sneaking on an expedition to the old ruins far from Treasure Town, Lyra goes out to look for them in where they went off to, only to reunite with an important figure of her past that she didn't expect, yet it seems that the absence of said figure wasn't without a reason."
A piece that I had spinning around in my head for @sincerely-sofie and her Mortality Exchange AU since it had me absolutely loving it when it was first introduced. Enjoy!
Mystery Dungeons were always an unexplainable phenomenon when it came down to it.
Places that simply 'change' with each visit are impossible to understand on a logical scale, and yet it doesn't stop the native Pokemon within them to live in them with no issue, and for exploration guilds to get into every nook and cranny in them.
But beyond the cozy haven of Treasure Town lies a dungeon that was strictly forbidden from entry - as every explorer that went there never returned, as if the ground swallowed them whole without a trace left behind.
But not all explorers listen to warnings, as a young duo of explorers - a Staravia and a Psyduck - were on their way to explore the place despite all warnings from their guildmaster, not aware of what will soon befall them.
"Ugh, are you sure that you got the location of those stinking ruins marked correctly?
We've been walking in what feels like and I think I've seen the same tree 5 times in a row now."
Staravia impatiently and annoyingly cried out, hoping to receive any hinge of good news from his Water-type bud,
who was currently spinning the map he was holding to get a good look as to where they are.
"C-calm down! I pinpointed the exact location of the place, I just didn't figure it would take this long to get there!
It was your idea to sneak out in the dead of night, after all! You KNOW Guildmaster Lyra will be furious with us if we don't make it back before morning! W-why did you even wanna go there, anyway?!"
Psyduck anxiously spoke back to his feathered friend,
all the while rubbing the temples of his head from another permanent headache.
"Come on dude, think about it. A whole lotta people seemingly disappeared there, right?
If we managed to find em' all and bring them back home, not only will we be regarded as heroes all around Treasure Town,
we will get a HUGE rank up in our team rank, and we can get all the GOOD missions for once! Just think about it: Hundreds of Pokemon asking for our help, money, fame, and the best of all: We can get a cure for that headache you had since birth!"
Staravia gloated out loud about all the benefits and whatever goodies they could achieve from this hopeless mission, and Psyduck thought about it very gradually before sighing and nodding in acceptance.
"W-well, I don't really mind the missions we can do, but just being able to t-think without feeling like my head's about to split would be nice.. and w-would you look at that, we're here.."
The duo stood in front of a large cave entrance, the darkness temptingly inviting them to step inside without a second thought.
Staravia's eyes almost glistened at the excitement of the two's soon-to-be riches,
whereas Psyduck was shivering more than a Pineco during a blizzard.
"There it is, Psy-sy! Our biggest mission yet! I can just hear everyone inside asking for us to rescue them!
Did you get yourself fully prepared for this?"
"Y-yeah. I got us both Escape Orbs, Luminous Orbs, a few seeds and berries.. all that. I feel like I should've gotten the Chesto Berries, though.."
"Nah, we'll be fine. It's not like we'll fall asleep in there by accident, that would just be stupid. C'mon, let's get in!"
"I-if you insist.."
As the two stepped inside, they were surrounded by complete darkness, but only for a moment -
as they reached out for the nearest light source and were in awe as they both felt like the place they were in was completely different from the exterior.
A dark-goldish hue fogged the whole dungeon as countless hills of sand were before them as it dripped from the ceiling endlessly,
as the large menacing pillars that were in every corner towered above the duo making them feel small like Durants and increasing Psyduck's headache and paranoia.
"O-oh, I TOLD you that this was a bad idea!
We need to go back and admit all this to the Guildmaster, and NEVER come back here ever agai-"
Psyduck cried out as he instinctively reached out for his Escape Orb,
only for Staravia to cup his head around his face to try and diffuse the situation and his friend's nerves.
"Psy! Psyduck, look at me dude. Look at me. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you, okay? I know that all of this is freaky, trust me, but we can do it TOGETHER! Just stay behind me, m'kay?"
"O-okay.. thanks, Star.."
The two continued through the dungeon together, trying to find any missing 'mon in every floor and corner, only for their efforts to go to waste as every floor was completely barren of any life.
No enemies, no items, no traps. Just the deafening silence of the ruins with the occasional 'tssss' sound from the sand that poured from the upper floors.
Staravia was beginning to wonder if the rumors and warnings were just a stupid joke spread by their Guildmaster, but he wasn't gonna let him and his friend be played for fools.
Just as the two were about to call it quits and go home, Psyduck let out a hefty yawn, snapping his bird comrade from his trance.
"Woah bud, I take it that you didn't get much sleep before we went out?"
"We did (yaaaaawn) sneak out in the middle of the night, you know.. I need to get my 8-hour sleep in peace.."
"Yeah, yeah.. just hold on tight. I'm sure we're reaching the end of this stinkin' sandpit eventually.."
He was wrong. So, so wrong. The dungeon stretched out for ages, as it began picking up it's own inner sandstorm by some odd sequence of events,
making the journey harder by tenfold. Psyduck was already fast asleep by the time they reached the 25th floor, and Staravia could feel himself tiring out from exhaustion as he had to carry Psyduck on his back to not lose him.
"Why did I do this.. why did I do to us?! All of this just isn't worth it! Psyduck, you were right about all of this. We need to go, now. Hand me your Escape Orb."
No response from the latter.
He was out cold. There was a pulse, yet he didn't wake up. And to make matters worse, he lost the bag that had all of their essentials.
Staravia could feel his heart pounding as the dungeon storm picked up, tossing Staravia aside as he failed to make up his surroundings.
As he did, he called and begged out for anybody who might just be around to save them. He pleaded, yet there was no receiving end.
"Oh god.. this can't be it.. anyone.. please.. help.. me- .. huh?"
Within the distance, Staravia could make out something. A figure, perhaps. It didn't seem to belong to any known pokemon, and to top it all off, it was.. crying?
Almost weeping, in fact. Staravia got up despite the weighting tiredness, trying to reach out for it.. it disappeared. It all just too much. His eyes grew heavy. He had to sleep. Even if it was for a moment.
It was another regular morning in Lyra's Guild. Smiles were all around as the members simply chatted about their daily life and what they were gonna do today,
yet Lyra had this gut feeling that simply didn't sit right with her. Someone was missing. Two 'mons, in fact.
Lyra asked all around as to where Staravia and Psyduck went,
and her stress and gut feeling only rocketed as absolutely no one saw them since last night.
Some of the folks commented about how they heard some faint talking sounds in the hallways in the middle of the night,
followed by the sound of the front door opening and closing.
At that point, she knew just what was done. They went against the one order she declared, and went to where she hoped they would never go. The Ruins.
Lyra immediately grabbed everything that she had in her disposal when it came for these scenarios: Orbs, Seeds, Berries (specifically Chesto), and the last but not least: her Gardevoirite.
Mega Stones were always declared as a last resort, as their capabilities were enough to completely tear those who were unprepared asunder. And this situation was as dire as it could get.
She could only hope that she wasn't already too late.
Making her way to the ruins, Lyra was constantly muttering out words as the clock was already ticking against her.
"Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't be dead.."
She darted immediately into the cave, scouring every corner to try and catch sight of the two. The deeper she went down the floors, the harder things became.
She constantly ate a Chesto Berry at the sight of the first yawn, any sandstorm was immediately shoved off with a Hail, Drought or Rainy Orb.
As she progressed, she came across two Pokemon in the distance: Staravia and Psyduck. Lyra sighed in relief as she rushed towards them, pulling out two Chesto Berries and giving one to each one.
She prayed that she wasn't too late, and that she still had time.
5 seconds later, and the two began waking up slowly. Lyra pulled the two for a hug of relief as she knew it wasn't all for naught,
but still peeved that they went against her order, as she spoke to them in the sternest tone possible.
"You two have no idea just how much you had me worried! Do you even know the severity of what you did?
I'm glad that you're okay, but we're gonna have to talk when we get back."
The two lowered their heads in shame and let out a very defeated ".. Yes, Guildmaster Lyra.." as they were sent back via the Escape Orbs she gave them.
While Lyra was just about to do the same, she immediately stopped in her tracks.
She wasn't alone here. Someone else was in the same floor as her, and their aura and power was terrifying.
Lyra clutched onto her Mega Bracelet as she pulled out an additional Escape Orb,
but she sensed the terrifying presence right behind her.
Dropping the Orb aside, she immediately used the Mega Bracelet to Mege Evolve and lock eyes with the individual behind her, but she gasped as she did.
It was a Mega Charizard X, but it looked.. different.
she shared a completely black body as opposed to the usual black-and-blue colors,
she had various red spikes popping up in the neck area, almost forming a jaw or a maw of some sorts, with some sticking out from the shoulders and elbows.
The blue flare that came from her mouth and tail was an eerie white, and her eyes were a pure blue with a white pupil in the middle.
But it wasn't her appearance that shocked Lyra. It was because she recognized who that was. The person that inspired her to become who she is today. One that she thought of meeting again after so, so long.
".. Twig?"
"I.. I can't believe it. You're here! I thought I'd never see you again! I have so, so many questions, I just-"
Lyra was ecstatic. She was shocked, but ecstatic to finally meet Twig again after all these years.
Twig, while just as surprised, was more.. nervous and wary, to say the least.
She cracked a rather nervous smile as Lyra talked about everything that happened in her absence,
as the information that was dumped on her felt like the equivalent of having a Blast Seed thrown at you at Mach 3 speeds.
"So you've just been down here, all this time? By yourself?"
"Yeah, something like that.. it just felt like the best thing to do back then, I guess."
"But.. why?"
"If I tell you, will you leave?"
"I.. if that's what will make you happy?"
Twig sighed rather heavily as she began recounting everything that she went through during the last century, and Lyra took the information just as Twig did with what she told her.
Dark Crater. Darkrai. The aftermath of the battle, Twig remembered bright as day, and she absolutely hated that she did.
"Wait.. so you managed to actually kill Darkrai in hand-to-hand combat? That must've felt.. incredible."
"It was for a moment, not gonna lie, but everything went downhill from there.
Recovering from my injuries was one thing, but I noticed something else after my fight with him.
Apparently, when a mortal kills a Legend, they inherit said Legend's power, and take their place. And when I killed Darkrai.."
".. You took his place as the Harbringer of Bad Dreams.. Twig, I absolutely had no idea, I.."
"I-it's okay, you don't need to worry. I am gonna need you to get out before my stupid nightmare does something bad to you-"
"Oh, don't worry. I always come prepared. But.. there is something I wanna know. Why did you hide down here for all these years?"
Twig sighed yet again at the question. She knew it was inevitable, and yet it would still hurt to say it out loud each time.
"Turns out that my ability effected people all around Treasure Town back then.
I had a hard time even maintaining them, much less controlling them, so when it all came down to it..
I ran away at the dead of night when everyone was asleep. Just like that."
Lyra looked down at the ground for a moment, a rather saddened expression present on her face.
".. Do you miss anyone from back then?"
Twig was silent at the question. To say she misses everyone was an understatement.
She misses Grovyle and his protectiveness and good hugs.
She misses Celebi and her wild nature and all the wacky stuff she'd pull off.
She misses Dusknoir, for being there to comfort her and help her figure out more about herself.
And the worst of all? She misses Kip. The one person who she cared about more than anything.
Twig wiped some of the tears that began dripping from her eyes, and she just locked back at Lyra again.
".. More than anything."
"Twig, please.. you don't have to be alone anymore. I can try and help you figure out and help you with your ability!"
"Lyra, no."
"But why?! I hate seeing you like this, and all I wanna do is help you! Why are you so against it?"
".. Because I don't wanna lose everyone more than I already did."
".. Huh?"
At that moment, something simply snapped inside Twig. She didn't want to yell at Lyra, much less get snappy with her. But for a brief moment, Twig lost control.
"So p-please.. just get away from me before I lose you too.."
Twig opened her eyes from the momentary outburst, and felt her heart stop when she saw how afraid Lyra looked back at her.
The only person she met in forever, and now she ruined the chances of her ever coming back again.
But Lyra wasn't afraid. She cleared her throat, and simply gave Twig a reassuring nod.
"I.. I see. I'll be on my way then."
Lyra picked up the Escape Orb off the ground, but not before looking at Twig back again as she did.
"Twig, I'm not sure how much this will mean to you, but.. I still think of you as my hero.
Regardless of whether or not you're a bringer of 'bad dreams' or just.. you, you still inspired me to be who I am today. And I wanted to thank you for that.
And while I can't force my help on you, I.. will always have a place open for you at my guild if you need a place to stay in once you're tired of the ruins.
Twig was silent at her words, unable to even muster a response to that. She nodded back at Lyra, making it seem like she was taking her words in consideration - even though she never will.
She will always turn down any help, even when she really doesn't want to. Even in this situation, she couldn't ask for help to save her own life.
Lyra used the Escape Orb after giving her last goodbyes (for now) to Twig, and she was left all by her lonesome yet again.
Twig whimpered and sobbed as she left, as the weight of all that just happened was far too overwhelming for her.
Hours went by, and Twig eventually calmed down. Slowly but steadily, she made her way back to the entrance of the ruins.
She looked up high and saw the night sky in a completely different way than she did 100 years ago.
As she let out of a sigh of long-awaited relief, she thought of Lyra's offer.
Maybe, just maybe, she could perhaps take the helping hand that reached out to her.
It wouldn't hurt to try, right?
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
[mild stuffing]
"Sunny, come on, we're getting ice cream," called Dave. "And bring a helmet! Laurie's driving."
"Fuck off, Dave," said Laurie, giving him a playful smack on the head. "Sunny, let's go!"
"I'm coming," Sunny hollered impatiently from his room. "You want me to go with my ass out or what?"
"Knowing you, I wouldn't be surprised," Laurie hollered back.
Sunny pulled on his pants, but he found himself having to suck in his tummy to button them. Unbeknownst to Laurie and Dave, who had given him a few minutes notice before picking him up, he'd just eaten a good-sized lunch and was still feeling full and bloated. He looked at his puffy belly in the mirror and decided to wear a looser T-shirt instead of his usual form-fitting button down. Finally dressed, he leapt out of his room and slid into the living room on his socks, stumbled over the rug, and tumbled over an end table, landing on the floor with a thud. Dave applauded the spectacle.
"Smooth, Sunshine," said Laurie, helping him up. "Are you ready yet?"
"Hang ON," he said, pulling on his sneakers. "What, are they storing ice cream outside now, we gotta go eat it quick before it melts? What the hell's the rush?"
"Because I want some ice cream!"
"Just a second." Sunny made a show of very carefully picking up his shoelaces and slowly beginning to cross them. Laurie grabbed a pillow from the couch and whacked him with it.
"Come on, Laurie, I only learned how to tie 'em yesterday! Let me focus…"
"I am gonna kill you, would you tie your fucking shoes already?"
"Fine," said Sunny with a dramatic sigh. He tied his shoes and hopped upright. "There. Are you ready yet? I can't stand here waitin' around all day." Laurie threw the pillow at his head and shoved him out the door, with Dave following close behind.
The trio piled into Laurie's ancient minivan and took off for the local ice cream joint, a tiny place with hand-illustrated menu items covering nearly every square inch of the windows. Laurie and Dave both ordered sundaes, and were surprised to hear Sunny ask only for a simple vanilla cone. Typically he went for the biggest thing available, some monster shake or convoluted sundae with a dozen toppings.
"Are you feeling alright? Since when do you only get a cone?" Laurie jokingly felt Sunny's forehead. He shooed her hand away.
"What, a guy can't get a cone?"
"I'm just saying, you normally get something huge."
"Are you a cop or somethin'? Sometimes you just want straight up soft serve, you know?"
"Fair," said Laurie. The girl at the window distributed the ice cream and the trio sat at one of the ratty old picnic tables beside the building. Sunny felt his still-full tummy bulge against the waist of his jeans as he sat.
"Nice day," Dave remarked, dipping into his sundae.
"Yeah, I'm glad I came," agreed Sunny. "Little late, though. Might've been even nicer if Laurie hadn't taken so damn long to get ready." Laurie bumped his hand as he licked his cone, getting ice cream on his nose. He tried in vain to lick it off like a dog before resorting to using a napkin.
As much as Sunny loved ice cream, he wasn't enjoying it as much as he usually would. He'd eaten an enormous hoagie for lunch just before Laurie and Dave had shown up, and it was big and bulky in his stomach. He was already stuffed, and as he ate his ice cream, he felt more and more bloated. Still, it wasn't too difficult to finish. The real challenge was trying to hide his puffed-up tummy. Unable to suck it in, he simply hoped his shirt would make it less obvious than it felt.
"Wow, looks like that little cone was a lot for you," said Laurie, giving Sunny's round belly a teasing poke. He held his hands defensively over his stomach. The shirt plan had failed.
"Was not," he said.
"Well, you look pretty stuffed," she said.
"I just had lunch! I didn't know we were goin' out."
"Oh, gosh, Sunny, you should've said so! We could've waited."
"Could've waited?!" Sunny stared at Laurie as if she'd grown a second head. "You were about ready to throw me out the damn window, you were in such a hurry to go!"
"I think she's just always ready to throw you out the window," said Dave.
"That's true," agreed Sunny. "Anyway, I don't mind. I'm always up for ice cream."
"Doesn't your tummy hurt though? It looks so…" Laurie gestured to her friend's distended stomach. "Full."
"Nah," he lied. As a matter of fact, his stomach felt as though it had been stretched a little too tight, but the discomfort wasn't terrible. Still, he couldn't wait to get home and unbutton his pants.
"If you say so," she said, patting his tummy.
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romana-after-dark · 2 months
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Hi, romana! Happy Shaperil! Which of David Gordon Green's Halloween movies was your fave? Halloween (2018), Halloween Kills, or Halloween Ends?
Hi toxi!!!!!! Happy Shaperil!
I'd say the third, Halloween Ends!
First one I enjoyed simply for slasher fun. I'm not a huge horror fan but it was october and my friend and I saw a movie every sunday so we went for it. I really enjoyed it!
Halloween KIlls pissed me off, I was....... not a fan LMFAOOOO I left the theater yelling when the credits rolled because so much I thought was stupid ;-; saw that one with an awful "friend" so maybe it also left a bad taste in my mouth.
BUt Halloween Ends!!!! Maybe I'm biased because I saw with a big group and we all brought out blankets (mine was star wars if you even care!!!!!) First of all CORY!!!!!! My friend tried to say he was HER MAN but I looked up the actor and he's Jewish and I get a claim on all Jews first <3 and the TWIST WHEN HE- idk if i can say it lol its been out for over a year but yeah. took "if i cant have her no one can" to a knew level!!! AND THE END!!!! FINALLY!!!!!
Fun fact my siblings and I tried to convince my parents to name our youngest brother Micheal when we were kids, we thought it was perfect!!! that was back when I was catholic so we wer elike yes, Micheal the archangle, perfect!!! My parents laughed in our face!!!!
It wasn't until YEARS later we realized its bc our last name is version of Myers and it would be too close XD
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mydarllinglover · 10 months
SafeHouse || Eleven
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It was the first day of classes.
I was at Breakfast examining my Timetable, Transfiguration with Ravenclaw was my first class of the day. Adrian wanted me to sit with him so thats where I was, Sat next to Adrian as he introduced me to his mates and they delved into conversation.
But all I could think about was whatever nonsense my friends were going on about, They didn't look too pleased when Adrian led me away from them.
"Hey guys" I said to them as I walked up to the desks, minutes away from being late
"Are you sure your boyfriend wants you sat with us, he might want you to sneak into his class" Draco said
"What? your being ridiculous, we were just sat spending time together, you know, something you do when your in a relationship" I rolled my eyes, taking a seat next to Blaise
"Does that mean your not going to hang with us anymore? too busy with him" Theo narrowed his eyebrows
"If you keep acting like this, I wont. Just drop it" I told them, then sat straight to listen to Professor McGonagall teach.
"They do care about you, you know that right?" Blaise asked me quietly, so only I could hear
"Well they dont need to, I'm fine" I huffed.
Transfiguration came and went, It was now time for Care of Magical Creatures with Gryffindor.
The four of us made our way down without a word.
Hagrid was talking to the Gryffindors about the things in the cages. Blast-Ended skrewts.
"On'y jus' hatched" I could hear Hagrid say "so yeh'll be able ter raise 'em yerselves! Thought we'd make a bit of a project of it!"
"And why would we want to raise them?" Draco voiced my thoughts, grabbing everyone's attention
I waved to Ron, Harry and Hermione when they looked in our direction.
"I mean, what do they do? what is the point of them?" Draco asked
"Tha's next lesson, Malfoy. Yer jus' feedin' 'em today. Now, yeh'll wan' ter try 'em on a few diff'rent things- I've never had them before-"
"What?! is this safe?" I gasped making Hagrid pause, normally I loved and adored every animal, but Blast-ended Skrets was something I definitely do not want to mess around with.
"jus' be careful?" He told me, now I felt reassured "not sure what they'll go fer -I got ant eggs an' frog livers an' a bit o' grass-snake- just try 'em out with a bit of each."
"I don't think I can do - I'm going to throw up" I told the three, covering my mouth
"I thought you liked creatures and pets" Theo said
"Yeah, but I dont like touching slimy things, or dangerous things"
"Then how come you're dating Pucey?" Draco asked
"Shut up, Malfoy" I rolled my eyes.
"Ouch!" Yelled Dean Thomas "It got me!"
Hagrid sped over, going pale and looking nervous
"Its end exploded!" Dean seethed, lifting his hand that was burned.
I took a huge step back from our cage.
"Ah, yeah, that can happen when they blast off" Said Hagrid causally
"And he thought to only mention that now, nice to know" Theo said
"Eurgh" Lavender Brown from Gryffindor said "Eurgh, Hagrid, whats that pointy thing on it?"
"Ah, some of 'em have got stings, I reckon they're the males ... the females've got sorta sucker things on their bellies ... I think they might be ter suck blood"
"Well, I can certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive" Draco said in his usual sarcastic tone "Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting and bite all at once?"
"Just because they're not very pretty, it doesn't mean they're not useful" Hermione snapped at him "Dragon blood's amazingly magical, but you wouldn't want a dragon for a pet, would you?"
"I would, that seems pretty cool" I said quietly
It was now time for Dinner.
I was with Adrian, we were stood in the courtyard alone whilst everyone was most likely in the Great Hall.
"How were your classes?" Adrian asked me, his arms around my waist
"They were good, although, Care of Magical Creatures were terrifying, I was scared we would all end up in the Hospital wing,  How were yours?"
"They were alright, the Professors are already going on about O.W.Ls" He rolled his eyes "Got a bunch of Homework, so we probably can't see each other much outside of meals and in the common room."
"Well I can always help or do anything to make it easier for you" I told him, hoping I didn't sound too desperate
"Really? thanks" He grinned before stepping back to reach into his bag and dumped his charms book and some parchment into my hands "I need to read Pages 158-182 and take notes, make it neat though, thanks babe, your the best" He kissed me quickly before jogging off for dinner.
I stood there, what was I expecting, I'm the one who offered.
"Keira?" Theo and Blaise were walking up to me "What are you doing just standing there" Theo asked
"Wha- I- uh" I stuttered
"What are you doing with Grade five charms?" Blaise asked, plucking the book out of my hands
"Oh- well- Adrian has a bunch of work, so I'm just helping him out" I shrugged, snatching the book back.
"Are you serious? Keira, dont let him use you like that" Theo told me
"He's not using me, I offered" I snapped at him "Lets just go to dinner, I'm starving" I marched towards the Hall.
There was a crowd around the Entrance hall when we got there.
I spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione.
I made a beeline towards them, Theo and Blaise right behind me.
Everyone was stood around Moody and A pure White Ferret, the same colour as Draco's hair.
"Whats going on?" I asked the trio "Why's there a ferret, I didn't even know we were allowed them as pets"
"We're not, Its Malfoy" Ron told me
"Mal- Thats Draco?!" I pointed at it
"sure is" Ron grinned "Moody did it"
"Never- do- that- again -" Moody growled, bouncing the ferret on the floor with every word, with his wand.
"Professor Moody!" Professor McGonagall gasped, coming down the stairs with her arm full of books
"Hello, Professor McGonagall" Moody greeted her, still bouncing the ferret.
"What - what are you doing?" She said, following the movements of the Ferret
"Teach- Moody, is that a student?" She shrieked, dropping all her books.
"Yep" Moody said
"No!" McGonagall cried, with a wave of her wand Draco had appeared, lying in a heap. His hair a mess and wincing. The three of us ran towards him
"You alright mate?" Theo asked him
"What the bloody hell did you do?!" I asked him
"What makes you think I did something?" He gaped at me
"Because I know you" I said
"Moody, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment! Surely Professor Dumbledore told you that?" McGonagall asked him
"He might've mentioned it, yeah" Moody said, scratching his chin. "but I thought a good sharp shock-"
"We give detentions, Moody! Or speak to the offender's Head of House!"
"I'll do that, then" Moody said, staring straight at Draco with disgust.
I looked at Draco whos eyes were still watery
"my fathe-" He began to murmur
"Draco, No, look where that got you last time" I hissed at him him
"Oh yeah?" Moody limped towards us, clearly hearing what Draco was about to say "Well I know your Father of old, boy ... you tell him Moody's keeping a close eye on his son ... you tell him that from me... Now, your head of house'll be Snape, will it?"
"Yes" Draco bit out.
"Another old friend" Moody growled "I've been looking forward to a chat with old Snape ...come on, you..." He gripped Draco's arm and yanked him up away from us and to the dungeons.
"Lets go to dinner" I told the other two, standing up quickly.
"Do you think he'll be alright?" Blaise asked us as we sat down at the Slytherin table.
"I have no idea, He was almost in tears, I've never seen him like that before" I said
"I wonder what Snape's gonna do, wonder if he gets detention after all that" Theo thought out loud
"Hey! What did Malfoy do for Moody to snap at him like that?" I asked another Slytherin close by.
"Oh, Your Fathers in the paper, Malfoy read it aloud to everyone, then said somethings about your Mother, When Potter said something about his then tried to walk away, Malfoy went to hex him" They told me.
"That bloody idiot, can I still be mad at him after all that?" I looked at my friends
"Just dont hit him" Blaise shrugged
"What do you think is in the paper about your Dad?" Theo asked me
"I dont even want to know, probably some rubbish again, you know how they hate Dad" I rolled my eyes.
I followed Blaise and Theo to the boys dormitory where we found Draco sulking on his bed.
"You are a Bloody Idiot Draco "whats-your-middle-name Malfoy" I slapped his arm before pulling him in to a hug "Are you alright though?"
"I'm fine" He said, pushing me off him so I was sat on his bed
"What did Snape do?" Blaise asked, Him and Theo sitting on their own beds.
"There wasn't much he could do, Its not like he could of given me a detention after all that, he was really tense as well, most likely because of Moody"
"So, whats it like being a Ferret?" Theo asked Draco, who just grabbed his pillow and threw it at Him who was laughing.
"I best get going, to my own room, got work to do" I said, standing up
"What? but we didn't get any homework today" Draco said
Before I could Answer, Theo did
"Her "boyfriend"'s got her doing his charms work for him"
"Shut up, Nott" I glared at him
"What, Keira, you can't do that, he's using you"
"No! He's not, I'm a big girl and I can deal with things myself, I offered to Help, so I will, stay out of it, all three of you, It doesn't concern any you!" I huffed before marching out of the room and into my own to start reading.
It was Thursday, The day of our first Defence Against the Dark Arts class, with Moody, everyone was buzzing excitedly, apart From Draco, who looked as though he wanted to be anywhere but here.
"What do you think we'll learn today?" I asked through a yawn
"Did you even sleep last night?" Theo asked me
"Fred & George said he's a brilliant teacher, and he really is a pro at dealing with it out there" I said, ignoring him
"He's not that great" Draco rolled his eyes. I was sat with Draco at a desk, Theo next to me then Blaise next to him.
"Keira!" Hermione called me from her desk at the front of the classroom
"I wanna talk to you about something after dinner, about that thing we said in the summer"
"Oh right, sure, I'll see you after" I smiled at her.
"How do you even tolerate that mud-"
"Dont even say it, Malfoy" I glared up at him
Moody walked into the classroom, as he moved to the front. We could all see his clawed wooden foot from his robes.
"You can put those away" He growled, sitting down in his chair. "those books, you wont need them."
I copied the rest of the class, putting my book into my bag.
Moody then took out a register and started calling names. As his normal eye looked at the list of names, his magical eye was looking at us.
"Right then, I've had a letter from professor Lupin about this class. Seems you've had a pretty thorough grounding in tackling Dark creatures- you've covered Boggarts, Red Caps, Hinkypunks, Grindylows, Kappas and Werewolves, is that right?"
"Yes, we have a lot of knowledge about Werewolves, some more than others" I muttered
"But you're behind - very behind - on dealing with curses, So I'm here to bring you up to scratch on what wizards can do to each other. I've got one year to teach you how to deal with the Dark-"
"What, aren't you staying" Ron cut him off.
Moody's magical eye transfixed on my brother, before flicking to look at me, switching his gaze between the both of us. Then he smiled
"Your Arthur Weasleys Kids, eh? Seems I got both of the twins" Moody said "Your father got me out of a very tight corner a few days ...yeah, I'm staying just the one year. Special favour to Dumbledore ... one year, and then back to my quiet retirement."
He laughed before clapping his scarred hands.
"So - straight into it. Curses. They come in many strengths and forms. Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm supposed to teach you counter-curses and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you what illegal Dark curses look like until you're in sixth year. You're not supposed to be old enough to deal with it 'till then. But Professor Dumbledore's got a higher opinion of your nerves, he reckons you can cope, and I say, the sooner you know what you're up against, the better. How are you supposed to defend yourself against something you've never seen? A wizard who's about to pull an illegal curse on you isn't going to tell you what he's about to do. He's not going to do it nice and polite to your face. You need to put that away, Miss Brown, when I'm talking."
Lavender Brown jumped out of her skin, blushing madly.
I leaned over the table to see what she was doing, It seemed she was showing Parvati Patil something under the table.
"So... do any of you know which curses are most heavily punished by wizarding law?"
I as well as Ron, Hermione and other students raised our hands in the air.
Moody pointed at Ron
"Er, my dad told me about one ... is it called the Imperious Curse, or something?"
"Damn, I was going to say that" I whispered, lowering my hand.
"Ah, yes" Moody said thoughtfully "Your father would know that one. Gave the Ministry a lot of trouble at one time, the Imperious Curse."
Moody then got to his feet, opened his desk and pulled out a glass jar, containing three large black spiders.
I Instantly looked at Ron. Thanks to Fred for his fear of spiders, I felt partly to blame as I was the one who had told him to play with Fred's toy broom, resulting in us arguing and it breaking. But I had blamed it on Ron causing Fred to only get mad at him, Is that why I'm in Slytherin? to this day I still dont think Fred knows I had a hand in it.
Moody reached into the jar, plucking out a spider and laying it in his palm so that we could all get a good look at it.
I bet Ron is regretting sitting at the front now.
He then pointed his wand at the Spider before muttering one of the illegal curses "Imperio!"
The spider jumped out of his hand, swinging back and forwards. It then did a back-flip before doing cartwheels in a circle. Moody waved his wand once again before the Spider broke into a tap dance.
Everyone burst out laughing. Except Moody and I. There was no humour in being forced into doing something you don't want to do.
"Think it's funny, do you?" Moody growled at the class. "You'd like it, would you, if i did it to you?"
The laughter stopped instantly.
"Total control" He said, quietly as the spider rolled up in a ball "I could make it jump out of the window, drown itself, throw itself down one of your throats ..."
I shuddered, getting hit with flashbacks of the incident that had happened nearly two years ago.
"Years back, there were a lot of witches and wizards being controlled by the Imperious Curse" Moody said "Some job for the Ministry, trying to sort out who was being forced to act, and who was acting of their own free will."
I felt both Draco and Theo tense when Moody said this, It was common Knowledge where their parents had stood during the Wizarding war, In Voldemort's reign.
"The Imperious Curse can be fought, and I'll be teaching you how, but it takes real strength of character, and not everyone's got it. Better avoid being hit with it if you can. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Moody barked, I jumped, almost falling off my chair.
Moody flicked his wand, the spider returning back to its jar.
"Anyone else know one? Another Illegal curse?" he asked
Of course Hermione's hand shot up, but so did Neville's
"Yes?" Moody said, his magical eye rolling to look at Neville.
"There's one - the Cruciatus Curse" Neville said in a small voice.
Moody just stared at him for a moment before asking him "Your name's Longbottom?" Neville nodding in response.
Moody reached into the jar again, pulling out a second spider, He couldn't...
"The Cruciatus Curse" Moody started "Needs to be a bit bigger for you to get the idea" He pointed his wand at the spider he layed on his desk "Engorgio!"
The spider swelled, It had definitely grew bigger, resulting in Ron pushing his chair back as far away from Moody's desk as he could.
Moody raised his wand again to point at the spider "Crucio!"
I couldn't bare to look at the torture the poor spider's body was going through, on instinct Both my hands Gripped Draco and Theo's , and they let me. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes at the grotesque sight.
"Stop it!" Hermione shrieked, she wasn't looking at the spider, she was looking at Neville, who seemed to be in matching pain, clutching his fists, they were a ghostly white.
I had to close my eyes, I wasn't even experiencing it and yet I couldn't stand it.
"Reducio" Moody Muttered.
The spider stilled as it shrunk back to its regular size, Moody placed it back in the jar. I instantly let go of their hands, curling them up into fists and hiding them under the table.
"Pain" Moody's tone had dropped dramatically to a soft voice. "You don't need thumbscrews or knives to torture someone if you can perform the Cruciatus Curse... that one was popular once, too."
The rest of the lesson went with him using the last Curse, The killing curse on the third spider, and then us taking notes until the bell dismissed us.
I couldn't get out of the class any faster, My friends hot on my tail.
As soon as I walked through the door it was like I could breath again, like The Dark Magic had finally stopped suffocating me.
We walked to the Great Hall. Sitting down at the Slytherin Table, Harry Ron and Hermione had walked in, when they passed us, Hermione had awkwardly tossed a piece of parchment in front of me, scrawled in her neat Handwriting it had said:
Keira, Hurry with Dinner, then lets go to the Library to discuss that "Thing"
"What's it say?" Theo asked me
"Never you mind" I said shrugging my shoulders.
I looked over to Hermione and nodded at her, in agreement to what she said.
When the food had appeared on the plates I was quick to inhale my portion, the three making comments about slowing down, table manners and breathing.
At last, Hermione had stood up, nodding at the door
"Alright, I'll see you guys later" I said before standing up and stepping out from the bench. I walked past Adrian to tell him I would see him in the common room later before kissing his cheek and meeting Hermione.
"So, what did you want to talk about, was it about the House-elf thing?" I asked her as we reached a table in the Library
"Yes, I've been working on it for a while, and I have a name "Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare." She told me proudly.
"Wow, thats quiet a mouthful, what about S.P.E.W for short?"
"Brilliant, so, how would you feel about being the first to join me?" She asked, I could see a glint of hope in her eyes
"Of course, 'Mione, obviously I want to help"
"You can be co-head, maybe I can get Ron and Harry to join, we will need a treasurer and secretary."
"What if we make badges to give out?"
"Yes! and we can put S.P.E.W on them for members"
"Do we have a heading for a manifesto?" I asked her
"Yes, actually, It was going to be the name, but its too long so ..."Stop the Outrageous Abuse of Our Fellow Magical Creatures and Champion for a Change in Their Legal Status" thoughts?"
"And I thought the name was long, It certainly gets to the point"
"Do you think there's a chance that Ma- your friends- will join?"
"You think the Slytherin rich kids will join a "club" about stopping the enslavement of house-elves?"
"yes, that was silly of me" she nodded.
We spent the rest of the time making Badges with S.P.E.W on them, She had asked me about my relationship and I opened up about the workload Adrian was Supplying me, she wasn't too happy about that.
"Keira, you can't, thats cheating" She told me.
"Hermione, It's fine, im just helping, You sound like the guys" I rolled my eyes
"Well maybe for the first and last time ever, I agree with them"
"Honestly, I don't mind, I offered so Its my problem, which isn't a problem."
"Well then, Its late, so I best go and inform Ron and Harry about S.P.E.W, Goodnight Keira" She hugged me before picking up the box of Badges and hurrying out of the library.
The Slytherin common room was empty apart from the guys and Adrian, who sat on opposite sides of the room, both were clearly waiting for me
"Hey, babe" Adrian Greeted me, wrapping his arms around my waist, I could see Theo pretending to gag over his shoulder
"Hi, I was just doing something with a friend" I smiled at him
"Thats cool, have you got my work?"
"Oh, right, um- yeah- its just in my bag- here you go" I brought the pile out to pass it to him
"You’re the best, here, I need this done by next week" He told me, dropping another pile that had doubled in size
"W-what, but, its Thursday night" I spluttered
"Good thing you're so amazing, night Katie" He winked
"My name's Keira" I blinked
"Sure" He grinned before kissing me and walking off, I just stood, staring at his back as he walked to his dorms.
I heard the three walk towards me.
"What the hel-" Theo started
"Don't! Just leave it alone" I said before heading in the direction of the desks to start some of the work "Go to bed. All of you"
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notabled-noodle · 2 years
So ive done some thinking about ADHD
And ik this isn't a diagnostic trait
But I've heard lots of psychologists and psychiatrists and even diagnosed people, mention how adhd people keep on making the same mistakes over and over again cuz they "forget" the outcome that they've witnessed every single time
At first when i started wondering whether i had ADHD or not, that didnt sound like me. Im an anxious person, I triple check whatever I'm gonna do before I do it . Odering food online?? I reread the ingredients and the order 4 times before pressing order. Going to use the bus? I check the time schedule over and over even tho ik i cant have seen the wrong timethe 5 times i checked and rechecked it. So basically I usually leave no room for myself to make mistakes and If i make one I take it hard and never ever make it...
Or so i thought.
The respective mistakes that I make dont affect others. Thats the difference. No one else can spot them other than me. Cuz they don't change anyone's day, mood etc
I think that some subtle mistakes that people with adhd could be repeating are:
Sleeping. Every single day, I promise myself to sleep early to atleast get 8 hours of sleep. And every single night I forget my promise and I just end up finding myself thrown in a crazy rabbit hole in the midst of the night and going to sleep real late and getting barely 5 hours of sleep. Do i understand that its a mistake? Yeah. But do I at the moment forget the outcome? Also yeah.
Doing chores such as laundry, the dishes etc. These tasks are the hell of a neurodivergent person whether its due to a sensory issue, procrastination, the task being too boring? Who knows depends on the person. Often times i find my laundry and dishes piling up and i find myself scared of begining. I make excuses, I give myself a hard time cuz if I have time for washing the dishes then I have time to work/study etc. And yet every single time when i get the motivation and energy to do the dishes...i finish quite fast?? And i always regret not washing them?? Like no matter how many times i do the dishes i always end up convincing myself its some huge hard mission that needs total focua and total lack of responsibiliies
Now Idk if all what i said makes sense. Ive barely known about adhd for a year now. I read up on it to understand a friend whom said they believed to have it..and oh god did i hesitate about it in the beginning. But I did a lot of research and ive related to lots of stuff before deciding on self diagnosing. The main problem was that my symptoms presented subtly and it was hard for me to distinguish them.
I'm sending you this long ask cuz I know how knowledgeable you are on this topic and also because I read all of your posts and find myself agreeing with them
Do you think that these traits could be associated with adhd? Also what other times do you believe people with ADHD end up forgetting about an experience they would have learned about quiet fast were they neurotypical?
yeah, this often comes down to impulsivity, short-term memory problems, and not necessarily being able to think about things in a “cause and effect” way.
the anxiety and the desire to check, double-check, and triple-check everything can come as a direct result of years of being punished for impulsivity. over time, people with ADHD can learn what actions have a negative effect on others, and alter their behaviour to suit. it can be a lot harder to do this when you’re the only one suffering the consequences — you need a lot more self-control as opposed to externally enforced rules and boundaries.
in my experience, people with ADHD seem to be fairly good at breaking things down into past self, present self, and future self. the problem is that we see the future self as a completely different person to the present self. i.e. thinking “I’ll be able to do this tomorrow”, despite having no evidence that you’ll magically be able to learn those skills in 24 hours time.
the examples you included were pretty good! other instances of this could be:
procrastinating hygiene related things, even if you have the energy to do them right now — giving your future self those responsibilities because you’d rather be doing something else right now
quitting a bad habit or starting up a new one — you may want to reduce your screen time, but right now you also really want to see that new YouTube video and oh well, might as well start being good about it tomorrow
generally building tasks up in your head to be harder than they actually are, which then causes the tasks to build up, which makes them even harder than they would’ve been if you’d just done it straight away (a vicious cycle)
in behavioural economics, you’d say that someone with ADHD has intense “future discounting”. that is, we predict that the suffering of tomorrow will be less than the suffering of today. and we also predict that the joy of today will be reduced if we saved that joy until tomorrow. it can be challenging for someone with ADHD to process the concept of “delayed gratification”, because we can’t accurately imagine the reality of our future selves.
I hope this answered your question, and that it helped!
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cloudycleric · 2 years
my first drabble!!
byler ofc. :)
Mike hastily shoved his bike in the bicycle rack, one hand on his hood to make sure that his hood didn’t come off.
He was a bit late to school that day, the storm had caused him to wipe out a few times on his way there. At first Mike laughed it off, but once he realized he had a huge road rash on his cheek, he felt like he could never show his face in public until it healed.
By the time he had arrived for school, it was already lunch. He had slept in (which was not unusual), and with the mix of the weather there was a low possibility he would arrived before then. Scoffing, he kicked the back wheel.
Maybe it wasn’t the weather that made him late. Or sleeping in. Maybe it was the fact that Mike had been avoiding and thinking late in the night about his best friend. Will.
But Mike couldn’t avoid Will any longer. He knew that Will would know something was up if they didn’t sit next to each other at lunch.
Maybe I could make an excuse about the weather or something, Mike thought. Say I couldn’t find him since we usually sit outside.
Wiping a tear from his face (When did I start letting myself cry like this?), he went to grab his bike from the bike rack, when-
“Mike! Miiike!!”
Turning suddenly, his eyes met with a boy waving from the front entrance.
“Fuck,” his eyes widened. Rolling up his sleeves, he hastily wiped his face again, feeling the sting of the wet fabric against his rash. He can’t see me like this. I can’t look at him. I feel sick.
“I’ve been waiting for you all day, it’s just been so... I... foggy.” Will was obviously a bit groggy himself, taking in a few deep breaths after running to Mike.
He looks cute. No, no. Boys aren’t cute.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?” Will gently raised his hands up to Mike’s cheek, slightly touching it. Though touching it made the rash sting a little, he was too overwhelmed with the touch coming from Will’s fingertips- slightly caressing his cheek, making sure that he felt okay.
His chest and cheeks heated up. “No- I’m fine,” he grabbed Will’s wrist, putting it down. His hands were wet from the rain, then he realized the pale blue streaks on his fingernails. They were so subtle that if it were anyone else, Mike would have missed it, but Mike loved to take in every detail of Will when he could.
Well, not ‘love,’ Mike didn’t do very well with ‘love.’ But Will was different. They were best friends. Platonic. Close, or at least he wanted to be close. Emotionally. And physically, sitting close to each other, wrapped under a blanket, touching fingers-
“Are you wearing nail polish?” Mike spat the words out before he could think about what he was saying. “Isn’t that a girl thing?”
Will looked a Mike, feeling slightly embarrassed, almost ashamed. “Well, uhm, El was painting Max’s nails for her and I thought it looked fun so I-”
Mike was already feeling shitty, but seeing- no, even thinking about the fact that he could have made Will ashamed was enough to set him of the edge. “Cool,” he turned to look at his bike. “I think I’m going home now.”
His best friend looked even more hurt, adding more to the horrible, sickening feeling settling in Mike’s stomach. “What?”
“I’m just, I can’t do it today. I need to go home.”
Will placed his hand on Mike’s which was trying to remove his bike from the bike rack. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing Will, I just need-”
“Can I come with you?”
Mike was not expecting that response. Will barely skipped school because of his mom. He was very apt to following the rules.
“Uhm- yeah- sure.”
“Could I paint your nails?” Will blurted out. “I understand if you don’t want to. We could be matching. Plus, I think boys should be able to wear nail polish, too.”
The imagery vividly popped up in Mike’s head. Touching hands, sitting close, watching the other. In a friend way.
“Yeah, sure.” He smiled, despite the cringe he felt from moving his cheek.
The TV had a subtle buzz, filling the basement with a nice, calming background noise. Sitting on the coffee table were cups of hot chocolate, marshmallows overflowing in Mike’s cup. On the floor next to the table, Mike was trying his best to remain perfectly still as Will did his nails.
He had chosen a pale yellow, to go with Will’s pale blue, and was infatuated with the way Will gently used the tiny brush to stroke his nails. Mike knew that Will was well experienced when it came to painting, and artwork in general, but he never quite realized how technically skilled Will had become in recent years, after he had moved to California. He couldn’t help but admire the way his hands moved to delicately, the way he bit his lip when he was concentrating, or the furrow in his brow when he seemed he was closed to making a mistake.
“So, how do you like them?”
Mike looked down at his hands, taking in the bright, sunny yellow, noticing all the perfect imperfections that Will had made. They were beautiful. He had never, thought in his life that he would ever wear nail polish, but Will’s charm was enough to convince him otherwise.
“I love you!” Mike looked down, again speaking without thinking, before realizing what he said. “I mean- I love them! They look fantastic Will!”
Will was a little stunned, staring blankly at Mike’s face. He turned red, he covered his mouth with his hand.
“Sorry,” Mike said, and then the gravity of his slip up hit him. “Oh my god. I’m...”
He loved Will. He had just said it. It was the thought that kept him up at night, that we swore he would never admit to anyone. I love you. He couldn’t even bring himself to say that El, and they were together for years, but he had no trouble admitting it to his best friend.
“I love you, too. I chose this blue, because it reminded me of you.”
I love you. I love you, too. He had responded. He had reciprocated. He loved him.
“Wait, like, really? You... love me?”
Will playfully rolled his eyes and gave that smile, that smile that Mike loved more than anything in the world. “Of course I love you. You’re my... best friend.”
Mike’s brain was filled with rocks. He had no filter. Not a singly thought about the consequences of what he was going to say.
“But... I love you as more than a friend. I love you and it makes me sick.”
Will went ghostly pale. Somehow he looked even more surprised than he did before. “Mike, Mike...”
He held his breath.
“I want to kiss you right now.”
Mike gently grabbed Will’s cheek, as tenderly and gently as Will grabbed his earlier, and softly kissed Will’s lips. The lips he was aching to feel, the face he wanted to hold in his hands, the hair he wanted to comb through with his fingers.
Nights of staying up late, crying, avoiding Will- this was why. He loved him, so much that it hurt, he always had.
Mike had always felt there was a missing piece to himself, a missing part that made him bitter and cold. But finally, with his yellow nail polish smearing over his best friend’s face, he finally felt as if he’d finally put that missing piece back into the puzzle.
-- note
please excuse any grammar mistakes! i wrote this late at night, so. during a sleepover with the wonderful claire!
also, please lmk if you want more fics like these!!!
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venomplatypus · 10 months
It's a dark and stormy night, and it's the perfect night for a robbery. Halloween! I see a castle at the end of the street in the suburbs. Lights are off and the yard is overgrown and almost looks abandoned. I put my ski mask on and sneak in. It's dark the only light is from the full moon coming through the windows. I sneak around looking through rooms to find things to steal. I get to the master bedroom and slowly open the door. It's dark, the moonlight barely comes through and I'm fumbling around the room. There's a massive bed that looks gothic and up against the wall next to the bed it's a coffin.
I walk up to the coffin slowly trying not to make a sound. I reach out to it and grabbed the edge and slowly open it. Once it's fully open I can't see what's inside so dark I reach out and I feel something big and soft. My eyes get wide and I see my hands on a pair of tits. In shock, I fall backward onto the bed I am just frozen in fear. What I'm looking at is a beautiful woman with long black hair and a skin-tight dress fishnet stockings on and a corset pushing her huge fucking tits up. She starts to move and I see her eyes open in red and she says I want to suck your cock.
I lay there shocked. She was beautiful, standing there I could see everything. She had a curvy thick and juicy body, her tits looked like they were gonna fall out and she had her hands on her waist I followed the shape of her hips with my eyes and was just in amazement at her thick thighs. But wait she said she wants to suck my cock? I said to her "You don't want to kill me and drink my blood?" She responds with a soft devilish voice "You have me all wrong I'm a Cock Vampire, and I need cum from a virgin to keep me alive". Fuck I think to myself I'm no virgin but if I say I am will I get to fuck her? "You are Virgin correct?" She said to me. " Uh yeah I am," I said as I'm trembling in fear and horny and the same time. She walked closer to me and raised her right arm and snapped. My pants flew off and my cock was rock hard. She gets on her knees and grabs my cock, she puts her mouth down to it and licks the base of my cock to the head, then puts her mouth on it and moves her hit up and down. Her lips wrapped around my cock felt amazing, nothing came close to it. Working her hands and mouth up and down it, I was in a trance.
She keeps going and going. She looks up at me with her red eyes as she has her lips wrapped around my cock. She stops and says " By now most would have cum, why haven't you?" Before I had a chance to say anything she moves her head to my balls and licks them and put them in her mouth. My cock gets so hard, fuck I think to myself then I feel a pinch. Her fangs were pressed up against my balls and she started to nibble. I threw my head back and I thought this was it I'm going to cum. She stopped, stood up while still playing with my cock she climbed onto the bed. Her legs spread right over my cock, but I could move. Then my arms were free but I was still in her trance. My arms moved toward her thighs and I grabbed her fishnets and tore them open, she moaned and then I felt her pussy slide over my cock. It was so wet, I watched as her pussy lips gipped my cock as she went up and down slowly. She then moved down on it and was deep in her vampire pussy. Her arms then went forward and I felt her nails dig into my chest. And she started riding me harder. My breasts were still in her tight dress and were right in front of me. I wanted them so I reached for them and she quickly looked me straight into my eyes and gave me a smirk. I ripped open her dress and her juicy tits came out and were pressed up against my face. They were so soft and smooth. I want it to be smothered by them. I was licking and biting them as she rode my cock.
I was still in a trance, my cock deep in her and her tight pussy riding it. The feeling was as if I was floating. Then I realized we were. My body could move she started to slow down but fuck did it feel so good. As we were there floating she slide off my cock so slowly it was driving me crazy. She then grabbed me and as we were floating she kissed me. Her lips were so full and soft, the best lips I've ever felt on mine. Her tongue slid into my mouth and our tongues were tangled together and lips were pressed up against each other. Then the next thing I knew I was floating on top of her. She waved her wrist back and my body went right on top of her and my thick hard cock slid back into her wet tight pussy. Her legs wrapped around me locking me in her. Then I lost control of my right hand and so quickly it went to her throat and made me grip it so tight. I continued to fuck her, her pussy started to tense up and I felt squeeze my cock and she threw herself back and let out such a loud moan I swear it was heard everywhere. She started to tremble and tense up and then I felt it. I felt her pussy squirt all over me as my cock was fucking her. I was covered in it but I couldn't stop and she didn't either.
Her legs loosened up around me, her body was starting to relax. I thought is it done? She didn't get my cum, is she gonna kill me?  We started to float back down to the bed. She looked at me again with her red eyes and in an instant was right in my face with her lips about it be pressed up against mine. She then whispers "Give me that cum" and then she kissed me again while stroking my cock. It was so hard and the head was red just ready to cum but I didn't want to stop. This sex could be the last I'll ever have but it was the best. She pulled herself away from me and shoved me back while she turned herself around and bent over. Her thick ass was right in front of me and I could see her wet pussy dripping. Her dress was flipped up and the fish nets were barely on her I grabbed her ass and spread her cheeks where I could see her ass hole and pussy. I took my thick hard cock and slid it into her pussy and started pounding it. I watched as her hands grip the bed and hear her moan in the bedding. I knew I was getting close, it was any minute now. I didn't want to stop. As I watched my cock go in and out of her sweet pussy I thought of something. She's a dirty slut cock vampire so I slid my right thumb into her ass. It's warm and as I shoved it in deep she moaned once again her hands gripped the bed even harder and I felt her pussy tensing up around my cock again. I went faster and harder, I was so close. Then in a demonic voice, she said "Give me that fucking cum" and pushed me off her from behind and turn around. She grabbed my cock and started sucking it again but so fast and aggressive. Fuck it was about to happen, " oh fuuucckk" I moaned and she stopped and opened her mouth, and stared straight at me with her red eyes. Then it happened, I fired off the first load all over her face. The feeling of cumming like that was insane, I never came like that before. I just kept going, her face, mouth and tits were covered. She started to run it on her face and chest as if it were lotion. She started to smile and she was rubbing into her skin. Then she started to slow it down and her smile started to disappear. " This cum, this cum isn't virgin cum!" She yelled. I was laying there just lifeless from everything. I looked up and saw her in all her beauty just covered in cum. "you lied you fuck" she screamed in a demonic voice " You are no virgin!" As I was laying from having the best sex I ever had I looked up and saw the hand with long sharp nails come down swinging at me. And that was it, one slash across my neck. I didn't care, my body could move. I started to gasp for air and I could taste the blood in the back of my throat. She started to laugh, she said she wasn't done with me yet. " When I squirt while we were fucking I made sure to get it on your face," she said laughing. " Now you will die but then awaken as a pussy vampire haha haha" she laughed hysterically.
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wpdariacutnes · 3 months
Me: soo what on? Like knows a amber lord ritche like normal going puding self fanart and like say " but knows is dys or dys and like yeah is enifing heppend like dys like so rotches side or sowing" and a not lame but it like is true?
Enifing dogo logo because wona enifing a fun dogo like enifing wona redsinging dogo look but RP is stay same sooo yeah
Tumblr media
Radom shut a toking raoud:::
A enifing hirding a heppend tiktok code heppend like knows past a away fun a now someone start toking omost dead soon so yeah why say it idk a das say a enifing heppend a you knows
Amber: *been a park but dont wona look someone wona stay like never been here*
Dogo: * normally breeds with pearl wogule as generally spulnie like a couple or something but Amber noticed that she was alone on the lake* ? Hey little one wer you parents
Amber: I dont have parnets is perfect lie how but dys expleing why get it
Dogo: Okay, okay, but you know, you're too young and everyone starts fighting like an animal when they see a young man because so✌eortches mean's radio losers✌ enifing later not reacion a kid/child missing how now *same teshus had amber*
Amber: okey a not start argument because enifing get gag
Dogo: but good rezan a saveless
Amber: yeah yeah whatever dude
Pearl: *dogo lover patner is she/woman* but you know that adults can have a too toxic face, like a heart attack when a child goes missing, some police called or even a patrol and then it will be an exaggeration for some violation of the system or something like that
Amber: * das look dogo and pearl* . . .
Dogo: well pearl a finks more a canda none so gag dys so long like more take like knows syesly note and enifing going role eyes a enifing get limits a make code lord a make more late a enifing coll soon a cop's
Pearl: like yes honey but dont knows a enifing not heppend dys move
Dogo: canda dys twister mean good shut
Amber: * look a balloon he doesn't move at all, he just nods his head*
Pearl: or maybe we'll take her to my house because she'll be more supportive than you in the park, because Paris was too busy with seizures in the park, maybe it's better to leave it alone for a while
Dogo: well pearl a finks is good adia like how knows a dys years get a bed or good apple dys had years yet
*they took amber to pearl's house wery look canda okey home like is huge but not das tole a finks it been had look like yet like enifing ritch dush guys someone time knows it*
Amber: wow canda good home
Pearl: you know, but it's more modest this way, so maybe it will be more comical because you're a hammer, and the effect is that it's better
Amber: well is canda hood home so canda look wery huge sick a enifing so canda a gest rezan true * look a round a Bull away ballon had free self a arm but it das look a round more introsting a dys plase now*
Dogo: God, once when you were young you had a little trauma then you had 8 children and it was the same because daddy *I mean the same thing, exactly from myself* and everything seems to be quite snowy, it makes the children grow faster and generally slower, but still too fast for me.
Pearl: but knows a kid whatever going levan a enifing love stay a forever and forever whatever a been deatch yet a tragic or enifing past life's
Dogo: * big sigh* true enifing true sorry
Pearl: why say sorry is not a had dys a polegaze now
Dogo: well sorry a make you a taf
Pearl: * little lafing* what a corse you not make it is fine you so dramatic a wirdo lines but enifing see her a been for
Dogo: how *wery cofuze now a enifing dramatic finks a kid rezan grow a too fast Quick*
Pearl: well iris because lost a makeup silver white box like knows been for a makes girl party like knows gril finks/take a longs toking and enifing like dys and forget dys so I was wondering if you could give it back to her, just let me know that it's a return from me, so that it doesn't happen that it's a piece of junk or something, like it burned down or something.
Dogo: but you're making such a drama with cosmetics in a radom plastic cop box or something because I don't understand
Pearl: well * look a hem a enifing hand do a pray it* enifing knows a her home been or whatever wona hush me now a good rezan a get it go out grass yet? Hmh?
Dogo: okey okey sorry wife but relly is so wirdo someone time a gigen had it but no i knows wery iris home been so chilk but dys enifing fine das open door like a das hold box now so whatever do a dys
Pearl: *she opened the door and Iris was already standing there and he just bowed his head, it was drooling, she felt worried because she was so awkwardly snared.* o h-hi iris are you riding a ball
Iris: yes but canda bruken
Dogo: * poke face a more look back* because dys ball a 4 years ego been a get old a wery brown gery sidacion get age's * self not true her is wery sassy a moment*
Iris: okey okey dogo good a See you oso * take a dys white silver box a self lost here a box a found it* thx you a chraing gif dys a so pre-
Dogo: pearl wona a gif in rezan out side * shus iris a shut up das look amber because coll someone a cand go a room a been a her or sowing a dys moment*
Iris: wona selly gril * same say thx like dys dogo*
Pearl: is okey das knows a hazbent reacion a code creppy get a radom persen woking out side knows a das woring a code self cute finks * coll down iris a take rezan why dogo reacion a dys*
Iris: so enifing been merry chader how longs
Pearl: * make a tea's had both us* well enifing 29 years because get ego a child's and max 8 and enifing take self a had savelity and enifing like dys like boy going stay a longer home a gril going a get new one's so yeah dys look like not so perfull but not say so esly get it a been self preay it sorry is too hush?
Iris: no no sorry a look so deep it
Pearl: * again play a iris been more a self woring but her like a matcher teshus a her fell life* it seems to me that you believe in yourself too much, how would you push yourself, that the guy wants to be with you very emmm, smart or nicer, and he looks like he was beating such a needle, like those spa joints, that he doesn't feel it, but he knows that it's too time had it bowtine chader knows frendly take a after work sowing a grils say "well is done a done happy afters slap hands"
Iris: dont worry but is dark lord get it well
Pearl: * bit woring more* but knows is more been idk your fatcher like a dont been staber but it not hush a old had gate you? A how wex a say it like knows dys king a radom gate a knows gets care it not med a finks but it
Iris: a hold on how knows a wex had next me? *wery cafuze a white face get it like snap*
Pearl: * drinks tea and stop a wery sowing tuch a iris face she fine* you sick so queat like a das enifing heppend coll your fatcher wex or was whatever you like coll it like someone knows a woking a raoud city and someone knows is your parents or sowing and canda i surprised how you not look like hem like mean knows more pilling skin like hem a been kid/child looks
Iris:* take so chill but Stell get efect a canda so sick canda get it immune? What now do* a can stropet now mean blood stop working help
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Offical epic note: 14.03.2024.r
0 notes
genlossneg · 1 year
Slime, Jerma, and Sneeg really carried the whole thing for me. They wer just way more enjoyable to watch and having your main protagonist give basic, milquetoast dialogue isn't great especially if you're trying to go for some huge 18+ horror story. The ending stream was better than the rest because it was actually interesting, even though some parts still felt a bit like pulling teeth and not in a fun horror way.
Jerma carried episode 2 and even then, that was somewhat ruined by the abysmal pacing. If you're going to do Saw, do it! Why are they playing mousetrap??
I only got into genloss once I saw Slime and Jerma were in it, so as someone who didn't follow the promotional material, I was constantly wondering if I had missed some big plot element. Guess not?
Also, you're telling me this isn't even like, the whole story? It took 2 years for a pilot??
Anyways I'm just here for the tea - 🍥
yeah they did so much for this show man. FR i do not understand the mousetrap bit, at least why it went on for such a long time. yeah no there's supposedly more 😭
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huggybug · 2 years
I don’t know if you are taking requests, but could you write something with twin sister of quinn and trevor, he has liked you for a while, older female, always see each other at the lake house, obvs that he has a crush/in love with you for years, he doesn’t try to hid it, maybe you give him a chance this year in mich? xx
when i first read this, all i could think of was does your mother know from mamma mia.. so yeah that’s where i was kinda going lol
“You’re going to send that poor boy into an early grave” You laughed when your mom shook her head at Trevor who was completely ignoring Jack and instead staring at you.
“I’m not even doing anything!” Trevor had developed a crush on you over the past few months. Whenever you came home from school, he was always around. He was a nice kid and it was obvious that he liked you but the problem was that he was way too young. Two years wasn’t insane but when he’s only 16 and you were a first year college student, it was huge.
“Y/n can you please leave?” Jack asked, coming into the kitchen. You look at your mom who looks just as confused as you.
“Excuse me?” You ask.
Jack sighs, “Trevor is like obsessed with you but we have a project to finish and we can’t do that if you’re here for him to look at” You and your mom burst out laughing which made Jack cross his arms over his chest. He was already frustrated enough that they had to do this stupid project and now his best friend was too busy staring at you for them to get any work done.
“C’mon sweetie, let’s go to the mall for a bit” You nod, grabbing your phone and following your mom to the front door.
You pause at the living room, looking in to see Trevor and Alex talking about something. “Good luck with the project boys!” You wave before turning away quickly, not wanting Jack to yell at you for distracting Trevor even more.
You were already gone by the time your younger brother got back to find Trevor with flushed cheeks and Alex laughing at him. “Dude, it’s never going to happen get over it”
Every time you’ve seen Trevor since, it has gone fairly similar. As he got older, he tried talking to you more and after a few summers at the lake house, you two became friends but his crush never went away. With your new friendship, Trevor was more confident around you and instead of blushing every time you spoke to him, he started to really lay into the flirting. You thought it was funny and you really liked how much it bothered Jack.
All their friends gave Trevor shit for it but he never relented. The flirting was never too much, it was usually easy enough to laugh it off but Trevor was on a mission this summer.
“Anyone want a drink?” Trevor offered, coming out of the house with a few cans  in his hand. You shielded your eyes as you sat up in your lounge chair, twisting around to look at Trevor. He looked good this summer, definitely much older and... stronger than last year.
“Are you even old enough to have alcohol?” You teased as you held out a hand which he quickly placed a truly into.
Trevor scoffed, “I’m 21 Y/n” He said it like you didn’t know. As if you weren’t aware that he was the same age as your little brother.
“So old enough to drink but not to date? Something’s not adding up” Cole laughed and Trevor glared at him. That was another thing, Trevor hadn’t had a girlfriend for years. You weren’t sure why exactly, all you knew was that the boys loved to tease him for ‘waiting around for you’. Personally, you didn’t believe he had stayed ‘loyal’ to you but you never said anything, it wasn’t like you cared.
“Isn’t the whole ‘NHL player thing’ kind of an easy way to find a girlfriend?” Luke asked and you looked at him, kicking him discreetly because that’s not a very nice thing to say.
“How’s your girlfriend Hughesy?” Trevor fired back and Luke pulled a face.
“Not in the NHL yet”
“Yeah and when you are you’ll get all the girls right?” You ask your youngest brother who rolls his eyes at you.
“Woah is Y/n... defending Trev?” Alex asked and you were internally fighting the blush that was threatening to appear.
“My time has finally come boys!” Trevor drops down onto your chair and you laugh.
“You wish Z”
“Come on, just give me a shot” Trevor’s arm was draped over your shoulders and you laughed lightly. You were talking to Quinn about something when Trevor drunkenly made his way over, effectively interrupting the conversation.
“How long has this been going on?” Quinn asks.
“Five years” Trevor says emphatically, “Just one date babe, it’s all I want” 
“I’d never live it down if I went out with you Trev” Jack would never let you hear the end of it. Even if it was just one date, you went out with Trevor and that was apparently hilarious for him to even imagine.
Trevor pouted, “It’d totally be worth it”
As the days went on and more and more started to be spent with Trevor, you found yourself coming around to the idea of possibly entertaining a date with him.
The things you used to find silly like him fighting to be on your team for beer pong, was now cute. When he sat next to you at dinner instead of Cole, it was sweet. Over the summer, Trevor Zegras grew on you but you weren’t going to cave just to parade it around your friends at the lake house… maybe you’d just have to take a trip to Anaheim this fall.
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liked by colecaufield, quinnhughes_ and others
y/nhughes happy all star break😁
_alexturcotte oh my god he finally did it
trevorzegras secrets out..
y/nhughes it was a peaceful 3 months :(
lhughes_06 3 MONTHS??
jackhughes i can’t even be mad… i’m in shock
mattboldy he did the impossible
trevorzegras thanks for the support
patrickmoynihan_ i knew you could do it bud!
quinnhughes_ is this a joke??
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liked by jamie.drysdale, jackhughes and others
trevorzegras how you get the girl
y/nhughes 💗
jackhughes how you get the girl… in 5 years
trevorzegras working on my long game
colecaufield i still can’t believe this
mbeniers10 i’m impressed by the dedication
trevorzegras hard work pays off baby
433 notes · View notes
lolabangtan · 3 years
puppy impromptu | kth
You, your boyfriend, and a mad expensive tie he bought for no apparent reason. Or: Taehyung’s fondness for being called puppy is not as innocent as you thought.
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Word count: 7k
Warnings: puppy play, porn, adult stuff but as in annoying co-workers.
# sub!tae, dom!reader, established relationship, masturbation, mommy kink, puppy play, mild brat taming, body worshipping, praising and degrading kink, chocking (? with a leash, pegging, anal fingering, hand job, hair pulling, prostate milking-ish, tae is a good boy but also a little shit.
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Your favourite thing in the world was the mornings when you didn’t have to work. You’d wake up early – to have a shower before your boyfriend used every single drop of hot water – then you’d make yourself a nice cup of coffee, admire the views of the skyscrapers around your apartment, and revel in the joy that was being awake in the chilly beginning of the day.
“Honey,” you heard from behind you, “did we run out of milk?”
“There’s more on the top shelf.”
Taehyung sighed, moving to check again, and you took another sip of your coffee without turning to look at him.
“Ah, yeah, found it,” he claimed. Suddenly you felt him behind you, lips kissing your forehead gently, making you smile. “Good morning, love. Did you sleep well? You should sleep in when you don’t have to go to your office.”
You turned to him and pulled him down for a deeper kiss on the lips, eyes locked. “I like waking up early. I get to say goodbye.”
Taehyung was relishing the moment when you noticed something different around his neck. It was silky to the touch, deep green. The tie slithered around his neck like a snake, hugging the right places.
“New tie, baby?”
He nodded shyly. “I saw it the other day and thought it was nice. A bit expensive, though. I hope you won’t mind.”
“Not this month. We’re doing pretty well,” you replied, stroking his hair. He closed his eyes instinctively. “But you have so many already, Tae – are you sure you won’t just use it once and throw it away to the bottom of your wardrobe?”
“No, this one is— it’s really nice.”
What was with the sudden shyness? Taehyung had been acting weirdly these past few months, but you thought he either had a big project coming up or was just a mood swing anyone could go through. But now you were not so sure.
“Oh” – you noticed the tag still hanging from the fabric at the bottom – “the tag, let me just—”
Perhaps you tugged more tightly than you first intended, but you pulled Taehyung with it. He held himself over you on the counter with both arms and stared at you through his fridge – the vision of his darkened and glistening eyes made you feel something you didn’t quite understand.
“I— I should head out.” Was that his heart beating through his chest?
“Yeah, okay. Have a good day. I love you,” you babbled, still confused at his sudden change of mood.
“Love you too.”
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The morning went by rather quickly. By the time you finished all the work you had been piling up through last week, it was lunchtime. Taehyung always had lunch at his office, but you liked to save your leftovers for his dinner.
You remembered how oddly he had acted this morning. It wasn’t really like him not to tell you when he was upset, at least not after some time had passed.
You put the pasta in a plastic bowl and placed it on the top shelf of the fridge.
There wasn’t anything you could do now, really. You had never been used to having much free time, but now that you had started working from home more often since your promotion, you realised the day had a huge lot of hours. How did people manage to not have time?
“Perhaps I could watch a movie…” you mumbled to yourself, so you took your laptop and headed to your shared bedroom with Taehyung.
You couldn’t take his gaze out of your mind. Did he get mad because of that? It didn’t seem like that.
When you reached the bedroom, you got in the bed and opened the streaming platform, not really knowing what you felt like watching. Perhaps something about murders? You were always in for some good ole’ murder.
As you searched through all the titles, an annoying but sadly familiar sound rang, and a message popped up on the screen.
Incoming email (Min Yoongi)
Y/N, I see you’re still online. If you’re not busy, could you call Mr Han and settle the meeting for next Monday?
Not even a second after you finished reading it, another one showed up.
Incoming email (Kim Namjoon)
Sorry to bother you, but could we move the video-meeting with Calsy Associates up to this afternoon? I have to take the kids on a school trip tomorrow morning.
You decided to ignore it. It didn’t matter that they could see you were logged in; what were they gonna do? You weren’t working at the moment.
But— pop!
Incoming email (Jeon Jungkook)
Boss! Ms Lee just came to your office to talk about the Bach purchase. I told her that you’re off work today, but she asked me to see if you could drop by. Please answer me if you read this.
You groaned, feeling the urge to throw your laptop against the wall. Moments like this made you want to swallow your words whenever you’d tell Taehyung it was pointless to have a laptop for working and another one for personal stuff.
It was impossible to watch a movie like this, you’d have a seizure, so you got off the bed and went to fetch Taehyung’s, knowing he wouldn’t mind.
You ended up picking a movie about a secret agent that infiltrated a Mafia and ended up falling in love. It was good, kept you hooked for at least an hour, but halfway into the story, you began to notice that some details didn’t quite make sense.
“I don’t think that’s how you’d die if you got shot,” you grumbled. “But I’m not sure.”
You opened a window to search for conveniently agreeing information. You found a handful of websites that discussed it, but as you read the first one, you accidentally closed the one that seemed to have the most correct information.
“Ah, fuck.”
The history of Taehyung’s browser folded out in front of you. While you looked for your beloved website, your eyes danced to the ones at the bottom, opened at 3 am that same morning. How was he awake so late in the night?
Ah, hm, okay.
‘Misbehaving brat gets punished’, ‘mommy chokes her baby boy and gives him a hand job’, and ‘girl puts boyfriend on a leash and pegs him’ were the ones that stuck out the most.
Was Taehyung into this stuff? How come he never brought it up?
Now that you thought of it, he had always been more on the dominant side whenever you had sex. It was always bordering on vanilla, but he was a damn tease. Like, sometimes you thought he wanted you to get fed up and slap him in the face – and there he was, watching femdom porn at 3 am. Nasty Taetae.
It took you some minutes to process all that information.
Well, he must have his reason for keeping it a secret, and you were definitely violating his privacy. Just because you were his girlfriend didn’t mean you were entitled to meddle in his sexual life.
But there was this video Taehyung apparently watched very often: ‘puppy’s birthday present (new collar, cuffs, and mommy’s cock)’
You clicked on the video straight away; excitement, curiosity, and arousal taking over your mind and body. So, this was what Taehyung got off to when he masturbated. Interesting.
The first thing to show up on the screen was a disclaimer saying that it was planned out and recorded with the submissive partner’s consent. Good, you had to accept that you felt kind of hesitant at first.
“Okay, pup. Are you excited to see what mommy got you?”
On his knees, the man nodded enthusiastically – he was wearing a pair of furry ears on his head, matching his hair colour. Peaking from behind, a fluffy tail of the same colour hanging from his lower back. How is it— oh, okay.
You gulped. Just thinking that this could be Taehyung instead made your core throb, feeling suddenly empty.
“Here we go— a new collar! With your name engraved on it. Do you want me to put it on you, pup?” The woman finally showed up on camera to tie the collar around his neck. He let her tilt up his head, getting on all fours and looking up at her with an adorating gaze. “So cute, puppy. Aren’t you the prettiest?”
“J-just for mommy.”
What you would do to hear Taehyung’s deep voice saying those things. Tickling your ear as he sighed and panted, overwhelmed by your touch or the lack of it.
His body was always so warm, so hot, you were sure it’d be burning against your skin. So sweaty and shivery, trembling over you, especially when he was close to his climax. You loved when he’d lock eyes with you and whimpered he was going to come. It made him look so small, so vulnerable, like he could fit in your palm.
The woman was now playing with the butt plug, pulling it out and pushing it into his entrance. He was mewling as he arched his back and practically offered himself to her. Fuck, was this what Taehyung wanted you to do to him?
Then she grabbed the leash that was attached to the man’s collar and tugged at it, making him stand on his knees. Like Taehyung this morning, it was the exact same look on his face. Oh, OH— it totally made sense now. The tie, when you pulled him down – it hadn’t made him mad, it had made him horny.
That information was definitely going to be useful later.
You went back to his history page and looked up the first time he got into that video; just as you thought, it was only two months since he discovered it.
“Time to do my homework, I guess,” you said to yourself with a growing smile.
After doing some research and planning what you’d do, you went online shopping. The packages would arrive tomorrow afternoon – you were not ready to go out on your own and get into a sex shop, not with your little knowledge.
You closed the window with the video and got off the bed to leave the laptop on the table. You hadn’t been this excited in years.
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“I’m home!”
The entrance was dark when Taehyung closed the door behind him. He could glimpse some light coming from the end of the corridor, but what assured him you were home was the delicious smell of soft kimchi stew, beef barbecue, and dumplings.
Something very good must have happened for you to cook – let alone prepare such a feast.
“Honey?” His head peaked His head peeked out of the door once he had taken off his shoes and headed for the kitchen. “What’s with the cooking? God, it smells so good—”
You turned without answering him and pecked his lips, smiling. “Welcome home, pup. How was work?”
Taehyung visibly gulped at the nickname, but he let it pass and didn’t give it much more thought, although the words were still making his stomach squirm.
“Fine, nothing out of the ordinary… Did you work today?”
“Not really – I did have to drop by the office for a meeting, but I managed to run away from my responsibilities for the rest of the day,” you chuckled. Back to the food, you finished preparing the stew and put it away after covering it with the lid. “Okay, I am done. Now come kiss me properly, puppy.”
You loved the way he looked when he was wearing glasses. It made you want to squish his cheeks and drown him with smooches and kisses.
“God, I love kissing you.”
He revelled in your kiss, letting you bit down his bottom lip so he’d allow your tongue to roll over his and suck on it. His knees buckled when your thigh snuck into his legs and rubbed against his hardening crotch.
“M— Y/N, I—” Taehyung panted.
You raked your nails through his hair and across his nape, grinning down at him. “Aren’t you hungry, baby?”
“Hungry for what?” he asked with a sly smirk as he bucked his hips against you.
“For dinner, you silly pup.” You laughed, feigning cluelessness about why Taehyung suddenly whimpered, and pulled away from him. “C’mon, I wanna show you how nice I’ve made the dining room.” Seeing he wasn’t following you, you grabbed the end of his expensive tie and dragged him through the corridor. “Let’s go, puppy.”
You had to suppress a smile when he stifled a groan behind you. You knew how easy it was to work him up, so it was impressive he wasn’t sporting a raging erection by now.
When you turned around to see his reaction to the beautiful table setting – there was your prettiest tableware and his favourite wine, along with candles and their light undulating on the wood surface – you noticed the way Taehyung fixed his trousers, adjusting the fabric over his crotch.
“What is it?” you asked, tilting your head to the side and softening your grip on the tie. “Don’t you like it, pup?”
“What’s— what’s with the sudden pet name?” he retorted. There was a rather unsuccessful smirk plastered on his lips that didn’t really convince you. “You’ve never called me that before.”
“I don’t know. Just feeling like it.”
Taehyung nodded in silence without looking at you, not really knowing what to say – because he liked it, and he wasn’t sure what you meant when you called him that. Were you teasing him, mocking him?— did he let it slip at some point and so you found it hilarious?
“How about we sit down and dig in?” you said then, snapping him out of his thoughts. “You look really handsome.”
Yes, you kind of already let him know he looked especially sexy today when you practically pounced on him as soon as he walked into the kitchen. “Thank you. You look beautiful too. Did— did something good happen at the office? You don’t usually make feasts like this for nothing.”
“Can’t I just wake up one morning and feel like pampering my cute boyfriend?” you retorted as you took a sip of your glass of wine.
But he knew that look. He knew what that look meant on you – you were up to something.
“I know you, Y/N. Something’s going on, and I can see that it’s really good. Fuck, you pretty much made love to my mouth in the kitchen. I’m still hard, you know? You got me hard in two minutes, my cock hurts—” Taehyung was practically whining at this point, the food in front of him irrelevant.
It was suspicious, you had to admit it. It was always Taehyung who took the lead when it came to sex. You had basically never bothered to question it; you were decently content with the situation as long as you had him in your arms.
But now you wanted more, more of him.
You would’ve never imagined he was into such lewd stuff, but what really caught you off guard was that you were just as into it. Something awakened in you.
Embarrassed, Taehyung didn’t bring up the topic throughout dinner. You noticed he was quiet, thoughtful, as if he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Nor did you see him too chatty when he cleared the table, or when he did the dishes, or when he grabbed his towel to go to the shower.
Fortunately, he didn’t seem uncomfortable either, just a bit confused. You contemplated for a second the possibility of just bringing it up and discussing the matter like two adults, but perhaps he was hesitant to ask you two switch sides and dominate him when it had always been the other way around. It fell on you, then, the responsibility to do something about it.
Taehyung found you already half-asleep on the bed when he got out of the shower, hair damp and him completely unaware of the blissful goods laying in the wardrobe. He just stared at you with puckered lips and got under the soft sheets.
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Past midnight, you woke up to an empty mattress next to you. It was lukewarm, so you guessed Taehyung had got up a decent while ago.
Light was coming out from under the crack in the bathroom door, soft moans and wet, slapping sounds echoing. Once you sobered up, you got up and headed into the bedroom to see what was going on, checking the door and seeing it was locked.
You knocked softly. “Tae? Are you okay?”
But there was no answer. Perhaps he was just somewhere else and had forgotten to turn the lights off? No, it didn’t make any sense – it was his voice whimpering in there, and how else could he have locked the door? Just the thought that he could have slipped and hurt himself made your heart skip a beat.
“Taehyung! Are you in there?” you cried. “Can you please say something? Are you hurt?”
So, you knocked again, more strongly this time, and turned the handle, shaking it. Suddenly, you heard a thud and the hurried rustling suspiciously similar to a pair of trousers being pulled up in a rush. You grimaced sceptically.
“I’m okay!” he shrieked out of the blue, cracking a nervous laugh afterwards.
“Thank God, pup!” you said with a grin. “I thought for a second that you were hurt. What are you doing? Why couldn’t you hear me?”
“I— I was, er, peeing. Why are you awake?”
You chuckled, feeling excited. You were doing it – you were really going to do it. You didn’t think it’d be so sudden, since you had expected to have more time to get ready and mentalise yourself, but that was life sometimes; today on the billboard there would be a puppy impromptu.
“Just peeing?”
Taehyung chuckled nervously. “Y-yeah, what else would I be doing locked up in the bathroom at—”
“Mind if I go in to put my cream on? I forgot to do it before going to bed.” Although he didn’t say anything, you knew his mind was juggling to find an excuse. “You know what? It doesn’t matter, I think I’m just fine.”
“Okay, I— I’ll be back in five, love, don’t worry about me.”
“You looked really sexy today, pup and, you know,” you purred, unable to suppress the big grin taking over your face – this was your moment, “if you can’t go back to sleep, I’m up for some sexy time. What do you say to that? My handsome, pretty puppy, always eager, are you not?”
Naughty boy, the wet, slapping sounds returned to your ears. The growling and grunting were unmistakably Taehyung’s – he must be really turned on. Was he really jerking off thinking you couldn’t hear him? Or did he know and was just trying to rile you up? Whatever it was, you were definitely going to make the most of it.
Taehyung choked on the moan he was trying to stifle. “I-I don’t think I can—”
“Will you let mommy make you feel good tonight, then?”
Your words sent a shiver down his spine, making his wet cock twitch between his fingers. Fuck, did you really just say that? Did you just called yourself mommy or was he dreaming? It surely wasn’t coming from the video playing on his laptop, now stopped.
There wasn’t a reason why he should keep pretending, was there? He could jerk off and cry out for you without shame. His hand suddenly felt a thousand times better.
“Oh fuck, oh, yes, yes! Mommy! Mommy, please do!” Taehyung groaned, practically sobbing.
How you wished it was your hand instead of his. How you wished he was laying on your shared bed instead of jerking off in the bathroom like a sneaky teenager.
“Are you close, uh?” you asked through the door. Taehyung made a squeaking noise that you took as a ‘yes’. “Okay— hands off now. No more touching, puppy. You’re not allowed.”
“O-oh, fuck. Mm, fuck.”
You knew what his cock looked like when he was close to coming; beet-red, the tip engorged and swollen, wet with his precum. Such a pretty cock.
“Now come out here and face me if you want me to even consider letting you come.”
What you heard from the other side, however, was a chuckle. “You come here and make me. The door’s locked, though.”
“Don’t start a game you know you can’t play through,” you growled.
He whimpered softly, the sound muffled by the door between you, although not enough so you wouldn’t hear it, and the wet, slapping sound of his hand increased. So that was it, huh? He did want to play. That’s what all of that was about. Playing with the puppy.
“I’ll give you ten seconds to come out, all right, love?” you continued, leaning against the door. “I’d grab the toys I got you as a treat because you were behaving so well – but I guess I’ll just throw them away since you won’t listen.”
There was silence, the sudden thud of Taehyung shutting his laptop, and then—
“You got me a present?”
He was lucky he was cute. “I did, but I’ll only use them on you if you’re a good boy – and you’ve been a very bad boy so far.”
The latch slid open. The bathroom door opened in front of you, finally, and Taehyung came out with his doe eyes staring at you, almost begging you in silence, and a pout on his lips. You raised your hand without a word when you noticed the tie around his neck.
“You naughty little thing,” you cackled, “what were you doing wearing this expensive tie?”
He stifled a whimper, getting close to you. “When I— when I wore this green suit that you bought for me, you said it really looked good on me – the colour. I thought you’d like this tie too.”
“And I do. Are you going to be good now, puppy?” He nodded as you racked your fingers through his hair, lulling him. His arms tangled up around your waist and you felt his hot erection against your stomach. “Let’s go to the bed then. Can’t wait to show you what mommy got for you. But I’m sure you’re going to like them – they’re the same from that video you love so much.”
“You—” Taehyung froze and stared at you in disbelief. “You found the video? The one with the… puppy stuff and the strap-on?”
You nodded. “Yep. Loved it from the very first second. I couldn’t wait to try it out.”
“Fuck,” he groaned. You hugged him tightly so he could begin to relax and wear off all the pent-up tension, your hand rubbing up and down his back – “so you really got everything? We can— we can try it all out? E-even the strap?”
“Puppy,” you said then, pecking his lips, “especially the strap.”
You were so turned on yourself, it had been building up slowly. But now you were soaking wet, eager to let him get a taste of your folds as soon as you got to the bed.
“I love you, mommy, I l-love you so much,” he whimpered. “And I’m so hard, it hurts a lot.”
You palmed him through the thin fabric of his pyjamas, not breaking eye-contact, and Taehyung had to bit his lip to hold back a groan, trembling over you. “Let’s see… Uh, you had a lot of fun in the bathroom, didn’t you, pup? I think you should apologise to mommy for being so naughty.”
“I’m sorry— oh fuck! Fuck, fuck, I’m— I’m closed already, Y/N—” he cried; your finger pads had found the sensitive tip of his cock and were stroking it, collecting the precum with your thumb.
“Be respectful and don’t call mommy by her name.”
Pulling on the tie, you walked him towards the bedroom, and he followed obediently. You could get used to this.
“Okay,” you said with a smile as Taehyung settled on the bed, “strip while mommy goes fetch the toys, will you?” He nodded. “Good boy—”
“Y-yes, I’mma good boy.”
It made you swoon. “Of course you are, pup.”
The toys were just where you left them in the wardrobe; you grabbed the collar and leash attached to it, the puppy ears, the furry handcuffs, and the strap-on – the seven inches pink cock standing proudly.
You thought that perhaps you had gone a bit too far with the dildo’s length but seeing how Taehyung’s eyes widened at the sight when you came back, his body laying on the mattress squirmed with excitement, made you realise that it was just a matter of proper preparation and nothing else.
He gulped. “That’s— that’s all for me, mommy?”
“Think you can handle mommy’s cock, pretty boy?” you asked then, crawling to him. “Think it’ll fit in your pretty little hole?” Taehyung nodded again, his skin sweaty. There was ‘hunger written all over him. “Very good. Now hands up, let’s cuff you.”
The fur felt soft and comfortable around his wrists, he noticed. It was nice. You hovered over him, your beautiful legs straddling his naked lap and brushing his erection, making him sigh.
“Now I’ll need you to come up with a safe-word. If you say it I’ll stop completely.”
“But I don’t want you to stop,” Taehyung whined, pulling the handcuffs and making you giggle at his antics. Once you put the puppy ears on his head, though, he calmed down.
“It’s just in case you do want me to stop, silly.”
He breathed heavily, still too engrossed in the situation to stop and think of a word. “I— er, I don’t know, ‘pineapple’?”
“Okay.” You fixed your seat on his lap so you could sit up and down back onto him more easily. “I’ll kiss you a bit first, all right? And then I’ll put the collar on. It’s got your name on it, you know; it’s Taetae’s and no one else’s. You know why?”
“Because I’m mommy’s and no one else’s,” he said almost out of breath.
Hearing his usually low voice whimper and whine was a sight to behold – or rather a sound to be-hear. You just loved everything about him; his gestures, the way he’d frown when you didn’t spoil him, his voice sweetened when he wanted something, how easy it was to make him beg.
How come you couldn’t see it before?
“What’s your safe-word?”
Taehyung took a deep breath. “It’s ‘pineapple’, mommy.”
“Good boy,” you cooed, making him giggle. You bent over him and pecked his lips just to drag yours across his jawline, peppering kisses and nibbling his earlobe. Taehyung tensed beneath you and tried to reach you to no avail, his hands still bound. “Patience, puppy.”
Your tongue rolled over his, brushing your lips together. Your hands travelled to his sides and kneaded the soft, warm flesh. Cracking a dry laugh, Taehyung wriggled on the bed.
“Is my puppy ticklish there?” You had never noticed. “I can’t way to see what other reactions I can get from you with my hands.”
You whispered another ‘patience’ to his ear, and he whined when you stopped to look into his eyes. Something was growing in the pit of your stomach, fiery and hot and fighting to take over. You had never in your life been this turned on. It was as if your body was aching – your teeth were aching to bruise him up, your hands were aching to feel his heated skin, your eyes couldn’t have enough of his beauty.
“Fuck, puppy, you don’t know” – you breathed harshly through your nose, mouth too busy sucking into the skin of his neck – “how hot you look right now. Just for me, right? So hot, and it’s all for mommy.”
Your sudden possessiveness sent a shiver through his body, building up in his cock. It twitched at your words, swollen and so sensitive— oh, so damn sensitive against your tummy.
Taehyung panted, grinding his teeth. “Please— fuck, please, I’m so hard. D-don’t tease me.”
Heat spreading under his skin, you knew his arousal was beyond physical. You had seen him like this a couple of times, when he couldn’t help the unintentional twitching and jerking of his hips; always after you’d tease him with your words, touch him with your brushing fingers, push him over the edge, test the limits of his body.
“My good boy,” you whispered against his lips before kissing them.
Taehyung leaned into your touch when your hands cupped his cheeks and looked up at you through his half-lidded eyes, shining dark staring at you. He was the most beautiful man in the world.
“Such a good boy.” Your lips travelled down his neck, nibbling and sucking into his cleavage until they reached his chest.
His nipples stood erect. They looked eager to be touched, and you’d gladly oblige. You gave one of them a kitten lick, making him whimper at the unfamiliar feeling, before swirling your tongue around the sensitive nub. You sucked it into your mouth until it began to bruise.
“Fuck—” Taehyung sobbed and pulled on the restraints. “S-so good, mommy, fuck, fuck— please, just fuck me already.”
You stood up on the bed to take a look at him; he looked positively fucked-out, neck and chest covered with love bites, a thing layer of sweat making his skin glisten, his erection bouncing at the jerking of his hips. Your teeth ached at the sight.
Smiling, you grabbed his length. It felt hot against your palm. “I love your cock, you know. Your tip is so cute, puppy, so red and swollen. So sensitive,” you continued with a purr, and he choked on a whimper when your thumb played with his slit, “so wet.”
You then gave it a tentative tug.
It was the first time you gave him a hand job like this. Everything was up to you, it was your decision; if your grip was too hard, he could either use his safe-word or revel in the pain. If on the contrary it was too gentle and the pressure was not enough, he’d have to beg for you to make up your mind and satisfy him – Taehyung was at your mercy.
Feeling the rather abrading touch of your palm against his cock, you reached your arm to open the drawer next to the bed. He tilted up his chin to take a look at what you had just grabbed and held his breath at the sight of his favourite lube, strawberry-flavoured.
You poured a generous amount of it on your palm and onto the tip of his cock, making him hiss at the sudden chill.
“Sorry, should’ve warmed it up a bit.”
But Taehyung didn’t have time to reply, as you squeezed his shaft and gave it a long, slow stroke. He could only throw his head back onto the pillow with a groan, his hips thrusting up into your touch.
You clicked your tongue without stopping your hand’s motion. “Stay still, puppy.”
Now your palm was running smoothly up and down his cock, sticky fingers dripping with the lube. You imagined it felt similar to your cunt, but not quite the same – this was a bit more degrading for him, groaning and moaning just from the ministrations of your hand.
He was hard enough, way beyond aroused; it wouldn’t take him long to come. Perhaps you could even make him come untouched.
“Spread your legs for mommy, I want to see you.”
Taehyung tilted his pelvis. It was so embarrassing, offering himself to you like this, but so hot at the same time. Were you finally going to prep him?
“Such pretty legs,” you mumbled, nibbling the soft flesh of his inner thighs. He jerked on the mattress. “You’re pretty all over, aren’t you, puppy? Pretty and good, mommy’s good boy.”
He nodded desperately. “I’mma g-good boy, only mommy’s.”
You felt him jump at the feeling of your fingertip ghosting over his rim. There was lube spilled all over his entrance on your digits, dripping down his inner thighs. Lube party it is then. Slippery goodness at its peak.
“You need to relax, puppy.” He was too tense to keep going, you could feel it in the way his legs shivered, in how his chest raised and fell wildly. You bent down between his thighs and kissed his skin, making him whimper. “How about we take a few breaths, uh? How does that sound?”
As he closed his eyes, Taehyung nodded and revelled in your soft lips kissing and sucking into the soft flesh of his inner thighs.
Slowly, he melted into the kiss, and your finger returned to his puckered hole, massaging and lubing it up. Your lips moved up to his groin and you pulled away from him with one last nibble into his hipbone.
You have his cock a long lick from the base up to his slit. “M-mommy!”
Then you slid the tip of your finger in again. Your digit massaged just the insides of the opening while you sucked into his inner thighs. Taehyung eventually relaxed under your ministrations.
“I’ll push it in, all right?” When he nodded, you inserted your finger further. It was strange, but you wondered if this was more or less what he felt like when he fucked you – wet, hot walls fluttering around you and reacting oh-so deliciously at the slightest stimulation. “Puppy, you feel so good— I can’t wait to fuck you silly with my cock.”
Taehyung didn’t answer; he was too engrossed in the feeling of your finger stretching him out, thrusting back and forth, his sensitive body crying out to get fucked already. It was just a finger, just one, but the ghost of how it could potentially feel like was rutting his last thread of control.
The second finger, well lubricated and soaked, slipped in more easily. The stretch was so good, he groaned and closed his eyes. His cock was so hard he was positively going to pass out.
You curled your fingers forward with a pleased smile and soon found the spongy, engorged part of his walls that made him see stars. “O-oh fuck!” Taehyung whimpered, jerking up. “Mommy! Mommy, right— right there!”
“Uh, did I find your sweet spot, puppy?”
“Won’t you touch it? P-please?” You chuckled at his polite request, finding it hilarious that he was begging you with his eyes almost crossed and precum oozing out from his slit. “M-mommy—”
You bent over him to get better access, and your fingers focused on his prostate as you thrust them back and forth, faster, deeper. Taehyung arched his back with a broken moan that faded into a thread of whimpers and nonsensical babbling. You felt his heels press against your back when he locked his legs around you, eager for a closer contact as his hips pushed against your thrusts.
“W-wait, mommy,” he panted, “I’m close already, I— I’m gonna come.”
“Is my puppy close already? But I’ve barely worked you open,” you replied with a smirk.
Taehyung closed his eyes again. “Please fuck me.”
“Mutts don’t get fucked like this. They get fucked” – you grabbed his hips and turned him over on the bed, leaving him on all fours – “like this.”
His dripping, puckered hole clenched around nothing, and he looked back at you while his bound arms trembled and struggled to bear his weight in the poorly balanced position.
You poured some more lube on the cock and stroked it to warm it. It felt oddly erotic.
“Please,” Taehyung whispered, “just fuck me already.”
“You call that begging, pup?”
He sobbed against the pillow, his lungs burning and tears prickling his eyes – you were reaching his limit. “Please, please just, please fuck me, mommy, I’ll— please, I’ll do anything please, please just fuck me, I can’t— you can do— I’ll do anything, I was good— whatever you want, please, I’m a good puppy—”
“My sweet boy,” you chuckled against his ear, hovering over his back. He let out a shaky breath when your cock brushed his entrance, too exhausted to cry properly. “I’ll fuck you good, don’t worry. But there’s still one present left, don’t you remember?”
You didn’t let him look though, and his head stayed looking forward as you rummaged through the box until he felt the leather around his neck, hugging it nicely.
“Is it okay?” You slid two fingers under the collar to make sure it wasn’t too tight. “Puppy?”
Taehyung gasped when he heard you call out to him. Now that he was out of his reverie, he felt his head spinning and every fibre of his body begging for your touch – for your hands on his back, on his arms, caressing him and stroking the line of his sides. Fuck, he needed you so bad.
But it wasn’t until he felt a soft tug at the collar that he broke down.
A leash. A fucking leash attached to the collar. If you didn’t have him at your full disposal before, now he was completely yours.
You tugged at it again to test the pressure and it squeezed his windpipe just right. “M-mommy!” Taehyung cried. He thrust down onto the mattress to release the throbbing ache between his thighs. “Fuck, fuck, I’m— I’m a mutt, a-a bitch, just fuck me already, fill me up, mommy, please!”
Uh, this is new. “A bitch in heat, look at you. Pathetic. Do you want me to ruin your pretty little ass? Are you that desperate to get fucked? So horny you’d let anyone with a cock fuck you.”
He just raised his butt in the air, offering it to you. Enough teasing, you thought – you were unbelievably horny yourself.
You left his hips to put on the strap-on. It was strange at first, but as you got used to the sudden additional weight, it became natural and nice, the idea way more than just hot.
Finally, you held his hips still with one hand as the other grabbed at your cock to align it with his entrance. You sank into him, massaging his back so he’d stop clenching so hard around the tip, and pushed in inch by inch, cock disappearing into his body. It brushed his walls so good, it was so big, Taehyung could only moan from the depths of his throat.
You dug your fingers into his hips, the leash neatly wrapped around your palm, and set a slow pace. The strap’s nub rubbed against your clit, sending shivers down your spine and making you pound into him again and again.
The relentless pace pushed Taehyung back and forth against the bed headboard. With his hands bound, he couldn’t really stay balanced on the mattress, but it wasn’t something he could think about at the moment, not with your thick cock massaging his walls.
He was so close, the crown of your cock brushing relentlessly against his prostate only pushing him further into his climax. Only the pillow, wet with his drool, could muffle his continuous moaning and whimpering. His head was spinning, he felt hot all over, fire spreading all the way up his body.
Fortunately, he was too lost in the sensation to realise that you were close to your climax yourself, your swollen clit rubbing continuously against the strap’s nub.
“You like it that much, hm?” you chuckled, tugging at the leash.
Taehyung’s head was pulled back and the pressure on his windpipe almost made him howl. “I need it! Please!” Your cock brushed against his abused prostate back and forth. “Faster! Please, let me come!”
“God, you love it like this, don’t you? You love it when mommy puts you on a leash and fucks your ass like the bitch you are.”
“D-don’t tease me,” he sobbed then, eyes unfocused. “Mommy, I can’t— please, I can’t—”
He spread his legs even more, to have you fuck him faster, to feel your cock deeper, bumping against his prostate and building up in the pit of his stomach. He felt like a literal bitch, desperate to get fucked and wishing you’d tug harder at the leash.
You knew it’d be difficult for Taehyung to come untouched, that it was the thing keeping him from coming on the spot, so you pulled on the leash and made him stand on his knees so his back would press against your chest. He whimpered, and you noticed his wet cheeks and his blown-out pupils.
“Close, pup?” Taehyung nodded weakly as your hand travelled down to his cock, and he choked on a moan when your fingers slithered around it and began to pump it. “Let’s count to ten, and then I'll let you finish.”
He nodded again.
His length felt heavy in your hand, so hot and sensitive. It twitched with every stroke of your fingertips on the slit, spreading the generous precum over his crown.
This new position made it a bit more difficult to thrust up into him, but your orgasm was building so good your body had managed to find the strength and balance to keep fucking him relentlessly despite the growing pain in your thighs.
“Two,” he cried. His erratic breathing made him start hiccupping. “T-three!”
Four, five, six. One quick, deep thrust for each second. He was fighting his approaching climax like a champ, you’d have to reward him later.
You counted with him, gulping down your own groans. “Seven. C’mon, pup, almost there.”
“Two more to go, puppy,” you breathed, pushing your weight onto him. Taehyung sobbed as he stopped you from pushing him against the headboard with his bound hands. It made your cock slide into him just right.
“Oh fuck, yes, Jesus. Right there, yes, yeah—nine, nine— right there, so good mommy, s-so good!” he cried. You placed him back down on the bed and resumed your thrusts. “I’m— right there, I— fuck! Fuck, yes, y-yes, fucking Christ!”
You let out a breathy chuckle. “And – ten. Come for me, pup.”
His body went still, white, thick cum spurting onto the mattress at least three times; he shrieked loudly, his voice high-pitched, and his pelvis tilted up to take up your cock even deeper. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you knew they were wide open and crossed. He trembled, still pushing against your thrusts to ride out his orgasm. He felt sore all over.
Taehyung had never in his life come this hard, you both were quite surprised yourselves.
As he didn’t ask you to stop, you kept pounding into him, chasing your climax. You were close, closer than you would’ve ever expected to get just rubbing your clit.
“Fuck, puppy,” you sighed. “Such a good boy, my good boy.” Your thighs tightened, hips going still for a second. You weren’t paying attention to the strength of your thrusts and fucked Taehyung into the bed, muffling his cries. More cum spurted out on the mattress. “Fuck, r-right there!”
You finally slid out of him when the stimulation became too much and lied next to him.
“You did so well, Tae, my handsome boy.” He giggled when you peppered ticklish kisses all over his cheeks and neck, stroking his sides after you uncuffed him. “So, so good. Need anything?”
“Water’s fine.”
His voice sounded so soft, so calm and quiet – you wanted him to curl up against you and cuddle him until he fell back asleep. You quickly came back from the kitchen and handed him a glass of water which he drank bottoms up, drops trickling down the corners of his mouth.
Taehyung looked at you again, not wearing the collar anymore. He seemed more relaxed. “Thank you for trying this with me, baby, I— I know I should’ve told you, but it was really embarrassing.”
“It’s okay,” you replied, lying next to him. He nuzzled your neck after you gestured him to rest on top of you and relished in your warmth. “It was a surprise, but a nice one. We’re not dungeon professionals; couples like us need time to pick up on the less ordinary stuff we’re into. Did you enjoy it, then?”
“Fuck, I— I don’t…” He was speechless, cheeks heating up as soon as the memories settled down in his brain.
“I loved all of it. The strap-on, the collar, the cuffs, the ears.” You caressed the furry ears on top of his head and raked your fingers through his hair. “And the leash – good lord, the leash. You looked so pretty when I pulled on it and you arched your back.”
“Stop— I’m getting hard again, and it hurts,” he whined.
You shut him up with a kiss. “Okay, okay. Whiny puppy. Do you want me to call you that on a daily basis?” Taehyung nodded with an eager smile. “Okay, pup, let’s take a nice, warm bath and clean you up.”
Even if it took you a whole quarter of an hour, you eventually managed to take him to the bathroom and sit him down while you run the tub.
“I love you,” you heard from behind.
You turned around with a smile on your lips and kissed Taehyung. “Love you too, pup.”
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“Puppy Impromptu” is copyright ²⁰²¹ Lola Bangtan, all rights reserved
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