#yeah this one’s a bit brutal
hcdragonwrites · 10 months
A Nightmare (a @journey-to-the-au drabble)
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Another one! I split this one into two- so that way the people who enjoy fluff and are sensitive to the triggers can pick one or the others. Warning: this is about the Six Eared Macaque and what happens in the Betrothal AU
Trigger warning: Gore, Violence, Cannibalism and Descriptions of the Like. Allusions of SA (nothing happens but if this is a trigger don’t read!)
Did Heaven know of nightmares?
Earth Reaching Willow couldn’t answer that. In all her endless days within the Polestar Palace, among the Orchards of Immortal Peaches, and across the wide clouded bridges and celestial marvels, she had never known anything but tranquility and Peace.
Willow felt the other Monkeys of the troop swirling about her. Mothers bared fangs in fierce smiles while fathers and brothers teetered on grabbing weapons or jumping into the fray. However the being before them, the being that had been living among them, wore a familiar face, spoke in a voice that was warm in tenor.
It was a trusted person, a king of kindness, that had sat before them with grisly gore smeared over his teeth.
This wasn’t Wukong.
The Monkey King slouched, relaxed on the floor of Water- Curtain Cave. The gray stone beneath was dark with the scattered remnants of …
Willow couldn’t. She couldn’t - who had it been? Who had they been ? Willow had spent decades among the troop of Flower Fruit Mountain, years watching her new family grow and flourish. She had welcomed new members, helping mothers tend and care in turn for the babies and teach. She had brought flower petals to scatter upon the bodies of old and fallen friends and family, returning their vessels to the earth and praying for their next reincarnation. Death was not impossible for the Monkeys of the mountain even if age was not a factor now.
Her stomach curled at the scattered red and pink and purple flecks against the gray stone.
Willow had tended and cared for her family. Liu, Rin Rin, Ma, Ba, Beng, Mama Courage, Mama Wisdom, Chestnut- and so many more. She had cared for them because they loved her and she loved them.
Willow cared for them in all the years Wukong had been away. She, wife and friend to king of Flower Fruit Mountain, understood the importance of her position.
This creature that had once been alive was now twitching as it’s body bled out.
Another rending, echoed in the cave. The teeth of this Wukong hooked into the rib cage of the fallen little monkey beneath his foot. The red flesh pulled free of the white bone with a shlap sound. This mimicry of Wukong slurped the flesh and smacked his lips as if in ecstasy.
“Exquisite taste as always.” The voice was so familiar in its sound. Wrong wrong, Willows mind warned, her stomach becoming stone. This isn’t him!
The corpse of the monkey lay near the entrance of the cavern, splayed out in the pose of a running animal having been taken down by a lion. Upon that corpse, casual foot set against its shoulders, was the monarch of the mountain.
Mama Courage was bristled, fangs flashing and eyes full of fury. For all the rage behind him, the creature that wore the skin of their friend, was unperturbed. Instead he dug his claws into the skin and pulled. The sound set her teeth on edge and her stomach to flipping. Something pink and soft was between his claws- and then down his gullet.
The mothers and the distant warriors around the cave watched in horror. Most of the troop was outside, enjoying the everlasting summer of the mountain. Willow wished she had been just a bit faster, just a bit sooner and she could have been among them.
Instead she was stuck inside a living nightmare.
The Wukong turned his head, eyes alighting on one little of the troop adolescents who came too close. Faster than any of them could react, the Wukong had seized the youngster by his tail and dragged him over. The mothers started forward but froze at the pained screams of the little monkey.
“Curious one are you not?” The Wukong grinned, all threat within that smile. He sat the youngster beside him, petting his fur and pulling it close. “Come! Take a bite! This foolish subject shouldn’t have brushed me in his haste to get by. Now he will serve me in the only remaining way he can~”
“Eat! Eat!” With his free paw he gestured to the slaughtered monkey at his feet. The individual had had his throat cut, the blood pooling beneath his dun fur. The great wound on his side had been inflicted while they had been alive, it had happened right before Willows eyes.
Willow didn’t remember what the conversation had been about before. She had been walking out of one of the stone huts, signing to Wisdom beside her. It was the season for apple picking and they were both in a deep conversation about what foods to make with the apples they harvested.
‘Pies?’ Wisdom had puzzled.
‘And jams’ Willow signed back. ‘Tarts and sauces.’
‘You want to make these?’ Wisdom signed as they turned past a curve in the cave.
‘I want to teach others how to cook them’ Willow explained. She had been baking for years now, testing and trying new creations. With so many different types of fruit orchards and with an ever abundance of rotating bloomings and ripenings, Willow couldn’t resist. Apple pies, peach cobblers, plum puddings, candied pears, and strawberry tarts. So many things Willow could make- so many treats she could spoil her family with.
When Earth Reaching Willow had started making her first treats, the smell had begun to attract some of the denizens of the mountain. Little round faces poked through the kitchen windows, eyes wide and noses inhaling. Willow had passed each little one a bit of whatever she had been making- breads full of almonds, ripe watermelons dipped into sugar, orange juice freshly pressed for the porridge she would make- and they had scurried away, excited.
It had only taken three days for the rest of the mountain to be waiting outside her door, eyes eager and arms full of the fruits they wanted made into treats.
‘Teaching will be difficult.’ Courage signed.
‘How so? I like to teach and I think most will have the patience to learn.” Willow countered gently. Then she suddenly had a thought and amended, ‘Maybe not Ba though. I think he will be the one that will possibly try to sabotage me for a prank or steal whatever I make’
Courage laughed her silent laugh. Her eyes twinkled with mirth. ‘If he switches your fruits I will make sure he gets a thorough fruit thrashing. But no- I have no concern of your ability. Only about how much space we may have in the kitchen.’
It was Willows turn to laugh.
The morning had been going so well.
And then.
The two rounded the last curve of the tunnel, coming up to the roaring waterfall that blocked the main entrance to Water Curtain Cave. It’s soft, silver light soothing to see. It was like the mountains voice, forever roaring by them all. Courage paused, grabbing at Willows sleeve.
Willow looked up.
At the great wide flat stone before the waterfall, stood Wukong. A chill crept up Willows spine.
The Wukongs eyes alighted on the two and he smiled broadly, waving.
“Mother! Willow!” He called in friendly tones. “My beautiful wife is just the person I wanted to see !”
Willow felt that chill touch her veins.
He skipped closer eyes dancing brightly. But something was off. There was a shine to his eyes that looked feverish.
Wukong grasped the limp hand of Willows and kissed it. The press of that mouth over her skin felt hungrier, the eyes of his looking upward into her own with … with an expression of love meant for …
For the bedroom.
Willow took her hand from his palm, plastering a small smile onto her face. A wolf was before her. Wearing sheep’s clothing. Willow knew a wolf when she saw one however.
Wukong and her may be husband and wife but he never hinted or tried at more romantic inclinations when they were away from the cloudy courts of Heaven.
As she pulled the hands from his there was another flash, some sort of color burning in his eyes. What was that?
“Hello Wukong.”
“My Love~” His voice was syrupy sweet. “I have missed your company these few nights. Will you indulge me? I have the perfect place picked out! There’s a pond just south of here- and when the moon is out and the water is still, it turns silver and it’s beautiful.”
“It reminds me of your beauty.”
“I would love to,” Willow felt the repulsion rise. She had to fight the urge to pull back. Courtly edicate. She had dissuaded similar trysts and attempts from far more skilled men than this Wukong. But none of them looked like her best friend. “However I’ve promised to bake an apple pie and show your Mother how to make one.”
Courage nodded, signing ‘We must be off, son. The light will soon be behind the mountain and it will be too dark to see.’
Courage grasped her hand, tugging her away.
Wukongs face fell. Another flash in those eyes.
What happened next was all too quick, all too brutal.
Wukong- the wolf in Wukongs skin- moved to catch her hand-
And Willow had retreated, barely escaping his grasping hand.
One moment, Wukong had been trying to grab her attention. Courage had caught her hand, tugging her. Willow had bowed and given her excuses, her apologies. She retreated in relief. And she saw the eyes, finally, change to an ice blue.
The next moment, as one of the many monkeys walked by -was his name Radish or Cloud?- Wukongs eyes flashed.
Wrong-they are blue with red chips within them. Why are they blue ?
It was like the striking of lightning. One minute Wukong had stood, gaze open and full of such a light as to give a dragon nightmares, and the next the world was turned end over end. The monkey had at one moment been brushing past the king and the next he had been pinned to the stone floor. The savage strike had split the side of the little monkey's flank, opening up fur and skin and flesh. Exposing the inner workings of the poor creature in a spray of red so dark as to be black. The Wukong with those painfully bright blue eyes had cleaved the bone of the rib cage as easily as a knife slicing through butter.
The monkey gasped, eyes blinking in confusion. The pain hadn’t registered yet. Only shock. Wukong tugged a bit of pink intestine out of the still writhing monkey and ripped it to shreds.
Willow felt her stomach heave.
“I have your attention now ?” Wukong had said.
Not Wukong.
This creature, whoever and whatever it was, was not Sun Wukong.
It couldn’t be.
This Wukong shook the adolescent monkey it had hostage again, yanking at the corpse before him. The noise of the screams had brought the few monkeys still in the caves running, some dragging weapons. Upon seeing however, that the threat was no tiger or jackal or leopard but their own king tearing away at one of his own, had driven all the fight from them. It had left only horror.
The poor monkey face was contorted in a frozen scream. Its eyes were staring sightless. Vacant and grayed over. Gone.
“Come have a taste. I only share the best of meals with the ones I love.” The wrong Wukong spoke, tugging the poor creature forward. He held the flesh closer, eyes blazing blue. The tiny monkey squirmed in his grasp, eyes wild.
The Wukong froze. The world froze as Willow called out. Her heart raced. Only her heart and the roar of the waterfall dared to make a sound.
She saw the tiny monkey squirming and clawing at the hand that was still about its scruff, whimpering. His eyes, that unusual shade of blue, slanted her way. They burned coldly, wildly, full of one such emotion that Willow couldn’t mistake.
The Wukong set the monkey back down. He didn’t let go of the poor thing. His eyes were only for her, his attention peaked. Earth Reaching Willow, Eldest princess of the Jade Emperor, threw herself into that woman she had been before her monkey, before Wukong had come into Heaven and offered her the world. She was an actress.
As still as a pond with no ripples. He may be full of a burning ice but I must be colder- I must be that calm within the eye of a hurricane.
Willow pressed her forehead to the floor, bowing. She felt the hands of Courage tugging at her. She kept her head flat to the floor.
I must play this game. Protect my family-
Even from the one who I looks like my friend. For my friend. Wherever he is—
“Has my Wife finally decided to give me attention?” Willow heard the heavy and terrible sound of bone snapping and muscles rending. She didn’t look up. “It has been so long, my love. You’ve left your king….” A harsh crunch of bones, of noise that is the sound of teeth digging into something soft. Snapping it like a twig. “….hungry.”
“Please, let the little one go.” Willow pleaded. She felt the brush of Mamma Courage along her side, Wisdom along the other.
“Lift your head.”
She did as she was told, composing her face to serenity. The serenity cannot withstand the horror before her. It cracked.
This Wukongs face is smiling cynically, eyes glacier blue and glowing. In his free hand, the dismembered paw of the poor deceased monkey, cut clean from mid forearm down. The bone had been cracked, the marrow dripping.
“What will you do my Willow?” He asked, shaking the still struggling babe. One of the mother monkeys barked in rage, taking a half step forward. Another stopped her. Willow felt like a mouse caught between a wolf's paws.
“Your husband is very upset at you for ignoring his … advances.”
Nothing. I won’t do anything. I will turn into the smallest speck of sand and let the wind blow me away.
Willow let her fear spin just for a moment. Then she grasped it in her mind and pressed it behind that cold veneer of courtly teachings. She had acted much of her life. She had acted to fool her father, her advisors, the very suitors that saw her as a chess piece to improve their standing within the Polestar Palace Court.
And I will act now- I will hold my horror to best give everyone a chance— a chance to get away. To prevent more deaths.
“I have neglected you husband.” The words smoothly emptied themselves from Willows lips, even as she wanted to snatch them back. Be brave. “It was not my intent to do so. I have been busy helping our family. Forgive me.”
I don't want forgiveness from you. You aren’t my Wukong. He wouldn’t demand attention from me. He wouldn’t ask me for this.
“I’ll forgive you. I’ll be pacified by you.” The imposter sounds almost relieved, as if her words had soothed a burn upon his skin. He shakes the poor baby again, eliciting a squeak and an angry chorus from the other mothers here. Willow is still surprised it is just them in Water Curtain Cave.
A miniature horror show just for them.
“I will even let this little one go, since I am such a benevolent king. No one should say that I, Sun Wukong, didn’t listen to my beloved wife.” He smiled again, staring straight into her soul. “But I want a Kiss.”
“A kiss?”
The Wukong nodded, eyes flickering. A ripple of black and then gone again. “One single kiss. To reaffirm our union. Maybe more … later.”
The ‘later’ sent chills down her spine. But Willow nodded.
“Good! An obedient wife makes a happy life!” He laughed with Wukongs voice, but none of the joy of her Wukong was reflected there. It was twisted, spun into something bent and hideous. A mimicry of joy. A sound to match the horror.
Tears streamed down her face, the only break in the smooth surface of her cool demeanor. Willow leaned forward, about to stand.
“Oh but I am not prepared.” He said. She froze. Something malicious crawled over his face. The imitation Wukong- I refuse to believe this is Wukong- took up the bloody wrist and pressed the still bloody end across his face. Willow felt her horror rise, the gorge in her throat threaten to upheave. He smeared the bloody stump across his teeth, over his lips, across his chin. Like a monsterous paintbrush, this Wukong painted his lips in the blood.
Finally the Wukong drops his captive, the little monkey scurrying up to the group seated before their King. It’s mother scooped them up, pressing them to the soft underside and trying to hide his face from the nightmare. Willow couldn’t look away. Her courtly armor, the thing she had pulled up to cover herself in, shattered into a million pieces as those blue burning eyes fluttered and locked onto her lips.
“What’s the matter darling?” The Wukong holds the arm in one hand, the free one pressed to his face, almost as if he were resting it there. The thing before her must read Willow's repulsion. His smile turns softly, a predator's smile curving away from those gore filled teeth. “Don’t you want to Kiss me?”
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frank herbet had a nun fetish. my proof?
- the bene geserit's whole deal is that they're nuns who have a sexy voice so powerful they can make you do whatever they want and the only people who can resist are basically just more powerful nuns. or paul i guess idk fuck that guy. they're the archetypical dommy mommies
- duncan idaho's (frank's favorite character) final form is a guy who is designed to get women addicted to having sex with him (literally a hentai plot). the bene geserit made him Like That because they couldnt use spice so they just decided to fuck everyone into submission instead
i swear to got frank was fully yankin' it while writing by the end of the series bro is 100% cum brained
#i literally dont need to say anything else#the way duncan ends up really just proves my point#dune#spoilers#i guess?#i honestly would not be surprised if duncan was a bit of a self insert but that's speculation at that point#unrelated but dune 2 knocked it out of the ball park when it came to making the fremen likeable Human Beings with Thoughts and Opinions#stellar stuff#the other adaptations did a shit job at that so the bar was in hell but like really above and beyond#really made it super clear who is the bad guy#just a great example of building off the source material and fixing issues#granted ofc its not perfect but ill be damned if it isnt really good#i still think mini series baron harkonen was the best bc they made him a human threat#like not the butt of the joke for being fat or disabled. like they actually made him elegant and brutal without resorting to using his#fatness and disability as the means to that#straight up a great baron#the new one? not so much. i think they rely too much of the fatness and disability for my liking. at least he isnt comical but still.#bad taste in the mouth for sure#feyd was handled excellent they made him perfectly scary. rabban couldve used more but idk hes ultimately not important#but yeah the baron's been handled better.#the second season of the miniseries did delve a bit into early 2000's insanity but thats par for the course#the first season was pretty fire#but overall i still think the most recent iteration's been the best#even with the baron being made monstrous rather than human
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i could never be concrete. the cottagecore calls to me
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6-2-aestheticsofhate · 5 months
Something I've been thinking about for a while is that I dont think the gay parts and the horrors of war parts of Ultrakill necessarily clash, and its weird to see people who think they do. I've seen people (on Tumblr) complain that everyone just wants to focus on the gay parts and not on the other messages in Ultrakill and I don't think it's that much of an issue? A lot of people I've seen here are willing to explore the themes of war and more serious topics also present in Ultrakill, but I think they're just... very heavy topics that people are somewhat more likely to avoid if they're not in the mood for them? It's easy to make and consume and understand shipping fanart and fic and to process it but talking about war and death and hell can take its toll and can be a lot to process. I'm still thinking about some of the new stuff in the new update and have mostly taken to making memes about it rather than making larger more thought out posts because of how much horrifying new lore we were given.
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starlooove · 9 months
Y’all think we don’t notice when you draw Tim and Steph side by side and give him a myriad of scars but basically make her Barbie…
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running-in-the-dark · 2 months
I'm pretty sure at this point the person that has appeared the most in my dreams/nightmares (apart from people I actually know/used to know in real life) is Jarvis Johnson. it happens a lot, he'll just randomly show up all the time. like last night he was in a (particularly gruesome and unpleasant) nightmare that I had. didn't make any sense but it was nice to get a break for a second :)
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holocene-sims · 9 months
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next // previous
i am the bullet in the gun (and i control you) i am the truth from which you run (and i control you) i am the silencing machine (and i control you) i am the end of all your dreams (and i control you) i take you where you want to go i give you all you need to know i drag you down, i use you up mr. self destruct 🎵
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spring-lxcked · 7 months
man who is clearly daydreaming and when you ask him what it's about he says it's just designs but actually he was fantasizing abt dismembering ppl <3
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
“And proud is what you have made me tonight,” Randall confirmed with a grin, saying gently, “Never before have I been given such a beautiful gift, and I know that I will treasure it always, Emily.” 
Her debut would live in his heart and mind forever, as he knew it would for the audience as well, of course, but to know that she had, as she said, given him her very soul, well...that would be such a gift he would never, ever take for granted. For her soul, like her voice, was beautiful, and too meant to be treasured forever and for always.
“We must celebrate!” he declared brightly-though he was still riding high on the euphoria of the performance, feeling positively electric, he could see that Emily herself was exhausted (the adrenaline rush likely cooling down now), and so he insisted that she rest (”you’ve more than earned it!”) while he hurried down to the café to get her some dinner-he was sure she had been too anxious to eat before the show, and was probably starving by now, and so he would make sure to bring her the richest, most filling meal the Café de L’Opera had to offer.
And cake! He would also bring cake-something sweet to enjoy afterwards; tonight was going to be a night of celebration! Anything the New Elissa (he’d already heard some of the critics call her that following the show, and he was delighted to think this title would show up in tomorrow’s papers) wanted, the Opera Ghost would be more than happy to provide.
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olli-online · 1 year
i just need someone to tell me that my trauma is real and not some made up delusional built up in my head. everytime i lay it all out in my own mind i see how horrific it is but i've had it downplayed so much by the very people who brought it upon me that i don't know how to feel.
i have a headache
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pangolen · 1 year
#cw i'm being mean about a stranger's fanfiction because i've been reading it for weeks or months now#and it's consuming me but i need to finish it at this point#ok one of the problems w this fic is really just. how much the author fucking hates y qy#what'd this dude ever do to you#his death was so much more brutal than was really called for#and yet!!! not nearly detailed enough#cut off his arm without any fanfare#ripped out his whole stomach within a sequence of 'and then's#unnecessary AND uninteresting#like the author was already grossed out or something and didn't want to touch it further#also maybe im desensitized to fictional Bad Things Happening#or maybe this fic is just so fucking long some of it's faded into the bg of my mind#but i don't really think his Crimes warranted all that#cut off his cultivation and let him rot or whatever. eye for an eye and force a truth serum down his throat in front of an audience#idk i just think setting up a whole arena and cutting off his limbs was a little excessive#telling him his beloved friend & the person he promised to protect has been dead under his nose for like 10 years or whatever is also#A Bit Much#like yeah he did a lot of fucked up stuff#but it's only getting punished so hard because the fucked up suff was done to the protagonist#m bj killed a bunch of kids and would've had no problem killing more if s qq hadn't intervened#well. teens and young adults but still#but that's not worthy of punishment i guess because we like m bj?#'it was for revenge' oh that's fine then#& anyway on top of all that. it just felt like the author was setting him up to Do Bad just for the ability to punish him later#if that makes sense#like not to move the plot forward or anything. or for character depth.#just to make sure we know y qy sucks and he has it coming to him#so tldr my notes are: 1) make it make sense; 2) lean into the violence a little more damn#also i know it's a fic someone worked hard on and posted for free and it's silly to criticize it like this#but god i'm almost 300k words in im invested and it's for the worst
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gummees · 1 year
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vicemirror · 2 years
“I have had a shock,” he said, “and I shall never recover. It is a question of weeks. Well, life has been pleasant; I liked it; yes, sir, I used to like it. I sometimes think if we knew all, we should be more glad to get away.”
“J.ekyll is ill, too,” observed U.tterson. “Have you seen him?”
But L.anyon’s face changed, and he held up a trembling hand. “I wish to see or hear no more of Dr. J.ekyll,” he said in a loud, unsteady voice. “I am quite done with that person; and I beg that you will spare me any allusion to one whom I regard as dead.”
have you ever been so severely fucked up that your friend of 30+ years saw what you were up to and decided to give up on existence entirely
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splittinghares · 2 years
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anonymous asked: captain, truth. did all of them really deserve it? [ truth or dare time! ]
warning: i normally wouldn't put these at the top for an ask but i feel like i have to for this one. please be advised that this ask discusses a pet being unalived. there is also a lot of aggressive + negative language directed at animals, specifically dogs, in general.
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THE CAPTAIN WATCHES AS YET ANOTHER HAPLESS, HOPELESS HUMAN COUPLE MARCHES PAST THE CAFE WINDOW. the tiny wooden stirrer they've dropped into their cup of tea threatens to snap between their fingers as the two pause before exiting their sight. what delays them, to the captain's visible distaste, is how eagerly their large, boorish dog is sniffing at the potted plants that decorate the cafe's stoop. they're laughing, clearly amused by their beast's stupidity.
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they try to ignore the way their stomach twists when the thing lifts its gaze and those black, thoughtless eyes meet theirs. the creature barks. it fucking barks, and the stirrer splits in two, the lower half disappearing beneath the surface of their earl grey. they feel the way their lips form a snarl, and the only thing that keeps them from losing this little staring contest of theirs is the fact that the owner of the dog tugs on its leash. the captain sees as the owner says something, though they cannot hear it through the window, and the mangy little shit is redirected.
even as the trio finally leave the captain's sight, the look on that dog's face seems burned into the backs of their eyelids. they pinch the bridge of their nose. a migraine is starting to develop. they knew they shouldn't've come here. not right now, not when they've been feeling like this. it was just a dumb fucking animal, why were they letting it bother them? they had far more important things to worry about than some pathetic, brainless little mutt.
they have to get out of here. they don't look too hard at the bill they leave on the table, uncaring if it's too hefty for their meager tab. their cup is trashed with shaking hands, the captain unrepentant as they elbow a stranger out of the way so they can get to the door.
every time they so much as blink, THEY SEE HER. it stabs like a knife between the ribs, whether they want it to or not. a few steps more, and they're out in the middle of a field, away from civilization. lost amongst fields of tall grasses and weeds, they collapse into the brush, clutching at the dirt with gloved hands and asking the space between them and the earth why, why, why?! they can find even an ounce of affection for a STUPID FUCKING DOG!
as the tears begin to sting at the corners of their eyes, they can't help but remember hers. they recall all other members of the crews' helpless, hapless looks so fondly. but hers? they would lie if you asked, but they'd made it quick. painless and swift in a way that none of the others had been. they would never tell you how it'd been a mercy, because sparing her would have meant slow and agonizing starvation, and keeping her would have meant dredging up a kind of affection they could not find themself capable of for any being on that ship, even her.
did they all deserve it, you ask? no, she didn't.
THE CAPTAIN SCREAMS AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS, to the point where they ache from the strain.
they do not regret what they did. they will never apologize. they will never wish that they could go back and alter the past. but to pretend that there was not even a single cost would be a lie, and you have forced the truth.
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dullahandyke · 12 days
thinking about akudrive and feminism which is a thinly-veiled way of saying im thikning about doctor
#what a fucking character i love her#like. the majority of the akudama are men. only two in the initial seven r women#but theyre WICKED IMPORTANT#there r some akudrive characters u could cut without losing too much as long as u worked around it (namely brawler hacker n cutthroat)#but swindler is obvi pulling main character duty and doctor is RLLY important#aside from the executioners she's the biggest antagonist and even just the way she causes conflict via questioning brother does a lot#like i feel like active vs passive choices are a big thing in akudrive and doctor is hella active#plus just her character more generally! shes weirdly mean shes full of herself she has a complex!#i'm 90% sure shes a canon trans woman in the manga yet she's constantly making weird anti-sjw remarks#(calling courier gay for not wanting to grope her; the whole feminism thing in ep 4; all her remarks abt brawler)#doctor ily girl. women are allowed to be mad scientists with god complexes its fine <3#like akudrive Does have more men than it does women (albeit not as bad a ratio as you see a lot of places its like. 5-8)#but the women r all focused on and good characters and the men r the ones more likely to be bit pieces!#like obvi 'good character' is subjective but like. the woman with the least focus is boss who is! still! interesting!#idk maybe im sheltered and 'the women are good characters and none are fridged and they are the focus' isnt like. revolutionary#but its just like. nice to see! like pupil and boss and doctor are all interesting and swindler + sister get to bond#and swindler in general is my utter beloved#so like. yeah. watch akudrive. it is fucking stupid as hell and u kinda just gotta let the worldbuilding glaze over you#because midway thru an episode theyll go 'btw the moons been blown to pieces and the thing in the sky is a projection'#and then theyll just move on#but its rlly good. watch itttt#(main tws are like. gore thats censored in most vers. attempted SA. biiig themes of police brutality. the black guy is written badly)#watch itt
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anantaru · 4 months
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— ꒰ including ꒱ — wriothesley, alhaitham, scaramouche, ayato x fem! reader
— ꒰ warnings ꒱ — [ex]plicit, fem! reader, established relationship, doggy/office syx,ass slapping (ayato's part), dirty talk, dom characters
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— ꒰ WRIOTHESLEY ꒱ + over your mouth
"shh, no, keep quiet… that's it, that'll help, yeah?" with how you're pressed between a muscular chest and a chilly wall, it was truly mouth-watering by how wriothesley handled you that it made you hot from head to toe, almost feeling like he could be able to swallow your body whole.
needless to say, you can practically feel that stupid, sneaky smirk emitting with a deep, focused thrust as he nuzzles his head into the back of your neck— and fuck, everything around you two begins to grow warm, neither of you can control the ache developing on your frames as your bofriend set out for a brutal pace.
you were in his office and from the outside noises, it was evident that it's quite busy in the fortress, hence why the duke had suddenly decided to take sweet precautions within this lewd situation and be for certain that nobody was able to listen to those heavenly noises you made.
wriothesley finds it equally comical and a teeny bit embarrassing by how much power you had over him.
how the lingering touch of you was enough to coax out heavy sets of breathes from his throat, how his cock would react and twitch at the sounds spilling from you, how you're grinding desperately back into his thrusts, knowing that when he reaches even deeper, offers you more of his decadent rolls of his hips, he'd race both of you closer to completion. 
with pleasure, he touches you so eagerly with one large palm tightly pressed against your mouth and the tip of his cock bruises along your ribbed walls. with heavy breathes surrounding your frame, you sob into his hand as your eyes roll back, the evident contrast of hot, sloppy grinds pivoting within your soft spots and the cold wall you're being pressed against only adding to your body being doused with a sprinkle of sweat and arousal.
heavy breathing, even heavier movements, accompanied by a racing pulse took over your entire frame— only making it ten times more intense when wriothesley began to come close to his own relief, which meant that he'd shamelessly grunt against your ears, the coil stuffed deep within your guts slowly beginning to reveal itself, your legs jelly-alike and trembling while he pumps into you faster.
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— ꒰ ALHAITHAM ꒱ + holds your hand
alhaitham peers down at you with his eyes brilliant of translucent lust turning them glossy, his blessed features exuding a strong desire as soft peels of sweat slither down his forehead.
a low, throaty gasp slips through his lips when you draw him into your slick walls, your arousal seeping through each grind he'd give you before dripping along his balls and pelvis. despite the frantic lust that is evident in the tempo of his hips, tonight was more than simple "lust", the scribe was desperate, seeking out more, undoubtedly illuminated in his touch and hold, he was ravenous.
to indulge in your whole body was what he needed to die a happy man after, drown in an ocean of you as he swiftly grabs your hand before pressing it into the mattress, tightly shutting his fingers around it so you could untangle your digits from his, even if you tried, "what's that look on your face, hm?" he brings himself to say it through a tensed jaw as a harsh cry escapes your lips.
"you're so pretty just like this,"
sloppy thrusts, mindless bubbles, and kisses paired within soft pants that had held you in a daze, all you could do was hold on tight to his hand— because here, alhaitham put more effort into his hips, nasty sounds after nasty sounds coming from your hole being repeatedly filled as you dug your heels into his solid back, your orgasm soon after bursting thick upon his restless body snapping forward.
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— ꒰ SCARAMOUCHE ꒱ + on your tits
with your hands moving to sensually claw on to scaramouche's back, his slicing pace was never faltering, not even a little, especially not when he's hissing from the slight pain you caused with your nails dragging at his skin— but he secretly likes it, it turns him on, yet he leans into your body more afterwards, always so eager to snap his hips further and further until he's able to trace every pulse and twitch on your puffy walls.
what else could be better than pleasuring his loved one? while also toying with your nipples standing erected, presented on a silver plate? you're too much for him, too much all at once that it doesn't matter how often you've already been intimate, he will never get used to all of this.
a rosy hue coats his facial expression with how your pussy was milking him, consuming his life more than he'd ever allow anybody to do so— and his grip gets tighter now, because the moment scaramouche sees how your body begins to react, the force of his thrusts casting upon your sillhouette, he cannot hold back the menacing grin that follows his lips.
his eyes crinkle in delight, "someone's hiding noises, i see," as his hand reaches to roughly squeeze at your breast to make it bounce from equally the impact of his tantalizing tempo and the roughness of his grip on it, "i want to hear you, louder," how he says it was interesting— both sensual and stern, as if it was a direct order, the ones he used to give back as a fatui harbinger.
at bottom, it made you arch greedily beneath him, the tension hanging heavy at each sound, each impassioned noise, all of it ultimately smoothing over fray hairs from your body with tears swelling in your eyes.
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— ꒰ AYATO ꒱ + on your ass
ayato couldn't possibly keep his hands off your ass, he's greedy, it's both a comfort to have his palms squeeze and jiggle the bouncy skin and the most ideal way to keep you in your place while he's practically pulling your hips against his cock himself.
he's kneading your ass now, taking a handful before giving it a light slap, one more, and slap, just for good measure, you know? — turning it impossible for you to solely focus on one single thing, wether it was the never ending increase of speed his cock had, with his length reaching your throbbing places to stroke and tease at your sore walls, slipping and pushing against the places that would make you end up clawing at his shoulders to drag him into your greedy mouth.
your kisses are mostly tender, except when ayato was fucking you, then it's more teeth and spit than anything else and the kiss was always sloppy that it was arousing again. his wet muscle was raking over your lips before you leans into it more, practically letting him devour you, overtake the slight increase in dominance you had for a second when he heaves and kisses you through growls and bestial flicks of tongue.
his digits press into the plush of your ass the same time he grinds down on your warm cunt, wiping your juices back into your wet walls— but it all happens so fast that you cannot catch your breath anymore, and when you open your eyes weakly to peer up at him, ayato's mouth ghosts over your parted lips.
your mouth feels dry from swallowing the thick lumps in your throat and sobbing out his name on endless repeat— although for the man himself, the searing drags of his shaft pulling the trembles out of you did the talking, he needn't say much.
this night though, his lips part with a silent moan escaping him, like he has to say something.
"you're mine… this is mine," he slaps your ass before ramming himself into you, his hips bucking into your cunt before he repeats it, hushing his swears when he drives his cock back. the area on your flesh burned a little as your moans grow hoarse at every new smack smack of his palm hitting it harder, "—yet surely, my love," ayato sneers, hot breath fanning on your doused lips as he slows his hips to watch you pout at him,
"—surely you can take more?"
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify, claim as your own
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