We've done yashou jewelry and yashou makeup, which means it's time for yashou weaponry!
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Cats are bare-knuckle brawlers -- sort of. Da Qing fights with his bare hands, but Da Ji has a moment where she's about to savage Zhao Yunlan, and she sort of gets ... a cyber kitty paw? I have no idea how we're supposed to interpret this. Maybe this is Shen Wei Vision, seeing the damage she can do despite the human woman she appears to be, or maybe it's a frame that was supposed to have more polygons laid over it, except that CG never happened. One way or another, Da Qing's little claw-hand is not an idle threat.
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Most of the named yashou characters are also bare-handed fighters, but their magical punches trail equally magical CG colors. Flowers and cats get yellow, crows are black, and snakes are red.
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On top of this, Ya Qing also has little feather darts so precise that she can apparently shoot them quill-first through air ducts and into people's throats for an instant kill.
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Crow extras have more traditional armaments -- and you know, there are a couple details in the show where I'm just forever baffled that they just let these things die out of focus, and one of the big ones is the Crow Tribe swords. Unlike Shen Wei's weapon, these things are much closer to actual 长刀, in that they are actually swords, and also they are long. But what's really amazing about them is that they have a silver crow-foot claw for a pommel. It's a great detail! ...And alas, these are the best close-ups I can get you.
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Snakes have two kinds of weapons. Most snakes have these absolutely gnarly-looking sickle swords, reminiscent of khopesh, and they show up frequently throughout the series. However, there's this one guy who shows up near the end with this naginata-looking thing. (I guess he's the lost Metal Gear protagonist, Polearm Snake.)
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A few of the flower extras appear armed with what might be short knives, but honestly, they are just too far from the camera to tell. I hope they're brightly colored and tipped with deadly poison! It's the flower way.
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miss-ingno · 1 year
Ruffling Feathers
Rating: G Characters: Zhu Hong, Da Qing, Ying Chun, Fourth Uncle, Ya Qing Words: 7.1k Tags: post-canon, casefic, Yashou politics & worldbuilding, High Chief Zhu Hong
Summary: Zhu Hong is more than ready to delay her responsibilities for old times' sake when Da Qing approaches her about his missing bells. But the case takes them smack-dab into internal Yashou politics and Zhu Hong's mettle as High Chief is put to the test.
For the 520 Day exchange, this is my gift for shadaras! It was awesome to write for such an incredible writer :D Check out their works if you’re at it!
That morning, Zhu Hong walked into the SID's offices with mixed feelings, carrying an empty box. 
Everything felt different. There was no Wang Zheng to greet her – she and Sang Zan were on leave in order to recuperate from their ordeal, their energy having been sapped during their stay in Ye Zun’s stomach. It was a miracle they had survived at all. Lin Jing was supposed to rest, too, but as Zhu Hong walked through the bullpen she could hear the familiar sound of an explosion coming from the lab. Not that she could blame him. She, too, had kept busy in the aftermath of their hard-earned victory.
She nodded to xiao-Guo, who was corralling all the rookie hopefuls under lao-Chu's stern eye. Xiao-Guo gave her a bashful smile and a little wave, but he didn’t run over to come help her. This, too, had changed. He’d grown into himself and found new responsibilities to shoulder. Being a senior to the newbies suited him well. Zhu Hong half-wished she could see it, see what sort of mentor xiao-Guo would make. She shoved the thought to the back of her mind, setting her box down on her desk chair with a decisive thump.
Lao-Zhao wasn’t here, hadn’t been since the invasion. Instead, he was busy with a PR campaign, making use of the current public approval to secure more funding for the SID, despite the fact he was still recovering from his own injuries. She supposed giving interviews wasn’t too hard, as long as he sat still for a bit. Still, she hadn’t seen him since the battle ended. Someone should make sure he was eating properly, and…
Not her problem. Not any longer, she thought with a pang.
Continue on Ao3.
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the-marron · 1 year
Guardian Appreciation Bingo: Results
Hello everyone, thank you for taking part in this event!
Hopefully you had some fun with this, I am sure creators receiving feedback on their works felt truly appreciated🥰
When it comes to popularity, Team Yashou certainly won this round - “the most cards filled” record belongs to them 🤗 You are awesome!
Now for the competitive mode:
Team Dixing: 92 points
Team Haixing: 75 points
I am sure Shen Wei would be proud of you all :D
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Congratulations for both teams and I hope it will be a good fandom memory for us all! ❤❤❤
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Once again, thank you very much @the-marron 🥰 they're so lovely!
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jayswing101 · 9 months
Guardian Translation Glossary
A few people said having a little glossary would be helpful so. Here we are 😅
Format: • Seven Seas novel TL term: fan novel TL term (drama verse term if applicable)
Soul-Guarding Order: Guardian Order/Zhenhun Ling - in previous translations, this term also refers to Zhao Yunlan's whip
Guardian to the Soul-Guarding Order: Lord Guardian/Zhenhun Lingzhu - sometimes also referred to as Lingzhu or Master of the Guardian/Zhenhun Token
Clarity: Bright-Mirror Wristwatch/revealing watch
Soul-Executing Emissary: Ghost Slayer/Zhanhun Shi (Black Cloaked Envoy/Heipaoshi)
Soul Executing Blade: Zhanhun Blade/Soul Slashing Blade/Ghost slaying blade (Heipaoshi's weapon, unnamed)
Reincarnation Dial: Sundial of Reincarnation (Longevity Dial)
Mountain-River Awl: Awl of Mountains and Rivers (River Mountain Awl)
Four Hallowed Artifacts of the Netherworld: Four Holy Tools/Four Mystical Artifacts (Four Hallows)
Netherworld: Difu/Underworld, sometimes also translated as hell (Dixing)
Ghost Faced Figure: Ghost Face/Gui Mian (Ye Zun)
Yao: Yao (Yashou)
Youchu: Youchu (Youchu, ghost-beasts)
I'll probably update this list as I read the novel and as new volumes come out, but if there's anything I'm missing from the first volume that I should include, let me know!
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stupid-lemon-eater · 2 years
Okay, I can’t take it any more, I give in. Please explain Guardian to me. I’ve tried looking at the Wikipedia page but it provided no answers. All I can tell is that there are these two guys, and one is a police officer and the other a university professor but they’re both also magical immortals or something? And maybe one of them is the eponymous guardian of the other? If that’s the case, I totally can’t tell which is which. Please help, every day I see gifsets and each one leaves me more confused than the last. I thought The Untamed was bad, but this…
ehehehehe :D
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we're gonna need a readmore for this lol
guardian was based on a bl book and was obviously censored - i'll provide an explanation of the show rather than the book, but pls know the most significant censoring (other than the obvious) was the change of everything from ghosts, demons, etc to aliens
you get this big animated infodump at the beginning with no warning and it's glorious
for backstory, there's three races on haixing - the haixingians (effectively humans), the yashou (alien race #1, can transform into plants or animals depending on type [main animals are snakes and crows, with one noticeable exception in my beloved catboy da qing]), and the dixingren (alien race #2, can have basically any powers that you want for plot related purposes, have to remain underground due to a treaty that was written 10,000 years ago)
zhao yunlan (the one with the facial hair) is the chief of the special investigations division (sid), which is kinda like torchwood but less and also more competent? depends on how you look at it. he's the titular guardian, because he's in charge of keeping haixing safe by catching the dixing criminals who come to the surface (in the book he also gets a cool whip which is called the guardian order - at one point he mentions that when he was given it he thought he was gonna be the first male sailor moon, bless him). smart and smartass. likes being one step ahead of you without you knowing. permanently exasperated with existence. in absolute love with shen wei.
shen wei (the one with the eyes, you know the one) is hei pao shi, or the black cloaked envoy - he's the dixingian envoy also tasked with ensuring all dixingren who unlawfully cross into haixing are punished back in dixing. university professor who teaches biology. worst liar in the entire world. wears sleeve garters and an ass chain to kill me personally. absolutely devoted to zhao yunlan.
they will send you absolutely insane and you will thank them for it. they're on levels of eye contact never before seen. together they Are the gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss mansplain/manipulate/malewife couple of your dreams/nightmares.
shen wei has been around for the aforementioned 10,000 years - zhao yunlan is his own special case ;)
there are 7 members of the sid and they will all send you various levels of feral
da qing - aforementioned beloved cat boy. zhao yunlan's cat but also brother but also father but also son. best dynamic. they ran out of budget to be able to have him transform into his cat form like 5 episodes in (their budget got majorly cut partway through), so instead it's just a guy in overalls acting like a cat. i lvoe him.
zhu hong - a snake yashou. my absolute wife. has amazing fashion.
lin jing - resident scientist. stresses himself out a lot. makes me laugh. still stumble over saying jin ling when referring to him
wang zheng - ghost lady! she's very sweet. her backstory is wack lol
sang zan - ghost lady's ghost husband. part of the wack backstory. sid's illiterate librarian <3
xiao guo - baby boy. baby. the babiest of boys you will ever see. precious little beanpole. genuinely the sweetest character you'll ever see in your life. levels of earnestness you wouldn't expect someone to pull off, but he absolutely does.
chu shuzhi - dixingren. has magical strings and a magical puppet. you can pinpoint the moment he falls in love with xiao guo down to the millisecond, and i screamed when i watched it.
throughout the plot they're tasked with collecting the four hallows, holy tools that have a lot of power, because the resident Big Bad (and their minions) want them to take over the world and so on and so forth (they're fun and dumb)
this show will tear your heart out and you will thank it, and then you will rewatch it while sobbing the whole way through because gahhh!
if you want to watch it, the show has unfortunately been taken off youtube, however you can watch it here or download it with subs here :D pls note that the theme song is an absolute banger and you will scream-sing along to it for most of the show
if anyone who reads this thinks i've missed anything important without spoilers, pls add it on!
tldr: "guardian is about making u insane in the best way" - mirf
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tinypinkmouse · 1 month
So I had this ridiculous cracky fic idea and despite my best efforts I haven't been able to get rid of it. So here's the idea, I guess.
Okay bear with me for a moment here as I start with saying that I'm not up with current Marvel canon or fanon, and I don't know where people are at with any of that these days. In spite of that I was thinking of Loki (definitely have not seen any of the show, there is a show, right?). Anyway, I liked the thing people did at one point where they mixed Marvel Loki with whatever bits of mythology you please and more or less ended up with single mother of monsters Loki.
Onto to the actual idea then. So, what if Loki sends his kids away to some hopeful safety? Because he knows bad things will happen to them otherwise. Well, okay, unless they're all the same age, some bad things would probably already have happened to some of them. Lets go with some combination of prophecy, them being monsters and Odin being an asshole.
In that case, lets say Hela is the new one. Yeah, not accurate to anything probably but whatever, the thought of baby Hela is cute and anyway, I figure the others are easier for Loki to sneakily free once Hela is born so he can send them all away at once. If he did one at a time there would be suspicions so it needs to be everyone all at once. So Loki plans, Hela is born and then he gets everyone free. Right. Totally makes sense so far.
And then he sends them all away because for reasons he can't go with them himself. Hopefully if he stays behind people either won't be interested in going after them, or he can somehow prevent it from happening. Anyway, to the actual point of all of this. The kids end up on ancient Haixing, just in time to be found by baby!Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan as Kunlun.
There's an eight legged horse and Zhao Yunlan has no idea if that's a thing in the past or if he should be very confused. Anyway, what with all the Yashou around, I'm pretty sure they'd be down with the idea that not all people are always people shaped, and these are kids and there's even a baby and obviously someone needs to take care of them.
Right, so, I have no plans whatsoever for writing a story where Shen Wei doesn't end up taking a dirt nap and raises some not very human kids together with Zhao Yunlan instead. Because look a very large and determined snake could probably prevent Zhao Yunlan from being Hallows-snatched and maybe Ye Zun doesn't fall down that hole either and so Shen Wei doesn't need to fall either.
Okay so maybe I also had a thought about how the whole not falling happens. Because Sleipnir while being a horse, maybe technically should be able to shapeshift, he just never has. Possibly because of something Odin did even. Anyway, the first time he does turn into a human is when Shen Wei is trying to hold onto Ye Zun, so he can help hold on because hooves are just not good for holding onto people. Why the kids are there in the first place, well, Sleipnir is a war horse so that makes sense. And maybe some of the others just kind of... snuck after them or something. Because why not.
Yeah, so. Then the kids have three surrogate parents suddenly. (Well once Shen Wei and Ye Zun talk through things anyway, but I figure they'll get there.) And then eventually, (once the first Thor movie has had time to happen) Loki falls through the void and instead of ending up wherever finds himself on Haixing. And yes, I realise I've now stuck everyone in old timey Haixing, because I don't think it's going to take ten thousand years for Loki to find his way there. Idk, they can figure out the Treaty and Dixing's place in things in the meantime and raise some kids and generally try to give everyone some space to recover from their various traumas. Before throwing Loki and all his issues at them, and his feelings about his kids finding other family even if that is a good thing because Loki sent them somewhere where there was someone who could keep them safe even if he didn't know exactly where that would be.
Yeah, that's about it. I definitely haven't thought about any of this. Because it's a ridiculous idea, and spending time thinking about it would be ridiculous.
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avaantares · 3 months
Word Finder Tag Game
I was tagged by @lauravanarendonkbaugh for this word finder!
My assigned words: none, unbelievable, blister, sweet
These excerpts are from my Guardian/Zhen Hun WIP Picture Imperfect, which I promise I really am working on! It's pushing 100K (and will end up well over, because apparently I can't keep a plot simple to save my life).
Xiao Guo fidgeted. “Do you think there’s any chance of finding our things before we leave?”
“Things?” Zhao Yunlan glanced down at himself and swore aloud—his jacket was missing, along with his wallet and phone. And his shoulder holster.
Which meant their captors now had the dark energy gun.
“They took my bag, too.” Xiao Guo looked less optimistic than he had before. “It had my journal in it.”
Zhao Yunlan couldn’t have cared less if Guo Changcheng’s journal were eaten by pygmy goats, but there was no question of leaving his revolver behind; it was irreplaceable, not to mention extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. “We’ll have to get our stuff back, then. Do you know where they might have taken it? How deep is this cave system? How many steps did you count when we were brought in?”
“Um. None?”
Only Zhao Yunlan’s raging headache kept him from slapping his forehead with both palms. “Xiao Guo. How could you not pay attention to anything? Were your eyes even open?!”
Xiao Guo flinched. “Well, once we got close to the mountain, they put us to sleep. When I woke up, we were already in here.”
“Oh, I see. Then—” Zhao Yunlan froze. “Wait. Put us to sleep? Were you drugged?”
Xiao Guo shook his head. “I think it was a dark energy power. One of them just touched my face, and I was out.”
“A dark energy power?” Zhao Yunlan hissed. “You mean the people who captured us were from Dixing? And you didn’t think this was important to mention sooner?”
“Well, I don’t think all of them are from Dixing. I thought I saw some Yashou, too—there were some people wearing feathers, and some with leaves on their clothes. And maybe some humans? Though it’s hard to know for certain, if they aren’t using powers. I didn’t think it would be very polite to ask, so I didn’t say anything.”
Zhao Yunlan wondered—not for the first time—if Haixing Inspectorate would actually punish him for strangling an employee.
Unbelievable / Blister
[These words just happened to appear in the same scene, and there really wasn't a good place to break it into two sections, so I've left it as one chunk.]
Xiao Guo was doing an excellent job addressing his physical needs just now, but Zhao Yunlan possessed enough self-awareness to recognize that his feeing of dissatisfaction wasn’t about the pain. What Zhao Yunlan truly wanted wasn’t to stop hurting—it was to have Shen Wei look him in the face and tell him that everything was going to be all right. That they would be able to get back to the right time somehow, and they would stop whatever evil schemes Ye Zun was cooking up, and that he wouldn’t make a bad call and get Xiao Guo killed a million years before he was born. That Zhao Yunlan could do this without betraying the trust that his team and the entire realm of Haixing had placed in him.
For all the poorly-conceived, unbelievable lies Shen Wei had told to try to cover his tracks in the early days of their acquaintance, Zhao Yunlan knew that he was never dishonest about the really important things. If Shen Wei told him that it would be fine, he would believe him.
But Zhao Yunlan hadn’t caught so much as a glimpse of Shen Wei since he’d raced off to battle, even though the fighting was over now, according to the officers their young soldier escort had hunted up to explain the situation to while Zhao Yunlan had been un- and then semi-conscious. And even if Shen Wei were here, he wouldn’t look at Zhao Yunlan with the trust and confidence he needed to see. This Shen Wei thought him to be a spy and a crook, and would probably just as soon dig a hot knife into those blisters on the back of Zhao Yunlan’s hand as soothe them the way Guo Changcheng was attempting to.
“Wait. Last I remember, I was sitting outside. How did I get here?”
“I carried you.”
Zhao Yunlan was suddenly grateful for the obscuring darkness as heat flooded his cheeks. He’d already discovered that Shen Wei could lift him easily, but it was a hell of a lot less sexy to be scooped up and carried around asleep, like a napping toddler.
Shen Wei must have sensed the awkwardness. “You… did seem exhausted,” he ventured. “You all but collapsed the moment you stopped moving.”
That, too, was a bit embarrassing, even though Zhao Yunlan knew his fatigue was more than justified. His body was not conditioned to endure the kind of strain and privation an ancient military leader like the real Kunlun evidently would have been prepared for. “I guess I’m not used to marching on an empty stomach.”
Shen Wei pushed the light into the air, where it hovered just above their heads, and fished a small cloth sack out of their baggage. “Here, eat some fruit. The sweetness will restore your energy.”
Tagging @omaenanimonoda, @lhaewiel, and @gmariam321 with the words return, continent, paper, and miserable.
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hideyseek · 4 months
episode 37. i'm ?????? okay. a rundown of events: guo changcheng walks around a busted-up city street using his new powers to give himself a big headache. and also so he can lie in lao chu's arms for a while. zhu hong magically revives the fancy yashou tribes' dead stick and resolves like five million years of intra-tribe conflict, hashtag girlboss. shen wei's violent tendencies are quelled by the lord regent's display of devotion to civic responsibility. lin jing has a romantic tragedy moment inside of ye zun's digestive tract when he discovers the undigested ring that he gave his situationship when they last met (and also her undigested guitar. and also her undigested guitar case.)
other redeeming elements of this episode: shen wei coughs up blood and we get to look at that close up! zhu hong punches people. we get to see da qing climb a tree and also say "miaow" in shock. there's extremely beautiful close-up of not-quite-unconscious shen wei's face right at the end.
anyway all that to say, the closer we get to episode 40 the more confused i get about what could possibly fucking happen that merits so much "alternate universe - everybody lives / nobody dies" fic
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elenothar · 11 months
WIP Titles Tag Game
Tagged by @actual-bill-potts *waves*
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs 
Ok, so word of warning up front that my WIP folder is pretty full and I doubt most of these stories will ever be fully written at this stage... Enter at your own risk
Most of the titles already demystify the fandom, at least. In order of last worked on:
UtS amnesia
Chengyi thought experiment
Shen Yi and Lu Haizhou
Shen Yi switch
YOHE sads
Blue Rain YX
Tomb Sirens
Wu Xie & Xiao Hua
LFS and Iron Triangle
SCI shut up the brain
Finrod and Glorfindel
Academic Colleagues fic
Flute Wu Xie
wu xie birthday week
Lighthouse keeper shen wei
Bear Yashou AU
Forest Weilan
Weilan Barrier fic
Tagging: @sasamelons, @the-marron, @eirenical, @foxofninetales, @forerussake, @achray1, @presumenothing (... I’m not tagging as many people as I have WIPS, I don’t even know that many people)
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The yashou are as consistent about their makeup as they are about their jewelry, which is to say, they're not. I don't mean usual cosmetic makeup; I mean the dark lines of paint on their faces.
If I had to guess, on a production level, I'd say the guiding principles for applying this makeup were 1) not on anybody in the main cast, so you don't have to do it every day; 2) not on women; 3) on other speaking roles and extras as you have time to get them in the chair.
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Flowers and cats don't wear any such paint, so that's easy.
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Crows generally get an all-or-nothing approach. Both the guy on the left in the phone booth street and the guy in the feathered cloak at the Snake Village standoff (snandoff) appear to have the same full face of three dots at the outer corner of each eye and between the eyerbrows, V shapes that taper to a point by the middle set of dots, and a Ψ-looking shape above those dots that's probably meant to look like a crow's foot.
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But there's also this henchcrow, who has the three dots under his eye, but only one line over his eyebrow, and no discernible marks in the middle of his forehead. Crow casual.
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It's entirely possible that there are variations other than these, but there are very few crows, and even fewer of them get close-ups. Squinting at the back rows of crowd shots, I can see that there's definitely some paint on at least some of the crow extras. They're just never in focus long enough to give any good detail, and that's even before the matter of how their goofy hoods get in the way.
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On the snake side of the yashou world, Snake Fourth Uncle (snuncle) has hands-down the best makeup in the entire series -- just the two little subtle points from the inner corners of his eye toward the bridge of his nose. They look tremendous. I understand why they didn't do this on Zhu Hong (see principles 1 and 2 above), but I wish they had. Fanartists, get on that.
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The other snake makeup (snakeup -- ha! that one actually worked!) is much more uniform. It's a mark in the center of the forehead and a dot on the outer side of either eye. It all comes and goes, I guess depending on how the boys are feeling that day. Maybe they think it's more of a night look? Maybe they'd just shed their skins and hadn't gotten around to reapplying it? Could be.
What I am left wondering is this: Is the mark on their foreheads meant to be the sacred stick? It's right in that weird grey area where either it looks like somebody was trying to imitate the sacred stick design and got real abstract with it, or it looks like somebody was just making a cool snake forehead design and the design they landed on just happened to be vaguely sacred-stick-shaped.
Either way, the Snake Tribe clearly understands branding in a way the other tribes do not, making them exactly the bold visionary leaders needed to bring the other yashou forward with them into snake-guided modernity (snodernity).
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miss-ingno · 8 days
Happy (belated) 520 Day! After a busy week, I'm finally getting around to exploring the collection :D
I got a lovely time travel fix-it set in mostly YOHE for a gift, in which Shen Wei's post-death memories get flung back into his younger self and that changes things.
Title: Battle Couple by melusineofanjou Ship: Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan Words: 5.6k Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Battle Couple, Rating: PG13, Hand-Wavy Dixing Powers Summary: Shen Wei transmigrates back ten thousand years and makes some changes, but can fate be cheated?
And I got to write my recip @kalgalen one of my favourite new rarepairs - Zhu Hong joining Weilan in their relationship. I went with an arranged marriage plot and had the political situation force the three of them into a wedding :D I'm grateful to them for allowing me to explore this ship and I hope they enjoy it!
Title: colours that touch white emotion Ship: Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan/Zhu Hong Words: 11k Tags: Post-Canon Handwavey Fix-It, Arranged Marriage, Political Marriage, Political Alliances, The Treaty Made Them Do It, Yashou Politics, Yashou Culture & Customs, Established Weilan, Developing Relationship, Zhu Hong's unrequited crush, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, PoV Zhu Hong, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary: Once, Zhu Hong dreamt of the day she would marry Zhao Yunlan. Now, forced to marry her crush and his lover to keep the peace between their nations, she dreads the day she'll ruin his happiness.
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the-marron · 2 years
Guardian Appreciation Bingo
The purpose of this event is to shower the creators in the fandom with some love and have some fun while at it! Each participant can collect rewards for leaving a bit of feedback on different works in the Guardian fandom.
When? 28.11-1.01
Who can take part? Everyone! Each person enjoying Guardian content is welcome, creator or not
Which fandoms count? All Guardian variations - Weilan derivatives and Zhubai too, if you like
How to play? There are two modes of taking part in the event – for fun and for glory. Just download one of the sheets below and enjoy, there is no need to register anywhere!
There are three Bingo sets. The Yashou set is the leisure one – there is no competition, you just fill your rows and collect badges for each five boxes in a row.
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For those interested in some friendly rivalry, there are team-based bingos: Team Dixing and Team Haixing. Aside from collecting badges, each box filled on your card grants your team one point. The points for both teams will be counted at the end of the event and the winner will be announced.
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Can I take more than one bingo set? Yes! If you’d like you can take both the Yashou set and one of the competitive sets (not both though!)
How do I leave feedback? The main idea is to do it publically, so leave a comment, RT on Twitter, leave a note under the tumblr post – as long as your feedback is visible it’s all good 🥰
Which works count? All kinds! Unless it's specified by the bingo box, we encourage you to include all kinds of fandom creativity – fics, fanart, podfics, videos, translations, handcraft, anything that you love and want the creator appreciated for.
How to understand the prompt? In any way you like - they are rather general and most of them should be applicable to all sorts of fandom activity
How do I submit my filled bingo card?
Mail it here: [email protected]
Your badges and team points will be awarded in January, after the bingo is finished
I still have questions: you can reach our mods via the email listed above, we will be glad to help!
Organisers: Ascel ( @dobranocka​ ), justacoyote ( @justacoyote​ ), Marron ( @the-marron​ ), MoonRaccoon, mumble ( @programmedradly​ ), PLauzu, samarium
Bingo cards created by dobranocka <3
Hope you have fun and join us in spreading love in the fandom! ❤
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justacoyote · 1 year
Last Ten Opening Lines
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Saw @heavymetalchemist with the post and wanted to have fun with this too :D
Guo Changcheng woke with a gasp and a lurch. (A Road to Recall T, Guo Changcheng, Chu Shuzhi, Implied ChuGuo, Guardian)
“Xiao Guo!” A familiar voice called out and Guo Changcheng, who had been typing away at his keyboard, jumped in his surprise. (Late for an Important Date , T, Guo Changcheng, Chu Shuzhi, ChuGuo, Guardian)
Adversity was nothing new to Shen Wei. (The In-Between , T, Implied Weilan, Guardian)
There was something to be said for living in Ye Old Haixing Era, thought Zhao Yunlan.  (To Catch A Spark , T, Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei, pre-Weilan, Guardian)
It was supposed to be a run-of-the-mill undercover operation for the SID, or more specifically for Chu Shuzhi. (don't tell me to leave you , M, Chu Shuzhi, Guo Changcheng, ChuGuo, Guardian)
“You’re it, Xiao Guo.” Zhao Yunlan said in that way of his that cajoled but also left no room for arguing. (You Got It (The Right Stuff) , T, Guo Changcheng, Shen Wei, Tiny Dragon AU, Guardian)
Zhao Yunlan was asleep. (The Softness of Sleep, T, Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei, Weilan, Guardian)
While Ye Zun’s plan nearly succeeded, Hei Pao Shi, Zhao Yunlan, the SID, and the Yashou, proved their tenacity and quelled the rebellion. (Like the Dawn, T, Chu Shuzhi, Guo Changcheng, ChuGuo, Guardian)
There were occasions when Chu Shuzhi felt all of the SID spent far too much time sitting at bedsides, which he concluded as he opened his eyes and found Zhao Yunlan at his own. (Won't Let Me Go , T, Chu Shuzhi, Guo Changcheng, ChuGuo, Guardian)
“Okay.” Muttered Guo Changcheng as he helped prop Chu Shuzhi against the nearest wall. “I’ll contact the chief and we'll get out of here soon. Just sit tight, Chu-ge.” (Bound No More , T, Chu Shuzhi, Guo Changcheng, Ye Huo, ChuGuo, maybe the tiniest sprinkling of ChuGuoYe, but like tiniest, smallest of smol, Guardian)
Anyone is tagged if they'd like to run with this :D Have some fun :D
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ober-affen-geil · 2 years
Episode 1: Local Cat Yashou Denied Food, Forced To Work Or Starve
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In a shocking uncovering of corruption at the higher levels of law enforcement, the last remaining Cat Yashou has been threatened with starvation if he will not perform his duties at work. Distinguished Deputy Chief of the Special Investigations Department and King of Cats, Dà Qìng, came forward about his working conditions.
“I just can’t take this anymore.” he said in a candid, exclusive interview.
“I was singled out in front of the whole team. The Chief pointed right at me in the middle of the office, it was humiliating. It’s like I’m a tool, not a cat. If I don’t do things exactly how the Chief wants it, I’m unfairly punished. Do you know I was put on doorkeeper duty? Me! A doorkeeper! I’m a thousand years old and I was forced to go without food and put on doorkeeper duty. People used to know how to treat their elders, let me tell you.”
When reached for comment, Chief Zhào had this to say: “Is that what he told you? I only said I would cut back his dried fish snacks. Damn cat. Why am I talking to you, get out of my office!”
For the first day of @daqingkingofcats​
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stupid-lemon-eater · 1 year
Guardian Bingo fills masterlist
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Fake Dating - The start of something new
Spaceship - Saving Daylight
Cigarettes - Expectations
Sofa - Through and Through
Hidden Cameras - Practice Makes Perfect?
Yashou - Saving Daylight (linked above)
Ya Qing - Saving Daylight (linked above)
Guardian Treaty / Token - Constants and Variables
Volcano - Mandatory Fun and Bonding
Sleeve Garters - My little ghost
Fluff - Through and Through (linked above)
Lollipops - Expectations (linked above)
Free Square - Piantoutong
Undercover - An Important Mission™
Dark - Some call it stalking, I say walking just extremely close behind
Bears - Small Companions
Home - Morning, Sunshine
Yearning - All of you
Hope - Come down now, cause it’s all getting clear
Betrayal - Jail for Guardian for TEN THOUSAND YEARS!
The Regent - Saving Daylight (linked above)
Guo Changcheng - “Okay, but what if—”
Alliance - The humour’s not the same, coming from denial
Hospital - You can lay down or you can put up a fight
Flirt - The humour’s not the same, coming from denial (linked above)
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