#yandere mack
lonelyrosegold · 2 years
One-sided Enemies + One-sided friends = lovers
One of my favorite fanfic trop is
Person A hating person B and being their enemies/will do anythingto ruin their day, Person B being oblivious to person A hatred towards them and just trying/thinking they are friends
And then all it takes is for person B to do one nice thing to person A (i.e giving them a gift/giving them a hug/in general showing they care about them or something) for them to be absolutely smitten
Person A just going from "I will kill you" to "I will kill for you"
Cliche and unrealistic?
brings joy to my little heart?
also yes💕
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insane4fandoms · 1 year
What’s it like being the funky guy inside my head, stealing my thoughts and showing it to me, I finally got a yandere request 😭
Whether it’s platonic or romantic, none of the crew it letting you out of their sights.
- Seeing you as the greatest captain ever, it’s only fair to have you stay as their captain no matter what.
- They see you as this fearless, strong, capable captain (Mack genuinely does, but still acts like he hates you) so you must be the one to guide this ship.
- But also, you’re reckless, but that’s okay. You make mistakes, and they’re here to fix them. Just be their captain, and they’ll do the important stuff.
- Mark is always by your side. Making sure to help you on any trouble you have. He’s the Head Engineer, it would be unbecoming of him if he wouldn’t save his Captain on any danger.
- Celci knows you’re capable, and is great captain, but she doesn’t want you to get hurt because of any mistakes. She’ll make sure that the ship is safe for her captain. She looks up to you, and she’ll be damn if something bad were to ever happen to you.
- Gunther may see you as a pansy, but that’s why you need him, he’s here to be the big body guard a captain should need. If there was any blood to shed, it may be because of him.
- Burt knows the ship inside and out, so he’ll know where his captain is on the ship. When you’re not in anyone’s sight, you’ll be tracked by Burt, he has to watch over his Captain somehow.
- Mack knows you’re not capable of being captain, but he still admires you, which is the reason for him to help you find a place to be captain, but have the power to someone else. It’s for your own good! You are what the ideal captain is, so it’s best for you be look pretty and nothing else.
- Oh shit
- This is worse than the platonic.
- They worship you
- They crave you
- They want you
- They love you
- At first, they wanted you all for themselves, and would fight off each other for your attention. Going to even threaten each other with their skills as leaders
- Then they decided to have you as the Crew’s lover. The more to watch over you and love you after all.
- They see the whole ship as a hazard for your safety. They steer you away from dangerous tasks to the point where there don’t see you as their captain anymore.
- Someone such as you should be leading a dangerous job, they cannot let their love be stressed being Captain, no no no no no.
- Mack will make sure the ship will be operating smoothly, and it’ll have more time to spend with you! No competition, just you and him forever.
- Celci wants to put you safely be frozen in your Cryo pod, all nice and protected, to be watched forever and treated as a jewel.
- Burt sees you as a star deity, something humanity doesn’t deserve, only to the Invincible II. The ship is to home, their hearts, you belong here. You’re what keeps the heart from breaking and shattering, why leave?
- Gunther will protect you, with the amount of weaponry he has, no one would ever go near you. Sure, you’ll be lonely sometimes, but that’s why you have him and the leaders! What more could you want?
- Mark… oh Mark is over the moon to have you as a lover. He just never wants to let you go. Ever. If it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t have been transferred to the Invincible II, wouldn’t have your lovers to protect you from the dangers of space.
- Why can’t you just stay with them? They love you oh so very much. Why are you running?
- Don’t you dare run.
- You’re ours, Captain~
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faeriescorpio · 5 months
Top 5 MarckCU characters and why along with ur fav series so far? :000
The Host - I just think he's neat. We don't have much of him personality wise that isnt fanon rather than canon but I adore him anyway. I've done wayyy too much self-shipping when it comes to the Host. I think we would hate each other but sometimes its fun to be black for someone, to use the homestuck terminology. Kinda guy who I would get into a fistfight with and then we would sit down and watch a movie together.
Head Engineer Mark - I am an insecure hopeless romantic so when we got a guy who would die a million times for us and never think a bad thought about us I adored him immediately. Then he DID turn on us and I was soooo distraught. Then he realized it was all his fault and when back to practically worshipping us. The Captain could've turned EVIL and KILLED EVERYONE at the end of ISWM 2 and our head engineer would never stray from our side. He is Obsessed. I should continue my fic where the Captain goes insane but Mark sticks by our side.
Darkiplier - Imagine a guy(?) who is obsessed with us. Yes, yes, head engineer Mark, I know. Now imagine the OTHER guy. When ADWM first came out I watched it and my first ending was the chocolate ice cream. i was genuinely afraid of darkiplier. like i had nightmares. WKM definitely changed my attitude about this guy.
Yancy - Arguably one of the top 4 most emotionally aware egos. I need more of him. I would stay in prison for him but I would also break him OUT of prison. He dances AND he sings.
those four were EASY choices for me but oohhhh who would I add to this list? Jim? Last year I would've said Google or Yandere. If it's MarkCU in general I'd say Mack. I hate Mack. I love Mack. I want to bite him. I want him to become increasingly concerned for my well-being.
WAIT OMG How could I have forgotten. Stan the Water Man. Stan is my number five no shot. I loved those videos but since he's in Space he's part of the MarkCU so Stan the Water Man. I was about to say Jim but Stan is a lot like Jim I can't explain it.
Fav series: I cannot deny the effort and beauty put into ISWM 1 and 2, or the emotional pull of WKM. The superb acting of WMLW. The fun of ADWM. I think I was most hype for ISWM, I watch WKM the most, but my favorite series was A Heist With Markiplier. My first ending was on Caveman Mat's island, and I about burst into tears when Mark pulled us out of the ocean after the storm. I really love choose-you-own-adventures, and ISWM's all-choices-lead-to-the-same-ending kind of takes a bit of fun out of it. So Heist is my favorite.
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speedystarshine · 2 years
(Because I said so, also for 33 followers because Holy shit I hadn't noticed! Thank you all so much for the support <3)
Matpat Egos with a Winged!Reader
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (crewmate/engineer/dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat
The minute he sees you he's all 🤨👀🧐. He's uh... Not really used to seeing entity's or hybrids or other egos, so sometimes he forgets that not everyone is human. Fully human, anyways.
He's really interested in them, though! (Even if you might take it a different way due to his facial expressions 😭) He mainly wants to study them and understand how they work, but outside of him wanting to know everything about them, he thinks they're really cool! And soft, he sometimes picks up stray feathers that have slipped for them. Is also immediately there if you mention needing help preening. I mean, c'mon! A) their soft, B) you like it and C), he likes it! I don't think he really understands that preening is usually done by uh....yk. Not new friends, let's say.
Probably asks if he can fly with you once and then starts crying the second you're both 0.1 centimeter of the ground 🙄
5/10 very helpful, but also very annoying.
"That's cool, now if you don't mind I'm on fire and-" IM JOKING IM JOKI- He's not tho
He thinks they look amazing! He likes the markings/colours on them, and asks you about them.
The only thing he's curious about though is, how do you balance with them? They look very heavy they are and are certainly bigger than you.
As long as you're okay though, he doesn't mind!
He's heard about preening before, but has absolutely no idea what it is exactly or how it works. He reminds you about it daily, though.
He also collects the feathers that fall out, but gives them back to you instead of keeping them. Probably keeps one or two to study them, though.
He won't ever tell you this, but he is very intimated and turned on when he sees your wings stretched out at full height. Just sorta 'eeps' and scuttles away.
He's also very careful with his weapons when he's around you, since he knows that if he swings stuff around too much he could hurt you :(
Probably turns on his chainsaw every now and then and then giggles like the bastard he his when you jump
Stops after the first few times though, since sometimes you knock stuff over with your wings, and also, you have wings. He does not. You will and have suddenly flown of with him as revenge. And he knows you'll do it again.
Mack (crewmate)
You'll definitely know the first time he sees them since it'll be silent and then you'll hear a little "oh!"
He's like a little puppy and just follows you around everywhere, and it's very obvious that he has a lot of questions.
He's too nervous to ask you outright though, probably asking Celci to ask you since he knows that if he asked Mark then Mark would tease him and he'd probably die tbh-
You definitely notice that he's following/staring at you, so sometimes if you stretch n yawn you make sure to stretch your wings full height so he can see.
Also picks up feathers bro why do all of them but instead of waiting till your gone like the others, it'll be a mad scramble to get them before they hit the ground. What can I say, he's a little bit of a germaphobe.
He doesn't really know what they fully feel like, but from what he knows they're very soft and silky, you obviously take good care of them.
His favourite pastime is ruffling them so their all fluffy :)
One day when the two of you are alone you feel him staring for the bazillionth time that day, so you eventually cave and tell him he can touch them if he wants too.
Mack is processing-
When he does, he'll be so excited! And nervous. His hands are probably shaking. Eventually though he melts into it, and actually finds it very relaxing both of you. Probably turns into an accidental preening session.
Mack (Engineer)
Instantly notices, how could he not? He absolutely adores him, but acts as if they're a massive nuisance all of the time (We're not stupid, Mack-)
Cleans up your feathers after you, all the time, even though you haven't asked him too.
Sometimes you shed more on purpose because it's funny to hear him mumble stuff like "If I were Captain, I wouldn't leave feathers all over the place!" Yeah yeah sure, we know you have a big fat crush on-
Every single feather he collects, he keeps in a little cabinet in his room. If anyone where to ask he'd get very flustered, but is reasoning is "Well we can't throw them out the Airlock, littering is bad!" Uh huh, sure-
Sometimes if he's walking closely behind you, going on his rants about how he is clearly the better captain, or something else, you smack him in the face with your wings
He's so shocked help 😭- He's trying to process what happened, like yeah it hurt but how come it was so soft? What even- OH
Captain is cackling their ass down the corridor all ready, not waiting for his reaction.
He'd be so flustered for a second but then remembers 'wait I'm supposed to hate them' and just storms off after you, yelling shit like "Captain! Ugh! They are so immature- 👹"
Calls you 'bird brain' as an insult but it eventually becomes a pet name as time passes
Mack (Dictator)
Is immediately in love with them and you the second you step onboard-
When you land, he gives you the final choice to make the 'right' decision and make him Captain.
And you know what? Yeah sure, go ahead.
Captain: *giggles* IM FREE YES FUCK YOU-
Tee hee, no. No you are not.
Anyways, his thoughts about them!
He really does think they're pretty on you, heck, you always look amazing! But... He does need you to rely on him, and knocking you a peg lower than you already were seems to do the trick :( sorry.
He's not a total monster though (🤨) and he knows how uncomfortable it can be for you to have feathers, since he'll sometimes wake up to heaps of them in your shared bed.
He'll also preen them for you, though he constantly tugs on your collar which can make it annoying.
Sometimes if he wakes up before you, he'll pet them gently. Will instantly scream like a girl and shove you out (and most likely off) the bed when he notices you waking up.
He also likes how they unfold and seem to shelter you two from everyone else when you two are, uh...... 😳Holding....hands...?
^He'll also tug on them if he knows it'll get a reaction out of you
Throws out the loose feathers :( What's the point of having feathers when he has the actual bird? Thing?
He loves you (🧐) but will snip them if he feels like/catches you're trying to run away too much.
The Detective
He will trail around with you, but unlike Mack, and unfortunately for you, will asks lots of questions. And I mean a lot of them. Writes down everything you say in his goofy little notebook 😭
Also calls you 'bird brain', but it comes out more teasing and friendly than derogatory.
*sighs* keeps your feathers. Probably has a separate journal with all of them in there, yk how some people do those flower stamp journals?
Claims it's for 'research' or 'evidence' like bestie the only 'evidence' I'm seeing is how much of a simp you are-
Is a lot more touchy than the other egos, probably just immediately holding them and being like 🧐😳🤨 whether or not you're comfortable of people touching them 😭
Preens them for you, but he does ask first though. However, if your wings were really dirty and not taken care of, he'd sit your ass down straight away and start-
Probably puts on gloves when they're dirty because he's a dramatic ass bitch-
Sometimes when he feels really tired and just wants to go home he'll make 'little' hints like "y/n would it be odd if you gave us the answer to this puzzle" or "y/n wouldn't it be so funny if you just flew of with the strongman rn haha" yeah no sorry bestie
Yk how sometimes ppl do the thing where they ruffle someone's hair? Yeah he does that but with your wings because he has a teensy tiny theory that it's practically the same thing. it's not, don't tell him tho
Yeah if you got jumpscared you'd probs accidentally smack him in the face with them since he's always like. The closest person in your general vicinity.
Sometimes if you two cuddle you wrap them around the both of you like a blanket and let him pet it :)
Poor guy just needs to lie down, yk that image of a pathetic looking kitten with milk spilt all over it's face yes that is him 24/7
He loves you tho :)
The Hermit
Oh you'll be wanting to stay away from him 24/7.
It's not that he'll actually hurt you, it's just a general vibe, and the fact he keeps making little comments that imply he wants to roast and eat you.
He doesn't get social cues though, having lived by himself for so long, so he probably doesn't get that it's coming across that way or why you look so scared 😭
He is super affectionate towards you, practically begging to preen you despite probably having no idea how to do it.
You have to show him 😭 you also do his hair! Bro's been living in a cave for god knows how long, you can't tell me he doesn't have random stuff in it.
He won't keep your feathers, although if you were to give him one he'd do something silly like tuck it behind his ear :)
He also keeps one on a necklace, kinda like how he has that mini skull :D
Is overall super affectionate and friendly, despite everything else about him practically screaming "sketchy" and the fact he never seems to want you to leave his cave or side
He doesn't really have a lot of questions about you tbh, instead just pinning it as 'the many beauties of nature'. He does find them fascinating though, and tells you so every so often.
BlackBoxWarrior - Will Wood, 2:46
Bro will probably drag you by the wings into his goofy ass studio >:(
Frames if as an interview but honestly he just wants to know himself-
Asks if he can give a 'live demonstration' of preening even though A) the answer is probably most definitely no B) he doesn't know what he's talking about, he's like a kid playing tag except they don't know the rules so they add random shit to make it looks like they do-
You eventually let him, in private, since he won't leave you alone and every single fucking door you open leads you right back to his studio >:((
He still takes a sneaky little video or picture because of course he did 🙄 istg he's like those girls who my teacher will be like "guys my friend died :(" and then you just hear "A NEVER ENDING STORYYYYY AHHHHHHHHHH STORIEEEEEE" and look back to see two white girls twerking
He loves you though :) he finds that your wings make great blankets/pillows if he's tired!
He swears it's like cat hair though he'll wake up with feathers in his fucking mouth and hair and even his moustache
If he's being too annoying though don't worry you can just swoop him up and fly off with him :)
Which.... Uh doesn't actually work the way you'd want it to because he finds it fun and pretends to fake swoon because he's a bastard
I'm sorry I don't know his character that well 😭
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Tee hee finally finished *collapses*/j I guess this is technically a 30 follower special, hope y'all enjoy!
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 11 months
Do I love them together? Yes
Do I see them as mlm x wlw solidary? Also yes
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b-is-in-the-closet · 2 years
...so you guys know how yandere Mack is kind of a thing around here?
Well. Uh. TW for murder and blood!
Aren’t you proud?
Another scream. It sounded fairly close by, maybe if you reached it in time you could finally find what kept killing your crew. You ran to the noise, not even bothering for the door to open all the way before stepping in. But what you see isn’t some random creature. What you see is Mack, standing over a dead body with red fingertips, the liquid dripping into the floor. the Captain will be so proud..! Finally, we’ll be able to be alone. Forever.” He turns around and sees you. “Oh! Hello, Captain! I got rid of all of our problems. Now you can finally be mine!” His tone is so cheery it makes you want to throw up.
But what did he mean by…
The realization finally dawns on you, swallowing you whole in fear. Your breath becomes shaky and the physco before you begins to approach you. You back away further and further, feeling the cold metal of the wall behind you. He reaches out and takes your hands into his blood-stained ones. “Aren’t you proud?” Proud. He wants you to feel proud. Fucking proud. You don’t let your anger show, figuring you might end up like the body behind you both if you do.
But you can’t let him hold you like that. You forcefully pull your arms away, banging your shoulders into the wall. You wince out in pain and look at him with afraid eyes. He stares at you with a lovestruck expression.
You swallow hard. Your nerves are shot and your mind is racing for anything to get you out of this scenario. You decide the best thing to do would be to play along. You hesitantly hold out one of your hands for him to hold. He gladly accepts it and pulls you closer. You tense up, and he starts guiding you somewhere.
Your tension and anxiety only worsen as the two of you walk through the hall, seeing just how many he hurt to get you. You see blood spewed across every surface, be it wall, floor, or ceiling. You wish the lights weren’t nearly as bright. They gave way too much detail that you would rather not see. Mack notices and begins to speak, “Computer, dim the lights.”
“Dimming the lights.” The lights dimmed and you had a worse feeling than before. You had no other choice than to hold his hand, not being able to navigate in the low light. The brightest color came from his fingertips as they were coated in a bright, shiny red. He wraps his arm with yours, effectively leaning you against his side, making the shadows behind you appear as one. You would pull away, but you’re honestly surprised you’re still walking with how shaky you are.
Just let him do this and confront him when he’s calm…
After what felt like years, he opened a door with the hand scanner, staining it with blood as he did so. He makes you walk in first. The room is lit up with two a shit ton of candles and a single table in the middle with a red table cloth over it. He came up behind you and suddenly seemed more nervous. “Please, sit. Whichever chair you like, really.” There were two chairs on opposite sides of the table. You picked the one closer to the door and sat down.
Mack sat down across from you and reached out for your hand with a smile. “I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my days with you, Captain.” He sounded genuine, and excited. As if you hadn’t just watched him murder the last of the crew ten minutes ago.
Just play the game.
It’s not that hard. You can fake it for a while.
He looked at you expectantly.
“…you didn’t have to kill everyone to get my attention…” that was not the answer he expected.
His face dropped as he rushed to defend himself, “but I did have to! They were taking you away from me. You’re mine, and someone had to make that clear.”
“But I’m not yours!” You snapped. He flinched as you started yelling. “Why didn’t you just ask me out like a sane person?! I would have said yes before!”
But he only hears one part, his heart beating out his chest, “You would have said yes?”
“Would have. As in, in the past. You think I want to date someone who quite literally has blood on their hands?”
As quickly as he gained hope, it had disappeared. He looked down at his hands and deflated like a balloon. His voice, once filled with hope and excitement, now left with betrayal. “But I love you…”
You got up to leave without another word. He stood still. Too still. You went up to the door to open it, but it didn’t work. You turned back to see Mack staring at you.
He predicted this…
He corners you up into the wall, using one of his hands to lift your chin up to look at him. The blood smears across your face as his hand moves. “We would have been so perfect together…”
He then moves his hands to your neck. “I’m sorry, Captain.” And with that, you take your final breath as he snaps your neck, left forever alone in the vastness of space.
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spacewassocool · 2 years
Hello again.
Could I request the space crew + crew! mack and he! mack conforting a tired and depressed captain
many things on the ship want to go kabom! and the cap is running from one thing from the other and they haven't called any of the crew because they were also tired from all the work
sorry if this is to especific...
today was a difficult day at work :( I just want to be conforted by my favorite people
Many chaos happening
Fandom: ISWM Pairings: None Pronouns: You/Yourself Warnings: Blood mention, mention of guns and shooting Word count: 800ish?
I don't think I've said this but my first language is not English. please do not go after me for saying something wrong.
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What a wonderful week it has been.. Not. Everything has been going wrong, stuff exploded, all your notes had accidentally been thrown away, you were constantly running into stuff being moved around. Yet you never got to complain. You were the Captain of the Invincible II, you could not let your crew down. When ADS went off and started shooting everyone, you were there and fixed it, despite being shot in the leg, you kept on going. Oh no, looks like Cyro is freezing everyone, off you go captain. 
Now you were tired, there were purple bags under your beautiful and/or handsome eyes. Your legs kept giving out, you didn't get any sleep for ages. You didnt really eat or anything a normal human should do. 
He found you passed out outside Cryo. My man was terrified.
Being the strong boy that he is, he brought you to the bedroom that was for emergency purposes
When you wake up, you can see him sitting next to your bed, bumping his leg up and down.
“Oh my gosh I’m so glad that you’re okay. Here have some water”
Then he hands you a croissant instead of water because he’s so distracted.
After talking to him about what has been happening the past week, he connects the dots in his tiny brain.
So that's why you were avoiding him, you were tired and sad
He gets it now.
Immediately patches up any wounds that you have, gets you to do it by yourself if its in a place you dont want him looking.
Cries and hugs you when he sees you because my boy is scared that you’ll pass out again
Follows you around because he wants to help you forever now
He sees you laying down at your desk, just mentally screaming
Immendly squats down to your level to ask whats wrong.
Shoots your chair leg to force you to go to bed
Don't ask questions
Get in the bed
Asks a lot of questions
Thats how you know he’s serious
Wants you to rest
He’ll get Mark to take charge. The Captain cannot be workin in this condition
“Okay, next time ADS goes off, tell me.”
Threatens to shoot anyone who goes near you while you’re sleeping
Sees you outside Cryo leaning on the door for dear life
“Woah Cap, whats going on?”
Escorts you to her private room
Defo makes you hot chocolate
Talks to you about everything
Reasons to you about why you shouldn't feel the need to fix everyone else's problems
A Lot of cuddles to make up for everything
Rechecks all of the security systems to try and figure out what caused the mess
Just a huge sweetheart
Helps you get more sleep
This man notices right away that you arent okay
But he does not say anything due to social anxiety
Sends you messages but gets worried when you don't respond
When he finally gets the courage to go ask what's wrong, you are nowhere to be seen.
After searching for 10 minutes, he finds you crying in a cupboard
Hugs you like the MAN he is
Asks you what's wrong and takes you to his safespace
Comfort baking anyone?
Yep, you guys make cookies together
Forces you to get a good night sleep
Just a really good guy
Crew Member! Mack
Since he is such a good member of the crew, he likes to keep logs on everyone
And there is not a person whom he cares more for than the Captain.
However, he has become rather concerned lately 
His favourite person is not doing so great
He knocks on your office to try and talk to you, only to find you in the corner looking done with life, and also fast asleep
Much like Mark, Mack has big boy strength, so picking you up is no problem.
Take you to the Captains quarters!!
Tucks you in and does a scan of your injuries, covers up the most serious ones
Tracks your breathing because he loves you so much (Why am i making him a yandere)
When you wake up, bombards you with questions
When he realises he’s overwhelming you, shuts himself up
Just lets you talk
Pets your shoulder
He’ll be here for you
Head Engineer! Mack
Just another day in the ship, say where is his Captian, he wants to complain.
Notices a trail of blood leading up to your room
Immediately panics
Uses his override code to open the door
Sees you at your desk, crying and just being done with all the work you have to do
Hugs from the back people
This is huge guys
He does not like physical touch
The fact that he willingly gave it to you is a privilege
Honestly, just holds you while you cry
He knows how tough space can be
Must be even worse when you’re a captain
Listens to all your problems (that's a first)
After you’ve calmed down, leaves to go find whomever fucked everything up
In all, he’s here for you, and will never leave your side.
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maladaptiveobsession · 3 months
yandere valentino headcanons
contains: nsfw themes, noncon, heavy abuse (manipulation, physical violence, sexual exploitation), dehumanization, orgasm control, mind break, dacryphilia, fellatio, sadomasochism, rough sex
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yandere valentino
who’s affections are destructive and suffocating; to this egomaniacal mack, you’re no better than his contracted whores. from his hands that paint your skin deep purples and blues to his lips that steal your breath, nothing about val is gentle. yet, even when he sharply pulls your hair and degrades you, you find yourself entranced by him.
who’s malicious and cruel; you’re an object, his personal toy—a fact he won’t let you forget. you eat, sleep, and fuck on his command. he’ll remind you of your place if you so much as blink without his permission. perhaps he’ll have you roughed up a bit by his patrons. they’re sure to fuck some sense into you.
who rewards good behavior with praise and affection. you know you’ve done well when he guides you to your knees, lascivious grin encouraging you to open wide. your stomach twisting in knots when he calls you his good girl while roughly pulling you closer by the hair. dance around his cock with your tongue like he trained you and he may even feel generous enough to return the favor. be careful though, no good deed goes unpunished. he’ll push you to your breaking point, tease you till you’re begging for release only to force climax after climax out of you.
who’s unpredictable; his temper has you feeling unsteady, as if you’re walking on eggshells and broken glass. one moment you’re his treasured toy and the next he has you on the ground, begging for forgiveness as his boots violently meet your sides. you’ll scramble to keep his affections, never having felt so worthless without them. though you are his treasured toy, he’ll never let you forget that toys are replaceable—something that can be broken or thrown away at his discretion. of course, what makes yandere val unique compared to his normal counterpart is that he would never give you away or damage you beyond what can be repaired. his words are empty threats to keep you in line; you’re far more precious than he lets on.
who is vehemenemously possessive; you’re his, don’t forget it. keep your eyes on him unless you want a reminder of what he does to disobedient brats.
who’s merciless; this man relishes in your torment and gets off on your fear. nothing gets him harder than your pained tears as he fucks you too roughly. he delights in your cracked pleas for him to slow down and your fearful shudder as he traces your skin with his teeth. he especially loves provoking you to act out and then punishing you for it. eventually, the pain will become a familiar constant, it may even grow into a guilty pleasure. broken down and reshaped into the perfect toy, he’ll never grow bored of you; you’re stuck as his beloved stress toy for all of eternity.
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colddelusionsheep · 7 months
So, this is my start of yandere hunger games, and before y'all read this. There are some things to take note of.
Everyone romantic (and y/n) is 18 or older. I am not going to mention age unless the story requires it.
This is going to be ocs x reader, and it will be based on the hunger games(with some differences.
The reader will also be fem.
And that is it! I hope you enjoy, and if you do, feel free to like and reblog(dni if you are under 18 tho)
2nd Part
The reaping
Humming softly, you buttoned up the last two buttons on your dress. The light green was worn with a few stitched up parts where the fabric use to be ripped. It was old and has seen better days, but even with those details, it still was the nicest thing you owned.
You hoped you could wear it again someday. A wish that you had each year during the reaping, and so far it came true each time. People would comment on how lucky you were to avoid the reaping each time. Weeping love ones of the reaped would curse your name and say you somehow cheated to save your own skin.
You don't blame them. With how many times you have sold your name to this game that is hell. You should of been reaped a long time ago.
Even you didn't know how your name wasn't pulled. The suppose luck that people would attribute to your was no where to been seen on any other day of the year. It was only on this one. However, if it was seen on any other day then maybe you wouldn't be so closed to starving each day.
Reaching down, you pulled your worn socks to your knees. Patches were half hazerdly stitched onto them. Soon you would need new socks and shoes for the winter. You would have to decide on which. Shoes seemed to be the priority in your mind. What good were socks without shoes anyway.
Giving one last look in your mirror. You let out a deep sigh. All you had to do is survive one more time. Then you would be forever free of this life. Once you were free from the reaping, maybe you would finally be accepted in district 12.
The walk to the town square was always a silent one. Each person was getting ready to die. You always thought that the suspense was the worst thing about this. The knowledge that it could be you was nerve wracking to say the least.
Passing by one of your neighbors, you could Hear them mutter under their breath. "I hope it's you."
The rumors you got use to, it was just part of your everyday life by now. Being the outcast was a role you took with stride. What you didn't get use to was the fact that many of those that live close to you wished you dead.
Just like they wished your parents dead, and it was a wish they got. Maybe they would get this wish also.
The check ins went by like a blur. A yearly routine that you would never have to do again. There was peace in that thought, and that peace would surely give you the strength to make it through this. No matter how false it may be.
Taking place behind Susie Mack, you took note of how nice her dress was. The blue color complemented her bright red hair. She even had matching blue ribbons in her two braids.
Late at night, you liked to imagine what it was like to be her, to be Susie Mack. Almost everyone loved her. She was bright and cheerful. You supposed it was easy to be bright and cheerful when you had a full stomach and a loving family. What you would give to be her. To be loved and beautiful. To not have to worry on whether you would have shoes for the winter or food in your stomach.
You hoped that she wouldn't be reaped, simply for the fact that you knew if she was. Then the entire district would come for you. You don't want to imagine how they would punish you this time.
The escort of the Capital made his appearance, and just like every year. His fashion sense was..... lacking.
A mix of fine fabrics made up his outfit, along with a mix of patterns. You were sure that his clothes had every color known to man. Diamonds littered his neck on their choker that they wore.
You couldn't imagine that he were comfortable. Tight and stiff silhouettes seemed to be the main trend in the Capital this year.
As the escort made the same speech that they did every year. You could feel the anxiety of the crowd. It was getting close to the pulling of the names.
You could practically feel the heart beating of each person here. Looking around, you could even see some of the younger ones silently crying.
The two large crystal vessels were brought out. Each full of names. If you did your math right, yours should be in there 80 times.
"Now, as always, ladies first." You never noticed how gentle his voice was. It reminded of the stream your parents use to take you too. The sound of the water would always make sooth you matter how upset you may of been. It was just too bad that that stream turned into a raging river.
"Our female tribute is." He, as always, paused for dramatic effect. " --/n"
Ringing, that's all you could hear, it wasn't till someone shook you that you could fully understand what was said. It wasn't till the peacekeepers roughly pulled you out of your spot that you understood that your wish was finally ignored. It wasn't till the dammed Capital escort kissed your cheek, and spoke of how lucky you were that you understood that luck was just a lie. That the odds were and would never be in your favor.
And the 1st part of the yandere hunger games is done! Hopefully I will have the next part soon. I did write this part very late at night so the are probably mistakes but that is okay.
Also, sorry I was gone so long, school really took everything happy that was in me away. Good news tho, I am graduated!. My blog is going to be open to asks and all, but for right now requests are going to be closed untill I feel more confident in my writing. It should be a lot more active now however!
That's all for right now! Love y'all <3
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mamamittens · 10 months
yandere Sanji x baker reader
I like to imagine that Sanji specializes in dinner meals but doesn't necessarily excel in other areas of meal prep like desserts or, in this case, bread. Don't get me wrong he can make a mean dinner roll that slaps like hell but it's not his specialty and he's not making the fancy shaped bread with any regularity.
So seeing someone whip out literal works of art brings a tear to his eye, it's so heavenly. A true master of their craft that he gladly tips his hat to. He simply has to have them in his kitchen. Besides, he heard that bread is filling and anything to slow Luffy down is a godsend in his books.
He'll often get distracted watching them knead dough steadily with firm hands and still manage delicate cuts that bloom into flowers and leaves with the barest scrape of a knife. Flour and ingredients cakes onto their apron as they work hard to make bread Sanji dreams about. Anything and everything bread, they can do, and he loves it.
He'll reward them with beautiful, custom drinks and meals for a hard day's work, chef to baker. He feels as though they understand him on a level few others can. From a place of honest love of the craft of food--something that can never last and is designed to be ripped apart and enjoyed. And he gets a little... Touchy about it.
About them.
It's all well and good if he's the one admiring their firm arms and skilled hands. The casual strength created from making food from scratch.
Someone else doing so on the other hand will see maybe about 0.00005 of a shoe heel going mack Jesus into their face. Sanji cannot in good conscience guarantee their facial features will remain in the same place as when the person woke up that morning.
He just can't. And he's not sorry about it either.
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Yandere mack Headcanons?
It's one of marks egos.
You were absolutely infuriating. So demeaning! It was insane how much Mack had begun to hate you. You didn't respect him and you even mocked him most of the time. So why, why did he start falling for you?!
You were cruel, incompetent and so damn unprofessional, but everyone loved you because you were so "charismatic", what did that even mean?! Competence is more important!
Your looks probably helped you get people to like you too. Why you? You did nothing, while he did everything yet never got recognization.
Whenever you would encounter him, you would laugh at him, call him a stick in the mud, and make others mock him too. So why did you look so good while doing it?
He hated to admit it, but he loved you abusing him. He always felt in control before and losing that control was... Fascinating.
Things changed when you stopped making fun of him, and instead, moved on to the new crew mate, Mark. He was nobody. But you... You always were so sweet with him. So gentle.
He wanted that. Why couldn't you look at him again? Why? Why?! Why?!
"Please... Captain... Hit me one more time?"
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breadyeetking · 1 year
I have a Headcanon about Mack that I love with my whole heart. I know it’s like fanoncanon that Mack is a simp for us (captain) like mark. But I love the idea that he follows us around making sure we’re ok. Not in a yandere way or anything but like making sure we don’t get injured or if we do he’s the first to help. Obviously complains about it but still helps us no matter what.
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restwellsoon · 2 years
Since I Ever Was Your Star
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Pairing: Jason Todd x F!Reader
Summary: The Red Hood has been terrorizing the Gotham underground for months, claiming to reveal himself once the time is right. It doesn’t bother you; you’re too focused on your promotion to Assistant Deputy Chief of the GCPD. Besides, you have other things to worry about, like your childhood friend Jason Todd coming back into town.
/ It was a kiss unlike your first one so many springs ago, where you bumped noses and clinked teeth. Instead it was a kiss that waited for years, never losing hope that there was still passion.
Cw: dubcon, alcohol consumption, humiliation, blackmail, slight yandere!/ mostly scumbag!Jason Todd, smut
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“And here we have our beloved Captain who’s worked tirelessly this past month to implement the GCPD’s latest program on neighborhood safety in this underserved district…”
You switched the news channel to something else, too embarrassed to hear your own voice. Besides, you experienced the news interview firsthand. You knew how it ended.
“The Red Hood’s actions have become bolder in the past few weeks, claiming to reveal his identity soon. Many speculate who might be under the red hood, ranging from–“
Shutting off the TV with the remote, you let out an exhausted sigh in the break room. The day was long but finally over. Another day closer to finding out if you’d get this promotion or not. Another day closer to reaching your dreams. The anticipation was wearing you thin, killing you slowly with dread. You had about a week until they gave you their answer.
Up against Thomas “Mack” Mackenzie for the promotion of Assistant Deputy Chief, you hoped that your sincerity and dedication to the department would outweigh whatever Mack had against you.
The man fit every citizen’s stereotype of the classic GCPD officer: a jaded individual too focused on getting his paycheck instead of helping his community. He was gruff when speaking to victims of crime, blaming them at times for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, finding any excuse to place them at fault instead of the city’s corrupt police department. You were certain he was corrupt in some way or somehow, though your only basis for this belief was in your disdain.
Despite this, the higher-ups loved his shit.
Though the same rank, he used his age and gender to belittle you. You worked hard to rank up to Captain III in the Organized Crime Control Bureau in under ten years. This feat didn’t impress him.
Mack had more experience due to how long he’s served. A man was more naturally adept at protecting. T safe
“Because you’re a woman,” he rationalized. “They’re trying to push an agenda nowadays. It doesn’t mean you’re any good. You just checked off all the boxes.”
You ignored his taunts and insults, suffering in silence to just get the job done and go. As stupid and hopeless as it was –Mack pointed this out whenever you mentioned it– you wanted to rank higher and use your influence to clean up Gotham. You truly believed that you could.
Changing out of your uniform in the locker rooms, you stepped out into the night, wrapping your wool cardigan around you tightly. It wasn’t safe to walk around Gotham City in a uniform, whether clocked in or not. But it also wasn’t safe to walk around the city as a woman either. You chose to dress out as the latter of the two, at least you felt cute this way. How many months had it been since your last date? You knew how to protect yourself anyway.
Glancing up at the archaic building that made up the police headquarters, you hoped you’d soon see a higher view. You worked so hard for this. You wanted it. You wouldn’t do anything toT stop you from your dreams.
The walk and train stop from HQ to your apartment was short, under 30 minutes if some villain hadn’t hijacked the tracks or used it in their grand scheme to get their ass beat by Batman and Robin.
Batman. The dark knight was a figure that showed up in the middle of your youth, vowing to be vengeance against the darkness of Gotham. You wondered if your life would have turned out any different if he had shown up sooner. You wondered if you and him would have had a better chance at life.
Though lost in your thoughts about childhood innocence, Batman and crime, you were still aware enough of your surroundings to know that there was a pair of footsteps behind you that followed you to your seat on the train.
Remaining calm, you tried to think of the situation rationally. It was a little after rush hour but the station was still packed with people. Humans were creatures of habit and today you decided to walk a different way. Maybe it was you who walked across the path of this stranger –a man, based on the weight of his steps.
You didn’t acknowledge him as two stops flew by, sitting together in silence. From what you could see in your peripherals, he was big both in size and height. A baseball cap that covered his features. A dark red hoodie. You felt his thigh press against yours, the denim worn against your bare skin. I shouldn’t wear a dresses on the train, you thought.
Three stops later and you were almost home. Gathering your bag, you stood up quickly to leave. You had misread the situation with the stranger. You were just two people trying to get on with your lives.
Nearly exiting the station, a calloused hand grabbed at your wrist. Years of training caused you to whip around quickly, but the sudden touch still surprised you. Fist balled up and ready to strike, you assessed the person who held you.
Baseball cap, dark red hoodie, jeans. It was the man on the train.
He tilted his head and the movement lifted the shadows that hid him. Dark hair, blue eyes and that stupid smile.
“J –Jason?”
“Told you I had a face you couldn’t never forget.”
Fist unclenched, you threw yourself onto him in a hug. It was true that you couldn’t forget his face. Though years had passed since you last saw him, you were relieved that time had treated well.
Jason had obviously grown since the last time you saw him. Adolescence has a way of changing you. He was easily a head taller than you. His shoulders were broad and strong, made obvious by the fact that you couldn’t wrap your arms around them like you used to. Right now you found your face buried into his chest instead. He smelled like expensive cologne.
“Where have you been?” You asked, pulling away to search his face for any clues.
Time had let him grow into his features. His face had filled out, cheek bones prominent and jaw defined, the faint shadow of freshly shaved facial hair. You felt yourself smile a little, remembering that tiny kid who so desperately wanted a pornstache.
“Around,” he shrugged as if he hadn’t been out of your life for over a decade, if not more.
Walking side-by-side, you unconsciously followed the route to your apartment. The old you would have cried at the thought of it, you and Jason finally having a warm safe place to rest your heads.
“It’s been years, Jason,” you pointed out, wanting more of an explanation.
The last you heard he was the ward of the infamous Bruce Wayne, sent away to study abroad in some European country shortly after being adopted. Though the Gotham paparazzi loved anything involving Bruce, they usually had nothing to say when it came to his children. You wondered if the billionaire paid them off to be silent.
You felt him snake his hand down to yours and give it a light squeeze, your childhood way of saying sorry. You squeezed back before lacing his hand in yours. You’re forgiven.
You thought about how your hands used to be the same size but now his dwarfed yours easily. They were still rough though, but hopefully from lifting weights and not picking locks like Jason used to.
“Came back to town to say hello my old man,” Jason said, not giving more answers. “…and to see my favorite girl,” he added with a grin.
“But how did you find me?”
Jason didn’t have you on any form of social media and you had cut ties with everyone else from your youth.
“Hard to ignore such a pretty face when it’s been blasted all over the news lately,” he said dryly.
You gave him a look. “Guess I was just at the right place at the right time. I was actually on my way to that one diner we used to dream about eating at.”
You knew the one. When you and Jason wandered the streets one hot summer night, you stumbled upon it. It wasn’t anything special, tucked on the corner of Seventh and Lemon, not far from where your current living space was. In fact, that was the whole reason you decided to move to that apartment complex. It was close to the diner of your dreams. It was a way to tell yourself that you made it.
Jason and you had walked too far from home that summer night, ending up on the better side of town. Though the diner was near-empty, a few families and a handful of college-aged lovers made the place seem absolutely glamourous to the two of you who had nothing but each other.
Knowing you couldn’t afford it then, the two of you opted to scrounge around in the dumpster for leftovers instead. Luckily a kind worker took pity upon you two when they saw you as they were about to throw the trash. They came back with two milkshakes, two burgers and a basket of fries. It was still one of the best meals you ever had. The two of you made a greasy-fingered pinky promise to come again as paying customers.
“Come with?” Jason asked, motioning towards the left. To the right was your home full of piled up leftovers in your fridge. You made the sensible the choice and declined. Years of going without it made you hate the thought of wasting food.
“Not tonight.” Jason made a mock face of offense, hand clutching at his heart from your rejection.
“What about this Sunday? There’s a bar down that way too.”
“On Sunday, it’s a date,” he stated, placing a chaste kiss upon your knuckles. Since when had he been so smooth?
“Sunday,” you confirmed, giving him a wave after exchanging phone numbers. You felt his eyes follow you as you reached the front door of your building.
You heard the name before, who hadn’t in the past eight months? Taking up the moniker of one of the Joker’s first names, the Red Hood was a pain in the GCPD’s ass, yours especially right now.
Watching as two Capos were handcuffed and dragged along to the cop cars, you gave a dirty look to the man in the red helmet before you. The Red Hood rarely worked with the GCPD though your goals and interactions often crossed. He was often antagonistic towards the department, shooting bullets that barely missed your officers. You knew he missed on purpose too. Lord knows how much paperwork you filled out every time an officer or detective had an encounter with him.
“A part of me wants to believe that you’re not actually this incompetent and that maybe you just want to see me in action, Captain,” his words came out in a robotic drawl.
“Would you like that, Cap? You’ve seen what I can do on the streets, but how about what I can do underneath the sheets?”
You ignored the Red Hood’s taunts, desensitized to the shit he was spewing from Mack’s watercooler talks.
“Always thought you were a badge bunny,” a gruff voice boomed behind the two of you, clearly having overheard. “But you tryna fuck ‘Hood too? What does that make you?”
Mack thought before his mouth pulled wide into a lascivious grin. “Crimefucker.”
He barked in laughter, doubling over to slap his knee. He thought he was so funny. You heard some other officers laugh before shutting up after the glare you gave them.
“Oh shut the fuck up, Mack. Do you really need another complaint sent to HR for sexual harassment?”
He scoffed.
“You’re right, I guess it doesn’t matter. Your wife already left you and took half your shit anyway.”
“And you,” you shoved a finger into the chest of the vigilante, careful to avoid the bat symbol that held a taser’s charge. “I don’t need your help. As far as your proposition goes, if your sexual performance is anything like your work, I’m not impressed with someone who shoots blanks.”
Stalking off, you walked to the detectives who were in charge of investigating this specific crime family. You didn’t need this type of humiliation right now. Sunday couldn’t come faster.
Jason slunk into his hideout in an abandoned bunker right below One Police Plaza. The poetic side of him loved the irony of a vigilante living below the very system he disrupted.
Setting his helmet down and kicking off his boots, Jason plopped onto his busted leather couch, thinking of his past two encounters with you. It really had been too long. The Lazarus Pit fucked with his mind, fucked with his memories. He hated himself for forgetting you, too driven by madness and revenge to recall the sweetness of your voice or your touch that would soothe.
He wasn’t the same Jason Todd you knew back then. He came back from the dead unwillingly, but he’d come back better just for you.
It took years of training to build up all the muscle, his growth enhanced by the effects of the Pit. Jason took his time to learn, practiced written word and how to write sonnets dedicated to your beauty. He acquired wealth, mostly through illegal means, but that was something you were used to.
Jason fantasized about seeing you again, showing up at your door as a cultured man. He’d sweep you away and you two would finally run away from Gotham.
But Jason came back as a sicker man with a worse desire for you.
At first he was torn about what he should do. You were probably happier without him, probably made it out of that shithole Alley. Who was he to waltz back into the life you made without him?
But the more selfish side won. The side that always wanted to possess you and keep you for himself. The side that begrudged you for moving on without him.
He was especially critical about your choice in career. He wondered if you were just as corrupt as the other assholes in the department. Or maybe you were just their little whore. Even though he didn’t know the details, Jason wanted to punish you for thinking you could move on from him.
Not all dark, it was a hopeful side too. A piece of him that believed that you loved him as much as he loved you. That you still would after all these years. That you still would when you learned what became of him. A part of him that believed that maybe once you were reunited, he’d have someone worth living for.
Jason thought back to that promise ring he made you, a shitty knot of sidewalk weeds. You smiled at him brightly and said you’d always be his star. A shining point to guide him in the darkness. A star in the universe to show the possibility of what you and he could be.
He sat up, strengthening his resolve. He would have you. It was written in the stars.
“For some reason, I thought you’d order a salad,” you said, before tipping back the long neck of your beer bottle into your mouth. This was your fourth one, having pounded the first three quickly, thinking you didn’t feel a change in headspace. You were wrong.
“Really?” Jason responded, light blue eyes never leaving your mouth. Unlike you, he was still sipping on his second beverage, nursing it as if it was the last beer on earth.
Speaking in a voice more sultry than you intended –you blamed it on the alcohol, “Jason, you’re fucking huge.”
His smile was smug, black hair darkening his eyes. “I thought you wouldn’t tell me that until later on tonight.”
Normally his teasing wouldn’t bother you, used to it from the years you had known him. His words didn’t hold much weight for you then. You didn’t think any boy could ever love you, especially when you towered over them like you did with Jason. But every night you spent together, huddled together for warmth during the cold Gotham winter, he told you. He meant every word too, he’d say.
“Well I told you right now and maybe I’ll tell you later too,” you hinted. Inebriation made you bold.
Unused to this side of you, Jason jumped at the chance, hastily throwing down some bills.
“Your place?”
“Home sweet home,” you said, ungracefully dropping your keys and purse by door. Jason picked them up and placed them on the counter after locking the door behind him.
“Home,” you said, turning around to look at him, some stupid smile on your face. You were drunk and you didn’t care about being secretive about your feelings towards the man. “Because you’re here with me.”
You could feel the heat from Jason’s cheeks –or maybe it was yours. “It’s a step up from that shitty youth center with the bunk beds.” You both crinkled your noses in disgust before laughing. Look at how far you had come since then.
Showing him the rest of your place, Jason took note of all the details. Your interior style was everything you wanted back then. He was happy that you got it but jealous that he wasn’t the one who provided it for you.
Once reaching your bedroom, he quickly eyed a set of shiny cuffs.
“Oh, what’s this?”
You stepped in front of him to obscure his view. It didn’t work. He could easily see over you.
“It’s for work,” you said hurriedly. “I’m a captain for the GCPD, ya know. Organized crime and vices.”
“Always thought you’d look hot in a uniform… Wait, what are you doing?”
What were you doing? It was habit for you to strip down to your underwear the moment you got home, the confines of the starch stiff uniform too constricting for your liking.
Normally you’d cover yourself and stammer up an excuse and an apology.  But it was Jason. And it had been so long since you’ve been with anyone and the thought of being with him excited you even more.
“What? You don’t want to cuddle?” You asked, stepping out of your dress and unhooking your bra, leaving you in your panties. They were lacy and showed off your body, chosen in the event that something might happen.
Jason smiled knowingly, “Hm, cuddling under the covers, huh?” He stripped himself down to his underwear.
You felt timid now that you were both under the covers. Jason’s strong arms dragged you across to his side of the bed, pulling you close to his chest. You weren’t sure of whose heart it was, but it was beating loudly and erratically.
“I really missed you, baby,” he said softly into your hair, ending his confession with a kiss.
“Missed you too, Jay,” you said back.
“Wanna feel how much I missed you?” He shifted his hips to grind into yours, something very stiff and girthy rubbing against you.
Thinking that actions spoke louder than words, you tilted your head up to kiss him. It was open mouthed and wet, the faint flavor of alcohol on both your tongues. It was a kiss unlike your first one so many springs ago, where you bumped noses and clinked teeth. Instead it was a kiss that waited for years, never losing hope that there was still passion.
Hands felt hands and explored other parts of each other’s bodies, palms spread out to touch the most surface area. You and Jason couldn’t say how it started but you ended tangled up in each other’s longing.
Breathless, you both parted, staring into each other’s eyes. Jason moved slowly beneath you, his slow friction making you wet. Your inner thigh was pressed against his member. How could he stay sane when he was so impossibly hard?
Pulling his boxers down, his cock sprung out, giving you a gentle tap on the face due to his size. Jason smirked at your reaction, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“Jason, you’re fucking huge.”
It was more of a moan than a compliment as you took him in your mouth. Jason closed his eyes and sighed at the feeling of being inside your mouth, rutting along to your pace. He had dreamed of this for so long.
Jason knew he was being a little too rough, a little too forceful. There were tears in your eyes and you gagged against length. But he wanted you to have all of him.
Your fingers tapped against his thighs and he decided to be nice, pulling out of you. There’d be more opportunities for you to practice your technique and he would make sure you practiced.
“You’re rough.” It was neither a compliment nor an accusation.
He didn’t give you an apology. Jason would have been rougher if you let him. He was holding back on the desire to dominate you and take you as he wanted.
“Can we use these?” He asked, referring to the handcuffs from earlier. The keys sat diagonal from the cuffs position. You nodded.
“You were always so tough back then,” he murmured, locking the cuffs with a metallic clink as he pressed your upper back down so your pussy was out on display.
“How does it feel to be so helpless now?”
Growing wet from his words, you bit your lip, unsure of how to express it. It was hot. Being in a position of power at work, you always had to be a hard ass, always had to be a bitch to prove your worth. Being tied up and at the mercy of Jason was a tempting change in pace from the usual power you displayed.
“A part of me wants to see that strength one more time. See that fire in your eyes. But this is good too,” Jason praised, fingertips outlining your southern set of lips against the damp fabric.
“It’s fucking hot seeing you so vulnerable.”
“Jason, please,” you begged, adding on to your helplessness. You wriggled your hips in hopes that it would tempt him. He drew away instead to enjoy the view.
Achingly long, he gave into you, dragging the lace down the length of your legs. He wasted no time with fingering you. From how the gleam of your lips looked in the bedroom light, Jason knew you were wet enough.
“Your cunt looks so pretty with my cock buried deep in it,” he noted. Jason watched as his engorged member sunk deeper in you, the squelches combing with your moans to create something lewd. He pulled out quickly with a wet pop, fingers moving fast to see how much he stretched you.
You heard the rustle of clothes and felt the bed shift as he grabbed something. You wished that he would stop whatever he was doing and continue to fuck you.
Jason snapped a picture with his phone, the mechanical click breaking you from your wants. You turned around, eyes wide.
“Did you just…?”
“What?” He asked innocently. “Didn’t you say that you’d always be my star?”
You felt the heat of embarrassment rise up from your chest and reach to your cheeks, both at the mentioning of your childhood love and the lewdness of your current position. He didn’t mean it in the context of your sweet innocent crush. If Jason posted this on the internet, you’d be his amateur porn star.
“Sorry babe, but I had to record it for the memories. You always knew I was the sentimental type.”
You stayed silent, not in acceptance but in uncertainty. You were drunk and horny. You didn’t want to argue about consent and pictures right now.
Slowly sliding himself back into your warmth, you whimpered at the sensation of being stretched once more. Jason was big and you loved how every inch of him seemed to press into you, creating friction with the slightest movement.
“How does it feel taking all this cock, baby?”
“Good.” You didn’t want to hear him talk, regardless of how deep, raspy and sexy he sounded right now. You just wanted to get fucked.
“Just good? Guess I need to try harder.”
“Gonna let you go now, but you gotta listen to what I say,” he said, keys already in the lock. A part of you didn’t like this new freedom. The thought of being at Jason’s mercy turned you on.
“Get on your back.”
In your new position, he pressed your legs back so that your knees dug into your chest. Jason had better access to you this way. He could go deeper and hit the spots you needed him to.
You squirmed under Jason’s gaze, feeling his focus on your center. It was embarrassing, really, how lewdly he was looking at you, as if you would be the last woman he would ever fuck.
Finally he dipped his cock in, head first only. He watched as his swollen tip prodded at your entrance, there but not quite. You whined in need below him. Jason would give you what you wanted.
“Say it,” he growled through ragged breaths, the snap of his hips erratic deciding to give you the entirety of his length. “Who’s making you feel good?”
“J –jay, it’s uh you,” you stuttered out. Jason was pounding into you roughly and it was difficult to think. It turned Jason on, hearing you stutter and watching as your brows furrowed trying to think. He wanted to fuck you stupid so you could only think of him.
“Play with that cute little clit of yours and tell me who’s gonna make you cum.”
You reached a hand down gingerly, following his command. Your hips jerked with each circle you rubbed your clit in, the sensation blending with Jason’s thrusts.
“Wrong answer, baby. Guess you don’t want me to finish you off?”
You wracked your brain trying to think of what he wanted. You noticed he had his phone out again and wondered if he was recording.
“Jason, it’s you,” you said in-between thrust. Jason watched as the force of his pounding made your tits bounce, reaching over to pinch your nipple. You yelped.
“Jason Todd, you’re gonna make me fucking cum.” You cried out in the lewdest voice he ever heard.
You bit your lip as you touched your swollen bud more frantically, feeling yourself get closer to the end. Jason noticed it too and his thrusts were shallower but quick, the slap of skin being the only sound. Soon enough, you were seeing stars and shaking in pleasure.
He zoomed in on your face, eyes scrunched up from your tension. Slowly he moved the phone down, a pause on your heaving chest then down to your tender cunt, his cock still stretching you out. Jason pulled out slowly, relishing the image of his cum dripping out of your used pussy.
“I love you, Jason Todd,” you blurted out, eyes heavy now with sleep.
When you woke up in the morning, he was gone. You’ve never been fucked to sleep before.
As you popped some ibuprofen to ease your hangover, you slowly got yourself ready for work, being careful not to move too quickly in case you might throw up.
Should you text Jason about last night?
You were a bit worried about what Jason would do with the pictures and videos, praying to any god that would listen that he wouldn’t send them to the GCPD. But he was a good guy and he loved you, so why would he ever do that?
The thought of you in such a compromising position was humiliating and would end your entire career. You couldn’t help that the thoughts kept occupying your mind. Who would ever respect you after seeing you get railed and creampied? After seeing your face while you came?
You definitely wouldn’t be getting that promotion if this was leaked.
But it was far worse than you thought when you turned on the morning news.
The news clip showed a familiar face, his ice blue eyes glinting in the shadows. His dark hair blending in with them. To others he might look like a stranger. But you knew damn well who he was.
“My name is Jason Todd and I’m the Red Hood who’s been cutting into Gotham’s underbelly and showing the GCPD and Batman exactly what’s wrong with their war on crime.”
Turning off the news, you hurried to work. You’d deal with that later. Today you’d finally know if you got the promotion.
You were on the verge of crying as Commissioner Gordon told you the news of your promotion. You couldn’t wait to rub it in Mack’s face and pull rank on him whenever you could.
But as joyous as the occasion was, you hesitated knowing you couldn’t share this moment with Jason. He was the Red Hood.
You got a text from him a few minutes later. You weren’t sure if it was a coincidence.
Congrats on the promotion, babe. Love you.
It wasn’t.
Another text.
It was the clip where you told him that you loved him a little while after you came. Your legs were still spread and Jason’s cock was still inside you.
It would be a shame though, if Gordon and those pigs you associate with found out about your conflict in interest. Consider this assurance in the event that you squeal.
Sorry, babe, but you’re stuck with me. We’ll see how long I feel like letting you play this stupid game.
You turned off your phone, a sick feeling in your stomach.
Jason loved you, right? He wouldn’t actually send that video to Commissioner Gordon. He loved you. He loved you ever since you were kids. He’d only act in your best interest. He had to.
You felt sick at the realization.
Jason loved you, he really did.
But it wasn’t the sweet innocence of two kids who bonded over their shitty circumstances. It wasn’t the type of love that sought comfort in each other. A love that needed peace. No, it had somehow become the love that glowed under a malevolent star, ruled by a house of possession.
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Jason Todd’s Masterlist
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insane4fandoms · 1 year
(Mark) “Please Captain, I did this all for you..*Dead bodies* You need me, if it wasn’t for me inviting you on the invincible II. Where else would you be without me? “ *Pointing the knife towards you*
(The others) *covered in blood while walking out of the darkness* “Yea Captain you need us... “
(Captain) *slowly backing up “uh”
How would they react if we ran away successfully or manage to die for some reason? >:) (Crew+Mack)
(By the way your now my favourite blog of all time,love your work ❤️)
*snatches the 600 and continues running* YOU’LL GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH. ILL DO BOTH
If you would die
- First of all.
-Mark would never let you die.
- You’re in a loop after all.
- You can’t really have death as an escape option.
- But let’s just say you did die.
- Mark would be in full denial, baby. That classic “they’re not dead, see?” While holding your body close to him. Never leaving the first stage of grief, and will forever be in denial. No one else can touch you, only him! You’ll wake up soon in his arms, and he’ll kiss you all over.
- Gunther is anger. How dare you just leave them like that?! Although, if you were to get killed by someone else, his anger was now directed towards them. It’s their fault you were gone! Don’t worry Captain, he’ll take care of the problem, but it won’t bring you back.
- Mack is bargaining. You can’t be dead, right?! He still needs you, he didn’t mean for all the things he said to you. He still needs you, he loves you, and he’s sorry he didn’t show it, he just wants you back. He needs you back in his arms.
- Celci is depression. She wished she could’ve ignored the others and kept you frozen, maybe then you would’ve still be here. Be here with her. The ship, the crew, her life… without you, there’s no hope for her anymore. Yet, she’ll try to move on for you, just for you.
- Burt is acceptance. He knows you cannot come back anymore. Not with wormholes, plot convenience, anything. He will mourn for you, the deity of the stars. He’ll not make your death go in vain.
- The whole ship will go down without you. Why did you have to leave them? How selfish can you be to die?
- Wait… Don’t worry now, they’ll find a way to bring you back! At least I’m their own deranged mind they will find a way.
If you would run away
- You’re in space.
- Where would you exactly go?
- No where to hide from your crew, Captain.
- However, you managed to get away, how would they react?
- They wouldn’t even see it as you not loving them and understanding that you
- They would see it as you throwing a tantrum, they would think it’s because you want attention. Why didn’t they see that you were deprived from their love? That’s the only reason why you would act this way!
- Burt will stay on the ship, fluffing pillows and setting blankets for you when you get back. He knows some relaxing techniques to calm you down just in case you’re still in a meltdown mood.
- Gunther would believe you’d been kidnapped, so he’s strapped and loaded with ammo, merely believing that someone else saw how handsome and/or beautiful you were and wanted you for themselves. Why else would you be away from the ship?
- Mack is disappointed in you, saying that this is why you’re not meant to be Captain, and be their protected little lover. You apparently need to understand that you can’t just go on a rebellious phase and do whatever you want. He knows what’s best for you, the whole crew does, so you need to get back in his arms.
- Celci is angry about you running off like a toddler. Your emotions are unpredictable, and she needs to watch over you more to ensure that you won’t cause any more tantrums. “Even if it means keeping them chained, they would understand that what they’re doing is dangerous for them,” She would say.
- Mark… well he’s still delusional as fuck. He squats about how worried he is, whether you would survive without him and the crew, and begs for Celci, Mack, and Gunther to go easy on any punishment they have, because you don’t know better, which is why you need them more.
- They eventually find you, and let’s see how it goes: If you would run when seeing them, they would give chase. Gunther might see it as you playing a game, Celci might see it as you still having a tantrum, Mark might see it as you being scared of a punishment, Mack might see it as you rebelling for attention.
- But it all ends with you getting captured and brought back to the ship. No matter how much you kick and scream, pleading for them to let you go, saying that you don’t love them, their minds are clouded with love and delusions.
- You’re in a cuddle pile with your ‘lovers’, unable to do anything but cry in frustration, wishing you’d had more time to run off. But don’t worry, you’ll be saved soon.
- Unfortunately, it’s by three yandere and delusional aliens. Now, we have Bandit, Allu, and Wug joining the hunt for your love.
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speedystarshine · 2 years
If I may, can I request how the different Matpat egos would react to the winged player (yn) picking them up and flying with them? (Bonus points if it’s out of nowhere and they don’t see it coming) I’m absolutely LOVING this blog!!
ofc, and ty for the kind words! I just used the same characters that I did in the 30 post :P
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (Crewmate/Engineer/Dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat.
screaming, crying, pissing his pants, calling his mommy,
No but don't he will actually throw up the second you reach the ground
He swears he hates you so much for that especially since it's highly likely that he was like hitting your chest to get you to put him down and then suddenly you're 10,0000 feet in the air and be like "yeah sure okay :D"
Demands you carry him half because he's petty and half because his legs are shaking so bad 😭
Bro had coffee too like. He loves you but his coffee man c'mon not cool :(
Demands hugs and kisses and literally anything that'll stop him feeling nauseous he's such a baby 🙄
Probably threatens to clip your wings but you know he's too pussy to actually do it/hj
You made him drop his chainthrower :( 
(yes he calls it that he told me himself and also you owe him a new one and also here’s the marriage papers before you can process-)
Screams for like half a second and then just sits there like :T he’s processing okay- 
Honestly, he just clings to you like a koala, let him have his internal mental breakdown in peace 😭
You finally put him down and he doesn’t let go-
He comes back half an hour later looking as if he’s been crying and asks you to take him again so he can have his quirky y/n wattpad moment 
give him a hug bro just wants to look cool in front of you okay let him have that   :(( you don’t, and give him hugs instead :)) *cue mat standing outside the door like HUH?!?!? 😡😡🤡🥺😭*
He does genuinely find it fun, (and is slightly scared at the fact you can just fly up with him like he weighs nothing) but he will also cry-
he’s trying :(
Mack (Crewmate)
in space? :0 (I’m joking this is probably either on Earth or when y’all get to the new planet)
do. do you want to be single?/j
but seriously- his reaction would be similar to mat’s except its just non stop screaming the whole time :(
and then extra :( because when you two get down he won’t talk to you and just kinda follow you around with the 🥺 expression on his face. 
He needs hugs and ice cream and distractions asap right away bc he genuinely thought this was a murder attempt or sum (it wasn’t, but he doesn’t know that!! :dd)
Mark would laugh but he honestly just feels sorry for him because of the puppy eyes- 
probably drags him to you to make you apologize (Even tho you probably have 10000 times the second he started crying) He’ll talk to you again dw he just found it funny how you were so panicked at his reaction >:) manipulative shit-
Mack (Engineer)
Kinda just freaks out and laughs nervously the whole time while tucking his face into your chest
the second you land, he is so pale. Like damn bro you need a minute-
in the most monotone voice ever, excuses himself to the bathroom, where the distant sounds of throwing up, sobbing, fanboying?? and other stages of grief can be heard 
he finds it hot 😭
Marks thinks its the funniest shit ever like full on kidney collapse knee slaps, table slams- Yeah he’s not ever letting Mack forget it even tho it was your fault
Don’t worry though, Mack will still hug you and hang out with you and stuff but he’s always tense as if your gonna swoop off again
he even starts bragging to the others as if he wasn’t a millisecond away from pissing his pants and praying
relaxes eventually tho :D kinda holds a grudge against you, but jesus just-
warn him next time if you want to do it again 
Mack (Dictator)
Haha what wings?
What freedom of limbs to be able to swoop in the first place?/j
no but you might actually want to start running after you pull a stunt like that, bro’s gonna pull fucking operation: hunt the bird 😭
his reaction is kinda funny but also not? 
lets out a yelp, and demands you put him down but in this very startled squealing tone- 
after he gets used to it glares at you with an ‘unamused’ expression but you’re so close to him that you can see this man is ���� close away from crying
just kinda stands there and processes when you put him down and then immediately chases after you
he has a gun so you might want to be good at dodging mid air-
yeah you’re definitely in big BIG trouble afterwards but in your opinion it was totally worth it (unless that’s not the first time or prank you’ve pulled and he decides to clip your wings :((()
tbh the thing he’s most embarrassed about is the fact that there were people around to witness
calls the firing squad on those that tease him about it because haha funky dictator man >:D
The Detective
why? literally just why would you do this to him 
you will be paying for his therapy/j
he finds it really fun but would prefer if he doesn’t have that falling feeling in his stomach
or in his entire body. like at all
his glasses fall off halfway through. you will also be paying for-
he’s so polite about it too although his voice definitely breaks a lot 😭
you get halfway up and he goes “yeah uM y/n this is reAlly nice and all bUt can you put me dOwnokaynevermindholyshitfuckcuntbitchmotherfu” 
he just clings to you afterwards with an awkward smile like “hi <:)?” yeah he’s not letting go bestie you can say buh bye to privacy after that <3
he doesn’t throw up bc he’s a girlboss but definitely feels queasy after which is half of the reason why he’s still clinging to you
probably wouldn’t get it, but if he felt confident enough sometime later would ask if you can take him up again :)
and immediately regrets it- he finds it cool that you can fly though, even if he doesn’t prefer it!
tbh he just wants to see the sky and shit with you because he’s a dork and a simp and we love him 😌
The Hermit
are you sure. are you ABSOLUTELY sure that you would want to pull that shit with this man.
you ever hear the phrase “they’re either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid”?
i mean- okay. yeah sure. say you did
I feel like he’d be ready because the second he feels you about to prepare he just kinda instantly knows what’s gonna happen
ik his character is sketchy as hell and he keeps making it seem like he’s gonna kill you but bestie if you do pull this off you might figure out pretty soon where he gets all that food from
it’d definitely be different if you were his s/o, but just because you’re safe doesn’t mean you’re wings are! :D 
yeah but no he’s not having it why would you even do this
honestly the only scenario this happens and you don’t die or lose limbs is if you ask him first and makes sure he wants to because otherwise you’re next honestly 😭
absolute suicide mission and his reaction isn’t even fun he just gives you that polite strained adult smile while staring into your soul-
*sighs* its funny because I think this is the same way I started out the intro on the other post-
but yeah, crazy man would love it, you know he would. Probably giggles and shit as if he’s not suspended 20,00000 feat in the air being carried by a person who is shorter than him and theoretically shouldn’t even be able to carry him
because he can warp reality, I think he’d use that power to ‘spice things up’ with your little trip
and by that I mean you’ll endlessly be doing the loop the loop because he keeps flipping the sky upside down and noclipping you EVERYWHERE
bro the tables have turned because the second you land he’s clapping and wanting to go again and y/n is the one throwing up and shit-
he actually unironically finds it cute and its like a 50/50 on whether his exaggerated swooning is sarcastic or not
you drop him halfway up whether on purpose or just because you feel like being a dick and he teleports your ass with him 😭
wants to give you kisses mid-air because he would meanwhile you’re too focused on not crash landing into either his studio or the Ego mansion
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There you go, sorry they took so long to do, I was knocked out cold today! :P
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lyssak09 · 1 year
Masterlist & Things I write for
AN: I automatically write the reader as female so when you re quest please please tell me what pronouns you want the reader to have. Also if requested I will and can write the reader as part of the LGBTQ+ community
Key: Italics means to be posted/its a draft
Fandoms I can write for:
Corpse Bride (my favorite movie ever)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Night Court (1986)
Certain Stephen King movies: Just request one and I’ll tell you if I have seen it or not
Doctor Sleep
Charmed (the original one)
The Labyrinth (David Bowie movie)
Krull (1983)
Secret Obsession (netflix movie)
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
The Walking Dead (seasons 1-7) I get pissed with the show when I get to parts of season 7 so I stop watching and restart from the beginning of the show
Umbrellas Academy
Z Nation
Warehouse 13
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Dead by Daylight
Adventure Time
The Big Bang Theory
Suicide Squad (both movies)
Slashers: Ghostface (preferably Stu), Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason, Brahms Hillshire
Star Trek: TNG, Voyager, Lower Decks
My Bloody Valentine: Both 1981 and 2009 movies so please be specific with which one you want
Markiplier & Jacksepticeye egos
Yandere Dean hcs
Yandere Shapeshifter hcs
Yandere Sam hcs
Yandere Archangels request
Yandere Castiel hcs
Yandere Lucifer hcs
Yandere Casifer hcs
Yandere Casifer with Trans!reader request
Yandere Archangels soulmates request
Dead by daylight
Platonic Yandere killers reaction to child reader
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader request
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader pt.2 request
Platonic Yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress with tween!reader request
Platonic Yandere Huntress & Trapper request 
Yandere Nemesis hcs request
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.1
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.2
Yandere Doctor hcs request
Plantonic yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress pt.2
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Yandere Jake Peralta hcs
Yandere Jake with Lawyer!reader request
Yandere Jake
Yandere Rosa
Yandere Amy
Yandere Charles request
Star Trek
Yandere Q request
Yandere William Riker
Yandere Data
Yandere Tom Paris
Umbrella Academy
Yandere Five with Soft!reader request
Yandere Five hcs
Yandere Luther hcs
Yandere Diego hcs
The Walking Dead
Yandere Daryl with motherly!reader hcs request
Yandere Daryl motherly!reader hcs pt.2 request
Yandere Daryl
Yandere Daryl VS Rick hcs/sorta request
Yandere Rick VS Governor request
Yandere Rick hcs
Yandere Grown Carl hcs
Yandere Michonne hcs
Yandere Governor request
Miscellaneous (Aka writing that doesn’t have their own category yet)
Yandere Brahms Heelshire (The boy)
Yandere Elliot Stabler (L&O SVU)
Yandere Mack Thompson (Z Nation) hcs
Yandere Emily (Corpse Bride) hcs
Yandere Black Mask/Roman Sionis (DC/BOP)
Yandere Pete Latimer (Warehouse 13) hcs
Yandere Homelander (The Boys) hcs
Yandere Joker (Suicide Squad)  hcs (Fight me on this)
Yandere Piper Hallowell (Charmed) hcs
Yandere Leo (Charmed)  hcs
Yandere Colwyn (Krull) hcs
Yandere Danny Torrance (Doctor Sleep) hcs I love Ewan McGregor 
Yandere Max (Day of the dead: Bloodline) hcs
Yandere Victor (Corpse Bride) hcs
Yandere Wilford Warfstache hcs
Yandere Antisepticeye hcs
Tyler from my yandere song fic
Evan ( Yandere Landlord)
Daniel (Yandere Slasher)
Hudson (Yandere Cop/Sheriff)
Luke (Yandere Childhood friend/Bully)
Damien (Yandere Teacher)
Zachary (Yandere zombie apocalypse survivor)
Derek (Yandere Hypnotist/ Therapist)
Ashton (Yandere Neighbor)
Zeke (Yandere robot boss)
William (Yandere Prisoner)
Adrian (Yandere Asylum patient)
Devon (Yandere Priest)
Jason (Yandere Step father)
Max (Yandere step brother)
Anthony (Yandere slasher/homicide survivor)
Ryan (Yandere childhood friend)
Ewan (Yandere military man) 
Unnamed (Yandere boss)
Unnamed (Yandere AI robot house)
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