s1llycilantro · 7 months
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stupid ass funky ass au ill NEVER make a comic for
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angelic-yandere-doll · 2 months
Random danganronpa boys when y/n is sad because they got hurt by someone(part 2)
TW: yandere themes, mild descriptive gore, swearing
Info: headcanons, yandere, comfort, fluff, gn reader, lowercase on purpose, reader is in a relationship with the yanderes, reader is smaller or same height as the yanderes, reader is aware/accepting of the yanderes, no killing game, just despair
Key: y/n, darling is reader
Note: did the girls, now doing the boys
Characters: byakuya togami, mondo owada, kiyotaka ishimaru, nagito komaeda, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, kaito momota, kokichi oma
♡ byakuya togami ♡
offended >:0 how dare someone hurt his darling?
thinks about hiring a hitman, or better, paying a gang to torture that person for days on end. he can get anything done with his money. would rather not get his own hands(too) dirty, it might cause him problems
people might suspect him at first. he'll just make something up. if they still suspect him, he gets some people(toko and makoto) to stand up for him to make his alibi believable. gets y/n to do it too(lol)
not very good at comfort. good at buying y/n things(he’s a rich boy). will buy them clothes, jewelry, chocolate. if y/n wants a hug, he’ll be hesitant, but will give in eventually(it’s not that he doesn’t want to, intimacy is strange to him). uses his free hand to cover the blush on his face ‘cause he’s flustered
“sigh… ok, calm down already. listen. they’re the foolish one, not you. they were dumb enough to think they could hurt you without a punishment. understand? good.”
♡ mondo owada ♡
mad. no. more than mad. he’s furious
hits that person in the face, making their nose bleed(in front of everybody). doesn’t want to kill them at that moment, would rather keep that impulse on hold(as much as he can) until he gets the person to a secluded area. kills them instantly, not(necessarily) the sadistic type to want to take long to see the person’s pain
knows at least enough on how to hide the murder. tries his best to play it cool to avoid any suspicion. if he’s confronted by others, he can get nervous, which can cause him to say some things he shouldn’t say. but his bro(taka) will defend him at all costs, not having a single clue of what he did
gives y/n a hug, brings them to places on his motorcycle, letting them wear his jacket. probably lets them sleep on top of him(he’ll be blushing like mad)
“it’s okay, y/n. fuck them. they’re just a fuckin’ asshole. making you feel that way and all. it ain’t your fault. they’re gonna regret ever doing that! they will.”
♡ kiyotaka ishimaru ♡
what? how could they do that? and to his darling y/n?
more of the type to scold the person if they did something else but this… this crosses the line for him. hurting y/n and not getting in trouble? not on his watch. kills the person even if it goes against what he stands for. someone hurts y/n, they get the worst coming to them
almost nobody would suspect him. he just seems like the type who wouldn’t kill. he just keeps on his day to day life doing his job(and his other job, which is taking care of y/n)
doesn’t let anyone near y/n(except mondo and chihiro), studies with y/n and teaches them about important topics to keep their mind off the pain, brings them food and water, doesn’t let them go anywhere without him. he just wants y/n to be safe and happy
“y/n, please, you have to understand. you’re better than them! they don’t understand! if they did, they wouldn’t have hurt you. and they really shouldn’t have.”
♡ nagito komaeda ♡
surprised. asks himself how someone could hurt his darling. disgust towards the person who hurt y/n
asks hajime to watch over y/n while he’s away, doing what he must do. he considers the person hopeless since they ended up dying at the ultimate hope’s hands. they’re just a talentess scum to him. he has always saw himself as trash, but that person is much more trash to him than he ever thought of himself to be
people have always seen him as quite a strange young man. suspicious, but maybe not enough to suspect him of murder. he’s just… strange to them. he can keep rambling on about how he loves hope and nobody would see anything different(not realizing the hope he talks about is his beloved y/n)
gives y/n anything they want(as long as he can do it). y/n wants a hug? has his arms open. y/n wants a kiss? he puckers up. y/n wants him to sleep with them? already laying on the bed. his darling is his only hope. he needs to protect them
“i know trash like me can’t tell you how much you matter, but, from the bottom of my heart, you’re the most beautiful, most precious thing in the world. and i would never change you for anyone else. never.”
♡ fuyuhiko kuzuryu ♡
angry. ready to kill the person. asks y/n for some details
brings peko along to murder the person. plans to make it agonizing for the person. no mercy. just despair. they will feel the wrath of the ultimate yakuza. that’s what they get for messing with y/n
people are afraid to interrogate him and his ‘tool’. they know it’ll get nasty if they try to fight against the ultimate yakuza and the ultimate swordswoman. they know he won’t hesitate to plan a murder or ambush against them
buys y/n sweets, holds y/n’s hand, doesn’t let them leave to go anywhere. if they want something, they can just ask him. he doesn’t want them to get hurt again
“that motherfucker… they don’t deserve any shit. they don’t deserve any fuckin’ breath of life. i’m gonna fuck them up real bad!”
♡ kaito momota ♡
shocked and full of rage. how could they hurt his shining star y/n?
walks up to that person and hits them with his fist. hits them even more. ends up with the person bleeding and having a broken bone. they might end up dying. if they don’t, he’ll use something else to end them. he doesn’t want them around y/n anymore for what they did
nobody considers him to be suspicious. just an eccentric, hyperactive, space loving guy who has a big heart. but his classmates don’t even realize his big heart is only for y/n. he would do anything for them. anything. as the luminary of the stars, it’s his duty to protect his darling
cuddles with y/n, gives them forehead kisses, brings y/n outside to watch the night sky as he teaches them about constellations
“damn y/n, i just can’t believe they would do that! and to my shining star! but don’t worry! from now on, i won’t let it happen again. i promise! nobody should ever hurt you… nobody.”
♡ kokichi oma ♡
oh he’s really mad. but he won’t show it, he’ll play it off like it’s nothing
very sneaky when it comes to killing the person. he may make somebody else do it for him if he feels that would be the best course of action. but he might want to do it himself. he wants to see the pain in that person’s eyes as he tortures them
people will suspect him. after all, he’s known for lying. but he knows what to say, how to play with people’s minds, how to make them believe him. he can also blame it on somebody else and make it seem like it was them, not him. there may be people who still suspect him but are kind of afraid to accuse him. they don’t know what else he’s capable of other than lying
tries to make y/n laugh, brings them their favorite snacks, trash talks the person, lets them hug him if they need it(but also because he wants to be held by y/n)
“hey, cheer up! they’re soooo stupid to think they could get away with making you feel upset. they must be the dumbest person on the planet to even think of doing that. they must be…since they died so easily.”
{made by angelic-yandere-doll}
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Yandere V + H: Shuichi Saihara
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He’s your helpful henchman
Just recently coming into his Ultimate Detective skill, he doesn’t mind aiding you in your pursuit
He has a strong sense of justice
The driving factor in his side-kick role in your villainy
He’s more than happy to blush from behind you while your schemes succeed
He no doubt started as an average applicant for heroes
Turned away for his lack of fanaticism and unwillingness to entertain
He is the perfect seed that you invest in sprouting
Giving him the push and motivation to become a trusted detective among the so-called heroes
He doesn’t think he has it in him
You don’t think he has it in him
But he does and he will protect you to the end
Going above and beyond just tampering with evidence
Even going so far as to frame and obliterate+ those nosey enough to question the detective work that he’s done for you
He knows he can never amount to you and your righteous pursuit, he’d be darned if he didn’t protect it you:
“Detective, are you sure none of the evidence we gathered can be used against them?”
“I’m afraid not. I’m sorry Commissioner but if you want to incarcerate this—”
“Villain in disguise?”
“--alleged criminal you’ll need something more concrete.”
The commissioner sighed as he looked defeated through the two-way glass as the civilian sat back in their chair looking disgruntled. 
“Well…thank you detective…this one’s not going to be easy about this at all.”
Shuichi tipped his hat before following the commissioner’s gaze. It was truly bizarre to see you in casual business attire. 
“No problem commissioner…Perhaps I can talk them out of a case against the precinct. Maybe over a dinner or two?”
“Ha! Are you serious?” The commissioner watched as a blush danced along the detective’s cheeks. He playfully shook his head giving a hearty pat against Shuichi’s trench coat. 
“Then by all means. I’d owe you one if we don’t end up getting a lawsuit after all.”
“--You’ll surely be hearing from my lawyer! Especially about the violent treatment.”
He heard your threats continue as you fought the lieutenant who was attempting to keep you from following through on your threats. With a final shout and hand to the lieutenant’s face, you were out of the police department's hands and in the parking lot where Shuichi was waiting. 
“Oh wow! The detective, too? Now I’m sure you too are here to convince me not to sue this precinct into oblivion?”
“Not at all (Y/n), I’m just hoping to maybe treat you. A small apology for all your troubles.”
He watched your eyes roll and a huff leaves your lips before accepting. 
“You’re darn right about trouble. A meal would be appreciated but don’t think this makes up for any of your transgressions against me!”
“Of course not.”
With that, you entered the open door of his passenger’s seat as you impatiently waited for the detective to follow. With a few officers silently cheering from the windows of their department Shuichi waved before entering the driver’s seat.
The drive was silent; aside from the decisions on the eatery. 
The talking only started once again when you were finally entering the restaurant.
“This was a good pick, detective. I’m mildly impressed.”
Good work my faithful detective, I’m impressed at how easily you got away with it.
“I’m glad you like it. My only wish is to make you happy.”
I’m glad to do anything to keep you safe happy+.
“Lucky for you there were no unexpected hitches during my detainment. Which will make my incoming lawsuit severely less damaging.”
Were there any unexpected hitches in the plan? Anything that may be damaging to your image?
“It was an unfortunate mistake on the department’s half. The commissioner himself was curling in on himself with guilt.”
It was my fault. There is an eye-witness to my ‘editing.’ I’m so terribly sorry, I’ve failed you!
“No need to fret detective I’m not so shallow as to project the blame onto a mere pawn in their schemes.”
It’s fine. I figured this would happen and I’ve already dispatched a grunt to care for that peaking rookie.
“Even so I wish I could truly atone for this. I would want nothing more than to make it up to you for this and the following legal battle you wish to ensue.”
I so badly wish to deal with this myself. To end his life for your cause would be an honor.
“Please detective, be reasonable. Like I said before you’re just a pawn and I have no qualms with you. On a side note, this wine is absolutely divine.”
Seriously Shuichi, stop. I already have someone on this. You’re my pawn, my tool. I’ll use you for all your worth including your mistakes. Let’s move on we’ll draw attention.
“It is isn’t it?... This bottle is from an exclusive 2067 batch.”
“But I have a 1990s blend at home if you’d be willing to join me.”
“At your home you say? For a detective to be so forward with a civilian on duty–” You lean in close.
What are you doing? We didn’t plan to meet later. 
“--I’d say you were after something more.”
Shuichi hummed taking a sip of his own glass before leaning towards you.
“Alas, that would be an accurate assumption, if I was on duty.”
Come over. 
“Then am I wrong in my assumption?”
Do you want something more?
“I believe all you are relying on is your assumption. And as a detective, I strive for others to look past those.”
I want all of you I’ll settle for your visit.
“I’d hate to be like others so I’ll look past mine and see if this blend is as good as you say, detective.”
“Oh (Y/n), please call me Shuichi.”
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frickingnerd · 1 year
put your sweet lips on mine
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pairing: rantaro amami x gn!reader
summary: you should've never let rantaro know you were in love with him, because now that he knew, he'll never let you go again...
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rantaro was persistent. he didn't give up that easily. you should've never told him you were in love with him in the first place. because now that he knew how you felt about him, he wasn't going to let you go! 
"look me in the eyes and tell me you feel nothing for me!"
your best friend's brother stood in front of you, gently lifting your chin to make you look at him. you could already feel the butterflies in your stomach going crazy as he smiled down at you. how could you ever lie convincingly if he looked so handsome? 
"i… i don't feel anything for you"
you barely got those words out. rantaro didn't seem very convinced, but he remained calm and smiled at you as he leaned down. his face stopped right in front of yours, giving you a moment to realize what he would do next, before he pressed a kiss onto your lips. 
"how about now? still not feeling anything, darling~?"
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oumagines · 11 months
First Time With A Shy AFAB S/O Wearing A Skirt With Themes Of Reclamation
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Anonymous Asked: "can i have a lemon or a lime... kokichi x a very nervous AFAB reader (please use they/them pronouns on the reader tho- just female anatomy)...i would prefer if kokichi initiates, and the reader is wearing a skirt in this imagine- if thats ok...since hes a yandere themes of reclamation are fun!!! if you need more info let me know im so nervy requesting this haha"
Warnings: N/S/F/W, Slut-Shaming, Dub-Con (No Non-Con), Non-Explicit Consent, Female Anatomy, Jealousy, Slight Degradation, Slight Breeding Kink
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Rating: 🍋
Notes: This was so much fun and so nerve wracking to write- Tumblr, please have mercy on my soul-
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Kokichi didn't like how close you had been getting with everyone. Rantaro, Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, Kiibo... He was your boyfriend! Didn't you understand you belonged to him? It didn't help that the Killing Game was overloading his stress to the maximum, and he really needed to show you who you belonged to...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The climax of the event came after you had been ignoring him at dinner in favor of talking to Himiko and Gonta... and he couldn't have that, could he?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He had had enough, grabbing your wrist and dragging you bag to his room. You knew sort of what his intentions were, and although you were surprised, you still trusted him and didn't particularly mind, even if it was a bit frightening.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The second you were in the door, he shoved you against the wall and began kissing and biting on your neck roughly, clearly with the intent to leave marks. As he listened to you moan for him, you could feel his "little friend" becoming more excited, thanks to his body being pressed against yours.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Before you could protest or push him away, as is human nature, he pinned your wrists to the wall and whispered huskily to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Shh. The little diva decided they were too good for their king, now they have to suffer the consequences~."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The making out continued for a long time before he let his hands drop to your thighs, lifting up your skirt ever so slightly as his hands went higher and higher, eventually finding their way to the hem of your panties.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The more you squirmed and writhed under his touch, the more turned on he got. He slipped a hand into your panties, feeling just how wet you had gotten for him as he smirked.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "My, my~... My favorite toy is quite the whore, aren't they~? Is this what you're like when you talk to alllllll those other people~?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ His voice was teasing, but there was a bitter edge to it. And you knew better than to defy it, so instead, you let out a quiet whimper as his delicate hands teased your wetness, almost as though he were gauging for something.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Then, without warning, two fingers slipped inside you, earning a gasp from you as he giggled at your adorable reaction. These faces, these sounds... They were all for him, all his to savor.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He kept pumping his fingers in and out at an unfocused, brutal rhythm that made it difficult to feel true pleasure from it, but enough to keep you turned on and desperate to reach that pleasure he was depriving you of.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Tsk tsk~. My little angel should know better to think I'd do charity work~... You're gonna need to get the real thing in order to cum~. Does my pet understand?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ You nodded softly and he smiled at your obedience, pushing you to the bed and down onto it. He flipped up your skirt slightly and pulled your panties down with his left hand as his right went under your shirt to play with your breasts. After his left hand was done, he unbuckled his belt and let his pants drop to the floor, dropping his boxers shortly after. He saw you get nervous from the impending penetration and only smirked.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Aww, little one, you don't get to chicken out now, do you~? You caused this, it's your responsibility now~... Don't worry, My Love, I'll be gentle as I make you mine~."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He leaned forward quickly, snapping his hips against yours. He resisted the urge to let out a long moan as his cock wedged its way into your warmth, his eyes slightly rolling back. Desperate to reclaim his image from that, he giggled lowly and started thrusting at a slow and steady pace, finally allowing you to taste pleasure.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Ohhh, yeah, that's it~... Scream for me, my toy~... And know that this is better than anything those guys you're talking to could ever give you~... Let this be a lesson: you belong to ME~."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He continued thrusting and thrusting in a quickening pace, but he suddenly noticed a worried look in your eyes, in addition to the pleasure your face exuded.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Aww, scared I'm not using protection~? Nishishishi~... How else would I claim you from the inside with a piece of plastic blocking me~?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ And that's when he came and sent you over the edge...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He'll get you the pill, don't worry, he's not that mean-
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chainoftalent · 2 months
Can you do yandere kokichi with a reader who basically doesn't care as long as they get princess treatment?
We are so back (we are not, im just forcing my brain to work for once)
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Yandere Kokichi With Spoiled Reader
Nice try, while he may think it's cute, but this is an organization after all. Sure he'll buy (read: steal) you nice clothes and games and stuff, but you gotta put some work in back. You're going on the pokemon card heist, you have no choice.
In slightly more serious terms while he doesn't mind spoiling one of his partners in crime, dont expect to get to lounge around all day. What kind of leader would let his precious subordinates just waste away! You are going to be put on the chore list and he will not budge on it. You can wiggle out of some of the more illegal and morally questionable jobs but that just means you are going to be doing the dishes more often. You also are going to need to prove yourself as trustworthy and obedient before you go from having your metaphorical pigtails pulled to being spoiled.
So he'll get you whatever you want, but you are at the end of the day still one of subordinates, you aren't his equal. You're still going to be expected to follow orders and listen to him, and he will take back these privileges in a snap if you think you can just coast off of his affections He's also going to kinda mock you for being easy, you will be constantly called a gold digger and spoiled and he'll badger you about how you don't reaaaallly love him you just love his moneeyyyy WAHHHH!
He won't be aggressive though, just snarky and dramatic, as long as you don't make him need to escalate beyond pestering you to take out the trash and obey what he says/return his affections you'll be pretty safe. Just remember that a gift can easily be stolen back, and that he will be keeping track of what you do with it so don't expect to be able to pawn anything for emergency cash or anything.
Really it's for your own good, he'll take care of you, even spoil you a little, but he's not going to let you stagnate over it.
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Hi, I’ve never done this before, but can I make a request?
Could you do Yandere Kirumi with a male reader who accepts her being a yandere?
Yandere Kirumi Togo with an accepting male darling
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•Being a boyfriend to a regular Kirumi is already difficult so you'd think being one to a yandere version Kirumi would be way harder right? Wrong
•Kirumi is actually a surprisingly easy yandere to get along with and despite being controlling and isolating she's very fond of you
•While Kirumi places very much importance on her job as a maid you actually come before that surprisingly enough
•She always makes time for you and usually if she can't she’ll take you with her anyway if it's possible
•She is the prime minister after all this woman can get away with all sorts of things if necessary and when it comes to you she seems it necessary
•Kirumi is the type of the yandere that adores spoiling you
•The reason why being she a self aware yandere and is aware that other people wouldn't put up with how controlling she is of you or how she limits your interactions with other and yet you are accepting of her anyway
•So how could she not want to reward you for staying by her even when she's being so difficult
•She is still scared that one day you may tire of her and her yandere traits and it makes her want to cling harder onto you
•Though someone whenever she has these feelings you can tell and always reassure her that you love her and only her and that you aren't going anywhere
•And just like that she's fallen for you all over again
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limitedgigi · 11 months
welcome to my blog!
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my name is gigi, im 22, and im a gemini! my favorite fandoms are danganronpa (more specifically sdr2 & drv3), the disastrous life of saiki k, soul eater, pokemon, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, inuyasha, doawk, alice in borderland, hamilton, heathers, seven deadly sins, kakegurui and bungou stray dogs!
my blog is kirby themed (obviously) but i may change it occasionally!
i don't necessarily write alot, but i do make headcanons! my requests are always open!
i write for:
nagito komeada
nekomaru nidai
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu
hajime hinata
gundham tanaka
kazuichi souda
rantaro amami
gonta gokuhara
korekiyo shinguji
kaito momota
shuichi saihara
kokichi ouma
you can also make requests outside of danganronpa with the fandoms above, but i'm not sure i'll be able to write for it.
i also make yandere ocs!
you can request hcs of a yandere in my inbox :)
(ex; yandere jock, yandere masochist, etc)
i will write everything except for;
-piss, scat, or any bodily fluid besides cum
-foot fetishes
most of my hcs are directed towards fem! or gn! readers!
korekiyo gambling hcs
yandere! nurse hcs (gender neutral yandere)
yandere! bully hcs (male yandere)
yandere! jock hcs (male yandere)
yandere! wolf hybrid (male yandere)
yandere! nerd hcs (gender neutral yandere)
yandere! wide reciever hcs (male yandere)
yandere! bunny hybrid hcs (male yandere)
yandere! sugar daddy hcs (male yandere)
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kittenmey-rin · 4 months
Yandere Drv3 x Female Ultimate Singer Reader
Swapped Mastermind role au!!!
Your Pov
Hope's Peak Academy, Hope's Peak Academy is a school for Ultimate Talent students for everyone to be welcoming, learning experience, and meeting new students of Hope's Peak Academy, You are probably wondering of who's this person talking, well I'll introduce myself to you, I am Y/n L/n, I'm the new Ultimate Singer, the reason why my Ultimate Talent is the Ultimate Singer is because I am a famous singing celebrity in my life, when I was 8 years old, I started singing an song that my parents started to notice me of singing, but I felt very very proud that my parents started giving applause to me and my singing voice, a few years later, when I was 10 years old, my teachers and my friends were really really really really surprised that they heard me singing for the first time, and they started giving me good compliments about me and my singing voice, and my teacher not only give me all Straight A+, but they give me a letter from Hope's Peak Academy itself, I went thought of how did Hope's Peak Academy know about me and my singing, how did they know where I live, how do they know my name, but when I read the letter of Hope's Peak Academy, it said that they got a good friend who had been hearing from my singing, giving me Straight A+ from every single classes, and explained everything about me, a few days, after I told my parents about my new Talent, they felt 100% proud about my talent and to me, but they felt that they are going to miss me, I started to comfort them and told them that I will always be your daughter no matter what happens or where I went into....
And that's when I 1st arrive in Hope's Peak Academy, but I feel very very exhausted, fainted on the floor by the grass. When I woke up, I was in the classroom, sleeping on the desk, I looked around my surroundings, and it seems that I am in a classroom and it is not a dream, as I was standing from the desk, and was about to leave the classroom, I heard an strange sound of a locker or 2, I turned around and saw 2 different people who got out of those lockers, I looked at the 1st person, she has like light navy green Straight and short hair,but her hair is blocking her 2nd eye, has light green/light turquoise/light gray eyes, wears an navy blue school dress, and is a little scared, I looked at the 2nd person, his height is almost an giant's height, he has like darker green, curly and long hair, wear circle round glasses, red eye color, and wears navy blue clothes. It became quiet for a few minutes later, until I spoke with a calm voice. "Hey, uh... are you both okay, you both aren't hurt, are you???" You said while looking at the both of them, at first when they looked at you and they thought that you are the intruder, but when they looked at you clearly, they thought that you are an trapped Ultimate, just like them. "Yes, we're okay, we're not hurt, thanks for asking....???" She said while looking at you with a polite manner. "Oh, I am Y/n L/n. " You said while introducing yourself to them. "Well L/n, it's nice to meet you, I am Kirumi Tojo." Kirumi said while looking at you with a shy smile. "Tch, Gonta is Gonta Gokuhara." Gonta said while looking away from you.
You have introduced yourself to the other Ultimate students, and started to activated their friendship petals, you thought everything went smoothly, but that is until Monokuma announced the Killing Game of Despair, You are terrified of Killing one of your friends, and decided not to kill any of them during the Masterminds Killing Game.
You may not know is that your friends are starting to feel yandere emotions around you and decided to kill each other so they can get to you and make you to be their future wife....
To be continued
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midnightlee25 · 11 months
Can I get yandere prompt number 5 with Kirumi tojo, but be the darling actually means it since they feel like she's putting her duty as a maid before them
Darling Says: Don't you love me anymore? (Kirumi Tojo)
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To say she was perplexed by her darling words would be an understatement. 
With a small part of her believing this could be a trap she questions why they would ask such a thing in the first place. Had she truly not done all that they asked of her?  
As she listens to their explanation and comes to the realization that every word they say is nothing but the truth.  
While yes, her duties are important to her however her darling is more important than even that. They are her whole world and if they don't feel that way then she is ashamed of herself to the highest degree.   
She apologies from the bottom of her heart promising that she will go above and beyond for them for the rest of her days.  
That is a promise she assures will never be broken. 
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s1llycilantro · 1 month
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Hey guys did you miss my au!! Did you uh... did... did u miss it... aha 🫦
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lulucutie2nitexd · 6 months
Hi!, this is my first request in here, so im sorry if I make you uncomfortable, and sorry for my bad englinsh is not my native lenguaje.
So i May ask for a kokichi yandere x fem reader headcannons?
Thank you very much, and like i say earlier sorry if I make you uncomfortable, have a good day! :D
Ofc you can! Tysm for being patience I am currently unwell so I will respond slowly. And dw English isn't my first language either so🤍
Obsessive Yandere!Kokichi x fem reader
**WARNINGS READ**: obsessive and unhealthy behaviors, warnings of changing ones self for another, mentions of harming others. mentions of self harm and suicide
!!this is NOT healthy by any means and if one genuinely feels this way please get them help. /SRS Proceed with caution.!!
Fem reader
Yandere kokichi head cannons :3
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˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Kokichi who'd study the guys you'd hang out with or show interest in to be just like them
Kokichi who'd change everything about himself for you
Kokichi who'd give you little snacks and gifts anonymously
Kokichi who'd beg for even a small chance to breathe the same air as you
Kokichi who'd take pictures of you to study and figure out what you like
Kokichi who's jealousy is borderline dangerous
Kokichi who'd hurt himself just to get your attention
Kokichi who'd kill himself if you didn't like him or rejected him at all.
Kokichi who'd tease and pretend to target you during trials to see you get upset and pay attention to him
Kokichi who'd stay strong and not murder anyone just for you
Kokichi who's extra cautious and specifically protects you
Kokichi who would take the blame for a murder you did if you where caught
Kokichi who'd do anything to set you free from that horrid game
Kokichi who'd kill if you where fond of anyone else in the game
Kokichi who'd threaten people to stay away from you for your saftey
Kokichi who'd do anything just to be your type even if it hurts him.
Kokichi who's just happy everything wasn't real and that you're safe
Kokichi who's unhealthy habits from pre and in game carried over
Kokichi who's too mentally unstable to date but still tries to get with you
Kokichi who actually kidnapped someone in post game just because they thought of hurting you
Kokichi who is determined to make you only trust him
Kokichi who is dedicated to protecting you from the world
Kokichi who isolated you from everyone you loved.
Kokichi who'd murder for you in real life now.
The end!
Reposts and likes are appreciated
Reqs open slow response I am currently unwell!
⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
。・゚゚・   ・゚゚・。
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forgottenking17 · 8 months
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Average danganronpa fan frfr
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Big Sis | Yandere Junko and Mukuro
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A Concept To Maybe Continue...
You knew something was different about your older sisters. According to others, sisters their  age fought all the same…just not with high-grade weapons. Your sisters were Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba–The ever hated Despair Twins. 
It was terrifying or it would be if you weren’t desensitized to the overwhelmingly radical personalities. Oddly enough you're usually not on the receiving end of their despairful escapades. Instead forced to be smothered by your sisters' obsessive and possessive tendencies. That made you an unwilling bystander to their crimes. 
Mukuro was the better one, more inclined to be a nurturing older sister. Scratch that, she essentially instated herself as your motherly figure. Using the skills she was naturally inclined to as the ultimate super soldier to take over most of your needs. From infancy to junior high she’s intent on carrying you around and spoon-feeding you the meals that she cooked. You’d like to say she didn’t do the weird blushing thing that she did with Junko’s violent affection but that’d make her too normal. She had her moments but more often than not she was infamous for getting overly excited about all the small things. 
First school uniform?
“Baby, you look perfect!”
“Muki-chan you’re nose is running.”
“Oh is it?”
Eating your favorite food?
“You’re such a messy eater, (Y/n)! Here I’ll get that for you.”
“Are you-? You’re not throwing that in the trash are you?”
“Oh (Y/n) what are you doing talking? Eat your food.”
Simply existing within her vicinity?
“Hah~Look at them sleep so soundly! My (Y/n)~!”
You really didn’t like waking up to her drool on your face, or at least that’s what you hope it is.
But if you compared that to Junko’s behavior it was more of a minor inconvenience to know your sister’s watching stalking you diligently. Junko had the most prevalent despair-filled behavior but not in the way many would think. 
“Oi oi don’t go runnin’ from your big sis! It be pretty despairing if those friends you’re running to all died horribly in front of you?”
Always keeping you within arms reach, in her lap, or her actively making you aware of whatever despair she was deciding to inflict. Unlike her treatment of Mukuro which was truly ever to encourage her obsession with despair she seemed to satisfy in simply you. Having you, living with you, keeping you, killing for you, causing despair in your name It was an anomalous relationship with an abnormal girl; a love for you that was measured by her burning love(?) for you. But her affection wasn’t shown in any typical fashion as any would guess. Locking your friends in a room and enticing them to plan murders. Or that one time when she dressed you up as a baby to ‘relive the grand ol’ days’. Playful pushes, pinching at your cheeks, writing her name somewhere on your body, and including you in her violent rampages. The sight of Mukuro’s blushing face was a familiar one for you.
“Upupupu did you think you could runoff with that scumbag without sharing the fun times!?”
“Little (Y/n)! Did they hurt you? What am I saying, of course they did! I’ll brutalize them soon!”
Leading up to the biggest, most Awful, most Tragic event in human history your sisters were occupied with. Putting their plan in action they let you slip away with nothing but a tracker on. A tracker you were able to locate and stick to some unsuspecting pigeon.
With your newfound freedom you enjoyed yourself to the fullest completely unaware of the impending doom that would have been birthed from the walls of Hope’s Peak. By the time the world had truly began to be consumed by despair you were far from the school and fending off the Monokuma–masked assailants. For whatever reason the broadcasts didn’t affect you like it did others and that alone made you a person of interest to the graduated Ultimates. After hours of interrogation and questioning you were deemed not a threat but an asset in bringing down the host of the killing game. 
“Upupupu you plebs out there still rooting for hope are cheering aren’t yuh!? Well for the glorious agents of despair I’ve got a job for ya–” 
Now revealed: Junko Enoshima appeared in a prerecorded message beckoning the 77th class to snap and snicker at her voice.
“If you’re looking for the next instigator of despair it’ll be the living one! Baby (Y/n)!!!” Tongue out with those despair-filled eyes, as the video cuts to a picture of all three of you–zooming in on your unsuspecting chubby face. All though it was an old photo it resembled you enough and that was all it took to start the latest wave of despair.
Under Munukata’s leadership you just barely escaped his sword. By his divination you were still an ultimate, an ultimate targeted by the wicked Ultimate Despair. So naturally you should stay by his side even as the 77th class began to converge on your location, eager to plummet the world into deeper despair. Forget the way he so willingly strikes down any who attempt to befriend you or the way he demands you listen to his odd rules ‘to keep you safe.’ Forget all about how even after their reformation they still seem keen on meeting you and bringing you with them. And be sure to ignore how  even more nameless victims of despair attempt to weasel their way to you. 
Even in her death they seemed to birth an obsession around you.
“Awww didn’t think a silly thing would stop me baby bird! I’ve always wanted to give you the despairful birth you deserve. Corrupting all hope to fall into disgustingly delicious despair! Love can be cruel can’t it!?”
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frickingnerd · 4 months
yandere miu iruma
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pairing: miu iruma x gn!reader
tags: jealousy, clingy, posessive, yandere themes
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miu is a possessive yandere!
she's clinging to you whenever she can, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, while her hands are always somewhere on your body!
she doesn't like to be separated from you and if it was up to her, she'd spend every day with you by her side, never letting go of you!
though even miu knows that she can't be with you all the time
the only times when she isn't clinging to you is when she's working on her newest inventions!
those are the only times you are allowed to be seperated from her. though if she could, miu would keep you around even then and train you to become her assistant!
whenever you and miu reunite again, she wants to know every little detail about your day! and especially about the people you met…
she's deadly jealous and you should know not to talk to other women, otherwise you might not be able to talk to them a second time…
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oumagines · 11 months
Kokichi With An S/O Who Escaped But Was Later Found
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Anonymous Asked: "Yandere Kokichi with a darling that successfully escaped from him but then the darling was later found by him"
Warnings: Kidnapping, severe self-neglect, implied limb removal, implied drugging, Kokichi biting reader's lip to the point of injury, blood
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Rating: 💀🍇
Notes: God, this was dark-
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ When he noticed you escaped, he didn't want to believe it. On the one hand, he had partially seen it coming, but on the other hand, he had deluded himself into believing you wouldn't even try.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He doesn't understand why you left. Why don't you want to be with him??? Don't you love him??? Didn't he do enough for you??? Were you hurt??? Did you get lost trying to find him??? So many thoughts were running through his mind on what he could have done to prevent this.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He searches for you tirelessly, to the extent of neglecting his own health to try and find you before you either rat him out to the police or get yourself in trouble.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Of course, you never go to the police. By the time you would manage to escape, he would have you so paranoid and believing he could spin any situation into his favor and make it seem like not only are you lying, but that you were the aggressor and he was the victim.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ But regardless. He stops eating, barely drinks just enough to stay alive, doesn't sleep more than forty minutes at a time... He's a complete wreck without you, and D.I.C.E. notices it rather quickly.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ D.I.C.E. doesn't support what he does, but they can't stand to see their leader look so... broken and disheveled from the lack of hygiene and self-care after you disappeared.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ So they begin looking, too, but ultimately, they find nothing. You've completely disappeared, and it's almost as though you've vanished off the face of the earth completely. D.I.C.E. is devastated when they realize that they won't be able to help Kokichi.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Months go by before they find you, and Kokichi loses his entire will to live. Those around him notice that he becomes more withdrawn and depressed, and he never seems fully mentally present. His eyes are glazed over and glassy, and he never seems to fully be able to comprehend what they're saying... Everyone that knows Kokichi would describe him as "broken" and "hollow", like he just isn't himself, and most of them don't know why...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ That is, until one day, when you had dared to do your shopping in an area you knew D.I.C.E. activity was prevalent. You figured that with Kokichi so depressed, D.I.C.E. had probably disbanded as a whole, if not greatly decreased its activity.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ That was your first mistake. But your second? Your second mistake was assuming Kokichi would have mercy on you after you woke up tied to a chair with D.I.C.E. members in uniform, masks and all, surrounding you. When you asked what was going on, the girl with long brown hair simply replied "Kokichi will be here soon." And that sentence terrified you beyond belief.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ As you waited for your pseudo keeper to come fetch you and drag you to what you practically assumed would be your own execution, you begged and pled and reasoned and fought and did everything you possibly could to convince D.I.C.E. to let you go and spare you Kokichi's wrath. But in the end, deep down, you knew they would hear absolutely none of it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ When Kokichi arrived, you noticed his lack of being properly groomed or taken care of. He was thin, he smelled like he hadn't showered since you left, his hair was long and messy, his lips were cracked and dry, and the bags under his eyes were darker than the night sky.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ But more than anything, you noticed the look in his eyes. Sadness... relief... gratitude... love... pity... obsession... lust... desire... but most importantly? Rage. He was angry, and you knew it was because of you. Would he show you mercy? Somehow, you doubted it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "S/O..."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ His voice was creaky and broken, and it almost sounded like he hadn't spoken since the day you left and was now struggling. But you could hear the overwhelming malice and venom his tone dripped with.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He climbed half onto the chair with one knee on the edge of it as he roughly kissed you. It wasn't a pleasant kiss at all for you, no. There were teeth involved, and by the end of the ten minutes he kissed you, blood was dribbling down your chin and you were in agony, feeling like he had completely chewed your lip off. Fortunately, he reassured you he wouldn't damage your beautiful face permanently...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ D.I.C.E. helped him drag you back to Kokichi's place without being caught, using a gag to muffle your cries for help as the suitcase they locked you in was reinforced to prevent any escaping pleas from making it to the outside world. They didn't want anyone to come save you, now did they~?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ When they put you in Kokichi's basement, he proceeds to chain your arms to the wall and shove a sock into your mouth to keep you quiet as he began to prepare for what he knew had to be done. D.I.C.E. left you to suffer Kokichi's fury on your own, but you knew you'd see your secondary caretakers again...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Do I have to cut your legs off to make you stay with me?! Is that it?! Do I have to remove any and all chances you have to get away from me?! You should know you belong to me!"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ And as he left to the garage and came back with a circular saw, your fate was sealed. All you remember from that night was the sound of your screams...
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