#yall its finally happening!!!!
Have Skeppy and Bad Met Up Yet?
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mossmurdock · 9 months
✿ ao3 ✿ 
geto suguru/reader
summary: A year of retirement from being a jujutsu sorcerer finally pushes you to call someone you willed yourself to leave behind. Groceries are bought, a meal is shared, teeth are bared inches from skin, and hands are held back from tearing apart. Reunions have never been either of your strong suits.
tags: Mentioned Gojo Satoru, Mentioned Ieiri Shoko, Mentioned Nanami Kento, Mentioned Haibara Yu, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Codependency, Pining, but make it gross and a little scary, Past Relationship(s), Complicated Relationships, blood and teeth and love
notes: hello! thank you for reading. this one took some time but im liking it lots. suguru is so fun to write for, ive really liked exploring him so far. always feel free to leave any questions or comments, they always make me happy!
Resigning from jujutsu society is easy enough to have you second-guessing yourself. It frightens you a little, how easy the process is; you almost turn to the nearest suit to ask if this is really allowed. 
Sign here, don’t forget to perform an exit interview tomorrow afternoon, and make sure to resubmit all the cursed tools you may have checked out of the armoury; negligence to do so will be considered a severe infraction. Remember that you can always come back to us.
In the span of a day, you quietly retire at the age of twenty. The first thing you do is your laundry. The dried blood washes out nicely enough; you throw away the uniform all the same.
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Retired life is easy. You eat, you drink, and you try to live. Maybe you dream about killing. You rise out of bed every morning without sparing a glance at your hands until you’ve reached the bathroom and thoroughly scrubbed them in the sink. It makes you remember him as a clean slate, something you never touched. 
It really is no use, you think of him all the same, but tradition only dies with someone.
A year into this and you still manage to forget to go grocery shopping at the end of each month. You’ve once more run out of money for takeout and the fridge has been empty for two weeks. All that sits inside are bottles of your favorite drink and the brand of candy Satoru handed you the night you retired. It was his favorite so naturally he thought it was your favorite too. 
The candy is too sweet and too waxy, but you shove it down for breakfast before starting your day. The bag is empty before you know it, light enough in your hand to be blown away with a breath. You lick at the sugar stuck to your lips before trading the empty bag for your phone.
This should feel like a horrible idea, but your hands all too eagerly wrap around the frame of your phone, the pads of your finger pressing into the screen like they were meant to leave marks on skin. You pretend you aren’t sure what it is about this morning that has you wanting to hear his voice. 
The ring only echoes once. 
“Suguru,” you greet familiarly. He had always said your voice came out scratchy over the phone, arguing with you for years about getting a new one because he never heard you clearly when you delivered information about missions. You argued that it was just the way he chose to hear you. Eventually, you both settled on messaging each other instead. You wonder if you sound any different now, if he’s even searching for that sort of thing after so long. 
He says your name back. So neutral that it's polite, so detached from himself that you’re starting to think he might be back to normal. Your mind flashes to the night of your retirement, the awkward shapes of his hands, and how they’d tried to bite into the fat of your arms: desperate. It feels important to remember that you couldn’t completely decipher him in your last moments.
It’s been a year since then.
“Come shopping with me,” you propose. “I’ll cook for you.”
You never cooked much in your life, things never exactly called for that sort of thing. Though, Haibara would always praise you for your simple meals. The two of you had picked up the nasty habit of heading to bed too late, often caught in meaningless conversations in the kitchen.
Suguru has never had any of your cooking before, always so polite to refuse.
“Is retired life really that lonely so soon?” he asks.
“You sound like Satoru,” you note, more to yourself than anything, but you’re aware of how it will irk him.
“It was just a simple question.” An unkind one, but he chooses not to mention that part when he pauses and lets a silence hang in the static. “I can find some time to come along, but there’s no need to cook for me.”
To anyone, it would seem like he’s saying it to be kind, but, deep down, he says it so that he can get away from you more quickly. The idea of him sharing a meal with you sticks to the front of your mind all the same.
You pick at the leftover candy stuck between your teeth with your tongue and swallow the leftover pieces away. “Ok,” you say. “I’ll send my address.”
“Alright,” he bids simply. Then, almost as a calculated afterthought, “See you.”
“See you.”
You hang up and maybe that’s finally living. 
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The pants you decide on wearing tend to drag along the floor even after you cuff them. They’re well-loved because you take good care of them. There’s a stain on the left side of the waistband, a mended hole in one of the pockets, and the fabric is soft enough to want to drown in. They weren’t always yours, it’s what makes them even better. 
The sky is gray tonight and matches the color of Suguru’s loose shirt well. You bite down the urge to tell him he looks good, and that the two of you are matching. It would have been easier over the phone, with him not being able to hear your voice as much as your own. He could mistake you as a stranger and start all over again instead of seeing something so rundown and full and yet completely barren. 
“The supermarket’s only open for another hour, let’s be quick and not inconvenience the workers.” Suguru walks through the automatic doors and is immediately illuminated by the fluorescent lights. The bags under his eyes are highlighted enough to seem like they were painted on. The suggestion is more of his polite code: Let’s make this quick so we can head back to our separate lives.
Because how wrong of you was it to have called him after an entire year of no contact? How wrong was it to want to have the weight of his arm against yours while you both stared at different kinds of produce you aren’t able to afford? You wanted to see him again. You want to ask why he looks so tired, why he keeps looking down at your shoes and not at your eyes.
Why is it that ever since leaving all you have been able to do properly is reminisce? You must have forgotten how to make anything new of yourself, how to hold anything softly.  
“Hey.” You find Suguru in the candy aisle. He’s staring at the same brand of candy you grabbed out of your fridge this morning. “I’m ready to leave. You done?”
Despite your words, he doesn’t move, and you only walk to stare at the rows with him. It’s colorful, full of bright cyans, electric yellows, and eye-straining magentas. It’s almost funny, the way the two of you look so dull in comparison; the gray of his shirt and the black of your sweats are bland in comparison. 
Your arm extends against your will, grabbing a random brand and unceremoniously chucking it into your own hand-held basket. You then reach again to pick Satoru’s favorite flavor and gently place it into Suguru’s. 
If he looks at you any differently, you miss it completely while turning toward the cashier. 
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Suguru must forget about not accompanying you back to your apartment. The way he extends his hand out for you to offer him the keys is natural and fluid.
He had carried your grocery bags along with his own the entire walk back, silent, only looking back at you when he was unsure of where to go. The only words out of you were directions, niceties, and asking if he’s sure about carrying all those bags for so long feels out of place. You’ve seen him lift heavier with just one finger. 
The sound of the door closing should shift something in the atmosphere, it should make things feel heavier. The sound of it locking should have you wondering why this man is in your house, why this stranger has invited himself in. You catch his eye as you're slipping off your shoes. He’s in your kitchen, organizing things like he belongs there, like this is his hundredth time visiting instead of his first. Your grocery bags are already separated from his and halfway into the fridge. Your shared look is just that: shared, nothing else, and nothing more. 
The two of you fall into preparing a meal without noticing. 
Your rice cooker is ancient and covered in stickers that have no coherent theme. What looks like hundreds of awful renditions of cartoon characters you no longer recognize and fading “THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING WITH US!” labels cover the appliance like armor. It makes it look even more aged. You push down the itch to scratch away at them, telling yourself you don’t want to deal with all that leftover sticky residue. But really, you just like to remember who placed them there.
The cloudy water of the washed rice pours out into the sink loudly. You hear Suguru cutting something but don’t remember giving him a knife or a cutting board. He must have found them on his own. The both of you move around each other like second nature.
He’s cutting the sausage he bought into small slices. They look like red blood cells. 
“Planning on cooking those?” It’s the first thing you say after what feels like hours.
  “You never ate them raw,” he recalls. He’s right. You find a pan for him and place it on the small stove. But before he can turn anything on you stop him. 
“The smell. It’ll get in your hair,” you caution. Have you been speaking in whispers this entire time?
Suguru only brushes his bangs aside, not looking at you as he slides the cut-up meat into the pan and lets the stove warm. “I’ll just shower after. You have one, don’t you?”
You’re struck dumb for only a second; the eggs you’re whisking are beginning to foam up from your non-stop whisking. “Ok then.” Your voice comes out a little flat.
The both of you end up with bowls of food and on the couch. Rice and eggs and cut sausage. It reminds you of being in school. Your tiny television feels like a much-needed buffer, there's a movie playing that you two have watched at least ten times already. You put it on purposefully because it leaves room to talk. 
When your bowl is half empty, Suguru finally picks up the conversation by the arms and drags it from one grave to another. It distracts you from the fact that he’s hardly touched his own food. 
“The apartment suits you,” he compliments. 
“Does it?” It’s rhetorical, but you know he’ll give half of an elaboration. 
He hums, makes a point of looking around and then at you. “It's nice.”
“I am nice,” you agree.
“A little selfish, too,” he adds bluntly. “But yes, nice.”
And there’s that word. Selfish. After years of the word lingering at the edge of your tongue, he ripped it away from you in a breath, like it was never yours. 
“That’s alright. I like the sound of both.” You set your half finished bowl of food on the coffee table, next to the old bag of candy you completely forgot to trash this morning.
You look at him. His expression is back on the screen. He’s glowing and you’re trying to remember how to look at him normally, not like he’s just dropped from the sky and offered you a ride home.
“Is that why you think I left, because I’m selfish?” you ask. The taste of that candy sticks into the roof of your mouth. 
He stirs, still not looking at you. When he speaks you barely hear any of the sound or dialogue playing on your TV. “I think leaving was the best way for you to forget.”
“No,” you correct. The tremor in your voice finally has him turning. The left side of his face is lit up by a scene you have memorized. The protagonist is on the verge of tears as she is forced to choose between love and power. The people around her are yelling about which one they want her to choose. The coloring of the terrain she is stuck in splashes across Suguru’s face like paint. You can make out the trees and the sky on his skin, the blood on the protagonist’s hands stands out the most on his cheeks. She will choose love, and it might kill people. 
“Selfishness had something to do with it, but I never wanted to forget anyone.” You look at him, pushing him to look back before confessing. “I never wanted to forget what you were before me.”
You remember countless late nights and even earlier mornings, the way your hands felt after a difficult day, Satoru making you laugh so unexpectedly that you coughed up blood, Suguru handing you a tide pen to get the mess off your uniform sleeves. You remember the streamers that were hung up when Haibara and Nanami were introduced as first years, the confetti you had to pick out of Shoko’s hair.
You burned your bloodied uniform the first day you left but kept the buttons. You kept all the clothes Suguru let you borrow and you pretended to forget to give them back. An old digital camera sits on your bedside table, filled with photos of Suguru and the mundane. Of him simply walking ahead of you, having a conversation with someone else, of his wrists, his eyes, of him smiling, of him sleeping: just him. Maybe that’s when your hands started to itch a little more; could anyone blame you for wanting to reimagine the circumstances a little?
The sewn initials of Suguru’s name scratch at your ankle, the pants had become uncuffed since the walk back from the grocery store. The tag is branded into the fabric forever, having survived multiple wash cycles at your laundromat. Moving to tuck your legs beneath your weight, you swiftly cuff them again and watch him catch the movement. He hadn’t been staring at your shoes. Before he turns his head, you catch him biting his lip with enough force to draw blood.
Hypocrites, both of you.  
Your eyes swerve back to the bag of candy, crumpled and a husk of what it used to be. You ravaged it after a year of letting it sit in your fridge, after a year of only remembering. You wish Suguru could have seen you do it. Maybe you did kill something today. Would a softer love be easier to reject?
When he gets up from his seat, it startles you. He takes both bowls to the kitchen. The realness of his body has you somewhat hyperaware, too mindful of the fact that he’s no longer a picture at the top of your desk drawer. You watch him like a movie, afraid of missing a detail and wishing so terribly that you could reach out to him like it was nothing; lunge out just to keep him in your hands. The faucet turns on and it nearly sounds like the beginning of an abstract soundtrack, like someone behind the scenes finally realized that only hearing your voices amongst the silence of the room was too overwhelming. 
“You sounded different on the phone.” He speaks over the white noise of the running water. If you didn’t know any better you might have missed the way he masked his voice. It’s almost funny; nostalgia always seemed like something too juvenile for him to entertain. Mature Suguru: you’ll never catch him looking back at the camera when he’s walking away. 
“What was different?” you ask, basked in a suspense that has you reeling.
The faucet cuts and you see Suguru’s shoulders tense up over the sink. His palms dig into the metal, and you can’t see it, but you imagine he’s gripping the edge of the counter tightly enough to leave a brand, heated with his youth.
Then his shoulders drop, you aren’t sure where his energy goes, if he’s just pushed it somewhere else or if it expelled from him in a way you couldn’t see. He moves back to the couch, back to you. You twist your body then, meeting him halfway, your ribs digging into the hard back of your cheap furniture. You feel like a siren calling him out to sea, except what you’re offering isn’t anywhere near as pretty, and he actually might be drowning without your help.
His hands, large and wet, cup around your damp cheeks. His thumb brushes at something underneath your eye and things are more right than they are wrong, not perfect, but right. 
“You sounded like you missed me,” he says finally. His head is bowed, inches from your own and you can sense the sincerity on his lips, the subtle catch in his breath before his eyes squeeze shut and he continues. “Apologize.”
“For what?” you whisper, not challenging, simply begging for a chance to do it perfectly. 
He finally looks at you dead on, the color of his eyes going dark with the rest of the room: they’re infested with you. 
“For a while, it really did feel like I had everything figured out,” he says instead. His thumb doesn’t stop its insistent caress, his hands have begun to dry onto your skin. “If you had called sooner, I might have thought of you less.”
Your ribs hurt, a dull pain that you’re sure has made your chest red. And Suguru, his neck must hurt from bending down this low. All of this is very taxing. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologize. 
“Don’t,” he chokes out, even though he had just told you the opposite. His forehead collides with your own and your noses brush against each other. His eyes glide, pulled by a gravity you know too well, and land on your lips. His hands have cupped over your ears and tangled in your hair. 
Suguru kisses you like he’s starved and you kiss back. He drags your bottom lip through his teeth, something you’d only seen in movies. Things are wrong, things are right, and things aren’t perfect; you’re afraid your hands have been drenched in blood, a permanent splatter of paint. They’re hidden underneath your own weight, trapped, held back until Suguru’s hand leaves your face and melts into the curve of your neck; he drags you impossibly closer, enough to have you nearly falling. 
“Your hands,” he demands softly, almost dazed. “Hold onto me.”
But you feel just as drunk, so what comes out of your mouth is protest, completely contradictory of your body throwing itself onto him and letting him lift you over the wall of the couch and onto your feet. He kisses you while you’re up in the air, while you’re half in the middle of your sentence, while your hands wrap around his neck for support and squeeze. All of it’s engulfing enough to have you spinning at the thought of his strength. You never used to think of it much. 
“I think I might be killing you,” you warn him deliriously, once he leaves enough room for you to breathe. 
You think he might have not heard you if not for the look you catch on his face. Suddenly— alarmingly—it becomes so full of love that it feels like you’re being devoured whole. You don’t know how you’ve missed this starved expression for so long. It matches the intent of your hands: both are guilty, both are lovers, and both are a little violent. 
“Yeah,” he replies hoarsely. He says it plainly, like you’ve just told him the weather, like you’re not obviously holding back from touching him again.
“Yeah?” you echo, a little more than mocking at his answer.
“Yes,” he replies more formally. His face pulls away from yours, and all his bending makes you forget how tall he really is. He grips your arms and puts some distance between the two of you, it feels like miles. There’s that bite in his hands again, awkward, too wretched for even him to hold onto on his own. “I don’t want to stop,” he declares. His grip tightens, a comforting gnaw, and he bends down to ghost your lips; Suguru swallows your breath of surprise like it might be his last meal on this Earth.
And maybe you need him because the two of you are able to kill and be killed a little more easily than most. Maybe you need him because he remembers how you like things cooked and answers all your calls. Maybe you need him because that’s a simpler part of living. 
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forerussake · 2 days
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dr-james-wright · 2 months
Uh... hey James? could I talk to you for a little bit?
- @aryn-arcade
Oh! Uh, yeah, what's up?
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nerdyqueerr · 5 months
sometimes i think a little bit about how the Wyrm's ultimate Evil Ploy on Elora was to grant her heterosexual marriage and then not only does she turn that down but she and two lesbian knights defeat the evil AND THEN the Power Of Love comes in to save the heterosexual marriage guy but its literally just the power of his sister saying hey come back i miss you. and, dear readers, i find myself going insane a little
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marimeeko · 24 days
As a multishipper I'm thinking about something. As a BKDK fan, I am, I guess preparing for a possibility?
I had a thought with this last chapter, and how this battle is literally about to end. That we are indeed at the very end of the line.
And I am thinking of the "Do your best, Izuku" theme and how everyone started chiming in on it, how it has become basically the closing motif to the battle. And how Tenya brought up the OG, ochako, who said the "Deku" seemed to her like "Do your best", and of course, ochako is seen saying the same.
So my thought is, if Hori is going for a Izu Ocha ending, this might be how it comes about.
(I am not saying it's one hundred percent satisfying, bc once again, Izuku has shown virtually no interest in her beyond friendship, and the relationship, to me, is still thematically and developmentally, one sided.)
So I don't know if hori is going to go with the idea that "do your best" bringing the relationship of Izu Ocha to the forefront after kicking it to the side for so long...but I guess I can see the thematic possibility he MAY be going for if that is the case.
Once again, I am hoping it's not a blatant thing, if anything I'd like no pairing to be outright "canon". Realistically I think that may be the case. Simply bc izu ocha just doesn't have enough reciprocity behind it and, bakudeku...well, obviously is highly unlikely due to the nature of Shonen/cultural precedence by very reason of it being Queer.
I am just thinking about the whole thing and it may be where Izu Ocha enters the Chat again.
As always I am letting Hori cook, and tempering expectations. I don't dislike Izu Ocha so I won't be terribly bummed out, I just wish there was a little more developed into it(namely, on izukus side)
As I always disclaim, it's Horis story to tell, and I am here to read it, and I'm not stopping now.
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grayblebayble · 5 months
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zorphie · 8 months
!!!!!! hello im officially starting a wizard101 + pirate101 webcomic series thing. Help. :] extra rambling in the tags
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dekupalace · 2 months
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isatcord got this so I'll just drop this family bonds thing here too teehee
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cryptidjeepers · 2 years
something how about all 4 vampires are back where they were at the beginning of the season. Trying so hard to break out of the monotony for all the wrong reasons and being cursed into an endless cycles of want vs need. Nadja wanting to start the night club but failing to keep it after she loses sight of why it was important to her. Nandor back to his old life after searching for love, “finding” it, and losing it because it wasn’t what he actually needed. Their was no sustainablity in either of their dreams and Laszlo failed to parent Colin Robinson as it became about what he wanted vs what colin needed.
Guillermo is the only one capable of breaking the chain, but will breaking the chain inadvertently make him a part of the chain? Becoming a vampire will upset the dynamic and norms, but eventually he will also be stuck as a selfish and dull vampire. 
this season was interesting because it really showed the vampires and guillermo at their lowest. much to think about
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raineandsky · 1 year
Getting into a villain’s lair has never been so easy. The hero more or less just walked in—there’s no security, the place in plain view. She’s half expecting to find the villain already putting cuffs on his hands when she finds him in this maze.
She finally—finally—comes across another human being lingering at the end of one of the endless corridors. One of the villain’s henchmen.
He spots her before she can hide, and he throws her a welcoming smile. “Ah, [Hero], right?” His voice echoes slightly across the space. “[Villain]’s just the third door on your left. Can’t miss it.”
She doesn’t trust this in the slightest. She slowly shuffles towards him, cautious. “What, you’re just giving me your boss’s location?”
The henchman shrugs. “He wants to see you. Big fan and all.”
“... of me?” the hero asks disbelievingly. She’s finally close enough to him, and he leans forwards slightly, lowering his voice. 
“Look, he’s not really a villain,” he says quietly. He checks down the corridor nervously, ensuring the two of them are alone. “He’s a nice dude. It’s just his birthday, y’know? He wanted to pretend to be this big scary guy for his big day.”
The hero can’t believe this. “So I’m not… arresting him?”
“Oh, no, he wants to be arrested. That’s part of it,” The henchman snorts amusedly, “unless he whoops your ass, which I doubt he ever could. Let him have this for today, please? Just play along.”
“Fine,” the hero snaps shortly, and the henchman beams, “but if you’re saying this to try and get my guard down, it won’t work, okay? The moment I think he’s actually a threat he’s going down. You too.”
The henchman nods quickly. “Of course.” He gestures down the corridor next to him. “Third door to the left.”
She rolls her eyes in exasperation as she sets off past him. Hopefully this means today’s job is easy.
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fanta2y · 4 months
of course it would be about true love i mean CMONNNN ofccc it woullddd like it makes so much sense for his character especially with everything in jjk0 like DUHHH he’s about to show sukuna what it’s like to be a MARRIED MAN !!! i know that’s rigghhttt
and him completely DOGGINGGG kenjaku like idk if it’s 100% clear that he’s dead dead but it looks pretty clear that man got walked like a fucking DOGGG like yuuta wasn’t playing NOO GAMESS
and him completely blocking sukuna tryna block his domain, him and yuuji are gonna go crazy and ofc sukuna still gotta be a hater “yOuVe FoUnD yOuRsElF a RoLe” oh boo hoo don’t be mad that things are about to get serious for you sir
UGHH and idk where tf MAKI is at, my benevolent queen, but if she shows up or imagine if yuuta and yuki are just COOKINGGG and sukunas just about to throw up his domain and here comes MAKIII and she just sneaks him
OMGMGMGM it would be so fire now listen to manga almost lost me, i feel like if this fight didn’t get this hype and this crazy and actually felt like there was a chance i wouldn’t be so happy but this feels like we gonna get something
AND MEGUMI MENTION ?!?!?!?!?!? RIPPING MEGUMIS SOUL FROM SUKUNA?????! They better revive my boy or i stg im gonna jump through the pages and kill sukuna my self get this anti-cursed technique from the heian era bitch
okayyy rant over so sorryy i just had to get my feelings out there this new chapter is wild and i can’t wait for next week and i really hope they don’t get absolutely slammed by sukuna like HES BEEN WINNING THIS WHOLE TIME LET MY BABIES GET SOMETHING PLS
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teruthecreator · 8 months
hyperfixating on my own bullshit is so fun its like im having a party for one all the time
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star-dragon · 1 year
This is the only news EVER
I gotta figure out how to scrape up $125 though :')
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lllsaslll · 2 years
It's happening! Elvis' first movie to be released in 4K: Blue Hawaii🌺 Nov. 15, 22
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insufferablemod · 8 months
Just wanted to say I love this blog so much - it's probably my favourite ask blog on here
Also every time I see you show up in my notifications it's like the equivalent of that one fuckin uhhh 'it's always really funny to me when good artists like my work cause I feel like I'm over here making stir fry in my pajamas and gordon ramsey walked in and asked if he could have some' meme
asdffg thank you,, <3<3<3
and lmao yeah i feel you on the pajama stir fry comment, the amount of times ive been in that situation, you r always someones gordon ramsey u_u
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