#xiv blogging
fooltofancy · 1 month
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when you go, i am black and blue / when you go, i am inconsolable
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escentia · 7 months
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Shadowbringers 5.3 broke me.
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shizuart · 11 months
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print: here
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
I’ve read the rules! o7
Sai i need to know. Did he even read the book angel gave them. I know he wasn’t reading it when angel texted them if we chose to not invite him over but did he read even the few pages they looked at
or was he just… buying time to think of things/wanted to look like he was interested in the book when they really weren’t
TRUST ME this is VERY important knowledge and no matter what you say i will only like him more 🫶
✦゜ANSWERED: He did not T_T lmaooooo
Realistically, he probably put it back on the shelf the moment Elanor arrived ^^; Part of me wants to say that he hid it somewhere amongst the shelves (because Angel touched this book... Their hands and eyes graced the cover... No one else deserves the luxury of touching it as well...), but I think he'd be too overwhelmed with Angel finally noticing him to give it much thought.
Ren had no interest in reading the book either, but he did pick a "flora" theme for a very specific reason — as opposed to stalling/trying to buy time..... >:3c
Without spoiling too much, it's the same reason why he sometimes comes across as clumsy (with his words) during conversations, talks a lot about AoG, lives in a stupidly expensive and gaudy apartment, stole another person's nickname and made it his own, sometimes comes across as pushy, mimicked another character's exact line, gave Angel a high-end luxury gift, and why the "X I V" clips in his hair correlate to specific letters in the— *I am forcefully removed from the stage*
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entreri · 2 years
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driftward · 1 year
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xkuja · 1 year
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A Study of 3 Gentlemanly Poses
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autumnslance · 1 month
Anyway, it's worth remembering that a lot of things people cling to as Canonical Evidence of their Totally True and Objective Viewpoints on the characters in FFXIV is a lot of times based entirely on incidental side dialogue, often a single line and the possible readings or implications one puts upon it.
This isn't a bad thing, mind; we all do it, and in some ways it's necessary, to comb through dialogue and quest text and side content to get scraps of characterization, lore, etc to base our roleplay, fanfiction, fanart, and analyses on.
It's why I'm often insistent on finding and having context and backing evidence for things, particularly lore analysis. And there are multiple interpretations in a lot of cases--and especially depending on which localization is being used, or if removed content is being considered or not, and so on.
There've been times I think an interpretation is really off (and sometimes if feeling spicy have argued it) given other evidences--or I have missed evidence and context others are going by!
And sometimes people will read the same lines entirely differently, for uncountable possible reasons based on our myriad lived experiences. Things I've had to remember/be reminded of a few times, and so now try to caveat with "I feel" or "I think" or "in my opinion" when giving my own take or rebuttal, if I do.
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heretic-altias · 10 months
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kayzis · 1 year
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a very rough rendition of how the alisae/wol reunion in shadowbringers went, to me, in my humble opinion. canon be damned i'll hug those twins
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fooltofancy · 3 months
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whispers my brand
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blood-orange-juice · 5 months
ok so ive never properly played genshin and don’t plan to but i know a bit about it’s lore and characters and i think it’s really neat. however i have thousands of hours on ffxiv. on that note please explain why graha and childe are similar. i only have very basic knowledge on childe and i gotta know
Fellow ffxiv enjoyer. <3
(anyone asking me about G'raha has a 100% chance of getting a wall of text and I'm not apologising for that. enjoy your wall of text)
I'm not entirely sure I'm not a case of a person with a hammer to whom everything resembles a nail, but I do think they are the same archetype.
Sweet characters who could have been perfect sidekicks (who still are perfect sidekicks) but listened to too many epic tales as kids and found themselves in a wrong place at a wrong time and now have to play a key role in some universe-changing story.
Both are defined mostly by their stubborness, they are not very suitable for the roles they've chosen and fail over and over again until they do it somewhat right (barely).
No matter how badass they look, their power is not their own, G'raha is a glorified technician of someone else's miracle and little else than a living key, Childe wields an art of old Khaenri'ah without fully understanding it. It's all borrowed from someone else who needed them to achieve a goal.
They do look badass, but mostly because they larp. I'm honestly not sure which one enjoys theatrics more.
Civilisations that created the magic they use specialised in perversion of the natural order of things. They try to use it in relatively noble ways and mostly hurt themselves but the flavour is there.
Both are unbelievably tragic and both somehow make their stories seem almost lighthearted. Complete absense of self-pity. I think that's what makes them both so charming, it's a rare trait.
Both have an incredible capacity for loyalty and love and an incredibly twisted view of what relationships look like. "I'll cross time and space for you, I'll die for you, I'll build a city for you, I'll live for you but please don't ask me to share my plans." "I'll sacrfice my own health and respect of my subordinates to keep my brother's happyness, probably my humanity too, but don't expect me to actually interact with him."
Both have something that looks like self-sacrificial tendencies bordering on suicidality while being, if we are honest, a self-serving trait (partially born out of low self-esteem but still self-serving). They want to live in an old myth and sacrificing oneself is a perfectly reasonable price for that.
Huge egos. And I mean Huge Egos. It's a bit less obvious in Graha's case but I know the type, you see guys like that in PhD programs a lot.
Huge dorks. Both of them.
Both are stuck somewhere between human and non-human and, hmm... their ability to remain human is the most astonishing quality of both. By all accounts, neither should have. They somehow did.
Both are incapable of lying to the point where a third of each fandom headcanons them as autistic. Both are somewhat all right with tricking people without technically lying (although Childe had more practice).
Both are secretive because no one would understand anyway.
FF XIV is a kinder story, so it's easy to overlook, but technically G'raha is a case of body horror, accepts the role of a villain for a while and hides from the player way too much. Hmmm... Where else have I seen it. Hmm. Oh right. That ginger guy from Genshin.
Minor things:
Both are little shits and enjoy annoying the hell out of people they dislike.
Abysmally bad fashion sense. There should be a name for this particular type and level of bad. I don't think I've seen this anywhere else.
And then there's the colour scheme. Red+black+white+blue and red+black+light grey+blue (it's an "anime magician" color profile, I think. black-red-white as alchemy colours + blue as pure magic/something elemental). Childe doesn't quite fit but still the combination is rare.
They way they talk. Dear gods. Who the hell talks like that.
Here's where the similarities end.
One is morally grey but ultimately a good guy (technically. I think the point of ShB was that Emet and G'raha are almost the same), another is a morally grey but still (kind of) a bad buy.
At every step of his story Graha is surrounded by people who love or at least appreciate him, Childe is pretty much on his own and surrounded by people who are either shitty or clueless.
G'raha is kind. Truly and astonishingly kind, in a doomed world he chooses to love everything he touches. Silly little priest of hope. Of all the things he has done this is the most wondrous, I think. Not the time travel, not the city he founded, just being able to remain kind after everything that happened to him.
Childe is... well, Childe. I think he is a deeply decent person (to the point of having a visceral distaste for any kind of unfairness) and he's idealistic but he's indifferent more than he is kind. Empathy usually develops only when someone has shown the person empathy first and, as far as we know, he didn't have much of that in his life.
Also G'raha builds things. Childe breaks things. Childe breaks pretty much everything he touches.
One is an archeologist and a mage and another is a warrior.
I think these differences are caused mostly by the settings they were put into. Childe raised in Sharlayan would have been a very different person. G'raha trained by a voidsent and shipped off to Garlean military would look very much like Childe.
G'raha also has a beautiful character development arc. I love his ShB role. He has this huge ego in the raids and is insufferable and then we see an older and wiser him with a bunch of actual achievements and a bad case of impostor syndrome (trying to do anything real always humbles a person, we all know that real world is held together by sticks and scotch tape. honestly, this change alone is beautiful). And he gets to be an actual hero when he abandons all hope to be Important and resigns to die as a nameless villain if it saves everyone and spares his loved ones from heartbreak.
Childe's character development is yet to happen and I'm not hoping for much but we'll see.
The only difference that definitely isn't created by setting is that G'raha is naturally manipulative. In a kind-hearted way and mostly for the sake of better larp but he isn't that straightforward. Childe is spectacularly blunt for all his mysteriousness.
As a bonus, they both compare main characters to stars, but in completely different ways.
"No doubt your heroism will be the star by which I chart my course," says G'raha to the WoL.
Childe mentions the morning star, which is, of course, pretty and a good companion to a lonely traveler, but also it's not a celestial body you can chart your course by.
It's a guy whose signature weapon is called "Polar Star" and his first artifact set was full of nautical themes, so I think he fully understands what he's saying. "You are my friend but I won't change anything in my life for you."
So I don't think his story will be anything like G'raha's, his life took a different turn very long ago. I do think they used to be similar as kids, bookish boys who dreamed of adventure and being special. So it's fun to compare.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. <3
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avirael · 27 days
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Fyllo & Eisha
The first one is two months old and I forgot to post it. The second one I finally finished although I started the sketch back in March 🙈
Fyllo belongs to a friend on Twitter and the pretty Miqo girl belongs to @umbralaether !
I hope you like it! 🫶
Maybe I’ll try something other than a Miqo next 😅
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monstersmashorpass · 19 days
SMASH OR PASS: Vrtra of the First Brood, Final Fantasy XIV
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[Art Credit: Official source image]
Propaganda from submitter:
Now you may look and think Vrtra is a big honkin' dragon, but what you need to know is, Vrtra is babygirl. This is an immortal dragon, one of the First Brood his elder-god-abomination daddy had on Eorzea. Bahamut? You know that one? Bahamut was Vrtra's big brother. Our sweet scaly boy was raised by his sister Azdaja, until big sis pulled a heroic sacrifice by yeeting herself into a hole straight to superhell, prompting Vrtra to devote himself to rescuing her. That was between five and six THOUSAND years ago. He has spent more than 5,000 years searching for ways to save his big sister, and to pass the time while he looked, Vrtra founded and has protected a whole-ass city-state - and it's a good one, too, none of that imperialism crap for him! With the in-name ruler sworn to secrecy, Vrtra has secretly watched over Radz-at-Han for hundreds of years, helping it become a prosperous and cosmopolitan hub of trade. Oh, yeah, and he also put his eye in a homunculus (FFXIV dragons can do that, roll with it) so he could mingle in the city, with the people he loves, without his true form terrifying them. Lemme say that again. Vrtra has an entire city as his found family. He is a kind and tender-hearted guy who cares deeply about his friends and family, and also is an immensely powerful, handsome, genderfluid alien demigod who keeps a humanoid body handy just for when he needs it. Custom-built. He's been, and I quote, "young and old, male and female", so, you know, whatever vibe you're into. You KNOW he would be the ultimate, deluxe, caring lover, and he would make sure your kids and grandkids led peaceful, prosperous lives, too. Bet he'd even make you coffee in the morning - and Radz-at-Han has REALLY good coffee.
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lilirulu · 7 months
I didn't think I'd be making this here buuuuuuuut
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Blooski @ Lilirulu
Cohoster @ Lilirulu
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entreri · 1 year
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Full glad I am to see you all unharmed.
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