#wow this made me tear up a bit ngl
livia-dovehallow · 2 years
For the short prompts gabrily telling Edmund and Linette their engagement?
this one is sooo interesting because my first thought was i could write this entire piece as a letter!!!!!
Edmund and Branwen Herondale Ravenscar Manor, Yorkshire, England 4 January 1880 Mam and Da,
It has been much too long since we have come to see you. I miss you both terribly and think of you often. Will and I hope you are at peace knowing we are happy and together.
And I am especially happy today.
Last night, Gabriel proposed to me!
Da, I imagine that right now you are grumbling to yourself and Mam is scolding you. You may skip all that, as Will has already experienced the seven stages of grief on your behalf in the hours since I broke the news to him despite the fact that he knew it was going to happen.
The rest of this letter may be of only Mam's interest, but I trust that she will share a summary of the event with you in time.
Mam, it was everything I had ever hoped it would be. It was just as you had described--the overwhelming feeling of being loved and your heart racing in your chest wanting to blurt out, "yes!" before he'd even finished speaking.
I knew I was going to marry him, Mam, but Gabriel did well in surprising me with the actual proposal. I swear I could not breathe when I turned and found him down on one knee looking up at me with that smile and those eyes.
He said such romantic things to me that even now I tear up recalling the memory. It was so perfect, I tell you. Snow was falling around us and was all over the ground. There is nothing like the sight and peace of snow falling against a dark night sky with the dim light of the street lamps at the edge of the gates.
And Mam-- he had an engagement ring opened up to me alongside his family ring. It was the most thoughtful gesture anyone has ever made for me. He found the most simple yet meaningful way to honor my life and memories as both a Mundane and a Shadowhunter. He loves all the parts of me. And I love all the parts of him.
I wear both rings now as I write to you and pause after each sentence to admire them. We promised Will it would be a long engagement and I fully intend on letting him have his wedding first. After all, it will take more than mere weeks to plan my wedding.
How I wish I could be with you now to share in my happiness. Know that I love you both dearly and that Gabriel and I are good to each other and that I have not disemboweled Will in his sleep yet.
Nes i mi dy weld di eto, Cecily
BONUS: A letter from Gabriel to Cecily's parents!
Edmund and Branwen Herondale Ravenscar Manor, Yorkshire, England 3 January 1880
Mr. and Mrs. Herondale,
I send this letter to you both as a thank you for the warmth and generosity you have shown me since we met. Cecily and Will have always, and still do, speak of you in the highest regards and fondest memories and I understand why.
Admittedly, I also write this letter to you as I prepare the bravery to ask Cecily to marry me. Had circumstances allowed, I'd have preferred to share this with you both in person, no matter how wracked with nerves I am, as I value the opinions of those Cecily holds so near and dear to her heart.
You already know this well, but Cecily is the most amazing, beautiful, smart, witty, and brave person I have ever met in my whole life. I'd be a fool not to realize it. She encourages and supports me to be the best version of myself I can be, and for that, I will never be able to repay her. But I will try each day for the rest of my life.
I promise to protect her, and care for her, support her and above all, love her with everything that I have and am. I love her more than I have ever thought it possible for one person to love another. Love itself doesn't seem to be a strong enough word.
Thank you for being a part of what makes Cecily so special.
With greatest appreciation and gratefulness, Gabriel Lightwood
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jazeswhbhaven · 4 months
Beel, Are You Srs Brah? WHB Event React Part 5 *Spoiler Warning*
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okay...I know...I know...ANOTHER part? Yes. But if haven't been here before...let's go back a bit! Go here for Part 4 ->
From there you can backtrack all the way to the beginning if you wish! It's been quite the react journey .-. I hope you enjoyed my bastardized summary and commentary. Let's enjoy the final part together <3
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If you remember in part 4, Beel was over here being weird and licking Amon's tears and now he's just like right so when you're done mourning over your parents come to the palace and I'll get you pierced up. <3
Beel. Please.
Just has that personality shining through where he doesn't dwell on stuff like this for long. It's mostly "Ah yah that's sad, but anyways" Not to say that he doesn't care. It's more of he can't really afford to stay stuck in that emotion of sadness and such. He's got stuff to do.
Speaking of which, we're back at the cafe again because Amon is done having his little flashback moment.
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So the Jung Hi cosplayer is just reminding them that he's serving the table they're at still, even though Beel is there under special orders, and our bois keep trying to talk to him, but he's really nudging them to eat. They're served pork cutlets, and it's the same reaction yet again lmao
All of them are eating and enjoying the food like how they did at the other places. SIGH
Ngl I was suspicious of why Beel wanted them to eat so badly...like there's gotta be some reason he's adamant about it, right? Is he trying to sneak away?
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Uh oh...
so it appears the more they ate, the slower reacting they were being, and at this point I'm like WTF DID BEEL ROOFIE THE FUCKING FOOD?
So our bby Stolas goes down first, then Nabe who's like "I knew it..." like this entire mission he couldn't catch a damn break and I felt so bad for him (╥_╥) Amon is resisting a bit, probs because he already slept so much to begin with, but he gets a few words in!
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So during their exchange of words, it is confirmed that this isn't a cosplayer and that it is him. The OG him that's been running around causing trouble, (leaving those damn unpaid tabs), and now he's successfully poisoned his nobles with roofies. Though, I think it's cute that he acknowledged it was good to eat with Amon again <3
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So Amon succumbs to the sleeping pills and now all of them are knocked the fuck out. He tells the Jung Hi cosplayer to put them nicely into the room they have so they can sleep soundly. That this isn't goodbye forever so he's fine with just leaving them like that. (So cruel though like I would be mad if you just slipped me a sleeping pill just so you could run away Beel >:p) And it's funny because once he says that, the other customers were like OH WAIT ITS HIM HIM and Beel is like telling them to shush and not reveal it is him.
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He's so hot. I hate him. (affectionately) Like imagine him saying that in a deep Southern cowboy voice. Paired with him sounding like he's sleepy all the time??
c r e a m cit y
But as it goes to fade in black, we see our bois sleeping, and they aren't the only ones sleeping!
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o(〒﹏〒)o no one talk everyone shut up, the bby Bael is sleepins and he worked his ass off today do not wake him <3
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The fact that he had to say it like that just makes me laugh. Because it sounds suggestive as if he plans on like just wanting to spend some alone time with his lover and not his bestie.
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So Beel out here complaining about the the mountains of paperwork and is like "wow there's so much shit to file and complain about ugh how terrible" when it was him literally leaving so Bael is the one to deal with it. But our bby is so tired he can't even hear Beel speak his nonsense the man is o u t.
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So Beel being cute, he got a gift for Bael, a little trinket made from shells and he's just talking to him about where he got it and Bael is still asleep and doing grumbly faces and Beel is touching his wrinkles to smooth them out and being all gentle and lovingly. The fact that Bael doesn't wake up the entire time has me thinking that physical touch is both his and Beel's favorite thing and it soothes them so Bael is just taking it in and staying asleep.
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First, I love this CG...look how Beel looks here. Scrumptious. Yummy. Spicy. Muy Machito. My fucking reason to edge myself to sleep.
And just how he's handling Bael? („ಡωಡ„)
But yes, turns out that Beel had came back on his own, and was meaning to stop by and tell Bael that he was back for a moment but he got distracted, started doing stuff and now that it's time for him to leave again he's like "Whelp!"
So our bois spent their time and money for no reason. But at the same time...was Beel ever gonna close those tabs or just send the bill to Bael anyway?
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (screaming, crying, he's so fucking- h e l p)
So Beel is admitting to himself, that even though he knows he's always gonna forget and be distracted about things like this, he never forgets that he has to come back to Bael, back to our Avisos bois <3 And honestly this makes me feel better about my own ADHD because I suffer from not only time blindness, but for my friends it's always 'out of sight out of mind' when they aren't in front of me, paired with horrible sleep schedule and quick social fatigue that sometimes they don't hear from me in days to maybe weeks. But I always remember to come back to message them something small or ask how they are doing or share a thing that made me think of them. I have a good circle where they don't mind this and it's so affirming.
This is why I grow closer to accepting Beel as my personal ship partner <3 That and I feel he won't really care about my chubby self and my stubby arms and legs and think me being 5ft is adorable.
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So this scene has me wondering tbh. What is it that he has to reveal to our little crew? I wonder since this is a side story and it seems like it's taking place the same time as the main story, that he's anticipating MCs arrival to Avisos sometime in the future or this whole incident with Levi that's happening in Chapter 4....
Regardless, I also have a couple theories about what he says to Bael here.
This reads like a very strong platonic relationship, possibly the only other person he loves more than himself, his freedom, etc. Because even if there's no romance, you can still call your most trusted friend and person your other self/half, because that's how strong the bond is. Another possibility is my wishful thinking that he sees Bael as a romantic partner, but not in a traditional way. Friends with benefits but pretty much there's only just poor Bael getting stuck with the short end of that. A situationship if you will.
And finally, from other users speaking about Bael possibly being a clone of Beel's from early on...I love the concept of that because it would track and make sense. Especially if the crown...that uh is removable I suppose is not his 'real' horn. But most likely some kind of armor or protective covering for the real horn that's hidden in his hair somewhere. This could be a defect he was born with (or you know clone theory it just didn't grow the same way as Beel's horn)
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So now Beel is talking in thin air and I'm just like, huh??? And it's more of like him trying to warn whoever it is that he may not the best to look up to after all and how this person should live for themselves.
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oh, it's Dre!!! So He's telling him to not count on him because he may not be the one to stop the war?
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So he admits to him, that he's not going to sit and try to put himself in his shoes but that Dre should enjoy life instead of living in such sadness all the time.
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Dre is very adamant that Beel is the one who's going to end things and that he will protect him. I really do fucking wonder what Belpeghor did because if you catch Dre's screen line, he says that he snuck away from Niflheim iirc or Belphie let him leave. So this is making me wonder if Belphie is a hardass and is rude to his nobles/citizens. Or is he simply overprotective? We'll have to see later.
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Dre also brings up that Beel's nobles don't trust him, they just like him. And Beel just brushes it off and calls them idiots
damn Beel okay ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ fuck your nobles I guess
But then we get on the topic of Dre killing our pathetic buff angel to avenge his brother.
And well it's seem Dre didn't like that being casually brought up.
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So he mentions to Beel that when he said he would protect him he didn't mean he would deal with disrespect. (I don't blame him for that cause yeah lol Beel is king and all but come correct)
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But Beel claps back, by also aiming for Dre's head and warning him that he doesn't like bad manners either so he better watch it.
Damn, real tense up in here. (crying because Bael is still fucking asleep during all of this, he's so tired)
So Beel decides to further explain himself though. That while he may not understand the true extent of Dre's sadness, he is furious and he hates what happened that day and is glad that one of the angels responsbile is dead.
Dre starts to ease up on him, and Beel offers him some tea randomly (haha cute) but Dre has dissaappeared like Batman or something and calls out from the shadows to thank Beel for that day.
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So we go back to that day again with Dre. Which every time they show our bois as children I'm just like awh they all look so adorable and it's fun seeing them age because their horns are smaller and stuff, so it's literally how they would work irl too.
But back to the story...
Dre was on the floor, bleeding out and such and then he hears the screams of the buff angel in that moment, who was holding his face because Beel kicked his ass with the whip. And by the time Dre could even manage to make out what was happening, Beel's swarm of flies left.
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Yes Beel, yes they do grow up super fucking fast.
I barely remember my own childhood, (well the good things sadly enough) but that was already so fucking long ago....even irl time passes by so damn fast it's crazy.
But seeing that this memory with Dre probably feels like yesterday to the both of them, is just...yeah it's pretty heavy. So much angst. So little time.
So the doorman that guards the door comes in again and whelp both Beel and Dre are gone and Bael is still asleep this entire time lol Like yes, just let him rest, please.
Speaking of which...the next day Bael is awake and pissed off that he missed Beel again and issued a strike (not sure if he means like a literal strike or like warrant/hit on Beel lol) that our bois had to calm him down from doing.
Then it fades to Beel's cheeky little smirk and then it's the fucking end!!!
PHEW so you made it <3 Part fucking five of this event react.
Honestly there was no way I was going to smush this down to only two parts when there's s o much fucking lore and stuff in this and so many places in Avisos to talk about and just idk there was alot to chime in on this time around where I felt I needed to just say whatever.
Recaps of learning about Dre and why he's even in Avisos in the first place, to how our three Avisos nobles interact (Stolas really can't fucking stand Amon it's comical) Nabe being the logical one of the group, but you can see some emotion in there too when he's comfortable. He does give class president vibes and it's cute.
Nabe-Senpai? Maybe? Hm.
And just learning more about Amon and his personality it's just really great stuff for this event. We even get to see Raphael in action and how he really just doesn't give a fuck. Children? Fair game to him to slaughter. True villain shit. I'm sure the next one is gonna be about Hades though, I have a feeling. Because it would make sense to bring out chapter 5, AND have the next event also give us some Hades lore.
But yes, thank you for sitting with me, vibin' with me, and your lovely admin will see you in the next react <3 ♥( ˆ⌣ ˆԅ)
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miyaur · 11 months
bff head empty but
IL dan heng and dan heng teaming up against you 🤭🤭
୨ ୧ pairing. dan heng il + dan heng x gn!reader
୨ ୧ synopsis. 3some, thats it, i kinda discuss their kinks seperately too
୨ ୧ a/n: i rmeebebe talking abt tis before and how bad i wanted to write ab them just being in a 3some w reader bc 💔💔 update 4-5 days later: wow holy shit idk what possessed me but im writing it now
୨ ୧ warnings. breeding, creampie, 3some, 2 dick dan heng il, sex basically ><, when i say 'hole' in this instance, just take it as like the ass hole, thank you
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❀ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈)dan heng il
kind of a meanie honestly.. like sure he's sweet and intimate in the moment but he's quite rough. probably makes you ride his thigh if you smiled at someone else too much
orgasm denial: he probably loves to edge you, the way you just beg him to finish you up already has him as hard as a rock again!!
overstimulates you just to see your pretty little expression go cross-eyed!! i've probably made it kind of clear he likes it when you beg, but please beg him for more and he'll go wild
like i said, he loves it when you beg, something just turns him all the way up when you start to plead for him to go slower, he will go faster, no warning no nothing, just hunger in his eyes
praise kink (giving): he just can't help but praise you when you really are doing so good! the way your hole just clenches around him, not even letting him out, he just knows his good pet wants some more loads inside them!
i just know his tongue is LOOOONG. and he abuses the HELL out of that fact. like when he eats/sucks you off he just knows all the right spots.
unlike dan heng, dan heng il whines a ton, maybe higher pitched moans, but you know, but i just know bro is loud.
back to overstimulation thought train, he would make you cum over and over again 'till tears come out your pretty eyes! probably loves it so much, it's not that when you cry out of stress he gets turned on yk, but when you cry because one of his dicks treat you so good you start to sob your eyes out?! now that! is what turns him on.
literally loves it when you both are done, like he just came another load into you, loves seeing you just so shaken up, just wants you to make you so sensitive a single touch could make you cream on his cock
"oh fuck— you're doing so good for me honey.." he said, lightly grabbing your head farther down his shaft, while your other hand stroked his second cock, precum already dripping down to the floor. he couldn't help but let praise slip past his lips, it's been maybe an hour? roughly 2 sure. he loved the way your pretty head bobbed up and down, taking all of him in, ahh he just loves you so much! might as well reward your pretty mouth with his seed<3
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❀ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈)dan heng
probably more on the soft side! would rather die than ever hurt you!!
is all about body worship ngl.. like he'd say that your body is his kink, just everything about it yk?!?!
tbh dan heng just that kind of guy to not really use sex/intimacy as a way to take out his anger on you BUT when he starts to use his mouth on you it's a different story. like he'd suck/eat you out like he hasn't ate anything in DAYSSSS.
dan heng just that kind of guy to praise the hell out of you as well!! literally just wants to tell you how good you've been for him, taking all of him in, just goes crazy for it!!
his moans are angelic as FUCK. like i wish i could say more, if i could i would, but hearing them is like a blessing from heaven itself.
lives for skin-to-skin contact, ngl!!!!!! will kiss you anywhere and everywhere his lips can reach, moans your name so angelically too
his hands will be wandering everywhere too haha, oh but he seriously loves putting hickeys on your precious neck, especially in the most exposed spots that he knows other people will see. but he would never call the pretty marks on your neck hickeys, he'd say they're more like.. love bites!
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❀ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈)dan heng il + dan heng :0
it's like having 2 softies being a bit mean too. cuz damn 3 dicks is alot!
and i have 3 holes
and oh boy are you in for a lot.
but first off, let's talk about aftercare! aftercare is important to both of them, they both wanna make sure you're okay yk?!?! constant praise from the both of them too cuz not everyone can take in 3 dicks fr!!!
oh but you guys go on and on and on, like before you guys move on to another round, again, they'll ask if you're still up for it cuz they aren't that mean!! but if you say you are they'll really give you another round, and i mean a really harsh another round.
please please. they both love it when you pull their hair, it's just like, a mutual thing between them. especially when dan heng il is the one doing wonders with that tongue of his.
just mess dan heng's hair up, like um, just make his hair absolutely messy, and he'd fall to his knees and be yours
tbh dan heng probably never expected to threesome with the love of his life, and him..self? idk, just think lik they're 2 diff people for the sake of this fanfic.
dan heng il was so busy with your hole just clenching around his cock, just putting you into a mating press just to see the white circle around his shaft when he pulls out, every now and then, you make eye contact with the cutie across the room on the edge of the bed stroking his cock to the sight of.. i guess himself in a dragon-human form going down on you? well, it doesn't help all that much looking at your boyfriend dan heng for 'help', dan heng il got your hands held down by his tail :P
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not rly tagteaming ish, but id rather it be like this than reader getting pounding every way possible
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clownmantis · 13 days
i was gonna send this anonymously because i don't want to be geeking out this bad and have like an actual name behind me but FUCK IT.
ddude are you aware of how much you have impacted my life because ngl THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DRAWING THIS ONE GIEGUE REFERENCE SHEET AND MAKING ME ABLE TO DRAW hol on let me just find it rq uhhhh
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PPOW!!! llike, you made this shit years ago, i cannot even fathom how much your art has evolved now, but i can thank you very, VERY much into me starting to learn how to draw in shit in plain 2024. like wow, holy fuck. i'm screaming at the void yeah but i am screaming with tears of joy in my eyes because THANK YOU!!! also uh thank you very much for showing the ear references i was fighting demons trying to draw them
also hold on i gotta show you the oc that i made that is verry fucking cool aand and
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shit's a little old (2-3 weeks my art is evolving rapidly) so it's a bit uncooked compared to now but i'm so proud of it man LIKE GOD DAMN!!!
also i feel bad for this other artist i saw that drew giegue in a similar way to you and i geeked out as well to them so i hope this is the right one
just thank you vro
-written by a dumbass 14 year old on the internet
HEHEHEHE yeah im the giegue ask blog guy!! or i was up until tumblr booted me out of that account lol . but YAAAAAAYAYAYA IM SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED HIM!!! enough to start drawing yourself .....
i am beyond flattered . so yknow what i havent drawn geeg stuff in ages but this was so sweet to suddenly find in my inbox that HERES A YOUR GUY!!! FOR THE YOU!!!
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tysm for sharing your guy w me im so proud of you and KEEP ON DRAWIN!!!
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sergeifyodorov · 10 months
calle, mikko and eichel for the send me a character ask thing >:)
hehehe taylorrrr <33
i confess im terrible at remembering my first impressions so thats gonna be the least filled out part but lets get INTO it
Cale: “Everyone has been talking about this man’s rosy cheeks and -- wow, he really does have rosy cheeks”
Mikko: [vague absorption of names you hear when you’re watching a game but you don’t know what’s going on][oh yeah that mikko rantanen guy is an av]
Eichel: “The guy who’s kind of bitchy”/ lbr it was mceichel slashfic
Cale: Sweet little rosy-cheeked milkmaid of a babygirl. That hair looks like a baby bird. Dude is a nerd, and probably going to be the Avs’ next captain. That Conn Smythe run was memorable as hell, and I’ll always remember him as a playoff performer, even though the Avs are literally all hurt. Except Mikko.
Mikko: HART 2023 WINNER IN MY MIND. For some reason to me (ngl, my opinion on the Avs is “favourable but I don’t think about them”) he is the only Av who played the whole season -- he carried the entire fucking team through that early-season hell where everyone was really really hurt, as opposed to only mostly hurt like they were in the back half (plus Natemac was back). All this has cemented to me that he is an underappreciated big beautiful blonde moose of a man. Great tits as well if i have to be honest.
Eichel: My bitch wife. Mad respect for being apparently the only hockey out there who knows how to take care of his body (i see u going right down the tunnel when somethings wrong instead of trying to tough it out on the bench. Yesssssss). Robbed of the Smythe. People keep trying to say that he’s not better than McDavid -- this is obvious, but that’s not the point! Also I think it’s funny that that attitude (read: self-respect) has caused people (sabres fans) to note him as a locker-room cancer. It turned out that it made him a playoff performer instead. Not that I want VGK to win more Cups (for purely petty reasons, namely that my leafies should win out), but I do look forward to seeing him tear up the playoffs from here to kingdom come. Also, he’s not objectively handsome but i want him carnally.
Cale: Just watching him skate/man the power-play. His edges are gorgeous, he’s really in the top tier of pure skaters out there. Also the Stroopwaffel Incident
Mikko: Hm. Probably that one media where they had Avs do the heart hand thing and he didn’t understand it? Himbo supreme. Just so large, and so beefy, and so stupid
Eichel: Do I really have to say it?
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Cale: He is the barmaid that the cowboy (natemac?) sees when he enters the mysterious Old West town’s saloon for the first time. He’s got this sort of quiet demeanour that everyone knows not to mess with, because he’s smart as a whip and he’ll get you if you don’t know what’s good for you. Maybe it turns out he’s also the rival gunslinger and we can have this Dark Cale against nate. (and then they kiss)
Mikko: Equal parts romcom boyfriend and werewolfcore. Werewolf boyfriend. I’m sure there are no paranormal romances with a plot that can be established in this manner
Eichel: I’m still on the mceichel train I prommy but I admit the eichel section in scheherazade was really quite fun… I’d like to stay a little bit in that universe, only not plunking auston in just having him already be there. The eichelston teammates to ex-teammates to teammates again to lovers. They could be gossipy haters together. They could kiss under the moonlight. 
Cale: I think this new failgirl era (questionable concussion treatment) is a dangerous trajectory for him. We’ve already seen many, many NHLers with promising careers interrupted or cut short by concussion mismanagement, and Cale is one of the best and brightest of the younger generation. I’d hate to see him go down the path of someone like Kariya.
Eichel: I’m not sure if eichelthirsting is unpopular or not (or if any of my opinions are unpopular really), but that is what i’m going to say. I saw pictures of him post-Cup with his shorts rolled up all the way and that leg exposed to get the Cup tattoo, and. Awooga. 
Cale: Cale x a good nights sleep, cale x stroopwaffel. I think natecale is probably a pleasing one, just because they’re both Canadian Weirdguys, but i’m going to be honest I haven’t read many Cale fics. (Yes, to anyone who might b reading, this IS an opportunity to drop your fic recs in here. Id love em)
Mikko: Arsirane, I don’t have time for messing around
Eichel: McEichel, just because of that juicy juicy Narrative. They don’t have any personal beef with each other, but if you lock them in a room I bet they’d complain to one another so much about the media that they’d start spontaneously kissing. 
Cale: ex-emo kid. We’ve all seen that one photo of him with the bad black hair dye job, whether it’s real or not. I would just like to state that I also believe he can bust out I Write Sins Not Tragedies on the karaoke machine if he is JUST this side of drunk and horny enough.
Mikko: Reportedly funny, but probably the kind of funny where about half the time he doesn’t realize that what he’s said is hilarious, but everyone else laughs at it anyway (he doesn’t mind this. It’s a point of pride)
Eichel: im gonna vote him Most Likely To Kiss His Teammates Platonically On The Mouth 2k23
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svtdarlingbby · 2 years
Dance the Night Away! HoshixTrainee!Reader
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pairing: Hoshi x gender neutral Reader genre: angst in the beginning mostly fluff/humor no warnings! just Hoshi being the best boi word count: 1495 Ok guys this is my first fic on here! Hope you enjoy!
getting accepted into HYBE was your dream come true
just becoming a trainee under one of the biggest companies was surreal
it seems like your hard work was starting to pay off
however, things can't be 100% perfect
the loneliness was for sure getting to you
sure HYBE was a big company but you never had time to create meaningful friendships due to your workload
not to mention your homesickness
going from living with your family and seeing your friends often to being isolated in a new city with hardly anyone to talk to was rough
the effects of these feelings began to show through your performance
which brings us today to your dance coach snapping at you for not mastering the choreography as fast as you should have
"Y/N! How many times do we need to go over this? You should've had this down a while ago!" yelled your dance instructor
"I'm sorry" was all you could muster as you held back tears
"I thought you were better than this. Even if you have to stay in the studio all night I want you to master this choreography. No ifs or buts," sighed your dance instructor as they left you alone in the studio.
now that they were gone it was safe to let it all out
the tears you had been holding flowed out as you let out choked sobs
it really was a pitiful scene as you leaned against the mirrored wall with your face buried into your palms
I'm really going to screw up my chances at going big because of my feelings? you wondered
just thinking this made you cry even more
you didn't hear the door to the dance studio open in the midst of your crying session
whoever walked in didn't see you either
just as he was about practice dancing his newest song, he saw your wallowing figure in the mirror
"AAAAHHHH!!" he screamed and jumped surprisingly high
"AAAH SORRY!" you half squeaked/yelled through teary eyes
you realized that you had terrified the Kwon Soonyoung aka Hoshi aka Tiger
"You got my heart racing haha, no worries, Y/N was it?" he chuckled as he walked toward you
oh no
this is not how you wanted to meet any of your labelmates
you simply nodded in response attempting to hide your tear-stained face
you definitely failed for sure
"Y/N? Are you okay?" he asked as he kneeled to your height
"Yes" you lied
"You don't look okay. What's wrong?" he frowned as he sat next to you on the ground
something about his question made you want to cry more
this was probably the first time someone here has ever thought to make sure you were okay
"It's just..." you begin as you began to cry more
ngl Soonyoung felt a bit awkward but he felt his heart break at the sight of you
"It's okay, Y/N. Let it out" he said gently patting your shoulder
usually he was known for being super energetic but seeing his comforting side was calming
so you cried, at least until you felt composed enough to tell him what was wrong
"Sorry for bugging you, I guess trainee life is a lot harder than I anticipated," you admitted wiping the last of your tears against your sleeve
"Ah I remember those days, they were tough," reminisced Soonyoung
"For sure... I've just been feeling pretty lonely. My whole life is completely different than it was a couple of months ago and I guess the homesickness and anxiety is affecting my performance. My dance instructor was pissed off at me and I guess that was my breaking point," you vented as he listened attentively
"I'm sorry they were harsh on you. I wish they'd have a little more empathy. If you need any help with dancing and what not I'd be more than happy to help" he offered with a smile
"You'd help me?" you asked kind of shocked that someone as busy as Soonyoung would offer to help a lonesome trainee like you
"Yeah why not. You seem dedicated and you got this far. I don't mind really!" he said as he got up.
"Wow Soonyoung, I can't thank you enough," you said
"Alright let's get up" he said as he pulled you off the ground. "So what do you need help with exactly?"
You explained to him that you needed to memorize your assigned choreography by tomorrow
"My dance instructor said I needed to know this even if it took all night" you said worriedly
Soonyoung took a look at your assigned work and beamed
"Hey I know this song! Okay which part do you need help with?"
You were so thankful omg
You explained to him that you knew the beginning up until the first chorus but were kinda lost afterwards
"Okay Y/N, by the end of this session you're gonna know this dance by heart thanks to me"
As soon as he played the music Soonyoung went into full tiger dance pro mode
you were in awe of how a human could just become the concept of dance itself like woww
it definitely took some time for you learn and master the new parts of the choreography but Soonyoung was impressed by your motivation and drive
not gonna lie you did feel your face flush when Soonyoung would fix your positioning or stature
you knew he was being professional but man was he hot when he was in dance mode
he was very patient with you too!
and learning the choreography was actually fun because he'd joke around
"Okay Y/N, this final move is the hardest. Think you can keep up?" he asked raising a brow
"Heck yeah!"
"Okay, I'll guide you. First you raise your right hand about shoulder length" he said as he performed the move
"Alright" you followed raising your right head
"Good! Okay now you open your palm like this" he said opening his palm
"Yup!" you followed his instructions
"Okay, don't screw this part up. It's fundamental to the choreography. Bend your fingers and thumb forward" he said as his smile grew
"Alrighty!" you said bending your fingers forward
before you knew it you horanghaed
"HAHHA HORANGHAE Y/N" laughed Soonyoung as he horanghaed
it took you a second but you burst into laughter
"WOW SOONYOUNG tricking me a poor trainee into horanghae-ing. The tiger agenda has gone too far" you laughed
"Ugh Y/N, you're too cute" chuckled Soonyoung
aaaaand you felt your face get warm and felt all shy
"Anyways, this is what happens when you hang out with me for too long. Just ask my members!" laughed Soonyoung
"Although tricking people into your Tiger agenda is devious, they really are lucky to have you Soonyoung" you said with a smile
"Aw Y/N stop" blushed Soonyoung at your compliment as he looked down smiling
"It's true! Thanks to you I got the choreography down! Seriously thank you so much" you said
"I just couldn't leave a poor little trainee alone like that. But you made my night Y/N. I had fun" he admitted with a small smile
"Yeah, it's about three quarters past midnight" said Soonyoung matter of factly
"HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN HERE?" you wondered loudly not realizing how much time has gone by
"Shoot I don't know maybe 5-6 hours? I wasn't keeping track" chuckled Soonyoung
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to keep you up this late!" you apologized
"Nah don't worry. I had fun Y/N. And I'm glad to see you happier now"
"Thanks Soonyoung"
"But you're right, it is kinda late. I know you need your rest but let me know if you ever need help dancing. Or if you just wanna hang out in general. I know you said you've been feeling lonely and I would love to spend some time with you" he rambled with sparkling eyes
"Soonyoung, I'd love that. Thank you for everything" you said enveloping him in a hug
he gently returned the hug giving you a gentle comforting squeeze
"You're welcome" he smiled as you two pulled apart.
you two planned to meet tomorrow after you presented your newfound choreography skills to your dance instructor to tell him how it went
and maybe hang out some more
but you could not be more grateful for Soonyoung
and hey, you now have your first fan!
"Soonyoung, where have you been all night?" asked Chan running into his bandmate in the halls as he got up to get some water
"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD CHAN!!" yelled Soonyoung
"SHUSH the whole floor is asleep!" whisper yelled Chan
"CHAN I MET SOMEONE THEY'RE SO CUTE THEY'RE A TRAINEE AND- AHH" yelled Soonyoung as he felt himself blush remembering the evening you two shared
Needless to say, all of the boys heard about you through Soonyoung's very loud recounting of the day you two had
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Hey hbj I wanted to thank you for your great work! I've laughed a lot lately especially on my bad days! And that's why I wanted to give you something back. It's not much but I hope you like it anyway. I came up with the idea when I had to think of you so I want to dedicate this picture to you! This picture would not have been possible without you. Thanks! If you decide to post it please link me. I wish you all the love and happiness in this world! 💜💜💜
PS: if you want the picture without text let me know. ☺️
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Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! 😭💜🙏
HOLY SHIT! 😭 Ngl, when I first saw it, I cried a little. And as I answer this now, the probability that I start again is very high. 😭
Wow, I honestly don’t know what to say. I hate that words are not enough to describe how incredibly honored I am and how grateful I am to you that you actually did this for me. To be hones, I just can’t understand and believe that you actually did this for me as a thank you. I honestly don’t know exactly if I really deserve this but I feel so incredibly honored, I can’t describe it!😭 And really, no one has to give me anything back. I am already grateful enough that there are people here who really want to talk to me and who are all so nice and so loving like you. 🥺
Nevertheless, I am so incredibly grateful that you have made the effort and taken the time to do this for me. You know, I’m a big fan of your arts and I love your style incredibly much. Just like this picture here, it’s so cute and so beautiful! Jake just looks so fantastic and MC is just adorable to me! And yes, Jake is hot! I love his outfit so much and the pose they are in, and the MC being the opposite of Jake is so cute. Jake stands out in the picture as much as he does in real life, he’s just too perfect. Oh damn, it's so amazing!! It's so soft and romantic!!! It hits me right into my heart.😭😭
I can only thank you a million times, even if this would never be enough to really thank you.🥺🙏
And thank you so much for your sweet words! I am so incredibly happy that you like my blog that I can apparently make you happy with the stuff I do here and make you laugh. This is the most beautiful thing in the world for me and I’m just so happy that I can make your days a little bit better. And especially that I can give you a little joy on bad days really means everything in the world for me. I’m so happy I can do it.🥺💜
But please don’t say it’s not much! Wow, it’s huge! You drew a whole picture for me and that’s just wow. I write a lot, but I still have no idea how to say how much it means to me! And I don't just like it, I freaking love it! *-* (Little fun fact, the tears are back) xD
I don’t really have much in life, and that I at least give you a little joy is just so beautiful. And I hope that I will continue to do so in the future.
Just the biggest thank you in the world!💜🙏
Really, it means everything to me and I just feel so incredibly honored, I can’t put it into words! And besides, I can only give it back to you! Your fanarts always beautify my days and they cheer me up incredibly. I love to look at them, and I’m really impressed with your talent, it’s just wonderful! And a huge thank you for making the whole fandom happy!🥺
Well, and yes, I think that you should also post the fanart without the text because I am sure that everyone else will find the picture beautiful. Just because Jake and MC are so pretty and cute!🥺💜
Thank you a lot! I appreciate it so much! You made my day! 😭😭🙏
Lots of love and hugs to you! 🥺💜🙏
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taegularities · 1 year
Hi, I came across CMI a few days ago and have been binge reading since. I have to say, it's been long since I've read such a beautiful story. So well-written, even the smallest things give me chills and I have to put my phone down to feel it all and calm down bc wow how can you play with words like this I don't understand but I applaud you and your talent. You're brilliant. That's just one thing. The characters are so multi-dimensional, I've never read a fic that dives this deep into the characters' thoughts and feelings, their backstories, their personalities, their quirks and flaws, their whole being in general. It makes me feel as if I'm part of their story and experiencing everything that they are, and that makes reading this so much more fun and exciting, so thank you truly. I'm weak for fics like this, so I'm very grateful to the algorithm or whatever for bringing your work on my feed. I can feel your passion in your writing and it's so beautiful and refreshing, so keep up the good work, I'm rooting for you.
P.S. I just read the latest chapter and I've had to lay on my stomach so the tears fall straight down instead of bunching up on my face bc I have work tomorrow and don't want to go with a swollen face so thank you for that🤨 also you're greatly contributing to the rise of my standards for love and romance, thanks again🥲
heeey! and welcome to the chaos... i hope you have the best time around here !! 🤍
you put so many compliments in your message, i don't even know where to start. just know that i'm smiling wide and blushing :( i'm elated that you've been enjoying my writing style as well as all details and the characters of the story.. ngl, i used to struggle with a lot of things.. one of them being character development. so to know you like their personalities and how i paint them is so damn encouraging.
gosh, honestly though.. i'm so happy too that tumblr somehow managed to bring you here, bc lovely readers like you make this blog so damn comforting to me. and i hope you feel the same with time 💕
ahhh the latest chapter.. that bit about you laying on your stomach made me laugh out loud, so thank you for that 😭 i hope your face wasn't swollen, and if it was, i apologise hahaha once again, thank you for being here. i appreciate you 🤍
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a-kaash-me-outside · 1 year
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i already took a break to calm myself down so that i can form a coherent reaction but now that i'm sat here on my laptop, i am once again hit by WAVES OF EMOTIONS!!!!! (*≧∀≦*)
first off!! when we knocked on tsumu's door and he was only wearing his hoodie and athletic shorts I FREAKIN GASPED BC!!!! WOW THAT'S FREAKIN GENIUS!!!! we met tsumu in that fit the first time AND LEMME TELL YOU that fit was the *reason* why i fell in love with tsumu in this fic!!! i can just imagine his toned thighs and and his abs and I AM LOSING MY MIND bc this fit MADE A COMEBACK AHGJKHSDJKGH I LOVE IT
then their convo?!?!?! tsumu saying that we're good n great, and he knows that he's been real shitty, he's aware that he's been an ass— i was reading that part with bated breath, hand on my chest, tears rimming my eyes!!! SO GOOD!!! i mean granted he didn't directly say "sorry" but i felt that in our first kiss (and quite frankly by how he fucked us senseless right after that sdhjfks) he was so gentle and patient and he wanted us to take the lead and then he just hit us with "but can i kiss you for a little longer first?" LEMME TELL YOU!!!! I FREAKIN DIED!!!! I THINK MY CHEST EXPLODED THAT TIME IDEK SDJKLDNSGJKS
and then the part that we've all been waiting for THE SMUT
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I MEAN WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN?!?!?!? how do i even describe all the emotions that i felt during that?!?!?!? can one even form a coherent response while tsumu is out there making us SEE STARS?!?!?!?! AHWFJSHJKSGBK
i'll be honest tho. i'm not really into m! receiving oral (in general) bc just reading abt it makes me physically gag and idk i hate that kind of sensation BUT for atsumu??? I. Will. Go. Through. It and the way we was so confident??? dayum, we was so HOT fr fr if reader decides to have a seminar or a crash course abt being hot and confident like that and even just abt sucking dick, i will be the first to sign up jsfhjksdh
and tsumu saying "and you’ll be so sore ya can’t get out of bed and walk to yer room" OH MY GOODNESS that is so filthy BUT IT IS SO HOT OH MY GOODNESS HNNNNGGGGG and his accent??? I WANT TO HEAR TSUMU TALK (and whisper) TO ME LIKE THAT EVERY NIGHT NGL SLJKGHSJG
and also!!!! i read in one of your asks that your fics are chubby coded, i couldn't believe it at first bc i haven't noticed it but then !!!! "you lean your weight into your wrists, he can feel it all on his sternum. the pressure is incredible, like he couldn’t take control if he wanted to right now." THIS MADE ME SO FREAKING HAPPY I'M UGLY SOBBING RN AJKSJKHS THIS LINE MADE ME FEEL SEEN AND LOVED (づ◡﹏◡)づ♡♡♡
i wouldn't elaborate any further bc this will just be me quoting your lines back to you and my ask is already getting out of hand. i know that i've already told you in my previous asks that this fic is so good but i just want to tell you again how GOOD your writing is!!!! i just LOVE how you write complex emotions, friendly banters, and just everything!!!! you are an amazing writer, tori ( ◡‿◡ )♡
okay one last scream
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OMG OMG. BABE. THIS?!??!?!?! this ASK omg. i'm literally swooning bb swear to god. i can't. i was smiling and smirking the whole way through this shit. ALL of the things that you pointed out are things that i absolutely loved writing or hoped people would pick up on so i'm just AH thank you T-T
AND YEA YEA. i'm glad that you noticed and picked up on it. i really do write for chubby readers, just like? lowkey? not over the top and in your face or anything, just like! i am! so when i visualize the scenes, i put myself in that position. SO YEA. i'm glad you picked up on the little bits that i put in there and stuff. <3 and that it made u feel seen <3
i'm sososoos glad you loved it and let me just AH tell you that AH. this shit? made me <3 yes <3 thank you so much. <3 so happy. TT
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delphi-dreamin · 2 years
Don’t mind me following, seeing your emoji ask answers and wanting to know more so uhhh what about 🐈‍⬛, 🫂, and 💔 for Delphie?
~ @scarlett-vixen
🥺🥺🥺 Kat-! I'm a little emotional right now, ngl.
🐈‍⬛ - Does your Mc have a familiar? If not, what would it be?
Y'know, I hadn't even considered a familiar as a possibility when I first started playing. I really wanna retcon one at this point, lol. If Delphi had a familiar it would be some sort of bird for sure, and likely a corvid or raptor. I'm thinking a raven or maybe a merlin or an owl?
🫂 - Did your Mc make all the pacts they made in canon? Less? Maybe more?
Same number as canon, same order! A little boring, but y'know.
💔 - Did your Mc have a bad fall out with anyone? If yes, did they make up or not?
I was so hoping someone would actually send me an ask and this question. (Spoilers for lesson 37 forward!)
Yes, yes she did. The main one was Diavolo. And, by extension, Barbatos. And Solomon. Lessons 37-40 were absolute hell on Delphi because at that point, she had settled into a more or less monogamous relationship with Lucifer. And so, instead of Diavolo apologizing and hugging her, she blows UP on him and Solomon. I mean tears him a new one. She doesn't care at that point if Diavolo's the prince, she lets him have it. Because the demon she loves is lying unconscious with no memory of any of them and there's nothing they can do. And MAYBE if he and Solomon had SHARED WITH THE CLASS they could have figured out something sooner. Maybe it wouldn't have gotten to this point. And he's telling her the only thing they can do now is sever all her pacts? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, my lord.
She doesn't make up with Diavolo. When he confesses later on (after the karaoke incident), she rips him a new one again. It really pains her to not trust Barbatos anymore, because she really likes him. But he's Diavolo's man 100%. She can still be amicable with him, but I think any real friendship they could have had is seriously damaged. And Solomon's on thin fucking ice. He wanted to tell her. And he tried to before everything went to shit. (He's gonna be making up for this for centuries if she manages to figure out immortality. Because the bit with the Night Dagger? Not fucking cool.)
Wow, sorry that ended up a novel. Um. I've had that last bit on my chest for a WHILE. I'm actually working on a fic...
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malinaa · 1 year
tagged: @rosesau @ttimbradford <3
1. number of stories posted to ao3: 27 (±2 bc i updated 2 fics that i started last year) but i reached over 100 works on ao3!!!!!
2. word count posted for this year: 101,410 (technically More bc i wrote ofic but that is obviously not posted anywhere)
3. fandoms i wrote for: marvel (spider-man), dc (batman, superman), pjo, the atlas series, six of crows, the raven cycle/the dreamer trilogy, hp, and goncharov 😭
4. pairings: petermj, petergwen, percabeth, libbynico, kanej, bluesey, blue/adam, clois, gonchandrey
5. stories with the most
kudos: accidental heroism (the batman) 3,357 bookmarks: the jones-watson-parkers (spider-man) 844 but since that was posted last year it's technically accidental heroism again w 640 comment threads: yet again... the jones-watson-parkers with 133 but it is still accidental heroism with 47
6. work i'm most proud of (and why): ummmm idk actually the work im most proud of is my ofic theo and i cannot Show that to u anyway it's bc i have never rly fully revised smth like. overhauled it n all that bc i finally Understood theo's character and it was such a RUSH to work on her fr and ive produced some of my Best Writing To Date!!! for fic tho uh??!??!?!? im pretty proud of most fic ive written this year bc i have tried rly hard ok 😭 usually i can pinpoint a single fic but i think ive written consistently well ???
7. work i'm least proud of (and why): a home for two (spider-man) mostly because i did Not vibe writing it i was literally pulling teeth trying to finish it but ppl seem to like it idk
8. share of describe a favorite review you received: this comment from a fic i posted last year bc "this fic is so PRETTY, literally poem in prose form im weeping. there's such a... melancholic vibe to it. or perhaps nostalgic. just, wow." has stuck w me forEVER!! and genuinely any comment i have even received from ao3 user Fairy527...u will ALWAYS be famous 2 MEEE!!!!!!
9. a time when writing was really, really hard: uh not for fic but i was tearing my hair out writing theo partially because of the content and partially because it is quite literally Difficult to write what's perfect in your head and i haven't even written theo to my own standards ngl
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: the entirety of final goodbye because. Well. who knew i would be writing goncharov fic actually who knew goncharov would even exist fr
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing: ok not to have an ego but there r a fair few bits
Here's the thing about loss: sometimes you grow up and around a person, fitting and stretching and expanding to add them to the patchwork of yourself, and when they leave, there's a scar between both bodies. One here, one gone. An open wound. It's surprising how much time you can spend with someone and still come out the other end empty-handed. (slip of reality | spider-man)
Touching her eclipses his image of Elysium. ANDDDD Annabeth faces her past self, a funhouse reflection of who she once was. Neglect and trauma have warped Young Annabeth into something smaller—into someone smaller. (the annabeth project | pjo)
The Ronan after was broken, a raven of a boy, all hollow-boned. Yearned for flight, yet trapped by a cage of his own making. (the living lynches | tdt)
The very fact of her breathing astounds him for some reason. There are working lungs, a network of veins, a beating, beautiful heart hidden inside her body. She is wonderfully, colossally alive. (a kiss without a kiss | trc)
12. how did you grow as a writer this year: oh i have learned to appreciate writing first person bc of theo <3 and writing a little longer things bc i am a serial 1-2k oneshotter and i have Exceeded that a bit
13. how do you hope to grow next year: perhaps i will Finally finish a multichapter fic jesus christ
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer, beta, cheerleader, etc): seedemma <3 u made me worse as a person. also tangentially em's professor . why has that random man infiltrated my life i've never met him. anyway jack im also kithing u on the mouth btw
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: none that i can point out at the top of my head ! well. except for theo 🧍🏻‍♀️ i gave her too many lysisms which is concerning considering everything wrong w her n her chronic patheticness
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers: new wisdom??? god not rly but here is some OLD wisdom that i feel like other writers shld always listen to... read MORE BOOKS!!!!!!!!!! i swear u can taste the visceral difference btwn someone who writes and reads n someone who writes without reading n like ive read a fair few books this year and it has def seeped into my writing fr
17. any projects you're looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: working on the Novel™ n also attempting to finish all these wips i have left in the grave
18. tag some writers whose answers you'd like to read: ngl i forgot who writes fic im sorry so @bluepinstripes & @ogiroud (who won't see this until jan fr)
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wikiangela · 2 years
okay, finally watching Ms. Marvel episode 4
(almost forgot about it today bc of exams and getting way too into superstore lol)
yaay they're going to Karachi!!
okay I love Nani, and loved the convo haha
I love that this episode takes place in Pakistan, it's so fucking cool to see 😍
aww she has the mask 😍
oh wow who's this dude lol
for a beginner Kamala's doing really well (tho she sucks at throwing knives😂)
this is so fucking cool, and I am so intrigued lol
whaaaat Najma just left her son behind??? wow, I shouldn't be shocked given that she's the villain but wow, that's heartless 😲😂
aww sloth baby I was confused for a second but then I remembered the very beginning of the first episode hahaha
oh god, the conversation between Muneeba and Nani made me tear up ngl 😢 God this show is so good
fuck, the clandestines falling through the ceiling scared me 😂😂
the chase and the fighting was great, loved it
omg what just happened, she's been transported to that day during the partition omg that was unexpected (and this is so fucking sad)
wait that's it??? that episode felt super short lol
so, loved it as usual, tho tbh not as much as the previous ones? idk, the pacing here felt a bit weird, some things were just happening so fast and abruptly tbh
but other than the pacing, I loved it - loved seeing Karachi, and Nani is so great, and I enjoyed Muneeba so much, and lowkey enjoyed whoever this new guy is (I don't remember his name sns 😂) and of course Kamala is fantastic as always haha I did miss Bruno and Nakia so I hope we'll get them in the next episode haha
and the ending took me by surprise, I can't fucking wait for more, I'm so intrigued and invested hahah
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natreads · 2 months
what you wrote on your last post made me tear up a little bit because wow!! that’s how life is supposed to be :') i’m really happy for you
Thank you!!! I've been going through some rough times ngl but having these things really help me get through it all
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werewolfdays · 5 months
Hey there,
Hope you’re doing okay, it’s been almost a year and I hope it’s been kinder to you. You’ve got people in your corner, and they’re all wishing you the best :)
First of all, wow I can’t tell you how moved I am that anyone still thinks about me or this blog after basically a whole year. Thank you so much for your kindness in this message, it made me tear up a little ngl 💕
Secondly, this year has definitely still been one of the more challenging ones overall, but creatively I have really started to thrive again. I’m still not sure when or if I’ll be active on here again, but I can say that I’ve recently been trying to rebuild my relationship with this story. It’s a bit slow going and a lot of it is me just working my way backwards and trying to refresh it in my minds eye, but I am making progress and remembering why I loved it so much.
In the mean time I am very active on my main blog @nightbloodbix with oc content if that interests you, though it is mostly fandom ocs nowadays. Jayde and Nadya have been sneaking in here and there and hopefully I’ll post about them more!
Thank you again so much. I really appreciate you and I am sending nothing but love right back 💕💕💕
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starlostseungmin · 2 years
finally came around to reading your fic- here's my live reaction 🤡↓↓
I'm again trying to write this while I read so it's a mess but trust me I tried staying sane 😭😭
THE FIRST PARAGRAPH ALREADY HAD ME CRYING AHKAJLJS what an opening line, just genius 😭😭
the whole fic just feels like a love letter to seungmin and I'M HERE FOR IT 🧎‍♀️all the description?? the little details??? just, just everything????? wow, I could never
and the break up part???? come on, they obviously love each other so much so WHY ADJAGJDHSD but we're good, it's okay, I'M CALM
and WHY Y/N JUST LET seungmo FINISH HIS DAMN SENTENCE AKDHAJDSHSJDJ ok elie stay calm stay calm it's okay 😌🙏🏻
did I forget to write anything while reading that last section? yes... 🧎‍♀️
but I'm also in tears so you would've had to endure more of me screaming lmao
keisy at it again with all the emotions packaged into 7k 😌✨ it was p e r f e c t i o n let me tell you
also... just realized that I wasn't on your permanent taglist already 🧍‍♀️may I 👀
AAAAAA I DON'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO THIS BUT YOUR FEEDBACK MADE ME SMILE 😭 i can feel your sentiment across the screen of my phone, i wasn't expecting it felt like a love letter to seungmin 😭 i should make one someday 👀 and i can't seriously write a proper break up scenario 😭 i'm not good at angst so i'm gonna learn from you by reading your “24 hours after you die series” i want to feel broken inside and bawl my eyes out 😌 (anyway the notebook just broke me while i was watching earlier) THEY GOT BACK TOGETHER AT LEAST THAT IS GOOD 😭 i would love to endure the screaming and crying of yours ngl i cried myself a little bit while writing that 🥲 but thank you so much elie 🥺 i'm so happy you love it and i hope you'll enjoy my future fics as well 💖 i also added you to my taglist ❣️ once again thank you so much for such a spectacular feedback 🤍 i will read this again for motivation THANK YOU 😭💖
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akta · 4 years
re-watching  the  first  few  episodes  makes  me  so  sad  bc  tanjiro  is  such  a  loving  older  brother ???
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