#wow! this is a really exhaustive and in-depth analysis!
Hello I'm a new fan of your blog and I just wanted to ask your opinion on something Sandman related because I just love your takes and how they provide such an in-depth perspective. Before Lucifer asks Dream to cut his wings, he states that he is very tired and that is why he is quitting Hell, and that Dream states the same thing on the cliff to Death just before Morpheus dies. Can you share your thoughts on that?
i definitely can! (and thank you!)
so, this is the page you're talking about, yeah?
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and we'll get to that in a minute, but first this has made me realise i haven't read the first couple pages of this issue since the first time i read them, before i knew how this would end
and wow i did not realise how early dream's suicidal nature was set up, bc this is only like. three issues after the show left off
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so that's gonna be breaking my heart for a while!
but it's also exceedingly relevant, bc as i covered very explicitly here, dream hit the critical point with his depression centuries if not millenia ago. and the thing he clings onto to stay alive is nothing to do with anything he actually wants, it's the fact that he sees responsibility as utterly mandatory. he's exceedingly lawful, he will never do anything that would involve giving up or endangering the dreaming, no matter how much he wants to, that's just not who he is
(my personal favourite kindly ones panels illustrating that particular point)
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but dream and responsibility comes up absolutely everywhere, if i was to list every single moment i'd be quoting half the comic
and because it's such a strong theme, he's placed in contrast with people who were in the same position, but made the selfish choice (note: i do not use selfish as a bad word here, it's a good thing in this situation, but dream cannot see that, as far as he's concerned choosing yourself over your duties is the greatest crime someone can commit)
first, as you said, we get lucifer. (arguably actually the corinthian, but, first explicit). and lucifer’s still mostly an antagonist, even if they have entirely relatable motives, and aren’t terrible to talk to. and lucifer leaves hell because they were exhausted, in a very similar way to dream, they’ve played the perfect part for billions of years, but they just can’t anymore, they have to choose their own well being, and dream gave them a convenient way out. but they specifically give hell to dream, because they promised to destroy him.
and dream and lucifer know each other very well. just as dream gets to pull lines like the dreaming of heaven one, lucifer knows exactly how much this all gets to dream. because lucifer’s in the same position, and dream is so chronically lawful that whatever choice he makes with the key to hell, lucifer will have won. change or die, right? the central theme of the series. either dream gives up his responsibility, and therefore fundamentally changes, or dream gets crushed under the pressure. either way lucifer wins.
and i don’t think lucifer wanted it to be one or the other, honestly. they get this line in kindly ones, clearly they do have some level of empathy for someone stuck in the same situation that just can’t get themselves out of it. as is always the way with lucifer, in any canon, their victory is always also a fall
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then there’s destruction. and i won’t go into a full analysis of brief lives bc this post is getting long enough already, but he’s a really important part of this too. because he’s not an antagonist, he’s dream’s younger brother, he's not malicious or contrary and he's part of the family, which means that if he's in the same situation, he understands. and as much as dream may have interpreted it as betrayal, he didn’t leave to spite dream, he left to try and make a positive change in the world, and because he had to - continuing to be one of the endless just wasn’t feasible. like lucifer and dream, he's exhausted and something has to give. lucifer and destruction decided that would be their domains. dream has always placed that burden on himself. and destruction tries so hard to get dream to realise he can leave, he's always had the ability to leave, and if the pressure is killing him he has to. but, as destruction says, the hard part was always getting dream to listen
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death in the show is also an interesting one. because there's that bit in sound of her wings where she talks about how she almost gave up and left, and dream just stops walking and stares at her
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and given all the comics context that just reads as being absolutely unable to process that, because he always saw death as someone like him, someone who would always put her duty above herself. he can accept lucifer giving up and he can put destruction out of his mind but death is the person he most looks up to. so obviously (to his mind) she's perfect and has no flaws and that means she can't have ever felt the way he does, because he shouldn't feel this way, it's wrong and not what he was made for
(that's another huge problem of dream's. ignoring his own issues and not doing things that would help him cope because those are human things, endless shouldn't want or need them, this is childish and he just needs to get over it)
and like. one of the themes of sandman, i think, is honestly that this much power isn't healthy for anyone? none of the endless are okay, none of the angels are okay, very few deities are either. and they all have their different coping mechanisms, death's being one of the significantly healthier ones. she's the closest to human an endless can be, she's aware of her own needs and problems, and she no longer tries to solve things alone. she's been where dream is, but she got the endless equivalent of therapy, whereas dream is kinda putting all of his problems in a box and sitting on it so the lid looks like it's closed and not overflowing with trauma. and she tries so hard to get through to him, to get some of those strategies to stick in his mind, but ultimately, dream is not death. and her words are only a stop gap measure
which honestly, is the most compelling thing about tragedy, for me, and why those two kindly ones panels are my favourite. because a well written tragedy will give the protagonist a thousand ways out, the way to avoid this all has to be so easy. but the tragedy is built around its central character. and if that character were ever to take any of those ways out, they'd stop being themselves
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
2020 in Words
After the total exhaustion and lack of motivation of the last few months, I have finally found the strength to review 2020. In terms of writing, that is. Otherwise, we ain’t touching that with a 100-foot pole. But anyway, let’s get to the actual good part of 2020 - the writing.
Word Count:
678, 105 words
And that isn’t actually all. I have started various things that 2021 caught still in progress so there are more words to be added to that number but I’ll count them towards whatever time frame I finish them in (I do not even dare assume that all of them will be finished this year).
A little over 1/7th of that word count was accomplished only in March when I wrote over 100k words. Wow, productivity where did you go? I know that the world is going to hell but do you mind coming back? I can use you. I have so many new ideas that I am really excited about but totally lack the energy to actually get to. Hope that will change in the next weeks because there is A Lot going on in my head that I am actually dying to share.
Winx Club has totally taken over for me. I have barely written five works this year that are not about that show and I just don’t know what is happening anymore. I have so many thoughts and things to discuss and fix about it and I have a feeling that some upcoming events will only reinforce that position. But what truly matters is that it has truly made 2020 more bearable to be in the fandom and write fic. The interactions with other fans have been lovely which is totally worth the brain damage that some experiences over this show have inflicted.
Once Upon a Time lurked until about the half of the year but I can’t say that I have been actively interested in it. I just rewatched 4A for the Frozen Swan interactions and 4B for Cruella De Vil and that was pretty much all of it this year. I think it’s safe to say that at this point I have more or less moved on from the show and I do not expect a miraculous comeback to it. Which leaves my rewatch dangling over the chasm of uncertainty but I have projects I am far more interested in rn to be thinking about that.
I actually joined the Lucifer fandom this year, though I cannot say that I am active in it at all. It was nice to challenge myself with the small contribution I made to the fanworks in the fandom so I am putting it here because I am not done with watching the show even though I don’t think I have a good enough grasp on any of the characters in order to actually write them.
Well, 2020 definitely delivered on that front. I have found myself piles of new ships to ship the hell out. Some I am more grateful about, others leave me slightly bitter over not knowing what to do with them but it certainly hasn’t been boring. Because this is my wrap-up and contemplation, I get to list them and maybe say a couple of words about some of them.
Griffin x Valtor - Not new but it was definitely the biggest part of that year.
Griffin x Valtor x Faragonda - New in the sense of me having written a fic about this now... and having several more ideas on my drives so... beware, future!
Griffin x Faragonda - Also not new but when the feelings catch up with me, they really mean it. Two major bursts of inspiration about them have left me with interesting results and I am looking forward to finding out where this goes.
Marion x Oritel - That was new. It was the first new ship of the year. I have more ideas about them but the muse has not visited lately. I am not giving up, though. Sometimes you gotta sail the ship even when there’s no wind.
Flora x Icy - That was definitely a surprise. I don’t know what happened but I do know that a goddamn look at Pinterest has brought on an entire epic about them (and the other Trix and Winx) so... thanks for that, Pinterest. I wish you could pin free time on Pinterest and go consume it later so that I would actually have the time to work on all of this.
Layla x Stella - Oh, yeah, baby! I have feelings and I really want to do at least an outline of what would be too long to actually write as a fic, especially since I have A Lot on my plate rn.
Griffin x Griselda - Well, that... happened. I have no idea where any of this is going, only that it is a major part of Griffin’s arc in my most major series so... I guess it’s headed somewhere. Just have to stay along for the ride.
Zarathustra x Griselda - So totally trashcankitty12′s fault... But I guess I am the one responsible for actually including it in already ongoing stories.
Ediltrude x DuFour - Okay, that one I totally roped myself into. Do I regret it? ... Maybe a little because it may need to remain just background thanks to everything else that I have going on.
Griffin x Marion - Almost forgot that which is a damn shame because it is one of my absolute most favorite ships.
Griffin x Valtor x Marion - Not gonna lie, this has been sneaking into some stray ideas too repetitively to be an accident. Will it ever exist outside of my head, though?
Samara x Erendor - I just wanted to make them more likable to me because they were my least favorite characters on the show. Worked too well and now I am in fic hell.
Bloom x Sky - I got ONE idea, okay? Too bad that I love it too much for my own good, especially considering that it is sort of a rewrite of the series. Like I didn’t have enough of those already.
There are more, actually, but we will be here all day if I have to list every stray idea that I have entertained so let’s just move on.
Winx Club - 80 (4 unfinished and 3 that I have been dragging with me since 2019 for a total of 7/111 incomplete.)
OUAT - 3 (all finished but I have two collections that are still open from 2019 and 2018 respectively)
Lucifer - 1 (it was a one-shot but I am glad that I managed to write it at all)
Original works - 1 (poem that I came up with at 4am)
That makes a total of 85 written works this year which is honestly astounding! My brain has been harping on me about not being productive since June but I have actually gotten quite a lot of work done! (Fun fact - my total for 2019 was 58 stories, and for 2020 it is 85 XD. We’re gonna need some new numbers in 2021.)
First fic of the year - Gold and Purple (Griffin x Valtor AU inspired by a Bulgarian folk tale)
Last fic of the year - New Warmth to Weave in Your Garden of Shine (Samara x Erendor + New Year traditions and worldbuilding on Eraklyon)
Favorite writing moment - that has got to be coming up with a wild idea for my season  rewrite that I will not be spoiling now. It was also inspired by Bulgarian folklore and I am so excited to reveal it (because it is so fucking grand) but we will all have to be patient.\
Wildest writing experience - definitely the entirety of chapter 4 from A Home You Never Knew How to Have. Man, that was... a goddamn ride. In every sense of the word. I still haven’t reread that bitch after posting it even though I have opened it probably a hundred times.
I launched several series this year that will need a lot of work to be brought to completion. Naturally, my focus is not on finishing those but on starting new things. Because of course it is. So here’s a heads-up for another post that will be coming shortly with announcements of my ideas. I would like to call it a plan for 2021 but I fear that will be too presumptuous of me so I will say that it is my hope that those are things that are to be released this year but I will only lapel them as projects that I am looking forward to rather than “upcoming”.
Other Works:
This year actually bore a couple other forms of art so I am going to list my creations in other mediums below because they deserve the attention.
Ediltrude & Zarathustra
Siren AU:
Magic-Swapped Transformations:
Griffin Winx
Ediltrude Winx
Zarathustra Winx
Griffin Chamrix
Ediltrude Chamrix
Zarathustra Chamrix
Griffin Enchantix
Ediltrude Enchantix
Zarathustra Enchantix
Griffin/Valtor - The Devil I Know
Winx - Trouble
Marion x Oritel/Griffin x Valtor/Faragonda x Hagen - Savage
Bloom/Mitzi - Wicked
Samara - You Should See Me in a Crown
Bloom/Sky - Kerosene
Winx Rewatch:
I actually rewatched all 8 seasons of the show + the 3 movies and I have written out my thoughts on all of them. You can find them here:
Winx Club Season 1 4kids (Stream of Consciousness) (I am actually considering redoing this one because it wasn’t in-depth like the others are)
Winx Club Season 2 4kids Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 2 4kids Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 3 4kids Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 3 4kids Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 4 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 4 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club: Magical Adventure (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 5 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 5 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club: Mystery of the Abyss (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 6 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 6 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 7 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 7 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 8 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 8 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 1: Destiny of Bloom (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 2: Revenge of the Trix (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 3: The Battle for Magix (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 4: The Shadow Phoenix (Stream of Consciousness)
I will not be writing any takeaways because I already talked about some of those in an ask and my brain is too fired at the moment to pull off some actual analysis and compose a proper conclusion. To be perfectly honest, I prefer not to think too much on 2020. It brought a lot of good things along with the bad but I still prefer not to look back on it if it isn’t necessary. I think it received enough of my energy already.
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legobiwan · 5 years
Master and Apprentice - A Short Review
A non-exhaustive list of things I found hilarious, endearing, and sob-worthy, in no particular order. (Spoilers ahoy! Scroll past now if you don’t want to know. I do not spoil the plot twist at the end here.)
In this telling, Obi-wan was basically assigned to Qui-gon as a Padawan, a way to temper Obi-wan’s rebellious nature as a youngling. Apparently, Yoda thought it would be funny. But, it also seemed like Dooku chose Qui-gon (and, I’m assuming, Rael). Take from that what you will.
Obi-wan is a snarky little shit at all points in his development and I am HERE for it.
Poor Obi-wan. He definitely doubts himself, Qui-gon doubts himself, Qui-gon doubts Obi-wan, which I’m certain Obi-wan picks up on and it’s just all a cycle of impostor syndrome.
So Obi-wan was brought to the Temple “late,” at 3 years old. (Which means he might have vague memories of his home planet.) Rael was brought super-late, at the age of 5, which Qui-gon didn’t totally approve of. Of course, that didn’t stop Qui-gon from bringing in an 8-year-old Anakin Skywalker years later. *ahem*
I love the fact Obi-wan is so into flying in this story. Like, Anakin-levels of enthusiasm. UNTIL HE PILOTS A SMALL SHIP THROUGH THE CORRIDORS OF A LARGER SHIP IN A MOVE THAT WOULD OUTDO ANYTHING ANAKIN EVER DREAMT OF. OH MY GOD, KENOBI. He flew a ship through a ship. I love this man so much. Anakin and Ahsoka would die if they knew this story.
I can’t believe Claudia Gray devoted an entire paragraph to these two dropping their robes dramatically on the floor in the middle of a mission. *standing ovation* BRAVO, Claudia. BRAV-FUCKING-O
So, Dooku and Qui-gon and Rael were on a mission where Dooku was essentially captaining a skiff and I really need an art of Dooku as an old-timey ship captain because the image is just HILARIOUS to me.
Speaking of them, Dooku hugged Rael? Dooku hugged people? What? I can’t, you guys, I just can’t.
“Up the hell, he should shut.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Performance artists as suspected terrorists was the best plot point ever. I cackled. Of course, they weren’t the real enemies, but the speculation warmed my avant-garde-loving, musician heart.
Pax going off for a chapter on Obi-wan’s terrible Padawan haircut. Obbie whatever, oh my god.
So Yoda’s Master was mentioned briefly, which...who was this being? Inquiring minds really want to know.
OBI-WAN KENOBI FRIEND TO LARGE ANIMALS. Oh my god, he just bonded with that varactyl, more so than Living Force Plant Power Qui-gon Jinn. That was so wonderful, almost too much for me to handle.
QUI-GON TRYING TO CONTACT DOOKU FOR ADVICE, EVEN AFTER DOOKU LEFT THE ORDER. Oh wow. Qui-gon never found out about Dooku’s turn, I think, judging from this book, he’d be devastated.
Speaking of Dooku...he set up fancy dinners for him and Qui-gon? That is...so Dooku. And he probably made them ostentatious on purpose just to make a fourteen-year-old Qui-gon highly uncomfortable. That seems like Dooku’s brand of humor.
Also, Dooku going full-on protector of Qui-gon in that one scene. Like, year, he used the Dark Side, but no one touches Dooku’s students.
Also also, Dooku realizing he went too far, that he was becoming too obsessed with the prophecies, and trying his best to put the holocrons away to focus more on Qui-gon. He tried. He failed, ultimately, but he tried. I LOVE all the layers and contradictions in this man.
Qui-gon being like, yeah, sometimes you just have to break the law. And we wonder why Obi-wan is friends with every dodgy character in the GFFA.
Qui-gon apologizing to a tree before killing it. On brand.
Obi-wan trying to sacrifice himself for everyone else. ALSO on brand.
Qui-gon convincing himself he understands prophecy. That it is just accepting the future. BUT THEN HE GOES AHEAD AND MANIPULATES EVENTS SO ANAKIN COMES TO THE TEMPLE. Qui-gon is a total hypocrite, and I were Kenobi at that point, I’d be pissed. Especially as he was cast away in front of the entire Council. Poor Obi-wan. With Qui-gon’s death, he has to convince himself that Anakin is the child of prophecy, that he has no other choice in the matter. Ugh, so much to write about lineage issues and the dangers of prophecy here. Qui-gon set a lot of things in motion.
Obi-wan basically being a mini-Council member at the age of seventeen.
Qui-gon arriving somewhere with twigs in his hair.
Qui-gon and Rael arguing about celibacy in the Order.
“When facts collided with ideals, Qui-gon preferred to change the facts.” WOAH THERE, JINN. BACK IT UP A STEP.
I love Rael calling out Qui-gon about the Chosen One prophecy, about balance in the Force. He’s not wrong.
I really want to know what kind of trouble Initiate!Obi-wan got into as a kid. Also, he has friends. Small Jedi friends! Good job, Obes.
Fake kyber crystals. Obi-wan with an orange saber, albeit briefly.
I liked Rael. I would love to have more stories about him, Qui-gon, and Dooku on their pirate adventures.
I’m still not over Dooku and Qui-gon investigating prophecies together late into the night. With their Ouija board. Sorry guys, that’s my headcanon forever now, hahahahhaa.
The PLOT TWIST near the end. Good stuff.
More in-depth analysis of themes coming probably later tonight. Ooooh boi oh boi I have so much to write!!!!!
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Super Sonic Sue and the Sirens’ Return
*Big Hero 7 arrives at the scene where a bank robbery is taking place at night.*
Gogo: What are we looking at?
Cora: Bank Robbery in progress.
Hiro: Omega Danger, scan the perimeter.
*Baymax starts scanning the building and lists off the features the person has.*
Baymax: I detect one suspect. In motion, on wheels.
Hiro: Wait did you say wheels?
*The person zooms out of the bank before they could blink and stops themselves in front of the four.*
Sue: Well, don't you kids look cute in your colorful get up. What are ya? Some kind of circus family?
*Hiro and Cora look at Gogo as Gogo looks at them.*
Baymax: Hello, I am-
Hiro: Omega Danger, you don't need to introduce yourself to the bank robber.
Cora: Seriously, we have secret identities for reasons.
Sue: Didn't your mommy teach you to shut it cyborg?
*The old woman throws out her duffle bag of cash to fight off the four.*
Baymax: I do not have a mommy, I am a robot-
Hiro: Omega Danger look out!-
Cora: Alpha we gotta jump of-!
*But the speed demon zooms past them before she hits Baymax with her speed wheels which results in Hiro and Cora being pinned down by Baymax's own weight.*
Baymax: On a scale of one to ten-
Sue: Its super sonic Sue's famous electric elbow!
*She activates the pads on her elbows to slam dunk the three. Cora starts setting up her own electric gloves to counteract the woman's only for Gogo's disk to knock out her aim, resulting her to miss her targets.*
Gogo: Hey Grandma! Why don't you pick on someone your own speed?!
*The old woman hops over Baymax to face off Gogo.*
Sue: How adorable skater tot!
*Activating her shield visor, she zooms towards the old woman as did the old woman herself. even though Gogo gave her all, she looses balance and falls to the ground, leaving the old woman standing.*
Sue: Deve-skated! Ha ha ha!
Gogo: Whoa... no one's ever out skated me before...
*The old woman zooms out her way to see Baymax with the two teens on his back to stop her.*
Sue: Power Jam!
*Before they could even move an inch, the old woman steals Baymax's rocket fist.*
Baymax: She stole my rocket fist.
Sue: Namaste suckers!
*She zooms out of view of the heroes where she places the fist on a passing trolley as she takes the money with her.*
Cora:.*Low voice*.. Hiro...I think we found Gogo's match...
Baymax: Namaste-
Gogo: Nomaste Omega.
*After that fiasco the four set up a meeting to tell the gang about the old woman. The gang are watching the footage of the woman to see what she's capable of.*
Honey Lemon: She got away with Baymax's rocket fist?
Hiro: Yeah, I had to rush this. Hope its ready.
*Hiro pulls out a new rocket fist for Baymax to put on, hoping it would stick... the fingers fell off.*
Cora: We might need a little more time. Especially since the 3D printer is acting a little wonky right now.
Wasabi: Wow, that lady can skate! Even better than-!
*Honey Lemon places a hand on Wasabi and directs his eyes to Gogo, who's face looks like its about ready to murder him if he completed his sentence.*
Honey Lemon: Do we have a file on this new villain?
*Fred scoots his chair over to the gang.*
Fred: I bet her origin story starts with some tragic event, which scars her deeply and still haunts her to this very day! Ooh! I'll start with an in depth, psychological profile!
Cora: Why would you need to do that?
Fred: Callaghan became Yokai because of an accident with the portal which he thought killed his daughter! Also the fact that Obake planned on not only erasing San Fransokyo off the map, but project his dead girlfriend onto you because of brain damage mixed with your abusive, twisted grandmother from your Dad's side of the family!
*The gang stare at Fred in silence, with Hiro giving a face that screams "WTF Fred, seriously?'. Hiro's mind starts racing with memories of Callaghan and the battle on Akuma Island and the portal. Cora has no expression on her mind before she ultimately sighs in exhaustion. Both look at each other to which, Being the good boyfriend he is, goes to hold her close to which the girl hugs him back tight.*
Hiro: Hey, its fine. Kage is not Obake. You've said he's been doing better lately right?
Cora: Yeah... this morning he passed me the salt shaker at breakfast.
Hiro: That's good.
Cora: And as far as we know, Callaghan ain't coming for us...
*Gogo then whacks Fred upside the head, to which he realized what he had done and looks over at Cora and Hiro with guilty eyes.*
Fred: That's my bad! I am so sorry I brought it up!
Cora: No! Its fine, you were too excited, you didn't mean to bring it up to hurt us.
Fred: Whew... thanks...
Hiro: Besides, how about we ask your dad?
Fred: Well he's more of a punch first, psychological analysis later type of guy.
Wasabi: He might know Super Sonic Sue.
*Honey Lemon pulls out information on Super Sonic Sue on the Heropedia page of Boss Awesome.*
Honey Lemon: They do have a 70s retro vibe happening.
*Fred looks at his sketch of Super Sonic Sue and compares it to the picture of Boss Awesome.*
Fred: You have a point.
*Fred pulls out his phone and calls his dad to talk about the new villain they discovered*
Frederickson the III: You've reached the Boss Awesome hotline. Leave a message I'm out roping!
Fred: Must be at the family ranch. I'll try to get him after he fiddles, in the meantime I have a very exciting event to go to! *Pulls out paper* Woo hoo!
Honey Lemon: The dry cleaners?
Fred: Whoops, that's the wrong ticket. *Pulls out the correct ticket*
Wasabi: Noodle Burger cordially invites you for a sneak tasting for our newest creation... the noodle bigger burger?
Fred: Its like a regular noodle burger... but bigger!
*And so Fred heads out his way to Noodle Burger, which leaves the rest of the gang staring at Hiro and Cora working together to create a new rocket fist.*
Honey Lemon: You've mentioned Kage is doing OK right?
Cora: Yup. He's slowly warming up. He's actually going out with my Grandmama for errands!
Wasabi: Huh, so I guess he's OK enough to do errands with your grandmother. That's an improvement.
Cora: Yeah.
*When Fred reaches noodle burger he enters inside with a large smile... until he catches a very familiar... unwelcomed scent.*
Fred: Mole!
Mole: Frederickson.
*The two stare down before a fly lands on Fred's eyes, grossing him out as Mole laughs.*
mole: Weak, I can win a staring contest with my eyes closed.
Fred: *looking around the restaurant* Wait, are we the only ones here?
Mole: I wouldn't wish a dining experience with you on my worst enemy! Which is you...So I'm a little confused about how to feel.
Fred: Look Mole, what do you say we call a truce. You know, so we can enjoy this once in a lifetime experience?
Mole: as soon as the tasting is over, its back to all out war.
Fred: Count on it!
*The two are seated at Fred's reserved seat for their order, prepping themselves for the food as they glare each other down. that's when the server brings out the new item for them to taste: The Noodle Bigger Burger. Its piled with three meat patties and bacon, lettuce and eggs oozing with melted cheddar cheese. After the server places their order in front of them they start eating it.*
Mole; I'm getting a smeck of hickory and uh...*Bites off the burger* what is that?
Fred: Truffle oil.
Mole: Oh! A super taster!
Fred: I give it two thumbs up!
Mole: Ew! Cilantro!
Fred: Cilantro?!
*The two drop their burgers in disgust.*
Fred: There's cilantro in this?! *Chews what food he had* Ugh!
*The two wipe off the taste of cilantro*
Fred: Well that was-
Mole: Upsetting.
Fred: I did not know you were a cilantro hater too.
Mole: It is my number one-
Fred and Mole: Herbal enemy!
Fred: Well, I guess we have
Mole: Somethings
Fred and Mole: in common.
Fred:... this is getting weird.
*Across town Kaguya is on her errands with Baymax 1 and Kage by her side. So far they collected the food off the list. Now they are heading home with the groceries as they enter inside.*
Kaguya: I appreciated you and Baymax accompanying me for my errands Kage.
Kage: Its nothing really.
Kaguya: Of course... put the groceries on the table if you don't mind.
Kage: Understood.
*As Kaguya leaves to enter her room, Kage places the groceries at the table. Once given privacy she looks through her ingredients for the herbal healing tea, the very one that heals all wounds and had turned Globby human again. Since learning that it can help Globby, she started studying the medicine to see if it would help Orso Knox as well. She realizes that she is low on ingredients and sighs in frustration. This meant she would have to find some on land... and others at sea. While the searching the sea was no big issue, since learning of Liv Amara and her actions from her granddaughter and her friends and boyfriend, and how she has an interest in marine bio, this could lead to a risk where she could be spotted or worse, captured by the she-devil and her assistant. Mizuchi would be busy most of the days and there was no way she would expose such secret to her already vulnerable grandchild...which leaves her with only one other person. She goes outside her room to see him putting the groceries in the fridge and pantry as he softly hums to himself, a small and content smile on his face. Hearing it closely it was an Elvis Presely song, Lonesome. She gives a small cough to let him know she's here, to which he stops at his tracks. Blushing at the fact that she saw him hum he turns his head away.*
Kaguya: Its fine Kage… I've heard you have a nice voice... for a human.
Kage: Thank you... especially since this is coming from a mermaid...
*The two chuckle before Kaguya looks at Kage's eyes.*
Kaguya: Kage, there's something very important I need to attend to... and you are gonna help me.
Kage: And what would that be?
Kaguya:... finding ingredients for my healing medicine...
*Meanwhile with the gang, after Fred returns from the taste test and Cora receiving a message that they would be busy and won't return home for a while, they meet up at Boss Awesome's secret lair to talk to Fred's dad... who is wrestling a bull.*
Frederickson the III: Hey gang! Don't mind Benjamin! He likes to tussle. Isn't that right Benjamin?
Wasabi: Looks like more than a tussle.
Cora: Fred, your dad is crazy... in an awesome way that is.
*The doorbell is heard as which alerts them that they have a visitor. Fred answers the door to see Mole there.*
Fred: Oh... its you.
Mole: Hello loser, I was in the neighborhood and... you forgot your souvenir photo.
*Its a photo of them wiping their mouths after tasting the noodle bigger burger. Fred snatches the phot and looks at it.*
Fred: Heh, kinda funny. Looking back at it now.
Mole: *Chuckles* I never thought I meet a fellow cilantrophobic taster. What a glorious time.
Fred: Thanks for bringing the photo by. Very... ugh... I wanna say 'nice'?'
Mole:Yes… it was...Well, back to being enemies.
Fred:... you know..*Takes deep breath* I'm having a Kentucky Kaiju movie marathon..
Mole: All seven?
Fred: Up to and including Son of Kaiju.
Mole: A surprisingly emotional end to the whole saga.
Fred:*Cringes at himself* I can't believe I'm saying this... but mole... Do you wanna join me?... Shall we say tomorrow at sunrise?
Mole:*Cringes at himself* I can't believe I'm going to accept your invitation but I think... I just did?
*After that talk Fred joins back to the lair of Boss Awesome as Cora munches on a bag of strawberries she brought as a snack to share with the gang as they watch Frederickson wrestle the bull.*
Hiro: So Mr. Frederickson, do you remember a Super Sonic Sue?
Frederickson the III: I haven't heard that name in years. She was a roller derby queen till she was kicked for using a performance enhancing rocket skates.
*The Bull keeps hitting Frederickson but he keeps getting back up.*
Cora: So because of that she became a villain?... OK.
Frederickson the III: She broke down a lot of barriers for lady villains.
Honey Lemon: Mr. Frederickson do you know where we might find her?
Frederickson the III: No clue, I don't stay in touch with old foes.
Hiro: But I bet they stay in touch with each other.
Wasabi: You're thinking Baron Von Steamer.
Honey Lemon: Well, its forth a try.
Hiro: Well, looks like we're going to prison.
Cora: Thank you Mr. Frederickson!
*That night; Baymax, Hiro, Cora, Wasabi, and Gogo head to prison to visit Baron Von Steamer in their super suits. When they approach his cell they see that he is strapped to a flat tray on wheels in a upright position and facing away from them.*
Hiro: Ah, Mr. Von Steamer! We, We need your help.
Cora: If you don't mind that is.
*The tray shakes up a few times.*
Hiro:... Baron?
*The tray turns around to show that the baron is asleep and snoring.*
Baymax: Snoring, can be the symptom of sleep apmia.
*An alarm clock starts ringing which jolts the baron awake.*
Steamer: Give me back my pudding!
*That is when he realizes that the company he has is Big Hero 7.*
Steamer: Oh, if it isn't Big Millennial 7. To what do I owe the displeasure?
Cora: Did you know a villain with the name Super Sonic Sue?
Steamer: Oh! That's a name I hadn't heard in years.
Hiro: We're not looking for a long backstory-
Steamer: We were young rouges with an appetite for trouble! She was tough as nails, I was handsome as all get out!
Hiro: Really we just wanna-
Steamer: We became bitter rivals! She wanted to be Boss Awesome's number one enemy, but I had already called dibs!
Wasabi: Couldn't you just be his number two enemy?
Steamer: Second place is first place loser!
Gogo: Yep he's right.
Cora: Look, what we really want to know is if you know where she is!
Steamer: No; but if you see her, tell her I think her catchphrase stinks!
Wasabi: Whats her catchphrase?
*The back of Steamer's cell breaks open to reveal Baymax's rocket fist and Super Sonic Sue. *
Sue: Super Sonic Sue me why don't cha?
Wasabi: Yeah that could use some work.
Cora: I thought it was funny.
*Wasabi pulls out his blades and tries to cut through the glass, but it doesn't even leave a scratch on its field.*
Wasabi: Its reinforced!
Cora: At least the security is actually upgrading for once.
Steamer: Egard! Help!
Sue: Later Skaters!
Steamer: Big Hero 7 save me!
*Sue skates away with Steamer and the rocket fist, with the old man still calling for help.*
Hiro: Baymax! Rocket fist!
*Baymax pulls out his new rocket fist... but it flops spectacularly.*
Baymax: Oh no.
*The team meet up again at Boss Awesome's lair to discuss what happened in their prison visit.*
Wasabi: So I know we're licensed super heroes and all but are we really obligated to rescue steamer?
Gogo: Yeah, I know he's technically a 'victim' but he's also technically annoying.
Frederickson the III: A real hero helps everyone in need! Even your worst enemies! Oh! Hey gang! You forgot to hang up earlier!
Fred: Sorry Dad, love you and WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!
*Benjamin is behind the retired super and ready for round two.*
Frederickson the III: Thanks son!
Honey Lemon: I guess we're doing night patrol.
Fred: I can't go out tonight, sorry guys. I have to get up early.
Gogo: For something stupid?
Fred: No! Its for my Kentucky Kaiju Movie Marathon!... With Richardson.
Gogo: Called it!
Wasabi: Wait! Richardson Mole?
Fred: It turns out we have a lot in common. Sometimes bitter enemies who disgust you to your core!... Can become...ummm...
Honey Lemon: Friends?
Cora: I wouldn't push to friends Honey Lemon, remember when Mole blackmailed us?
Fred: Exactly! For now its less disgusting enemies. We'll see where this goes.
Hiro: Keep an eye out still. Just in case things go south.
*Around the early dawn Kaguya, Kage, and Baymax 1 had just arrived off the bus nearby the coastal shorelines just outside of San Fransokyo. They had packed enough supplies and a tent for both to sleep as the ingredient search may take days.*
Kaguya: Now remember Kage, have Baymax close to you as you search for these herbs. This is where most of what I need from land grow the best. I will be at sea, I'll call you when I've gathered them all.
Kage: Understood.
*And so, Kaguya walks down the hill to the sandy beach where the moonlight reflects beautifully on the water. She takes a deep breath as she soon runs into the water and dives in; soon her human legs become the elegant green and silver tail, swimming swiftly and carefully through the water. Kage sighs as he starts searching for any of the herbs listed in the paper. But once or twice he would look out the ocean and sigh, a forlorn look in his eyes.*
Baymax 1: You're neurotransmitters are low. Would you like a hug?
*Baymax wraps his arms around Kage as his inner heat monitor rises to warm the man through this cold night.*
Kage: I'm sorry... I was just... lost in thought... the beach was one of our favorite places to go on our dates.
Baymax: Dates?
Kage:... Chara and I. We used to stroll through the sand just talking about our life, the water hitting our feet, and us holding hands...
*Kage looks down at his own hands, remembering how Chara's hands would fit his perfectly.*
Baymax 1: Does being on the beach trouble you Kage?
Kage: Not as much as I thought it would thankfully. Now come on, we better get moving.
*And so they continue to search for the ingredients ahead while Kaguya searches through the fathoms below... unaware of a large figure swimming close by where Kaguya is... and three heads peeking through the water staring at the man and Baymax. Meanwhile Fred is setting up the movie marathon with Mole with snacks and drinks.*
Mole: Whoa! Frederickson, I didn't expect your fancave to be so... dare I say, off the chain? Even your Captain Fancy collection is banging!*Spots the underpants* Wait! Is that?!
Fred: The original underpants Captain Fancy wore in the first Captain Fancy movie! The one and only!
Mole: Oh how did I misjudge you? You're obviously a man of taste and intellect.
Fred: Yes, and you are a boy of taste and intellect, obviously.
Mole: I look forward to this new relationship based on respect and pop culture references.
*And so the two shake hands on it and start up the movies.*
Fred: Now lets do this! See you on the other side!
*Super Sonic Sue pulls up Steamer to a familiar lair so they could talk one on one.*
Steamer: How dare you woman!
Sue: You're a relic Steamer! Ever heard of a little innovation called Electricity?
*She starts up the lights of the lair to brighten the room.*
Steamer: And during the great black out who's operation stayed up and running hmm?! Not the dark Moler I can tell you that.
Sue: Mole was a good bad man. Made me these!
*She shows her electric shoulder pads to demonstrate.*
Steamer: Let me at least sit in my steam room one last time. So I can perish with clear sinuses.
Sue: Perish?
Steamer: Don't you plan to liquidate me and become Boss Awesome's number one nemesis?
Sue: No, don't be stupid. I have a proposition- super villain team up!
Steamer: With you?! Ha! I can defeat Boss Awesome myself... although that has not transpired as of yet admittedly...
Sue: Don't get steamed... get even!
Steamer: Ooh~ That's pretty good can I use it?
Sue: Knock yourself out! Boss Awesome will never see the two of us coming!
*And so the two share a diabolical, most evil laugh together as they think about the final defeat of Boss Awesome.*
Steamer:... You can untie me now...
*Around that time Kaguya had found nearly all the under sea herbs and roots for the medicine, noting how the coral has been inhabiting new fish in the coming season. Along side the herbs and roots were seaweed and kelp along with clams. Those items are gonna be their supper when they return home. She turns around to swim back when she spots a creature swimming through the ocean... the creature that had escaped Sycorax..*
Kaguya: Orso Knox?
*The monster turns his head to see if he had heard correctly. When he sees Kaguya he wiped his eyes before he swims up towards her, unbelieving yet skeptical over how and why a mermaid is here and could understand him.*
Knox: Hello... do I know you?... Miss Mermaid?
Kaguya: You do not, but I do know you from my granddaughter.
Knox: Granddaughter?
Kaguya: Yes. How is your time at the sea?
Knox: Its a lot of getting used to... I almost attracted three different whales with this hum.
*He lets out the same hum to which Kaguya chuckles*
Kaguya: You do realize that is a mating call correct?
Knox: Oh... Oh!... There's also the fact that... you exists...
Kaguya: You know about Oceanus?
Knox: Yes... somewhat... I only got a close look before they could spot me. Its so strange... seeing one in flesh and blood after reading them from myths and legends is quiet the experience.
Kaguya: Of course... now I'm on my to collect the final things I need for a... medicine I am making.
Knox: Would you mind if I accompany you?
Kaguya: Of course... what for?
Knox: There has been other mermaids that had been sneaking around these waters... they've been looking off the water to the small cliff...searching for something...
Kaguya: … how many did you see? And what did they look like?
Knox: Three mermaids, all with silver hair and scales, and have small bags containing what I believe is rope and a net...
Kaguya: And they have been staring at the surface?... Oh no! I have to warn Kage!
*Knox calls out to Kaguya as she speeds her way out of the way, her heart racing a mile a minute.*
Knox: What is going on? What do those mermaids do?
Kaguya: They are sirens who have been kidnapping people and stealing their treasures! And now they're back!
*Kage is resting at his tent, his Baymax already charging down to rest for the time. He looks out the ocean, memories of Chara and himself in their youth start playing. Whether it was funny and playful or romantic and intimate, it always felt that this was their special place, their retreat in this bleak world... He sighs as he lies down to start dozing off... when he heard a small song playing in the distance... getting up he gets from his sleeping bag, listening closely to find the source of the song... only for his eyes to be covered in a blissful haze. Kaguya arrives near the beach where once she sees no other people around, dries herself off and runs up to the tent.*
Kaguya: Baymax! Baymax wake up!
*Their Baymax activates at the sound of Kaguya's voice.*
Baymax 1: Hello, I am Baymax. Kage's personal Healthcare companion. The sound of your voice indicates distress, what seems to be the trouble?
Kaguya: Is Kage nearby? Scan the area.
Baymax 1: Scanning.
*A few minutes pass Baymax finishes his scanning.*
Baymax: I cannot locate Kage.
Kaguya: Oh no!... Alright.. think Kaguya. The sirens would not have gotten far, especially since its near harvest moon...
*She looks out to the sea where she then turns to Baymax. Now her face becomes stern with determination.*
Kaguya: We're gonna need a little help.
*Around that time, the Son of Kaiju finally concludes with a touching ending where the monster carries his newborn baby back to the sea to live in peace, while the man who has a connection to the monster could only smile happily for him and the child, thus concluding his epic saga.*
Fred:*Sniffs and blows nose on tissue* We did it Mole, we watched all-
*But when he turns his head to regard Mole, the young boy is already fast asleep. Fred places a blanket on the sleeping boy as he starts preparing himself for bed.*
Fred: Goodnight Mole.
*But once Mole is left alone, his eyes open to reveal... it was a trap! The next morning Fred comes in with Minimax by his side to greet Mole.*
Fred: Rise and shine Mole. Minimax is gonna make you his famous breakfast burritos.
Minimax: I substitute a pancake for a tortilla!
Fred: Wakey wakey! Who wants pancakeys-
*But when he pulls off the blanket off Mole, all he sees is a stuffed plush replica of the boy.*
Fred: No way! Richardson has a pillow double?
Minimax: Minimaximum suspicious!
*Minimax scans the room to find one thing off connecting to Mole's disappearances.*
Minimax: It appears that your prized undergarments are missing!
Fred: No they aren't there right-
*But a closer look to the case they see its just a pair of boxers with mole's grinning face on it.*
Fred:*Gasp* Mole!
*He pulls out the phone Mole left him and turns it on to see Mole's video message.*
Mole: Thanks to you Frederickson my Captain Fancy Collection just got fancier!
Fred: What?!
Mole: I set up that Noodle Burger tasting to lure you into my trap!
Fred: I thought we were buds?!
Mole: I knew you'd think we were buds! *Laughs*
Fred: You're not gonna get away with this?!
Mole: And I'm gonna get away with this!
Fred: But I have evidence!
Mole: Burn!
*The phone burns itself out to hide all of his messages to Fred to hide away his theft.*
Fred: Ow! *Drops burning phone*
Minimax: I will cool it.
*He sprays water out of his finger to cool it. It explodes to pieces as a result.*
Minimax: I should not have used water.
Fred: No.. probably not.
Minimax: What are you going to do?
Fred: There's only one thing left to do Minimax, Revenge-!
*Just then his TV screen lights up with a message from Hiro.*
Hiro: Fred, we got a message from steamer! Meet us at school!
Fred: Blast! Looks like revenge will have to be served cold.
*Once Fred meets up at school Hiro places the wax cylinder on the phonograph to listen.*
Steamer: Big Hero 7! I'm recording this while Sue is in the potty, I don't think she washes her hands so I have to be quick!
*The entire gang gringes at the info they did not want to hear.*
Wasabi: Not cool Sue, not cool!
Steamer: Take heed heroes, Sue's secret skate lair is in an abandoned factory near the docks. I can't believe I used this precious time to record a wax cylinder instead of escaping! Anyway, Hurry!
Gogo: That is a trap.
Wasabi: Yeah, she probably made him record that.
Cora: Not to mention there's a chance they would team up.
Honey Lemon: But we still have to go to stop them right?
Fred: I put my underpants vengeance on hold for this?!
*The gang stare at him in response, not understanding why Fred would say that.*
Fred: I'll explain on the way.
*And so the supers suit up and start their way to the docks, all the while Hiro and Cora conduct a plan to stop Sue and possibly Steamer.*
Hiro: Gogo will have to go to the back door to skate past Sue to at least knock out her balance at the moment.
Cora: That's when Honey Lemon will join in and dispense her chem balls to glue Sue's skates!
Hiro: Then we look for Steamer and have Fred and Wasabi cut off whatever contraption he made to battle us.
Fred: You know, the way you guys say it sounds a lot sounder.
Hiro: Well we can't just barge in if we suspect there would be a trap right?
*A few moments pass by, with the six of the seven members staring into space.*
Baymax: You all have seem to have lost your train of thought.
Cora: Sorry Baymax! *To Fred* Anyway, I can't believe Mole tricked you to get your collectibles!
Fred: Yeah! And to think I almost considered him a friend. Which is after this I'm gonna set up my revenge and steal my underpants back.
Cora: Just what kind of revenge are you planning? I might have a couple ideas for you to use...
*After hearing Cora's suggestions Fred grins*
Fred: I'll keep that mind.
Hiro: Cora, have you gotten a word from your Grandmother and Kage?
Cora: Their Baymax said that they would be a little busy right now but hopefully should be home by the end of the day.
*As of while the sirens had just surfaced up in an underwater cave after swiftly swimming through the ocean to inspect their new victim. Kage is fast asleep and thankfully did not inhale much water.*
Muya: What do you think Sisters? Is this man something or what?
Lula: He is a little easy on the eyes...
Uma: But he's so scrawny!
Lula: Perhaps, not good enough to be a guard...
*Just behind them Kaguya is swiftly swimming through the water, sneaking behind them as her fingers start to cackle with electricity.*
Uma: Lets take a closer look shall we?
*The three sirens remove the net as the oldest, Muya, leans in to check his health when he eyes widened in recognition.*
Muya: Wait a minute!
Lula: what is it sister?
Muya: This man… he looks like that little boy!
*Kaguya leans in to hear the conversation, her interest peaking when she sees that somehow...Kage is familiar to them.*
Uma: You're right! That's the boy who always spent his time with one of our handmaidens!
Muya: We can't risk the girl recognizing him and plan a escape. Toss him to the waves.
*Handmaidens? Guards?... Did they just say.. that Kage knew one of their handmaidens- A piece of rock fell to the water, alerting the sisters to seeing Kaguya.*
Muya: Oh its you.
Lula: What an unpleasant surprise little sister.
Uma: Last we met you and that machine blasted us out to the middle of the pacific!
Muya: *Grins maliciously* But at least you have no one to help you now!
*The three sirens launch at the elder mermaid, swimming through the water in with ease they all give out their punches and scratches to each other. At one point Kaguya lept out of the water to momentarily escape before diving back. The splash of the water hit Kage's face which knocks him awake. He looks around to find himself in a underwater cave with an air pocket for him to breath. He takes a closer look to the water to see the sirens and Kaguya battling it out. Taking this as a chance to find a way out and get help he looks for any crevice's or cracks that would hopefully lead him to the surface. While he did he found odd trinkets which most certainly did not belong to the sirens. A rose bobby pin, a fishermen's badge, an old music box, and-*
Kage:...It can't be...
*Walking towards it he sees a baby blue hair scrunchie. Picking it up he lightly touches it.. that's when he sees the initials sewn onto the hair scrunchie... C.B... The only one he knew who had a scrunchie with their initials sewn was-*
Kaguya: AAAH!
*Kage snaps out of his thoughts and returns to focus on the fight, to which he sees Kaguya being dragged down by two of the sirens with the one holding what seems to be a large rock. His eyes widening he grabs a sharp piece of stone and dives in. Kaguya is pinned to the ground, her face receiving cuts and bruises. But before the siren could finish the job, a sharp stone slashes her arm, making her drop the stone in pain. She turns her head to see Kage, his eyes furrowed. Taking this time Kaguya snaps out of her sister's hands and quickly grabs Kage to swim as fast as she could, with the sirens hot on their trail.*
Kaguya: Hold on Kage! We're getting out of here!
*Meanwhile, the gang had arrived at the abandoned warehouse where the team take their positions. Once they do Baymax blasts through the wall to enter inside with Hiro and Cora.* Sue comes through to face the three.
Sue: Oh no! The circus is in town, how did you ever find me?
Cora: Lucky guess.
*Gogo zooms into the action but before she could at least even move Steamer comes out with his new steam powered machine to fight them. Taking this as a cue the other three join in only for Sue to zoom past them to knock em out of balance.*
Steamer: You fell for our trap!
Gogo: Just for the record, we already knew.
Sue: Aw, widdle heroes outsmarted by maturity!
Wasabi: Why are you talking like that?
Sue: Cause its funny! Lighten up!
*She hits up her electric pads and slams them to knock them all off balance one more. With that they both rise up to deliver the painful blow to Big Hero 7.*
Cora: Everybody run!
*And so they all split up to get away from the claws of Steamer's machine.*
Sue: Who's ready for a butt to the gut?
Fred: Ready and ooh!
*Sue slams her butt to Fred's gut which knocks him out to the wall and land in the open box crate.*
Steamer: One down, six to go!
*Honey Lemon dodges her way out to the flames to which she quickly pulls out her chem balls to throw at it to burst it to water, distinguishing them before they could hit her. But while she did that Sue takes this opportunity to use the strap of her chem purse to spin her out.*
Sue: Thanks for the whip toothpick!
*And soon Honey Lemon is dunked to the box where Fred is in.*
Honey Lemon; Name calling is totally immature!
Sue: Super Sonic Sue-me why don't cha?
Wasabi: How about this instead?
*Wasabi brings out his laser blades to fight her, but her quick moves soon enough wear him out as he couldn't keep up and exhausts himself.*
Sue: That all you got Laser paws?
Wasabi: *pant*... give me *Pant* a second...
*She then knocks Wasabi out.*
Sue: Who else wants a shoulder sandwhich!
*Gogo zooms into action to challenge Sue to which the villainous skater happily accepts. This is payback time for Gogo. They skate across the warehouse as Baymax, Hiro, and Cora jump in.*
Hiro: Blades Master watch out!
*Wasabi quickly rolls his way out of Steamer's flames. But soon Steamer brings out his hammer to smash him only to be stopped by Baymax. Hiro and Cora quickly get off to help Wasabi out of the way.*
Steamer: This isn't my first rodeo junior!
*As Steamer goes after the four, Gogo zooms after Sue. Cora notices this and soon starts charging up her electric gloves, all the while running for her life from Steamer. But once Sue gets the lead she slams her elbow pad to stun all of them to the ground, making Cora's gloves crackles before they kaput for now.*
Gogo: Omega Danger, Rocket fist!
*Baymax brings out his rocket fist-*
Sue: Taunting* Omega Danger, rocket fist!
*The pushes the position to of the rocket fist to the crates behind Gogo which soon pin her down.*
Sue: *To Baymax* Well, looks like its down to you Fire truck!
Hiro: Baymax, Over Drive mode!
Cora: Wait don't!-
Baymax: Over Drive Mode initiated.
*Baymax obeyed Hiro's command and transformed himself to Over Drive Mode.*
Sue: Hey Steamer! Can your bug thing do that?
Steamer: Of please its all flash.
*Sue tries to slam the bot but is repelled back. Then Steamer tries to take a whack at him but is stopped. Baymax uses his wings to battle them out and cuts out the legs of Steamer's machine.*
Steamer: No! Those were low bearing leds.
Hiro: Nice one!
Cora: Dude! Over Drive mode only lasts a few minutes! And you use it on the one bad guy who outran Velocity?!
Hiro:... Oh no..
Sue: Oh no is right kiddo! He's got the power but does he have the endurance?
Gogo: Crap.
*And sure enough Sue speeds around Baymax, exhausting his battery much faster than normal and reverts to being regular Omega Danger... but now he's a battery deprived, drunk robot.*
Baymax: you're sO FaST… WhER'd sHe go?
*He falls to the ground exhausted.*
Sue: Aw, big foot down.
Baymax: TiMe FoR NaP nAp.
Sue: No Substitute for a bad attitude.
Steamer: We still got it! *Evil Laugh*
Sue: *Evil laugh*
*Soon enough the two villains are competing for the last laugh.*
Wasabi: Are you actually competing for the last laugh?
Sue: Lets finish this later.
Steamer: Agreed.
*She sneaks in her last laugh.*
Sue: I win!
Gogo: I'd give this trap a C minus!
Steamer: Oh we're not through yet! This was just the trap's preamble!
Sue: With Big Hero 7 on the ropes, Boss Awesome will be forced to come here and save you nitwits!
Steamer: But he won't suspect Super Sonic Sue and Baron Von Steamer to be fighting side by side! And finally-
Sue and Steamer: We'll have our revenge!
*The villainous duo laugh until they hear the spingle of a cowboy boot.*
Steamer: Wait, who's the cowboy?
Cora: No way!
Boss Awesome: Hey, this isn't my first rodeo.
Steamer: I said that just five minutes ago! Didn't I just say that?
*Soon Boss Awesome steps out of the shadows to face his two old enemies once more.*
Boss Awesome: But not dressed like this; now the quip has layers.
Sue and Steamer: Boss Awesome!
Fred: Dad!
Boss Awesome: Good to see you too son!... That is you in there right?
Fred: Yeah! Oh and BTdubs, this is a trap.
Sue: I knew you couldn't resist the classic villain team up!
Boss Awesome: You know me too well Susie. So you know I'm not gonna let you win
Sue: Ha! You'll never beat the two of us! Mostly because of me, but also because you've been out of the game Boss Dinosaur!
Fred: She's right Dad! Its been a while since you were in an over the top, climatic super hero fight. Be careful!
Boss Awesome: Thanks kids, but I got this!
*And so the fight between Super Sonic Sue, Baron Von Steamer, and Boss Awesome begins! With Steamer using his steam gun he is able to blind Boss Awesome while Super Sonic Sue zooms in to knock him out. Boss Awesome rolls back up to clash with Super sonic Sue, both determined to pin the other down. And soon enough he picks her up and slam dunks her down to the ground. Soon Steamer joins in the fight as did Sue, with Boss Awesome dodging out of the way and using the classic, come get me hand gesture. The villainous duo punch Boss Awesome to a wall only for his feet to steady himself to crack the wall itself.*
Boss Awesome: I call this one the blender!
*Soon he propels himself, spinning like a blender and a blow to Steamer.*
Sue: Oh yeah? Well I call this one the flying squirrel!
*With that she launches up and slams her whole body to Boss Awesome, pinning him down.*
Sue:*Evil Laugh* Prepare to be defeated by your real number one enemy!
*Suddenly a gust of steam pushes Sue out of the way.*
Steamer: There's only one room for Boss Awesome's number one enemy and that one is me! *Evil laugh*
Boss Awesome: Under swing!
*He kicks Steamer out of the way and into the very crate Fred and Honey Lemon landed on. Soon enough Fred slams the lid and Honey Lemon uses her chem ball to glue it to place.*
Fred: Nice one dad!
Boss Awesome: The inverted hammer! It never fails!
Cora: *helping Hiro up* OK now, lets call the cops and get these baddies to prison retirement!
Hiro: What a crazy time for us huh?
Cora: Yup! I give this super hero climax an A plus!
*As of while Kaguya is zooming through the surface of the ocean with Kage, trying to outswim the sister. Soon enough the two see sharks swimming towards her to which she propels herself through the water while throwing Kage up in the air before she catches him. Kaguya turns her head to see the sisters still after them when she gets an idea. She takes a deep breath before gentle vibrations are felt through the water. Soon enough, an unlikely ally comes to their rescue.*
Knox: *Growl*
*Knox punches out the sharks which causes them to scurry away and see the sirens, now with determined and disgusted looks on their face.*
Muya: So the rumors are true...you are the creature of the world above!
Uma: How disgusting!
Lula: you're even more hideous up close!
*The three sirens swim forward to deliver a triple punch to Knox but he swiftly swims up and launch himself to them. With that Kaguya grabs pushes Kage up to the surface and calls a dolphin to help him swim the rest of the way to shore. Finally Kaguya joins the fight with Knox and soon enough, with Kaguya's trickery and Knox's strength, they manage to trap them all in sea weed with their arms and tails unmovable. *
Kaguya: Thank you Mr. Knox.
Knox; What do you suppose we do to them?
Kaguya: For now I better head back to-
Muya: Orso Knox? The human who had been the monster among the land folk?
Uma: Sickening. So this is what Sycorax is doing!
Knox: Did you just say Sycorax?!
Lula: Yes! Their ship is often found here at night, collecting bits and pieces of the sea.
Muya: Rumors are that they are looking for a certain... beast in the water...
*Kaguya looks at Knox before she thinks over what she overheard at the grotto. At the shore Kage successfully crawls his way back to shore where he sheepishly waves at the dolphin who happily chirps back and swims back home. He then pulls out the scrunchie in his pocket, his eyes glimmering with memories and confusion.*
Baymax: Hello Kage.
Kage: *looks up to see Baymax standing in front of him.* Oh! Baymax!... How do you do?
Baymax: Your body temperature is low, I will warm you up.
*Baymax pulls out a blanket and wraps it around his shoulder and hugs him, using his built in heater to warm him up. Kage sighs at the warmth and at the scrunchie, his thoughts running wildly about all this.*
Kaguya: Kage!
*Kage looks up to see Kaguya crawling up to the sandy beach, which he immediately uses a spare blanket to dry her off before anyone could even see her.*
Kage: Are you alright?
Kaguya: I'm fine Kage, had some help with a friend.
*She turns her head to see the top of Orso Knox wink at the two before swimming off.*
Kage; What happened to the sirens?
Kaguya: Orso Knox is keeping guard of them.
Kage: what? What for?
Kaguya:...It seems like they know something interesting about the woman who has been spinning Big Hero 7 on the ropes... they could have information about Sycorax.
Kage: But how do we know they aren't lying?
Kaguya: I know something that can help us. It is something very powerful that could distinguish a lie from truth. But right now lets just head back home and start assembling the medicine. These questions will have to be answered later.
*With that the three walk off, with Kage staring at the sea then at the scrunchie... yes... later they will talk.*
*Meanwhile the police had arrived and are currently taking the two villains to prison.*
Sue: *To Gogo* You know, I gotta thank you Skater tot?
Gogo: Yeah? For what?
Sue: Inspiring me to lace up after all these years. I saw you tearing it up on the news and knew I had some skate left in me.
Gogo: Super Sonic Sue- me why don't cha?
Sue: Nice.
Boss Awesome: Lets do this again sometime... say ten to twenty years? Haha, classic!
Steamer: Settle one thing: which of us is your arch enemy?
Boss Awesome: My arch enemy?... Cabbage soup! I love it, but it doesn't love me!
*And so Steamer screams to the sky, knowing he is second place to cabbage soup.*
Steamer: NOOOOOO!
Baymax: NOOOOOO!
Cora: Omega Danger whats wrong?!
Baymax: RiGHt?
*Hiro face palms as Cora sighs. That's when she gets a text from her phone.*
Cora: Awesome! Grandmama and Kage are back home! Man I can't wait to tell them about today!
Fred: Well, it looks like there's one more thing to wrap up!
*Later that night Fred dons his chameleon suit to take back his prized collectible from Mole's hands. When he reaches to the Mole Hole however, all he sees is Mole...with just his action figures.*
Mole: I know you guys didn't think I could pull it off, Well get ready to be amazed! Meet the newest addition to my Captain Fancy Collection! OK who's hungry for pizza? Anchovies? Not again Christopher! Oh good idea Hector I'll go see if they have any coupons! Oh don't worry Brittney I'll get a gluten free option.
*Later on Fred returns home.*
Minimax: Was vengeance served? I do not detect your prized undergarments.
Fred: No Minimax, Mole needs those underpants a lot more than I do. Turns out he collects to fill a friendship void. Probably wouldn't have it if he wasn't so creepy and rude, but it definitely cost him company. I felt bad for the little jerk so I let him keep them.
Minimax: Your nobility is immense!
Fred: Its like my dad said, a real hero helps everyone in need. Even his enemies.
Minimax: Help, an enemy? You have blown my mind!*His head bursts into flames to which he puts out*… I'm in need of repair.
Fred: Yeah... but that doesn't mean he isn't exactly off the hook for tricking me. So I placed a little prank.
*The next day, Mole receives a package labeled Captain Fancy Vs Humax fist, a movie that had yet to premier. Mole gasps in excitement and soon starts playing it. The opening credits start with the promise of the epic fight when-*
Singer: Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Not gonna run around and desert you!~
*The face Mole had spoke volumes in itself. As of while Fred is with his Dad, spending time together in the lair talking about all the adventures they had.*
A.N: Here's Super Sonic Sue! Sorry for the delay, school and such! Didn't expect the sirens or Orso Knox huh? FYW, if you wanna learn more about the Sirens, check out Steamer's Revenge and Oceanic Secrets! Love you all!
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sokkas-swordgays · 5 years
RENT Live-my live opinions (3/3)
Ben’s a creep damn
Puke-piss both are bodily fluids is it that serious
Mark you’re Jewish bb
Wow they’re really showing Jord off here aren’t they
Mark shouldn’t have this sex appeal but I’m ok with it
Ok I like this too
I like the new intros
Mimi and Roger are my bbys
Also Jord is so good as Mark words cannot describe
Pussy but not dildo ok
New Years Eve is so cute
Annnnd then it blew up
But V is still killing
I adore you Mark I’ll be your Valentine
Take me or leave me-they could have played up the groundhog thing for laughs
Fuck that audience though seriously stfu
Kiersey step on me
I’m not ready to see Angel die
Okay and that’s a fun juxtaposition bc is Mimi talking about the drug or Roger until she drops the bag
Another instance of Tinashe’s depth
Without You set behind Collins and Angel is heartbreaking
Alexei is adorable-I know she’s supposed to represent selling out but damn
Contact was done so beautifully
Visually-gorgeous it told such a story
Musically-Valentina you did so well here
Choreographically-so much modern it portrayed so well how HIV deaths were happening and everyone was too wrapped up to notice
Angel’s funeral is painful because there were people like her out there-so much potential, burned too soon
Collins struggling to sing then belting really shows the depth of his love and I’m dead
Mark’s switch from character to narrator was so smooth I didn’t notice until Halloween
And somehow Jordan shows Mark’s exhaustion
And he’s back as a character and I want to love him
Benny is an ass
The breakdown of the friends is just as quick as the friendship forms
Roger would be good at my analysis
Even when they’re fighting Mark is still there for Roger
Okay so they paid for
Benny damn just slips right back in
Also can we appreciate that Benny, after fighting with all of them, recognizes that Collins needs something and doesn’t even hesitate to distract him? #okguyBenny
That reporter voice I see you
Jordan’s voice is hunny
Starting the duet seperated was a good call
What You Own was pretty good
And we’re live
Okay the last voicemail was good
I love you Collins bby
a n g e l
The live harmonies are so good
I shouldn’t have laughed when Roger screamed while sitting and not running to Mimi but I did
Your eyes is beautiful
Finale B is now my sentimental song sorry don’t make the rules
Tl;dr- Rent Live wasn’t perfect. There were a lot of moments that could have been fixed before hand (no understudy, Valentina’s drumming, etc.) and a lot of things that happened just because it’s live theatre. All in all, the show was visually beautiful and had the talent and crew been given more time it could’ve been even better.
Thank you Jonathan Larson
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him-e · 6 years
Hey! I love your analysis’ of Reylo. They’re my favorite. I have a loaded question (hopefully you’ve never been asked) — when do you think both Rey and Kylo became PHYSICALLY attracted to each other? And when do you think Rey became ROMANTICALLY attracted to Kylo, because I think we can all agree after killing Han Solo and their fight on Starkiller Base, she was, and rightly so, hostile and angry. Sorry if it’s a stupid question but you just seem to go really in depth with details. :)
ok so I noticed a very similar ask is already making the rounds on here, but since I started writing this post before I saw it, you’re getting mine too, yay. 
First: physical vs romantic can be a false binary. Some people don’t experience a difference in physical attraction vs romantic attraction. On a literary level, and especially in the context of a space opera/fairytale geared towards a young audience, the distinction might be entirely redundant: the two spheres coincide, as the sexual element is never explicit in fairytales, and the romantic interest is often a stand-in for both. You don’t get a point where the characters are “only” physically attracted to each other in this kind of stories.  
Second: going from hating someone to falling in love with said someone is a pretty standard romantic trope. It’s juicy, it’s sexy, and it’s all about CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. In enemies to lovers stories, the initial hatred is not an obstacle but part of the romantic build-up.Usually there isn’t “one” turning point where the relationship dramatically changes, but many. It’s a gradual evolution. 
With that said… I believe a degree of attraction was always there on both sides (Kylo’s side being a bit more self-evident than Rey’s, though Rey’s part is interesting as well, more on that later). The romantic feelings, on the other hand, are still a work in progress. They still haven’t acknowledged them. 
Let’s start with Kylo because it’s easier. 
1) Kylo is VERY attracted to Rey since the beginning.
Our boy is very transparent when it comes to Rey.He instinctively recognizes that there’s something special to this girl, and he’s drawn to her like a moth to a flame.
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^ He looks her up and down. Adam emphasizes this gesture with a blatant head motion because he’s wearing a mask and he can’t be subtle about it. Which means he was probably asked to be unsubtle.
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^ He gets in her personal space immediately after that. There’s really no need to be this close if he wanted to simply mind probe her. 
This is especially interesting because the way this scene is edited we don’t see how he got so close that he’s practically…what, sniffing her neck? Whispering in her ear? So I guess the final cut was rather toned down compared to the raw footage of this scene, and it’s for the better, since Rey is immobilized and terrified and in no position to give consent to this closeness. (tbh, I suspect he was originally meant to touch her or cup her face in this scene, and they cut it because they wanted to make sure that Kylo never touches her—aside from bridal carrying her into his ship. See also how he touches her during the interrogation in the tfa novelization but not in the movie. This is an excellent decision in my opinion. It’s crucial that Kylo doesn’t cross that boundary without Rey’s consent, so it makes it all the more poignant when he touches Rey’s outstretched hand in TLJ. Yeah, don’t tell me this wasn’t all planned.)
This attraction isn’t conscious on Kylo’s part—he seems to be completely clueless about it. Both Rey and Kylo are coded as very immature for their ages, both because they’re supposed to have a coming of age arc (which in true sw fashion overlaps with a hero’s journey), and because they’re emotionally stunted as neither had a “normal” adolescence (for different reasons).
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^ more unnecessary closeness and he’s also blatantly looking at her lips and neck here. I won’t go in deep into the interrogation scene because there’s too much to dissect, but yeah, the whole thing is Kylo being ridiculously fascinated by Rey and not knowing what to do with it.
But this is also where he starts going deeper into her… ahem, poor choice of words, sorry. I mean he looks inside her mind and he’s enraptured. He sees her loneliness, her fear to leave the place where she’s bound in a forced state of childhood, he sees the island of her dreams—and her affection for Han, which immediately triggers a cascade of unpleasant feelings for him. In short, this is where he connects with her emotionally (although forcibly) and where it stops being just curiosity and attraction and becomes something more, on a deeper level than just the physical, for him.
(casual reminder that this is a space opera so yes, Kylo can see a kaleidoscope of Rey’s inner world and HOPELESSLY FALL IN LOVE WITH IT in the span of 2 minutes of mind probe. This isn’t to be taken literally.)
As she slips out of his grip just when he’s starting to know her, Kylo LOSES HIS SHIT. He gives in to a childish temper tantrum at the sight of her empty interrogation chair, and when she shows up again at Finn’s side, he sees red. This is very possessive/jealous coded behavior.
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^ Heart eyes, motherfucker. I think at this point our boy’s fallen HARD. He still doesn’t know, of course. But it’s clear that this moment—the whole duel with her—left a huge impression on him. Later in TLJ, he tells Rey that she has “that look in her eyes, from the forest”, which, wow, someone’s been thinking about Rey’s eyes A LOT and memorizing that particular expression and romanticizing the shit of of it.
Verdict: Kylo immediately finds Rey attractive but has probably no idea why he feels that way, and starts making a lot of irrational decisions in order to take her with him and make her stay. By the end of TFA, he’s already caught a variety of Feelings. They will only intensify in TLJ, but the foundation, both in physical and emotional terms, is already there.
2) Rey. Rey is more complicated because she’s our protagonist/main pov, she’s female—female attraction is depicted differently than male attraction—and most importantly she’s in a situation of disadvantage for most of TFA. Due to her limited agency she is forced to react rather than act, and she’s constantly in a fight or flight mode. 
This, of course, makes her (subtle) attraction hard to notice and problematic to discuss, but we’ll get there.
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^ Her first reaction to a full masked Kylo Ren is blind terror (with reason: Kylo chases, immobilizes, and then threatens her with his lightsaber). But remember: per the novelization, “she has seen this man before. In a nightmare, in a dream”. This already introduces an element of ambiguity: why this distinction? Was the dream pleasant? Kylo is, at this stage, the physical manifestation of a shadow that seems to be haunting her (in her subconscious, but also in the force vision she had minutes before). It isn’t as much repulsive as it is scary. 
Soon enough, she starts conversing with the shadow. Once the initial terror fades, she regains composure and starts demanding answers, even as tied up to a chair as she is.
The unmasking is a crucial moment.
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^ This is when Rey sees Ben’s face for the first time—the prince underneath the beast—and it confuses her. It’s where she loses her combative attitude and has to regroup for a minute. She blinks, she breathes in, her eyes wander across his figure.The novelization states that it’s because he looks so average (LOL, sure) and not monstrous at all, but beyond the surface reading, this already tells us that Rey took time to register Kylo’s facial features and find them strangely unthreatening–even familiar. She definitely doesn’t find him repulsive or odd-looking.
From this moment on, she has trouble looking at him. She’s constantly avoiding his eyes or stealing short glances at him—he turned from creature into man, and she’s suddenly hyperaware of his closeness and her restraints. (this is where most people feel uncomfortable with that scene, because it’s dripping with ambiguous tension). Then she finds Kylo in her mind, she fights back and locks eyes with him again, this time unafraid. She chooses to look into the monster and while she turns the tables on him, invading his mind, she finds herself “inexorably drawn to”… something. His fears? The novelization leaves this unsaid, but the choice of words is interesting. She’s not merely pushing him out, or defending herself anymore. She finds something that intrigues her in there. That draws her in.
This scene is where they truly reveal themselves to the other—Kylo’s humanity and weaknesses, and Rey’s powers and strength. It leaves them both shaking and bewildered. It’s a sort of initiation—for both. To each other’s force powers, but also to the attractive power each has on the other.
Then comes another turning point—Han’s murder, which Rey witnesses from a privileged perspective.
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^ There’s a sort of softness, but also enrapture, in her expression here. She’s completely sucked into this scene, all but forgetting she could shoot Kylo from where she is and end this at any moment. No, what she’s seeing is another side of Han, but also another side of Kylo Ren.
It goes back to when she was first introduced to the story of Ben Solo.
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See? Raptured. Camera zooming in on her face. Light spheres floating around her as Han tells her about the boy who destroyed it all. This is a magical moment, the cinematography is telling us. 
On some level, even before meeting him in person, she’s drawn to him. Remember, this is a fairytale.
By the forest scene Rey is horrified, angry, exhausted, grieving. In the span of two days she was forced to grow past childhood, cut her umbilical cord to Jakku, and enter a scary phase of transition into adulthood, which Kylo is, like it or not, a big part of. Now she’s seen him murder his own father—he is a monster with a human face, something that seems to enrage her even more. The following duel is more of a discovery of her own powers (and potential darkness) than it is about Kylo (whereas for Kylo it’s definitely about Rey), but in the end she can’t bring herself to kill him. Again, this tells us more about who Rey is and what is her inner conflict than it does about her relationship with Kylo but… it’s something. I think on an instinctual level, even at this early stage, she recognizes something in him that resonates with her. His loneliness, his anger, his misery perhaps.
Verdict: at the end of TFA, Rey is mostly angry and scared of Kylo. All her actions revolve around getting the hell out of dodge, keeping Kylo out of her mind, and punishing him for Han’s death. Understandably. 
But she’s also curious. This man confuses her. He shows up in her subconscious, and he’s inextricably linked to her understanding of the Force, and her first experiences with it. It’s a sort of imprinting.
TLJ is when the really meaty part begins for Rey. In broad terms, TFA was Kylo’s romantic/sexual awakening to Rey, and TLJ is Rey’s to Kylo.The peaceful, safe setting of Ahch-To and the fact that through the force bond they can communicate but NOT hurt or manipulate each other draws Rey out of her fight or flight mode, allowing her to explore on her terms Kylo’s character, and all the questions and doubts he arouses (heh) in her. 
In their first force bond interactions, Kylo is calm and collected. In the other scenes he’s had so far he’s a hot mess of boiling rage and hurt (just minutes before, he smashed his helmet and launched an attack to the Resistance in which he thinks his mother perished), but with this girl who slashed his face in half and left him bleeding like a pig in the snow, he’s quite the soft spoken gentleman, lol. I think he’s been thinking a lot about Rey, he came to terms with his fascination for her, and now he wants to make Rey think about him too. He tempts and taunts her, from a place of relative knowledge/wisdom (or so he thinks). Rey’s the one who is in emotional turmoil. 
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^ Initially, she tries to stick to her feisty heroine script, and she still has a lot of genuine rage and disgust for him, but mostly she can’t make sense of him. She feels insecure in what she knows (not just about Kylo but also about Luke, the Force, her role in this, everything. Nobody is telling her anything!), so she overcompensates with knee-jerk aggression and a false display of confidence (”I know everything I need to know about you!”). 
She also calls him “murderous snake!!!!”, which is hilarious and very revealing. IDK about snake symbolism in the GFFA, but here on earth, and especially in western culture, snakes symbolize insidious seduction, and that’s certainly the authorial intent behind this choice of words. By saying this line, Rey is framed as the quintessential virtuous maiden trying to resist (sexual) temptation, that biblically goes hand in hand with knowledge—which is exactly what Kylo offers. 
On a subconscious level, I think she already recognizes Kylo as a seduction.
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^ This is the first thing that throws her off balance. She was probably expecting some angry shitty warped-moral-compass rebuttal, instead he quietly agrees that he’s a monster, while also “coming into the light” to let her see his face better. To make her see him. During the whole conversation, and part of the following force bond scene as well, Kylo is almost morbidly insistent to share with her the details of his past (”Did he tell you what happened? Did he tell you why?”). He wants her to see him, ugly as he is (in a spiritual sense).  
At this point, Rey’s sexuality is GETTING ANSWERS AND FIGURING SHIT ABOUT HER ROLE IN THE FORCE. And Luke (the biblical “God” of the island) is giving her none of that, other than hippie lessons about how the Force is a superior power blah blah and you better not fuck with it blah blah don’t go in the dark wet hole and remember that the Jedi aren’t supposed to intervene in mundane shit, blah.
I actually think the deleted fish nun party scene is important to understand Rey’s state of mind entering the third, and crucial, force connection. The point of that lesson—at least the way Rey understands it—is teaching her inaction and second-guessing her instincts. Luke is projecting his own disillusionment on her. He’s telling her to stop believing in heroes, when what Rey actually needs is believing in herself as a hero. She comes out of it feeling more frustrated and humiliated than ever. Depressed, almost.
Kylo, instead, gives her answers. Not definite answers, but something that propels her into action. He tells her, “do this and this in order to become the person you’re meant to be”. He strokes her ego. He talks about her destiny. He echoes and validates her suppressed anger and frustration. He digs up a painful truth about her family, and encourages her to face it. Even as she demands to know the reason he murdered his father, he makes it all about her. First, he made her see him; now he’s making her see herself through his eyes.
And, of course, he’s half naked through the entire thing. This is the first time Rey is confronted with something textually (as in, not simply existing in the subtext) sexual. The shirtlessness is obviously here for a meta reason too (to loudly communicate the romantic undertones of the dynamic, to symbolically strip Kylo of his layers, and to give the audience an eye candy) but even Rey the character is aware that this has to do with sex, someway. 
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^ That’s why she stutters and averts her eyes. This is the unmasking 2.0, only this time the sexual implications are in the forefront. In a pg-13 format, of course, but still largely readable even for children.
This is where Rey starts wondering if they could actually touch. Gee, what a coincidence. 
The shirtless scene is a huge turning point where the romantic build up becomes, for a short while, glaringly sexual. It would be easy to say that this is when Rey’s physical attraction is born, but that’s an oversimplification. Everything in this movie and in the movie before has been building to this. Kylo Ren has been at the forefront of Rey’s thoughts since Starkiller. She has a powerful psychic connection to him, talked about him with Luke, wondered about the reasons of his patricide, questioned his backstory, exercised frantically to blow off the steam of their encounters. 
This isn’t when Rey first begins to feel attraction to Kylo—it’s where she’s first faced with the reality of it, and us with her.
And facing this reality is, in part, what prompts her to go into the dark side cave—the one the older male authority figure forbade her from going, the one in which she already subconsciously expects to walk a threshold. The threshold of knowing what happened to her parents, the question that she’s been avoiding for so long, that kept her bound to Jakku, to a version of herself who never grew up past childhood because growing up would make the years and years of abandonment painfully real, rather than just notches on a wall.
The cave scene has all the markings of an archetypal rite of passage into adulthood (and womanhood). The water, the near-drowning experience, the visions, the multiple selves, the mirror. Rey goes into it fully understanding that however it goes, it will imply a loss of innocence. Thematically, it’s a direct continuation of the other loss of innocence she’s just experienced—the sexual one, with Kylo.
Rey doesn’t get the answer she hoped for, but one that forces her to mature and come into her adult self—it’s time to take responsibility and be the hero of her own story, because the adults she were waiting for are nowhere in sight. So she comes out of the cave as more mature… but also desperate for human connection. Or rather, for connection to a specific someone. She feels “relief” when she senses Kylo’s presence in the Force inside the hut. 
And when she sees him, she thinks again of touching him.
In the movie we don’t get how the conversation started, and the novelization doesn’t delve into details either, and boy what would I pay to know what sparked Rey’s confession. But we can imagine. By this point, Rey already feels a kinship with Kylo, and her distrust and skepticism for him has eroded. She sees her own loneliness in him. She feels they were both betrayed by parental figures on some level. She’s made the mental connection that if Vader was brought back, then Ben could be too, by someone who loves him. Their force connections have been strange but they also gave her the chance to discuss stuff she would have otherwise bottled up. He’s physically attractive to her. He doesn’t judge her for going into the darkness. And when he tells her what she needs to hear the most—that she’s not alone—she makes that leap and reaches out to touch him.
It’s an olive branch, a comforting gesture towards someone she feels is just alone as she is, but it’s physical contact she seeks. She could have offered her sympathy in any other way, yet she chose to reach for his hand. Remember, she’s been thinking about touching him for a while already.
Kylo, after a moment of confusion, responds by taking off his glove. This is such a loaded gesture in terms of its romantic/sexual meaning that I’m still in shock it actually happened. He’s baring himself to her, so that this contact happens without barriers. His skin is not covered in first order leather when he touches hers. This is the real him.
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^ And then they have their visions of the future, and that One Perfect Tear falls down Rey’s cheek and Luke blows up the hut and this is where my analysis can stop because by this point it’s completely obvious that our girl has FALLEN HARD, and since she’s the *shoot first, ask later* type, she hops on the Falcon to get her boy back before she can admit to herself she’s stupidly in love with him.
Rey saw a vision of herself with Ben Solo at her side, and she’s so blinded by the beauty of it that making it happen as fast as possible becomes her number one priority.
But feelings for someone don’t change overnight so radically. If she’s so massively affected by that vision, it’s only because her romantic attraction for Kylo has been building up at a consistent pace since the start of the movie, getting her to a point where she spontaneously sought an intimacy with him.
It’s the same for Kylo. Rey literally ships herself to him, but he’s no less reckless than she is in barreling into this promise of a future idyll. When Rey gets on the Supremacy, he already knows this has to end with Snoke’s death somehow. He doesn’t know how to do it, but he will. He will sacrifice his master to be with her, just as she did.
If you asked either of them if they’re in love with each other, I bet they would stare at you with uncomprehending eyes—it’s like they lack the basic lexicon to understand their feelings, let alone verbalize them. So Rey’s like “save the fleet because it’s the morally right thing to do!”, and Ben’s like “join me to rule the galaxy!”, and they’re both like, “you’ll stand with me!”. They’re trying to express the love they already feel but they’re doing it in non-romantic terms, because that’s all they know.
(gifs are credited with the “ ^ “ - click on it and reblog the op!)
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irazor · 6 years
Skam Fic Love Fest, day 1: Comments
Let me just start by saying that every comment I have gotten on my fics have made me so, so happy. Receiving those notification e-mails from ao3 is the absolute best, and it gives me so much motivation to keep writing!
Below, however, are a few comments that have really stuck with me.
@tristealven on On Call: wow, i practically had my heart in my throat the whole time. you really know how to keep the reader on their toes. and how to write emotion!! (it's almost like you learned from the best, and by the best i mean vespy)
-because emotion is what fanfic is all about, right? and that someone as talented in that particular field as you, Elina, has such high opinions on my writing... it almost made me tear up.
@champagneleftie on On Call: I felt so sorry for Isak, that he couldn't even admit to having a panic attack, that he had to blame it on something else. It really feels in line with his views on mental illness in the beginning of season 3, unfortunately. I love (well, no, it's quite sad, but I love what you're doing with it) how he is at the same time such a snob and so determined to be The Best (I loved this: "He’ll have to work in a health center. Or in child psychiatry. They’ll take almost anybody, after all. Even those who cannot stand the pressure of a regular week in the ER, who get so exhausted from it that they start drifting and misjudge even the clearest of cases.") and so immediately convinced that he's worthless when he makes a mistake. It really is heartbreaking.
-because this is such a spot-on analysis of the Isak I was trying to write in On Call, and I’m so glad that it came through to you, whose writing I admire so much <3
@love-drunk-isak on On Call: Oh my gosh, this story has been like a study in watching Isak fall in love!
-because that’s practically the essence of so many of my favorite fics...!
@crazyheartfics on Smulor: Perfekt. Dette var bare så fint og gjenkjennelig og ekte! ❤️ Du skriver det hele så innmari bra. Og nå lurer jeg litt på om Even også trenger å øve på å kjenne at han blir sint av og til? 
-för att det fick mitt hjärta att nästan sjuda över. och för att den här kommentaren fick mig att skriva en uppföljande del - tack för inspirationen, Camilla! <3
@aimitis on Smulor: Men tack! För att du gav dem det här! Och för att du lät det vara precis så jobbigt som det kan vara, när en burk inte bara är en burk och smulor är det mest skaviga och provocerande som finns. Att det inte blev till något fjantigt låtsasbråk som kunde glömmas över lite pussar. Detta var så ärligt och relaterbart, verkligen som plockat direkt ur livet. 
-för att det betyder så oerhört mycket att få höra att det jag skrivit känns verkligt, och inte förskönat eller ansträngt. 
@vesperthine on Smulor: [...] det är så härligt att läsa hur du utforskar det här jobbiga. den här rädslan för att om det väl en gång går sönder, så kan det aldrig lagas igen: perfektionismens baksida och perfektionistens brist. even måste ju fått lära sig, hemma som du syftar på eller någon annanstans, att acceptera misstag på ett annat sätt. de träffar honom lika hårt (bara det faktum att luften helt går ur honom när isak sagt något förut tyder på det) men han kan hantera och mjuka upp efterskalvet på ett sätt som isak inte kan. maskrosorna är ett bevis på det, och de fick mig att börja gråta.
-och detta. V, du är en av de mest begåvade författarna i hela fandomen och den här kommentaren träffade mig rakt i hjärtat. och att få höra att jag kunde väcka så mycket känslor inuti dig... det kändes i mig också.
@bewa2bewa on Biverkningar: Også så gjenkjennelig... ikke alle er like gode på å prate om ting, og du får så godt fram hvor viktig det er selv om det kan føles som småting, selv om det kan gjøre andre lei seg og selv om man kanskje ikke syns det er så lett. Kommunikasjon er så viktig, men kommunikasjon krever to. Og nå ble det det. :-) Så deilig å se Isak omfavne alt ved Even. Hele ham, uansett, med hele seg. Det er så flott!
-att kunna skildra hur hela Isak omfamnar hela Even, med alla deras bägge skavanker, är något av det finaste jag vet att läsa. och att jag lyckades förmedla just det till någon annan gör mig så glad.
@skamskada on Somewhere I’ve never been: jfc. Do I have to use my words now? Because that's difficult. First of all, SYSTEM OF A DOWN! And the sleepy summer village vibes! The cabins and the complete lack of people your own age to hang out with! The beautiful, gentle, respectful handling of Even's bipolar disorder. And the hot hot hot irrestistible attraction. omg
-because... well, this whole comment, really. but especially that you thought that I handled Even’s bipolar disorder with care and respect. it’s a real challenge writing it, and the main reason I hesitated to write his POV. so it really meant a lot to me to hear this.
@fille-lioncelle on Somewhere I’ve never been: This was really lovely! I loved how they both couldn't let go of that one time they met four years ago. There are just those people that you keep going back to in your mind, even if you've only had a really short and ultimately meaningless interaction. Loved it! And Even struggling with how he's feeling and working out how to deal with his bipolar was so well done here too, I thought.
-because, well... the same goes here, as for Immy. that you think I handled this issue well – it means so, so much.
@amfelia on Somewhere I’ve never been: Wow. Wow. OMG WOW. I seem to be saying this a lot when it comes to your writing, if not in the comments then at least in my mind. I LOVED this. The push and the pull. Holding back when they didn’t know how to go forward, and then going forward anyway. The dynamics, your description of Even, and everything that goes on in is head. So beautifully written. So sweet. So smart!
-because who wouldn’t combust from a comment like this? to hear you think that I was able to write something so dynamic, and smart, and that Even was well portrayed... ah, I still think about this comment sometimes!
And today, as a part of this event, by @mu-zi-light on On Call: I wanted to tell you, that your fic is still on my mind. Your Isak touched me so much. You've written his character so beautifully, in depth and with all his thoughts and feelings so alive just as he'd stay right in front of me. The sexual tension was one of the best I've read in this fandom. I think you're a very, very good writer and I'm glad you're in this fandom <3
-because receiving a comment like this, months after the fic was finished, almost made my heart overflow. that something I’ve written still stays with you, and to hear that others are happy to have me here, where I love to be so much. it means the world.
And special shoutouts to @skater110599 on ao3 who took their time to leave a comment on every single chapter on On Call while binge-reading (and who woke up in the middle of the night to continue reading it!) and @wehave4ever for leaving such detailed, encouraging comments on everything I’ve written.
Whoa, this got really long - sorry not sorry - I could probably ramble on for pages, because every single comment I’ve ever gotten means something to me. Thank you, lovely lovely people who have ever commented on anything I’ve written, every single one of you (if you’ve made it all the way down here, haha). 
<3 <3 <3
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josieswrk · 4 years
Unashamed (Naked)
It started with a prayer request. My friend asked me over the weekend to send her my prayer requests because she was going to early morning prayer / sebyuk gido for three days. “But think about it,” she said. “Take your time and write them to me.”
I did take my time to think about them. Some of the prayer requests were obvious - the things that worry me on most days: my job search, my upcoming licensing exam, and something else that’s private. But when I took the time and space to listen, almost as if I was praying for what I want to ask prayer for, there was another request that surfaced from the depths of my heart:
“I want to be the version of Josie that exists when it’s just Josie & God,” I wrote to her. “And I need God’s help to find that version again.”
You’ve seen me write about it so many times on this blog. On most days, I felt lost and in the eye of a confusing storm. Time with people, whether virtually or in the flesh, was both encouraging and complicated. Every time I shared about my life and someone suggested the slightest “should,” I would feel guilty and confused, especially when the “should”s were in conflict with each other. Without an anchor for my identity, I found myself reverting to my old habits of adjusting my personality to please or mirror the person in front of me. When I lose my grip on who God created me to be, I become a disembodied spirit, frightened of the void and hungering for a model to morph into.
You may see me stressing out so much about my identity and think “Wow, that’s quite the self-centered project.” But I disagree. To me, being who God created me to be is exactly how I glorify Him and live out my calling on this earth. It is how I know that I am not making myself in the image of other idols (other people, the dominant culture, whatever identity/personality that will get me worldly rewards or the love of people). I believe that God is an exquisitely intentional God, who made all of us distinct with a purpose. It deeply excites me when a group of believers, rather than morphing into the same basic Christian template, boldly bring their unique personalities and gifts and work together for His Kingdom purposes. It’s a similar excitement to the moment you see an ensemble of distinct and often conflicting personalities in action movies or shonen manga/anime unite together to defeat an impossible enemy. SASAGEYO!!
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This is why it bothers me on a spiritual level when I feel out of touch with myself. It is a sign to me that I am hoping for something else to give me the love that I yearn for. It is a sign to me that, rather than living in the love of God, which frees me and empowers me to be who God created me to be, I am living under the fear of man. It is a sign to me, that, rather than charging forward in boldness for His kingdom, I am tied up by the snares of the enemy. 
I sent my friend this prayer request (thank you, by the way for your labor in prayer!) and began praying into this myself. I think it helped that I am catsitting/housesitting somewhere else for the week. Though it was exhausting to live out of two apartments and bring things back and forth constantly from one place to another, it felt like a mini retreat. A different environment away from my usual distractions and fertile ground for the renewing of my mind. 
I wanted to end the cycle of being the Josie that other people want me to be, and even the Josie that I am trying to find through my own fevered analysis of my life. I wanted to be the Josie that God *c r e a t e d* me to be. I wanted to be the Josie that He had in mind when He knit me in my mother’s womb. The Josie that He would delight in. I want that so much - for Him to be delighted. To be pleased. I want to make His heart fill with joy because I am living out the life that He intended - not the life that anyone else on earth wants for me. 
After studying all day for the licensing exam, I made a trip back to my apartment to move some furniture for the contractors tomorrow. I took the opportunity to restock on food supplies and take a shower in my own bathroom. It was while I was taking a shower that the feeling hit me. “This is it!” I wanted to squeal. “This is the most divine version of myself!” If the past couple of months felt like a roulette of personalities, I felt like I had suddenly chanced upon the right one. The jackpot. And I desperately wanted to write the feeling down, right then and there, because I didn’t know when the roulette would start and the feeling would disappear again. (In reality, what ended up happening was I jotted some notes down as soon as I got out of the shower, but had to walk all the way back to the cat apartment, fed the cats, make some dinner, and then eat dinner before I had the chance to actually sit down and write this post). 
I still can’t quite describe what it felt like. The first word that came to mind was creative. The therapist part of me cried, “Hey, that’s not a feeling word!” But I don’t know how else to describe it right now - I know I’m the best version of myself when I feel deeply creative. It’s a different experience from the creativity that comes from a brainstorm (the creativity of a million different ideas exploding in connected branches and fracturing in a million different directions). It’s the opposite of the feeling I get when I write most of the time (accompanied by the voice that says “NO! NO! THIS IS TRASH!” or “YOU’RE A BAD PERSON”). It’s also an experience that’s distinct from the moments I’m home alone in my thoughts, wandering through the mists in a restful state. I think... the feeling I’m trying to describe is the opposite of shame. It’s funnily appropriate that I had the feeling when I was in the shower because we describe our perfect relationship with God and one another before the Fall in terms of nakedness. But I think that’s how I felt, even when I was fully clothed and walking down Locust St. back to my friend’s apartment. I felt so exquisitely connected to everything: the twilight sky, the people I passed on the street, my own thoughts and ideas, the people who genuinely love me, to God... The veil of shame between me and everything around me had been lifted, and I didn’t realize there was always something mitigating my interactions with the world until it was gone. I didn’t realize I was feeling the world through cloth until it was gone and I felt it on plain, bare skin. 
In this time of reconnection with myself, I also reconnected with the characters of my fantasy world, the world of the novel which will never be written. One of the characters is a traveling swordswoman with a “curse” - every cut she inflicts on her enemy cuts into her own flesh. She is able to mitigate the effects of the “curse” with a magic charm that reduces the ratio of harm, however. For example, if she severs the limb of her opponent, it will appear on her body as just a scratch where the cut was made, instead of her own limb falling off. Even so, this makes her economical with her strikes and she deals killing blows very sparingly. (And what happens if she needs to user her sword against an enemy but loses the magic charm? Dun dun dun...)
She came into my mind one day when I was thinking about empathy. Empathy, which I would loosely define as the ability to understand the feelings of experiences of another, comes in so many different forms. I have a lot of empathetic friends and they are all so different. I have friends whose empathy always results in action - they feel for me and get me a cup of tea as I’m crying about my dog dying; they feel for me and help me come up with a concrete plan as I’m a mess. I have friends whose empathy results in exactly the right encouragements I need to hear, almost as if God Himself was speaking to me - they rebuke lies and affirm truths that I cannot comprehend myself when I’m in the weeds. I even have friends whose empathy is not so feeling based but based in cognition and observation. They might not feel me, but in their own way, they understand, and honestly sometimes it’s really comforting to not have my feelings be amplified and felt by another but just thought about and responded to. 
My kind of empathy is absorption. My previous clinical supervisor said “You’re like a sponge.” Many times, I won’t know what to do, or even what to say (and many times I am envious of those who are able to mobilize into action). But if I am listening to you, I am not only processing the information you’re saying - I’m experiencing you. That is how I thought of this idea of a character hurting herself when she hurts other people... Even if they are her “enemy.” And how, in certain cases, she must grit her teeth and do it anyway, even though she knows so acutely that it is causing someone else pain. (I also wondered how it would affect her mental health to have to do this over and over... Hurt people and feel exactly or a small fraction of the pain you are causing them. Would you truly be able to numb yourself the way that other killers would?)
Empathy can lead to deeper connection, but it can also lead to pain - whether it’s by feeling the pain of another or being taken advantage of. There are times when people love the way you make them feel more than they love you (and treat you like trash when you stop making them feel good). I’ve learned that this will happen sometimes. But when I get lost, and when I forget, I only need to run back to God, who loves me not because of what I can do for him (what a laughable thought), but because of who He redeemed me to be. If anything, God knows the pain of empathy - He became a human and suffered the consequences for our sin so that we could be in unashamed (& naked) communion with him again. 
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caravaggista · 7 years
Hi Amy, I'm a high school student who wants to major in art history. I know that a large part of history in general is asking questions, however I'm unsure about how to ask better questions, would you give some suggestions and examples of higher level questions to ask about an art work? P.S. you blog is amazing and thank you for all the resources!
Wow, what a great question! Some of my college students don’t ask how they can ask better questions, so I was so excited when I saw that you are a high school student thinking ahead. Thank you! 
I assume you are taking art history at your high school. This is good - your class has already given you the framework you need to move from basic questioning to more in depth questioning. Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? You would think that with art history, the Five Ws + How? would be simple enough to answer. This is not always the case, however, and sometimes the simple questions of Who? or How? or Where? can take an art historian years to answer. A good example of this is attribution: who made a work of art? It sounds like an easy question, but as someone who has shed blood, sweat, and tears on attribution, I can tell you it isn’t. The same is true of iconography (’what’?). On the surface, subject matter shouldn’t be hard to identify or propose, but it can be.  All this to say that if you are worried that asking some of these questions is too basic, you shouldn’t be - you will undoubtedly keep asking them as an art history major, and the answers will not always be easy (or even possible) to find.
Asking (sometimes deceptively) basic questions is all well and good, but how can you ask more in-depth questions about works that are already the subject of lengthy discourse, like the Mona Lisa or the Sistine Chapel? This is, essentially, the writer’s question. To arrive at a probing question, you may want to: 
Practice slow looking. Slow looking is exactly what it sounds like - sitting in front of a work of art and taking time to really look at it. This will be hard to do during a class session, but you can do this after class (or beforehand, if you know the period or artist being covered). As part of the slow looking exercise, write down your initial response to the work, and note throughout your time looking how your initial response has evolved and why.
Question a work of art’s formal elements. Think about color, line, texture, light, shadow, space, perspective, volume… Why do you think the artist made the decisions s/he did? Here is a list of formal analysis questions to get you started. If you email me,  amy [at] caravaggista [dot] com, I can send you the “Questions Sheet” I give to my students.
Ask yourself what ascribes meaning to a work. In a similar vein, you can consider why a work of art is being discussed in class (in other words, why it has been deemed important). Is it the subject matter? The composition? The work’s cultural or historical context? The fame of the artist? The expense of materials used? All of the above, and more? Why or why not?
Look at a work of art using a particular methodology. Art historians use lots of different methods to analyze works of art. If you haven’t yet learned about art theory or methods, consider picking up a copy of Michael Hatt and Charlotte Klonk’s Art History: A critical introduction to its methods (Manchester University Press, 2006). The authors examine the origins of art history as a discipline and explain each major method in practice, from formalism to semiotics (and more!). Examining a work of art using a particular framework can yield surprising and inspiring results!
Read about a work of art you are having a hard time formulating questions for. Specifically, read art historical articles about the work and consider the author’s argument. Do you agree with their analysis? Why or why not? Is there an aspect of the work or its context that you think should be more fully addressed (or considered, in the first place)? What evidence does the author use to support their analysis? 
This is by no means an exhaustive list of ways to ask better questions, but I hope it helps get you started!  There are no bad questions; all questions help deepen your understanding and analysis. 
I’m going to include a break here. After the break, you’ll find recommended reading and resources.
Recommended Reading
Many of these resources are geared toward how to write about art, but I recommend them because the first step in writing is asking questions, and these authors’ discussions could be informative!
Barnet, Sylvan. A Short Guide to Writing about Art. Boston; Toronto: Little, Brown, and Company, 1985.
Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. New York: Viking Penguin, 1977. 
Hatt, Michael and Charlotte Klonk. Art History: A critical introduction to its methods. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006. 
Huntsman, Penny. Thinking About Art: A thematic guide to art history. West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
Pop, Andrei. How to Do Things with Pictures: A Guide to Writing in Art History. Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University, 2008. 
Taylor, Joshua C. Learning to Look: A Handbook for the Visual Arts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957. 
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nardaviel · 7 years
a shipper’s manifesto, kinatsuen edition
@crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer said I should write an essay about Kinatsuen so I have. I'm sorry it's taken so long ;-;
I intended to write this with a ship_manifesto format, but then I realized that y'all don't need an introduction to the canon or characters. So I'm just going to skip to the good parts: My take on Kinatsuen, and why I think it's such a great ship.
It can be summarized like this: To me, Kinatsuen is a ship about probable initial drama leading to harmony and joy, and the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. That is to say, everyone gets more out of it than they would out of a couple. It's good for them all. The triad also mends flaws in each couple that comprises it.
Please note that although I love Kinatsu, Enatsu, and Enkin, this is, in part, a post about why I think Kinatsuen is better than any of them. Therefore, I talk about what I see as shortcomings in all those couples. If that'll make you sad, don't click the readmore. I don't want to make people sad :c
(Also, a brief explanation of why I call the ship Kinatsuen throughout this essay and in general, as opposed to the many other options: I considered Enkinatsu for a bit because it's the most logical ship name (Enkin + Kinatsu + Enatsu), but it sounds ugly. Kinatsuen is much more euphonious.)
So, as this is somewhat based on ship_manifesto, the first question is: What's the canon or subtext support for the ship?
The answer is: Not a lot. Pretty much all we've got is the fact that there's a whole lot of Enatsu subtext, but also, especially after season 2, a lot of Kinatsu subtext. You can ignore or reinterpret one or the other, but it's hard for me to see either of those relationships as anything but romances waiting to happen. So how to resolve the issue?
(I know I didn't mention Enkin. That's because, except for that one time when En tackles Kinshirou and Kinshirou blushes bright red, there's not any particular Enkin subtext that I can find. I meant it when I said there's not a lot of evidence for this triad.)
To be honest, what first drew me to Kinatsuen back in season 1 was the desire to reconcile the Enatsu and Kinatsu dynamics. I didn't want any of my faves to be sad or left out, and I didn't want Atsushi to have to choose. But once I started thinking about it, I realized that the character dynamics are really compelling in themselves. Instead of being a patch, a quick fix, Kinatsuen is a viable ship.
More than that, all three of them benefit from the triad more than they would from a couple, and the addition of the third person fixes problems in each of the component twosomes. Kinatsuen is just a ship that works, beautifully. I'm going to go through all those things, one by one.
First up, how the triad gives each of them what they need as individuals, whether that be personal growth or just some breathing room.
The obvious answer is that Kinshirou needs people to love him. The more, the better!! The more loved he feels, the more he's surrounded on all sides by people who adore him, the happier and more secure he will be. This doesn't have to take the form of romance, but it can, easily. If not one but two people want to spend their lives with him all together, imagine how much that would mean to him. Imagine him being held close by two people at once.
The less obvious answer is that Kinshirou is a very jealous and sort of unbalanced person, as perhaps you have noticed. I obviously think he could be very happy in a poly relationship, since I'm writing this essay to begin with, but... I think the learning curve would be steep. Let's put it that way. However! If he's willing to make the effort, I think he'll end up less fragile and easily wounded than he was before. He'll have a better understanding of how you can love someone with all your heart, even when you're spending time with another person you also love with all your heart. Because he will have done that himself.
Again, an obvious and a less obvious answer. The obvious: More people to take care of. Both the people who need him most under one roof. The nature of their relationship gives him ample excuse to dote on them both.
The less obvious: Despite that, he actually has less work to do in the triad than in a couple. Individually, Kinshirou and En can be pretty demanding. Kinshirou has tendencies that can be emotionally exhausting, and En is... En. But they'll both curb each other's excesses—"Kinshirou, he's only five minutes late, don't pester him, he's had a long day." "En, the kitchen is five feet from your chair, get the chips yourself."—and with both of them there to hang out with each other, Atsushi can have some guilt-free alone time when he exhausts himself.
In some ways, En is like a more subtle Kinshirou. No, listen, stay with me. En is insecure, and, all comments about being handsome aside, he seems to have a pretty low sense of self-worth in most regards. He can also be needy. (If I need to expand on any of this, I can. But this isn't really meant to be an En character analysis, so I'll just leave it at this unless someone wants me to clarify.) En benefits from having more people to cuddle and take naps on. He benefits from having more people who get all starry-eyed when they see him.
Also, En needs to grow a lot as a person. Not the way Kinshirou does, but he's kind of a leech. I don't want him to stay that way his entire life. I don't think it would be good for him or whoever ends up taking care of him. He'll always be lazy, but things like telling Atsushi to go get him a coffee, or eating bread for lunch so that Atsushi has to worry about his health and give him food from his own bento—those are no good. He needs to learn to take care of himself. So! Atsushi alone is likely to spoil him too much and not give him any reason to change. Kinshirou alone is likely to be too harsh. Together, they can balance each other out, and help En become more independent without being hurtful.
Now, the couples. Another way to think about this section is, what does each person contribute to the triad?
I want to say first that I do think all these couples can be very happy on their own. My claim is just that they'd be happier in the triad, and usually healthier.
Enatsu gain emotional resonance
Enatsu is a sweet ship. Whenever I think of it, I picture late afternoon sunlight, warm and glowing and gentle. But it's a little placid. Atsushi teases En and En bugs Atsushi for things, but there's never any real drama. There's deep emotion there, but it's a calm emotion, like they've already been together for a long time. Drama is usually what leads to change and emotional growth—for an example, just look at episode 8—but that's not its only purpose in a fictional ship. What I'm trying to say is that Enatsu is kind of boring.
I'm sure they don't find it boring. Their first duet song is about how much they enjoy living calm lives. But Kinshirou is a dramatic person who feels everything a lot, and is prone to blush brilliantly or give his loved ones soulful, shiny-eyed looks. He adds nighttime to Enatsu, brilliant stars and deep blues. He brings the depth of emotion to the surface and lets them all feel it more keenly.
Adding Kinshirou to the equation also adds some sparks and excitement. That's the nature of Enkin. With Atsushi there, and with all of them in love, it doesn't get out of hand; it mostly remains as playful bickering and teasing.
Kinatsu gain dynamism
Some of what I struggle with regarding Enatsu is actually worse in Kinatsu. They're tooth-rottingly sweet, but they're such a serious ship. And with the way Kinshirou adores Atsushi and will do anything for him, and the way Atsushi is so accommodating, there's never any drama. I realized a while ago that this is why I struggle with Kinatsu fanfiction. The relationship doesn't generate plot. They don't do anything. They would have very peaceful, serene lives and be happy, but even their friends, who loved them, would think, "Wow, they never do anything interesting. They just drink tea and go stargazing all the time." They're a good ship for fanart, because they're so sweet, and for very short fanfics. For anything longer, there had better be an external force creating a plot, because they aren't going to do it on their own.
And on an in-universe level, as long as they're happy, that's all fine. I'm not saying they would be sad, or that I don't ship Kinatsu. But they could be happier. They could still be glowingly happy and in love, but with more laughter and more surprises as En adds his unique perspective to conversations. They could expand their own interests by paying attention to En's. They could relax. Because Atsushi, with Kinshirou, would become more serious and earnest, and also more uptight. If nothing else, this is a reason to add En: En is good for them both. He keeps Atsushi from getting so wrapped up in Kinshirou that he forgets to chill out. He might annoy Kinshirou with his laziness, but Kinshirou still learns to take it easy sometimes.
Also, importantly, he's there to puncture Kinshirou's ego when Kinshirou gets self-righteous or pompous. Atsushi might be willing to hesitantly suggest that he consider other points of view, but he's too nice, frankly, to take Kinshirou down a peg or two when he really needs it. Kinshirou won't hear gentle correction, or at least won't take it to heart. He won't become a less prejudiced, less elitist person (or at least not for a long, long time) unless someone straight up tells him to knock it off. He needs to be shocked out of his bubble every now and then.
Enkin gain peace and genuineness
The thing about Enkin is that it can go a couple of ways. They have a lot of chemistry, but it's the kind of chemistry that makes for a contentious relationship, with lots of bickering that sometimes escalates into outright arguments. En is much, much less patient than Atsushi, much more likely to comment or tease when he sees something silly instead of thinking, Oh, well, everyone is different, that's just Kinshirou. Kinshirou, though, is way too sensitive to be teased all the time. He'd also react poorly to En losing patience. Meanwhile, he'd get frustrated with En a lot himself, because En is so lazy and so careless. They would have trouble.
What's more, they're from different backgrounds, and Kinshirou has a tendency to be an unthinking classist. He wouldn't intend to hurt En, would in fact try hard not to, but it's hard to unlearn something like that. It takes both time and the ability to see that you're wrong. I think that for this to really happen at all, both En and Atsushi need to be there to help him along. En can snap at him for being awful about his family, but that will only do so much if Atsushi isn't there to mediate and pull Kinshirou out of his defensiveness.
That struggle is a big part of how I interpret Enkin, but I know that it's not as important to most people. Still, I think the rest of my analysis is enough.
Another thing about Enkin, and something that might make it go a different direction altogether, is that, as I discussed, both of them need affection. They need cuddles. They need someone to pet their hair and be sweet to them and make them feel loved. In a couple, they would have to fill this role for each other. And they can. They can be sweet and loving. They can cuddle, Kinshirou can gaze at En as if En's the most wonderful thing he's ever seen, &c. But, as I alluded to before when I discussed Enatsu, this isn't the natural state of their relationship. For the most part, I think that in an ideal non-AU Enkin situation, where they can both act naturally, they kind of poke at each other, trying to make the other one laugh or roll their eyes. Then one of them (99% of the time this is En) grabs the other and pulls them in for hugs while the other one SIGHS but is secretly pleased. Except not so secretly, because they both know full well that the other one likes it.
In an Enkin couple, they can't do that, both because it might escalate and because they both need tenderness. But I don't believe they need tenderness from every relationship they're in; they just need to have a place to go where they can get it. Therefore, in the triad, Atsushi can fill that role. It'll happen without any conscious decisions on anyone's part; that's how Atsushi treats them anyway. That leaves Enkin free to be themselves, in a situation where Atsushi is there to step in if things get out of hand, but where neither of them are likely to get too harsh to begin with because Atsushi's happiness is at stake.
So, to me, Kinatsuen is a relationship of complementary personalities. Most ships are like that, to the people who ship them, but the thing that makes Kinatsuen uniquely beautiful to me is that there are three of them, but they work together better than any two of them would alone.
Of course, the balance of personalities is more complex than a couple's. Kinshirou is very serious and a bit rigid until you get him to relax. Atsushi is the slightly sassy mom friend who just wants everyone to get along. En is the laziest man alive, but he's interesting to listen to. So! En helps Kinshirou relax. Atsushi smooths things over if the atmosphere gets tense, but otherwise contributes to the conversation. He and En tend to think very much alike, but Kinshirou thinks along different lines, which can spin conversations off in interesting new directions that En and Atsushi wouldn't think to explore alone.
Atsushi has some hobbies in common with each of them, but in truth, all of them like quiet. Kinshirou wouldn't quite put it that way, but his hobbies are mostly solitary, and when they aren't, like tea ceremony, he's so contemplative and focused on philosophy that it becomes so. Even kyudo is at heart a solitary affair. It's easy to imagine Atsushi and Kinshirou happily reading in the same room, glad to be in each other's presence but enjoying their books, occasionally commenting to each other about what they read. The best parts of alone time, without having to actually get lonely. En could be reading manga, or he could be napping. They aren't exactly a triad that wants to go out every weekend.
I've done some reading about poly relationships since I started shipping Kinatsuen, and I remember reading that a triad isn't just three relationships. It's four: all the individual relationships between the members, and then the overarching three-way relationship. That's a lot going on, compared to the one relationship in a couple.
It could be chaotic; that fourth umbrella relationship could be a tangled mess. But Kinatsuen's personalities mesh so well that there's harmony instead. En grounds them, despite his flights of fancy; he's laughter, he's levity. The strength of Kinshirou's emotions is unmatched between the three of them, possibly between all the main characters in the show. He gives the relationship a depth and beauty that mixes well with En's teasing and casual gestures of affection. Unfortunately, Atsushi is the sole source of practicality. But he's also the peacemaker: He steadies Kinshirou. He brings out En's fluffier side.
His love is bright and affectionate and calm, whereas Kinshirou's love is deep, unadulterated, and very serious. En mostly expresses his own through touch, and "whoa, that looks good on you", and cryptic comments ("You're like air." "Is that a compliment??"), and trying to keep someone in bed with him longer for morning cuddles. Kinshirou and En can complement each other beautifully, or they can scrape against each other's nerves; the calm vibe Atsushi contributes encourages them to complement. (I know I'm mostly paraphrasing things I said in the previous sections, but I'm trying to pull it all together.)
But no relationship is perfect. Kinatsuen has its flaws. Kinshirou sometimes struggles with jealousy, and En, with feelings of inadequacy. Atsushi occasionally feels overwhelmed. But in all cases, the others are there to help them through it, in different ways depending on their personalities.
There's a bit of a learning curve for them, too, as I mentioned earlier. Firstly, communication is crucial to the success of poly relationships, but Atsushi has a hard time speaking up about things that are bothering him. He has to learn. On the other hand, that means the triad encourages him to grow as a person too.
And Kinshirou has romantic ideas about monogamous love. His journey is the longest. First, he has to realize that polyamory—not a triad, necessarily, because I believe that except in AU situations, Kinatsuen needs to start out as a vee—is a viable option that will make everyone happy (i.e. Atsushi, and by extension himself because it's horrible to see Atsushi sad... also En, he supposes, but that's a lower priority). Then, he has to think about it, and think about it, until the idea is something he feels comfortable enough with to try. He imagines it as a struggle he will endure for Atsushi's sake, which is not a great idea, Kin-chan. Not a great start. I don't recommend going into a relationship with this mindset, but... he's Kinshirou. And actually, the reality is a lot easier than he expects. Livable, frequently even pleasant. It's much easier to be around En, as well, now that the situation is resolved. And from there, their relationship slowly grows until the vee with Atsushi as a pivot becomes a triad.
This is therefore a relationship that takes a long time to happen. Years. I don't picture Kinatsuen as a triad that immediately falls into place, and I have a feeling that some of the struggle people have with the ship is that they try to imagine it happening within weeks and can't make it work. Well, of course not. It needs to be taken way more slowly than that. Kinatsuen requires patience. But the reward is so, so worth it, for the three of them and for the shippers as well.
As for a rec list à la ship_manifesto, I'm very lazy so I would suggest going to the AO3 tag or looking through my /tagged/kinatsuen. There's not enough content that I can be picky about what I recommend.
That about wraps up this post. Thank you for reading! I hope it was thought-provoking, even if I haven't converted you into a Kinatsuen shipper. If anything needs clarification, I can elaborate, although not necessarily at once.
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heero-yuy · 7 years
You don't think that Keith's hope was to see Shiro? I mean that's what Kolivan says, that he desperately wants to see him.
Oh nononono
Like, obviously you can interpret things in many ways, there’s alot of layers to everything. But that trial Keith goes through wasn’t really about Shiro or not too related to Shiro until the end. It was something between Keith and himself.
And I think if you choose to see that Keith’s hope is just to see Shiro when he’s hurt, you might be missing on a way more significant thing that happens in their relationship in that episode.
Like I’m sure he would always like to see Shiro come to his rescue when he’s in real trouble haha, but that’s not what that was about at that point.
Ok quick season 2 Keith character analysis:
(or like way more in depth than this one haha, because I love what happens there and can’t shut up about it.)
Keith’s fear is that he will let his feelings (or like the things he wants) be in the way of the greater good.
We’ve seen that with Keith throughout season one and in season two. He always strives to think of the bigger picture and believes individual sacrifices are necessary in this war.
We dunno why he’s like that yet, but he really has something against selfish people that think only of themselves and end up hurting many others. 
Then he discovers his Galra connection in episode 3.
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And then he is seen looking at his knife alot, the only connection he has to his past and his real identity and family, knowing that this might be what allows Zarkon to track them and puts them in constant danger.
And Keith realizes he can’t throw it away.
Then in episode 4, we see them face Lubos, the Olkari king. And Shiro says this to him:
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Notice Keith’s face there..
Then Keith says “You’re no king!” And then does this to everyone’s shock:
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Lance says: “Whoa Keith that came out of nowhere!” but if you pay attention, seems like Keith is kinda taking out his issues on Lubos there.. He knows he is doing something very selfish by keeping that knife and putting his teammates in danger.
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Then comes the line about how “everything is related” . Which seems to me like Keith is just looking for excuses to keep the knife and convince himself it’s not so bad if he’s Galra, everything is connected, there’s no evil in the world. Like sure, that’s a nice and deep look on life, but that’s not what Keith is about haha, I dun think he managed to fool himself.
Then in episode 5 Zarkon finds them again. They are exhausted from this constant running and when they get a break Shiro tells them to go rest.
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Keith can’t sleep. (neither of them can…)
Then they keep playing hide and seek with Zarkon for awhile and Zarkon almost takes control of the black lion again.
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This is getting serious. Keith thinks he is putting in danger not just his team, but the universe aswell. And he feels guilty.
In episode 6, Allura blames herself, and Keith is like “Wait, maybe it’s me” and everyone like “Keith wtf?” but Keith doesn’t tell them about the knife. He says something about “How Zarkon imprinted on him during their fight”
They decide it doesn’t matter how he’s tracking them and come up with some plan to attack the Galra and Shiro tells them to go rest.
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Keith doesn’t leave with the others. He stays. Seems like Keith wanted to share his secret with Shiro but chickened out.
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And I don’t think it was because he thought Shiro might have judged him for being Galra or something, but because Keith was scared Shiro will ask him to do the right thing and give up the knife. 
In Keith’s mind, giving up the knife is the right thing to do for the sake of the universe. But he can’t find the strength to do that.
That night he has the nightmare
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And with all his fears about it all, he realizes he still can’t let go, so he decides to leave.
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He’s in his paladin uniform and has a big bag with his belongings. He wasn’t checking if Zarkon was tracking him, he was probably thinking “I will go to find the blade of marmora and find out who I am, and then decide if it’s all worth it.” 
(Maybe even he’s going in the red paladin armor to keep his place on the Voltron team or maybe some sort of reassurance for himself..)
Allura fucks up his plans… But they both leave. This really puts the team in alot of danger. 
Then he has a pretty harsh conversation with Allura about the Galra and “How quickly they turn”. And Allura says “I will never count on them for help!”
Making Keith realize again that he will most likely will have to choose between reuniting with his family and being a paladin of Voltron.
And even after they realize they are both really needed on the Voltron team, Keith can’t give up the knife so he can just go back.
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Only after Coran tells them Zarkon is not tracking them through them they go back. Then Shiro takes the blame for Zarkon tracking them on himself and his weak connection with black, so he works on their bond. Keith looks for answers to his past in the mall.
By the time they go to the Blade of Marmora base. Keith is pretty much going crazy and I think he really doubts himself if he even belongs on the Voltron team, since he found himself doing something very selfish that he thought was putting them all in danger and he still couldn’t give it up. I think he also blames it on his possible Galra heritage.
Keith is probably thinking “What if I can’t trust myslef? What if Allura was right? What if my Galra blood will make me turn on my team like Allura said, because fuck, that is exactly what I did.”
Keith is kinda struggling with the question of “Am I really a good person? Am I going to hurt people?” 
And his fear is that he will find out that he is not a good person, and his hope is to prove himself that he’s not selfish, that he does put the greater good above his own desires.
And this what his trial was about.
Shiro was there as a symbol of Voltron and what’s right and good for the universe, and to stay with Shiro he had to sacrifice the things he so badly desires (not necessary bad things, just things he really wanted all his life). 
His dad was there as a symbol of Keith’s “selfish” desires or like his biggest wish. And to stay with his dad, he had to sacrifice the good of the universe.
Keith can’t decide between the two. He chooses his knife first, then he chooses Voltron.
In the end I think he found it in his heart that he cares about the good of the universe more, but it was a painful decision. When Keith walks out that door i think he is broken and empty. He lost the thing he wanted most in world. And he still doesn’t have his resolution, he’s still very confused. That’s why the blade doesn’t activate yet.
And the decision is still not complete in heart, he still keeps demanding to know “What does this knife means??” after that.
And that’s where Shiro comes in, running to his rescue, and protecting him and his right to keep the knife.
In that one action Shiro shows : Faith in Keith and faith in the Galra not being all bad. And says “What’s important to you is important to me and I’m with you no matter what.”
Shiro shows Keith unconditional love and support.
Something that apparently, Keith did not really expect.
And I think Shiro is able to understand what Keith needs so bad, because he also needs that for himself. Shiro has been struggling with the same questions, the same uncertainty about his dark past, the same doubts of “Am I really a good person? Am I worthy of piloting the black lion? Do I have a dark side that will make me hurt other people one day?” and I think the trust and faith Keith showed in him all this time, might have been a big part of what’s kept him going.
Shiro is not the perfect leader they all see him as, Shiro fucks up pretty badly, and Keith was the only one of the team that saw his imperfections and his struggles. And he still kept believing in him and his leadership. It’s not something Shiro really says to Keith, but I think he got alot of strength from Keith’s faith in him.
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And seeing what Shiro does for him at the end of episode 8, I think Keith just goes “Wow, ok… What more can I possibly want? I have everything I need right here.” and the knife and his Galra family just lose it’s meaning in the light of what Shiro just did for him. 
(Which you might think is a good thing, but unfortunately I think Shiro just became the most important thing in the world to Keith. ( which wasn’t the case before episode 8, Keith’s family was as equally important until then.) and there’s like no way in hell that’s not gonna be used against him at some point. Keith’s trials are not over.)
And you can go waaaay deeper into this, and go into Keith’s abandonment issues, his past… not gonna do that now, but Shiro sticking by his side like that was a very meaningful moment to Keith. 
And I don’t think he was hoping for it, because seems like he just really didn’t expect it, the thought of someone sticking up for him like that just didn’t cross his mind.
Season 1 and season 2 are actually one season split into two parts. You have to think of them as like one story arc.
And if you pay close attention to the parallels in both parts, you’ll see that one of the biggest focuses in it is the love Keith’s and Shiro’s have for eachother. And it doesn’t matter what kind of love it is (platonic/romantic/familiar ) or what direction it might take in the future. 
It’s love. This is a love story.
We have Shiro doubting himself in the first part, Keith doubting himself in the second. And after episode 8, they are together and ready to fight with the darkness that might exist within them, believing and supporting eachother and find comfort and strength in one another.
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Although Shiro went MIA very fast haha, so we’ll see what will happen with that.
This is just my take on this ofcourse, I’m sure there can be other interpretations, but I think that what happens there was more significant than Keith just hoping to see Shiro come to his rescue when he’s in trouble.
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swaggiverpaper-blog · 7 years
How To Get Your Blog Comments Approved: The Art And Research of Blog Commenting
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One of the most frustrating chores How To Get Your Blog Comments Approved: The Art And Science of Blog CommentingRecommend Article Article Feedback Print Article Share this article on Facebook 2Share this article on Facebook 2Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon 2Share this article on Tasty 2Share this article on Digg 3Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Specialist Author AJ McKay A person are looking for quality inbound links to your website and recognize the potency of backlinks from commenting on sites. But, are you having trouble getting your blog comments approved? Well, you are certainly not only.One of the most frustrating chores for Website owners is spending an hour, several hours, or even a whole day seeking-out blogs; going through those blogs' posts, all the comments; and then, making thoughtful, introspective and well-intentioned comments only to have none of them approved.Truth be told, there will probably be times when there will be no discernable rhyme or reason as to why a blog comment goes unapproved, particularly when a "Buy Cheap Viagra" spammer has somehow steer away from detection. In these instances, it truly is best to let-loose some choice, creatively combined expletives about how exactly some individuals are simply too stupid to be real, and take a deep breath. Think about your loved ones, comfortable pink bunnies, that time in high school you and your friends toilet papered your principal's house (i. e., whatever it takes to go to your 'happy place') - and move ahead.That being said, there are some basic heuristic principles, or "rules of thumb, " that will offer your comments the best possible chance of getting approved. Following these will greatly improve your blog comments' approval percentage; and, as a result, the amount of quality inbound links to your website.Anchor Textual content:Are you seeking to use Anchor Text other than your name when everyone else that has commented is by using a name that their parents probably gave them? The very thought of this sends a blog operator off the deep finish, and is probably one of the spammiest, not to mention disrespectful, things anyone can do. Although it might not be your intent, and is probably the furthest thing from your brain, you are essentially saying, "Screw your dopey blog, Friendo - gimmie a back link. "(As an aside, try not to get obsessed with commenting only when you can use the anchor text you are trying to rank for. For one, it is likely that link "juice" from name-anchored links is calculated into one's overall link profile, lending strength to their most significant keywords moored elsewhere. Further, it is equally likely that most link profiles that are made up solely of links moored nevertheless way are seen as unnatural by Search Engines, and subsequently devalued or ignored altogether. )What Do The Some other Comments Say?:Read the comments already there: Usually are the comments predominantly stroking the ego of the writer? Well, it’s likely might run into an ego blogger. If there are 21 comments and sixteen of them read, "Wow! Exactly what an amazing article! *Bookmarked! *" or any permutation thereof, avoid expect a disagreement to get published. You will have to decide if you need to participate in such vainglorious platitudes to get a link and when that link it worth your self-respect. While that sounds very high-minded of me, I should note that most bloggers are self confidence bloggers, so try to think practically and pragmatically until it is merely not possible so that you can do so.How Do the Other Comments Say The actual Say?Carry out the already approved remarks indicate openness to debate? Disagreement? Controversy? The status quo? A preference for blas?, staccato sentences? In-depth analysis?Whenever in doubt about the patterns you are seeking to analyze, emulate and semantically replicate an already approved comment.Relevance:Alright. You've found a blog that is DoFollow, some individuals are using text other than their name, there are minimal outbound backlinks, the domain is 7 years old, the webpage has a PR7... Jackpot! Right...?Well, that depends. Your blog, as well as the page, is about Spongebob Squarepants and also you want to link to your olive oil site with "Lower Bad Cholesterol" as your anchor text.'Relevance' is not simply something that Research Engine algorithms look for, nor is it something that only applies to the body of your comment. Relevance is extremely important to human communication, itself. And, even though you write the best blog comment about Spongebob Squarepants that has ever been typed, your try to link in such an irrelevant way isn't going to fly.Quality:Last, but certainly not least, you are going to have to figure out what "Quality" means relative to where you are trying to comment, because one blog's 'Quality' can be another blog's rubbish. This is not something that is immediately user-friendly, and is largely garnered through experience, trial and error. It can, yet , be made simpler to cognize.How? The easiest way to really grasp "Quality" as it applies to blog commenting is to describe this the aggregate of everything we have discussed thus far: Point texting, what the article is saying and what the folks commenting on the article say; how both of these are saying what exactly they are, and how relevant all of it is to each other.Generally speaking, the higher the quality of the blog, the greater - and closer - the relationship of these factors is to one another: The closer-knit all of the above described factors are, the more of your 'A' game you should have to bring to get your comment approved as one of sufficient "Quality. inchesIn Summary:While clearly not an exhaustive listing, getting these most basic of basic things down truly does pave the way for finding out for one's self the staying variables to a high approval rate for their blog commenting. for Webmasters is spending an hour or so, several hours, or even a whole day seeking-out blogs; checking those blogs' posts, all the comments; and then, making thoughtful, introspective and well-intentioned comments only to have none approved. Truth be told, there are going to be times when there will be no discernable rhyme or reason as to the reasons a blog comment goes unapproved, in particular when a "Buy Cheap Viagra" spammer has somehow steer away from detection. In these instances, it truly is best to let-loose some choice, artistically combined expletives about how precisely many people are merely too stupid to be real, and take a deep breath. Consider your loved ones, comfortable pink bunnies, that time in high school you and your friends toilet papered your principal's house (i. electronic., whatever it takes to go to your 'happy place') - and proceed. That being said, there are some basic heuristic principles, or "rules of thumb, " that will offer your comments the best possible chance of getting approved. Following these will greatly improve your blog comments' approval percentage; and, as a result, the quantity of quality back links to your website. Anchor Text message: Are you seeking to use Anchor Text other than a message when everyone else that has commented is by using a name that their parents probably gave them? The very considered this sends a blog proprietor off the deep conclusion, and is probably one of the spammiest, not to mention disrespectful, things anyone can do. Although it might not be your intent, and it is probably the furthermost thing from your mind, you are essentially stating, "Screw your dopey blog, Friendo - gimmie a back link. " (As an aside, try not to get obsessed with commenting only when you can use the point text you are attempting to rank for. For just one, it is likely that link "juice" from name-anchored links is calculated into one's overall link user profile, lending strength to their most significant keywords moored elsewhere. Further, it is equally likely that most link profiles that are made up solely of links anchored all the same way are seen as unnatural by Lookup Engines, and subsequently devalued or ignored altogether. ) What Do The Some other Comments Say?: Read the comments already there: Usually are the comments predominantly patting the ego of the writer? Well, chances are might run into an pride blogger. If there are 21 comments and sixteen of them read, "Wow! What an incredible article! *Bookmarked! *" or some permutation thereof, don't expect a disagreement to get published. You will have to decide if you wish to participate in such vainglorious platitudes to get a link of course, if that link it worth your self-respect. While that sounds very high-minded of me, I should note that most bloggers are self confidence bloggers, so try to think practically and pragmatically until it is merely not possible so that you can do so. How can the Other Remarks Say What They Say? Perform the already approved feedback indicate openness to argument? Disagreement? Controversy? This self-destruction? A preference for blas?, staccato sentences? In-depth analysis? Whenever in doubt about the patterns you are seeking to analyze, emulate and semantically replicate an already approved comment. Relevance: Fine. You've found a blog that is DoFollow, a lot of people are using text other than their name, there are minimal outbound links, the domain is 8 years old, the webpage has a PR7... Goldmine! Right...? Well, that is dependent. Your blog, as well as the page, is about Spongebob Squarepants and you want to link to your olive oil site with "Lower Bad Cholesterol" as your anchor text. 'Relevance' is not merely something that Research Engine algorithms look for, nor is it something that only applies to the body of your comment. Relevance is paramount to human communication, itself. And, even though you write the best blog comment about Spongebob Squarepants that has have you ever been typed, your attempt to link in such an irrelevant way isn't very going to fly. Quality: Last, but certainly not least, you are proceeding to have to determine what "Quality" means relative to where you are trying to comment, because one blog's 'Quality' is also a blog's rubbish. This is not something that is immediately user-friendly, and is largely garnered through experience, trial and error. It can, yet , be made much easier to cognize. How? The easiest way to really grasp "Quality" as it applies to blog commenting is to describe it as the aggregate of everything we have discussed thus far: Core texting, the particular article is saying and what individuals commenting on the article assert; how both of these are saying what they are, and how relevant all of it is to each other. Generally talking, the higher the caliber of the blog, the greater - and closer - the relationship of such factors is to one another: The particular closer-knit all of the above described factors are, the more of your 'A' game you will need to bring to get your comment approved as one of sufficient "Quality. " In Summary: While obviously not an exhaustive checklist, getting these most basic of basic things down truly does pave the way for figuring out for one's self the staying variables to a high approval rate for one's blog commenting.
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mrmedia · 7 years
15 Larry Ratso Sloman, biographer, Harry Houdini, Howard Stern, Mike Tyson
Today's Guest: Larry Ratso Sloman, author or co-author of celebrity memoirs from Howard Stern, Abbie Hoffman, Anthony Kiedis, Phil Esposito, Mike Tyson, and a biography of Harry Houdini
  Order by clicking the DVD cover above! Larry 'Ratso' Sloman, co-author of Howard Stern's 'Private Parts'
Writing the biography of a well-known person in pop culture is an assignment fraught with trap doors, two-way mirrors, and shackles. Some writers even disdain their subjects. Others hopelessly suck up to the person, if living, in hopes of winning their favor. Journalists working the genre, however, are usually after something more. They took on the life of an individual because they believe -- through professional research and interviews -- that they can add more color or depth to what’s known about the figure’s public and private lives. Today’s Mr. Media guest, Larry “Ratso” Sloman, has trod the path of biography and ghostwritten autobiographies a number of times in his career. He wrote Steal This Dream about the life of 1960s dissident Abbie Hoffman. He helped Howard Stern pen his life story in two memorable books, Private Parts and Miss America. When Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers needed someone to help tell his story, Kiedis turned to Sloman. The book many people remember Sloman best for, however, may well be his chronicle of Bob Dylan’s remarkable 1975 Rolling Thunder Review concert tour, On the Road with Bob Dylan. That is also where he earned his unusual nickname, which I’m told he wears with pride like a badge of courage. Sloman’s latest book, written with William Kalush is The Secret Life of Houdini, the Making of America’s First Superhero.
Larry "Ratso" Sloman Website • Twitter • Wikipedia • IMDB • Order Horward Stern's Private Parts from Amazon.com
BOB ANDELMAN/Mr. MEDIA: Houdini is a fast read, thanks to the focus on storytelling and the wealth of incredible detail that you and your partner uncovered about the magician and the man. Can you tell us a little bit about how the book came about and the style in which it’s written?
LARRY "RATSO" SLOMAN: I first got interested in magic when I co-authored or ghostwrote -- David Blaine’s memoir, Mysterious Stranger. It was a hybrid book. That book was part reminiscence about his various stunts and being encased in ice and being buried underground. It was also part teaching you how to do some magical effects, and it was also a kind of history of magic. For the history part, David said, “You have to go work with Kalush, because he produced all my shows, and he’s got the most amazing magic library in the world.” So we spent a lot of time at Kalush’s library, the Conjuring Arts Research Center. We did all this research, and we did a chapter on Houdini in the David Blaine book. That was my first exposure to reading about Houdini. I read all the extant biographies of Houdini at the time, and I remember sitting around with Kalush and saying, “You know, it’s really strange. I mean, there are all these gaps in Houdini’s story, and he makes strange career choices. I think there’s more to this than meets the eye.” And Kalush says, “I agree.” And the more we looked into it, the more we said, “It’s time to take a fresh look at Houdini,” and that’s the genesis of The Secret Life of Houdini. ANDELMAN: What about the storytelling? What I really like about the book is that every page is almost a separate anecdote in some ways in that you’re always storytelling. It’s not so much analysis, which some people expect in biography, but it’s storytelling, which is what I expect, and I really like that.
Order 'Undisputed Truth' by Mike Tyson with Larry Ratso Sloman, available from Amazon.com in print or as an ebook by clicking on the book cover above!
SLOMAN: It’s funny the way we wrote this book. In a way, we almost wanted to do a celebrity biography of Houdini akin to the ones I had written with Howard Stern and people like that. We wanted it to be accessible; we wanted it to be anecdote driven. There was a professor at NYU, Silverman, who had done an exhaustive biography, which kind of laid out a lot of the facts, and yet it really didn’t. The story wasn’t driven by these anecdotes, and to us, that seemed the best way to capture Houdini. He’s such an incredibly complex guy. ANDELMAN: You did a tremendous amount of research in terms of organizing stuff that was arcane and seemingly unconnected. SLOMAN: Thanks to what we lovingly called, “Ask Alexander.” It was based on Alexander the Mentalist, and what we did was create a huge, huge database. We scanned in every known Houdini book, all the magic magazines that Kalush had in his collection, all the letters, and all the scrapbooks, and made them text searchable. The book could have taken 25 years to write if we weren’t able to really have that instant access. This research project was over two years. So at the beginning of research, you may come across a name. A year and a half later, you may come across that name again and say, “Wow, I think this guy has something to do with…” Well, we just put the name into the database, and boom, in five seconds, we had every hit on that name. It was a tremendous expedient. I think it’s really the first Houdini biography of the digital age, and we were able to collate all this incredibly diverse material. ANDELMAN: Now, a lot of writers -- and Doris Kerns Goodwin comes to mind -- have been in trouble the last couple years with issues of plagiarism. I’m not saying that you did this, but my question is, when you scan in material like that, how do you avoid that? I mean, Doris’ comment was, “It was inadvertent that I used material from another source,” but when you go to this digital type of system and you scan in all this stuff, it would seem like the situation is ripe for that kind of abuse SLOMAN: Our book is full of citations. We very liberally use Houdini’s own writings. We use letters that he had written. I don’t think the problem so much is plagiarizing anything, because the analysis that we did was almost separate from the writing process. We overlaid the analysis onto the writing, and the analysis was basically between me and Kalush, who was the magic expert. So if there was a question of how Houdini did something and we wanted to reveal that, and a lot of times we didn’t reveal that, obviously. But there were times where we did reveal some of his methods, and that was overlaid after the main narrative had been written already. ANDELMAN: Will the way that you used technology to research this biography affect the way you do it in the future? SLOMAN: Absolutely. I mean, I think there’s no other way to do it. It’s so overwhelming to have that amount of material, but when you have it in a way that’s manageable and that literally you can do searches in microseconds … All the major newspapers now have their entire archives in databases. We were able to find out a lot about John Wilkie, who was the head of the Secret Service and whom nobody really knew anything about. We were able to find out his connections to the world of magic through an article in the Washington Post in 1908, because of this new technology. It is certainly an incredible boon. I’m sure we would never have been able to find those articles if not for that. ANDELMAN: I think one of the most controversial revelations in the book is Houdini as a spy. SLOMAN: It’s funny. It was controversial at first. The magic world is very insular, so a lot of these guys were saying, “We don’t know about this, so therefore it can’t be true.” But when you get a guy like the former head of the CIA, John McLaughlin, who reads the book and says, “Yeah, I’ll write an introduction to your book,” and says in the introduction, “This is absolutely plausible to me.” So
I don’t think you could have anybody better vouching for your theory than the former head of the CIA.
ANDELMAN: Absolutely. Well, it’s a great read, and I hope it’s doing well, and I hope more people will read it.
Order by clicking the book cover above!
SLOMAN: Well, it’s doing well, and in fact, the latest wave of unbelievable press and attention has been the whole exhumation thing, and that was based on our research. It was one of these serendipitous things. Two years ago, I attended the annual Houdini séance that Sid Radner, a Houdini scholar and collector, puts on every year. That year, it was in Las Vegas, because he was also auctioning off a lot of Houdini material. At the séance, there was the great-granddaughter of Margery, the world’s most famous medium at the time, who was Houdini’s adversary in the last years of his life. I approached her. It turns out she lives in Long Island not too far from where I have a weekend place, so I said, “Could I come and interview you?” figuring that there may be some great family anecdotes about Margery and Houdini, and she said, “Sure.” And I go to visit her and her husband, and they make me a nice dinner, and we have a great interview, and at the end of the interview, I said, “You wouldn’t happen to have like some letters or any kind of documents laying around?” She said, “Oh yeah, come on.” And she takes me into a spare bedroom, and she opens up the closet door, and the entire closet is filled with boxes and boxes of correspondence, including correspondence with Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Oliver Lodge, all the leading luminaries of the spiritualism movement. It’s got over thirty scrapbooks of Margery that were amassed by her husband, and nobody had seen this material for 80 years except for her and her mother. My jaw dropped. I wound up spending the next two weeks over there every day. She was such a doll, she even helped me carry the material to the local store to Xerox it. Those thousands of pages were then put into the Alexander, made text searchable. From that material, we developed the most compelling part of the book to me, which was the last few years of his life and how the battle with the spiritualists may have ended with Houdini’s death at their hands.
LARRY 'RATSO' SLOMAN audio excerpt:"We don’t say for sure that we definitely think he was murdered, but we raise enough issues about it that Houdini’s grandnephew read the book and said, “I want to get to the bottom of this.” It means we would have to exhume his body and test for poisoning." 
While we were writing the book and talking about the last few years of his life and the medical problems at the end, we had consulted Dr. Michael Baden, who is one of the great forensic pathologists in the country, in the world. Baden called a friend of his, a colleague, Professor James Starz at George Washington University, who’s a dual professor in law and forensics. This is a guy in cases where, to solve a murder mystery or things like that, he has exhumed some very famous people. I sent him the book on Baden’s recommendation. He read it, and he said, “You guys have really raised enough issues -- sign me up, I want to get involved in this.” He has amassed an amazing team of forensic scientists -- two anthropologists, two toxicologists, two of everything because he is very thorough, two pathologists, including Dr. Michael Baden. The team is all set, and now it’s just a matter of going through the legal motions. It’s tremendously gratifying to us that the research that we came up with could lead to the world’s leading forensic scientist to say, “I think you guys really have something here. Let’s look into it.”
VIDEO: Sloman and co-author William Kalush discuss Houdini
ANDELMAN: It’s one thing to collect history, but then to suddenly find yourself affecting history has got to be very rewarding. SLOMAN: People say to me, “What difference does it make? It was 80 years ago; whoever killed him, if they did kill him, is long gone.” What difference does it make? I think it makes tremendous difference, because if Houdini died fighting the spiritualists who, in his mind at that time, were Public Enemy No. 1 because they were preying on the most vulnerable people in society, people who had recently lost loved ones and were desiring to get in touch with them, and these people were manipulating and conning and bilking these people out of tremendous amounts of money, and if Houdini wound up being murdered by them, then he died a hero’s death. He was not just one of the world’s greatest entertainers, but his life assumes heroic proportions. ANDELMAN: I want to ask you one more thing about Houdini, and then there are some other things I want to talk about. I suspect that what a lot of people know about Houdini comes from the movies, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh for the old-school gang or Paul Michael Glaser and Sally Struthers for my generation. I wondered if you had a preference now among the portrayals? SLOMAN: I don’t think any of them have really captured Houdini. In fact, the worst was the Tony Curtis film, because that’s a passive-aggressive example of how Hollywood could defame a legend. They have Houdini dying in one of the devices of his own making! But Houdini became a superman to people because he could never be constrained. That was his whole shtick, and every night, he would be tested, he would be challenged, whether it was handcuffs or leg cuffs or put in a box, put in a safe, inside a giant football, or inside a big whale. I mean, no matter what it was, he got out, and to have Hollywood killing him in his own water torture was the worst.
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