#worshipping or god complex
kaionyx · 2 months
​Oh to be a priest getting head from some sinful piece of devil’s fruit in the confessional. Grunting and muttering scriptures while I rut my cock deeper in their warm throat to try and repent. The rosary in my hand tangling in their hair from forcing them farther down to hush their whimpers from the innocent people praying outside.
Pumping my load down their throat and pulling them off when I had my fill, watching the ungodly sight of their tear coated face smiling and tugging on my robe shamelessly for more. Knowing that I shouldn’t go farther. Hell, knowing I shouldn’t even been allured by the subtle temptations they gave during service like flashing their panties or bending over just enough to see down their shirt under the eyes of god.
Yet, I’m no better than any other man. And if it means purifying this wicked lust out of something that’s supposed to be so pure, then a few sessions of repentance shouldn’t be too wrong.. Right?
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sga-owns-my-soul · 3 months
actually it's really offensive that i can't give rodney mckay a god complex
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inspired by this anon ask given to @steddieas-shegoes because i'm ALWAYS down for lovestruck not-exactly-human-anymore eddie (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) it's not perfectly written to the prompt with the demon-ness and swaying around the kitchen but it was fun to write!!!
To become more, you must sacrifice that which holds you back.
The things that limit you.
The people.
Henry had become more. He left ashes behind his every footfall and, in turn, became the god that he is, the god he was always meant to be.
Humanity does not share this fate, he is sure. Eleven had proved that even those who have only potential will always bend to the confines of their limitations.
They must have the will to break free of the cage.
The ambition.
Henry walks along, his creatures making way for his path. They shiver and keep their distance, in awe of his control, his power. He almost smiles.
In front of him lies a body, void of life, of purpose.
Perhaps, he thinks as he raises a hand, perhaps he can give it purpose.
Perhaps those who have potential just need his aid to find the will for it.
It takes time, too much time, too much of humanity has tainted this one, but his new creature finally rises.
It stares up at him, loyal and keen. More readable than his other creatures, more cunning, more like him.
Yes, this realm's god has made it in his perfect image.
Stronger, faster, sharper. More powerful than what was, it is perfect.
And even more perfect as he hears the distant shrieks of his creatures. Someone is slaughtering them, attempting to destroy his vision.
Attempting to ruin the world's evolution.
He watches through the eyes of the lone survivor, flying high above the carnage, sees a young, grimy boy, swing a weapon into the neck of his beautiful creatures with a snarl on his face.
The violence of humanity disgusts him.
The boy drops the weapon, running towards another, a girl on the ground. She is weak and will die soon enough, he is sure.
"Robin, Robin, are you - shit, shit, shit, that's blood -"
"Steve, it hurts so fucking bad, I - I'm - oh my god, it hurts -"
"It's okay, c'mere, I got you, it's gonna be okay -"
"Go," he says to his creature, turning his nose when it tilts his head. Still too much humanity. Perhaps not as perfect as himself. "Find the boy. Steve. Ensure he does not get another chance to delay us."
His creature knows what he saw, had seen it with him. It bows its head and begins its flight to the other world.
"Soon," he says, staring up at the thundering skies with an almost-smile. "Soon, it will all burn. Ready...to be reborn."
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"No, no, stop, please -"
Steve laughs as Eddie blows raspberries into his neck, long and keen tail wrapped around his wrist.
Eddie sits on the counter, arms wrapped around Steve's neck as he pulls him further into the space between his legs, poking a cold nose into the skin where his neck meets his shoulder.
"Come on, you've proven your point," Steve tries squirming away but the tip of Eddie's tail just swoops in under his shirt to softly tickle his sides, where the bite wounds are still sensitive, and he can't stop the burst of laughter pealing out of him. "Eddie!"
"The demon lord requires more, a much greater sacrifice," Eddie says dramatically into Steve's neck, arms tightening around his neck. Eddie inhales and yells, "It's your pride!"
With a squeal, Steve muffles his laughs into Eddie's shoulders as Eddie tickles him even harder. "Okay, okay, I give, I give," Steve manages to say between his bouts of giggles. "I give, you win, oh Great Demon King."
"That's Mr. Great Demon King to you," Eddie sniffs as he loosens his grip on Steve and hops down the kitchen counter. Brushing off imaginary dust, because Steve and Robin keep this place clean as fuck (mostly Steve since Robin almost got her leg chewed off that one time, but she makes up for it by yelling directions at him), he turns around and pretends to walk away very slowly.
"C'mere," Steve grabs his hand and spins him around, leaning back against the counter with Eddie in his arms. The fake snooty expression on his face melts away when Steve curls a lock of hair behind his pointed ear, cupping Eddie's jawline gently. His thumb strokes his cheek, gliding over the stretched, scarred skin. "Hey."
Eddie's eyes, brown and red and like there's a whole world inside them, soften and he bumps their foreheads together as the purr in his chest starts up. "Hey yourself, handsome."
He's been really cold ever since he came back but he doesn't seem to care much. Steve cares a lot, maybe more than he needs to, and always tries to keep him as warm as possible with sweaters, blankets, whatever works. In this moment though, where Eddie's pressed against him, the kitchen lights making a golden light behind him like some kinda halo (the irony makes him grin), his horns like little upside down vampire teeth. Maybe there was something to the vampire theory, he thinks as he ruffles the curls at the back of Eddie's neck.
"Steve," Eddie sighs, his eyes closing as he smiles goofily, fangs poking into his bottom lip and wings fluttering.
"Yeah?" Steve smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to Eddie's cheek.
"Just wan'ed to say it." Eddie nuzzles into Steve's cheek with the mumble, sighing again when Steve wraps his arms around Eddie's waist, his tail winding up the sleeve of Steve's shirt. "Like sayin' yer name."
Something bubbles up in Steve's chest and he giggles to let it out, the warmth and sweet affection pouring out of him. "Yeah? I like saying yours too."
"Then say it," Eddie's head quickly shoots up and he stares at Steve, the tip of his tail flickering back-and-forth on Steve's forearm the way Tews' does whenever Dustin swings a toy in front of her face. His pupils are massive, way bigger than any human's should be, and it makes his eyes look even bigger. "C'mon, say it."
Steve hums, tilting his head one way, then the other, laughing when Eddie huffs and pouts at him. He leans in closer, pressing a kiss to his nose, and says softly, "Eddie."
The gust of wind that Eddie's wing-flapping causes is so strong it makes the entrance door slam against the wall and makes Steve jump, but he just laughs when Eddie's wings stretch up and around them both awkwardly in apology.
"Think it's time for dinner, angel," Steve whispers into the tiny space between them.
"Call me angel one more time," Eddie whispers back with a glint in his eye. "And I'll show you exactly how unholy I can be."
"Whatever you say," Steve grins and boops Eddie's nose. "Angel."
"That's it!" Eddie hunches down and lifts Steve over his shoulder, bouncing his way around the kitchen. "The Great Demon King has declared no dinner for defiant knights!"
Steve laughs and shoves at the wings crowding over his head, "What if I used true love's kiss to appeal to the judge?"
The bouncing pauses and Steve blinks when he finds himself right in front of Eddie again, his limbs bound by Eddie's tail and hands. Eddie squints at him and sniffs, the snooty expression snobbier than ever. "The Great Demon King rejects your offer and demands five true love's kiss in repentance."
Rolling his eyes, Steve pecks the corner of Eddie's mouth, grinning when the tip of his tail wags back-and-forth again. "Well, when you put it like that, how could I say no?"
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blasphemyofroses · 1 year
The priest holds you close to him in a pew, your back against his chest and your legs splayed open. He has a knife against your throat and his erection on your ass. He glides the knife gently across your neck, not yet drawing blood but he nicks you a little on the collar bone. He brings the knife down the front of your clothes, easily cutting them for his easy access. You let out a whimper as the knife cut the shirt and came to your pants, just hovering right above the crotch. He slowly and tediously cut it open, leaving that area of you completely exposed. You moaned at the fresh cool air as he turned around the knife and placed the hilt inside of you. He pumped in and out, slowly fucking you.
“This is a sacrificial knife, understand?” He hissed against your ear, “And tonight, your sacrifice to God is your innocence and purity.”
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assmaster-8000 · 4 months
i cant find much oc content in touchstarved because im lowkey blind but people with touchstarved ocs!!! please info dump to me in comments or dms i /gen want to hear what yall have come up with!!!!! what are their back stories? how different is it from the route you chose for them? what are they like? what do they look like? miscellaneous facts?
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implied-divinity · 12 days
sucking the cock of god is a form of manifestation. tboys take notes. tboys cmere.
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lesbonym · 2 months
Oh noooo I accidentally stumbled upon this abandoned altar in the forest that’s glowing with a mysterious light… it’d be a shame if some Olde ᚴᚢᚦ awoken and fucked me over it
- 🫎
(Hiiii babyyyyy. Finally worked on this one <3)
Mmm, such a cute mortal happening across my altar. Daring to wake me, but I suppose I find you are worthy enough to worship me. But there's no use to clothing when you pray to your ᚴᚢᚦ, need you bare for when I bend you over my altar and claim you as mine.
Fill you to the brim as I use you like a good worshipper should let me. So long since I've felt warm mortal flesh against my own. Don't worry, I notice your moans and your little quivering body. Your pleasure doesn't matter to me, but perhaps your pleas amuse me enough to edge you over and over.
Gods, you feel so perfect around me, like you were made to be used. All for me. The best human I could claim as my toy. Need to mark you as my own, keep you all to myself. Your cute voice mutters the cutest prayers, I can't help it. Need to fuck you into oblivion.
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gunksh1t · 1 year
So this is how it felt to finally be useful. It ached all over, it just got worse and worse but you were grateful, you were happy. You...you wanted this. Your God said you did. He was never wrong. Your blood drummed loudly yet his words were loud and clear as he smiled that same loyal, loving smile which you happily returned. Until his fist met your nose with that same and familiar crack
“What was that doll?”
you silently shook under his gaze, the pouring blood pooling into your waiting palms, droplets squeezing between your fingers. The pitter patter the only sound along with his pants. You had the honour of having him waste his energy on you since you couldn’t do anything correctly. That’s right. You were just his doll, God’s plaything, Your God’s punching bag. Of course you didn’t deserve to express anything, not even how thankful you are that God was fixing you - especially not in his presence. After all, it was a blessing in itself that he allowed you to breathe around him. Your knees throbbed from the drop of your body but his satisfied hum was enough to drown out all pain. All the air was forced out of your body, his heel digging into your chest, your ribs almost audibly groaning under the force. There was no escape, of course not that you wanted to. Why would you ever leave your perfect God when he was going through the effort of correcting your mistakes? It showed how much he cared, how much he loved, how much he wanted you. That’s why you could bear through it all. For his love, for the love of God. That’s why you would always stay, even as you watched his retreating back through tears and a wide grin, tasting the blood on your teeth. You would forever stay for him. Your very own Lord and Saviour.
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godslostpet · 2 months
Step on me for I am beneath you, God.
Step on my chest to remind me my life is to be yours.
Step on my purity to remind me of my sin.
Step on my neck while you deliver my absolution.
My grace was bestowed upon me by your blessing. So please, my Lord.
Step on me to pin my insignificance without you.
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cannibalism-lab-rat · 2 years
I've gotta do everything around here smh
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slasherboy-brainrot · 10 months
Every day I fight the urge to make a ghostface altar. Need to find some guy with a mask and a knife I can worship before I go crazy.
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blasphemyofroses · 1 year
Father. Father please. Please. I am begging you. Touch me. Hurt me. Do not be kind. Do not be merciful. Please, please, please.
Be rough. Show me what it means to be in your devotion. Show me what it means for you to have the power of a God over me. I will show you worship, complete and utter submission, if you would just touch me!
I want to bleed. I want to feel the remainder of what was done to me the next day. I want the marks. I want the scars. The pleasure from pain is indescribable to me, I just need you to hold the knife to my neck Father.
I beg of you Father. Please. Touch me.
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rpdepartment · 1 year
                                come forth and ᴋɪʟʟ ᴍᴇ                          bow down and ᴡᴏʀsʜɪᴘ ᴍᴇ take your time, 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢
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implied-divinity · 10 months
I'm writing an angel x human smut which will eventually turn into a fallen angel corruption smut but we're not there yet. I uploaded one chapter, the next one will be out within the hour if i stop getting distracted.
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terukinie · 2 years
for those who have nothing;
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a false idol emerges;
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an empty faith;
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a confession;
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a sinner repents;
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not through worship-
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but through strong emotions
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people need other people
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lesbonym · 2 months
I’m uh, not great at begging but I’ll give it a shot-
My dear Nym, shining radiance that you are, i wish for you to blind me, make yourself all that I can see and eclipse the world at large. Make it impossible for anyone but you to be my focus, make sure I can derive pleasure from no other. I get on my knees and bow to your eminence with only one request, only one desire, to be ruined for anyone else but you, and treasured by you.
You're cute when you finally learn to beg, baby. Bet you could worship me so well if you just turned your brain off. Let your body take over and worship me like you want. Wanna see you bow before me and beg for my attention, baby. Make it clear how desperate you are for me and only me
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