#worm tea
growinginsa · 5 months
How to Start Seeds like a Pro
Hey y'all! Its been a while. I said I would start back blogging and I'm here back on the saddle. Check it out! Show it some love! Share and comment. Thanks y'all!
To start seeds like a pro, you’ll need quality soil, containers, and proper care. Use a good seed starting mix (for recipe see below), provide consistent moisture, and maintain a warm environment. Ensure adequate light, either natural or artificial, and transplant seedlings to larger containers as they grow. Remember not to overwater and follow specific seed packet instructions for each plant…
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ligayagardener · 1 year
Worm castings tea
Worm castings tea can work miracles. Here's how to make it and use it. With bonus paid subscriber content, of course.
The waste products from everyone’s favourite hermaphrodites can be used to make a super-nutritious brew for feeding your garden. It doesn’t just feed plants but the soil itself and all the life within it. Worm castings contain more nutrients and bacteria than many other fertilizers. They include minerals such as  phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron,…
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wormdebut · 11 months
Eddie has insomnia right? Always has, so when the upside down stuff happens, it’s not the lack of sleep that bothers him but the nightmares.
He stays up happily to make sure Steve can rest and as things calm down Eddie just kinda matriculates back to being awake at night. It’s normal to him. It’s when he is most productive.
Steve notices that Eddie is always drinking coffee and it’s makes him just that extra little bit jittery so he tries to introduce Eddie to teas.
Eddie falls in love with tea and you’ll always see Steve with his cup of black coffee and Eddie with whichever tea best describes his mood that day.
Fast forward, years later; Massive Dark Metal Legend Eddie Munson released a cute little happy tea line and starts a heavy metal tea company.
The fans are all: this is unexpected but welcomed.
Eddie refers to all of his tea products as his babies but none of his babies are as important as the man who introduced him to them.
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Hannibal: Tell me will, does your act of rescuing worms from the pavement represent an attempt to play God, to exert your power and control over the natural world? Or is it an acknowledgment of our responsibility as intelligent beings to act as stewards of the earth and its creatures, to use our abilities to help and protect those who cannot do so for themselves?
Will, soaking wet from the rain, shoveling worms into his pockets: I am going to KILL you
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kaelidascope · 1 month
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Hey hey! It's ya favorite chef here with a HORROR FIC this time! Peep the tags and the note before proceeding <3 It's time for some INFECTED BEES! 💃💃
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the-book-ferret · 3 months
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Is that the kettle whistling?
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purplink8 · 6 months
Can I be real for a second? I don't think L giving a foot massage to Light was very in-character of him. Like manga!L would've totally scoffed at how pathetic anime!L appeared when he did that.
I like the rain scene bc it's really pretty (also Light MOANS bc of L? *sighs* yeah i ship lawlight) but I'm always so ?? at anime!L's behavior? The anime made L way too melancholic and y'know self-deprecating kinda guy. In contrast, manga!L (whom I love to death) is so so confident in doing what he's doing and has the time of his life during the Kira case as he's intellectually challenged (by Light) as he figures out the case little by little.
I don't get where the anime creators got the idea that L is a very sad character who cares about justice so much so that he's actually Justice itself? Manga!L enjoys solving cases. I'm not saying that L doesn't care about justice at all- just that he cares more about winning.
So, the anime creators looked at a character who cares about winning (& his own ego) than everything else and decided to... make him give a foot massage to his nemesis (surprise surprise bible symbolism featuring L as Jesus *🤮* coming up) apparently due to accepting Light's (boy's first debut as Judas) 'betrayal' how can there be betrayal when there was no trust between them in the first place and saying "It is the least I can do to atone for my sins"...
The only way I could've made a little sense of this is if L was mocking Kira with that line but the anime just had to go above & beyond to make it (L's actions) seem too genuine for that to be true. which is. so. FRUSTRATING
Manga!L wouldn't have done anything like that. Not even ironically (he'd have thought it to be below him for pretending to be accepting his defeat mockingly to Kira). Even Manga!L's not enough of a bastard to try to compare himself with Jesus (and just after knowing (god knows how) that he's going to die)- like that's too stupid omg: even for a mockery.
Does he actually think that Light would pick up on the (him as Jesus) symbolism and be like 'oh no! L is too noble like Jesus to die by my betrayal i'm such a bad judas how come i NEVER NOTICED THIS BEFORE'... and decide to spare L's life? Or embrace his inner Judas like the bad bitch he is and finish L for that godawful mockery of Jesus?
Whenever I think about Anime!Light's in-character reaction I crack up as it would be smth like 'wow this guy who graduated summa cum laude from torture university is pretending to be Jesus? lol what a real piece of work. would've expected better from you L: so pathetic lmao i hope rem kills you soon i'm so done with you rn- rip 💀'
Manga!L (if he knew he were going to die (don't know how that's possible in the anime; still we're talking about how the anime creators seem to see L as Jesus so ~anything is possible~) that is) would never go 'guess i'll die' accept his defeat offering a foot massage to his enemy and inwardly throw a pity party being all "… It'll be lonely, won't it?" GIRL you were the one going on & about how you'd EXECUTE Kira once you catch him on live tv (also saying that you'd bring Kira's head to the task force) I REALLY doubt you'd feel lonely if either one of you were to die- that (killing each other) was the point!!
Manga!L is a selfish character: he values his victory above all else so the anime making him accept defeat that easily + gracefully doesn't sit well with me.
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maudeboggins · 2 months
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Elsa Lanchester having a cup of tea!
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mathemon · 10 months
I don't know why but I have a tendency for doing a certain ship dynamic that is depressingly wholesome
They are effectively each others first friend, if not are each others first friend.
they also were best friends prior to the romantic relationship starting
They do have a repeated argument: Neither one feels worth of the other and they try to convince the other that's the case
Everyone considers at least one of them attractive, usually both
They are also cinnamon rolls who are too scared to have PDA, but will kill people for those they care about, especially for their significant other
They also are considered to be the best two in their field or something
They are dorks
(edit) Despite being to scared for PUBLIC displays of affection, this is not the case in private. You would never be able to tell this was the case in private.
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catherinedesilver · 10 days
Need Help Finding This
Right, so, a few years back there was a textbook based on the Jim Hensen film, "Labyrinth".
I think it was called "Underground: Labyrinth", or something along those lines. However, I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Hoping if I post this, someone out there in the cyber world, some might know about it and let me know where to find a copy if it exists - or if I'm just beyond the Goblin City.
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m3ntal-hiatus · 8 months
shoko, geto, and gojo have definitely gone into an all-hours convenience store right after a mission.
just covered in blood and grime and god knows what else. each are completely disheveled, but each are still browsing the store’s selection like it’s the next normal thing in the world.
not to mention, the lone, poor employee who’s (working the late-night shift) perched behind the register, debating whether to call the cops or an ambulance.
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soullessjack · 21 days
another thing that rlly gets me is that in almost every episode or episode recap throughout s15 they’ll shove in the fact that jack is a traumatized overwhelmed mess with unimaginable trauma from his actions and being in the empty for months and that he’s planning to kill himself and the more I think about all of it the less I trust the ending (which is less than zero but whatever) . Like why all the emphasis on jack being severely mentally unwell and suicidal and guilty when you’re never gonna follow up on it or give it any sort of closure. What are you planning.
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 2 months
Asuka Asuka Asuka Asuka Asuka *slams fist on table* Axl. Axl Low. But also Asuka. R Kreutz. That Man. The Man. The Men. The Boys. They're just two innocent men- oops. One innocent man. The other one did stuff. *deep breath* I'm gonna make some tea.
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ughscara · 5 months
OH MY GOSH YAME,,, THE 3RD STILL ISNT HERE FOR ME BUT KUNIS BDAY LETTER IS TOO CUTE I EVAPORATED INTO THIN AIR 💥💥💥 all i can think about is reader secretly giving tips to those students who ambushed him and next time they surprise him with a cake that isn't sweet and he actually likes it 💔💔 i just know you end up being popular at the akademiya solely because of kuni and people try to ask you things about him 😭😭 (i just had a sudden rush of scara love and i had to share with someone 🥹)
SUZU .. OH MY GOODNESS OKAY — first and foremost, you're very much welcome! second, i am honored and glad that you reached out to me for this bc 🥹🥹 i wanna pour my heart out in regards to the brainrot and how much i adore him and his letter so here we fucking go. welcome to another episode of ayame loves scara <3
in regards to evaporating into thin air; that is such a perfect way to describe how i felt while reading it too ;; i mentioned this in my silly lil post but i was literally smiling from ear to ear reading his letter, it's just so nice hearing he's up to his usual mundanities yet still experience something eventful in a way :') "it was so incredibly ridiculous i had to laugh" just the image of him laughing. like. genuinely laughing has me going so soft and melt into a puddle
now brainrot time ( ✧ ✧⁠)
reader, in this vision of this specific scenario, wouldn't be affiliated with the akademiya. sure, visits are quite common for you, but it's only for a certain vahumana scholar... he's been the talk of the town for a decent while, not only for his eccentric personality; but also for possessing an insight vastly different from your typical scholar. some students had the gall to examine that harsh exterior falter ever so slightly when you arrive to mainly check up on him with a meal prepared for him, heard saying such things like “you didn't have to trouble yourself.” under his breath only for you to hear all the while he's taking what you had for him that day in his hands, scurrying away in the wild whilst treating himself to the delicacy he's grown to take a liking to ( code sentence for: loves immensely ).
of course, noticing your close bond with vahumana's one and only hat guy, it prompted a few brave souls from the akademiya to approach you and inquire about your lover. some questions were a little on the nose, and you didn't hesitate to turn those questions down for both his sake and yours. mainly his.
overtime, kuni would start hearing your name echo in the halls. sometimes in the house of daena while he occupied himself with reading to pass time. more popular for your connection to him rather than something else... of course, occasional praises being sung about you would enter his earshot, but that is precisely what they should've settled on first. regardless, the first time they ( some of the students ) interrupted his peace; jumping out of a bush with a cake that, in his gaze, was sickeningly sweet as he so described. sharp eyes from one of the students was enough to alert the others that perhaps the cake they got him wasn't something he particularly liked... so, they seek who for guidance? you, of course.
encounter after another when the students spot you at puspa cafe on your own, your desire to see your lover being unceremoniously interrupted by a student or two having a few things to ask you. you admit, you found a bit of amusement in how literally everyone in the akademiya knew little to none about him. and truthfully, you felt like some divinely favored being to be able to call him your boyfriend, but you digress. his dessert preferences was something you didn't expect to be asked a day prior to his birthday, but the question wasn't unwelcome. you'd dawn on a small smile and explain to the students that he isn't so fond of sweets. sure, he'll have dessert, but they're always bitter. your excitement was unfortunately not kept at bay when the group of vahumana students brought up why they were asking. and you, naturally, tagged along with them to surprise him.
all you did was provide directions, the path he always takes to his favorite spot that he rarely ever visits unless with you tagging along or something would weigh down his mind. and for the fun of it, you made sure to remain hidden as the group jumped out of the bush with a cake that this time, was one exactly to his liking. that same laughter that erupted from him last time, as the students told you, escaped his lips again. this one seemed more... genuine, in comparison to the last one which the students explained as "feeling like they were getting spit in the face."
from his perspective, as his eyes were fixed on the matcha flavored cake presented to him, he could just about feel your presence lurking here. you're the one who's been indulging them in their meaningless questions that were only answered for the sake of knowing more, you're watching him right now, aren't you? of course you are, not when he was able to make out the little hum that was almost taken away along with the breeze and the accomplished squeal from one of the students.
just how much did you indulge them? not much he figured, but you didn't shy away from explaining his dessert preferences. typical from you, yet that laughter that escaped his lips, the slightly lighthearted snark thrown at the students standing in front of him with his favorite cake, and the acknowledgement of your presence here that slowly began to dissipate... you have some explaining to do.
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reliaofdreams · 11 months
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The Faerie Queen and her two besties, High Priest and Inferior Peasant Shard #829, in group therapy with Jessica Yamada be like:
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