#world's my oyster
fortjester · 1 year
lessons on never meeting your heroes, for the title meme? alt; to testify against yourself (from siken's war of the foxes, the full line being "To testify against yourself is an interesting thing, a sacrifice. Some people do it. Some people find money in the street, but you can't rely on it.") if the first one is nothing to you asghdss
first one is everything to me tbh (mostly bc my brain is Too Tired to come up w anything angsty enough to fit a richard siken quote rn lmao)
lessons on never meeting your heroes Set several years pre-canon – at Dulcie’s recommendation that he let loose and read some trashy novel she just finished (the Necromancer’s Marriage Season), Pal finds himself so thoroughly put out with it and it’s sincere lack of substance, that he writes a letter to the author, sparking a long-term personal correspondence between them. Told in epistolary, with short asides told from Camilla or Dulcie’s perspectives throughout the years. The letters chronicle Pal and the author’s deeply polite arguments over plot and substance of trashy romance novels; carefully worded reviews and critiques of every subsequent novel the author publishes after the Necromancer’s Marriage Season; and ends up with them so accidentally ingratiated that Pal ends up as the author’s editor.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 1 month
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beautiful! majestic!
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longelk · 5 months
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kaycee's sweet little angel eyes while she explains what POGs are to leshy
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hcnnibal · 2 months
what shall i create today… pornography or a different type of pornography…
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jordynbreeloa777 · 4 months
free will doesn’t exist, never have never will.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺
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·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ why just keep giving your power away to the 3D as if it’s more powerful then you? your reality, your rules bitch. you always get what you want when you say you want it. As the creator of our reality, we don’t get discouraged about the outer world because why should we? We know as long as we keep persisting and having faith in imagination which is god and the only true real reality, then the 3D will have to conform to my assumptions. Say you’re manifesting an SP, and they just told you they already have a partner, they don’t want you, they hate you, they are already in a happy loving committed relationship. why does that matter..? It’s your reality, if you want to marry that person then stop giving them the free will and power as if they’re more powerful than you. You’re the one who chooses, and decides. You’re the one who makes the final decision. I don’t care what they said, they have to conform to my assumptions. There in love with YOU, and they just told there partner that too. Stop giving your power up so easily just because of an unwanted circumstance. Happy Manifesting!💝
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around-your-throat · 3 months
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dogt3eeth · 1 month
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I have so many projects on my plate so enjoy an oldish loceit doodle
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QSMP artists who draw egg designs that aren't quite the fandom norm, I love you.
QSMP artists who draw the eggs as African, or Afro-Latina, or Arab/Middle Eastern, I love you. QSMP artists who draw Chayanne with 4c hair wound back in braids and dark skin, I love you. QSMP artists who draw Pomme with a dark complexion and a hijab, I love you. QSMP artists who draw Empanada as East/Southeast Asian, or wasian, or a mix between Asian and Latina, I love you. QSMP artists who draw Tilín with white hair, or darker skin, or features that match up with Luzu's a bit more, I love you. QSMP artists who draw the eggs with varying body types and clothing styles and poses, I love you.
I know that your designs might be uncommon, and they might not fit the quote unquote 'fandom norm', but they're so cool to see. Some of my favorite fanart has been with QSMP eggs that don't look like the typically design-and while the typical design is still absolutely lovely, don't feel like you need to conform to it. The eggs have no canon design. They have widely spread fanon ones, but those are only common because we, the fans, made them common. Draw what you'd like, because it's incredible to watch from the sidelines as casual competitive fanart reblogger.
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mye-chi · 7 months
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01. how were you first introduced to aphmau?
02. favorite main character, side-character, ship, and villain?
03. which characters do you think deserve better? which characters do you think deserve less?
04. what are your favorite episodes/scenes?
05. favorite minor character? like barely a fraction of the fandom acknowledges them but you adore them?
06. what are your favorite and least favorite skins?
07. best dynamic in the series? like, whenever these characters are onscreen your brain just explodes?
08. alternatively, what's a dynamic you really want to see in canon?
09. personal bias aside, who do you think is the best written character and why? 
10. what is your ideal ending for the series?
11. do you have a rewrite, character reinterpretations/redesigns, or any aus? if so, is there anything you'd like to talk about or snippets you want to share? 
12. which roleplay, excluding minecraft diaries and mystreet, is your favorite? (my inner demons, mod mod world, meteora valley, etc.)
13. have your sentiments towards any characters/ships changed over time? (for instance, you didn't care for them at all but now you're obsessed with them, or you used to love them but it's faded over time.)
14. if you could choose an opening and ending theme for the series, what would it be?
15. alternatively, if you could choose a theme song/ost for your favorite character, what would it be?
16. favorite blogs, artists, and writers?
17. any headcanons you're attached to?
18. is there anything about the fandom you dislike?
19. which character would you like to cosplay as?
20. you can only change one plotline in the entire canon—what would it be and how would you alter it?
21. have you ever had a crush on any of the characters? (and do you still have one?)
22. who's the character that you most identify with and why?
23. you get to design an official aphmau game! assuming money or time wasn't an issue, what would that look like? (for example, a visual novel, TTRPG, fighting game, etc.)
24. if you could design your own line of merch, assuming money or time wasn't an issue, what would you choose?
25. aphmau got a cafe collaboration! what food/drink do you think your favorite characters would be?
26. you're tasked with writing an official side story/spin-off roleplay (like void paradox, mermaid tale, upside-down story, etc), what would that look like?
27. what's something really interesting that you wished canon decided to explore more? alternatively, what's something interesting that you wished the fandom acknowledged more?
28. if you could ask jess one question about the series and recieve a direct answer, what would it be? 
29. any general unpopular opinions?
30. freebie!
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eorzeas-okayest-smn · 7 months
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garuda, lady of the vortex !
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earthry · 11 months
i’m wide awake thinking about copia’s little tummy. his cute belly. his riggatoni pouch. his squishy little tum tum.
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hubookunaluwawa · 11 months
the horrifying realization that someone genuinely knows you
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it wasn’t supposed to go this way. it was supposed to be easy. casual. fun. but now, you feel like puking. because the second those forbidden words left his lips while he was buried deep inside of you, after a night of the both of you pretending not to know how the other felt, all hell broke loose in your heart. you were able to keep your composure through the end, but once he cleaned you up and fell asleep, you quickly grabbed your stuff and got the hell out of dodge.
your throat tightens up, and your eyes start to sting as you head for the bus stop. one minute passes. then five, and then ten. and then, as if this night hadn’t been bad enough, droplets of rain began to drizzle from the sky. this bus couldn’t be coming any fucking slower, you think, and you nervously tap the side of your leg, hoping with all your might that he didn’t realize you left, because if he did–
“hey!” you feign innocence as you quickly glance at him, “what’re you doing up?”
“i could ask you the exact same thing,” he returns, his smile masking something foreign… something vulnerable.
“oh, well, yeah, i mean, i have an 8 am class, so i have to head back to my place.” you feel your easygoing facade beginning to crumble as you continue to stare straight ahead at the road. you felt gross, lying to someone you always felt so comfortable around. you just hope he doesn’t realize it before the bus gets here.
“i mean, i thought you said you don’t like doing… this…” he motions between the two of you, “the morning before an early class. said it fucks up your internal clock and stuff,” he remarks in a tone that makes it crystal clear he’s not buying a word you say.
you turn to look at him once again, and he’s staring at you with a hooded unwavering gaze that you’d mistake for apathy if you didn’t know him any better. unfortunately, you do know him better: enough to notice that the unfamiliar look in his eyes is blatant fear, as if he thinks you could disappear at any moment. and then, how much he knows you hits you all at once, and you’re left a scared little kid with no idea what to do.
“yeah, i guess i just forgot.” you’d have to be in complete denial to think he couldn’t hear the distinct crack in your voice, fake smile be damned. the two of you stare at each other for what feels like hours until the tears threatening to spill from your eyes make you look away.
“y/n.” but his eyes are still on you.
“mhm?” don’t.
“y/n, please.” only on you.
i can’t.
“i need you to tell me if i just fucked everything up back there.” the desperation in his voice is unmistakable, making you catch your breath. your face falls, and your heart hurts more than you ever thought possible.
“why’d you say it,” you whisper, “why’d you have to go and say it?” and his heart shatters at the brokenness of your voice because it was him who did this shit to you.
“when we started this, we promised it wouldn’t turn into anything. and it was fine when it was just me feeling something, but it won’t work with the both of us–”
“why?” something’s changed. he’s angry. “why won’t it work? why can’t we let it work?”
“because shit like this never does!” you scream, and you can feel everything you’ve been bottling up inside for the past few months escaping your body in one go.
“it never does,” you say with a quiet laugh. “we’d get together, and then you’d get bored with me–”
“i could never get bored with you–”
“–or i’d get bored with you,” you continue while noticing the fleeting look of hurt in his eyes that’s quickly overshadowed by anger, “and then we’d only be with each other out of obligation. we’d be ruining a really good thing just for the chance of something different, so just forget it, because whatever… it is that you feel won’t last,” you say as if it’s the funniest thing in the world while gesturing towards him.
“oh, fuck you.” he laughs, tugging his hair in frustration.
“fuck you!” you retort, delirious from the fact that this conversation is even happening at all.
“no, fuck you for trying to tell me that what i feel isn’t real.”
“okay,” you scoff as you begin to walk away. you don’t know where you headed, but as long as he’s not there, you know it’s where you need to be.
“and fuck you for making me love you! in more ways than just one!”
you freeze for probably the 50th time tonight, and you finally look at him again to see the shine in his eyes as he speaks.
“please don’t disappear when i tell you this,” he practically whispers to you with a once-again fearful look.
and you don’t. you’ve heard your fair share of “i love yous” in your life, and they all meant the same, substanceless, conditional thing. and so, the more you heard it, the less you believed it. you’ve seen relationships–both yours and those of the people you care about–fall apart because people will romantically love those that they don’t even like platonically. so you believed, and continue to believe, that romantic love without a platonic basis is an incredibly common recipe for disaster. you know this, and yet, you don’t think you could run from him right now even if you tried.
“i’ve never felt what i’ve felt for you with anybody else. i think about you all the time. like, you’re the first thing i think about in the morning and the last thing on my mind every night. and whenever i see you, it feels like what everybody talks about in the movies and the songs, and it’s like the heavens open up and everything makes sense and my world’s brighter because you’re in it. i’m completely and utterly head-over-heels in love with you.”
he just thinks he is, you try to remind yourself, but this shit isn’t real. it’s just infatuation, a burst of attraction, a trick of the mind. it’ll go away eventually–
“but it’s not just infatuation like you always say.” you mentally curse him for being able to read your mind and peel back your layers so easily, but he takes a step closer to you as he speaks.
“because you’re also the one person i feel most comfortable around. i could be having the worst day of my life and seeing you for a few minutes would make it the best, because everything about you makes me happy! everything! i mean your smile and your eyes and the way you giggle at the corniest jokes and the little crinkle you get on your forehead when i say something dumb and… how you make me feel safe enough to talk to you and know you won’t think i’m crazy, and how passionate you get about the things and people you care about: all of it has me completely obsessed with you, and all i know is that i wanna keep making you breakfast in the mornings and holding you close at night and going on late night drives with you and hearing you laugh because your laugh makes me feel like i’m dreaming whenever i hear it and i can’t help but laugh too because i just can’t believe that, out of everybody on this planet, you keep choosing to be here with me and i just… i love you, y/n. and even if this doesn’t last, i wanna be with you for as long as i’m able, because it doesn’t feel like my love for you is ever gonna go away.” 
and he breathes out the final declaration with a confidence that leaves you stunned because holy shit you’re actually starting to believe him. you can’t tell whether the wetness on your face is from the pouring rain or your own tears. maybe it’s both. but all you know is that, now, he’s holding your heart in his hands. and the scariest part is that he’s holding it with as much care as he’d treat his own heart. no, as much care as you want to treat his. and then, he starts to ramble, which you’re sure you’ve never seen him do (in fact, you’re pretty sure this is the most you’ve ever heard him speak).
you can’t stop yourself from looking at his lips, and the space between you grows smaller and smaller until it ceases to exist.
“i mean, it’s like you’re branded on my heart. you have this insane amount of control over me and i’m constantly wanting to be around you and hold you and make you happy because you feel like home to me but in the best way possible and i just want to be that for you too, and if you don’t feel the same way, that’s completely cool, and we could just forget this conversation ever happened, because you’re also my best friend and i don’t wanna lose you, and i–”
your lips taste sweet against his, and your hands cup his cheeks with a delicateness that makes him feel like crying, and he feels happier than he thinks he’s ever felt because he knows what this kiss means.
you take a moment to break apart, the tip of your nose brushing against his as he chases after your lips, and you desperately proclaim, “i’d never get bored of you either. i love you. i love you. you’re all i want.”
the bus you were waiting on passes you both by, and he meets your lips again, sighing into the kiss with relief. and you both make a silent promise, right then and there, to never let each other go again.
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alrightoddity · 2 months
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milkywayes · 6 months
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may i introduce: my favorite screencap of commander shepard
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matoitech · 6 months
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i realized i could do something rly funny with cole the other day
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jordynbreeloa777 · 4 months
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assume you are, who you wish to be.
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