#works by elliotts-personal-property
I Think I Love You (Joe Elliott x Reader)
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A/N: Hey y'all, as promised here's the Joe one shot. Feeling super nervous rn, considering this is the first time I’ve posted my writing on here. I'd love to hear your feedback so I can improve on my writing. I'm open to any and all constructive criticism and encourage it! Anyways… I won't keep stalling for any longer. I hope y’all enjoy this one!!
Warnings: Mentions/references to making out/smut but nothing actually explicit happens.
Ps, if you really want to feel the vibe of this one shot I'd suggest listening to "I Think I Love You" by The Partridge Family while reading this💗
With love, Kris<3
Sheffield, 1982
I'm sleeping
And right in the middle of a good dream
Like all at once I wake up
The poor guy had been tossing and turning all night.
Joe couldn't get his mind off of you.
Just the thought of you disrupted his sleep.
From something that keeps knocking at my brain
In his eyes you were perfect. You were the only girl in the world he wanted. Of course that also meant you were the one girl, who in his eyes, had got away. The one he could never have. Why? Because you were his best friend.
For months upon months he was stuck in this endless cycle.
It went a little something like this:
He'd think about you so much so that he'd convince himself that he had to go tell you.
Then he'd work up the courage to say it.
He'd find the perfect time to confess but then start to reconsider his choice. He always would hold it back when he decided it wasn't a good idea after all.
He'd then go back to thinking about how perfect of a moment it would've been and mentally kick himself for not saying a thing.
And the cycle would repeat.
It went on and on and on.
Before I go insane
As a result of this, he hadn't had a good nights sleep in a while.
That night was different though.
I hold my pillow to my head
Something had finally snapped.
And spring up in my bed
He had known how he felt for a long time. But he had never actually come to terms with the gravity of it.
Screaming out the words I dread
I think I love you
All at once it hit him like a brick wall. He realized he truly loved you.
On the rare occasion that your best friend felt brave he'd indirectly hint at something more. After a while of not getting any knowing looks from you he just assumed that you were oblivious to all of his side comments. You in fact were not.
After a while you started to get impatient with him.
You wanted to shout it out loud, right in his face, "Dear God Joe just ask me out already!"
Recently those side comments from Joe had stopped. You would've said something to him if he hadn't stopped. But now you weren't even sure if he still cared, or if he had just given up and moved on. It would be stupid to lose your friendship over this. So you stayed quiet just to be safe.
It was a shocker to both you and everyone else how you two hadn't gotten together already.
There were so many signs. It was only a matter of time.
This morning
I woke up with this feeling
I didn't know how to deal with
Another night of restless sleep had gone by. It was worse than usual, so much so that by dawn he had already come up with a plan.
He knew what he had to do. He was going to tell you the only way he could. In the only unique love language he knew, through music.
If he was gonna do it, it had to be big and flashy. Joe wouldn't have it any other way.
He couldn't let his feelings lie dormant anymore. No, he thought, this time will be different. This time I won't back out.
And so I just decided to myself
I'd hide it to myself
And never talk about it
He had kept his feelings to himself for the past few years. Joe wanted to tell you, he really did. But in the back of his mind he worried about ruining the relationship you guys already had.
Joe loved you so much that he was willing to hide his feelings just so you wouldn't walk out on his life. He didn't want to lose you over some feelings he had. Ones that he couldn't guarantee you'd reciprocate. So, he believed it was best to keep it to himself.
And did not go and shout it
When you walked into the room
I think I love you
Joe didn't just think, he knew.
Joe was dead set on what he had to do. He just needed to get a few things sorted. First off was getting the guys on board with it.
Joe gathered his closest friends together. They were less like bandmates and more like brothers to him. He knew they would help him out. All it would take was a bit of convincing.
"Can you please help me out?" Joe pleaded.
He assured them about his plan.
"It's just one, and it'll be real quick."
"Alright, fine," the bassist answered for them all, "What song is it anyways?"
Joe told them his song of choice and they all gave him odd looks.
Sav cocked an eyebrow at the song choice.
"The Partridge Family? Are you serious?"
Phil chimed in, "You really think a band like us should be playing a song like that?"
Steve rested his hand on his head, "Everyone's going to make fun of us."
Joe tried to defend his choice, "You know it can't be that bad. We're playing in a pub for god's sake. It's not like the whole world's gonna be there."
The rest of the guys seemed unconvinced.
"Come on guys, you said you'd help me. Please?"
He kept on.
"Just help a bloke out, alright?"
And on.
"Please I promise I'll never ask for anything ever again."
Rick half-whispered to Sav.
"You know he's never gonna let it up. Not until we say yes at least."
Sav knew he was right. Joe wouldn't stop bugging them until they agreed.
"Okay fine, but it's only one song."
Joe nodded enthusiastically, "Mhm yeah, just one."
It was settled, they would help. Now all that was left was to get you there.
I think I love you
So what am I so afraid of?
The thought of telling you was exciting to him, yet terrifying.
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
A love there is no cure for
His heart raced as he drove over to your place.
I think I love you
Joe was already cheery about just the thought of you going.
Isn't that what life is made of?
He hadn't felt this excited over something in a long time.
As he pulled onto your street he tapped on the steering wheel. It was due to the mix of both the pure joy of excitement and an ever growing anxious feeling that was building up inside.
Though it worries me to say
That I've never felt this way
Believe me
You really don't have to worry
"You'll be there tomorrow, right?"
"Of course," you answered with a wide smile, "You guys go on at eight, right?"
God he loved your smile. It could light up any room.
He melted just looking at you. Anytime you spoke to him he lost all train of thought.
You snapped your fingers to get his attention.
"Oh- um, yeah. Eight, we'll be on then."
I only wanna make you happy
After you said yes he began going through that same cycle again. He started doubting his whole plan. Wondering if it would work or not.
There was no way he could back out now though. For the past few days they'd been practicing that song, not stopping until Joe felt satisfied with the final product.
He wondered if you would stick around after all of this.
Would you tell him to "beat it" and move on with your life without him? Or would you stay there by his side?
And if you say, "Hey, go away"
I will
Joe crossed his fingers, hoping for the best outcome possible.
But I think better still
I'd better stay around and love you
He was determined to make sure you stayed.
Do you think I have a case?
Let me ask you to your face
Do you think you love me?
Tomorrow night he'd get the long awaited answer to that question.
I think I love you
You arrived early, wanting to make sure you were right up front. This is what you always did. It was your way of showing Joe you cared. You mindlessly tapped your fingers against the small stage, waiting for them to come out.
Meanwhile Joe was there fixing himself up in their tiny dressing room, (if you could even call it one). It was fairly small. The owner had "renovated" one of their small back rooms into a "dressing room".
He stood in front of the vanity mirror fluffing out the rest of his hair. Joe was doing any and everything in his power to keep his mind off of the plan. He looked at his reflection as he told himself to just smile and hope for the best. Whatever happens happens, it was no longer in his control anymore.
After waiting for what felt like forever the guys finally came out on stage. As Joe got on he stopped in front of you and sent you a quick smile before turning his attention to the other patrons of the bar.
You cheered along the whole time as they went through their usual set list. It didn't matter how many times you'd seen them, you were always captivated by their showmanship.
Time always seemed to fly by whenever you watched them play.
By now you had memorized their set list and were almost sure they were closing out now, having just played Wasted. They always saved it for last and were just about ready to leave.
That was before Joe had something to say.
The cheering in the room died down as Joe placed the mic back in its stand. He adjusted it right to his level, getting ready to speak.
"We have one last song for you all tonight. We're gonna take a little change of pace if that's alright with you."
He took a glance around at his bandmates, giving them all a quick nod before adding on.
"This one goes out to a very special someone. Someone who means the world to me."
His eyes drifted down to the people in the front row, moving one by one until eventually landing onto you.
"This is for you, Y/N."
Taking one last deep breath in he calmed himself before counting the guys in.
All of them started in, "Ba, ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba, ba."
You giggled at the ridiculousness of it before fully realizing the gravity of this song.
You knew what it was the second they sung the first line.
You hadn't heard it in such a long time and had practically forgotten about it, forgotten how much you loved it. It was always one of your favorites, and Joe had known that for a while now.
All thoughts completely left your mind when Joe began to sing.
"I'm sleeping,
And right in the middle of a good dream,
Like all at once I wake up,
From something that keeps knocking at my brain,
Before I go insane,
I hold a pillow to my head,
And spring up in my bed,
Screaming out the words I dread."
The rest of the guys joined in on the next line.
"I think I love you!”
This was his confession.
His eyes couldn't help but drift towards you.
"I think I love you."
While preforming Joe tried to keep his attention with the rest of the audience equal, but he kept on letting his eyes go back to you, like some sort of magnet that couldn't be pulled apart.
If him dedicating this song to you wasn't the most obvious thing, you'd say his looks alone were enough to tell you that this was for you.
You couldn't help but feel a smile tugging at your lips. Your cheeks started to feel sore from the excessive smiling.
"So what am I so afraid of?"
Every time his eyes caught yours you felt your heart skip a beat.
"I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for."
Joe really did care about you, deep down inside he did, he always did.
Soon the song came to a close with their repeated "I think I love you's" becoming more and more quiet as they faded off.
They all came front and center, taking a short bow together as the crowd in the bar cheered them on.
The girl next to you had to have already been out of it.
"You're a lucky girl, huh?" she practically yelled into your ear. You couldn't blame her though, she was standing directly in front of an amplifier the whole time.
It snapped you out of the trance you seemed to have slipped into.
"Oh-uh yeah," you smiled.
"Look," she said, swinging her arm to point at the guys in front of you.
The rest of them were making their way off, leaving through the stage left.
Joe was the last one still up there.
You stayed staring at him in disbelief, not even knowing what to do. He had finally said it... or well sung it, same difference. What was there you could do?
He tilted his head to your right gesturing off to the side of the stage, to what you only could assume led to their dressing room.
He flashed you a quick smile before sending a subtle wink your way.
If it was anybody else, you'd say you were surprised by their actions, but for Joe? Well that's a different story.
With both of her hands the girl next to you latched onto your arm.
"Ooh looks like someone's gettin' some action tonight!"
Your cheeks flushed red and you prayed to god no one else heard.
Immediately you turned to Joe, hoping he hadn't heard the girl's remark.
His eyes darted away from you. Before Joe left you saw him trying to suppress his chuckling, but ultimately failing. His smug smile was the last thing you saw as he walked off the stage.
Of course he had to have heard it, why wouldn’t he?
The girl let go of you when you told her you had to leave. She told you something along the lines of, "Have fun tonight!" before you left.
You went around the corner finding the door that you guessed led backstage. The door was locked from the inside and there was no way of getting in. You didn't worry though, knowing that the guys would come out soon enough.
After a couple minutes of waiting by the door an ecstatic Rick swung it open. The rest of the guys shuffled their way out, but with their lead nowhere in sight.
You turned your attention towards the last member to come out.
"Is he?"
"Third door to the right," Sav answered before you could even finish asking your question.
He gave you a warm smile, still holding the door open for you, letting you slip through to the back hallway.
"See you in a bit," he said, letting the door shut behind you.
Even though there was no reason to, you counted to yourself as you passed by each of the doors.
You felt your heart race as you got closer to the last one.
You stood there for a moment trying to see if you could hear anything on the other side. You didn't and knew it was time to stop stalling.
After taking a deep breath to compose yourself you rested your hand on the cool doorknob.
Here goes nothing.
You slowly opened the door as quietly as you could and after shutting it watched the scene play out before you.
He stood there in front of a vanity mirror facing away from you. He hadn't noticed you but you could see his face clear as day through the reflection.
Joe was humming a tune while brushing his hair. You immediately recognized what song it was.
He was humming the one he had just played. His tone was full of pure joy.
Once he was done he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to shape it some more.
The man in front of you looked fine already but seemed to be getting ready for something more.
He adjusted the collar of his shirt before picking up a small bottle of cologne. Adding just a spray to his neck and one to his wrist before turning around.
Joe's humming abruptly stopped and his eyes widened.
"Oh… you're here?"
You'd been caught staring.
At this point any embarrassment that you could have had got washed away whenever he decided to dedicate that song to you.
"Sorry, I-"
"Don't be," he cut you off.
He set the bottle down and slowly approached you, seeming to take his time with it.
You watched carefully as he took every painfully slow step.
You didn't know where to start, but knew you had to say something.
"You guys were great."
"Thank you."
You had to bring it up, you couldn't bare to wait any longer.
"That song you played. Did you?"
You stopped, taking a quick glance around, noting that it was just the two of you in the room, before finishing.
"Did you really mean that?"
His gaze softened at the question.
He paused before stepping closer, leaving barely any room between the two of you.
"I meant every word of it."
Your heart sped up with every word he spoke.
"Y/N I mean it."
His hand moved up to tuck the loose hair behind your ear.
"I think I love you."
You had been longing to hear those words for such a long time. Never in your lifetime did you think it would happen, but it finally did.
He said that to you, and you only.
After all this time, you heard those three words you loved the most.
"I love you."
His hand moved down to cup the side of your face. You lightly nudged your face against his warm palm. Closing your eyes you took a deep breath in, wanting to smell more of the cologne that rested on his wrist.
When you opened your eyes his hand moved down to carefully tilt your chin up.
Your eyes faced him now.
"I love you too."
This was the moment. The moment you waited forever for.
Heart racing and eyes wide you both slowly drew in closer. It felt like the longest seconds of your life, waiting for him to connect with you.
You looked into his emerald green eyes before letting yours flutter closed.
Soon enough you felt the feather light touch on your lips. It felt like heaven to you.
You brought one hand up, letting you fingers run through his light brown hair.
You felt Joe's other hand reach down to the small of your back, gently pulling you closer into him.
All you could do now was relax your body and take in the overwhelming smell of his cologne.
After what felt like an eternity, the two of you finally pulled away from one another. You already missed the feeling of his soft lips on yours.
You refused to back up from him, leaving hardly any gap between you two.
His warm breath fell on your lips as he mumbled, "You don't know how long I've wanted this."
"Me too."
Joe's hands dropped down and his fingers latched onto the belt loops of your jeans before lightly tugging at them, pulling you closer.
Your hips were pulled forward and you lightly bumped against him before falling back and resting mere inches from him.
Joe's eyes quickly scanned over your face as if he was looking for a cue of some sort.
Though you had never seen this look on him before, you knew exactly what it meant.
"Please Y/N."
That short plea was more than enough to get you going.
Your arms almost instinctively wrapped around his neck, letting him know you were okay with it.
"Come on," he said, slightly lowering himself to reach the back of your legs. He lifted you up and stepped back to sit in the armchair placed in front of the mirror
Your legs were pinned close on either side of him, resting between his outer thighs and the arms of the chair.
Without warning the two of you crashed into each other once more, desperate for each other's touch.
He hummed into the kiss, making you relish in the feeling he gave you.
You didn't know exactly how much time had gone by, but you knew a decent amount had passed.
Slowly, you drew away from his neck and let out a shaky breath, still wanting more. It had now been a little while since you first got in there and you knew it would only be a matter of seconds until someone barged in looking for two of you.
Your eye contact with him continued as you calmed your breathing.
Lightly pushing yourself away, resting your hands on his stomach, you finally spoke up.
"We should go. They're pry wondering what's taking so long."
Joe thought about it for a second. Seemingly weighing the pros and cons of both staying and going.
"Who cares? Let 'em wonder."
You planted one last quick kiss before making an offer.
"How about later, yeah?"
A wicked smile spread across his face, already thinking of what was to come, "Yeah."
You pulled yourself off of him and tried to fix the newfound wrinkles in your clothes. After getting up he did the same and you stayed there fixing yourselves up.
Just as the two of you were about to walk out you stopped him.
He turned to you.
"You’ve got a little…," you trailed off as you brought your thumb up to the corner of his mouth.
"Something," you finished as you wiped the last bit of red lipstick off of him.
Feeling content with how the two of you looked, you set off out of the dressing room and back down the hallway.
He held the door open for you and led you out into the main room.
You both scanned your eyes around the bar floor trying to find the guys.
Joe grabbed onto your hand and held on as he guided you through the crowd. He led you over to the round booth where they were all seated. As you approached the booth he gave your hand a light squeeze before letting go.
It took only one glance at the you two for the teasing to start.
"Woah!" Phil exclaimed, "What happened in there?"
"Nothing," Joe replied making his best attempt at a deadpan tone.
"You sure about that?"
The rest joined in on by adding "ooohs," sounding exactly like a group of kids in elementary who just found out one of their classmates was called into the principals office.
This was only the beginning of the never ending teasing that was to come.
Phil raised his eyebrows, "Just couldn't wait until you got home, huh?"
Joe rolled his eyes at his bandmates teasing.
Sure you had been gone for a bit, but you knew there had to have been something else causing their reactions.
You looked between yourself and Joe quickly noticing the culprit.
Though you had made sure to get all your lipstick off his face you forgot to check the collar of his shirt. The sloppy kisses had caused you to completely miss his neck in some spots and just get his shirt. The shirt in question being a white one didn't help your case.
There was no sense in trying to rub it off now, and not like you could anyways.
Rick and Sav scooted around to make room for you and Joe.
As you sat down you both noticed all the other guys were already starting their night off with their drinks in hand.
Joe looked around at each and every one of them, "You started without us, aye?”
"We waited for a little while, but you guys took too long," Sav replied.
Joe turned to face you, "How 'bout a round?"
You smiled, "Sure."
Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you liked it💗
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sunsetzer · 5 months
Hello I am not dead I've just been sucked irrevocably into Stardew Valley by my friend who bought it for my birthday (and also Christmas, because my birthday is three days after Christmas, which is usually the way presents go for me and I don't mind). I've already put like 42 hours into my little farm in the forest and making friends with the residents and I'm having the most delightful time. Also my friend's boyfriend is purchasing a copy for my girlfriend so we can play together. What really sold her was when I told her we could get gay married in co-op. 10/10
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queen-paladin · 6 months
disclaimer: yes, I am complaining about cheating in media. Because, yes, writers have the freedom to create what they want but if the morality in creation is free for all forms of media, but no piece of art is exempt from criticism, and that includes criticism on personal moral grounds. I betcha if I said Harry Potter is good, actually, everyone on here would flood my blog telling me I am wrong because of the author's intense prejudice. That being said, I am criticizing cheating in fiction, If you don't like that, don't interact
So often lately I see period dramas where the husband cheats on the wife (ex. Poldark, The Essex Serpent, Queen Charlotte, The Great)...and not only do I despise the cheating trope with every fibre of my being to where I get panic attacks when I consume the media...but specifically with period dramas...
Do these writers not understand the greater implications of a husband cheating on a wife during these periods? More than just the humiliation and heartbreak in the case of a loving, good marriage just like it is today.
In the Western world, probably until certain laws were enacted in the 1900's, if a woman married a man, she was legally his property. She had no legal identity under him. She was financially dependent on him. Any wages she made would automatically go to her husband. Her children were also not legally her children- they belonged to the father. If the husband died, even if the wife was still alive, the children were legally considered orphans.
Women could only rarely gain a divorce from their husbands. In England in the mid-1800's specifically, if a wife divorced a husband she had to prove he had to not only cheat but also be physically abusive, incestuous, or commit bestiality. On the other hand, a husband could divorce a wife just for being unfaithful. Because, kids, there were sexual double standards.
Getting married was often the endgame for a lot of women during that time. Sometimes you couldn't make your own living enough- marriage was a way to secure your entire future financially, with more than enough money to get by. If you were a spinster and middle class, you could get by with a job. But if you are an upper-class lady, the one thing a lady does not do is get a job and work. So upper-class spinsters basically were dependent on their families to get by (ex. Anne Elliott in Persuasion faces this with her own toxic family). As strange as it sounded today, marriage gave them some freedom to go about since a husband could be persuaded sometimes more easily than a father and one had a different home, their servants, etc. A husband was your foundation entirely for being a part of society, and standing up as your own woman.
So if a husband cheated on a wife, that was a threat to take all of that away.
He could give a lot of money that could be used to support his wife and children to the mistress. He could completely abandon said wife for the mistress. And since the wife legally couldn't get a job as he still lived, she would be dependent on any money he would said- and that is IF he sent over any money.
He could take her to court and publicly humiliate her to get a divorce away from her (look up the separation of Charles and Kate Dickens, he would call her mentally ill and say her cooking was bad and that she was having more children than they could keep up with all while having an affair and divorcing her to be with the misteress). And even if the wife was the nicest, more proper, goodest, more rule-abiding never-keeping-a-toe-out-of-line lady in town...as a man, the law was default on his side (look up Caroline Norton's A Letter to the Queen which details exactly that, the poor woman had her earnings as a writer taken by her husband and was denied access to her children from said husband)
So yeah...even if there was "no love" between them (and anytime the wife is portrayed as too boring or too bitchy so He HaS tO cHeAt is brought up is...pretty victim blamey)
So yeah. Period drama writers, if you have the husband have an affair ...just consider the reality of these things and address them, maybe punish the husband for once (*gasp* men facing consequences for their actions?!?!!), and if not, just please find other options and other tropes and devices for once.
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threewaywithdelusion · 6 months
Alec Lightwood Not Giving a Single Fuck About the Law
(Spoilers! So many spoilers! For everything except Secrets of Blackthorn Hall, because I haven't read it yet)
I'm not too clear on what the Accords say about Shadowhunters policing Downworlders/what Downworlders are not allowed to do. But I'm pretty sure all of these must be illegal (or at least frowned upon):
Not reporting that Magnus started a joke cult that turned in a real cult that was killing people and worshiping a Greater Demon
Letting the person actually running said evil cult go free after they had captured her because he knew the Clave would execute her and even though Shinyun was literally responsible for several murders, he thought she deserved a second chance (and Magnus related to her, and Alec wanted to spare Magnus pain)
Never reporting Elliott of the New York Vampire Clan for literally everything he has done, including biting several Downworlders at a party, having multiple incidents with faerie fruit, "accidentally" biting 17 mundanes while under the influence (including at least one time where Lily had to stop him from killing the mundane in question), and cheating on two Selkies who then caused property damage in a fight with each other
relatedly, not reporting Mordecai, the faerie fruit dealer
(I just love this entire exchange: "As the current head of the New York Institute," Maryse said, with an attempt at firmness, "if there is illegal Downworlder activity happening, it should be reported to me." "I do not talk to Nephilim about Downworlder business," Lily said severely. The Lightwood parents stared at her, and then swung their heads in sync to stare at their son. Lily waved a dismissed hand in their direction. "Except for Alec, he's a special case.")
Watching Juliette, Werewolf Queen of the Buenos Aires Shadow Market, kill a Shadowhunter and just lightly suggest she try to take the Shadowhunters alive (and then not punish her in any way for killing that one guy)
Not reporting that Ragnor Fell had found a realm for the Greater Demon Sammael and also worked for him for a period of time (I don't think the Clave would care that Ragnor didn't had a choice because of the sventhorn)
Suggested in the final battle in Queen of Air and Darkness that an effective way to render opposing Shadowhunters unconscious would be to have vampires bite them and drink enough of their blood that they passed out
Protecting Marcy, the werewolf who transformed at a club during a full moon, and never reporting her for almost revealing the shadow world to Mundanes and injuring several of them
Breaking the Cold Peace several times by visiting several Shadow Markets, interacting with faeries, and pretending not to know about multiple illegal Shadowhunter-faerie relationships (Tian/Jinfeng and Mark/Kieran/Cristina)
Not illegal but probably seen as outrageous by other Shadowhunters:
marrying Magnus in Shadowhunter gold
traipsing into a hell dimension to save Downworlders
letting a vampire (Simon) drink his blood
offering his blood to a different vampire (Lily)
raising a Downworlder child as his own (and also training that child like a Shadowhunter)
raising a Shadowhunter child that has a Downworlder parent
Basically, Alec Lightwood is a badass and the fact that he went from the type of guy who said "sed lex, dura lex" to the man who did all of this is the reason he is one of my favorite characters ever
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irisinluv · 3 months
Yandere Stardew Valley- Sebastian
I've been playing some Yandere Stardew mods recently. While I love them..... I feel like they do my husband (Sebastian) wrong. The citizens of Pelican Town are telling me that they can't hang out with me because Sebstian threatened them. That they've noticed some weird behavior. That he's physically violent. I disagree with all of these for Sebby.
He's our hot programmer boyfriend who lives in his basement bedroom, and only emerges to enjoy a smoke break, or to go see his friends. Now, while again, I do enjoy playing the mods...... I think his cannon behavior sets him up to be the perfect chronically online yandere. Pelican Town isn't exactly the most connected (6 out of the 11 rivals have access to a computer), but there's still potential. Obviously they're gonners if they have a computer. Sam finds himself doxed after making a comment about the gifts you gave him this week, and poor Haley's socials are blowing up with hate comments- from her personal insta to her photography blog.
But what about the other 5? The ones who are more disconnected? Well. It's easy enough to get Shane fired from joja. A little email to Morris from "HQ" saying he either fires Shane or his own pay gets docked..... well. Suddenly, everyone's favorite alcoholic doesn't even have a job anymore. Elliott suddenly has all these taxes he hasn't paid on his little shack..... beachfront properties cost a lot, you know. The parents stop letting Penny watch their kids after some..... explicit photos get leaked. It doesn't matter that they're edited. These people don't know about Photoshop. All they know is apparently Penny's making ends meet to support her mother..... and there's a new favorite subject to gossip on between all the older women. The other rivals are equally taken care of. All you need to focus on now is how Sebastian is the only reliable option in the whole damn town.
And he knows you so well, doesn't he? You, who lived away from it all until now. You, who WAS connected to the internet. Who had their entire life detailed through Facebook updates and Instagram posts. Honestly, Sebastian thinks that maybe he DOESN'T need to leave Pelican town... looking at the life you lived before coming to the valley, he thinks its much easier to keep you safe when he can control everything that goes on. There were too many factors to your old life. Too many parties to go to, coworkers to talk to, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends worry about. No. Sebastian thinks that city life isn't fit for the two of you to start you life together.
While he enjoyed seeing the trip down memory lane of who you were before becoming the farmer, and learning more about your likes and dislikes, he much prefers this version of you. The version of you who he found bouncing on their toes outside his door, excitedly shoving a frozen tear at him. Who eventually became the only person he was genuinely excited to have come barging into his room unannounced. And the thought of moving into the farm with you was all together far too tempting. He can picture it already. He'd set up a little area to work on his bike, he'd help out around the farm for you (he saw your hands covered in scrapes and splinters one day, and you sheepishly told him your fences had started wearing down.... but fixing a fence was another first for you. So you ended up scraping yourself up a bit on the old wood. Now, Sebastain, who, while he doesn't enjoy it, grew up with a carpenter mother..... well. He's going to make sure you never have that many splinters again.) Oh and he can already imagine it. The two of you, far away from the rest of the town, from prying eyes, no one to hear what you two would get up to as he helped you relax after a long day of working the feilds.....
This fantasy would sustain him until you eventually asked him to marry you. I don't think he would rush anything. To you, and the rest of the citizens, he was just normal Sebastian. Showing up for band practice, playing pool at the bar (although he seemed to play much better when a certain farmer came to watch). He just realized that the best way to control all the factors in town would be to remain anonymous. Avoid suspicion. After all. In a small town like that, it would be all too easy to turn against him if he decided to publicly threaten someone. And how would you react if you came to drop off some fresh sashimi to your boyfriend, only to find him being dragged out of his house by Clint, with Marlon standing nearby, ready to ship him off to face justice in the adventurers guild? No. That wouldn't do. He can't add any more stress to you like that. He'd remain the puppeteer, pulling the strings of the valley.
This isn't to say Sebastian never stalks you in person or anything like that. He can't help himself. He's a night owl. He knows the villagers schedules, has since before you even came to town. So, he knows he can get away with digging in the trash to find the straw you threw away at the bar. And if someone does hear him.... well. Linus is going to be everyone's first thought. He does, however, start adopting a stricter routine as far as monitoring your house after you mention how you sell your produce.
Sebastian was rightfully horrified when you explained that Mayor Lewis comes by your farm at night to collect anything you wish to sell. How it's such a relief to be able to just chuck things in the the bin as you're rushing to bed at 1:50 in the morning, only to get up first thing and start your day again, and not have to worry about lugging all your goods to the store. Sebastian won't criticize you for the lack of sleep..... no. That's not what's worrying. What's worrying is that this old man who has a gold statue of himself and who gets it on in the bushes with his secret girlfriend (of course Sebastian knows about that) is showing up to your house sometime after 2 am. His mind flashes back to his fantasy of the two of you, completely alone on the farm.... and then is mortified as this fantasy morphs into a nightmare where he looks up from bed with you, and sees Lewis' wrinkled face peering through the window. Yea. No. Sebastain installs some hidden cameras to make sure Lewis doesn't get up to anything funny while you're defenseless, asleep, alone..... ok he might need to get a new mayor elected. The old man might just have to go. Perhaps to a home outside the town. Regardless, he makes sure Lewis stops coming by as frequently. Frustratingly, he isn't able to completely stop it, but that'll be an easy fix once the two of you are married. He'll act surprised, "wow Lewis, that's so kind of you to help out the farmer all this time. But hey, don't worry, I'll take over. I'm up late anyways, and it's the least I can do!" But Sebastian still wakes up in a cold sweat and frantically rushes to check the cameras, making sure you're OK. That Lewis really is just checking the shipping bin.
Once y'all get married, he shows a bit more of that possessive side to you. But you chalk it up to just bedroom spicy time, and honestly find his hand tightening on your waist as Elliot asks you to read his latest poem hot.
Just. Yandere Sebastian brain rot.
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living with the lepps
you’re in the kitchen making dinner for the boys after their long day over in the recording studio, and the first thing you hear the instant that door swings wide open is the sound of joe’s booming, rambling voice, even if he’s the last one in: “aNd thEN hE’s liKe tO mE…”
“bloody christ, elliott, d’ye never know how or when to fuckin’ shut up?!” you smile knowing that was sav putting his husband in his place (that was an inside joke you and the rest of the boys had) “‘aven’t been able to get a bloody word in all day…” he shakes his head and mumbles, rolling his eyes to the sky.
you feel two arms wrap around you from behind, and you recognize the familiar sound of steve’s soft voice mumbling in your ear “help me y/n, they’ve been arguing all day.”
you roll your eyes and simply respond, “just help me make this stew for t’nite, that’ll take your mind off things.”
“ooh i wanna help!” phil nearly knocks you over as he appears at your other side, semi-crashing into the array of kitchenware you have assembled on the stovetop.
you breathe out a small sigh of relief, thankful that he was conscious enough to prevent catastrophic disaster. not the first time this has been nearly avoided, either.
they’re both breathing down your necks as you work and they do their very best (feeble pathetic attempt) to “help” you, except all you hear us stupid banter back and forth between them. they’re like your big lap dogs hovering right around your knees, looking up at you with pleading eyes, anxiously waiting in anticipation for a scrap to drop.
“is the food ready yet?” rick innocently asks, appearing into the kitchen.
“fuck off, not yet,” phil nearly spats in his face.
“hey, hey, be nice,” you roll you eyes, knowing sav would be proud for you taking on the mom role at this hour. bet he was too exhausted after dealing with ‘em all day in the studio.
“mmm… smells good,” now joe is right next to me.
“d’ye mind giving’ me a little *breathing room* around here?!” you sigh in exasperation. “like geez…”
“boys, off her now,” sav shooes them away, while appearing where joe had stood, placing a hand on your shoulder. “ooh, they’re right, anyways, sorry about them, now y’know what i’ve to put up with all day.”
“no worries,” you chuckle, receiving a gentle kiss on the cheek from the curly fellow. “i’ve kind of always wanted brothers, in a way.”
eh idk if i wanna continue this, this was just something dumb i came up with on the fly.
also @i-love-def-leppard this made me think of your fic lmaoo
tagging @littlemissheavenonearth @steveinscarlet @jimmysdragonsuit13 @armageddonviv @terrortwinsfav @joes-sha-la-la-la-girl @elliotts-personal-property @discothequechaser @genxrocker @defsteria @leppardcampbelllove
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Def Leppard Incorrect Quotes (Part 4)
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Phil: Where are you going?
Steve: Hell, eventually.
Joe: Start talking! Phil: Well, I- Joe: Shut up!
Rick: Hey bro, what do you want to eat? Steve: The souls of the innocent! Joe: A bagel. Steve: No! Joe: Two bagels.
Phil: Time freezes for everyone but you one day. What do you do? Joe: Oh… I’d mildly trouble everyone. Phil: Alright, so what would you do? Joe: I’d shave a one-inch thick line in every thick beard I saw. Joe: I’d twist all the lightbulbs just a little bit so no one would know when they aren’t working. Joe: I’d make every wing on girls eyeliner just a little bit higher than the other one. Joe: And I’d tie everyone’s shoelaces together. Joe: And then lastly, I’d snip a little hole in every tea bag. Phil: Phil: Remind me to never allow you to have power.
Sav: We all have our demons. Steve, grabbing Phil: This one’s mine!
Steve: Here comes the lightning! Steve, whispering: You've got to imagine it coming out my fingertips, wherein I am an almighty wizard. Phil: Ok, currently imagining that. Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all.
A/N: The incorrect quotes are back!! It's mostly the Terror Twins lol
Tags: @elliotts-personal-property @steveinscarlet @stevesfuzzypinkslippers @joes-sha-la-la-la-girl @the80srewinders @terrortwinsfav @moon-fashioned @genxrocker @defsteria and anybody else :)
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Def Leppard x Reader
For @steveperrysorgasmicpipes
A/N: So as requested this is a fic where the guys look after the reader. I incorporated a condition which I have and the symptoms which relate to me. Obviously each person with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder is different, and not all symptoms relate to everyone. I am happy to answer any question about the condition as I am trying to be more open about it whilst I come to terms with my diagnosis. Writing this fic has helped a lot and I hope you enjoy it. Also thank you to @elliotts-personal-property, @bring-on-the-heartbreak-joe and @i-love-def-leppard as well as all my lovely mutuals who have been there for me recently, I appreciate you all 💖💖
Groaning, I sit up as carefully as I can and climb off of the hotel bed. From experience, I knew it was better to move around rather than sit still and let all my joints stiffen up even worse. I also knew that I had to go to work, hence the reason I was in a hotel room in the first place. 
Being Def Leppard’s assistant definitely had its perks. First of all, although the hours were long, the entire band was understanding if I couldn’t make it into work one day. Not that I had ever told them about my condition and had instead made up excuses as to why I couldn’t work on my bad days.
I was hoping it would remain that way. Unfortunately after hearing all the cracks of my joints as I stood up, I knew that it would take more than a hot shower and some painkillers to help me today. Taking a deep breath, I got ready for the day as quickly as my body would let me. I was hoping that I would be able to hide the pain but as I walked out of my hotel room, I felt myself walk with the familiar limp from the pain in my hip. 
Def Leppard were on tour with Mötley Crüe and whilst I didn’t have too much interaction with the other band, I was really hoping that today of all days would be one where I could avoid them altogether. However, that was not meant to be as both bands were sitting down ready for breakfast. Plastering a smile on my face I went over and joined them. 
The only good thing was at the moment it was just the two bands there and that their wives were not on this leg of the tour. This meant that there were less people I had to hide my pain from. 
“Morning guys.” I grinned at them all, hoping to disguise the wince I made as I took the seat between Joe and Phil that had been saved for me.
There was a round of ‘mornings’ coming from the group, most of them almost incoherent as they struggled to wake up for the morning.
Despite feeling unwell, I knew I had to eat on my painkillers so I decided to grab a few pieces of fruit and just nibble on them whilst trying to engage in the conversations around me. As much as I tried to hide my discomfort, I knew I had failed when I saw Sav looking at me concerned over the table. As I looked into his blue eyes, which had not faded with time, I saw the question that was lingering in his mind.
I subtly nodded my head at him and gave a small smile, trying to convey that I was alright. However, much to my dismay, this had only attracted the attention of Joe who was seated to my right.
“You okay Y/N/N? You don’t look right.” 
Quietly I took a deep breath yet again and looked towards him, knowing that if I didn’t he wouldn’t believe the lie that was about to escape my mouth.
“Of course, I'm just tired. Didn’t get enough sleep s’all.”
It was very obvious on his face that he did not believe me but he did not press the matter any further in front of the others. Instead, he just looked at Sav and then the rest of his own band, all of them talking silently, something they had mastered over the years. The only upside was that the guys of Mötley Crüe hadn’t noticed that something was up. Whether it was deliberate because it didn’t concern them or they were really that oblivious didn’t matter. I was just grateful I didn’t have another group of eyes trained on me. 
When we finished breakfast, the bands had a day off so all I had to focus on was making sure everything was ready for them when they next perform. This meant that I should be running around all day between the hotel and the venue. I was dreading the day ahead of me, knowing roughly how it would go. I knew I would have to keep myself hydrated and well fed to try and prevent the dizzy spells as well as carrying my joint braces and supports just in case. 
I carefully made the trek back up to my hotel room, vaguely aware of the eyes that are on me as I leave. I carefully pack my bag for the day, making a mental note of everything that I have to get done. Just as I am about to leave I hear a knock at my hotel room door. Gently padding over to the door, I try to ignore the limp in my step. When I get there and open the door I am shocked to find all five members of Def Leppard standing there.
With a sigh I move out of the way, allowing them all to enter the room. They quickly made themselves at home with Rick, Vivian and Phil sat on the sofa and Joe and Sav perched on the foot of my bed. The two men on the bed allowed me room to sit in between them. Reluctantly I made my way over. Usually, I wouldn’t mind sitting and talking to the band, but right now, when I knew all they wanted to talk about was me, I would rather be anywhere else.
“So are you gonna tell us what’s going on or are we all gonna have to guess.” Joe started though his voice was soft and filled with concern. As I looked around, all I saw was five sets of eyes staring back at me waiting for a reply. 
“Honestly I’m fine. I’m just a bit tired.” I told them wanting them off of my case.
“Don’t lie to us Y/N.” Phil spoke, his tone the same as Joe’s. “What is really going on?”
I sighed as I looked around again. It was obvious they were not going to leave me alone until I told them what was going on. 
“I have a condition called Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder.” I started as I looked down at my lap. It wasn’t that I was ashamed of my condition but it was hard for me to talk about. 
“I was diagnosed a few years ago but I have been having problems since I was about nine. There are multiple symptoms but the main ones that affect me are chronic pain, fatigue and dislocations. It is incurable but there are things I can do to lower the pain. Some mornings though I just wake up and I know that it is going to be a bad day.”
“How come you’re only telling us this now?” Sav questioned with worry flooding his face.
“I didn’t want to be a bother to anyone. There's not much anyone can do anyway.”
“You still should've told someone Y/N/N.” Viv spoke up. “How many times have you gone through the day in pain and we haven’t noticed.”
“I don’t know. Look I appreciate the concern and everything but I really have to get to work.”
“Are you joking?” Joe scoffed, his eyes wide.
“Umm no, I can’t just stop everything…” I was interrupted by Sav. 
“Yes you can. You’re in pain Y/N. You can’t possibly work like this.”
“I have done in the past.”
“Only because we didn’t know then.” Rick interrupted this time with a pointed look on his face.
Realising this was a battle I was going to lose, I gave in.
“Fine. But I can’t stay in bed all day, if I don’t keep moving then my joints will seize up and I’ll end up in more pain.”
“Whatever you need Y/N. I’m just going to make a few calls so that you can have as long as you need off.” Joe told me before going to leave the room.
When Joe came back the entire day was spent with the five of them looking after me, despite my insistence that I could do it myself. A few times we went for a walk around the hotel corridors so that I could move around a little bit. Overall the whole day was a lot more comfortable than I originally planned. They had made sure that I was taking my pain meds and eating and drinking enough. 
The only time there was trouble was when I had a subluxation in my knee, which is where my knee had a partial dislocation. Whilst painful it was something I could deal with myself. Luckily I had my knee support on hand to strap my knee back up. By the evening time, all of them apart from Joe and Sav had left.
“So Y/N/N, are you going to tell us the real reason as to why you didn’t tell us about your condition?” Joe asked. I looked between him and Sav and I could tell that just like earlier, I wasn’t going to be able to avoid the question.
“When I tell people about my condition they always look at me differently. Whilst I knew that all of you would be the last people to judge me, I’ve gotten used to not talking about it.” I told them, hardly being able to look them in the eye.
“We get that Y/N/N but don’t let yourself be in pain again, alright?” Sav smiled at me.
“Yeah okay. And thank you for today.”
“It’s no problem at all.” Joe smiled as he patted me gently on the shoulder.
Sav did the same and the both of them smiled at me one final time before they left me alone for the evening to get ready for bed.
Over the next few weeks I continued to work with only a few problems but I noticed that all of them looked out for me. Things like offering to carry a heavy bag or walking slightly slower so that I could keep up and if I was honest it was making my life so much easier. Part of me wished that I had told them sooner but at least now they were all aware and I didn't have to struggle on my own anymore.
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avikard · 7 months
let me tell you a little more about my SDV farmer OC Ventan? 🍓
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this is her latest redesign, i really wanted to make her outfit a little closer to her personality.
Ventan has lived in the valley for six years, four of which she has been married to Elliott. she originally came to her grandfather's farm to clean up the property a bit and then sell it, as she didn't want the taxes on this unused piece of land. but then something went wrong.
as i wrote earlier, she's physically really strong. i'm starting a logically muscular physique farmers OC club!
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is an old reply to one fandom ask group.
"Your character is like…
a color: Blackberry (is the color of her hair in the sunlight)
a plant: Chenomeles (this flower blooms on the tree in the spring on her birthday)
an animal: Bear (she's strong and seems as sullen as a bear)
a scent: Strawberry (it's her favorite crop)
a music: "Remember me" from "Coco" (she promised to come back)
a feeling: Uncertainty (she's constantly wondering if she's doing the right thing)"
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this is art for a halloween event in the same ask group.
the event consisted of the task of depicting their farmer as a yandere. at the time i participated, Ventan was still canonically married to Sebastiane, so Abigail's name is on the tombstone.
if it were Yandere, it would be really creepy stuff.
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this answer (translations of the texts will be in the descriptions of the pictures) was based on a true story!!! and perfectly illustrates Ventan's first year on the farm.
although she had no intention of staying then, she had to make the days go by while saving up money to restore the farm for sale.
more facts about her!!!
🍓 she doesn't like fishing, but nevertheless she fishes just fine.
🍓 at first sight she is a closed and even a bit gloomy person, but if you have something in common with her - most likely you will see her real friendly and soft nature.
🍓 lived in a big city all her life before moving. never liked nature and small communities until she came to the valley.
🍓 she wasn't too fond of farm work either, but over time she got used to it and even loved the routine. and the people of Pelican town too.
🍓 works most of the time with music in her headphones.
🍓 doesn't like sunny days.
🍓 all her livestock are named after planets and stars.
🍓 loves going to Zuzu City just for fun and for business.
🍓 she's hard to piss off.
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…i also did her wedding to another artist's farmer OC in that ask group for a joke and we had a lot of fun. and here she is so beautiful!!!
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fawn-wickenshire · 8 months
Hi, I'm still new to your farmers, so I hope I got them right!! ^^'
For Mel!:
(😐) anyone they tend to avoid, but are generally still nice to? (💍) if they get married, who do they marry? why? (🫣) is there a person they’re too shy to talk to, but really want to? (🌶️) how do they feel about becoming a farmer?
For Syndey!:
(🌈) how do they react when they find their first prismatic shard? what do they do with it? (🦜) does your farmer befriend Leo? what do they think of him? (🍻) does your farmer hangout at the saloon? who do they usually go with? (🌟) what is their reaction when they get their first stardrop?
For Adeline!:
(🌎) how does your farmer's first year in the valley go? (🍙) what is their favorite food? (🤢) how do they react when they're given one of their hated gifts? what do they do with it? (🎉) what is your farmer's favorite festival?
For Fawn!:
(🌶️) how do they feel about becoming a farmer? (☀️) do they adjust to living in the valley easily? (🗡️) does your farmer like adventuring in the mines? (💙) do they have any blue chickens?
I hope I got everyone's names right! 💖 Sorry if it's a lot! I find these questions addicting to ask, hahaha 😅🙏🏻 Anyways, do take your time!! 💜
Hi! Yes, you got them right! I really like these asks for them! Thank you!!!
(😐) anyone they tend to avoid, but are generally still nice to?
I was going to say Shane at first, but then I realised she's not exactly "nice" to him back. They sort of just...Glare at each other. So, I'll say Sebastian. She doesn't hate him or anything, but he was a bit rude to her when they met, and she doesn't want Sydney picking up any of his...Habits (*cough* "vase" *cough*).
(💍) if they get married, who do they marry? why?
I can't decide if I want Mel to marry anyone yet. She is a BBB (Buff Bisexual Babe), but I don't know who she would date/marry. Not Shane; they're just friends for sure. Maybe Elliott or Maru? I'm not sure. Maybe she doesn't even want to date anyone yet--probably.
(🫣) is there a person they’re too shy to talk to, but really want to?
Mel's not really shy, per se; just introverted and reserved. But if I had to pick, I'd pick Elliott. At first she doesn't really know how to deal with his extravagant and flowery poetic language and mannerisms, so she sort of just avoids him. It's Adeline who is talking to him who mentions that Mel also used to be a big fan of poetry, and Elliott approaches her after that. It's a little awkward, but they soon become friends.
(🌶️) how do they feel about becoming a farmer?
Mel wasn't really looking forward to it. She only did it out of necessity. She's buff, sure, but she also enjoys fine clothes and a bit of wine every now and then, so having to get into some overalls wasn't something she was looking forward to. She's also got a bit of a bad back from her posture sitting at a desk all day during work, so that kind of sucks too with all the heavy lifting.
Still, she gets used to it. She likes the fact that she finally gets to own her own home, let alone a property. Doesn't it just feel great to finally be able to nail things into the walls? And she likes the fresh air every morning and lack of a schedule she hates. She still likes schedules, but this time she gets to pick her own!
(🌈) how do they react when they find their first prismatic shard? what do they do with it?
Sydney goes even more wild than Fawn. She probably does get injured because she was too focused on the gem. Once she gets to Harvey's for a check-up she shows it off to him. He's proud of her, but also gives her a stern talking to about paying more attention to her surroundings.
She asks him for advice on what to do with it, and he suggests not selling it until she gets another one. Still, she doesn't know what to do with it so she gives it to Gunther and has him add a note that says "found by Syd" on the description.
(🦜) does your farmer befriend Leo? what do they think of him?
Sydney's approach to befriending kids is to be "hip" and "cool" as much as she can. She does get a bit of cringing from the tweens and teens--after all, she can't keep up with every new trend like she used to, but she does well. She gets along with Leo pretty well, talking to him and taking a genuine interest in him and his life. They play around on the island sometimes and have a good time, whether it be collecting golden walnuts or just making pictures in the sand with sticks.
(🍻) does your farmer hangout at the saloon? who do they usually go with?
Sydney isn't "allowed" to drink (i.e., Mel doesn't want her getting wasted), but she does still go to the saloon on Friday nights and rainy nights. Those are the days she gets to see her friends, after all! Expect Syd to come in during a heavily rainy day completely soaked but still grinning like an idiot. She probably ran there from the mines so she could show off her latest achievement. I half imagine her shaking the water off like a dog LMAO.
She usually hangs out with Sam, Abigail, Sebastian, and Harvey, though she'll probably talk to anyone. If her sisters are there she'll talk to them too.
(🌟) what is their reaction when they get their first stardrop?
The first Stardrop the group gets is a group effort; it's at the Stardew Valley Fair. Mel buys the Stardrop using their combined points, but they split it evenly between them (or, as evenly as they can for a five-pointed fruit among three people; in the end Sydney and Mel get more than Adeline).
As for Syd's reaction, she--like most people--can't describe it. She's never been good with words, but it's literally indescribable for her. It tastes like a vibe, if that makes sense. And the vibe is excitement. Like the thrill of the adventure, or going on a roller coaster! Just something super fun that gets the adrenaline going!
(🌎) how does your farmer's first year in the valley go?
I have a rough plan for up until the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, but so far it starts in 1996. The first person Adeline "befriends" is Haley, who actually gives a decent compliment on her looks. Then she befriends Evelyn, and Alex through her. She befriends Emily during the Egg Festival followed by introducing Elliott to Mel and helping with Elliott's spider problem.
While visiting Joja for sunflower seeds, she's encouraged to get a Joja membership by Morris. There's a Junimo sighting and then that's all I've got, haha. There's some more here and there but I don't want to spoil in case I ever show off my writing publicly!
(🍙) what is their favorite food?
She's a big fan of Idli. She likes savory foods and also enjoys mixing them with other dishes and spices for extra flavour! It's also a great tie to her heritage; something she doesn't know much about. She was passed around from foster parent to foster parent since she was a baby until she was adopted by the Matthews. So, she likes knowing the food she eats is a tie to where she's from.
(🤢) how do they react when they're given one of their hated gifts? what do they do with it?
She may be young, but she's already perfected her customer service smile. Her first reaction might show a bit of hesitance and displeasure, but she quickly covers it up and takes the gift. That is, if it's an actual gift, of course. If someone were to just give her broken glasses from the river she would not be happy about it. She's visibly be annoyed and will ask why you gave her this. You could cover it up by saying it's for the recycling machine, to which she'd lighten up a little, but still be awkward.
(🎉) what is your farmer's favorite festival?
Her favourite festival is the Flower Dance. Adeline loves pretty, preppy, modern dresses, and that festival is just the perfect excuse to go all out! Usually, she'd settle for pink, but white is often something she'll combine with that when she's not doing farm work. Her and Haley or Alex dance and have a merry time.
(🌶️) how do they feel about becoming a farmer?
Fawn was so tried of her old life, so she was excited to start a new one! However, she sorely underestimated how much work it would take. She's pretty weak for a farmer, so once she can pay people back she enlists the help of Alex and Elliott to help with the heavy lifting and help her train. She likes watching her work flourish though; it's very rewarding!
(☀️) do they adjust to living in the valley easily?
I'd say she does, yeah. It's not perfect by any means, but they are able to easily manage the move and whatnot. The farm work is the hardest, but once they start making friends it all becomes easier. And the money helps, too.
(🗡️) does your farmer like adventuring in the mines?
She prefers the mining over the combat. Once she reached level ten she found it to be really pretty with all it's leaves and whatnot, but soon was screaming once the bugs started flying. She definitely needed to get patched up after that one. Marlon probably heard her from up the top from how loud she was LOL.
(💙) do they have any blue chickens?
Yes! They have a blue chicken called Berry! She was hatched blue from a not blue, very aggressive hen called Nenny. Berry is blue because once when Shane was helping out on the farm he fed Nenny some Joja Cola. I mean, he did it with his own chickens and they were fine, so he assumed it couldn't hurt. Imagine his surprise when Fawn announced the news! He felt bad, but Fawn checked the chick with Marnie and found no health problems, so they forgave him.
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mariacallous · 2 years
At the Conservative party conference this week, the most vulnerable members of society found themselves firmly in the prime minister’s line of fire. Liz Truss still hasn’t ruled out plans to bring in a real-term benefits cut during the UK’s worst cost of living crisis in a generation. While the new prime minister used her conference speech to place an emphasis on “hard work and enterprise” and “doing things differently”, for disabled and low-income claimants, the apparent plan to starve benefits – ensuring they remain below the line of inflation – seems designed to strip people who claim benefits of their security and dignity.
When the Conservatives first took power with the coalition government in 2010, David Cameron’s earliest targets were those in receipt of disability and low-income support. As reported in the book The War on Disabled People, when the 2010 austerity plan was announced, disability and carers’ benefits had accounted for 40% of the non-pension welfare budget. Social care also made up 60% of local government spending. As a result, the earliest austerity cuts hit disabled people and their carers the hardest, economically and in terms of local services.
Government figures released in 2019 showed that on average, nine disabled claimants died every day while waiting to be approved for support, and the personal independence payment (PIP) assessments brought in by George Osborne in 2013 have seen more than 80,000 disabled claimants refused the benefits they’re entitled to. A 2016 report by the UN found “grave and systematic violations of disabled people’s human rights” by the UK government, with the leader of the report, Prof Philip Alston, singling out “sustained and widespread cuts to social support” as a primary cause.
Truss’s flirtation with the idea of more disability cuts has therefore only piled on the frustration and despair that disabled people have been feeling for over a decade. Rachel Charlton-Dailey, founder of online disability publication The Unwritten, told me recently: “If [the prime minister] cuts benefits further, I don’t know if we’ll all survive this winter … The Tories have already decimated the disabled community. [Under their leadership] the benefits system went from something that barely helped us, to something that’s there to catch us out and make us live in fear.”
Cassandra*, a 26-year-old disabled claimant from Southampton, would only speak to me anonymously, fearing that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) would find a way to stop her benefits if they knew she had been speaking to the press. While some people who’ve never had to contend with the benefits system may feel her worry over reprisals is unfounded, in May this year, it was reported that the government was considering giving the DWP the power to arrest and search the homes of claimants they suspected were cheating the system. She said: “[This government] puts you constantly on edge, scrolling the news for the next awful, life-changing decision they could make.”
These cuts have also left many disabled people in precarious living situations. A report by Shelter last year found that 1.8 million disabled people in Britain don’t have a safe or secure home, in part due to a lack of accessible housing, which has left 400,00 wheelchair users in England living in homes that are unsuitable for their needs. Cassandra hasn’t been able to move out of her parents’ home because of a lack of suitable properties covered by her benefits, even when she’s been well enough to work part-time. She told me: “At the age of 26, I can’t see myself living independently. A big source of my anxiety is never being able to build a life, even just a simple one, where I don’t have to choose between being able to eat or being able to afford my rent.”
The ongoing Conservative belief seems to be that by punishing those on benefits with increased poverty, they will be forced into work. But with 40% of universal credit claimants already in work, and many recipients of disability benefits not allowed to work, the result of cutting economic support is not more workers, but instead, more food bank users.
While the prime minister may be committed to her hardline stance against the most vulnerable, opposition is now even being registered from members of her party who have previously backed benefits cuts. Among them is Esther McVey, who removed disability support as minister for disabled people; Jacob Rees-Mogg, who has consistently voted against raising benefits in line with prices; and Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the architect of universal credit. Whether or not these high-profile party members have suddenly discovered a conscience, their opposition certainly suggests that they’re aware of how a benefits cut would look to voters.
Whether she succeeds or not, Truss is merely continuing previous Conservative policy by putting the burden of economic recovery on those least able to bear it. At the conference, the prime minister’s message to the UK was: “We have your back”. For those of us who rely on a social safety net, that sentence may just as well have ended: “and we’ve pinned a target right there”.
* Cassandra’s name has been changed to protect her anonymity
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deepinmummymatters · 4 months
Calming Your Home And Creating More Peace
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Do you wish your home was more peaceful? It doesn’t matter if you live alone or your children don’t cause much fuss; your space might not be as calming as you hoped. If so, don’t worry; you’ve come to the right place for advice.  This guide lets you discover the best advice for making your home more peaceful and calming. Fix things as soon as they go wrong Photo by Taryn Elliott: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cozy-light-interior-of-comfy-bed-and-bedside-table-4440214/ It is good for you to fix issues at home as soon as they happen (or as soon as possible). For instance, your lights might stop working. You shouldn’t try to fix electrical faults yourself as this is dangerous. Using a Commercial electrician will help you get the right person for the task. With the right experience in commercial properties, you can rest assured your electrical issue will be fixed and you can return to life as soon as possible. Living without appliances or lights can be frustrating. So getting them fixed by the right person as soon as they can will help you get your life back and live in peace. Declutter and make your space minimal You can achieve a calm and organized space at home if you declutter. Nobody wants to live amongst things that aren’t used. Hence, it is best to get rid of things every few months. Living in a minimal space has mental health benefits and will guarantee that you will feel calmer in your home. Setup calming spaces Another simple way to create a calm home is by creating calming spaces. Define spaces in your home as places of peace and serenity. Identify spots in your house that will be dedicated to comforting. Spend money on really nice beanbags, bedspreads, squishy cushions, and other soft furnishings to make the perfect little nests to curl up and snooze in. Bring the outdoors inside Adding elements of nature into your home gives it a serene, relaxing, and natural atmosphere. Use the following suggestions: - Add plants and fresh flowers: Add plants and fresh flowers all over your home. Not only do they add beauty and life to a room, but indoor house plants improve the air quality by adding moisture and oxygen and removing harmful chemicals emitted by home appliances. - Bring in natural materials: Adding natural materials throughout your home creates a natural vibe. Materials include wood or stone flooring or even countertop materials. Let there be light One of the major elements of the decor of your home is lighting. Changing the lighting lets you give your home a completely different look. Choose soft light options like lamps, candles, and string lights to give your home a warm and cosy feeling. At the same time, embrace natural light. Keep your windows without obstruction and with sheer curtains to let the natural light filter into your home. Using soothing color palettes Use soothing color palettes that promote tranquility and harmony in your home. Soft neutrals, calm blues, unsaturated greens, and barely-there pastels create a sense of serenity in every room. Read the full article
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userblaney · 1 year
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welcome to my blog, it is terrible! this is a very detailed about me which is too long to pin because i talk too much x
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i'm a minor so don't be weird. i use he/they/she pronouns. my gender can be likened to the properties of gallium. don't ask because i'm not sure either. also bisexual as fuck! born and raised welsh raaahhh but my parents are bangladeshi so i have that going for me!
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formula one
just to preface, i don't currently hate any driver on the grid right now but not the biggest fan of pierre gasly and nico hulkenberg and on the fence about charles leclerc (you won't see hate though, don't worry). my current drivers are: max verstappen, lewis hamilton, daniel ricciardo, oscar piastri, fernando alonso, valtteri bottas and kevin magnussen. teams are a little more complicated but i basically root for alphatauri, alfa romeo and red bull racing. in terms of ex-f1 drivers/retirees i love jenson button, sebastian vettel, antonio giovinazzi, and nyck de vries.
its funny how the world works because if you'd have told me last year i'd be a full nascar blog i'd probably laugh in your face but alas, here we are. as if it wasn't obvious enough, my favourite driver is ryan blaney! i like him. a lot. i also root for chase elliott, bubba wallace, brad keselowski, austin cindric, john hunter nemechek, martin truex jr., joey logano and chris buescher, but ignoring kyle larson and noah gragson, i'm okay with most of the drivers. in a (parasocial) love-hate relationship with denny hamlin. of course i'm a hardcore team penske fan but i'm also partial to rfk and 23xi on occasion. huge on jimmie johnson, dale earnhardt jr., kevin harvick, jeff gordon, and kasey kahne too but of course they aren't on the grid.
my favourite unserious single seater racing series! its an absolute miracle that i hold no disdain against any of the drivers (bar romain grosjean—its a tad complicated. and also goes without saying. fuck santino ferrucci) of course like i said. i'm a penske boy through and through, but i'm partial to a bit of rll on occasion. josef newgarden, will power and scott mclaughlin are my main guys but i'm also attached to alex rossi, graham rahal, kyle kirkwood, scott dixon, pato o'ward and christian lundgaard like a leech. gargantuan enjoyer of dario franchitti, helio castroneves and simon pagenaud too.
i don't watch it as much as i'd like to but i do plan on doing so going into the next season. am very basic so fabio quartararo, marco bezzecchi, marc marquez and enea bastianini are my riders. partial to a bit of luca marini and pecco bagnaia too. also i'm literally valentino rossi in real life so like. you can't say shit x
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other sports
plan on expanding this list this year possibly but i'm not sure. we'll see!
am a liverpool girlie (gn) through and through so thats who you'll see most of, but i will admit i do follow nottm forest and watch a couple games here and there (as a guilty pleasure okay?! they are fun to watch). i've also managed to become extremely attached to a couple players from both teams. said players being mo salah, andy robertson, darwin nunez, dominik szoboszlai, alisson becker, neco williams, jesse lingard, brennan johnson. also being welsh, i support the welsh national team until they're booted from the competition in which case i'll support the netherlands. england is my last resort x
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am a very random blog so don't except any consistency in anything whatsoever. i also reblog a lot of animal content and when i get a new phone (lost the first one and broke the second one lmao) expect chicken content! i have 8 hens and 2 ducks all of which i love very much. and just in general! expect a lot of random things on this blog! i am a very all-over-the-place person!
come and talk to me about road cars i beg i love talking about them so much it's the reason i got into motorsports in the first place. don't be surprised if i come into your inbox and ask about your fave road cars
tv shows
not the biggest tv show watcher if i'm being honest, had a brief moment with criminal minds but i only got up to season 5. lord knows when i'll pick it up again. huge top gear fan but unfortunately i have beef with jeremy clarkson so i like flop gear. am also currently watching it's always sunny in philadelphia so we'll see where that leads me. also i have yet to watch a full episode of drive to survive. STREAM NASCAR: full speed ON NETFLIX NOW
again, not the biggest movie watcher but obviously am huge on cars and turbo. also big on talladega nights and then my personal favourite film of all time is brokeback mountain so expect an occasional ennis del mar or jack twist on your dash every now and again.
am a big oasis enjoyer and gang of youths superfan (0.001% top listener in 2023 💪💪) as well as huge on sam fender and uhh. central cee. also an abel tesfaye girlie i won't lie. um also lord huron and noah kahan and hozier. but my aforementioned nascar hyperfixation has led me into the beautiful world of country. if you dunk on it fuck you and god bless tyler childers
my art/gifs
i draw and gif things once every millennia believe it or not! i don't tag them so keep an eye out for those lol.
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previously i've been gigglejuice27, gaygglejuice27, horsey-mchorse, kmag-pole and sunshine-5eb. i return to them on occasion.
i don't tag for shit but if you need something tagged just shoot a message or an ask and we'll get it sorted asap.
do not interact
gasly superfans, max antis and jos verstappen apologists and larson/gragson enjoyers this probably isn't the blog for you.
if you are a racist, homophobe, terf, islamophobe or a zionist. you will be getting blocked instantly x
ask away! my inbox is always open for anything. theres no promise i'll answer but i will try my best. hate will get deleted though.
feel free to dm me about anything! would love to make more friends. bear in mind i can't keep a convo for shit and i have a very bad habit of ghosting though i'm so sorry
i have a shittonne of sides for saving urls, but other than that we've got @neco-williams, @stonersportz and @austin2cindric for the shiggles
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my pinterest my spotify my last.fm
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enjoy your stay! remember, who give a shit i don't know get cringe.
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mainsindo · 2 years
To inform you
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To inform you update#
Not everyone is born to be an artist, a politician or an investment banker. Or DO give up, if you feel like this is not for you. There are lots of factors that affect your CFA exam performance other than just “being smart”.ĭo not give up if you feel like you are close to the finish line. Your employer, but most importantly yourself, should already know that you are a hard-working and smart individual if you made it this far. I will reevaluate my studying technique, find new prep courses, try to discover a new learning perspective.Īdmitting to your fail does not make you look any worse to your colleagues or employer. Instead of looking at social media and comparing myself to other candidates, I will look at what I think went wrong. But I want you to know that this is fine. In this day and age, we should learn to accept our failures, learn from our mistakes and embrace our weaknesses. People do not like to talk about their failures. Even then, you probably will not get an honest answer. You will never know how many fails the happy candidates from LinkedIn had, how many mistakes they might have made, what their learning conditions and support group could have been like, what prep course they used. As a result, your self-esteem goes down, you begin questioning your skills and abilities: how come you have spent all this time studying and still did not pass? Are all these LinkedIn people wunderkinds or you are just not as smart as you would have wanted?Īnd you will never know. We are used to only share our success on social media, no one is willing to share their fails. You keep scrolling down and realize that no one is really sharing any sad news - are you the only one who failed? No, you are not the only person who did not pass this time, and you are not the only person who will or will not pass next time. Opening LinkedIn, you cannot help but notice “Congratulations! We are very pleased to inform you” screenshots, hundreds of happy posts by those of you who passed the CFA exam (by the way, Congratulations!!!). How will I tell my boss/ what will they think of me etc etc”. Your first thoughts: “oh my God, what do I do now. Send us feedback.7:58 AM, CFA Institute: “Olga, we sincerely regret to inform you.” These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'notify.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.
To inform you update#
2022 One of Tesla’s latest run-ins with NHTSA came in October, after Tesla didn’t notify officials of the emergency vehicle software update in September. 2022 The central city of Luoyang installed sensors on the doors of residents quarantining at home, in order to notify officials if they were opened.Ĭhris Buckley,, 30 Jan. Shafiq Najib,, For instance, organizations required to report hacks would have three days, rather than one day, to notify federal officials. Sasha Hupka, The Arizona Republic, 14 July 2022 Residents were quick to notify ACCT Philly officials about Darien after spotting the horse wandering down Darien Street in Hunting Park without any guardian, per FOX 29. 2022 Vote or call elections staff at 60 to notify officials of their ballot preference. 2022 The property should always notify you in advance of any mandatory surcharges like cleaning fees or resort fees.Ĭhristopher Elliott, USA TODAY, 9 Sep. 2022 The app will even notify you when the system needs watering. Recent Examples on the Web Instead of fining students directly, school officials notify police of the student’s behavior, and the officer then cites the student for violating a municipal ordinance.Ĭhicago Tribune Staff, Chicago Tribune, 15 Sep.
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corner-stories · 2 years
archer-girl & doctor mid-nite
Mia Dearden. Tim Drake.
Stitches. Late-Night Conversations. Seaweed Chips.
1187 words.
Mia Dearden had a very particular set of skills — archery, marksmanship, computer hacking, grappling, kickboxing, modern dance, and first aid. After the night she and Tim had the latter skill was proving to be the most useful.
The Wayne Family’s designated Pretty Boy tried not to flinch as Mia stitched up a cut near his elbow. Fortunately, the strategically placed kydex sheeting on his suit saved him a trip to the ER. Unfortunately, his attempt to improve flexibility in his joints left him vulnerable to one of man’s greatest weaknesses — knives.
Despite his years of getting patched up, Tim squeezed a stress ball in his good arm to help him get through his stitches. He had a death grip on the foam chunk and tried not to bite his tongue.
“You’re good at this.”
Mia nodded and kept her eyes on her work. “I’ve had a lot of practice. We arrows get banged up a lot.”
When Mia finished the last stitch, she cut the thread, put on a small dab of ointment, then wrapped the entire cut in wound dressing.
“You’re a lucky man, Tim. You’ll live another day.”
With everything said and done, Mia walked off to wash her hands. Tim simply stayed where he was, sighing in relief as he surveyed his wound.
Around the battered Gothamite was Mia Dearden’s new living accommodations. She called it her ‘Arrowloft,’ but word on the hero street was that it was a safe-house that the screaming bird and the socialist left in Seattle back in the day. The whole place had been repurposed and remodeled to better fit its new resident, with books and knick-knacks placed atop various shelves and an abundance of blankets to make the place more homey. She even draped Christmas lights on the staircase railing for a little extra pizzazz.
Scattered around the room were the remnants of a hero’s patrol — arrows, Mia’s quiver, more arrows, Tim’s cowl and cape, and the various batarangs from the Gothamite’s utility belt. Standing up, Tim picked up the top half of his Red Robin costume and inspected the spot where he had been slashed. Internally he berated himself for not being fast enough to dodge the blade, but then he remembered that one could only move so fast when fighting inside a helicopter.
“Check it, our work’s already going viral,” said Mia’s voice.
Tim glanced over to see the blonde archer walking in from the hall and holding up her phone. On the screen was a news article with the headline — “Archer Girl and Doctor Mid-Nite Drop Helicopter Into Elliott Bay.”
At this point Tim ignored the token misidentification and simply read the article. It was barely morning yet somehow the news of him and Mia stopping a crime was already online. From the civilian’s perspective the pair had seemingly sabotaged a helicopter ride and let the vehicle fall into the bay, conveniently ignoring the fact that the combined efforts of Speedy and Red Robin had prevented a trafficker from leaving US Soil. Even if the in-flight fist-fight damaged the chopper’s systems and caused it to steadily lose altitude, they still managed to nab the perp.
Mia had even used a bola and glue arrow to tie the perp to a streetlamp for the cops to retrieve, like a present they didn’t deserve but still got anyway.
“Personally, I’m mad no one mentioned us climbing up the Great Wheel to get to the chopper,” Mia said, handing Tim her phone. “That was my favorite part.”
“Yeah,” Tim agreed, his eyes still entranced by the article. “Speaking of which, I’m never doing that again.”
Secretly, he was rather grateful that neither the article didn’t mention the terrified shrieking that ensued as ‘Archer Girl’ and ‘Doctor Mid-Nite’ tried to steer the descending helicopter away from civilians. Dropping the aircraft into the bay was the only thing they could do to limit property damage, so technically the citizens of Seattle should be thanking them.
Mia went to her desk in the corner of the living area, where she moved her mouse and watched her PC screen spring to life. Her set-up was certainly nothing approaching Oracle levels of tech, but it seemed to serve her well.
Walking over, Tim watched Mia logged on and immediately went onto Ebay.
“What are you doing?”
“Ordering broadheads. I’m running out.”
He looked on as she clicked a post advertising a 50-pack of high-density plastic broadheads and ordered a quantity of 12. Apparently, the more she bought, the cheaper they were per piece. As she worked she grabbed a half-full bag of seaweed chips (she was rather fond of them) off her desk and offered some to Tim. As he took one, he couldn’t help but notice something on her computer screen that caught his eye.
“Who’s Amelia Thermopolis?” he asked, reading the name off the monitor.
“My alias. You should never use your real name online, Timothy.”
Tim rolled his eyes as he took a bite of the salty snack. Across the room the sound of Tim’s phone buzzed and with haste he stepped over to answer it. He grabbed it off the couch’s arm and read the flurry of messages on the screen.
Mia leaned back in her chair and glanced over to Tim. “What’s up? Daddybats mad that we dropped a chopper in the bay?”
He rolled his eyes as he shook his head. “No, my publicist is just giving some extra notes for this afternoon’s appearance.”
“Publicist?” Mia asked, raising an eyebrow. “Oh right, I forgot you still did that kind of stuff.”
“Yeah, it’s uh… it’s a whole thing,” Tim replied. Rubbing some sleep out of his eyes, he let out a yawn. “I should probably get back to my hotel.”
Living up to her hero name, Mia speedily spun around in her chair to face her friend. “You could crash here if you want. I got a bed and stuff.” Taking no time to wait for an answer, she got onto her feet and went to the hallway that connected the living area and the kitchen. From the closet she pulled out a rather fluffy blanket.
“It’s the least I can do,” she continued. “No one’s ever suplexed a criminal for me before, let alone in a helicopter.”
“Mia, I’d suplex a criminal for you any day,” Tim said without hesitation. “Especially in a helicopter.”
Mia’s ears went pink. She tried to avoid his gaze as walked up to him. “Alright. You can take my bed, I’m good down here.”
Tim shook his head and tried to reach for the blanket. “No, it’s fine. I’d feel bad if I let you sleep on your own couch.”
Mia let out a scoff. “On the couch? What do you take me for, Timmy? A neanderthal?”
She managed to keep Tim’s hands off her blanket as she made her way to her computer chair. She sat down and leaned back, draping the soft material over her body. She seemed surprisingly serene as she reclined and propped her feet up on the desk.
“Bedroom’s upstairs, the second door on the left. G’night!”
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@joes-sha-la-la-la-girl @jimmysdragonsuit13 @lil-melody-moon @elliotts-personal-property @steveinscarlet @terrortwinsfav
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