poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
a reason to love
I’ve always been the troubled child,
the one whose anxiety prevented
words from leaving my mouth and
from making connections.
My mouth stayed sealed because
then maybe I could give you a reason to love me.
If I didn’t say anything, there would be no reason to hate me.
Like a pretty person at the airport,
I would stay in your mind,
always wondering what kind of thoughts
passed through my brain like clouds
and which thoughts remained like rain puddles on a cloudy day.
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to kiss you
I want to kiss you in public
for the world to see
who I give my love to
and who I want to go home to
at the end of the day.
I want to show off my love
and the beautiful human
who chose me to love.
Dancing with your face pressed against
and it feels like nobody else exists but
us and the world we
create for ourselves.
every moment led me to this one
where I could feel at home
walking around in my underwear and a face free from makeup,
knowing I am loved by your side.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
storybook romance
Too much too quickly,
I don’t crave midnight meetups
or boundaries broken before
I even know your favorite color.
But when will I ever ask if
you prefer green or purple
if the chance never presents itself?
Perhaps I’m destined to
remain as I am,
the poster-child for the single life—too
absorbed in the arts to remember
that humans exist outside of the page
she writes on. But some
days I wish I could fall through
my page and into
the arms of someone
waiting for me.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
let go
And suddenly nothing in the world mattered.
My soul craved laughter and freedom
in a way that only the Earth
can provide.
I have yet to find a problem
I cannot solve through writing
underneath the moon
and humming a song
for only the two of us to hear.
Sometimes the best things in
life and uncovered
through secrets
kept between me and the moon.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
circle of love
what comes around goes around,
but the circle is broken.
I’m still waiting for all of the love that
I’m giving to
come back around to where
I sit so patiently to be wanted.
Even my own mother doesn’t tell me she loves me
after we fight and she goes to bed.
If parental love is conditional,
where does that leave me
when I’m told I’m difficult to love?
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
from the pages
childhoods spent reading
about a dystopian world where
all become powerless,
and we said we would save them.
we promised to save the world
if we had the chance,
and now our voices shake and
grow quiet.
The fear fills our bones and cements
our feet into place,
but we will not cease to fight.
It is not our end.
The pages are still turning,
and the pen keeps moving.
We have not reached our final chapter.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
Nothing could have prepared me
for the way I would feel
meeting you
after spending all this time
listening to the sound of my own breathing.
But as I return at night to you in
I’m coming home I
know in all of the ways
I never imagined I would be.
Creating a home from a person
is a delicate task,
but nothing has ever felt easier than this.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
teenage depression
I will not cry over a boy
I’ve known for a month and a half.
I will not let myself release all of the
emotions I feel,
but I will cry and sob
wondering if anyone actually means the things that they say.
Did he actually mean to call me pretty?
or was there an error in translation?
I will feel myself fall apart as I wonder
if I’ll ever be strong enough to love
after being left without so much as a goodbye too many times to count.
Or if Ill ever fully trust after my cries of “no” weren’t heard
and the only responses I received were
I can’t even explain the way I feel because
I shouldn’t have to feel this pain
at such a young age.
I want my teenage romance,
but all I have is teenage depression.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 3 years
Everybody loves the therapist friend,
the friend who will
stay up until 2am
because you had a bad day,
the friend who will drop everything
in a moment’s notice to be by
someone’s side
or will sacrifice their own wants for another.
Everyone romanticizes the heart
that lies within the body
of the therapist friend.
Nobody stops to realize
there is no one for the therapist friend
to turn to.
There is no listening ear or
warm hug
waiting for the right time.
So at midnight, when they can’t sleep,
the helper
sets down their phone—
silent of notifications—
and does the only thing they know how to do— write.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
I can’t honestly tell
if you have feelings for me or not.
I know I have feelings for you,
and I wish I knew how to tell you
without fearing that you would
laugh at the thought of someone liking you.
Maybe you do have feelings,
but you seem unwilling to act on them.
You seem unwilling to stand out from any other guy who flirts with me at the
coffee shop, and I can’t do anything
about that besides wish for you to
please take a chance on me.
Innocent guy who
refuses to cuss and who could take over
the world if he wanted,
please take a chance on me.
Those girls you tease you were right about one thing:
I would say yes to you if you asked me.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
bruises of yellow and purple on my body,
who said that words never hurt?
I hear them say the words that do
not belong to me
as the nail is pounded deeper into
my skull.
my outfit doesn’t match quite
right today, and
my hair pulls to the ground from the roots.
all I can do now is whisper to myself
and hear the quiet echos.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 3 years
I want to fall in love with you like they do in the movies.
I want to feel your body press against mine and feel the warmth of your skin.
If I could hold your hand and watch the word fall away,
I would never feel out of place.
Love songs are only fun when there’s a face to go along with the melody.
Oh, I want to be so immersed in love
and desire
that nobody could pull me from my
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
impulse decision to spill
the thoughts that spent so long
hiding in the attic,
tucked behind the spring decorations.
impulse decision that resulted in
acceptance for the first time
in two years.
he said “everyone is unhappy in their body,”
and they uninvited me from
the group chat and the chosen family I had found for myself as I was left
in the driveway a week after spilling
my thoughts to them.
but just this once,
I found the acceptance I craved
within the chaos I live in.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 3 years
I don’t need anyone,
but I need someone to need me.
I need someone to rely on me
to make them smile and to
hold their hand when life gets rough.
I need someone to trust me enough to
let me learn them like my favorite book
To let me prove to them that
they are worth all of the stars in the sky
whether or not they can
see it for themselves.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 3 years
There are three kinds of people
in this life.
The first
are those
who have poetry written for them—
Whose warm hearts
enchant a lonesome poet
and catch his eye.
They bewitch his pen
and convince him to
give away a portion of his soul
etched onto the page.
It is impossible not to become infatuated
by the way they exist
so easily,
without any care in the world.
there are those people
who have poetry written about them—
Whose captivating soul
creates flowing poetry and rhymes
buried deep in the head of a poet
long before the words
reach the page.
The kind of people who are
so easy to fall in love with and who
emanate light from
within their hearts.
And finally,
there are the poets,
the dreamers,
who have no one to write
for or about them.
A poet knows the longing ache
of wishing someone
would write them a legacy
in the stars,
always wishing someone would
fall in love with
the things that
make them ordinary,
the things that make them nothing
more than
a person with a
pen, a notebook, and
a heart filled with desire.
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poetry-byyourstruly · 2 years
I still think of you more
often than I should,
of our one day of romance,
two summers ago,
walking around the park
and holding your hand.
Knowing my face was as pink as the
raspberry lemonade that sat between us.
One Direction
has played in my head every time
I think of you
and our moments alone in the car.
If I knew that distance wouldn’t have torn us apart the second
I let my guard down,
I would have kissed you.
I should have kissed you.
I wish I kissed you.
And now the distance feels even
farther than it did back then.
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