#woodpeckers from space
gravitycavity · 2 months
Sunshine (Pomni x Ragatha) Chapter 4: Spellbound
[Click here to read from the beginning on AO3!]
“...and I’m sorry.” Pomni wiped at her eyes, dragging her drooping gaze up from Ragatha’s torn, tear-soaked dress. “The other day, when I was yelling at you — and everyone else? I was being a jerk.”
Ragatha laughed. “A little. But you’re not a bad person, Pomni — if you were, you wouldn’t have apologized. That takes maturity.”
Pomni sniffed. And sniveled. And sniffed again. “What does it matter? Everyone still hates me…”
“Nobody hates you. Especially not me.” Ragatha sighed. “You’re going through so much, Pomni — we understand.”
Pomni shook her head with a shaky sigh. “I just…” Her voice warbled. Another tear dropped from her shimmering eyes, “...I just want to go home...”
“Oh, Sweetheart. Come here…” Ragatha pulled Pomni closer. She rubbed circles around the little jester’s shuddering back, patiently comforting her until her tears ran dry again — however long it would take. 
“...I don’t understand. How do you do it?” Pomni’s voice, still shriveled and small, eventually found the strength to speak again. “You’ve been trapped in this horrible place for years now. How do you stay sane? How do you just…accept it?”
Ragatha stirred her head. Had it really been that long? 
“...I try not to dwell on things that are out of my control. To focus on the little things that make life worth living.” she said. “It’s easy to be miserable — cathartic, even — but to focus on the silver lining, even if you have to squint to see it? It’s not easy, but I think it’s worth the trouble. Because it’s always, always, always there.”
Pomni was perfectly still for the longest time, quietly breathing, silently squeezing tear after tear from her weepy eyes. When at last she met Ragatha’s gaze, she opened her mouth to speak — but no words spilled forth. Instead, Pomni simply pressed her cheek against Ragatha’s chest, holding the doll tighter than she ever had before.
And Ragatha smiled. “Yeah…?” 
Pomni nodded. 
Ragatha hummed softly, brushing her finger through Pomni’s hair. “I’m glad I met you, too.”
The memory was still fresh. 
Ragatha groaned, stirred from her sleep by the court of wild ravens clicking and cawing in the stony branches above. Just like every other morning, her drowsy eyes remained stubbornly shut, but the persistent tap-tap-tapping of woodpeckers kept her mind from sneaking back into slumber. 
Propped against the pruned, petrified redwood, Ragatha shifted her head and took in a long, soothing breath. The forest air had thickened overnight, for better and for worse; the aroma of dewy wildflowers just barely masked the foul musk of rotting wood. 
She grit her teeth, exhaling through her nose. Ow — Ragatha had forgotten how much it hurt just to breathe. The countless rips and tears carved into her fragile form worked in synergy to maximize her suffering; any slight movement was immediately punished with a cacophonous chorus of pain, pain, and more pain. 
Reluctant to even open her eyes, Ragatha remained perfectly still, spacing out her shallow breaths as far apart as she possibly could. Slowly, the roaring in her chest faded into a rumble, the screaming pain in her legs hushed to whispers, and the boiling discomfort in her right arm cooled to a bubbling simmer. 
Even as the choir’s shrill song faded into silence, however, a single voice continued its grating chant. 
It was odd — Ragatha’s left arm laid just as still as its opposite, yet a bothersome, prickling pain still coiled around the appendage. Even stranger, it was a far different sensation than the rest: instead of a blunt, radiant agony that flared up whenever she tried to move, the pain was…precise. Targeted. And dreadfully persistent. 
Every few seconds, something sharp would harass a certain spot on her arm — poking, prodding, stabbing — until her soft skin finally broke. The point would burrow deep into the fresh puncture, dragging something long, dry, and frayed behind it; it tickled as it passed through.
It was an uncomfortable sensation, to say the least, but Ragatha was hardly phased. After all, she’d been living in a body fashioned from cotton and fabric for years at this point —  she was rather accustomed to the unique body horror of being stitched back together. The procedure was just a fact of life now, no different than the uncomfortable routines she’d followed to maintain her old, human body—
Wait. Did that mean…?
Where was she? Had she and Pomni failed the adventure? Had they been teleported back to the tent? No, no — of course not. There’d be no need for anyone to stitch her back together if that were the case; Caine could simply snap his fingers and repair her in the blink of an eye. 
Not wanting to give herself away, Ragatha sat forward — slightly and slowly. Her good eye was closed, but the periwinkle button that served as its twin would be her secret spyglass. 
She concentrated, and the gloomy woods slowly came into focus — as much focus as her barely-functional button eye could handle, at least. She glanced down at her chest, and for a moment, a profound melancholy overcame her: her dear friend Pomni, who had been snuggled so tightly against her the night before, was nowhere to be found. 
Her eye scrambled to find her — she didn’t have to look very far. 
A blurry blob, roughly the shape of a certain anxious jester, kneeled on the ground beside her. One of the woman’s little hands held Ragatha’s arm in place; the other held some sort of needle. Where had she found a needle!? It trembled, stumbling around the wounded limb with whatever the exact opposite of ‘surgical precision’ was. 
Prick, pull. 
Prick, pull. 
Prick, pull. 
Ragatha ground her teeth together as the needle passed over, under, and through her fabric skin, slowly but surely mending the tear in her arm. It took everything she had to keep up the act, to not flinch and squirm with every pointed bite — but some outside force compelled her to hold in the urge. 
In fact, in some strange, backward way, the pain almost felt pleasant — and Ragatha found herself fighting the slight smirk twitching her cheek. She just couldn’t help it, just like she couldn't help how hard her heart was beating, or the brilliant warmth spreading out from her core. 
Each jab was a reminder. Proof positive that even Pomni  — the anxious, angry shut-in who hated everything and couldn’t care less if everyone around her died in a horrible accident — had a kind heart underneath all of that harsh, prickly angst. 
Ragatha surrendered, letting her smirk blossom into a full smile. She knew it. 
Prick, pull. 
Prick, pull.
“Oh, go #!$% yourself!” Ragatha yelped. She sat up in a snap, roughly snatching her stinging arm away. 
Pomni quailed in fright. “O-O-Oh my gosh! Ragatha! I’m so sorry, are you—” 
There was a pause. And then a longer one after that. 
The jester blinked. “What did you just say?”
“Nothing! I—” Ragatha was as white as a ghost. “I didn’t mean that!”
“Did you just say the F-word?” 
Ragatha cringed. The pain of her injuries was nothing compared to this mental torment. “I’m so, so, sorry! That just slipped out! You have to believe me — I would never!”
“Ragatha, it’s okay! Really! Think about who you’re talking to right now.” Pomni giggled. She was smiling now. “Honestly, I didn’t think you had it in you.”
Ragatha struggled to swallow the embarrassment sizzling in the back of her throat. With her mind too scrambled to think anywhere close to straight, her gaze bounced around the darkness, desperately searching for something she could latch onto to change the subject. It took several moments of hemming and hawing before the obvious pivot she was searching for popped into her head.
Her face still hot, Ragatha looked over herself. Just like she had suspected, Pomni had been hard at work mending her wounds — but it was clear that the younger woman didn’t have much experience with sewing. And by ‘not much’, of course, she meant ‘none whatsoever’.
Frayed threads stuck out from hundreds of jagged stitches. Fluffy chunks of cotton bulged out of hastily-sewn seams that were already starting to come apart. Parts of Ragatha’s delicate fabric skin, stretched and compressed at seemingly random points, were far tighter or looser than they were supposed to be, which made movement even more of a struggle than it already was.
Pomni had done a laughably-poor job; nevertheless, her earnest efforts drove an arrow straight through Ragatha’s soft heart. “I…You…” Ragatha could barely get a word out, “How…?”
“Kind of a long story, actually.” Pomni stared at the gound, rubbing the back of her neck. “So, basically…”
Pomni’s flustered explanation was long, rambling, and hard to parse through all the stuttering. Suffice it to say: over the past several hours, she had gathered the pieces of Ragatha’s torn dress, painstakingly de-threaded them, and twisted them up into thin ropes. Her ‘needle’ was actually the feather from her cap — she’d cut off the end, poked a hole through it using one of the redwood’s thorns, then sharpened its pointed tip.
“...and…yeah.” Pomni tugged on her collar. “I woke up early, so I figured I might as well keep myself busy...”
Unconsciously, Ragatha parted her lips. “You did all that?” she said, “For me?”
“I mean, we’re friends now, right?” Pomni shrugged the most awkward shrug in the history of shrugs. “I wanted you to get better.”
Ragatha was enchanted — and the nagging doubt that had strangled her heart since Pomni’s chaotic debut at last loosened its vice grip. That sealed it. Of course she had been right not to trust her first impression. Of course Pomni cared. To the jester, at least, this unremarkable ragdoll was someone worth protecting. Someone she considered a friend. Someone…beautiful.
Recalling the memory did to Ragatha’s heart as sunbeams did to April blossoms. Beautiful — when had she last heard that word? Since when had she felt so wanted? So cherished and valued? Had she ever?
The raggedy doll cast a yearning look toward the jester. “I don’t know what to say. This is…” she hesitated softly, “...Thank you, Pomni.”
“Don’t thank me yet. I still need to finish your arm.” Pomni’s tone was the same she might use to describe the weather. She pointed at the limb still held tightly against Ragatha’s chest. “So, um, if you wouldn’t mind…?”
“...Oh.” Ragatha touched her face. “Oh! Of course — yeah!” she nodded, cautiously surrendering her arm. She wore an anxious smile, and wore it poorly. “Just try to be a bit more delicate this time…?”
“I dunno. Now that I know what happens when I poke you the wrong way, a small part of me wants to know what you’re gonna say next—”
“Try it. I dare you.” 
Pomni chuckled, sinking her makeshift needle into Ragatha’s arm yet again. “Okay, okay. I’ll be careful.” she said. Gently, she pulled the tool through. The doll’s pliable skin tightened, and the deep gash stretching across her arm shrank in turn. 
Ragatha watched Pomni work in silence. The woman, normally a twitching little bundle of nerves, was so…calm. Controlled. Confident, even. It was as if the pitiful, sobbing mess that Ragatha had soothed to sleep the previous night had transformed into an entirely different person overnight. 
Once Pomni had stopped her crying, she and Ragatha had just…talked. And talked. And talked. They vented about the things that annoyed them, chatted about their common interests, and listened to each other’s infodumping about their particular hyperfixations. 
In the midst of it, Ragatha’s troubles had melted away. She and Pomni, holding each other close, were lost in their own little world — but now that Ragatha was back in reality, a nagging worry snuck its way into her mind, and no matter what, it refused to give her peace: 
Exactly what had Pomni been trying to say before her meltdown? 
Why did Ragatha…what? Why did she what? 
The question sat like a boulder in Ragatha’s stomach. She hadn’t done something wrong…had she?
Ragatha looked at Pomni. She shifted her posture, then shifted again. The question, harassing her psyche like a bothersome itch, needed an answer — and yet, Ragatha stayed silent, drowsy eyes admiring the calm smile on Pomni’s face. 
Why would she say anything that might make it disappear?
🎪  🎪  🎪 
Pomni squinted. Her tongue peeked out from between her lips as she carefully — very, very carefully — triple-knotted the thick thread in her hands. With one final tug, the stitches were taut, sealing shut the long gash carved into Ragatha’s arm. “...voilà! Okay, you can open your eyes now!”
Ragatha still leaned against the petrified redwood. Her hand covered her eyes, and, despite her darling companion’s command, didn’t budge an inch. “Again, Pomni, what exactly is the point of this…?”
“What do you mean? This is it — the big reveal!”
“Well, I get that…” Ragatha said, “but I’ve already seen everything. Five minutes ago.”
“But you haven’t seen the whole picture!”
Ragatha breathed in the world’s most angelically-patient breath. “Sweetheart—”
“Ugh, come on! You’re ruining the moment!” Pomni pulled Ragatha’s hand away from her face. Practically bouncing, the jester stepped back, gesturing at Ragatha as if the doll had just been revealed from underneath a sheet. “Ta-da!”
Ragatha shook her head; a relaxed smile brightened her face. She was tickled pink to see that Pomni was finally comfortable enough to show off her goofier side — especially after seeing her at such a low point last night. 
Pomni’s expectant grin didn’t flinch. “So? What do you think?”
Ragatha tilted her head downward. A familiar warmth spread across her face as her eyes retreaded the sloppily-mended tears scattered across her body. Ragatha knew she could have done a much better job herself — but she didn’t care. If it were up to her, she would choose Pomni’s subpar stitching every time. 
She swayed, crossing her hands over her thumping heart. “Gosh, who would’ve guessed you were so talented with a needle and thread, Pomni?” Ragatha batted her hand, “One pales to imagine what this helpless princess would have done without her dashing knight at her side~”
“It’s…It’s not that big a deal.” Pomni swallowed, hands curling around her middle. Her bubbly affect popped just like that. “Really. I-It’s the least I could do…”
“And so modest! Mercy me. Are you just getting into character, or are you always this chivalrous?”
“Um…!” Pomni, wearing an apocalyptic blush, quickly averted her gaze. She awkwardly offered her hand. “S-So, a-anyway, we should probably get going, right…?”
Pomni already looked like a tomato just offering her clammy hand — words could hardly describe the look on her face when, at last, Ragatha grabbed hold.
Sweating, Pomni wrapped her other arm around Ragatha’s back and carefully helped the injured doll to her feet. “You look like you’re in pain.” She frowned, watching Ragatha struggle to stand even with her assistance. “Are you sure you’re ready?”
“I’m a big girl. I think I can handle it.” Ragatha winked. Steadying herself against Pomni, she broke away from the jester’s support. She carefully shifted her weight onto her feet, and— 
An agonized shout, paired with the sickening sound of tearing fabric, echoed beneath the canopy. Ragatha collapsed, clutching her stomach. 
Pomni just barely caught her. 
“Ragatha!” Pomni shrieked. Cotton spilled freely from the reopened wound slashed across the older woman’s chest — now twice as long as it had been before. 
Pain was spelled in bold all across Ragatha’s face, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. “Th-Thanks…” she trembled; a loose tear traveled between the twisted creases that wound across her face. “...for catching me...”
Pomni plummeted to her knees; Ragatha was draped across her lap. “No…no, NO!” she clawed her face, each panicked breath ringing louder than the last. Her pupils quivered in a sea of bloodshot white, beholding the sum of all of her hard work: absolutely nothing.
“Why did I— Why did I think—” Cackling, she bared her teeth — sharp and pointed. “Of course! Why did I think I could do anything right?!”
“Woah, woah!” Ragatha forced herself to speak through the pain. A throaty grunt punctuated her next words, “Calm down — It’s going to be okay!”
“Okay?! How is any of this okay?! What could someone like you ever do to deserve this?!” Pomni seethed. “Is this Caine’s idea of a sick joke? Is that why that psychopath paired us together? So I could lose my mind watching you suffer?” 
“Pomni! Please—”
“What now? Are we just stuck here forever?! Are we both going to die here because of me?!” Pomni’s voice cracked at the realization. “Oh, God. Oh my GOD! Please, please, please—”
“POMNI!” To the tune of another gut-wrenching tear, Ragatha sat up to grab Pomni’s trembling hand. “Listen to me! We’re not out of options, okay?!” Her thumb drew tight, soothing circles on the back of the jester’s palm. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but…why don’t you just go on by yourself? I can just stay behind and—”
Ragatha dropped Pomni’s hand like hot iron. 
Pomni flinched — the hurt on Ragatha’s face finally snapped her out of her insanity spiral. “I…I didn’t mean to—” she shivered. Her mouth twisted into a hundred different shapes until, at last, she managed to say: “I’m sorry...” 
“Just take a deep breath for me. Please.” Ragatha soothed, reaching for Pomni’s hand again. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”
Pomni didn’t hesitate, sandwiching Ragatha’s trembling hand between both of hers. She nodded, filling her chest with a trio of long, shaky breaths. Her racing pulse began to lag. 
“I’m not leaving you all alone.” Pomni said after a beat of silence, peering straight into Ragatha’s eyes. “I already…” she hesitated, shaking her head. “What if something happens, and I’m not there to save you?”
Ragatha couldn’t help but perk up at the look on Pomni’s face. The jester looked just like a guard dog, determined to protect her at all costs. “How about we just wait here together, then?” she said, “The others probably finished this adventure hours ago — and adventures don’t go on forever. If we take long enough, Caine will eventually just force us out and say we failed.”
“Eventually isn’t good enough! You need help now!” 
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart. I wish I could tell you otherwise, but I just…” she sighed, “…can’t.”
Pomni furrowed her brow, gently turning over Ragatha’s arm. She inched her face closer to the doll’s roughly-sutured wounds, squinting as if the answer to their predicament were spelled out somewhere in the frayed silk stitches. Her voice broke the silence. “What are you stuffed with, anyway? Cotton?”
Ragatha raised an eyebrow at that. It was Pomni’s turn, apparently, to ask a question totally out of left field. 
“More or less…?” Ragatha’s hand rapped on her chest, “But if you really want to know, I’m pretty sure I’ve got a heart crammed in here, too. Something that beats, at least.” she shrugged. She’d probably never know what the organ really looked like, but she'd always imagined a cartoon heart fashioned from the same patchy felt as the rest of her body. 
“So you really are just a walking, talking doll…?” Pomni let out a huge breath — one she’d apparently been holding in for quite a while. “Oh, perfect! This is perfect!”
Ragatha rubbed her face — how hard had Pomni’s head hit the ground yesterday? “Perfect…?” she spoke slowly, “How do you figure?"
“Well…” Pomni’s forced laugh was painful to listen to. “D-Do you think you’d be light enough to, uh…” she glanced away, stroking her hair. “W-Would it be okay if I…”
Ragatha wondered if her plush body came with a stomach as well; she definitely felt something fluttering around in the place she’d expect one to be. She just couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Was pint-sized Pomni really about to suggest using her frail little arms to —
“Let me carry you!” Pomni exhaled sharply. Her stammer was gone, burned away by the heat of her passionate glare.  “There’s no way I’m gonna let you just sit here and suffer! We’re finishing this stupid adventure and getting you fixed up — today!”
Spellbound. Ragatha was utterly, completely, hopelessly spellbound — but the sly smirk spreading across her face hid her true sentiments well. “Oh, nooo! You’re just too kind…” she closed her good eye and swooned just like a debutante. Her button spied on Pomni’s reaction — watching the new girl get all hot and bothered over her, of all people, was Ragatha’s special form of self-care. “I suppose you could, but, gosh, I wouldn't want to be a burden~”
Wearing a determined look, Pomni stood up, scooping the lightweight doll into her arms. The way Ragatha’s big, bulky limbs spilled beyond the edges of Pomni’s puny frame, even when curled up, was almost comedic — but Pomni was hardly laughing. “Burden. Give me a break. You weigh fifteen pounds soaking wet.”
Ragatha sighed, leaning her head against Pomni’s chest. “My hero…”
“I-I…” Pomni glanced away, “...Don’t make it weird. You’re not even heavy.”
“Oh, but you would still carry me even if I were stuffed with sand, wouldn’t you?”
Pomni looked down with a nervous smile; her glowing cheeks did all the talking for her. Holding her damsel a little more snugly now, she launched down the path, eyeing the distant, window-studded spires peeking through the trees.
“Woah! Pomni! Take it easy!”
🎪  🎪  🎪 
The moon slept soundly in the sky, silvery light outlining the decrepit mansion’s twisted silhouette. A stark shadow stretched to the bottom of the steep hill on which the manor was perched; from all the way up there, one could see for themselves how truly endless the surrounding sea of trees really was. 
“Almost there! C’mon!” Ragatha whooped, arms curled tightly around Pomni’s waist. “You’ve got this, Girlie!”
Girlie did not, in fact, have this. Pomni huffed and puffed, puny legs wobbling for their lives as they crested the hill — and the obnoxiously-long staircase that wound all the way around it.
“What, so now you’re—” Pomni paused to suck down a breath, “— now you’re cheering me on?”
“What do you expect? Nagging you to slow down wasn’t working. If you’re determined to faint from exhaustion, you might as well do it past the finish line.”
“As if. You’re just mad—” Pomni huffed, “— You’re just mad that I was right.”
“Don’t count your chickens just yet, Sweetheart. You’ve still got a few more steps to go.”
Pomni grumbled, pressing on.
A baroque fence, punctuated by gargoyle-topped columns, hugged the perimeter of the dilapidated estate — as if the manor’s remoteness weren’t already enough to keep out the riff-raff. Pomni stumbled through the iron gate, and the very second she was through, an ethereal presence slammed the egress shut with a startling clang. 
“See?” Gasping for air, Pomni slumped over. Ragatha nearly rolled out of her arms and onto the manor’s overgrown lawn. “I…told you…” she gasped again, “...we would finish the adventure…today…” another gasp, “...and I meant it!”
Ragatha huffed. Again and again, she had begged Pomni to slow down, to stop and rest, to take a break, for the love of God. But Pomni, obstinate as usual, had refused to listen every time.
Shame weighed heavily on Ragatha’s soul as she stared up at Pomni’s pale, exhausted face. The poor woman looked absolutely awful — as if she were ready to faint at any second. 
“Ugh! You could have hurt yourself! Then what would we have done?!” Ragatha huffed, “God. Why do you have to be so stubborn?!”
Pomni’s breathing was finally beginning to slow down. “That’s not a serious question is it?.” 
“Wh-What…?” Ragatha blinked. “Of course it is!”
“Come on.�� Pomni, stared straight ahead into one of the mansion’s myriad windows; the flickering candle behind the dusty glass reflected in her eyes. “After all you’ve done for me, don’t you think I owe you at least this much?”
Ragatha exhaled.
A swift tide of emotion washed away her anger, leaving behind…something else. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, or what it really was — but she knew it was a good feeling. Better than good. Much, much better.
Just like Pomni, Ragatha yearned for freedom. She dreamed of wrapping her arms around Mom and Dad just one more time, even if she could hardly remember their voices anymore. She couldn’t recall the distinctive fur patterns on her pet cat’s paws, yet she still worried herself sick about who was feeding him — if at all. By her third year of captivity, the names and faces of her two-dozen kindergarten students had all melded together, and Ragatha couldn’t help but wonder: had her little bundles of joy forgotten their teacher’s name, too? How old were they now? Ten? Eleven? Even older?
For so very long, Ragatha had believed that the only cure to her heartache was to find a way out, to return to the life she had left behind. Yet, if an exit door were to appear in front of her right this second — as the wind nipped her skin, as her entire being roared with pain, as the knowledge that another leg of this adventure still stood between herself and her soft, warm bed — she would hesitate to walk through. 
She must have been going crazy. The idea of remaining in the circus forever was horrifying, yet if she were to make the choice right this instant, she just might choose to stay here in Pomni’s arms forever.
Ragatha’s heart hammered away in her chest; she just couldn’t stay upset at her knight in shining armor. “You’re right.” she spoke softly on purpose, toying with the cute little pompoms that dangled from her protector’s handsome tunic, “Maybe I’m overreacting…”
Struggling to make out the doll’s words, Pomni leaned in closer. Closer than she’d ever been before. Close enough for Ragatha to catch the mild aroma swimming in Pomni’s auburn hair. It smelled sweet. Complex. A patchwork potpourri with notes of vanilla and dried leaves and crisp morning air.  
“You’re a good person, Pomni.” Ragatha lifted her neck, even though it pained her terribly. She closed her eyes and planted a dainty little peck on Pomni’s dainty little cheek. 
Pomni’s breathing turned shallow. She stared at the woman in her arms, mouth slack, then snapping shut, and finally falling open again. 
Ragatha, feeling herself slowly slipping out of Pomni’s loosening grip, wrapped her arms snugly around the jester’s neck. She moved her face closer, gazing up with a dreamy, expectant look — but the longer Pomni just stared down, unblinking, the more Ragatha’s smile faded. She… didn’t break the poor thing, did she?
Another well-placed smooch would snap her out of it, Ragatha thought, but even she knew that was just a sorry excuse to indulge herself further. “Goodness gracious. You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” she said with a playful chuckle, placing two more kisses near the corner of Pomni’s mouth. “I’m just showing my appreciation, Sunshine. No need to overthink it.”
It happened so fast. 
Knees buckled, Pomni fainted, plummeting backwards onto the manor’s lawn like a felled tree. Ragatha went right down with her, landing roughly on top of her smaller friend — and another handful of amateur stitches burst open.
Ragatha’s everything roared with horrible, splitting pain. She would have screamed, but she was too busy cackling harder than she ever had in her life. 
[First Chapter] [Next Chapter]
HUGE thank you to @spitinsideme and @blukiar, who were kind enough to illustrate a scenes from this chapter! Go check them out!
@spitinsideme: https://www.tumblr.com/spitinsideme/744502650373062656/read-a-really-good-ragapom-fanfiction?source=share
@BlukiaR: https://www.tumblr.com/blukiar/748666035752812544/long-time-no-ragapom-did-this-one-based-on
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juustozzi · 1 month
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here it is - a fan design for the finnish national team in i11 universe!
I tried to add as many references to birds and finland as I could, and I'll put them under a cut if someone's interested!
general team notes:
our actual national soccer team is named Huuhkajat (the horned owls) after a horned owl that one day randomly started to live in the team's home stadium building - hence the team name and bird theme
that owl got named Bubi, and this team's coach is based on him
general team hissatsu are themed after owls or famous finnish things
all the players are based on the official(?) regional birds
based on a whooper swan (laulujoutsen), which is the national bird (captain status)
hissatsu is named after a famous finnish song (literal translation: a swan song)
name comes from the swan of Tuoni; a swan that swims in the river to afterlife in Kalevala, and anyone who harms it will die
based on a wood grouse (metso)
hissatsu is a reference to a famous painting "Taistelevat metsot" which decipts two grouses battling
name means an older man or a guy, and the male bird is also called "ukkometso"
based on a white-tailed eagle (merikotka)
name is from the first finnish-built space craft part, and the symbol of the project was a white-tailed eagle
based on a blue tit (sinitiainen)
"tintti" is a general nickname for tits (the birds), but also the finnish name for Tintin
based on Teemu Pukki, probs the most famous finnish soccer player
and his last name literally means a goat (vuohipukki)
that's all
based on a willow ptarmigan (riekko)
most grouses in northern finland make a coil/a nest in the snow for warmth and safety from predators, and his hissatsu is directly borrowed from that
name is literally the sound the bird makes (kopek-kopek-kopek..)
based on a western jackdaw (naakka)
name is an historical name for the bird, and Häkkinen is a common family name here
based on a common swift (tervapääsky)
name comes from the latin name (apus apus)
based on a white-backed woodpecker (valkoselkätikka)
name is.... based on a teacher I had, who was called both Juha and literally a woodpecker.... (this is an inside thing for just me sorry)
based on a common crane
hissatsu comes from an old belief of cranes carrying the weight of the sky, and they're the most notable species that fly in wedges
name means literally a swamp, which has been the best place to spot cranes here
based on a black-throated loon (kuikka)
name is from an old finnish poem singer, Elessei Valokainen. A loon is in an important role in the earth-diver myth that tells the creation of the world, and Valokainen's story of it from 1908 has been recorded
I also forgot to wrote it in the image but want to mention, these birds have the most iconic cry on summer lakeside evenings, so Valokainen has a laugh that kinda sounds like that
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uncharismatic-fauna · 7 months
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The Perfect Pileated Woodpecker
The Pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) is a common sight throughout the deciduous and mixed forests of North America, from Nova Scotia in Canada to Florida in the United States. Though they can adapt to many forested environments, their preferred habitats are old-growth hardwood forests, with plenty of open space in the canopy and on the ground.
The distinctive look of D. pileatus makes it a near-perfect stereotype for the woodpecker group. Both males and females have a large red crest, white markings streaking from the face to the shoulder, and a black body. The main distinction between the sexes is that the males also have a red line going from the bill to the throat. This species is also the largest woodpecker in North America, sitting at a body mass of 225 to 400 g (7.9 to 14.1 oz) and a wingspan of 66 to 75 cm (26 to 30 in).
As is characteristic of woodpeckers the pileated woodpecker feeds primarily on insects, particularly carpenter ants and wood-boring beetle larvae, but they also consume wild fruits and nuts when available. To find food, individuals use their strong beaks to peck holes in dead wood and suck out insects with their long tongues. Their feet are zygodactyl, meaning there are two toes in front and two in the back, and are handy for clinging to the trunks of trees. Adults can fall prey to hawks and owls, while nestlings are susceptible to martins, weasels, squirrels, and rat snakes.
Pileated woodpeckers make their nests in dead or dying trees, and single roost will often have several entrances. Though males and females share territories, they often nest seperately, only coming together during the mating season. Courtship begins in early February and lasts throughout the spring. Males entice females by drumming loudly on tree trunks, dancing around them, and calling. Afterwards, the pair excavates a nest together and the female lays a brood of 3-5 eggs. The clutch is tended by both parents for about 15-18 days, at which point the eggs hatch.
Hatchlings are fed by both parents for about four weeks, at which time they're ready to leave the nest. However, they won't leave the nest for several more weeks as they learn how to find food and fend for themselves. By the time they're a year old, they are fully mature, and can live to be up to 10 years old. The parents abandon the nest, though they will remain mated for life and build a new roost the following year. Once abandoned, these holes will often be used by other passerine birds, ducks, or owls.
Conservation status: D. pileatus is considered Least Concern by the IUCN. They are well adapted to living near humans, and can be found in smaller stands of trees. However, the deforestation of old-growth forests is a significant threat to their livlihoods.
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 6 months
more headcanons/story bits/whatever
So one day Pac woke up early because he really needed a piss and he got up out off the bear furs (shush I know we haven’t seen bears yet on purgatory but I had the idea in my head that soulfire uses animal furs as blankets around the base and there’s a sleeping room that is lined with the reeeally fluffy furs and everyone pretty much dog piles in there and it’s pretty much a hot mess, but necessary cause they can’t afford to keep the campfires burning at night because DUH the BASE might BURN DOWN and it gets REALLY COLD so they just have this insulated room and it’s nice and cozy and OKAY I’ll get on with it) and he left the room to go to the elevator and get out.
He got to the surface and went in the woods to do his business, and it was like, that morning purple? Where the sun isn’t up but you can see the outline of trees where they just look like they were painted black against the sky? And occasionally a bird will fly by and they too just look dark against the sky. The first couple whistles of tentative birdsong are echoing in the silent woods and he turns around to go home, shivering and regretting not grabbing a winter coat or at least one of the furs.
When Pac gets near the base however, he sees Fit sitting on a fallen spruce tree, facing towards the sea, sharpening a Diamond sword on his knee. (Rhymes. Hah.)
Fit, who heard him approaching, turns his head and beckons pac over to sit next to him. Pac does so, even though he is SO COLD he thinks if he sits down the bark will freeze to his pants. He sits because he is a massive simp, and they kind of just watch the sky slowly brighten up, and additional details get revealed onto the silhouetted trees as if someone is carefully tracing over them with cyan dye, and bleeding it into a mix with dark green.
Pac is still super cold and he doesn’t NOT shiver because A. That’s hard to do when you are pretty much in your pajamas in 20 degree (FAHRENHEIT BISHES IM AMERICAN although metric is better Fahrenheit is better on a numerical scale cause when it is 109 degrees F it feels like it would be the number 109 and not some wacky other number. I will concede metric units to you because as an engineering student every time I see American units being used in a problem I cry a little inside)
(wait a second Pac would use Celsius becau- oh whatever it doesn’t matter that much)
apologies for the rant
in 20 degree weather, and B. Maybe Fit would-
“Do you want me to. Uh. Go down and grab a coat?” Fit offers, his throat husky from disuse.
Pac mentally facepalms. “Ah, no I’m doing good actually! Great! Really. I’m not, it’s not like I’m cold!”
They sit for a while in awkward silence. The stirrings of the world become more frequent around them, woodpeckers knocking into trees, and the breaching of whales in the distance. Fit turns around to look towards the base where all of their friends are still sleeping.
As if he had been checking that no one could come up and see them, Fit puts the sword into his inventory and reaches over, gently dragging Pac to sit, not in his lap because that would be crossing a line of things that roommates did, but on the log space in between his legs (ok so like I imagine he like, moved back a bit on the log, and like, manspread so there’s a seat there). Fit’s arms wrapped around Pac, just to keep him warm and stop his shivering, it wasn’t as if there was ANOTHER reason what are you talking about of COURSE not.
They sit there, watching the world around the base slowly come to life. The first cloud lights up a golden color, and the sky blushes with beauty. Its still cold, but sometimes the cold isn’t all that bad.
This was not a headcanon what went wrong what did I do oh god
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abstractednotebook · 2 months
Slavic Spring Deities (Post no.1)
Vesna and Kresnik (Vesnik)
(VEES-nah) “Lady Spring”, “Lady of Spring Resurrection”, or “The White Maiden of May”
There are about 15 other names for this deity, the ones that I will focus on in this post in particular are:
Name that means Spring
Derived from the Proto-Indo-European “wésr” meaning Spring.
Zlata Maja
Name means “Golden Mother of Life”
Name means “Golden Hill”
Name means “Daisy”
Fun fact! The daisy is also a sacred flower of the Norse goddess Freya!
She is a glowing radiant goddess, often described as having long golden hair. Vesna is also associated with the day that the Swallows return on approximately March 9th called Strinenija. At this point in the year, another goddess named Striga(Mora, or Morana) would be reborn as this Spring Goddess. The dates however, will vary depending on the climatic differences in the various Slavic countries.
She loves music, dance and song; as well as sensual pleasures (intercourse). She bedecks herself with a flower crown, and the land itself with beautiful flowers. She may be found naked dancing in a meadow, happily surrounded by birds and butterflies.
Like all the tales of Slavic Deities, she too can change her form to the animals she most connects with. These animals happen to be white birds, rabbits, or singing larks. These are also her messengers!
Quick Facts!
Does she have a sacred day? Time? Holiday?: Yes! They are Fridays, the entire month of May, and especially May Day!
Sacred Space(s): Literally; any flowery meadow, garden, or hill!
Sacred Animals: Rooks, Robins, Cranes, Mice, Shrews, Cuckoos, Fire-flies and Glow worms.
Sacred Plants: Maple, hawthorn blossoms, and wild roses.
Offering ideas: Honey cakes, flowers, apples, goat’s milk, flower crowns, bird sculptures (especially of her sacred birds).
(kre-ES-nik) “Living Fire”, “Lord of Spring Resurrection”, “The Lord of Life-Giving Light”.
There’s about 11 names for this Deity!
In folktales, Kresnik can transform into a bird, or really any shape he pleases; or become invisible! He rides in a golden carriage across the sky on a winged horse. We see him in Slovene folk tales wielding a “golden axe” and causing lightning.
Like his female counterpart (or in some tales she is his partner or twin), he too has golden hair (and mustache), he is bright and radiantly handsome; however he is sometimes described to have golden hands (sometimes going as far as to have golden wings).
Oh! And, he lives on a golden mountain where there grows an apple tree; but it’s not just any old run of the mill apple tree—it holds the golden apples of immortality! (Are you sick of the word “GOLDEN” yet?)
The firefly is a sacred animal to him, and I’ll let you guess why.
Quick Facts!
Sacred day, time, or holiday: Spring Equinox, May 6th, Summer Solstice (June 21 or 22), and oddly enough, December 6th and the Winter Solstice. In short, the Winter Solstice was considered his “birthday,” and then he was celebrated at the Summer Solstice with bonfires!
Sacred spaces: Hills.
Sacred Animals: Roosters, goats, red cows, bulls, bears, wolves, boars, oxen, dragons, horses, flying horses, dogs with white spots (specifically over their eyes, but any white spots will do just fine), woodpeckers, and lynxes.
Sacred Plants: Apples, yellow “corn marigolds,” grapevines, buckwheat, blackberries, red cranberries, asparagus, wheat, hay, and various other fruits.
Sacred Objects: Spoked “sun wheels”, flutes, fiddle, a golden hand (think Thanos), a winged white horse, a candelabrum, golden axe, or a club.
Offering ideas: Yellow apples, wine, cooked buckwheat, grapes, candles, incense, Frankincense, wheat sheaves, cranberries.
P.S: If you have any questions, always remember to ask them!! If I personally cannot answer it, I'll find sources that could help you out!
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the-final-sif · 2 years
A follow up to my last tumblr post; here's a guide to tumblr tagging for those new to the platform or unfamiliar with how tagging works here (current as of 11/2/2022).
This guide is for tumblr tags on original posts, reblogs don't follow these rules (reblogs aren't indexed in search results/in tag pages, only original posts are), and most people use tags differently on reblogs (making comments/saving stuff for later) than on original posts (getting posts to show up in search results).
Tumblr lets you have up to 30 tags on one post, of these tags, only the first 20 will show up in search results. You probably won't need more than this, but do keep it in mind if you use a lot of tags.
Tumblr tags allow you to use spaces / : ' etc basically anything but a comma.
You should use spaces between words where possible, both to allow blocking to work, and to help your post show up in more search results (discussed later). So "birdphotography" would be an incorrect tag, "bird photography" would be a correct tag.
Feel free to tag everything thoroughly, but don't tag things that are totally unrelated to your post. This is considered spam and users may block/report you over it.
Ex, if you have a photo of a Woodpecker acceptable tags would be "photography" "bird photography" "woodpecker" etc, but an unacceptable tag would be "elephant". Even if you think the woodpecker kinda looks like an elephant, you still shouldn't tag elephant. Only tag "elephant" if the post actually has an elephant, or discusses elephants.
Tumblr tags allow your work to be discovered in two ways - search results ("/search/writeblr") and tag pages ("/tagged/writeblr").
Tag pages are pages that show a feed for a specific tag, people can follow tags that have their interests. Depending on what a person has set, posts to the followed tag may show up on their dashboard like posts from blogs they follow (this can be disabled under dashboard preferences). Tag pages will only show posts that have the exact tag.
Search results are what you get when you go to the search bar and type in a search. The search function will check tags and the text of a post to find matches, and will include partial matches.
So, to use "writeblr" as an example, only posts tagged with "#writeblr" show up on the tag page. A post tagged "#not writeblr" will not show up in the tag, but will show up in search results. A post that's totally untagged but has the word "writeblr" in it, will also show up in search results for "writeblr".
Search results are a big reason why it's better to use "bird photography" rather than "birdphotography". The first tag will show up under a search for "bird" and "photography" the second tag won't show up for anything except a search for "birdphotography".
Keep in this in mind if you're posting neg or stuff that you don't want to show up in search results. If you don't want a post to show up in search results, then you'll need to make sure that both the tags and text of the post don't contain the search term.
When tagging something for a fandom/space you're new to, it's good to look around to see if you can find tags that may've been created specifically for that group. For example, writers on tumblr often use "writeblr". Other tags could also apply, but that's an existing tag that already has a fair bit of traffic that may make it easier for others to find your posts.
Good tagging can help get your post out there, but most posts get the vast majority of their notes from reblogs/being passed along people's dashboards. It can take some time for people to pick up on something. Old posts often circulate on tumblr as they're discovered, and posts can take awhile to pick up steam. Don't get discouraged if things take awhile.
Good luck, have fun, tag properly and remember that if you encounter content you don't like, then you have a blocklist & content filter in your settings. The tagging system makes both of these very effective tools for keeping your dashboard a comfortable space.
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barananduen · 7 months
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"Flowery Woodpecker" - Watercolor on paper "Making of" surprise under the Readmore
This was an exercise in negative space. On DevianArt, in 2017, we were given a template with a handful of lines that resembled a person with a hairbun doing the "is this a pigeon" meme pose with the butterfly, and we had to finish it. Except, I wanted to see if I could turn it into something completely different, while keeping all the lines from the template.
You can see the original template here [link] And, on the image below, on the right, you can see my printout of the template (the darker lines) with all my pencil marks around it, that turned it into this painting:
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Originally uploaded to my DA on Aug. 11, 2017: https://www.deviantart.com/barananduen/art/Watercolor-DA-s-17th-BDay-Flowery-Woodpecker-698193640
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nicoforlifetrue · 12 days
chapter three
read part two here
read it on ao3 here
and read it on tumblr below!
Getting into the shut-up cafe was shockingly easy; Green could only assume it was because fake-Second came here semi often. The front windows and door were boarded up, but there was a back window with a tarp over it that you could lift and slip inside. The broken down space had Second written all over it— somewhat literally, considering the sketched approximation of a cat that bound over and started purring against Red’s legs upon entry.
The entire space was filled with doodles, and was oddly clean for somewhere that was supposed to be condemned— a pile of real blankets and pillows covered in sketched cat fur sat in one corner, with a note written into the wall beside them claiming they were for “friends + Mia the shop cat”. Sketched vines crawled across the walls and ceiling, blossoming with black and white flowers. A cup sat on what used to probably function as the counter, a photoshop brush, a paint pencil, and various assorted animation tools sticking out of it, with an eraser carelessly thrown just beside it.
The few remaining tables were covered in sketches that didn't move, and as the group explored the space a woodpecker in Second’s distinct style fluttered down from the rafters and settled on one of them, head tilted as it watched everyone before flying over to a sketched jukebox and pecking at it until a soft classical melody floated through the space.
“Well, if he isn’t Second he’s damn good at pretending,” Green couldn't help but joke, and a few of the others chuckled before going back to the uncomfortable silence because they all knew the truth. Only Second could do this. He was the only one whose drawings came to life so easily— others had tried to replicate it, but that just hadn’t worked, the drawings would remain lifeless and still until Second added his own touch and willed it to come to life.
So either this other Second had been right, and they had somehow— what, changed universes? Or a person exactly like Second had somehow gained the power. Somehow both possibilities seemed equally unlikely, but with that poster Red found… well, there’s only so many options, and he's not entirely sure how cloning would work with the hollow heads. In fact, he doesn't even want to think of multiples of them running around the same world. Just Cho and Dark had done enough damage,, but if there were more of them?
He felt a shiver run down his spine.
“Well it’s time to play the waiting game,” he hummed with a clap of his hands, grinning at the worried faces of the group that quite quickly turned into a myriad of grins, Red grabbing a blanket and spreading it across the floor as everyone gathered into what was basically a circle.
No one pointed out they had left a space open for Second.
“Alright, inventory, what we got?” Green asked, already looking over his own. “I’ve got a full tool set, a half stack of note blocks, some string, and for some reason twenty sponges.”
“Half stack of most passive spawn eggs, twenty iron blocks, some wheat, full tool set, and a stack of leads,” Red shared next; Mia the shop cat made home in his lap with a disgruntled mew.
“Two stacks of netherwart, full tool set but no shield, enough potions to create god himself, and a stack of golden carrots,” Blue hummed, chewing on a piece of the aforementioned netherwart.
“The staff of course, two stacks of redstone, just my pickaxe, and a half stack of pistons,” Yellow basically waved off, having said staff out and fiddling with the command block inside with a concentrated expression. “You know I don’t carry much on me when I have it.”
“Just a couple stacks of fireworks and some steak, I didn’t think I’d be hanging out for too long,” Purple admits with a shrug, looking just a bit embarrassed.
“Well that works.. alright, so that's our supplies, we’re in a world where apparently Cho joined rocket really early on, Second doesn’t know us but is willing to help, and we know it’s Second because, well, obviously. And the only hint we have to what happened is a heat haze dome… dumbest theory wins, go!” As he says that he pulls out his phone and starts a timer, for five minutes— Purple, who’s seated next to him, looks extremely lost before Yellow speaks while still fiddling with the staff.
“Obviously Second’s father forgot to clean the heat sink and this is all just a very strange dream as we wait for him to wake up and fix this mess.” It’s spoken in his normal deadpan, the only thing giving away his participation a faint smirk. “That’s why it was a heat haze that did this, it’s quite literally scrambling our brains like an egg.”
“No, obviously this is Cho’s idea of a prank,” Blue cut in, leaning on Yellow with a grin. “Him and Second have been planning this for actual months, made an entire city on the drawing tablet just to mess with us— clearly they wanted something so ridiculous we’d only believe it if they really sold it, you know Cho, he doesn't do that silly thing called moderation.”
“Cho is the terrorist The Chosen One?” Purple whispers in his ear; he nods, watching them pale even further. “And Cho is Second’s brother?” 
“Oh please you two,” Red scoffs, leaning back, arms crossed in faux superiority. “You’re fools if you don't think we haven't managed to simply successfully fall asleep in the nether! This is why it’s so dangerous, it connects you to the hivemind and shows you the impossible!”
“Yeah obviously, Alan makes them sturdy, duh,” Green whispers back, watching Blue gasp in false offense.
“Of course you'd go with the possessed option, don't you see you fool, Sec and Cho are finally getting back at you for the cake incident, the rest of us are in on it too!”
“He didn't use thermal paste on the heat sink, it’s hot glue,” Yellow quipped, grin growing at the conjoined rebuttal. “I’m just saying, he built the PC on his own this time, perhaps we should have stayed in the harddrive a bit longer.”
Green can’t help but smile when he hears Purple giggle under his breath— the waiting game was something from back before Second had freed them, a way to pass the time while waiting for something new to happen. First you take stock of your surroundings, then make a scenario out of those surroundings! It used to be about what the users were doing, or about the last stick to pass through their home…
And now it’s about their current situation— five minutes to come up with the stupidest, most unbelievable, but still somewhat logical, course of events that could lead them here. The last bit had to be tacked on after the color monster bit went on for Eight. Hours.
…They had been very bored before Second came along.
“Nope, Blue just left the potion maker running until the potion turned to steam and now we’re here,” Purple finally added, giggling even more when horrified “NO”s turned onto them. Red wins the first round, after pulling out the idea that the reason everything was extra weird was because the piglin tribe Blue had befriended were attempting to treat them with mushrooms, obviously making things significantly worse.
It goes on like that for hours— new, impossibly dumber situations being pulled for various other things, like why Blue had enough netherwart to not eat in a millisecond, or why the only one without a full tool set was Yellow, before finally they end up just chatting, timer forgotten, musing about this world’s version of people.
“Think Minecraft actually got destroyed this time? Or like, did Cho stop him?” Red hums, gesturing at the ceiling. “Or did you like, stop him on your own, Purp?”
“Eh, probably on my own, we can still use craft stuff here so it’s gotta exist, right?” Green’s being used as a pillow, Purple’s cheek squishing into his back as the stick’s wings flex sleepily. “Speaking of Cho, what happened to his partner in crime, that red hollow?”
“Ugh, Dark,” Blue huffs with a shiver, nods spreading throughout the group in agreement with the noise. “If we’re lucky? Dead. If we’re not? Highly injured but still a threat, and we’re screwed.”
“Well then, consider yourselves properly fucked,” a voice growls from above them, so familiar and horrifying it has Green leaping to his feet with weapons out in less than a second, the others all doing the same as they look up— bright red glowing eyes that match Chosen’s twinkle down at them from the darkness of the rafters, and light catches on a sharp-toothed grin just before he jumps down, form revealed in the soft light of the diner.
“Hello children,” The Dark Lord purrs, “miss me?~”
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rjzimmerman · 4 days
How to co-exist with a belligerent catbird. (Washington Post)
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My childhood bedroom had a Jane Goodall quote on the wall — “My mission is to create a world where we can live in harmony with nature” — and I think this helps explain how I became a person who surrendered five blueberry bushes and my dignity to an angry catbird.
We called her Catherine. The spring when my daughter was 2, Catherine claimed the entire garden beside our house as her domain. I discovered this when we went to pick blueberries from our bushes; as my toddler plucked the fruit, the bird began calling loudly. Then she dove toward me and landed on my headband. I gasped and jumped, startling my daughter.
“What happened?” she asked, and because I wanted to convey a scene that was more Beatrix Potter than Alfred Hitchcock, I said, very calmly: “Mama catbird is asking for some space for her babies! What a good mom! Congratulations on your babies, Catherine!” Then I hurried us away, my daughter cheerfully calling, “Congratulations!” to the bird who was still shrieking and swooping toward my head.
When we think about living with animals, we might think first about pets — how they teach us empathy, responsibility and patience and shape our daily rhythms. But the wild creatures who inhabit our yards and neighborhoods offer their own lessons in companionship and accountability, and these, too, have become an indelible part of our family life. My daughter’s first words were, “Hi, squirrel!” as she waved to the plump rodent peering in the window. When the white-tailed deer bring their fawns to our yard, we are sure to keep the birdbath full; the nursing mothers are always thirsty. My children greet our garden residents by name: Mariah, the chipmunk, known for her clear, high-pitched vocalizations; Sally, the eastern cottontail rabbit, who nests in the flower bed; Albirdo, the redheaded woodpecker, who rudely banishes all competition from the suet feeder. (“Share,” my daughter urges him, unsuccessfully.)
Albirdo doesn’t understand that edict, but we try to uphold it. This is the one little patch of Earth over which we have any measure of control, and I want our family to share it thoughtfully with the other beings who belong here — even when those relationships demand a little extra compromise.
My loved ones have come to accept my soft spot for the wildlife forced to adapt to our modern human presence. In an apartment where doves nested above the concrete patio, I set out cushions and towels to soften the landing for fledglings. I once baited a humane mouse trap with parsley and peanut butter and conducted daily releases in a wooded area behind the yard. (Turns out I was releasing just one mouse, who returned day after day, increasingly plump and at ease with our morning routine. My mounting suspicion led me to dot a black Sharpie on the back of his head before he dashed into the underbrush. The next day, I drove Sharpie Mouse to a park several miles away, where I bid him a permanent farewell.)
Others are more skeptical of my devotions. Once, circling the perimeter of our house with a termite prevention specialist, he gestured toward the ivy-covered stump where a magnificent oak once stood. “That,” he said gravely, “will attract voles or chipmunks to live there.” “I know!” I gushed. I think he realized I was a lost cause.
Catherine sensed my weakness, too. She harvested the majority of our blueberries that first year; I didn’t dare challenge her. The next year, I tried to net the bushes — but she built her nest within the netting, so I gave up and took it down. Every time my husband passed by to take the trash out, she divebombed him. Still, I couldn’t bear to banish her.
In our third year as neighbors, when it came time for me to plant my dahlias in the raised bed — squarely in Catherine’s territory — I knew I’d need protection. I dug my old horseback-riding helmet out of the closet.
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virovac · 20 days
Ok I don't agree with bashing newer cartoons
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But there is a serious void of things like "evil robot woodpecker destroying satellites played completely straight" in modern media
From "The Space Birds" episode of Space Ghost
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graaythekwami · 2 months
What powers and concepts would you give to the Miraculouses in the Native American box?
Here are my headcanons for the Native American Box! Links lead to my bios for them, with more detailed info and art:
Upper Box:
Kiikaa the Thunderbird, kwami of Electricity. She rests in the Center of the Upper Box. Kiikaa has control over all things related to Electricity. This doesn't just mean shooting lighting, but also manipulating electronics and even mind control (as the nervous system uses electric signals).
Yanna the Bison, kwami of Victory. She rests in the North section of the Upper Box. Yanna's powers allow her holders to become stronger when winning, and to always claim their prizes for their Victory.
Remmi the Coyote, kwami of Despair. They rest in the East section of the Upper Box. Remmi's powers increase the Despair people feel in an area, and create beings known as Prowlers that protect and feed on sources of hope.
Liiri the Eagle, kwami of Freedom. They rest in the South section of the Upper Box. Like in canon Liiri's powers Free people from emotional and mental restrictions, though I have also given them the power to break Free of physical restraints too.
Vollee the Locust, kwami of Invasion. He rests in the West section of the Upper Box. Vollee's powers allow holders to create clones of themselves that attack in sync, and to appear behind a target to strike.
Lower Box:
Ziibi the Otter, kwami of Transformation. His powers allow his holders to transform into different people or animals.
Dess the Cougar, kwami of Apathy. Their powers allow them to drain emotions from someone and influence those people.
Sorren the Falcon, kwami of Observation. His powers allow one to see anything from anywhere in the world.
Chaapa the Beaver, kwami of Innovation. His powers allow one to plan and construct things at enhanced speeds.
Fawnna the Deer, kwami of Wilderness. Her powers lets one summon and influence nearby animals.
Drill the Woodpecker, kwami of Expansion. His power manipulate the amount of space something can hold.
Finn Salmon, kwami of Navigation. His powers lets one always find what they are seeking.
Shashh the Bear, kwami of Preservation. Her powers seal events of the past so time travel cannot alter them.
Ommen the Raven, kwami of Probability. Her powers allow one to tip the chances in one's favor.
Habuu the Rattlesnake, kwami of Beauty. Her powers let her take on one's ideal form and influence them.
Tyyto the Owl, kwami of Secrets. Her powers let her make things hidden and to learn others' Secrets.
Karrma the Goose, kwami of Justice. Her powers let one subject someone to what they've done to another.
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childhood90snostalgia · 7 months
90s/00s TV (Personal Memories)
Kids Cartoons
6teen 101 Dalmatians Aaaah!!! Real Monsters Ace Ventura Pet Detective Aladdin TAS All Grown Up Angela Anaconda Angry Beavers Animal Crackers (Telethon) Animaniacs Arthur Babar The Batman (The WB) Batman Beyond (The WB) Batman TAS Beast Wars/Beast Machines Beetlejuice Big Teeth, Bad Breath (YTV) Birdz Bobby’s World (Fox) Bonkers Braceface The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show Butt-Ugly Martians Bump in the Night CatDog (Nickelodeon) Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers Cow and Chicken Danny Phantom Darkwing Duck Dexter’s Laboratory Dog City Donkey Kong Country Doug DuckTales Earthworm Jim Fairly Odd Parents Fly Tales (Teletoon) For Better or For Worse (Telethon) Freakazoid (The WB) Freaky Stories Free Willy (ABC) Garfield and Friends Gargoyles Goof Troop Hey Arnold I Am Weasel Johnny Bravo Katie and Orbie (CTV) Kim Possible The Legend of White Fang Life with Louie Little Lulu (HBO) The Little Mermaid TAS The Mask TAS Mega Babies Mona the Vampire (YTV) Monster By Mistake (YTV) Neds Newt The New Addams Family The New Batman Adventures (The WB) The New Woody Woodpecker Show PB&J Otter (Disney Channel) Pepper Ann The Pink Panther Pinky and the Brain Pippi Longstocking Powerpuff Girls The Proud Family The Raccoons (CBC) Recess Reboot The Ripping Friends Rocko’s Modern Life Rugrats Rupert (CBS) Sabrina TAS (ABC) Samurai Jack Short Circutz (YTV) Silverling (Teletoon) Sonic (Adventures of) Sonic SATAM Sonic Underground Stickin’ Around Tales From the Cryptkeeper TaleSpin Taz-Mania Teen Titans Timon & Pumba Tiny Toon Adventures (Fox) Tom and Jerry Kids Total Drama Island Totally Spies Voltron the Third Dimension The Weekenders What’s With Andy The Wild Thornberrys (Nickelodeon) The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends X-Men Evolution (The WB) X-Men TAS Yvon of the Yukon (YTV)
Batman Fireball XL5 The Flintstones The Incredible Hulk Looney Toons Spiderman Tom and Jerry Yogi Bear
Adult Cartoons
Aeon Flux Beavis and Butthead Captain Star Celebrity Death Match Clone High The Critic Cybersix Daria Delta State Futurama The Head (MTV) John Callahan’s Quads (Teletoon) King of the Hill Mission Hill The Oblongs The Simpsons Space Ghost Coast to Coast (Cartoon Network) Spawn Spider-Man the New Animated Series South Park The Tick Undergrads
Beyblade Digimon Adventures 01 & 02 Cardcaptors Gundam SEED InuYasha Mon Colle Knights Monster Rancher Pokemon Sailor Moon Samurai Pizza Cats Shaman King Sonic X YuGiOh Zoids New Century
Television Series
7th Heaven (The WB) Alf (NBC) Animorphs (Nickelodeon) Are you Afraid of the Dark? Baywatch (NBC) Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (Fox) Big Wolf on Campus Boy Meets World Breaker High (YTV) Buffy the Vampire Slayer Canded Camera (CBS) Charmed (The WB) Clueless (ABC) Dawson’s Creek (The WB) Degrassi Junior High (CBC) Degrassi High (CBC) Degrassi the Next Generation (CTV) Dinosaurs The Drew Carey Show (ABC) ER (NBC) Even Stevens Family Matters (ABC) Fresh Prince of Bel Air Full House Gilmore Girls (The WB) The Golden Girls (CBC) Goosebumps Home Improvement Lassie (1997) Little House on the Prairie (NBC) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Nanny (CBC) The OC (Fox) Radio Active Sabrina the Teenage Witch Saved by the Bell (NBC) Sex and the City (HBO) Sister, Sister (ABC) Smallville (The WB) Smart Guy Student Bodies System Crash (YTV) Teen Angel (ABC) That’s so Raven The Twilight Zone (CBS) White Fang (1993) (CTV) You Wish (ABC)
Educational Programming / Children’s shows
Adventures in Wonderland Art Attack Babar (CBC) Banana’s in Pajama’s Barney and Friends Between the Lions The Big Comfy Couch The Big Friendly Giant Bill Nye the Science Guy Blue’s Clues Caillou (PBS) Camp Caribou Captain Planet Care Bears (ABC) Franklin (CBS) The Friendly Giant (CBC) Hammy the Hamster Iris the Happy Professor Kratt’s Creatures (PBS) Lamb Chop’s Play Along The Magic School Bus Mister Roger’s Neighbourhood (PBS) Mr Dressup (CBC) PJ Katie’s Farm (YTV) Reading Rainbow (PBS) Sesame Street School House Rock Sharon, Lois & Bram’s Elephant Show (CBC) Telefrancais Teletubbies Theodore Tugboat Thomas the Tank Engine Under the Umbrella Tree (CBC) Welcome to Pooh Corner Wishbone (PBS) Zaboomafoo (PBS)
Game Shows/Sketch Comedies
All That America’s Funniest Home Videos (With Bob Saget) American Idol The Amanda Show Battlebots (Comedy Central) Canadian Idol (CTV) Crank Yankers (Comedy Central) The Crocodile Hunter Fear Factor (NBC) The Hit List Jackass (MTV) Just For Laughs Gags (Comedy Central) Kids in the Hall Making the Band (MTV) Much Countdown (Much Music) Much in your Space (Much Music) MuchOnDemand (Much Music) Much Mega Hits (Much Music) Much Spotlight (Much Music) Much Top Tens (Much Music) Newlyweds Nick and Jessica (MTV) Playlist (Much Music) Pop-Up Video (Much Music) Price is Right Punk’d (MTV) The Simple Life (Fox) Supermarket Sweep Uh Oh Unsolved Mysteries (NBC) Video and Arcade top 10 (YTV) Video On Trial (Much Music) Where in the world/time is Carmen Sandiego Whose Line is it Anyway? Win Ben Stein’s Money (Comedy Central)
Television Networks/Programming
Fox Kids Much Music One Saturday Morning PSA’s Teletoon TGIF YTV - The Zone / Snit Station / Short Circuitz
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travelingthief · 10 months
My favorite moment with: Lady Aphrodite
Day four of the devotion challenge!!
I was long overdue for a walk in the woods, so I grabbed some Aphrodite crystals and asked her to join me. I was pretty dead set on where I wanted to go- an area down by the river surrounded by trees- but there was a pull in my gut to take a different path. After some back and forth with myself, I gave in. Not long in I stopped to listen to the birds and heard a cry I hadn’t before. Looking up to a high branch, I saw a broad-winged hawk for the first time. I watched as it perched and other birds like woodpeckers or goldfinches landed in the surrounding trees. I journaled for a bit and then moved on. I walked for around half an hour, taking new paths and looking in awe at the nature around me. I started to notice crab apples popping up from the trees along my path, getting bigger and bigger the further I walked. I plucked the biggest one I saw with the intention of making an offering when I got home. Then I came to an open space and saw rows of trees. I took note of where I was; I lived by an apartment complex called Orchard Trails, but I didn’t realize the name was literal. I had stumbled upon an orchard! I praised Aphrodite for taking me here, even if I was  bit resistant in the beginning.
When I got home, I offered her the apple and promised to make another trip out there.
And that’s my favorite moment with Lady Aphrodite.
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corntort · 1 month
body horror headcanon
For the bioflux accelerator tentacle arm things
At least some of trace's internal organs had to be shuffled around for them to fit methinks
Or maybe it's like a woodpecker thing where the tentacles curl around his skull (yes that happens with woodpeckers and their tongues)
i really want to mess with the idea of organs being shifted around but in my head its just a lot of the movement of the ribs and muscles near exlusively.
his rib cage at the back is more pried apart for the bioflux tendrils to kind of wedge themselves in via hooks to sprout as violently as need be when he's healed up, muscles torn apart and mended to be attached to the base of the tendrils to be (VERY SLIGHTLY) mobile. it grows worse with his prolonged exposure to bioflux and the second injection, allowing to be nudged more laterally or medially as need be, because they themselves cant be injured!!
THIS ALSO AFFECTS HIS SPINE. to the point the suddenness of the initial tendril eruptions from his back has snapped loose some lateral processes of some vertebrae, spinal disks bloated with fluid from the violent nature of it and his spine starts meandering around the tendrils, cause i doubt theyre symmetrical along his back, some closer to his spinal column than others. that scoliosis is FUCKED UP and COMPLEX. this also causes some pinching of his spinal cord which is absolutely agonizing if he tilts a certain way so he walks a bit leaned to the right. theres also just shrapnel of bone in his back now but he's lucky enough to not have it puncture any vital organs, not that he'd be left to die if they did. it does take some iterations of deaths for his spine to somewhat accustom to the tendrils but it by no means becomes more "comfortable." just pinching becomes less frequent and the bones are essentially restructured around the bioflux.
as his body modifies more and more the tissue turns more red hot and distorted towards his back to allow more mobility. the tendrils no longer erupt from under the skin it's more of like pods in his back theyre situated in to recover in when he's hurt that can more safely protrude from when ready.
Tissue as minute as the vessels are rerouted, treating the tendrils almost like a tumor that requires more oxygen but its split the vessels to still leave some oxygen for his normal tissue.
OHHH though now that i think about it more, all that mass from the bioflux Does Need a place to retreat into. i was thinking he could have more like, the back equivalent of SEVERE barrel chest as the flesh back there gets more lumpy, his skin more stretched out to nest the tendrils but that probably cant do all the heavy lifting. HMMMMM
although not much can be shifted without affecting his performance which i don't think elsenova would allow much of. i think she still is deriving a little bit of satisfaction from his pain but they do need him. and they can't allow him to resent them Too much, or else he'd be a threat and not fulfill the purpose they need him to.
MUCH TO STINK ABOUT..!!!! ill ponder on if his ribcage just splits open at the back for the space or if it closes Around the tendrils for better anchorage. and also if it's the latter if the rib cage Encloses the pods the tendrils come from or if it is just underneath them. like how fucked up are we getting with it
and i have NO IDEA if this is coherent i love stinking about it. specbiooo <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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dionysia-ta-astika · 1 year
Hermes and the Jay by J. Johanan
One day Hermes was visiting the eastern North American woodlands having traveled there out of boredom and in search of new adventures. He was a busy god, always working and answering the call of duty for his many domains. But he had grown bored of running here and there doing the same things and was looking for not rest, no, for he knew not the word. He was searching for new experiences and new companions to delight and entertain him.
In the dappled woods and liminal spaces between field and forest, he met many interesting creatures and was especially delighted by the feathered birds of these places. Them, hearing that he was a god who would often grant boons, were eager to gain the favor of this curly-haired newcomer. So, they eagerly flocked to him, each wanting to impress him with their songs.
Hermes sat on a particularly fine moss-covered stump at the edge of an oak tree clearing, snacked on bramble berries, and listened to each song carefully. And although they sang each of their songs beautifully when he asked them about their daily adventures their lives sounded, well, very routine and quite boring. Cardinal was striking in his bright red coat but his pretty songs grew monotonous. Wren’s trilling tune was delightful but she only cared for finding bugs to eat. Woodpecker had no song at all but Hermes found the rhythms he knocked upon trees very intriguing. He thought his younger brother Dionysus would especially like his talent for drumming.
He sighed, stretched, and after granting each one a boon for health and abundance that season, he sent them all on their way. After all, he was a kind god and always rewarded those who sincerely sought his favor.
Yet the lord of adventure and mischief was dissatisfied for he had found no one that inspired him or that wanted to leave their cozy nests and hatchling rearing to seek adventure with him. Musing to himself aloud he said, “These birds are quite disciplined and quite boring. I suppose that is the right way to be if you’re a bird. But who will inspire me? Who will adventure with me?”
Hermes, the busy one, searched high and low and even asked a few mammals if they would go on adventures with him but they all scampered off only concerned with the business of survival. He put his hands on his hips and said, “For sure Fox will stop and play with me.” But Fox ran by stammering apologies and complaining about Man with bow and arrow trying to hunt him down.
Hermes, tired of being bored, sat again on the mossy stump at the edge of the oak tree clearing. “How sad that a god cannot find a proper playmate!” He sighed in frustration and took up another handful of bramble berries for this golden-haired son of Maia was always hungry and he had worked up an appetite while searching.
Suddenly, a strange symphony of clicking, whistling, trilling, jeering, and gurgling sounded from above his head. Hermes, his appetite barely satiated, looked up just in time to have an acorn hit him in the forehead.
At first, he was shocked. Who would dare hit him, a god, in the face? A gurgling laugh came from above him and before he could stop himself he looked up again and a second acorn hit him in the cheek. Once again the gurgling laugh rang out and Hermes couldn’t help it, he laughed out loud. And once he started he could not stop.
He found it incredibly amusing that someone would be so bold as to drop not one but two acorns on his perfect face. As he wiped tears from his cheeks he heard the strange cacophony again and he called out, “Who is there? Who is so clever to make me, a god, laugh out loud? Show yourself little one and receive my boon!”
A medium-sized bird about the size of a small crow hopped down to sit on a low branch in front of him. She was a plain gray color but had a jaunty crest on her little head. She was brave and bold and this made him admire her already.
“Who are you little one?”, the god asked smiling brightly. He much appreciated boldness and bravery in a creature.
“I am Jay, Lord Hermes.” She answered in a grating voice and bobbed her head.
“Jay, huh? Why didn’t you come to see me earlier with the other birds of the forest?”
“My lord, my voice is not beautiful like Purple Finch nor bright and high like Cardinal nor happy like Robin’s. I thought not to bother you with my sounds.” The harsh sound of her voice belied her proud regality.
“Oh. Well, yes, I suppose that’s true. Your song is no song at all but a cacophony of sounds that sound like other things. How interesting!” Hermes was curious, his interest peaked by her uniqueness.
She bobbed her head, “Yes, my lord, you are right but I am bold, brave, clever, and my family supports me. Who needs a beautiful song when you have brains, family, and courage? My worth is not to be found in impressive singing but in clever living.”
Hermes laughed out loud, “Too true, dear one!” He grinned and held out his finger for her to sit upon. She flitted to his hand and he drew her close to his shining face.
“We each have our gifts, do we not Jay? You are cleverer than most for you know who you are and where your strengths lie.”
“And better yet, my lord, because I do not waste time in singing and trying to outshine my neighbor I have plenty of time for adventure and play.” She fluttered her feathers and let out an amusing whistle.
Hermes laughed again, quite delighted by his new friend. “Excellent! Then we shall go on adventures together! You lead and I will follow endeavoring to be the best Jay ever!”
With that, the shape-shifting god transformed into a Jay and together they had the best day the god had had in a very long time.
They got into all kinds of fun and mischief. She taught him how to imitate Red Shoulder Hawk to scare other birds away from the acorns, bramble berries, and bush berries.
She showed him how to steal food from other bird caches so they didn’t have to work so hard to find food. This made the god especially happy because even as a Jay he was hungry.
Together with her loud boisterous family, they protected their territory around the oak tree clearing by chasing away Red Tailed Hawk. That was great fun for a god who was never one to shrink from a fight. He also admired the way the Jays stuck together as a family and protected each other.
They followed Man through the woods and warned all the other creatures of the dangerous human with his bow and arrows. It was very satisfying to see this human leave the woods disgusted and empty-handed. Seeing this, Fox waved a ‘thank you’ to Hermes and his friend as they swooped past him.
In a fun game of hunt and find they searched out and destroyed all Cowbirds’ eggs that those tricky birds laid in the Jay family’s nests. They were too smart to be fooled by those imposters. You can’t trick a trickster after all!
The Jay family was constantly making a commotion in the forest for no good reason but because they could. Hermes had great fun joining them in making a general ruckus with his repertoire of odd Jay sounds. What a riot it was to scream and jeer and just let loose!
At the end of the day as the setting sun was igniting the western sky with pink and orange flames Hermes and his new best friend returned to the edge of the oak tree clearing. He morphed back into his human-like form and sat down upon the mossy stump one last time.
The little Jay flew to his finger once again. They had become fast friends and he loved her as his own. She had shown him many things that delighted him, impressed him, and most importantly, they’d had exciting mischievous adventures all day long.
“Thank you Jay for showing me your world and your ways. I had the most fun today and I’ll always remember you, your bravery, intelligence, and your love of fun and mischief.”
She whistled and fluffed her feathers. In her heart she wished he would stay forever in the forest with her. However, she knew he was a god and had to get back to his god life and his god duties.
Hermes brought her to his face and gently kissed her black beak. Then he spoke, “From now on you will be my bird, my minister of mischief here in these eastern North American woodlands and in the liminal spaces between field and forest. I will forever look after you and your entire family, blessing you with abundance and even greater intelligence so that you may flourish and find space for your family in this changing world. Others will not understand your clever mind and misjudge your boldness. But as I love you for it there will be others who will also love you because of that.”
He tenderly cupped her in his lovely hands and infused her with his love and grace. “I will give you another gift so that humans and others will admire you even if they don’t appreciate your courage.”
A royal blue light streamed from his palms. It washed over her turning most of her gray body into a gorgeous deep sky blue. The light continued flowing down her back creating bold black and white banding on her wing feathers and tail to reflect her personality that could be both light and dark. On her head, her jaunty crest was painted that same royal blue, a color the god loved dearly. He then lined her intelligent eyes with kohl so that they looked even brighter. Next, he drew those lines down both of her cheeks and gifted her with a royal necklace of black obsidian.
He held her out to admire his handiwork. “Yes, that will do. Very beautiful indeed!”
She fluffed her feathers again and let out a happy whistling tune. It still wasn’t beautiful but it was unique and completely hers.
“I name you Blue Jay from henceforth. Fly forth boldly my friend and live a long and happy life filled with courage, family, fun, and mischief!”
The Blue Jay flew off and from the oak trees at the edge of the clearing rose an incredible cacophony of clicking, whistling, trilling, jeering, and gurgling. Hermes smiled, pleased with his newest ambassador in the eastern woodlands of the continent known as North America.
Hermes got up from the mossy log and popped a few more bramble berries into his mouth for his trip back home. He then flew away from those dappled woodlands and liminal places between field and forest to return, refreshed, to his duties as a god of many things.
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i-miss-breathing · 2 months
I had a dream last night where I was in like Jurassic park but for demons, and I don’t remember all of them but I remember some of them
Like there was a pecking bird, which was like a very skinny hummingbird mixed with a woodpecker, but just the pecking into wood very fast part, that could take off its beak and shoot it. Those things were cool imo, also I don’t think they had ribs
Another bird one - owls with 1k eyes on their beaks, and their beaks were bigger than most owl beaks, and sort of shaped like an African grays beak, lowkey kind of looked like a fungal infection was on its beak from far enough away, but I think it was my brain mixing stolas from demonology with the thousand eyed angels as a ripoff
Then there was like this aligator? thing? it looked like a rendition of some extinct animal, don’t know which one though, but it could like disappear and climb super fast and it’s tail was prehensile and I think it could speak, and it like messed with peoples minds, and it disappear in a poof of smoke but not like magician smoke like it would leave an outline of itself for a couple seconds of smoke like this
Tumblr media
And then it would just be gone, it could have teleported or just turned invisible, chances are it’s not invisible because it likes to play with its prey which means appearing in the corners of your vision or directly behind you or directly in front of you to make you change directions or on your shoulder with its mouth right next to your head until you died or stopped running, in which case he’d eat you, or if you caught up to the priests leading the tour, one Catholic one satanic, and they made it back off
There was also another bird that was like completely normal? Like it was just a green and yellow bird. And like they mated for life and stayed with their children until their children were adults. Like. ??? (Then they sometimes ate the children but still)
There was also a demon tree that could stretch its roots underneath time and space so if you saw a root that looked like it was missing a tree then the tree “saw you”. Guessing it was like the tree of knowledge of good and evil cause knowledge is ever expanding or smthn like that.
Also there was like a wendigo type thing made completely out of wood and the sounds it made were either someone else’s voice or sounds you can make with wood but louder. They could only say things they had heard though, but they could use any voice they had heard to say the words they had heard, like if a little kid cried for mommy and then a different little kid was just like talking near them they could mimic the second kids voice but make them cry for mommy like the first kid had, so if you heard Wood sounds you had to shut up so you didn’t ruin the tour for someone else by giving them a way to trick someone.
We stayed in a little cabin overnight and there were like little cyclops lizards, and a couple of kittens that were like ripping each other apart and then healing instantly and going back at it, which would have been scarier if this dream was set up less like a tv show
and outside there was like a ground sloth type thing, it had sharp teeth and was sniffing around and it was twitchy and it’s tail was longer; and a Tasmanian Tiger that had bulging eyes and it’s teeth were larger than it’s mouth could hold. Someone said they were the same kind of demon but it just didn’t exist until it could mimic something, but that something had to walk that same line of yes it’s real but it doesn’t exist as well, kind of confusing tbh
Anyways if any of you got any artistic inspiration from what I remember from my dream then I would love to see it. Or if you have an interpretation. Or if any of you had a similar dream at some point
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