#with a lot of stuff going around lately..there's something about the ugliness you see that really captures your eye and cruMBLES YOU
yuseirra · 5 months
This may sound a bit random, but my little brother is one of the kindest souls I know in my life. I'm very happy to have him so I give him a hug every now and then when I feel a bit down.
I've never seen that boy swear even once in my life and I consider him to be wiser than me in some aspects. I'm glad I have someone I can believe and trust in close range. It gives me hope in more ways than one reminding me that people like him exist and they are-or should be- the norm. I hope he lives long without being too sad.. He's grown enough to give me some life advice lol and it's actually good too :) and he's a better cook than I am. That I respect bc I don't like cooking myself o<-<
and of course, the people around me are very nice to me too. I get excited when I realize of it, the small blessings of life, I have many of it when I think about it. I have to remember that. I am thankful. My brother really, he's a good kid. I wish more people could be as kind as he is.. then people wouldn't hurt anyone, would they. So I wrote an appreciation post, although he'll probably never see it. I used to bring him up sometimes when I used twitter :) I have to remember about the good stuff. That doesn't mean I should brush away and pretend all the bad stuff doesn't exist, but the good's what makes me want to continue, I have to remember about those things the most
hope you all have good days!!
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UPDATE What's up, it's the proposal guy. You said you wanted to know how this turned out, so I figured I'd tell you. First some context though, because I'm mean and I wanna keep you in suspense longer.
1- I don't wanna doxx us so I'm not telling you where we live, but suffice to say, neither of us are American, and gay marriage has been legal here for less than five years. For both of us, this is the first relationship we've had where marriage was even an OPTION, and I think that's where we've been getting some of that whole 'this has to be a REAL proposal with EVERYTHING' idea.
2- I gotta figure out how to explain this properly. So, I'm pretty used to being the GUY guy in relationships? I was always the one who did the nice gestures, not the one they got done for. Before I met my dream guy, I didn't really notice or care that it was such a thing, I just assumed that's how shit worked. Also, I promised I wouldn't talk a lot about his stuff here, but his last boyfriend before me SUCKED. Anyway point here is, it turns out we both REALLY like feeling swept off our feet sometimes, and a big part of finding each other has been getting to feel special for once? That's a stupid sappy way of putting it the point here is I think all that's what morphed into "I need to be the one getting proposed to, also it has to be completely perfect", and then our Petty & Extra genes got involved.
So I'm sitting in bed thinking about all that up there, and watching all the comments coming in basically being like "Dude, you are BLOWING this" on repeat, and telling me to compromise, and I look up and see him flossing in the bathroom and making all these doofy faces at the mirror, and it's like a switch just flips in my brain, and I'm like "Oh, I'd rather he gets to have his perfect proposal than we both have an okay one". I'm gonna do it.
Morning rolls around, and while I'm 'out for my jog like normal' I hit up a pawn shop for a temp ring (the ring pop thing is cute but NOT HIM). I found one I was at least confident wouldn't get ruined the first time he got his hands greasy (he fixes old machines as a hobby it's hot as hell), got back home, and hid the box in the toe of my nasty ass workout shoes in the bedroom closet, since I figured he'd check there last.
He was still asleep, because he stays up late no matter what and then is SHOCKED he's tired the next day, so I called and booked a table at our usual anniversary spot. (Side note about the 'he picks bad restaurants' thing. This isn't an 'I like Greek, you like Chinese' situation, dude's just BAD at finding places. He either assumes pricey is tasty and I get to eat some overrated gourmet bullshit, or he'll try and find something hip and underground and risk giving us food poisoning again, and he REFUSES to give up and pick somewhere we've been before when it's his turn to plan date night. I'm obsessed with him <3.) Date was set, I'd propose on the 21st.
Some of you might have noticed this, but fun fact! It's currently the 16th.
Last night I'm doing dishes and he's been sent to our room for mug collection duty, and he's taking FOREVER, so I go check just in case he found the ring, because the man's a gift tracking BLOODHOUND. Turns out he hasn't, he's found my Angry Box.
I assume other people have an Angry Box? Basically, we had this huge messy fight right when we first moved in together, and I never wanna let it get that bad again, so I have this shoebox where I keep a bunch of our stuff I can look at if we're fighting and hopefully cool off. There's one of those photo booth roll things, letters we wrote when he moved back with his parents for COVID, the wine cork from our first date, shit like that. Anyway, he's just sitting on the floor staring at it, and I explain about the Angry Box, and then he! Proposes!!! Kind of.
He definitely didn't have anything prepared, because by 'propose' I mean 'ugly cried & rambled at me for several minutes before I figured out it WAS a proposal', but once I got on the same page it was amazing. I said yes, and he had to admit he didn't have a ring for me because he was CONVINCED he'd win and I'd do it, so I grabbed mine because, yeah, he was right. He was like "this is the ugliest ring I've ever seen" and I was like yeah well the plan is to replace it later and he went "No. You can pry this off my cold dead fingers. After I'm buried with it." So I guess it's not a temporary ring anymore.
I'm just gonna go ahead and skip to this morning. I pointed out we still have the reservation, and he said I should propose there anyway because "We can get a free dessert. They have those creme brulee shot glasses you like. And for love, or something" and I said ok deal, but that means you gotta get me a ring to keep it fair, and his eyes LIT UP. When I swung by his work for lunch he was still on the phone with a jeweler and he had a whole page of notes on three other ones. Pray for me.
OH PS: I was RIGHT that he'd been the one behind the cat biting me, but it wasn't about the proposal stuff, it's because I paid my baby sister three dollars to shout 'fuck you' every single time he enters a room she's in for (if you ask me, he should be madder at my sister for charging so little), and he did it by giving her a bunch of treats for biting his hands too, so now neither of us can pet our baby girl without oven mitts on. HOLY SHIT I love this man.
Oh my goddddddd I love everything about this <333 I awwww'd out loud on a voice call, like, six times while reading. You two are friggin perfect for each other and so obviously smitten with each other and I wish y'all all the happiness in the world
PS Are y'all planning to have a big wedding? If so oh boy I can't WAIT to get that one in the inbox
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luveline · 4 months
hiii jadey <3 i’ve been having a bit of a rough time in college lately and i was wondering if you’d be willing to write some bombshell!reader where spencer talks about being bullied in high school and maybe bombshell can relate? even if not, just a lot of comfort please? i hope you’re doing well!! <333
ty for ur request!!! fem
It’s a blessing and a curse whenever you come around. Spencer’s thinking he hadn’t seen you in a while when your text lights up his screen, a summoning if there ever was one. 
Hi Spencer, I need some help with my laptop. It turns out for about ten seconds and then turns off again. Do you think you can fix it?
He has no idea. Probably. Do you want me to come by SCU? 
No need
“Spencer!” you say, practically glowing as you drop your messenger bag on his already crowded desk. “Sorry, that’s so heavy.”
“You’re here,” he says, surprised. 
You lean down to hug him in his chair. Spencer can’t ignore that he likes every part of you, your arms as they wrap around his shoulders, the perfume on your neck as you touch your cheek to his, even the soft exhale of your breath by his ear. “Hi, Dr. Reid,” you say gently. “Missed you. So happy my laptop isn’t working ‘cos now I get to see you.” 
You pull away with a grin. Your lips are a shade of pink that Spencer won’t soon forget.
“That was fast.” 
“So fast,” you say. “You know I love an excuse to see you and to not be at work.” 
You work very hard, but you’re like anyone. Stealing time is fun and free. “You’re not gonna get in trouble, right?” 
“With who? Hotch doesn’t care if I’m here and Sandy,” —you full body shiver at the mention of your boss— “won’t notice I’m gone for another hour. Besides, I can’t have a broken laptop. They’re pretty cool, right?”
“Yeah, I like them. I just need the WiFi to work everywhere.” You squint at him. “Is that something you can do?” 
Spencer cannot make the WiFi work everywhere you go, but he can soft reset your laptop after a short investigation of the problem. It takes about five minutes, in which you steal Morgan’s chair and get comfortable next to him, legs crossed, hand resting open on your thigh. “You’re so smart. I bet you were very popular in high school.” 
He laughs, startled, a horrible sinking feeling moving through his chest. “What? Why would you think that?”
“‘Cos you’re a genius at everything, right? I bet you were always helping people with their homework.” 
His lips last. He doesn’t know what to say. “I don’t think I talked to anyone in high school who didn’t want to hang me at the top of a flag pole,” he says honestly. 
Your lovely smile falls flat. “What?” 
“I skipped a couple of grades, so I was younger than everybody, and I wasn’t well liked. I was actually bullied pretty badly.” He laughs again with that same brittle panic. He’s talking without thinking, it just spilled out, it’s spilling still, “I used to get beat up for breathing wrong.” 
You’re quiet. Spencer panics worse because why has he told you that? You’re so sweet to him but that doesn’t mean you wanted to know about his worst moments, he can practically feel the affection you had for him melting away as you realise he’s a loser, he’s pathetic–
“I was bullied too,” you say, giving him a tentative smile. “All the way through high school and a little bit after that, too. Maybe that’s why we get along so well, huh?” 
He looks at his hands. “You were?” 
“Yep.” He can hear the strain of wanting to sound normal. “I mean, I didn’t get beat up, Spencer, that’s awful and I’m– I’m so sorry.”
You’re the last person he’d ever want an apology from, because you’re one of the only people he’s ever met who likes him as he is. You could never make him hurt the way he did back then. High school was years ago and it lingers like it happened yesterday. “I can still remember the stuff they used to say to me,” he says. 
“I got made fun of for so much stuff,” you agree. “Boys I didn’t even know would berate me in the halls for just being there. I got called ugly so much I genuinely believed I was for years.” 
“You’re not ugly,” he says immediately. 
“I know.” 
He nods thoughtfully. “It’s hard trying to forget about it. I think if people knew how much I carry with me from then they’d tell me to let it go, but I can’t.” 
“You don’t have to let it go, Spence, so long as you know it’s not your fault it happened.” 
You offer your hand. Spencer stares at it. You wiggle your fingers and he thinks, Oh, grasping it quickly, before you change your mind. Your fingers slide between his and you rub the back of his hand with your thumb, smiling approvingly, eyes crinkled with pleasure. 
“They don’t know what they missed,” you say, a hint of shyness in your voice that’s swiftly covered by your usual confident drawling, “they had unfiltered and unadulterated access to the Spencer Reid, n’ I have to pretend my laptops broken just to see you. So crazy.” 
You give his hand a good squeeze.
“It was sort of broken,” he says as you take your hand back. He’s sure his brain is broken too. 
“Nah, it always does that. I just give it a love tap and it fixes it again.” 
“A what?” He laughs so loudly it turns heads. His crush on you turns to full blown infatuation.
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s1ater · 9 months
lorenzo’s luck.
pairings. mobster!slytherin boys x fem!reader
about. in which it’s been a rough couple of weeks and lorenzo is facing the heat of it all.
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warnings. swearing, a beating,
ricky rocks. okay, new idea sense i’ve been watching the sopranos lately and writing generic slytherin boys is getting boring for me rn… also i’ve been seeing some stuff abt lorenzo on tiktok and even something on here and i think i characterized him totally wrong? but also not because i read the book (but not really) he originally came from and he didn’t seem as sweet and innocent as people play him as. idk, i’ll stick to what i have now but lmk what y’all think ig
everything and everyone was on edge.
for the past two weeks the feds had been down your neck, jeopardizing your whole lifestyle and way of work.
everyone was in a pissy mood because of it—because when the feds were on your ass, that meant having to be careful, and your job was hard thing to be careful about when every move you made was highly incriminating. so when being careful, you barely got to work, and no work meant no profit.
it was hard to specify exactly what you did.
you were a mobster.
there it is, in the simplest form.
there was a lot of pressure in being one, especially when law enforcement was there to make things ten times harder.
and it wasn’t only affecting you, but entirety of your group;
“you’re a fuckin’ idiot, lorenzo, you realize that? take a fuckin’ look at yourself in the mirror and stare at something that isn’t just your face and realize you’re a fool,” mattheo’s voice erupts so suddenly through the air, startling all of you. “get your shit together.”
it was already starting. you, theodore, blaise, lorenzo, and mattheo had just barely taken a step into one of the many backrooms of the businesses mattheo’s father owned when the composure came fumbling down.
lorenzo had just barely sat his ass in one of the leather seats when the attention was pinned to him, “jesus, what’s up you’re ass m?” he laughs, but you can tell it’s a nervous one. “jesus.”
you glance to theodore who winces at the response like it was his own. that was the worst possible thing to say, especially to mattheo, especially right now where his anger and frustration was at an all time high.
you can see that anger pulse through his skin in a spike as he finally seems to processes lorenzo’s antagonizing words.
oh boy.
“fuckin’ saved your ass, enzo. you know what my fathers saying? that you’re a loose fucking cannon and i need to let you go,” he has his hand raised, shaking it in his face. “and you know what? we don’t let people go. there’s no such thing as letting someone go in our business. that’s a rare ever occurrence.”
letting someone go is disposing them. taking them out to the back and putting them down like a dog.
“get your head on straight and don’t you forget that you wouldn’t be here without me, because you’d be dead.”
“you act like you’re so fucking clear minded,” he huffs, leaning his head against the palm of hand.
that was enough.
mattheo swings himself around, throwing his fist into the face of enzo as hard as he can. you flinch at the sound of enzo’s nose cracking beneath the contact of mattheo's knuckles. you feel yourself tense up at the noise not letting up, but rather playing over and over, filling the room with ugly sounds of punches fill the room.
your call out is cut off as theodore takes your shoulder, pulling you back, “don’t.”
“he’s going to kill him.”
“he won’t,” he pulls you even closer and further away from the violent scene unfolding before you all, tightening his grip. “lorenzo’s too viable.”
he was right. even as enzo was a loose canon, he brought in a lot of profit and kept his end clean… for the most part.
lo was too salient for mattheo to kill, but his loud mouth was enough to tip mattheo over the edge.
it was a perfect way for him to blow off steam; beating in the face of his friend.
“don’t you look like a dime.”
it’s been a week since mattheo went on his little rampage, and you were now just seeing lorenzo in his healing state.
you’re smiling up at him, pinching his cheek as he rolls his eyes to your attention, “yeah, yeah, get off my back.”
he looked far from a dime; his nose was broken causing both his eyes to sport dark rings of bruising around them while the lining of his jaw was turning a dark purple and yellow.
“you and mattheo civil now?”
“define your idea of civil.”
“well, you’re not dead, so I assume you two are as civil as civil gets in mattheo’s terms.”
he scoffs, “yeah, well, let’s hope mattheo and his father are on the same page and I don’t end up dead in the next week.”
over a month ago, some of lorenzo’s boys hijacked a truck everyone was told specifically not to mess with despite the fair amount of profit that could come from it. and unfortunately, they dug themselves an already deep hole, deeper by obtaining the truck through a casualty.
lorenzo had received the blame, despite it having nothing to do with him other than the men being under his supervision and responsibility. he had to pay for it, and he did…
“you’re on the higher end of things, he won’t kill you.”
“that’d be the exact reason for him to kill me,” lorenzo corrects you. “I’m on the higher end for a reason, i can’t fuck up.”
you press your lips into a thin line at the thought of his words. mattheo’s beating must’ve really enlightened lorenzo because there was rarely ever a moment you caught him in such a grave mood where he was so in touch with reality.
his attitude on life was light and so unserious; you were unsure on how mattheo even recruited him when that was the exact opposite that this job sought out for. but then again, the boy recruited all of you.
“then don’t fuck up,” he laughs lightly, but it’s caught in the back of his throat. “again.”
“great advice, y/l/n,” he glances at you, “really got that one on the nose.”
“don’t be a douche,” you slap him lightly. “I don’t know what you want me to say, lo. you’re alive, you’ll stay that way too as long as you don’t press your luck.”
“hard to press my luck when I don’t have any in the first place.”
you gaze at the side of his face, attempting to gage the general emotion or even thought process going through his head, but there was nothing. not even his usual perma-smile could be found.
“someone approached me awhile ago-“
“doesn’t matter who—a clients girlfriend,” lorenzo is anxious, pacing back and forth before all of you in the backyard of mattheo’s home. “i was offered a deal.”
you wince immediately.
lorenzo had collected the whole lot of you; everyone except mattheo. you all sat on his back deck, fixating between the full beautiful greenery backyard of the riddle home and lorenzo, who hadn't spoken till now.
a deal.
he should’ve stopped there.
“a deal?” blaise arched a brow, now leaning on his forearms that rest on his knees. “what kind of deal?”
you all knew exactly what type of deal it was.
enzo’s eyes don’t reach any yours, but he’s stopped pacing, wondering whether he should really speak it now.
don’t say it.
“immunity,” he says it flat out, bringing truth to all of your thoughts. but he doesn’t seem ashamed to this with the way he looks at each and every one of you in the eye finally. “she said once we all get impounded, there’s a way out for me.”
once. not if.
“i tell them everything. i rat every single one of you out and i’m given immunity.”
you all look up at him like he’s crazy. and he is; to be speaking like this to a bunch of mobsters—threatening the entirety of their life and business is crazy.
“we get thirty years plus. there’s no doubt. they get us and we’re already laid in our graves before trial because what we’ve done is absurd-“
“are you saying you’re a rat, berkshire?”
“no,” he shakes his head fast. “no, not at all.”
“that’s not what i’m hearing,” draco shakes his head. “i’m hearing you’re getting nervous with all this recent snooping of the feds and you’re fuckin’ rat.”
“fuck off, malfoy. i’m just telling you what i was told. i’m not a goddamn rat. i’d have to be mental to give up all we’ve done-“ his hand finds his forehead and he’s pacing again. “fuck if i even remember half of it.”
you’re all back to silence, thinking about this. rat or not, this did not look good for him.
your eyes suddenly settle on the light and distant bruising under enzo’s eyes; finally healing. you think about mattheo beating in his face over and over, and then you think about what he’d do if he ever found out about lorenzo’s offer.
“they have a lot of shit on mattheo.”
you all look back up to lorenzo now, a certain interest now crossing each of you again.
“what type of shit exactly?”
“type of shit you don’t get parole with… or out of jail for that matter,” he looks even more stressed than before. “she said the rest of you could have chances of a life after serving. not him.”
this wasn’t a surprise. mattheo always had a quality that none of you did when it came to getting things done; something sociopathic. he always took risk without question of consequence. he moved in silence, he didn’t hesitate, didn’t think, he always got things done faster than all of you combined.
so if mattheo did something beyond all of your usual tasks, you wouldn’t be surprised.
“i mean that makes sense, matty’s been at this longer than the rest of us,” you reasoned it out, only to be stopped immediately.
“no, you don’t understand,” enzo shook his head.
“what exactly are we not understanding here, enzo? you seem to know something, so why don’t you just spit it out,” theodore sits up, speaking for once. there’s obvious annoyance and distaste in his mouth as he stares at the boy before you with a narrowed look.
lorenzo pauses, looking back at him with the same look. you can tell there’s a thought process behind his eyes, and his anxiousness is slowly melting away.
“you know, where do you guys think this is all going? genuinely. you think we’re going to spend the next couple of months running clubs, collecting money, and beating up the occasional person that’s late on their payments for fun?” lorenzo has turned sour, looking at each of you almost as if he hates you all for your ignorance. “this is for life, and we’re only at the beginning point.”
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guccifrog · 4 months
chris sturniolo × f!reader
summary: where a silly dare leads to a lot of unexpected events
this isn't proof read so just ignore if you find anything confusing :p
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part1 part2
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: Florida -Dominic fike 0:09 ━●────────── 3:47 ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
y/n's pov ☆
the next day i was wishing that i wouldn't wake up but sadly, the alarm clock was there to remind me that I have to. I groaned and rolled over, burying my face into my pillow.I had a terrible headache, probably from all the alcohol we had yesterday.I didn't want to go to school. What if Sturniolo remebered me and decided to confront me infront of the whole school? I shivered at the thought.
"rise and shine! We don't want to be late for school!," Jane's loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I groaned and rolled over, forcing myself to open my eyes. The bright light of the morning sun streamed through the window, making my headache worse.
"get up!!" Jane said, shaking me awake. I groaned and rububed my eyes, feeling pain in my back probably from when i jumped yesterday "I don't know if I can go today," I confessed.
"Oh, come on! You're being such a baby. You're fine. You have to go. It's not like he knows who you are," Jane reassured me, giving me a little push. I sighed and slowly got out of bed. My head was still pounding, and my body felt heavy. I didn't know if I could make it through the day.
We got dressed and had breakfast, but I barely ate anything. I felt like I was moving in slow motion. I really didn't want to go to school. The thought of seeing Chris again made me want to throw up. I tried to push him out of my mind, but it was impossible.
As we walked to school together, Jane kept talking about random stuff, but I wasn't really listening. I just wanted to get through the day. When we finally got to school, I headed straight for my locker, hoping to get to class as quickly as possible.
"woah, what's with the drug dealer outfit?" someone snickered from behind me. I turned around to see Dylan and Amber, standing there with wide grins on their faces. "shut up" I muttered" i have to hide as much as possible today. Don't draw any attention to me. And don't you dare mention yesterday to anyone," I warned them. They both nodded, trying to look serious but failling miserably.
"You're not fooling anyone, you know. You look like you just rolled out of bed," Dylan teased, laughing. I just gave him a dirty look.
I closed my locker and turned back to them, forcing a small smile. "Oh, yeah? at least i'm not dressed like a grandpa," I shot back, gesturing to Dylan's outfit. He was wearing a wrinkled ugly sweater, and khaki pants. "Or like a homeless man," I added, glancing at Amber's baggy sweatshirt and old jeans. They both laughed, and I felt a little better.We walked down the hall together. But I couldn't help but feel like everyone was staring at me, and judging me.
During first period, I tried to focus on my work, but it was hard. My headache wouldn't go away, and every time I closed my eyes, I could see Sturniolo's face.Luckily he wasn't in any of my classes, but I still felt like everyone knew what happened.Hopefully he didn't tell anyone or i'll just have to move to another country if he did, maybe even change my name and get a new haircut. I wish I could just disappear.
the bell rang, signaling lunchtime. I hurried to my locker, hoping to make it to the cafeteria before anyone else. But as I reached for my backpack, I felt a sharp pain in my back. I winced as i took off my backpak and put it inside my locker,before locking it and walking to the cafeteria.
When I got there, Jane, Dylan and Jake were already waiting for me at our usual table. Jane smiled brightly when she saw me, but something about it seemed forced. "How was chemistry?" she asked,I shrugged,"like shit," and sat down next to her. "That bad, huh?"I nodded, leaning my head against the table. "my back hurts so bad…"
"go see the school nurse dumbass" Dylan said. I looked at him like he was stupid."What? you look like you're a sneeze away from dying" he shrugged.
"Yeah, whatever" I muttered, taking a sip of my soda. The cold liquid felt good against my throat.
"is that Sturniolo?," Jake asked suddenly. I glanced up in panic "where?!" I demanded, looking around. But it was too late. There he was, standing at the entrance of the cafeteria, watching us with an amused expression. My heart raced, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. "Shit," I whispered, ducking down in my seat.
Jane looked at me with wide eyes, her mouth forming a little "o" shape. "Oh my God," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "What do we do?"
"is he still there?" I asked, barely able to choke out the words. Jane nodded slowly, her eyes fixed on him. "oh, nevermind he's walking to his group now," she said, relaxing a little. I exhaled slowly, feeling the tension drain from my body.
I got up from under the table and sat down next to Jane, trying to play it cool. "So, uh, what were we talking about ?" I asked, forcing a smile but then wincing as my back twinged again
"fuck,"Dylan and Jake glanced at each other, then back at me, looking concerned. "You really need to go to the nurse's office"Dylan said.
I waved him off, still feeling a little shaky. "I'm fine, really. Just a little sore, that's all."
"if you say so," Dylan said, but he didn't sound convinced. "Hey, look at that," Jake said, pointing to the other end of the cafeteria. "isn't that the girl…what was her name….Cassie!" he shouted "shut up!,"I whispered yelled making him roll his eyes.
"wait why is she sitting with the populars?" Jane asked, confused. I glanced over, frowning. Cassie was sitting at the table with Sturniolo and a few of his other friends. I'd never seen her with them before.But again i never really paid much attention to them.
"Maybe she's just being friendly," Jake shrugged, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Or maybe she's trying to get on their good side." Jane nodded in agreement, "I don't think so, Cassie and I had been friends for a while, and I didn't think she would just suddenly decide to hang out with those assholes" Dylan said, nodding at the group across the cafeteria.
I glanced over at Sturniolo, trying to ignore the knot in my stomach. He was laughing with Cassie, his lips curled into a smug smile. Something about the way he looked at her made my skin crawl.
"Maybe they're just being nice to her."I suggested, not really believing my own words, Dylan snorted, "Yeah, right. Those assholes don't know nice."
the rest of the lunch break went by without any further interaction between Sturniolo and us.lunch passed by quickly, and soon it was time to head back to class. we made our way back to our lockers, and i opened mine to get my backpack, but pain shot through my back again. i let out a small whimper, and dylan turned to look at me.
"are you sure you're okay?," he asked, concern written all over his face. "i'll drive you home if you want," i shook my head, not wanting to draw any more attention to myself. "i'll be fine, really. just need to take it easy for the rest of the day."i said grabbing my bag,but Dylan snatched it out of my hand "i'll take this," he said, tossing it over his shoulder. "come on, let's get you to class." he took my arm and began leading me down the hall. I winced, the pain in my back flaring up again.
"we have biology now, right?" I asked Jane as Dylan led me down the hall. Jane nodded, her expression concerned. "Yeah, in room 102." Dylan and Jane exchanged a look, and I could tell they were both worried about me. "I'm fine," I insisted, trying to keep up with Dylan's long strides. "Really, it's just a little muscle spasm or something."
We reached the classroom Dylan placed my bag down before leaving. The pain in my back was still intense but i was managing it. Me and Jane sat down at the back of the class. I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I tried to focus on what the teacher was saying but it was hard.
I decided to take my airpods out and listen to some music to help distract myself. I was halfway through my favorite song when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy that i never spoke too before, he looked awfully familiar though. "Is this yours? i found it on the ground," he asked, holding out my phone." oh thanks, i must have dropped it." I said taking my phone back.
He smiled at me and i noticed how he had these dimples when he did. "No problem, but you should, be careful, you don't want to lose that. It's expensive " he said with a small smile. I smiled back. "Thanks for telling me, and yeah, you're right. I'll be more careful from now on."
"i"m Nick by the way," he said extending his hand,"I'm y/n" I said shaking it. He smiled at me again before I turned back. I saw Jane trying to get my attention from the corner of my eye, she kept shrugging her shoulders and looking at me weirdly, 'check your phone' she mouthed. I glanced down at my phone, realizing that she had sent me like a million texts.
Jane ⭐
are you serious
umm yeah I know???
he said his name is nick
i'm literally fighting the urge to get up and slap you rn
i know he's familiar but IDK
I look up from my phone in panic, my heart racing. Oh my God, of course, he looks familiar.He's Chris's brother. The Chris Sturniolo. Chris, who i'm trying to avoid at all costs.
I quickly gathered my stuff,glancing at nick behind me, who was giving me a confused look.I needed to get out of here. Now. I stand up,and make my way to the front of the class. "Hey, Mr. Johnson, , I don't feel so well, and I need to go home. Could I please have a pass for the nurse?" I ask, my voice shaky. Mr. Johnson frowns at me, but nods in understanding "Head to the nurse's office and get yourself checked out. But don't you dare think of skipping class," he says with a warning glance.
I nod and quickly make my way out of the classroom. As I hurry down the hall, the pain in my back throbbing with each step, I begin to panic.I duck into a nearby bathroom stall, closing the door behind me. I lean against the cool tile wall, trying to catch my breath. My thoughts race as I consider my options. Maybe I can just call Dylan to pick me up, but he's probably busy right now. And I can't walk home.That leaves me with no other choice than going to the nurse's office.
I splash water on my face, trying to calm down. When I'm finally composed enough, I unlock the stall and exit the bathroom. As I approach the nurse's office, the pain was getting worse. I knock on the door and a woman with black hair pokes her head out. "Yes dear, what can I do for you today?"
"umm… hi, I'm in Mr. Johnson's class and I'm not feeling well. I was hoping I could see the nurse?" I ask, trying to sound calm despite the pain. She raises an eyebrow, glancing at me over her glasses.
"Of course, dear. Please come in," she says, opening the door wider. I take a step inside and immediately regret my decision. Standing there, is none other than Chris.It's like the universe is playing a cruel joke on me. He raises his eyebrows in surprise as i just stood there contemplating if i should just turn back and leave.
"alright dear, you should be fine now. Here's some medicine for your pain, and I'll give you a pass to head back to class. But if you don't feel better soon, you should probably see your family doctor, okay?" the nurse says, handing him a small paper cup with some pills in it. he takes the pills and nods, not even bothering to look at me as he stands up and walks out of the office.
I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself. The pain in my back was making it difficult to even stand up straight. I'm not sure what to do now.
"here, you can sit down here,"the nurse says, gesturing to a small chair beside her desk. I slowly lower myself into the chair, wincing in pain as my back protests the movement.
The nurse ended up letting me stay for the rest of the day. I didn't have the energy to go back to class, and I didn't want to risk running into Chris again. She gave me a cup of water and a blanket to keep me warm while I waited for the bell to ring. As I sat there, I couldn't help but think about how this whole situation was just…weird.
when the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the school day, I thanked the nurse and gathered my things. As I slowly made my way out of the office,I took out my phone to text the group chat with Jane and Dylan, asking him to pick me up. As I rounded a corner, I caught sight of Jane walking down the hall, I hurried over to her, not wanting to be alone any longer.
taglist ☆
@lvr-111 @mattestrella @sleepysturnss @athaliahxoxo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @strniololoverr @fuckshitslover @1horrormoviewhore1 @b2cute @breeloveschris
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joesalw · 6 months
Old swiftie here. I'm so over Taylor shading Joe. Like, I've always defended her because she, as an artist, is allowed to express herself and sing about her life, but she's literally just been taking cheap, coordinated shots against him for months now and it's just ugly. It's one thing for her to write about her feelings, another to shit talk him to her girlfriends, and a WHOLE OTHER THING to take every opportunity to blast him in front of the whole world. It's even worse to me that he really wanted to be private and now that they're over she's making everything public as a last laugh. He hasn't said anything, he's barely shown his face since the break up. All of this could have gone away by now, if she didn't keep bringing it back up. For someone who talked a whole lot about her accomplishments being diminished by the media in favor of her love life and how unfair that is, right now she's the only one to blame for it. She's really not missing any chances when it comes to talking about Travis and even worse comparing them being public to Joe. And I'm sorry, but some of the stuff she says is just hurtful no matter what unfolded. Wasted time? Really? I just don't get how someone can write such beautiful love songs, be so in love, talk for YEARS about how being private is the right thing and what she needed for their mental health, and then go "wow what a load of wasted time you were, and I gotta tell the whole world about it." She just flipped on him so hard and that's the kind of thing I always defended her from. I'm not finding her at all different from the likes of Kanye. That's not the kind of person I'd like to be around in real life and it definitely isn't the kind of person I want to be supporting. Idk I just really can't with the way she's rewriting history. It's like she forgot she disappeared for a reason and has now fully bought into the idea that he kept her locked in her basement or something. I always thought that if you really wanted to know someone's character you should put them on top of the world and see what they do with all that power and I'm sad to say nothing Taylor has done this year has made me think she's someone I should root for. Working with a rapist, dating a racist/misogynist/zionist then defending him, turning on someone she once implied save her life, the way she handled the Rio shows in Brazil (as a brazilian fan)... It's all just rotten. A real shame bc I've been with her since 06 but better late than never I guess.
A real shame indeed, because she's someone i used to defend a lot as well. But with everything that has happened this year have put such a bad taste in my mouth and also made me realize how her haters have always been so right. I used to think she has improved herself a lot both personally and professionally but to throw away all those character development as a wastage of time just because a relationship didn’t work out is so childish and embarrassing, like how can her fans not see through this?
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shizukateal · 1 month
Grimm Variations - Episode One Review: Cinderella
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Ok, starting with the heavy hitter aren't we Grimm Variations? Really have that much confidence in yourself in spite of your kinda ugly art direction? Ok. Alright. I see how it is.
This is actually a pretty fascinating example, since it has both cases simultaneously.
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(sorry for the shitty gif, I don't know how to reduce size without sacrificing quality)
Let's start from the beginning: This version of Cinderella takes place somewhen at the intersection of the Meiji and Showa Periods in Japan, which is to say in the Roaring 20's. Instead of our usual protagonist, the story centers on Makiko and Sawako our prospective Evil Stepsisters, as their mother Tsuruko, a former geisha, marries Viscount Otawara, who has a single daughter: Kyoko. Kyoko enthusiastically welcomes her new family with open arms, even gifting precious things to her new sisters, who clearly love the luxuries of the social ladder that they've climbed. However things take a turn for the dark as Kyoko starts manipulating everyone around the house with wounded gazelle gambits to convince them that her sisters are mistreating her and usurping her place. The story thus becomes about Makiko and Sawako going to the ball (hosted by a count's son) to try and escape their Evil Little Stepsister.
There's also some background stuff at the start of the episode about the brothers grimm and that little girl Charlotte up there, who appears as a living doll of Kyoko's, but since none of that is explained here we're just gonna focus on what this dark take says thematically about the tale of Cinderella.
Right from the beginning the overturn starts when the first scene makes it clear that Cinderella's dad holds all the power in the relationship with the Evil Stepmother, whereas the Grimm and Perrault versions make her the one wearing the pants. It's never explicitly stated in either of them, but it's natural to infer that the Stepmother is of a higher peerage than Cinderella's Dad to explain how she would hold power over him and his daughter when trying to rationalize the story, and it's a common plot point in adaptations. However, this alone a subversion does not make. After all, if you read trashy romance in aristocratic settings (like I do), you know that it is extremely common for social climbers to be presented as sniveling usurpers, who get arrogant and greedy and turn into bullies the moment they have a modicum of luxury and rank in spite of their Inferior Manners (unless they are the protagonist of course). Lots of Cinderella stories follow that formula.
And that's exactly what Kyoko uses against her stepsisters.
Makiko and Sawako are stupid. If their unrefined manners are forgivable and a simple matter of environment and time, the way they openly slobber over and covet the riches of their new house makes them no favors. When they think one of the servants stole jewelry from them (and it was a piece that Kyoko had given them at that) they immediately get angry and physically aggressive towards a person whom they were equal in rank perhaps mere days ago. It takes them too long to stop and realize that hey, no servant would openly flaunt a piece they'd stolen from their master, so maybe something else is afoot, but by then it's too late. The other servants of the house can no longer trust them, so of course they continually take the side of the poor, defenseless little mistress Kyoko.
The tale so turns into an interesting mix of one-part hitchcokean aristocratic horror-thriller, impulsed in part by the flaws of the protagonists, and I'd say around a quarter-part view into the hypocrisies of class. Makiko and Sawako's refusal to engage with the servants with respect and compassion, trying to act the rank they've ascended to, cuts them from a support network, even as they are handed wealth and luxury. However it is undeniable that because of their lowly origins and etiquette people view them with scorn, distrust, and antipathy, a fact that is driven home when they are the ones who get mean whispers and comments upon entering the ball. They don't stop from being victims in the narrative just because they aren't likeable. By contrast, Kyoko may wear old plain clothes and do house work, but because she's nice to the staff and is seen as the legitimate blood heir, everyone looks at her with compassion and chucks her unnaturally cheery disposition towards her circumstances to good breeding, to the point that she gets away with poisoning her stepmother for years until she dies.
Likewise, at the scene of the ball the sisters fail spectacularly at captivating their prospective Prince with their uncouth behavior, so all our Cinderella has to do is be pretty and make a scene in front of everyone for things to take its predestined course. Tsuruko dies that night thanks to her stepdaughter forcibly feeding her one last cup of bleach before she leaves. And even though everybody witnesses the sisters grieving over their mother's corpse, nobody has sympathy for them the next day, when Makiko becomes the head of the family at Kyoko's (clearly secret) behest. The moment the Prince appears and declares his intention to marry Kyoko, Makiko and Sawako are expediently given the boot to the ass and thrown out of the house. Thus both of them are forever expelled from aristocratic society... and forever free from Kyoko.
Cinderella has followed her usual course of ascending to a higher to a social strata while reclaiming her lost position thanks to the intervention of a powerful man... But it's the Evil Stepsisters who have escaped an abusive situation by leaving the comforts of status behind, which goes very specifically against the message the original story gives. What's more this is due to their own character development: they knew that Kyoko would sabotage them if they tried to escape her via marriage, so they baited her into pulling a stunt and deliberately sabotaged their own chances with the Prince so that he would take her away from them.
THAT, my guys, is actual subversion. THAT is commentary. It's impeccably brilliant...! Or at least it would be were it not for the biggest flaw in the story: Cinderella herself.
Near the end of the first act the sisters try to warn their mother about Kyoko's nefarious acts. Of course, she doesn't believe them. After all, she asks outloud, what does Kyoko get out of acting like that? It seems that the scriptwriter didn't realize that asking that question explicitly in dialogue would put it at the forefront of the audience's thoughts before the whole thing went into print.
I mean the script makes Kyoko talk about her family being her precious "dolls" or whatever but that explains absolutely jackshit when her attitude is so inconsistent. Keep in mind, this Cinderella kills her own dad when he unwittingly threatens to disturb her status quo and starts the second act by saying out loud that she fears the situation she's created might end, but after the sisters do succeed in suckering her she just goes "oh well :) thems the breaks" and it's implied she'll move on to torturing the Prince for shits and giggles and that's it.
Alas, however, I must be fair and truthful in my final assessments. I came into this series expecting vapid edginess and mediocrity and while it hasn't exactly disappointed on that front, it has just enough thematic juice to move into the tier I was most afraid of: trash but still good enough to be frustrating. Join me next week for more suffering if it keeps up this way.
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spitdrunken · 2 months
I’m busy as usual lately, and if you’re new here, my interests tends to change up pretty quickly and strongly because of my neurodivergency lolol I see all your hazbin requests, and I will try to get to them <33 In the meantime, my girlfriend has dragged me into Ace Attorney (so blame her), and I cleaned up this ‘discord fic’ we wrote together, haha.
notes: dick gumshoe x female!reader (reader is very explicitly female here; please don’t go in hoping for ambiguity!), age gap (gumshoe is early 30s, reader is early 20, inexperienced reader. other than that, this is just very consensual sex. enjoy!
essentially, the entire crux of the idea is that gumshoe has a hookup app he uses sometimes, and you meet through there. you haven’t had that much sex, or just not sex with guys, but you’re bored and you’re horny and you decide- why the hell not? you assume nothing will really come out of it, anyway.
maybe there's just a far higher number of guys on the app you were on, and most of them just sent you a picture of their ugly penis or the most horrendous, sexual pickup line in existence… you'd practically given up on both the app and the male population in general, when you encounter gumshoe. who just tells you how pretty you are and asks how your day has been. he is outrageously attractive himself, and so you have to wonder whether or not he’s even real… despite the different start,i feel like he still wouldn't take too long to ask if you want to come over to his place sometime, but that's only normal and expected- it's the very purpose of the app such as the one you're using, after all! he warns you beforehand that his apartment doesn’t look like the best of places on the outside, and agrees to do anything you want beforehand to verify his identity! like sending pics of himself in certain poses, or (video)calling.
and you show up and all of your nerves just crash into you at once. you’re standing in the parking lot and you get so nervous you might as well throw up. you don’t really do stuff like this, but you were lured here by his genuine compliments and his good looks. you are almost tempted to text him that you’re going home, something came up, or to be rude enough to ghost him entirely- but there’s a little bit of guilt welling up inside you, knowing that you agreed with all of this, and he’s waiting for you and got his hopes up.
the reason you initially do go up to the door is this guilt. at your hesitant knock at the door, it immediately swings open, as if he had been waiting right beyond. you’d guessed from his pics he’d be big, but he’s really tall, and the spitting image of the pics he uploaded, rather than some of the horror stories you’ve heard.
"h-hi!!" you squeak. "i'm from the, uh, thing." you give him a little wave, and immediately feel stupid, quickly lowering your hand. your face is already on fire, and you don’t quite know what else to say.
gumshoe, on the other hand, only needs to take one look at you to be able to see how nervous you are. (while people often consider him dumb, he’s at least got emotional intelligence to make up for it. not to mention, he’s been around this block plenty of times before.)
"pal, c'mon, sit down. you look like you're about to pass out," he says, though not unkindly, and leads you inside before pulling back a chair from his dinner table. you're pretty happy to do as he says. "are you okay?"
"yeah, um-" you wring your hands together on your lap, face flushed, not meeting his eye. "i'm sorry. i don't really do stuff like this…. ever. i-is that weird? i just, uh, well…" you laugh sheepishly and awkwardly. "you were- you are very handsome, what can i say?"
he laughs, louder than you think you deserve, but it's boisterous. not laughing at you. "you sure do know how to make a man feel special, huh? but… hey. look at me." he's sitting opposite you now, a kindly smile on your face. "we don't hav'ta do anything you don't want to. we don't have to do anything at all! i want you to have a good time. both of us should have a good time. 'course, i'm always happy to have such a pretty lady in my home.. but i'm not gonna make you do something you don't wanna."
after his little motivational speech, you've calmed enough that your breathing has slowed down to regular levels.
"thank you, i really do appreciate it… um. i wanna try, at least. i bought new lingerie 'n everything," you mumble, eyes averted.
"just for little old me? you shouldn't have." dick's smile is goofy and genuine and luring you closer, allowing him to reach out for your waist.
"would you mind if i take a look? i'd love to see your pretty new panties." you don’t trust your tongue to make any comprehensible noise right now, so you just rapidly nod. "that's my girl."
maybe he keeps sitting down at the table, and pats his knee, inviting you to sit down on his lap. not right over his crotch, he doesn’t want to push you that quick and that hard. maybe you're wearing a cute little dress so he just pulls the hem up, and without even thinking about it, you reach out and taking him from it, holding it up for him,, you're very very red in the face and looking anywhere except at him, but you can hear the smile in his voice when he says ‘thanks’.
he just places one of his big, warm hands on your thigh, rubbing circles on the skin on the inside, and with the other hand he just traces a single finger up the length of your thigh, closer and closer to your panties to see if you don't get spooked. even when he touches your underwear, he doesn't go for your clit or anything like that, just running the tip of his finger over the side of it. maybe it's pink n lacy and slightly see through.
"that's so adorable," he tells you, maybe even tugging a little at the pink little bow on top. "s'like you read my mind and you knew exactly what i wanted to see! special girl."
"i- i'm sure i'm not… mmm--" gumshoe just hums in response, question unspoken. "i'm sure you've had prettier girls over." and you immediately want to hit yourself over the head for saying something like that, but it was what you were thinking.
"hah!" he practically guffaws, entirely unfazed. "you'd be surprised, pal. all i ever seem to hook are skinny little guys. which is all fine and good, love ‘em, but there are plenty who are just- if they can't be bothered to just say 'hi' before starting to talk about my dick, i just block 'em."
you can't help but laugh a little, and look at his face for the first time, meeting with relaxed eyes and a kind smile. (if you're going to catch feelings for this man, you swear to god--) "i guess we're pretty similar, then. i only got, uh, dick pics and bad one liners… you were the first one to just ask how i was feeling." for a moment, you can forget you're sitting in a stranger's lap with your dress pulled up, and his fingers centimeters away from your clit. maybe this guy just has that effect on people.
"people can be weird," he sighs and shakes his head a little. "that, or they just ask for the strangest things. i had this one guy over once, and he just straight up asked for fisting, which, y’know, never mentioned that anywhere before! how do ya even think you want my damn fist inside you, when you can't even handle my cock?"
"o-oh yeah?" you stammer out, the unspoken question on your lips (are you THAT big???!!??) obvious to both people in the room, and you don't even think about it as your eyes shift a looot lower than his face.
there's a tangible shift in the air, and gumshoe chuckles. when he speaks again, his voice is about an octave lower. "eyes up here, sweetheart." you jolt, practically spit out an apology, and he laughs again, louder this time. "no, no, i'm sorry, was just messing with ya. but you got curious, didn't ya? c'mere."
he takes your wrist, grip loose enough that you could pull away at any moment, but you don't. he places your hand right on top of his crotch, and places his own hand over yours. he is… big, and your face is burning. "i can see that you're wet yourself, sweetheart, so i think ya should know i've been hard ever since you walked through that door."
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feyspeaker · 3 months
Hii me again. I'm not sure if I sent the ask I'm talking about on anon, so maybe that's why you didn't see it? It partially got answered with a recent ask you got anyway so no worries. I was just wondering if you use 3d in your process and if so, how? I've seen other illustrators use it to varying degrees and it seems like a really helpful tool to push your work.
Oh that's so weird! No I periodically go through my asks in chunks and I didn't see anything like that. I've had a few people in the past few months send me asks that looked like the second half of something else with no context, so maybe it's Tumblr fuckery. Sorry!!
I recommend learning Blender so you can help sculpt shapes and render lighting onto them in order to get the weirder/more complex shadows right. You can also apply colors onto the things you sculpt in order to see how the colors act in different lighting. It's pretty much an invaluable tool to me as it keeps me from having to problem-solve too much. I did a lot of digging around in my house to build references to photograph but it was just impractical to achieve the things I want to a lot of the time. I still do that, and you would not believe how many goofy photos I have of my husband in the poses you've seen me paint Astarion in lmao...
I do think that it needs to be used in moderation if you are a more beginner artist- I think that using 3D is DANGEROUSLY close to becoming a massive crutch for a newer artist and improper usage or over reliance on it can lead to stiffness or artificial looking colors. You need to be able to train your eye to create compelling compositions by bashing things together, and train your hand to replicate/add/subtract as needed from your references with an organic feel.
I will say this as a total committer of this crime myself in the past, it's VERY easy to tell when an artist relies too much on, for example, Clip Studio Paint posed models as bases for pieces without a good enough grasp on their fundamentals. And I also used to prickle when I saw more advanced artists warn of this, so I do think maybe it just has to run its course sometimes, because I know that using 3D for reference seems like an easy-button.
I've taken a lot of in-person classes for live figure drawing and painting, as well as just totally done drills, basically, on sketching and painting from life before relying too much on static imagery/3D/etc.
I often fret over every piece I do looking too stiff even still.
You have to do a LOT of the boring hard stuff the old fashioned way. And I regularly go back to it over and over when needed.
For example, I recently did a stupid amount of rose petal/flower studies deconstructing and painting ugly little paintings/doodles over and over because I know that I've been horribly weak at painting flowers for years (actively avoiding them). And I've been doing a lot of floral stuff lately due to that.
Whenever I start a new piece in new territory, I know it's going to mean several 3AM nighters where I have two other tabs open on Photoshop where I test out different textures or do a couple of studies. I'm working on a piece of my OC right now that has a lot of gore/medical instruments and I've been working on testing out different methods for shiny metal painting and some anatomical studies. I'll come to a snag in a painting and go "here we go" and work through it one piece at a time.
My Halsin piece, "Secret Spot" in the hot spring, was a massive undertaking with a lot of these moments. The Karlach x Dammon piece took 3 times longer than it should have due to me just having to go back and fix things knowing I could do better after doing some studies.
Ultimately I personally find art tutorials to be quite useless overall once you get to a certain point, unless they are teaching the use of a tool/software because you HAVE to figure out what works for you. And even then I use Blender like a monkey with a keyboard, I suspect, because I've just bruteforced through it, so I could probably use a tuneup from a good teacher on that haha. I hope this helps some, and sorry if I overstepped if I sound preachy.
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askbohemiancompany · 5 months
The end of the year.
A lot has happened for me this year, yet it feels like nothing happened at all.
My blog turned 10 years old this year. I got away from phone work. I started writing an actual story for my original setting very slowly, feeling like I have something to show even if not completed. I even made a blog for it.
To be upfront, my imposter syndrome has always been a lingering issue. I’ve been around for so long, yet I have always felt I have had nothing to show. It is not something I think I can kick due to my own depression, but a lot of people this year have made kicking it back easier.
So I am going to ramble off the cuff for a moment.
@team-pokefriends -you saying you binged my entire blog really meant a lot for me. It happened at the right time to, it was when I was at my lowest mentally so seeing someone go through everything made my heart skip a beat. Also fighting game enjoyers for real for real.
@feyvagabondart / @teammaxvolume as always you have continued to be one of the best allies in the community to me. I appreciate your enthusiasm and love for the community. I appreciate being able to work with you and everyone on the zine.
@lustrous-dawn - you have been my motivator for most of the year for me. Both out of respect for your ability as a writer, and envy. You put yourself out in the community this year in a big way this year, watching Zhen and Susanno interact with other blogs is great. I wish I could consistently interact with others as you did. You are still one of the most grounded in the community and a straight shooter to. I am excited to see what happens to those old birds.
@asksavel -I’ve mentioned before you were one of the reasons I started working on my blog. You and I have been talking more lately and you have been both engaging and helpful for my mental health after work turned ugly. That day was so helpful for me.
@ask-the-royal-absol - You made the community engaging with one of the most impactful in a long time. Destino has hit the community like a goddamn cannonball and it fun to see everyone get hit by the blast. Gwen and Destino interactions have been fun and I hope for more from them in the future.
@casteliacityramen You have given me a death grip in terms of the story I am 100% engaged with. Rio has become one of my favorite characters in the Pokeask community and I am eagerly checking any updates with the blog waiting to see what happens next. The reveal was probably one of the the biggest drops of the year.
@askcapital - one of the other story and characters that continues to grip me. The debut of Capital’s Hoopa form is one of the coolest moments. Their design is a winner and I want to learn more about them. I also appreciate your patience with me commissioning you a lot this year for a number of projects.
@breed-station - You have been one of the most approachable people for me this year. Not only for collaborating on the ask swap, but also for helping with the shiny dex to where I am now 88% complete with the dex. It has been fun touch trading and making that number tick higher.
@askleaderscrest - not only have you also been helpful with the shiny dex, but it has been great talking one on one with you. You have been grounded to talk to and you are someone I like to hear from for both blog and general adulting stuff. I always appreciate being able to talk on this kind of stuff.
@asktheisle you continue to be one of the most welcoming people to talk to. You remain engaging with Nat being a fun dynamic characters to watch. It was also amazing collaborating with you on the plot to unscramble Grohl’s brain.
I admit I am terrified for next year, but I can at least use this place as an escape. I know this community will help me move past what 2024 throws at me.
Here’s hoping for a better year.
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
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Pairing: biker! Sam Wilson x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 1600 words
Outline: Sam always came around looking for one thing but this time he's gonna find out more than he ever thought he could.
Warnings: hate sex, rough play, swearing, toxicity, spit play, slapping, degradation, use of whore & slut, unprotective penetrative sex, ya know the usual stuff
Author’s Note: This is my entry for Missy's @saiyanprincessswanie 3.5K Challenge! Used the following: biker! au, the prompt, 'do you regret letting us end?' & hate sex. Missy congrats on your growing number of followers, your presence and work in the community are super important and you are such a delightful hard working person! wishing you the best always! Thanks to all you helped brainstorm with him for this fic <3
Main Masterlist ・❥・ Sam Wilson Masterlist
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"You really wanna play like that?" Sam asks you, his breath hot on your neck his hands cupping your ass under your shorts in the quietness of the about-to-be-closed car wash.
Well, you would have closed up if your ex-boyfriend hadn't shown up, gold chain on his neck and a white shirt hanging so low all of his chest hair, and arms were exposed. He looked absolutely delicious, any girl would fall at his feet at a moment's notice.
But you weren't rolling like that. There was an argument. Your co-worker tried to defend you but you told her you could handle it and for her to check up on you in ten minutes through whispers and glares. She didn't want to see you in tears, you'd end up in tears anyway. Just not the kind she thought.
But then again not everyone was into what you wanted.
Ten minutes is a lot of time for famous local biker Sam Wilson. One of the most coveted men in California. And here he was pushing your body against the wall and his hand playing with the waistband of your shorts. Oh, how well does his hand fit right there?
"You don't want me here, sugar." He mused finally touching your bare skin that reacts to his touch familiarly. "You wish I'd just drop dead." He whistles playfully licking his tongue all over his bottom lip. You really wish you could remember what the original argument was about, but you know that's not important.
"I'm not that mean, Wilson." You roll your eyes and try to surpass the moan that wants so bad to get out as his large fingers discover your cotton panties. If you'd thought he'd be coming over today on all of the days, you might have worn something else...
"You really out here, entertaining other men."
"Didn't we break up?"
"Is this what you call breaking up?"
"You are only good for one thing, baby, focus on it." You snap back ready to talk the game when you need to.
"Oh is that how it is?"
"Yeah. I know why you're here. "
"So yesterday, late night, you didn't come with your little ugly boy to my club trying to provoke me?"
"Sam you have the only club down the coast."
"Excuses... excuses."
"Sam if I wanted to provoke you I'd fuck a dude right on your hood."
Something snapped inside him and Sam manhandles you in a way that has you now facing the wall, your back to him, a tight grip on your neck.
"Say that again." He whispers. "But mean it this time."
Well, it's not like you're going to hesitate at all.
"I would fuck a dude right under your nose. Maybe even on your bed., maybe I'd even send you pictures."
You know he's gonna see red, you want him to. He needs to stop coming down here where you work and act like this. You haven't been his for a while and it's a decision that was all his.
"I think that I am the only one willing to fuck your little tight ass. Look at it. Can barely hold a dick inside her even if she tried. C'mon who would wanna waste their time?"
To say that his degrading behavior didn't hurt your feelings or made you want to please him, even more, wanting to prove yourself to him, your own salvation, would be an understatement. His grip on your neck pressing your one cheek to the wall possessively has you reaching the most submissive state.
"Who could fuck you like that? Who could have your legs shaking with just three fingers inside the goddamn produce aisle? You fucking love your veggies, don't you, baby girl?"
A smack on your ass and this time you wail.
"Answer daddy. C'mon you remember how a girl can speak or is your stupid brain getting too hazy at the prospect of getting dick. Always such a dumb look on your face, eyes wide and bright begging to get filled like the little pathetic whore that you are. Tell me does your daddy know that the pretty little girl he raised has turned into nothing but a cum storage?"
You have to reply, you are fighting the urge to submit to his command and you master your courage. "F-fuck you, Sam! Anyone can fuck me, your big dick ain't that special."
"Oh. How about you repeat that after I shove it inside you."
"Won't change my mind."
"But you want it inside you."
"You want it more, Sammy, don't fool yourself."
"Only as long as you do, princess."
"Erik fucked me so good last night, cum was dripping down my thigh. I don't need your cock to fuck me good."
You think that would break him, that he'd made him rip your panties and fuck you senseless and your coworker would come inside to find you screaming and shaking. But Sam knows when you lie. Or maybe he stalked you a little.
"Erik sounds like he knows how to fuck a slut. Wanna show me how you fucked him? Wanna show him how you bounced on his cock begging that it was mine?"
"N-no!" You protest and try to look back at him even though it's not an easy task.
"He asked me on a date, something you've never done."
There is silence. Sam expected a lot of things but not this. His grip gets loose and finally, you turn around as his fingers slip from your skin, your mouths breathing air across each other.
Then his lips crush yours and you use your hands trying to push him off of you but you are happy he is finally setting himself loose. His hand finds your panties pushing them to the side, just to use his calloused fingers to touch your skin and amuse himself at your wetness.
But you wanna play. He deserves it.
So you slap him on the face as he lets go of the kiss and he is confused for a split second before he is slapping you back and crushing your lips together again. It excites you, your legs wrap around him as your hands wrap around his neck and he is fumbling with his low-cut jeans.
"You are really bad at holding in your excitement. Look at how wet you are, pathetic. You want me to believe a man fucked you last night? Baby your pussy speaks a different story."
"She just like getting fucked, doesn't matter whose cock is filling it."
And his cock is out, standing firm in attention, getting stroked a few times with his hand and his spit over it, the sheer sight always making you feral, and then it's inside you, breaching your velvet walls. He is pushing your body against the wall, the bright lights from the open sign illuminating your body. He is rough, he is precise, he is truly running out of time.
"If that's how it is. Maybe I don't need to look at your ungrateful face." He chuckles before he is slipping out of you and pushes your body to the floor you are scrambling to get steady on your knees as his body shields yours and he pushes his cock inside again. Fitting right where it should be. His hands are over yours, his hips moving against your body almost hatefully, aggressively, and possessively.
He fucked you like an object, his object, his to break, his to mend.
Smacks on your ass become more stingy as your hands can barely hold up as he almost stands up now, fucking your body so viciously. He wanted to break you, to make you admit, what you felt for him, hatred, passion, love, something, you must have felt something for him and he is gonna take it out of you.
When his fingers play with your clit, you cum instantly screaming his name and when he finishes he does so without stopping, just keep going pushing his cum right back inside you until he twisted you around again. Loose shirt hanging off his shoulders, chain dinging over your face, his face covered in sweat, his jeans rolled around his ankles. No boxers ever. Your shirt not moved at all, your shorts and panties pushed to the side, just enough to give him access to your holes.
"Did Erik fuck you like that?" He might seem confident cause he knows you haven't actually done that but you know exactly how to make him cry.
"He took my hand, dressed me up and showed me off to the world. Unlike you."
Now you weren't lying. He was a gentleman and after the club, he left you at home and asked to come to pick you up on Sunday for a little beach trip. Sam was tied to his city. Sam never went anywhere.
"This is my home."
"It's not mine though, Sam. One day I will move away, and I need someone to come with me. I can't be tied like this."
He finally snaps holds your chin up with his large hand and his dark chocolate eyes meet yours.
"Do you regret letting us end?"
The moment would have been oh so romantic if it wasn't for that stupid cocky smirk appearing on his face. Without hesitation you shake your head negatively.
There is no end to this. There can never be.
"Have we really ended?"
"Guess not."
"Guess not."
Maybe if you picked it right at the start you could meet each other half way but for now you had to deal with the screech coming from your friend's mouth.
There is no ending for people who never truly started is there?
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for updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary!
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iwanthermidnightz · 9 months
I don’t know if you want to post this long explanation and train of thought, but thought it might be worth sending my thoughts.
I’m on gaylor twitter as much as I’m on Tumblr these days, and I watched the rise of the term LSK. Where it came from was after Taylor seemed to make it clear that Karlie betrayed her (post-folklore and through the release of ITTG and Closure, her explanation of MTR at long pond, and during the confirmation of Karlie’s first pregnancy,) kaylor as a fandom essentially died. 99% of people believed they broke up, and it was ugly. Kaylor was already on life support after the masters thing, but this period essentially killed it. Even those who were willing to consider they were still together stopped posting about it because there was no point and we got a lot of hate. It was seen as embarrassing to still believe they were together. Why would anyone want to participate in something that brings no joy? A few like you and 9wift stuck around, but I know that even you took a step back for a while.
But starting around early 2022, a few people started admitting out loud that there were a lot of clues that maybe they were together. Because the evidence for them having broken up was so strong, still very few people would entertain the idea that they never actually broke up. But it started to become clear enough that there was something going on. And eventually enough accounts on twitter who made good points (and do so in a funny, joyful way, unlike the toxicity of tumblr at the time) it became relatively popular, and more and more people became convinced. These people needed a term to separate themselves from “kaylors” who believed they never broke up, at the time were very small in numbers, and had a very bad reputation because of some personalities, particularly on tumblr. They chose Late Stage as their term. It probably was already a term used in other fandoms, but I’m not sure. In the past, we used to describe swiftgron in terms if versions (1.0, 2.0, etc) so I look at LSK as similar to this. They see LSK as a sort of kaylor 2.0. A post-breakup reconciliation.
As is the case with all other subgroups, there are various beliefs about how and when LSK happened, and some of them even go back and forth about maybe they never actually totally broke up. But even those still call themselves LSKs as a way to distinguish themselves as a new generation (who look at things differently.) One of the most obvious ways they look at things differently is they are less concerned with josh. They see him as Karlie’s gay bestie rather than calling him names and thinking he is the devil, both Karlie and Taylor hate him and he’s blackmailing them and he’s a war criminal. All that became canon on tumblr over the years (and also among the meaner parts of Gaylor twitter, much of which was born on tumblr and The Lchat and migrated to twitter.) Most LSKs don’t like josh as a person, but they don’t believe Karlie hates him. This allows them to approach kaylor with fun and joy rather than being miserable all the time like a lot of the old tumblr kaylors. I think a fair amount of this is that there is some separation at this stage from the trump presidency and some of the most controversial kushner stuff and they are young and often not Americans, so it is easier for them to not know or overlook this part of things. Also over time as joshlie continue to be married and have children and look happy together, it becomes harder to see disdain. Another part of this is that they don’t know the lore. There are some advantages to this. While they might not understand all the stuff we understand and sometimes they say incredibly dumb things, they also aren’t weighed down with the baggage that we have that is so hard to let go off. And they can look at things from different perspectives, which also can be hard for those of us who made decisions on how we feel about things years ago, and therefore developed biases that can cloud our thinking. Again, there are pros and cons and neither perspective is necessarily better. But I tend to lean toward a way for people to enjoy their experience in this fandom rather than giving in to misery and anger. I don’t understand why anyone would want to spend a lot of time on something that made them unhappy. I would simply find another hobby. So the fun of LSK on twitter is one of the reasons it gained traction and a lot of the obvious clues that have been thrown at us, especially over the last year, were caught and popularized. That’s not to say they don’t still get hate from gaylors (and swifties of course) who can’t see it, but there are enough LSKs now who support each other to cancel out some of that negativity.
Wow. Thank you for explaining it like that. This is mostly a very accurate account of things. I don’t think that term (lsk) is accurate for us in these parts but it’s interesting to hear how it came about. Personally, I think the twitter gaylors are cute, but theres a gap in beliefs in some cases for sure.
First, I think a lot of us here never felt from the songs that Karlie actually betrayed Taylor. That’s where a lot of the disconnect is. Songs deserve nuance and the situation is of course delicate. It’s obvious there have been some real hardships and tests and breaks as normal relationships have, but nothing absolutely permanent. Who knows the period of time when this all truly takes place. She may have put it out on folklore, but that doesn’t mean it was recent events. I think she dug deep/went back time for a lot of those songs. MTR for example screams Scott. I wont get into song analysis but if one wanted to apply it to Karlie sure, they could. I can see why others would come to the conclusion that they were done forever. But it’s never that simple. Maybe the point was to kill kaylor if you get what I’m trying to say.
The series of events that happened during this time were intense. There were splits in the fandom, weird, crazy and toxic rumors going around etc. To be honest, I’ve pushed a lot of this period of time back in my conscious because it was traumatic to say the least. The amount of hate and toxicity here completely changed the way I and others went about posting for sure. The threats, the hate, the gaslighting, the daily harassment… getting blamed for certain things I had nothing to do with. Yeah. I stepped back for a while and was terrified to say what I wanted. A few people caught on. Even saying this gives me anxiety. If it weren’t for few close mutuals it would have been much harder.
But still there was evidence even through quarantine that things were fact not over between them. And you’re right, it was not popular to say so at the time. It was kind of like walking around with a letter A or K on your chest… the Hester Prynne’s of the fandom if you will. So a lot of us took our thoughts underground, but were still around. There’s some delicate things I still rather not talk about, except for privately.
I think whatever people want to call themselves is fine… and that most of us have the same idea in mind as to how things may turn out. I get there’s varying opinions and thats fine too. There are bigger things to worry about as long as it’s respectful.
And tbh, my opinions on certain things have changed. Or at least how I’m willing to talk about it i.e. jk. I really don’t want to talk about him. Personally, ignoring him/making stupid silly comments about situations has done wonders for me. That does’t mean I like the dude. But to hold that much animosity continuously isn’t good for ones mental health. I don’t want to keep reliving one of the worst periods in history.
That said, we’ve all been through a lot. Like you mentioned, theres a lot of baggage. But for me, taking a different approach and making an effort to be both positive and realistic at the same time has really helped. It’s not being naive. It’s choosing what’s best for you. I don’t want to be that person spewing negativity all the time. I refuse to. I’m so thankful for the people here who choose to see the light through dark times. Sending an extra hug to everyone around 🤍
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igotanidea · 1 year
Breaking point : Matt Murdock x f!reader
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A/N: so in my work I deal with a hell lot of dirty cases. This story was loosely inspired by one of them.
Domestic violence is probably the worst silent crime, since in a hell lot of times it leaves no traces. Victims are ashamed of it, scared to report it and it usually ends up ugly. So, remember, do not hope for it to get better, do not make excuses and try to justify the perpetrator. React. Act if you see violence. You may literally save someone's life.
Warning: anxiety, domestic violence,
When Matt was out of town I was usually spending time at my parents’ place.  It was a good way to mix the obligation of daughter’s visit and  a nice way to not miss him so much. Being in an empty apartment always gave me thoughts. Sometimes they were crazy, so, you know, it was better not to be alone.
So when he had to go to the other side of the country, dealing with the case with Jennifer Walters, the freaking she-hulk I grabbed some of my stuff and after a quick but sweet goodbye left to my parent’s house for a weekend getaway.
It was good at the begging, but the hell was soon to be brought to earth.
Let me just say, I had a really stressful week, like really stressful and when I’m under heavy pressure my anxiety kicks in and I can’t really talk. And besides, I was exhausted. So, when I woke up at 9 a.m., which was later than my usual, I felt the urge to stay in bed. Not like I’m lazy and I don’t want to get up just yet, but more like I can’t force myself to move or even I’m scared to move. Fuck! Should have listened. Instead I tried my best to water that feeling down, standing up and moving on with the day. Finally, after some traditional Saturday clean-up and some workout that made me feel slightly better, I believed myself strong enough to get downstairs, hoping for someone to just talk to. My dad was busy with his stuff but since my mum was in the kitchen I asked my classis good-willed question (even though I already knew the answer).
“Do you need help with something?”
“The whole house needs to be cleaned, since no one did it yesterday. The toilets are all dirty and dusty, so you can go pick some gloves and start the work. I don’t really understand how this place can get so messy all the time. And there are only adults, here. God, I have to do everything by myself, no one’s ever helping.” Right, come at me with the commands thrown with the speed of machine gun. Just what my anxiety screams for.  Besides,  we were standing in the middle of clean kitchen and my sister and I were taking turns in visiting parents and helping them at home and in the garden and with all the paperwork stuff they needed. So, was it fair to say no one was ever helping.
“Right…” I muttered sipping on my tea. “because the life is all about having clean house” of course I was not a slob and eventually I was going to vacuum, but come on, her attitude was influencing everyone and lately, barely anyone has been talking to anyone in this house.  But hey, at least it was tidy.
“What did you say?” she turned her gaze on me. Oh, shit. “Do you see yourself? In your age you look like a scruff, this sweater….” She wrenched the hem of my clothes “in your age…. That’s unbelievable!” she was just getting started. Abort! My brain screamed at me and knowing how this can go I retrieved upstairs. Sadly, it did not stop her from following me to my old room.
“What is that?” she started moving around “do you see that blanket. All dirty. And this…” she pointed towards the carpet “I would be ashamed to live in a piggery like this. Oh, and how about that psychologist that you have your session with? I’m going to get her number , call her, invite her in and show her around this mess . Then she’ll see who you really are” she hissed at my face and left. I did not engage just watching her carefully, at this point still calm, with a pinch of disbelief. What was happening? I offered her a hand and now she was ranting about everything.
“you know I think life is not only about…..” I started
“What do you know about life?!” she yelled ”you have no life! You are worthless, pathetic, grubby person.”
“And what do you know about life?!” now I had enough.
“Are you trying to preach me!?! You?! I am you mother!” she abruptly walked to me and I get back to my room, sitting on the bed to calm down a little. It did not stop her, as she started walking around the house muttering to herself. Well, muttering would be nice, but she was legitimately trash-talking me.
“Ungrateful piece of shit. She thinks she can talk back to me like this. It would be so much better for me without her. Who the hell does she thinks she it? That worthless fake of a …….”
“THAT IS ENOUGH!” I am ashamed to admit I finally broke, screaming my lungs out at her. All the childhood and teenage memories flashing thought my eyes. All those time I was forced to be obedient with every method possible. All those times, she hit me, scratched me or attacked me mentally aiming at everything I worked for so hard. All the times, when I had to be perfect, quiet and cover up for all the shit happening at home. Every single time I needed to earn the attention or a scrap of time for her, since she was always busy with work.  “I AM SO DONE WITH YOU TREATING ME LIKE THIS!’I was not thinking straight in my blind rage. Oh, boy….
“THAT IS ENOUGH!” she was now possessing the fury of a raging animal and out of instinct I grabbed her throat.
“How do you like that, huh? Isn’t that what you used to do to me for so many years?!” yeah, I still had some scars on my neck from the time she was choking me and putting pressure with her nails. She let out a single scream and as I realized what I was doing I let go (even if it wasn’t even half as hard as her shriek indicated) and that gave her leverage as she throw me onto the coach, pushing my face down and pressing on my throat harshly.
“You’re out the house. You have five hours to get out! The clock is ticking! You…..” she panted and left, closing the door loudly. I barely had time to swallow all the tears and grab my hurt neck when she was back.
“Oh, and just so you know. I’m going to call the police. And your job. I’m going to show them everything you just did and tell them you are a criminal. You are done. You have nothing! Five hours! I don't care if you'll end up killed z raped or eviscerated!"
I was shocked. My whole body, especially legs were trembling so hard it was impossible to stand up. At this point she was capable of everything and my heart was beating frantically at the thought of her accusing me of being a perpetrator and a source of domestic violence. I literally felt my stomach drop, feeling cold and shivering at the same time with suffocating from the heat. My head was killing me, I felt dizzy and utterly terrified. What do I do? Oh, God, what do I do? Do I run? Do I stay? Do I call someone? But she will find me everywhere… Please, no. And what if she’s really going to make a call at the police station……
With all the thoughts spinning in my mind, now I understood why the casualties are always covered with the blanket. I felt sick…..Even the grounding technique I learned during my therapy was for nothing. She threatened me and treated me coldly and harshly all my life and yet I was feeling guilty.
“Ok, Y/N….. Calm down….. Calm down….. Deep breaths. …. Think…..”  I told myself.
After some time that felt like an hour, but was in fact just a couple of minutes, the brain fog dispersed and I felt  the urge to group chat with Matt and my sister. With a huge prick of conscience because I knew they were both busy, but there was no one else I could ask for advice of what to do. I wasn’t thinking straight and desperately needed a look from the outside this hell. I took one deep breath more and gathering my composure dialed their numbers.
“Hello?” my sister cheerful voice resonated on the other side of the line.
“Y/N?” Matt asked with almost the same amount of joy
And this did the job. My composure felt apart like a house of cards, since upon hearing them I just stared sobbing uncontrollably, not able to say a word, tears falling down like crazy.
“Oh my god” my sister whispered “Calm down.”
I sobbed even more, but a bit more quiet. Thank god, she knew exactly what to do. When I got like this (well, this was the first time with such intensity and I was sure she was terrified to hear me completely out of control), the best way was to talk to me calmly, telling me what to do. Not a command, just a way to hold on to reality.
“Just calm down” she repeated “sit down. Breathe. Just breathe”
“Ok….okey….” I panted
“Good. Breathe. Take a tissue and clean your nose.”
“Yeah, that.. that may be hard….” I hiccupped, now with a bit of humor hidden in the voice.
“What happened?” Matt asked calmly, but clearly disturbed. The daredevil was at this point surely awake and I was glad he was strong enough to control his alter ego and not overtake the conversation letting my sister lead the way. He knew better than to interrupt us.
“We…. We had a fight…..”
“Which one?” my sister asked simply
“there;s only one of them that can make me like this….”
“Ok, so it was mum, surely. Walk me through it.”
And so I started talking, briefing the case, as Matt would put it., both of them listening carefully. When I got to the point where I attacked my sister chuckled a bit.
“You did what?” I felt her smile through the fun “Wow! That is just WOW! I’m shocked!” was it just me or did she sound impressed? Since I was always a victim, beaten and humiliated maybe she was awestruck.
“Positively or negatively?”
“Don’t know yet… Just shocked.”
“I feel so guilty about it….” I hiccupped again
“Baby…” Matt soothing voice took over “you are a victim not a perpetrator, you hear me?”
“I do….”
“Listen, to me carefully, I am going to pick you up as soon as I can, all right? Don’t go anywhere…..”
“I am not able to go the garden in this state, let alone anywhere else…..” oh, those damn tears made my voice shake
“There’s some tranquilizing syrup in my old room if you need some…” my sister pointed out, alerted by my state.
“No, I….. I don’t think I need that….. But,….. what if she’s really going to do that? Call the police and ……”
“Of course, she’s not.” my sis said firmly “breathe. It’s all just talk, all right? Don’t worry about it….”
“How can I not worry about it…..” I wiped my eyes with the sleeves, feeling like a child and desperately needed someone to hold me.
“Baby…. Just stay calm. I;m already on my way .
“But I thought you were working……”
“Not anymore. I’m coming.” He repeated “No one is going to hurt you, I promise. I won’t let anyone harm you. You hear me?”
“Thank you. And I;m so sorry to both of you.”
“Are you crazy?! What are you sorry for?!” my sister exclaimed in-style and I smirked unwillingly. Her attitude was helpful
“Y/N…..” Matt sighed “how many times do I have to assure you, you mustcall me when you need me. I am here, anytime.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m gonna hung up now, but call me again if something happens, all right?”
“Thanks again, sis.”
“Talk to you soon.” The line on her side disconnected and now I was left with Matt on the phone.
“Matty….. I…. I think I need to catch a breath now. I’ll talk to you when you get here?”
“Are you sure? I can stay connected….”
“I’ll be fine for now. It’s just… a lot….”
“Ok, sweetheart. Lay down, get some rest, I bet the emotions are high.”
“Speaking as the human or the devil?”
“Both. You know, lawyers deal with different cases.”
“Sometimes I forget about your day job. See you soon?”
“Yes. Now, close the door and rest.”
So I did. The second I hung up, the shivers came at me again and I had to wear additional sweater to avoid freezing.  When the softness and warmth surrounded me I slowly started to drift off.
I sprung out of bed screaming, eyes wide open, breath expedited, sweat dripping down my forehead. I had no idea where I was and how the hell I ended up in my pajama instead of jeans and jumper.
“Y/N. Hey, it’s all right. You’re safe. “ it took deep, calming voice and a pair of strong arms sneaking around me to start thinking clearly again.
“Matty….” I turned towards him, diving into his arms, grateful that my knight in shining armor came for rescue, however cliché that sounded.
“I’m here….” He whispered holding me tighter to his chest, stroking my hair softly and leaning back so we were laying on the bed again.
“You don’t need to say anything” he assured “we’ll deal with it all later. You’ve just been though a traumatic event, let it all out. Don’t hold it.”
And then the tears started falling again. I felt the unfairness of everything that happened, the cruelty hit me hard and I could not understand why and how someone (my mother) could be so vicious. Matt said nothing for all the time I was shaking next to him, just keep holding me, providing me with little head kisses, warmth and sense of security.
“Can you stay with me like this?” I asked hiding my face in his chest
“I’m not going anywhere. “ he assured “Just need you to promise me something”
“You won’t ever go there again. At least not without me…”
“I promise. It didn’t felt like home there anyway. I think my home is somewhere else.”
“Really” he chucked caressing my back soothingly “and where is that?”
“With you” I muttered  “You are my home…”
“And you are mine Y/N” Matt kissed my temple “I love you. Rest now. And I am not leaving this like that.”
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
BRF Reading - 10th of December 2022
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 9th of December 2022
How does Harry feel about the Netflix reality show right now?
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Note: There is a very ugly energy coming through some of these cards, so please be prepared to encounter the ugly side of human nature when you read this reading.
Interpretation: He is happy for the hurt it has caused but at the same time it is becoming a burden to him.
Card One: The Knight of Pentacles. This is the card of an earth sign person, particularly a Virgo, and as such it represents Harry himself. It is confirmation that this reading is about Harry and his feelings, and not e.g. Harry and Meghan as a couple. The Knight of Pentacles is about working slowly and steadily to achieve a goal, doing a lot of 'grunt work' to reach a goal. By drawing this card for Harry instead of e.g. the Hermit card, this is telling me that Harry is very satisfied with his reality show. He feels he has put in a lot of hard work over a long period of time and this is the result. Seeing the reality series on Netflix is the goal that Harry wanted to achieve, and he is feeling pleased and satisfied and smug about the whole thing. He thinks that what he sees as all his hard work and his huge effort is about to pay off.
Card Two: The Ten of Cups. This is a card about being fulfilled emotionally, of creating harmony in your family, of a fulfilling romantic relationship. It is the card of Happy Ever After. The card shows the wedding of Eros and Psyche on Mount Olympus. The gods in this deck usually represent the royals, so this is a royal wedding.
This card tells me that Harry is very happy at the moment. He is floating in a cloud of domestic bliss, and he feels like a newly wed again. I think that things have improved with Meghan since the first three episodes of the documentary aired, and I suspect that Harry is currently being love bombed, hence his state of romantic bliss and domestic harmony. With respect to the reality show itself, this card says that Harry is very, very happy with how it turned out - he could not be happier about what was said on the show.
Card Three: The Ten of Wands. This is a card of burden, of seeing your creative dreams burn down around you. The bliss of the 10 of Cups will not last. The reality show is going to become a burden to Harry, one that he will be carrying for quite some time. What he expected from this show is not going to happen, instead the show is going to burn down around him - it will fail to achieve what he wanted and it will leave him open to some very nasty PR (as Wands can be PR). Harry is going to be carrying the consequences of this reality show in his PR image and in his other creative ventures (his book, BetterUp etc) in the future.
Card Four: The Magician. This is a card of manifestation. Here it has the energy of PR, and especially PR spin. Hermes, the god shown on the card, is the god of communication. Harry is going to have to spin this reality show to try and mitigate the negative outcomes. He is going to have to walk back statements and create smoke and mirrors to try and convince people that what they saw and heard was not what he meant.
Card Five: The King of Pentacles. This is an earth sign person, particularly a Taurus, and here it stands for the late Queen Elizabeth. The public is and will continue to be outraged with how Harry has treated his grandmother in his reality show, and the PR spin of the Magician card will in part be to wave away this treatment of Queen Elizabeth and replace it with something else. I would not be surprised if there is more stuff that is derogatory to Queen Elizabeth II in the next part of the series, or even if Harry tells outright lies about her. He is trying to change one or more perceptions around the late Queen using PR, and that could be something in the reality show or because of what he says and does in the realty show.
Underlying Energy Card One: The Moon. This is a card of lies, deceptions, illusions, things not being as they appear. This is what Harry wanted in the reality show - his 'truth', not what really happened, - and that is what was achieved. The show is all lies, deceptions, illusions, things appearing other than how they were. Harry was a willing participant in all the lies and illusions that have gone into the show. He wants to be able to manipulate events into supporting his narrative instead of showing what actually happened.
Underlying Energy Card Two: The Three of Swords. This is a card of pain and heartbreak. Harry feels that he has been grievously hurt by the BRF and so he is going to use this reality show with all the lies and deception within it to hurt the BRF in turn. He wants to hurt his family, he made the show to hurt his family, and he is happy about how they will be hurt by it. There is a very nasty energy coming off this card, of someone imagining the pain that he has caused others and gloating about it. Harry is glad the reality show has hurt his family. The thought gives him a vicious satisfaction.
Major Arcana: The two major energies in this reading are the Magician and the Moon - PR spin and lies/deceit/illusions.
Multiple Numbers: We have two cards that number ten. Tens are endings, the end of a cycle, so this reality show is the end of something or somethings for Harry.
Conclusion: Harry is very satisfied with the reality show. He sees it as the result of a lot of hard work and effort that has happened over a long period of time. To him it is Oscar material. He is very happy that the show is being aired, in part because it has improved his romantic relationship and family life, and in part because he wanted to hurt his family and he is enjoying the pain that his lies and deceptions have caused them. This will not last. The reality show will become a burden to him and he will have to put out a lot of PR spin to try and soften the damage it has caused to his reputation, especially around the subject of his grandmother, the late Queen. For now, however, he is floating in a blissful cloud of domestic harmony and satisfaction over having hurt his family.
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avelera · 1 year
i know that giving sanctuary has a lot of stuff about “dad with dead son” angst for plot reasons and stuff but i have to admit sometimes i think of either hob or dream in the like …classic middle class white american dad fit of a polo shirt and cargo shorts or something equally ugly (big chunky sketchers shoes, those neon reflective sunglasses, god forbid a golf club) and i lose my mind laughing so thank you for indirectly planting that seed in my brain
Oh goodness, WHAT AN IMAGE indeed.
That said---! I could see it. I mean, for Hob I could see it. If there WAS a modern AU of Giving Sanctuary, the modern equivalent or vibe I see for Hob is like... guy who waited until his late 30s to have a kid, who really made sure he had a high paying job, met the exact right person, had the perfect house etc etc then loses his family and falls into a depression where he loses everything and can't hold it together as a result. And yes, he absolutely wears a polo shirt and ugly khakis at Robyn's like...5th birthday party or something and there is photographic evidence that Dream, for all he's starting to love this guy, still cannot entirely forgive ;P
That said, the timing gets weird with immortality because there is a distinct theme in the story around losing an adult son, someone he spent 20 years knowing and who Hob was about to send out in the world to start his own family, only to lose him. So maybe the better vibe would be "If the events of GS took place in the 20th/21st century but the characters were still immortal." Would be an interesting visual challenge to do like what is Hob's 1589 equivalent in the modern era, except maybe an update of 1989 but with a beard?? A flashy Rolex?
Whereas Dream is the sort of father I don't really see shown very much in media, which is someone with actually a bit of style who nevertheless had a child while pretty young? Like, people have kids all the time while they're quite young, I don't even mean teen pregnancy stuff I mean, 21 year olds who are adults settling down and starting a family is hardly the most outrageous thing!
So for Dream's human/modern AU GS equivalent (or NOT Human AU just "What if the events around Orpheus happened in the 21st century instead?) I see him and Calliope as like... that Goth/Artist couple who got married around age 21 when none of their peers were getting married, like everyone (aka the other Endless and all her sisters) thought they were crazy to settle down and have a kid, it was so against type for both of them, everyone thought they were much more into their art but instead they took the time to start a family.
And then they lost that child, broke up horrifically over it, and the Dream who meets Hob in this 21st c GS equivalent, emotionally speaking, is now a 30-something year old, still a goth, still very much an artist, but who has this sort of life experience that almost no one in his age group has had, who has this depth of trauma brought to his life that gets interpreted all the time as him just being this artistic, introverted, misanthrope y'know? He's a goth, that's Why He's Like
That, and no one actually ASKS him what went wrong in his life to make him like this because if they did, hearing "I got married to a fellow artist when I was 21 and happy and optimistic about the world, we had a son who died, and my wife and I split up by the time I was in my mid-20s, and now I'm in my 30s and I've been traumatized and convinced the world is out to get me ever since, so I've buried myself in my work to cope" is just NOT the answer one expects to hear!
So a modern Giving Sanctuary would be Hob, y'know, at the end of his rope, at absolute rock bottom, meeting up with Dream (human or not) in a bar like they agree to while Hob is now unhoused after losing it all and hey, if we go full modern/human AU, maybe Hob is someone Dream got a job for years ago as a favor to his sister, thinking Hob would crash and burn at it only for Hob to actually do very well! So Hob and Dream still agree to meet up every year since then y'know, just following up on this favor (Dream hoping the first couple times it was just to see Hob fail miserably because he thought the guy was a jock and an idiot) only for Hob to confess why his life has fallen apart is his son dying and to see Dream's reaction and to actually be the first person *ever* to hear the story and not be like 'What were you doing getting married when you were 21??" and instead being... actually sympathetic? And asking if he's ok?? Because it really is a huge problem that men who lose their children tragically don't get anywhere near the same support and sympathy that women do?
So yeah the grounded elements of Giving Sanctuary actually DO work in a modern update, absolutely!
And Hob absolutely wore a polo shirt and like... a Rolex to the modern 1589-equivalent meeting which was held at like... Dream's art gallery showing, showed a bunch of pictures of his wife and kid on his phone while bragging about his high paying job, and Dream took one look at this fucking chad and peaced the fuck out of that noise, only to have Hob show up a year after to be the only goddamn person ever who has actually understood the fact that 10 years later, Dream is still traumatized by having his life fall apart in his early 20s. The End.
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tr4showl · 8 days
Hello hello! Hope you don't mind me asking but I saw your post about Nikis character development (I honestly agree with you, speaking as a NikiP) and I was wondering about your thoughts on the other bees and their character developments?
Hope you don't mind this being dropped off in your inbox 🤭
Hey, sorry for taking an eternity to respond, I haven't been in the best place mentally and I had end of semester stuff to do so I wasn't active for a while.
And dw I don't mind, on the contrary I'm very happy to be able to talk to someone about something I like :)
It's been a while since I read some of the stories and I only read 2 double face stories so far , so I'm worried some of my knowledge may be rusty or incomplete, so feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong.
I'll start off with HiMERU since he's been on my mind lately. I like bullying him but I actually think he's a great character and I enjoy his character even in stories I don't like. I like how he initially used to view Crazy:B as a unit he's stuck to and was trying to keep his distance from them but eventually he grew closer to them and started working to help and protect his unit despite claiming that he's only concerned with upholding HiMERU's image as the perfect idol and wouldn't hesitate to drop them if they get in the way, and even started participating in their silly shenanigans. He also breaks his perfect idol HiMERU facade more often now is slowly becoming more comfortable expressing his emotions and personality even if they're ugly don't always align with the image of perfection. Even though he took on the role of HiMERU to appease his ego and as a way to cope with his guilt towards what happened to Kaname , he still deeply cares about him and wishes for his dream to come true even if it's partially and it's very tragic that the Tojo siblings never got the chance to meet in person untill Kaname was already lost. :,( That being said, Merumeru (that's what I usually called the current HiMERU) still has a long way to go as person and he still has to come clean about his real identity to the people close to him, but I'm happy that he's found a group of people who he's comfortable with and who will accept him no matter what. I really hope we get to see more development on the Kaname situation as well Merumeru's internal conflicts in !!! ( But I really want to see Niki and Kohaku get their spotlight before that because recently Crazy:B has started to feel more and more like the Rinne and HiMERU show as far as character importance goes ngl)
Now on to the one and only leader Rinne Amagi. When I first got into Enstars I genuinely used to hate him based on the way the fandom talks about him and the few screenshots of his out of pocket behavior, not to mention his general character archetype being one I usually dislike in media. But after actually sitting down and reading the stories he slowly became one of my faves. He is initially introduced as a complete jerk who's a piece of shit towards people even the ones close to him but throughout the main story it becomes clear that a lot of his more extreme behavior is an act made to turn people against him as well as a facade he puts up to appear more powerful and in control. Still, Rinne is also a massive troll who genuinely likes messing around and sometimes he can end up coming off as dismissive of other people's feelings (which is something I would really like the writers to elaborate more on that and to actually address this in an interesting way) Despite that, it's clear that he genuinely cares about the people close to him and would go to great lengths for them even if his way of showing affection can seem a bit backwards sometimes because he struggles with being vulnerable with other people. He is initially someone who takes on burdens all on his own avoiding any help from others but the bees insist on sharing his burdens and are here for him when he falls , which is something he slowly has to accept. I also really like how critical he is of the idol industry and how he genuinely brings up some very good points about how exploitative and shitty it is. I know that due to the nature of Enstars as an idol gacha game limits that type of criticism and makes some of it fall flat , but I appreciate it being there and I like that we have characters like Rinne consistently voicing out these thoughts. I also really resonated and even related and even with his initial situation of growing up in a traditional and conservative society that ostracizes and alienates you for who you are while still having great expectations of you, and the desire to run away from there only to be faced with different struggles and still feeling out of place (but that aspect is greatly undermined after the bullshit plot twist of the super advanced secret society the Amagis apparently grew up in , that literally contradicts everything we knew about the village beforehand and heavily fucks up the character motivation for both of the brothers. Not to mention Rinne's relationship with Hiiro and Niki, who are two of the closest people to him, is treated like a complete fucking joke in that godforsaken event story)
Next, we got Kohaku who to be honest was the one I knew the least about for the longest time. But I still love him dearly, though. To start Kohaku stood out to me from the other younger characters in ES with how mature he presents himself to be but eventually it's clear that he's still an inexperienced and ignorant teen who's trying to navigate the world which can be even more difficult considering he grew up in isolation with only a screen as a connection with the outside world as well as how dangerous Kohaku's family is. I like how Kohaku is aware of how little he knows and accepts the help he's offered and he even reaches out for it, though he still has moments of stubbornness because he's still an angsty teen at the end of the day. I love his dynamic with the other bees, who all treat him like their little brother especially Merumeru and even though they constantly dote on him, they still respect him as a person and help him grow as a person. On a side note, I also appreciate his pretty unique dynamic with Madara who despite usually actually like he's everyone's Mama towards his juniors, interestingly enough treats Kohaku like an equal as his unit mate which I think may be in part because they both have pretty dark family backgrounds, as well as the nature of the jobs double face are given. And kohaku is usually shown to be the more emotionally mature one in the unit who tries to communicate as opposed to Madara who would rather take on the job himself without saying anything and tends to run away from important conversations.
Sorry if this is too long to read and comes off as incoherent at times, I just tried to scramble my brain for what to say and I'm kinda bad at forming coherent thoughts. Also I'm not too confident on my knowledge on double face so I better go and read more about them.
Sorry again for taking too long to respond to your ask.
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