When the Moon blackens the Sun, don't forget to make a wish, for in that fleeting moment, when light surrenders to shadow, the cosmos whispers secrets, and dreams take flight on the wings of possibility. So cast your hopes into the void, where they may dance among the stars and find their place in the tapestry of the universe!
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seenupositive · 1 year
Good Morning Doll Face https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/45347236-good-morning-doll-face?store_id=2515337
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despazito · 6 months
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this may as well be calculus. i cannot emphasize how much music theory does not come intuitively to me at all
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miscellaneoussmp · 1 year
They had been running on village rooftops after their latest little heist. The magic books that Scott was carrying weighted him down, so he was a bit behind. At the edge of one of the roofs, He stopped dead in his tracts, and reached out towards the mountain.
"There, see it?" He asked, and Scott was a bit confused. He was reaching towards a mountain, where the sky turned from a dusty pink to a violet, then a sapphire. "That's where we'll build our dream house, Scott. It's a meadow. We'll build a laboratory for our magic, and a garden, and...we'll be happy. You hear me, Scott?" His eyes were full of light, light which rivaled the sun, the moon, and the stars. His free hand grabbed Scott's. "I'm already happy, I'm with you," Scott's reply earned a small but joyful laugh and a kiss on the cheek.
He turns so now he's facing Scott. His celestial gaze so full of determination. "We're gonna learn the secrets to life and death together, Scott." Scott smiled, "Of course we are." There was yelling from the village streets below. They continued running.
Scott woke up bolt upright, before wiping tears from his eyes. He has work to do, he needs to win. He has to learn the secrets of death, alone.
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joyrose-fandomer · 1 year
Witchcaft smp is living rent free in my head, I love it so much!
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theo-winterwood · 5 months
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As far as "characters invented for nothing in particular," here's Birnam Nightshade. He's trans, he's a witch, he's the kingpin of the witchcaft black market in a sort of urban fantasy film noir city, and he's the love interest of a character my partner invented, a werecrow private detective named Malcolm. Who I should probably draw too.
And, in a move surprisingly literally no one*, two of the main points of inspiration in his DNA were Sydney Greenstreet in The Maltese Falcon and Nero Wolfe.
(* Unless the surprise is that it took me this long.)
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mediaexposed · 1 year
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P(ILL)s = designed to keep you ill
ANTIbiotics= against living things
Pharmekia = SOCRERY, witchcaft, drugs, poison
Designed to trick your body and SUPPRESS your symptoms, not heal the root of the symptom or help the natural immune system. No drug medicine doesn't have a long list of side effects. Take holistic healing cures like natural foods and herbs which God created.
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christophe76460 · 11 months
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Jeudi 29 juin 2023
BIBLE EN UNE ANNEE : Psaumes 60, Psaumes 61, Psaumes 62, 1 Corinthiens 16, 2 Corinthiens 1.
ÉCRITURE DE FEU : Luc 13:10-17
Luc 13:12 - "Lorsqu`il la vit, Jésus lui adressa la parole, et lui dit: Femme, tu es délivrée de ton infirmité."
Une seule rencontre avec le Dieu de toute chair transforme les histoires en une grande gloire.
Prenez des chants de louange et d'adoration sous la conduite du Saint-Esprit.
Je prophétise que le Seigneur vous rendra visite aujourd'hui et que tous vos défis de longue date disparaîtront, au Nom de Jésus.
Le diable est venu voler, tuer et détruire. Afin d'accomplir sa mission maléfique, il lie ses victimes avec des chaînes, des fers ou des menottes invisibles. Il faudra une puissance supérieure, comme Jésus, le plus fort, ou le vase rempli du Saint-Esprit pour aller dans le royaume des esprits, détecter les mauvaises œuvres de satan et le défaire.
C'est ce qui s'est passé lorsque Jésus a rencontré une femme qui était courbée cassée en deux pendant des années. Cette femme était dans le temple mais les prêtres ne pouvaient rien faire pour changer son état pitoyable et douloureux. Elle sortait de temps en temps et rentrait sans rencontrer la puissance de Dieu qui sauve au maximum. Le Royaume de Dieu c'est le pouvoir. Les vases de Dieu : les apôtres, les pasteurs, les prophètes, les évangélistes et tous les autres croyants sont censés démontrer son pouvoir ce sauver, de guérir, de délivrer et d'affermir des âmes. Malheureusement, ce n'était pas le cas de cette femme. Les prêtres qu'elle rencontrait, jour après jour dans le temple, manquaient de feu et de pouvoir pour la délivrer. Ils n'ont pas vu la cause profonde de son problème n'en parlons pas de le résoudre.
Alors Jésus est entré dans le temple et la femme était là comme d'habitude. Dieu en a fait son jour de visite et de changement d'histoire. Jésus l'a appelée fille d'Abraham. Elle l'était, pourtant le diable l'affligeait. Jésus déclara qu'il ne devait pas en être ainsi. Puis Il ordonna ce qui devait être manifesté : sa délivrance, sa guérison, sa restauration, sa joie, sa paix et sa célébration. Il a dit : « Femme, tu es délivrée. Immédiatement, la femme qui était pliée et courbée pendant de nombreuses années se redressa et fut complètement restaurée. Ce qui s'est passé? Jésus a vu dans le royaume des esprits a détecté que la femme était courbée parce que le diable avait utilisé une chaîne pour la lier et la plier, lui infligeant une douleur atroce physique, spirituelle et mentale. Sur l'ordre de Jésus, les chaînes et l'entrave qui liaient sa santé et son bien-être se sont brisées et elle a été libérée. Remerciez Dieu pour le ministère de Jésus de lutte contre les démons et de délivrance de l'esclavage.
Cher lecteur, vous pouvez être libéré maintenant de toute chaîne ou de tout trouble si vous croyez au même Jésus le Christ tout-puissant. Priez-Le et faites de Lui votre Sauveur et Seigneur maintenant. Alors dites-Lui de vous délivrer. Il le fera!
1. O Seigneur, donne-moi une rencontre qui brise le joug aujourd'hui, au nom de Jésus.
2. L'onction qui libère totalement, viens sur ma vie maintenant, au nom de Jésus.
3. Affliction séculaire, ton temps est écoulé, meurs, au nom de Jésus.
4. Servitude séculaire, ton temps est écoulé, soit rompu, au nom de Jésus.
5. Problèmes qui ne devraient pas être dans ma vie, je te rejette, meurs, au nom de Jésus.
6. Les défis parrainés par Witchcaft, meurent par le feu, au nom de Jésus.
7. Problèmes assignés à pervertir et détruire mon destin, ton temps est écoulé, meurs, au nom de Jésus.
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purringbookworm97 · 3 years
After some research about Blood in folk medicine and magic
Hello! I’ve recently seen a few good posts about the uses of blood magic in modern witchcraft and some also good posts about its uses in folklore, so I thought I might as well make a small compilation of sources!
Therefore, I’m not here to tell you how blood magic works! You already know and can find about the use of blood in rituals, spells, scrying and whatnot from all the posts that circulate on the subject. You also know that blood must be harvested with precautions if you don’t want to catch, or give someone a disease that could effectively kill them! Whee!
This is why I present to you a few sources about the use of blood in folklore and a commentary on these sources!
Here’s one like cuz it’s centered on a civilization I know well, the ancient greeks! I studied them in class and am familiar with most science men mentioned in the article. Truth be told, I don’t think it’s perfect. I don’t like the way it buries other ancient civilizations under the rug to focus on the greek while proclaiming most ancient civilizations were all fans of blood, but I appreciate researching work and the time the person put into quoting greek passages of ancient texts as proof of their arguments. It’s neat. Plus it goes on at length about the visions the greeks had of the role of blood in all types of life, which could be used in paralel with ancient religious texts about rituals and magics involving blood, if anyone has those!
I don’t know about the trustworthiness of this one, but I read it and it’s quick and understandable about the practices revolving around blood in the old days. I especially like the part about egyptian and german practices which are interesting. The author also took the time to quote names of ancient greek historians (as much as one could call Herodotus a historian in the strict meaning of the term) which I find nice! Added to the sources on medicinal cannibalsm quoted at the end, including this article which quotes its own sources, and this book, sadly too expensive for me at the moment (I saw the price and went *nope*).
This article on Britannia, the website, is about blood offerings in different cultures and could be paired with this one about the origines of sacrifice though religion and history, I think it can be fairly interesting to learn the bond between the action of sacrificing something coming from a being, be it life, flesh, bones or blood, and the desire of a result linked to the believed importance of the said parts. I’ll read them and maybe update the description as I go!
I also found a few other books too, including this book about Folk Hematology in the Appalachian South by Anthony Cavender in the Journal of Folklore Research (JSTOR), Mummies, cannibals and vampires by Richard Sugg about the history of corpse medicine through the ages, and The Spirit of Civilization: Blood Sacrifice and Monetary Debt on JSTOR too by William Pietz.
Honestly, I’d like to read them all to see if they’re good or full off bullshit like some books can be, but I advice to anyone who might find all these resources helpful to compare them with each other and make their own opinion. I’m not your dad, of course, but I’ve seen enough people believing everything they were told in my short life to wish everyone could like researching stuff as much as I do!
Therefore, I leave you with this absolutely unproductive post, hope it’ll be at least useful to someone, and on that note, for anyone interested in french and down for a good laugh, this video is about a practice of blood offering by dick-piercing. Yeah. You read that right. Enjoy.
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witchaesthetic · 3 years
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kittywaffles97 · 3 years
Yule spelljar - new beginnings, healing, love
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What you’ll need:
A jar, or container of all sort
Some juniper bays for protection and purification
Cinnamon for passions and warmth (or four spices mix with cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and ginger to add comfort, clairvoyance and power respectively (I used this because I didn’t have the individual components...))
Pepper for protection
Mint for health and safe travels
Pieces of apple peel for healing and peace
Pieces of oak leaves for prosperity and luck
Pieces of dried tangerine skin for energy and happiness
Dried rose petals for self-love and psychic abilities
One star anise for general love and psychic abilities
A sigil for yule wishes (prosperity, peace, new beginnings, happiness, love...)
A white ribbon for purity and peace
A red ribbon for love and strength
A white candle
A red candle
What to do with all that:
Layer the ingredients in the order you see fit while stating each component’s purpose in your head or out loud (it helps me with manifesting and visualising so that’s why I do it)
Put the charged sigil and the star anise on top
Tie the ribbons around the top of the jar
Seal with white then red candle
Ask your deities to bless it if you’re pagan or wiccan, charge it if you want to
Put it in a place where you’ll see it to maximise your intent (on your altar, on your bedside table, etc...)
And with this, happy Yule to everyone (bitchin’ yule they say) and I hope y’all get the rest and happiness you deserve!
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ohsheswitchy · 3 years
Helllo Tumblr/Witchblr, my names Amie, what's yours? 
 I’ve been away way too long, I have missed being here and being part of a witchy community. You may have known me and maybe my hubs under our previous name for this account #TheRamblingPagans, but I'm revamping things a bit...If you have any requests or need help with anything witchy pop me a message.... I loved working with other witches last time I was here, Wichy asks, pagan things or anything pop me a message/ask and I’ll get back to you :) 
I still have a few in the box from a while ago and while they have prob been answered now by someone else by now, but ima going to chuck my 2 cents in there anyway :) 
Anyway the bitch is back.... and I think she is here to stay... 
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poisonerspath · 3 years
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This is such a cool challenge started by @viahedera #regionalwitchcraftchallenge I’ve never really thought of Indiana as a magical place and have made every effort to find magic elsewhere. The energy here can be off putting. I think it has to do with the Native Americans that inhabited this land who were murdered and pushed out, and the huge old growth forest that used to be here. They were both wiped out for farming. Indiana is considered Midwestern in mindset, although it’s in the east. Were like a Kentucky with snow. So we’re a weird blend of north and south with lots of other cultures infused together. Buckeyes prosperity and luck Runes heavy Germanic/Protestant influence- Pow Wow Rosary/Candle and Siete Azahares (seven blossoms) Large Hispanic community catholic folk magic raccoon and muskrat bones from the forest. Poke Root- uncrossing, exorcism and banishing The Herbalist- written in Indiana #witchcaft #folkmagic #regionalwitchcraft #bioregionalwitchcraft #magicalpractice #magicalpractices #witchcraftchallenge #occult https://www.instagram.com/p/CPLkXLXn0o1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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witchattheparty · 4 years
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feelthemoon111 · 4 years
Simple protection spell (by lunvwitch)
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luziflor · 4 years
LF active witchblrs! (2020)
I need to follow more witchblrs, like usual.
My dash is so dead that sometimes it’s just my posts showing up. Yeah.
So, active witchblrs, like or reblog this so I can see your blogs!
I’ll be checking anything because I post stuff to my blog for others learning, not just mine.
BUT, I am especially interested in following other brujas, witches of color in general (I won’t get involved with ur closed practices but I appreciate community. ya know?), spirit or death workers, and beauty witches. I’m pro cursing/hexing when it’s deserved, religious or unspecified/agnostic beliefs welcome too ~
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