#will write something about Alex's physical affection
meraki-yao · 9 months
RWRB Movie Analysis: Henry's Seclusion and Perception-Part 2
A little follow-up of this post after I realized something while watching Henry flinch after Alex tried to hold his hand during their Paris date.
This is more up to interpretation but in the same way Henry was isolated in a space without any sort of moral support during the week after the email leaks while Alex wasn’t, I think the same could be possibly said with their view on public displays of affection.
I’m gonna preface by saying that even in the RWRB Movie verse, both UK and USA are evidently mostly LGBT+ friendly. Alex’s US kind of goes without saying, while for Henry, given the sheer amount of people that ended up coming to support him all across the country, I think the same could be said for his UK.
So given that their big environment is LGBT friendly, the difference here is their own circles.
Before President Claremont was elected, Alex was just like any of us, as he put it himself, “an anonymous working class kid”. His socializing circle wasn’t really limited. On top of that both of his parents are democrats. Even before he figured out his own bisexuality, he was definitely exposed to LGBT communities and individuals, colourful queer people who showed off their gender, sexuality and relationship/partner proudly. Besides, from his interaction with Nora, his mom, even Henry during the NYE party, Alex is clearly a physically affectionate person to begin with. He is used to displays of affection, and has see queer public displays of affection.
So when he starts to fall for Henry (which I firmly believed started properly since the state dinner), he doesn’t really register displays of affection as something to be hidden despite now being in a homosexual relationship. This aspect is not that different in his mind. The only times we see Alex really make an effort to conceal it is when they want to… do dirty things, like the polo match (Matthew/Prime release the full scene please) and the DNC hotel visit, which in any case is something that one would make effort to hide even for a bit.
Look at the movie again. Alex reaches out to hold Henry’s hand in Paris, Henry flinches. Alex steps forward to kiss Henry at the airstrip after the night in the V&A, Henry stops him, even if it’s private airstrip with only Henry’s staff. The one sentence Alex said that sent Henry spiralling and trying to break things off was “We could walk through Austin holding hands, and it won’t even matter if anyone sees us.” (which is one of my favourite lines in the book by the way, granted used in a different situation) Alex finds public displays of affection towards Henry very natural.
Henry doesn’t.
However much he loves touching and kissing Alex in private behind closed door throughout the entirety of their relationship, he was never comfortable, or confident for them in public settings, even if there’s actually no one except their own professional secret service/ personal staff there.
And I think one of the contributing reasons is unlike Alex, he never really got to see queer people be openly proud of their identity and partners.
Henry, as the prince, has his social circle and travels limited. You’re not gonna see him on the subway or walking through Trafalgar Square. He’s not gonna be able to walk the streets and just see queer citizens out and about the way Alex did. Given the context clues in the movie, I’m guessing he’s limited to causes the crown wants to serve (veterans, climate, diplomacy, which all have their own values as social issues but doesn’t suit Henry) and unlike the royals in our world (yes I pay some attention to the irl royal family) he couldn’t even choose topics that interest him, that he wants to serve, like arts, LGBT, and mental health (there’s a sequel idea!!! Henry getting to choose how to use his title for causes he’s part of and care about), plus it’s clear his family, the king at least, had no interest in getting involved with LGBT issues, so he didn’t have any chance to approach the community while on duty either. Considering his grandfather warned him against pursuing relationships when he was 18, he probably was forced into some sense of shame or fear regarding any possibility of having a public relationship, which was also part of his argument during the Kensington confrontation. Seeing as Nick and Matthew decided Paris was Henry’s first time with someone he actually had feelings for, I’m guessing past hookups in said “English Boarding School” were done out of sexual frustration and some degree of rebellion, but even then it was more on the sexual side instead of anything truly affectionate, and that was still extremely secretive with stacks of NDAs.
So on Henry’s part, he was secluded in a almost forcefully heteronormative environment, never really got to see people like him in real life, in front of his eyes (reading queer history and news about LGBT rights is very different from seeing it yourself), and was told that this was something to be ashamed about, something he can’t do, something impossible. That’s why he never felt confident enough to ask for touch or touch Alex in anywhere remotely public. (He was drunk at the karaoke, and I think most of the Texas vacation was on the Claremont-Diaz’s private property, so those don’t count)
Until the palace pride protest, where thousand of people like him came to storm the palace with their rainbow flags and banners, their support, and their own identities display.
Faces with this massive display of queer pride right in front of him, Henry, maybe for the first time, sees so many people like them, and he sees that it’s okay for him to be gay, that there is nothing selfish, shameful, repulsive or unacceptable about who he is and who he loves. They’re here for him. They’re just like him. They’re proud of it. They show it.
So this time, in front of his family, a window away from the outside world, it’s his turn to ask for Alex’s hand, held between his. He’s finally confident enough in everything so tell Alex, through a wet smile, “I love you.”
Both of them look out, at the sea of colourful love and pride. Alex, who has seen this many times before in his life, but probably the first time he sees this knowing he’s part of that sea. Henry, who gets to see the crowd be proud of something he’s tried so long to conceal and hide.
Henry can be proud of his sexuality too.
And he shows it, on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, with thousands of people cheering for him and his boyfriend. 
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throughalleternity · 11 months
If Lucy goes on T do you think Maggie and Alex would accept all of the changes that would come with it, or only certain aspects of it? Like for example they would be ok with their voice deepening but not with facial hair/musky body odour/bottom growth etc., or vice versa? And would one of them be more accepting of certain things than the other? And which changes would Lucy look most forward to?
I don’t think they have issues with Lucy’s changes on T, and they certainly accept all of them (especially because what does not accepting them even look like? Alex and Maggie won’t try to control Leon’s decisions—those are 100% his to make, especially when it comes to his body. They could break up or change the nature of their relationships if he goes on T, but I don’t headcanon that).
(An aside: sex is a related topic but any boundaries around that are about gender and sexuality, not physical changes on T.)
There are things that they found attractive in Lucy that change with T, like her voice. But for them, they find that the new change is also attractive (and some things that they don't expect to find attractive end up being so on Lucy/Leon bc it's her/him), or that even if a certain change isn’t particularly attractive, there are other changes that are. Leon being more comfortable/happy and them getting to be a part of that is what’s most important to them, and their love doesn’t go away. (Also, some changes revert or somewhat revert for a Leon that goes off of T eventually.) Their attraction is more about who Lucy/Leon is as a person.
I think with Maggie’s experience dating within the queer community and dating aliens, it's easier for her to adapt and feel confident that she'll stay attracted to Lucy. Alex is a little more worried about how she'll feel, but she reads about the experiences of other people in relationships with genderfluid people and talks about it with Lucy and Maggie. And kinda like I alluded to in the previous ask, she realizes that an amazing part of loving people is loving and supporting them while they change and grow into themselves, which makes this seem less scary. And they've all been uncertain about relationship things at some point—entering a polyamorous relationship and not knowing how they'd handle dating and their feelings was kinda scary! But they talked about things and were intentional with their actions and things ended up fine for them. And tbh as far as their specific feelings about specific changes on T, I don't really have many headcanons? It's mostly just the broad thoughts I outlined above, since I'm flexible with headcanons.
Voice is a big change Leon looks forward to. I know fat redistribution is often a big one, but it's actually height and build that bother Leon more, which doesn't change much for him on T. I don't think Leon necessarily stays on T long enough to develop a lot of facial or body hair, but he likes what he gets, and likes the ritual of shaving.
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valriety · 2 years
SDV: Bachelor Physical Touch HCs
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Post Type: SFW, Fluff, Platonic/Romantic x Reader, Mentions of Family In Alex, Shane, and Sebastian. Characters: Sam, Elliot, Harvey, Alex, Shane, and Sebastian. GN Reader (You/Yours).
Hi! Felt a little sad today so figured i'd write some short and cutesy non-sexual phys touch headcanons for the SDV bachelors. Just a few lines each :P - Enjoy! Also, all characters would absolutely ask before touching!
'SDV: Bachelorette Physical Touch HCs' can be found here.
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Touchiest bachelor in town, loves physical touch so much - practically thrives off of it.
His favourites include hugs or wrapping his arm around his friend's shoulders. But he also really enjoys high fives, or having his hair played with (when it's not gelled anyways).
Abigail and Sebastian are a little touchadverse, but they don't really mind at all when it comes to Sam - they're who he'll initiate physical touch with the most.
If you're friends, he'll do a lot of the same things he does for Abigail and Sebastian, but if he has a crush on you... suddenly, everything's ramped up tenfold.
This guy will make every excuse under the sun to touch you - patting your hair when you make a good shot, or offering to walk you home and hold your hand, even though he knows perfectly well you've made the trip alone safely before.
Ball of sunshine and contagious about it - when he's particularly excited he'll hold both your hands in his and jump around.
Will think you're so cute if you're shy about asking to touch/hold him <3
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Very casual with his physical affection, but will save some things (like hugs or kisses) for those he cares for the most.
His favourites include anything to do with hair, loves patting it, ruffling it, or brushing the strands away from the face. In return, he likes small, comforting touches the most, like having someone trace a small pattern somewhere into his skin.
Closest with Leah in terms of physical touch, and will offer to redo her braid every chance he gets.
He also tries his best to be close with Harvey and Shane too - gently slaps their shoulders whenever a joke is made. It took a long time for Shane to warm up to this.
If you become friends, he'll offer out his hand for you to hold often. He'll also want to do your hair for you, asking if he can braid some seasonal flowers in.
If he develops a crush on you, he'll try to be a bit obvious with his skin ship - starting off by asking for hugs before you part ways, or placing his hand on the small of your back when he's leading you somewhere.
Despite his coolness and charm, he's quite flustered by you. So, in those moments where he manages to gather the courage, he'll take your hand in his, and bring it to his lips for a chaste kiss. Makes an effort to make eye contact with you the entire time in hopes that it'll help get his feelings across <3
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Way too shy for it. He's calm and professional on the job, but the second he's off the clock, he's antsy, even if it's one of his friends. Don't take that to mean he doesn't like it though! He's just shy.
His favourites by far are handshakes or placing a firm hand on another's shoulder - especially when he's trying to make a point. He really likes it when his mates give him a friendly pat on the back.
Not really close with anyone in terms of physical touch, though Shane and (moreso) Elliot, will sometimes attempt the odd contact. Wants to be closer to Maru.
If you become friends, it'll take him a long time to work up to courage to initiate anything. Honestly, you'll probably end up asking first.
This will be overidden if he's proud of you though - giving you a curt pat on the back when you come to him excited about a particuarly good harvest, or something else.
If he develops a crush on you, and especially if he knows you don't mind physical touch, he'll hype himself up in hopes of inititating something, even if it something minor, like a stiff shoulder pat. Would love to give you a farewell kiss on the cheek one day, but has to work out how to ask first <3
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Another casual toucher, but a slightly more reserved. Doesn't really properly hug anyone, except maybe his grandparents.
He loves holding hands and intertwining them together the most, but would prefer to save it for someone really special. Also likes recieving high fives, or anything that involves a show of strength, like arm wrestling.
He's closest with his grandparents, but is a bit embarrased about it. Pretty casual with his guy friends, and Haley will occasionally initiate/accept a high five with him when he's particuarly excited about something.
If you become friends, he'll treat you similarly to his other friends. He'll also want to play a game of gridball with you, or at least a game of catch. High fives you after.
If he realises he has a crush on you, he'll reel it back for a bit, worried that he might get too flustered if he tries anything. But once he calms down a little, he'll try to be casual about it again.
Isn't as casual as he would like to be about it though. Ramps up the shows of strength - challenging you to an arm wrestle, or bragging about how easy it would be to pick you up, and trying to fluster you by picking you up bridal style when you say yes. Would probably like spinning you around in his arms later on too <3
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Not big on touch at all. Highkey hates it from most people, and will get properly mad at anyone trying to cross any boundaries. Won't mind it from certain people though, so long as it's in private and he's in a good mood.
Prefers firm touches if absolutely necessary. Will tolerate more from Jas and Marnie, and occassionally his drinking friends during their nights at the saloon. Gives plenty of pats and cuddles to his chickens.
Will hug Jas and Marnie once in a blue moon. No one else though. Jas is also the sole reciever of headpats.
If you're friends, it's pretty safe to assume that you won't really get a good chance to initiate any physical touch. It takes a while for him to get comfortable with anyone, and even then, he'll need to be in a good enough mood for it. Most of it will be brief, or accidental.
Even if he develops a crush on you, it might still take a while, because while he does find himself thinking about it more, he'll need to work up the courage first - especially since physical touch wasn't really a thing between the two of you prior.
Probably took him brushing his fingers against yours as you were passing him a can one day for him to realise just how much he likes it. Will try to playfully initiate more after this - gently pushing you as a joke, or messing up your hair but playing it off as if he just wanted to annoy you <3
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Touch-adverse, he has some sensory issues and can get pretty shy sometimes, so he doesn't really like it most times. Kinda touch starved tbh.
Accepts affection the most from Sam and Abigail, and will hestitantly accept it sometimes if Robin and Maru ask. Absolutely will not allow Demetrius to though, and will outright rudely deny him if he ever tries.
Actually really likes hugs, and REALLY likes cuddling. He's a big spoon, but will occasionally want to be the small spoon. Prefers gentle touches rather than firm ones. He fidgets a lot, so he'll often be seeing fidgeting with his friend's clothes or even playing with their hands and fixing their nailpolish.
If you're friends, it might take him a little while to warm up to any physical affection with you, but he's spurred on if he sees you engaging in it with others - he's shy, but he doesn't want to be left out!
Will really ramp it up if he can use it to tease others, like if you beat Sam at pool, or if you team up with him during the egg hunt to beat Abigail.
If he has a crush on you, he'll start initiating subconsciously a lot more - not moving away when your arms or legs touch, or playing with your hair when you're close by. Will get flustered when he realises what he's doing or if someone points it out, but it'll eventually just become the norm for him. Grabs your sleeve to get your attention sometimes <3
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A/N: That's it! Hope you enjoyed, lemme know if you liked these.
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kenphobia · 1 year
may I ask some frank x eddie but if you don't write about character x character can make poly relationship headcanon with male reader?
happy late or early b-day btw 👍
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"Alex play butterfly by smile.dk."
summary. it wasn't a secret that frank and eddie are the fruitest fruits in town, but what if we add another one in that bowl? (headcanons. read author's note at the end)
contents. absolute fluff, possibly ooc, separated headcanons (one for chr x chr, one for chr x reader x chr), polyamorous relationship, easter eggs from other welcome home fics
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✦ Frank and Eddie, two completely opposites in personality and even so, they make a strangely good and iconic duo. They'd say that they never see them becoming lovers but that would be a terrible lie. They were the most fruitest— pardon my french —motherfuckers in the neighborhood.
✦ Now, Frank and Eddie are both independent and secretive people. Having to live on their own for a long time caused them to become a bit recluse and prefer to do things on their own rather than trusting people to help them. It was a bit rocky at first, having to navigate the simplest things like who gets to cook for dinner and which chores would the other do, but they managed in the end.
✦ The two of them even made a timetable for what chores they'll do each day and made a promise not to get in each other's way when the other is busy.
✦ Now, Eddie was sweet, a bit too sweet for Frank's own liking. It took a while for the monotonous puppet to get used to getting random hugs and kisses throughout the day, even the short love letters stuck on the fridge with the heart magnets on them became a normal occurence for him.
As Frank put another pancake down on his lover plate, He felt a pair of large, soft arms suddenly wrapping around his waist. He shivered at the hot breath caressing his cheeks as Eddie leaned against his slender form, hiding his face in the crook of Frank's neck.
Frank sighed, smiling softly. "Good morning, Eddie." He patted his lover's hand, signalling him to let go. Eddie didn't follow and only hugged him tighter, mumbling something under his breath.
"I love you too, Eddie. But can I get my waist back?" Frank patted his hand again.
"Mm... No."
✦ Frank was never the one for physical touch. Not that he didn't like it, no, but he was too stiff, too awkward to even initiate the simplest hand-holding, so he opts for the alternative: quality time and gift-giving. Little handcrafted butterfly pins and accessories aligned Eddie's bag strap and hat; matching custom-made rings on both of their hands; and countless papers of written down date ideas filled Frank's binders— that was Frank's idea of affection and Eddie loved it.
✦ Whenever Eddie comes across someone, he'd flex all of the wonderful handmade crafts Frank made for him, flaunting the ring in front of any neighbors that tried flirting with him. It made Frank's plush heart swell, nearly punching air when Eddie refers to him as his husband.
✦ Both of Eddie and Frank are incredible fans of nature, so their dates consist of walks in the woods, picnics and such. They're always rarring to go and be one with nature just for a while, but they try not to stray too far from the town because, well, there isn't much that lies beyond their little circle.
✦ Although, when the days are getting colder or when it's almost impossible to go outside, they'd huddle up on the couch and Eddie would narrate one of Frank's or his favorite books. Sometimes, they'd watch TV but there isn't anything worth watching on it.
✦ Even though they have seperate cooking days, one of them is bound to assisting the other in cooking. Eddie would turn on the radio and have Frank indulge in a little dance break while the cookies bake in the oven.
"You look quite divine tonight," Eddie sang along the tune of the radio, holding Frank's hand in his own as he twirled him around the kitchen isle. "Here among these vibrant lights!"
Frank yelped, eyes widening for a second as Eddie dipped him, his grip on the monotonous puppet's waist was firm but gentle. Frank took a breath, smelling the vanilla and jasmine scent on Eddie's shirt as the latter pulled him up. "How charming." Frank commented, rolling his eyes.
Eddie smiled, pecking a tender kiss on the corner of Frank's lips. "I know I am." He boasted, his collars was tugged and his lips crashed on Frank's, he could taste the bittersweet chocolate he had given to his husband (Although they weren't actually married, but gays will be gays).
As they pulled away, both of them had blazing red faces, warmth seeping to their fingertips and cheeks. Frank lets go, slapping his palms on his face. "Gosh, that was so embarrassing." He groaned into his hands.
It took some time for Eddie to snap out of the kiss before wrapping his arms around Frank, grinning and swooning like a teenage girl who just had her first kiss. "Aww, I didn't know you had that in you, Frankie!!"
"Eddie, please—"
✦ Random, unprecedented thought: Eddie would definitely call Frank 'My little butterfly' and sing that song we all used to hear from our plastic barbie filp phones whenever Eddie's in a fun, little mood. The reason is, as always, up to the reader's interpretations <3
✦ Eddie and Frank are new to relationships, having little to no exprience in such things and you might as well be the same. If you have some experience— especially in polyamorous relationships —then, you can bet the two of them will mostly likely turn to you when situations regarding it arise.
✦ Like any relationship, communication is key, and Eddie and Frank are more than just willing to try polyamorous a try. There isn't exactly a reason why they were drawn to you, perhaps it's because of your personality, your skills or whatee, but you caught their eye and there is no way in Satan's living quarters you're escaping them.
✦ But of course, if you aren't sure with the whole situation, they'll give you some space and time to think about it. No matter what your choice is, they'll understand you and respect your decisions. Strange since literal puppets have more decency than most humans, but oh well.
✦ They'll also walk you through their schedule. Frank does more of the talking while Eddie sometimes comments and adds a few things that Frank forgot to mention. In the end, the schedule didn't matter much since all of you put equal work and often assist each other in their chores.
✦ Sleepovers aren't uncommon, in fact it happens almost every day of the week! You guys stay at either Frank's or your house, huddled up on a bed that's conveniently large enough for all three of you. Sometimes, you guys chose to set up a cute pillow fort and sleep there in peace until one of you kicks the supporting pillow and it all crashes down on you.
✦ Frank is surprisingly a messy sleeper.
✦ You guys get to have individual dates, of course! But the guilt of leaving one of you behind consumes you just a minute before your date, so it ends up with just all three.
✦ Frank loves to flaunt off his collection to you, feeling a sense of pride swelling in his chest whenever you compliment the crafted butterflies he carefully painted and organized for many straining hours or appreciate his intensive knowledge on insects. Sometimes, you two just spend bouncing mindless information you have consumed on hours without end until something or somwone interrupts your little session.
"And this one!" Frank pointed to a page on his book, more specifically an picture of a butterfly with bright orange wings and black vein-like patterns. "This one is a monarch butterfly. Scientists calls them Danaus plexippus, which in Greek literally means "sleepy transformation." It references the species' ability to hibernate and metamorphize. It's not exactly my favorite species of butterfly, but they are interesting."
"I suppose so, yeah." You nodded, having your head supported by your hands as you leaned closer to get a better view at the image. You, then, thought deeply and nugged Frank's arm for his attention. "Say, why don't we go out to the forest and search for some? I heard from a little star that there's a hotspot for colorful butterflies."
Frank raised a brow, his interest piqued. "Hm, I suppose we can go only if we invite Eddie. He has a better sense of direction than I am so..."
You rolled your eyes playfully, knowing full well that he wanted to bring the sweet mailman along was because he feels guilty of leaving him behind. "Whatever you say, my little butterfly."
"(Name), please. Not you too."
✦ On the other hand, Eddie enjoys taking you on walks, especially on days where you're stressed and need some relaxation. He also enjoys talking with you over some good lunch, sharing his experiences with you as a mailman. Eddie is a touchy person, so he also likes to spend his time with you cuddling. He's the big spoon most of the time but he loves being little spoon, he wouldn't admit it though.
"Wait, wait, wait!" You paused Eddie's little tangent, your brain processing the story he ahd told you before he went on about the history of mailboxes. "They managed to pull out Julie's mailbox and dragged it all the way to the pond?"
Eddie chuckled, pulling you closer to his figure. You can feel vibrations coming from his chest as he laughed. "Yeah! It sounds unreal but if you take a look at the dirt near Julie's place, it looks like something was dugged up and then buried again."
"Dear lord, what kind of food are they eating?" You shivered at your own visual interpretation of the scenario. Must be distraughting for Julie and her poor mailbox.
"A dozen of eggs, at least." Eddie shrugged, his entire being melting into the sofa. At this point, you can consider him a part of it from how soft and warm his arms feel.
A moment of silence pass before you finally spoke up to break it. "Anyways, wanna be little spoon and continue your story?"
"Yes please!"
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author's note. hi hii!!! tysm for requesting, i hope this is okay <33 i'm not well versed with Eddie's character but I do know a bit of Frank since weirdly enough, i kin him. but ty for the birthday greeting!! my birthday was actually 2 months ago (feb 3) but even so, i appreciate it :DD
i also have another frank x reader x eddie coming up but yandere 👀 so be on a look for that!! anyways— likes, reblogs, etc are appreciated! my inbox is always open, so feel free to request or just drop by <33
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indigosunsetao3 · 5 months
Some of My Headcanons
While my stories may not mix together all the characters still have the same little quirks in all of them. Just a fun little thing to list out and honestly help myself remember them all. I'll add to this as I think of things or remember them.
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Alex Keller
Coffee - His favorite coffee flavor is blueberry. Everyone on the team thinks it's disgusting and tastes like burnt blueberries but Alex gets it whenever he can.
Computers - Alex can figure his way into just about anything. Give him a computer and reliable internet he'll find what he needs, even if that means some illegal hacking or questionable methods.
Language - Alex learns languages easily. He may not be able to write them all but he can read and interpret quite a few. If it's a new language he doesn't know yet give him enough time he'll be able to speak enough for basic communication.
Rules - Everyone thinks that Price is the rule breaker of the group and no one suspects the polite American boy. That's to their own detriment. Alex will break any and all rules if he thinks they are wrong. To the point Price has had to reign him in or throw him on the sidelines when they work together.
Singing - Alex can sing. He never did it seriously, like joining a band or singing in the school choir but he definitely has the talent. It's just something he likes to do and came naturally to him. He does it mostly when he thinks no one is listening because he's not confident in it despite what people tell him.
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John "Soap" MacTavish
Artist - Despite Horrible handwriting Soap can draw extremely well. It started as a pastime as a kid that turned into a coping mechanism and hobby as an adult. He doesn't often share his works with others so when he does, consider yourself lucky.
Handwriting - His penmanship is chicken scratch that over time the team has learned to read but good luck to anyone else.
Notebook - He has stacks of notebooks full of his old sketches and field notes. None of them are ever tossed, just packed away somewhere in his townhouse. All the books are different but what always stays the same is the worn out leather cover that he uses to protect the current one he's using. He looks at it as his good luck charm since it's always on him and he always comes home. It was a gift from his mother.
Touch - Soap is a person that shows attention, affection or support by physical touch. It can be a simple pat on the shoulder, leg brush under the table, hug or even hair ruffle. No one is excluded from this, even Price. Ghost took a while to get used to it and would swat or shove him away but he's accustomed to it now.
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John Price
Body Language - Price is always careful with his words, knows what to say and when to say it. But his body doesn't get that message, you can always tell the his mood by how he carries himself; good or bad.
Football - He owns season tickets to Chelsea but he works so much he barely goes. Yet, he can't quite give them up either. He tells himself one day he'll be home enough to enjoy the game.
Sleep - He goes from one extreme to the other. He will either find a chair, corner of a room or a vaguely quiet spot for a nap as often as possible because he's just so exhausted all the time. Or he goes weeks with barely sleeping a handful of hours a night, but functions just fine. There is no in between.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Clothes - Gaz will look for an excuse to dress up. He loves a good suit, cufflinks with matching tie clip, pocket squares and shined shoes. If he's not dressing up you can still expect his look to be coordinated and impeccable, nothing out of place and always sharp.
Dancing - Gaz took dancing lessons as a kid with his sister that he continued through as a teenager. He danced competitively in ballroom and swing placing in a few championships.
Football Fan - He and Price bond over their love of football. He and his sister go to games whenever he is on leave at home since her husband is not a fan.
Smoking - He's tried to quit multiple times but it's just a habit he can't shake. He doesn't smoke as much as he used to, tired of Ghost riding his ass about it. But if he's stressed or needs to clear his head he'll sneak away for a quick smoke.
Snoring - Gaz snores. It’s not the cute kind and it’s definitely not quiet. Everyone hates being bunkmates with him because he’ll keep you up or wake you up. It’s been this way since he was a teenager, his mother even took him to the doctor but they found nothing medically wrong. Mans just loud.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Alarm Clock - Ghost has an internal alarm clock that wakes him up the same time every day. Whether he went to bed eight hours ago or two.
Patterns - Ghost is ridiculously good at spotting patterns. No one likes watching movies with him because he guesses the ending ten minutes in. But he's also the first one to sense something is wrong or feels off because humans follow a pattern by nature even if they don't realize it; Simon does .
Reading - Ghost reads. A lot. But it's all non-fiction. He always wants to learn and will pick up just about any book he finds, sometimes nicking them from others barracks, before replacing them a few days later when he's done with them.
Smoking - He hates smoking. He rides the teams ass for it. In the early days he'd punish the Sergeant's with running laps if he caught them but now he just yells. He doesn't get on Price but that's only because he's the Captain.
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mywritingonlyfans · 9 months
Idk why but it feels rude to request something, but I’ll just give you a few ideas I’ve had in case you don’t know what you could write next:
I’m craving for something intimate that isn’t related to anything sexual, so basically reader taking care of Al (or vice versa):
-reader shaving al’s beard
-washing each other’s hair
-patching up a wound (im a sucker for ‘stitches’ and secretly hoping for a pt.2)
-making breakfast for each other
-waking up from soft caresses & kisses
That’s it :)
Oh babe, it's not rude at all! 🩷 (I wrote about reader shaving Alex once in a blurb!) Still think it's cute someone like stitches 😅
God, washing each other's hair would be something so comfortable, the appreciation of touch and care not to get shampoo in each other's hair! And I also like the idea of laying your head on his chest while the water falls and you can hear his heartbeat while his arms are wrapped around you! (The trope of waking up together is also lovely, I also love thinking about what it would be like to brush our teeth together and the intimacy of feeling comfortable with each other in that moment no matter the clothes or lack of them)
Wait, you got me a great one, what about Alex cutting his finger during this breakfast making and reader trying to make him a quick heart/band aid? Like when you see him nervous you'd be running towards him and lifting his face, with his eyes on yours, because I think he would be nervous at the sight of blood or even a little dizzy and you need to be quick and calm to help him and he keeps looking at you with those Curious young horse eyes because he loves you so much, and you knew him so well and how to take care of him!
I'd like to chat with you a bit because I had a dream that seems suitable for a story. I'm passionate about ice dance, and in my dream, Alex was dating a dancer. He became deeply involved in her competitive world and wanted to be there to watch her dance. He found it enchanting to watch her dance, to see the love for it in her eyes. At times, he even felt jealous of her dance partner because they spent more time together, with graceful movements and constant physical contact, which made Alex feel insecure, as he wasn't as athletic as the two of you.
However, you reassured him, and over time, he grew accustomed to the idea. He even became friends with your dance partner. Alex did everything he could to be by your side and support you during competitions, especially during the finals when you were nervous.
Unfortunately, things didn't go well on the day of the competition. During the dance, you fell, affecting your score. Alex, who knew you well, knew you would feel guilty because you had trained so hard for that moment, and now you had to wait until the next season.
Now, hear me out, the accident wasn't minor. The dance was interrupted halfway, and you were lying on the floor, with your partner trying unsuccessfully to get you up. Everyone watched you without touching you, as expected, until the rescue team got to you.
Alex, seeing you in pain, wouldn't hesitate to rush from the audience to your side, but your partner would stop him, warning that touching or holding you might worsen the injury. Alex would certainly cry. He would go with you to the hospital, and you would refuse to be treated without him. Later, a nurse would approach Alex, who was anxious outside, and ask, "Do you think you can calm her down?" You hated hospitals! This would lead Alex to hold your hand while the necessary medical procedures were performed. His comforting touch and your gradually calming breath would eventually ease his worries, despite concerns about the entire team and your own mistake, and seeing you getting better would bring relief to Alex... idk I think it's a nice thought to sleep to now..
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djsherriff-responses · 5 months
Did we notice that the only times alex seems to initiate any kind of physical affection are
When he's trying to convince dolph to go along with the heist
And when he's trying to win him back?
And I know he's only there for a few episodes, but really. We also have instances during the heist when dolph is cuddled up on him and he kind of just stands there.
Anon you are so right, let me also direct everyone's attention to this scene
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Ignore Rayman's reaction I made several posts going insane on this scene already but a picture really does say a thousand words. Even before the show came out, the trailer made it a point to show us this scene, this one moment that barely flashes by us in both the trailer and the show proper. It's so obvious in hindsight what this scene is telling us about these characters and their relationship, in that Alex didn't love Dolph the way Dolph loved him, that they weren't on equal footing and Alex put himself before Dolph. But when watching the show for the first time we don't know that, we get distracted by the flashy action and violence that much like Dolph himself, the betrayal comes out of nowhere (except it doesn't , both Dolph and us just didn't see Alex's true colours)
I do think Alex did some love bombing on Dolph, which would've been incredibly too easy if the manga previews are suggesting what I think it's suggesting regarding Dolph and Alex's relationship. Even only focusing on the show, the examples you brought up fit this. I don't think Alex fits all the criteria to be a love bomber, nor I think he normally would love bomb someone. But considering how Alex saw how much of an easy target Dolph was when they first met, it seemed like the best tactic
Interestingly though the "wanting to commit too soon" and "gets jealous easily" are traits that don't fit Alex at all, but rather they're traits that Dolph has, traits that Alex definitely took advantage off
Now , the whole "Dolph is possessive/clingy" and thus gets jealous easily isn't something that actually happens in the show.... Unless you count his reaction finding Alex sleeping with Pagan Min, which anyone would get angry about in Dolph's position. That is admittedly more so me knowing that it's a common trait regarding Dolph's character archetype but like, come on, knowing what we know about Dolph (before the manga is out as of writing this) , it's not out the realm of possibility that the combination of Dolph's desperate need for affection, his low view of himself and quick loyalty to anyone who shows him kindness would result in Dolph having issues being possessive of someone he loves (which Dolph hates about himself and Alex definitely did not help with)
BUT THE "COMMIT TOO SOON"!? DOLPH, 100% DOLPH LASERHAWK! We already knew that in the show Dolph's plan pre-betrayel was running away with Alex and basically settling down on a beach with the old man, but having the knowledge that Dolph is early to mid 20s, rather then the assumption he was entering his 30s, when he decided to do that? Insane, not normal about it, he should be clubbing why is he making retirement plans already?
Oh but let's not also forget that when he killed Alex, Dolph cried his heart out and tried to kill himself. Like, even after everything Alex did to him, Dolph was still committed to Alex even in a twisted and self destructive way
And then Dolph gets the will to live again because of Bullfrog, someone who showed Dolph genuine kindness
... I am really looking forward to seeing just how much damage Alex did to Dolph in the manga, and how much does Dolph even know about it
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the-astral-clump · 1 year
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On the first day of Pride Month we decided to write a little thing about how our plurality and our queerness affect each other.
But before that, lets get some things out of the way: This is a safe space for every system and any who identify with multiplicity. This is also a safe space for every good-faith identity. We also greatly encourage other systems/plurals to share their own experiences. <3 (mind you this post is a bit long and rambly so theres a closing message slash tldr at the end)
Alright! That being said, this is half describing our fuckyweird identities as a system and half a love letter to it all.
Labels are things that I (the host, Alex) have strugged with for very long time. Since the way we experience such things like fronting as blending, blurring, and/or passive influence I often find it difficult to differentiate my sexuality and gender from my headmates, due to this melding of sometimes contradictory identities (for example, Alex and Mae being transmasc and transfem respectively) we often experience some very.. well.. queer feelings. We all have different appearances in headspace, and due to the nature of our headspace, we can often change these at will. This however (unfortunately) cant be transated into our physical body, which is afab. You can perhaps imagine the feelings that might arise from having an alter who is and enjoys a feminine body co-front with an alter who is a lot more masc leaning, or maybe you can't. Either way you can at least imagine how confusing this can be, having two voices, two entirely separate people, share a body and wish for entirely different things for it. Having alters who experience different levels of romantic and sexual attraction as well as attraction to different genders. How it might feel to have a largely asexual alter co-front with an allosexual alter with a very high libido, how it might feel for a bisexual alter to blur with a homosexual alter unable to really percieve the presence of eachother. Often Alex and Sasha co-front, Alex is aroacespec and experiences minimal attraction though usually towards men, Sasha is m-spec and (very) allosexual. They also feel differently as to presentation, Sasha being much more feminine than Alex, this can lead to weird dysphoric feelings, feeling gay and bi feeling like a girl but also mlm, feeling so many different ranges of conflicting emotions and identities.
Although things like this have brought us great frustration and caused conflicts within the system, this pride month we want to instead celebrate these incongurences in identity. We want to celebrate having complicated identities, having feelings that perhaps conflict with eachother. Because this is real, what we experience is real and it deserves recognition and respect. This is something that can and should apply to everyone, regardless of wether they identify as plural, queer, or anything else. So here's for a lovely pride month, to my fellow queer systems, and to all the people and creatures whose identities dont fit into a solid mold.
closing message/ tldr; As a system we experience many conflicting and weird combinations of indentities and we are learning to live and love this aspect ouf our lives, and hope others can too. You deserve love, pride includes those with complex identities, be weird, be yourself, be queer unabashedly and love yourself for it. &lt;3
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ginervacade · 3 months
It’s 🎵Exchange Day!!! 🎵
@jatpfebfanfest thanks for letting me be a part of something so cool!!
@locketletters I hope you like it. It was super fun to write. I’ve read lots of stuff with the sunset curve polycule but hadn’t tried to write anything until this one. It ended up being a little more Luke centered than Alex but I hope you still like it!! I’m sorry it’s so short, I’ve had a lot going on.
I give you…
They’d been practicing for almost four hours when Reggie finally flopped onto the couch with a dramatic sigh.
“ Luke, babe, I love you but if we haven’t gotten it yet then it’s just not gonna happen tonight. I’m so tired.”
Luke pouted and protested as if he wasn’t about to fall asleep himself. Reggie looked to Bobby and Alex behind their boyfriend for help. He got a silent matching nod from them both.
“ I wanna cuddle and watch Star Wars and eat pizza.” Reggie whined hoping to entice Luke’s attention away from his guitar and song book long enough for the others to take them away.
Apparently the promise of food and physical affection was enough to temporarily perk his ears up and Reggie reached toward him from his position on the couch with grabby hands. Luke stood, going to plant a quick kiss on Reggie’s cheek and in his moment of distraction set his guitar to the side. Bobby quickly snatched it up and Alex closed the song book.
Reggie did his part by pulling Luke down on top of him on the couch, deepening the kiss. The lead singer practically melted into it for a moment when Reggie’s nimble fingers pulled his orange beanie off to entangle themselves in his hair and pull gently. Luke hummed in contentment before pulling back.
“ I just wanna run this part one more time and then we can stop for the ni- where’s my guitar?” He cut himself off looking around to meet Bobby’s smirk. Reggie giggled from his place on the couch and Luke turned back to him looking betrayed.
“ You tricked me, that wasn’t fair.”
The bass player didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed.
“ Sorry Lu,” Alex piped up from the loft, waving the captured guitar and songbook at him with a smile, “ but we’re all tired and hungry, including you, and you’ve said one more time 14 times already.”
“ You’re the worst,” Luke pouted some more, though there was no bite to his words. As if to punctuate his sentence and prove him wrong his stomach growled loudly.
Bobby shot him a look, hands on his hips.
“ Fine,” Luke finally conceded, sighing and throwing himself unceremoniously onto the couch next to Reggie. He leaned over onto Reg’s shoulder and stared up at him until pretty green eyes rolled fondly at him and the fingers found their way back to his hair to begin gently massaging his scalp.
“ Call me unfair and then pull out the puppy dog eyes that I taught you,” Reg scoffed but didn’t stop either. Alex sat down on Luke’s other side, smiling fondly when he automatically grabbed his hand and interlaced their fingers.
Bobby chuckled, crossing the room to give the blond a quick peck.
“ Lexie, good work love,” he said, “ You too darlin’.” He added to Reggie, who perked up at the praise. “ I’m gonna go order the pizza and pop some popcorn. Somebody set up the VHS player.”
30 minutes later they were all cuddled up on the couch, stuffing their faces with pizza and popcorn and listening to Reggie quote along with Empire Strikes Back.
Luke took a swig of his soda and absentmindedly started singing the new song under his breath.
“ Oh my God Patterson! Shut up!” Bobby said, laughing as he shoved a piece of pizza into the other boy’s mouth.
Luke chewed it annoyedly, curling further into Alex’s side. Lex took over playing with Luke’s hair as he munched on his popcorn.
“ It is a really cool song though babe,” he said and Luke automatically relaxed, his eyes slipping closed at Alex’s gentle tugging on his hair. “ We’ll keep working tomorrow, for now let’s just enjoy the night.”
He didn’t get a response because Luke was already asleep. Alex smiled, pressing a kiss into his soft brown curls.
“ Goodnight Rockstar.”
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azrielgreen · 8 months
I apologize in advance, but I have a handful of Touched questions I can't stop thinking about. No pressure to answer, I love this universe regardless, but yah know... any additional crumbs are much appreciated. Thank you a million in advance!! xx
I'm confused why Hopper had to call Eddie about Steve's labor- when Alex was beating up Steve, didn't Eddie feel it through the bond and come running? I promise I'm not trying to be rude, I'd just love to understand the difference between those situations.
With Robin now presenting as an alpha, is she growing a penis in the same way that Steve grew a vagina? I love love loved that last scene, but the obvious suggestion of her knotting.. I guess I'm just a little confused. 
I've heard you say in different asks that you've written this Jason as asexual (so amazing) but in another ask you mentioned him eventually presenting as omega. I'm so sorry, I really don't want to take you to task, but I just love this universe, so I'm curious- if Jason is omega, can he physically go through heats while being asexual? Is he asexual while "sober" (I'm sorry, that's for lack of better word), but then still needs help while in heat?
theoretically- would everyone in this gorgeous family eventually present? Steddie obviously started it, Buckingham is next.. are they all going to follow? I'm mostly curious about like Dustin and Lucas who both seem to be with "outsiders".. will it still happen to them? 
If everyone does present, will there be a hierarchy amongst the fam? Like.. because Eddie in particular was the first alpha, will he be the most in charge? (even though we all know that Steve well and truly runs EVERYTHING lololll) 
Of course, I'm always happy to answer questions!🥰💜💞✨️ please be warned for explicit discussions of bodily transformations Alpha/Omega designation specific.
1) the pregnancy interfered with the bond to a strong degree, taking a lot of Steve's energy and limiting their ability to feel over distance. Eddie could, however, tell something was wrong that morning, but Steve just said he was achy/tired.
2) Robin's Alpha designation means for ruts and Chrissy's heats, she can indeed grow her own version of a dick: her clitoris can transform into a fully functioning penis capable of reproduction and knotting. It can revert to something more medium size in between heats and ruts.
3) Jason going through heats is an evolution for him that takes years to find equilibrium. He does become typically desperate to be knotted but he does also learn to use toys and eventually, they get something custom made for him. His relationship with sex and intimacy and falling in love is a beautiful one; complex and sweet and unorthodox and he actually ends up in a deeply loving asexual relationship with someone in the group, though I'm not saying who🥰🥰🥰
4) So, everyone in the family Steve's age and younger will present. The older ones don't. I think i answered this before, but a vague recap of everyone's designation was: Omega: Chrissy, Steve, Nancy, Jason, Eleven, Will & Mike (who end up in an Omega/Omega relationship later on). Alpha: Dustin, Lucas, Max, Eddie, Robin. Jonathan is a Beta, though he still experiences a few changes too.
I wanted to write the Alpha/Omega dynamics a little different in this, especially in terms of "dominance" so the Alphas don't really fight for who is head of the family, only on jest. If anyone is the Alpha of their pack, it's Eddie, but Steve is sort of the Mother Tree, if that makes sense. A matriarchal structure to the pack made a lot more sense to me while I was mapping dynamics.
Ultimately, the Omegaverse will spread across the earth and everyone will be affected, but it all starts in Hawkins💜💞✨️
Hope these were helpful!💜💜💜
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hotmessmaxpress · 2 months
Sorry for spamming your askbox but I have more to say about your excellent au.
I'd like to argue that God's strongest soldier in all of this is really Alex Marquez. Like Uccio he knows that all of this is INSANE and that Valentino and Marc are both freaks AND YET he supports Marc. He even agrees to go along with the insane "stalk vale at the race" plan!
I also have to wonder if Alex' image of Vale has changed. He races motorbikes with his brother so Im going to assume he idolizes vale and then suddenly it turns out that your idol not only pays to jerk off to your brother but also he's also a totally delulu freak.
Never ever apologize for sending me asks!!!
I haven’t touched on alex in this au nearly as much as I should… I have so many thoughts about him. A lot of alex’s relationship with marc is built on not just racing together as kids but also how marc’s crash (which I should probably write more about but for now basically exists only in my head) affected the both of them. Marc was cruising for a professional career and it all ended in one crash, and that’s not easy for a baby brother to cope with. Alex effectively chose to end his career (what might have become a career) because of marc’s crash, and he has his own trauma wrapped up in that. He watched it happen and he watched as marc struggled to cope with the loss of something that meant so much to him. Quitting racing to support his brother’s recovery was hard for alex, and now marc being healthy and happy doing something else (even if it’s porn!! who gives a shit!!!) contributes to alex being willing to go along with marc’s scheme.
Marc may be stalking their collective idol who incidentally also has seen marc naked, but in alex’s eyes that’s a major improvement from him being depressed, miserable, and going through incredibly hard and painful physical therapy just to gain his regular movement back.
As far as vale I sort of think alex is trying not to think about that 😭😭 he’s compartmentalizing like it’s his job. No matter what you do, do not think about your brother maybe eventually boning the old man whose posters you both had on your wall!!!
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konigsprinzessin · 1 year
Hi🥺💕 I’m in dire need of some fluff for my bois Kapkan and Fuze if that’s alright with you💕 Or perhaps the the whole Spetsnaz if you’re feeling it🥰 Perhaps sleeping positions with their s/o? Like who tends to radiate heat, who likes to sleep facing their partner, weird little habits they have when they sleep. Anything is fine really💕 Much love and thank you🥺💕💕
hi there! sorry for taking forever to write this. school has been kicking my ass recently. hope you enjoy! reposts and likes are greatly appreciated!
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timur glazkov ; timur definitely likes to unwind the night by reading something. i personally feel like timur would enjoy old russian poetry, steven king, or a magazine collection of different global artworks. anything that doesn't involve too much violence (such as any tom clancy novel). he likes when you cuddle up into his chest while under the covers while he reads. he makes sure he dims the bedside light as low as he can while still being able being able to read his book.
maxim basuda ; in the start of your relationship maxim wouldn't show much physical affection now when he feels more secure and comfortable he turns into a cuddle bear. maxim will always be big spoon. no matter how bad his day was he will never be little spoon. it's too feminine for him. he lays his hand either over your thigh or your chest (squeezes your titty too and chuckles about it.)
shuhrat kessikbayev ; he has a hard time separating memories from you from his ex fiancé, especially into the first few months of your relationship. he tries to differentiate between the past and the present so therefore it might take him a while to warm up to you physically but particularly emotionally. he really likes cuddling. put on a older film from the mid-century and he's all yours. he enjoys being the big spoon but he does enjoy having your body weight and warmth on top of him. will occasionally be little spoon when he's having a difficult day and harsh memories, but not often
alexsandr senaviev ; alex is nine times out of ten the big spoon. if you have titties he will lay his head on your chest and pretend he's falling asleep on actual pillows. when spooning he will wrap his arm around your torso and one hand under your shirt. he doesn't care if you complain if his hand is cold.
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francis-writes · 5 months
May I request a Billyboy with a female reader who is pretty shy/reserved?
A/n: if you want, i can write more soon
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Similar case like with Alex: don't expect a lot of understanding and respecting personal boundaries. Billyboy is even more straightforward than Alex who at least usually hides his thought under superficially charm. Billyboy always speaks plainly what he wants and doesn't understand subtleties. His love language (and violence language but let leave it now) is physical touch so he's constantly touching you, an arm around your waist, a hand on your thigh or plainly grabbing your butt.
If you get closer and he treats you as something more than one time sexual adventure, you may try to talk with him about it and have any hope for a reaction. He's really reluctant, but after some talk he may tone down his behaviour. At least when you're around. When there's only him and his boys, he's still untamed. How this affects you, you may ask? Well, they know details of your sex life and may make some comments.
If you prefer to spend time at home, in more peaceful enviroment, you usually meet on afternoons. Billyboy would rather avoid missing his night activities. He has his reputation to uphold, crimes to commit and pleasures to find. But once in a while he takes a free night just to enjoy your company without need to hurry for some ultraviolence.
He doesn't mind if you don't want to spend time with his boys. Maybe he would like to brag about you but he can do it as well in your absence. Also he would be jealous and angry if one of the boys tried to hit on you.
It may be surprising, but when you are together, Billyboy can actually be a caring and delicate (at least in his standards) boyfriend in the bedroom. He treats you with respect and cares about your pleasure. But he also has rather a simple taste and not many kinks (at least not discovered). He enjoys getting head and missionary is enough to satisfy him.
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Hi! Could I please request some general x gender neutral reader dating headcanons with Magnus Chase from MCGA? I'd also love if the headcanons included some hurt/comfort related stuff, but that's completely up to you :) Thank you in advance, have a great day!
Hi Anon! Absolutely! I need to write more for Magnus, he's one of my favourite Riordanverse characters! I hope you like the headcanons! I went more into the hurt/comfort than general relationship headcanons.
You've given me inspiration for a hurt/comfort fanfic with Magnus so if you'd like to get notified when it comes out, just send an ask and I'll be able to answer it with the fanfic.
Fandom: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Pairing: Magnus Chase x gn! reader
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Magnus is a very supportive partner. Whatever your interests are, he'll read up on and do his best to remember bits of information so he can understand what you're talking about.
Likes taking you on relaxing dates. He doesn't particularly mind where you go, as long as he doesn't have to fight anything.
And as long as you aren't interrupted by every single one of his friends. It's happened before. It'll happen again.
If you're not a member of Hotel Valhalla, Magnus has a lot of worries about you. Least of all is his worry that he's going to have a hard time explaining why he doesn't age.
And as soon as he realizes that, he'll spiral into the realization that he will outlive you. I think Magnus would try to distance himself once he realizes that.
But staying away from you is probably the worst decision he's ever made. And his friends tell him that. It takes Alex finally taking Magnus aside and telling him that he's an idiot that finally gets through to him.
By that time, you've had enough of him avoiding you as well. When you confront him, he realizes that he can't just avoid you.
He doesn't tell you everything (not yet anyway) but you understand well enough that he's scared of losing you. Just give him some comfort and tell him you're not going anywhere.
He'll still be worried about the future but he can enjoy the time he can spend with you.
If you need comfort about anything, Mangus is there for you. He'll comfort you however you prefer but his go to method is taking you somewhere nice and listening to your problems before taking your mind off whatever's bothering you.
But if you just want someone to give you physical affection or even give you some personal space, Magnus is willing to do whatever you ask of him.
He values the support you show him, and he wants you to know that he's there for you as well.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment, or reblog will mean just as much.
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issylra · 1 year
Hello, I have kind of a random question. I was re-reading 'Spilled Ink and Daffodils' for the hundredth time, and one line in the last chapter always stuck out to me when Dream is telling Hob about his relationship with Alex: "None of it makes Hob dislike Dream's ex any less than before. Not when he hears stories of lost tempers and angry hands".
Obviously Alex sucks, but did he get like... physically abusive with Dream? I could definitely see how that would affect Dream's relationship with Hob :'(
anyway, feel free to ignore this, I was just curious. I adore your writing and particularly this series! <3
Not a random question at all!
I'll be touching on this in the next fic, since it'll be the first one from Dream's POV, but I can say that I don't imagine Alex was outright physically abusive. At least not in the way most commonly thought of. Of course there are shades to abuse/unhealthy relationships, but Dream's issues in that fic stem a lot from constantly being afraid that the rug will be pulled out from under him emotionally.
I pictured the relationship Alex and Dream had to be a really terrible rollercoaster ride after his father got involved. One day, Alex is trying, he's being nice, he's making Dream feel loved and cared for. The next day Dream tries to so much as hold his hand and he's being angrily pushed away because Roderick said something cruel and now it's all Alex can focus on. Dream was left never knowing when it was okay to seek out affection, getting sniped at and shoved away half the time when he tried. Which is why you see him so hesitant to even sit closer to Hob on the couch (until Hob holds an arm up for him) because he's reached for someone he loves too many times already and only been burned for it.
So yeah, that's the lost tempers/angry hands that Hob was referencing. In his head, he's picturing some asshole shoving Dream away or calling him needy whenever he looks for reassurance, and that makes Hob want to punch someone.
I also want to say that I never intended for this fic to be expanded into a series when I originally wrote it. spilled ink was the first AU I'd written for anything ever, and I spent a lot of time thinking about how to incorporate bits of canon and also what life experiences a human Dream would've had to end up the repressed mess that he is at the beginning of the fic. I always thought I'd leave the details up to imagination, but the next installment is going to be in Dream's POV. Which means specifics and flashbacks and a pretty large shift in tone. Hopefully it won't bother anyone!
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thornsandtulips · 11 days
Could you write an sfw alphabet for Alex browning from fd1 please 🩷
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I’m so sorry for the wait!! I got two commissions for this, so I’m going to do my best. Now this is the first time I’m writing for Alex, so if it’s a bit ooc, I apologize heavily. Thank you for the wait. - Tulips
Alex Browning Fluff A-Z
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A = Affection (are they affectionate with you?)
He’s awkward when it comes to physical activity, but he does try his best. Overall Alex will hold your hand or protectively put his arm around you, but the man will be a bit flustered when doing it.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Alex is a fun best friend to have for the most part, he’ll play around with you and tease you a bit like he does Todd and George.
If you both have a common interest, there’s a chance that you’ll be doing that interest with him most of the time.
The start of the friendship would mostly be before the events of the movie, most likely in high school. He’d notice some merch that you had on you or on your locker and strike up a conversation with you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’s likes to cuddle, but he doesn’t do it as often. This man gives both big spoon and little spoon vibes, he’ll be the big spoon for you when you want to be held or comforted.
However when it comes to the nights where he’ll wake up in a panic, it would be best to hold him and remind him he’s safe
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
When it comes to breaking up, Alex gives off the type to break things off and go no contact if he knows being near him would cause you immediate danger.
Not hearing from you would absolutely destroy him.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
When it comes to the idea of marriage and kids, he hasn’t really thought too deeply into it. Settling down or even living up to his 30s isn’t even something he thinks will happen for him. Death’s design is always on his trail.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Alex tried his best to be gentle with you, but this dude has a tendency to be a bit clumsy and rough with you by accident.
However when it comes to emotions, he’s a bit stunted. Alex is a teenage boy, so trying to show his true feelings can be difficult for him to explain to you. He really does try his best.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
When it comes to hugs, it really depends on the situation. If he’s in a good mood, he’ll hug you and kiss your forehead. When he’s stressed or frightened, his embrace will be much tighter and he’ll hide his face in the crook of your neck.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Like it was said before, he’s a teenager. He’s too emotionally immature for dropping the L-word on the first or second date. It’ll definitely take him a while to get to that stage.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
If a random person was flirting with you, he’s the type to just pull you away or walk up and hold your hand.
Now if it’s someone he has known beef with ( someone like Carter for example) Alex will be more snarky towards the guy.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses with him range between little pecks on the cheek/lips to very longing kisses.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s okay near kids, but he really doesn’t like being around them too long. Alex doesn’t give off the vibe that he’s a social kind of person.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Alex will make some coffee for you and maybe put some waffles into the toaster.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Most nights you’ll watch movies until you both pass out by the tv. It’s very romantic.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s scared you’ll think he’s crazy like the others, so opening up to you would take a little while.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s easily agitated, but never really angry. The most “ angry “ he’d be with you is when he’s trying to explain death’s design and you’re not really believing him right away.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Alex remembers almost everything you tell him, he’s always remembering the details. Just make sure never to get into a debate or argument about something you’ve told him about, he’ll make sure he wins the argument every time.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Alex has a lot of favorite memories when it comes to y’all. However, his favorite memory by far would probably be when you both go in to kiss each other after a date and accidentally bump heads.
Watching you hold your head , his actions matching yours almost in sync. You both stare blankly at each other for only a slight moment before erupting in laughter.
A small awkward mishap turned into a cute little memory that he likes to think back on time to time. Even now he has a tendency to sometimes to put his palm on your forehead as he goes in for a kiss.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
If this is during the final destination movie timeline, Alex is 100% your protector.
He’s making sure you’re not next in the list of victims to come. It’ll start off as little things like putting his arm out in front of you as a small attempt to cover you.
However overtime it’ll become more noticeable like keeping you by his side all the time, and getting mouthy with Carter if he tries to get in your face about something
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’s a bit awkward when it comes to romance, but he really does try his best.
Little bracelets or trinkets he sees when he goes out would most likely be your gift.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Alex has a tendency to get in his own head about things. He’s a bit of a superstitious kind of guy. He’ll usually freak himself out and shut down.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not too crazy about his looks at all. All that he wants is for you to like him for him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Alex would definitely feel incomplete without you. It would most definitely eat away at him, especially if death was after you too.
If you died, he’d be absolutely heartbroken. He wanted to save you and break the
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Alex gives off the vibe that he’d ask you, George, and Todd to hang out and watch movies together. He wants you to feel included in his friendship with him and Todd.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He’s not much for people who are narrowed minded or ignoring his theories on how death is tracking him. He wants a partner who will trust him and understand his feelings rather than invalidate them.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Dude sleeps on his back and doesn’t snore really. Sometimes he’ll wake up in the middle of the night due to stress and just needs to be held to fall back to sleep.
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