#wildcats 8
ravenfan1242 · 1 year
They gave us damirae crumbs in Wildcats #8
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Look at the way Damian is looking at her
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I thought I was reading too much into it with shipper eyes at first, but then
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I have no idea how old either of them are in this. They both look like young teens, but even if Dami was 15 they'd still draw him looking like he's 12 in a lot of art. So yeah, it's really hard to tell.
Anyway, I just wanted to share these adorable little crumbs with my fellow shippers (and please don't @ me with age crap anyone, we don't know their age and at the very least it's just a harmless crush).
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vanosslirious · 1 month
Vanoss: Tell me where you are.
Delirious: Tell you where I am?
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"This decade has been one of the most positive for news about tiger conservation of any since conservation science began in earnest, and a highlight must be this mother tiger and her two cubs sighted in Western Thailand, the first such sighting in more than 10 years of close monitoring.
Tigers are stable or increasing across their entire remaining strongholds, including China, Russia, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and now Thailand—the only Southeast Asian country to see measurable increases in tiger population over the last 12 years.
There may now be as many as 190 tigers in the country, up from 46 logged in a population survey in 2007.
The sight of the mother and her cubs, in the Salak Phra Wildlife Sanctuary, part of the sprawling Western Forest Complex of Thungyai–Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuaries that stretch across 2,400 square miles, is a sign that Thailand’s conservation efforts are really working; not only are tigers breeding outside of core areas, but that must therefore mean there is enough large game, like sambar deer, to feed them.
“This is a big news for us,” said Rattapan Pattanarangsan, the conservation program manager at the Thai chapter of Panthera, a renowned wildcat conservation NGO. “…now we are the source, we can produce tigers from our place. That means our place is safe enough, and has enough prey for the mothers to eat and breed.”
Neighboring Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam haven’t been able to make meaningful progress in restoring their tigers, and if they ever needed a few individual animals, Thailand now has a stable, growing population that is adapted to similar forest conditions.
Pattanarangsan told The Guardian that creative efforts to stop poachers, such as by working together with ranchers to place early warning cameras on forest trails have worked significantly.
Reductions in commercial bamboo harvesting have also reduced human-tiger conflict, and the animals look poised to continue flourishing in the western rainforests of the country."
-via Good News Network, January 8, 2024
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asterwild · 2 years
headline round-up! here's some recent good news that crossed my feed:
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Vultures released in Cyprus (via AP News, Bird Life Cyprus, September 2022) Fifteen griffon vultures, hailing from Spain, were released into the wild following a several-month acclimatization period. These birds will help replenish the Cypriot population, which had fallen to a mere 8-10 birds.
Four species of vulture return to national park in Malawi (via Mongabay, July 2022) White-backed, Hooded, White-faced, and Lappet-faced vultures have been returning to Liwonde National Park after an absence of 20+ years. Their comeback may be due to the reintroduction of cheetahs -- and the carcasses they leave behind.
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22 Scottish Wildcats born in conservation project (via Saving Wildcats, The National, September 2022) The kittens are planned to be released in the Scottish Highlands next year, as part of the efforts to save this critically endangered species.
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El Jefe lives (via Wildlands Network, Tuscon.com, August 2022) The jaguar dubbed El Jefe -- the only known jaguar in the US when he was first spotted in Arizona in 2011 -- has been off the radar for seven years. But remote camera photos from Sonora caught sight of a familiar cat in November 2021, and his identity has now been confirmed.
Creating corridors for jaguars in Mexico (via Mongabay, June 2022) "A group of biologists is working with communities to improve habitat for jaguars, pumas, jaguarundis, ocelots and margays in forested areas of Guerrero, in southern Mexico. Now they want to strengthen this conservation area so that the cats can thrive and so that communities can create sustainable development projects."
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radicalgraff · 20 hours
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Poster in Sydney promoting the Wildcat Anarchist Fair. which will take place this Sunday 10am - 4pm in Hut 8 at Addison Rd Community Centre in Marrickville.
The event will feature various distro tables selling radical books, zines, stickers, t-shirts, ect. As well as workshops and free food provided by Food Not Vons Sydney
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Steve And Robin Are Stuck in A Timeloop AU 
Steve's lost track of which time loop this is.
Had lost track pretty much instantly, because it turns out when people die repeatedly in front of you, it kinda takes precedence in your memory. 
Besides, Robin has a list in her head, memorized via some kind of musical code, alongside all the dates and times they wake up in. 
(Steve doesn't see what difference it makes if they wake up at 7:15 am the day of the Championship or 8:25 am, but Robin's insistent that even the slightest variations could mean something.) 
He’ll have to ask his soulmate when he finds her though, because presently Steve has determined they're having one of their weirder loops.
Typically, when the two of them get kicked back in time, they wake up the day of the Championship game. Occasionally it will be the day right before or the day after, but sometimes? 
Sometimes they’re sent back someplace, some time, that isn’t related to 1986 at all. 
Thus far, the Starcourt loop had been the worst. 
("If it happens a third time I'm killing myself." Steve had told Robin after they’d failed that one. 
Robin didn’t even look at him, the two of them huddled up together in Steve’s bed. "No you're not Dingus, not without shooting me first."
"How come I have to shoot you!? Is it because I'm a man? That's not very feminist of you."
"No its because you've seen me shoot, I would miss!") 
Steve had even woken up in an odd place. Not his bed or the couch, but the driver's seat of the Beamer, seated in the high school parking lot.  
It made him immediately uneasy. 
The chair is reclined all the way back, the mass of cars indicating it was a school day. Steve struggled to recall when he's ever taken a nap in his car as he got out of it, trying to decide how he wanted to go about things. 
Felt his pocket and was surprised to find it full of a packet of smokes. 
The sheer implication of that had him pulling out a cig and lighting it before the knowledge that he'd officially quit buying his own cigarettes in 1985 sank in.
Panicked and chainsmokes three, before deciding his best course of action was his usual one. 
Find Robin. 
Which of course means that he found Eddie instead. 
He’d started his first lap, walking out if the parking lot and round to the more shaded, empty parts of the building when a voice he knew yelled. 
The kind of yell he’d grown intimately familiar with, the one Eddie used when he was terrified and using anger to hide it. 
Steve turns automatically, following the taunts and loud, pained breathing until he finds a handful of jocks encircling the metalhead. He's down on one knee, snarling like a wildcat caught in a trap while some guy Steve barely recognizes holds him by the hair, laughing. 
Red coats his vision instantly, and any thoughts Steve had about being stuck in time (sort of) vanish from his mind entirely. 
The world shrinks down, to that white knuckled grip on Eddie's hair, the way it’s pulling the older boy’s face up so that Steve can see the straining muscles in his throat. 
The protective creature that lives in his chest and likes to punch it’s way out of problems awakens, and a thrum goes through Steve as he feels its demand for blood. 
"Hey fellas " Steve calls joyfully, striding directly into the crowd. "What’re we doing?" 
Two part before him like fish seeing a shark,and a faraway inner voice identifies them as members of the swim team. 
Which likely meant the other two were football players, and for all the tackling they did they were surprisingly easy to scare, if you knew how to play it right. 
Steve absolutely knew how to play it right. 
"Fuck off Harrington. This isn't your business." The one holding Eddie's hair spits. 
"Well that would be where you're wrong." Steve was still keeping things conversational as he positioned himself, arms nice and loose at his sides. He lets the thing that lives inside him, who made him turn right back around all those years ago and charge back into the Byers house, out a little more. Feels the need to protect, to save, to destroy the things that are his, fuel him.  "Seeing as all of Eddie's business is my business."
Eddie stares up at him, wide eyed at the declaration. 
Feeling entirely out of control of his body, Steve sends him a wink. 
"Since when!?" The other football player asks. 
"Since now." Steve declares cheerfully--and then smiles. 
It isn’t a nice smile. 
Thoroughly unnerved, his swim team members shrink back. He’ll have words for them later if he has time--Steve can't ever recall the swim team members being dicks but who fucking knows. 
His memory wasn't the best before he and Robin got stuck in time. 
"You fucking into drugs now or wha--" Their ringleader, still holding onto Eddie by the hair, doesn't get to finish his sentence.
Mostly because his mouth is too busy catching Steve's fist. 
Fighting, he knows, is something he does best when it's too the death and he's armed with something. 
Bonus points if his opponent is a horrific monster from another dimension. 
He has gotten better though, and here the rapid pace he sets feels almost too easy. 
The first guy goes down on the ground before the rest pick up on it, giving Eddie time to lurch backwards as Steve turns and torpedoes into the next jock. 
This one gets in a good shot--Steve staggers with a blow to his side but it's not enough to wind him. He keeps to his feet and advances, delivering one more punch before the swim team guys are trying to call him off. 
"Come on man, you're gonna kill them!" 
Steve almost laughs-- he hasn't come close to killing either idiot-- but backs away, keeping himself between them and Eddie. 
They wave their hands, getting ahold of their bloodied friends as they slowly ease between them and Steve. Make apologizes and promises that it was a poor joke, Munson just got to them, hot heads you know? 
Steve snarls at them to fuck off, and glares until they're gone. 
"What the hell just happened?" Eddie asks him, and Steve turns to find him on his feet, leaning heavily against the brick wall of the school. 
As far as he can get away from Steve. 
"Our football quarterback can't hit for shit." Steve informs him, having finally placed an least one of the guys. "It's probably why we always lose." 
Eddie gives him such a freaked out face it almost makes him laugh a second time.
The effect isn't helped by the fact that Eddie's normally long mane is hovering just over his shoulders, the curls somehow poofier than normal. Clearly he’s still trying to grow it out, but it just makes him look like one of those frazzled dogs. 
On instinct Steve reaches out to playfully pull a few strands, then freezes when Eddie flinches from him. 
"Sorry." He keeps his hands up, as he takes in Munson's face. "Shit dude, he got your nose good." 
There's blood smeared under it, and given the look of the skin surrounding it? 
Eddie's gonna have an impressive bruise soon enough. 
Steve gets a glare sent his way. "Why do you care?" Eddie spits, back very much still up, and-- right. 
Time travel. 
"I'm really bad at explaining it." Steve warns, running a hand through his hair. He did this part plenty without Robin (meeting Eddie that was--Robs usually tackled Nancy.) But he also typically did in it 1986, and with at least three of the kids, not whenever they currently were. 
"We usually start with facts only you'd know, but I don't actually know when I am right now." He finishes, and realizes immediately that it doesn’t make a lick of sense. 
"When you are?" Eddie asks, because of course he clocks that part immediately. 
"Ye--eah." Steve says, dragging out the word. 
He looks at Eddie desperately, like the metalhead will tell him the exact information he needs. 
Eddie just stares back. 
"Look, it sounds really stupid when you say it out loud." Steve says finally, because fuck, it does!
"Comparable to all the other times you talk out loud?" Eddie snips, voice full of venom. 
"Shut up.” Steve replies automatically, but his tone holds no heat. He’s too used to trading banter with Eddie that is friendly.  “I'm gonna preface this by saying I can prove it."
"Oh wow preface. Such a big word for you! Did Nancy Wheeler teach you that one?"
"Robin actually." Then, "Nancy?"
The look Eddie gives him could melt steel beams. "Yeah man. Nancy Wheeler. Your girlfriend." 
"Oh--oh god." Steve says, because that means they're way back. Possibly to the beginning. 
Or worse, before he and Nancy had broken up.
"I can’t handle that breakup a second time." He says wide eyed, the panic gripping him for a second. “I could-no, no I could get Robin to tell her!” 
Because that sure would work. 
Steve can just imagine it now. Robin, sauntering up to Nancy and going ‘Hey, we really haven’t met yet but you’re gonna dump Steve, if you haven’t already and to cut through all the drama, I’m here to just tell you on his behalf that it’s over. What was that? A coward? Why yes, he is one!’
You know, provided she didn’t just laugh in his face and then cuff him over the head when she realized he was being serious. 
“Dude.” Eddie says, sinking a world’s worth of judgment into the single syllable. 
“Yeah, you’re right, bad call.” Steve says, and whatever Eddie was expecting it clearly wasn’t that. 
“Are you on drugs right now?” Eddie finally asks when Steve reverts back to looking to him as if he’s going to help. A bad habit, and one Steve knows he needs to stop doing. 
Even if Eddie, in the original timeline and every one after they got him on board, eventually becomes someone Steve can rely on like that. 
“You can tell me if you are, man, you know I won’t judge.” The hateful air around him is fading into something more confused, and then into something else entirely. The persona Eddie pulls when he’s hurt and trying to hide it with jokes and rants. “Unless you and your buddies bought from someone that wasn’t me, in which case I get exclusive rights to judge.” 
He’s shifting as he finally stands up off the wall, and Steve doesn’t miss how he hugs one hand to a rib. 
He needs to get Eddie up to speed and he needs to do it fast.
Steve sighs and just starts listing Eddie Munson Facts like an unprepared kid who was called on in class. 
"Okay, so your uncle collects mugs, right? And--fuck I don't know when you get all the tattoos,” Steve makes a vague gesture around his chest, “but you have bats on your arm and you gave them all names." 
Eddie's eyes pop wide again, jaw slacking as Steve volleys off a few more Munson Facts. 
"You have this weird fear about red ribbon necklaces because of a book you read in third grade, your first guitar has this giant ugly--sorry dude, but you cannot write legibly to save your life, 'This machine slays dragons' quote across it and--oh!"
 He was so fucking stupid. The answer was literally staring at him in the face, dangling around Eddie's neck. 
Steve snapped his fingers excitedly. "The guitar pick on your neck is your moms!"
Eddie’s mouth open and closes like a fish, long enough that the smile slowly slides off of Steve’s face.  
"How the fuck do you know all that?" He manages after a long, tortuous moment, looking like he’d been sucker punched. 
With the most pained look his face can manage, Steve finally answers. "Time travel."
Eddie blinks.
Then blinks again. 
 "Time travel." He echoes faintly. 
"Yeah. I'm from 1986, where things kinda got really fucked up."
"No kidding?" Eddie says, right before he erupts into giggles. 
"Did they get you in the head?" Steve asks, abruptly concerned, as Eddie collapses back against the wall in a growing fit of laughter.  
Concussed Eddie was not a road he wanted to go down but Steve knew better than anyone what happens if you ignore such things. 
"I think my weed just hit." Eddie explains as he wipes away a tear, and Steve wants to shake him, but knows it won't get him anywhere. 
"That's great. That's just great."  He grumbles, hands going onto his hips. "Come on."
"Where are we going?"
"To get you a bandage. And then find Robin.” 
Robin, Steve decided, could handle a high, concussed Eddie.
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kenandeliza · 1 month
a collection of ideas of a post-suspendium Golden Age comics Billy Batson if he ended up in the 21st century (pick any comic continuity
1.adoption scenario
(If a leaguer wanted to adopt Billy, he’d just show them his birth certificate)
Billy smirking:” Sorry, you can’t legally adopt a grandpa”
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2. Billy teasing with a smug boomer voice: “Back in my day, we used to play with atomic machines!”
3. youtube
Billy:thanks for showing me how to use a modern phone (insert friend from 21st century)! But I wonder, where is the tv remote for changing the youtube channel? And Where is the news?
(Friend from the 21st century):*sighs* it’s so over
4. Old friends
Aside from the fawcett city heroes, Billy in this case probably relates more to the older heroes like wildcat, Alan scott or Jay Garrick, maybe they have multiple team ups in the past and would reminiscent over it (the rest having their favorite drinks while Billy preferring his hot chocolate ice cream)
5. Teasing
The younger hero teams who know his identity would teasingly call him a “boomer”, Billy wanted to protest that he technically was born before boomers but they ignored it and still teased him about it.
to the rest of the heroes who didn’t know about his identity, they assume captain marvel is more than centuries old, and thinks this is the reason the kid heroes calls him a boomer.
6. Jokes
Billy: “oh so these memes are like what replaces comic strips i used to read, how nice”
Some of these ideas are taken from the fanfics i’ve written, some just came to me inside my head, but it’s fun to think about it.
(Edited: added more scenarios)
7. Caprisuns
Caprisuns werent invented yet when Billy was in suspendium. After getting out of suspendium, He really likes caprisun.
Other leaguers would be confused, Marvel's liking of caprisun is comparable to Martian Manhunter's love of oreos. When asked about when his capri sun addiction started, Marvel shrugged, "They weren't made before I was born, so it was only recent"
The league is now confused as to how old marvel is. Wonder Woman relates to this with her fascination of ice cream flavors.
8. Billy automatically put on a Mid-atlantic accent whenever he is near a microphone due to his habit and work with Whiz station for his TV segments as well as radio programs.
Whenever Captain Marvel uses a communicator, he unintentionally uses a mid-atlantic accent (this confuses the leaguers, "who is this guy!?"). Some of the leaguers enjoyed listening to his voice
Marvel would occasionally file an audio JL report (yes, with the same mid-atlantic accent) when he's on a hurry and couldn't type it out with his typewriter (he still finds it difficult to use a computer) : "And there you have it, folks! In a nutshell, I managed to handle the There was an outbreak of imps but Mary and I already took care of it, Junior apprehend the acrobat after a terible case of Moonitis, the three of us thwarted Mr. Mind's dastardly scheme to seize control of the sun, and we all prevented Sivana from being promoted to "King of Earth" by hurling his atomic bomb straight into the heart of the sun itself! That's the latest from me, This is Captain Marvel, signing off!"
Leaguer: "Why does he sound like a radio host commenting on a football game?"
Other leaguer:*shrugs*
9. Billy watches a cgi lion movie for the first time
..and thought innocently that there are other talking tigers like tawky tawny.
Some of these ideas are taken from the fanfics i’ve written, some just came to me inside my head, but it’s fun to think about it.
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godsandvillains-if · 3 months
NSFW(!) ask
What would be the ROs s** drive from 1-10? (highsest of 10) And which ROs would just prefer to cuddle than do anything of that sort?
I had that saved in my drafts if you can believe it hahah 🤣🤣
Paladin — Is demisexual, so will only want to have sex with the MC, or Wildcat, deep into the relationship. But they were never a really sexual person so their sex drive is low (4)
Stardom — Obviously the highest sex drive on the team belongs to Stardom. The MC with a high sex drive is in for a wild ride (10)
Archon — Archon doesn't really have the time to be thinking too much about sex and stuff like that, but they still have needs, and quite often too (9)
Mars — Mars is also like Archon, they simply don't have the time to think about happy, fun times, but they will make an exception for the MC (8)
Wildcat — Will be glad with whatever the MC wants to do, and just like their mutation, they are able to adapt to any scenario lol (8)
Zodiac — Prefers long cuddle sessions and dates, or simply being close to the MC while watching a movie or reading a book (6)
Ace — Is glad to be in business once again after so many years. They will try their hardest to satisfy a high sex drive MC (8)
Thank you for the question!! 🥰
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alisaint · 7 months
[1] Sejanus pulled up short. “You never miss a beat, do you? I remember that from school. Watching you watch other people. Pretending you weren’t. And choosing the moments you weighed in so carefully.”
[2] “I don’t have time for explanations. Right now the Plinth brat’s loose in the arena with a pack of wolves. If they see him, they’ll kill him on the spot.”
[3] Sejanus had arrived on the school playground ten years ago, a shy, sensitive boy cautiously surveying the other children with a pair of soulful brown eyes much too large for his strained face.
[4] [Coriolanus] thought of people putting a price on her. With her long, pointed nose and skinny body, Tigris was no great beauty, but she had a sweetness, a vulnerability that invited abuse.
[5] “You could send in some Peacekeepers,” Coriolanus said. “And have [Sejanus] bolt like a rabbit?” she scoffed. “Imagine that for a moment, the Peacekeepers trying to chase him down in the dark. No, we’ll have to lure him out, as uneventfully as possible, so we’ll need people he cares about. He can’t stand his father, no siblings, no other friends. That leaves you and his mother.”
[6] Maude Ivory bent over his ear and whispered, “Don’t let him around Sejanus. He’s sweet, and Billy Taupe feeds on sweet.”
[7] He padded across the dirt, channeling the circus wildcats he had seen here as a boy. Fearless, and powerful, and silent. [Coriolanus] knew he must not spook Sejanus, but he needed to get close enough to converse.
[8] As they passed him, Coriolanus locked eyes with Sejanus, and all he could see was the eight-year-old boy on the playground, the bag of gumdrops clenched in his fist. Only this boy was much, much more frightened. Sejanus’s lips formed his name, Coryo, and his face contorted in pain. But whether it was a plea for help or an accusation of his betrayal he couldn’t tell.
[9] Coriolanus buried his face in his hands. He had killed Sejanus as surely as if he’d bludgeoned him to death like Bobbin or gunned him down like Mayfair. He’d killed the person who considered him his brother. But even as the vileness of the act threatened to drown him, a tiny voice kept asking, What choice did you have? What choice? No choice.
[10] Poor Sejanus. Poor sensitive, foolish, dead Sejanus.
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ginaporterr · 7 months
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the wildcats' first & last episodes (insp)
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browsethestacks · 4 months
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Art by...
1) Alex Toth
2) Alex Ross
3) Steve Rude
4) Jim Aparo
5) Jeremy Massie
6) Mort Meskin
7) Neal Adams
8) Kerry Callen
9) Dave Watcher
10) Ramon Villalobos
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grungiiuvu · 1 month
Redacted factor notes, i spent the last 6 hours gathering! May have missed some things
Redacted factor gets first triggered by the bath scene in chaoter 6
Decreases when: 
MQ says he doesng care about FX’s words, chapter 8 (decreases less than the protagonist satisfaction). 
Chapter 15: increases and decreases simultaneously (see chapter 15 notes in increase)
MQ calling FX useless, chapter 15
MQ says he doesn’t need romance cause he has his sect siblings, chapter 18
MQ mentions SQX, chapter 27
MQ explains the ribbon Deal to FX, chapter 29
Increases when: 
MQ wears a dress. 
FX reveals that MQ went “missing” (bandits), chapter 11. 
MQ insults FX, again, chapter 11 (also edits Feng Xin’s wiki). 
MQ shows affection to his horse, chapter 13. 
Chapter 14: FX sees MQ in a dress, hua cheng calls FX MQ’s dog, and MQ insults FX
MQ and FX “finally agree on something” , chapter 14. 
Chapter 15: MQ or rather, FX’s reaction to MQ, gives the system whiplash, saying he doesnt see FX as an equal causes the redacted role to BOTH increase and decrease at the same time, creating conflicting info and is eventually cancelled out by the system. 
MQ correcting FX’s stance, chapter 15
FX sees MQ with flowers in his hair, chapter 16
In chapter 17 but im not fully sure what triggered it. MQ refered to FX as shixiong, but also insulted him. Could be either one, or both.
Big increases when MQ is observing (ogling) FX when he’s training. Happens 3 times over, at least. Chapter 18
Two MASSIVE increases when MQ calls FX handsome (good job MQ), chapter 18.
Increases twice in chapter 20, when MQ asks Feng Xin to take a conversation seriously (did feng xin think much qing was gonna confess maybe..?) 
Big increase when MQ tells FX they’re still friends, chapter 20 (ANOTHER EDIT TO THE WIKI! But this time, Qing’er’s wiki is updated too!)
Small increases when MQ stays close to, and walks with FX, chapter 21
they hold hands! (Dear god, they hold hands), chapter 21
when fx (and pei ming) come to save Mq and Xl, chapter 22
When Mq tells Fx he can do better he just needs to try harder, chapter 22
Increases when Mq teases fx, and mq punches him, chapter 23
Multiple increases when Fx calls mq his prize, chapter 24
Mu qing smiles, chapter 25 (twice)
Mq calls Fx his dog, chapter 25
Mq calls himself an angel. Chapter 25
Mq falls asleep on fx, chapter 25 (the factor upgrades again!)
FX calls MQ a wildcat, and MQ hits FX, chapter 26 
MQ being bossy, Chapter 29
Updates to the factor:
Chapter 14! A side quest with a redacted title shows up! Accompanies XL’s wife plot quest. dont think that all the instances of redacted words are about the same words. its mq’s own wife plot quest?. Also, in chapter 14 the factor is upgraded, implying levels to this factor.
With chapter 15, we unlock P points, confirmed to mean Pretty Points (anqelbean being the first one to guess that correctly) They advance the redacted factor, and narrative role more than b points, so the redacted factor has some sort of beauty aspect to it. The narrative role for Mq’s beauty was, as we know, to spark insecurity in XL, but that’s likely changed 
Chapter 18! The conditions to the factor get edited, after a discussion about nicknames, and MQ says he’s hard to impress.
Chapter 21. We can probably say that its not Romantic Rival, due to how the system talks about it
Chapter 22. The Redacted side quest reappears, when MQ (and xie lian) get captured again! Im pretty convinced that it stands for Be wife Plotted or something to that effect. the redacted factor gets edited when MQ says he doesnt want to wait around to be rescued. 
Chapter 23! Big update. Quoting the system
“Achievement, ‘[REDACTED]’, has been unlocked. Plus 50 B-points! [REDACTED] Trope Convention unlocked! [REDACTED] Factor increased by 30 B-points. Excellent work, Host!! We’ll make a [REDACTED] out of you yet! q(≧▽≦q)””
A redacted achievement, a trope convention, and “we’ll make a X out of you”. (The system singing “I’ll make a man out of you” but its about the redacted factor
So many questions. And confirms that there are multiple redacted words, probably.
You also say that the whole “punching in the gut, and going “good luck, i hope you fail” is the most Redacted thing MQ has done.
Chapter 26 and 27
The factor leveld up to level 3! MQ earns two [Redacted] badges.
“Some good Redacted”
And ANOTHER Redacted badge (convinced this one is related to sexual interest because dear god the closest scene)
One of the three redacted badges levels up
Cryptic ace, chapter 6: “something like hotness”
AroVibes, chapter 11: “Plot? Drama? God potential? Angst? Sexiness?”
ButterflyDreaming, chapter 11: “FQ affection points”
otaku_lady89, chapter 11: “SECRET MASOCHISM”
reinvanteal, chapter 11: “Sexiness”
anqelbean, chapter 14, and chapter 15: “degradation kink”
oxytocarb, chapter 15: “related to how attracted feng xin is to mu qing”
hailpyre, chapter 17: “wow FX do you have a degradation ki—//bonked”
Imraekio, chapter 18: “romantic points”
anqelbean, chapter 18: “Love Interest Factor”
ButterflyDreaming, chapter 18: “Love Interest points? Or Romance Protagonist points?”
oxytocarb, chapter 18: “how attracted they are to each other?? romance sub-plot progression or smth”
thetowerofbabel, and ButterflyDreaming chapter 23: “tsundere”
SillyRinnie, chapter 23: “"wife" or "protagonist"”
Writesforfun (that’s me :3), chapter 23: Rivals to Lovers
Pink_Muffins, chapter 24: “potential love interest” “prime love interest”
OOC out of Mind (guest), chapter 24: romantic appeal
septemberme, chapter 24: "Oops accidentally turned Feng Xin on" points
Kresnik, chapter 24: waifu factor
Pink_Muffins, chapter 27: “‘eye candy’ or ‘fanservice’”
l1ls4y0, on Tumblr: “mating factor”
I..... idek what to say to this. Holy shit, bro. That's a lot of hours you've spent reading my semi-crack fic.
Actually, i might just pin this. This is incredible. Holy shit dude, I don't even have a joke for this. This is a LOT of shit you found oml
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vanosslirious · 3 months
Wildcat: Okay, going to the storage hut.
Vanoss: I have no idea where that it. *laughs*
Wildcat: I mean, I can just do it if you want, but...over here at the storage hut, there's an electric trap and...
Nogla: I like the part where you do it.
*Vanoss laughs*
Wildcat: *sighs* Well, okay, you're gonna have to get over here then, cause I have to use this.
Vanoss: Don't do it without him, he has a child!
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fuyunoakegata · 1 year
31 DOD: Day 8 - skill
...but there are so many! or were until the powers that be started nerfing and decided the Batboys were Power Rangers and there could be no skillset overlap, despite them all being Robins and trained by Batman, nope none of them going through the same training could have any of the same skills... Right
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His flexibility, agility and speed and physical prowess, the flips n shit, aerial/gymnastics skills is a no brainer. That's got to be one of the things you think of first with Dick. And think how much of that was there even before he became Robin. And how many other skills he did canonly pick up at the circus or very likely could have learned, even if just the basics. Juggling, sword swallowing, fire eating, tightrope walking, aerial silks, etc. But these are easy obvious choices, so let's look at something else...
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Well, I could say skill with languages. Not only does he boast an impressive array of earth languages, but he knows at least some Tamaranean as well... and you know what? Logic would dictate that he very well knew several of those before he even came to Bruce.
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There's also his fighting skills; they're very impressive. He knows quite a few different styles and switches them up and combines them according to which will work best against his opponent. He's been trained not only by Batman, but Wildcat and Richard Dragon, as well; Lady Shiva, Deathstroke, and Ra's al Ghul have all complimented his abilities.
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Ra's also called him Detective, That's not just because that's what he always called Bruce; Dick has shown skill in forensics and criminology and has had legal training in many stories.
Those are all impressive skills. He's also a skilled mechanic and hacker and... well, I could go on and on, but let's get to the point. I think his best skill is his skill with people, with being a leader, with tactics - using all of those things together. It gives him a unique place in the DC Universe; he's the multiversal constant.
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Bruce raised the Robins to be 'Better than Batman...'
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On this day, 8 April 1970, thousands of Teamster truck drivers across the US went on wildcat strike against a union-management-agreed pay offer. The workers defied the police, the National Guard and their own union's orders to return to work and held out for 12 weeks until they won an offer nearly 70% higher than the one the union agreed. Learn more about it in this book: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/products/strike-jeremy-brecher https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=605499238289962&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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weathermanone · 1 year
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WildCATS 8 (2023) by Matthew Rosenberg & Stephen Segovia 
Cover: Kael Ngu (variant)
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