#why does the world have to be so ugly and cruel and mean
noirapocalypto · 10 months
Oh man, today's gonna be one of those "The world is ugly" sad days, huh?
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rdr2gifs · 5 months
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''the morning light, when it comes to me, it was there but I could not see''
Arthur’s life was profoundly shaped by his self-hatred, lack of self-worth and disbelief in the existence of kindness in a seemingly dark and cruel world.
I strongly disagree with the statement that Arthur only became a ‘’better’’ man after being diagnosed with tb. His struggle with his true/inner self is apparent as early as chapter one. ‘’You are not who you think you are, sir… which is lucky’’
He has lived a rough life, raised by criminals and surrounded by violence ever since he was born. It was installed in him early that his value lied within being a violent enforcer and he has lived this life since, knowing nothing else. As a highly aware person, Arthur's actions weight heavy on his soul. He accepts that his actions have consequences. He knows that a person who has caused so much suffering is not meant to have happiness in life. His way of life has caused him to believe that he is not worthy of love or redemption. He doesn’t want to believe that a person like him could be capable of any good. (a thing to note here is that imo, Arthur’s actions near his death weren’t attempts at redemption but rather a strong desire to do right and possibly be his true self.) This is why he keeps living as he does as it’s the only thing he’s ever known, it’s the thing that brings him profit, praise from the person he looks up to and he is already damned so he might as well continue living this life anyway.
The internal problem Arthur faces is that this violent, cruel way of life doesn’t align with what I’d call his true self/ideals. He is torn between the harsh reality he has known and an unconscious yearning for righteousness/love. To be able to carry on with his actions he must enforce certain ideals within himself, such as: I am bad, ugly, nasty, ignorant, mean etc. He also decides to see the dark side of reality, telling himself that the world is a grim dark place and this is just as things were meant to be. This is why he feels so uncomfortable being complimented for his good deeds, because a bad rotten person like him should not be able to do good. It breaks the image he has built for himself and he doesn’t want that happening. This can be seen a lot during the ‘’Money Lending and Other Sins’’ missions where he is unusually mean (even for his standards) to each of the debtors. Imo, he acts this way because he must truly convince himself of being a terrible man to be able to carry out a job which revolts him so badly. In the last debt collecting mission with J. John Weathers, it can be seen in his face/expressions how much he is struggling to put on a tough, uncaring, heartless act. He needs to maintain a ruthless persona to survive in the world he knows. He must convince himself of his own cruelty.
''Forgive me, but that's the problem. You don't know you.''
Contrary to Arthur’s beliefs, he is a naturally kind-hearted person who is unconsciously drawn towards kindness. And yes, even before he was diagnosed with tb. This can be seen in the people he respects the most and, in his willingness to help strangers (notice how he often does unnecessary acts of service for total strangers such as: carrying their things, holding out hands etc. even though they had already troubled him). Despite the life he has lived, Arthur does not enjoy violence, he does not enjoy hurting people. He doesn’t want to dominate over others. He thinks mostly about others and not about himself. This fact alone is very telling of his character.
He writes about Charles, a man who he truly respects: ‘’He’s a better man than me. He does not need to think to be good. It comes naturally to him, like right is deep within as opposed to this conflict between GOOD↔EVIL that rages within me.’’ A man who is not struggling with his inner self would not have written this. To me this clearly implies an inner desire to be a better man. He writes about his mentors: ‘’I love Dutch like a father, but in many ways, I love Hosea even more. He’s kind and fair and like a human being. Dutch is something else.’’ Clearly showing a preference for Hosea who is of a more gentle nature and shows genuine kindness. Unsurprisingly, these are the people who see through his dumb/though act and encourage him to drop it.
When he comes across Brother Dorkins for the first time, he writes: ‘’(he)was one of those innocent people who make you feel better about human beings and about yourself a little. Must be odd to see all that goodness in the world. Place always seemed dark and brutal to me.’’ Expressing how he does not see goodness in the world, implying lack of good examples/kindness/good experiences in his life. Yet, the monk leaves an impression and imo, this encounter (seeing genuine goodness) disrupts Arthur’s perception of what the world truly is. ‘’Just as evil begat evil your whole life long, so good may begat good’’ (what strengthens my belief in this, is the following, symbolic scene of Arthur realising the consequences of his actions right after picking up a crucifix. He was aware of them before sure, but is unable to truly ignore them now having seen it right in front of his eyes). If only Arthur was presented with more examples of goodness in his life.
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''You have it in you... I can tell!''
His desire to do as much good as possible after realising he won’t live long is instant. This would not be the mindset of someone who did not already possess kindness in his heart. ‘’Know glory and forget about shame.’’ Arthur’s shame and self-loathing caused by his previous actions were what was holding him back from allowing kindness into his life. Knowing that he has limited time left has not made him into someone he wasn’t before. The diagnosis was a catalyst, allowing him to embrace that love/goodness truly does exist and accelerate the process of chipping away from the persona he has made for himself. This was a newfound understanding for him as in the past he was rejecting any notion of kindess. In himself and perhaps the whole existence of it. ‘’You keep hidden all that matters, even from yourself.’’
After being diagnosed, he writes: ‘’What kind of a man have I been? What kind of a man am I? What world is this we live in? A land of fury or a place of love? Am I being prepared for eternal damnation? Am I past any kind of saving? Is that all fairytales? Man ain’t got much good in him. I ain’t got no good in me… I don’t think and yet I see goodness. I see it. If not in me, in good folk. In Abigail and her love for Jack. In that silly monk. In Downes, I guess. Begging not for himself but for the poor, even though he was near starving himself. Maybe I don’t want salvation. Part of me has always longed for death.’’ This entry perfectly shows how deep Arthur’s self-loathing goes and just how much it has damaged him. As his journal allows a look into his true feelings, he truly does not see a single good thing about himself. He knew for a long time that the way he lives is detestable but he could not let go of it. Not because he didn’t want to, but because it’s all that he has ever known. He didn’t believe in anything else. This sudden acceptance of goodness has allowed him to see clearly, which was obscured from him before, and for the first time, enabled him to act free of past regrets for what is right.
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Arthur’s redemption is not about becoming a good man. It is about finding the strength to change and recognise your true self despite a lifetime of self-loathing and breaking free from destructive beliefs of the past.
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In Arthurian legends a stag is a symbol of the unending quest of spiritual knowledge/enligtenment
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 5 months
Male Yandere Deep Sea-Creature x Female Mermaid Reader x Male Yandere Human
I don’t think you’ve ever done 2 yanderes pursuing the same darling, so think you could try it? (Unless I’m just stupid and aren’t remembering your other stories right)
We all know of the classic mercreature x human forbidden romance story, but what if there was another from the same marine world added into the mix? Yandere deep sea-creature is also in love with mermaid reader darling, so imagine what he’d do to keep her with him. Same goes for yandere human
This story you can hopefully have fun with as there’s so many ways it can turn out. And another note on why deep sea-creature…it was because I think a merman can be a bit boring, and it’d be interesting to explore a deep sea-creature instead (or straight up eldritch monster of your own creation). Just remember…deep sea-creatures usually get bigger the deeper you go. Much bigger thanks to deep sea gigantism…;)
(Re-sending this to you, because you said you only got 3 requests when I think I sent you 4. But if you had this request, just ignore this ask with this additional message at the end)
Thanks!!! 💝
Yandere! Male! Deep sea creature x mermaid! Fem! Reader x Human! Male! Hunter
By the way, guess whose birthday it is today (Hint: it's me LOL)
Got a little bit sidelined on this fic, but i tried. Two men pursuing darling ain't for me but for you, 💝anon, I'll do it ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
This one starts with (and focuses on) you, the reader, since I can't exactly make a yandere man focused fic with two men without making it really long. So unfortunately I cannot put that much of their lore.
Wait, so what does this mean? Do they belong to the same number, or separate? (I mean, I am targeting 16 yanderes in one set. So do they count as one or nah? Eh...)
Yandere! Deep Sea creature name: Viper (from the viperfish) Yandere! Hunter: Orion
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It was truly an unfortunate day for you.
You, a mermaid living in the ocean, swimming freely without any people's judgements and even other mermaids.
You aren't exactly a woman of fear.
You love exploring. It's one of your favorite hobbies and actively seek out new thrills and discoveries.
In a world where mer/werpeople were still a newly discovered concept by humans, your folks were adamant on telling you to keep safe from them. Since humans are cruel and what not.
But you didn't care. You wish to see humans and their inventions.
Because of this, you became an outcast from your people, and live on your own in one of the trenches. Just a tad far away from oceanic civilization.
You felt bad for yourself, honestly. Why can't they just accept you're just thirsty for knowledge?
You want to swim up top, where the sun shines and the huge boats reside, with legged people running around in water vehicles. You want to know how they operated it, how they made it, and stuff like that.
Contrary to popular belief, Humans are the uneducated ones. They went on for years upon years not knowing about wer/merpeople other than their mythologies. Yet these other species had always blended with them seamlessly.
Foolish, but that's what made them fascinating for you.
But you only knew what's up above, but not...
The current suddenly felt cold as you lounged at one of the trench dugouts, and you looked down from your side.
It was deep. Too deep for you to explore.
You love the light, but hate the dark.
And it was dark down there. An eerie, dark blue of emptiness.
You're the only one in this abandoned trench, teeming with other sea life other than merpeople, with corals so beautiful and sea anemones that sway with the waters.
But as the trench go down... And down... And down...
They decreased in numbers till they got swallowed by the darkness.
You heard of deep sea merpeople sometimes, but a lot agreed to not look for them. For they are hideous and ugly. Some use them as a scare tactic for young merchildren, that these hideous and large merpeople will eat them alive.
Unfortunately, you believed those stories due to your parents drilling it in your head to not head down.
You shook your head and grabbed your bag, before swimming upwards as you saw a weird mechanism suddenly being dropped in the water via a boat.
You swam around it, curious to this weird ball. It's clearly cut in half then somehow glued together. It's tied to a rope, with little baits decorating the sides.
"Weird, how do humans catch fishes with this?" You asked to yourself, tilting your head as you swatted away the fishes from trying to eat the baits.
Curiosity got a hold of you though. And as you accidentally pulled a bait out from trying to carefully remove it, the ball bursts open and spews out a net, catching you off guard as you got enveloped by the fishnet.
"WHA--?!" As you got enveloped, your body got hauled back to the surface.
Your heart is beating wildly as you broke through the water tension. You can feel the heat of the sun now enveloping your body, which was once only can be felt by your face. You can feel the water dripping from your body down to the waters below, and the net digging onto your skin as your weight made the machine creek.
"Oh? A mermaid?"
A sultry voice said, snapping you from your fear. You looked up, and saw not two, but only one human in such a big boat.
He stood tall, with long legs in a fitted pair of pants and boots. He's wearing a dress shirt that hung loosely on his torso in an inserted fashion. He had a hooded look in his face, examining you over.
"This is the first time I saw a mermaid. Hey there, love." He said again in that voice that made you shiver.
He leans to the edge of the boat, his elbows on the railings. Looking at you with an inquisitve look.
"My name's Orion, love. What's yours?" He asked in a deep tone that made you gulp.
"Y/N..." You whispered, gripping your bag.
"Pretty name for a pretty mermaid." He smiled and you flushed red.
Due to being a recluse, you never got the chance to find a lover, let alone a mate.
As you started to dry out a bit, you scratched your skin, uncomfortable from the direct heat.
Orion saw this and went to the machine.
You curiously looked at what he's doing, trembling from the sudden realization that you're so close to a human invention!
You clutched your bag once more and intently watched as Orion hummed and pulled the lever, making you jerk back as the machine whirred to life and lowered your net.
"Forgive me, love. Thought I caught a big octopus or a huge school of fish." Orion said, making you nod as your body got immersed with the water.
The net unclasped from the bottom, which was held together by a strong magnet as it retreated back to the ball.
"Thank you, Orion." You whispered.
"No problem, love. I'm sorry for catching you like that again." Orion chuckled at your voice.
You didn't make a move from your place, still so curious about the boat. Orion noticed it and chuckled once more.
"Want to know stuff about boats?" He asked and you nodded eagerly. "Alright."
And, as Orion and you talked the afternoon off, you didn't notice a pair of eyes from down, down below look at you with such intensity, hostile.
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Orion. A rich man who got a vessel by himself to know more about sealife, hunt them, and display them as catches.
He's always been interested marine life. Living by the seaside most of his life due to his yacht investing father and a beach resort owner mother, he's drawn to the sea in more ways than one.
Due to being mostly by the sea, he developed such tan skin that glistens under the sun whenever he walks by the port. Plus the way his face is built, he looks like a Carribean prince waiting for his mermaid to appear on the beach while not being able to speak.
But due to his parents' financial status, most of the time he only spends time by himself. Other children his age in that port town were intimidated. Despite him trying to be friendly, he can't catch himself a friend at all.
That goes for lovers too. Yeah, there are people who are brave. But in the end, they get overwhelmed from his clinginess.
This made him more clingy and possessive.
He just doesn't want them to run away. He's too lonely for such an extroverted man like him. And with so much love (baggage) to give, how can he make somebody stay in such a demanding and overwhelming way?
It's honestly a draining cycle for both him and the lovers he had.
Now, he only hunts fishes and and examine them. If they're edible, he eats them. If it's interesting, he taxidermies them somehow.
Then, while testing a new net system he developed, he catches a mermaid, you.
He's surprised, but got his heart speared when he saw your clear, fearful, yet curious eyes.
You're so pretty that he swore he's in heaven rather than the sea.
For the first time, an aggressive want to make you his filled him inside that it scared even him.
But he doesn't want to scare you. So, rather than being overwhelming immediately, he took his time.
Why not start with fulfilling your thirst for knowledge?
Everyday, he goes back to that specific spot only for you. You always asked him about his boat, about the machinery, about technology that he brought... He filled your head with information that made you so giddy it was adorable in his eyes.
But he can't shake off the feeling of somebody staring at them. It's honestly unsettling. Sure, it may be other merfolks, but you swore that nobody other than you goes here.
It's strange, but he shrugs it off. He's happy to solo you anyways.
What you didn't know is that he's already ordered a large aquarium type habitat on his home. The size of city wide aquariums of sharks, whales, etc. He made sure to put everything that he thinks you will like.
He wants you in his arms.
He wants to jump down to the sea, hug you in such a tight embrace, and devour your salty lips that will probably taste so sweet on his tongue.
You're so sweet, inquisitive, kind, and understanding. Too lovable. And just thinking that other merfolk have interacted with you before and some probably saw you as a potential mate darkens his mood to no end.
He hasn't tried hunting mermaids yet, should he?
Somehow, he's grateful that you're a social outcast. That means he could just solo you like this.
Not until you didn't show up in a meeting, and his heart dropped to the floor.
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Hours before the daily meeting.
You plucked some kelp from a nearby kelp farm that you personally oversee. Hungry, you rolled some and continued to find more proper kelp to join in a fish salad.
Hey, some sealife here are the equivalent of meat consumables for humans.
Getting some oysters, you continued to get food for dinner when a light flashed from your peripheral vision.
"Hmm?" Your body swayed as you looked to the side where the light came from.
Putting what you got in your basket, you swam to the trenches again and tried to find where the light came from.
Some fishes got out of your way as you tried to find it once more, before it flashed again.
"Aha! Now, where... Huh?"
The flash came from the deepest part of the trenches.
The cold current got to you again, and you shivered.
It flashed again, enticing you to swim closer.
But you knew not to do it.
The stories of the deep sea merpeople flashed your mind again, and you almost shrieked in fear from the memories.
But the light is so enticing...
"Just a bit..."
You swam down, passing by the corals and the anemones. Your heartrate picked up, feeling the cold current once more.
Then, you noticed how the corals and anemones are thinning out, but you pushed through, telling yourself that it's not that far.
It's really not that far... Right?
The light flashed once more, now a bit bigger.
So, with a burst of energy and the adrenaline, you swam harder, wanting to see what's the flashing light is.
Then, the light went out.
You gasped in fear and astonishment as suddenly, it got so dark.
With nothing around you at all. Not even the trenches' walls kept you company as the vast, dark nothingness filled your vision.
Cold currents on warm waters, water rippling around you as if some kind of entity kept swimming past you, and you swore you saw beady eyes look at you from afar.
Should you go up?
But wait, where is up?
You felt your stomach drop.
Then, the flashing light blinded you, making you yelp and cover your eyes.
Feeling a sense of deja vu, you felt a presence in front of you.
No, around you.
You trembled, not wanting to open your eyes, but you knew you have to face whatever was in front of you.
So you opened your eyes, and almost shrieked once more from the person in front of you.
He's huge. With beady, ghost like eyes and sharp teeth as he unhinges his jaw in such a grotesque way that made you squirm in how uncomfortable it is to look at. His antenna, the one flashing, shone in now a dimly light as he swerves his body around you. Almost coiling his tail on your body.
He's triple your length, maybe quadruple even. And he laughs deeply at your scared face. He had a sick joy flashing his eyes before he tilted his head.
"Upper Dweller, didn't know you would follow my light." His voice, a ghost like quality with such roughness that it's gravelly. "I'm surprised you're still alive with such curiosity inside of you. Tell me, little one, what's your name?"
"Y/N..." You gulped, cowering from his stature as he swam around you once more.
He looked so creepy, yet had this look that's attracting you to him. Is it the antenna? Who knows.
"A name that matches you." He chuckles and you squirm. Was it a good thing or bad?
"My name's Viper. Nice to meet you, Upper Dweller Y/N." He smiles, his jaw now back in its place yet the sharp teeth still shone. "Hmm... Tiny mermaid, so easy to crush..."
He fully coiled his tail around you, and it felt so cold. The scales felt so cold and uncomfortable against your own tail and skin.
"You dwell on the trenches that nobody dares to live due to being the entrance to my lair." He whispers, closing his face against yours. "Did the people not tell you that?"
You felt your blood run colder than usual. Nobody did. Did they send you there knowing a deep sea dweller lives at the bottom?
Suddenly, you felt helpless against his hold as you realized that you got sent to your what's essentially your death.
Viper smiles from your reaction as he kept himself from pulling you down to the abyss completely.
The first time you got to the trenches, Viper was thoroughly surprised. The abandoned trenches suddenly got a resident once more? Who's the stupid mermaid who dares to live on his what's essentially a frontyard?
And he got a good look on you. Despite being of a viperfish specie, his ghost like eyes were useful for him, making him look at your face fully even though the distance is so far.
You. You look so precious, so pure as you swam around above. So small and puny that just one bite from his powerful jaw can crack you open.
But he didn't lure you yet, just observed his prey as you swam around, trying to watch the boats on the surface.
Viper's a lonely man.
Deep sea merfolk are rare, and in this place, it was only him.
So, he never really got the proper education on what to do in social contexts. Not like he had a chance to do so.
The only time he got is when people still reside the trenches up above when he's still a fry. They looked so happy and chatty, friendly and kind.
And he wants to experience it too.
So, he swam up, trying to form relationships, but this only scared the merfolk away from the ghost like appearance of Viper and his sheer size despite being only a fry back then.
And all of them left the trenches.
It broke small Viper's heart, and he steeled them in the years to come.
But now, you moved in.
Fortunately, Viper's in that age that he's finding a mate to be with for life.
And, with how much he observed you, taking in your smiles, curious glances up above, and fearful looks you gave down below, he slowly fell in love with you.
Well, in one way or another.
So, when he saw you talking to this puny human, he knew he had to make his move.
So, he lured you here.
"Little one..." He whispered, nudging your hand open with his sharp claws.
You opened it nervously, and gasped in terror as he gave you a black pearl.
A symbol of wanting to be mates.
"NO!" You screamed in fear as you got the strength to break free and swim with all your might up to the surface.
Viper growled and tried to catch up with you.
You shrieked in terror as his hand is only a smidge away from your tail.
The darkness slowly got lighter, and you were tired from exhaustion but you knew you cannot stop.
Viper was angry. How dare you reject him! A little upper-dweller that he can just crush with one hand yet he graciously let live reject his offer to be his mate?
But the light got too much for him, and he had to hiss and retreat.
"You will be back." He whispered, watching your retreating figure. "I just know it."
Viper remembers the other man, the human, who somehow saw through him one day when he observed the both of you. Viper felt the hostility and bloodlust from him as he looked directly at where Viper is.
Viper swore up and down it's just coincidence, but the way Orion's eyes never left his spot was unsettling. How can Orion even see Viper?
But Viper knew that this man is not an easy opponent.
So he retreats...
And Orion also retreats as he realized you aren't going to be in the meeting place today.
Two men. One up above, and one below.
Both wants you in their arms.
One will offer you the light but in such a restrictive way,
And the other will offer you the darkness filled with uncertainty but within the waters you know and love.
So, who will it be, love?
Time is ticking, little one.
It will not be long until these two go face to face.
And one will not live to see the tale.
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yourlazykitkat · 2 months
I propose to the azris council tonight that up until the official announcement of Cassian and Nesta's mating ceremony- Eris and the IC decided to continue the charade of Eris' courtship of Nesta as a cover for the exchange of intelligence between the Autumn and Night courts. Intercepted by any other party, it seems that Eris sends heartfelt confessions of love, declarations and promises from a place of kindness he thought he had lost. But to the discerning eye- there is code in the poetry Eris writes to impart the time and place of his father's secret meetings, promises to take a lover to beautiful Spring Court fields where Beron happens to be testing borders and innuendo of an empty, lonely bed as to hide conspiracies vesting for autumn's seat of power.
And who receives these letters, stamped and sent to the House of the Wind? Surely not Nesta who wants nothing to do with Eris- she has allowed him to use her name but draws the line at anymore. Absolutely not Cassian who detests the situation in the first place. Well, there's one other resident of the House. One in need of reading material to distract himself, one trained in infiltration, intelligence-gathering and code.
Why not Azriel? At first he's frustrated- because it's fucking Eris. Azriel would very much prefer to never have to be in contact with Eris. He rolls his eyes at the superfluous poetry "You remind me of the star of the blue sky, the world will end when you leave." and scoffs at the unnecessary adjectives "My most adored lady". He takes on the habit of a weekly, a monthly letter- scratching out the fluff and jotting down the intelligence and then, before he writes his response to every correspondence, he thinks about how he should burn the letters in the fireplace and then is too reminded of Eris that he just begins a pile of buried letters in his drawer. One day, Azriel catches a line which he swears references a queer fey poet and the shadow-singer spends all day in the library to be sure. What could he mean? What could Eris have possibly meant by that?
And why does Azriel care? Why does he get excited for a new letter? Why is there a pang of his heart when he reads Nesta's name but can practically hear Eris say Azriel's name in the words? Why does Azriel start pouring over poetry books? Why does he keep forgetting that each word is meant to be code, a disguise for intelligence? When did the cruel Eris, ugly to the heart, learn how to write so elegantly? Why does Azriel see a lovely line of poetry and think of Eris? Why does Azriel, in his spare time, keep going over old letters just in case he's missed something?
Why does, when Azriel's eyes meet Eris' across the ballroom of Nesta and Cassian's mating ceremony, does he feel like he's lost something? There's no longer a need to keep the charade but when Eris walks away with a drunk smirk (it's an ugly thing. it's a pretty thing)- Azriel needs to something, he needs to say something but where are the words-
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royal-confessions · 4 months
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“The reactions to Elisabeth’s rumored boyfriend is so weird and very shallow. Just because nobody in her family has married a commoner doesn’t mean she won’t end up with one.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“The way most comments about Elisabeth’s boyfriend is about his looks. Some even go to the extent of saying it must be false because there’s no way she would fall for someone who looks like that. Whether the rumor is true or not, why does it matter what he looks like? Are y’all blind? She’s lovely and all but she’s no great beauty. And she seems like a very smart down to earth girl who knows that someone’s pedigree is not the most important thing in the world.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Most royal watchers are shallow af. Nicholas Dodd suffered so many insults just because people don’t deem him worthy enough for Elisabeth. She’s not even that good looking herself. Would you rather she end up with an aristocrat who doesn’t have the brains and only gets by with his family history and his looks?” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Seeing people’s gross reactions to her supposedly dating a commoner, I sincerely hope Elisabeth marries one cause some people need a dose of reality.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“I wish the rumors about this Nicholas Dodd is not true cause that guy deserves better than the ridiculousness that comes with dating a future queen.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“I don’t like the press invading Elisabeth or any young royal’s privacy. Imagine being that Nicholas guy- strangers on the internet calling you ugly and making fun of your looks, “journalists” assuming you’re from a rich family when all signs point to the fact that they are very much working class, people saying she should be with someone with blue blood. People can be cruel.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“When are we gonna stop acting like Elisabeth is the fairest of the land? She’s not even mid. Why are people mad she was rumored to a guy they deem ugly?” - Submitted by Anonymous
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exuberantocean · 8 months
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This is the second time we see Ed's shaved beard come up directly after he's returned from the gravy basket and it fascinates me. Do you want to know why? Because Stede (and us, the audience) completely understand what it means, but Ed doesn't. And here's the thing, I've seen people point out this scene as a moment that proves how well Stede knows Ed:
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In this scene, Izzy says "I know you think you understand [Ed]-" and Stede interrupts proving that yes, he does, and he knows exactly what Ed was up to. But here's the thing, Ed's opened up to Stede about his trauma, which allows Stede to have a greater understanding of who Ed is and how his mind works. And Stede hasn't done the same. This means that in some ways, Stede has a greater understanding of who Ed is and how his mind words, where his triggers are, then Ed does of Stede because Ed's been more vulnerable.
And, it perhaps it has to do with the fact that their traumas aren't the same. Ed's is pretty fucking deep - it cuts him to the core leading him to doubt his own worth, his own goodness, his own ability and worthiness to be loved.
But Stede's is different. While I'm not sure I'd say Stede is bereft of self-loathing, I suspect a little lurks below the surface, but it's not largely his issue. And this...this is one of the things I love about Stede. As someone who also had both a toxic home life growing up paired with viscous bullying, I've almost never seen my own internal issues presented on the screen like this. Because unlike Ed, Stede's main issue is he's afraid that he makes other people worse.
For Ed, his trauma is internalized ("I've been treated like this because I'm a shitty, unloveable person.")
For Stede, his trauma is externalized ("I make people unhappy/worse/violent.")
There's a weird sense of power in Ed's mindset - the idea that all that he's suffered is ultimately his own doing, something within his power, because he's just that horrible. The world is more predictable in a sense by thinking he's the cause, the the expense of his own sense of self worth.
And there's a lack of power in Stede's - things happen not because Stede's ultimate a bad person by nature so much as that just...somehow being around him triggers this ugliness in others. For Stede, the world is wildly unpredictable and dangerous and cruel, but it preserves his own sense of self worth.
Of course, this flattens it a little. For example, there's a little bit of self hatred or, perhaps better put, self-revulsion that Stede feels all the same (after all, he agreed with Chauncey that he's a monster at the end of s1). But in general, there's a difference in how their minds deal with their childhood traumas.
This is perhaps a long way getting to this point: while both are affected by their trauma, for Ed it's easier to trust Stede. It's easier to see Stede as someone better than himself, someone he can love and rely upon and look up to as better. For Stede, it's harder to extend that trust (the fact that his peers were also abusers adds to this) because of how his mind handles his trauma.
And Ed still has no idea why Stede reacted the way he did to Ed shaving off his beard - why it landed the way it did. How Stede interrepted.
And really, Stede needs to tell him. He needs to communicate. He needs to share that fear he has that "Ed's better off without me." Because, well, I think (hope) he's seen how Ed reacted the first time he left so I doubt he'll do it again, but I think it'll still cause trouble until Stede's open about it.
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dross-the-fish · 7 months
I find it so intriguing that Adam will watch "Frankenstein" 1931. My favourite book character watching my favourite movie character. It's so weird to think about!
Could I get something to do with this? A doodle/drabble (maybe watching it with Anon?)/you just writing your thoughts on his thoughts on the film, etc?
This is kind of a weird request, but the 1931 film introduced me to so many of my current interests, in goth lit and old movies, so I just find it so intriguing that Adam Frankenstein will actually watch Frankenstein!
Feel free to ignore this as long as you need to, I don't want you to be overloaded with requests ❤️❤️❤️
Before he goes into the theater he's nervous, he has no idea how Victor will be portrayed or how he'll be portrayed. He has never met James Whale and he doesn't know how Whale found the information, but he insists he needs to see it alone.
He waits for the latest viewing, pays the extra price to have a private screening so that there won't be other moviegoers, when the theater owner gives him a look as though he means to question him Adam glowers at him. No questions are asked.
Throughout the viewing Adam is quiet, his eyes never leave the screen. He's not sure exactly what he expected to feel but he's surprisingly not angry at the changes. The lumbering, brutish, mute portrayed seemed so alien and yet there was a seed of resemblance. Something captured in the newborn innocence of the creature on screen that Adam recognizes, there is a depth of feeling, the hint at intelligence that shows through even through the stiff facial expressions and the grunting inarticulate shambling. Strangely there's a sympathy in the film towards the monster that Adam did not expect to find. The monster's actions are never born from malice, merely ignorance or a need to defend himself. How Adam wishes that could have been true for himself. The movie is kind enough to spare Elizabeth almost taunting Adam that in a way this creature is softer, kinder and holds no true ill will.
Victor is unrecognizable, it's fitting that the character doesn't bear Victor's name.... He seems at least somewhat more responsible than Victor. More willing to care for the creature he brought to life despite it's ugliness. But this character is a grown man, not an unfortunate youth. The only thing he and Victor share are hubris. No it's better that he does not have Victor's name.
It's cruel that he bears Henry's.
There is no William or Justine. They are forgotten.
It's an unsatisfying experience and he finds himself unable to be angry with it but unable to say that he felt truly seen or represented.
There's an unbearable conflict in his breast after the experience, the film is a proof that the world is capable of sympathy for him...but it does not allow him to live, only the human characters are spared. The creature had to be killed. Victor and his bride both survived and live on. This is the ending the world wanted. He can't pretend he doesn't understand why and Adam isn't ignorant as to the fact that this creature is much more palatable than himself, more innocent, and still is not deemed deserving of life.
He's pensive and broody for days afterwards and he'll always be a little at odds with the film, even after time softens his shock and he grows more accepting of it.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
I have to ask, even though I know most will hate me for it, but can we get the aftermath for Jeanne for I Hope to Never see you Again? I mean how will she react to her friends and family after Jaune died? That is going to bug me for a WHILE
I Will See You Again~!
Jaune: (Ahhhhh… That bright light at the end of the tunnel… I really am dead… Well, I had a nice run…)
Jaune: ( … )
Jaune: (It was an okay-ish run… I guess?)
Jaune: (Meh… that’s just how life goes…)
Jaune: (For we are a poor species born with the ultimate end goal that is death. We live to die. Such a cruel fate tis that.)
Jaune: ( We wish to live forever, yet none can beat death, and yet those rare diamonds amongst diamonds who have achieved life everlasting care death more so than any other.)
Jaune: ( To abide death we seek to carve our name upon the stone of the world, and achieve immorality through the memories of others. This so we can live on in the hearts, and minds of others, be it by our ability to inspire others the hope, and courage needed to press on! Or, to be remembered by the vile evils , and atrocities we have committed in life upon the living. To carve our names upon this stone we become immortal beings who will last the test of time eternal!)
Jaune: (Or, so we hope…)
Jaune: (For if I can so easily forget where I placed my keys, what chance does one have to be remembered for all eternity?)
Jaune: (And, how long will I be remembered? A generation, or two at best for even if they do remember me, how much will they remember beyond where a tombstone is marked…?)
Jaune: (Haa… I’m starting to regret my decision to get killed, that being said, shouldn’t I be in a nothingness void? Or, near a tree overlooking a grassy meadow? Lost in a field of golden wheat? Something, anything?)
Jaune: (Haaa… Okay then… I’ll go wherever this bright light goes. Preferably out of my eyes! Like seriously! That light is really, really bright! Get it out of my eyes!)
: Ahh… That’s a good reaction…
Jaune: (A good reaction? A good reaction to… What…?)
Jaune suddenly opened his eyes for the first time since his death to see a man dressed in a light blue, shoving a small flashlight into his shirt pocket. A sight, Jaune wasn’t expecting to see.
Jaune: I-Is that a doctor…? Why the hell is their a doctor in front of me? Did I not actually die, and instead got saved, an all that stuff before was some sort of dying dream?!)
: So, how is he doc? Is he going to be okay?
Jaune: Wait, a second! I know that voice… I know that face. And, I know that ugly beard!
Before, Jaune stood a man, with golden hair, a full a burn brown beard, and eyes that were blue as the sea. A face he learned to recognize all too well, one that he had not seen in years.
His father, Acheius Arc.
Jaune: (What the hell?! Where the hell am I?! And, why does he have his stupid beard! He shaved that off after… after… Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!)
: It’s fine, a little quiet, but noting to worry about. In the meantime, Congratulations, Mr. and, Mrs. Arc, It’s a boy.
Acheius: A boy?! Yes! Yes at long last I finally have a son!
Jaune: (W-Was I just reborn…? Did I die, and get reborn as a baby?! The fuck is this?! What kind of bullshit isekai fuckery is this?!)
: A boy…? Oh that’s wonderful! I finally have a little baby boy to smother in love, and affection! And, Acheius now bas to shave off his beard.
Acheius: W-What?!
: We agreed! If one of them was a boy, you would shave off your hideous beard! So the next time you go in for a kiss, you better be clean shaved buster!
Acheius: Yes dear…
Jaune: (I recognize that voice! That’s my mom! What’s she doing here?!)
Jaune: ( … )
Jaune: (I was just born, of course my mother, Juniper Arc would be here utter twit!!)
Jaune was placed in some sort of case, no doubt the ones they used for newborns. But, that didn’t matter, he’s already seen his dad’s ugly beard, he wants to see his mothers face again!
: Ahh, he seems to be able to recognize your voice, Mrs. Arc.
Juniper: And, what baby wouldn’t recognize their mothers voice? Can I hold him now?
: Of course. Nurse, if you would be so kind?
: My pleasure.
Jaune felt himself ascend, his feeble body being brought over to stare at the holden locks, and emerald eyes of his mother. For them it was the first time he ever stared i to his mothers eyes, but to, Jaune it was the first time in years. A rather chilling thought in all honesty.
Juniper: What a beautiful baby~! Oh, you are going to be such a good big brother I know it!
Jaune: (Gonna have to wait a couple of years until you give birth to my sisters for that to happen mom. Until then I’m going to be the… Hold on now… ‘If one of them…’ Oh… Oh dear…)
Juniper shifted her arms so, she could see the other bundle of cloth in her arms, and a pair of all to familiar eyes stared back at him.
Juniper: Jaune, say hi, to, Jeanne your baby sister~!
Jeanne: (J-Jaune?! Jaune is that you?! Isn’t this amazing! We’ve been reborn! And, you’re my older brother now! Isn’t this amazing?!)
To them, they probably heard the usually baby sounds. “Goo-goo, gaga.” Weird noises, babies made. But, to, Jaune he heard what she ‘said’ as plan as day. And, as the facts of his rebirth, and the news of of his younger twin sister, Jeanne Arc floated through his mind. Jaune, did the only thing any baby could do.
Jaune: ( … )
He screamed his little mouth off.
Originally I was planning on making this, and “I Hope to Never see you Again” one post. But, the tone shift between them would be too jarring.
So, two separate stories!
Also, the Swapped AU isn’t done, not yet that is.
Well then: Do enjoy~!
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klm-zoflorr · 1 year
Aot incorrect quotes part uhhhhh idk seven or something
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: Yeah, so they wanted to put me in the beginners' class with the little kids
Niccolo: So what's the issue?
Sasha: I don't want to be around a bunch of 5 years old! They can be so cruel when they sense weakness
Connie: That's why on the first day you have to beat up the biggest one in the yard. Assert dominance, you know.
Niccolo: Jesus Connie that's juvie rules not cooking class rules
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yelena: We’re in constant need for a new microwave because Commander Hange keeps exploding stuff in ours.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: I mean, come on, it's all fine. Let's just hug it out. Come on! Hug it out!
*The Warriors struggle into a group hug*
Porco: *patting himself out* Who took my wallet?
Gabi: Oh! ...Sorry.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath, talking to general Calvi: I just don't think fries for lunch really fits the "health conscious" image we're trying to sell
Gabi, following them: *in between two coughs* Cowards
Commander Magath: Excuse me?!
Gabi: What's not clicking?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: Grandfather... Am I ugly?
Mr. Yaeger: What nonsense! I'm looking at you right now, you're the most beautiful little man in the world!
Grisha: Father, am I ugly?
Mr. Yaeger, not even looking up from his newspaper: Very much
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: You know, studies show that the brain does some of it's best work when it's not trying. That's why great ideas come in the shower.
Zeke: Mh. For me, it's usually you who c-
Porco: Don't finish that sentence.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: When you said "I'll show you some magic in the bedroom", I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't expecting that kinda...
Eren: *pulls out an ace of spades from his deck* Now, was that your card?!
Historia: Holy shit
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: *taking a swig out of his flask then holding it out to Pieck* You want some of this?
Pieck: Sure why not *takes a swig*
Pieck: Is this soup
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi: I'm the type of person that likes to think things through.
Udo: I once saw you try to eat a marshmallow that was still on fire
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: Hey Gabi. Pssst Gabi.
Gabi: What?
Falco: Hi!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner (about Eren): We can't kill him!
Mikasa: Not with that attitude we can't
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Marcel: So, how are you two doing?
Annie: I think I accidentally stole a dog
Porco: I'm not doing too well, I have this headache that comes and goes, super annoying.
*Reiner enters the room*
Porco: Oh look, there it is again
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: I'm so useless
Porco: No you're not! Look, at least you'll always be able to be used as a bad example!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: You shouldn't be using a straw
Hange: I know, it's bad for the environnment or whatever
Mikasa: No, it's just a weird way to eat spaghetti!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why.
Mikasa: Only if you also don't ask why
Mikasa: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick.
Hange: This one is fine
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: I've got a riddle for you. What's got four legs and isn't alive?
Mikasa: Nice try, but I know this one. It's a chair.
Hange: *holding dead dog* Not this time!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Have you ever gotten checked for any, you know... weirdness?
Hange: ...Where would I go for that?
Historia: There has to be a doctor that specializes in that!
Hange: In "weirdness"?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath, answering the phone: Hello?
Kidnappers: We have your son
Commander Magath: I don't have a son
Kidnappers: Oh, then who's the little kid who asked us to cut the crust off his sandwich and for a glass of chocolate milk?
Commander Magath, covering the phone: Oh my god, they have Falco
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren on top of his founding titan: I SEE NO GOD UP THERE...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Armin: Annie, how did you find me?
Annie: I just saw a giant explosion and wondered "who else could that be?"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: Zeke is playing hard to get.
Pieck: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: "wHy diD yOu cOmMit mUrdEr" I'm an extrovert, next question
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: My toxic trait is how badly I want to domesticate a raccoon
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Sasha, are you crying??
Sasha: No, I'm just having an allergic reaction!
Historia: To what?
Sasha: To life!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: How is the most beautiful person in the world doing?
Eren: I don't know, how are you?
Zeke, across the room: I'M DOING GREAT!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: Would you slap your brother for 100 bucks?
Zeke: I'd slap Eren for looking at me wrong
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: *Helps Armin into the counter*
Sasha: *Pushes Connie off the sofa*
Historia, hanging from the ceilling light: Two types of friends
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi: I came as soon as I heard! Is it true you're terribly ill?
Commander Magath, laying in bed with a scarf around his neck: You sound so hopeful
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Just... Be yourself!
Mikasa: Be myself? Krista, I have one day to win Eren over before he goes on that mission. How long did it take before you guys even started liking me?
Jean: Couple weeks
Armin: Six months, and I'm still scared of you when you raise your voice a bit too much.
Ymir: Jury's still out
Mikasa: "Be myself" What kind of garbage advice is that!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: I'm out tonight.
Jean: Oh yeah? Gonna go on a date? Get some hoes?
Connie: You know I'm not like that!
Jean: My bad
Jean: Wait are you asexual I didn't know this
Connie: No. Just lame and bitchless.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get the chance?
Eren: No
Jean: No
Hange: Yeah. Didn't think so.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke, to Eren: I'd sell you to Satan for one corn chip, but if you ever want me to commit war crimes for you? Don't even need to ask
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi, sing-songing: I am looking for trouble and if I do not find it I will create it!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: me: going 100 mph (mistakes per hour)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: You need my help?
Reiner: Well, I would not phrase it like that.
Zeke: Well, if you want my help, you better phrase it exactly like that.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Armin: Jean, can I talk to you for a second?
Jean: Yeah, what's up? Oh, let me guess. You and Annie are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Armin: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I've read books.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Mikasa: Sasha no.
Gabi: Call it mistlefoe!
Reiner: Please stop encouraging her.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Mikasa's helping Jean out after he got injured, while the others are watching*
Reiner, walking in: How does Jean look?
Annie, looking between the both of them: A little better than you, actually
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: I'm so tired of this life. I want to be a roomba. I want knives taped to me. I want to be set loose.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Onyankopon: *gets down on one knee*
Yelena: Oh my god, it's finally happening.
Onyankopon: *falls over*
Yelena: The poison is kicking in!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: But what about Eren?!
Armin: Don't worry about him.
Armin: I once watched him fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating his hotdog like nothing happened.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside
Erwin: Hange, I swear, if I step outside and all of my mugs are on the front lawn...
Hange: *Sips tea from bowl*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: The Warhammer is a very powerful titan. You'll be messing with some forces we don't fully understand.
Eren: Sounds like a dare to me!
Zeke: Oh my god
Zeke: How did you survive that long on your own?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: *walks into an art museum*
Zeke: Hello, I am here to donate myself.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi: Can I say something that will probably annoy you?
Reiner: Since when do you ask for permission?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: Today is a day of running through hurdles.
Hitch: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles?
Annie: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: You can’t expect me to stab somebody on an empty stomach.
Armin: I’d prefer you didn’t stab anyone at all.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hitch: If Armin and I were drowning, who would you save?
Annie: You two can't swim?
Armin: It's a hypothetical question, Annie! Who would you save?
Annie: My time and effort.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Armin and Hitch are standing in the rain*
Hitch: *banging on the door* Annie, open up!!
Annie: Well, it all started when I was very young...
Hitch: No, I meant-
Armin: Let her finish
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: Armin and I don't use pet names, that's ridiculous.
Mikasa: I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Annie: Honey?
Armin: Yes, sweetheart?
Mikasa: Don't lie to my face ever again
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Hitch: I will bet every penny I own that I'm not.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*At a restaurant*
Reiner: You guys should try the orange soda, it's amazing
Porco: Okay
Marcel: Sounds neat
Waiter: And for the drinks, what can I get you?
Reiner: Orange soda, please!
Marcel: I'll have the strawberry juice.
Porco: Me too, strawberry juice as well.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin: Living well is the best revenge.
Hange: Yeah, but obviously I'm not gonna do that. What's the second best. Cutting their brakes, right?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kidnappers: We have your girlfriend
Armin: You have Annie?
Kidnappers : Yeah. We want ten tho-
Armin: Good luck with that. *Hangs up*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: I don't think the therapist is supposed to say "wow" that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: Ymir said I only have 4 days left to live.
Historia: You're sick?!?!
Eren: No, she just doesn't like me.
Ymir, shouting: I'll fuck you up on Tuesday!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jean: *Pointing at strange, non-identified liquid* Is that gasoline?
Sasha: I'm pretty sure that's just water
Eren, lighting a match: Well, only one way to find out
Eren: *Throws the match. The gasoline ignites*
Armin: *Screams*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: Kenny, my old arch enemy!
Zeke: Hey, I thought I was your arch enemy??
Levi: I have a life outside of you, Zeke
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: I know you snuck out last night, Gabi
Pieck, muttering: Play dumb!
Gabi: Who's Gabi?
Pieck: Not that dumb!!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: I'm a bit of a rebel, too, you know. Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container
Pieck: The cow???
Gabi: What?
Reiner: Pieck, WHY?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck, consoling Annie: Things are going to be difficult. But you-
Reiner: *from behind the door* -are going to be difficulter
Marcel: *also from behind the door* That's the spirit!! Be a problem to your problems! Mark your territory!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Levi shatters a window and climbs through it*
Levi, turning around and helping Mikasa through it: Breaking and entering is wrong Mikasa.
Mikasa: ...Okay
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha, rolling down the car window: What seems to be the problem, officer?
Levi: Get the FUCK out of my car
Sasha: Okay, okay. Jee.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ymir: Where are you all really from?
Reiner: Liberio
Ymir: I'm sorry
Bertholt, a little louder: He said Liberio
Ymir: No, I heard. I'm just sorry.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: You have a face that only a mother could love.
Levi: Yes. Your mother, in fact.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie, sent to assassinate Hange: *creeping behind them, knife in hand*
Hange, loudly: I hope no one is about to attack me from behind because I'm thinking about baking pastries later.
Annie: What kind?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Porco, sitting on a balcony: *sneezes*
Gabi, crawling on the roof: Bless you
Porco: God?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange, to Zeke: Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don't let the fact that you're a terrible person keep you up tonight <3
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Don’t wish ill upon strangers.
Eren: Great advice but remember if someone has slighted you they are no longer a stranger but an enemy hope this helps
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: *Banging a pen on the table out of frustration*
Zeke: Stop that! How would you feel if I banged you on the side of the table?
Pieck: I- I don’t know the correct answer to that question…
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: What if I pour coffee in my cereal instead of milk?
Colt, taking the coffee pot as he walks by: What if you don't.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Colt: Do you think Reiner has been doing okay lately?
Reiner, running after a garbage truck: COME BACK! YOU FORGOT ME!
Porco: Yeah he seems pretty normal.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Armin, your magazine arrived! And Eren, I organized all your mail into three categories: "From your brother," "Death threats," and "Death threats from your brother."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Ackerman! A word, please. Gabi tried to steal one of those Thunder Spears.
Levi: So?
Commander Magath: She was caught doing something she shouldn't have and should be reprimanded by someone she admires, say, you.
Levi: What?! This is unacceptable!
Commander Magath: I know, right?
Levi: Criminal even!
Gabi: Oh come on...
Levi: Who taught you how to sneak around?! Ah, if it had been me you would never have been caught! Come on now, three rounds around the castle, that'll teach you to be a bad thief you little brat!
Commander Magath: NOT what I meant-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: Look. I know that from the outside it seems like I have everything together.
Tom Xaver: No, not really.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tom Xaver: Heads up, if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this.
Zeke: What did you do M. Xaver?
Tom Xaver: A MISTAKE
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: You're my best friend and like a father to me, I would do anything for you.
Tom Xaver: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Zeke: Absolutely not.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke, to Tom Xaver: Come on, you know I've never been one to half-ass shenanigans
Tom Xaver: We're talking about betraying our country and possible genocide here.
Zeke: Shenanigans.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ymir: Wanna play 21 questions??
Historia: Sure, I'll start. What's your favorite color?
Ymir: Triangle. Do you like girls?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa, after Eren did something stupid again: I'm too tired to slap you for that today. Just bash your face into my palm really hard.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren, at Liberio: You came?
Mikasa: You called.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: You came?
Porco: ...That's what she said
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: You came?!
Gabi: You called.
Reiner: I didn't fucking call you. YOU eavesdropped on a PRIVATE conversation and decided it was YOUR BUSINESS to come here and bother all of us!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
~~~the beginninge of it all~~~
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ryuichirou · 3 months
A lot to talk about today as well, starting with the asks related to the drawings, starting with the ones about our Sebemal/Lilimal comic from yesterday:
hipsterteller asked:
Malleus theres a time and place to show off but not in front of Sebek please
It’s okay, it’s Sebek’s own doing, so he should be proud of what he did! <3
Just kidding, there is absolutely time and a place for that, and this is exactly why Malleus just has to do it then and there. Such a troublemaker.
Anonymous asked:
Not sure if the relationships are in the same universe but is Malleus playing with Sebek karma for how he treats Idia?
Not really, I don’t think Malleus really cares about Idia or is even aware of how either Sebek or Lilia treats him.
If anything, it’s karma for how Lilia treats Malleus lol Things are complicated between them, and Lilia has a history of doing exactly that – toying with people, at least in Malleus’ bitter mind. To play devil’s advocate, Lilia isn’t a malicious heartbreaker, and a lot of times he doesn’t even mean for people to get so attached to him, but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t hurt some people, including Malleus.
Anonymous asked:
IS Malleus toying with Sebek? Also, Lilia you have no room to talk
Yes EXACTLY LILIA LOL Typical parental figure: do as I say, not as I do.
To answer your question: hmm, I guess he does technically? He isn’t very serious about their affair, and he is partially doing this to mess with Lilia, to make Lilia eat his words, so to speak. But it’s not like Malleus just uses Sebek or laughs at his feelings either. While Sebek’s intenseness is annoying sometimes, the lengths he would go to make sure that Malleus is satisfied are amusing and honestly even exciting sometimes. Seeing complete and unapologetic devotion in Sebek’s eyes and knowing that he is Sebek’s entire world feels like just the right medicine for Malleus’ aching heart. And sex feels good too, despite the fact that Sebek isn’t at all experienced. And seeing him so conflicted about the signals Malleus is giving him is absolutely priceless: he clearly wants to touch him, but isn’t sure if he is allowed, and it’s cute.
Of course, having full attention of a person doesn’t help when you feel the lack of attention from another person. But also? This doesn’t mean that Malleus doesn’t have any feelings or soft spots for Sebek. In fact, I feel like as time goes by, Malleus wouldn’t even think for a moment that Sebek is filling a Lilia-shaped hole in his soul. For once, he doesn’t fit lol
So yeah, he isn’t as serious about it as Sebek, so technically it is kind of cruel towards him in a way.
Anonymous asked:
Malleus you tamagotchi playing bitch.
Tamagotchi playing bitch!!! 😭
Should have played dating sims, that would have taught him how to date people.
Anonymous asked:
Great, now some of the lyrics for How to be a Heartbreaker remind me of Malleus… 😔
Maybe Malleus has heard the song and took it way too literally lol
Anonymous asked:
I noticed that it’s said that Idia likes being bullied and treated a bit more roughly but how does he feel when someone is genuinely trying to romance him is or soft with him and treats him like he’s the most precious being in their world? Maybe they even really want to please him both in bed and out? Does he dislike it or get bored with it? Ew, the unadulterated sappiness of this question is grossing me out, blegh.
Hmm, I think for the most part he just doesn’t trust it. Why would anyone want to act that way with him? And it’s not even “aww, but I’m ugly, who would want me :(“; I think he genuinely feels uncomfortable and doesn’t know how to respond to this treatment. It someone is trying to please him and wants something in return, it’s easier to comprehend: he is very similar to Azul in this specific aspect, but not as business-oriented. He is also more likely than Azul to consider this to be an attempt at trolling, like to make Idia feel like he is being pampered and loved, only to make fun of him for believing it.
And even if his potential suitor breaks this wall of distrust and proves his earnestness, here comes another wall: Idia doesn’t believe in good things for himself. If he feels good, something bad is inevitably going to happen. Happiness makes him nervous, because it makes him subconsciously paranoid of how painful it’s going to be when this nice thing goes away. So yeah, in general it’s just more difficult for him to accept and comprehend this treatment.
And if we’re talking about him in bed, here comes the third wall: it’s just way too embarrassing. Why is he being treated with such care? Those gentle little kisses should be for someone cute and small and someone who would make sweet noises or sighs all sexily. It takes him out of the moment sometimes.
And THEN if his lovers somehow manages to break all these walls, and Idia feels comfortable and has accepted the loves he is being given… THEN Idia is going to realise that genuine soft romantic stuff is kinda boring lol He would rather play videogames than makeout for 60 minutes and exchange petnames, it just doesn’t give him as much adrenaline rush as rougher treatment.
That being said, I don’t know if Idia is even aware that he prefers it rough. He probably thinks that he prefers to never get touched by any human being at all…
Anonymous asked:
it makes sense that Trey wants a bj from Idia, the guy is childhood friends with the guillotine queen's fanboy
(this is related to this post)
LOL it all makes sense now. Maybe Trey just really loves the thrill of certain parts possibly being cut off.
Anonymous asked:
Hey, hey, I thought you said Idia didn’t have a booty. Maybe it’s not super substantial but there’s something there to ogle. 😳
Not sure which specific drawing this ask is related to (maybe the Lilidia one for the zine), buuut.
Yeah, it is… very petite! I feel like from some angles it barely has any definition, but if it’s up in the air like that and stuff, there is still some curve to it. Probably. This + I am just not very consistent with my drawings lol
Anonymous asked:
Yes, Idia ACCIDENTALLY cursed himself to become a horny toad-frog whenever that tattoo flares up. Or he fell into it completely by accident. And it was a moe fall, to boot.
(this is related to a tattoo comic)
Yes, EXACTLY! It’s not his fault that the rules of physics and the Universe itself suddenly turned on him like that, and now he is being tortured by mysterious horny manga circumstances!
Wait, you being sarcastic, aren’t you?.. 🥺
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genz420 · 2 years
The Fire That Burns With Us - Chapter 10: I Am Her And I Am Hers.
Previous Part - Next Part
134 AC - King’s Landing
Aemond has a quick pace as he goes to Visenya's room.  He is going to get on his knees and beg for her to forgive him.  Tell her that she is the most beautiful thing in this world. That he did not mean to leave her alone but was just too overcome with shame to touch her.  Begging her to marry him and strengthen their family name. To run away with him.  He will shower in gifts if that is what took for her forgiveness.  He will do anything she asks just so long that he can be with her.  
As he reaches her door he does not knock, he bursts through the door and is stopped in his tracks as he sees her.  All the things Aemond had planned on saying leave his mind as he sees her.  
Visenya is standing at the table in her room, the green dress she was wearing now replaced with a white night dress, and her hair is taken out of the usual braids and falls down her shoulders.  In the candlelight, Aemond can see the dip of her hips and the curve of her breasts.   Aemond just wants to hold her, make her his.  But he can not get the words out.   Visenya moves away from the table and to the door, shutting it before someone sees Aemond in her room.
“My Prince it is highly inappropriate for you to come into a Ladies' room like that.  If someone were to see you then my maidenhood would be put into question and we would most likely be forced into a marriage,” Visenya tells Aemond, she will not let her feeling forgive him so easily.  Even if she wants nothing more she needs to hold her ground.   Aemond looks to Visenya and says nothing.  
That would be an easy way to marry her, have rumours spread of them spending a night together.  His mother would have no choice but to marry them but he would not shame Visenya like that.  
“I would not have to be forced into a marriage with you,” Aemond finally gets out, not meeting Visenya's eyes. “I have dreamed about marrying you since I was a child and it is one of the things I want most in my life,”  
“You would marry someone so ugly as me?” Visenya asks, scarred for his answer but she needs to know that he is not just playing some cruel joke on her.   Aemond takes a step closer to Visenya but holds himself from touching her.  
“In no way do I think that you are ugly.  Visenya you are truly the most beautiful women I have ever seen.  I would not change a single thing about you, not a single scar, you are perfect in every way,” Aemond tells hers, he just wants to hold her and whisper how beautiful she is against her body.  Show her just how much he cares for her.  Loves her.  
“Then why did you leave me?” Visenya asks, voice barely above a whisper but Aemond hears her.  His heart breaks even more and he steps closer to Visenya.  He can smell her again and Aemond tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and rests his hand on her cheek.  Aemond tilts Visenya's head to him, finally looking her in the eyes.  
“Beauce I have failed you,” Aemond tells her, swallowing his own pride. “I should have protected you but I didn’t.  I should have tried harder to leave here and to be with you.  I failed you while someone else kept you safe,”
“I do not need protection,” Visenya defends herself.  
“I know that but if you'd had died then my heart and soul would have died with you,” Aemond tells her and he leans his forehead to rest against hers.  He moves his other hand down to her hip, griping a hold of her night dress, bunching it up in his fist.  He wants to feel her skin on his, but the simple contact of his hand on her cheek is not enough for him.  
His sense is consumed with her and he loves it.  All he can smell is her, the strong smell of the sea and fire is addicting to him.   The ache to kiss her burns within him, and he gives in to his impulse.  He leans down and places a kiss on her lips.  
Aemond's kiss is gentle, unlike the ones they shared at Balerion skull.  Both of them want to savour the moment and want to make sure that they will remember the moment for the rest of their lives.   Aemond removes his hand from her hip to the small of her back, pulling her closer to him.  Visenya moves her hand to Aemonds cheek and slowly pulls away from him.  Aemond thinks that he has done something wrong but the dark blush and smile on Visenya's face ease his nerves.  Visenya pulls Aemond closer down to her and lets out a hum of contentment, closing her eyes and bumping her nose against his and ghosting her lips against his.
“Take it off,” Visenya mumbles against his lips, he can feel the smile on her face.  He is happy that he can make her happy.  Aemond removes his hands from Visenya and starts to undo his jacket but Visenya grabs ahold of his hands to stop him.  She pulls them away from the buckles and places a kiss on his palm before looking up at him.  
“Not that, well that needs to come off as well, but I mean the eye patch,” Visenya tells him as she places one of her hands against his cheek to make him look at her.   “I’m not gonna fuck you while you look like a pirate and if you are going to see all of me I want to see all of you,”
Aemond knows that she will not judge him, she had seen the scar before but Aemond is still nervous that she will see the scar and be turned off by it.  In the time they had been away from one another Aemond had used a sapphire gem to replace his eye.  Aemond slowly reaches towards the eye patch and takes it off, keeping his eyes closed. He has no doubt that his face and neck are a deep scarlet colour.   Visenya reaches up and pulls his face down to hers, she places a soft kiss on his cheek, then the other, and a light kiss on his lips.  
“No matter what you look like Aemond you will always be the more beautiful one of us.  With one eye or two,” Visenya whispers to him and she kisses him again.  Still so gentle like she is worried that she might break him or scare him away.  
Aemond smiles at her gentle kisses and words but he needs her now.  He pulls Visenya away from the door and towards the table in the center of the room, Aemond turns the gentle kisses rough and he lifts Visenya onto the table.   He is overwhelmed by the blood roaring in his ears and his heart pounding in his chest, he feels like if he isn’t with her soon then he will combust.  
Aemond moves both of his hands to Visenyas neck, his kisses might be rough but his grip is gentle and he does put a little bit of pressure on the sides of her neck.  The moan that she lets out against his lips makes the blood rush to his cock and he smirks against her lips and bites her lower lip.  
Visenya had heard all about sex from the men she had spent time with.  All from the male perspective, Robert enjoyed telling her about how to please a woman and when Ben had once drank so much Riverland mead that he had gone on and on about how to please a man.  She is nervous but also excited, the nerves in his stomach are overcome by the heat she feels between her legs. Visenya moves one of her legs around Aemond's waist and pulls him closer to her, wanting some type of fiction to relieve her ache.   Her hands are planted behind her to make sure she does not fall into the candles set on the table.    
Her skin feels hot and even in a such little amount of clothing, she feels like she needs to take it off.  Visenyas breath hitches as one of Aemond hands moves to squeeze her breast, he removes himself from her lips and takes advantage of his hand leaving her neck.  He places wet open mouth kisses on her neck, switching between that and gently nipping on certain places on her neck.
Visenya leans her head back and lets a soft moan out, it scares her how much pleasure she can feel from a kiss.  Her face is hot and she can feel her breath becoming uneven, her hair is sticking to the back of her neck.  She brings her eyebrows together and moves one of her hands to Aemond hair, gently running her hands through it.   Visenya sallows down another moan, ashamed that she is having such a reaction.
“Don’t,” Aemond says against her neck, he needs to hear her.  Needs to know that he is having the same impact on her that she is on him.  “I want to hear you.  Want the entirety of fucking King’s Landing to know what I am making you feel,”  
Aemond removes his face from her neck and he roughly kisses Visenya, happy as she returns the roughness of the kiss.  Her hands move down the buckles, trying to remove them without pulling away from the kiss.  
One of Aemonds hands moves down to Visenya's thigh, hiking up her dress.  Aemond thanks the old gods and the new as he grips Visenya's bare thigh.  Aemond might hate his brother for taking him to the streets of silk but at this moment he is glad that he has some understanding of how to make women feel pleasure.  Visenya finally gets his jacket and shirt off and she pulls herself away from the kiss.  Her lips are swollen and red, and Aemond is proud of making the so.  It was Visenya's turn to kiss his body, starting at his jaw and slowly making her way down to his neck, handing feeling his chest.  
Aemond opens his eyes and looks down at her, a proud smile on his face.  He moves his hand off of her thigh and towards her cunt.  He knows that she is a virgin and he wants to make sure that he can reduce any kind of pain she may feel, he just wants her to feel pleasure.  
Aemond places a kiss on the top of Visenyas head as he slowly ghosts his finger against her cunt and he feels her stiffen up.  He starts to pull his finger away but a breathly moan from Visenya makes him stop, he feels her dig her fingernails into his shoulder and lean her head against his neck.  A smirk replaces the smile on his face and he slowly moves his finger back, making sure that she can tell him to stop, when she doesn’t Aemond lets one of the fingers slip into her.  
The moan she lets out is music to Aemond ears.  
He slowly works his finger in and out of her, wanting her to become comfortable with the feeling, once he thinks that she is used to just one of his fingers he adds another.  Enjoying the feeling of her clenching around his fingers, wishing that it was his cock instead.  
“Qogralbar nyke,” Visenya moans out, slipping into Valyrian.  She needs more of him, she removes her head from his neck and looks up at him.  “Please fuck me Aemond,”
Aemond removes his fingers from Visenya and lifts her up, she lets out a laugh and wraps her legs around him.  She places kisses along his jaw and she wishes for the fire burning within her to stop.  Aemond gently tosses Visenya on the bed and she leans back in her arms, smiling at him.  
He sits on the edge of the bed and works on untying his boots, cursing that he had not taken them off earlier.  Visenya moves behind and kisses the freckles on his shoulder, she also removes his hair from the tie.
As Aemond finally gets his boots off he is quick to turn around and grab ahold of Visenya's face, smashing his lips against her and pushing her down onto the bed with him on top of her.  Visenya opens her legs and lets Aemond lean between him, she moves her hands to feel around Aemond's torso and Aemond keeps one hand on her face and then moves to keep himself up to not crush Visenya.  
Their lips move against one another and they can taste the wine they had at dinner on each other tongues.  Visenya works on removing her night dress without having to break the kiss.  To both of them, it is like the kiss is their oxygen, their lifeline.  Visenya finally manages to slip out of the top of the dress and she shimmies her way out of it, she moves to work on Aemond pants next.  If she has to be naked then so does he.  
Aemond takes his hand off her cheek and moves it to her breast, running his thumb over her nipple and gently squeezing it.  Visenya sucks in a breath through her nose and tries to push Aemond pants off.  Aemond helps Visenya remove his pants by kicking them off once she has pulled them far enough off.  
Visenya feels hot.  To hot.  But she does not want Aemond to leave her, the feeling of his skin against hers is addicting and she wishes for him to be closer.  The ache between her legs is overwhelming and Visenya wraps one of her thighs around Aemond's waist to pull him closer to her, pure instinct taking over.
Aemond feels like his heart is going to burst from his chest.  His cock throbs as he feels Visenya pull him closer and he moves his hand from her breast down to her thigh, no doubt he will leave a bruise from how hard he grips it.  
Aemond pulls away from the kiss and looks down at Visenya.  Her chest is flushed and he watches as his chest rises and falls at an uneven pace, one of her hands is gripping his shoulder, and he can see the frustration clear on her face.  
The great and feared Visenya Velayrion was a mess beneath him.  And he is just a mess for her.  
Aemond leans his forehead against hers as he slowly pushes his way into her.  Visenya clunches her jaw at the feeling and Aemond stops moving, fearing that he might have hurt her.  Visenya uses the leg she has wrapped around him to pull her closer and she lets a moan out at the small amount of friction.  Aemond smiles down at her and uses his free hand to rub small circles against Visenya's clit.    
Aemond snaps his hips against Visenyas, setting a slow but rough pace.  He preys to all the gods that he can last but the way that Visenya clenches around him makes him doubt that he can.  Aemond leans his head into Visenya's neck as he keeps his pace and makes sure to rub the bud of nerves.  
“Aemond,” Visenya moans out, dipping her nails into him.  She has never felt like this.  She now understands why all the men she knows are such whores.  
Visenya keeps her eye closed and she leans her head back onto one of the pillows. Feeling Aemond within her, making her feel so full fuels the burning fire within her stomach.
“Kostilus ȳdra daor keligon,” She whispers to him, hoping that he understands her.  She does not think that she will be able to speak the common tongue at the moment.  
Aemond can feel himself getting closer to his climax but he needs to bring Visenya pleasure before he allows himself to.  The pace that Aemond had pace is becoming sloppy, an erratic pace now being set.  The sounds of Visenya moaning are driving him closer to release and he grunts against her neck, placing open kisses on it.   Visenya moves her own hips up to meet him, grinding them against him.  Both of their hips meet to make a deep thrust.  
Visenya feels the fire within her stomach building up and she breathes through her nose as she chases the feeling.  She pulls Aemond closer to her, needing to feel more of him against her.  
“Fuck,” Visenya moans out as a wave of heat washes over her body.  
Aemond can not hold back as Visenya spasms and clunch around him.  
“Visenya,” Aemond moans out like a pray as he goes still, he breathes heavily as he comes inside of her.
Visenya lets out a content breath as Aemond pulls out of her and falls down next to her.   Both of them typing to catch their breath, coming down from their own highs.  Aemond is the first to move, pulling Visenya to his chest.  She rolls onto his chest, resting her head on his chest and she looks up at him.  She has not seen him so relaxed since she had arrived in King’s Landing, Aemond keeps his eyes closed and he gently rubs his fingers up and down her back.  
Sleep calls for both of them and Visenya pushes herself closer to him.  She needs the contact of his skin against hers.  She closes her eyes with a smile on her face and Aemon looks down at her.  He does not think that he will ever be more content than he is at this moment.  
She is his and he is hers.  
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amuhav · 2 years
2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 25, 26 for TAYUIN.
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What does your OCs handwriting look like? 
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What architectural or design aesthetic would best suit them?
The Winchester Mystery House, where he can run and hide from the consequences of all of his actions. listen I get one troll answer okay this has been a JOB.
What character from myth or fairytale best represents them?
Kai; The Snow Queen. Not so much Kai's role in the story as what the splinters of the mirror do to him. Originally an innocent young boy, when the splinters become lodged in his heart and eye, his heart begins to freeze, and he can no longer see beauty in the world, with most things now appearing ugly to him, only seeing the worst in people. He becomes cruel and aggressive, destroys the things people love to hurt them, and mockingly imitates people to make others laugh. Much of this is to the people closest to him, those who genuinely care about him. 
I think Tay tends to see the world in a very similar way, even more so himself. He considers the world to be cruel, a breaker of fragile things, so he tries to make himself unbreakable, and to break things (and occasionally people) first before they can get to him.
If your OC were to imagine their idyllic life (realistically or otherwise) what would it be like?
This feels spoilery LOL, so I'll only answer the way Tay thinks he wants his life to be, though even then, there are once again ~layers~. 
On the very tiptop surface, Tay almost wants what his people assumed he was born to be; to be special, unique, celebrated as something never seen before amongst his kind, with powers that set him above the rest. To be put on a pedestal and revered. But even he knows it's too late for that. Even if he gained that, it doesn't undo the ways he was shunned for most of his life before, and it would ring hollow and meaningless. 
Underneath that, he'd settle for just being "ordinary", at least amongst the Eladrin. To only have a connection to one of his birth seasons (probably winter, if he had the chance to choose), to fit in and just be a "normal" prince with the powers he should have had to start with. To have his family treat him as equal, to not be a burden, to be able to do his duties as a royal, to join the Frostguard, as expected of a winter Prince of Arbor'sai.
Deeper than that, though? What Tayuin would really want? Well. That's a ~secret~
What piece of moody poetry or novel quote best encompasses your character?
"He said it was better to belong where you don't belong than not to belong where you used to belong, remembering when you used to belong there."
     – Terry Pratchett, Wee Free Men
"There are so many fragile things, after all. People break so easily, and so do dreams and hearts."
     – Neil Gaiman, Fragile Things
"Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive."
     – Josephine Harper, Damage
"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places."
     – Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms
Who is your muse's muse? (What or whom inspires/drives them?)
Himself. No, literally. He doesn't think well enough of anyone else to be "inspired". I suppose, at most, he took on aspects of a few of his family members he saw as useful (the pride and indifference of Eth, the easy charm of Ailos etc), but I wouldn't call that "inspired by". And his main drive is just... survival, with perhaps some glimpses of fun and gratification along the way.
What is their character theme song and why? If it has lyrics, which line best fits them?
"I won't hold on like someone who believes it." Persona Non Grata - Whale Bones
I mean, I was very tempted to quote the entire song, to be quite honest. Especially the first verse and the chorus. The meaning behind the song is just so damn applicable to Tayuin. He's done putting his trust in people, of being used while it's convenient, of being discarded for not being what they wanted him to be. But I think that line in particular really is where Tay is at right now, because, most of all, he's done holding on to the belief they'll change, or that anyone else won't just do exactly the same if given the chance.
Is your character bilingual or multilingual? Which language are they most comfortable in or prefer using? How did they come to learn them?
Multilingual. Tayuin's mother tongue is a highly differentiated form of Fae specific to the isolationist Eladrin, but as a royal, there were certain expectations regarding his education. He had to obviously learn the common tongue, fae and high elven, but also most "higher" languages as well, anything spoken by nobles of races the Eladrin might ever need diplomatic talks with (rare, because again, v isolationist, but still). It's one of the subjects Tay excelled in, as it required a certain amount of social mimicking, and as someone who was always observing others to uncover ways to fit in, it came naturally to him. 
Whilst Eladrin Fae is obviously what comes most naturally to him, he's spent enough time moving through the world that common is his default. He is fluent and comfortable enough to pass as a native speaker in most languages he can speak, though. However, as the secluded Eladrin are probably not up to date on the more obscure languages or more specialised dialects, he'd probably sound archaic or overly formal in any of those.
Do they have an accent? How do they or others think of it?
Following the last question, no. Tay has always taken great care to also sound like a native speaker in anything he speaks.
What is a common misconception about your OC? (Alternatively, what do people assume about them which is either incorrect or misconstrued?)
It depends on which layer of Tayuin the person has access to. Surface layer Tay is, for example, what the public following the trials get to see, as well as the average person he met in his journeys since leaving the Faelyn Wilds. He's sweet, innocent, if a little cheeky. All charming smiles and a heart of gold. Even seemingly naïve at times, the cute little lost boy with the big blue eyes, how could you ever suspect him?
Then there's what most of the other contestants probably all see by now, nothing more than a scheming little brat that would do anything to get ahead. And, in a lot of ways, they're not exactly wrong. But it's still not really him; it's just another layer, another defence, another wall to protect himself.
What sort of role do they take on in relationships, either familial, romantic or platonic. i.e. are they a defender, protector, nurturer, etc.
Currently, Tayuin sees nearly every form of relationship as transactional. "I give something, I get something, and if I do it right, I get more than I give" kind of mentality. So almost every relationship is based on that at its root. His familial relationships are the only ones that aren't/weren't, as he always sought nurturing yet obtained little. Depending on the family member, he received cold distance, pity, or even torment instead. Not sure what you call that "role" lol. Victim? (⚆_⚆;)
"Romantic" relationships currently do not exist to Tay. Any, uh... (⚆_⚆;) dalliance so far has also been very transactional, either figuratively or, uh, literally, lol. Any real romantic relationship would have to be very special to break him out of that thinking, but if it did... I think Tay desperately wants to feel safe, or at least cared for, to belong. But for someone to ever become that important to him? I could see him becoming extremely protective in return. So... Protector and Protected? 
What is one thing that they only let those closest to them see?
Vulnerability. And even then, you're gonna have to get reeeeeal close for him to let you see it willingly.
If they were to lose the person closest to them, how would they mourn them and how would they handle their grief?
why does this question exist
Depends. Tay doesn't generally let people close enough to care. For someone to become that special that it would affect him? He'd probably see it as further evidence of his old view being correct, that the world is cruel and against him, entrenching him back into that mindset. And he'd be even more sure never to let himself be so vulnerable as to let it happen to him again. ಥ_ಥ
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Name: Lei Chuntao
Age: 9
Wish: “Let me always have something that someone will love!”
Ability: To show one’s greatest desire.
Weapon: Carousel Horse, Plush Toys
Likes: Hamburg Steaks, Plushies
Dislikes: Vintage Dolls
Magia: Shooting Star
Teammates: Matsui, Stephanie
Skill Level: Newbie
Witch/Doppel: Pleasance
A young girl with a kind and idealistic heart. She desires to have a close knit friend group, but is often taken advantage of due to her wish. She loves plush toys, and thinks they are her only friends at times.
A young girl who was verbally abused by her parents. An incredibly generous and kind soul, often to a self sacrificing degree. She wanted more than anything was for people to reciprocate her love and love her in return.
Although she truly wished to have people love her, she wished to Kyubey to always have something people will love.
This sky rocketed her popularity as she always seemed to have something someone greatly desired and even joined a group of magical girl friends.
But, over time she noticed that people simply wanted her gifts, and that end at that. She was never thanked or loved which already tainted her soul gem.
During a witch fight, she used all her remaining power to protect her allies, and became a witch, as the witch didn’t drop a grief seed.
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The witch of dreams, with an idealistic nature. A rare case of a more docile witch, with no intention on hurting people, but that doesn’t mean she is harmless. She believes that the world is too cruel, too ugly and unsightly to live and constructs a an ideal world under neath her circus top like body. These alluring and enticing worlds are sometimes so tempting many normal people and magical girls leap into the world, letting themselves be painlessly killed and be sent into a permanent state of joy and pleasure. The witch is child-like, and a simple genuine “Thank You” is enough for her to surrender.
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The minions of the witch of dreams. Their duty is to gather information. These familiars, much like the witch, mean no harm and there is no hidden sharp object in their plush bodies. They swarm around anyone who enters their barrier and read their minds by jumping on the head of their target, and relay their greatest desire back to the witch. If one were to sleep on their soft bodies, they would experience a dream so blissful, it makes reality bleaker.
Doppel Description
“Why does no one like me?”
The doppel of idealism. It takes the form of a dream. This doppel has only one goal; to cover the world in a blissful dream. She does this by slowly transforming the land around it into a picturesque location, where one cannot help but fall asleep in. Those who fall asleep in that zone, be it animal, human, or magical girl, they will never wake up ever again, lost within a dream most blissful. The horses that pull the doppel along are not actually a part of it, but rather a construct that helps it move. When the doppel is summoned the master falls into a deep sleep, so she never got a good look at her doppel.
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I'm curious as to what you mean by saying Mileven is a geek fantasy, as I haven't heard that before that I can recall. Is there a specific trope you think Mileven is emulating?
It's like Weird Science.
Mike was pegged in season 1 for not only being a nerdy loser, but also being ugly (frog face). Then along comes this strange girl with superpowers who ends up having eyes for Mike and only Mike. He dresses her up to look like his image of a girl. She takes care of his bullies for him. She essentially solves all of his problems. She's an amazing girl, capable of unreal things. We see him brag about her abilities and the fact that she saved the world (twice!). It's very important to him that she be this grand mythical figure who no other girl could possibly match. She makes him feel amazing because, while, in his mind, she could have anyone she wanted, she chose him.
Ultimately, Mike derives value in his life from the fact that El sees value in him. It's a crisis for him when he thinks she doesn't need him anymore because he doesn't think anyone else could ever love him. It's a very pathetic relationship, but it's the sort of fantasy many loser nerds, especially in the 80s when Weird Science came out, had. That's why it worked so well as a concept.
Now, Weird Science had a twist to it. The girl the losers created wasn't actually there to be their fantasy girl. She actually manipulated their lives to the point that they developed the confidence to go out and get real girls, at which point she left them as they no longer needed her. They created her so they wouldn't be losers anymore, and that's just what she did, only not in the way they planned.
Here, though, the Duffers appear to be missing the entire point of the movie by having El need Mike, despite her entire story supposedly being about finding herself, as much as, if not more than, Mike needs her. They're essentially subverting a trope that was, in itself, a subversion. El isn't going to have a "my work here is done" moment in regards to Mike. This magic girl who came into Mike's life and made everything better isn't there to nudge him into being a better person. She's there to be his ideal girlfriend, just as he's there to, essentially, be a trophy boyfriend.
The sad thing is that they've added this extra element to the story. We have Will, someone who has known Mike for most of their lives, who is absolutely gone for Mike. Mike loves El due, in large part, to the fact that he doesn't feel anyone else could ever want him. He's totally unaware of the fact that someone else does, and the real tragedy is that we're meant to believe Mike could never return Will's affections anyway. It's a ridiculously cruel twist that, honestly, didn't need to be added, especially since it's mostly just been used to further prop up the geek fantasy relationship. If they were genuinely invoking what Weird Science did, El would be a vehicle for Mike to recognize and act on Will's very real feelings for him. However, they aren't about to do that to the most popular character on the show.
I don't know if the Duffers have some surprise on the way, but I feel like it's far too late, anyway. They had their chance to address this to set up some good development in the final season, but they didn't. Yeah, there's subtext that hints that Mike has unaddressed feelings for Will, but the time for subtext is over. They missed their chance to do anything meaningful with this, should it really be the plan. It really does look like the geek fantasy is what they've been going for, even if the biggest movie to invoke it completely subverted it.
Maybe I'm wrong. Hell, I'd love to be wrong about this. But you asked me an honest question, and I wanted to give you an honest answer.
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ok-phaydra · 11 months
I don't feel ugly - I am ugly. As someone diagnosed with BDD, I don't fit into the stereotype of the beautiful woman who believes she has some unthinkable flaw which makes her repulsive. My flaws are real: my face is off-putting and certainly unattractive. There are, however, almost no self-help resources for this issue, yet there are (rightfully so) many recourses for those with the more "conventional" form of BDD. These are of little to no use to those who are considered unattractive or ugly by the majority of society. The most effective form of self-help I've found relating to this is finding an obscure group on reddit to vent to, and really, I ask myself if it's really that helpful; reading about how others are shouted at in the street or avoided at work due to their looks does a great job of detering me from ever leaving the house. This brings me to the main point, however: ugly people face real discrimination. We are a group of people who are treated unfairly in society due to something beyond our control. With the current social environment progressing towards goals like gender equality, LGBT acceptance, and fat/body acceptance, why is it that we completely stop when we get to the face? Perhaps because it's taboo to admit that ugliness exists. The idea of admitting to yourself that you might be ugly can also be distressing, as it's something that is intrinsicly "bad." To be ugly is to be visually repulsive. To be unattractive is to be aesthetically un-beautiful, and in a world where "everyone is beautiful" is ubiquitous and beauty is like social currenty, of course this is something we do not want to confront. However, it is important that we do. Only then can we band together and advocate for ourselves. Very few people currently talk about how we struggle in the workplace due to lookism(1), or how ugly people are more likely to recieve harsher sentences(2). People talk about how ugly people are more likely to have unfavourable personalities, yet no one talks about WHY this is. Should we not consider that the way ugly people are treated can destroy someone's self worth so much that every social interaction is laced with the fear that someone is going to make a nasty comment or play a cruel joke? Is it not then easy to understand why an ugly person may have developed a defensive attitude that can come across as rude in order to minimise damage to their mental health? We're then blamed for our lackluster personalities, often by the very people (the attractive) who caused them. This does not mean we don't need introspection and that we shouldn't strive to be kind and friendly human beings, but it does mean we should try to have at least an ounce of compassion when discussing this rather than just parroting things like "it's your personality that's the problem!" or my favourite: "just shower and go to the gym!" People are often in so much disbelief of the lived experience of ugly people that they try to gaslight us. I've seen many a "that never happened" or "you imagined it" in response to an ugly person describing being shouted at in the street. Looking away or denying our reality is not going to make the issue go away, nor is it going to make you a better person for saying it. Our progress is hindered by people's disbelief. It's understandable that admitting to someone that they're ugly or unattractive isn't something we like to do. I'm an ugly woman and I would feel bad about it myself, but we must start changing something if we want recognition.
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kseniyagreen · 1 year
Two monsters in Jang Jun-hwan's films
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"To stop seeing a monster, you need to become one"
The first (Save the Green Planet) and the second (Hwayi: A Monster Boy) feature films by the famous Korean director came out 10 years apart.
But although these works are very different in style and plot, there is a deep semantic connection between them. Both films deal with the theme of monsters.
Both films reflect the ruthless, ugly side of the world, where money can buy or sell human life, and even the police are on the payroll of gangsters. And those few police officers who can be called honest are too limited and are not able to see a living person behind the dossier. So the hero, who finds himself in an inhuman situation, can only rely on himself.
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(This review contains spoilers) 
In both films, the central image is the hero, who, due to age, character, or social position, looks like a "little harmless man".
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But being driven to despair, he turns into a cruel and furious monster slayer.
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However, not all the monsters he sees are external. Some of them live in his own soul.
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Save the green planet - a film-cabbage, a film - snag. At first, you think you understand what's going on. Crazy from grief and drugs, a man invented aliens and hunts them. By the end of the story, you start to wonder - what if he's not crazy? What if aliens are real? But the final shots make you wonder - what was actually happening on the screen in general? Or did everything really happen only in the imagination of the poor Byeong-gu? 
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Aliens, bloody revenge, a strange image of either a girl or a circus woman - as if Lee Byeong-gu took the image of a girl from some old memories and tried to "grow" it to himself.
But then what is the movie about? Perhaps about the struggle for their inner humanity. But moral choice comes from the state of freedom. And freedom has two sides. To truly be human, you need to be aware of the inhuman in yourself.
Byeong-gu and Hwayi have very different personalities and destinies. But there is a bright unifying feature - they both see what others do not see. Hwayi calls it a monster. Byeong-gu - aliens. And in both cases, these images carry a dual meaning. That is, they cause fear and disgust of the characters, but at the same time, somewhere in the depths of the soul, they attract.
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Declaring those whom he hates "aliens", Lee Byeong-gu , as it were, takes them out of a multitude of people, thus solving his moral contradiction. You can hate "non-humans", while continuing to feel your connection with the world of humans. As if taking out of the brackets of the human world what is unbearable, what Byeong-gu cannot accept and agree with.
But at the same time, the alien is Lee Byeong-gu himself. That part of him that feels superfluous in this world. And at some point it comes to the question: is this world worth saving? Or rather, is it worth to save his connection with this world?
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The image of the monster in "Hwayi" is also ambivalent. On the one hand, the monster appears when Hwayi meets evil. The boy, stolen from his parents as a child and adopted by bandits, is used to taking his fathers and their "work" for granted. But the underlying feeling that something is very wrong here haunts Hwayi all these years, incarnating in the form of a monster at especially critical moments.
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The conclusion suggests itself that the monster is an image of evil inside. But Hwayi's monster has the sparkling, mirror-like scales of a toy whale from his childhood. A single spark of memories of family and home.
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Why did a child's toy turn into an image of a monster? Because it reminds him about something that does not allow Hwayi to integrate into the system. Fully adapt to the world of his "fathers", become the same as them - and no longer be afraid.
Byeong-gu had a victim's fate. Hwayi had a fate of a criminal, a predator. But the inability to fit into the system and just live life according to an already prepared scenario is what unites these two heroes. Natural sensitivity does not allow them to come to terms with life as it is. But the inhuman cruelty of the surrounding world seeps in, drop by drop, giving rise to a grave contradiction. And at the moment when the hero surrenders to the monster, he feels relieved for a moment.
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In the life of both main characters there is also the image of a "monster mentor". In Byeong-gu's case, it's more of a part of himself. "Alien prince" (even a title straight from the fantasy of a child from a poor family), who became disillusioned with people and life in principle. And he wants to end this whole world that hurts him.
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In Byeong-gu's internal struggle, after the death of his mother, this part of him wins.
In Hwayi's case, this monster is a very real external figure. The main of his "fathers", the most terrible and at the same time with him the strongest emotional connection.
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It is interesting that if other "fathers" live like animals - doing evil, but not feeling it as evil, just living by their instincts. He always felt "dirty".
And judging by how eager he is to get Hwayi completely on his side, he still feels like that. Other bandits are not even puzzled by excuses. He brings an entire ideological base under his villainy - that becoming a monster is the only way out for people like him.
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As if the thirst for warmth is combined in him with the desire to destroy it.
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Young Hwayi turns out to be stronger than all his fathers - even the one who tried to hide from reality behind prayers. Because he can be a monster and a human at the same time.
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 Byeong-gu loses his battle with the aliens, either completely losing touch with reality, or dying from drugs. Hwayi survives - accepting his inner monster enough to cold-bloodedly shoot the man who ordered his father's murder. But the final shots of Byeong-gu's memories and Hwayi's drawings give the feeling that the dream of lost harmony is alive.
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The monster can be creepy, ugly. But his mirror skin is visible because it reflects the inner light
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