#who knew i could also make shitty memes
gh0stswh0re · 1 year
today's thots: shitty memes edition
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cairavende · 7 months
Worm Arc 9 thoughts:
Not enough of my daughter. Where is my baby girl? Though I do enjoy getting different PoVs. It'll work for a little bit.
Weld is neat. Didn't feel great about him at first but he grew on me. His scene with Vista made me love him. He's a good kid. (He should probably have learned Aegis, Gallant, and Browbeat's names before talking to the team the first time though)
On the note of that scene - THEY HAD A THERAPIST THIS ENTIRE TIME? The Wards had a therapist available to them and no one was having them see said therapist after 3 of their teammates died? Piggot is so bad at this.
Me reading Flechette's chapter with the aim of making her gay as I have done with everyone else: "Oh wow this is a really easy one!"
I wanted to see more of Parian sooo badly after I first saw her and I'm so fucking glad this is how I see her! Flechette and Parian are wonderful and I hope they get gay married and retire together.
Me saying that probably highly increases the chance that one of them dies in the future.
I'm very glad Flechette gave up on Shadow Stalker. I like Flechette and she shouldn't have to deal with that asshole.
I feel so bad for Clockblocker. He's just a kid and his dad is dying and that sucks. I wanna bake him some cookies or something.
The professor of that class was so clearly identifiable as "one of those professors". All "up until now you haven't had to think, but in Parahumans 103 you'll need to think and I'm not gonna baby you yada yada". It's still just a 100 level course dude, geeze. Get off your high horse.
Clockblocker and Vista are siblings and I love their dynamic.
Despite me feeling for these kids some, the second the Travelers started clowning on them I was enjoying the shit out of myself.
Fucking Trickster is just so much damn fun. His powers are cool and he really lives up to his name. I love him.
Glory Girl getting rocketed off into the sky by Ballistic had me in tears from laughter.
Kid Win has ADHD. I was sure Kid Win had ADHD before I even started on the Kid Win chapter where he says he has ADHD. Someone get this kid some Adderall. And some therapy for all that self doubt and imposter syndrome.
Kid Win also didn't even hesitate to illegally spy on Chariots personal computer by hacking into the wi-fi, so that doesn't give me great confidence in the Wards following rules. Or any heroes. I'm sure that won't ever come up again though.
These Slaughter House Nine guys I'm sure won't be a big deal. They won't do horrible things to hundreds of people. Gonna be taken care of by heroes off screen during the next arc. No worries at all!
Vista joined the team when she was 10? The superhero team that has to deal with death on a semi-regular basis and terrifying violence all the time. That team. She joined it when she was TEN?! Shitty system you guys have here!
Saved the best for last - SHADOW STALKER GETTING FUCKING MEMED ON BY MY WONDERFUL DAUGHTER! (And my daughters friends)
God I wasn't sure about her chapter at first. She is so mean and I didn't necessarily want to spend a long time in her head watching her be mean. But then my daughter showed up in a swarm of bugs and fucked up a bunch of Nazis and I knew everything was going to be ok.
The instant Shadow Stalker started to follow Skitter I knew she was gonna get fucking wrecked. I don't know why I knew, maybe I just know my daughter well enough. But no matter the reason I was so happy to watch it happen. Wasn't worried for Skitter at any moment cause I knew she was gonna bitch slap this asshole.
Just. Damn I fucking LOVE watching my daughter just be a goddess of bugs and go to town.
I could keep going about Shadow Stalker getting absolutely destroyed for who knows how long, so I'll just have to stop myself.
And we see a new person with the Undersiders, did Aisha get her powers? I'm so happy for her! I can't wait to see what they are.
Imp is a great name and it's kinda fucking bonkers it wasn't taken by somebody else already.
Did I mention Shadow Stalker getting clowned?
Cause she did.
Just completely baited and then my wonderful baby girl even got to tase her. I'm so happy for her. Sometimes a little violence is the answer.
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yamameta-inc · 5 months
it isn't about the gintama essays but i would love to hear your elaboration on phoenix kristoph etc!
oh man. sure! i don't really know where to start if you want me to explain them from scratch.
basically, kristoph/phoenix to me is just a much funnier (and thus better) hannigram. the game of gay chicken (and legal/murder chicken) is really heightened by the fact that kristoph is committed, due to his own ego and atrocious personality, to pretending to be nice and caring while phoenix acts like the most obnoxious person on the planet. not directly to kristoph, since he also has to keep up the pretense. but like come on. it's established that they have dinner together, what, almost every day of the week? that's insane. normal working adults--certainly lawyers of kristoph's calibre and renown--don't see their best friends that often. they don't see their family that often. can you imagine how busy kristoph is, how many other things he'd rather be doing? but instead phoenix makes him come to this shitty ass fake russian restaurant, where the tables and shit are covered in snow. phoenix makes kristoph freeze his ass off in order to eat bad food and listen to his shitty piano playing almost every day. and kristoph has to do it. he has to do it because the persona he chose was of phoenix's incredibly selfless saviour.
and the best part is that in addition to this it's also genuinely toxic and traumatic. these two are doing "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" to such an absurd degree and it's my favourite mix of drama and comedy. phoenix is obsessive, resentful, and insanely stubborn and he once again restructures his entire personality in order to deal with kristoph. and the fact that he could be intimate with kristoph (and here i cross into the realm of very subjective interpretation) in a self-harming way while also doing the above borscht bowl nonsense is incredible to me. i don't really care at all about kristoph outside of their dynamic and his impact on phoenix, but i do think this extremely manipulative and abusive villain having to grit his teeth internally and take the absolute nonsense phoenix says at him (grapes are tasty and easy to eat) is also the best part of his character. kristoph would absolutely say "the trout is a nietzschean fish", but then phoenix would say "huh? oh, gesundheit" and kristoph would have to breathe into his silk handkerchief for a moment and feign choking on a fish bone, and then phoenix would get to go "aww you have to be careful with those. i once knew a guy who swallowed a fish bone and it grew a new fish inside of him."
beyond that it's incredible to me that they set up kristoph as a sort of... well, to put it bluntly, an edgeworth rebound. where is edgeworth in AJ? it doesn't matter. he isn't here. but instead there's this other (uglier) guy who has superficially similar traits to him (and who's even more of a queer-coded villain). fancy, faux european, INTJ meme, a gay little thing around his neck... and they even make him assume a rehash of wrightworth's backstory as his public entry into phoenix's life. like hey. why did they do that. he literally mimics edgeworth's position relative to phoenix, becoming his sole defender in a big scary trial. we all know how deeply edgeworth's actions as a fourth-grader who knew phoenix for like one year impacted phoenix and rearranged his brain chemistry. it stands to reason that as an adult going through a genuinely terrible and miserable patch of life, phoenix would've been.................... Something about kristoph. and then he would've learned the truth, felt betrayed, etc etc. did i mention that for some reason kristoph also perfectly fits into his self-proclaimed Most Hated Things In The World list, born from his bad experience with his evil ex-gf? really makes you think.
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milkdreamspecialmix · 8 months
first up on not filtering myself i want to talk about how much i adore how the nations have gone from relative anonymity in the public eye to canonically being used as primary sources by historians and caught by paparazzi press conferences asking about their opinions of each other (which is insane and i love it). i remember a particular segment in which a couple, presumably from the early 20th century iirc, talks about france in particular and the loneliness of immortality, with the couple eventually coming to the conclusion that a mortal life with one another is far better than a long life lived alone (or so they think, the human perception of nationhood is probably very warped because it’s mostly incomprehensible). the only reason they knew of him was because that dude’s ancestors had known about a man that didn’t age, but it wasn’t a “big deal” or a headliner or whatever. it just came and went, life goes on. or maybe nationhood used to be such a bizarre old wives tale that some thought it was horseshit. unless you were high ranking military you may not have ever met one and known it anyway.
it must be really weird to have gone from being akin to a cryptid, hiding in plain sight and constantly renewing official documents and such just so they can go to the liquor store or whatever to being celebrities, sometimes even chased by groups of people for photos and opinions. this is why i really like the relatively new in-canon nation memes on here, they’re so real lol. i think there might be a great deal of corruption in the way people perceive them too which i won’t discuss past scraping the surface.
i just think it’s hilarious to think of modern day alt right nimrods using nations to satisfy their weird insecurities and patriotism, as if they are representational of every weird ass traditional belief about masculinity or race or sexuality you can think of but in reality their fav is a total homo and a humanitarian and the exact opposite embodiment of their own morals in nearly every way. i know nations are technically representational of all citizens good and bad, but that’s too much for me to conceive of right now. we know alfred was about as torn between the last presidential election as americans were perceived to be (any incidents of the hot topic of voter fraud aside), so i’m certainly not trying to paint them all as perfect “blorbos” who can do no wrong and are only representational of my own beliefs or whatever. it goes without saying that the vast majority of them could be considered some type of war criminal. but i also think that’s why their modern day existence is really interesting.
without going too into it, and despite the many shortcomings humans face, most can agree that the world has seen many improvements in recent years, and i think that also represents a shift in the way nations think too. we don’t know exactly how much people influence nations versus how nations influence their people, but i believe it was france who also referred to nations as the vessel and citizens as the passengers. they are a nation bound by their people but they’re also a human with a great deal of free will. i’ll stop here though, i know it can get touchy when we fly a bit too close to the parallels of real human experiences and a bunch of fictional immortal idiots. steering clear of any modern world issue that is anything but amusing and light under the context of this series is wise for obvious reasons
back on the subject of the in-universe nation memes, i’ve thought of making art from the perspective of some weirdo that takes really shitty photos of nations in the wild for social media or whatever (nations, they’re just like us kind of shit). i think it’s neat to think of nations having to avoid the public after being able to hide within it for so long
most folks seem to just shrug at their existence, so maybe their now well known status wouldn’t get in the way of most cultural practices. i get the jist that most people seem to think of them as an anomaly and not necessarily related to spirituality in any way, but i could also see a small subset of pagan folks maybe deifying certain nations too (kemetic, nordic, hellenic, etc.). or maybe it’s a checkmate atheists kind of moment for mortals using nations as proof (or not proof) of god(s) or whatever else. they are practically gods themselves, but i have doubts that most of their superhuman abilities are documented or are anything but rumor and speculation (ie “i hear they can teleport!” and i have an entire ass opinion on that ability in particular) so do most chums think they’re just immortal but with no frills attached? like sure they can come back from the dead but they’re lame and tame tax-paying members of society, or “glorified secretaries” as i once heard someone say. you think government interns froth at the teeth at a chance to work with one just for the anti-aging benefits alone, even at the risk of going a little insane with enough exposure?
i feel like people must constantly pester them about conspiracy theories too. alfred is on hot ones or eric andre getting asked if aliens exist and wtf does he say? he can do whatever the fuck he wants so he’s probably like yeah dude they’re chill lmao and the internet loses their minds. some old crusty nation like england or china gets trapped on a set with philomena cunk for funsies only to be asked about the most inane thing imaginable (several people have made this joke and i really like to think it would happen irl. she got first dibs on those interviews fr)
i think this is also a pretty widely accepted idea but i like to think this all has opened a lot of doors for uh, “nation rights”. like i’ll bet modern day OT and labor laws keep some governments from blurring the lines of overworking someone who isn’t technically or completely human. they’ve probably all got many years of PTO accumulated by now. more world peace relative to the past allows many nations to freely live with those who they want and when they want instead of being forced to live with another due to politics (which may be less common in the modern age, i wonder). sweden adopting ladonia and sealand is another example of a more normal nation life one could hope to live. this shit keeps me up at night but you literally cannot convince anyone that you’re not insane if you tell them this is why you love this series
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greenskellyblob · 10 months
9 people I’d like to know better
Tagged by; @thefloatingstone
Last song; Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths, I’ve been listening to this song relentlessly a year ago, and it still frequently pops up when I let youtube radio do its thing. I’m not gonna complain!!! It’s still a banger! I’ve just googled it and realized it is a song in an album, and I never listened to the whole of it. Huh. I should do that sometimes.
Anyways, here’s the song:
Currently watching: Just finished Community and the last season of Black Mirror. I finally know where some memes come from now!!! I’ve been seeing Community memes around and I never knew TwT. Consider me enlightened now. I really enjoyed it, all the characters there are stupid and unhinged and taking their stupidity seriously and I loved it! V good, v nice way to spend the time.
On the other hand, this season of Black Mirror kinda dissapointed me? There was one episode I REALLY LOVED (Demon 79, the last one, hell yeah the ending!!!!! WOOO!!!!), the first one (Joan is awful) was kinda neat, Loch Henry was depressing and I laughed out loud at how one character died because it is SO STUPID, Mazey day was boring, and Beyond the Sea was the biggest bullshit I ever saw. Such a big old dump!!!!! Something Extremely Traumatic happens to one character on a very important mission, and the Earth command doesn’t even get them to talk to a therapist. Also a lot of dick measuring going on there. Also shitty ending nobody could have predicted (sarcastic). Just, ugh. Sorry about the vagueness but I don’t want to spoil people who haven’t watched it yet. But if you want to watch only one episode of season 6, make it the last one :D 10/10
Also I’ll be cheeky and say I just finished the VOD of C-Puff’s ( @thefloatingstone‘s) stream :3 Can’t wait to see more!!!! And, please, don’t apologize for lore dumps they are delightfull and I finally have a streamer I can watch and not feel like I’m missing most of the story/worldbuilding. You know what? Everyone, have a link for that too. For some reason it doesn’t let me embed it?
Currently reading: Nothing in particular, my brain is once again in the reading slump. I guess comics would count, actually? In that case, an absolutely amazing comic called “Tiger, Tiger” by @pepurika. It has two very gay siblings, A giant bisexual (?) himbo, an old god’s child (they are very chaotic and very, very gay from what I understand) and cool old ships. ALSO SEA SPONGES!!!! Sea sponges are very important. They literally drive the plot okay! There is ship stealing, identity theft, deals with gods, marvelous scientific discoveries and much, MUCH more, all in the name of sea sponges! The main character got hyperfixated as a child and went unhinged, and if that sounds relatable to you, you’ll enjoy her :) Also everyone there is very smart and capable and yet you have to wonder where they keep their braincells because they are all also??? Kinda dumb??? In incredibly relatable ways. Heccking 10/10 comic. I have to read it all from the beginning because I can’t wait for the last book to come out asaajudzgigui the suffering is sweet tho.
I slapp’a link your way. Go read, you’ll have a really good time (this is a threat)
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
for the fic title meme i submit: "like real people do" and brady/quinn
bold of you, a zombie-disliker, to prompt me, also a zombie-disliker, with the hozier zombie song. it is a banger though, so because of who we both are as people we will ignore those specific connotations. i do feel compelled to lean on the paranormal vibes here, which pair well with quinn's haunted vibes in general, so — maybe empath!quinn fic?
so, when quinn touches people, skin-to-skin, he can feel their feelings. he can't read their minds — just feel their feelings, and the amount of skin-to-skin contact definitely has an effect on how clearly he can feel those feelings. he's pretty used to it. it's not actually as big a factor in his life as you'd think it would be, just because the people whose skin he touches on a regular basis are all people he knows and trusts, so they know better than to go around, like, grabbing him when they're upset or whatever. a nice thing about hockey is that it's never going to be a problem on the ice; he's covered head to toe. that's part of why he fell in love with hockey. the vast majority of the time, he doesn't have to deal with anyone else's feelings on the ice — he's completely self-contained, his feelings and his instincts all his own.
brady's known about this since they were in the program together. when quinn moved into the tkachuks' basement, quinn's parents sat down with brady's parents to explain and make sure quinn would have the support he needed on that front as well as the hockey front. being an empath like quinn is, it's maybe not totally unheard of but it's very rare. some people think it's a myth or whatever — brady thought it was, until he met quinn. but they adapted around it quickly, as friends. brady's such a cheerful, easy-going guy, especially off the ice, that little touches from him didn't bother quinn, even as a teenager when every feeling felt extra sharp and extra raw. brady is kind of a clown, too, sure, but they balanced each other out really well, quinn quieter with his sneaky sense of humor. sometimes, when quinn got upset, he would deliberately grab brady's arm and steal some of his steadiness. sometimes, if brady noticed quinn was upset or sad or anything like that, he'd sneak his fingers around quinn's wrist until he felt better. he asked quinn once if it really helped, because, you know, sometimes brady would be sad or worried or etc himself, and quinn explained to him, as best he could, that with brady, because they knew each other so well, it's less about what brady is feeling and more about who he is, at his core, under all the feelings. and he's steady as a rock down there. he makes a good anchor.
anyway, fastforward some years. quinn's in vancouver now, far away from brady, but that's fine. he's grown up a lot since they were teenagers. he can anchor himself now. he's good at it. he's got a little crush on elias pettersson, even though he is well aware that elias only has eyes for brock. sometimes he'll rest his head on petey's shoulder just to feel the love and affection thrumming through him — it's nice even though it's not directed at quinn himself. maybe because it's not directed at quinn himself. that's one thing quinn has never figured out is how to have normal relationships, because kissing and sex involve so much skin-to-skin, and it's just been too much when he's tried. it's distracting when the other person likes quinn too much and it's distracting when the other person doesn't like quinn enough. the only time he's really been able to make it work is getting pretty drunk and then finding someone who's only in it for horny reasons, and even when that's good in the moment, the aftermath leaves him feeling kind of shitty. so it's just — it's nice. to feel someone feeling those things without any pressure or expectations directed at him.
he and brady see each other when they play each other, and maybe at some other league event if they're lucky. occasionally their paths cross in the summer, but not often. they still text every day, facetime at least once a week, even after years of no longer living together. they've only gotten closer since they were dumb teenagers together, in quinn's opinion. the physical distance is nothing. it's not unusual for him to go the better part of a year without touching brady, which is probably why he doesn't really notice when brady's feelings start changing. if brady's feelings feel warmer or softer than quinn remembers, then he's just misremembering. that touch of yearning when they hug hello, cheek to cheek, that's just because brady missed him the same way he missed brady. if his feelings felt the same way petey's love for brock feels, then maybe quinn would realize, but it turns out no two loves are exactly alike.
anyway, it sneaks up on brady, too. he realizes all at once, over dinner in vancouver when the sens are in town, watching quinn gesture with his sushi to a story about jack and luke. he's not thrown off by the realization, though. it's like -- suddenly everything makes perfect sense. of course. of course. who else would he feel this way about? he kind of mulls it over while they eat, but he's not a complicated guy, and he IS a big romance guy, so by the time their other game against each other rolls around he's basically all-in. when he hugs quinn hello, he slides his hand to the back of quinn's neck, figuring he's feeling these feelings so big right now there's no way quinn will miss them, and he gets -- nothing. no reaction, nothing out of the ordinary. because he's been feeling these feelingd for ages; the fact that he's aware of them now doesn't make them feel any different to quinn. to quinn, this is just the brady baseline.
cue a nice long stretch of pining from brady, cue quinn making some not great decisions. he feels adrift when the canucks leave ottawa. brady seemed off — quieter than usual, avoiding touching quinn's skin more than usual, which doesn't make sense to quinn, but maybe he just has stuff going on that he doesn't want quinn to know about, which feels weird, but maybe they're finally starting to drift apart or whatever. quinn's just going to spend the next whatever amount of time wallowing in how he wants to be wanted but not in any of the ways that seem to be on offer. nothing feels right. he spends a lot of time wishing he was normal, a little time on an internet deep dive about empathy-suppressants that he decides sound too scammy to try — he doesn't want anything weird showing up if he has to do a blood test or something — sticks with alcohol when he really needs to numb himself a little. maybe at some point asks petey to kiss him, then specifies — think about brock while you do it. so quinn can pretend he knows what it feels like to be wanted like that. and petey does it (they're both pretty drunk) but then at the next available sober moment makes quinn have a heart-to-heart with him about what's wrong and how he's been feeling.
quinn keeps thinking that if he could reach out and hold brady's wrist for a minute, he would feel grounded again. then he would be okay.
not sure exactly how the last act of this fic would play out but obviously they're going to work their shit out. maybe brady get upset that quinn is, he thinks, choosing to pretend he doesn't know how brady feels, and that's just a dick move, according to brady. so they start to fight and then realize the fight is stupid. because they love each other. they are IN love. and then they have extremely tenderhorny sex wherein brady covers quinn's whole body with his body, skin to skin, all tangled together. every time they kiss quinn can feel him smiling, and it's the best thing quinn has ever felt.
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dear-galileo · 1 year
take a walk
read on ao3
written for the 2023 @stonerwitcher event :)
no one likes to come home for thanksgiving, especially when the person who raised you was someone like vesemir.
thankfully, the brothers had each other. and some other ways to deal.
eskel & geralt & lambert, brief geralt/jaskier/yennefer, brief aiden/lambert
cw: past child abuse, brief homophobia, recreational drug use
They arrived together. It wasn’t a spoken decision, but an assumed one. Without words, they knew that Geralt would pick Eskel up first from his school, once his last class of the day let out, and then wait for Lambert to weasel his way out of his office job, probably skip a late afternoon meeting, before they made the journey back home. 
Well. Home was a subjective term. Sure, it was where they had all been taken in, and raised, but Geralt doubted that any of them would actually consider the place to be home. Hell, the shitty dorm that Geralt and Eskel shared their freshman year of college was more home to him. 
But, regardless of their feelings of it, they were making the trip back to the house. Back to Vesemir. It was Thanksgiving, and it was understood that the three of them would go to visit him. 
Lambert was struggling with his clothes in the backseat, trying to fight his way out of his button up shirt, complaining about how the collar had been choking him. Eskel, in the passenger seat, was watching this fight with a piece of clothing through the rearview mirror with mild interest. Geralt was content to have all of his focus on the road. 
“They let you have hair like that, in cubicle-land?” Eskel goaded. The hair in question, was wild as always, poofed up from Lambert yanking his half-unbuttoned shirt over his head, was bright red, and sticking out in every direction. Lambert scowled, grabbing a wrinkled t-shirt from his backpack and yanking it over his head. 
“They think I’m fucking adorable there. Janice in HR keeps dropping hints that I’m going to get a promotion, since I’m such a handsome young man.” 
“No shit?” Eskel asked, twisting in his seat. “Congrats, if you do.” Lambert shrugged, already brushing it off. 
“It’s hell, it’s boring, but it pays the bills. Plus, Aiden likes to see me dressed up like a fucking businessman.” He grinned wickedly as both Eskel and Geralt made retching noises. “Who knows. Maybe it will make the old man proud.” 
For a moment, the only sound in the car was the turn signal clicking. Geralt flexed his hands around the wheel as he got onto the highway. He flicked the turn signal off. 
Lambert sighed heavily and obnoxiously, cutting through the sudden tension. “He’ll probably ask if I’m still gay, huh?”
“Probably,” Eskel replied, leaning forward to fiddle with the radio. “I think you could be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and he’d only want to know if you’re dating a nice girl.” Both Geralt and Lambert made small noises of laughter and agreement. “How is Aiden doing?” 
“He’s great. The kids adore him, he’s about to win the teacher of the year, and it’s only his first year.” Lambert bragged. He leaned forward, knocking Geralt on the shoulder. “How are your lovers? Jaskier’s been sending me Breaking Bad memes.” 
“He’s good.” Geralt said, his grip on the wheel loosening. “Yen’s good too. Both kicking ass. Yen’s been asked to speak at a college for an intersectional feminism panel.”
“She’ll probably raise the IQ level of the family just by association.” Lambert joked. Geralt huffed, the corner of his mouth kicking up. “Did ya get rid of the old Roach-mobile?” 
Lambert was referring to the shitty old van that Geralt had bought when he was seventeen. It was disgusting, and old as dirt back then, but Geralt loved that van, and had taken care of it until it ran smoothly. 
“No. This is Yen’s car.” Geralt was almost offended at the assumption that he would ever get rid of Roach. He had poured not only years into that van, but also thousands of dollars. Last year, Yennefer had taken him to a used car lot to get something that, in her words “wasn’t an assault on every sense”, but they had left empty handed. 
“I was wondering why it was so clean,” Eskel commented, running a finger along the dash. “I was also wondering how you would ever be caught dead in a Prius.” 
“Love makes you do crazy things,” Lambert crooned. 
“Put your seatbelt on.” Geralt told his younger brother. Lambert rolled his eyes, but complied. 
Eskel finally found a radio channel that they all could agree with, and put it on at a low volume. 
It took a little over an hour to reach their hometown. Geralt couldn’t help but check on Lambert through the mirror. After their small talk had died down, Eskel had pulled out a small paperback book out of his own bag, and was flipping through, his head leaning against the window. Lambert was alternating between fidgeting in his seat, kicking the back of Eskel’s seat, or messing around on his phone. 
None of them were excited to go back to Vesemir’s house. Though they had all grown up to be somewhat decent men, they hadn’t left behind the kindest household. 
All of them had different relationships with not only the house, but with the man who lived within it. Vesemir had taken them in, when they were completely unwanted, so Geralt felt as though he was owed some credit at the very least. But Vesemir was a cruel man, when he wanted to be. 
It wasn’t until after Geralt started to see both Jaskier and Yen that he ever went to therapy. It was a group effort, championed by both of his partners, but he found it useful, against all of his expectations. It gave him the courage to set boundaries with his adoptive father, and to encourage his brothers to do the same. 
That was why they rarely saw Vesemir anymore. Thanksgiving was the one compromise.
Eskel had escaped first. But Geralt was right on his heels, and they lived in the same dorm room for the first year of college. When Geralt dropped out in their second year, they moved into a tiny apartment off campus, with a pull-out couch for Lambert to crash on during the weekends. By the time that Lambert had graduated high school, he had all but moved into the apartment. Geralt set up a folding screen in the living room, and it acted as Lambert’s bedroom for another six months. 
It was freedom, for all of them. Though they were strapped for money most of the time, and Lambert would invite his high school boyfriend Aiden over almost every night, and Geralt would wake Lambert up every time he went to his 6am shift at a nearby repair garage, and Eskel was drowning in homework more often than not, they were free. 
By the time that Geralt had secured a job with an automobile repair shop with better hours, and better pay, Lambert was getting ready to move in with Aiden (who was getting his teacher’s certificate), and Eskel was almost done with his bachelor’s degree. 
Geralt moved in with Yennefer and Jaskier, in a slightly nicer place a few blocks away. Lambert got an office job downtown and started to climb the ranks, while looking into night classes.
Vesemir never came to visit them. One could claim it was because he was old, and didn’t want to travel from the suburbs into a college town, but the brothers knew that Vesemir couldn’t have cared less. Vesemir had a bone to pick with every one of his kids, and he made sure to drill it into them from a young age that it was the boys who were at fault, not him. 
So as they grew older, the expected winter break and holiday visits lessened, until the only one that remained was Thanksgiving. 
None of the brothers complained about that.
read the rest on ao3
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foibles-fables · 2 years
FIRST... hawk and thrush
O' COURSE [froths]
who is more likely to hurt the other? Aloy, no question. In fact, Aloy already has hurt her--personal read of the entire Forbidden West debacle is Talanah displacing that abandonment and hurt onto Some Guy (for a NUMBER of reasons, though I won't let this ask meme turn into a whole analysis of all That, stay tuned).
who is emotionally stronger? While Talanah is much more savvy with the emotions of others, they both have their own issues. Talanah's come out as anxiety and fear of abandonment, Aloy's come out as anger and withdrawal. To answer the question, though, I do think Talanah would be able to navigate Aloy's high-emotion moments much better than the inverse.
who is physically stronger? Aloy wins this one by virtue of the diversity of her strength. But have y'all seen Talanah's thighs
who is more likely to break a bone?  Aloy, simply because she's up-close and personal with danger more often. We'll throw out Talanah's absolutely insane gameplay AI for the purposes of this meme.
who knows best what to say to upset the other?  Talanah holds all of those particular weapons, but knows to never use them, and never wants to use them.
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?  Talanah. Because of both The Trauma™ and the fact that Aloy is stubborn as a mule (though she'll eventually readily admit if she was wrong. Eventually.).
who treats whose wounds more often?  Again, Talanah treats Aloy's wounds a lot more often because Aloy's still out there getting wrecked on the reg.
who is in constant need of comfort?  Talanah asks for it much more openly and freely, but doles out a very fair share of it to Aloy as well. Even match.
who gets more jealous?  Aloy. Can't be easy being with a noble who could have her pick of pretty much anyone in the Sundom--especially when specific jealousy itself is a WHOLE new emotion to wrangle after what has, so far, been a very solitary life. Talanah handles this with grace, though, and doesn't let Aloy get shitty about it.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?  lol, lmao, we thought we knew the answer to this one, didn't we. Well. Thanks HFW. Aloy, still, though. So far, leaving is just what she's done. Hard habit to break, especially as Feelings and Attachment (in a very intimate sense) grow scarier and scarier.
who will propose?  Aloy aloy aloy aloy aloy ALOY!! Aloy aloy alooyy. This is very personal to me, you see.
who has the most difficult parents? ...we're gonna ignore how fundamentally depressing this question is for them by pointing out the fact that GAIA 1) is a delight and 2) absolutely loves Talanah.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?  Talanah. Makes Aloy blush all the way to her big dumb ears.
who comes up for the other all the time?  Before things between them are even Actually Real, Aloy finds herself talking about Talanah way too much in unrelated conversations, and is very confused as to why it keeps happening.
who hogs the blankets?  Talanah. Aloy's like a furnace.
who gets sadder?  Sadder, specifically? Definitely Talanah. Aloy's Bad Emotions tend to be much more reactive than pressing inward.
who is better at cheering the other up? OOOOH tough one. I'm gonna say Aloy, here, because she can effortlessly cheer Talanah up just by existing. But like I mentioned earlier, Talanah is also very good at dragging Aloy out of a bad brain spiral.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Talanah. They're both pretty quippy, but Aloy's are always a little more unexpected.
who is more streetwise? If we're talking specifically streetwise, Talanah. She has the unique combination of noble education, lifetime living very much amongst others, and also fighting in a whole-ass rebellion. Survivalwise, though? Oh my god it's Aloy. I'll remind everyone of how Talanah thought the best way to approach a Clawstrider attack was to trap herself in a rock crevice and get brutally stabbed.
who is more wise? They're both wise in very different and complementary ways. I'll leave it there, because the whole of the answer is something I've wanted to explore with proper depth in fic for a while.
who’s the shyest?  I don't know if I'd call Aloy shy, but she's way more socially-reserved, even as the years go on. Talanah handles herself fantastically in social situations (noble upbringing, knows how to navigate these spaces) and thrives in it, even if it's still exhausting for her afterwards. Still, her social battery has a vastly larger capacity than Aloy's.
who boasts about the other more?  Milu, Amadis, and Itamen already know the very explicitly canon answer to this one. ;)
who sits on whose lap? The thought of Talanah sitting in Aloy's lap rots my brain to its pulp nearly constantly, thank youuuu
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missmvrder · 11 months
get to know the author!
name : tati
pronouns :  she/they
preference of communication : discord. tumblr IM are so unreliable ( like everything else from tumblr ). i do tend to run low on social battery at times so i can be slower to reply to DMs at time but i eventually get there! i love talking about our characters so never hesitate to come to me about them!
most active muse :  right now i'm writing beatriz and elena in two different threads each but it's not so much the muse that makes me more active but the plots with others. i have a lot of muse for many of my currently unwritten characters, they just need to find the perfect plot and opposite!
experience / how many years : i’ve started roleplaying on tumblr in 2011, so way too long ago. i did some on myspace around 2009, so 14 years in total. i discovered roleplaying late in life, like in my early 20′s, which seems unlike many others who started as teenagers. 
best experience : i don’t think i’ve had one experience that stood from the rest and had me go all, this is my best rp experience, but i’ve had many great moments and memories over the years. group wise, i currently really miss retaliationrp because there was so much more to do with the plots and characters. but this run as indie is my best one yet. i feel like i’ve found my people, i have amazing plots and they are all very diverse. the balance i have right now makes it really perfect.
rp pet peeves : over-formatting. it’s cool if that’s your thing, but it’s not mine and it makes it hard for me to get into it. the many spaces, the random use of italic or bold, it’s not for me. overly purple prose too, it makes me not get into what the other is writing. i think we tend to over cancel faceclaims too, we interpret what people we don’t know mean and form some very strong and black and white opinions on that. this doesn’t apply for the people who have done actual shitty and disgusting things, but we nitpick too much what stranger say. also, blogs that are all cis het white woman because that’s what they knew and they want to write what they know and yet, they’re all actress/singers/models/vampires/etc. at least be honest about what it’s about.
fluff, angst, or smut : angst all the way. i can do fluff only so long, generally with the intent of having a lot of angst after. smut can be fun once in a while but not if there’s nothing established behind it. if we’re having a strong plot that has been develop and you want to try some smut, i’m open to it but not without it serving the plot and characters. i live for the angst.
plots or memes : plots. i like having a direction and sometimes things are plotted as we go and develop but there need to be a little something when the thread starts. from there, memes are fine, because it can serve to develop more. i find myself less and less interested in open starters unless we plot something before replying or we talk about the characters a little to see where it could go.
long or short replies : both, with a tendency toward longer. i like to had context and backstory to the thread which also means i can be slower to reply because sometimes these take a lot more out of me. i do like the shorter replies too and sometimes wish i had more but i tend to ruin that by then rambling.
time to write : late in the evening, after 9pm and sometimes during the day. i do a lot of replying planning in my head during the day. i’m currently on sick leave so i often draft during the day, but usually, it’s work, motherhood and then whatever time is life to write.
are you like your muses : i think i would like some parts of me to be more like certain muses and some will use my sense of humour or view on things but outside of that, i enjoy trying to create entirely new personas and characters. i think we all put some little parts of ourselves in our characters but none are ‘self-inserts’.
tagged by: @atlatsofstories ❤️
tagging: @autumnwritcs, @fearhidden, @mocnlighted, @pristinaluna, @twistxdtales, @thewolfruns, and everyone else who want to do this!
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anderwhohn · 9 months
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@dutyworn asked: ❤️ my first roleplay memory 🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write 🛳 my opinions on DNI lists 🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
💌 MY EXPERIENCE IN THE RPC [ meme - accepting ]
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❤️ my first roleplay memory
Ah, the irony of asking this of someone with medical memory issues. xD
My very first rp memory is from when I was like 13 and stumbled across Ayenee (those old enough to remember it will know how chaotic that mess was) - essentially a series of multigenre IRC public rooms where people with a huge variety of original and fandom characters all met up and interacted with each other, often in bars and taverns for the majority of the rooms I found myself welcomed in. It was fun, but that was also very much back in the 'Wild West' days of those kinds of chatrooms, being in the late 90s.
My first tumblr rp memory is actually of a brief failed attempt at getting involved in the Dragon Age rpc, but it was years later before I tried again with bringing Layla (immortaljackal) in that I had any actual success, and then the numerous other blogs with various canon and canon-based or inspired muses came from there. What I actually did in any of that, though? Fuck all if I know at this point. I could go digging up the old archived blogs (at least of the ones that still exist), but eh...
🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write
Sci-fi and fantasy, for the most part. Which types of those, respectively, varies depending on my mood sometimes, but given that my most consistent stuff is leading with Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Doctor Who, that should be a fair indicator for the most part.
🛳 my opinions on DNI lists
They have their place, within reason - banning faceclaims, characters, fandoms, adult content, triggering and/or squicky content, etc? Perfectly fine and reasonable. Airing grievances with other roleplayers by listing their URLs and telling people they better not interact with them or you'll block them (and probably add them to the list of names as well with a vague callout that often just blows everything out of proportion)? That's immature and uncalled for, and I personally won't follow or interact with people who have DNIs that namedrop other roleplayers.
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
I am unknowable!
Pfft... Nah, umm... I honestly don't know? I mean, I tend to be a very private person ooc until I've warmed up to someone, then I'm practically an open book - albeit a book with some pages torn out and lots of coffee stains making other pages illegible (ie the memory issues I have). Things I actively want people to know, I usually have in my rules, since that's something everyone following me should read.
But like... uh... I'm really socially awkward, between the social anxiety disorder, ADHD, potential autism, other neurodivergences, and all that jazz? Yet there are somehow people who are intimidated by me?
My dudes, I sleep with a stuffed Grim Reaper, and have a crochetted F-Bomb that I throw at the wall when I'm frustrated. I also have a crochetted adipose and weeping angel chilling on my desk, and a sticky note with a doodle of the TARDIS surrounded by "vorp vorp" noises stuck to my wall. I walk with a cane or a rollator, and will sometimes break into song and dance when I'm having a not absolutely shitty day while I'm by myself, twirling the cane or spinning with the rollator (whichever I happen to be using at the time) - 'Singing In The Rain' is a popular number for such.
The only time I even feel remotely intimidating is when I have to pull out the Customer Service Voice, which usually gets combined a dash Southern overpoliteness. Unless it's the the Southern politeness that's weirding people out? I mean, maybe? Eh. Someone can always tell me on anon if they want.
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So, thoughts about smooth sharking from someone who doesn't like it either
First off, the guy who started it I don't mind so much, because a lot of what he was doing was doing was stuff that while he never backed down made it pretty clear it was a joke. Things like holding a book with a piece of notebook paper in front saying like "Sharks are Hella Smooth by A Doctor", or saying that the Santana song was written about sharks
I don't know that I fully like him doing it, but at least it was a joke
The people watching though... yeah. I'm not sure I really know the right words to say how I feel about it, but they were really really bad. The whole thing got totally out of hand where almost no one in on it is willing to break from it
Actually just going to start this ask by saying sharks have sandpaper like skin so you know you're not dealing with someone who'll be lying for a joke, and so you know what this ask is about so you can avoid it if you need to
Have a good day regardless of if you read the rest
I never had to deal with it in person or any online situation I couldn't just leave, so I'm really sorry to hear you had to deal with that. That's exactly why smooth sharking is such a shitty thing
At some point you just have to be able to say "yeah, sharks have rough skin, and everything about them being smooth is a meme", but there are people who refuse to do that. So I don't like it
Also though... I really don't like the people who are like "well it's bad when used against neurodivergent people, but good when used against mansplainers" cause it's just like... are you you can tell the difference?
Call me out of touch, but I feel like when you start making yourself the judge jury and executioner of social situations you run a real risk of hitting innocent people, and that on top of that a blow hard you might kind of annoy, but you get someone vulnerable by accident you might really put them in distress
...I don't know... it's not like I have all the answers to how to fix human behavior or... I'd just do that, but I kind of think but I kind of think that saying "hey, you need to stop talking over people right now" (or similar, choose your own wording) is more direct and also leaves the chance for someone to say "I'm really sorry, I didn't realize I was"
...but I don't know, I really don't. Don't like anything about smooth sharking and really don't trust people wanting to do social correction type stuff to people
I mean, I knew a real know it all, one time told me Irish and Klingon are both equally made up... I actually said to someone jokingly that they were such a redditor and after a pause I was told they never shut up about reddit... shouldn't be able to stereotype that
Anyway, they were a pain, but they weren't a bad person. So I just... avoided talking to them cause they annoyed me. Still tried to do what I could to be polite when we did talk, just like... they weren't someone fun for me personally to talk to, and that was that
Kind of don't know why we gotta try and "fix" everyone by... well often by just straight up bullying them... I don't know... think this is starting to get to be too broad to really discuss
Anyway, really sorry you had to deal with that. Always hated it online for that exact reason, cause it's like... no one knows how to drop the meme and be honest
(Also hate people who are like "no one explain the joke" for similar reasons, just... just stop it folks, you know?)
Yeah, having (retroactively) been shown some of the original stuff the meme comes from, it was really obviously "trolling" and like. I don't really have a problem with that as long as the person being trolled is in complete control of when it ends (i.e. the trolling is reactive to someone who refuses to stop arguing, not proactive seeking out a target) but part of the definition of trolling as I understand it is that it does not cause undue harm or distress and I think smooth sharking as a meme really struggled with that due to its comedic context and how it was being used.
I'm also, admittedly, a bit sensitive to jokes that rely on "unreality" to be funny as someone who struggles to keep my body-mind planted firmly in the shared reality of society. I work really hard to be able to function in my life despite my experiences of alternative reality, and comedy like smooth sharking really throws a monkey wrench right into those gears for me if I'm not able to adequately structure my engagement with them. I recognize this as a problem that impacts a fairly limited number of people. But, the sanism around how unreality gets treated can be.....unpleasant when you are one of the ones impacted (I did not love the memes that tended to come out of that Leonardo DiCaprio movie either, and it doesn't escape me that basically no one ever tags "unreality" as a trigger warning). Smooth shark is hardly my first round of this particular sort of experience, but it WAS the first time that me saying "I am not having fun with this meme the way you are" was taken as proof that the meme was in fact comedy gold when wielded against me. So that was less than great.
I genuinely don't think smooth shark is a bad or ablist meme! But I do think that specific people (including me) had a really bad time with it and the posts I saw today are GENUINELY the very first time I have seen anyone else acknowledge that. For a long time I never talked about how I felt about it because it seemed like absolutely everyone was on the same page. I now wonder how many were like me: unable to reject the meme and stuck choosing between untenable feelings of isolation and acceptance of the meme as part of their new reality.
For what it's worth: all of the people involved in smooth sharking me to the brink of instability were ALSO neurodivergent, often even in the same ways I was. This is very self evidently not something we can have a one size fits all conversation about. All the more reason, in my opinion, for people who like the bit to be a little more careful how they use and who they use it on.
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buffintruder · 2 years
for the wip ask meme Greed sub vs dub (*all chanting* fight! fight! fight!) and/or DNG au bc i tried googling that one to see if it was anything i knew and apparently it's a type of image file lol
Greed sub vs dub:
So basically at one point i noticed that Greed's dialogue in English vs Japanese is VERY different and I started writing an essay about it. I'm not going to post an excerpt because it's boring, but tldr is that Greed in Japanese is a) less sexual b) more admiring of others (or is more explicit about it) c) cares more openly about people and is cared about in turn.
The biggest example I can see is when Greed is trying to stop people from fighting during the Promised Day. For the same bit of dialogue here is what he says in each version.
Dub: Let’s go! We’ll need anyone who can still fight
Sub: At this point, we should leave behind anyone who can’t fight anymore
DNG au:
This stands for Devil's Nest Gang au haha, not a common acronym as far as i know
This is basically an au where the Xingese squad don't go to Amestris but things still turn out fine for both of them. Ling becomes heir anyway, except then he speaks up against the Emperor and is forced to flee the country (sort of Zuko style) and ends up working for the Devil's Nest Gang (who have not been killed by Bradley in this au)
Excerpt under the cut:
“How does a country even lose their prince?” Greed laughed from the next table over. Ling froze, his attention fully on his new boss. “They misplace him or what?”
“Newspaper doesn’t say,” Roa said with a shrug. “I’m guessing they’d know by now if it was a ransom situation, and makes no sense to capture a prince when you could kill him otherwise. So maybe he ran away?”
Ling had, though that was not the full story. Fled for his life would be a more apt description.
“Who’d run away from being emperor?” Greed asked.
“I thought you were over your whole ‘becoming ruler of the world’ thing,” Martel called from the hallway as she passed by.
“I’m Greed, I want everything!” Greed said.
Judging by how Martel rolled her eyes and Roa snorted, Ling had a feeling that this was something Greed insisted on often. Was Greed a name he had chosen for himself then, some point of pride? It seemed like an odd name to choose, but then again, Ling had only learned the more formal end of Amestrian culture. Xingese gangsters often took intimidating names or were given them by others, and Amestrians likely did the same, though Ling couldn’t say he was particularly frightened or awed by the concept of greed.
“And hey,” Greed continued. “You’re telling me that if your shitty dad was about to take over the world, you wouldn’t be at least a little tempted to take it all from him.”
That certainly sounded like there was a story behind that. It was also rather uncomfortably relatable. Perhaps Ling’s father hadn’t set his sights on the whole world, but he did rule a quite significant chunk of it, and Ling had done his best to take it all for himself. Look where that had gotten him.
“I wouldn’t,” Roa said, his tone flat but amused. “Ruling the world sounds like a big pain. Way too much work.”
Greed sighed loudly. “This is why I’m the leader. The rest of you have no ambition.” He turned around behind him. “Hey, Yao, tell me you have more drive than the rest of these here.”
Ling was too well trained to jump at the sound of his name, but he did look up a little faster than was perhaps entirely natural. The last thing he wanted was to get involved in this conversation, to draw any lines between himself and this missing prince. Still, at least the conversation had moved somewhat away from that.
“I’d steal my shitty dad’s power if I could,” Ling said with a grin. “Though that might be because I hate my dad more than because I want the power.”
“Hear, hear!” Greed said.
“You don’t want to rule the world any more?” Ling asked, curious. Power was the driving force of most gangs, he had assumed.
“I mean I wouldn’t pass it up if it was offered,” Greed said.
“Not exactly going out of your way to get it either?”
“Nah.” Greed waved a hand vaguely. “I’d spend all my time trying to get more, and what’s the point of wanting possessions if you don’t get to enjoy what you have? I’m living my life in hedonistic glory.”
“Makes sense,” Ling said, and he could sort of see what Greed was saying. He had studied history enough to know the fallings of those who overreached themselves, how the greatest of conquerers often had their empire fall apart a generation or two down the line. Ling had never wanted to expand the borders of Xing, only to control what already existed within it. He had never been one to let limits stop him, but even so, it seemed like protecting his clan and trying to improve the Xingese system of governance was already more than enough for one man. 
But ruling had never been about enjoyment, only duty, perhaps even destiny. Putting it in terms of desire like this felt strange to him.
“Plus they’d have to want to be mine,” Greed said, which felt even more nonsensical than anything else he had said.
“You say all that about seizing the opportunity to rule if you got the chance,” Roa said. Ling had almost forgotten that he was part of this conversation. “But you ran away from home too.”
“Ruling the world means nothing if you’re doing it under someone else’s thumb,” Greed snapped.
Roa shrugged. “Well, maybe that prince’s reasoning isn’t as incomprehensible to you as you might think.”
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etherealsign282 · 2 years
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I hate that the majority of people who brag about being a bad person like this also only ever have shallow things about themselves to hate. Like their looks or how good they can pay attention to school. But they're the same type of person to deny having any flaws at all and avoid accountability at all costs, call themselves a piece of shit, then get mad when you start to actually believe it or when you don't coddle them for being a piece of shit. Then wonder why people get surprised at their actual shittiness.
You think people are that easy to fool that you can just admit to being shitty, go out and be actually shitty, and people will just act surprised that you're shitty a month later? It's the fact that the majority will fight to the death defending their own behavior until they're backed into a corner, then say "I told you I'm shitty- why are you so surprised?" We're getting whiplash that you're changing your narrative every few seconds. First you think you're shitty because you're lazy, now we think you're shitty because you gaslight and stonewall and we shouldn't be surprised because we didn't expect you to, you know, have things you weren't upfront about?
I'm not surprised by one abuser's behavior because they have an actual list of reasons they're abusive. Meanwhile *I* had to make a list for a shitty person who complained that they were a piece of shit but just couldn't conveniently remember literally any time they were actually a piece of shit while simultaneously acting like we shouldn't be shocked that they hid their true shittiness behind a facade of victimizing bullshit.
Stop making memes for abusers- even if it's unintentional because you wanna be uwu cute about being toxic- to basically gaslight victims into treating them like they're stupid for always being shocked by how fucking cold and heartless some people can be.
Also instead of telling people you're a bad person get fucking therapy instead of trying to connect with people while also saying it's not worth it, then blaming them because you don't know how to act right and also don't know how to isolate yourself and leave others alone
Also let's not forget people calling themselves a piece of shit but also denying it every single time it's brought up or someone tries to guess what could be wrong with you, waiting months in before you get caught doing something undeniably shitty, then just going "Yeah you knew I was shitty 🤷" when you previously denied being that type of shitty before. You wanna look humble by bragging about being shitty then refuse to actually take accountability and blame the victims for the repercussions.
Like we all haven't heard the song and dance before of someone claiming they're shitty due to trauma and you aren't just feeding into people's empathy like that to trick them and then tell them they're the problem for not seeing through it because you PURPOSELY played them and used dishonesty in the form of shallow honesty.
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despairforme · 2 years
🏩 What was my muse’s first time like?
💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak?
sex + romance  ask  meme.
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     ❝ My first time, huh? Damn, ‘daz a long time ago. ❞ The first person he had ever slept with had been a woman. Thank fucking God. It had been before he was really sure of this whole also-being-into-men-thing.  ❝ It was back in high school. I was captain ‘a ‘da basketball team back then, so ya can imagine ‘all’a ‘da girls were wet as fuck ‘fer me. ❞ This was not entirely true. Yeah, he HAD been captain of the basketball team, but he had been looked at as a weirdo. And, he was certainly not good looking enough to be popular among the girls his age. At least he had had both eyes back then, so that was something.  ❝ It was after we won a big game, ‘n ‘da team was celebratin’. Some ‘a ‘da guys had their siblings join ‘em, their bros ‘n sisters or whateva’. ‘N I hooked up with someone’s big sister. Don’t remember her name. She was a blonde chick with big boobs. She was drunk as fuck, but it sounded like she enjoyed it when I gave her dick. ❞ It had been pretty awkward. She had been very drunk, unlike himself ( Nnoitra generally didn’t get drunk, his body could take insane amounts of alcohol ). They had fucked on a couch, in a not-so-comfortable position. Him fucking one of the teammates’ sisters had not been popular among everyone, but at the same time the guys had been impressed that he had been with a hot older girl. Whatever. Nnoitra didn’t care that he had lost his virginity to some random ass girl, and that it had been a not-so-great experience. He had fucked lots of chicks after that, so why should the first one be special?
     That was an easy question to answer. However, the second one? It wasn’t something he WANTED to either think about OR talk about. His first heart-break had obviously been when his first boyfriend, Kyota, had disappeared on him. It had been a bad break-up in that sense. Kyota had just LEFT. Without a word. Without a goodbye or a note or anything. Just fucking dropped off the face of the earth, like he wanted nothing to do with Nnoitra anymore. Naturally, it had made Nnoitra feel like shit. Made him feel worthless. Kyota had come back later, and they HAD made up ( thankfully ), but still... Nnoitra could easily recall that feeling of being left. Maybe it felt so fresh because something similar had happened with Grimmjow. Though, Nnoitra knew that HE was the one who had broken things off with him. HE had been the one who had deemed their relationship over. Still - Grimmjow was the one who had now disappeared. Nnoitra missed him so much it felt hard to breathe sometimes.
     He couldn’t talk to anyone about ANY of this. NOT THAT HE FUCKING WANTED TO! Nobody knew he had ever been in a relationship with guys. Or that he even liked guys. It was a part of him he kept hidden, and that’s something he intended to keep doing. So? What could he answer the question with?  ❝ Mah, I guess when my first relationship ended, that was pretty shitty. Who likes bein’ dumped, right? ❞ He said it casually. As if it didn’t still hurt. As if thinking about it didn’t make him feel like shit. 
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Hi!! I was wondering if I could request a Stranger Things matchup? If you don’t have time or simply don’t want to, that’s okay!! :) However, if you do decide to, that would be amazing 💕.
APPEARANCE: I’m 4’11 (which means I get many, many short jokes), a little rounder, with brown eyes and brown hair that’s a curly bob (the best way I can describe it is like a mix between Nancy’s hair in season 2 and Robin’s hair in season 3). From what I’ve heard from my friends, I’m mostly cute- cute appearance, cute style, cute vibes. I’m not sure how I feel about it, some days I like the idea of being cute and other days I feel more indifferent or not in the mood. My style is mostly casual (jeans and a t-shirt, or a flannel if I’m feeling spicy casual, or a sweater in winter), though there are quite a few days where I love wearing a nice outfit like a cute dress or a skirt.
PERSONALITY: I’m a bisexual INFP 20 year old cancer woman. I’m a pretty anxious person, especially around new people or new situations, which sucks because my anxiety makes me awkward, and my awkwardness makes me more anxious. It’s a whole cycle. However, if we’re close, I go from 0-100, a complete 180. Awkward? Me? Never! I’ve never been awkward in my entire life!! I’m bubbly and funny and silly and loud as shit. I’m either ranting about whatever stupid & random thing I can think of, or scream laughing at the dumbest of things. It’s hard to get me to shut up. Though if I’m with someone who likes to talk more than me or has more to say, I’m always happy to listen for hours and hours on end! I basically try to match the mood of the people I’m with. Do I do it well? Uhhhhhhh--
I’m not the sharpest bulb in the toolbox- I sometimes don’t realize obvious things or forget stuff a lot. I spend more time inside of my own head than outside of it, so much so that I sometimes neglect work and other things. I also have a tendency to overthink or stress myself out or hesitate/close myself off when I’m anxious- which kinda makes me seem a bit overdramatic. I’ve got a few confidence issues, insecurities and all that jazz, but I’m trying to work on getting better.
HOBBIES: I like writing (the love of my life and my major), reading (even though I haven’t read much in ages), spending hours watching mostly any content I can get my hands on (TV, TikToks, fan-creations for whatever I’m into atm (which is stranger things rn)), spamming my friends with 20 memes in an hour, and zoning out when going on 2-hour walks. But, really, I just like doing things with my friends. So long as we’re hanging out, I’m having a good time. I may not do much, but I’m okay with that until the boredom kicks in.
INTERESTS: my favorite genres to read and to write in are fantasy and science fiction, but only in the YA category. Besides that, I do like consuming a good murder mystery or true crime documentary, and on the complete other side of the spectrum, I like a good shitty movie. I love escape rooms (real life ones and game ones) even though I usually don’t know what to do and end up being pretty useless. Shopping for clothes is my weakness, even though I have anxiety over the mall. The shirt & dress haul I bring back home makes it all worth it. I love being outside on nice sunny days until the bugs ruin everything. I love big and small attractions, from farmers markets to carnivals.
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
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I ship you with Steve Harrington! I feel like Steve would instantly start flirting with you a lot but you don't really think he is. You just think he is being nice until he asks you on a date. You knew what Steve's reputation was but you still went out anyways and you guys really hit it off. You continued to go on more and most of the time you guys talked about anything and everything! I could also see you and Steve going clothes shopping or just shopping in general in the mall. You would also come to visit him while he works since you love the mall and he works there at Scoops Ahoy! I feel like you would always have Steves attention and he would LOVE giving you attention, since he is more of a needy person (in my opinion). You would also "babysit" with Steve and actual become really good friends with. I think Steve would also help you with your insecurities and your confidence by always telling you how beautiful you are as well!
Hope you liked it! :) <3
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
thank you for sending kimi!! 🥰 this meme. 🥀 go off about a villain OC
delphine rosano: okay, so even though she's not the worst villain in my head, and some might even say she's not a villain: she is a villain to claudia. more-or-less because she's been shaping her to be a certain way, since she was younger. and though she could have stopped a lot of the bad shit that happened to her from happening to her, uhm, delphine let it happen because she thought it would make claudia stronger. so essentially, delphine is like........the maternal figure in cloud's life, who like, uhm, should have never been in cloud's life? like she's her biological mother, sure, but it doesn't matter...she's a shit head. and cause "bury me deep" and the "palms series" is essentially turning superhero tropes on their ass and subverting them, i had to have a character like her. because i'm weak for the shitty mentor trope, just cause i like characters who aren't considering bad or evil by anyone except for the protagonist. but yeah, delphine's been around since cloud lived in hysteria heights. and she was one of the few people who could leave when the small town was on lockdown. and then she was around in whispering sands, too, in bury me deep. she really do just be everywhere giving cloud a headache. AND she's part of why cloud was fired for the universal agency, cause..well shit a shit (tho cloud kind of did do some questionable things like look into files she wasn't supposed to look into and she did fuck with the government.....but you know, i like blaming delphine for it)
rachel temperance: soooo the palms universe would not be a part slasher in 'bury me deep' if it weren't for rachel. rachel is like?? the original and biggest antagonist of the story and she's like an asshole but cloud's other half, essentially? but i love her for it. her powers are that she can mimic powers - which is something that i did before i even knew what heroes was - and she can give people powers, too. anyways, she's the only person who can kill claudia, but she thinks it's so fucking funny just to let her live most of the time, so she just keeps causing trouble for her. it's fun for her to do so. especially too since they used to date. but like, yeah, rachel is a scary bish who doesn't care who she kills. and much like cloud she prefers to do things the old fashion way instead of using her powers - though she does use her powers?? just like people in the palms don't really give a shit to most of the time - rachel would prefer to do things the michael m.yers / jason vor.hees way way. which is....slash....the slasher way lol. and just be a messy bitch. also she's blonde so and irons her shoes, therefore she jsut has to be evil, right? however, i feel bad for cause like she was essentially manipulated into becoming ....harsh. but like i still wanna fight her and so does everyone else.
i am rambling, but these are two of my mean ladies.
🌻 share a favorite line of dialogue out of context
thinking of grandma luna!! in "the maiden and death"
So, today, Death had to ask - he just had to: “Why not just touch them and end them that way, grant them a peaceful death?”
And Luna's response, simple and somewhat scornful, was, “Because you took my death from me...” Causing him to regret his choice instantly and turn away from her. He did not feel bad, but he was angry at himself.
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