#while i have been motivated to write other things
kinopio-writes · 2 days
HH Characters x Physically Affectionate!Reader (Pt.1)
A/N: I don’t know why I decided to do this, considering I have three (requested) posts collecting dust in my drafts (along with an additional new one), but here you go. I’ve been feeling pretty unmotivated to write anything, so I settled on headcanons to make sure I don’t hit the ‘updated 1 month ago’ status again.
Warnings: None
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• she’d be a little surprised since she’s usually the one who initiates it
• but she gets over with it quickly and becomes really giddy about it
• you two go, “Mmm!” every time you hug (not a high-pitched “Mm!”, more like—“MMMM!!”. It likely depends)
• she’d probably give you tons of hugs after each exercise, especially if you did well (and if you’re a patron, that is)
• she also probably gives you quick and several pecks on the face
• she doesn’t really have a favorite one, but she loves being held
• overall, probably the best one to be affectionate over
• generally, she doesn’t like touch that much
• but if she likes you enough, she’s fine with mild touching (like on the shoulder)
• if you’re together, then by all means
• she’s usually the one who initiates it, though
• but unlike you, who’s so restless about it, she’s more on the casual side of affection
• she also doesn’t really have a favorite but loves holding you a ton
Angel Dust
• touched-starved, probably
• but that of course doesn’t mean he’s fine with you getting all handsy with him
• like, woah, lay off the merchandise! He doesn’t come for free
• he gets pretty confused if you do it without an ulterior motive of wanting something more
• but once he gets used to it, he loves receiving back rubs from you after a long day at work
• he also melts at any tender affection from you
• very obviously differs if you’re a woman or a man (non-binary and others are in between, I think)
• he’s more tolerant if you initiate it out of nowhere and you’re a woman, even if you two aren’t that close (as long as you’re not someone like Susan)
• flirtatious intent will not be put up with, however
• actually, depending on what you do, it might go past his head and he’d think it’s just all innocent
• if it’s obvious, he’d either get uncomfortable or he’d hide the fact he’s uncomfortable (depends if he didn’t expect it from you)
• if the touching is what Angel Dust would do, radio static suddenly starts to play
• if you’re a guy, don’t even try, lol
• if it’s too early in the relationship (not romantic, just in general), he would be hissing at you—possibly growling
• but if you’re the type to be affectionate after getting close with someone, he doesn’t mind all too much
• he’s fine with anything just as long as you don’t try to do all those things while he’s busy as the bartender
• don’t try to overdo it in public, either
• in private, however, he’s all yours
• he loves it when you give him shoulder massages or back rubs
• she doesn’t mind at all
• by at all, I mean at all
• but she usually initiates it, though
• mostly by climbing on top of you like a tree gremlin
• her favorite is when you pick her up and let her sit on your shoulder or head
• if you’re short enough, she loves holding onto your hand
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justmeinadaze · 1 day
Created a Monster (Steddie X Kas Y/N)
Every time I hear this song this idea pops into my head but it's not what I'm used to writing per say. I wanted you guys to read like a preview and tell me if this is something you'd want more of or a one shot. Or whatever lol Just some feed back :) It's been sitting in my WIP forever but I can't stop thinking about it.
Warning: Steddie X Kas Fem Reader, mentions of grief and how much the boys miss her, I twisted some things from the show obviously. Instead of Eddie fighting, Y/N does. I also read up a bit on Kas so took some lore there. Not really expanded on in this preview but...
Word Count: 1956
Eddie and Steve stare at your gravestone as the preacher continues to spout some nonsense about young souls being angels on Earth and being called back home. No one understood what they were going through not even their friends they had fought with. You were their everything and now… you were gone. 
Steve and Robin sat in the cafeteria of the hospital picking at their food as they waited for Eddie to join them. For the past four months they had been visiting Max while continuing to be moral support for Lucas. Neither boy would let on how jealous they actually were of the former Hellfire member. At least he could still hold his girlfriend’s hand…see her face…kiss her cheek.
“The doctor’s said she’s showing improvement.”, Robin mused as she took a bite of bland rice in front of her. 
“That’s good. She’s a good kid who’s been through too much. She deserves to have a full life.”
His friend nods in understanding, scanning Steve over before reaching for his hand. 
“This is a stupid question but how are you doing?”
“I’m, um, I’m surviving. Eddie’s trying to keep it together for the guys but we’re both kind of floundering.”, he chuckles as he places his fork down and leans back. “I miss her laugh. Every time Munson would tell a joke, she would close her eyes and scrunch her nose… so cute.”
“Yeah, she was.”, his friend softly murmured. “She loved you two more than anything. Y/N would talk about you both nonstop to an annoying degree.”
When Robin playfully rolls her eyes, they both laugh almost uncontrollably until his gradually shift into sobs. Rising to her feet, she wraps her arms around his shoulders and in turn he does the same, his fingers digging almost painfully into her back. 
“I miss her so much.”
When both boys finally made it back home, Eddie silently flopped down on the couch as he grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Since your passing, the metalhead had moved into the living room since their apartment only had one bedroom. Without you between them they saw no point in sharing anymore. Steve never said anything to contradict but he wished his friend had stayed. Even though they were never intimate in the dynamic, he would have rather shared a bed with his friend than be alone. It was just more of a reminder that you were gone. 
“Another group of men were found dead today outside of their homes, stabbed through the chest, and with nothing stolen or motive perceived from Hawkins PD. We reached out to reinstated Chief Hopper for comment but at this time none was given.”
“Something we should be worried about you think?”, Steve asked as he came up behind his friend to watch the tv.
“I mean, as long as they aren’t blaming me, I’d say no.”
“It doesn’t seem like Vecna either. No broken bones or eyes caved in—” Rising to his feet, Eddie hastily turned off the tv and reached for his jacket. “Eddie—”
“I agree. No Vecna. I’m, um, I’m going to go for a walk.”
“Is this how it’s always going to be?! Are we just going to be awkward around each other now? She wouldn’t have wanted that, Ed.”
A smooth, sarcastic laugh escaped the metalhead’s lips as he turned to face his friend. 
“Yeah? Well, I wanted her here and she’s fucking dead. We both don’t get what we want.”
“So, you’re just going to sully her memory like that?”
“Oh, fuck you, Harrington! She’s the one that ran off even though I told her not to move. She’s the one that decided to fight instead of listening to you and not being a hero. She’s the one who DIED IN MY FUCKING ARMS!” As his voice cracked, he paused to collect himself. “Y/N’s gone. She doesn’t get a say anymore.”
With that he turned on his heels and slammed the door. 
“He’s always been really hot headed hasn’t he?”, the vision of you giggles as you kick your feet against the counter. 
Steve never told anyone for fear of coming off as insane but this is how he processed you no longer being around; he pretended you weren’t gone.
“Yeah, just like you.”
“Excuse me! I was stubborn but not ‘hot headed’, jerk.”
His head hung at the word “was” as his bottom lip began to tremble. Jumping off the counter, you slide over till you were just inches from his side. Even though you weren’t really there, he swore he could smell you.
“Steve, baby, look at me. He’ll be ok… you both will.”
Shaking his head, he wiped the tears that had begun to fall but when he moved his hands away the image of you disappeared. 
“I love you, honey. I miss you so much.”
Eddie pulled his hood over his head as he powerwalked in what he thought was no particular direction. Even after being exonerated people still scowled and hurled insults his way. The ones that hurt him the most were the ones about you. 
Because they couldn’t bring your body back, it was assumed you had died with everyone else. Your family still held on to hope but in the worst way. You parents used to love him and Steve, treating them both like family but after Chrissy’s death everything shifted. They told you to stay away from him and in turn you told them to fuck off. 
Anytime they saw Eddie, they begged him to tell them where you were or where your body was so they could properly grieve. He ignored them as best he could but it killed him because he knew the truth. That’s something he and Nancy could connect on. Every time she told him about her experiences with Barb it comforted him to an extent. He hoped one day he could give them peace like her friend’s parents got. 
Stumbling over his feet, the metalhead finally took note of his surroundings realizing he had walked to Hawkins Cemetery. Sighing heavily, he gave in and let his feet continue to lead him till he was in front of your plot. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. 1986. Loving Friend, Daughter, and Girlfriend.” 
“Fucking basic shit. You were way more than that.”, he grumbled as he took a seat facing your stone. 
“I’m angry with you; so fucking angry. I told you to go up the rope but you insisted I go so I could catch you like Steve had. I should have known better. How could you do that? How could you leave us like that?!”
“I didn’t do it by choice.”, the vision of you replied in a sad but calm tone as you sat on top of your own stone. Eddie’s jaw tightened as he looked in the opposite direction. “Still ignoring me?”
“You’re not real.”
“True…but it helps Steve. At least that’s what you hope after hearing him talk out loud to me the other night. He really hates being alone, you know? He wants to talk to you but—”
“I can’t talk about you with people. Not yet.”
“Ok, then don’t talk about me. Maybe talk about D&D or Steve’s day. Anything else. Eddie, just because I’m gone doesn’t mean you two stop being friends.”
“Don’t preach to me, babe. I don’t want to hear it.”
“What do you want to hear?”
“Nothing. That’s all I ever fucking hear now. I don’t hear your stories about work or your family. I don’t hear you laughing at my jokes or your sarcasm when you’re making fun of Steve for his lack of movie knowledge. I don’t hear your fucking breath in the middle of the night when you’re sleeping or see you bite your lip when you’re thinking about something complicated. I don’t feel your fingers in my hair when I’m lying on the floor listening to music or your lips against mine. Why, Y/N? Because you’re fucking DEAD!”
The vision of you watched with sympathetic eyes as his shoulders shook and he sobbed in his hands. After a few minutes, he wiped his nose on his sleeve, finding you sitting cross legged in front of him with your knees inches from his own. 
“I don’t know how to live without you, sweetheart.”
“Eddie… I never loved anyone on this planet as much as I loved you and Steve. If it meant keeping you both safe…I would die again.”
“It was our job to protect you.”
“And you did such an amazing job.”
Shaking his head, he glanced towards a tree in the distance before turning your way to find you gone. 
“I love you, baby.”
Steve’s eyes snap open at the sound of glass breaking before quickly grabbing his bat and slowly stalking to the kitchen. 
“Jesus Christ!”
“I just go by Eddie but…” They both exasperatedly laughed as the other boy lowered his weapon. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you or anything. I just left the cemetery and I didn’t realize it was so fucking late.”
“Did, um, were you going to see her?”
He could have responded sarcastically but your words lingered in his mind. 
“Yeah… I just needed to hash some things out with her.”
“I know how you feel. Sometimes I get really angry at her to but then I get confused because I don’t know what to do with that.”
“Yeah.”, Eddie laughs as well. “Fuck, this sucks.”
As his friend nodded, a shadow on the wall caught the former jocks attention. It looked like a figure but that can’t be right because they were on the fourth floor of their complex. Just as he began to glance to find out what it was, their window shattered causing both men to fall to the ground and cover their heads. 
Steve recovered first, swiftly grabbing his bat and blocking the weapon that begun to swing down towards the metalhead. To his surprise it did stop it but as soon as he pushed the figure back, the bat cut cleanly in half. It took him a few seconds to realize the stranger in front of him was wielding a sword causing him to duck out of the way as the person continued swinging it at him. 
While trying to find something to defend himself with, he heard Eddie call his name and turned just in time to see him slide another sword his way. 
“Isn’t this fake?!”
“Please! We’re nerds! Do you think Y/N and I would buy anything fake!?”
Just as Steve unsheathed the weapon, it clinked loudly against the strangers. Both beings went toe to toe with the pretty boy surprising even himself. He got too cocky, however, lowering his guard just enough for the figure to punch his chest knocking the wind out of him as he fell to the floor. 
The armor the figure was wearing loudly tapped against each other as they stepped forwards and pointed their weapon at Steve’s throat. With wide eyes, he watched as the person took off their helmet and casually tossed it to the ground as their hair fell around their face.
The boy whined as you tilted the sharp weapon up towards his chin causing him to stretch his face out of the way. 
“My master sends his regards.”, you hiss as you step back and raise your sword. 
Before you can do anything, something hard collides with your head and you faint to the ground.
“Ok, I’m not dreaming right? Or hallucinating?”, Eddie asked as he reached for Steve’s hand to help him off the ground. 
“No, dude. At least I don’t think so…”
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joelscruff · 3 days
Just curious but what are the WIPs you have brewing up? Can’t wait to see more from you <3
i have so many WIPs at the moment 😭 my current dilemma is having all these ideas but for some reason having no brain power to actually write any of them (except for the last one on this list 👀)
feelings on fire chapter 11 & beyond - i'm in a weird place with fof at the moment. i love these two so much and i have their whole story planned out (even further than you might think) and i do plan on finishing it, but right now it's just not flowing for me. it's affecting my other writing too because i just feel this immense pressure to get it done and because of that, i tend to guilt myself out of working on anything else. it's been a struggle lmao. but i'm trying. i go into the draft whenever i have a little bit of motivation.
darkness hums (next to freeze or to thaw installment) - joel's going on the raid so you're left behind with tommy 👀 i'll get this done eventually lmao i have to be in the right mood to work on this series
beautiful stranger - this is my joel x escort!reader fic that i still feel SO passionate about but haven't finished. featuring an insecure & out of practice joel + lots and lots of joel worship. again, it'll get done, just not sure when.
pick my petals off - THIS fic has been in developmental hell for a long time lmao. dbf!joel, very very pervy and coercive who wants to sleep with you before you go away for college. huge age gap obviously, very filthy. it's actually a series so i haven't had much time to really focus on it. will i ever write it? we'll see lmao
stray animal - can't say too much about this. but. VERY dark fic. kinda fucked up. involves a glory hole. stepdad!joel. we'll see what happens lol
untitled best friend's dad!joel fic - this is my current passion project, i'll be honest. been thinking about it for a long time and would really like to start writing it soon. it's a series though so i'd like to have most - if not all - of it written before i start posting it. it takes place in jackson and you're ellie's best friend. you have a crush on joel, he doesn't see you that way. but then something happens and you end up growing closer, very slowburn. i've also been referring to it as touch starved!reader fic lol. han @swiftispunk has heard alllllllllll about it
imperfect for you - a drabble i'm writing for @janaispunk's 1500 kisses challenge!! it's joel + nose kiss 🥰 hope to have this up soon, it's kinda taken a backseat because i suddenly got inspiration to write something else.....↓
⭐is it that sweet? - this one's coming tonight most likely, so i won't say too much 👀 pervy!joel + the beach ⭐
so yeah. a lot. i mean, this doesn't even include ideas that are only living in my brain rn and not a draft, like a sequel to my boss!dave york fic and a threesome sequel to my frankie fic one of your girls, more of my boyfriend's dad!joel (believe it or not, i do intend to return to these two eventually. i miss them v much), etc. i feel like sometimes readers might think that just because an author hasn't posted for a while they maybe have lost interest in their fics/writing/fandom/etc, but it really couldn't be further from the truth lmao. i have so many ideas and i'm constantly writing things down, it's just actually turning them into fics that i've been struggling with lately. bear with me 💖 and thank you for asking!
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darylbae · 3 days
i wanna request another vampire Daryl x fem reader pretty pleaseee
I would write this myself but I do not trust my writing skills LOL. A basic summary would be a lone reader who kinda just travels around, and one night when seeking shelter from a thunderstorm she finds this guy named Daryl, barely alive, and nurses him back to health (as much as she can by feeding him rabbit and meat barely cooked per his request), before realizing that Daryl is a vampire but couldn't really care less ("There's dead people walking around and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?").
Maybe for some backstory the reader is looking for their dad (or something like that) who got taken by raiders, so she's traveling around trying to find him and killing anyone who gets in her way, so by the end Daryl and the reader make a deal that Daryl will help her, and she just has to provide the corpses.
Ofc, don't feel obligated to write this, I'm sure you get so many requests anyway 😭😭 Again, love your fics!
sweet thing — daryl dixon
in which you meet you make a deal with vamp!daryl, hoping to benefit each other
note: i hope this is what you wanted anon, and u are too kind! i am so grateful for every lovely comment i get, it really keeps me motivated to write.
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The rain was pricking at your cold skin, eyes almost closed to keep the droplets from invading your sight, and there wasn't an end in sight. You had to find him. Your dad, the only familiar sight left in this damned world, was gone. You'd sat around a fire one night, sharing a can of beans, giggling about another guess the song game you'd been playing. Then you'd woken up, and he was gone. You knew he'd been taken, it wasn't hard to realize, his stuff still surrounded you as you cried into his jacket that morning. There had been raiders on your trail for a while, it was actually a group you'd split away from a while ago. Looking to drag you back in. Why hadn't they taken you too? You wondered every day since, all thoughts leading to you feeling too useless to anyone. So now you wander, hoping to find a lead to get you back on track to finding your dad again. You'd spotted a metal panel propped between two trees, it had almost resembled a hut, and it seemed the only shelter for miles. It'll do for tonight.
You'd lost count of the days now, it all consisted of walking, stopping to eat and drink, kill walkers. Still in the same God forsaken woods that you lost your dad in. The raiders typically stayed in wooded areas, easier to conceal themselves, which was proving to be true. Leaning against the coarse bark of the tree beside you, you'd sighed deeply and readjusted the gun on your hip. Another stolen prize from the raiders which had helped you immensely in escaping. It was time to search for a place to stay. It had started raining again, however much worse than it had last time. Thunder was booming around you, the rain quick to soak your clothes and your hair becoming stuck to your skin. In the distance you could see a shed, or what looked like a small house. Your brain had squeezed onto the hope of shelter, picking up the pace as you broke free of the woods. It was, in fact, a small home. A bungalow of sorts, good enough for you for a few nights. It didn't seem occupied, but you were still cautious, so you'd equipped your blade and held it up as you breached the door. It was worn down, seemingly vacant since outbreak. But in the corner, by a fireplace, you had spotted a shadow. A moving shadow. You hadn't thought it through, you just rushed over to the person, in hopes it would have been your dad. It wasn't. But it was a man, who seemed to be on Death's door. Wheezing in and out, shivering as his coat laid over his body, ghastly pale. You'd thrown your bag off your shoulder, ripping it open to find your makeshift First Aid kit. "Hey, you still awake over there?" You asked, incredibly surprised at your confidence around a stranger. A wounded stranger. He grumbled, giving you enough confirmation to keep administering First Aid. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch."
Turns out he'd been stabbed, too weak to patch himself up. These were all just guesses, as he'd remained silent in the corner ever since you'd gotten here. However, he stayed. Even as you went out to find some dry firewood, after the rain had stopped, he was still sprawled out in the corner of the room. You'd started a fire, and sat comfortably in front of it as you let your food cook and clothes dry. "Do you have a name?" You asked, glancing over to the man. He met your eyes for one second, pulling them away from yours in the next. He remained quiet. "If we're going to inhabit the same home for a while then the least I expect is some information." You spoke, stabbing the bits of rabbit with a stick on your improvised grill made of wire and clothing hangers. "Daryl." He mumbled, taking the coat down from his face and sitting up. It was nice to see more of his face now, and strands of his hair stuck on his face. His voice was smoky, gruff, kinda hot. You hadn't thought about someone like that since before the world ended. It had just been you and your dad, except for the group of raiders you'd abandoned. You smiled into the fire, happy you were making progress. "Want some rabbit?" You offered, waving the end of the stick over at him with a cooked chunk of rabbit meat. He shook his head. "I'll find my own food." "Come on," you huffed, "eat some damn food. You need it if you want to heal." "I like it rare." "How rare?" You asked, ready to chuck some more on the grill. "Not touched the fire kinda rare." You grimaced, gesturing towards the cut up meat on the floor next to you. He leaned forward, wincing as he held his stitches, and stole a few pieces for himself. It didn't satisfy him like you probably would, but this was unbeknownst to you, he had to sit in the corner and control himself. You'd been nice enough to keep him alive, so he owed you that much. "So why do you eat raw meat? Won't you get sick from that?" You questioned, done with your food for the night and just using the fire for warmth. He shook his head. Guess that was too far. Silence lay heavily on the pair of you, Daryl too interested in a crack on the wall, and you watching the flames dance in front of you. It was you making all the conversation, so you had assumed that was it for the night. You'd climbed onto the couch, laying as comfortably as you could, and closing your eyes, hoping to have a dreamless night. "Ya won't believe me. You'll run." You heard, and you'd sat up, facing Daryl who was now sat up, arms resting on his knees with his head dipped down slightly. "Why?" You asked. "Why would I run?" Daryl paused. He didn't want to be alone again. As new as you were to his life, he liked company above all else. Even if you were pushy. "I prefer humans." "You're a cannibal?" You shivered, sat up properly now, ready to make a run for it. "NO." Daryl answered, "well, kinda." "Vampire?" You asked. Judging by his silence, you were right. And it shocked you how... normal you were about it. "Okay." You laid back down, clothes still damp and uncomfortable. But sleep was catching up quick. "Ya ain't gonna run?" He asked, and there was a hint of innocence you could hear. Like a child that had been walked out on one too many times. "No," you answered, still laid down but eyes open and looking at him, "the world has ended, the dead are alive, and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?" "Myth." You smiled, happy to close your eyes again. "You gonna suck my blood?" He wanted to, so bad. He wanted to taste that sweet blood pumping around that pretty body. "No. Don't wanna hurt ya." Your heart quickened, and you were embarrassed how much of an effect this stranger was having on you. You needed some action. Bad.
The fire was out when you'd woken up, and the man in the corner, Daryl, was gone. You lifted your head, noticing the coat that had once covered him, was now covering you. Your cheeks tinged pink at the sentiment, as you'd sat up fully now, still keeping the coat nicely snug around you. He hadn't left, surely? You'd made your way outside, the heavy thud of your boots alerting him of your presence, as you'd found him on the porch smoking. "So you can still smoke, huh?" You asked, sitting down next to him and observing his demeanor. Even the way he moved was hot. "Same as you are, just different diet." "Guess that answers my question of how you're in the sunlight." You giggled, and you could almost see a smirk threatening to show on his face. "Want your coat back?" "Nah," he croaked, mid-inhale, "looks better on ya." You couldn't quite believe your life had come to flirting with a vampire in the apocalypse. "Going somewhere?" He asked, and he was a lot more talkative than yesterday. You shook your head. "All I've done is wander the woods for God only knows how long, I plan on staying for a while." Daryl knew it was a topic for another night. So he stayed silent. "Gonna find some dinner. Stay inside." He instructed, standing up and stubbing the end of his smoke. You nodded your head at him, planning on making this home a bit more homely.
Daryl had been gone a while, and you'd cleaned up the place a bit. Making it look not-so-run-down. And you'd even found a book, to accompany you as you waited on dinner. He'd returned back after sunset, having been gone all day. And you were becoming ravenously hungry. "Took you a while." You commented, slamming the book closed and getting up to get the fire lit. "Yeah, sorry," he grumbled, "see ya kept ya'self busy." He looked around at the space you were sharing, seeing it didn't look nearly as bad as it did when he found it. You had only just looked up at him, seeing a sleeveless shirt and being more interested in that than the deer slung around his neck. His toned arms, patches of blood and debris from hunting all day, it was enough to drive you mad. "Hey," he clicked at you, and you felt shameful, "eyes are up here." He joked, and you smiled awkwardly at him. "Ready to eat?"
You'd eaten a good amount of meat, both of you now sharing the couch. Shoulders touching, thighs touching, your heart was beating loudly in your ears. "What's got ya out here?" He asked, his gruff voice sending goosebumps up your arms. But the question was something you didn't know if you were ready to share the answer to. But Daryl could help, he could get you closer to him. Finding your dad again was all that matters. "It's been me and my dad for the longest time. We'd met up with a group of raiders a while ago, who did things we just weren't okay with, so we up and left in the middle of the night." You sighed, heart aching for your dad and wherever he was. "They've been hunting us since. And we settled down one night, and when I woke up, he was gone. Taken. I've been trying to find him ever since." Daryl's hand found your thigh, and you almost jumped at the contact. "I'm sorry." He offered his condolences, and the feeling of his hand on your leg was starting to catch fire. "Not your fault, unless you were a raider." You turned to him, and he shook his head, that smirk appearing once more. "What's your plan next?" "I'm not sure, I just needed shelter for a few nights so I could conjure a plan, until I found you." You admitted, a sweet smile upon your lips and you looked at him. Friendships tended to form a lot faster in the apocalypse, but you weren't sure what this was. Daryl was silent for a moment. "You given up?" "No. Never." "Well let's look for him, together." He suggested. "I'll rip through that whole group if I have to." "You'd help me?" You asked in disbelief. "I like ya company," he confessed, like a dirty truth, "wanna keep ya around. Gotta help each other out." You were beaming on the inside, if this wasn't confirmation of a friendship, then you didn't know what was. "What do I do for you?" Daryl looked at you, your sweet, innocent features, eyes full of curiosity and hope. You'd seen things, but you were truly broken yet. "Help me find bodies, people, not worthy of life, and I'll help ya find ya dad." He demanded, but his voice was low. You found yourselves inching closer together, and Daryl's thumb delicately dragged over your cheekbone. "Sweet thing. I'll help ya."
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yanderepalace · 2 days
Yandere!Michael Myers (1978) Sweets Prompts
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warnings: violence, stalking
a/n: hi everyone :,) been a while. hope you enjoy!
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♥ KitKat - What do they do to break their Darling?
With Myers always on your tail, you constantly find yourself surrounded by death and violence wherever you go, talking to someone and wondering if this is the last chance you’ll ever see them before he gets to them. If that doesn’t break you all on its own, I don’t know what will.
♥ Mochi - Do they believe in punishing their Darling?
Maybe not you specifically, but Michael does take it out on those around you.. friends, family, strangers. As psychologically distressing as this can be, it might as well be a punishment for you.
♥ Daifuku - Are they predictable for their Darling, or are they able to surprise them with their behavior even after a long time?
This is a very obvious yes; not even the best doctors in the state could get a single glimpse into his mind or motivations, so you don’t have much of a chance. You might as well just hold on for the ride!
♥ Dango - Do they prefer manipulation over a long time, or quick actions?
Quick actions is Myers forte! He’s all about stabs and grabs, baby!
♥ Dorayaki - Any regrets when they look at their Darling, or do they stay focused on their obsession?
He will rarely regret any of his actions. He's very calculated and if he acted out on it, he already knew what he wanted.
♥ Omiyage - Would they consider bribing their Darling into the shape they envision?
Considering how he doesn’t really talk much, there won’t be much “bribing” going on between you two.
♥ Taiyaki - How fast are their intentions revealed to their Darling?
Honestly, to this very day, you have no idea what he really wants with you; all you know is that he’s in your life now.. or at least what’s left of it.
♥ Poki - Would they be more of a one darling-kind of yandere or want/need many at the same time?
The first time he set his eyes on you, he knew he’d never think of someone the same way again— it's either you or nobody.
♥ Warabimochi - What kind of yandere are they? Do they have some sub-types they fit into?
Michael Myers would be your personal stalker for at least a while before he ever came close. Other categories he could fall into are obsessive, and delusional type.
♥ Senbei - How willing are they do share their Darling with someone?
He would take out any rivals before they even thought about it.
♥ Candy Kits - Do they want/plan to build a normal future with their Darling?
Somewhere deep in his twisted mind, he envisions a normal-ish future (to him at least). He thinks about his mom and dad, or even Judy and her boyfriend, and sees you two becoming a couple like them eventually.
♥ Matcha Infused Sweets - Do they forgive escape attempts and ‘tantrums’ or do they stay bitter about it?
He doesn’t feel any particular way. He just sees it as a silly thing you do and just drags you back like it’s the most normal thing.
♥ Manjuu - What matters most to them in their mind when they obsess over their Darling? Love, Protection, Possession?
Not even he knows entirely, maybe it’s love, or maybe his love is possession. All he knows is that it feels good to look at you, to feel you, to have you.
And he’s not letting that get away from him.
a/n: sorry for the super long hiatus but I miss writing so much so here I am! I might make a little post explaining a bit about why I left and the future of this blog. If you’re reading this right now, I really appreciate you for still being here <3
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ihhfhonao3 · 2 days
I have been re-reading your Apollo epilepsy fic over and over so many times, I was wondering if you could write another one where Apollo has a minor seizure at work, but Trucy freaks out and calls klavier?
Hello again, and thanks so much for requesting! I mentioned it in another req but I do apologize for this one taking so long, all my motivation went out the window like mid-may so now is the time that I'm finally able to clean our and answer some stuff people have asked for.
That said, I hope you enjoy, per usual it's under the cut!
Apollo had been having a rough and stressful week at the agency, and Trucy could definitely tell. Apollo wasn’t always too hard to read when it came to his emotions- even though he tried his hardest not to complain (or at least, tried his hardest not to complain to Trucy. Complaining to his boyfriend Klavier was a whole other story), his consistent audible sighs and random, out-of-the-blue groans made things a little more obvious to discern. Trucy didn’t really blame Apollo for bitching, however- while his current case wasn’t too difficult or confusing (as Apollo had claimed), the witnesses and defendant were incredibly annoying and difficult to work with. From what Trucy saw, one of the key witnesses was an extremely rude man who talked down to Apollo during his investigations. On top of that, the defendant was a little bit of a blabbermouth. Trucy was sure that Apollo was afraid that she would overshare in court and ruin his case for her.
All of this combined only made all the more sense when Apollo leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, mumbling to himself under his breath. Trucy was doing her homework on the couch at the moment and she chuckled a little when she looked over at him. This wasn’t a particularly unnatural reaction for Apollo, in all honesty. Whilst he did undoubtedly love his job, that didn’t mean that there weren’t points where he probably considered going on an extended leave of absence. And from the stories that her dad had told her about his younger years as a rookie attorney, Trucy knew that Apollo wasn’t the only one who had thought about throwing in the towel before. She was even beginning to observe this phenomenon with Athena as well, and she was still just a trainee.
Trucy got back to her homework just as Apollo leaned back forward to continue what he was previously doing. Apollo let out a long and sad sigh as he resumed staring at his computer. At the moment, Apollo and Trucy were the only two people in the agency. Athena had headed out early for the night and Phoenix had already retired to the second floor of the agency (where his and Trucy’s apartment resided) so he could go to sleep, telling Apollo to ensure that he did not let his daughter stay up too late into the night. Apollo agreed, albeit grudgingly.
Trucy squinted as she tried to analyze a particularly convoluted math word problem. Goodness gracious, who in the world needs this many watermelons? She thought as she re-read it. Trucy set her work down in a huff. Time for a break. The seventh break of the night, but really, who was counting?
Trucy leaned forwards on the couch and let her eyes wander for a moment. She looked at Charley sitting in the corner, she looked at the peculiar stain on the coffee table, she looked at her various props in the back, she looked at Apollo who was continuing to mutter to himself. Apollo didn’t notice that Trucy was not working, since he was so absorbed in his work. He was hunched over at his desk, staring angrily at the case papers as he scribbled something much too quickly on a notepad. He seemed completely and totally consumed by what he was doing, thinking about nothing other than the task he had at hand. Trucy couldn’t tell if this was due to pure determination or pure stress.
Apollo groaned again. Well, stress was the answer then.
“Alright there, Polly?” Trucy asked. “Do you want me to get you anything? Coffee, maybe?”
“‘M fine,” Apollo muttered. “Do your homework. Don't get distracted.”
Trucy shrugged and looked back at her assignment. No matter how hard she tried, though, she just couldn’t bring herself to focus on it. At one point, she did notice that she was making a little bit of a dent in her work, but almost immediately afterwards she got distracted again. Not by a truck passing by or a dog barking, but this time she was actually distracted by Apollo.
He kept groaning and mumbling repeatedly in obnoxiously loud volumes, until at one point, he sat almost completely still and started to stare into space. For some reason, this scared Trucy- Apollo wasn’t typically one to zone out, especially when he was working so hard. Something must be wrong.
“Are you alright there Polly?” Trucy asked. There was no response.
“Polly? Hey, Polly!” Trucy tried to get Apollo’s attention, but he was still completely unresponsive.
Trucy then noticed something. Apollo’s arm was shaking slightly at his side.
Trucy began to panic. She couldn’t believe how she could have forgotten.
Trucy had forgotten that Apollo had epilepsy.
Quickly, she got up from her spot on the couch and grabbed Apollo’s phone from his desk. She opened the emergency call keypad and punched in the number that she had memorized by heart the minute she started listening to Guilty Love.
“Hase, my dear, what did I tell you about staying up so late all of the time?” Klavier Gavin’s voice came from the phone, smooth and gentle. “You need to work on having-”
“Klavier!” Trucy shouted. “Something’s wrong with Polly! I think he’s having a seizure!”
Trucy heard Klavier let out a small gasp from the other end.
“Fräulein, how long has it been since it started?” Klavier asked.
“About a minute or so I think,” Trucy said.
“Got it. I’m setting up a timer for him right now,” Klavier said. “Now, I am going to give you a couple of instructions. Please do exactly as I say.”
Trucy nodded. “Go ahead.”
“Okay,” Klavier said. “Now, I want you to stand in front of him for the duration of the seizure. This is to make sure that he doesn’t fall. Keep a hand in front of his chest just in case. You with me?”
“Completely,” Trucy said. She put a hand in front of Apollo, a couple inches away from his chest.
“Gut.” Klavier said. “Now, don’t touch him or move his body, but if you need to, inch his chair away from his desk so he doesn’t knock into it while having muscle spasms. When he’s in a clear, safe spot, lock the wheels on his chair.”
Trucy put the phone on speaker as Klavier gave further instructions, doing as he told her and gently rolling Apollo away from his desk.
It may not have seemed like it, but Trucy was deeply afraid and nervous. What if she messed something up? What if Apollo got hurt and it was all her fault because she couldn’t follow simple directions? What if-
“It’s been nearly four minutes,” Klavier said suddenly. “You may want to prepare to call an ambulance.” He sounded ever so slightly distraught.
Trucy started to breathe deep to calm herself down, but just as it seemed that the paramedics would have to be summoned to the agency in the middle of the night, Apollo’s arm started to slow down its shaking and he didn’t look so spacey anymore.
“Klavier, I think it’s over!” Trucy said happily.  “He’s coming back, his arm isn’t shaking anymore!”
“Oh thank goodness,” Klavier said, sighing. “That was a longer one. I’m just glad that it didn’t cross the medical threshold.”
“Truce?” Apollo mumbled, clearly disoriented. “What happened?”
“You had a seizure,” Trucy said. “Klavier helped me keep you safe.”
Apollo smiled a little weakly. He was clearly still tired. 
“I’m proud of you for doing that, Truce. And thank goodness you picked up, right Klav?” Apollo said.
“You know I always do when it’s you who’s calling,” Klavier said. Trucy could practically hear his grin.
“Okay, alright, enough,” Apollo said. He started to slowly get up from his chair, and Trucy helped anchor him as he stood up to prevent him from toppling over. Apollo then grabbed his phone and turned it off speaker mode.
“I love you,” Apollo said into the phone’s microphone. Trucy could hear a happy shout from Klavier before Apollo hung up on him.
“Polly, you can’t overwork yourself like this,” Trucy said. “You’re stressing too hard and it’s clearly causing you some problems.”
Apollo chuckled and slowly made an exaggerated bow. “Aye aye, captain. I shall make my leave now and treat myself to a good night’s rest, per your order m’lady.”
“You better!” laughed Trucy. “But I’m serious. Don’t work yourself to the bone. Daddy knows about your condition and I think he’d rather have an unfinished case than you in the emergency room.
“Alright, alright,” Apollo said. “I’ll try and do better to not do things that can hurt me, like being a workaholic and not eating. Since I know it matters to you.”
“Who does it not matter to, Polly?” Trucy asked. “That’s a weird thing to say!”
“But really, I mean it when I say thank you,” Apollo said, straightening up. “So much can go wrong when people with epilepsy aren’t properly taken care of during a seizure. So good job for thinking on your feet and reacting accordingly. You probably… you probably just saved my life there.”
Trucy blushed and grinned broadly. “Don’t flatter me, Polly! You just go home already!”
Apollo saluted and bid good night as he exited the agency.
And he did end up following orders, going to bed as soon as he got back home.
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daydadahlias · 2 years
hey jess!!! before i ask, pls know this is an absolute no pressure question bc i am naught but a faceless collection of 1s and 0s on your device, and i am in no way entitled to your time nor labour,,,
are you still writing bite marks or have you gone off it?
(reminder: this praise is not intended to guilt you) i love the concept of that fic and though my imagination is great it's got nothing on the way you write!!
all love and hope your day features many fluffy cows
hi anon!! welcome welcome to the inbox. i will say, I very much appreciate the tone of this ask, it's very sweet!! I appreciate it a lot <3
as for BM, yeah I'm still writing it!! I know it's been a long time since the last update and I am sorry abt that! I just keep getting side tracked along the way. If you want some behind the scenes info on Jess Fics, I have a little "schedule" of sorts I've made for myself this year and this month is a Busy fic month for me. So I've been prioritizing other stuff before BM. But that doesn't mean I've completely forgotten about it! It just means she's been left on the back burner longer than I would have liked.
I appreciate the praise!! And I would also love to know what your imagination is filling in if you ever want to tell me <3
Thank you very much for asking and being so polite! I hope I can give you an update soon.
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solradguy · 1 year
The weather needs to stop being cold and cloudy and stupid and miserable so my brain gets back out of fart stink hibernation seasonal affective disorder bastard mode. I gotta draw Sol Badguy but my motivation is directly tied to how much the sun's been out like I'm some kinda sunflower solar panel
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code01746 · 3 months
part of me is like "i'm neglecting my boy!" but also, between talking to rabbit at length about our various takes on this guy and also writing something completely different offline that's rosinante-centric, technically i'm not.
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Self shipping is always the morally correct thing to do
#Listen to my problems#sometimes self shipping includes the slow and painful process of getting killed over amd over by your f/o thats okay youll get him#eventually. orrr herrrrr (motivational speaker voice).#let me think hm theres been three guys ive loved enough to be this crazy over. self shipping is always correct#if youre not self shipping thats okay but if you want to you should you should draw yourself vivisecting him while hes squealin and giggling#you should write about the two of you biting eavh other until you hit bone you should literally kill him with a knife and them cry over the#body and then bring him back to life and do it again just so you can cry over the body again#you have to grip him by the shoulders and spit in his fave and use all the things he trusted you with against him and you have to make him#hate you you have to make him unable to forgive you then you have to make him forgive you then you have to apologise to him#and then. ohh and then you hit him with all that shit again but make sure you quick save before that because he might not forgive you again#you need to make him swallow pennies before getting into the mri machine and you need yo tell him that itll be okay smd you both know hes#going to explode but he does it anyway because he knows youre going to bring him back and he fucking loves it he wants to do it#oh he doesnt just love it hes addicted to it he wants it to happen and youll make it happen for him youll force it to happen even if hes#begging you not to do it again you can make him do anything you want. you can make him hate you if you want. if thats what he likes. you can#do it for him and you can do it for yourself and you can do it even if you both dont want it to happen you can make him get on his knees and#beg and then you can do it anyway and you can make him so angry that he hurts you right back and you can let him end it and after that you#can do it all over again if you really wanted to ... anyway you self ship to scratch an itch i self ship to scratch an itch everybody wants#different things out of the fiction they consume .. we should get more character reacts when you say youre pregnant but kiryu would be like#um. (blushes) wait is it mine ? <- and you can tell him anything and he’d have to believe it#god i need to go to bed ... wish i was playing yakuza rn ......
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lliminall · 2 years
Okay so like this is burning question that's been on the back my mind and honestly I love adding more fuel to the yandere feitan brainrot LMAO but like what would be darling's day to day be like after they've been with feitan for a while? Would he expect them to do chores (cooking, cleaning) that sort of thing, accompany him when he has to go on phantom troupe business? Like how tight is his leash, assuming darling has been good. Also I hope I'm not being annoying with all these asks 👉👈
you’re not a bother at all!! I love getting questions lol they give me much to think about
I think, once you’d earned the privilege of wandering around the house as you please, feitan would want you to keep the house clean and even cook meals occasionally. the gag is he would never come out and tell you this, he would just expect you to pick up on it yourself but get mad at you if you didn’t catch on fast enough 🙃 in his mind you should just know to make yourself useful
once you’d reached this point he would also have started giving you things to do in your spare time. generic things like books and movies, but also objects pertaining to past hobbies that he knows you enjoyed. once the initial excitement of snatching you has faded and he’s getting bored with keeping you constantly terrified, I think he would want you to return to your normal behavior, to some extent. the way you acted before he took you, the things that initially caught his attention. he may even get frustrated if you’re unable to reel yourself back in after his initial treatment of you. like damn, he locks you in a dog cage for one week and now you can’t stop looking at him like he’s hannibal lecter? he already let you out AND gave you a mattress on the floor to sleep with instead of concrete, show some gratitude ffs 🙄🤚
I cannot imagine feitan ever bringing his darling with him on troupe business tbh. for one, he does NOT want anyone (mainly phinks and shalnark) to have any sort of material to tease him with, but also like the man just wants some me time occasionally you know? troupe biz is for the boys and the boys ONLY (and machi and pakunoda and shizuku but u get it)
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gamebunny-advance · 8 months
I forgot it was October (10).
I should have held onto that drawing until 10/10, cus now I'm not gonna have anything for it.
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crossbackpoke-check · 10 months
Okay so this is gonna sound very unhinged
But the screenshot you posted of the doc for Omega Yamo had text
And I may have zoomed in and been able to decipher the words
And I’m obsessed with there being more than one Alpha in that scenario
And I think you’re a genius and I love your writing even though I probably wasn’t supposed to be able to read it
Again I’m sorry for being so insane but I couldn’t help it 🙃
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SCREAMINGGGG anon i am in love with you. i appreciate the level of unhinged sooo much, the only thing you have to be sorry for is inflating my ego to an enormous size
howmstever!!! i may have tricked you!!! there are actually two omega yamo fics in the works 🤐🤫 they just happen to exist in the same document right now because ??? why not
#until one of them gets enough words to kick the other out they will coexist peacefully &i will hop between them sooo chaotic &unproductively#i keep typing things and then redacting them about the other omega yamo fic for literally no reason like. i’m telling you about it??#it’s not gonna be a surprise??? but for clarity’s sake they are not related to each other/in the same universe#and yes one of them does have multiple alphas 🤭#both fics are incredibly self-indulgent (and by extension incredibly For Y’all in my inbox) like it is just y’all 🤝 me 🤝 omega yamo#also to the other yamo/nuge anon please do not fret i see your message!! it is in my inbox!!! i just have been keeping it there#so that i can look at it because it makes me happy and also is very good motivation 🥺🥰😭#do i have a tag for omega yamo??? do i need a tag for omega yamo???? at this point probably yes#liv in the replies#i am being soooooo normal in this message and i feel like i should tell you that irl when i read this each paragraph was my jaw dropping#and then i sat there and 💕🥰🦋💗 <- shrieking for like. five minutes while trying to type. what an honor#the!!! highest!!! compliment!!!!#once again reiterating though i am so slow at writing 😭 however!! i am planning to wrap up with apps & coursework next week#& if i don’t pick up an insane amount of shifts in the four days between moves i want to write sooo much. in so many different documents 🫡#bro ALSO??? i just went to the screenshot to see what you could’ve read out from the ask and do you got eagle eyes or a magnifying glass or#how tf did you read that. what witchcraft did you work to make my blurry ass picture readable zoomed in &can i have it bc i’m using this now
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noxtivagus · 2 years
nah fuck
#delete later#when i said i was okay i genuinely was fine save for the physical pain but#how quick words that were once truths turn into lies huh?#ah fuck i want to block out the whole world. i want to destroy it all. it's all so fucking worthless#maybe hormones r just fucking me up rn n i'm just emotional but#no bcs i was doing emotionally decent earlier but i just rmbered smth n i feel like crying again#i want to disappear i want to hide i want to say goodnight#stupid mood swings . n i rmber again abt all the things i have to do rn & i want to focus on myself n my work but#it's september rn right?#two years ago i think i was in a similar predicament where i was drifting from both reality and fiction. from my life in general#distancing myself from others. stuck in that oblivion#i don't know why i've been more keenly remembering 2 years ago recently.#nah actually it's probably bcs they were the friend grp i had back then that i cld really share n be myself freely#but they knew the good n bad of me. ultimately decided to let me go in one of the darkest times of my life#which damaged me for a while bcs i struggled believing i was deserving of better but i ultimately became my own best friend#but that time in general was. a time where i was alone. deep in my passions. idling my time#a bit empty a bit lost. not exactly sure what i was doing in my life but i was content being alone before i realized how nice it was to#share yourself. if i wasn't alone then i'd love that again but in times where i'm tired n drained i just make even more failures#n i'm not sure how to face the ppl i care for when i'm dealing w the guilt of not doing more of what i could be capable of in a moment#from cringe tumblr stuff to irl problems. they supported my writing in a time where it was hard for me to have consistent inspo/motiv#nah every year i swear i meet new people n the story repeats. different ppl different chapters but same trope#last year with ffxiv. mostly the only ppl i talked w for the year ever since joining that fc in june. n to october i barely talked w others#this year i've been more attuned to my reality but i think i've been slowly losing sight of a part of myself that was strong#when i was alone. but i'm afraid that i'll experience that emptiness again from late 2020 to early 2021#video games in general & ffxiv specifically helped fill that emptiness. it healed me.#i don't rmber much in those months other than ffxiv bcs i was still numb from smth unexpected that happened in earlier months#april i was stuck in the free trial n though i was enjoying myself i rmber feeling so lost n falling behind. finally buying on sale saved m#i'm too tired to think abt the present or future rn but that feels like a failure on my behalf n i can't rest#but then it also just still hurts. the same things. my friends are closer with others. when have i ever been the first choice?#everyone's special though. i'll keep on being myself then surely what is meant to happen will fall in time
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mattodore · 1 year
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new song just dropped for matthias's playlist
#river dipping#playlist#matthias core#a burning house to live in#echthroi#questionnaire lb#😂🔫🔫🔫#listening to my discover weekly while working on matthias's questionnaire and this started playing.... i felt Violent#hello hello hello............ YES i'm still writing in my free time and YES i feel insane over how long this is taking me to get done#but at least it's the weekend now so i have proper free time to just write without having other things get in the way#if i keep writing at the pace i'm currently writing at then i think i'll at least finish matthias's by tomorrow...#well so long as i don't let myself get distracted like i did yesterday when i watched jerma stream for five hours...... jkdfhdnkfnhkj#ummmm but matthias's questionnaire is currently over 3k long (just the answers... the questions themselves are also like 2k lmao)#i feel like i should be further along in these questionnaires but ig having to actually sit there and think out the motives and reasons#behind each answer has taken the most time... like i just have to sit with each question for awhile#and in theo's case there's so much i could extrapolate on but have to stop myself from bc i never want to explicitly go into certain#aspects of his backstory but if you see it and you understand it then..... well then you get it.#so when i'm answering some of his questions i've had to kind of toe this line of saying things without really saying them explicitly#i think i've learned a lot abt storytelling from succession in that regard jkfdkhjnghk YES the succ posting will never stop what can i say#but i've been at this so long now that i'm giving myself a few hours of a break.... meaning it's time to catch up 😌☝️#checking my activity feed first then it's onto legacies i'm attached to then my beloved mutuals#i'm fr setting a timer i'm only giving myself two hours on tumblr that's IT then it's back to google docs!!!
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yunhohours · 1 year
all of my masterlists have been given makeovers to match my theme coloring <33
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