#which makes me be like HAHA GOTCHA at myself
narutomaki · 1 year
convinced myself I'm a cop. incredible.
0 notes
myhaikyuuacademia · 1 month
Totally Fake | Ant Vaughn x reader (Heartbreak High) ||
This is officially a series haha, trying to make it slowburn-ish but let's see if i can hold myself back
Fake dating, fem!reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Thankfully you had managed to get Ant’s number by Friday, not so thankfully you spent all day chatting with him about stupid, irrelevant stuff and Not about what your gameplan was going to be. And if, IF, you were actually going to the party later this evening, he’d probably be too wasted to talk about it anyway.  Which means SLUTS was the last chance you had with him still sober and not hungover. Except you had no idea how to go about it, especially without drawing the attention of your friends who had been watching you like hawks all week. You were the first one in the classroom, anxiously ripping your notebook paper into tiny shreds while thinking about all the logistics. You didn’t get very far when you sensed someone sitting down next to you. “What did the poor paper do to deserve that?” Ant asked amusedly. “Wrong place, wrong time.” You grimaced and shrugged, immediately stopping and throwing all the paper shreds into your pencil case. “Oh no, don’t stop because of me, I’m sure it deserved it.” He joked before settling in his seat. “You don’t wanna sit next to your friends?” You asked, with a nod to the table they usually sat at. “Nah, I’d rather sit with my girlfriend.” He said casually. You didn’t feel very casual as you choked on your spit. God how embarrassing. It took you a minute to calm down, Ant worriedly asking if you were okay, and offering you some of his water, which you declined with a hand gesture as you were starting to calm down.  “Sorry, sorry, I’m fine.” You coughed out. “Actually, that’s what I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” He looked at you, almost disappointed, “You’re backing out?” He assumed. “What? No!” You hurried to say. “I wanted to talk about lining up our stories and everything, ground rules and stuff, you know?” Relief flooded his face, “Ah, okay gotcha!” He seemed much happier. The class was slowly filling up and you were dreading the moment your friends would enter. “Well I already told pretty much everyone that you’re my girlfriend.” He added, catching you completely offguard as you watched the doorway waiting for the inevitable arrival of your friends. “Oh.” Surprised you turned your head to look at him. “Okay.” You added after a second. “What about your mom?”
“Nah, not her yet. But like, Spider and Dusty.” He clarified. Your face felt warm. “Did you tell them it was fake too?” You leaned in closer to whisper it, now that the class was almost full. “No.” He grinned at you conspiringly. You grinned back at him, his answer, and the way he looked at you, making your whole body tingle. “Oh. My. God.” Darrens dramatic voice came from opposite the table. “You two totally ARE together.” Amerie beside them looked satisfied with herself, while Quinni stimmed excitedly, jumping up and down and clapping her hands. They sat down at your table while Ant put an arm around your shoulder, “Yeah, so what?” He asked. Your face was burning, as was the parts where his arm touched you. Darrens mouth wide agape, while Quinni looked just as excited as before. “Oh my god, y/n, that’s so cute!! Congrats!” She said, happily, but after a second she looked a little less happy and a little more confused. Disappointed, even. “But why didn’t you tell us?” She asked. “Thrill of a secret relationship I bet.” Amerie added, feeling much cooler than she actually was. “But really, him?” Darren pointed at Ant. Wow rude. Your brows furrowed and you leaned into the boy next to you a little more without noticing. “What do you mean? You don’t think he's cute?” Trying to paddle back Darren stuttered out something a long the lines of, “No, that’s not what I mean, I just, I didn’t think he was your type is all.” “well, to be fair, we never knew what her type was.” Quinni added. “She never told us who she was crushing on, or what she liked in a guy, or girl.” You nodded, she was telling the truth, you usually kept things like that to yourself. “Well, I for one, am happy for you two, though I totally didn’t get any vibes when I was asking for a slap band earlier this week.” Amerie said, crossing her arms. She sounded accusing, like she was about to interrogate the two of you, when thankfully Miss Obah asked everyone to pay attention and started class. Ant didn’t take his arm off your shoulder the whole time.
When he finally did, after class ended, you couldn’t suppress your pout. Logically, you understood it was so both of you could pack your things, but this whole thing didn’t feel very logical, no matter how hard you tried. So instead, once both of you had finished, you grabbed his hand and threaded your fingers with his. Still slightly pouting. He looked down at you and laughed, “What now?” “I think she’s upset you took your arm off of her.” Darren, eagle-eyed gossip lover they are, supplied. “Oh, really?” Ant seemed surprised and looked at you for confirmation. “Yeah, kinda.” You mumbled embarrassed, avoiding his gaze. He chuckled before leaning in close and whispering in your ear. “I’ll touch you all you want at the party later.” Your face was beet red. “Ant!” You whisper shouted, scandalized and wide-eyed. He just tugged you along with him, towards the school exit. “They’re so cute together.” You overheard Quinni say to Amerie and Darren behind you. “Something’s fishy.” Both of them replied in unison. You ignored it, keeping going with Ant. “What now?” You asked once outside the school gate, still holding his hand. Refusing to be the one to let go, actually. “Well, I have some time before the party starts, which, you totally are going to right?” He asked in such a way that you felt a no would break his heart, so you just nodded. How come you are immune to peer-pressure when it was your friends but not when it was the guy you’ve been fake-dating for less than a week. “Great! Well, wanna hang out until then?” You smiled. “Sure!! Oh, we can talk about the logistics of it all, like when did we even start dating and what church do I go to? Or is that even something that’s important to your mother?” You dragged him along, totally rambling at this point about all the different things you had to decide on for the story to be foolproof. When you turned to look at him, waiting for him to say something, you noticed the way he was smiling at you. “Oh, what? Am I overthinking?” You questioned out loud. “No, no, it’s fine. I just don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk that much.” He still looked at you in a way you had trouble deciphering. “Oh. Well, I guess I don’t talk a lot. Usually. But also we haven’t really spoken before this week so…” You trailed off. “Hmmh, yeah, but we’ve been in the same year for a while now.” He said, before turning back to look at the way ahead. “You usually only talk when spoken to.” Oh. He had noticed that? He had noticed you? Before you ever talked to him? “Oh, um. I guess that’s right.” You squeezed his hand subconsciously. “I like hearing you talk.” He squeezed your hand back. “Plus, you’re so smart, I wouldn’t have thought about half of the things you mentioned. Maybe we should write it all down.” You nodded. “Yeah, good idea.”
“Woah, your room is awesome.”  Ant was currently walking through your room looking at all the little trinkets that were… everywhere frankly. Picking them up and putting them down again. “Haha, thanks.” You sat on the edge of your bed, not knowing what to do with yourself as you watched him. “Woah, you like Marvel?” He seemed genuinely surprised. “Uh yeah, I love it.” You laughed. He put the action figure down and turned around, very serious all of a sudden. “This calls for a movie night.” He explained. You grinned. “Sure, I’m always up for a movie.. But let’s talk business first.” You scooched to the side and patted the spot next to you. He groaned dramatically and walked over before sitting down. “Why does this feel like homework all of a sudden.” Your face scrunched up at that. “Sorry. But this is just so our story doesn’t fall apart.” He turned to look at you, head hanging to the side. “You really think it’s necessary?” “Well. Yeah.” You reply. “What if your mom asks us how we met, our what our first date was, and we say different things. Better to be prepared.” He pouts playfully, “Well, fine I guess.” In the end you agree on simple things, you met at school, duh, and worked a project together, after which you became friends, before Ant asked you on a date to the diner, and then a second date to the movies, before asking you to be his girlfriend. Easy enough. He said it was okay not to go to church as long as you were still acting Christian enough in front of his mom. Whatever that means. The reason he was only introducing you now was because you could disprove what was written on the map. You were scared of meeting his parents, so it had taken you a while to gather the courage, and he wanted to be sure before bringing a girlfriend home. Easy. Plausible. Good story. Boring, but believable. In the end you wrote it all down, twice, one copy for you and one for him, just in case you needed it. “Can we finally watch a movie?” He whined as you gave him his paper. “I don’t know, the party is soon, and I don’t know about you, but I definitely have to get ready. You think we can manage to squeeze a movie in?” He nodded, completely convinced. “How long can it take to get ready.” Not believing this was an issue. “Oh buddy…If only you knew.” You patted his shoulder before getting your remote and turning on the tv. It was difficult, at first, to concentrate on the movie, when he was so close and warm, shoulder against shoulder, and legs touching. Your body felt on fire. After a while he wrapped his arm around you too, pulling you ever so slightly closer, if that was even possible.
“Oh! I love this part.” He pointed towards the screen with the hand not resting on your hip. “What? No way, that’s my favorite part.” You looked up at him excitedly. “No way!” He turned to look at you too. You nodded emphatically. “You’re so cool.” He gave you a squeeze. He turned back towards the screen, and you did too, after staring at him for a little while longer. In the end, he ended up staying, watching you get ready, since there was no time for him to go home before Dusty’s band performed. “Whoa, wait, what is that?” You were about to put on your fake lashes, putting glue on the strip when Ant’s head popped up next to you, dangerously close to poking your lash with his finger. “My fake lashes.” You explained. “Your lashes are fake?” He turned to you, staring intensely into your eyes, inspecting your lashes. “No, well yes, sometimes. I have real lashes. The one you’re looking at right now.” You laughed. “But sometimes I put on fake lashes, which looks kinda-“ You  leaned towards the mirror to put your lashes on. “like this.” You said, leaning back to show him. “Oh my god that’s crazy.” He breathed out, totally stunned, which made you laugh even harder. After that he stayed next to you, watching you apply your makeup closely. “Hmmm..” You pursed your lips as you put the last thing in place. “I think that’s it.” You concluded.  Before you could even turn to the side to face him, his voice piped up as he asked: “Can you put some on me?” The request came unexpectedly, but you happily obliged. You opted for some chrome glimmery dark blue green ish, you didn’t really know how to describe it, glitter shadow to put on top of his eyelids. Dabbing it in softly, he leaned in closely and you could feel his breath on your skin. “Okay, try opening your eyes.” You requested softly, holding his chin in your hand and looking at him intensely, assessing your work. He opened his eyes hesitantly. Chewing on your lip you came to the conclusion that this look needed some black liner, so you added a line underneath his eyes on his waterline, dragging it out into a straight “wing”. A difficult job, with this being a sensitive area and Ant not used to having stuff put this close to his eyes. He kept squirming and blinking, but eventually you got the job done to your satisfaction. “This looks sick.” You say as you remove your hands from his face and lean back. Giving him time to admire himself in your mirror, you put away your brushes and powders and liners. “You want to do something to your hair too?” He turned to look at you at that. “Kinda.” You look on your phone to check the time, before grimacing. “Sorry, I don’t think we have time. Actually we really need to go if we wanna make it in time.” You stand up and hold your hand out to him, pulling him up from where he was sitting. Your friends were definitely going to give you shit about barely reaching out to them later.
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goldenhourwriter · 1 year
•✮🕷️𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐤𝐢𝐝🕷️✮•
part one (you are here) • part two •
⋆pairing: miguel o’hara x wife!reader
⋆warning(s): i guess just fighting and some cursing. and threatening to bite someone lol. also i got translations from spanish dict, if i did something wrong, please correct me. i tried to use the right definitions/context to use those definitions in! also pregnancy.
⋆a/n: this was so fun to write! requests are open, and i am new to this blog, so hang on while i get this all figured out. requests are open, and this will be a mini series i am continuing!!
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It’s not usually this quiet at the Spider Society.
It’s nice.
I walk around, humming softly to myself as I munch on a banana, a craving I usually get. I let my hand rest on my slightly swollen belly, my suit especially made to let it stretch and give the baby some room.
Yeah, ever heard of a pregnant Spider-Woman?
It happened a couple of months ago, as married couples tend to let happen. It’s twins, actually. One boy and one girl, but, my husband doesn’t know yet. Doesn’t want to know. I called the doctor anyways, and even though he threw a hissy fit that could rival a toddler, he relented and said it was fine.
And, it was kind of nice being alone. A lot of the spider-people tend to do things for me, think I’m incapable of doing things now because I’m pregnant. Even the ridiculous Spider-Man T-Rex gave me a ride through the halls. I snort at the thought, gaining some weird looks.
Obviously, I didn’t refuse. Who would pass up a ride on a freaking dinosaur?
My few 30 minutes of bliss, however, was interrupted by the beeping on my watch. I tap on it and smile when I see Lyla. She gives a wave.
“Hey, big wifey,” she teases, pushing up her pink, heart-shaped glasses. I roll my eyes. Everyone knows I hate that name. It doesn’t make me feel fat, it just makes me very aware of the two babies living inside of me, and how very uncomfortable life can really get.
“Hey, algorithm girl, what’s up?” I shoot back with sarcasm. I am met with satisfaction as she gives me a dead-pan look.
“Haha, very funny, love that,” she says sarcastically. “Your husband is struggling with an anomaly. Earth-65, some kind of Renaissance bird-man.”
I giggle at the thought. I can imagine his annoyance. “Gotcha, and did he actually call for back up?” I ask, but i already know the answer. I take another bite of my banana, shifting my weight onto my right leg. I can never stand still for too long, luckily, being a super hero can keep me moving. Keeps the babies satisfied.
She snorts at me, like i was making some hilarious, un-heard of joke. I relent, sighing and preparing my bracelet to go to the universe she said he was in.
“Alright, alright. How long do you think until he actually asks?”
“I’d give you about two minutes. He’s getting really thrown around with this one. And there’s another spider person, trying to ask him too many questions.”
My eyes perk back up to the hologram when she mentions this. “I haven’t heard of a recruit from Earth-65, is she new?” I ponder out loud. I cock my head to the side, adjusting my mask. Well, half mask. It really only covers my eyes. Lyla nods. “Yup, she’s a new one. She’s a nice kid, too.”
I smile.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
Lyla logs off and I sigh, patting my baby bump. “Alright, you guys,” I whisper to my belly. I stick out my hand and the portal opens, and I jump in. I shout with joy, flying through the portal, and as I practically fall to the other end, my hair whips around.
I fall on the other end, and I groan as my hair blocks my vision. I hear grunting, crushing, wings flapping, and snappy remarks being thrown about, but I can’t see anything. I flip my hair over my head, shaking it out.
“I need a hair tie on these things,” I mumble to myself.
I look over, and I see a feminine-looking spider-hero staring at me. I give her a small wave. Her eyes are wide, I can tell. I examine her suit, which seems like it holds up pretty well. It has hood, which is new to me, and she’s wearing…are those ballet flats? I smile
“Hey, babes! You look cute!” I compliment to the get up.
She waves back again, and she looks down at my stomach. “Are you….?” She trails off. I look down, and put a hand on my hip. “Yep, I am. It’s twins, but don’t tell my husband the sexes yet. He wants to wait.” She nods, but seems to remember that she doesn’t know just who my husband is. She takes a step towards me.
“Who are you married to? Are there even more people like us?” I nod.
“My husband’s right….” I don’t even flinch as he gets thrown into the wall right in front of me, and I smile. “There.”
He groans as he slips to get up, his mask eyes squinting at me. I squint my eyes right back.
“Don’t give me that look. I’m carrying your children,” I scold. He gestured to the giant creature that hurls towards us. “I need help here!” He shouts at me. Lyla puts up on my shoulder, and we both cross our arms. He sighs, looking down.
“Please, Y/N? Sabes que no me gusta mendigar,(You know I don’t enjoy begging),“ He pleads quietly.
Vulture screeches at us. “Love truly makes me sick,” he narrates out loud, and he reaches his talons out for me. I stuck out my wrists and web up one wing, so he goes sideways, just barely missing me. He breaks free, but I web up behind him again.
“Your attitude makes me sick!” I shout at him. “You seem like the Beethoven of your area, jerky, cold, and not the greatest people-person!” I struggle to speak as I try to web him up again, but it doesn’t work. He barrels towards me, and grabs me in his talons. I hear Miguel growl and leap off the ground, landing on his back. He tugs on the man’s feathers, making him spin around to try and find him. I take the opportunity to web myself away from his grasp, kicking him away as I do so.
“Is this guy made of paper?” I ask, rubbing my hands together as I take a moment to actually register what just happened. Miguel grunts, and yells as he speaks to me from the bottom of the building. “Honey, I love your voice, but I really need you to use your actions right now!”
I spot a few witnesses trapped behind some rubble, so I shoot off the side of the wall to swoop them up. They scream, clutching onto me, and I drop them off right by a big police officer. He gawks at me, and I give him salute as Miguel webs me up again. I twist up, getting wrapped in his webbing, and I break free using a kick, hitting Vulture square in the jaw with my foot. He grunts in pain, squeezing his eyes shut, and Miguel uses this moment to try and guide him down, so he won’t escape.
I land right next to, what’s her name? I’ll learn it soon enough. I land right next to the teen as she stares at me. I smirk at her.
“What, never seen two married spiders?”
She swallows. “Can you adopt me?”
“What? Nothing! Nothing!”
Miguel groans, and I can tell he’s growing tired. “¡Por Dios! ¿Puedes dejar de hablar por un momento? (Oh, my God. Can you stop talking for a moment?)” He calls out to me. I let out a heavy sigh, putting my hands on my knees. “I’m sorry, but your babies are making it hard to move right now!” I shout at him. Gwen webs away from me, and Miguel lands right next to me again. “Last time I checked, it took two people to make those two babies,” he grumbles. We take a moment and watch as Gwen tries to take down Vulture by herself.
I look at Miguel, and raise my eyebrows. “Did she call ya ‘Dark Garfield?’” I ask. He groans, and I can tell hair eyes shut as his head falls forward. “Yes.”
I giggle. “I like her. Maybe we can recruit-“ “No. No, we can’t, and you know why.” My somewhat playful attitude disappears with a frown, and I nod in compliance. He grabs my waist and he swings us up, and then we fall onto the Vulture back again. I scream through gritted teeth as I try to hold him down on the ground, but he flings me off, a sudden, new found strength in him.
“What the hell?” I curse. “Not cool, man!”
“This ends now,” he says to me, and he springs upward. I curse under my breath again, but it seems Miguel is on top of it. Literally.
“If he gets out, this whole universe will collapse!” He shouts, mainly at Gwen. I know the risks involved, having to save almost every universe from them every day. I shoot my wrist out, but I groan. I hit my web shooters, but nothing comes out. “Fuck-Miguel! I’m out!” I try to jump from floor to floor, but I quickly get nauseous while doing that. I look down at my stomach again, poking it. “So web slinging is fine but jumping is what doesn’t please you guys?” I ask the unborn babies. I get a mere kick in return. “I know that was the girl. That was way too sassy,” I grumble to myself.
Spider-Girl lands right beside me, and she looks at my husband and he battles Vulture. They both crash right through the glass ceiling, and we shield ourselves from the shards that could possibly cut us. She looks at me.
“What is he gonna do?” She asks. Miguel takes the Vulture’s face in his hands, and opens his mouth, wide, baring his fangs and giving a loud roar. “Oh snap,” whispers under his breath. But, he’s cut short, when a helicopter shines a light on him. He yells at the helicopter, his mask coming up again to cover his face.
“I’m a good guy! I’m here to help!” He desperately explains. My spider senses then go off, and I scream up to Miguel.
“Miguel! Watch-!“
I’m too late. Vulture throws two weapons at the helicopter, and then the helicopter starts to spin, going down, and fast.
“Shit.” All three of us say in unison.
I look to the kid, and she’s already looking at me. I nod towards her, and she returns the gesture, and we both know what that means. She launches off the floor, and she begins to web a net. I take a deep breath. “Alright, babies, don’t make me throw up,” I say sternly to my unborn babies.
I leap off the ground, and I fly through the middle of the helicopter, grabbing the two pilots and landing on the fourth floor of the building. I grunt as I roll on the ground with them, and we writhe in pain.
I turn to the both of them, checking on them, and I run to the edge, well, the mess that made the edge. I look down, and the teenage girl is flying through the air, webbing up a net. And just as the helicopter is about to crash, she flies right underneath it, just barely getting nipped by the chopper.
She lands, breathing heavily.
“Wow,” I whisper. Miguel hops a bit in front of me, landing on some rubble.
“I was gonna do that,” he says quietly to himself. I can tell he’s thinking her, thinking about her hard. Miguel and I share a glance at her, and she nods. She turns and hops down from the huge rock, and goes back towards the wall, out of sight. I turn and see the two pilots staring at me. I smile.
“Yeah, I know, there’s lots of freaky spider people, that was my reaction too. Cmon, let’s get you two a medic.” I reach down and offer my hand to them, which they take, one at a time. I help them to the big opening in the building where the door used to be, and I hand them over to some officers.
I sigh, turning around to find my husband surveying the area.
I walk up to him, putting a hand on his back, feeling his tense and rigid muscles, alert and still in attack mode. He seems to relax a little at my touch, and he lets his mask down. I grin, amusement
“Your hair is all messed up.” “Can you and I have one good moment after a battle where you don’t make fun of my hair?” “Absolutely not.”
He lets out a low growl, rolling his eyes. I walk a little in front of him, and stare at the place where the teen escaped to, hearing some grunting from there. No doubt she’s recovering on her own. My hand comes to rest on my stomach, my thumb running over the bump. I turn back to Miguel, my mouth open to speak, but he beats me to it.
“I said no,” he rejects me as he leans down to pick up some broken machinery. He scoffs at some poor excuse for art. “I’m starting to think Vulture did everyone a favor by destroying this place, this art sucks-“
“Miguel O'Hara, no cambies de tema,” I say sternly. He lets out a sigh. Spanish isn’t even my main language, so when I speak it, he knows I’m not messing around. He spins around, holding a figurine of a balloon dog in his hand. I would find it comedic, a big guy like him holding a small thing like that, but not when he’s trying to avoid my questions.
“You know we can use her. I’ve never seen anything like her, and she even beat you to one of your moves. You have to agree with me on this!” I gesture out in front of me, as if the conversation is laid out in front of us. Miguel sighs, walking up to me with his hands on his hips. His expression is hard, but his eyes give it away. He’s considering it, it helps if I’ve spent about a couple years with him now.
He brings his hand to my waist and another to my hair, leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead.
“Te amo demasiado a veces,” he mumbles into my hair.
Okay, that gives me absolutely nothing.
His hand travel down to my stomach, and his two very large hands splay over my tummy. His lips quirk up a bit as one of them kicks against my skin. “Did you do okay today?” He asks quietly, referring to my very pregnant self. I nod, but it doesn’t seem to reassure him.
Vulture struggles next to us, but we just give him an annoyed look. “I’m done with your attitude!” Miguel tells him, pointing at him. He sighs, turning back to me, grabbing my waist and pulling me impossibly closer, so we’re basically sharing the same breathe. My stomach flutters. Even after marrying him, he really can have the same affect on me from when I was a new recruit.
“You know you can always opt out whenever, I can call for other backup,” he says quietly. He’s trying to spare my feelings, not letting others hear so I won’t get embarrassed. I’m never embarrassed, it’s life, I got pregnant, but I appreciate the sentiment. I lean up and kiss his nose.
“I know, thank you, but really, I’m fine.” I stick a hand up as he begins to protest. “At 7 months, I will take maternity leave. I’ll rest and just be the desk person, okay?” I ask. He debates it for a moment, and lets out a grunt and nods. We stay in our somewhat embrace for a bit, when we hear a gun shot. My head whips to where Spider-Woman went and hid, and I look at Miguel.
His mask forms again, and he kicks Vulture, telling him to be still as he picks him up. Miguel picks me up with his other arm and swings to the opening as we fall in.
“Dad, please!” She begs the cop standing across from her. Miguel shoots a containment pod at him, and she runs towards him. I grab her by the shoulders, trying to use my softest voice.
“Hey, hey, kid. Hey, it’s okay, we’re here, we got you,” I say quietly to her. She’s crying as she clutches onto my arm, staring at her dad. Miguel opens a portal, and I give the kid one more pat and walk over to him.
“What are we gonna do?” I whisper to him. He looks at me. “What do you mean?”
I roll my eyes.
“We can’t just leave her here!” I get a bit louder, but he shushes me, putting a finger up. My jaw drops.
“You did not just shush me,” I growl.
“Oh, I think I did.”
“Oh, I know you didn’t-!”
Miguel and I bicker back and forth, and at some point, Vulture voluntarily hops into the portal, all tied up, not wishing to stick around. I stick my finger up as I try to argue with him, my hand coming to my hip, and he towers over me, but that never took away my edge.
Then, some sniffling gets us to shut up.
The kid looks at us, her eyes watery and wide. She looks like what she is…a teenager who’s lost and alone. She opens her mouth to speak. “I-I don’t know what to do.”
I look slowly at Miguel, and he lets his head hang forward.
“Yeah, well….”
I raise my eyebrows at him.
“Join the club.”
🕷️ 💍
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tinyinvadr · 7 months
I’ve got another chapter of my TADC story! This one’s pretty short, but there’ll be more to come!
Here’s the link to the first chapter
Hide & Shrink
Chapter 2
“I dunno… I’m just saying Caine shouldn’t have let Pomni pick the adventure. Where’s the excitement? I’m already getting bored looking for her.”
“But it’s only been ten minutes.”
“And? You think I have the attention span for that?”
I could hear the others looking for me. It sounded like they were all traveling in a group, so at least it would be easier to avoid them than if they had split up. Either way, I wasn’t looking forward to any of them finding me.
“Caine did say she would be somewhere unexpected. Maybe if we split up we’ll have an easier time finding her.”
A wave of panic came over me at Ragatha’s suggestion. I knew one of them would have to find me eventually, but there was a part of me that was hoping they never would, and Caine would just call the whole thing off and change me back. But realistically, this game could go on forever.
Maybe it would be better off to let someone find me and get it over with.
Of course, that raised the question of which person would be the safest option. On the off chance that Caine didn’t come back right away, I could be stuck with that person for a while.
Definitely not Jax.
Out of everyone else, Ragatha was the one I talked to the most, but I still felt so awkward and guilty around her. Being even more vulnerable with her would just make me feel worse.
My best bet had to be Gangle. She seemed harmless enough, and with her having ribbons for hands, I doubted she would be able to easily pick me up. I’d just let her find me and hope for the best.
That was the plan at least, but nothing ever works out the way you want it to.
I was about to go plant myself somewhere for Gangle to find me, when suddenly, a tall shadow fell over me.
“Oh! Everyone, I found an insect!”
Guess I was going with Kinger.
“That’s great, Kinger. Though, last time I checked, I’m pretty sure Pomni’s not an insect, so I don’t think that’s relevant to what we’re doing here.”
Ragatha sighed. “Leave him alone, Jax. And you never know, it could be a clue. Kinger, come show us what you found!”
Before I could even try to run, Kinger’s hands clamped around me and lifted me up.
I was completely enclosed by his hands, and my claustrophobia was out in full force. I wanted to try and squirm out, but I knew he would probably drop me if I did that, so I just curled in on myself instead.
He opened his hands, and I was met with the sight of the other circus members, all gathered around to look at me. Realization hit them all one-by-one, but Ragatha was the first to notice.
Kinger let out a startled shout and unintentionally tossed me in the air, but quickly caught me afterward.
“Ah! Sorry, sorry, just got a little surprised there!”
I struggled to catch my breath as everyone looked at me. I didn’t want to imagine how pathetic I looked in that moment. Somehow, this was playing out even worse than I expected.
“Well, I take back what I said earlier about this adventure being boring. Heh, and just when I thought you couldn’t get any shorter.”
Ragatha glared at Jax as she moved closer, and I slowly inched myself back, trying to create a distance between us. Though, there wasn’t much I could do with Kinger still holding me.
“Hey, don’t worry. Now that we’ve found you, Caine should be here any second to change you back to normal.”
As if he had just been summoned, Caine appeared behind everyone else.
“Congratulations, my superstars! You’ve completed another adventure! Wow, and in record time, too, haha, that was fast. Is there anything you all want to do for the rest of the day? Another adventure? Activities? Mini games? Spontaneous musical numbers?”
I raised my arm, waving it back and forth to get his attention. He noticed right away and flew right over, once again taking up way too much of my personal space.
“Uh… before we do anything else, can I go back to my regular size?”
Caine chuckled, then flew backward with a dramatic flair.
“Of course!”
He snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. He snapped them again, nothing happened. He started rapidly snapping at a rate that no human could ever achieve… but nothing happened.
“That’s odd… but don’t you worry, Pomni! I’ll get to the bottom of this! Until then, you’re all free to spend the day however you’d like! Just reach out to me if you need anything!”
Just as I had come to expect at this point, he disappeared before any of us could ask any further questions. Not that I could’ve formed a coherent sentence. My mind went numb the moment I realized I wasn’t going to change back.
Not only was I set to be trapped in this digital world forever, but I was doomed to be tiny and even more terrified of everything while I’m trapped here.
It just kept getting worse… I couldn’t keep this up much longer…
My vision started to blur and slowly fade to black as I heard the voices of the others incoherently talk over each other. It sounded like they were worried, but I couldn’t process any of it. My mind was done, and I passed out.
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silvergomez · 7 months
House Of Ashes In Among Us 8 : Killing Harmony.
Rachel - This is really getting out of Control...I need to do something...now!
In Other Side Of Map
Jason -I finally finished my last task.. I'll go see where the others are...
Jason - Hello? Guys? Where did you go? They're not dead, right? (Hope not)
He walks stealthily, watching carefully so as not to be ambushed by the impostor.And then he ends up bumping into someone causing them both to fall...
??? - outch!
Jason - Gotcha! Impost-Joey? Are you the impostor?
Joey - Oh? No! Of course not, I was just running because I saw a strange figure and decided to run...
Jason - It makes sense, but it's not good to be separated at a time like this...
Joey - I agree, I don't want to become ham either.
Jason - Have you finished your soldier tasks yet? Or astronaut? I don't know.
Joey - Now, I managed to finish them all, then when I saw the figure I ran away...
Jason - For asking what the figure looked like?
Joey - Ah well, it was just like us but dark and with a huge tongue, I assume it was the tongue...
Jason - What do you mean, big tongue? Explain this to me better!
Joey - I don't know, I didn't stay there to find out, I just ran away...
Jason - So let's find out!
Joey - You got to be kidding me...
Jason - You and I have already finished the tasks so if we die now it won't create as much risk..
Joey - But it leaves our crew vulnerable and that's still bad! Pretty bad!
Before they can move forward, a body is thrown towards them, causing them to become terrified...
Jason - Who does that body belong to???
Joey - *Getting closer* to MERWIN!
Jason - It can't be... we had just seen him in the cafeteria how... How could this have happened?
Joey - I don't know how, but it's better to report and warn others..
Jason - accordingly.
Taking the warning megaphone and placing it on the body before he can do so, a large tongue grabs his arm making him scream and throws him away.
Jason - JOEY! OH SHIT...
??? - Hello Jason. Forgive me for the bad manners of throwing your friend away. But know that now you will die.
Jason - That...isn't... Possible... It's really you... Salim!
Salim - Salim?? I think you forgot one little thing haha... I'm a shapeshifter, remember?
Jason - What? If- if you're not Salim... Then who are you??? Coward show yourself now!
Salim - HAHAHAHAHA As you prefer, sir.
Jason - What? No no! This can't be...I can't believe it's you... But how can you do this to us?
Rachel - Looks like the hood fit.
Jason - What?
Rachel - So funny now, right? It's not fun when you're the joke, right?
Jason - But why did you do this?
Rachel - It is not obvious? Because I want to win, and also get revenge on you for humiliating me the last time we played!!
Jason - But but that can't be...
Rachel - If you want to know... I killed Eric first because he's smart and was going to realize right away that I was the impostor!
Rachel - Now enough talking! Let's have fun.
Jason - Wait a second! But why do this now we can solve it in other ways!
Rachel - Shut the fuck up!! Whatever now!, I always wanted to kill you myself!
She then throws a knife towards Jason but a shield forces it and throws it away, protecting him.
Rachel - What the fuck?
Ghost Dar -It worked! My shield worked. Urg, I can't believe that this crap actually works... It wasn't as useless as I thought...
Rachel - It won't save you forever...
Her eyes become dark and her nails grow longer, her skin becomes pale and her tongue grows considerably...
RACHEL - Now no one will save you from me!
She holds him by the neck with her wide tongue choking him. But before she can kill him, Salim appears, dropping a load on her head, which ends up throwing Jason to the other side of the map.
Rachel - Are you turning against me after I helped you? Now I will teach you to have good manners!!
Salim - Well... can we solve it in other way?
And with one blow she hits Salim's leg, hurting him,Who stumbles and ends up falling.
Salim - ouch! I don't think so! But it won't be now that we die...
On the other side, Jason is thrown towards the greenhouse, hitting the floor, causing it to crack. Joey who had also been thrown there was waking up from his faint.
Jason - Don't get up! If any of us get up, the greenhouse will collapse!
Joey - Huh? But what are we going to do? Shall we walk on all fours?
Jason - It's a good idea!
Joey - I was just kidding! I don't think this will work...
Jason - But we must try something anyway this will collapse!
Joey - Can we try getting up slowly? I think it might work...
Jason - Okay, let's try, but if we fail here, We're going to fly like chickens!
Joey - I must be laying eggs to be a chicken...
Jason - if the game depended on us everyone would be dead by now.
Joey - Technically everyone is, with the exception of Salim and Nick.
Jason - and you and me!
Joey - Well, in a way we're not alive...
Jason - Be more optimistic! Now enough nonsense and let's finish this bitch!
Joey - I'm already up!
Jason - What?? I just closed my eyes for a second...
Joey - Now that we are up, what will we do?
Rachel - Get on the floor!
Joey - What? I just got up-
Rachel then gives a huge kick making the floor crack completely...
Jason - This can't be good...
Suddenly the floor breaks completely causing Joey and Jason to fall.
Jason Is not the impostor!
Joey is not The impostor!
Rachel - Now let's finish with Salim! WHERE DID HE GO? ahh you can't go that far Salim, with this trail of blood here hahaha...
Salim - Shit that was close... I'm glad she believed, she thinks I'm dumb enough to leave a trail of myself knowing she would chase me...
He slowly gets up for a second to observe his injury and continues walking on the opposite side...He finally arrives at the cafeteria...
Nick - Stop right there!
Salim - Huh? I oh damn...
Nick - Wait, if you're all fucked up then you're not supposed to be the impostor, right? You wouldn't be able to hurt yourself just to play innocent if that's the case then who is the (Real) impostor?
Salim - Oh...Rachel! She killed everyone, she was the one who attacked me! And she attacked Jason and Joey! And she killed the rest of us!, She's the impostor!
Nick - Was I wrong all along then?... I'm sorry then for accusing you...
Salim - Okay, this game is about accusation and execution! We can still save the game!
Nick - You are sure!
before anything happens Rachel appears impaling salim in the belly. Blood starts to flow and he falls on top of Nick, already dead.
Rachel - And I WON!
Nick - No, why?..
Rachel - It wasn't supposed to end, I already killed everyone... Do I have to kill you too??
Nick - I don't know... but calm down!!
rachel - SHUT UP!
the cafeteria windows break with a bang and a knife is thrown at demon Rachel who throws herself back.
Jason - When you threw us, Joey's leg got caught in a rope. And since I'm not stupid or anything, we used that to get back here!
Rachel gets up and jumps close to them, Jason manages to dodge and runs close to the table, Joey jumps into the room with a grenade in his hands...
Jason - Why did you take so long?
Joey - Hey, it takes a while to get up, okay?? my God..
Nick - Guys, she's still here!!
Joey - Relax, I have it here!Take This!
RACHEL - A GRENADE?? Unbelievable...
A big explosion Making Rachel demon catch fire The floor starts to crack and parts of the cafeteria will start to fall.
Nick - Bad idea!!!
Rachel keeps struggling and everything starts to catch fire, and the floor starts to fall.. But before everything falls apart Joey presses the button.
Nick - Everything froze...
Jason - It's because we're in an emergency meeting It's impossible for us to die... brilliant!
Joey - She's fine?
The impostor Died Carbonized
impostor failed.. crewmate won!
You Win!
Rachel - I don't believe!!! I died! Ridiculous!
Nick - I can't understand it either ;-;
Joey - we Win!
Jason - Can't wait for the next one!
Salim - ._.
(Ending 1 = good ending)
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howlingday · 10 months
Ultimate Hunters V2
Mercury: Well, why don't we get the introductions outta the way?
Oscar: Huh? Introductions?
Mercury: I'm Mercury Black. Nice to meet ya! Guess I shoup tell you why I'm attending the Academy, too, while we're at it. Of course, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it's a special talent.
Oscar: It's not a special talent? What do you mean?
Mercury: I'm lucky.
Oscar: ...What do you mean?
Mercury: No, really, that's my special talent. I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student. Or that's what they call me, anyways.
Oscar: Ultimate Lucky Student?
Mercury: There was a world-wide lottery, and I just so happened to win the grand prize of getting to attend as "The Ultimate Lucky Student."
Oscar: (Thinking) Is that really a thing?. Can you really call being luvky a talent?.
May: Hey~! Who're you dudes?
Oscar: Nice to meet you. I'm Oscar Pine.
May: Gotcha... And who's this other dude?
Mercury: What? Didn't we already meet?
May: Oh, right! Haha! My bad! I'm not the best at remembering names, and I've already met so many interesting characters!
Mercury: I'm Mercury Black. Please try to remember this time...
May: Yo! The name's May Marigold! Nice to meetcha!
Mercury: May's known as the all-around super athlete, the Ultimate Gymnast. They also say she's a bit of a troublemaker, but her athletic skill is already off the charts. But her basics and fundamentals are kinda all over the place, so most of her work is improvised. If she's in her groove, she's amazing! If not, then she gets bored and switches things up.
Oscar: No matter how you slice it, she still sounds like a troublemaker. Still, she's got an amazing physique, like a Vytal athlete!.
Mercury: Hey, what are you... Oh, I get it. You got a thing for sexy bodies, huh?
Oscar: Please don't say that out loud. People will actually take you seriously.
Fiona: Squish! Squish!
Oscar: What's she doing?. She's just sitting on the floor, pressing her fingers to the dirt.
Oscar: Uh, are you okay? I haven't introduced myself. My name is Oscar Pine.
Fiona: Huh? I'm Fiona Thyme.
Fiona: Squish! Squish!
Oscar: She's not stopping. What is she doing?. And she looks so young... Is she really a high schooler?
Mercury: Fiona is the incredibly talented Ultimate Traditional Dancer. As a rookie, the dance industry expects a lot from her. She's already performed in other kingdoms many times. Her dancing is really popular with young audiences, which is rare for the dance industry. Then again, a significant number of her fans are also men.
Oscar: It's probably a niche thing, or something.
Fiona: Squish! Squish!
Oscar: Uh, what are you doing?
Fiona: Hm? I'm squishing!
Oscar: Squishing what?
Fiona: Mr. Ant! Duh! I'm squishing lots and lots of Mr. Ants!
Oscar: ...Come again?
Fiona: If you squish their bellies just right, it makes an awesome sound! Wanna try?
Oscar: H-Hell no!
Fiona: Aw... Okay! Pfft... Pansy...
Oscar: This girl... her attitude and her appearance don't match at all.
Roman: Who the hell are you? Don't go acting all chummy with me, shithead.
Oscar: This guy is already so hostile.
Roman: Huh?! You got something to say, punkass?
Mercury: Easy, Roman. We're just introducing ourselves.
Roman: Introducing yourselves?
Mercury: Yeah. Not like you two have actually met before, right?
Roman: Hmph...
Roman: The name's Roman Torchwick... Just so we're clear, I don't plan on getting all chummy and shit with you.
Oscar: He looks so young, but he's also really rude.
Mercury: Roman is a student and also their heir to the Spiders.
Oscar: Spiders?! You don't mean-
Mercury: Ah, so you have heard of them. Spiders are the largest criminal organization in Remnant, with a membership of well past 4000 members. In other words, he's the Ultimate Gang-Boss.
Mercury: By the way, don't go mentioning his babyface around him, so be careful. You'll be outta fingers before he's done with you.
Oscar: I-I wasn't going to, but I'm glad I know now!.
Oscar: Mercury, you saved my life...
Mercury: Haha, you're joking right? ...Guess not.
Roman: Hey, if we're done here, you mind making like a tree and fuck off?
Velvet: Excuse me, but aren't you the guy who was squatting on the beach earlier with your head buried in your arms?
Oscar: Er, y-yeah...
Velvet: You gotta keep it together, y'know? Nobody wants a crybaby for a husband.
Oscar: Y-You're right...
Velvet: You're waiting for me to introduce myself, right? I'm Velvet Scarlatina, and I'll be counting on you from now on.
Mercury: Velvet's the Ultimate Photographer. Naturally, she has a promising future as a photojournalist. I'm not exactly an expert on photography, but I hear she's already won a ton of awards. That said, she's known for her skill at taking pictures of people.
Oscar: The Ultimate Photographer, huh? Makes sense, seeing that camera around her neck.
Velvet: To be honest, I'm a little relieved. You seem decent enough.
Oscar: Decent?
Velvet: There's a lot of weirdos here. I can't tell if they're Ultimates, or just insane. I'm eager to get along with everyone so we can all get off this island.
Oscar: Get off? What do you mean?
Velvet: Huh? You don't know? It's what that stuffed animal Somewhat said. After you finish getting everyone's Hope Crystals, we can all go home and leave this island together.
Oscar: Th-They said that?! We can go home?!
Velvet: You should pay more attention! This is super important!
Mercury: You must feel relieved after hearing that, huh, Oscar? So long as you get along with everyone, we'll be heading home in no time!
Oscar: I guess, but why go through all this trouble in the first place? What's the point of us being on this island anyways?
Mercury: Beats me. Doesn't seem like that big a deal.
Oscar: Not a big deal? It couldn't be any bigger of a deal!.
Velvet: Hey!
Oscar: Ack!
Velvet: Don't "ack" me! I gave you my introduction. Now give me yours!
Oscar: O-Oh... Um, I'm Oscar Pine. It's nice to meet you.
Velvet: Oscar, huh? Well, too bad for you, because I've already made a mental note as "Unreliable Oscar". It'll be hard to change my mind, so you better be a man and do your best!
Mercury: Haha! You're already so whipped, Oscar!
Velvet: I'm talking to both of you! Got it?!
Hazel: Hm? Oh, right. We gotta do introductions.
Hazel: I am the Ultimate Team Manager, Hazel Rainart!!
Oscar: U-Uh, hello. I'm Oscar Pine.
Hazel: Hey! Your voice is too soft! Speak from your gut!
Oscar: U-Um... I'm Oscar Pine!
Hazel: Louder! You can do better than that!
Oscar: My name is Oscar Pine! Pleased to make your acquaintance!
Hazel: I AM HAZEL RAINART! I AM THE ULTIMATE TEAM MANAGER! Don't forget it, even if you go to hell!
Hazel: I am the Ultimate Team Manager, Hazel Rainart!
Oscar: Y-You don't have to keep repeating your name so much.
Hazel: HA! I agree to your terms!
Oscar: He's so boisterous... It's not just his voice, but his whole body seems loud.
Mercury: Hazel Rainart, as you probably figured, is the Ultimate Team Manager.
Oscar: What does that mean? He's not on a team, but he manages it?
Mercury: Not JUST a team manager. He's an Ultimate. He's gone from town to town and played an active role in managing various sports clubs and their teams. In fact, he led a delinquent team of rugby players to victory in the national playoffs, rescued a baseball team from shutdown and took them to a finals victory, and rumor has it he's training some hotshot new champion in Mistral.
Oscar: If that's all true, then he definitely deserves the title of Ultimate Team Manager. But... with a build like his, he should be PLAYING those games instead.
Oscar: Urgh!
Mercury: What's wrong?
Oscar: N-Nothing...
May: ...
Oscar: Why is she staring at me?.
May: Ah, uh, um...
May: Um, you know...
May: ...I-I'm sorry.
Oscar: Why is she crying?!.
Mercury: Bullying a girl? That's not cool, Oscar.
Oscar: I-I didn't do anything!
May: Oh, your name is Oscar. If you don't mind, I'd like to remember it.
Oscar: Uh, no, I don't mind you remembering my name.
May: M-My name is May Zedong. From the bottom of my heart, I hope we can get along.
May: Um... You know... Um... Um um um... Uh... My mind is drawing a blank... I'm so nervous! And I even went through the trouble of preparing over 5000 topics for us to discuss after introducing ourselves!
Oscar: Talk about excessive...
Mercury: It's okay to take your time. We can wait as long as it takes. Heck, we'll wait forever if you want us to!
May: Huh... AAAAH!
Oscar: You're just putting more pressure on her!.
Oscar: I guess I'll ask you instead. What's her deal?
Mercury: May here is the Ultimate Nurse. Anytime you're hurt, she'll help you out, so you should probably get along with her. Chances are that if you get wounded and don't get it treated, it'll get infected and you'll die!
Oscar: Don't say something so morbid so naturally...
May: Heh heh heh..
May: AH! I'm sorry for laughing so suddenly! I... I just can't help myself. I'm so happy,I can't remember the last time I made any friends... Ah, not that you actually want to be friends with me! I'm sooooooo sorry I said something so presumptuous! I'll do anything you want! Just please don't hate me!
Mercury: Bullying her again? So not cool, Oscar.
Oscar: Why does this keep happening?.
May: I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry!
Ilia: Peeking... Peeking... Oh haiii! Who're you?
Oscar: U-Um... Oscar Pine?
Ilia: Helloooo? Your tension is too low! You feelin alright? Ah, well, introductions are already a go-go!
Ilia: Ih! Lee! Uh! Am! Ah! Toh! Lah! Put it all together and whattaya get? Ilia Amitola~!
Ilia: Alright, introductions are done. More importantly, check out this supermarket! Hamburger, ramen, chili, bratwurst, spaghetti... OOH! Melons!
Ilia: Valian, Vacuan, Mistrali, and Atlesian... Even folks from Menagerie would shop here! Man, I'm getting hella stoked! I am thirty-one flavors of stoked for all of this deliciousness! And when I'm hungry, I get reeeeeeeeeeeal munchy-crunchy! It doesn't make sense! Why am I always hungry when I get excited? Hahaha! The body sure is a total mystery!
Mercury: Uh, yeah, this is Ilia Amitola, the Ultimate Musician. She used to play guitar in an all-girl band that was super popular with other girls our age. Their number one hit, "After Class Poyoyon Hour," sold over a million copies.
Oscar: A super popular all-girl school band... Why does that sound so familiar?.
Mercury: Sadly, like so many before them, they broke up due to creative differences.
Oscar: Creative differences?
Ilia: You wanna know?
Oscar: Ack! You heard me?!
Ilia: Duh! Ilia Amitola IS a musician! Like the other greats such as Schnee, Wine, Merlot, Polendina, and Willows... I am an awesome musician, too!
Oscar: Oh, I guess it does make sense that you have good hearing if you're a music- Wait, some of those people aren't even musicians.
Ilia: Don't sweat the details~.
Oscar: An airport? Wait, can't we use those bullheads to escape?
Robyn: Nope, sorry. Even if they were broken and busted, I could fix 'em. But it looks like they're just for show.
Oscar: Just for show?
Robyn: There's no engine. Can't fix what isn't there.
Oscar: No engine?!
Robyn: Oh, right! I forgot! I'm Robyn Hill, the Ultimate Mechanic. Nice to meetya!
Mercury: I guess I shoulda known the Ultimate Mechanic would have figured it out. Robyn's a bit of a savante when it comes to machines. If she says it won't fly, then it definitely won't fly.
Robyn: Even so, if someone took out the engine before they brought us here, then they planned this out to a T.
Oscar: Kinda weird, don't you think?
Robyn: Yeah, it's weird, but it's a kind of weird I can understand.
Oscar: Huh?
Robyn: It makes sense, though, don't it? Whoever dropped us here... I mean, it's not like they're expecting us to kill each other, right? That's what the school regulations in our e-handbook say.
Robyn: Besides, if you look enough at that cute mouse plushie, you might actually fall in love with them.
Oscar: I really hope it doesn't come to that.
Sienna: Stop right there! If you value your life, do not take one step closer!
Oscar: ...Huh?
Sienna: I said stay back! Oh, very well... I shall accept your courage!
Oscar: What is she talking about?.
Sienna: You wish to know my name? Kehehe! Some may think your courage recklessness, but I welcome the challenge. In honor of your courage, I shall reveal to you my name! I am Sienna Khan! Remember it well, for it is the name that shall rule the world!
Oscar: R-Rule the world?! She's kidding, right?.
Sienna: Now I must ask you; whose master are you?
Oscar: What?
Sienna: Don't play dumb! Which tribe did you make a pact with? Answer me!
Oscar: Um, what do you mean by "pact"?
Sienna: Answer me now, though I shall cast you to the sea once you do!
Oscar: Then I'm definitely not answering!
Mercury: Uh, maybe I should explain. See, she's asking you what kinda of pet you used to have.
Oscar: P-Pet? I've never really had a pet. Closest thing I had to a pet was a hermit crab we passed around at school.
Sienna: A hermit crab! No better than an insect! Why, your magical essence caps at a mere five! Absolute trash!
Oscar: Trash? Really?
Sienna: Is it wrong to call trash "trash"? Why, trash like you dare not speak against higher beings like me! I am Sienna Khan, Overlord of Fire!
Oscar: H-Hey! Something just climbed out of your robe!
Sienna: Allowing the beasts to bed upon my person in exchange for their servitude is the secret of the Khan Empire!
Mercury: Yeah, seeing all those rats crawling around on her might seem like something out of a horror movie, but it's just another part of what makes her the Ultimate Breeder.
Sienna: As the Dark Beast of the South, Ghira Belladonna once said, "There are no gods or kings mighty enough to fell the bonds of brotherhood!"
Mercury: Yeah, I, uh, know she's kinda weird, but she does really well as part of her school breeding club. They say she can tame any animal and even proliferated an endangered species. I've even heard she can speak with animals, but I don't think it's true.
Oscar: It sounds crazy, but... she does have more than a few rats crawling in her robe.
Coco: ...What do you want?
Oscar: This girl's presence is overwhelming. Even her body seems too overwhelming for me to approach!.
Mercury: Hey, Coco! Got time for a quick introduction?
Coco: ...Introduction?
Mercury: C'mon, Oscar!
Oscar: O-Oh! Right. Um, hello. My name is Oscar Pine.
Coco: ...My name is Coco Adel. ...I'm done. That's it, right? Back off.
Oscar: Even I can tell she's thumbing her nose at me.
Mercury: Well, that's Coco for ya.
Oscar: What do you mean?
Mercury: Even by Ultimate standards, she's pretty special. She's next in line to inherit her family's fortune, which is a multi-billion lien conglomerate. She's already started making big moves in the business world. Simply put, she isn't called the Ultimate Affluent Progeny for nothing.
Oscar: That's... That's like a comic book origin.
Coco: You there. Oscar, wasn't it?
Oscar: Huh?
Coco: Why did the academy choose you? What's your Ultimate talent?
Oscar: Um, well, I... I can't remember...
Coco: You can't remember?
Mercury: The shock of all this must've triggered some kinda amnesia on him.
Coco: How foolish. ...We're done, aren't we? How much longer are you going to stand there?
Coco: Move along! That's the only thing you scrawny ones are any good at.
Mercury: Let's just leave, Oscar.
Joanna: State your business.
Oscar: Oh, uh, w-well, I just wanted to do an introduction with you.
Joanna: An introduction? Understood. I don't mind.
Oscar: I'm Oscar Pine. It's nice to meet you.
Joanna: I'm Joanna Greenleaf. It is nice to meet you, too.
Mercury: This dignified looking woman is known as the ultimate swordswoman. Yeah, color me shocked, too, when I learned this tall woman could be so skilled with a blade. I've heard even veterans with decades of experience have trouble fighting her!
Oscar: I can kind of see why. The way she's staring at me is really intense.
Joanna: If what the mouse said was true, then we are expected to live on this island together. If this is true, then men and women are expected to treat each other with respect. Don't try anything inappropriate. I'd prefer not to kill anyone.
Oscar: I-Isn't that just a wooden sword?
Joanna: It may seem impossible, but a misaimed blow could prove fatal. Well... aimed blows can also prove fatal as well.
Oscar: (Gulps) I'll remember that.
Sun: ...
Oscar: Looks like he's playing the arcade. More than that, it looks like he's completely ABSORBED by it!.
Sun: ...
Mercury: Hey, Oscar, haven't you introduced yourself to him yet?
Oscar: R-Right! I'm Oscar Pine. Nice to meet you.
Sun: ...
Oscar: Uh...
Mercury: Yo! Sun!
Sun: ...Huh? Sorry. Musta been real focused on this game or somethin'.
Oscar: Y-Yeah, or somethin'.
Sun: Introductions, huh? Alright. The name's Sun Wukong, and I'm the Ultimate Gamer. And I like all genres. ...Nice to meetcha.
Oscar: I'm Oscar Pine. Nice to meet you, too.
Sun: ...Uh-huh, totally.
Oscar: I don't think we're getting much further than this.
Mercury: Yeah, he's really into his game right now.
Sun: Nah, nah. It's more like I gotta charge up my thoughgs, and it takes time to do that, so I can't really talk unless I'm fully prepared, y'know? Especially with new people. Once I get to know 'em, I can talk a lot better.
Oscar: And yet he hasn't looked at me once. Sure, he's the Ultimate Gamer, but how can anyone game at a time like this?.
Sun: ...Ah! Hah, I'm sleepy...
Mercury: Let's finish introducing ourselves to those two people over there.
Marrow: That's right. I'm having a really hard time because it's full of poison. Speaking of which, I'd appreciate it if you could use your mouth to suck it out~.
Whitley: Poison... I see...
Oscar: Hey, uh, do you guys have a second?
Marrow: (Sighs) Denied.
Oscar: Denied?.
Whitley: Hello. It is nice to meet you.
Oscar: It's nice to meet you, too. My name is Oscar Pine.
Marrow: Oh, so you're the new kid on the block, huh? The name's Marrow Amin, known on the streets as the Ultimate Cook, but I'd much prefer it if you called me the Ultimate Chef instead. Has much more of a big city flavor, y'know?
Whitley: Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! Forgive me! My name is Whitley Schnee. I am a foreign exchange student from Atlas. Hopefully I do not cause you too much trouble.
Oscar: Uh, same.
Oscar: His skin is like porcelain and his eyes are like sapphires! It's almost like looking at a fragil doll...
Mercury: Enchanted, Oscar? That's to be expected, since you're talking to the real Ultimate Prince, which means he's actual royalty!
Oscar: A real prince? Normally I'd be surprised, but looking at his graceful appearance, it's only natural to come to that conclusion, right?.
Whitley: I understand this may appear rude, but... I do feel happy to have met all of you.
Oscar: Huh?
Whitley: In my home country, I... I did not have a friend to call my own. Those of my age did not share my status in society. So to do something like this with everyone is a new experience for me...
Oscar: Oh, uh, th-thanks?
Oscar: What's going on?! Why do I feel this sudden urge to drop to my knee and bow?!.
Marrow: H-Hey, I hope I'm not being left on the menu here.
Oscar: Huh? Oh! No! I-
Mercury: So Marrow, how's the restaurant look? Up to your standards?
Marrow: Hmhmhm... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. Yeah, it's up to my standards. But I prefer the big city flavor of my hometown, even if this open country air is refreshing. Mhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm...!
Oscar: Hey, aren't you...?
Marrow: Refined? Cultured? Guilty~!
Oscar: N-No. Worried.
Marrow: Worried? Why would I be worried? Honestly, I'm happy!
Oscar: Really? Why's that?
Marrow: Well, if I could get serious for a quick second... I've got a sneaking suspicion that Somewhat character is a real freak, if you get my meaning.
Oscar: ...What?
Marrow: I'd bet good money they're wearing a black thong as we speak! Or should we discuss this somewhere more privately? C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!
Oscar: ...No.
Marrow: Alright, I'll put that aside for now. This might also be a bit of a shock for you, but I've got it on good intuition that Mister Schnee over there is one to put out, y'know? See, royalty are groomed to lack common sense, right? That makes them easy prey, like how I tried telling him my "loins" were poisoned and could only be cured if I ask him to suck it out.
Oscar: Is that what he was talking about earlier?
Whitley: Hm? What are you two talking about over here?
Marrow: We'll talk about this later.
Mercury: You better not.
Marrow: Still, when I fantasize about things like that, I can't help but look forward to living on this island! When it comes to love ans cooking, passion is the most important ingredient! Mhmhmhmhm~!
Oscar: This guy is dangerous... but not for the reason I first thought.
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dialovers-translations · 11 months
Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kino Maniac [04]
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ー The scene starts in Kino’s room at the Ghouls’ manor
Kino: Hey, want to try some Konpeito? I’ll give you some if you want.
Yui: I suppose I’ll take one then? 
Kino: Sure. Which color would you like? 
Yui: It doesn’t matter.
Kino: Gotcha. Then, close your eyes?
Yui: Eh...?
Kino: We’ll play a game where I’ll fling one in your mouth and you have to guess which flavor it is.
Yui: Okay...Sure.
( This feels like a normal interaction. It’s kind of throwing me off. )
Kino: Come on, close your eyes.
ー Yui closes her eyes
Kino: Fufu. Now, open your mouth? 
Yui: ( ...After closing my eyes, I suddenly grew anxious. )
ー She opens her eyes again
Kino: Huh? What’s the matter?
Yui: ...I don’t need any after all.
Kino: Haah? Excuse me? I was actually being as kind as to share with you. 
Yui: You see...It’d prefer if you’d just hand it to me regularly? 
Kino: Heeh. So miss high and mighty thinks she can tell me what to do now, huh? 
Yui: T-That wasn’t my intention...
Kino: Then, hurry up.
*Rustle rustle* 
→ F-Fine... (M)
Yui: F-Fine...I’ll do it.
( I don’t want to, but I can’t go against his will... )
Kino: Well, duh? It’s not like you have another choice, do you? 
Yui: ...
Kino: Come on, hurry up.
Yui: O-Okay...
( First I have to close my eyes... )
ー Yui closes her eyes
Yui: ( Then open my mouth... )
Kino: You need to open a little wider, no? Or would you prefer for me...to part your lips by force?
Yui: No...!
Kino: Then open up wide.
Yui: Okay...
→ No! (S)
Yui: No...I said I don’t want any.
Kino: Hm...You think you’ll get away with rebelling like that?
Yui: Ugh...
( Oh no, he’ll get mad... )
I-I’m sorry. I’ll close my eyes, okay...?
ー Yui closes her eyes
Yui: ( Uu...I’m scared... )
Kino: Here it comes. ...Keep still, okay?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Uu...
( Something entered my mouth. But this...isn’t Konpeito!? )
Kino: Ahaha! You’re pulling the weirdest face! ...Say, is my finger delicious? 
Yui: ! 
( No way...! I have to quickly move away... )
ー Yui opens her eyes again
Kino: Oh? Is it that delicious? In that case, I better push it a little deeper, don’t I?
Yui: Uu...Sto...
Kino: Heeh? But you’re making a lovely expression. Could it be that love this sorta thing? 
Yui: T-There’s no way...!
Kino: Liar. You wouldn’t be blushing if you didn’t like it. 
Yui: Y-You’re wrong...
( I want to prove him wrong, but it hurts, I can barely talk...! ) 
Kino: ...Ahーah. My finger’s all sticky now. Oh well, I suppose this was rather enjoyable. 
Yui: Coff...How could you... 
Kino: ...You’re trying to seduce me with those expressions of yours, aren’t you? You really are a bad woman.
Yui: That’s not...!
Kino: I’m not wrong. But, sure. I’ll let myself get tempted for a change.
Come on, this is what you want, don’t you? Savor it thoroughly! ーー Nnh...!
ー Kino bites her
Yui: No...!
Kino: Phew...Hahーー Nnh...It’s even...more delicious than usual...Because you’re feeling good, maybe...? 
Yui: S-Stop...No more...
Kino: ‘Stop’? ...Aah, you mean ‘more’, don’t you? You greedy girl...Nnhーー...
Yui: Ah...!
Kino: There’s not many things I actually like about you, but I’ll admit that your blood is your only redeeming factor. 
ーー So give me as much as I want, whenever I want.
Yui: That’s...!
Kino: Haha. You’re making such lovely sounds. It seems like you’re in heaven. Come on, I’ll suck from you even more. 
Yui: ( I shouldn’t enjoy this, but the place where he’s bitten me feels hot... )
( What has happened to me...? )
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literaticat · 11 months
Hi Jenn. I don't want to query my next book under my real name. I've queried 5 books over the last several years (8 or so) and been rejected and I think agents recognise my name now. And while most are lovely, I do believe some have a bias when they see my name. "Oh no, not this person again..." A couple even asked me not to submit to them anymore which hurt (though most are lovely). So I'd like a fresh start. But how do I explain I queried under a pen name if one is interested/makes offer?
Well first of all -- if an agent asked you not to submit to them anymore, I would ALSO not submit to them under a different name. I'd cross them off my list entirely. And I wouldn't do this just to like... TRICK people, and then haha, pull off the mask at the end like GOTCHA, I'm actually this other person!
But if you're doing this because you just feel like, look, I've grown as a writer, my old name is hampering me, I'm reinventing myself, whatever -- OK, fine.
I've written 500000 posts about pen names (go to the FAQ and read some). Long story short: Nobody cares. Normally I'd say, and the traditional advice is, just query as yourself and put "writing as" so-and-so if you want to use a pen name (like for example, if you are already published in one category but are looking to switch categories -- it's helpful for an agent or editor to be able to contextualize who you are).
In this case, though, it sounds like you kinda want to change your identity -- so just query with that name. And if somebody bites and you are talking to them, you can explain in your call, "well, I'd been querying for years with no success, but I'm reinventing myself with a fresh start, new name, etc" -- you aren't trying to trick anyone, you are just REBRANDING.
People change their names all the time. Trans clients query with their name -- the name they will answer to, regardless of what is on their birth certificate. (Yes at some point they will need to give me their legal name on forms so they can be paid - - but nobody will ever USE that name.). People with long names shorten them all the time. Marietjka Jefojka Baskinovonovitch (or whatever) goes by M.J. Baskin in life, there's zero reason she would need to query with her full name. Married people use their married name in their day-to-day life but still want to use their maiden name as their writing name -- it truly doesn't matter which one they query under, but I'd probably just do the name I wish to be called and will answer to. As long as, at the end of the day, you fill out the legal forms correctly, we will call you whatever you want.
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
So The Owl House just had their main pairing kiss on screen in the latest episode. How is it a show under Disney can have their queer couple kiss but RT can't even confirm if Yang and Blake are actually together, much less kiss.
Was that in the final episode (minus some additional content I've been hearing about)? Because that seems to be the go-to trend nowadays: build up a relationship, but wait until the final hour to confirm it. Which, to be very clear, I don't mean as a criticism of TOH. Beyond the fact that I haven't watched it for myself yet (I know, I know), everyone working at Disney is fighting tooth-and-nail for any scrap of representation, often taking such compromises — they can't kiss, but they can hold hands; there will be a wedding, but it won't air in this country; we'll confirm it, but only when the show is cancelled/ending, etc. — over getting nothing at all. Plus, from what I've heard second-hand, TOH apparently does a fantastic job with their relationship, even with such obvious, external difficulties. The point being that, as you say, anon, if creators can manage this under the thumb of such homophobic corporations... the originally independent webseries who, it seems, only entertained the idea of a queer couple because the fans wanted it should absolutely be doing better. Like, way better.
Not to continually gush about OFMD in my RWBY asks, but even more than getting one queer kiss from a Disney cartoon, shows like OFMD emphasize, for me, how much better RWBY could be doing. Here's a nonbinary character! Here's a gay character! Here's another gay character! They're having unambiguous sex in this episode! They might be poly based on how they respond to a particular conversation! Even if they're not they're super chill about expressing their sexuality in various ways! Here's a repressed queer chihuahua man who will theoretically work through the homophobia he's internalized due to toxic masculinity! Here's another gay man who didn't realize he was gay until the end of the season! Here's a fourth gay man! They kiss!! Even though we only get ten episodes at 20-30 minutes each!
Meanwhile, RWBY is like... what if we wrote eight years of content... and the first kinda queer character is a background dude who's maybe gay... and the next was going to be an actual gay guy except we decided not to do that because he dies as soon as he's introduced... and then the lesbian is an obsessive radical out to murder her crush's parents and then disappears from the story after a two-second redemption... and there's a very cute queer couple who hold hands, but they're minor characters who are only around for half a season... and there's a bunch of intense queer coding for these two dudes (one of whom is a fan fave), but it's totally not our fault because the animators made them wink and flirt without our consent... and then one dies in a horrific fashion, but you can't call it bury your gays because they were never gay haha gotcha... and the main ship that's helping to keep this webseries afloat gets to—wait for it—blush and sometimes, SOMETIMES, touch their foreheads together, but they're not together-together yet, just wait for it! Hm? What do you mean we confirmed two main straight couples already? 😗
Meanwhile me, having just watched a ship full of queer pirates live their best lives while the story still makes time for numerous unrelated plots:
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I know I often give RWBY the benefit of the doubt because I do believe strongly that almost any story can turn itself around — not fix what came before, but still improve going forward — but I do really believe that the beginning of Volume Nine will have a huge impact on how Blake/Yang is received by the fanbase for the rest of the story's run. If we get a kiss (or some other kind of confirmation), then I believe that the majority of viewers will be lenient in regards to the arc overall. People will forget how long these Volumes felt in real-time, more and more fans who come into the community will get to binge RWBY and never having to wait on that confirmation, plenty of posts will pop up reassuring others that it had to happen this way because this was the right time for them to get together, it's more proof of RT's amazing storytelling... and basically most non-RWDE folks will be pleased. Which is good!
However, if we miss out on a confirmation the concept of, "It just needs to be the right time" looses its persuasive power and we'll be left asking when the hell we can expect to see them get together if it's not after a post-assumed death reunion. The very end of the story, perhaps? Honestly, I can easily see RT crafting a scenario in which the emotional punch of the void is lost before Blake and Yang ever find each other again. Blake could wake up and immediately go, "Oh, well I haven't died. Therefore Yang shouldn't be dead either. I'm no longer freaking out about this!" and Yang might be worried about her teammates, but she never saw them "die" like they did with her, likewise creating a, "I'm sure everything will be fine," reaction. Toss in the amount of time it might take for them to reach one another on the island (time to cool down, not do anything impulsive based on high emotions) and the fact that RWBY is really bad at emotional followups to begin with (Weiss and Winter don't need to resolve their differences, Jacques is killed off by Ironwood, Qrow doesn't care about killing him anymore, Ruby barely reacts to Yang falling, etc.) and I can EASILY picture a reunion where it's just another forehead touch like after the whale separation. You know, despite the fact that the fandom will be screaming about you thought Yang was dead, Blake, how is this not the perfect time to admit your feelings?
Not to reduce a show to its shipping, but Blake/Yang is such a huge part of the RWBY community that if RT fucks that up even more, it may well tank the show's popularity in a way the bad writing hasn't managed to. We might get a kiss in Volume 9. More likely we might get it at the very end of the run. Worst case scenario is if something happens and RWBY doesn't finish, or — heaven forbid — they bow out of making the relationship canonical at all, and we're left with, at best, some panel announcement where they reassure everyone that of course they're in love... we just didn't get the chance to show you that for whatever nonsense reason PR has helped us come up with. Not having gotten anything by now isn't good, but not getting anything by mid Volume 9 will be even worse imo. It's a now or never kind of deal.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
It is really interesting how my relative fandom exile can be a good thing (yay no going crazy reading stupid things) but on the other hand sometimes I lose sight of the discourse and my assumptions get the best of me. For instance, I view redemption arcs as ultimately value-neutral: I think they tend to be categorically interesting (but can fuck up the landing) but they are not necessarily categorically appropriate, and I kind of forget that this is not a universal position at all. A related idea (that the villain was really justified in some way all along) can interest me as long as it's done on seriously contended terms and not 'haha gotcha but they were evil anyway all along' but it is a genuinely complex handling treatment (and as long as it's not some absurd trolley problem scenario - that the trolley problem is itself meant to demonstrate the absurdity of moral arithmetic is a completely different matter).
Or in the case of say, Jaune, Best Mate used to watch anime (yes all those types of anime) when she was a teenager and she was like, oh yeah this ageing up thing is usually permanent, and it seems like a lot of the fandom thinks it to be too, which is so interesting because I wouldn't have personally expected that (especially based on king/prince foreshadowing), which makes me think about what they're going to do. I don't want to personally engage with any of that stuff, but it is interesting, because there are things I believe to be narratively flagged which That Part of the Fandom Doesn't, and so in some ways it's sort of a proof by contradiction for me lol.
But to circle back to the redemption arc discourse, I avoid all that stuff now that sometimes I even wonder if it's worth talking about? I don't know, I guess I post on the basis that I think I have things I want to hash out, and sometimes I wonder if I repeat myself, and if there's a point to it. You know what I think about character realising thematic messages, and thematic messages being the whole point. Is there any more for me to really say? It's not like what I say even matters.
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jaelijn · 1 year
I had this rant in my drafts for a few days thinking about not ever posting it, but I just saw *yet another* post of this kind, so f* this.
I hate how much fandom and tumblr has informed me that it's cool to hate on the Avatar-the-blue-people film series because the first film is "ssoooo cringe and hahaha there is noooo fanfic haha because it's soooo bad even though it is one of the highest crossing films hahah" and "AtLAB is soooo much better". Like: WHY is it necessary to shit on people's enjoyment when it does nothing to hurt you? It's not the funny "gotcha" you think it is. It's just mean-spirited. Like sure hate on companies and big name creators, but have you thought about what this does to people *just like you* who just happen to enjoy a thing?
It's grown to a point that I don't even want to mention I enjoyed it even a little bit, never mind admitting how much I loved it back when the first one came out. And yes, it has issues - which big film doesn't? But it was such an eye-opener in terms of scifi - not only in terms of how FUCKING GOOD scifi could look on screen without being all "spaceship tech and battles hehehe ooohehehe" but also in terms of what a full alien ecosystem could be. I still have the movie poster hung up. I own the artbook. And the soundtrack. There are literally no other films I can say that about.
It was massively influential for my taste in scifi as well as my way of writing alien landscapes and I felt seen for the way in which my love for nature transcends any care I have for humanity as a species.
Anyway I have been to see part II and love it no less and if not for this stupid nonsense you'd think tumblr'd be all over it - like they have made such strides from the issues of the first one.
It's a story of a family that isn't defined by blood. Of belonging even when you're different. Of loving and protecting nature. There's a heavily neurodivergently coded character who explicitly has epilepsy (and a FEMALE one at that). There's no shortage of strong women without the need to make them... act especially male. There's significantly less white-savourism than in the first one. There's a culture that has a heavily sign-language based conversation style that is completely normalised. It looks *amazing*. The soundtrack is fantastic. It's become an ensemble cast. It's opened up the world even more.
Is it trope-y as all hell, very unsubtle in its message and is its plot flat (and/or repetitive from the first one)? Sure. But the same is true for literally every action/super hero movie, and everyone seems to love those. (And at least in terms of repetitiveness some is definitely intentional - as in relevant to the story! - parallels).
Is it fairly amato- and heteronormative? Yeah. But again, that's pretty much every media.
Is there a significant amount of violence and death - also yes. But to me it's the brutality of a war film - it's supposed to be brutal, it's supposed to be unpleasant and raw in places, whereas a lot of violence in movies otherwise feels to me like I'm supposed to enjoy it.
There are probably other ~~problematic~~ things, and if not in the film then with the people or businesses involved, sure. And I'm not dismissing them. I'm not saying it's perfect. But unlike other media I could mention, as far as I'm aware, it's not an active instrument in a hate campaign, and yet all I see is criticism and I have no one to talk to about it IRL and, following this tumblr attitude, no one I really want to admit to that I like it on here, either.
Anyway. I'm ranting. But if a movie has the power to make me cry from beauty as well as pain, make me lose myself in awe and shake with incandescent rage, have a sheer RANGE of emotional responses, I can't honestly pretend I didn't enjoy it. Just let people enjoy it.
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kimberly-stocks · 1 year
Hey, I'm not the same Anon, but I thought I'd add some of what I know/heard/read about your interrogations over the whole Milo/Hayden thing.
A) The pregnancy scare thing was just a rumour. It was posted on the same type of sites that also alleged Milo was abusive to Alexis which was total bullshit.
B) When they split Milo's rep said it was over lifestyle differences. Considering that Hayden has revealed she was battling substance abuse since she was a teenager and Milo lives a straight lifestyle with no booze or drugs. it seems like the logical conclusion. They also split suddenly,
C) I know at some point they were spoting looking at houses together and Milo was asked in an interview if they had plans to move in together and he laughed at the interviewer. He clarified later that he was helping her look at houses for herself and they had no plans of living together.
D) As for the age of consent idk about NY but I feel like the industry perceived Hayden as an adult back then even if she was only 17 and that's why it didn't make any waves. I guess Milo also perceived her that way since he really seem to have loved her. There was so much PDA there is no way they weren't really into each other.
I don't love the fact that he is so private now. I feel like he only projects his fake public image now in the media and keeps everything to himself. But if he is happier that way that's good for him and I respect that.
I find it kind of funny that while he has become this private, his current partner actually shares a lot of her life online (aside from their relationship),
Hey there!
A) Oh, I didn't know that, because somebody told me about it, I haven't read it myself. Okay, gotcha!
B) yeah that makes sense. I also didn't know about what Milo's rep said. What a polite way to say it, 'lifestyle differences' 😅 why do you think the break up was sudden?
C) I didn't know that either. Wow, I don't know anything! I'm a fake fan 🙈
D) I heard that Milo was called all sorts of names because of it, like pedo, pervert and stuff like that. I didn't follow his career back then, so I don't know how it went irl. But looking at the pictures of them together, he really does seem to be in love, so I hope he was happy with her, at least for a while.
Yeah, I totally agree with you about the fake pubic image. I think after he booked This is us, he started acting differently creating this image of a good American dad, like he's so nice and squeaky clean. I'm not saying he's not a good person, but I feel like in order to get that perfect image a lot of his playfulness and other cool personality traits were just gone. You can still see them in the panel interviews sometimes, but not on tv. Every time he appears at some talk shows I have a feeling it's some kind of edited version of Milo who gives the same perfunctory responses, and doesn't have an ounce of his actual self. It's sad.
Well, his current partner is a model. So I guess she has to post something online about herself to get jobs? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don't know how that industry works. She sometimes posts pictures with various Milo body parts haha
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onabikaa · 2 years
ohh my gosh so I just saw your American Psycho rb which reminded me that I actually finished the book on Monday and I wanted to tell you about it.
It took me a whopping 2 years to read that book. This was mainly because I got soo annoyed whenever Bateman would ALMOST ALWAYS list the brands of every item of clothing that each character was wearing when they entered any scene. Also the gore and violence (mostly brutally specific descriptions of how he killed and dismembered women) really got to me sometimes.
But otherwise what I found most interesting about the novel is how I think that we're not supposed to view Bateman as a character but rather as a concept. Bateman represents the physical 'ideals' of masculinity in the 80s (and perhaps, to some, today as well), but he was also a shining symbol of how those ideals can be corrupted and/or are only surface level.
I often had to view Bateman as a concept when the book got esp. rough. But it was fun (and painful ahaha) to view him as a character, so I also did that throughout most of the book.
You would think that, since he originated from such an interesting concept, Bateman would be an engaging character, right? Nope. This man is nothing outside of his popularity persona and hidden serial killer identity. The only thing that makes Bateman slightly interesting is how this utterly pathetic, unlikable, homophobic (not in the sense where he hates gay people. he's literally terrified of them and it's hilarious) and misogynistic wet sock of a man makes his way around his ridiculous life of doing nothing at his fancy CEO job, booking for fancy restaurants and brutally murdering mostly innocent victims he feels mildly insulted by. Oh, and most importantly, returning his fucking videotapes. I've had it with this man's videotapes, I swear.
So, well... it was an interesting but dreadful book. And the ending was kind of disappointing. But at least he was fucking broken by the end of it. I think that's what truly mattered. Ha.
Anyways this is really long, sorry. Feel free to just read this if you want. However I would love to know if you have also read the book or watched the movie (which I guess I have to watch now that I've finished the book). Have a great night/day Ona :)
First off, please know that i treasure your asks.
[rest under cut cuz it was already too long]
Second of all, relish the fact that Bateman would be seething and grinding his teeth at the fact that his “legacies” are being eyerolled at by Tumblrinas like high school girls in the hallway going “ugh🙄 here goes that dumb bitch again, thinking he’s sooooo special🙄🙄”. Not much better than his colleagues, who outright mishear or ignore him admitting to homicide—yknow, that moment of hollow and bitter self-recognition, when the people around him are portrayed as too vapid and self-absorbed to care about his confessions (most fascinating part about American Psycho if you ask me)*
Third, the only thing worthwhile i can say in regards to Bateman’s stupid gig is its final outcome and how it made me relearn something crucial in a new light: people around me are much too caught up in their own struggles and lives to actually catch onto any self-perceived flaw of mine. Hence, we should lighten up on how others may judge or measure our success (or lack thereof), all struggling to stand out.
.......that’s a very weird take on that, isn’t it? My brain makes very weird connections and i try to be positive overall, so it heavily affects how i perceive the environment around me and what ultimatum i take away from it.
Last of all, i have NEVER in my life watched the movie or read the book. Haha gotcha [no really. All my information regarding this movie is via gifs and secondhand ranting. Youre right everything about this franchise and how it treats women makes me verryyyyy uncomfortable and I wouldn’t wanna put myself through that and Patrick’s annoying ass LMAO thank god the bastard got his due in the end. but i still wanted to respond to your ask :-) ]
Love you, lee~
*actually i take it back. The most fascinating thing about American Psycho is the resulting ironic phenomenon affecting the viewer masses aka how the men who watched it try and emulate him (and the likes of Joker etc instead of like. Learning from their example. Pathetically missing the whole point😬)
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tranquilspot · 11 months
John: Check message.
Heeello 4th pesterlog!
TT: I understand you have recently come into possession of the beta release of "The Game of the Year", as featured in respectable periodicals such as GameBro Magazine. EB: that's an ugly rumor. EB: whoever told you that is a filthy liar.
'Respectable' eh? Nice one. John isn't all innocent and 'pure' as much as some people believe. He too can play at the Strilonde game. He has no reason to lie or be in denial about the game, right? Yeah they're just having fun.
EB: and you should probably stop hitting on him all the time or whatever. TT: I can't control myself. TT: I must have a weakness for insufferable pricks.
See Lalonde's sarcarm is a bit like Strider's irony. It's not sincere, but there is nonetheless a part of sincerity in her jokes. She's a lesbian obviously, but maybe she meant more on an intellectual and psychological way. She loves psychoanalyzing his behavior and dreams after all.
TT: John. EB: what? TT: You're wearing one of your disguises now, aren't you? TT: You are typing to me right now while wearing something ridiculous. EB: no, why would you even think that?? EB: that's so stupid. TT: Ok. TT: Why don't you go get the game from your father? EB: alright, wish me luck.
Ok first of, she's really good and observant to be able to pin out exactly what and when John's doing by remembering his mannerism.
Second, it just came in my mind, but isn't John disguising himself with a pipe (and soon with a bowler hat) a way to emulate his dad. Unconscious roleplaying and such? Each kid have a guardian which they look up to, a 'role model'. But there's a conflict inside him, he aspires to become a man/dad, and at the same time there's something that blocks him. His relationship with his dad which also impact and correlate in a echoey way with the relationship John has with his sense of self and dadhood. Does that make sense? That's why Rose gently guides him to interrogate the source of it. And because she has her reasons to play too, of course. TT: Why don't you go get the game from your father? Well she has an inkling, and her trying to unravel his issues unknowingly help her starting to untangle her relationship with her mother. Now that I think about it. Is John nervous about playing the Game? He 'seems' quite neutral, if not irritated. But only because Dad is getting in the way. The Game, for now, symbolizes fun and nonchalance. Is Dad holding, almost hostage, the discs a brutal step into the rite of adulthood? Sburb is a cruel bait, promising fun, meeting your friends, escapism.. But in reality, it forces them to grow violently, prematurely, and more isolated.
EB: alright, wish me luck. EB: oh, btw... EB: jk I was wearing a funny disguise this whole time. EB: gotcha! hehehehe TT: I know, John.
I like their dynamic :) I also like how the pesterlogs are short for now haha —>
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audioaujom · 11 months
1:00 AM, Loading Docks
FNaF:SB Hub, < prev, next >
There shouldn’t be any TWs for this chapter, but there is some brief mentions of blood and a knockout. This one technically spills over into the beginning of 2 AM, which would make this write actually Lost and Found, but I’ve been titling the chapters based on where they start, not where they end! Enjoy the end of the 1 AM chapter and Ranboo waking up in Lost and Found!
Word Count: 1221
With one last frantic glance over his shoulder, Ranboo pushed open the door at the end of the laundry room and shut it behind him before slumping against it with a sigh of relief. “Finally…”
As he straightened up to continue forward down the short hall, he saw a bot with familiar glasses rolling up to him with a map clutched in its outstretched hand. “Take a map. Take a map. Take a map.”
“Oh! A map, sure.” He chuckled a little, reaching for it after a moment of hesitance. Before he could take it; however, he heard the enraged voice of the security guard from behind the bot. 
“Outta my way!” Roughly shouldering the bot aside, Vanessa shined her flashlight up into Ranboo’s face with a menacing scowl. “Gotcha.”
“AHH! Woman!” He screamed, backing up as she tried to grab onto his arm. She blinked, lowering the flashlight a little and allowing the spots that gathered in his vision to clear. Despite him being pretty crumpled and hunched over against the door to his back she still had to crane her head back nearly the whole way to make eye contact, frowning.
“Oh, sorry. You just scared me! That’s all…” He chuckled awkwardly, reaching behind him for the door handle as subtly as he could manage. “‘Cause you’re just like… suddenly here now! Boom! Jumpscare! Haha…”
“Hey! Don’t even think about it!” She abruptly lunged forward as she realized he was distracting her, grabbing his arm reaching for the handle and yanking him away from it with surprising strength. He stumbled a little, but quickly wrenched himself out of her grip and slipped past her, breaking out into a run down the corridor. “Not so fast!”
“Sorry! I’m sure you mean well, but it really seems like you don’t mean well and honestly I don’t need that kind of energy in my life right now!” Ranboo called over his shoulder, easily putting distance between the two of them as her significantly shorter legs had a hard time keeping up with him.
“What in the world is he on about…?” She grumbled as she ran faster, finally catching up as he found himself stuck against a security door with higher clearance than the last badge he had swiped.
“Well, this just sucks! Why do you even have so many doors of so many clearances? That seems so inconvenient.” Ranboo complained lightly, as if the last two hours of her searching meant nothing to him—much to Vanessa’s annoyance.
“I’ve finally got you cornered.” She huffed a little to catch her breath, not used to doing this much running. “Come on kid, just come with me.”
“Uh, sorry, but I can’t do that. It’s not on the objectives list I’ve created for myself for the night. I think I actually have one that specifically says ‘avoid the security guard who talks like she wants to kill me’.”
Vanessa ignored his ramblings and jumped up, swinging her flashlight in a wide arc that Ranboo was too slow to duck under, smacking him squarely on the side of the head. He instantly thudded into the closest side wall, clutching at his head with a hand that came away slightly slick with blood.
“Jesus, lady, what the hell is your problem?!”
“Currently, it’s you!” She jumped again, but this time he was a little more prepared despite the pounding in his head—that was much worse given the dull aching that had just passed from getting his head smacked around like a volleyball in the daycare—and ducked just enough for her attack to miss, trying to charge past her to head back into the docks.
This time Vanessa was faster, sticking an arm out at chest height and holding firm enough it stopped and slightly winded him in a solid clothesline, him doubling over enough she could hit the back of his head with the flashlight again and send him crashing to the ground.
He groaned on impact—not fully unconscious, but definitely close and in quite a bit of pain—and tried to get back up to his feet until another hit to the same spot on the back of his head had his vision completely clouded with dark stars as he struggled to stay awake.
“Where can I even leave you?” Vanessa mumbled to herself, giving one more hit—with what was definitely an excessive amount of force—that finally left Ranboo completely blacked out on the floor of the hallway.
Ranboo awoke with a terrible headache, feeling it pound from the back of his head and behind his eyes as he struggled to open them. Rubbing at the sore spots helped a little, but as he cracked his eyes open he noticed the dried blood smeared on his fingers and winced at the memory. “That security guard is freakin’ crazy…”
Blinking his eyes open and finally taking a look around, he was confused by the small office he found himself in, surrounded by shelves stacked with various articles of clothing, toys, and what could pass for electronics. Sitting up, he noticed the face of Vanessa looking down at him through one of the windows beside the heavy security door. She looked out of breath, giving him a middle finger before disappearing down the hallway and leaving him by himself.
“Wow, she seemed so friendly. I really appreciate the hospitality.” He rolled his eyes, staggering to his feet with the aim of figuring out where he was based on the desk in front of him. “Okay… from the looks of it, this is probably lost and found.” He mused, rifling through the papers on the desk to see if there was a security badge or something that could help him get through the door he was sure Vanessa had locked in a way to keep him inside. “But how can I get out of here and then find Freddy again?”
He spotted the vent at the same time one of his hands came across a screwdriver, the plan formed in his head before he could even articulate it to himself, sitting on the floor and starting to work at the screws to take the cover panel off and see if he could actually slip out.
“Well, at least it’s probably the same as those stupid tunnels in the daycare.”
Just as he was moving on to the last screw, he heard the computer on the desk suddenly jump to life. He leaned back a little to look, the picture on the monitor distorting as a crackling voice spoke to him.
“Are you having fun yet~?”
“Oh! Uh…. hello! To answer your absolutely delightful question, no! No, I am not having fun!” He hurried his pace on removing the final screw as he awkwardly laughed out his panicked answer, the panel falling away and leaving the short vent open. He stuck one hand through and pushed on the panel at the other end, managing to knock it off relatively easily as he pushed harder. He then stuck both arms through and found the wall on the outside, pulling himself through until his head stuck out the other side. Luckily, he was close enough to the floor he could easily slide out without falling, distastefully brushing his clothes off as he stood up.
“Great. Now to get back to Freddy.”
0 notes
Super CookieBots
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(Screenshots from Royal Mike!)
Field Trip
Aloe Cookie: Try pressing that button. You can make the robot’s arms move with it! Apple Cookie: That’s SO COOL! Bell Pepper Cookie: Is it though…? I can make something cooler! Chestnut Cookie: Wow! You can make things like that? Bell Pepper Cookie: This’ll probably fly over your heads, but I can tell you everything! When I invented my PepperBot, I looked at- Pudding Cookie: LOOK! *Giggle giggle* Robot toys! Bell Pepper Cookie: And using that as reference, I was able to complete my Pepper- Hey… Where’d everyone go? Aloe Cookie: And that concludes the laboratory tour. I hope all of you had fun! Apple Cookie: This was the best field trip ever! Chestnut Cookie: It’s really awesome to meet such a famous Cookie scientist! Bell Pepper Cookie: *Tsk* I can make cooler robots... Ion Cookie Robot: Cafeteria = that way. Engaging Goodbye Protocol. Goodbye, Cookies. Pudding Cookie: Bye bye, Ion Cookie Robot! Thank you! Firecracker Cookie: Lunchtime Jellytime! WAHOO! Pancake Cookie: Psst! Hey! I saw a sign that said “Do Not Enter.” Wanna go check it out? Chestnut Cookie: But… Ion Cookie Robot said it was dangerous to wander around on our own... Pancake Cookie: C’mon! It’ll be fun! We might find a secret lab! Bell Pepper Cookie: Something bad might happen if you wander around like that! Laboratories like this can have lots of nasty and dangerous things... Bell Pepper Cookie: But I know a lot about robots, so with me around- Firecracker Cookie: Can we eat first? I’m STARVING. Apple Cookie: Yeah, let’s eat! Erm… Where’s Bell Pepper Cookie? Bell Pepper Cookie: “Aloe Cookie is so awesome.” “Aloe Cookie is so cool.” Psh… I’ll show them! Bell Pepper Cookie: Yeah, Ion Cookie Robot is pretty cool and well-made… But I can make an even cooler robot! Bell Pepper Cookie: Maybe everyone will think I’m cool too if I tell them I explored the lab all by myself! Bell Pepper Cookie: And I’ll show them that my robots are cooler than Aloe Cookie’s! Bell Pepper Cookie: Here it is! “Do Not Enter.” I think the coast is clear…! No turning back now! Bell Pepper Cookie: It’s so dark here… How deep down am I? Bell Pepper Cookie: What’s that…? It sounds like… a voice! Aloe Cookie!
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Bell Pepper Cookie: Oooh! There’s really a secret lab! And I found it! Bell Pepper Cookie: It’s… a robot? What sort of robot is that? Aloe Cookie: It will all be over soon… I promise. Bell Pepper Cookie: Huh? What’s she talking about? What’ll be “over”? Aloe Cookie: You will be able to do everything you’ve ever wanted… The world will be yours. Aloe Cookie: For you, I am willing to change everything into metal… Bell Pepper Cookie: !!! Bell Pepper Cookie: No way…! Does Aloe Cookie want to make all Cookies into robots?! Bell Pepper Cookie: I can’t let her get away this*... I have to stop her! (Everyone’ll think I’m cool if I do!)
*actual text
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Bell Pepper Cookie: I finally made it! Bell Pepper Cookie: The scans didn’t show any signs of surveillance cameras… But I’m not walking through the front door! Bell Pepper Cookie: This calls for some sneaky stealth! After all, sneak attacks are super effective! Bell Pepper Cookie: That’s a super huge wall though... Bell Pepper Cookie: PepperBot! I need your help! Can you give me a lift? Bell Pepper Cookie: It’s working! We’re getting up there. Just a bit more, PepperBot! Bell Pepper Cookie: Uh-oh...! The power’s failing?! Hang in there, PepperBot! Bell Pepper Cookie: PHEW! We made it over the wall! Bell Pepper Cookie: Excellent work, PepperBot! Bell Pepper Cookie: Next up: the secret lab! Time to show Aloe Cookie and that robot who’s boss! Bell Pepper Cookie: Wait, is that… YIKES! It’s Ion Cookie Robot! Ion Cookie Robot: Intruder alert. Intruder alert! Bell Pepper Cookie: Looks like I’ll have to get through Ion Cookie Robot first! Bell Pepper Cookie: Let’s do this! I’m not afraid of you!
Showdown: Ion Cookie Robot
Ion Cookie Robot: Engaging security protocol… Pausing at 27%. Intruder = familiar Cookie. Ion Cookie Robot: Hello, Cookie friend. Bell Pepper Cookie: Oh, erm… Good to see you again! Wait, I meant… This isn’t the time for hello’s! Bell Pepper Cookie: I’d better make a run for it while Ion Cookie Robot is distracted…! Ion Cookie Robot: Underground levels = off-limits. Stay here. Entertaining. Bell Pepper Cookie: Ooof! Get outta the way! I have an important mission! EEP! Are you trying to surround me? Bell Pepper Cookie: Go away! Stay back! Bell Pepper Cookie: Let go of me! Let… me… go…!
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Ion Cookie Robot: Cookies like robots. Play with robots. Many toys. Bell Pepper Cookie: I saw those already! Put me down! Bell Pepper Cookie: GAH! PepperBot! Activate defender mode! Ion Cookie Robot: Scanning… Mechanism has increased in mass by 300%. Bell Pepper Cookie: HA! This is just the beginning! Let’s go, PepperBot! Ion Cookie Robot: ...Rerouting power for security initiative. Ion Cookie Robot: Transformation complete. All systems: optimal. Bell Pepper Cookie: OK, so that happened… We better run away! AND FAST! Ion Cookie Robot: Cookie running. Robot in pursuit.
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Bell Pepper Cookie: Nononono! Go away! Ion Cookie Robot: Robot must obey protocol. Do not enter. Restricted area. Bell Pepper Cookie: Listen to me! Aloe Cookie programmed you this way, right? But she can’t be trusted! Ion Cookie Robot: Aloe Cookie = The Inventor. Creator and ally of Ion Cookie Robot. Bell Pepper Cookie: You aren’t seeing the whole picture! She’s planning something big and evil down there! Bell Pepper Cookie: GAH!? P3P-P0! HEEELP! Ion Cookie Robot: New entity detected. Scanning… New robot friend!
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Bell Pepper Cookie: A perfect distraction! Time to head over to the secret lab! Bell Pepper Cookie: Finally… it’s time to face Aloe Cookie and- What’s that…? Cyborg Cookie: Who’re you?! Ya lost, kiddo? It’s not safe to wander around alone. Bell Pepper Cookie: Aloe Cookie’s evil robot?! Am I too late? Has her plan already started?
Showdown: Cyborg Cookie
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Cyborg Cookie: Whoa, wait a sec… Did you just call me “evil robot”? Nuh-uh! I am… Cyborg Cookie! Bell Pepper Cookie: A Cookie! PSSH! Stop lying! You can’t fool me. You’re a robot! Cyborg Cookie: Well, yeah, when you put it that way… I mean, I’m neither a robot or a Cookie at this point so... Bell Pepper Cookie: That facial expression looks… real! Does Aloe Cookie have the technology to make robots look sad? I wonder if… NO! I can’t feel sorry for an evil robot! Cyborg Cookie: Sorry, kiddo, but whatever you’re thinking , it’s not it. I am going to have to ask you to leave. Now! Bell Pepper Cookie: OK… That’s one fast evil robot! PepperBot, got anything that can help? Bell Pepper Cookie: Just what sort of repulsor technology is that? How are you SO FAST?! Cyborg Cookie: Hey, quit running around! You’re making a mess of the lab! I promised not to make a mess here again! Cyborg Cookie: And besides! Isn’t it past your bedtime?! SCRAM! Bell Pepper Cookie: I’m going to stop you and save the world! OK, PepperBot…! NOW! Cyborg Cookie: Gotcha! Hold still ya little-
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Cyborg Cookie: Uh-oh... Cyborg Cookie: Oh, that’s not good! Your robot’s hand…?! Bell Pepper Cookie: HEY! You’ll pay for that! Cyborg Cookie: Yeah, yeah, OK! I’m sorry, all right? Let me try fitting it back in the socket! It’s… not… working! Cyborg Cookie: We gotta fix this and quick! Bell Pepper Cookie: Hey! Where are you taking that?! Bring it back! Cyborg Cookie: Stay there, kiddo! Your robot will be fixed in a jiffy!
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Bell Pepper Cookie: Where are you going?! OH! The secret lab is that way. Time to follow! Cyborg Cookie: ALOE COOKIE! Quick! I need your help! Bell Pepper Cookie: Give me back my robot’s hand! Aloe Cookie: I’ve been waiting for you… Bell Pepper Cookie.
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Bell Pepper Cookie: How’d you know I was here? !!! Surveillance cameras?! Bell Pepper Cookie: You were… spying on me?! Bell Pepper Cookie: OK, so what now? Are you gonna defeat me and then take over the world? I don’t think so! Aloe Cookie: First things first, I think we need to repair this robot first. Shall we talk in-depth a bit later? Aloe Cookie: Cyborg Cookie. Can you bring that robot over to my workshop? Cyborg Cookie: No problem! Bell Pepper Cookie: Give me back my robot! What’re you doing?! Cyborg Cookie: Don’t worry! Aloe Cookie’s the best Cookie there is for any repair job! Trust me. Cyborg Cookie: Aloe Cookie’s such a genius that she can even turn Cookies into robots! HAHA! Bell Pepper Cookie: I knew it! I KNEW IT! You… you’re… you’re evil! Bell Pepper Cookie: Get away from my PepperBot!
Bell Pepper Cookie vs. Aloe Cookie
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Bell Pepper Cookie: Wait, you’re really just… making repairs? No dismantling? No malware? Aloe Cookie: Looks like the swivel joint right here was disconnected. Aloe Cookie: With some welding and minor rewiring, it’ll be good as new. How does that sound? Bell Pepper Cookie: I erm… OK, I’ll admit that I couldn’t come up with a better idea for that part. But how’d you know that by just looking? Aloe Cookie: Upon closer inspection, the chassis is fascinating. Did you fabricate this yourself? Bell Pepper Cookie: Yes! I’m the best at robots! Aloe Cookie: I see! I observed that you seemed the most knowledgeable of all the Cookies of the field trip. Aloe Cookie: I should have told you about the cameras from the start… But I was admiring how you managed to get the upper hand against Ion Cookie Robot. Aloe Cookie: It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow scientist. Bell Pepper Cookie: Me…? DId you just call me a fellow scientist? Aloe Cookie: There. This should do the trick. Bell Pepper Cookie: PepperBot’s hand is fixed perfectly! So like… you’re not taking me prisoner or anything? Bell Pepper Cookie: (Maybe Aloe Cookie’s not an evil genius?) Cyborg Cookie: Uh… speaking of which, Aloe Cookie. The lab upstairs is a bit… messy. Cyborg Cookie: I tried to deal with our guest here quietly but... Bell Pepper Cookie: Deal with me? I knew it! Bell Pepper Cookie: You really are evildoers! Aloe Cookie! I know your secret! Aloe Cookie: Pardon? My secret? Bell Pepper Cookie: You’re going to force Cookie’s to become robots! Cyborg Cookie: That’s… Probably all my fault. Aloe Cookie: No! Cyborg Cookie, it really isn’t your fault at all. Aloe Cookie: Bell Pepper Cookie, if I may… What made you think that? Bell Pepper Cookie: I heard you in the lab! You said you’d do anything for Cyborg Cookie! Aloe Cookie: That’s... Cyborg Cookie: Aloe Cookie just wanted to help me, OK? Bell Pepper Cookie: Wait so… Cyborg Cookie is the one that’s evil? Cyborg Cookie: What? NO! I meant- ARGH! Aloe Cookie: *Hearty laugh* Allow me to explain. Aloe Cookie: Those words you heard? They were words of joy for finally completing Cyborg Cookie’s repairs. Aloe Cookie: I never wanted Cyborg Cookie to doubt either the past or what it means to be a Cookie. Bell Pepper Cookie: Wait, but real robots can’t think! Why would Cyborg Cookie think of stuff like that? Aloe Cookie: There was an accident… To live, Cyborg Cookie needed a new body of metal and restored memory chips. Aloe Cookie: The reason why I am researching robotics was born from the desire to save my friend to save Cyborg Cookie. Bell Pepper Cookie: I… I read somewhere that you didn’t start as a robotics engineer…! Bell Pepper Cookie: So… you switched to robotics, just like that? With like, no regrets?
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Aloe Cookie: Switching fields was not on a mere whim. There is nothing more important than the friends we have. Bell Pepper Cookie: ...But making the best robots ever, that’s more important than a few friends thought! Aloe Cookie: The fuel for science should be your love for the Cookies around you and the world we live in. Without love, anyone can be led astray. Aloe Cookie: Inventing new tech was a difficult challenge… But I didn’t give up. I kept my friend in mind. Bell Pepper Cookie: I… I think I understand now. I’m sorry I said robots were more important than friends. And Cyborg Cookie, I’m sorry I called you evil. Cyborg Cookie: You know… You’re not so bad kiddo. Don’t let this get you down. Aloe Cookie: If there are still webs of doubt clinging onto your mind, you are free to explore the lab in its entirety. Aloe Cookie: Actually, shall I give you a tour of this section first? This laboratory is specifically tailored for Cyborg Cookie. Bell Pepper Cookie: I do! I want to see everything!
Aloe Cookie: The sun has set already? My my, how time sure does fly… Bell Pepper Cookie, perhaps you should return home. Bell Pepper Cookie: Already? But there’s still so much to see! Aloe Cookie: *Smile* As it is getting late, we shall escort you home. Aloe Cookie: You are welcome to visit the laboratory once again. In fact… You are also welcome to come and use it for your own research. Bell Pepper Cookie: It’s OK! I have my own lab! ...Can-can I really come back? Aloe Cookie: Of course! You may bring your friends as well. Bell Pepper Cookie: Nah! It’s fine… They don’t really understand this stuff… They don’t really understand… me. Cyborg Cookie: Chin up, future scientist. Give ‘em a chance. Be open and honest with your friends! Ion Cookie Robot: Cookie = leaving. Robot friend = leaving too. Aloe Cookie: Well now, look at you! Made a new friend today, Ion Cookie Robot? Cyborg Cookie: Don’t be sad. They’ll be back! Bell Pepper Cookie: They look so happy. I wonder if I can be that happy one day…?
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Bell Pepper Cookie: Should I talk to them? No… Maybe… URGH! I don’t know! Bell Pepper Cookie: Even if I tell them what happened, they won’t understand! Bell Pepper Cookie: Maybe Cyborg Cookie’s right… Erm… Hey! Hello! Apple Cookie: Hi Bell Pepper Cookie! Bell Pepper Cookie: I’ve got an awesome story to share! You won’t believe where I’ve been! Pancake Cookie: OOOH! Where? Tell us! Tell us! Bell Pepper Cookie: Last night, I went to Aloe Cookie’s lab all by myself! Pudding Cookie: Oooh! What happened? Bell Pepper Cookie: I saw Aloe Cookie’s secret lab! And I fought some robots too! Bell Pepper Cookie: And Aloe Cookie called me a fellow scientist! Pancake Cookie: But why’d you go alone? I wanted to see the secret lab too! Bell Pepper Cookie: I… I thought Aloe Cookie was an evil genius who wanted to take over the world… And if I defeated her, maybe you would think I was cool and we could be friends... Chestnut Cookie: Aloe Cookie is like… a real adult. And she called you a scientist? THAT’S SO COOL! Bell Pepper Cookie: (Everyone is… having fun? Is this… Are we having fun, together? I’m actually talking to other Cookies right now!)
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Apple Cookie: Tell us more, Bell Pepper Cookie! This is so much fun! Apple Cookie: We thought you didn’t like playing with us… It was hard to ask you! Bell Pepper Cookie: No, it’s not like that! I… I only cared about robots and thought you didn’t like robots so I was always thinking that you didn’t care- Chestnut Cookie: But hearing about robots from you is so awesome! Pudding Cookie: yeah! Did you get to play with the robot toys? It would’ve been so much fun all together! Bell Pepper Cookie: Oh, I have some robots at home… I have a lab in the attic. Do… do you want to see the robots I made…? Bell Pepper Cookie: Oh, but it’s like… you don’t HAVE to come if you don’t want to… It’s OK… Pudding Cookie: LET’S GO! Chestnut Cookie: That sounds awesome! Bell Pepper Cookie: Really? Pancake Cookie: I can’t wait! Firecracker Cookie: Everyone grab a rocket! Let’s fly to Bell Pepper Cookie’s house! Bell Pepper Cookie: Oh! We can all fly on PepperBot! Activate flight mode! Apple Cookie: !!! Bell Pepper Cookie’s bag is a robot! THAT’S SO COOL! Bell Pepper Cookie: Hop on, everyone! Bell Pepper Cookie: Everyone strapped in? PepperBot! Take us home!
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