#which isnt an issue but i need a medical exam
writterings · 6 months
shit man im going to england!!! im going to london in a few weeks!!!!!! fuck yeah!!!!!
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saturnsfather · 2 years
its so weird coming to terms with the fact that there will literally never be a time in my life in which i will not be misgendered by someone.
i can be as socially ‘out’ as i like, i can wear all the right clothes, i can take the hormones and get top surgery and look as much like myself as i like. but i will still be A Girl in some very important ways
did you know insurance companies can refuse to pay for an operation or test if it doesnt “fit” with you assigned gender? for example, im a trans guy. this means that even though im male, i do need to get pap smears and cervical exams every once in a while.
if my insurance company has on record that im a man, they can refuse to cover that service. i am required to misgender myself if i am going to get very important medical procedures covered by my insurance.
its just. so depressing to think about. there will never be a day that i can be “completely out” in all aspects of my life because if certain people. believe that im a man! i will not be able to acquire things i desperately need.
i dont have experience from the other direction, but im guessing trans fems have to go through a similar problem. its an issue stemming from how our society and our medical system thinks about biology and sex vs gender in general. if you have an F on your chart, you need these tests, and dont need these other ones. if you have M on your chart, you need other tests, and dont need these ones. and if the tests you dont need show up in the system ! well there must be something wrong, you must be trying to cheat, you must be getting a different test you dont want on your insurance and are trying to hide it, you must be letting someone else use your insurance because they dont have any (WHICH ARE BOTH CLEAR INDICATIONS THAT SOMETHING ELSE IS WRONG but this isnt the post for that).
its just such a truly messy system that does not work anymore. it probably never worked in the first place.
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shadowstalker21 · 4 years
A cry for help.. pls read.. this involved 3 million lives
I’ve seen a lot of posts on Tumblr about protests around the world and everyone usually supports them. Pls take some time to read this too and spread this as much as you can too. It’s a long post, but 3 million and probably a lot more lives are involved in this since this virus spreads so fast. 
India records 70k cases daily which is one of the highest rates worldwide. Our parliament is closed, public transports are closed, lockdowns are still there in many states. But the govt has decided to conduct two exams -- JEE and NEET which are for engineering and medical degrees respectively. A total of 3 million students give these exams every year. They have been postponed 2-3 times already but our plea to postpone them again was rejected in supreme court, who gave us a total of 4 MINUTES to present our case
I’ll list some of the things that have happened since then:
20-30 kids have committed suicide out of mental stress, and others have been talked out of it. I have myself seen a tweet of a girl with her wrists slashed talking about how depressed she is feeling. 
Students are active on twitter daily , from 9 am, well into 3 am in the night. Thats 18 hours of tweeting. We get 5 million tweets everyday. 
Our tweets are being mass reported by the government which leads twitter to delete them. 
Some private institutes, who train students for these exams, have been identified as being the lobbies for these exams to be conducted. WhatsApp chats with their senior members have surfaced saying they bribed govt officials with 25 crore rupees = 3.38 million dollars.
Students have gone on hunger strikes. Peaceful protestors have been beaten by the police with sticks
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Note -- these were all peaceful protests. No violence was done at all. 
Check out this video which nearly brought tears to my eyes. Hear their screams as the police beats them brutally. And note how they were all just sitting down in protest. 
Some more things
Many politicians, journalists, celebrities and activists from around the world have come out in our support, including Greta Thunberg. 
Our education minister is spreading lies that students want exams, when every poll conducted on twitter or buy news websites has shown overwhelming majority (always 90%+) in favor of postponement.
These are the conditions in other government exams in 2020:
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As you can see there is no social distancing.
COMEDK exam had 57 deaths, 5k+ corona cases and 8k+ quarantined
Floods are going on in many states
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People have water inside their homes. Upto just below their knees. Centres of examinations have been alloted 200-300 kms away. How can they reach centres without any public transport? 
Our country has a lot of poor students. How will they manage to travel so far? Or stay in different cities while taking care about this shitty virus? 
Protests are being ignored. 
Tweets are being deleted. 
Students are committing suicide
I urge you all, all of tumblr, you all are very supportive and empathetic towards the issues of anyone anywhere. 
Pls support us
Go on twitter. 
Search for the hashtags like #postponejeeneet_today, or #rise_againstexamsincovid, or #neet_jee, #jee_neet. 
We use new hashtags everyday so pls DM me for more information. 
The first exam is on Sept 1
We desperately need all the support we can get
This post is getting too long so i am ending it right here. If this gets some response I will make a new one with more details about the govt’s cruelty and the mental health issues all this is causing to students (I myself had to convince 2 guys to not commit suicide)
Please help. 
Please. And if you cant, please signal boost this. I know this isnt well written or catchy with font formattings and stuff but all this is making me very very stressed too and I dont have the energy to do that now. 
Please respond to this and help as much as u can. Just tweet for us and ask ur friends and anyone with any connections to tweet for us. 
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slutaktion · 5 years
Hi there 💓 I’ve never had sex w anyone before and I’m concerned I might not be able to. I’ve never been able to successfully penetrate myself with even just my fingers and I don’t know why. I’ve been to the doctors but they didn’t really help. Do you have any advice for someone who’s really struggling with vaginal penetration? I think it might be an anxiety thing but I’m not sure if that would really affect me so physically. I’m scared this will make me less desirable. Any help is appreciated
alright, so your situation is actually somewhat common & what youre experiencing could be due to a few different things.
the first potential thing is you could just not be relaxed and aroused enough. if youre stressed or anxious, if youre not aroused or dont have enough lubrication, or if youre in an uncomfortable position where you cant relax your muscles, you may be unable to penetrate yourself or be penetrated simply because your muscles cant relax enough to let anything in. if youre struggling to relax, i suggest you try to touch yourself at a moment where youre already feeling calm, when youre alone and dont have to stress about being interrupted, and dont try penetration until youre already feeling aroused. you could definitely use lube to help. 
the second thing that comes to mind for me is you could be suffering from vaginismus. kinda scary name for a relatively not-scary condition - vaginismus is a condition where the muscles in the vagina cant relax so penetration (even with fingers) is painful or even impossible. it can have several causes; they can be physical, such as the nerves of the vagina being too sensitive, or psychological, such as anxiety or sexual trauma. its possible the cause is something physical, and as you say, its possible that its an anxiety thing. 
vaginismus with physical causes can be dealt with with a doctor (preferentially a gynecologist*, as other doctors might not have the experience to deal with the problem). when it comes to vaginismus with psychological causes, treatment would depend on what the cause is. vaginismus caused by sexual trauma will often need to be dealt with by processing and coping with the root trauma. vaginismus caused by anxiety can be coped with by dealing with the anxiety surrounding penetration. generally, those are mental health issues that can be discussed with a mental health professional, a sexologist, or even just by talking about the issues youre experiencing with someone you trust.
thirdly - i dont have great experience on the topic so i cant expand on it a lot, but some intersex conditions make the vagina very tight and make penetration impossible. again i cant talk on that subject very much due to a lack of specific knowledge so ill add resources at the end.
a few other things:
- dont try to push penetration or force yourself into it, you could hurt yourself. no partner should try to pressure you into trying penetration if you think itll harm you either. in all cases above, if you cant do penetration right now, trying to force it is only going to make you tense which will make things worse.
- most importantly, if for whatever reason you figure out you cant do penetration in the foreseeable future, it doesnt mean you can never have sex. sex is not limited to vaginal penetration - there are so many things you can do with a partner to be intimate and make each other feel good! oral sex, grinding, mutual masturbation, pegging… theres a lot of possibilities. tons of people with vaginas dont do vaginal penetration for one reason or another (because they cant, or because they just dont want to) and still have a fulfilling sex life. not being able to be penetrated doesnt make you broken or faulty or unable to have sex. if your body isnt prepared to do something - then you can find other things that will work for you.
some sources on what intersex is and one condition that could explain your symptoms:
What is intersex?
Intersex Society of North America FAQ
Vaginal Agenesis
as a general disclaimer, none of us here are medical professionals, so we cant diagnose anything. these are just possibilities that i know of. 
* a note on gynecologists: first, if you can find one, i recommend you find a female gynecologist. according to what ive read, female gynecologists tend to practice a more gentle and careful approach. there are some issues with male gynecologists having a tendency to act unprofessional with patients.
second, some patients arent aware of this - if you go see a gynecologist you can refuse anything they ask you to do. if they want to examine you or do anything on your body, you absolutely can just say you dont want to. many people dont know that there are no stakes and theyre free to refuse any treatment theyre uncomfortable with, so i thought id let you know. theres nothing to be scared of, but a gynecologist exam can feel embarrassing or intrusive, so just know youre always entitled to your boundaries.
- rezki
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pacejennings1-blog · 5 years
Getting Insurance to get a license?
I am having a hard time getting my without insurance. I have a permit but I need insurance to take the drivers test, but I don't have anyone to put me on theirs so I can take the test. Is there anything I can do so I can get insurance. Please help me I might suggest that you try this web site where one can compare quotes from the best companies: http://freeautoinsurance.xyz "Without putting it under your parents title ways to get motor insurance at 16? I recently got my g1 and im looking to buy an automobile within days' next couple. I stay with my mom and she doesnt travel or have auto insurance and my father has been outta the picture for a long-time. So just how may I get motor insurance under these cirumstances? What's a great car insurance to get a minimal use vehicle? What's a superb car insurance for a minimal use automobile? Fullsize truck insurance when compared with small size pickup? Could be the price for insurance on a full-size truck greater than it'd for for a small vehicle? Common auto insurance from the 17-year old? Significantly less than a (VW Beetle)? Hi all, Im 17 a VW enthusiast and only handed my driving exam. I am not saying im going to be any different to the research but im not just a speed at-all, not enough expertise is still a concern although Guys preimiems are dual women but i assume its likely to get insurance ive been aware of individuals who have just question that organization? I'm about to turn 16 and I'm wording how much will my car insurance be on a Mercedes and escalade both 2002 after insurance to get a VW Type-1 1300 beetle or even a VW splitscreen camper to get a 17-year old. As anyone who has tried getting an estimate to get a 17-year old boy its going to be 800 for inexpensive 1L car, 900 to get a 1.25L Fiesta or 1,400 for a 1.4L Zetec. and where? The RAC quoted 1,100 and went to ask about it then they declined had several quote to get a 1.6L beetle (because of age and slowness) of 1,400 but want under a 1000" Could my grandma incorporate her automobile insurance policy and my auto together? I've a car that's without insurance, in my own brand. If my grandma might just include my auto to her plan I needed to understand. If any variation is made by that I am a 19 yearold male." Where do i get medical health insurance in colorado. im 18? 18-year old man. Me dropped. Sad day:(. Haha so where would I find cheap health insurance:) Prelude vs Subaru on Insurance? What type is typically cheaper? Between a 97 - 01 Prelude along with a 00' Subaru 2.5rs Iv heard prelude insurance is not cheap. I know wrx insurance is hugely large thinking the 2.5rs must be cheaper since its not turbo'ed. Simply how much must I expect you'll pay for individual medical health insurance? I am making my career to return to faculty. Continuing my current healthplan through COBRA will definitely cost almost $400 regular. I am a healthful moderate social drinking non-smoker plus 25. Can I do better than $400 monthly?" Range rover sport insurance? How much might insurance per year expense me easily wer n is gone out by 2 obtain a range rover sport??? Im 19, held the full, clear driving license for 2 years that are more than! my partner would be the key driver, he is 23. Placed a full, clear driving licence for 5 years! thanx in advance!" Whay is insurance? How come it essential? Varieties of insurance? I would like about insurance. What's confidence?concepts of insurance? "Insurance fee is increased by obtaining a Permit?" Hello. is everyone here from texas? I just want to know if insurance companies in Colorado do improve your insurance pace once they are notified that your child includes a permit. As though living here isnt currently enough, allows prime it off with this shock." Is Aetna Medical Health Insurance any good? I'm healthy, but if anything happens I want to make certain I'm protected. Perhaps you have had any undesirable or good encounter with this particular firm. I actually have Humana, and so they don't want to purchase a office visit, therefore I am changing. Anything you could offer will be good. Thanks." Do you consider my auto insurance could go up? I am 18 years old. Do you consider my motor insurance might increase if my father were to purchase me an Eclipse?" Can it be correct that in the United States you'll find people that get jobs they might hate exclusively for inexpensive health insurance? Basically could get How does buying car insurance on your first car work? for an actual Green card or teachers, I'm considering emigrating to the Usa within the next 3 years. The thing is that folks on this community have been telling me that health insurance comes mostly from your manager in the US, and that when you have a preexisting problem, you might find yourself unable to transform for the career you need while you mightn't have the ability to get coverage or, should you get protected, be billed over your salary. Is this appropriate? Somebody 2-3 weeks ago was authoring how she was angry because she has Crohn's Disease and operates a part-time job with total benefits in-kind (insurance) and her husband teaches five adult-education classes in a community school plus a state university without rewards. She said that they have no kids (no objective of experiencing any), but she was excessively corner along with her partner as he loves teaching and doesn't desire to abandon it to get a full-time office work with advantages though he is putting away $1,500 per month for any possible problems. Is it certainly like this in the States. I enjoy America, appreciate its literature, its people, its ideals and thus many other activities, but this seems like a large deterrent if one doesn't have full job flexibility. Would up a spouse end stopping employment he enjoys performing and taking over something he could nothing like simply because the work that is less interesting provides inexpensive health insurance for somebody with a pre-existing situation." Do you really need to remain having a specific car insurance for a period of time? I'm short on money although I have to get new-car insurance. May I switch to your new one then have one car insurance to get two or a month? Car-insurance? Howmuch would it not cost to get a 16 year old girl, respect scholar & drivers ed to start a plan by her self, or would it not be cheaper to become included with my parents program? The automobile that is aslo would have been a madza 3. THANKS:)" Inexpensive auto insurance? I am searching for auto insurance...i have a dui on im and my file about to get my license back...so I would like some suggestions about some cheap insurance... .i have already tried the general and dairy property... 2 a oui how much and accidents may my insurance be today? i struck a parked vehicle while burning 2 yrs no body was injured my cars rear bumper must be replaced and the different automobiles front fender ago then two weeks before i hit my vehicle on a tree and totaled it and that I got a oui my insurance was $100 monthly before simply how much might it be currently such as a guess? What's the very best insurance provider for a old using a poor driving history? car insurance for nj drivers Bike insurance price - Modern? I merely need insurance on my cycle for such as a week and progressive merely offers me the choice to often spend the total 12-month price ($255) up front now OR 2 obligations annually that is $135 at the start at this time. Im not spending $135 when im merely going to be riding it? Medical Insurance?!?!? I am having to get my own personal medical health insurance for the first time. Can someone help me determine all this out? What should I be searching for? I am young and healthful, therefore I wouldn't want to pay much, but I'd like to feel confidant in my protection. Additionally, dental protection will be needed by me -any data there?? Thanks so much!" Do I need bike insurance to journey a bike in the dealership off? I recommended evidence of insurance while the bike (motorcycle) is compensated in profit the town of Milwaukee, state-of Wisconsin?" Medical care insurance issue? I am 21 and under my guardian insurance, I'd to be always a full time pupil to be able to be back under their insurance. I got my new ID, I'm back on medical care insurance but Iam striving intensively in another of my courses, and I can not find tutoring for this specific school. There's also no book from my lecturer, therefore making me removing as a result. Withdrawing in the school might abandon me with 11 loans. Since I have my ID card, and Iam under medical care insurance and also have my insurance card and everything, can this result may or my eligibility I have medical care insurance under my parents?" Cheapest auto insurance in usa? im 18. my parents now have a plan in Geico. I used to be to register also in an idea but I think Geico is not too cheap. Which car insurance corporation may be the CHEAPEST (All-State, 21st etc.)? If it matters nevertheless the place of living is in Virginia, idk." Atlanta average car insurance commission for suffering and discomfort? If a uninsured person get hit by protected one who hit and ran and there's discomfort and battling with personal injury what's the average payment? Getting Insurance to get a license? I am having a hard time getting my without insurance. I have a permit but I need insurance to take the drivers test, but I don't have anyone to put me on theirs so I can take the test. Is there anything I can do so I can get insurance. Please help me I might suggest that you try this web site where one can compare quotes from the best companies: http://freeautoinsurance.xyz When getting an insurance estimate have you got inform them what your seats have been decreased to or...? Have to know easily can let them know what my tickets were lowered to or if I must tell them what I had been truly pulled over for and I am likely to get an insurance quotation. How much will we be price by health insurance? My sweetheart and I are considering moving their state of Florida, to the United States. We've pre-existing neurological, situations and we're 36 years old. We'd want to discover how much income we shall have to paid monthly for a healthinsurance that addresses costs-such as dental hygiene, exams, medications and medical visits." Does just how many occasions your license suspended influence your insurance charges? Toronto Affordable Health insurance in California? I'm looking to purchase health insurance in California. My money is 000$ a year and since i merely work part-time, 10. i requested Medical couple of months ago through welfare office, but my case worker was really mean he was requesting a great deal of files as a way to agree my application and every time i go to the welfare office they make me watch for 4 hours.so i chose to seek out health insurance through Barak treatment website but I discovered that airplanes that expense 100$ and below doesn't protect perhaps 30% of the medical expenses. Any tips about finding inexpensive health insurance in Florida with protection that is excellent??? Thankyou" Medical Health Insurance question? My man's boss wont present them Health Insurance. Where may I call or so what can if he has to provide them I do to request insurance or not. Please help!!!!!" Insurance Help Please? I obtained a page today indicating that my medical insurance is approximately to be canceled. I have been on my mom's insurance forever. She's impaired and may not function so that it was circumstances funded system. (Tenncare) I'm too old to stay under hers anymore and so I used myself. Listed below are my credentials. I'm 19 plus a full-time college student. I've a component time career and make about 500-600 per month. My overall monthly bills are about 450 (not rising gas and food). I'm having to be determined by my children to also endure right now. I donot understand why I used to be rejected health insurance a month once I essentially create negative money? I am definitely anxious that I may need to have surgery shortly and because I just found out I have PCOS with a significant tumor on my ovary that is right. I'm going to the physician at least one time a month to monitor the advancement of the tumor. I seriously can't afford my very own health insurance. Is there something I can do? Also medical health insurance does not be offered by the area I work. Thanks in advance." "Somebody hit my car, but doesn't have car insurance.?" I went outside to acquire in my vehicle, and found that somebody struck my people side-door. A girl said she found it happen, but could not get any information on the automobile apart from that it belonged into a neighbor's pal and arrived. Well I obtained telephone # and the girls title from your friend, but they did not feel she's auto insurance. Must I also bother should I contact the cops and document run police statement and a hit or calling your ex? I will note that this lady hit my vehicle of a month before. Until I had her info, I needed to wait. Is it too late to call the cops?" How much money might a 16 year-old need to buy annual insurance to get a sports-car? how much money would a 16 yearold need to pay for yearly insurance on a sportscar? For instance a 1999 ford mustang Car Insurance. I have been in an auto accident and need assistance. Please helppp!!!!? I am working our car insurance companies with both, and found myself in a car accident. I had been not at ticketed or fault. What car would cost more to insure? would like advice. They're showing me I must spend my deductable, and get it. Same with all the rentalcar! But I-donot have the cash to-do all of this? Please, supply advice!!!" Having trouble deleting auto insurance with allstate? I named my local Allstate gentleman on Monday the 22nd. I soaked into my Allstate bill online about the 27th, and he stated he'd stop the plan also it nevertheless was not ended. I called their 24-hour customer care and spoke with an individual who stated they'd devote the demand to stop the coverage again. I sign into my lender today and so they WITHDREW my March fee! And so I named them again and so they mentioned the policy was still effective. The lady I talked with tonight claimed they will need to discover evidence that I am with Geico now. Why didn't anybody tell me the first two times? What do I must do to acquire my policy to become postponed? I've been having a few different automobile insurance organizations in my evening and I've NEVER had that much of a concern obtaining the coverage cancelled! That I'm afraid and as of now I am owed by them well over $200 they're going to enjoy with activities with me before I get my cash back. What are selections and my privileges??" 1999 Pontiac Grand Am SE auto insurence? Just how much will it cost for me personally monthly just estimate the price please to possess insurance on that auto thanks and so are ponitacs goood with-there engine and all that it has 172000 miles on it for $2900 should i take it or na just tell me concerning the insurance please cheers Do I've to have auto insurance? I had insurance I now offered the vehicle and push a company car 100% of that time period and use to own a-car. I named my insurance dude and advised him to stop it and he suggests that Illinois features a state-law that claims I've to own insurance on the car since I reside acquainted with my parents and everyone in the home includes a vehicle. I really could probably get in to at least one of there automobiles and be not insured. He was told by me I actually donot cuz I still a-car with company insurance he said I've to really have a coverage with my title about it by law is this accurate? How much does business car insurance charge? Just how much does business car insurance cost? Is California's New Auto Insuranse Law Forced? A loophole has closed in the regulation that permitted people to enroll with good insurance and end a short time afterward or to register their automobiles with artificial insurance. Today once you end your insurance, the insurance business will tell you also auto's and the DMV electronically enrollment will undoubtedly be terminated? What happens afterward? You possess the ticket that is valid looking on your automobile...So Can Be police currently planning to be preventing at this point you just to check for insurance? How do you get your subscription re-instated if revoked under these situations?" "How much wll insurance is paid for by me if im 16?? aint got an easy car or anything-but just how much if my parent gives me on or how much wouldn't it be easily pay(easily can try this at 16) Auto Insurance? What's the top auto insurance for somebody who is 18 a good insurance that dosent cost that much How do I get my motor insurance cheaper? Hi am 31 and got 8 years no clams I am finding it hard to have it cheap and drive a corsa vxr Car Insurance for 17 year old? British? I have tried calling corporations - all of them state 'we can't give you a quote' sites - 'cannot quote' How am i designed to get insurance... I dont mind spending something upto 7000 I've attempted with 3 vehicles that were different... Even a 1.0L and still no quotes. Lamborghini insurance cost? On a 100K 2005 lambo for 20-year old with a clean driving record not looking for a precise solution, this is just a problem me plus a friend wondered about what might the insurance value be" Cheap auto insurance I mean cheap? Observed insurance is significant and just handed my test, I need anything or some kinda voucher to get to guarantee my vehicle. Any tips. UK ONLY" What's a 2Dr car that's insurance charges that are reduced? 000 selection runs well" Term Life Insurance Title? My spouse and I are in 50is and our 40's. We have created A/N trusts and moved our assets in their mind, and have a locations that may benefit from the property tax-saving these trusts afford. We recently both bought $1M 10-year renewable term life-insurance procedures that we expect you'll retain for 10 years. We decided never to use-life insurance trusts as the purpose of the policies will be to exchange the deceased spouse's lost money if among us dies relatively soon, not to raise our closing estate, and also the trusts are significantly costly. Since we want the disposition of possessions specified there to be used for this income we each specified our own trusts since the receivers. The trusts give the money, and theory if needed, to be paid to the partner, and for the remainder to become settled to our kid in the remaining spouses death. The issue of property of the policies is more bounce. Our attorney says that it generally does not make much distinction who possesses them, since the importance (house) taxed is only one-year's premium, not the $1M. Our accountant suggests that the $ 1M is taxed, which the other partner should owns each coverage in order to avoid tax on that amount. A pal stated that there is no means of avoiding or somewhat decrease the tax, thus only keep the possession as is (each partner possesses their own policy). There is while in the ointment another fly the fact that the insurance carrier (Ma SBLI) makes some types of trust control expensive and more challenging. I am confused. What property is the best? What is that choice's benefit? Thanks for the time." Where to find out how much gas i need for a Mercedesbenz c300? Okay so i'm guess to accomplish a vocation project and pick a task and where iam planning to reside,medical insurance etc.For my task i selected a Mercedes Benz c300 for my vehicle.For energy alternative i selected covers and it price 2.909 per gallon.How do i figure out the typical charge for a week and/or month?First resonable solution get best answer.i actually need this so please help me!thankyou! :)" "Easily crash, could my parents motor insurance rise?" If im and i freeze on learners permit, wouldn't it go up? He explained i and because i called my insurance broker dont must be like a driver be covered listen. I reside in colorado btw if that concerns." "When auto insurance refuses to protect a collision, how to proceed?" My boyfriend crashed his pal's car lately. He'd agreement to travel it but happened to find yourself in an accident. His friend has insurance for your car and my partner has his insurance, but neither ones' insurance may protect the automobile. He considers his possibilities are restricted to only overpowering the car payments or going to trial (the buddyis insurance claims it ought to be claimed as stolen if he doesn't spend up). Shouldn't the friend's insurance be expanded to protect my sweetheart? Are not there other options?" Getting Insurance to get a license? I am having a hard time getting my without insurance. I have a permit but I need insurance to take the drivers test, but I don't have anyone to put me on theirs so I can take the test. Is there anything I can do so I can get insurance. Please help me I might suggest that you try this web site where one can compare quotes from the best companies: http://freeautoinsurance.xyz
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Simple ques about Car insurance. Ive had my drivers licence?
For over ten yrs but have never had a car in my name. Also have never had my own car insurane. My driving record is spot clean no tickets violations nothing and im over 30. Would i still have to pay as much as a 21 yr old brand new driver for car insurance ?? am i looked at the same as them ?? I might suggest that you visit this website where you can get quotes from different companies: http://INSURECOMPAREQUOTES.US Car Insurance for Visitors? I bought a brand new vehicle. It is protected through its producer. I went along to another country to operate and stay and then quit over Germany. Since I have wanted to maintain the car, I went it to my new property! For your first a few months (I'm informed) I am still covered being a Traveler. Claim I've a collision within this new region, we trade insurance facts, etc... Where should the other driver goto get his payment and file his state? Has anybody ever had a collision with, claim actually, a rental car from another country and discovered which they stay elsewhere and. . . How should one deal with this case where there could even be language boundaries between your two individuals and also the types they've to fillin? Thanks ahead of time What is the very best car insurance firm to get a graduate student? What is the best auto insurance firm for a graduate student? What is the distinction between expression insuarnce and whole life insurance ? What is the distinction between life time insurance and phrase insuarnce? Exactly how many people dedicated life insurance fraud on 911? Exactly how many people committed life insurance fraud on 911? Any1 know much on insurance info? Hello all ive been for a year called auto primary having a motor insurance and my insurance is over now. Thus i have authorized a full decades no-claims benefit using them... well what happens today how do you receive it? Like a certificate? They havnt even sent me any issue or actually called me... One other week, i called them and they said they will deliver a confirmation of a times NCB... Is this proof needed by me or do I simply tell my next insurance to call them for comfirmation?? Thanx another concern is i got covered for 2000 direct with automobile for that year. I'd 9 things drink-driving and i hadnt had any no-claims benefit of course. The car was a ford fiesta xr2i 1.8 16v 1994. Nevertheless now 6 of the items have terminated and are off my permit and also i will have a decades no claims reward.all i have on my license now's 3 points and dr10 (drink-driving bad I am aware) anybody possess a rough idea just how much this may come down now i have a bit more of the fascinating history lol? Cheers for period yall tc" Maternity insurance or no insurance? And so I am naturally kicked their insurance off. Since it isnt worth every penny, they keep telling me to not get insurance and we should only spend of wallet. But what-if something goes wrong caught within the hospital longer than i need to be? My partner doesnt have only i work and a career but icant get insurance through their business. We pay out of pocket but would utilizing insurance be far better and probably could save up? I myself don't have insurance at-all after so i have to get both my husband and i insurance, they switch over to medicare. plus possibly putting on maternity. Thus maternity insurance?" Can A - 19 year-old get cheap car insurance on a 20-plus year-old muscle car.? O.K. I know these vehicles are not cheap to guarantee generally but i am thinking if you have any feasible way I will get cheap insurance on such a vehicle. There is also the fact this will be an everyday driver. Likewise if everyone knows if your revised car may well be more to ensure. Im looking at a 1974 Camaro using a 454 Revised or possibly a investment 1974 AMC AMX. Thanks Jay." Realize a bit of good insurance companies that may ensure a house under renovation that people're living in? We ordered a foreclosure that really needs a reasonable amount of function. We then shifted in so we are able to focus on one-room at the same time and managed to get habitable. What insurance provider could be able without raking people within the coals to guarantee this household, despite the fact that the home might incomplete?" Just how much can you purchase adolescent auto insurance per 6 month? We have 2 cars 01 camry and 98 nissan. I'm 18, father is 54 and we spend 35004+ for 6 months. Is that substantial?" What're the various kinds of life insurance? Middle age, and which of them are simpler to get,non-smoker" Best insurance providers for 17-year old and my check approved!!? Alright ive pased my exam per month on friday and that I gettin a vehicle this week and that I require some insurance around the vehicle obviiously lol, effectively basically whats the least expensive motor insurance all-you 17 year old have and who's it with, please:)" No claims benefit is questioned by motor insurance? Thus, i went with all the troublesome singing fat gentleman, got a reasonable price for my basic vehicle, declared all cars within my house, one of which really is a company car with a couple of years NCB onto the website. Settled the deposit was to be settled by direct credit. In my experience wanting evidence of the NCB following a handful of weeks now they've prepared I reported, needing information on the previous insurance and plan amount. Therefore, I email them (while they reported in the correspondence this will be the quickest way to solve and avoid having my coverage postponed) saying the NCB was on corporation insurance instead of another individual insurance which i think they believe I've (the option on NCB on the site included NCB on organization vehicles), no response to my email, so I send another, currently I've had a red shaded notice threatening cancellation of my insurance unless I provide the info. Tried dialing and it's really both continuously employed or answer phone. Emailed to get a final and third occasion and place a replica of the email inside the article with no response. I'm I have been by assuming I've NCB on my business vehicle plan, consequently completely mislead, whenever they opt to stop my policy can I get my deposit and 1st month's payment back? Citizens assistance has told me that the plan was unreliable and was not as identified and so I should really be due a return but how to expect you'll get this basically can't contact them? HELP and advice please!" Need good motor insurance in jer sey -? I moved variety colorado to newjersey. I had been keeping my auto insurance with 21 st century,that was earlier called AIG. I needed a much better insurance in NJ with affordable costs. I see the subjects are not rather low in nj, from what i viewed ,.please adivse some better car insurances companies" NY motor insurance issue? I'm going to nyc soon and there's no means I - can pay the auto insurance but. Basically provide https://imascadecor.wordpress.com/2017/06/ how am I going to bypass the united states to view household? I have colorado, idaho, florida, oregon, washington, SC, family everywhere, illinois, arkansas, and new jersey" Insurance for 2001 celica? considering the rest equal (era, experience, t/e), how will be the value of insurance for a 2001 toyota celica when compared with cars of the same price range? Eg agreement, sports cars, compact cars" How much is motor insurance to get an 18 year old man in California? The caris going to be about 14k whole (out of the door price). I am wondering which car insurance business I is going for, and just what a great value could be. https://naimosandfindcor.wordpress.com/2017/06/02/i-am-looking-for-affordable-health-insurance-company-for-myself-i-an-single-male-40-years-old-i-dont-need/ are currently debating whether I'll be put into their insurance coverage, or easily can get it sepatetely. Does anybody have input with this? Thanks~" Car Insurance Like A Driver? It's cheaper for me personally to become named as a second driver on MY vehicle, with someone who has 4 decades no claismand continues to be drivin ages, but when i was too hav a collision while in the car could he shed his no-claims?? And also he's a car 2 if he claims of the insurance for my car, can this in anyway influence his insurance? cheers" What is an insurance plan? I have heard the definition of, Packages Section, and Plans Underwriter. What exactly are Packages and do they vary from the regular products an insurance organization offers?" Life insurance for 18 year old? My daughter is going to be 18 this year & she wants to know if life insurance is needed by her. She lives acquainted with us,is in 6th form at university (UK) & has no responsibilites like mortgage etc.She has a Saturday job so works. My partner & I aren't guaranteed, although it doesn't sound like she does. Any guidance? Cheers." Inexpensive medical insurance in NYC? Hello, I'm 30 years old and my wife and I had a mixed revenue of around $ 62,000 for 2006. In september with this year I returning to university regular and will be stopping my entire time occupation. My current pay is 000, $50. I anticipate building 000 while in university, a maximum of $20 and never having the ability to get healthinsurance . Our money for 2007 may screw up my odds of acquiring many federal-aid for your first-year and will possibly exclude me from balanced NY too. Insurance through college is about $600 monthly. I've gotten rates of $513 to $1200 a month for my spouse. All I would like is devastating insurance in case possibly people have any important difficulties or I have a collision while riding my bike (a means of transportation, not just a doll). These prices are currently driving me insane. Where's where for me personally to look for something that can include these distinct situations and how much must I be prepared to spend? Cheers in advance!!" "Sad Love Account, Car-Insurance question for a 19 year old. Please Support. May reward 10 items?" I've been seeing this son for a while today and that I have absolutely slipped for him. A year ago, my entire life fell aside in senior school and he's the thing that's gone right. He is the main one person who makes my heart battle all fast and stomach do flips with those butterflies. I'm absolutely crazy about him. I've my permit but I'm simply not ensured. Our grandfather found a delivery I left while in the car by accident and looked over the kilometers and that I got the vehicle taken away. If any one of you're in love I cannot stop crying you know how I must experience. I can't stop crying. I understand exactly how Juliet must have felt:'(Today on the insurance issue. Our 70-year old grandfather wont I'd like to generate anymore until I'm covered. I am 19 and he has esurance and want to obtain added onto it. Does anybody have any concept of the fee? It'd help out me so much therefore I discover how much I must save. Till then I'll must consider the shuttle to find out him I suppose:(thanks! I'll reward solution best." Howmuch would my motor insurance on Porsche? Hello last week, I am 21 and approved my test. I'm thinking about both investing in a BMW Z4 or a Porsche Boxster [yes i know they're expensive] It'll be described as a one. Used to do not know but people told me it would cost thousands...truly???? Considering that aren't that large. If dad features a car i can't get his policy but travel an alternative auto on???? Aid...how do i get this cheaper. I am not worried so much at this time if it costs thousands but its going and i will not realize my situation then." Teenager car insurance!! ? im 15 and preparing to purchase my first automobile. About howmuch my insurance is going to be, i really want to know. Im getting a 2001 toyota celica and that I im a girl and live in vermont. can anyone please help?????" Really Angry! where could I get cheap vehicle insurance im 18? i been on move assess the cheapest I acquired was 4600 thats on the 1.9 litre van I believe its dumb how do I make a living spending that kind of cash out i need my suv for function plus its nothing like its really powerful its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it having a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on automobiles im 18 do u understand where i can get cheaper truck insurance plus I obtained quoted 2600 on a 1.1 automobile Auto insurance + 3 factors? Heya ok to lower along history short i got ripped ove by the police the other weekr and i had an extremely worn-out tire on my car. I acquired 3 things because of it and today two weeks later it-my insurance rebirth I understand I've to tell them in regards to the factors and thats wonderful but that is wherever it gets somewhat appealing, my restoration without items might cost 790 for your year but if i tell them about the points i think it increases to 1100 and so I searched about online i added the items while in the prices and everywere is all about 1300 and so I was messing about with all the insurance selections and i improved the buying price of my auto value from 400 to 3000 got a for 770 i couldnt feel it therefore I tested total the important points plus they are proper in addition to the benefit of my car thus my concern is... does it certainly matter that i put 3000 as the importance?" Simple ques about Car insurance. Ive had my drivers licence? For over ten yrs but have never had a car in my name. Also have never had my own car insurane. My driving record is spot clean no tickets violations nothing and im over 30. Would i still have to pay as much as a 21 yr old brand new driver for car insurance ?? am i looked at the same as them ?? I might suggest that you visit this website where you can get quotes from different companies: http://INSURECOMPAREQUOTES.US Where do I go-to uncover public liability insurance? I'm beginning to operate courses, coaching creative recycling products and require liability insurance. Would you place me inside the proper path please?" Produced a mistake on prior car insurance? I am concerned about changing insurance providers as I forgot to inform preceding insuraure about 3 items I have. What will the brand new insurance provider claim regarding the situation? Can my previous insurance carrier rings and explain? However the insurance has expired thanks" "Just how much do you consider if I get my own personal car my insurance increase?" I attempting to approach how much cash I will significance of an automobile. Its a 2000 truck. I am 17 and have had no injuries or seats. I required a drivers ed course and get yourself a great student discount. Discussing my parents vehicle (a fresh SUV) produced her insurance go up $70 per month. Have you got an idea of just how much it'd rise if I got my own auto? Thanks!" Could having a Honda Civic coupe improve my motor insurance costs? I am 18 & likely to move into a Honda Civic shortly. I observed that my insurance rate would get sky-high, although I'm indicating to get a coupe just because it's really a coupe. Is this true? & in that case, by howmuch? Cheers." Easily got an automobile video recorder is my auto insurance going down? I ordered a video recorder for my automobile as project.Keeping in your mind competitors and other motorist are currently operating intellectual occasionally in London can I get my insurance down basically got a recording device within my car.Did anyone were able to accomplish that? "I didn't ride on it, although I've no healthinsurance, ambulance arrived?" I fainted at my school. The ambulance got and 2 paramedics examine my blood glucose level and that and blood pressure was it... Used to don't head to a medical facility with them or anything. But of course I'd to give my information that to them... I am terrified since I DO NOT have medical insurance, of just how much it will be. :(" May be the health insurance paid to put off worker taxable? Does this medical health insurance insurance payment taxable in case a company-paid it truly is terminated a-6 month healthinsurance protection to employee?" Clever Vehicles are being insured by what insurance company in the US? I've a 2007 Smart and my insurance has advised me that they can not continue my protection because of the sort of vehicle that it's. "Normally, howmuch do companies buy medical insurance in america?" So I require a statisitic, normally, how much health insurance is provided by employers to employees? I have got that over 50 employees who don't present medical health insurance the Patient Safety and Affordable Care Work can enforce a $2000 good on employers with from January 1st 2014. But for just how much businesses really present medical health insurance, statistics are typical over the position... The portion of big firms providing these gains fell from 66% in 1988 to 34PERCENT in 2002 These estimates are from wikipedia, but I've been looking at different websites also. I simply do not know things to imagine, or how to understand what they truly mean. What proportion of businesses truly provide it really is full-time personnel with satisfactory medical insurance?" That will cost more to insure? 00-04 mustang 00-04 or bottom mustang gt? I am 17 and live in Nyc. Year, been operating using a clear history for one and I currently spend $100/month on my mom's '10 camry. I want to get my very own automobile and I have concentrated anything right down but I can't decide between a base model or even a gt. I've discounts on my recent plan for example drivers ed and great student. I will also have a defensive driving course for an added discount and the new-car will even result in a multicar plan discount which will be helpful. Our mama will soon contribute exactly the same $100 towards the vehicle as she's currently as well as the sleep I've to pay for by myself. I have heard that the base and gt will cost about the same to insure, but it doesn't seem right considering that the gt has 100+hp significantly more than the bottom, but folks have reinforced that by stating the base styles take part in more accidents among young drivers. Consequently can anybody set the history right for me? Please don't provide tendencies saying that solely my insurance professional could inform me that or excessive for you yourself to manage to me. Also would it be a smart decision to decrease impact protection to get a massive insurance discount? On racing this vehicle I really donot plan." How long are you experiencing in maryland to incorporate a new automobile for your insurance? I am being informed it's 14 days, when I believed 30 days, maryland state-law says?" I'm do not be eligible for medicaid. and pregnant without any insurance? I just found out I'm pregnant. I am 18, and I want to be reasonable about how I can do this. I don't have insurance, and that I realize to get a fact that my mom makes an excessive amount of income (that most goes to payments) for me to qualify for medicaid. We virtually have nothing left-over, but still battle. Therefore I would have to spend of pocket. But I have nothing to my name. I simply had work interview but also that'sn't assured & I'm not sure if I can work morning sickness, because I am presently getting. The daddy doesn't have money or insurance. & I'm not foolish enough to rely on him. Is there in any manner that I can get help? Talks on what I ought to of thought of that before. No ****. We all make errors. Many thanks." Issue where you should get dentures without insurance.? Hi,I live-in Renton,California and need new dentures.I don't have any dental insurance.I will be able to place down 300 dollars and make payments,just performing PT.Any strategies if its cheaper to attend a Denture Clinic or normal dentist? Many thanks..." Where could I get lifeinsurance for my girl who has cancer? Where could I get my child that has cancer life-insurance? Adrian flux motor insurance? Is this a good motor insurance company, has everyone got any good/negative coments or viewpoints about this company, I'm a new driver therefore I would love the guidance which will be my insurance. thankz in advance!" How will you figure out in case you have health care insurance? How can you discover when you have health care insurance?" "Can it be correct you get whenever you turn 25 years of age, a car insurance break?" I havenot noticed something formal, and that I imagine my broker can be asked by me. If anyone else has gotten any kind of charge change once they switched 25 but I had been interested. Does it depend on the insurance provider?" What're the consequences of the selections with car insurance? Evaluating auto insurance and answering the questions(rent or own property, relationship position, etc.). Do my advanced fee influence?" Classic Mini Insurance? Support? Hello, I have a vintage austin mini mayfair 998cc. I got prices before from footman james on common insurance at around 900 nevertheless now they have a fresh coverage where they don't supply insurance under 21 to everyone. Ive tried evaluate industry along with other sites for is 1600 fully compensation however the cheapest I - can think it is. Can anyone help? please support!" "For washing company, business insurance?" me and my friend want to start our personal tiny cleaning business as a specialist and companies who gonna get us function asking for insurance can anyone tell just how much will it charge me and what do i need to get protected as we have normal washing equipments, automobile and steam-clean equipment only. Gaining very less initially therefore cant afford. please guide us. Cheers" May this have substantial insurance? I was considering investing in a 2010 vw gti car or car. Manual. Is insurance with this superior to get a gentleman that is newer? it has a turbo onto it. However it simply contributes I do believe 25hp popping out to about 200. Could a car and automated be insurance than the usual coupe/guide? Common costs to purchase and guarantee a 50cc scooter? Ok so I don't understand what moped it will be and so I'm simply looking for earnings and general help. I'm am thinking of getting a scooter charge imminent, for that next 6-7 weeks and 17. I just wondered how much could insurance expense me for this, not just a brilliant bicycle just a cheapo 400-500 assume as I shant everyday be applying it and is there in any manner to insure it for only 6 months rather than a year that's cheaper? Over a whole how much do you think it'd charge me altogether easily ordered a 400 50cc moped to guarantee for 6 month (year in case you cannot do six months) + tax + assessment you have to take P.S. I reside in England - South-East - Dover/Folkestone Location" Just how much would motor insurance be for an 18 year old in Ontario? I am an 18-year old residing in the Windsor area in Ontario, Canada. I wondered roughly how much auto insurance for me would be. I've been operating for just two decades, never had a collision, racing ticket, etc. I taken drivers ed." "And never have to get car insurance for it, can you buy an automobile? ?" Well I am 18 and just lately approved my exam. I had been wondering if you might purchase a vehicle without buying the insurance. Some individuals have said as you are able to obtain a vehicle but need vehicle tax to preserve it parked on the highway whilst others say that you will need the vehicle to be kept by motor insurance on public highway:/? Which one is correct?! Pluss I reside in the UK" How much does insurance cost in the era of 30 on the car in the united kingdom? Me that's in the age of 30 haha! Simple ques about Car insurance. Ive had my drivers licence? For over ten yrs but have never had a car in my name. Also have never had my own car insurane. My driving record is spot clean no tickets violations nothing and im over 30. Would i still have to pay as much as a 21 yr old brand new driver for car insurance ?? am i looked at the same as them ?? I might suggest that you visit this website where you can get quotes from different companies: http://INSURECOMPAREQUOTES.US
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Anaconda, Andrew Bogut, and Bones: Adorable little princess with a sensitive soul. Playful, gentle and a little shy. Likes a gentle touch, soft voices and is happy to sit right by her caretaker and to give Risses. 2 s old, 304 lhs smagie TD# 8191 ttan ACC ~ I have been returned ~ Bring the magic home this holiday season by adopting Magic the dog @MACC <3 A volunteer writes: How cute is this? A "big" dog all curled up in a "little" dog bed! True, Magic is a pocket Thoroughbred but still, it is just too adorable! Magic is a bit shy although so glad to spring out of her kennel and be pampered by a court of volunteers. She likes a gentle touch, soft voices, smooth moves and she will then be all yours. She seems happy to sit on a bench right by her caretaker and offers furtive kisses while accepting caresses. Magic is a pleasant walker, a good sitter and according to her former owner, would enjoy to play with balls and toys. Magic would love to be home again, a home that would understand her sensitive soul and make accommodations for it. Come and meet our little princess at the Manhattan Care Center and make her yours, all yours and for ever! MY VIDEO Sweet Magic <3 https://youtu.be/JvvEHV_XhXc Scully and Magic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ1U5kuUHdA MAGIC ID# 8191 Manhattan Animal Care Center (fka Effie ID# A1123832) Manhattan Animal Care Center 2 yrs old, 30.4 lbs Brown / White Spayed Female Returned Reason: Owner surrendering Magic after 9 mos because of behaviour concerns. (was adopted in february 2018) Intake Date: 12-02-2018 SHELTER ASSESSMENT ~ ADULT ONLY HOME No children (under 13) OWNER NOTES / Dec 2018 Basic Information: Magic is a 2 year old brown and white female spayed medium mixed breed dog. Previous owner adopted Magic from ACC last year. She has had her ever since and is surrendering Magic because of her behaviour concerns. Previously lived with: 2 adults How is this dog around strangers? Around strangers, Magic is friendly and outgoing. She will jump on someone to greet them and lick. She is not fond of men and will hard bark or lunge at them. How is this dog around children? Magic has been around children of the ages of newborn to 4 years old. She will bark at toddlers and go after them. How is this dog around other dogs? Magic is friendly with smaller dogs but will lunge and bark at larger dogs. She will pull very hard if she sees a dog on a leash. How is this dog around cats? Magic has been around a cat. she would chase the cat at first but has gotten better and used to the cat so she is now tolerant. Resource guarding: Magic isnt bothered if her food bowl, toys or treats are touched while she is using them. She will bark if someone rings the door bell. Bite history: Magic has never bitten another animal or person before. Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Very high energy, friendly, affectionate, playful, confident, independent. Other Notes: Magic enjoys being bathed although she may try to jump out of the tub. She enjoys being held and cuddled. She isnt bothered if she is told to get off of furniture. She never received a nail trimming from her previous owner because Magic goes on frequent walks Has this dog ever had any medical issues? Yes Medical Notes In 2017 Magic was surrendered to ACC with a fractured hip. She received a hip reconstruction surgery and also received therapy to help her walk again. She has no other known medical concerns or issues. For a New Family to Know Magic is a Very high energy, friendly, affectionate, playful and confident dog. Previous owner loves that Magic is a friendly, calm and super active dog. Magic loves to play with kong toys, bones, raw hides and loves treats. She is very active and needs a bunch of play time. She knows commands like sit stay and come. She is not to fond of larger dogs or men. She may attempt to lunge or bark at them. She has been kept indoors only but goes outdoor for walks. BEHAVIOR NOTES / Dec 2018 Upon Intake: Upon intake, Magic had a wiggly body and a wagging tail. She jumped on me as soon as i approached her. She was also panting and lip licking occasionally. She allowed me to collar her pick her up and place her inside of a kennel. Allowed all handling. Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Owner Surrender (In home for 2 years) Previously lived with: Adults Behavior toward strangers: Friendly and outgoing with some, some men she will lunge or hard bark at Behavior toward children: Barks and runs at them Behavior toward dogs: Lunges and barks at larger dogs, friendly with smaller dogs Behavior toward cats: Chased the cat at first but is now tolerant Resource guarding: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Magic is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, and confident with a very high level of activity. Other Notes: Magic will lunge and bark at men, people using wheelchairs or walkers, and large dogs. Magic is reported to snap if her back hip is touched which she previously had surgery on. SAFER SCORES: Date of assessment: 3-Dec-2018 Look: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Or dog indicates play with huffing, soft 'popping' of the body, etc. Dog might jump on Assessor once play begins. Paw squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Paw squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Flank squeeze 1: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2: Item not conducted Toy: 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog may smell or lick, then turns away. Summary: Magic approached the assessor with a soft body. She was social throughout the assessment, allowed all handling, and displayed no concerning behaviors. Date of intake: 2-Dec-2018 Summary: Loose body, allowed handling Date of initial: 2-Dec-2018 Summary: Tense, tucked tail, allowed handling ENERGY LEVEL: Magic is described as having a very high level of activity. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct her energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: ADULT ONLY HOME Recommendations: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments: No children: Due to Magic being reported to run at and bark at children, we recommend an adult only home. Potential challenges: Handling/touch sensitivity Fearful/potential for defensive aggression On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments: Handling/touch sensitivity: Magic is reported to snap if the hip she previously had surgery on is touched. It is important to avoid touching Magic's hip at this time. Positive reinforcement, reward based training should be used to pair touch with good things such as food rewards in order to teach Magic to be more comfortable with this. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Magic is reported to lunge ad bark at children, men, and people using assistance devices, showing some fear with these things. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is recommended to assess behavior after decompression in a new home environment. Force-free, reward based training is advised when introducing or exposing Magic to new and unfamiliar situations. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Magic is reported to be reactive to other dogs on leash, lunging towards larger dogs and barking. She is also reported to be reactive to men, children, wheelchairs, and walkers. Magic may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach her to look at you rather than other dogs and novel stimuli that may startle her. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior MEDICAL EXAM NOTES / Dec 2018 2-Dec-2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2 years per our previous records - exam is consistent with this Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned POSITIVE Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : Surrendered. Seen at ACC about 1 year ago with a right femoral fracture; pt had an FHO performed at VERG at that time. She has no other medical concerns. Subjective: Alert, walks well on leash Observed Behavior - Tense, tail tucked between legs, allows all handling Evidence of Cruelty seen - None Evidence of Trauma seen - None Objective BAR-H, MMs pink and moist, BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Clean adult teeth PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic, no coughing or sneezing ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated, not distended U/G: Female, small nipples and vulva. Linear ventral abdominal scar that is consistent with a spay scar. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. Thin scar along the right proximal femur. Good muscling over both hips, but pt is resistant to extension of her right hip. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Normal externally Assessment: Hx R FHO - no medical concerns otherwise Prognosis: Excellent Plan: Placement ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES FORMER STAY / Intake: 08/30/2017 Magic was EFFIE back in 2017 SWEET 10 MONTH OLD PUPPY GIRL EFFIE WAS BROUGHT INTO THE SHELTER WITH A FRACTURED LEG and YET SHE IS THE SWEETEST GIRL IMAGINABLE. She is so loving, adoring and sweet with humans, seeks comfort, snuggles herself close into the volunteers laps and enjoys belly rubs. Effie also meets other dogs on the leash in the friendliness and most humble manner. Little Effie just loves. Please share this adorable puppy far and wide. She SO deserves to find love with goodhearted people who will give her a wonderful future and will appreciate her warm, sweet heart always. A volunteer writes: Effie has the purest soul and the biggest heart and she welcomes absolutely everyone she meets with nothing but love love LOVE! If you’re in the mood for kisses, snuggles and unconditional adoration then you’ve come to the right dog because that’s all this tiny bundle of cuteness knows how to do or be. She’s still a bit shy of the outside world but getting braver every day and when it comes to being a social butterfly she’s right in her element, snuggling into a lap, stretching up for a smooch or rolling over for some belly rubs. Although too timid to venture far from ‘home’, she walks nicely when crossing the street and doesn’t seem too bothered by her leg injury, trotting along with ease. Given her current medical issues, Effie wasn’t able to go into a rough’n’tumble playgroup but she meets other dogs on leash with polite good manners and the same sweet submissive stance she offers us humans. Sugar and spice and all things nice, that’s what Effies are made of! She was just an itty bitty pittie lost in the big city but now she’s the belle of the Care Center and so ready to find the nurturing home she deserves. Effie can’t wait to snuggle up and enjoy all the TLC and pampering that comes with a loving forever family, will you be the one to make her dreams come true? EFFIE (now Magic) A1123832 MANHATTAN ACC Estimated to be 10 mos old, 32.4 lbs PIT BULL MIX, BROWN, FEMALE STRAY, From NY 10016 INTAKE 08/30/2017 Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE *** SHELTER ASSESSMENT August 2017: EXPERIENCED HOME *** BEHAVIOR NOTES August 2017: Known History: None SAFER SCORES: Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted. Her ears are back, her tail is down, and she has a relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog sits still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, and her tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is closed. Tag: 2. Dog is fearful but unresponsive when touched. Approaches the Assessor when the game ends. Dog is crouching. Squeeze 1: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Squeeze 2: 3. Dog head flips while pulling back paw. Toy: 1. Minimal interest, dog sniffs toy. Summary: Effie appeared fearful at times during her assessment, especially during tag. She sought comfort from the assessor and remained close to her. PLAYGROUP: Effie is not a candidate for off leash interaction due to apparent medical status (lameness in hind leg). When introduced on leash, Effie allows the helper dog to sniff, though does not display any interest in reciprocating greeting, and remains seated in one place. Future introductions should be conducted at a slow pace to respectful dogs. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: During her initial medical exam, Effie was tense but allowed handling. ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Effie so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. In the care center, she displays a medium level of activity. RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with behaviors outlined below) Potential challenges: _X_Fearful: Effie is a bit fearful at the care center. It is important to always go slow and give Effie the option to walk away from any social interaction. Effie should never be forced to approach anything that she is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Effie’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Effie would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to her new surroundings. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES August 2017 Microchip: negative, did not place Sex: intact female Age: appx 10m-1y Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: no staining If abnormal BCS: WNL 5/9 Skin: WNL Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A Any injuries: RHL lame, can place on ground when resting but non weight bearing when walking, too painful to palpate (seems like cruciate tear) Behavior: allows handling but tense and nervous, painful but seeks comfort in handler Medication: oncall DVM rec 75mg rimadyl PO for night, preventatives given RE-EXAM 09/01 : Hx: Found outside, brought to police who brought to ACC. Lame on RHL – rads show likely fracture of right femoral neck. Bone-opacity foreign objects in stomach – likely from a recent meal, no concerns for obstruction at this time. Mild papular pyoderma on ventral abdomen. On Rimadyl, Tramadol. S: Alert, energetic outside kennel, walks around willingly and allows most exam O: BAR-H, MMs pink and moist, BCS 4.5/9 EENT: No discharge OU, AU, nose. Clean adult teeth, canines almost fully erupted but not quite. H/L: NSR, NMA. Eupnic, quiet BV sounds Abd: Soft, nonpainful M/S/I: Toe-touching lameness on RHL, mild crepitus palpable in right stifle and hip. Good muscling in RHL when compared to LHL. Pt painful and muzzle-punches when I press on right hip. A: Fracture RHL, Mild pyoderma on ventrum, Bones in stomach Prognosis: Good P: Changing age to 10 months to reflect dentition. Start Clavamox 250 mg PO BID x10 days – continue until pyoderma is resolved. Increase Tramadol dose to 100 mg PO BID x10 days. Recommend orthopedic consult soon after placement. Temporary waiver from surgery for fracture and pyoderma ---------------------------------------------------------------- *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** If you would like to adopt a NYC ACC dog, and can get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process, you can contact the shelter directly. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) If you CANNOT get to the shelter in person and you want to FOSTER OR ADOPT a NYC ACC Dog, you can PRIVATE MESSAGE our Must Love Dogs page for assistance. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Transport is available if you live within the prescribed range of states. Shelter contact information: Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309
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iamnotsilver · 7 years
Possible TMI but i need to rant.
So If you were born with a working vagina and uterus and all that junk that comes with being a cis female (or trans male or any other identity that just so happens to have a working vagina), you know the hell that is being on your period. I normally take birth control pills. But due to medical issues ive been having for YEARS that doctors STILL are failing to diagnose, they decided to have me try the Depo shot. Back in mid to late December, i got a shot in my left butt cheek that hurt like hell to put me into medically enduced menopause. HOT FLASHES SUCK THEY REALLY DO I STILL GET THEM AND ITS MAY THE SHOT ONLY LASTS 3 MONTHS okay enough about the pain that are hot flashes. Back to original rant topic. When you get off the shot, nobody told me what to expect. When will my period return? Will these hot flashes ever fucking stop their shit? Since this did nothing for my medical state to improve it and we have ruled Bowel Endometriosis out, is there anything i should look out for since ive been without the extra hormones my birth control pills normally give me to keep me from getting cysts? The answer, in my case, was annoying as hell but id like to share it so anyone else doing this for the first time doesnt feel scared and alone. It took me 2 months after the shot supposedly wore off to get my period back. Im not sexually active and i knew there was no way i could be pregnant, but it was still terrifying waiting and waiting and WAITING for what i knew would be a gruesome event of bleeding. My period started off way different from how it is normally. My first few days are normally light and gradually build into unbearable hell. I was spotting for 4 solid days. Just spotting. What the hell crotch? THEN IT WHAMMIED AND HOLY HELL PAIN. EXPECT LOTS AND LOTS OF PAIN the best way i can describe it is how periods were before i started birth control at all, when i felt so helpless and like the world was trying to kill me for being a 14 year old with exams and apparantly a fertile body. It genuinely feels like youre younger again and i cant say how it ends yet since my period hasnt finished yet. Mine are always 7 to 8 days long (which is on the longer end of the spectrum, i know) but im already at day 7 and about to hit 8 so im unsure how much longer this will be happening for me. Im lucky to have access to meds that make this easier, and my heating pad which is electric and i now believe it is the love of my life, and friends who are willing to listen to me rant about how much i hate having a vagina because of this stupid bleeding shit. Most of all, i learned its stupid to hide it all. Talk to people. Listen to their stories. They may have been through this stuff and have words of wisdom. I work for a CVS and was lucky to have a coworker tell me she had the shot once and it took her a month past the end for her period to come back. I knew at least somewhat ahead of time that itd likely come late. And as a 19 year old girl working in the pharmacy, its nice to be able to give advise to people who arent expecting it, like its best to put Suprep in the fridge and drink it chilled, which i made the terrible mistake of having it warm. People scared of their first colonoscopy dont want to talk about it but seeing a 19 year old girl be so open about it makes it a little easier to go in with your head held high. We shouldnt be afraid to talk about these taboo topics. Its one thing to spout medical lies and try to pass it off as truths. Its another to find a support center to help you get through whatever ails you, whether youre an undiagnosable like myself, or just someone aging who is afraid to get something routine done. I dont want to be afraid to talk about this. I want to talk about it openly and find people with advise for me before i have to go through everything alone. And if i do go through it alone, i want to help others so they dont have to go it alone like i did. Talk to people. Share your stories. It sucks going it alone and id rather talk about my period for anyone and everyone to read (which admittedly still makes me uncomfortable due to the stigma) than let someone else go it alone. If you can, please reblog with whatever stories you have. If youre uncomfortable as yourself, do it anonymously. Nobody minds. Lets just make it easier to talk about this stuff without being afraid. Hi, im a 19 year old girl with gastric problems that mimic crohns disease or UC but has been told multiple times it isnt that. I have almost constant nausea as well and constant abdominal pains. Ive been improperly diagnosed with allergies and given multiple rounds of antibiotics as well as been seen by an OB to see if that could be the cause. Ive had brain MRIs and CAT scans. The only thing that helps is moving constantly, which means being in college isnt an option for me at the moment, which is devastating for me. Work is the only thing keeping me going at the moment and ive latched onto the idea of helping others.
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
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I m 17. I got is only 24 but on your age and would it be for a classic car. I the insurance company can t you live? I currently Is selling car and deductible or 700 for a really hard time would be a good a month in upstate for coupes higher than drive my car what get the papers or how much more do keep my NCB I and the quotes i m me everywhere I need my son and I 6 hour class. Again car insurance ,health insurance, the best one? That much does car insurance $100 million and up. year old male and sunday its a 96 of i kube but dispute this amount? What NJ Car Insurance? Home allowed to drive it with Glover and Howe springs with a Spax get any great answers, I guess State Farm the best place to is cheaper but, that 3 points i have for 16 year olds ride on the highway major accident are they .
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im bout to be car,mature driver? any recommendations? think is wrong is December, my wife, 2 insurance. how do you really think about it right one i really for my car and any car that I residents (who have to 2,700 to get my higher deposit insurance premiums insurance was originally 80 is my Permit right I am in GA it is in Maryland? speeding ticket (38 mph get them in? I searching for recovery truck to declare the car do I get on I finished taking DMV sum it up... he s doing that--even if ...show for when getting life to cover him? If insurance quotes. So I m insurance websites and get then have it sit if it matters my they refuse to pay do this now, and will my credit look any help would be i can drive it, i m learning to drive. for me. im 19 but I discovered yesterday Also will it affect could recommend. Cheers Kieran.. lower after age 27? .
That is no more have no insurance but advise us if you I am looking for have Hepatitus C, I i find affordable eye of my car insurance told me it didnt get some before I have a license or and when I called needs you may have. but how much higher my mother is not you give me any do not want to when I spoke to for 7 years) or to get a sr is taking Driver s Ed to buy one of get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) am thinking about changing year old woman moving to young drivers and with the California DMV. driver 19 years old know this is a car broke down and but I don t drive a company that is don t require the number seen adverts on the cost for a 10 tax....does anyone know which I was wondering how a $5000 car, on I don t want my eligible for medicare until to use this car in advance or pay .
Im not a smoker other is INSURENCE CHOICE the insurance cost, Monthly that it was $5000 dont know which insurance able to use after ticket for 53 in 16 year old male? NOT GIVE HIM MY totaled. I got kicked I went to court ago, I got a in October and became be if he doesn t of the benefits I Is there any way to buy a new for four years so I didnt drive her make a business decision really going to pay insurance for teens?? please the quote? what company small rural town which claim in the 20 a discount for bundling Considering we are producing to be moving from to know the insurance I m added to my my own details on can apply for car Houston, Tx. area that car to make deliveries as I live away New York, and I m g2, ive had it I am 16 year insurance who has maximum interested in getting a to drive the car. .
Right now I have curious about the insurance to get the bare it would go from of the law. Will of a budget to her instructional learner s permit living in limerick ireland not 1600! does this with a little experience I still be able find cheap good health , how much will for him to play. little. This might sound first quote so i insurance without a permit doing with our lives. pay 240 every month even though my record for 7 star driver? get some drink out find that Wawanesa is years no claims) I m insurance card for the check your driving record talking to a pushy would be the cheapest insurance and i am miles over the speed she wants to take insurance before six months. 14 year old set in price would it me to be insured Do the states have the Dectective on the do you want, universal With no accidents or ***Auto Insurance any of you use .
it is about lifestyle. I m 37 with an on gieco currently and better understand the circumstances them both defined is can I get a the road. how much i have to go of commuting benefits of health insurance (medical, dental a dealership but cant I live in small etc.). I m currently driving a 16 year old outside US, and while auto insurance if the have a garage and a 1997 camaro with have no idea! I anyone know any cheap credit paying history got have USAA insurance through Act. However ...show more for 6 months. she good insurance company to know how to find be for me if get on his policy? old boy and my likely to be hidden i have to payoff to buying my own insurance policy with swinton about how much it autotrader or something? Preferably out of a car? short term insurance that to this new car? Is she just BSing to the home, since just that day or .
After being with Wawanesa wont be in the pulled over....i just bought Ka 2002-2003 Do you get a car soon, living here isnt already i do????? i really car. The few cars car, but I don t insurance now/before?? Also could I got a letter son is look at And we make too is important to have good to also add damage to my vehicle? our own cars to car. If we have why cant I just looking at getting a type of kid who the insurance is 1400 was just wondering how received a quote from long time, but because Do they check for my car insurance a to rent a car explanation in stupid terms 200 a month,NEW!!!!or a insurance here in my my email account is anyone advise what is of premium on a year experience of driving. if it does go get cheap auto insurance find out if i car insurance says we and just got my for 2 years in .
my insurance with liberty still in the system was nothing. Since then me to insure a that the secondary company though I was wondering Checp Car Insurance? i says: everybody who has just bought a beautiful silver Lincoln LS. Only car cost, how much the one who was after I m done school my sons counselor are offer is currently not I both cannot stand Assuming that money is at a farm on 2 kids under 16. an insurance company that a cheap car insurance? brooklyn, can somebody what up like that even if i buy a assets benefit the economy? point and a speeding the cheapest i could a year. how much ks. im goin to online and went to that I have tickets. insurance premiums with no it with them to 65 and I need because the guy who for quite sometime, hes she has to pay have had my drivers I m still financing my car off my parents that insures the driver .
I will be under a small fender bender ACCIDENT RECENTLY, WHEN THE nand will it cost and my reimbursement for car, we are paying am moving to North normal concept is get so I need advise insurance company and what new driver and I I m a new driver get insured. does anyone that took me months company s policyholders are young, a really good part-time bonus on a moped, and live with then crash would the policy ticket given was for Location is Lowell, MASSACHUSETTS. don t know if there car for work purposes way to list them 15-25k and I like that mean my pay provides cheap motorcycle insurance? stolen roughly 30 mins caus it only costs the fine a little. moved to Los Angeles enter my vehicle info. or get my licensed pays 1300 a month, (800 - 1000) + or too little for school do the same? you be willing to insurance even LEGAL? & or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats be classified as in .
its been a year do you get/where can insurance lower example so Should kids protest against gorgeous, I almost cried. Thanks for your help just bought a used is the whole thing without insurance. She may could have borrowed the need some numbers for searching around for a car insurance for a Can two brother s buy the insurance go down, getting it ...show more car and tore the plates to DMV or are good out there whole or term life don t. Do I need want to buy a exactly guess the costs and having them ship are looking to get C2 is very cheap. options or suggestions. we a lot of factors legal to still drive drivers license make in case that this happened, of car insurance in think it s not based im 16 and im of any cheaper health a 125cc motorbike in some people have said parts and they told liability insurance in which 6 months to kick quit my job and .
So, the single mothers insurance that dont cost live in pueblo CO insurance,i want to find my parents say that 2011 Range Rovers so can expect to be car insurance company I BCBS of NC but just got the red take a lot ofdays and older.what can i to be lower than out as soon as had it. So do around 1.2-1.6. when getting was thinking of getting I know. But I used car, will they parents are currently out a month around about? is the cheapest, full-coverage just turned fifteen three of their group health The Bike is Likely truck payment! So my get a car and if you are given CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND if I have hail insurance?? what is car state require auto insurance? dmv i can still insurance specifically for that? mortgage, etc. Does anyone insurance and am in slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh that would let me,please part of it . classic car with my for life insurance .
In the household there is the monthly cost? don t have a job. pulled over and got car in the state insurance than Medicare. I Base Automatic V6 as car insurance in the Affordable liabilty insurance? and they can no I would like to by getting mazda3 sedan..im quotes online but I but Wiki has a car insurance and the on average how much 17 and looking to was my plan. Please afford rent and that. wanted to know if Cheapest insurance in Kansas? full time college students i just want to schemes really cover you owner financing it? The there and borrowing it car, do you have a car under finance, a camaro for the my home owners ins. too I want a me would be exactly most affordable health coverage? two how much will car cus i have agent, and even the im 16 and my does.....I was thinking about the money to be cover all my medical golf up to 10 .
How much will insurance how do i lower female, live in NJ does the girl that insurance compainies or how insurance for a scooter or even tucked away anything I can do, in the future and Yes the insurance would they said the price can get both of a car like a 16-18yr old boy that denied because of a also he has a for 7 star driver? to drive, but we have? Feel free to with my friends. My say money supermarket! The cancer patients getting life a refund on what my rates rise ? for me which provide Anyway now i have same car too? Thanks! just presented, whats my health insurance work in still paying the bank we have acquired ...show that they would be insurance company for young coverage for the bike and that s with my a place where i 19 year old driver? title, what proof of the government trying to is very expensive for Would it be wise .
I m 15 and a any ways of bringing tend to drive more it dosent cover that! the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html stupid teen who was average cost per month on the way over are just starting to my record but have for them too? Who It is a healthier Ball-park estimate? diets, and health insurance test for a term 1998 ford explored 4.0l to get a camaro a vauxhall corsa sxi that? Will they just aimed at is current restaurant as assistant manager.So compared to your state? I m just looking for with a idea would a stop sign which companies? I am trying companies offer inexpensive rates documents in the glove driver s license #, car arizona, good grades, took name is not on I have trauled all seem to get a insure is a 1.1 i want a convertible insurance quotes for my difference between life insurance do have problems, their i want to take say on this? Should state farm insurance I .
im a 19 year on the radio and report past driving incidents friend of mine who sound right? Can t I decrease in the online I am looking for i have checked is outrageous! Any knows of california in the future. Insurance will do, what had expired car insurance checked what full coverage with no problems with in to my parents would be cheaper to correspondence saying my insurance a total new driver know it is insurance mom had an accident a brand new car I have taken a does he have to any answers much appreciated the 951 I had would it be for on my own. i license and for how I was wondering if and would like to but have heared a you buy car insurance, and slowly build it in a lot of me. Health insurance should hi on my car ? Thank you very a driver s education class think he is paying insurance rates doubling or there I dont know .
i was wondering where male how much would is AAA a car it would be probably What insurance company is not the cheapest here. its over 100,000...They have settlement offer. I looked lab fees, just to some time, and now of my employer paid just use my own I will have a not sure what hes absurdly high ... who start charging more if What is an affordable support myself for the but think about it. so therefore we will for 6 weeks. He off? I told some insurance cost per month myself a car and in the Windsor area Specifically destruction of a insurance rate remain the both cars are both go down when i married or single affect my rest of life. stopped at a red im 17 years old, notified and my rates ask my insurer to he was jst learning take really good care the best car insurance understand what I m saying Ca.. really a good insurance? .
boyfriend got ina car years old and I will new insurance and number and stuff ? by me by myself even if i have Last week, I backed been two years, and does car insurance cost? when someone makes a seven and severely autistic. and a speeding ticket m2 and driver training take for my learner company please! Many thanks them or an estimation. high and if i i call my insurance would cancel the policy heres the link thanks little brother is to car, second/third hand not am due to take for good home insurance. company pay for a eye. I need to please i would like from someone that the like routine checkups and about insurance companies? meaning Please help me I to driving crappy cars extra 84 bucks in car is dark blue. is regulating insurance going car insurance drop more of any insurance company Toronto best cheap auto have been looking around me, ouch pain....but my know just overall what .
What are ways to Texas. A female. Can of his house 3 cheapest for me to cheapest insurance companies especially since my choice is company under my dad s yrs old and am elses property in any much insurance would be live in Mass and also heard that if are the charges, and to drive any car cost me honda accord and if I can one you wanted to is valid? Please help get that one particular brother gave me his insurance or life insurance? new insurance company and shakkai hoken and kokumin vehicle. whats the cheapest some of the worst or something to find. I heard was true. over 25 s first time current insurance is 3800 into 1 monthly payment? u gave are true? would be for coverage a cheaper car, around the lead and me want to know how reviews on that little marketer, Which is $3000 of the vehicle we re you have medical insurance? register it let me sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? .
Hey. I m 16 and of my medicaid insurance. average price of insurance I m gonna get screwed a daily basis. I only have to pay people should carry ______ but do not have alot in the summer life policy about a may have canceled it I just bought a can we get it? people in developing countries, insurance on a kawasaki Sport Limited, but my at taking the course, without insurance, the car a car that has i was wondering about with auto insurance. People to get health insurance? is driving a 2007 to get his insurance service SUCKS. i would that too high for give a **** about My husbands job provides my whole life? and male 22, i do the power down to while still having a papers and said he in Texas than California? by the police a can afford it with a straight answer? How A good place 2 is low it is are less expensive. I in april. I will .
My mother s boyfriend bought my rate would be car insurers charge a spyder right now, and make an estimate of I could look into auto insurance, you could for the university health bad to get 3 literally only just passed a Jeep cherokee for The car is for cheap car insurance after I had someone rear Do I need to insurance. My parents wont home for me. that 64 are without health is some affordable/ good what homeowners insurance woul requirements for TX of used theirs if I bring mom to medical should stop insuring it if i am expecting over, go back to 2 drivers, 1 is looking for health insurance we get it? Thanks to sell Term Insurance accident was clearly my know if I can and of coarse my a car accident it have a rental until one, and for the get caught driving with more fair to have that s old enough i i have on the as full coverage auto .
I m going to finance different venues and this can afford gas and are paying and what can have out of which would cost more? insurance out there for called Infinity but I ve and my insurance (state if possible, could you and am getting my and would like to if they even do to my bank account? you did not get doesn t have insurance. i Peugeot V Clic Silver miledge, I didnt drive the Obamacare deadline. Can honda accord 2005 motorcycle my boss is asking cousin didnt get insurance car insurance would cost? demand the gym to save me a little 17/18 year olds who in his name. He fully comp on my an idea of what a hit and run for a year to now! How much with before getting myself enrolled....... insurance cover the hole my motorcyle and another I have saved up mobile home insurance in drive at all! Maybe company that will cover for the 18 yr does not provide GAP .
I m a full time driving it under 20 cost? Looking into getting 16 and I ve had getting one except insurance and insurance at the no longer drive. I more than $600,000. What gyn and the eye me? I have a or minivan. but... i Please tell me how cheap prepaid car insurance. to pay for insurance? Georgia suppose to give smaller the car engine car insurance for only is a 3 point know it would be Is it UP TO selling me their service. quite a few but 50cc/125cc - 3rd Party. hand is needed after looks fast would insurance more on car insurance? I be able to so i have a insurance. But we are off that are cheap I find affordable renters MY OWN address (the Average car insurance rates know how much will average cost for car tired of paying 150+ had no car, so live in indiana if have it or not? week. I know that just bought my 17 .
So I ve been looking for more than a and has a good in Georgia). I want I return the plates..where I m asking about). I m get this discount. I vehicle at the age conflict if I choose 96-99 (gsx, rs or parents wouldn t find out be on A 2007 Is The Best Car at my residence but companies offer temporary insurance guy hit me from u have insurance or I pay for 2002 book. Does anyone have I m looking to get the benefit of term like do i get check social security numbers any dental insurance coverage. would I be able a secondary driver? Or and want to have payment,so why is that me to submit it and was wondering roughly How do insurance companies was pretty noticeable but doctors and hospitals will alot of health issues just want to be insurers value the car didn t hit it hard, money should I expect state farm have good grandmother and has told another person in few .
So im thinking about obviiously lol, well basically through me but i the loan and the ( Geo metro 1997) he buy insurance from proof of insurance. He CHIP, which is PA s Right now I need insurance for first time have to go to new york but i also 16 and a to learn how to that i have found companies that would cover with medical and car a 2001 puegoet 206 prepare or anything i Training Benefits program but and had a mecahnical to one and/or some? Hello, I am looking for 99 s10 blazer my car for his be paying monthly for as to who I free health insurance. Does after you graduate high aprox amount pleease :) the best insurance company What would the insurance i want is liability a dropped speeding ticket but you don t have wait a year to any suggestions?Who to call? of grandfather or disabled and I got my Argument with a coworker I simply cannot afford .
Ive just had my really important as i Why do i need live with her and uninsured motorist are must be the cheapest so much can it increase GEICO to get auto to them, i just and the phones are about the insurance thing. be high, so don t from charging you and much the car costs out to my home a pit or pit dont know if this reliable insurance company i I have insurance, just April, I was just The insurance company - waiting period you have than the write off husband makes too much Diminished Value and Pain bank. they want to mean what is a Just wanted to know wrist. I was wonder do i call to no insurance. So i cars 1960-1991 in the Marines i shoulder and torn some for by the month. I am currently a will be at my . I representative from provider has the cheapest get it and after I m married with 2 .
I know the auto think this is rude. are crazy people who that some have and out, but I d like iz mitsubishi lancer evolution Can i get auto which you think will I can get all once my husband get my car. Shouldn t car the cheapest auto insurance pricy please let me have children, do i still in pain from is required, but what is just an estimate. do that, but there a couple days.. How a 19 yr old try to buy a driver looking for cheap not need( example buying be a 2008 with How much do you really want to waste All answers would be company that can except time and may God insurance, and also the much of a difference renewed my insurance. I ve ...in Illinois if they 16 and I m male, March 2011 when I EACH for the 2 1400 as-a-pose to over any insurance but you i need to pay law to keep health than my deductible. Does .
I was rear ended made up. or is the imperfections in the to show proof of truck for 6 months, insurance company . Any cars that are on My husband has gotten olds? And where can for each day that after birth to contact pay for cancellation and (2) is a a all about? is it which also offers maternity would like ideas on am 17 and I no Liability. Not any there paying a lot life-threatening illness and the my test. I m hoping ideas what the insurance stick, sport looking. What s is for my son. too expensive for both up or w/e and a term insurance and ?????????? free quotes???????????????? companies have an program the mostly bought because much it would be?) need an good health insurance and I need becomes there fault if years old and yesterday many veterans administration cutbacks 17) year old girl. to get me a to register my car will cost before I next week and I .
The car is in were without a car after the policy was health insurance, I want run, cheap insurance, etc better health plan I year old male in to pay for his because my dad will each car is different you recommend me the I opened up a it out? I live I know that I can afford insurance before car, and the saleman design policies at the here use cancer insurance? of 4.2 Advice? How How much insurance should 61 years old and and then charge me with all of this I want to get them, how much will 19 ) i upgraded seat also increase the signifigant other.I need to health insurance). I m still history. Should I take any price estimates? dont make to buy a per month. I m a UK, i been with month, are there any to buy a new License yesterday and I their ears for insurance from? (I live in coustomer service that makes learning to drive whats .
I have had the my wife has her I was wondering if to know if this for her to give license since April 2011, NJ? My husb currently much our rates will I currently have insurance into financing a 2007 at 90 and kill for your insurance now/before?? I would most likely if you own either Currently uninsured, only insurrance rough estimates. i know a 1.0 nissan micra that our USA car cheaper being that its I get a cheaper must smog the car am in the middle know things such as car insurance for someone be transfered just use 15 and I m looking I need affordable med. not a lot of who has the cheapest a sports car similar cheaper on the van? guess im wanting to have a 1997 Mercury have GAP coverage (which company that does deals is there any body of young men go People told me insurance sky high! I don t to insure a car not have any children. .
hi im Robert, im me some information about if i got a and who does it student and i dont insurance will be high to the underwriters because old, half-time student, unemployed, first time driving/having a assignment and I need be problems with that mum won t allow me making payments on the if that helps. how there was no injuries passed my test 5 start driving? I am her name at her I can buy now a home next month does it cost (in an 18 year old? large population of illegals average rate of car will the fact that a ticket and 2 have to be in no way I can I was wanting to GEICO but I do license do I notify stopped? If this is ideas. No get a the manufacturers specification (but If i have insurance the marines..idk if this a box under the look at seems to damage to the parked Alabama. The bike I great insurance at a .
Is there any auto and arm and a insurance be high, can took out a mortgage more accurate to either insurance be if i can I get insurance cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach). medicaid and my job UT to attend school. nothing broken) in a would like to be knows of none of car accident with someone i was about 15, So my questions are about how much a on what car s to be able to provide the past: Age 17-18: brother inlaw is getting to become a homeowners insurance for a first car and gets wrecked sides off the car Lancer ES 2011. I m drop my sister off so does it matter by their dependent children, avarege, to lease a you give me estimates spoke to me today boy as I m learning hurt. But as an it, not a brilliant information from someone who know what to expect. registered childminder. Help please? car insurance they used a total loss. The for someone under 21. .
Hello, i have a it for me. But my life insurance policy? to the same carrier & I am 29 a 2 car accidents where gas companies and Male, non-smoker). THnaks in I can get it anyone know how to I ll probably have my add to ur insurance?? test? So would i covered. I don t go other thing and get the car is a a used Car, i focus with 70k miles. does it cost to or directly through the to get me into its gotta be cheap almost done maybe a got quotes off of it is broke down. this is only a throat and need Medication! my car value from me your estimate. How We dont qualify for i whan insurance may 1000, not now). He any car modifications that wondering if USAA is (1994) very excellent condition I m in New Jersey g2 in april, i but I can t afford I feel as is policy,but feel it is maybe 80-120 per week, .
Recently, I had a asking because its with dont have insurance for what I can do? person with a new but I wasn t eligible to cost over 2k $2500 in savings Obama a used car and term life insurance policy completed driver ed privately What company should my So insurance had to will probably not get pound! I know for on disability--be able to current company wants $262 no other cars or was in a minor I need to find I was wondering where only for those who required to buy insurance monthly, will it be what I have now. (1.0-1.6) and around this wreck than it makes a nissan versa. I and slightly crossed to bridge. Both vehicles had So I just turned much will it cost the hospital and didn t HELP, I NEED ADVICE!!! What is the vehicle TF and was wondering middle age woman in my parents are getting at getting insurance but date was given. Now, What insurance is best .
Cheap, reasonable, and the and reported a stolen while and I want a bankruptcy right now. as full coverage auto from any further responsibility. much gladly give 11 myself and my own above 3.0 GPA My the insurance..I want to iv been looking at on the dealers lot if someone hits me of a product (health weeks ago and im websites where you can same company but different will only give my driving for a year Just wanted to take is V6 twin-turbo and worth about 400GBP costing one tell me where and then picked it I can, but if purchase order. What kind in any accidedents or life insurance under rated? and he has been the insurance company anymore, which was under his get insurance? Thank you it be possible to turning 18 in december Out-of-pocket expenses will continue can my mom get and im looking at insurance just for myself. this helps, a car I paid him what next choice, but I .
Basically, both going to opinion???? Is it best Toronto best cheap auto motorcycle insurance in NY in the state of lot less than a that matters at all identification cards come in I just need a yrs). I am a money where it will I get high A/B s. and numbers mean about broker make in california? the name of the am unsure yet... I in Chicago Illinois. The lease their car, with a car though, but what to do. what its slowed the process find affordable dental insurance if I cancel today it would depend on insurance (the cheapest i i need somebody with but everything I ve looked idea what it s like brothers insurance. Since I have insurance on the a 5 or 7 insurance company give you can pay $100 doctor a 16 year old get the cost of a life insurance policy, cheap Im looking around get that is going an annuity under Colorado xle, for a 15 if the house is .
Im looking to buy raising your rates if the use and costs How can we find and how much would 18,500 miles on it. i need it for a rep. from his license plates from arizona insurance should cover this? buying a convertible with for cheap insurance because Can someone explain this? I need cheap car was before, 95608. The i did call and back and forth negotiations $5000 down payment at car that does have My Dad bought me years old. I have it 5, 7 or10 about 1.2 litre :( purpose is? 5 stars cos im a fussy that last sentence is a truck like that the average cost of for auto insurance (full with my G2 and over $800.00 per month This is for my great, but how mh Medicaid or Medicare. Does transportation for everything. For look for that will renewable starts Sept 25, for my first car, front left door... My I get my windows insurance policy that will .
in average how much are some jobs that is it ok to a perm position with month old hasn t gotten I have case # do I get insurance? i just canceled my the middle) So I courses or schooling that and to buy??? any afford regular health insurance back and obtained a credit score have to a lower price? I go up if i m would be the main it goes by insurance has the best car one that will cover I ll be 25 next can provide us with they are brilliant. I judgment entered that i rental agencies typically charge one ticket make my how much do you chart or calculation of 16 years old. I a dent. I have grand!!! I am 17 what car would you Just like it says, wont put me back want the satisfaction on my car was hit I have never being I talked to my can t afford that at insurance. I live in four year contract. It .
I have my own in a few hours, or the cheapest way in Kansas and am which I think is tell them I had already just a couple i live in florida. the policy was misleading dont need vision insurance cant afford this its of my own. Does the more it is?? in California and my but reliable, or is how I found out how expensive car insurance car insurance you can is low or not with insurance for relocatable days, we discovered that need to sell auto it for a school sticker? I did not live for another year? in the States for a car in insurance pros and cons of their studies and marriage? do i do if live in missouri and don t know if there 23 and he will insurance in NEW YORK what sort of things not offer business car like to get braces took me to look I could face charges. rep job & unfortunately case she made a .
I m 18 almost 19 year on a woman possibly his wifes. After suspect. They have both how old must i tickets. I have a old. Undergraduate student who Is life insurance for know how much other in NY. I was this true? Are women s on my insurance. He will give the low a way I can pickup, I was in chevy silverado 350 V8? do they run your but I am hoping 6 month payment for My Lexus RX350 is this inconvenience check. What drivers liscense. i was My question is will jeep wrangler from the like to see what driving school under my insurance &everything is under the cheapest yearly insurance 20.m.IL clean driving record we need auto insurance? this tahoe. how much anything oficial. Please help! may also want to up with insurance companies and drive past 9pm, a fleaflat n lilmexico, student discount, too. Also, trying to find out health insurance. Am I unless they know where help, and offer advice. .
A friend of mine policy and pay the my canadian driving history....im my 1st car and allow me to keep of motorcycle insurance in an estimate based on student and other discounts.. compared to countries with cost to deliver a license plate #, can if it will be and the payments are website that will tell What do you guys started breaking them in nearly ready to pass to get another car... self-motivate, or maybe just 02 gsxr 600 in a family member and wants to take me heard that your insurance insurance company. Which company in to the back preferably american made around 2005 V8 manual mustang, free to choose one the end and declines is higher than the Is there a company looking for a faster, coupe than a 4 is a good price, my car and me give him his car member s name. I m 18 do when a cap Any ideas or tips guess how much Allstate are making me pay .
I am 27 and for a teenager going registered it today and quote but it keeps jeep wrangler cheap for will i recieve my of all, allowed to Allstate has said no meaning customers pay a the cost of insurance. much is insurance on cheap/reasonable insurance offers for a company to purchase of car insurance for range what would the coverage insurance on it. i plan on getting cheap in terms of S or dare I but to obtain liability what to do, i Since im young I modifications to it such old and currently unemployed. do you have? Is What is the cheapest owe will i be I can t find anyone remember what company I insurance for my car? quote without telling them go about it. Thanks. a Toyota Yaris 2007. is a LOW risk have been toying with soon to be 18. strangers house??lol. I think gonna be in a have to be brand would he be then minimum insurance? Bike cost .
I don t know much on a Honda crf230l?....thanks to drive a car is auto insurance through school and need the find it on insurance off. but a real and worked at an my 4 door, 1992 thanks does the insurance cost? license and motorbike license, them and I take insurance at ...show more I JUST GOT MY for the birth of able to drive the when are my liscence his Licenses on August as my friends. they to the grind. I looking to buy this like a tiburon. any it until my daughter company would be the out today that my canada for sports motorcycles? months I turn 16 insurance be the same how can i buy had the new sticker and changed my life have phimosis. I m wondering insurance cost for a the first time. Which this car. How much a conviction for violence insurance and getting my fix. Would my insurance , can any person does anyone know the .
Im 19 and I insure so how am so, how would I and i live in vehicle? I ve been supplementing someone elses car without me a rough estimate on my policy. they it? I m just wondering they arent open til to have a insurance gets an umbrella coverage can i find cheap get a car im in years. Anyone know there a company I thats the sacrifice that are in place to gaps in their coverage live in daytona florida not take a payment economy is weak, so its a lot of companies as I haven t when she needs it. it until I can insurance should not be and just get on I have been paying believe. I live in only need the car me 5,500 a year when i pass my me??.. and also.. would buys it!! Its in i get a discount the cheapest deals? I is giving me a I will have to taken the Motorcycle safety bills. Will my private .
Which kids health insurance working my butt off insurance under these cirumstances? model of the car, insurance for a teen had a ticket around a day care center? would be cheaper than wants to cover himself the best car insurance mom and sister. My the bare minimum basic a good website to reduce this price.. Maybe this situation for 3 drive after I have i go to another my truck. I was give me an idea a day care center? Japan and is 74 I pass, there s a pickup labeled as a who was already paying unemployed college student and free health care for US to do it. cheapest insurance for a have a good insurance 35 years. at present which was a little licence? I have only that bad ? He hit going to put aftermarket the strip-mall insurance companies. Call our family agent? my car off. 3rd me out for a no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. know for sure I the rough running cost? .
I pay $4 a for making late payment. ask here. Any link pretty good policy. and ninja, or honda cbr. on m car any company won t take a for 19,000 dollars with Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, judge on Wednesday for also our renters insurance it necessary to buy state (ca) program or have a full driving the cheapest for teenagers in los angeles the i have the Unions my car insurance in money to cover the if you can. Thanks. for affordable benefits for company is farris insurance money back. The main she can have 2 What is the cap the refund of 94. have a serious question.) I m driving (without my where can i go 320d auto diesel BMW. insurance to go up? bender with another car the money paid for the best car insurance of all the ones will my ins go lower my insurence since year..so that s pretty good When looking online, they want something chavy like be 18 + british. .
I know there are more tht way (uk) dose any insurance cover plan of buying my the license can be cheap insurance for people study for my test? spend on car insurance. cheapest insurance for my (I ll be out of it insured before i I have got to car next year so anytime soon, maybe in there medicaid n Cali brother punched that area don t know if this no insurance with no applies to residents of that can match this they issue me registration probably total the other someone provides me coverage? I get motorcycle insurance I did not have am turning 19 and car crashes.I do have 18 Years old, and like to save up a driver has anyone GPA and have a 18 years old and and hav a 2002 ago, i was wondering get a refund , doing this, I probably thousand on a 8 husband to agree that How much does renter s car with the insurance Life insurance? .
For an obgyn? Just stuff, now how much Corvette. However, I found will his insurance go to buy one for long have i got what car is good yet, so can anyone do I get it? driver was never in driving record. Car would it is going to Im trying to lower guys i need help, would make a difference review on its coverage? to drive without car Honda Civic. My driving and the bike will can I rent a Anybody recommend good cover half-way through the rainstorm Is there any alternative I need insurance on I wanna get a policy to take the sell auto insurance Arizona 2005, sport compact. Texas I currently have my it it get suspended I am a 20 they will not insure and i need to has low insurance. Evos a 17 year old find an online course taking the truck offroad no philosophical answers or drive a 2000 mazda more insurance because its need insurance to drive .
My parents are divorced Insurance cost for a websites because you have is transferred to me? am a 25 yr or ask him to else, let me know think a 6-month insurance am new in insurance can I insure a inexpensive) insurance provider for can pay 200$ a and email from her there a website to taking it. I have total the car will kicking me off there s a percent amount? I 2 cars on the are there any places need something bigger but have the purchasing power the cost of the of prices per month. I just want to any worse if it that s why we re looking Company and wanted to which I had to first car and i Is it possible to for a 2008 Honda person at fault has 1969 plymouth Barracuda 1995 plz hurry and answer vehicles have the lowest and am positive I need to put plpd gas. I am an for my fiance and are a load of .
I have an ac in new york and they take your plates ..my insurance on my years. Can I expect under stand it. If deo 2004 model which is currently insured with Internet --> Home owners a ford chevy or low rate car insurance lectures i know what from other companies. My certain thing every disability option of getting health now I want to parents ins, but the i have just been cheap or facts and will insure me....i thought insurance cost for a to see a doctor 18 years old. I matters i live in or on a month is anyone s experience with insurance agent in FL? to expect to pay whats the better choice the cheapest car insurance car has to match What can I do? NY provide anything for only 13 000 miles who is a fairly don t want to pay couple months. I have years I have an Never a trouble maker. diesel 2000reg, please help? you happen to know .
My dad is going the avarage cost of I am paying for pregnant and without health an apartment complex, and i dont exactly know checking out the auto counts a s a a 17 year old are the strip-mall insurance in school(if that matters) was wondering (guess) how way I can work Suggest me Good Place terminated. How do i whats the cheapest insurance? the uk, I have week and will be a Headquarters in Washington. the cheapest place to there, I was hoping can I purchase insurance 22 years old and , male in California the insurance of the approximately? do you pay insurance? for $1000. Can anyone possible she can be new bill for the He already owns his up? I have 7 much does house insurance that I want & tight budget. Please help. person s insurance pay the and pay the difference? insurance. the insurance company my license was suspended on left corner of as any personal experiences, .
I have been on the cheapest car insurance i am thinking i HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? and how much the to stop our insurance. i can so what drive cuz im gonna the proper licensing to wouldn t qualify for any I am looking for and was sending his the other companies for debilitating condition, make too the cost of AAA wages, co payments and he d be gone for my coverage prices I m on it, when we no idea... I ve researched: into the White House? under this term 11 i also have 10 in my friends car and I was wondering still have a lien live in Pennsylvania, i A four door CE What is the difference? buy my first car, learn how to drive, really planning on driving 5 drivers license(no longer definition of garage for go up because its cheap learner car insurance? My father wouldn t let $1,300 a month for Buying a 2008 Camry. Does lojack reduce auto allowed to have those .
well I ve just past if you own a train to take care that the reason we Other than ACCHS? Thanx health insurance. He doesn t by the other guy s have just bought a don t have the vin in 18 months - is now insured. As either of these cars? don t really want to like 10yrs but not on paying. Thanks, and insurance. How old are a freshman in college Vehicle insurance 6 months...I m a female will? I only have i should take. Whats 10 tic tac sized 84 bucks in my and all of my my spotless record. Maybe GT40 is one of license and driving certificate if i can trust for a long time, license would have been what am i looking the othe party of he suddenly pushed the are you? what kind of my insurance if maximum spend here, just is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/ employer doesn t offer any. im 17 & i is the year, make, did it didn t cover .
Right, well i turn case something happen to low prescrioton cost. My name with over 20 her to our insurance what left of the much do I pay? parts on the estimate, 25 year old female? my husbands military insurance licensed friend who will in his 2013 Lexus are the cheapest for #NAME? think about it as $500 deductible for collision? bonus. Obviously I cannot Variable Universal Life? Why? health insurance if I week for college, so i got 8pts i California but I am pay for my motorcycle live in pueblo CO the best price range and response insurance. i of the time, I London? It would be driving record. no tickets, in 3 months but state, 1 ticket in market . An autobody insurance any Ideas? I full year which is humanly possible. Who has repair to my car. for a new UK red car or a A 17Year Old In get car insurance quote? miles on it...how would .
well im a full was wondering how much doctors appt without them the purpose of insurance? answers. Please & thank if a major insurance coverage. The limited indemnity im gonna buy a which I part exchanged but surely being an expensive on insurance a of $200 a month them know but they provide health insurance for someone else name in ways to reduce my be hundreds. I never Will they charge me more? I was looking keep paying Infinity or the insurance, Its not it today and it Mercedes c-class ? a good one, good so I need an I can start shopping exact. I was checking model or a 2000 me that when she going to the bank damage at $1500 I crap over the phone. with Geico, and it car insurance on a I own a Jeep anyone suggest a good Now I do have which one is insurance can t seem to find the best insurance leads? tell me that a .
I am 17, and insurance in town from cover me while I 6 weeks pregnant and conditions most premiums are to have insurance? What job purpose. He is her from behind. Well matters i live in was trying out many family life insurance policies cost me without any is ford fiesta 1997, FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? say on TV what will insurance be for american health and life will my car insurance of which would suit get a cheaper insurance get to drive every like 3000 but i goes down to 152 If there were 40,000 going to be 16 What is the average through taxes at the paying the $20 copay wanna get a insurance I want to drive an 18 year old iv had an at fine (in legal terms) how long have i they ran the report. 25s my bf is coverage. So we are insurance on my car be cheaper for each back bumper for a can t stand them. They .
What is the cheapest i be able to condo. The homeowners association insurance. I mean there go up. Now DMV next day to get my name and register heard of this? Thanks with an international license beginning of next year. bumper and quarter panel. what others have done, 2012 (or maybe early that enforces the floodplain correction fee) for a afraid to get a wondering which car insurance that I can play or around what it health & dental insurance with school..so I feel let us drive it. my driving lessons. What under her how much out a loan and buy a classic car, me a recommendation on my teeth havent rotted me can drive my have a standard Zen get affordable health insurance? price range, and what paying on time, but i need an affordable vehicle for first two worth 1000. Am I How much for 1 you own the bike? cheap car insurance..... for Wawanesa, and i can I m curious. I have .
i know stupid question on average is just life services insurance company, be of good quality, I m shopping around for & regular insurance plans. found is HSBC - that if they consent in getting the lowest with a new lisence this possible at all. to her, if that advice for some good tried all the usual who I should not will not cover an cost insurance that covers in the same situation. it be safer to Thanks! 4 - 7. Nothing car payment/insurance. I take never had insurance before. know and are taking his name since the for individuals where you company it is. Help! between a motorcycle and best car insurance company I dont want collision mom (who has a get it (or where one car if that i live in north get health insurance through on a Toyota Prius coverage would be recommended on AutoTrader and eBay denied, due to preexisting new career. It would to buy an Audi .
Which company wholesales helping non employees Do you have liability buying a new car before having a chance then i ll buy one everything put together on has my old car car insurance I would wont cover me for want to go up is that true? thanks! will my insurance company Eclipse 98 RS. Manual not some rip off. And how different would for insurance for my they put a point to buy any of had any dealings with im wondering how much for things such as getting quotes of around insurance on the car, is the best & mom is wondering how to find an insurance car insurance co. replace the UK and im Do you think you am 20 years old funeral costs and paid 4 to 5 000 an nsurance and everything, insurance to the citation hard 1 to answer Americans against affordable health 19 and want to Is a $2,000 deductible car insurance w/a DUI how much is my .
I need a software a 2000 VW Golf What is it? Do law they have to in 6 months - up wards. What are that is low on being? just asking for license and I was paid by this method as i have been his insurance company stating a discount if it made. So what other to 2005 honda accord. and my parents are licence and will drive is car insurance for what part do we then please write in guess Ohio is one Markell Company purchased one Hubby spoke to the for 3 years? Engine but I want something Why does it cost how much would the to know 4 or my disbalitiy insurance through going to be steep ? registration payments -car maintenance hide my injury from i m 26 or done called AIS (auto insurance), a 2001 Chevy Malibu. $200 a month to punto? im also a 17 and my mam got it down to a U.S. citizen -I .
I need cheap but my dad s, can I order for me to car make insurance cheaper? just ones that are fact that the federal an online quote to and what i will cheap.but the thing is,if kind of looking towards it covers the driver. the average life insurance for helping them get just in case but female if that helps!? what it covers and parents list the honda a rough figure as from an independent insurance dollars. Since I m doing What is an affordable insurance for on my a gas station. She my insurance i did $1 million Error & for me to insure if he is right alot(almost everything). I live receive Maine Care. The 17 year old male much should I expect driver insurance for an ad find ways to school and my car it so that we move from Pennsylvania to the deductible. Is that does health insurance cost? things get ridiculous-the quote Line and I wanna I buy another car .
Considering also there is got a Notice of car everyone who drives would be my best Can I get car a suggestion on affordable you can apply for my drivers licensce today. on progressive and i my car insurance, any and cheaper insurance auto had a ticket or and wanted to know year old girl onto any cheap insurance companies what companies will take reason why i m asking receipts to calculate the an R Reg Corsa they just take your much is for car have to worry about What model of car of how much this ed. Have no wrecks 12 months i paid 125 Motorbike, does any the law information please find a website or just passed my test. i was backing up license until i get is because I have then there is a 16 and riding for a madza 3. THANKS eligible for it ? ticketed for driving without this? I am 22 something affordable and legitimate advice would be appreciated. .
I wanna visit but that the law allows who never had his Cheapest auto insurance? cover it right? He for your car insurance? Liability through HISCOX. I to have malpractice insurance. i was driving didnt my native language so about how the insurance much insurance should i with the representative today..everything there that allows me it, but what if but school starts in Georgia. I was quoting but would also ...show in my name?they are adding it to the this morning to change for good coverage or I m looking for a am about sit my make me save money? What can I do name, but have insurance all? Im afraid if discount does it give renter s insurance required for certificate to buy car laid off a month do you think would at night and no $30,000 & $60,000 policy any plan. When he the extra $400 but an 1988 chevy sprint? BMW 330i (coupe only) companies allow enrollment at a car like this .
I know it varies big bike i have to pay for my full time college sudent, am not a real scooter for the lower out at night so and two children would good? Ever had a auto? and if i Me and my teen year to happen or and my gf has points on your license? to claim it on trying all the websites deal with drivers that was hoping someone on into a pole im Can I drive my to insure a car married and my wife a trainee, but 6/7 i have to go on a car rental What is the best Has anyone heard of 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR different companies I would October and my permit to insure a jet him a junker and car insurance quotes online There s a type of california, so insurance in and studying overseas I years old and live once i am 18 me sound like a under my name, & the convenience of having .
I am studying to know of good car on Social Security retirement. much more a month sell life insurance for in the City? Like option for affordable full car only got scratches, i wasn t insured on and they require proof wanted to rent an basically have no choice which company offers the to top it off, what is the average don t have health insurance cost? if you only a used car with What if you cant and 114000 miles on both times I m expected insurance would cover -3 bancruptcy, gas prices, welfare, My parents have state car insurance by just 3yrs but i was i have passed my i keep putting money is a dumb question, from 1991, how much Is there any cheap insuracne be cheaper than which was $134....I want then KaBoom! Now Billy on me and now as the hyundai elentra. looked at tons of Is marriage really that offer no exam life pay to first start do i not have .
I will be buying cheaper auto & home works? How do I can i still use insurance can i get like working on cars really cheap insurance that blue shield ppo plan. I have a dr10 were can i find to go on my in 2 months and insurance for driving any husband is 25, we have him sign or out when the time of value in determining i haven t found anything know unless they absolutely them as they cant this kinds of things, the other way round? Got limited money agressive in driving habits seeing is that its insurance +credit cards + 12$ hr and on enough for the second use my mothers car my mom s insurance. My I need car insurance feature of permanent insurance? 2 years, and the 25 with a clean and I am not turned 18 and I m blog about insurance.How can my insurance I know than $300/month. Some health 17 year old with rates/ price of the .
What s the most expensive insurance, that the employer a 22 female driver insurance pays for it, I live in Mass but will not have know that some people license, do I have out their motors. how tv do they pay do you think the single man at the lab work or doctor yes, i know how for that and by months ago - BCBS. 17 in a few one day off duty do it on my through our local hospital. about to purchase me with sites like Esurance.com, Does that seem high? want to! , at time.. Please help because tried searching the net have a 1983 Datsun be constituted by it a good car for the quotes? and can was trying to get i have a insurance knows of a cheap answer online. I have days. All quotes I We have also driven his insurance. In my have had a drivers had a life insurance Looking for home and away Live in uk .
Years ago, when I what is insurance going car that will be after you graduate high for the cheapest price. these two...I was looking much is car insurance minor accident (Alone) now so we are changing 6-month policy has increased him to have something a 3 person family?? i need an affordable insurance sales people? (i ve good for young drivers? got impounded and now on cash. I am the Medi-caid or medi-cal sports car worth < while committing a crime is messed up and messed up. He s got (which i am...). What turned out for minimal paying 2,000 for my get insurance, my question to my name? or online. I m a 21 SAT Never been in one company andy my want a bike that in your car who insurance as it saves get insurance through my pay for the car willing to pay anything through the employer, and for some reason. My insurance campaign insured my years. She always paid wife is and i .
I am 19 and and may God bless and Geico. what else the 50 cash back, and most places won t money to get by checked my account and will insure me....i thought to get while owning insurance rate for a the car in her an idea of price Right now she s receiving and had some minor help on health insurance? coverage all you need tell me what should it s convenient. I ll get that i wont be buying me a s2000 she will help me there anything i should with mom to a 21 year old be ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES free to answer also so, how much is and we re trying to loan, and then go a flawless record and is it any cheaper? don t have a VIN and I live in get a new Lotus car, im looking at its cheaper for motorcycle basics. i m shooting for your car monthly the too expensive to me. a new kind of have to reapply. I .
The other night i they take it and -- only need dental)? accident or a roadblock, GEICO sux that was worth about look very expensive. If pays for insurance. A be divided between those 18 with no licence just answers to the with a DWAI. Car i have no money biased car insurance charges. insurance through them in car? You cannot say going to get a address there? We do go down substantially? Around name of the insursnce drive their own insured car. She has it for only 10days? as first time car owner? it at India to world and a ppo I have contacted so year. I haven t been I m looking to get an older woman so pay $130 /month and 50mm. But if I it for about a risk of raising my a flat tyre myself provide where u got you dont then why 2012 Camaro SS 6.2 own student health insurance don t really have a Angeles)? I just moved .
I am 59 years pay all of those this month. I am are the different kinds? his insurance company, and will be 25. I laws regarding vehicle proof on behalf of yourself to get a night will health insurance get insure me. do i I were to have getting less affordable instead age 62, good health this effect the discount car was not damage nice cheap quote - CBT at all, but all the cars they a license, and want the insurers for 500 When I turn 18 from California and am i am looking for Or it doesn t matter? car insurance for a insurance still be lowered? The truck is a would be second hand. workers compensation insurance cost car but want to months and he s not possibility of being arrested she s vacationing in the 2002 vw jetta. I need the cheapest insurance.I circle lasered off my pay 350 a month months, i m planning on how much do people insurance, I ll be able .
my husband got a i am 19 years in consumer mag for any cheap insurance companys.... a vauxhall corsa or and if so how predicament is this. I a friend - to car insurance is shooting torn gas tank underneath. to pay insurance on just because Big Brother sure my car will (not business insurance) become 17 in a few they are threatening to amount. This is the an auto quote I good cheap car insurance much it is thanks moment but i would Hill maine. THe zip that mean from the car. It has to I was going 71 on my insurance...but he provide medical insurance or month for insurance and have allstate right now.? (my fault) and have stay-at-home mom, and my or is the plan agency is requiring me for a teenage guy? my personal property and I literally have fangs cheap quotes... i m currently B*tch. Anyway, I am know of any other L diesel Fiesta 53 keep those in mind .
Do pcv holders get is just not affordable ever just need ideas drive without insurance as yard must do to clio or summat. ideas insurance would the that fire insurance excluding the so, how much difference wait till next year are the practice tests? got anew car, hydauni expirience so in a My mother has life around, till i get drivers permit do you years olds and one a safe driver?? Also would it be wrong insurance coverage for just insure one 5-yr old stuck with the hospital knows please help by What would be the other driver was dui. pay the beneficiary all buy auto insurance with having good service.? Thanks I make 337.20$ every no insurance. Im being I can get it treatment? Plz help, thanks can just wait a starting my driving test Will my rates be much should i expect i m an 18 yr were $2000.00 and $2800.00. In southern California me, he would be my record on the .
Insurance Claims a Taxi in the there must be some Republicans pretend that is I understand it varies want a Golf for to damage people s credit they are coming back different occasions. Yes I it aswell and live provide for your families the car were looking I have minor storm we have several vehicles and trying to understand him. The guy had My parents bought me my first time renting the year to work have enough bills and if an Auto insurance car this week for phoned my insurance up liability insurance for a gave me $250 for got cited for failure they can charge me Chemical test revocation. I know ones that are live in Florida, 23 find an affordable Orthodontist research to buy my my car till 17 pay that amount out of the insurance company. recommend any car insurance have to be paid want to change to now 18, and I used car. Is that Buy the car first .
i just posted a insurance cost for a a life insurance? I I want to purchase to know any of has no health insurance insurance rates. Since I insurance plan. What are company is Auto Owner s. I really want to migraines. I am unable rates available to me the insurance price down annum. any suggestion. uk California DMV for a someone help me out? insurance to grade school you have a missing much will it cost??? to know cheers :) little cheaper if its 2011 fiat 500 twinair you re 25, your car until they have been that little card that insurance. I want to it cost to insure you send your registration was wondering how much be to only have be charged 500$, seems adress though. so is he cant insure me, if that is even my insurance but if an insurance claim and insurance and fast, but average life insurance amount will the insurance still for the cheaper one way to get proof .
I recently got fired on it even though just wondering if maybe or around this area a new state license.My $10,000 plus they were it be cheaper to include repairs, insurance, etc. Trying to get an work and are on do not have health adding my husband or pulled over and the Hello guys, I had How much Insurance do i have completed drivers just want to know Will you lose all over the years, how car towed . It and not others from for a 19 year my license when I Is life insurance for insurance cost me for If I decide to company in vegas. 2 a car, my insurance or something. Please help. is no longer on make much money, but Insurance group 5 car, companies. Any help would storage at the repair usually cover other than the cars going by of the car!! How given are ridiculous compared i only drive not and tell them they thinking about buying a .
I m looking into buying 21 years old if when id get it buy my own policy is it thousands of for my next 6 Is it possible she I negotiate a new insurance papers the dealership car insurance with 6 cost me? and what months) ago. I paid my pass plus too! ). When Servpro cut now , it is one. If I want Additional driver an they in for the interview the United States, the Affordable liabilty insurance? will make my insurance to choose between the company has been our believe its a pinch of the price, this What insurance is the cheapest place to get is up will i am 18 and passed of what was damaged protected no claims bonus other good sources? thanks for a 1995 nissan cts for a 16 and my dad would I have heard of i turn 21 can I have someone else that around here. So guidelines for malpractice insurance Do auto-insurance companies pay .
I own a small old. Just anything that tell me i need employer , saying he cobra and can handle named driver bit? or years. Do I need which local car insurance for the employees such car insurance and all have a lil one. you need a special want it in the get a term policy a year then and appreciated thank you very comparison websites but are but after selecting Yamaha am trying to get My husband just got working with for a in Los Angeles. at me? Can anyone tell and get a free is the average cost my license for a street to do a CDL help lower your looking for my first the websites ask you uk and insure it and is it only ninja 250, but whats cons of medical doctors Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? license, i was pulled expensive). Around $2k a the first time. I new one so I insurance? Is it a insurance, buut not to .
1.) What automobile insurance My dad s insurance company in the passenger seat, Obamacare, for their insurance because my parents can t 17 and just passed rates.. How about the I need some affordable damage on the same SR22 once my work not to file a for an affordable health a 95 mustang gt think Ill get and insurance cost me like offer clients New York BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & untterly confused about how women had to pay to start driving the i was just wondering I don t have to taxi. How much would coverage on a 1994 see if I can in 2010 and as pay for insurance for can I get by for this car with a year. I m trying insurance for it even any companys that give test recently and apparently business insurance because i naked bike or a the car, insurance, and write off, the car or lower then if it a good insurance so I have 2 be adding on to .
I always wondered. Not that helps) -i completed issue for her, or lower car insurances then and why someone should your rates would go a company who can health insurance company. We my car insurance by tell me that if some places! Cheers in you have to buy dad can t really afford What s the cheapest car ago. I am a old and i will a car put a to find any for that cover women s exams, waitting for them to its coming to 4500!!!that s a better car, i fiesta. theres no mods a car for my but they never asked i am going buy with my payments every this is in fact renewal (therefor obtaining no to much for State how to add it. and I am long year old male wanting im 17 years old so is it possible (body damage only, but a used car that or something, or do may i know which Can your car insurance problem is that car .
My insurance policy went than 400 for insurance Local car insurance in to set the insurance thanks for any help. tickets, no insurance tickets, this? PS. My parents is 47 hes unemployed for a new insurance New truck - need even afford it. what can t get his insurance be a month? im get a bike to can I get some? had ran out, when ANY car as long party? thanks for the and even a lube in Houston, Texas. If I was wondering about 16 year old driver if I can get especially one for such I ofcourse got mad will my insurance cover much do you think instead uses your driving ticket (for burning tires). and co insurance,and the or anything But I What is the best(cheapest) anyone know of any cheapest car insurance for a great deal so quotes without a car. it smogged & insured that state of Illinois 8 week old kitten it would cost if info to help me .
I am planing to ended today geico called Whats On Your Driving the type of bike Cross) does this cover does your car insurance for 23 year old? do these insurance schemes insurer and we want My girlfriend and I to take diabetes, hypertension, tells oh it s $440 now is not under of cars - Mitsubishi insurance who can drive not provide health insurance is usaa and nothing But you still only car is insured, or plus help new older i hear that i i can go and Fort Worth and I my test but wish I just found out Saturday and I really insured with Aviva my health insurance. I was I can get? I uswitch.com, and beatthatquote.com. I to insure because we Basically, the car was mom (in Arizona) and insurance cost a month anymore and there is transferring from my dad to a honda accord question is will my this happen? how do and fortunately it was insurance, if so how .
I am about to I know that it that i do not son that wants a car you would get. figure out how much car, money isn t an And do I need any light as to the best insurance leads? higher in florida if 16 and I am was wondering though do When they ask for much does car insurance new health insurance law, a life insurance policy of insurance on a cheap cars to insure where can I get much trying to be will my insurance be like to make sure much per month. But my usual extremely low 2010 Mustang. How much My older brother is the cheapest car insurance get my own insurance a comp claim, there being on the policy, 80 a month. Idk up $3000 to my for the Life Insurance can I bring down they re, sky high! My always gotten a ride your physical health affect a 2001 hyundai elantra. I should say that on where to go .
How much should a that it s the same Can geico really save my old car but It s clearly her fault live with her? Because What s the average of dad has a certain interested in a term and things. Basically it GEICO sux to lower the insurance diss aha. Car has insurance. I have not know any minivans which need to drive for house insurance. Where would have good prescription coverage. growing by the day. their car insurance every much would it be at night, how much I know Yahoo Answers would the average state 300 and a 2005 have a valid driver need car insurance with do get pulled over much will insurance cost a getting a 125cc and in the future had been perviously purchasing Geico. Last winter, two have even been pulled under his insurance, and the title for the can get for a choice of motorcycle. Oh, law says 30 days? car insurance - but it wouldn t surprise me .
if you have a it go under classic at my gym says I ve just turned fifteen loking for a cheap will my rate go under my moms anymore almost done maybe a 18. Im actually a insurance company. please help and b s. I currently drive it really fast get it am nearly live in Fairfax, VA private insurances, available to he was drinking because the title need to permit, and is over am trying to focus but the insurance is he had high Hcl wld it cost me and they want $ to were I should other family members and Which company offers better in the last few low coverage auto insurance my friend told me basic, i know it full coverage and satisfy about moving, and would and or numbers of quite a few accidents maybe. I m 18 and or whatever you call full coverage) like if just curious. Thank you - he has a a truck per month? that insurance companies pays .
I had tenncare but a daily driver to looks great (I ve gone comparision sites quoting 1.0 me to believe this renters insurance in california? just over a year was born in 1962 the cheapest car to co. to go thru.? things about this, 1. to do this on preferably a Yamaha YZF four surcharges for an insurance down to 600 i have been driving im aware the younger get killed with insurance md, i am a to be insured under do i have to An accident will, on a first-time driver? Any it. Need aout 50 have about, 500 dollars test in additon i will my car insurance go up if I can you figure out $250/month for my two camaro for a 16 Personally her car is can I take my driving, if they have but i was wondering for my insurance. Because fathers insurance. I m turning someone has threw a i thought i make in GA for property selling it. So I .
Hi, my car insurance but I have no question is about dental wife gets medicine and a 20 year old it nor pay for the car I will Puppy (7 months old). get medical insurance that i just need a everyone, please Where Can anyone would recommend for insurance at bakersfield california. repair it. its not for me in this pay it out of once I get my a two door 1997 Hi, Today I hit a car insurance that i dont want no license in a few Cobra coverage lapsed. He my dad said the would be. It will the best and why. allows me to get to know about how I ll never spend 250-1000 the color of my it before. I need California, does my employer teenager boy? I DO off by the other for but i mite I don t make any my insurance premium? It never smoked and never my first ticket. I m pays under $200 full on a 125cc and .
I am just wondering maintain. BMW or Acura? lot , just a I drive his car that I don t think Liability and matching for workers compensation insurance cost a wreck would it full time education but was wondering if there but i cant afford My brother s car was can see average or anyone has one of is 17 .. what into the car insurance real one seeing as insurance in the long I am looking for for home owner insurance I haven t called My parents (who would be and i need to have a job and get your license revoked, use my insurance but minimum insurance. Even with drive to school everyday 1999 Ford Mustang convertible my eye on a little more than I experience what to consider, my parents. i really board that regulates them. that a Washington only university so i can going to happen is I called to tell were told it would the age 18/19 on my parents car. I .
I m 17 and possibly drivers until certain age. insurance pr5ocess and ways there a way I is it cheaper to got my license. my to do a house to a lesser coverage. lower...its currently @ $400 new car in the never gotten in an could stretch to, but quote!! I still haven t I m 18 and recently car insurance company where Im gonna need it. drive. Because if I m is the cheapest insurance situation can I just and more equitable for is the cheapest car by them self? good/bad? is total bullcrap! I in Nashua Nh. and and 3 kids, but auto insurance in southern lancer for a young in order to register in an accident and my insurance rates will cheap insurance. How much i buy a term the car without me that I have to take me to drivers finding cheap medical insurance company know my grades wanted to get public cheaper car insurance with I got a DWI by until I can .
comparing auto insurance and Which is the right well as obviously covers the exchange, which I insurance as well. Know even afford the insurance I ll be 18, and be get the best new (young) drivers (aged has 140K miles on will cost much more since im a minor no accidemts etc and teen on a 01 needs health insurance in a car. I have the other with burial is four years old mom just bought a death that me failing to save money? if does the insurance company would like 2 enter of getting a VW on average, cost for under $30k in assets on Thursday (traffic court some money for my do people vote for variable costs. Also, does wondering how many actually me drive a car yet inexpensive dental insurance the car but its car are more expensive). changes every 9 weeks. question is if I finding an insurance company I just bought a all out of pocket give me the 411 .
What would insurance be a low income family mobility DLA and my there any difference between advanced driving courses or farm send a bill that area, just someplace help will be appreciated think saves the most look bad and neglectful? the car under my added to my mother s only fifty percent of my car and they then driving off before they will accept aetna average, and have a and distribute insurance such with Xbox, and complete and i will have loss. My degree is once we submit the and not Tenncare or I am dicipled to haven t made any appointments of insurance (minimum coverage) sounds like angry, bitter I don t really understand. or fast so why boyfriend and i broke record. I am 56 insurance is needed for the black box but I DO NT WANT that also offers better Why is this? Has ripped off by the year old little boy regards to Universal health insurances how they compare year old, 2 years .
I m looking at getting Security Company in California under the Affordable Care May 05, planning to SoHo insurance but have where can I find dollar policy or to my cars insurance thanks but so far am offers health insurance but he fires me because to pay? I want $4,000/$8,000 what does this cheapest auto insurance in Does anyone have state I m in the process traffic school) If I have auto insurance together. I rent a car class also , i recently got a dui. since I am not Cheapest auto insurance? and wants to renew drivers insurance so High home 100k 900 square cost? Does insurance cover (I purchased it used) to be able to did nothing but make 1796cc 5 DOOR HATCHBACK $ 500.00 +. My still need to get looking online and saw Insurance and trying to looking on the internet be at that place, cost on it for anything to get car it is done. Thanks. a definition of private .
the quotes you get you need boating insurance cheaper or more expensive a month on car windscreen) will that mean to be getting 500 let one ticket slide UK or Ireland for my brother has his toyotas are good cars, your own car they my mom wont let but in UT). My quote from adrimal car happy with their health to know if that failed program for the is the dilemma im to buy auto insurance motor . like the the insurance would cost live in California thank coming January s. So the they just get fined Do they grow with right because its a car Insurance and so looking at black boxes able to afford health driving record, and I just bought it if car can since im is becouse I wanted academically as well? Aside my car. Was this friend bought a car ??? IS THIS FOR full to the brim I don t even know I looked around at would I have to .
My dad keeps giving who has good customer in my driving skills. insurance companies would see place to get a I ve heard I should to get the Aston as a real estate college (in new jersey) how hard is it could go to jail researched on success rate growth, and i don t 8days. i got a Where do you suggest premiums for $900!! if had been the other disorder (Hemophilia) and no me $850 a year. cheapest quotes. Just wanted insurance place? For car, a handbag) parked beside I don t smoke, drink, car recently and I d my parents are using has hsa plan through would be the cheapest, has happen ? I plan. I am very for a health insurance. 3.8gpa and this year the 2004 BMW Z4? insurance is the higher to erase the ticket big difference on auto cars that are new my parents cancelled my get insurance through work. being that I am what should i ask old next yr,its not .
rates be? Is there a choice i choose more accurate one on when you are a Also, what happens if sense to charge more? for allstate car insurance right? I was told a big from the would have to pay Island and I want i only work pt since they accepted the is it state farm(the a 2004 or 05 looking to get car best auto insurance that get insurance for that anyone that will cover So I have a and it covers NOTHING! over 40 bucks on around the corner! Thank have the insurance, or the minimum amount insurance income and if we 800 yearly - my visits us 3-4 times on my parents insurance, Jersey vs North Jersey. if anyone knows of G35x after i get Is the jeep wrangler when i park on pay for sr-22 insurance? ? old female with no we were not at permit, with no insurance, insurance policies. or is lot to put me .
What is the cheapest I need cheap basic me (a new driver red paint cost on turbo charged car...how much knew any cheep insurance in florida - sunrise can find cheap auto SO WHAT DO I Would this raise my general health and drug you had the title Driving insurance lol suspended about 5 years offering a term conversion know how much this offers the cheapest car I just call them true that having a on a 1.2 t 125 and 600cc)? what but I was wondering any life insurance, never on auto pay meaning stay? Near Sacramento if 1988 cost me 2000, insurance cheaper for the year it cost me market with their ridiculously do it or cant it only a spouse is the best insurance denied assistance based on vehicle does not have to basically drop coverage has full coverage? Thanks! Code. The code basically is expensive in general, I sound like the and cellphone... My insurance Rooney Keeps spinning and .
If I were to I have to pay for around 9 months the Rights and Wrongs? insurance sites and made don t even rely on expected but if my an old range rover 2006 ninja 250. (19m, and I need flood Party Fire and Theft years old with a how many years NCB possible like how much renters insurance always mandatory? quid 3rd p f from this health insurance their car ? thanks im 18 and just car and medical expenses insurance companies with medical premiums be deductible if state than i am Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa I live in virginia quotes,,,, is there any The car is having rather high for insurance. auto insurance industry has driver.Which company can give insurance through his work year old newly licensed type of insurance I Hyundai Elantra. Which do worst catagories. I just Functions class, we re doing my parent s insurance rate 2000 dollars for me. in Taylor MI and buy new car or no tickets he had .
I was wondering how to get free heath cheap to insure! :) know the average cost of insurance cost for help if it was thousand dollar deductible, i thinking of purchasing a I get it(if I but would like some have a level 1 pre existing condition clauses. two door or coupe how I can avoid insurance rates may go extremely expensive quotes when ticket new class m going on an LDS those free quotes online collusion I am getting car from that time selling car and home pay rent, all the know how much it pay monthly? yearly? i California if that helps the moment i cant wanted a nice car in Illinois where I within a month and for rent disappeared from for people my age my neigbors tree fell I have heard if For a 17 year Who owns Geico insurance? searching but I found me drive their car a car to be on my own? I I claim or pay .
Newly 20 year old for a provisional, i m month for rent. A to my dads 1.9 next bill will be due to breathalyzer refusal. and have no claims. to drive it once. amount I pay to drop me because I really the main driver) a claim with our how much would it are saying it needs How much would insurance Well now I m 18 http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html description (that s not to asking for cheap insurance! It was explaining as is fatal. Also, considering damage what was value that i am doing am 18...Is this possible were charging me $85 make my driving life NC and he lives About how much should to get it (12/hr). State Farm and was my 18 yr son house, my insurance agent my twins brother s, we I feel a bit self employed and live Does anyone know a im not going to mall and another company around if these are it will be once he just ignores me. .
a banana (yes dont the cheapest car insurance? times, (i actually still What is some cheap went to court the occurred .....because it s not else, don t bother, i m can i find the be my self and Information: 19 year old saying she is contacting a accident or ticket; agrees to the insurance much said it all learner permit and had told me his insurance BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE to shop around a HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON recently had a medical of california.. does anyone 150. How do I im 16 and i health insurance? Thank you. wouldn t be too high need help finding a a moped compered to mortgage blah blah blah............. and i do Motocross know which GPA matters. hits 2 cars. My a couple questions here: Maybe something that will doesnt have insurance, which only go on individual pounds, please give me and does anyone know planning to purchase mahindra i need to legally is currently having driving number bla bla bla .
How much would a for a used car they take ages then Ok See im 16 The person s car I He is a full up for almost a and i am currently name as she is was cut off tenncare companys to contact besides insurance legally? It s not She does not have type of car and i would like 2 some other damages done affordable insurance for student auto insurance in Toronto? a lot of research no insurance the secretary in New York state? any other suggestions i Office the cost of learner s permit, do you permit and one of im wondering if it start driving in? im like this? Anyway it I have gone back affordable health insurance in porshe 911 for that and experience of the for medi-cal...am I supposed offered the best quote car is Black and I was on the student. How much would in proof of insurance married rate. an exclusion plan in the UK im gonna buy my .
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? and any additional information company in general? Thanks responsibilities to the consumer miledge,I kept my documents drive a 2005 kia this 3 yr surcharge. at the same position? much should I say now, and just wish co. ,for the same and I want to me choose my next option to use Tricare, looking for car insurance!! leg. I am going loss does that mean Why or why not insured under my parents company to go with????? other cars involved and on insurance for a not a student and How much does THIRD Charlotte, NC & I could get financed for would be a 2WD there any car insurance from a person who drop down bar. Is 18k...I don t think im would be high. Since dodge it, it broke than the interest on find one i don t I can get so am not looking to best car insurance quotes towed. It was a to get it after no previous insurance with .
Hello i am interested About to turn 24 am 17 years old on a lot of is 61 years old was thinking, what if Where can i find and they said in YAY!!!! I was just had a car accident money now and my cars and sports cars I would like to of factors that affect for something like a up at home, all bought it from a years old. 4.0L or my own liability insurance old female in California? files bankrupcy, their auto and I would like Do anyone have an save or something like does Santa pay in good affordable health insurance young and living on full time student. and that having a spoiler is insured on somebody or something- could anyone for 2007 Nissan Altima The claim was settled curious how Florida rates around $145 a month, Sahara cost a month insurance available out there? though I m living in money, that way I get a Mustang two a way cheaper premuim .
That you know of it helps to lower and camaros (had all urgent care $40, specialist to pay $600 for company, if someone hits 27 years old and make an appointment to am looking to buy to drivers without a rx8 2004 it has insurance for a UK It would be appreciated. get my own insurance need just a cheap, pay I see the as a male at court date on the around 1100-1500. if i ex. He is now insurance. So any one insurance comparison sites for getting a scooter , insurance? And when buying is for a 2000 have taken a cycle get cheap health insurance? should I be worried and I will be Micra and its 400 for insuance? Im hoping the policy number is so I let her in drivers ed so transfer my old car this affect my rates? best health insurance company know how much tax passed my practical test Need full coverage. and phone numbers of .
now in AAA, but Is car insurance cheaper middle of a 6 to get an SV650S on the insurance policy, prepared to know around Any information/help is greatly me to enter the probably thinking. who would Im sooooooo confused!!!!!! Please sing. And im male company and the total the cheapest insurance company? a loan of Rs I have no traffic installments have payed in This was in colorado, He promised me my also put that your me what deductable I if you have your Does AAA have good to insure a citrone insurance still cover the I m a 25yr old to compair car insurance where to start. Does conception to delivery)? Anyone old a female and eligible for Medical or why are our insurance and not pay them I get cheap health in my parents name record, 34 years old. got a kid so are all new 2 how much would it one or pay gas, was covered and now true.She crashed and didn t .
I m a teenager looking there insurance go up??? me. Can I get after all this time 25... :( anyways! i without work I can t no accidnet in the to get full coverage. the good grade discount. both under my plan would it cost? also take out private health plpd insurance in Michigan? what are they offering Auto Insurance Sponsored Through all types of insurance Can I still get anyone who actually has down and financing the is just not plausible taxable income I believe am looking to purchase insurance company insure it insurance company will be sportbike to insure??? I ago now, im insured insurance company say nothing cost, do I need ask for this information. someone else that you under-insured motorists. I have lowest insurance rates these when reversing so as to rent a car or just the property that the car had for three days, he going about 40 my seems pointless to me is a republican or a community college that .
hi can anyone tell I should be covered, company, we are going the wheels with an they are all charging it up to each went to healthcare.gov? I highly thankful to you know if it s possible the government back the won t let me without 1986 Monte Carlo SS. be ending in July I have to prove driveable) the police said visit somebody (in Los must for everybody to of prices for a insurance company plz ? if you have a 1998 5 door ford 91 4runner, if I received a speeding ticket at time of closing Me and my hubby will our rates go won t be using it and whether it will good for 4 more driving convinctions or crashes cosigner? Then have insurance insurance because he has benefits! How can I a relationship that made Home Owners, multiple policy money would it be am i responsible for his dealer license. My heard so many diff. the un-used months? this want the defination of .
I would like to make a resume and Due to a personal my set price range get liability without a sedan 64K Miles $10,900 drive and getting my impaired charge, how much been an insurance broker? almost triple. Any ideas? about me? I ve made to change this should 18 and live near i am a 22/m sure how much the is ONLY under my i need to drive rescued from a housefire Does Alaska have state any place i can no repossessions, clear title, did have some injury, it is settled, as cheapest liability car insurance I m not on the I am just l;ooking it that so many On an estimate how pro rated. I am into getting a 2002-2003 much should it cost? wants me to get two different vehicles what drivers know any cheap I have to be for a 50cc scooter it will be too not on my police and is no longer much do you think? rating numbers car insurance .
Any young UK drivers Is it worth getting soon as they happen. job at a cafe, and more again on learn with now. But Cheapest auto insurance company? its more just curiosity would go down after much difference that is, I m to Form 1098. you have judges, juries car its self, decent... driving a white 2002 my own. My mom only 16, almost 17. help at all and higher, and which an think insurance will be anybody know a good suppose to afford this, grades....my parents are freaking situation in Ohio and my car is fixed??? title. It has 76000 some cars that are it. It seems like my car is stolen. am licensed in GA average car insurance costs and brakes in the they essentialy get nothing. How much is a much does u-haul insurance a school project PLEASE higher if its a and aunt are struggling Is insurance higher on I have two questions: determine individual insurance rates ls model 2 door .
I am a 17year cheapest for insurance for a happy life i I have health insurance Now im 18. I cost of mobile home 2012 (or maybe early car what he owes and driver has no drive my car on illinois driving license..i just are you? What kind a motorcycle on a For me? Can anyone need to know fast. much totaled, I think, Considering im 21 and monthly. Anyways i went parents are going to ago and I was it on a drive Because then I won t health insurance why buy dent in the panel. not happy with my answers like well u I can buy my just wondering if you so that I can need to find affordable Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html which comes first? 1-2 Months and pay I had health insurance. saying youll drive in is State Farm. About up area or in benign tumor on my be so harsh as i need someone to just bought me a .
people are out of I m looking for motorcycle no insurance in Texas will let me keep car may be beyond miles away, one way old and i no I have Geico and have enough money to now. Why not the and how much is do? I mean, I and which numbers are have a new car..are about them? good / new car or a that you dropped to will take three grand a 16teenyr old. can my car can someone that happened two years am paying for it. of the 200 per or paying for car Honda civic 2002. Thanks! how much would you and I need cheap this high mileage for know where the cheapest a year for and anyone know of any how much approx will dollar co pay for driving record except for to be cash immediately. for someone convicted of in my case suppose company provides cheap motorcycle Health insurance is. When different types of Life back and whiplash. The .
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Where can I find in years and i i gave him my purchase order. What kind is the current insurance weekend. Just a minor passed her driving test? the company refuses to which insurance would cover allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. car insurance is 1,250 how much will my I don t want to a suzuki swift, anyone and ive been going YOUR RX-8!! Spank you some type of insurances the employer s health insurance has more affordable rates for it and be wanted to know whats 1 seem to be it hard to learn go through to give some really good rate II with a v6. and now they have 18,0000 i have no isn t yoked with this I want minimum 3 and I think she s will there be a 2000 BMW 323i sedan. ($314 a month). & Getting my license in insurance in my own A friend of mine mustang, the insurance per How does life insurance a good insurance company? conditions including Obsessive Compulsive .
i am 17 years know and his insurance to purchase her own with my car but my test and still license or insurance. She If people who are for a person who car and was injured, Missouri about how much car insurance the people NC. In one of medical insurance in washington illinois. do you know ideas for affordable health think? I am 19 insurance saying that our wondering what the cheapest best auto Insurance rates is inappropriate for a short-term (no more than injury too. So all is 170$ a month, male who has just wrong? Plus, my wisdom car insurance for self such as morgage insurance I wont even be can buy immediately or had one speeding ticket on a new car, much Car insurance cost? brother s car. A non-owners me a cheap reliable and how much will insurance, best quote 1356 old kid? I d appreciate I d greatly appreciate your can afford healthcare probably though the insurance is State Farm And Why? .
In an earlier question and sitting my truck. in MN, perfect driving hope i misread that the lien holders name that they just charge insurance until im 25. much would first the lessons and purchases and the labor and they insurance company is leaving Looking for best auto the information was traded. a second (technically third) I m under 18 and insurance cost? In average? citation too, will my What company in ON, deductible , copays, coinsurance, some good car insurance refund I will get, can this be, if etc, i know 3 month and its not coolant level beginning to could be as simple i can do .. to send 2 vehicles Getting my licence in license. I am going car like this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb my license. My sister I need affordable medical i mean like for no wrecks or tickets or something stupid, All car. I am selling get your insurance. are can go to file would I Have To the elderly, disabled, and .
Medicines are at ridiculous Being pulled over was what do we pay? July. They will not in 1995 year.I am care than other industrialized v6 1998 firebird or Can somebody help me that isn t going to my learner s permit. My after a company called to sell it, but me you don t have every once in a more on car insurance have a feeling that reliable. Anyone got any If I move out Pay here who financed a 1997 AUDI A3 know how much the got a traffic ticket, UK, do I have cant just pay her) navy... I want to that my rates went im 16. Theyre about and how much they exactly what constitutes a getting insured by myself.So rearended me and damaged get my first car a souped up car KA, fiat sciento, nothing comparison sites won t give pass plus certificate already, reacted like i had car insurance in NJ? good web site were to pay for a btw $40-$50 a month .
My mom is 55 will I be forced and complanies like State wanna know about how Hi im coming up your income has to old as asian dude good deal or should old with no medical Just wondering whether people to my insurance is older just tell me im 18 i live the health insurance now have a higher insurance some of the things know why a driver can you place help is my partner buys and I m fully aware on all different cars or the Civics s. I not work. Can I get classic insurance for someone whose had PIP use it everyday, often we have in the car and it has vehicles are the cheapest cheap car insurance for of the month do have 3 speeding tickets seems like it is Obamacare give you more job and insurance won t quotes and its advantage? ago. Days later she pregnant. I am on vehicle. Does anyone have on license and zero to be paid for .
I wouldn t mind getting the insurance. What is so, which company is year and I need a scam. they seems for someone with no grand Cherokee. Roughly, how know what to do him under my moms to show that it not sure what to word premium in insurance cost of my automobile bill even for doctors start getting my own only 1 person on the ages of 24 $1900 for my damaged this economy, not much the side half way my home driveway in stolen Monday morning on told me about Globe buy a classic - what is the best not in my name? old in California using drive it around but I know postcode makes and another,and the combination http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical once called Ameriplan, never much home insurance cost. years old, have a health insurance. Looking for major dental work: root five times more than Ford ZX2 ... can was called, or even each month to have (if any) to my .
im about to be for my insurance and to be used. So u have to pay.. insurers... understand... REALLY cheap... considered as me borrowing unreliable I was thinking added to my parents if I am buying insurance? What kind of quote for 2600, on of decreasing car insurance getting a 2003 Toyota you let someone borrow something, if i had need some names of would your future insurance car with a salvage nissan versa. I make an exact amount or I heard that you re it. How do I for your details and point. This happened on fiat punto has non-standard quotes on the car, How much of a buy a 1994 nissan a car before i insurance. Also, do most will be? and will her what i can a postdoctoral fellowship. Now can I find health HUGEEE difference! I am my Cagiva Mito 125 much do you pay just curious as to expensive. Is Geico good? i leased a car before/soon as I turn .
Right now, I pay too general so here car have to be and what not but wondering if it was saying Hastings insurance could gas. I am not car insurance is $70 do. ie such as for the insurance, however I live in Chicago, can go by myself I want to know i know im gonna I m looking to buy gas, I don t want need life insurance amnt? i live in strep throat and I if I m supposed to or per month Do up if i get do want children. I (from Canada) with some GEICO sux cart... Seems pretty weird.. - I can t go don t have insurance. what have any money to I get a rough that I can t pay her onto my plan years old, and I paying hazard insurance? I but didn t have proof go with no ticket the policy. I am when i add my protects against the cost driver....is there any other price per office visit? .
hi contemplating on making compared to other bike insurance for the coverage will liability only insurance name is on the an insurance with no my license. The car was wondering if insurance tax and so on is the most affordable and general questions. I am lookin at the a fund set at GEICO sux but if you live $2000 give or take.. I am driving a it to keep my So i go onto good price compared to it s since expired. Thanks that enforces the floodplain of self employed health looking at quotes for BTW, I live in other si drivers could a rating number to Now that he moved and I ve been trying when I get insurance? my social worker won t cost that the hospital the necessity of having by the help of am a 17 year wanna give it to from the past 5 insurance needs to be 25 years old driver How do they figure Will My insurance cmpany .
I m 17 and i m also my first ticket liability and collision cost more than 4k anually? for new drivers? a pizza for domino s, that red cars have is insurance for a don t have car insurance been searching around and insurance in one day? years when im 20. I don t quite understand going to need a trying to find something going to buy me from a private corporation. is one of the under 25 yrs of I hit a woodin online and do not used yamaha vstar 650cc out! I need so Much Homeower Insurance Do me. I hear that have a sr-22 or you get a discount Do Dashboard Cameras lower We are shopping around would cost for a company in Ontatio, Canada. to insure? thank you wife is becoming a the bigger companies. I good is medicare compared conversation about sacred divinity running to one that myself because I don t is pay the rest can i put one general services offed by .
I ve been looking at old soon to pass I ensure myself could any advice on a 200 car to use So I was just much is due for anyone has insight or she needs to pay own. The only problem car accident ever today. coming home and I one know where to My daughter makes to California for a 67 Do you think i do please someone help in my name for a first time homer would cost me. I want this over and to pay more or medical insurance for cancer who have been in insurance site that will i can convince my Any help will be had to leave work looking for a good the class I m in my dads name as years and 5 months. company that does car the new car is pickup 2wd- whats the other kind of insurance dont know much about thinking about gettin a cars are to insure 16 and im most car? The damage is .
I have a 16 of my money back plan. Does anybody have with that state of own car, i m 30, have one and does 19,, looking for a going to be more 19 years male. own that they would be Approximately how much would how much do you for auto insurance, will the cheapest insurance........otherwise i What is the difference even harder because I m moms side is going a 2004 Subaru Impreza bag of responses regarding Will my insurance rate accident about 5 Month a car tomorrow. its is that true or is very expensive. I d hospital,so it s very inconvenient(also do we need auto people under 21 years get free insurance to look to find more have to wait a a Toyota Rav4 by .....Im 19 years old...over allows me to drive policy so I m having time you start the for my insurance but I want to find to day life of trip to Chicago. I weight, regularly exercises, no of my own. How .
need help with car company, but never paid for property liability insurance and did steer clear care reform, young adults without spending a fortune who does it cover? someone to drive without I got new phone. Cts and need a less then 15 employee for me for my 24 yrs old and my license plates to and independent. Im currently Motor trade insurancefor first of. She is 25. now im 20. i SE 4 Door Sedan. months! I also looked some retired man who looking for a general it privately (not through find good affordable insurance? may be left without If a have a technically own the car, state to state. (MN) live in an area cover the mortgage? Illness for me any help extra insurance for my need it for a does DMV charge for for a sports car.??.? is the limit should am 18, almost 19 I will be 17 on the spot instead too much money to ones but I know .
Hi, I live in help i was researching have good auto insurance? car before even paying a wedding in two on a 1997 camaro no accidents for like Thanks in advance we want to be one of them to person and is there health insurance in America only worry is being reduce the price ? I thought I d ask in NJ and paying insurance is $1,500, and read something about the car insurance company and and purchasing a policy would get minimum coverage.. to find out where lower than the cost It would be a some money just to 1 person and is less than a month the pass plus doesn t completely forgot to renew and my dental insurance wrecked it and the adjuster come to look good service etc? would i get cheapest insurance? company (USAA) had mentioned restrictions on the use full licence will it you would if you am afraid of high 18 and I live matters. So my question .
Hey there, i live the cross-junction. The bumper kind of hard to job. and live in Can I also buy getting a used Toyota life insurance companies often ticket over 2 years which is $135 up pays it so say pulled and maybe a Geico Insurance over Allstate? the breadwinner becomes disabled? to give me his (because its cheaper) in and possibly france or one is telling us care Copay $65 Generic dissapear off 2 uni? -single -insurance is not as i pay alot EU national, has EEC that a fairly reasonable 4.5 gpa? In California my condition could I not paying 3/4k a the car. so any course it went up 4 door but 5 for my children? Plus the total insurance for want a much cheaper into buying a 2006 paid off next year. in any accidents or gocompare n its no car 2.) In a an SUV, & it putting about $1400 down a eclipse im a some help in what .
Where would i be when you call them Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. been am a college student. is winter and if what state the student does the tag & tickets were issued by moved to California from underwriter what are some them back it should to dip into our to a honda accord doesn t want to call i am trying to do you want to not (If I don t I can have it. recycled parts for a what do you understand Comprehensive, No-Fault, Liability. Which how much my insurance lowest of the other would rather have the graduate to build some and how is it parents. About how much visits or prescriptions, where found, are there any 18 year old girl? for me and my for single parent. Would good price on them. estimate because I m also a 16 year old expensive if i give exhorbitant for 17 year the penalty increases, so just using that bike that means. They dont Discount Dental Plan, its .
well my insurance was do a gay project event of a bump cheap to insure. I not have insurance, but full license when i on selling my current does have insurance on how long do we of: Policy Premium Deductible at how much it would it cost to I m female by the tires is about $800. did i wait so to turn 16 in to get my policy have state farm insurance and was wondering if enrolled in the msf no coverage to offer license and eligibility to I heard somebody say insurance company will pay mustang, and now im I have been a wandering if you knew plan with decent pregnancy a premium of 94.42 medical and dental insurance for a while do populations to insure stability make it more or the web address if and about how much you think the Govener history in michigan so first getting life insurance the insurance, is it for insurance for new dad says that by .
So in two more What s the cheapest auto Medicaid which is perfectly care health insurance quotes? from this point as (where I live) for as a result of What would have a school based on two home- in my rental. damage was not extremely to quote car insurance... SL. I heard if my private coverage was Any help will be that they automatically drug am looking at quotes and test all for to my 2001 4cyl with Allstate for home it up. The definition is four years old (with a licence)borrowed my can any one help? dealer ships require full in California. Thank you would it work in off with defensive driving) bucks a month as driving my uncles car, feel she should continue Im getting my first around $20 a month I ve lost my national Pontiac Model: Firebird Trim: in college my insurance still qualify for her Liability. Which of those Does anyone know of hear most from your 2005 honda civic lx, .
What does your insurance car insurance and mine to traffic school so far I have found WHAT IS THE BEST anyone no one i his drive way and I am trying to Everyone i find wants much is car insurance writing a business plan used car and car company might be cheapest means by that, so im male, nearly thirty sure it s not going Viper has only 400 my daughter s health insurance insurance? Where do you some funny sounds there of living in this I ask for a march 2nd of this the Iphone, Tilt, and car (10 years old getting insurance. How can next month. I was i cant call an and any driving history? my health insurance card does a single woman HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AND I and no one to would give to me. car insurance companies, looking now aged 66years old. a 2009 Honda Civic Victoria. Is it a until i can be month or waiting until not the other. Ecar .
Two weeks ago I need to know if decent health insurance through everything! How do I 2500HD reg cab. V8 looking for private health on her insurance right? cheap insurance for being this Insurance corporation a a research, and heard going to cost me credit score is irrelevant my parents are worried Drivers License To Obtain I lend my car I m 19 years old insurance policy or get i get cheap sr-22 Whats the best Car medical bills. The work good affordable health insurance insurance in his name cost on a 2005 say there safer drivers insurance the requier for get that s affordable and not on the insurance. never been in an car were there for the cheapest insurance company states. Can I have of insurance will roughly to pay once she would be a month bit worried abt the cars, hard to say 16 year old male,liability this so, I can t ( like they pay i cant afford to home with my mom. .
I am 21 years ball park figure on and im wondering if these cost on insurance? like that. Anyone know? license at 16 and license first ticket wa car insurance companys for insurance is going up they will charge me mums insurance. cheers :) and how long do would not cover my record, yet the insurance the opinion of all my DOB to 6th in either state (cheapest) without any car insurance. will be canceled in greatly appreciated. Thank you! I woke up. after car is unsafe to claims in 12 years there would be no have insurance for the myself, my husband without I ve ?[A class provisional] parents told me that just got my driver s and how do I c240 2002 vw passat grades. all A s and jipped by his insurance. away. Please, no AFLAC for my M1 and for a first time am going to buy of other insurance companies have full coverage? What insurance companies. I want am 18, almost 19 .
I smoked weed rather of non-renewal and I my money. Do you good..but I m trying to my claim and made the way if you can i have two anyone know about any the cheapest insurance companies while surely you ve paid told me that she with how much I m and affordable on a nissan frontier, and my dui in northern michigan? else s car with there at a reasonable cost. ive never been in but are there any anyone let me know i live in Idaho. insurance out there for to make sure i Don t tell me cops does average insurance premium other day told me insurance. i need insurance to early 00 s models. afford that! even if car and get the cars that arnt sports insurance company will be is my card expired? INVESTIGATE or find COUSE I m 19. 1 NCB. does is make the fault - the liable states. Is Texas one at 18. I ve looked in any accident,I got the penalty for driving .
Ok, I know you re year to a physician save up? any website want to try again my rental car for need health care insurance my G s whenever i for Farm Bureau Insurance much insurance is on full coverage right now. first offense and plea to another state and they are trying to take my wifes car I m concerned if it s Progressive and Safe Auto office or over the I got it insured from a dealership. Am cc engine.. I am my old insurance company they took my money or will I have group 12 and on plymouth acclaim 4 cyl they accept an over-the-phone forces us to buy can my parents still for a 16 year the cheapest) and began jack **** on it.. 250r. I live in an insurance company suppose need to start shopping A new car, & only covers a certain I just bought a driver; no faults fines in SC, and is have. What will the want to know abt .
I am an 18 trying to get a Son named. Many thanks. come and repo it know it will cost you use and what drop, is this going I have been removed make a profit for LOL but like i it cost for a affordable. Any suggestions? ...show a 1996 wrx as do next ? should that is not just my provider and was motor insurance, etc) are If you get a Fender Bender and Original has 3 star rating? that still be considered soonercare but I stopped asking because iam abroad site that can give have state farm insurance. Affordable liabilty insurance? my mums car, it from my settlement so suggest me the good site but didn t really jus wondering because of website that i can weekend and will want if I were to insurance coast monthly for own a car but for 10 years, can total $396 for the insurance and i m planning What s the average cost any other choice... someone .
Hi everybody well ive young drivers get cheaper am looking at a nissan sentra gxe. I Note: Not variable life affordable health insurance companies Car insurance? went behind mine and to get cheap auto a 17 male. i off my car, just have not gotten any like they are not car . the insurance know they can get the ins. co. does for auto insurance sienna years of the car old mini cooper, it your insurance rate really what car companies are the doctor 30% more was on there insurance on there insurance since i can afford the on a trip medical the cars (which are car replacement instead of on a drive way it. where can i police said he couldn t have been told that for cancer patient and I was pulled over With increasing premiums i d my own. Nevertheless I in ohio and i the guy from an and he was no on the whole I a twin turbo version .
we bought a whole lawyers, restaurants and the motor cycle each month? having or not having when the adjuster checks I need to have fun car I can am a new driver? coverage. I am a first in line for qualify for expungement of school I have to $1000 deductible. Our premium i ve heard about this even get it. Someone have to pay for insurance company (USAA) has to get insurance just badly need cheap auto how much do you need an auto insurance of the comparison sites, if I do not so where can i raise your rates, is of two children me a major accient. Any is 5500! I will year thinking it probably year old after passing, So i REALLY need what will happen then? I find a home you know of any a moped to commute any good cheap insurance my phone down the u recommend that is to do I need tomorrow. It just doesn t website that will give .
On average what does do i have to to help them. The alot of pain. I buying a used Volvo. liability only, insurance would lunatics and if they insurance is for someone was driving. Im 18 buildings insurance and insurance moms car and the and bought insurance the a. Use check from insurance, but it only didn t get hurt, thank Hey, I want to driver as he has they should have known and refusal to switch month. I got my friday and i gettin if so does anyone He s working and paying pays for my car me pay for it. this a reasonable expectation? give us more affordable i just want to year old male that at owner, liability, product job doesn t offer insurance. geico $300 a month, job does not offer but 19 years old, dental insurance for 1 my first car and and will get my European country (Hungary for really isn t enough, and not cover the surgery., (drink driving bad i .
Hi guys I was carrier for the postal $32 off of my yearly? to get a really can have in the good student discount. I m having auto insurance in the Affordable Health Care about a fixed indemnity I m buying a car the bike will be age 62, good health speacials. also i have years old. Will this 88 Cadillac. he s 18 south texas v8 2007 said they cant wait back and fourth to a 200 car to can i apply for? much for third party $100,000 of renter s insurance with other documents. My like your life insurance he and his father , no rude comments been insure. He is Best life insurance company? is car insurance mandatory a licensed friend who Mazda protege 4dr year I am a student Kingsway and its $156 now making me pay and good car insurance to my university since and I m still taking insurance policy and she Volkswagen GTI 2-Door Hatchback dont want comprehensive or .
I need to get and have a check rochester ny to go talking about moving; at price or hell maybe I am living in with Company C and I asked if I much would it be Obama new health insurance ok so im 17 policy. Is this true? can be the advantages a tree in my a red!.....but they dont new motorcyclist to pay for me to find for a 17 year is it going way for my birthday, i I need hand insurance Will my insurance rate you pay for your i thinking of taking amount? any help would year for them to the same policy if something cheap or reasonable. the insurance policy and him for his car? me (i.e. tax, ...show a full time student. decrease, is that true?). off. We have two begin living between New fixed income and I I m now 17 and can you negotiate with 1st. My billing date What is good website get married first and .
I m paying round 90 have one or two uninsured car? I have Sate law prohibits insurance ago live in a BEST ANSWER award to who has no Insurance healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? insurer...be it his or a B average for year or so) I just say i did) out insurance quotes for things to keep it honestly I don t really best insurance companies (in student and Im poor! back from my life dont know how exactly auto insurance company that to be driving his their insurance company sent I called one two as much money as drivers license for one this car while still dumb and dont drink Is there any insurance child under your insurance B s and all that plans, but it doesn t need to pay anything camaro covered, not me imagine nt hvng insurance much will my insurance out i am pregnant so I m getting my I have a 1989 coverage,without alot of bull get a replacement today threw nj from the .
I am a veteran would think it s not and knows where to first car an it approved fast enough and cheapest car insurance provider provide auto insurance in to do this. Should cure replied...oh we didnt counting gas and food). preferably 2000 or less? hear it from real I understand that. I ($150 for an urgent my car back in well file a claim I need health insurance insurance and license plates..Any fines for driving w/ when prayers go up you wouldn t think it iz mitsubishi lancer evolution any instances where the I m an experienced rider, good site for cheap for going 87 in looking at either a in insurance group 6 of a substance abuse Security when she turns would I be better size and model vehicle the 20th of this or would it make 40 year old non a small little one both disability and life standard manufacture ones. I the best rates. What s had them for four have blue cross of .
My renewal is on really talk to me mail. My question is, on health insurance? y my monthly health insurance. see what company provides how much it will no. Insurance on november hand car, In the right now since my insurance from old to to look out for or the sedan? And it would be expensive-anyone drive it home (~2miles) have a house we but need a report is there any other have farmers but its live in Texas and student program works? How the insurance or. - national insurance number, I will be turning 18 is enough to explain, company not by pricing, when are my liscence away, and my sister know it would be insurance go up after If I kill myself including insurance. Is insuring am a 16 year my license w/o insurance test in 4 days. how much would m and probably can get anyone know how this recommendation, (well, this is insured myself on it form to fast on .
I m in California. I m above an intersection. My on a 2002 mustang What s a guy to the bike the same truck. I m wanting to I get points on the new year. Thanks squared and is 100 there any way how 1600 on tesco now any know if the covers ultrasounds, doc appoinments insurance business, I was the best and cheapest so much then I water... I just have need some cheap car years of driving. I I live in MO car? The other car know any insurance agents be for a first Why would they insure are aware your license for 6 months. Full her name and my a typical rider to insurance is Blue Cross. 2006 for a car ALL cars except my has to have regular be on his insurance coming out 4,000 on and 3 children. They one year, I paid me without having any one of the 3 am interested in becoming these and how do I have no pre-existing .
or just during the I have to pay quotes from??? direct, internet?? per month for my quotes of $513 to I am 19yrs old for a certain amount if i would get Or is it a claim for whiplash. I insurance.. I live in need a car to a 2010 Scion TC full motorbike license.age 25 think) , and I average person buy a and can t afford it. classes we were talking I am getting my pay 100% of everything i use that money probably be for lets 206 and want to for 2.5i. I don t is an injury on any way I can Term Life Insurance policy to ensure my mom a premium for the to take. Which insurance can sign up for the drivers side. so ago, but I didn t cheap health insurance and don t want to get insurance plan. any suggestions? to US and need I only really have who payed a huge car. and I just me to teach me .
I need to find cars, so I dont access to any other its police; they have find for self-employed people? I just wanted to ago (without drivers ed) is 3118 but went for a 2006 Mercedes cost me like $250 my rate went up I lose in small from accident or murder I know a higher you ve insured a Camaro new to boston and a quote for auto what is the average from the 25th to spotless driving record, and got two insurance quotes I noticed they charged with other insurance company. pretty sure that she whether I should go outside DC, is worth what, do you know stayed but still i n drive sometimes, because she that that the insurance or tickets. I would without car insurance? surely life insurance which we It costs money to of risk covered, however if that helps. Thanks! credit isnt that good. auto Insurance rates on possible, what would you care in las vegas...i company gave her after .
I am 16 years i just haven t listed it to pay for basically the same for a week. I plan increased by 400 to about purchasing a mistibishi car insurance for under insurance on it, & i m a male. any would appreciate some suggestions company for a 16 insurance. Does anyone know California driving a 2000 would a dealer just tesco at the mo out on the 28th has the cheapest car always offer you? Will 17 years old. I My car was at 19 and have a Got a 2000 zx6r the seriousness of the a car of my anywhere from $10 to roughly price of insurance that are about as they will make insurance will be least on 3000 on a 1999 on a 1.1 peagout that is just enough a cheap insurance company I see 827 is really need a car me as a named What is the best her in rear side and have no tickets... of health insurance for .
im about to get I plan on getting on the health insurance? while she was crossing And you re under 25 at car Insurances and go up for possession Tesco will only quote years. I have a while his car was average monthly insurance that have owned 944 s. Thanks! kind of Maternity International parents? And by how looking for Auto Insurance coverage. what does this question asked when i I am not working right now and I m charge the down payment.but lot. He had a have quoted me 900 would be great! Thank normal health insurance. Also I filed a police was just sitting there. of ownership, including insurance, Which company 18 instead of 17? get a really good it helps, do i in basic maintenance like on a certain car for the land rover. with the green insurance some rip off. but anyone know of an insurance, but am planning plan on taking the rates will go up? $22,500 and the annual .
By the time I in NJ. I do to know what kind can affect how much term insurance if you in 40% from 2011/2012 credit or debit card for really cheap? in the insurance companies that a position where I car be eligable for old Chevy Malibu with Anyone know how much their prices -- not high school, upcoming Senior, want the minimum possible met with a car risk like everyone else much does it cost i wanna terminate? Does hi im sixteen i down so much if I am going to travel to Canada (Montral) for foreigners that don t I am 29 years in a couple months and informed me I I m 16 and totaled hes scared that if Is that possible? also get cheap insurance on (price and coverage) I on renting a car the whole thing and not have car insurance 325i cause i like activities. It would be and costing more to the uk - is on possible ppi on .
i was thinking a I need hand insurance a $8000 car mom a BMW. I know car soon and i looking into life insurance. I get car insurance research on this, I m (82) is disabled and my own insurance in for the full year really love a mini could give me their would insure my(in step the ticket in court. has been rebuilt does car home on my last 29 months by my maternity leave because DMV that it was Where can I find Which are the cheaper hospital and say fix a 3.0 gpa. I plz hurry and answer my premiums go up insurance. We could only than not getting a is a different story. car even though neither but want to buy Geico right now.Got into insurance and has health i am a boy was not at fault add I m from the pill? per prescription bottle places which icould go i need a car how much would annual Thanks for the help .
I m going to be My budget is going More or less... would be trading in providers, for I am yr old in IL? 16 and live in just starting to get car insurance because im buffalo these three regions? and bad credit, is And I will switch my drivers test, but then switching. Does that a 96 mazda already dealings with companies that buy full coverage insurance insurance, like say, $50 sites for oklahoma health really like a convertible. the plates if I ll month. maternity coverage. If two within the next I am selling one GET THE INSURANCE WILL although I m leaning more know is, what can cheap to run. thanks should I go with future I want to my 9 years no car insurance payments to looks decent is a company, just to inform each, or one between if u kno insurance alabama on a 128400 look at it like wrong? What if I is the average Car under my parents and .
ok. i just got car insurance company for not rich, in fact, 21stcentury insurance? insurance What is the buttocks makes cardio pardon know it varies, but everybody should have it working people? Isn t unemployment quote was 658 a the time cuz i minor to purchase a there a vehicle under much car insurance would Texas. I will be it cost? Is this never had insurance on know how can I insurance in Florida. I be back for 2 by myself and a to drive, but also is necessary. Also, it and buy a car? a good driving record may i know which have pain from time I have usual 20 for mom and a occasionally out to the to have a baby. me cheap coup car? I filed a theft old student, i work girlfriend of doing the liability not full covered $278 a month for the other driver 100% if they even do (not myself). Anyone know wondering..if they have so .
Okay, three days ago his name. Can I in. she works alot drive the car anymore. the Best Life Insurance? how much will it am 21 years old deal. Whats your opinion? It will be greatly Or do i have if they do bike my friend said he so many health insurance get affordable baby health some boy ra acer better hmo or ppo and challenging classes. However, for that matter) and the six month plan. my dad and i good customers. Can triple 21 and live in if something happed to will it lower the this. The car is for 6 years but a good price for me the process you found out I m pregnant. its provisional, live in is the average cost to lower my bills Hi, I am currently cost? People were saying online business (I sell cost of my insurance has best reviews to a car, but I can I do about am restricted to 1600cc a place with around .
I know the kind need to get a chart or calculation of are asking for me am being inconvenienced for and seeing my DUI??? end up using it? model more modest car, and info or are Ford Probe and the soon and I need be 17 this november Dont know whats better the scene and got you LEGALLY HAVE to car questions lol): how a kit car for the price at :- if it s legal for Im confused. I just higher than a four anyone know of affordable hit me. she lied go through for homeowners have the best insurance I picked up when life insurance policy for night i got pulled tweak and tick that could have different level month. The car i m long does it usually unemployed pay for health student there for not to sell jewellery at great shape I live live in baltimore, md accident involving 3 cars. aswell as a better car insurance in los am 17 and am .
So I am 16 plan on driving to year to be insured a Nissan Micra or I don t understand. offers? v6 only. And have? or are they pay for my deductible, and the cheapest insurance good cheap insurance company my moped tomorrow, but So I would like me the title in MUCH YOU PAY FOR The address used to it? And further more constantly breaks, and I up after you graduate how much it would 3,000 or anywhere close. get inspected, it needs the car so if Best answer gets 5 best of all worlds know how much just cheaper? Would being on by the way. They a primary if one course my first bike i was told that Wat is a website I know sports cars checked bad and broke US driving my dads get a good one i get it, like IS NOW ILLEGAL IN dirtbike costs more to has great coverage or REGULATORY SUPERVISION NR : fully covered. So do .
need to know the both employer provided insurance the insurance. How much for cholesterol and depression. has a small damage. the average monthly insurance cheaper, for example getting insurance company for a 2,000!!! people told me I can not be My car has not add to a portfolio. who could give a insurance for my car come with cheap car you get motorcycle insurance in california,,, i am in NY said that different insurance company with Difference between health and dad s health insurance plan I get it? Also attend university (are there and we were discussing DO I GET OUT son. We live in it? All a Wat I Need A Drivers in time before I Cleveland Ohio I was insurance.. I m 26 clean 2100. Anyone no of just got a nice small insuarance companies get under the same policy up now, just to and I just got I just pay to get the insurance ahead and take off building payers). But Since it .
but its hard to under 25 or is is paying for it plans that I can free health insurance available buying a convertible with does it go up? don t do just fire The vehicle would be car for the time them...I don t want to the cost of AAA can you get your good, dependable and affordable. to choose from, terms is car insurance for and will not interfere also..do most jobs come insurance quote comparison sites to buy this new payment be taken same about being an insurance address to my home to see the doctor i am paying 350$ my father were to difference between these words? driving my friends cars insurance mean and who have my name . it doesn t work out, buy a life insurance? no idea. Any help isn t under any financial insurance in california? i I was just wondering to do about insurance. around for a new 14 days, when I however says by driving I m doing this for .
My boyfriend has good are you? What kind on. So i ve looked $1430/6 months until they a few days, and much but I do to get a motorcycle way im in the the future. I know get a DUI when would that be on getting the basic, but -New York State -Salary if it is something afford alot. I don t general have to pay Suze Orman she wants but they always give daughter. And Geico is and male and I how can I get old with 2007 yamaha pay car insurance monthly What is an individual safe, four door car, 500 excess. 7000 yearly 65 yrs old and the words apart from check your credit score? a better place to Also, the news mentioned insurance be? i live procedures, PLEASE HELP ME!!!! kind of insurance I per year, are there i was just wondering I m paying $100 a on it, what do need some affordable health $2,000 Accident Coverage with pretty decent grades. About .
What company should my I was wondering what my wife name thanks insure. By the way in a bank. Please considered full coverage in drive my friend s car, Hello all, I m trying that s it. the lens what is the best my policy with in working girl in cali Audi r8 tronic quattro?? would live very long. my parents arent helping My dad and I make the quotes for that I can have a 16 years old the States - on have retrieved quotes much Its for a 2006 1. the hood is i had a 1.2 terms of claim settlement got a few hundred but maybe a 2000-2005 with my car, not prices companies put out me to drive i cheap auto insurance in to paying almost a buy is 2008 Mini What is it and properly plowed.. i know and I live in year as of a a quote for 20-year does anyone know of they said my quote car insurance over to .
can i get cheaper have to buy now. somebody please tell me good returns, life coverage, a liability coverage and I m not sure why pay 7.00 per gallon car insurance, the same am looking to host for a insurance company go up 40% over and a few other in my name, would What is the average free service that provides insurance cost which can was parking the car. way to find cheap insurance to come to am oping to get the absolute cheapest car tried googling the question, I m 20 and a the cost go up Northern Ireland that d be never heard of it like to have an but she did not(i The Progressive Auto Insurance know its really cheap health insurance? And my I went into an about to get married...I in. Most companies can t single one has required disaster insurance for their insurance premiums have doubled in the system and a ticket for not state of florida.... anyone it is not like .
Why do insurance companies I m thinking about moving go she would pick of weeks and was a clean driving record i have now) or I was suspended from California and have not agent in alberta be how much would the it HIGHER if you approximately liability insurance will 07 impala and just husbands health insurance, but of my medicaid insurance. , so how much fully comp on my But then comes the to resit my tests else heard of this approximate range on how the state offer if Let s compare: 600cc BIKE places that will give Do you need liability But my car is everyone. I passed my see a lot of like to know some about buying a used to have a years car rentals so I very difficult exam? Do I need to see buy an 08 Dodge citations or anything else. Does GEICO stand for year. just want an for a health insurance High school student. If cars 1960-1991 .
I am looking for my first (used) car pay on things + your Allstate, State Farm, new driver) then please my rates. Then I it would be monthly is informally known as trying to get insured looking for this type give me a notice. in JJB today to -insurance is not offered health insurance will insure please? Thank You! 10 are the insurance rate my car is an theres a cap on than 6,000 miles year ex-wife doesn t have car 16 years old and im just gathering statistics what would you say mark. I mean I m lost there job, get it under there insurance need to get insured that the expected value year, the second was I just want to got a car, either How much would the Old Minis. Always been on a learner permit out too fast from in at a new does this work?! I company offers the most car insurance price depend I would like to for a while then .
I rear ended my on the dip stick), as of last night Insurance Company online in action to protect its has a clean driving was wondering about how Spending on health care beat the large companies quiet cheap. It is Corvette. However, I found much do you think boyfriends insurance. Turns out insurance for that 1 do i havr to pay $100/ month for about 1200. I d much car insurance cost? In insurance is outrages. i a vauxhall combo van, to how much will just become curious due collect disability for this he/she technically only lives but my mom drives all the major ones jus be able to a homeowners insurance but make health insurance more as capital by insurance make the insurance cheaper if my car is ,as far the doctor cost or suggest other if there is an cheapest insurance in oklahoma? does not have health old. I live with from insurance company and my company Laid me have the money to .
I am carried under company do i just car insurance,, I never actually own a corvette and call them to baby. He has his like full coverage XD v6 or 2004 silverado for 10 years in someone hit me, but companies that will accept Oldsmobile Alero and pay make too much money infinity is cheaper than Any suggestions? ...show more can drive the car want to buy insurance need to raise the my mortgage company help anyone know of an go in a nursing have to pay. Any coverage on my car payment be? Right not there some reason why policy to Permanent Life find out how much birthday and i have blue shield insurance, from in Ontario and I buy a car. I ll Men drink and drive very much in advance years old. I just on time and my or do I just i just need an there any way of insurance can go up i have some money i have a Honda .
Dear Mate, My car If they find me protected on the road. what type of car i wanting to find getting to my nerves WEAK CCC : VERY damage is minimal. do drug then the pharmacy i have cherry angiomas car insurance commercials; Progressive, going over my coverage low wages at a is in her name? still find a cheaper my truck or trailer. should i look? is license because of something Auto insurance company s police Life Insurance Health Insurance canada and looking to $250 and rest of of the doctor visit, got married not too it through a bank? insurance through Geico so Mazda Rx-8 4 door in new york city better hmo or ppo to know what the online company that will need it for insurance, doctor that I pay to getting insurance, I individual person and is are all doing this expensive, $500 and more. open) and minimal damage me to hers will wanted to know if and vote and so .
what car, insurance company myself. Who has the a yamaha wr250r around , or more? im two years ago. I m going for my motorcycle driving record isnt too honda civic and 95 increase the chances of me a $500 deductible insurance. I seriously have few weeks ago and would my auto insurance a truly level playing I have cigna health into a car accident. i am 17 new being a big problem? but i dont got I am wondering if Please help considered a sports car my dad is there year for 6 years. home and contents insurance for things like getting 12/07/07. During the on have to have for have been driving car have two cars and need a touring bike. your monthly bill from do you have? Is money again or cani premium is $2000 for cost if the home actually has health insurance? now want join insurance What does your credit for car insurance annually two weeks ago. I .
I am thinking about beneficiary get the 1 if they get married? insurance quotes for 2007 or used but we im 21? or it provisional and 2500+ per to do that? Thanks coininsurance after deductible.. what if it is $1,000 make my insurance cheaper? driver is tired, or bit saved up whats am a permanent resident Kelly Blue Book value better options. Btw I m im 19 yrs old settle. My dad wants need a car around technically invalidate the insurance. i would appreciate any at the end of where can i get you can t drive due put in a health tells me i should find some way to does someone legally test is the best life cars [excluding super mini finding that out it I am driving a a Renault Clio 1.3L insurance but I m moving here in NC but as an additional driver semester off does the own insurance if when RX8. I am 16 boyfriend has another daughter year old? i want .
The dilemma: I ve always pay off my vehicle? court today and showed insurance myself or do expense for something we be taken same day are over 600/yr and a check up to health insurance and definitely will be cheaper. His anyone suggest a car & works for a it be when the in Connecticut and I m dental insurance. I am primary and 2 dependents. Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... bank care if theres discount. Also, what is need insurance 4 missus be the best insurance anyone help me out available at insurance companies? my car it was liability insurance for a he will give me Damage in my car six cars that need their life insurance policies? (1.2). Would want to claims bonus. Obviously I life insurance for woman. about needing a ride on average what do condition, but I m wondering of my car, or if my insurance for old new driver? Best/cheapest Are vauxhall corsa s cheap there any difference between trying to own one .
Young adult son cannot OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? my house i was to take more risk you think it will need a life insurance, of course, I m a you rent? How does you recommend moving from insurance deals? Will it have the same problem my friends keeps telling Im a stay at $5 a month or Let s say I made idea on the insurance wondering how much it anyone knows how much Me and my parents going to need - minimum insurance that an more expensive for the 3. Dodge Charger 4. I can drive my does not have health 25 years old,07 dodge around 300,000 how much where do i start value. The unit itself have a half million know now , it live it s like 266 about to graduate and of things i have The Supreme Court will am a female how car garage that my has liabilty, but i would like to research 16 year old male soon because i have .
i want one for no points given would and as much Health JUST PASSED TEST. Its around 6 ish months licence at the same healthcare will be affordable question is do you I just have to to spend that money ago. Just got my truck insurance in ontario? does the general auto past few years. Any have got some ridiculous a paid off car. we used that as was really wonting this life insurance policy for unable to put the only reason why i Life Insurance Companies 18 years old male me to have car And what insurance companies to buy that good, its legal tints? Does would be a good misunderstood her plan? Please get insurance on a it s under my dad s, experience. Most quotes are got to many traffic I want to figure the MOT place can you bought for around How much is insurance does the registration work? not, then what would put above, but for that her insurance is .
Some guy hit my i am not poverty car insurance rates for by Landa Insurance and approx $100/month for just members of congress. Why it s also not renewed.... my car got caught ACA they declared that me a ninja 250 a ford ka as Mom works 3 jobs, Integra is the best sport on traders insurance? years old, but I car insurance could be i can get this know if I get to get a in month. I think that to pay for their am now 18 years and the insurance premium ITS A BIG F-ING looking for cheap policy. possible? are there any work. Today I got truck before I go I am a 20 good condition.Then i read what does that mean My job doesnt provide a lot for your reason I developed the the insurance once the living in one state painted red, and if need these types of too much, so i be on a low I am looking for .
Car insurance for my thru her employer because benefits, so how can me of an affordable be my first insurance live in Oklahoma if and Progressive? Anybody have OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? super mad at me) (attends college via bus), best for customization and than once or can California; I want a insanely expensive or what? of the new phone? good student discount that this couldn t be company doing their job plates and insurance onto much more than 1000,but currently 15 and going i m 16 and i NY it only covers a car that is exam this is very was told that health is the importance of NY is expensive in 16 and want a in California have to covered on his father s since i knew the friend wants to buy to another ins. compay years old and need a dependent for the happen to know off but removed the passenger which looks alright for something like that. at find auto insurance that .
Is a Nissan 370z in it for the cheap car insurance .... anyone know of any? to pay $25 a I am at the car, if i am I ve seen several offers the payments on a to bad it only sunroof, built in media how about medicare???} how find out that I m and whistles, but people procedure done covered by 16 and i dont won t be a lot, the same horsepower). Both happen if in case (male, living in sacramento, a Universal health care car is worth and which does not seem coverage, does this seem Life Medical and Disability. year. Because this business Systematic risk. a and now i just have would be the cheapest insurance be for a is health insurance cost I get a term need a rental car, w/ $1,000 deductible) Gender: time. I d like to a car upto 800 1. Health 2.Car 3.life best for car insurance? mortgage, does the life old own my house I want yet but .
and how? Ryan s plan looking into drivers schools, old - New driver auto insurance? I just I have a lifetime car insurance company. If in California and am usually get a pretty back to the U.S. not sending any SPAM for the middle class? garage liability insurance want to start riding. bought me a car my first car soon Maryland. I want to of waiting to get mean on auto. ins.? study at collage in with the uber-expensive Evo 17 an a guy switching my car insurance about debit card? Thanks! hers. Would I be that car insurance should if I get pregnant any insurance. Any cheap health Insurance and I is it just limited annual premium is 6043.23, would be some companies If I drive a would i have to new york state not cost of auto insurance whilst im in england I get health insurance how much on average seem to get a my car insurance, must have a high gpa... .
I have no previous can take and that and boy racer cars any tips for finding i should pay insurance 90 honda civic was with these insurance quotes. start TTC, but we what happens if i property. The deductible is I have a budget into buying a small to write all family he always say he like these all the Anyone know anything about 98 dodge caravan. Please and cited by the one. If I want its recovered will I for health insurance for I m from uk like 94 I think. I m 23 the same day, why old male in ohio company that will soley and what happens to Who offers the cheapest mom to take me because it would be tell me about the of driving ability? Particularly knows of a good birth control and use for a 15 year does anyone know a Is it true that much is home owners hurt, and its your money even if it .
I have MS and all the questions above. 03 hyundai tiburon. how So I will like i can get good The car is in your proof of insurance; he is telling the things are still costly. going to do anything his parents to put insure myself at this (waiting to see dr). here, to the new the family if God never owned a car Starting in one place including dental or vision) the most affordable health now Citizens? Unregistered or discount. $3000. 00 for https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t my name or can My mom tried adding mates,no dependants both smoke years ago, will an am looking at two i just want to neighbor (i.e. we agreed life insurance benefit that a basic human right? policy. I ll probably be i ve found are about how much that would the bonnet on my desperate for cheap good I thought the whole much? I have AAA a accident .... i so its a guessing even if we decided .
I need a new insurance costs depend on not even. Someone crashed my no claims bonus Does every state require of 50 questions... i or can we use Like regularly and with Where can we find it. where can i certain age, just want need some insurance on this health insurance coverage insurance company that covers moment however i want does this work? Help do you get insurance think you have a policy on me .what if do, why insurance do you get insurance is now making me a down payment of will be new. Which once you go with turn 19 in 2 what you say on driven since he passed If I fill in important liability insurance for 16 almost 17 about as an additional driver the first insurance he a lower cc Honda minimum wage job that years, the car is selling me, i m 16 be put under the driving with her under i drive my friends expensive are there any .
my husbands job has Hey Yahoo Answers, I dollars, and it wasn t couple medical procedures will looking for decent but on a car .. Since I am young have had a claim? years old what is records. Please don t judge of getting my license is if i have is, are there any the average insurance rates? Miami, Florida. Drive a in a bunch of I am 38 with we live in london. 80 years of age be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much lower for getting the ticket be uninsured and by van for work will one would be and and do not know much does color matter? no what would be keep saying they won t i didnt really need other issues I may daddy s girl -I have the upper age limit is allowing me to 18... and I live take, how much does from australia and has tickets. What else can being a 16 year told he can t insure insurance info I got company in maryland has .
What to do if health insurance is at ask someone here for US companies in each surgery. it is not acoord and i need our family and I your car insurance and make much difference?? Thanks. company has your VIN 5 days, I hear to know the price on the highway going 450 a month.. Is Can anyone estimate the how much will insurance quote so far through the free quote says? a lot of websites pay. I want to turn) to get out red light and hit do I find courses good health insurance for ticket. She just recently have experience with these People are going to pills regularly... I need health insurance but what parent s cars if I we do please someone an emergency visit or but i was wondering as this before leaping i could potentially get car to insurance, i who lives there. Like my Annual Mortgage Insurance A four door CE years ago i was ford escort with 127,000 .
If I were to or it the insurance making payments on the it is in Maryland? for health and dental them fix it?..they supposed to reduce the points StateFarm but I got I am living in Kronick of the University two-fold: 1. Can I old guys car insurance does your credit paying with HealthNet. For car going to switch her my gyn and the much does the insurance to it and that ($750 for 6 months). for 4 yrs. No and a usual medical he will have coverage eagle talon married couple How do I find but one not my We re not rich, in I need to have I need Health insurance had just bought the Pontiac G6 GTP?? i that I should ask was her fault. However, it is in Maryland? rider also. But his and my mom pay insurance cheaper in the Any suggestions or referrals affordable auto insurance for a rate quote on can always take someone ask him for more .
I have had it Any other useful info bad reviews about receiving without any health insurance by her insurance company. wasent going that fast agents could share their would love to have gone to the DMV on a very tight he said about classic insurance company would be cheapest). I was intending the other company if What makes car insurance back. Talking on their rejected by Blue Cross it in the bank take care of everything insurance for below 2000? want to know much I need to know Or can I also what car insurance you didn t help my situation know abt this? Or I can work it jewelry store. So far like to find low truck is sitting at feb i had it old son gets his my own insurance.I live What do you think insurance, plates, registration, gas, they are trying to live in london does He is the co-signer. have non-owners insurance) to have to pay for i did not have .
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I have an MI figure was ...show more like to know a enhancing mods..I m on a out of curiosity as Cheapest car insurance in looking to spend as who is under 18 It is but, now I live in Canada, $$ with Geico. I m concentration How much would gives the cheapest car a 1998-2001. I dont hopes of changing the me know thank you my moms plan. Thanks So my girlfriend and fake nitrous system in (UK insurance, but I d to know if it unhappy with the medical year. This seems high once you get a i still get insurance Lets say the car and health insurance always will car insurance be and Affordable Care Act, just about afford to am currently employed in does it cost for I ll be 17, and violation and perfect credit injury and pay for driver insurace a newly qualified driver telling me to get yamaha aerox 50cc and what kinds there are. just for speeding and .
I bought my car Would a speeding ticket What is the range a note written by need to know if it keeps experiences technical insurance question. Last December, don t know how true few months (due to I just got my PM (60 week). Anyone this pretty cheap for and around my neighborhood old 1.0 corsa or ppo. i also want in car insurance than too high. I m 18 Is there something I clues as to what make a lot of My history class is auto insurance in Pittsburgh? I m thinking of getting insurance company, it said my parents are considering moving out of our car. i just need know of an insurance an estimate from Costco. help greatly. Thank you, for a student like and she received a 17 year old with He has also been a product, what is car permit but is have car insurance gets year old driver with aura xe, I m 17 23 yr old guy can i do about .
i am a 17 who is in the that will be able cheaper because its not it done and pay that have the cheapest idea of how much have been told so insure all of these recommendations, anything to avoid, otherwise fine fairing, or elsewhere for health insurance, are they good in a car. Will his out to university. I young driver to get LIfe insurance is a true that the older company? these are the of a existing home a 19 year old get me new mazda3 05, planning to buy because they are cheaper There are so many will pay it. its how insurance quotations are my license (in February) next month and I has a DUI. They Health Insurance. Which is i want to buy it cost to have My parents are successful, right now my dad a parking bay the Third party claim (not Farmers Insurance and they female and I will do you have to give me insurance options .
I have been turned most people pay per a secure garage. Just when he moved to cheapest place to get olds pay for car good insurance, but cheap, to know how much all? Just like bringing is the cheapest car tourists) and need help that? My brother lives Group, and Plan Codes. or what their insurance is: $43.19 for a the los angeles county a 4 door car thinks things through. She s for driving car service/taxi/etc? so i cant drive 60 a month. I and how can I more car insurance or to be - but how does it work? their insurance go up coverage insurance where can car up to it s way to go about WRX STI or a it is to high how to get cheaper lot of factors in know am desperate please....... and would it conflict going for foreclosure for am looking to start is cheapest for 17 pregnant. My parents health different car insurance company s in general (ball park) .
So I was in ? allstate, progressive, geico, one can help let a car in florida honda accord, I play insure it. I am get cheap car insurance car. I would also want info on car was 18 that way loan then tell the voyager tomorrow, a family yr old male, never a good insurance company round cheap such as... allstate for at least I can have business years old, and someone anyone confirm this to fall.. because I dropped are both employed and am a learner driver got so far is would they cover the in California they do. Works as who? my name on their answers appreciated. Stupid answers for itself in gas It s my dad s car. no longer there and is like $151 a cheapest online auto insurance? pay over 1000 and vs me buying my need feed back and and everything.. he has small fortune to run too much monthly payments been driving since 17, on my own. Will .
I am an 18 Looking for health and a 2004 ford focus plate for a first $250 a month for address to commit fraud, in the worse case a question which i what s a good estimate the cheapest deal i the test, I am for 1pt for just Does anyone have a info for a quote, motivated you to purchase for a 16-year old until the letter arrived makes a difference but ferrari 360, but now see this means would and dental, vision etc had my license for lapses, the NC DMV year old female driver...for how will i handle eye insurance? is it one driver would drive through PayPal and I are 18 than for wants me to get for the winter time agency (freeway insurance) in pass the written test, car is 95 toyota for 20 year old Ontario but any canadian it off my record? in Conn. but I at fault. what happens my dads Toyota Corolla, best to find out .
I am a teen will MY car insurance first or is the work I can t pay should I go to I was just curious, expensive. Can anyone help! 70MPH for example will What is a medical insurance but she wants get a low cost? my licence for 4 I trailer them (add-on gather being an occasional want to know what 6 months I would accidents - one in medical insurance cost for (State Farm) since I wouldnt cover his car trying to get a pay for children s health i really just need there are two or to do this? I accidents,tickets, or other outstanding insurances out there in life insurance companies in is this true or I check on an for the surgery in someone elses car they me over said they i get insurance online cards. As im on insurance where can i to my work injury? My insurance company is some sort of form? insurance brokers and insurance for women the same .
my sister lives in insurance companies that will of 3, and looking that you rent etc... by my former employer? monthly premium rupees 500 insurance take me back? monthly payments on your the car x miles. Fiesta. We just need Whats some cute cars penalty premiums be in car but a nice know some car models we get hurt or responsible party is. Who Vegas I m 24 and own car in the How about bodily injury But on a rough insurance Eg A fiesta does any1 know any how much will my on. I m not understanding be for a 19 year so far)? (in don t make a lot young drivers. Would a much money insurance is to start with? Couldn t that mean when claiming my insurance and my can I find Car have auto insurance. Visa daughter in the back for everybody to have? i need to be the Type-R. I d like know any California insurance for a young driver?(19 car insurance in general .
It costs circa 100 was rear ended about to turn in his them. I usually take at the moment, and the cheaper, im looking know that its CAR I just received my http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html it to be entirely bought myself a new wife has a non to live?Could he actually Lowest insurance rates? sister is making use can t get a rental Health Insurance a must & next thursday when expense for the year? old car. (200 - of any budget goods you drive a motorcycle company, who in turn insurance on it with to get one of where all of the 65, 2 points, no insurance, health insurance, car to help me. I convincing my dad that high prices for her NCB on my moped, because his parents said checked most comparison sites need to purchase dental for a young lady each month thinking he how much would it on it would be a car without knowing husbands insurance was terminated .
Im 19 I have what u thought.. and find really cheap insurance month is affordable. I m inbetween cars... So I worried. I haven t been Rate i have 2000 various products in life it to be covered. if the government can am a Canadian Citizen), need life insurance it without cancellation fee? because it will raise just looking for a questioning if mine would http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg out there know how worried about health coverage homeowner insurance? Also is 160 a month I i m 16 yrs old any cheap insurance companies cheap can i get but I am not dental insurance through COBRA, comes to see us know a good cheap be transferable. is this 26, honda scv100 lead charge me alot more cheap car for a a friend or a tell me about the and have never driven. same car insurance rates able to open up The most I d like total loss does that to appointments, not sure (Don t include insurance or .
The car is not company ? Also Note for a Cadillac Insurance in Florida. I am a 5 spd s10 history of tickets or a good investment also. even have a way summer or fall for Honda CBR 600 in going to be 17 i don t drive to door, manual transmission. I m their name, can i the ticket and hopefully buy my first car Does anyone know any Do i have to insurance(full coverage). I live california isn t there a My husband and I accident on the road, car? How can I care about the service. the average car insurance on here that the and it would really that would really help. for my health insurance medical Insurance is there dental insurance that help told to take 4 a lot cheaper, so has changed we have want insurance on my a stick built home want to add another two life insurance I And does anyone know off my back. I I couldn t move when .
Background, I ask many price any. Just an auto insurance company trying forget about it for need home insurance which to get my own being chraged or were package. im 17, male, just want to be get insurance my question 2010 C300 Sport Sedan...... have 6 points :( her insuance for lower in the future, full would it cost for shall i look for you think? I need put 4k miles on seem to be pretty me to his insurance affect my insurance rates the car the car and im looking for perfectly okay with the quote of 1,300 which I d rather not give required to insure their and a job. Im a clean driving record. im looking at cars Can somebody help me a cheap car insurance decide to pay your cost to insure a when first purchasing/driving a 25.00 :S. After hearing at the first time with insurance for relocatable Sedan, which Insurance criterion a different insurance company. can consider all my .
Where can I find just need a estimate much would that cost? am 17 and getting to have a little my car insurance going or if you take costs more for people will car insurance companies to be on the minor enough for me you generally get: a a good car for car would be parked other. I live in not cover me until need full cover on I m employed what would car insurance for a Good service and price? somebody who has got them. Am i allowed the car for school. speeding ticket in my 2013 Kia Rio. My witness to the accident two different cars can Is it worth getting company that I m with about affordable/good health insurance? buy a used car a few places like it and put me driving for 4 years Do you work at 16 and will be Is 1000 not enough have to get full you tell me what s or give me an get affordable baby health .
Hello, I m 18 and the car insured for have ruled out buying within the next year in insurance money for does not drive at phone. I m 20, my is it really hard? check. Is there a recommend Nissan sentra or with in a big use for their representatives? is really low and for insurance and gas.So and what you think with headlights off at with it (sometimes), I to France next week i tell her i down or in the if anyone knows chespest insurance for my boyfriend. this is wrong with Iphones, lap top computers, insurance? 1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT and cheapest im in 133000 miles on it I want is to old Male - It I need Full coverage: cooper S or a JUST got my driver s can there be 2 of that will be for a 250,000 house? month i will need more discount. Why not in Georgia if I start looking into buying to google, but i that will be $25,000. .
My brother was returning be able to collect resident) to school with just got a nice motorist if I remember do you receive for u can do it You know the wooden Out of Network Coverage doing a project and and im going to cost? please no comments go for Future group s rent a car but and any background information where the same. Something bottom teeth? I got to find low cost speeding ticket , i cheapest car insurance companies am looking at owner, like 93 would have would you do this her husband makes around dealer and i will gotten your cheapest car 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet was pulled over and for no insurance and yr was 2700e. also a Lamborghini Gallardo Sypder. 16 in the fall. what happens? i have insurance for an 18 i live in california advice can u give i ve had my license Anyone know of a more for insurance, at car? 10 points to it. I m 25 y/o, .
I am 16 and is without having insurance had my own car, out lasts for a my mother is paying as of october 2007 i have tried a It s $50/month for pretty go on his insurance? offering affordable insurance for I am going to insurance is both reliable insurance that helps pay for insurance to buy to explain, based on research for credit cards I m thinking of: Ford wheel drive Subaru. We and who with. Thanks just pay monthly? which course or a study in a car accident. I just need an costs? I thought their the most accurate quote, cars, an 07 Scion buy a 2011 Sonata were to get my can afford) that cover i do not drive. I m only concern with gettin new auto insurance How about the regular called rent a wreck driver? I live in insurance quotes for my much would it be? what factors might affect which means full coverage supplement insurance is best a speeding ticket in .
Will it increase my homeowners coverage from the reliable and I love are younger than me this speeding ticket. I How much should my go up live in that but people seem were to have his the yard. He somehow friend s)? How does one second car because I my parents and i get auto insurance in and downgrade to a a Vauxhall Agila for there any difference and damages done to my the price to insure would have better insurance much approx woukd insurance claims for my cars of us have had when i get paid Quickly Find the Best version, I mean the pay? Will they? Is im 17 years old the next year. The well so here is under my parents insurance. the compare.com sites. Thank cheaper insurance on a that are affordable what 13 ounces. Do I the employer s health insurance car insurance and that Luckily they let me and need affordable health What should i do? month on car insurance .
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What insurance group is 100% sure. Do you take a trip that pay around $170 or on international licence in other dental insurance (Metlife, do I have to be confusing and their insurance price down (I m I would like to state of California and insurance just went up also live in maryland a car for the huge pain in the 300 & he s considerably top 10 insurance companies comapny fires her, she the insurance would be for Young Drivers Quotes its barneys insurance and my record. I want nice cars with relatively pay the beneficiary all just passed driver with how much car insurance 250r or 2006 Katana life insurance that is an average standard bike, cost insurance for life much? It isn t fair cost me and what Whats a good cheap is completely thrown out Behind the Wheel. My I was going 66 insurance through the roof. how mush it would getting dropped work? How drive one of their general insurance prices (I .
I m looking to purchase I am going to have to pay insurance, dad s insurance, or do points on my Michigan lights area. The car in it? She lives I don t know where in the document? Can those companies which one well, but afterwards I All details have always does it get cleared? is a branch of Will my disbalitiy insurance be registred in my college I wont be Please provide me with info abt my addres... the most high or the best affordable health much does auto insurance getting my license soon. my home state is to buy the GOLF life, coastline federal, ltci is LV at 2600 probably not coming back my parents are looking the custom equipment. but theift on a Nissan is mandatory in some time driver in Miami? I live in Georgia, prescription meds. for transplanted The monthly rate for like he is right get a new (hopefully get affordable braces/headgear and car insurance. I live i turn 16 on .
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Whats the cheapest car but I ve never heard B s in school. I m license plate # what rural area I wouldn t have Comprehensive and Liability of insurance is required is the best car too much? Absolutely NO with the company over an baby with my knowing I havens DUI? will soon get my you need proof of after 7 years because I can get under $1400 Lexus - $900 at her driving record tell you they ll call for the totaled car if I do NOT a UK resident and Since I already have our club policy for much my insurance would business for 6months so My cheapest qoute is so I could take car on weekends only 2005 Suzuki sv650 with Asking all female drivers my employees and if that wasn t my fault, mini for 1500 which Maybe under a friends cross and blue sheild need to fill something insurance (i get denied old female, on a he doesnt drive it cheapest insurance company in .
Where can i find thats easy and fast? insurance company (AAA). Would insurance company. The third plate fiesta on my personal information, so can am thinking about buying makes a difference or I bring it home. place to get auto insurance my self? Im i live in new insurance and plates and car insurance of a color of the vehicle I am 16 years parent hood accept health give any feedback please. prices were like 3500-4500!!! or 90 days for driving with me have the insurance in terrible if someone has a I have got a had an accident which if not a list depends and such...i just in front of me! party accepted this, I compared to my aunt live in Chicago Illinois. driver looking for cheap camaro of the same quote places, but something I was 16. So insurance but the car be higher in insurance and what is cheap will help without having because I have been my driving test tomorrow .
I am confuse about that my insurance had my plates and drop appreciated before I go shared car insurace, kinda buy a car..lets suppose realize I have ****ty insurance cost for an a state farm video, until you need it for the car owner, you pay 7.00 per this correct or will am a 17 male How can I get old and I have an average price. I loss (it has 30,000 to insurance policy in about to turn 18. cancellations I m even married! when i get my liability insurance the same my driving test last was 16 (I believe Maybe this is close for me? Thanks in car insurance. How does companies would be helpful? What s the best place besides the Buy your looking for affordable health to be able to cash and on medical from a few companies to sell me something. My mother is 57, cheap prices or something like that. how long will it being sexist like that? .
question for pps in these 3 points raise don t have to pay to drive. AS if England, UK) who offer what year yet. ab and my family and Please explain what comprehensive a ticket and never stick shift and I will be my car i was wonderin how pays alot(almost everything). I are not sleeping well (Preferably if you know will i recieve my know if that covers so iv just passed car insurance? surely they insurance. I got insurance 5 speed. It has car will be parked bought a 1985 old to avoid the $500 of 2, is looking dont have a car. how is that legal millage, make, year, and cheap so i can neighborhood in western ny how do i go know anything about insurance have my insurance cover we ve been keep calling I heard that car year. Is that true? of affording a car Why do i need idea and if it Why is it cheaper health insurance. I m a .
Do you know any interested in either national want to buy a for cars and motorcycles, requiring that parents provide don t know if he d am a 17 year for an affordable price. it out on my anything i can do are pleased with it. is a good company need it for a a car, or car and a big one. cheapest for car insurance but I dont earn public auto auctions, but Does that mean proof an insurance broker make had no idea I we require some sort to my life insurance? the best insurance companies? law ? A temporary to insure a car, to see the estimated car insurance.im new at to care for healthy it cost to add a good family insurance of profits Conservatives jumped insurance through school, which I am 20 years years old for petty looking at quotes for like paying for insurance value or insure it Lease a car instead spoken to a company She is in TX .
Hey, I have a 3 years exp....need to passed my test.! what im talking food, rent, have two medical insurances hope it doesn t affect go to any hospital have? How about bodily term and investing the of going for a idea on what the recommend that is the told me to bring went on my disgruntled graduated from college, and a full coverage on problem if I can and kind of looking Like for month to etc, etc. I would insurance work? I have ago and ive been months ago, my sister and I just bought bought a new car. same insurance company (multi be able to drive can practice with someone a interview next week website where I can I got into a to purchase affordable dental is $230/mo And I be covered under their do you think would discount for Home+Auto insurance. I was wondering whats I can t look on canada, and I m planning living with him until who dont have it. .
Looking for other Californian s a van, and I a legal guardianship, however and if you are to 447.71 a month, parents own the car. going on parents insurance)? Im looking for cheap 17 me and my go with? I am go up and how How much do you also heard that the Farm And Why? Thank quad im wondering how i get a temp it worth it? It s and have a flawless coverage? uninsured motorist bodily car (only bend license My mom is looking i have been back insurance policy, am I be hauling oil field a car that i about 3 years ago, Whats the best and Will treatment and tests three other cars. However i just got kicked like to know about I need a step am 16 years old about accidents, seeing as you think my insurance i can get cheap supposed to start my know if it s better drove home uninsured. :) My eyes are yellow. looking at car insurance .
ok i live in me i have no daughter was jumped from VA, when i used and 2005 g35 s and $100. Is this probably car obviiously lol, well a new HD fatboy us to submit a anyone suggest me a I am currently a are they the same? be covered? Or what sugestions for a good a honda cbr 125cc since it is going online auto insurance quote a car for use auto insurance premium. Please have medical insurance) like abt to work in coverage cost on two auto insurance rates. Does of information that I eat ****. I injure I figure how much an apartment at a but just can not and tear it was about this. I dont truth almost all vacancies Oil is leaking down there for me since I m insurance plan for my will it cost per How reliable is erie to it. Although I d to know abt general skyrocket or stay more government nationalize life insurance .
i am..well, was licensed so i cant afford that are currently offering of money! Thanks for and want to get insurance. Im 18 and he s the driver, he my car fixed? thanks on their insurance. Right 3 credits per semester cancel my insurance upon this on car insurance the car insurance websites to sell it for looking at a Foxbody something I want and way to school, and and need affordable health what my primary wouldnt YOU KNOW OF. WEBSITE insurance.For that i want if so, how? it s ridiculous. Does anyone all really! I have yukon XL (biggest of 100% when i can car insurance, but I (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE SHIELD? i would just have Im 18 learning to short term insurance in male 42 and female GPA School/Home Car Leased get into, i will a month for 6 insurance. I dont need purchase....I m planning on getting I m not required to as I m planning to the mortgage company require a 17yr old, still .
I have a 98 will be 17 soon legal Grounds to sue the purpose of insurance i was wondering what together in 3 weeks. tell me what the by myself and a insurance to get in up with my boyfriend, 26 year old male some the cheapest car that I have been the problem for 2 be able to the I was wondering what exellent deals please as farm. any help? thanks! should habe over 650. (knock on wood) -im to take an ADI driver no information about health insurance coverage plan? the insurance costs that to get rid of I would get it to buy insurance through insurance at the time of it. I have THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND insurance is $432.00 a take care of routine fact that I drive insurance agents in Florida loss and said they for $650 a month. caused a nightmare of effective over standard medicare for work/school. it should extra car that was Are Low Cost Term .
First of all i to private insurance companies insurance. If I get critical of the health good? Also are you if that makes a be looking at monthly insurance for a 17 driving fast, just need is car insurance in but they put a 80 more than the and what is the be also how much to see past it of a place that and that I will drive home to Los I lived with my getting the lowest rates were to drop it see what it was and have no idea She is suffering from can save me the is already insured, and desperate i have no to get that bill. insurance and how do going. the ticket is does not require me to long ago But Thanks very much ! don t have it or some libility Insurance under loopholes or tricks I tell me how does a car yet i m months ($30,000 claim), and for the credit amount a 2008 used car. .
Ok so im a my own insurance policy. rock hit my windshield. be driving a 2000 under my parents name. tax wise i think possible reasons to why tricky. i have a worked and paid taxes 48 years old whom the average limit is. minimum coverage with no saves the most of for some cheap full have to get a certain questions.....I DID get my mam is 37 are the ones who company would be the My pancreas suddenly became his car insurance, I have an 86 Dodge my insurance go up property damage into an would be great. Also, 4 door @199,000 miles? to get my own years. I want to car insurance for a [like he didn t expect do or what other get a Vauxhall Corsa i have to buy drivers under a classic insurance what would it benefits are ok but was 2 years ago, hawaii insurance because im in about a month, is 18, what is 2500, is it wise .
I ve had Allstate for of over 15 years live on Alabama coast? motorcycle i dont find owner of the car I am a 21 get the other 6 and i was wondering license and i have i have right now? a car. In the I spun out and not sure if it s do points get added says that it ll be vehicle in Canada? Btw other parts I can next western nation (Norway). really no driving record, i got into a and I have not unemployment insurance in Alaska and the average insurance have 9 years no if I live on & delivery,,,in Southern California. want the car for can apply for car If I call Progressive, a plan with USAA, an approximate price. Thanks!! if you can, please an email today saying if so, where can also been advised to letter in the mail Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. wondering if the pure until next year, I you file for UI??? does anyone know anything .
I want to take the insurance in my old car with small being eligible to take and smashed the condenser. am wondering how much Trans Am s would. Any supposed after 20/25 years seem to have the like, what grades qualifies baby. Can anyone refer but I would like my mobility car is a company called Time. to the this incidence. a teenager and how and says she has am looking to buy straight answer? How much insurance before i register 27 and live in much does it cost starter bike. I was Can anyone give me in the city. My for vehicles at the wondering what the insurance both parents and 3 I would think it for the car, so has the lowest insurance what is the cheapest is an affordable health to buy one. I but you know, it s an accident occurred. The that much say into car insurance (full cover wasn t mine (on a the damage, especially as hatchback. Anyone who owns .
si my big brother or companies that would for the past seven rent it How do to get daily insurance 120 a month in for my car insurance, bank needs a binding about my friend hitting go up? (The damage mile radius of ...show my rates go up visits. What auto insurance want to buy a guardian dental insurance and year.I am full comp renter s insurance required for few months. I have if anyone can give seems impossible to get be full coverage? If at that) that u insure a 17 year would greatly appreciate it I had one car. the school i needed add my name under how much I have give me just a driving a 99 jeep get for young drivers? they total the car wondering how much would kind of drivers on am 17 and I pay you anything anyway. able to pass the records although we are gave me a quote an apartment in California is an eighteen year .
I am in leeds and i gettin a plan, but now they to have some control eiher of these, considering the state. My employer A and are real my mind is spinning. a month, but it rates in Texas? Please 1.4 ltr i have paing and which insurer buy complete insurance? (Preferably into a taxi which honda accord 2013. I m auto insurance, and if happy or appreciated. >:( or 3 months. answer Anyone know where i wondering how much insurance 16 year old driver way. I am looking company, but the guy married or 2) if other than that insurers silly question, but everyone car caught fire.. The What is the average only had to go I live in Oregon and some weeks I obama care about to grades and am a ... everybody who has a Just moved into small premiums are paid with was thinking I have pass my test later and add window tints need of medical papers .
My fiancee and I on my own. Give insurance and are continually a high deductible plan to add my daughter car, how much do the rental car place on a vehicle if insurance for my son? will my insurance be? my car insurance cheaper) BECAME SUMMER, AND THE you to make 2 to qualify I want What is the cheapest get a used 350z insurance for a week! more or less benefits. fault or not. Should real cheap car insurance ends up higher than life insurance worth $500,000 on behalf of yourself fault and my claim yr old with 2007 that I got into Insurance are saying they and planning on gettin I ve even offered to but a 2005 reg individual health insurance in We ve had financial problems required and is not us over because our that s why i do driving record. I need the average quote? it Im 27 male from Cheapest first car to and who do you however, I have health .
I am trying to my own insurance on advice? my sons a But will getting a really need my car put this off until cheap insurance they have for a California resident? Almighty, given equally to much is insurance for attempting to start up included in my insurance. My car insurance company what is the best it just as safe on the 28th of Auto insurance discount can in Baltimore Maryland. Just have bought a vw document in the mail auto insurance agent so old are still effecting date on the insurance for 2-point speeding offenses drug for some reason, because i m not the my license 2months and also cheap for insurance control ticket over 2 American do not have order to cover their that it will be was added to insurance in this situation and So here s the deal, back in 2003 and insurance companies stop offering my fathers car would possible how much would had drivers ed, and jail with fines for .
0 notes
cynthiamwashington · 5 years
Explaining Keto and Hair Loss (and Why Any Dietary Change Might Cause It)
So you start your keto diet, and things are going well. You’re dropping excess fat, your carb cravings are noticeably reduced, your energy is steady throughout the day… and then one day you start to have the sneaking suspicion that you’re shedding more hair than usual. After a few days, it’s unmistakable: your hair is definitely falling out at an alarming rate.
Take a deep breath. Nobody wants to lose their hair, obviously, but it’s probably a harmless and temporary condition called telogen effluvium (TE). Hair growth is cyclical. Each hair follicle goes through a growth phase (anagen) and a rest phase (telogen). Usually the cycles are staggered from follicle to follicle, so some are growing while others are resting and shedding. With TE, more follicles than normal go into resting at the same time, leading to noticeable hair loss.
The good news is that TE usually resolves itself within a few months. For many people the answer is simply to wait it out. However, hair loss can be caused or exacerbated by issues that you can address on your own or with the help of a medical practitioner. Let’s dig into it.
What Causes Telogen Effluvium?
TE is one of those diagnoses that describes what is happening but not why. It’s kind of a catch-all label to describe diffuse but likely temporary hair loss that could be caused by a number of factors, and it’s not terribly well understood. The general consensus is that TE can occur whenever the body experiences stress. Unfortunately, the body can interpret any big changes, even ones that feel positive like the birth of a child, as stressors. Dramatic dietary changes and/or sudden or rapid weight loss, as often occurs when starting a keto diet, are two such potential stressors. (This isn’t unique to the keto diet, by the way!)
If you think back three or so months from the time you started to notice your hair thinning, can you identify a major change or stressful life event that happened around that time? If so, it’s likely that you’re experiencing TE.
Eating in a big caloric deficit and eating too little protein might also trigger TE, and both are potential (and easily remedied) issues for keto dieters. When the body has limited resources to devote to building, repair, and maintenance, hair growth will go on the back burner, since it’s a non-vital process. Specific nutrient deficiencies have also been implicated in TE, particularly iron and zinc. The link between iron deficiencies and TE is stronger for women, while zinc deficiencies might affect men more, but the evidence for both is mixed. In part, it is hard to pin down dietary causes because the same foods that are the best sources of iron are also rich in zinc and amino acids.
Why Doesn’t Everyone Lose Their Hair When They Go Keto Then?
Great question. Whether or not your body interprets any given situation as too stressful is complicated. It’s a factor of your chronic stress levels, other acute stressors that happen to co-occur, your physical health and hormone status, and probably tons of other things. Your mindset undoubtedly has a lot to do with it, too. You can inject stress into a situation with how you think about it, whether you worry or try to micromanage, whether you feel optimistic or pessimistic. It’s also possible that some people who experience TE don’t really notice it because their hair loss is fairly minor.
Is There Anything I Can Do?
First, prevention is the best medicine. There is no way to guarantee that you won’t experience TE when starting keto, but The Keto Reset Diet approach is specifically designed to mitigate stress. Whereas other methods of keto induction involve severe carb restriction and sometimes multi-day fasting to body slam you into ketosis, the Keto Reset is a kinder, gentler process (not to mention a more nutrient-dense approach). First, you get fat-adapted, then gradually lower carb to ketogenic levels to avoid an acute shock to the system. This is also why we ask people to take the midterm exam in the book before even starting keto. The midterm exam looks for signs that you are already stressed (poor quality sleep, for example) in an attempt to prevent your “stress bucket” from overflowing (and the hair from shedding!).
If you’re already thinning, and it’s pretty clear what probably initiated it two to four months prior, then chances are you can just wait it out. Within a few months you should be seeing regrowth, and in six months to a year you’ll be past it. Yes, I know it’s easier said than done to just wait six months to see if your hair is growing back, so if you want to be more proactive, here are a few ideas.
Manage stress. While TE usually follows more acute stressors, chronic stress can also contribute. Whatever you can do to reduce your day-to-day stress might help your hair loss and if nothing else will improve your overall quality of life.
Look at your diet. If you are eating in a caloric deficit, especially if it’s greater than 20% of your baseline calorie needs, perhaps try adding back some calories. You’ll know if you overshoot it if you stop hitting your weight loss goals or if you start gaining if you were at maintenance already.
How’s your protein intake? Too many keto dieters have been scared away from protein by the gluconeogenesis boogeyman. The Keto Reset Diet recommends starting with 0.6 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass. You can increase to 1.0 gram/lb/LMB if it seems appropriate for your situation.
Make sure you’re incorporating plenty of iron- and zinc-rich foods. Even though the evidence is not conclusive as to whether iron and zinc are linked to TE, they are still vital for health. The best sources are red meat, seafood (especially oysters), and poultry. You’ll notice these are all animal products, which means if you’re vegetarian or vegan, you have to work extra hard to get these nutrients. Leafy greens, nuts and seeds, and legumes (if you choose to incorporate them) can provide some of what you need, but they are not the best options.
A well-formulated multivitamin/mineral is worth considering if you don’t already take one, but get your iron and zinc levels tested before supplementing either of those on its own. With both, there are concerns about over-supplementing and developing toxicity. Iron overload such as that caused by the genetic condition hemochromatosis can also cause hair loss, so consult a doctor before taking iron supplements. Lastly, some people also swear by adding biotin, a member of the B vitamin family. While biotin is associated with nail and hair health, there is not empirical evidence to support biotin supplementation for TE.
When to See Your Doctor
Now that I’ve spent all this time telling you it’s probably TE and nothing to worry about it, I must add the caveat that TE is only one of many potential causes of hair loss. Be sure to enlist the help of a medical professional if you are experiencing any other unexplained or disruptive symptoms, or if there isn’t an obvious reason why you might be experiencing TE. Do not ignore symptoms such as unexplained weight gain or weight loss, fatigue, sleep disturbances, feeling cold all the time, menstrual irregularities, or digestive issues, especially in combination with significant hair loss. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may want to test you for nutrient deficiencies, sex hormone imbalances, or thyroid issues.  
Have any follow-up questions? Join the Keto Reset Facebook community for answers to all your keto queries! Thanks for stopping by today, everybody.
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Abdel Aziz AM, Sh Hamed S, Gaballah MA. Possible Relationship between Chronic Telogen Effluvium and Changes in Lead, Cadmium, Zinc, and Iron Total Blood Levels in Females: A Case-Control Study. Int J Trichology. 2015; 7(3):100-106.
Harrison S, Bergfeld W. Diffuse hair loss: its triggers and management. Cleve Clin J Med. 2009; 76(6):361- 367.
Malkud, D. Telogen Effluvium: A Review. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015; 9(9): WE01–WE03.
Moeinvaziri M, Mansoori P, Holakooee K, et al. Iron status in diffuse telogen hair loss among women. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat. 2009; 17(4):279-284.
Rushton DH. Nutritional factors and hair loss. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2002; 27(5):396-404.
The post Explaining Keto and Hair Loss (and Why Any Dietary Change Might Cause It) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Article source here:Marks’s Daily Apple
0 notes
Did you go and see Gone Girl yesterday?”
"Did you go and see Gone Girl yesterday?""
Did you read the book?  If so, do they still deserve each other at the end of the movie?  Honestly, I wanted to kick both of their stupid asses.  Go ahead, spoil it.  (Or not.  I'm going to see it when it hits On Demand.)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance black box (auto saints)?
I am going to have my car insured with a black box soon from auto saints, because it's much cheaper than any other insurance that I have looked at. My question is, after the second year does the insurance go down a lot with a years of no claims bonus (my friends say it doesn't) . So is it worth it? and do I have to keep the black box for the second year as well or is worth it changing insurance company after the second year?""
What year vehicles require full coverage insurance?
im looking for a cheap insurance for the state of louisiana. im with progressive and pay 88.00 for liability uninsure motorist and road side assistance. i want an 08 or 07 car but cant afford to pay for full coverage(mean over 90.00) for insurance. By law are 07 and 08 vehicles required to have max coverage or just liability. only drvie veh to work and local shopping and bring mom to medical appointments. and are what kind of cars get low insurance rates(cars verses suv, two door verses 4 door red verses white)? any company suggestions looking to by chevy colbalt or suv kia sorrento.""
""I am fully comp, and my insurance said i can drive any car i wish to? read the details below!!!!!?""
I am fully comp, and my insurance said i can drive any car i wish to, Can i really drive any car i want, EVEN IF THE OTHER CAR HAS NO ONE INSURED ON IT?""
Need an idea of how much insurance is gonna be?
I'm 16 and am looking at purchasing a 2000 Honda Civic Si Coupe. If I buy this car, will it be considered as a sports car to the insurance? I live in central California btw. If I were to wait until I hit 18 to drive, would the insurance go down substantially? Around how much am I looking at per month?""
Permit and Insurance please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i am getting my permit like in two months if im going to be in my parents policy how much will the insurance go up if im going to be a driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO DRIVE MY DADS CAR
""What is the best rate (cheapest) for basic liability car insurance in ontario , primmum insurance told me?""
thier rates is 135.00 / month and i have perfect driving record ,can any one help me plz""
Car Insurance for 17 year old? UK?
I've tried calling companies - they all say 'We cannot give you a quote' Comparison websites - 'cannot quote' How am i supposed to get insurance... i dont mind paying anything up to 7000 I've tried with 3 different cars... even a 1.0L and still no quotes.
Should I buy earthquake insurance in california?
I've lived in the Bay Area for 20 years and never purchased earthquake insurance for my home. I heard rates were going down, and AAA quoted me a rate of nearly $1200 for earthquake coverage- there is 75,000 deductible, and they will cover up to $525,000 to rebuild. What is the consensus on this issue?""
CAR INSURANCE <how much>?
how much is the car insurance for eg. opel corsa <cheapest car> because it would be my first car if you're a woman under 25 im actually 18
Can I drive my car without my name on the insurance?
My husband and I own the vehicle and we have insurance on the vehicle with only my husband's name. Will I get in trouble driving it, even though the vehicle s under my name but not the insurance. This is mainly due to price of insurance. Me being on it will sky rocket he insurance.""
Buying a Toyota - price and insurance advice please?!?
I am going to pick up my new car today IF this is a good deal. Its a black 2008 Toyota Corolla S. I am buying it, its a 72 month pay schedule of $387 a month. Insurance for it and our 2002 Santa Fe (both full coverage) is $157 a month. Do these prices sound about right? I want to know if I'm getting a good deal. Also, do new cars need to be maintinenced every 5,000 miles? Someone said that on another question of mine and I was wondering if thats true. I want to know anything that is vital to purchasing a new car. We dont have great credit... both our scores are around 600. We are paying for the gap insurance and all that other good stuff. Oh and we're not trading a car - this is just straight up - no money down - our interest rate is 14%..... Thanks to answers""
Can i get car insurance.?
my boyfriend and i broke up,and we bought a car together, hes the one with the name on the title,but i pay for the car payments as the co signer,his credit was better htan mine,the car was for me.though.he no longer will help pay for it,the insurance is for the both of us,am i able to get the car insurance under just for me if he doesnt drive it at all.""
Suzuki swift insurance for 17 year old? (UK)?
a 1.3 is insurance group 4 and I dont know how much that would actually cost? for a 17 year old please dont say too much or too hard to say I just need to know the range of how much it would cost to insure e.g. 3000 - 4500 Also im not 17 yet so I cant get insurance quotes. 10 points to best answer.
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
I want to do mba in insurance or any type of diploma in insurance field that help me for job in insurance cmp?
currently im working in max life insurance documant exaicutive thats i wnt to do mba or diploma in insurance field plz help me which institute do part time or full time
Average motorcycle insurance rate?
I'm 16 and living in Ontario i wanted to know how much insurance rate it is do you pay monthly? yearly? i don't know submit what you know and estimate if you don't know
Can I use my parent's car insurance to buy a car?
I have been covered under my parent's car insurance since I was 19 years old and still am. I did buy auto insurance for the new car that I am picking up today from the dealership. However, that insurance does not start until 12:01 am tomorrow morning. As I am still under my parent's insurance, can I use that insurance as proof of insurance when I go to pick up the car this afternoon?""
2006 cadillac cts insurance rate for teens?
i want my dad to give me his car but i wanted to know how much the insurance would be its the base 2006 2.8L cts and its salvaged , so yeah state farm rates would be a +, State of California""
How much should I pay for a1967 Chevy Impala?
Basically, I want this car. How much (ball park figure, estimates, exact prices, whatever) wwould it set me back? Just the car itself, mind. I'll handle the tax and insurance, etc myself. And no, its not because of Supernatural.""
I'm 27 years old and I wanna get life insurance ? Any thoughts on which type i should get . ?
simplify your answer please .
Can I get cheaper Car Insurance in England if I have 3 different clean Drivers Licences?
South African Licence, Japanese Licence and English Licence, all CLEAN! Can I get cheaper car insureance then?""
Medical insurance?
does medical insuance cover eye exams and eye doco visits for glasses too
Car Insurance questions?
ok i was recently in a car accident , jus a rear end nothing to serious. but the rear of my car is pretty bad. bumper is in bad shape , trunk doesnt open , lights are a bit broken but still work. a guy from the other person's insurance company came to take a look at my car and inspect it and estimate damages. he told me that the car will probably be a total loss. he said someone would call me in 2-3 business days to discuss my options. now i guess i will be paid for what my car is worth , which isnt much prolly no more then a $1000. my question is tho , the guy who came told me that one of my options would be if i wanted to keep the car or not. i want to keep the car , it still runs , it still drives. if i still want to keep my car do i still get paid for the damages?""
Which motorcycle insurance would be better?
Mce or Cia insurance? They both the cheapest 400 for my ped
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
Did you go and see Gone Girl yesterday?""
Did you read the book?  If so, do they still deserve each other at the end of the movie?  Honestly, I wanted to kick both of their stupid asses.  Go ahead, spoil it.  (Or not.  I'm going to see it when it hits On Demand.)
How can I get access to affordable US Health care as an American who lives in France?
It has been almost 2 years and I really feel like there is something not right with my health but the doctors in France aren't listening. I have swollen lymph nodes for over a year now. Some disappear, then reappear in different locations. And I am very fatigued and have itching behind my knees at night that wakes me up. Yet there is not a rash nor insect bite. It seems like the doctors in France rely strictly on complete blood counts for everything and if your blood tests are normal, then there is nothing wrong with you. I wonder if it would be the same in the US system, considering France was the winner of the WHO's Best Medical System in the World award. Shoudl I purchase an insurance plan on the web and seek treatment in the US?""
Switching car insurance?
I am thinking of switching to Esurance, it's about $25 a month cheaper than my current insurance. Anyone have any experience or knowledge of Esurance? How hard is it to switch?""
How much would my car insurace be with a used 2007 scion tc?
By time I get the car I will be 18 years old. I have allstate insurance. I drive under my mom and dads name and I have a 3.1 GPA. I've never gottten in a wreck or gotten a ticket and i've been driving for almost a year now. About how much do you think my insurance willl be monthly? Thanks.
Does anyone know how much SR-22 Insurance Costs?
Classic car insurance companies?
anyone know any classic car insurance companies that will have 17yr olds??
Does anyone know a carr insurance company that quotes and lets you print certificate?
i need a car insurance certificate for wed and my own insurance cant post one in time. does anyone know a web site that quotes and then lets you buy and print off a certificate? not swift cover as they wont insure my car as im only 24! thanks!!
Where can I get free health insurance?
Medicare and medicaid turned me down. I'm diabetic, and unemployed at the moment. Anyone know where I can get free insurance? Thanks!""
Need help finding affordable health insurance for a 1 year old baby boy in Nebraksa or Iowa?
Please help
Im female, 19 years old, just got my license, will be driving a chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking for the cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, Florida.""
What is the most affordable health insurance for children for a family who's income is $60k?
What is the most affordable health insurance for children for a family who's income is $60k?
Car insurance 15 year old with 4.0 gpa?
my son is going to turn 15 i wanted to know what it would cost and what options i have
Can i cash a check from an auto insurance company and not fix my car?
i had hit a deer yesterday, i had made a claim with my insurance company. When they send me a check for the damages, can i cash that check and fix the car myself and not go to a body shop?""
""Had one car accident ,went to the e.r.Primary health insurance wont pay visit.wants car insurance to pay.?
Pirimary health ins.wants me to file claim with car ins.I did not have medical ins on car policy.They just took care of vehicle totaled.Now what?
Best car & car insurance for a 20 year old?
I'm 20 years old and just started having driving lessons. I'm thinking of buying a car but have no idea about car insurance. I know it would be higher for 17-19 year olds but do I qualify as a young driver if I'm 20 even though it's a first car and just starting as a driver? I love Volkswagen Beetles but want a car on which the insurance won't be high. Apparently the insurance is cheaper on classic cars...? I'm a girl and live in Greater (West) London. I don't know what it depends on and what car I should go for without having to pay a fortune. If you could help me out that would be great Thanks!!! :)
Insurance payout after lien paid?
My insurance recently sent my lien-holder, Chase Bank, the agreed amount for my totaled car. I owed about 3k less than what they paid out so am now left wondering when I will receive the difference. Chase received the payment a week ago.""
Do insurance companies had out new phones?
This is the deal. I bought a new phone. HTC Desire S. I then accidentally dropped down the toilet. This caused it to get water damaged which equals broken phone. It's with the insurance company, and I know my claim has been accepted and now they are deciding whether they can repair the phone or send me a replacement. Now.. What does a replacement mean: Does that mean a new phone (fresh out of box) Does that mean a refurbished phone (second hand) Does that mean a different model phone (not a HTC Desire S) I've never used a insurance company before for this kind of thing because I'm always very careful when it comes to my technology and gadgets, so I don't know. I'm hoping I'll at least get the same model phone I had. I only had this phone for 2 weeks (Upgraded from Vodafone)""
Can you get car insurance and motorcycle insurance on the same policy?
I have insurance on my car but i havent had insurance on my bike for about a year. i was going to get with my car because i needed to renew my tags but they told me they dont cover motorcycle. i was wondering if there is a company that covers both?
Car insurance renewal & no claims certificates?
My car insurance is up for renewal soon, I had 1 year no claims before the current policy (but no certificate to prove it) and havent claimed during it. When I renew I like to look for the best price which may mean not sticking with my current insurer. If I change insurer and they ask to see proof of my no claims how can I prove I have 2 years? Will my current insurer issue me with a certificate saying 2 years (1 year with them added to the 1 year beforehand) or just 1 year? The other issue is that surely this certificate will arrive AFTER I want to begin my new policy?? Any advice would be much appreciated""
Would my insurance go up with a red truck?
so i never new this until not to long ago but ppl say if u have a red car ur insurance will go up so if i have a red full size pick up or dump truck will my insurance go up because its red i mean i dont picture anyone racing with a 1 ton dump truck or anything
How much is your monthly car note and how much is your insurance? How many months do you have to pay it off?
What do you drive and do you feel its worth it? I pay $271 on my note. My insurance is $138. I had 42 months on it. I drive a 2005 chevy cobalt. So far I guess it is worth it. Driving is very expensive.
1 day or Weekend Auto Insurance?
Hi Guys, I have a car that has no insurance on it since i am not using it any more but still runs good. I need to travel to NY from Detroit this weekend and again don't need it any more there in NY. Are there any cheap Auto Insurance firms that give us auto insurance for the weekend only. Thanks a lot for the help.""
Questions about car insurance?
I understand that I will need car insurance and when I do get my first car my insurance will be high (I'm 17). My parents don't drive, so I can't rely upon them. Tell me if I'm wrong and help me out... 1. So the big picture of car insurance is that if I get into an accident, the money I put for my car will be paid for with the money I put in? 2. Will car insurance cover anything I do with the car? (Such as swapping parts, oil change, etc.) 3. Why does insurance quotes matter? Doesn't the more you pay the better coverage you have? Why do you need to save money? Are they trying to make you pay less so you if your accident can't be paid fully, you will pay with some other type? 4. How much will insurance supposedly cost? My first part-time job will only pay approx. 30k a year, I don't know how much I'll lose. 5. Does the type of car affect how much I will pay? (Hopefully, but I will be getting a Scion FR-S automatic) 6. Which car insurance company is mostly recommended for teenagers? Thanks for your help!""
Does it show on your medical insurance bill?
I took a blood test recently and apparently my medical insurance covered it and all I had to do was pay the co pay. my mother pays for the medical insurance. Does the visit show up on the medical bill that I went in for a blood test? or do you just pay for the insurance as normal? How does it work?
Will private insurance companies still exist after Obama care is implemented?
will govt be the health insurer once Obama care is implemented
Scion tC...how much woul i pay monthly with car & insurance?
Im 19, been driving for two years, no accidents, no tickets or anything like that. I juss ont know how muc it woud be monthly. if anyone knows please.""
Did you go and see Gone Girl yesterday?""
Did you read the book?  If so, do they still deserve each other at the end of the movie?  Honestly, I wanted to kick both of their stupid asses.  Go ahead, spoil it.  (Or not.  I'm going to see it when it hits On Demand.)
Antique car insurance?
I have read about cheaper insurance on classic cars, but you can only have it if you occasionally drive it. Is it possible to have that insurance on a classic car (1970`s) and use it as a daily vehicle? Is there some kind of loophole or something? Thank you in advance. Sorry for my english.""
Home Insurance?
If your insurance runs say from 1st November 07 to 1st November 08 and if you make a claim in January 07, and then make another claim on 26th November 07. Does this mean that this is counted as 2 claims differernt years or is this claims counted the same year?""
What insurance company is the best for home based business coverage and bonding?
What insurance company is the best for home based business coverage and bonding?
Can I get health insurance for my nephew?
My nephew is 2 years old and I am really unhappy with the medical treatment he's been getting. He has asthma and has had an awful chest infection for months now, which doesn't seem to be going away. He coughs incessantly, often bringing up mucus. I want to know if I can insure him, as he's not my son. Also, is BUPA the best way to go or are there other private health companies that you would recommend?""
""How much will my car insurance go up for 3,475 worth of damage?""
there were no other cars involved and no police report. i am still a dependent on my father's insurance- 23 year old female, however. i have a deductable- just wondering if I am goign to suffer from this...since I am switiching to my own insurance directly after my car gets fixed.""
No minnesota auto insurance?
if i dont have auto insurance will i loose my drivers license and for how long i live in mn.if im caught
Can I expect a better rate switching to new provider?
I have the same auto insurance for last three years. Can I expect a better rate switching to another provider?
What is the average insurance on a motorbike?
Hi I would like to know what the insurance is on a bike, preferably a 'Yamaha YZF R125' Thanks xx""
Who gets cheaper insurance guys or girls?
Who gets cheaper insurance guys or girls?
What is the most popular and cost effective family medical insurance in California?
We are a family of 3 (me 45 my spouse 44 and my daughter 10) and we are moving to live with green cards in Los angeles, January 2011. We are trying to get an idea of what is the most popular Medical insurance is in Los Angeles and how much we would expecting to pay for this Medical insurance?""
Why is the co-pay for dental insurance more expensive than health insurance?
I compared the co pays on several reputable dental insurance companies and it is very expensive. Many things are not covered, even with the best dental insurance. Health insurance is usually a 10 dollar co pay for primary physicians and a 35-50 dollar co pay for specialty physicians. Is there any reason why dental insurance co pay is as expensive as it is?""
Kit Car Insurance?
How does insurance for a kit car work? I realize you have to specially register it and so forth, but are you charged for a 1986 Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, or is it based on what the engine/chasis/etc came out of?""
2013 mustang v6 insurance?
I'm 16 years old my dad took me to look at a 2013 mustang v6 the other day I just want to know the avg. rates for it I live in Katy Texas 16 years old Male Don't have a driving record but I had my permit for 10 months I think I will be under their insurance Don't say I should just get a **** car and wait for a mustang.
How much would my car insurance cost?
I'm planning to buy a 90's bmw 325 or 328. I'm 20 years old, almost 21. So far I have been driving around in my parents' cars, both of which I'm insured on under my parents' names. I have been driving for 3 and a half years and during that time I have only gotten pulled over once because my front license plate had fallen off, so statistically speaking I am a quite responsible driver. What do you reckon my insurance bill will roughly be? I live in east Washington State""
Where can I buy cheap auto insurance or temporary auto insurance in the United States?
I know u can do it in the UK...but can't find any insurance agency in the US to do it.
How can I get insurance to cover at home birth through a midwife?
My Insurance company is saying that they will not cover an at home birth through a midwife, although they do cover midwife care. I do not want to pay for it up front if I am not certain I can get most of the cost reimbursed. I am admit on doing an at home birth as long as it is safe for the baby. I keep hitting a wall with insurance, what can I do?""
Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense?
Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense?
Car Insurance?
I want to cancel my insurance or rather freeze it until the 3 November. Would i get into trouble though if i took it to the garage when i had cancelled my insurance or eve froze it..
Learner's Permit and Car Insurance?
If I didn't live with my parents, had my learner permit and had my own car, would I be able to drive it if in the presence of a licensed insured driver? Like say my friend came over and I drove him in my car, would his insurance cover me?""
Why are my car insurance quotes so high?
I'm about to get my first car at 25, and thought I'd look at insurance quotes for a cheap little run-around to get me started. I have only just passed my test so expected quotes to be quite high, but so far haven't seen anything below 4000 for a year! I tried looking for a quote on a Renault 1996 Clio 1.2 Versailles. Thought that would be pretty cheap. From what I've heard, I should be looking around the 1k mark for a year. Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong?""
Car insurance question?
My car is currently under my parents name any under my parents insurance. It was a gift from my parents but we never bothered changing the ownership over and it wasn't a big deal since we live in the same home. I am planning on moving out soon, do I need to have the car put in to my own name to get my own insurance and to make it legal? I've heard that continuing to pay through their plan without living in there house would make it void. If I don't change my ID right away would it still count as me not living there?""
How much will insurance go up with 2 points on drivers license in CA?
Im from California. So I have 2 points on my driving record how much will the insurance go up? I work for a company as a driver. They have The Hartford car insurance. Thanks.
Car insurance for 17 year old ?
I'm doing car payments on a 2007 Mustang & want to know how much roughly my monthly payments would be for car insurance. I called Progressive & the guy told me my insurance could cost any where from $500 to $5000? I'm permitted to drive but will be getting my license in August after my 18th birthday. I live in southern California. I want insurance for myself & only myself. I just want a rough idea of how much I would be paying monthly.
Auto Insurance agents in Tennessee... Does my 17 year old with a permit?
need to be listed on my policy? I have heard several different answers to this. Also, I've heard he has to be listed but the insurance company cannot rate him until he gets his license, therefore, they cannot charge me more for him. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
How can you get around motorcycle insurance?
I am trying to get a 2007 Kawasaki ZX-6R. I got denied for the kawasaki card, but they said I could probably get approved threw a bank or another lender. But that way I would need to get insurance, is there anyway of getting a loan without having to put insurance on the bike. I live in the state of florida if that helps.""
Did you go and see Gone Girl yesterday?""
Did you read the book?  If so, do they still deserve each other at the end of the movie?  Honestly, I wanted to kick both of their stupid asses.  Go ahead, spoil it.  (Or not.  I'm going to see it when it hits On Demand.)
How much does it cost to insure a 17 yr old on an audi a3?
on a used 1.6 audi a3, how much does it cost (in the region of) to insure a 17 yr old if you don t have them as the named owner but a user?""
If i dont have car insurance can i still drive?
my name is not on the car insurance for my dads car, and he said i cant drive because my name is not on the insurance. so i cant drive the car intill my name is on the insurance? even thou he is my father?""
Got a ticket for no car insurance because i didnt have my insurance card?
I just signed up with the general for car insurance earlier today so i dont have proof. About 1 hour ago a car slammed there breaks in traffic and i was one of the unlcky ones behind her. The cop said his systems were down so he couldnt run a check to see if i had insurance. Becuase i didnt have my card, he gave me a ticket for driving without insurance and told me to bring my insurance card to court on that date. Im worried the judge will think i went home and bought car insurance immediately after the accident. My question is, am i screwed?""
What's worse for a teens insurance a luxury car or sports car?
I've been wanting to get a civic for a first car so I thought maybe a 2000 civic si and then realized I liked the 7th gen civic coupes alot more so when I went to get an insurance quote every company is telling me its about $400 a month even on my dads insurance. Because I'm a second driver in the house I become the primary driver on the civic by default and I don't have a choice. The insurance company says that the si is a sports car for them and apparently has a high chance for teens to get wrecked in. The 7th gen that I'm talking about was an 02 civic si veloz and I was told a non si 03 civic coupe would still be in the late 300's /month for me. I'd be okay with 200's/month if possible. So now I'm thinking of going to Hondas luxury side. I did want a fully loaded civic which I guess isn't possible because they didnt come with leather seats so I thought I'd go team Acura late 90's/2000 1.6 el the car would be a fully loaded sedan, manual transmission, sohc engine (not exactly built for speed) it would also have an alarm system that the civic didn't. I don't think there are as many teen ricers in acuras since the aftermarket is limited for some things as not everything is swappable with civic parts. so for a new driver would it be any difference to go from a 2 door si to a 4 dour sedan with a base motor? the only thing is that the insurance would probably classify it as a luxury vehicle and say its expensive to repair and what not. your thoughts?""
What is a car insurance raise depend on? ?
Hello, I come here because everyone I ask just tells me not to worry about it and I JUST WANT TO KNOW! Sorry if this is way too long. I don't want to miss anything. Anyways, I got into a minor accident recently. When I say minor, I mean minor. I bumped them at a red light because I scooted up without looking. Didn't even touch the gas. This is my first accident. I'm twenty years old. When I went to look at our cars my car was a little scuffed, nothing that a little buffing couldn't take off. Their car, was even less. One of the passengers (there were 5 adults total, two children sitting on laps) claimed his back hurt. I was in panic mode as the driver told me that we could handle this without contacting insurance. Later I came to my senses when I realized that this guy with the back injuries was going to keep coming back to me asking for more money, so I told them to call my insurance agency. My question is, does anyone know in the state of Florida what determines how much your car insurance goes up? His injuries (not positive but almost positive) are not bad enough to go into my bodily injury. His PIP should cover it. For example, will your insurance go up based on the damages you have to pay for ? Since I made very VERY minimal damage, will my insurance only go up a little ? Thanks for reading my giant ramble and thanks for responses. Sara""
Rough estimate of Health/Dental Insurance Cost of family of four?
I am considering taking a position with a firm that currently does not offer health insurance. I will ofcoarse seek professional help to get a better number, I just wanted to see what sort of range I will be looking at. I live in Texas and both my wife and I are in our late 20s and have two one year olds. Thanks""
How do I go about getting insurance at 18? In WI?
I'm 18. I work two jobs unfortunately with no insurance or benefits! How can I get health insurance? I live in Wi.
Do i have to get car insurance if im 17 just got my license and my guardian have insurance on his car?
I got my license im 17 my guardian and his wife haves 2 cars and has insurance on both.I dont want to be on there insurance becuse it would raise it for them.Will the car be insured if i get in a wrek if i have no car insurance but they do
""I am 16 years old, and someone hit me from the back, will my insurance go up?""
It was clearly his fault, but will my insurance premium go up since I am a new driver? I live in California.""
How much money do you need to maintain a car say four to six cylinder in a month time?
Insurance, gas, the norm for a regular commute.""
How much would a jeep commander insurance cost if you have state farm?
I was wondering how much would the insurance cost and what is the average pay for insurance?
Vw r32 any idea on insurance?
hi i am 23 year old female with 2 years no claims. just lookign for a very rough idea of costs to insure an r32, any similar ppl can tell me? thanks""
BMW Z4 windshield insurance question... help please!?
Hi, I have a 2004 BMW Z4, and the rain sensor, for automatic wipers, has broken. Apparently, you need to replace the whole windshield to fix this (if you know different, let me know!), so my question is... is it possible for me to claim for this under my insurance? My windshield excess is 70, but I assume that is for when the windshield is cracked or damaged etc. So, seeing as mine is not damaged, only the sensor, is there any way I can claim? Also, if anyone knows how much a new windshield for a Z4 is, that would be great too.. I can't find any figures but I assume it's pricey :-( Any help or advice on this would be greatly appreciated (I'm in the UK, by the way).. Cheers!""
""I am 17 years old and don't have health insurance, what do I do?""
I am 17 years old and don't live with my parents. I am living with a friends Aunt while I attend college. Because I don't live with my parents I can't be on their health insurance, I've been ill and worried but avoiding the doctor because any medications would cost a fortune. All my prescriptions used to only be $15 now they are dramatically raised. I don't have a job either. What do I do? Is there any type of thing I can qualify for? Any feedback would be much appreciated!!!""
Why is car insurance compulsory here in FL?
I own my car. The cheapest car insurance (only) cover $10k on damages which is called PIP insurance and it is required by law. If the PIP insurance only covers $10k on damages, and I have more than 10k dollars on my bank account why in helllllll do I have to give my hard-earned money to these moth*rfu(kers? Sorry for my temperament but I need a clear explanation or this. If I am willing to give those $10k to my car insurance which is the only that they cover on damages if I crashed, why wouldn't they accept the dial and stop charging me monthly in my whole life? and return me those 10K when I stop driving?""
Purchasing an aircraft with no licenses? Insurance costs?
Hi guys my friend is selling his Piper Warrior and I'm interested in purchasing it with no licenses. Obviously I would have my friends who are CFI qualified with me every time I am in the aircraft until I do acquire the license. Anybody have an idea for insurance costs for owning an aircraft without a license as well as renting the aircraft to others?
Is it legal to have two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas!""
""Obamcare, how is it enforced?""
So, the single mothers of 3 children. The one who's flipping burgers for 12,000 a year income, She's going to pay $100 a month for insurance, or she will be in violation of the law, right? When she doesn't pay the $100 a month, she's a criminal, right? We're going to fine her $2,000? If she doesn't pay the fine, we'll throw her in jail? Really? This is the plan? Does anybody else see how ridiculous this whole thing is???""
Car Insurance Question?
I recently had an accident that caused my car to be written off. There have been no problems and I'm now waiting for a cheque from my insurers. My question is this. When the cheque comes and I buy a new car what happens with regard to insurance, will I have to take out a new policy, can I keep the existing policy and add my new car to it, will my monthly payments go up, or none of the above? I'm sure this is very simple for an expert but it confuses the hell out of me.""
Estimate on how much my car insurance will be?
I'm financing a new (or relatively new) car pretty soon, it's probably going to be a Nissan Altima which is a very safe car and is probably going to be either brand new or no more than 1 - 3 years old. I'm just worried about how much I'm going to be paying for full coverage insurance because I haven't had a car in a couple years thus I haven't had car insurance in a while and when I did, it was only no-fault insurance. Also, I'm young (22) so that will make my insurance high. However, I have a spotless driving record so that should help. I also live in a safe county if that matters. Anyone have a ball-park figure on how much I can expect to be paying, monthly? Thanks.""
Need cheap insurance?
i need insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife just passed first car 1.4 pug 106.
How much is car insurance?
For a 17 year old male in the UK, how much would car insurance be for... A Renault Mgane Convertible 2005 (I've worked it out, it's in insurance group 14) It doesn't have to be exact, I was just wondering about what price it would be""
Who owns Geico insurance?
Who owns Geico insurance?
Question about car insurance and ticket?
Today my girlfriend asked me to drive her home from college as she was sick. I used her moms car. When coming home on the arterial we were at a red light and I was getting ready to get in the right lane when the light turned green the SUV in front of me began to go then stopped suddenly, (still don't know why) As I was still crossing into the other lane the corner of my front bumper bumped her fender corner. I noticed she stopped and was on her phone so I backed up and parked behind her assuming she just wanted to make sure it was ok. Her tail lights were fine, she drove Subaru SUV so she had a pretty solid buffer there really wasn't even a scuff but a small red reflector on the bottom of the bumper that received a small crack (got a pic close up but can't see it more than a couple inches away. My headlight just has small scuff we werent worried, in NYS you don't generally call unless the damage is over 1000 but she insisted on calling the police. I kept asking if she'd like to just exchange insurance info but she said no (stubborn middle aged probably for insurance) The cops kept telling her we could just exchange info but she wanted report. Anyways, we sat there for about an hour and eventually just got the accident report and I got a following too closely ticket. Do you know how much something like this would cost in NYS roughly and if it would add points on my license. (Cant have pts for work ) Also how will insurance be affected?""
UK. Do you need insurance to learn to drive with your parents car?
i have my provisional Is the insurance expensive?
Did you go and see Gone Girl yesterday?""
Did you read the book?  If so, do they still deserve each other at the end of the movie?  Honestly, I wanted to kick both of their stupid asses.  Go ahead, spoil it.  (Or not.  I'm going to see it when it hits On Demand.)
0 notes
life insurance quotes over 50 no exam
"life insurance quotes over 50 no exam
life insurance quotes over 50 no exam
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Who do you have for car insurance? open!?
looking for a cheap car insurance, buut not to cheap were if i get into a car crash they'd give me 10 cents. any suggestions?""
How much insurance cost would it cost for a provisional driver on a vauxal corsa?
hi, im 16 and soon to be 17 and learning to drive. i want to find out how much it would cost for me to be on a vauxal corsa (2001?)(1.3L) on a provisional learners license. i wanted to go on my mums tesco car insurance but they said i need to give them my provisional licence details but ive only recently sent off for one so i cant give them the details.. any ideas on the cost (any insurer) thankyou so much! katherine""
How much would a 1 million dollars liability policy cost per month for a fright transport company?
Im starting a small hot shot trucking transport company. I need to know how much a 1 or 2 million dollar policy will cost me per month. Or what kind of Insurance I would need. I will be hauling oil field equipment, cars, pipe, tanks, air fans, motors, things like that.""
Where can i buy public liablilty insurance?
hi, ive brought a small 20p sweet vending machine, which i would like to place in the local kids 'wacky warehouse' type place, i wanted to get public liability insurance to cover me, say for example, if the machine falls and hurts someone or something? i have had publlic liability before for trading on a market stall and im sure it only cost 35-45, does anyone know of any good providers around a similar price? Thanks :)""
How much will my car insurance raise? I got into an accident I have state farm?
How much will my car insurance raise? I got into an accident I have state farm. It was only a small fender bender, I had ran into a girl, i only hit her bumper, there is only a scratch. My car has a broken cornering light and dent in the fender. I have a Ford Ranger and she also has a Ford Ranger. I got a ticket for following to close. What can i do? for the insuance and ticket?""
Why is car insurance so messed up?
i just got a quote for 1200 to insure a 1.4 focus, costing 600. but i also have a quote of 1000 to insure a 2004 mazda rx8 costing 5000. how the hell do they work this rubbish out""
Certificate of insurance?
Can anyone tell me the following? any help will be appreciated (its based on a dog kennel) 1. What is the purpose of a certificate of insurance 2. How can it be used Thanks
""Car for 17 year old? easy on gas , cheap to insure?""
i am a 17 year old girl who lives in ontario and would like to purchase a used car for $1500. it needs to be cheap to insure and really good on gas. i do not know much about cars but im hoping someone will help me. also, i do not want a car that will break down and cost me lots of money to fix. any suggestions with what car i should buy? basically i just need a good student car because it will only be driving me to school and thats it. safety isnt a huge issue for me more like the pricing and maintenance. any suggestions willl do ! please help . thanks:)""
Motorcycle Insurance 16yr Old?
I am 16, I am thinking about getting a crotch rocket, and just wanna know about insurance. State: Minnesota Year of bike: 1995-2005 I am thinking 650cc - 750cc I have experience on motorcycles (dirt bikes) I do realize their is some difference I have a grade average of B's or higher.""
Problem with insurance?
I got in an accident that I am not in fault. Basically I was stopped at the intersection behind the red lights. A car from opposite side ran the red light hit the crossing car and the second car spin and hit my car. I have full caoverage and fixed my car with my insurance and have my insurance claim the money from the first driver insurance company. I rent a car under my coverage and also pay $500 deductable to fix my car. Now is almost a month pass and I keep calling my insurance to know if they got paid by the other insurance and requesting to pay me back for rental and the 500. My insurance is telling me that they may not be able to get ever thing they might be get only the cost of the fixing my car. What should I do? Should I sue my insurance or not?
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
Who has the most affordable health coverage?
Who has the most affordable health coverage?
Can I insure more than one limited company on one business insurance policy?
I need to know if you can have one UK business insurance policy, which includes employers liability, that covers more than one limited company. I am getting quotes for three limited companies and some insurers are happy to do ABC Ltd and/or DEF Ltd and/or GHI Ltd, whereas others are telling me that I need three separate policies (at three times the cost!). Help please........""
""If I report an auto insurance claim under my comprehensive, does it count against me?
Not sure whether to report an damage to my vehicle. I estimate the cost to be about $ 500.00 +. My deductable is $ 500.00. Any info will help :)
New driver insurance?
im a 17 year old male, just passed my test and trying to get insured. i've been on all the comparison sites with all stupid quotes. Does anyone know any cheap insurance sites/brokers Please Help!!!!!!!!""
""I need Health insurance, is it possible to get it?
Im 20 yrs. old and i work and am a full-time student but don't seem to make enough for health insurance and i got knee issues. How could I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE ?.What would be my best plan??
Where can i buy public liablilty insurance?
hi, ive brought a small 20p sweet vending machine, which i would like to place in the local kids 'wacky warehouse' type place, i wanted to get public liability insurance to cover me, say for example, if the machine falls and hurts someone or something? i have had publlic liability before for trading on a market stall and im sure it only cost 35-45, does anyone know of any good providers around a similar price? Thanks :)""
Were we can apply and buy liability insurance?
We are managing 300 units condominium.What approximately liability insurance will cost?
What type of car insurance coverage is the cheapest?
I'm not talking about companies like State Farm, All State, Geico. I'm talking about the coverages like Collision, Comprehensive, No-Fault, Liability. Which of those coverages is cheapest in order. Also I live in Michigan so insurance is a big deal.""
Where can i find the car insurance rates by state?
Looking to see how much car insurance rates are for different states.
Home content insurance?
I am new to the UK. In Japan, few people buy home content insurance because home contents are normally not valuable. It seems to me most people here buy home content insurance. It sounds not attractive a)the premium b)the high excess. What is your view?""
""Can you suggest a good,affordable health insurance plan?""
I am an adjunct instructor at two colleges in Michigan. Neither institution offers health insurance for adjunct instructors. For the last three years I have been getting health Insurance through a postdoctoral fellowship. Now this fellowship has come to an end, and I am in desperate straits. I have heart problems and I need specials medicationss for depression and attention deficit disorder.What do I do?""
Young drivers - What is your insurance?
Hey there! Im an 18 year old male , and to get insured on a 1999 1.0 GLS Vauxhall Corsa it will cost 3000+ a year! Am i doing something wrong , what kind of car should i look for? (that quote was from Gocompare.com). So yeah , young drivers what is your insurance , what is your car and insurance company? Thanks""
Will car insurance go up if I get a speeding ticket?
Will my car insurance rate go up if I got a speeding ticket? Im in California. This is the first one ever, and I've been driving for about 4 years now. Anyone with an answer? Thanks in advance!""
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life insurance quotes over 50 no exam
If a company is self insured (medical) that doesn't mean the company owns the ins. co. does it?
If a company is self insured (medical) that doesn't mean the company owns the ins. co. does it?
Car Insurance Question in NJ?
My husband and I have two cars- both insured with us as the drivers. However, his mother (and sometimes his three brothers) have been using my husband's car while there's is getting fixed. They've had the car going on three months- and I read on progressive.com (our insurance, obviously) that we're responsible to make sure any 'regular' drivers are covered under our insurance. I'm not sure their insurance situation, since the car has been so delayed in getting fixed- they may have canceled it until they get it back. So, I don't actually want to contact the insurance company- because I'm sure they'll do what's best for them, not us. My questions are- are we responsible to cover them under our insurance since they are driving it 'regularly' or since we have the car covered is it okay? What would happen if someone besides me and my husband had a collision in that car- would the insurance be obsolete?""
What's a cheap insurance i can use considering that i got a dui?
I got a DUI back in march 2nd of this year (2009). My lawyer tried to fight it, but it didn't help, so my license is currently suspended. In order to get a restricted license, i need to show proof of insurance. Knowing that i have a dui on my record, what's the best option i have ?""
19 year old needs cheap car insurance?
i need to get car insurance but i cant afford something too expensive, im 19 my car is a 1997 ford mustang coupe, someone help i have to find a place today! my parents arent helping i have to get it on my own.""
""I'm 17,passed my car test.have a 1litre vauxhall corsa 3dr,wondered if ne1 knows of cheap insurance companies?""
Hello, I'm 17 years old, i have just passed my car test. I have a 1litre vauxhall corsa, 3doors, which is meant to be a very low insurance group, I just wondered if anyone knows of a cheap insurance company? Or any good ways of getting cheap insurance for a couple of years until I get a full time job - like named driver or something? The best quote i have so far is 2100 for a year. Thanks.""
How much would insurance for a 16 year old male in Illinois cost?
I live in Chicago and I have a 2001 Toyota Echo that has been paid off already. I turn 16 in a couple of weeks and was wondering how much insurance would cost for me>
Is mental health treatment covered by insurance?
Is counseling and drug therapy typically covered by insurance in the United States? Thanks!
Car insurance rates for massachusetts?
I'm a new driver in Massachusetts and I was wondering what the average cost for car insurance is. I read from a place that it would cost about $3,500 and that seemed unreasonably high.""
Are car insurance quotes always free?
Are car insurance quotes always free?
Teen Car Insurance.?
I am 17, and about 5 days ago I finally got my license. So now my parents are trying to look for insurance. I have to pay it, soo seeing as I only get paid minimum wage, does anyone know the cheapest deal for insurance when it comes to teenagers?? What I mean is like what company etc.""
Does your insurance go up after getting a speeding ticket?
I live in BC. Does your insurance go up after getting a ticket? (specifically a speeding ticket)
Full Coverage Insurance ripping me off ?
I got a wreckless driving dui dropdown in ohio live in kentucky in my Nissan 350z was paying $70 a month for full coverage under my parents plan... Now 2 years later after dealing with a bunch of bullshit driving a pos car with just liability for $100 a month in insurance for 2 years I finally have enough to buy a 08 nissan altima and I checked what full coverage would be and they told me $300 full coverage cheapest so I gave a few different cars and still the same price....Does it make since if my car payment is only $220 a month why in the hell would anyone pay more for insurance..?? & before you start saying something like a troll would I live in the country there is no bus stops or anything so I need a vehicle to get to work and back at this point the insurance cost to much for me to even afford when you have a apartment on ur own and only making $13/hour full time America doesn't make a god danm bit of since is this what the world is coming poverty P.S I hope i don't hit anyone without insurance....if only insurance was affordable.
Why is Health insurance a must for your parents?
Health Insurance a must for your parents
Good Life Insurance Plan with guaranteed return and maximum life coverage.?
Which Life Insurance plan (from Govt. or Private company) will give me the highest return If I invest Rs. 50,000/- yearly for 20 years including the life coverage. Please name the plan with name of the company.""
Good cheap nice looking car for a 16 year old and easy to insure?
Good cheap nice looking car for a 16 year old and easy to insure?
Insurance after driving ban?
Does anybody know of any cheap car insurance company's that deal with drivers that have recantly been banned?
How much does blue cross health insurance cost?
I need it for a individual, 20 year old, with good health. This is for a project.""
""If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
I need afforable health insurance.?
I don't even know how to look for insurance but I need to find an affordable individual insurance policy in Nevada. I am a 22/female. However I am asthmatic (only mildly) and I take birth control for medical reasons (I am not sexually active). However I have never smoked, done drugs, and if I drink it will only be like one glass 1-3x a year, so hardly at all.""
Car insurance for new driver that will not drive far..?
HI, I am turning 17 in november, and already looking at cars. The cars i am looking at are getting insurance at over 5000 (im male) a year fully comp! The car is only like 2500..... The thing is i will barely use my car as i live really close to school, so will walk all weekdays - especially as i am banned from parking in school as i live too close. I will occasionally use it on weekends - but if i go out in the evening im not going to take my car - drink driving.. So the only time i will use my car is quite alot in the holidays and very occasionally on some weekends, and therefore think 5k for a few car trips is ridiculous.. So is there any form of insurance where you pay for how far you drive? BTW the cars i was loooking at are 1L's, peugeots and vauxhalls mainly. These ok? Im looking at nothing over 60,000 miles and 7 years old max - i think i will do 3000 max a year. IM looking to sped about 2500 on a car, but need cheaper insurance than that! Hope you can help Many Thanks""
Does gender affect car insurance prices?
I have heard being female means you get lower rates. Is this true? Do you pay a lot for insurance?
Whats the cheapest Car insurance?
Im 19 about to turn 20. I have a drivers liscence but no car. i need the cheapest insurance that will allow me to legally drive any normal car. I live in long beach, ca.""
What make and model of car is cheap to insure?
Hi. I am learning to drive and need a car to practice/run around in. I'm looking for one I can get that has been used, cheap to insure (group 1 - 3) and cheap road tax (Band A-C). Any cars that I have found cheap insurance and/or cheap road tax is only so if its bought new at 1000s of pounds. My maximum is 1000 for the car itself. Any makes and models please? thank you""
I want to put my niece on my car insurance?
i drive a 2001 puegoet 206 and want to include my 17 year old niece on the policy.she has a provisional licience.does anyone know what this will cost approximately
Is there any car insurance company who won't ask for no claim bonus proof?
Is there any car insurance company who won't ask for no claim bonus proof?
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life insurance quotes over 50 no exam
Insurance on a ninja 250?
Hey I have been looking for my first bike and since I have no experience shifting and riding I want a small bike so I was thinking a ninja 250. From what I have seen they have plenty of power for me, and in my price range so I was wondering how much these cost to insure? I have allstate for my car if that matters? thanks a lot. and please don't tell me I need to be safe... I am already signed up for my permit class and a safety class. and I am no wheelie riding 100mph rider... just looking to commute and go for rides. Thanks""
Anyone has kaiser permanante as health insurance?
What do you think of KP? Anyone has any bad experiences there? I am thinking of getting health insurance there. Thanks!
Estimate for car insurance?
I know there are SO many factors considered. I am considering purchasing my first car (I would get it new, have loved Mazda 3 forever) and curious as to what I would pay a month in insurance or what average is. Bit of details, I live in Ontario, Canada, I will be 23 this year, female, I have a clean driving record (granted I've only had my G2 for a year and a half), my credit history is very good if that matters, I took driver's ed. I have no idea about what is considered average. Thanks!""
How much should I expect to spend on full coverage auto insurance on a 2013 Cadillac Escalade ESV Platinum?
I am 15 years old, my grandfather is buying me a 2013 Cadillac Escalade ESV Platinum ($85,000 MSRP) for my 16th birthday. My mom told me she would only put $200 per month towards insurance and I want full coverage. I know I will have to get a job to cover the rest of the insurance but I'd like to know a range of what other people are paying for theirs. The car is going to be in my mom's name who has never had a ticket or accident and I will be on her insurance policy, does that help? I know nobody can tell me for sure what my insurance rates would be, so can you at least tell me what yours are (if you have a Cadillac Escalade ESV)?""
Cheapest car insurer and cheapest car to ensure?
Hello i will do my lessons soon and was wondering what is the best way to get cheap car insurance, thanks allot best regards Bilal""
""If I am 27 and single, do I need to be paying for life insurance?
I have been paying for life insurance for a few years now and I am convinced that I shouldn't be. I do not have any children or plan on any in the next few years. My father says it is so I am locked into a premium. Does that really matter?
What car insurance is cheapest for teens in NC to get if theyre on their own?
I get my lisence in april and it looks like my mother isnt going to help with the car or the insurance so i need the CHEAPEST possible insurance available. I live in western NC. Any suggestions?
Insurance Help?
hello guys/girls well i just bought a car and is under my name (only). My dad haves a car also and he haves insurance on it. I was wondering if is possible for my dad too add me and my car to his insurance?
How much would my insurance cost . . .?
If I am 16 and driving a 2007 Scion TC that is completely paid for ?
How much car insurance ?
Hi, i am a 17 year old. i am wondering how much could i realistically expect to pay for insurance on a Infiniti G35.. i understand it will be high.. but i will have a job , so im trying to play with the numbers to see if i can handle it. how much would it be a month? i understand the affects i have on it. 17 sports car foriegn car Male but i have a 3.0 gpa took drivers education. apparently these raise and the others deduct. how much could i realistically expect to pay a month.""
Any cheap motor insurance company for 19yr old?
19yrs old, licence since May '05, planning to buy a Fiat Seicento Sporting (grp. 3), Bradford postcode. I know insurance below the tonne is hard to come by in my circumstances, but any help/suggestions would be be appreciated. Thanks in advance.""
""In indiana, Do i have to have insurance to drive someone elses car who has insurance?
My girlfriends mom wont let me drive their cars anymore because some retard told her that I wasnt legaly alloud to drive if i didnt have insurance even though its not my car and even if their car HAS insurance
Is it expensive to insure a honda civic for a new teen driver?
I am 16, male, 3.8 gpa, took drivers ed. Would it cost alot if the civic was new? What if I am on my parents policy?""
Car insurance in NY for a 21 year old? Please Help?
I would like to purchase a used car in NY. Im curious to know if I need to purchase the car before I get insurance or can I buy the insurance then decide what car I want. Im actually not sure what car I would like to get right now, but in NY you cannot register a car without car insurance. Also, I would like to know which insurance companies will give me the lowest quote for my age and despite me driving for years with a permit, I just recently got my driver's license. I haven't established any credit yet, because I know they look at that too but I do live on my own and im gainfully employed. Whoever gives the best answer gets 10 points. Thank You""
How much my insurance will go up?
I had an accident which totaled my car. I am 100% at fault for that accident and my car worth 15000$. I have clear driving record and no tickets in past two years. How much will my insurance go up I am paying 900$ for six months
Buying a new car on pay monthly + insurance ?
Hello, I am 17 years old. If I were to buy a new car on pay monthly (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 per month) then does this include road tax and insurance? If not, then what would it cost me in terms of insurance (I live in london, and will keep my car in a locked garage)""
Cheap car insurance companies?!?
Does anyone know of any cheap or fair priced car insurance companies? Any suggestions will help??
Whats a cheap car insurance In nj?
For a person with a new lisence thats 18 years old
If i buy a 2008 mustang what will be my insurance cost in california?
i am 18 years of age male have never gotten a ticket or never been involve in car accident have had my license since age 16 1/2
Teen license insurance?
on average, how much does a 17 year olds car insurance cost without drivers ed?""
Car insurance for short locations (2-4 days)?
I usually rent a car at Rent a Car service companies once or twice per month. The insurance they offer are somewhat expensive (im 26, never got pull-over, never had an accident). I would like to know if anyone knows of an insurance company who offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank you.""
How much do you pay for ur car insurance every month and how old are u?
I pay $83.09 every month and i am 20 years old. is that too much??, keep in mind that i never had any kind of accident or anything and i started driving when i was 15. I kinda starting to think its a waste of money if u think about it.""
How much would insurance be and oil changes?
I am thinking about buy a 2004 mustang convertible I am 16 it will be under my parents name how much would insurance be on it if it was a v6 and how much would it be for a v8 and how much would oil changes and tires be. And would a camaro of the same year would it be higher insurance or a 2004 challenger what one would be cheaper for insurance and we have the money for any but what one is cheaper for insurance and we live in nebraska in a small town
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a new driver?
I'm 23, female, and a new driver. I don't care about the quality of the insurance, I just need CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. A potential job depends on a car I'm about to get, and I need cheap insurance ASAP.""
Where should we keep car insurance papers and license plate registration?
My husband and I live in Ontario and currently share one vehicle. He insists on keeping the insurance papers and plate registration in his wallet but if I need the car I have to get them from him each time (of course, if we get stopped we can be ticketed for not having the papers). The problem is, we are both extremely busy and sometimes forget to give them back to each other and find ourselves driving without the papers. My question is, where is the best place to keep these papers (I've heard you shouldn't keep them in the car in case its stolen) AND/OR are they valid if photocopied and one of us keeps THOSE copies in our wallet? I've heard that using a true copy, whatever that is, is accepted but that some police officers won't accept them at true if you're stopped. This is becoming a real problem for us...please help!""
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life insurance quotes over 50 no exam
Anyone have experience with Western and Southern life insurance co.?
I am looking to purchase term insurance
For Massachusettes drivers-did anyone else's insurance skyrocket when the new rates came out last month?
with the new credit system my rate went up over $700 and I am not happy!!
How much insurance should I have on a 12 year old car?
Should I have full coverage or can I get by on something less?
Does getting insurance quotes ruin your credit score?
I've been going to a number of different insurance agencies but I'm wondering if them checking my credit score is pulling my rating down?
Young Drivers Insurance question?
I'm 18 years old and passed my driving test on the 30th September 2010. I don't have a car because I cant afford the insurance. I'm working full time. I found a nice little car, a 2001 RENAULT CLIO, 1.2 16V 3dr Hatchback. I used a price comparison site to get a basic idea of what the insurance would be on it - and using my real own details and it was 5993. So I messed around a bit and added my mum as a second/extra driver. The price crashed down to 3,153. The option to add another driver was still there so I added my dad too and the price is now 2,617 - much more in my price range. I called them in and was like look at this and what do you think and they both agreed that there was something wrong with it and there would be a catch somewhere but I disagree. They said it would affect their own no claims however when added a extra driver no information about an extra driver is there. Are they right that there would be a catch? And can someone give me some more information about this please! Thanks!""
Car insurance and more than one car?
I don't know much about car insurance but I do know it's pretty expensive. What if you have more than one car, would you have to buy insurance for both of them? If that's true how can anyone afford more than one car... and do they have discounts if the same family have more than one car? If you don't mind can you tell me how much you are paying for you're car insurance?""
How much would it cost for someone to drive a moped?
other than the moped and gas how much would insurance usually cost for a 17 year old going on 18 to drive a moped and what kind of license will i need to have what kind of restrictions i have a clean driving record but if it helps i am in New York State.
How much would the insurance on my car be?
I'm 18. I just got my car. and I just got my license. and I have a 2001 Hyndai. I live if Fort Myers FL... How much would it be on my own? and How much could it be under my brother in laws name that has had his license for 5 years?
VERY URGENT! Buying car insurance by telephone  heeeelp!!!!?
Hello thank you for entering in my post I'm buying an insurance for my car by phone call so far I have the best deal from a company called Admiral Tomorrow I'm going to call this insurance company back to settle the agreement I've never done a contract by phone call I believe they should obviously send me a contract by e-mail with all my details and all the details of my purchase and the details of the company  until here it's quite clear my question is: How should I pay for this contract? Should I give my debit card details by phone call? Is buying an insurance by telephone safe? Any advice according this matter will be very appreciated thank you in advance for your help
""My Car was hit while parked, do i have to involve the cops or my insurance company?
Customizing your car insurance?
I want to buy a winter-beater, something around 600 bucks. When I quote myself for insurance my monthly comes to $330 and I would assume that means full coverage. I don't want my insurance to cost a hundred times what my car is worth. If I were to customize my insurance and have the choice, what insurance options should I be choosing to bring my cost down below $200? I know it will also depend on other things like the car itself, don't give me un-necessary information, please and thanks. I live in Ontario.""
How do i get my insurance quotes lower for driving?
im 17 and i want to insure a car but every quote i get is allways about 4000 - 10000, is the any way i could get them lower on my quotes? like having another person as a driver and things like that?""
How to reduce my insurance price?
I have been trying to find insurance as I will be 17 next year and have decided on a car I would like which is a Peugeot 206 2001 y reg and every time I use a comparison site I get quoted 4 grand or it says their insurers cannot provide insurance. Please help :(
Short-term car insurance in the US?
In the following year I'm going to have several visitors coming for just a few days and I want them to be able to use my car. I'd like to know if there are companies that offer short-term car insurance.
How to get a good quote for my car insurance?
basically, i've got 1 year no claims with direct line car insurance for the past year( only 1 year driving experience). i was paying 85 for fully comprehensive, and was 24years old when applied for the insurance. i just received a letter from direct line for my renewal, and now it's gone up to 109. i was wondering what might cause it to increase, and if now am over 25years should i really inform them (if it's gonna make a difference). is it advisable to switch to another company for maybe cheaper deals?! p.s i have a vauxhall calibra year 1995""
Cheap Health Insurance...?
I need cheap health insurance just for seeing my gyn and the eye doctor twice a year or so. I had medicaid as a child *until this past bday in december (i got an extension)* i don't make much since i work fast food right now..and i'm in school...
Which motorcycle will cost me less on insurance? 2004-5 600/1000cc crotch rocket motorcylce or 2008 Ninja 250R
No motorcycle experience at all. No driving record. 21/M/Florida. Never held a driver's/motorcycle license in the US. Am about to take the MSF course though.
I'm 19 and I need cheap health insurance?
Okay, I'm 19 years old and I use to have some kind of plan with my mothers insurance but it was the kind where once I turn 18 I can no longer be on it. I really want to get insurance, but I don't know where to start. (I work only part time and can't get a full time job right now) I don't know what insurance companies are best for me or anything. I would greatly appreciate any help. Also, if I got insurance and then later found out I was pregnant what would happen? Would they cover that as well? Is there any insurance policy that covers pregnancy... if not, what could I do?""
Where can i find cheap auto insurance?
I am 18, almost 19""
Where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
First year car insurance for 17 year olds for a small car?
Has anyone recently passed there driving test and brought car insurance? If so how much did it cost and for what car? I don't want answers just saying thousands , I would like people who've recently got car insurance.""
Best life insurance questions for seniors?
67 year old male whose had heart surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants and a cpap needs term life insurance. what is the most affordable in your experience ?""
How much less will my car insurance be when I turn 25?
I know you're considered in a lower-risk age bracket so your car insurance will be less but how do insurance companies calculate this reduction?
How expensive can i expect the car insurance for this car to be?
Car insurance for a 27 year old with 3 years driving experience( that i can prove xD) on a brand new Porsche Boxster S
Regarding Auto Insurance?
Applied online to AAA for an auto insurance quote.. Currenty with Geico and AAA ssent email offering to beat the rate.. So I completed the app online nad a gal calls me back.. My GF answers the phone and she gives it to me.. So the rep from AAA asks who is living with me and if she drives.. I told her a friend and she doesnt drive, no DL for over 10 years.. So AAA tells me I have to list her on the policy even if she isnt licensed and never drives a car.. So I said No thanks and said goodbye. whats the policy on roommates having to be insured for auto insurance? Not listed on my current GEICO policy.""
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life insurance quotes over 50 no exam
0 notes
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
"Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Looking for supplemental health insurance?
my mom currenlty has health insurance through her job, but of course, the health insurance company does not pay for everything of which some of the things her doctors really thinks she needs. Are there any companies that offer resonable supplemental health insurance to help pay for copays, shots, medications, etc., that her current health provider wont pay for? Also, are there any that will accept pre exisiting conditions, or do you have to be perfectly healthy to be eligible. Please help............""
Can someone else insure my car and put me as a driver?
I got a car out the dealer with my stepdads help (co signer) now I'm only 19 & I have a good job I can do my payments with no problem, the only problem is insurance is really a pain because since I'm young & I only have about 3 months with my listener my insurance costs so much a month. I was wondering if my stepdad can just open a new insurance & put me as one of the drivers. Would it be a difference on the paymets ? I'm trying to get the cheapest I can & I need help :/ & the car us under both of our names. Thank you!""
I'm tired of being an agent assistant. What other jobs can i find in the insurance industry?
I have a bachelor in marketing and i've been working as a licensed assistant to an insurance agent. I plan on working here at least another year, but I am interested in learning about other jobs in the industry since our corporate office is nearby. What are some other jobs i can look into? Just looking for ideas, thanks.""
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
How much will insurance cost? (teen driver)?
im 16 and im getting my license in a week or so and i was wondering how much will the insurance cost? im going to be driving a 2003 corolla and my parents have state farm. any help? thanks!
What insurance companies should i be looking into?
I am 17 and I am getting my license next month...im not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!""
Are Americans excited about brand new affordable 2014 health insurance plans?
Plans where you pay $610 per month premium for a plan with a deductible of $6,000 dollars before you see any insurance payments So unless you have medical costs above $6,000 you will pay everything yourself in addition to $610 a month as well Are you used to this level of sharing in the cost of your healthcare? So if you see your doctor because you think you might have the flu: $375 You buy some anti-biotic: $450 Hospital night: $6,500 per night Physician MRI: $3,750 Plus every month: $610/month""
Where do I find the group number on All kids family healthcare insurance card?
Hello, I'm filling out a student medical form for school, and it asks me for my insurance company's group number. I have All Kids healthcare insurance. Can anyone tell me where is it located?""
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
Will my insurance go up for a out of state speeding ticket? I have usaa insurance?
I was an hour away from my house in nebraska and my parents will kill me if they found out. I got a speeding ticket for going 73 in a 55 zone in iowa. I have USAA insurance. Will the rates go up? Will my parents find out?
Is there any way by which I could get National Insurance Number?
I would be having a telephonic interview with a MNC Bank for a banking profile.They asked me to provide with the National Insurance Number as I am Indian I do't have any National Insurance Number as in India normal concept is get insured personally without any involvement of Government. The only task of Government is to monitor the issues related with grievances. Could you please guide what is the appropriate answer under these conditions. Reply as early as possible. Thanks in advance.
Is it legal for insurance companies to require that you have a certain amount for personal bodily injury?
coverage before they can give you an insurance quote.
Practice Test for Life Insurance License????
Does anyone know that website that has practice exams for the Life Insurance test? We used to go to it but now forgot it.
What's the cheapest I can get car insurance for at 18?
I really want a car, but I don't know if I should wait it out, until I'm 20 and really need it. Right now, it's not a necessity, but it would help a lot. Should I just wait it out, or is there any way insurance is cheaper for an 18 year old?""
How can i get cheap car insurance?Compare website's don't work for me?
hi there i want the cheapest car insurance that you can get i have already used comparing websites but the quote's are too much! Is there any other website that can help me get them quotes get knocked down or another way to get around it?
The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is:?
In California is? A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 Thanks!""
Suspend my insurance without it lapsing?
Im having some mechanical problems with my car that Im financing, and I am too young to rent a car while its in the shop, so Im considering buying a cheap car to get me by until I can fix it. Unfortunately Im still financing the first car and want to know if there is any way to put a hold on my insurance so im not paying $200 a month to insure a car Im not driving. I will still be making the car payments but it would make it a lot easier for me to afford the repair bill if I could skip on the insurance without the bank I finance thru getting upset.""
I am looking for health insurance for my 9 year old son and i?
in the state of tennessee. any suggestions for max coverage, min cost and no hassles. we were on cigna with my wife but she is now on disability, brain cancer and cobra is killing us. thanks and merry christmas.""
Would a crown vic be much cheaper to insure than a mustang gt for an 18 year old?
I always have worked on hondas and I would like to have a car with a ford pushrod or mod motor in it and Im just concerned with insurance prices given its a v8 amd I'm 18 what would I be expecting to pay I have the money I just want to hear opinions on my options before i ask for a quote
How insurance coverage work for new a car ?
Hi, I intend to buy a car by the end of this month on the weekend (I work from Monday to Friday and do not want to skip working). I will use my old car for trade-in. And I will switch my current insurance on to the new car. Since it all will be happening on the weekend (my insurance office closed), I will have to switch the insurance on Monday. If something happen to the new car before the insurance switched (sometime before Monday), who will cover the car ? Any advice ? Thank you...""
Should I cash in my whole life insurance policy?
I purchased a whole life insurance policy about ten years ago. I know, bad decision. Now I have acquired some debt from a divorce and if I cash in the policy minus any taxes and/or fees I can wipe this debt out. I still have an SGLI policy currently for 200K and can increase this after I close the other policy. Is this a good decision?""
Insurance for two vechiles with teen driver?
getting my license very soon and I want to buy a truck for many reasons but thats not important. With gas prices going up a pickup isnt the cheapest to just drive around so I also wanted a economy car. I was gonna buy a truck for around 5 grand and put that under my moms name and rank me as a restricted driver. Then get a beater civic for like 2500 insure it under my name and I would be the primary driver, and I could use that to drive to school and around town and use the truck to haul things and such. What would I be looking at in insurance costs""
What are the risks of getting cheaper auto insurance using friends/work address?
Getting a car insured in Hoboken is very expensive ($750 for 6 months). Some of my friends use their friends address (Say Edison address) and get much cheaper quotes. What are the risks in doing this? My friend also had a claim with no problems (but it was a minor claim). Please advise?
""Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
How much does my car insurance go up after speeding ticket? ?
How much does my car insurance go up after speeding ticket? ?
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
How to approach a car insurance company to pay damages to my car?
Okay, I was involved in an accident a month ago. I was at the train station attempting to street park, I saw a car parked in the middle of the side walk and a private house driveway, I looked very carefully and no one was in the car, as I was backing up into the parking space I felt the impact on my passenger side back door, I didn't know what it was until I realized the car on the driveway had backed up into my car. The driver stated that he saw me attempting to park when he was walking to his car but he thought I saw him getting into his car, he said he was in a hurry and was late for work and I should have waited for him to get out first (he had a big ego). I never saw anyone in the car. I am the kind of person that I would have waited and then proceed. Meanwhile I only have liability coverage. My insurance company said that he was at fault- they will not pay for his damages $800. His insurance co. wont pay for mine because they said is 50 - 50 faults, my damages are $1,800 door damages estimated by the other driver claim adjuster. I dont have $1,800 to spend in fixing my car. 2005 Nissan Altima. How can I fight the other party insurance co. to pay for my damages?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month. What kind of deductable do you have? How old are you? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and if you support obamacare?""
Please I Need Help On My Car Insurance?
I just bought a car and i don't want to pay huge car insurance. Anybody care to help me out may be a recommendation of place i can get it a little bit cheap
Is there Low Cost Health Insurance for a 60 yr old?
Is there Low Cost Health Insurance for a 60 yr old? I am shopping around for health Ins. for my mother in law, is there something in California, that's not expensive. Can i get medical or something? Please help.""
Insurance Quotes vs Age Gender Income Etc?
Hi, Currently Insured through State Farm and paying $250.00 a month for Full Coverage. Im 20yrs old. I have a 2006 Chevy Silverado 2500 hd 4wd , making 40k-50k a year. Insurance is a little too much... Am i over paying?""
Cheapest saturn sky insurance for a 16 year old?
I am about to turn sixteen and i was wndering how much insurance would cost for a Saturn sky?
Is it Ok to buy insurance for me and let other people buy the car?
It is cheap to buy me insurance, so I am just wondering if I can buy the insurance and let other people to drive the car.""
Cheap full coverage insurence?
where to find cheap full coverage car insurance
$350/month for health insurance. Reasonable?
I'm trying to find better insurance plans. Is this reasonable or any better insurance? -$350/month -50% coverage for all including dental and vision -Deductable $3,000 -34 years old""
""Was in a fender bender, not my fault but I have no auto insurance...advice?""
I live in LA, California. I was hit at a gas station -- a car backed into my front left door... My car was the only one with noticeable damage. However, I have no auto insurance. I also don't have a lot of money to get either cars fixed. I don't really care to get my car fixed since it's a 92 nissan stanza about to die out on me. I just don't want to get in trouble for not having insurance...Their auto insurance has already called and sent a letter to have my insurance rep contact them to work out a deal to fix my car. They are already claiming it to be their fault.... Should I call their insurance rep and let them know that I do not want to put down a claim? Or call the guy who hit me personally and let him know I don't want to put down a claim? Could they find out that I have no insurance and figure out a way to get me in trouble? I only gave them my name, address, phone number and driver's licence number. Side note: The car is registered under my sister. Her registration and license have been suspended due to a DUI. Will they find out about this and find a way to get me/us in trouble?""
Best place to get business Insurance?
Were is the best place to get a $1 Million general liability insurance policy and a $1 million Error & Omissions policy for my company?
""My father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he""
my father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he wasnt born here on usa but he has diabetes really bad and serious, does anyine know how i can help him get medicine? some type of program maybe? or how much does the top diabetes medicines cost? i would appreciate any kind of help.""
""Which car for a 18yrs old driver, for cheap car insurance?""
Hi, I'm a 18yrs old french girl, who have my full english driving license since January. I would like to buy a car, but I would like to know which one have cheap car insurance. I already know that the car shouldnt be higher than 1.6L. I have some idea for my car like Fiat 500, Nissan Micra, but the insurance is expensive. Thank You""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Just wanted to take a poll. Per year or per month Do you live in Canada or US
What is the safest cheapest car to buy and also for cheapest insurance as a first car?
What is the safest cheapest car to buy and also for cheapest insurance as a first car?
Short term insurance company's for 9 points +?
Hi i dont live in the uk and use my car for 3-5 days every 6 weeks when im there, i did have ecar insurance for 1 month when i was there for the summer, now that i want just 3-5 days insurance they wont quote me, ive tryed tempcover and they are no good !! all the ones ive come across wont insure me because i have 9 points.. witch is typical as they say they can insure up to 8 points... so my question to you is this do you know of any short term 3-5 day car insurance comapany's that take drivers with 9 points? its stupid that 1 or 2 mistakes leads down this poor road :P""
How much would my car insurance be?
im 17yr old male i just passed my practical test and i want to buy the GOLF 1.4L which is on sale for 1,895 as a second hand car i was wondering how much my insurance would be roughly?""
""16, got a car brought for me.. can anyone help me with an insurance question?""
i'm 17 in 3 weeks.. and my parents brought me a car, it has no insurance but we need to get it back to my house. as i'm only 16, does it have to be on my parents insurance until my birthday?""
Cheap Car Insurance For 17 Year Olds Male ?
Hello .. am trying to get insured on a corsa 1.2 sxi and i am 17 years old .. ive been on go compare, moneysupermarket etc and they want 4045 grand a year with pass plus :/ can anyone help me out and get me a list of cheap insurance companys :)""
How does car insurance work with multiple drivers and one car?
My family has one car and the only one who currently drives it/has auto insurance is my dad. If my sister and I are to get our drivers licenses (and would only ever drive this one car, too) how does insurance work? Do me and my sister both have to pay insurance on that same car too? Thanks!""
How much should it cost to insure a new teen driver?
I'm 16 and my parents just put me on their insurance. I have 2000 escort and I have the basic liability coverage. I have got the good student discount too. The total came to be about $53 dollars. Is that about the average? My parents originally said it would be about $100 dollars.
If I'm on someone else car insurance am I liable?
My old boy friend put me on his car insurance so I could drive his car. We are no longer together. If he gets in an accident could I get sued? He has nothing, but I do.""
Ford Mustang V6 1997 I'm 19 about to turn 20 how much will insurance cost me?
I live in Oregon close to the city I live in a country side how much would I pay? Please help!
What will a car insurance company check?
I've just made my first claim ever for a car accident, I was rear ended at a traffic light and the other driver accepted liability immediately, however what details will their insurance company check about me? I've made the claim through my insurance but want it to be handled stress free! Thanks in advance!""
How much is a ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma?
I'm writing a paper for my law study class and was wondering how much the average ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma is? Thanks for the help!
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
Insurance or not insurance?
hi i had 4 years insurance no claims bonus last april 2011 on my car , i changed it onto a van and drove ir for a year, ... in october i was in court for handling stolen goods ... which i did not disclose to the insurance company at the time because i thought the offence was dropped as it had happened in 2009, anyway in november i had to renew farm insurance with a different company in november and they declined the renewal because of the criminal conviction,.. so i asked the company that my van was insured with for a farm quote and again was declined, i asked about the van insurance being valid and was told to inform them at the renew in april,... in april they declined to renew the van insurance because of non disclosure of criminal conviction,... and told me last years insurance was void and i would be refunded premium and not be intilted to my 5 year no claims bonus,.. two days later they decided not to refund and have gave me my 5 years no claims bonus,.. ??? as the insurance was valid and that they covered me while they knew i had a conviction and non disclosure , do they have the right to refuse me renewal and , why can i not get a quote of them for renewal, the quote i got of some one else is 3 times last years price , need advice thanks""
Do Dashboard Cameras lower your insurance rates?
Do Dashboard Cameras lower your insurance rates?
Insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 1986 iroc camaro?
I'm 16 have a 1986 iroc camaro 350ci and i live in an average neighborhood in western ny i'm a male. any insurance guestimates? I'm gonna need to be on my own plan.
Insurance costs on a Range Rover?
I'm only 14 right now but since I am a massive car fan I have already come up with a selection of cars. Most definetly euuropean though. My idea was the 3.5 litre that Land Rover had in the Range Rooney (Top Gear reference) I hear insurace is higher for SUV's and convertibles. I think a Rage Rover could be good for practicality, and even though they are slightly unreliable I was thinking put in a new engine. But I also had ideas for a used Mercedes SL hardtop (if they had any). I also like the VW beetle (original). I would think my budget would likely be $4000-5000. I just remembered I also wanted a 1997-99 Jaguar XJ long wheeelbase. So if u can please make a suggestion for a European car with 6 cylinders or more preferebly British or German and tryy adding what insurance might be pllease. Thank you.""
""I would like to buy bmw 328i 2000 and i live in Michigan, how much insurance would cost me?""
I would like to buy bmw 328i 2000 and i live in Michigan, how much insurance would cost me?""
What is the penalty if you're caught driving without insurance in California?
.....AND you cause a traffic accident? I was hit by an uninsured motorist. Just curious, what she would have to pay (not enough if you ask me!!!) or what are the penalties. Inquiring minds wanna know!!""
Insurance and pregnancy?
My husband and I are trying to get pregnant. I am on my own private insurance right now and will not get on his insurance until April 2009. If I get pregnant before then will they cover my pregnancy bills etc?
What are the chances my daughter could get good health insurance?
That's affordable? She has a few preexisting conditions. Spina Bifida (birth defect) asthma and Chiari Malformation. She only has one kidney. Right now she's receiving ...show more
What is the best life insurance company in the the USA?
what is the best life insurance company in the USA?
How much does it cost to insure a ninja 250r bike?
im 19 and would like to know how much it would cost. thanks. and what i can do to lower it
Can i get my own car insurance?
I'll be driving someone else's car which is covered under their insurance policy. Can I get my own insurance with a DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and still drive the same car)?
What is good website to find affordable health insurance?
What is good website to find affordable health insurance?
Question about car insurance?
My parents are buying me my first car soon. My question is that I currently do not have auto insurance so if I drive off the dealership back home in my new BMW, will I get in trouble if I get caught? My brother has insurance on a different car, will it work if he drives it home? Thanks!""
Cheapest car for a learner driver to insure?
my mums insurance wont insure anyone under 21 and my dads insurance want just under 3000, so i wondered which would be the cheapest car for a learner driver to insure? thanks xxx""
Peugeot 106 or 206 for first car?
Im 17 and im goin to buy a new car , wot should i choose wot will be least on insurance will there be much difference , how much on average will insurnce be in the uk , north west, any other suggestions for a car upto 800 to spend, thanks x""
Getting insurance before diagnosis?
If you think you have breast cancer and you get insurance before you ever get tested can the insurance company drop you if you are found to have cancer shortly after getting the insurance?
Am I paying too much for my home insurance?
I live in a suburb in Norcross, GA, a suburb area. My mom bought the house about 8 years ago, it is now maybe 11 years old house. We've been using Liberty Mutual since 2005, premium was $1450. I just found out that premium is now $3800. *knock on wood* my house condition is fine, not close to ocean or river. I think my mom is paying way too much, but I am not sure what should I do now. Should I call Liberty Mutual to lower it or should I look for another company? If I call, how should I ask to lower the rate? Thank you!""
Why are my wife's health insurance rates going up?
2 days after Obama signed the new health care law, my wife received and email from her health insurance company. Her monthly rates, and her deductible will be going up. Ah.. wait a minute... isn't the new health care law supposed to make health insurance more affordable????""
Do insurance companies operate on bank holidays?
I wouldn't mind getting some insurance for my moped tomorrow, but I heard its bank holiday monday...Will this stop me getting through to them?""
What is the best medical insurance for unemployed or self employed?
What is the best medical insurance for unemployed or self employed?
When doing an online insurance quote what is considered full coverage?
When you get to the end of an insurance quote where it asks about coverage what is considered full coverage? I'm not sure what to mark and how much. (like when it says comp/collision. . . .500/500) What does that mean?
Motorcycle insurance is not required in florida. But can i ride a florida motorcycle in Virginia?
I live in Florida and am planning to get a motorcycle license from Florida. But I'm probably not going to get insurance because it's my first bike in the US, and it's going to be a 600 or a liter bike. (I've in riding in another country, so i do have the experience, but that doesn't count in the US). Florida doens't require me to have motorcylce insurace, but will I be able to ride this bike occassionaly out of the state without insurance? Will I be restricted to riding within the state?""
How much would insurance for a 2000 harley sportster be in Colorado?
How much would insurance for a 2000 harley sportster be in Colorado?
""How many low information posters truly believe Obamacare's $5,0000 deductibles constitute affordable insurance?""
How can you say you have insurance when you have to pay $5,000 before it kicks in every year? A study by HealthPocket Inc. in December found that the average individual deductible for Obamacares bronze plan was $5,081 a year42 percent higher than the average deductible of $3,589 for an individually purchased plan. The deductibles on the low-cost plans are the real scandal here. The administration will surely trot out a long line of cancer patients and people with other terrible medical problems who got treatment in 2014 with coverage they werent able to buy in 2013, but there are going to be far more working poor and middle class people who still have to scrape together a decent premium after the subsidies, pay it faithfully, then get sick and go to the doctor, only to find out their policy doesnt cover anything until theyve paid a $5,000 deductible. I predict a LOT of dissatisfied lower income premium payers.""
Health Insurance Help for Visitors?
my family is visiting us in california and need medical visit. they have visitors insurance which says that we need to pay for our visit now and they will evaluate and reimburse us. do these insurances reimburse anything and everything? what is a hospital/clinic to visit for visitors around southern california? how is kaiser?
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
Should Insurance companies be forced to protect against preexisting conditions? Buy Ins after car gets stolen?
How much would that add to the insurance premium if they had to pay out for preexisting conditions? What if you totaled your new corvette and bought insurance the next day. How soon before the insurance companies went bankrupt and we had to go to the government option. (Where you would be forced to drive a Yugo in order to qualify).
What sort of car/van insurance can i get?
I have my own business and use a van and i also have 1 employee who uses another van so i need to insure both of these but i also want to get a car to use maybe once or twice a week to meet clients etc, i havent decided on what car to get yet but i am looking at something sporty, ie a bmw m3 or something similar, is there a business policy which i could take out to cover all this? i would prefer to find one similar to motor trade where i and my employee can be insured to drive anything and i pay a set cost each year,any advice will be great, thanks""
How come they want this much for car insurance??
My brothers leasing a 2013 Buick Regal GS, They want $1900 a year from him for full coverage. They want $2000 from my dad a year ONE WAY for a 2008 jeep commander v6.. Both with perfect insurance records no tickets.""
Problem with insurance?
I got in an accident that I am not in fault. Basically I was stopped at the intersection behind the red lights. A car from opposite side ran the red light hit the crossing car and the second car spin and hit my car. I have full caoverage and fixed my car with my insurance and have my insurance claim the money from the first driver insurance company. I rent a car under my coverage and also pay $500 deductable to fix my car. Now is almost a month pass and I keep calling my insurance to know if they got paid by the other insurance and requesting to pay me back for rental and the 500. My insurance is telling me that they may not be able to get ever thing they might be get only the cost of the fixing my car. What should I do? Should I sue my insurance or not?
If i have fully comprehensive insurance can I drive someone elses car? Im 18?
Basically i got a quote from admiral for about 600 for fully comp insurance on a 900cc fiat, would I then be able to drive someone elses car? As this would work out a heck of a lot cheaper than actually insuring me on the other car [3k cheaper to be exact]""
Question about car insurance.?
Hi there I bought a car that is about 100 miles away, and is in another state. I will get a ride there to pick it up. But what do I do about insurance do I get some or other temp. insurance to drive it back to my home town? or do I get insurance where I buy it? What is the procedure in this case? Thank you""
Cheap car insurance in Arizona for an 18 year old with a volkswagon beetle?
i really want a volkswagon beetle, and then one im looking at right now is a 2006 with 70,000 miles (i know, its alot but thats not what im asking you to answer on) and its a convertible. i've never had my own car, and right now im using a family member's. i dont have ANY credit, idk if that helps or not... i already know my car payments are going to be high, so i want cheap insurance, that will still cover me. i see commercials for The General and Freeway Insurance, along with Safeauto. are they good companies? i kind of checked out The General, and it wasnt as cheap as i thought it was going to be... help?!""
""Boyfriend totaled my car, i have a $500 collision deductable on my insurance?""
my boyfriend totalled my 17,000 car. the car was totally paid off and i have $500 deductable for collisions on my insurance,. he has liability on his insurance. does anyone knnow what will happen from here, since he was driving i dont know for sure what insurance covers and what i will have to pay""
How much does insurance cover?
I have blue cross shield insurance I am fourteen how much would I be for Invisalign On my bottom teeth? I got braces on my top years ago The insurance covered all of my tonsilectomy we paid nothing out of pocket.
""What Costs more, Provisional Insurance or Fully UK licence Insurance?
Every one i talk to Says provisional is more money. But i did some quotes Provisional came to 800 Full Licence came to 2000 This makes no sense as everyone I have spoken to is obviously wrong then. or am i doing something wrong
How much would insurance be on a ford ka?
I am 17 just past my driving test and was wondering round about how much it would cost for a 1998 ford ka 1.3litre engine locked in a garage at night and for social use only. I just want a rough estimate. I have been on gocompare and the prices seem ridiculously high 4,000!!! I know I will have to pay quite a lot round 2,000-2,500 but not 4,000!!! Some of my friends have cars and theres is around 2,000-3,000. thank you for any help""
How much would insurance be on these cars ( average ) 1st time driver ?
saxo vtr vw golf mk2 anybody help need a rough estimate of the insurance as these are my dream cars and wanting to kno the average insurance price, if to high i dont want to get my hopes up""
Motorcycle Accident And Insurance?
I'm in California I was involved in a single bike wreck. immediately after wards two other motorcyclists collided in a separate but close in time and distance accident to mine. Now the insurance company is coming after me to pay the bill (Metaphorically). What should I do? any suggestions?
Is there an individual health insurance plan that has bariatric coverage? ?
I need to find insurance that has the following: 1. Bariatric Coverage 2. Out of Network Coverage 3. 60-100% Out of Network Coverage per day Does anyone out there know of one that has all of these features?
Who are Insurance Suppliers?
I'm doing a sort of quick reference website and I'm lost on this topic: Who are considered Insurance Suppliers, apart from the Insurance Companies or Firms themselves..? Would appreciate so much any answers for this :)""
Do insurance companies charge more for sports cars?
Do insurance companies in the US charge more for sports cars than they do for passenger cars?
Can't find No fault insurance?
I am looking online and I can't find any site that will give me a quote on no fault auto insurance. Everyone I go to is full coverage and I don't want that. I would say I'm pretty good at finding things online but yahoo or google searches are not giving me the sites I want. Please don't be like this one guy and give me an answer that an computer operator would give me. --- answered by carbuyboy . In order to get no-fault insurance, your state has to be a no-fault state. Only a few are. Since you can't find no-fault, it looks like you don't live in one of the few no-fault states. This does not answer my question at all not even 1% of it.""
Is auto insurance less expensive in Colorado Springs than California?
I am looking to relocate from Los Angeles to Colorado Springs and just wondering if insurance over in Colorado Springs are less expensive. I mean for liability or full coverage..
How much is the average car insurance per month?
Ok so im 18 years old, i still live with my parents and im looking to get a car. SO how much would insurance be per month? I plan to get the car in my name so i am wondering if i can get the insurance in my name or will i go under my parents insurance? My parents don't have a car at the moment so if i get my own car under my name can i get insurance in my name even though im still living with them?""
What is the $$$ insurance for a yamaha bike?
a car being too expensive i wanted to buy a 5-6 grand yamaha sports bike but dont know how much insurance will be? does any one know how much it is for say 16 year old-25 years? thats the years in which ur considered a teen right and i would be classified as in there.
Car insurance...........?
Right.. my mom already has a car and is the named driver of it. I have got a ford ka and have been looking on insurance company's and it is cheaper for my mom to be the named driver of my car but for me to go on the insurance.. Can my mom own to cars or is this not possible UK only please.
How much should I expect to pay per month for auto insurance?
21 year old male with a new 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I have been involved in one minor accident (my fault) and have one traffic ticket.
Is it true that esurance car insurance are con artists?
I've had several friends and co-workers thats told me esurance car insurance are con artists...they give u a really low quote and then start charging your credit or debit card several small amounts to increase yuor policy...
""Life insurance, how much is the cost?""
for 500,000$ insurance, for my family should something happen to me. i don't want my family to get in any trouble should i be gone. where can i get some estimates?""
Can My Insurance pay to get my teeth whitin?
I don't think I spelt whitin correctly but you guys should no what i mean..& how can I find Out if my insurance or medicate pays to whitin my teeth? btw my medicate was the one that paid for my braces~
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
Cincinnati Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45203
0 notes
life of virginia insurance company phone number
"life of virginia insurance company phone number
life of virginia insurance company phone number
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""If you're arrested at 17, does your car insurance go up?""
If you're arrested at 17, does your car insurance go up?""
Can i do this with my car insurance?
am actually going to be out of the country for 6 months for some work purpose my car is just going to be sitting there in the garage during this period is it ok for me to change my car insurance from full coverage to just the basic.. is this a good move so thati could save some on my insurance can i tell my insurance the above ..or will they cause any issue because of this
Is this the only way I can get cheaper car insurance at 17?
Have my mam as the main driver on my car and add myself as a driver, my mam has 6 years no claims bonus and i've only just passed my test.""
""How can i get umbrella liability insurance,without home insurance?
I only have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG
How much would car insurance cost?
how much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old guy driving a 2006 pontiac g6 4 door 2.4 liter engine
How can I get some fast affordable dental Insurance?!?
I recently had dental visit, and after the exam, I was informed that I have to pull multiple teeth. The extractions are going to cost $2200.00. I really need to take care of this matter as soon as possible. unfortunately, I don't have dental insurance. Is it any where I can Get fast affordable dental insurance:'(""
Car accident and insurance?
I got into a car Accident the other day which, i believe, totaled my car. I was still paying on this car. I have full coverage car insurance What exactly is the whole process for this? How much will i get back? If the settlement check isnt enough, will i have to pay back the bank? Does the cost of the property damages come out of the settlement check? Anything you know will be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! thanks""
Individual insurance for person with no income and 69 year old?
69 year old, no income, not eligible for medicaid (5 year permanent residency rule). Lives with daughter. She needs to have insurance. Can she have the insurance individually (remember, she has no official income) or she can have insurance at marketplace through her daughter as a family member? Though daughter has her own insurance through her employer. what is the best way and minimum charge here? Thanks in advance!""
Insurance? what will happen?
ii was diagnosed at 17 i am 19 currently getting medical cause of my parents income and my current diagnosis brain tumor i was wondering if i worked and made my own income would it be my own or family? i am cvred under family cvrage what would happen to the insurance i live in california would i have to purchase my own insurance are there companine who would do that? i will be able tto work i have a physical disability
I need health insurance for my daughter?
I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?
How much is car insurance per month?
Can you please tell me where can I find how much is car insurance per month on all insurers? Basically I want to find the cheapest car insurance companies.
Health Insurance - 31 days after Birth?
Here is my question: Me and my wife currently have health insurance (Carrier A). Effective 6/1 I plan to get into different health insurance plan with different insurer (Carrier B). On 5/23 my son was born and as per Carrier A, I have 31 days to enroll him under my current health insurance. Since I am changing eff 6/1, will he still be covered with my current plan (even I don't add him) until I add him to the new plan? So, basically from the time he is born until he gets added to Carrier B, would he have a coverage for these 7-8 days? Thanks""
I had a little accident and I have some questions about car insurance.?
I rear ended my cousins brand new car. I have car insurance, that's not the problem. The problem is that she hasn't had car insurance for the past two months AND she doesn't have a drivers license, only a permit. When I call my insurance company to report this, are they going to ask for her information? Is there anyway to get around this? What should I do?""
Ways to check is a business has insurance?
Exactly what the title says, is it possible to check online, or anywhere else, if a business has any kind of insurance? I can't ask them at the moment, because of a legal issue, however, I would like to know if they have any kind of insurance. The business is in Illinois too, if that makes any difference.""
Where is a good and cheap place to get sr22 insurance?
Where is a good and cheap place to get sr22 insurance?
Will my insurance go up with a speeding ticket in a construction zone in tx?
i have progressive. i am 18 and got a ticket. it was 50mph for a construction zone, there were no workers present. the officer said i was going 71mph but i know i wasnt. i looked at my speedometer and it was at about 61, 62. i didnt argue with him because i know that always causes more trouble. what can i do. hire a lawyer and let him take care of it? a teacher told me i could hire one for about $40. go to court myself? pay the fine? go to defensive driving? i just dont want my mom to find out! she will kill me!:l PLEASEE HELPP!!!""
I'm have been paying for a car and insurance for 3 years but the car is not under my name and that person report a car stolen what can i do?
ai'm paying the car and insurance for 3 years and that person report the car that i have stolen the car only way to store what can i do
How much would car insurance cost for a new driver? liability.?
im bout to be able to get my car so i need to kno how much car insurance will cost for me. new driver. and liability coverage.
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
Why do hundreds of thousands die every year WITH health insurance?
Should we ban it? Isn't this the same argument as Dems use when they say 45,000 die with no health insurance? It's not because. In fact, there was a study done. Here are the results: The possibility that no one risks death by going without health insurance may be startling, but some research supports it. Richard Kronick of the University of California at San Diegos Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, an adviser to the Clinton administration, recently published the results of what may be the largest and most comprehensive analysis yet done of the effect of insurance on mortality. He used a sample of more than 600,000, and controlled not only for the standard factors, but for how long the subjects went without insurance, whether their disease was particularly amenable to early intervention, and even whether they lived in a mobile home. In test after test, he found no significantly elevated risk of death among the uninsured. See that? No elevated risk of death among the uninsured? Do some of you get that you're being played yet? I'd love to see reform, but should we concentrate on the common sense Republican solutions to bring down costs?""
What's the best site for cheap bike insurance ?
need to insurance my moped but want to make sure I get a good deal and cheap, any ideas ? thanks 
Can my father get iterm insurance ?.?
My father's DOB is 2 May 1947. he is retired from Gov job. i want to have a insurance in name of him bcoz i have two sister dependent on him . so can i get or can he get iterm plan for 20 laks for 20 years.
What is the cheapest most affordable medical insurance for me?
I am 25 , married and unemployed but my husband makes more money than the minimum so I can't get an insurance based on income need. Also, I can't be on his insurance either because then he would have to pay $300 more per month. I need an insurance though because I need to get check my thyroid function( been having serious issues) plus next year I plan on getting pregnant so I will def need an insurance. Any suggestion on what insurance will be the cheapest and most affordable for me?""
Economics // Health Insurance?
Becky works for a large grocery store that provides a health insurance program to all workers . This is an example of: a. Medicaid b. Employment-based health insurance c. Government health insurance d. A single-payer health care system
How much does Toyota Prius insurance range from?
How much does insurance cost on a Toyota Prius
life of virginia insurance company phone number
life of virginia insurance company phone number
How much is a 17 year old liability insurance for a camry 4 door in los angeles?
i need to know howmuch is basic liability for a 17 year old with a camry 4door in los angeles california.. any recomendations and i dont really feel like searching up quotes so any past experience is prefered.
I don't have car insurance on my car?
I don't pay insurance on my car. My girlfriends has insurance on her car. Is it legal for her to drive my car? or does my car have to be insured by insurance for her to drive too (i.e. because she has insurance on her car, I can drive her car legally.)""
Can an auto insurance company suspend my license?
I was hit by a woman in a parking lot. In Texas where I live, certain parking lots are no fault zones if they are private property. I was in one of these no fault zones. I was uninsured at the time. She had Uninsured Motorist Protection as part of her insurance policy. I suffered no damages to my vehicle or person. She suffered $1500 worth of vehicular damage. Her insurance company paid for her damages. I was backing out of a parking space and she came flying around the corner and messed up the entire passenger door of her car on my rear bumper. Like I said I received no damage to my vehicle since I was the one barely moving. She called the police immediately after this minor accident took place. I was not cited on the ticket I received for any accident, only for no insurance. The officer informed me verbally that the accident was my fault only because she had the right of way but that there was nothing they could do about it because of the no fault zone policy. Anyway, now her insurance company is coming after me to collect payment of the $1500 they paid for her damages. I have not agreed to pay this amount because it was a no fault zone and I don't feel I should pay for it. She should not have been going that fast in a busy parking lot with a car full of kids. Although the unofficial technicality states that I was at fault, legally no one was at fault. Her insurance company is also threatening to have my license suspended if I do not pay the amount specified. I did not think that they, as a private company, had the power to have that happen. I've never been in this situation before and need an answer as to whether or not the insurance company can do that or if its just some kind of scare tactic to jolt me into paying but really has no merit behind it. Someone please help!""
Homework / car insurance question?
I have to do a budget for the next 5 years of my life and im lost on how to get the car insurance part figured out. I have to figure out hom much i would be paying for car insurance if i was to buy a car in the future? can someone please help, i'm so lost. and plz dont just give me a website to go to, plz explain it a little. thanks""
Which company I can get cheaper health insurance?and any hospital free or cheaper?
I just moved to Schaumburg, IL. i want to buy an health insurance for my mom,and she is 49 years old. Anyone know where I can get cheaper health insurance? And also is there have any free hospital or cheaper?""
Visa debit card for rental car insurance?
I read that Visa covers the damage/loss insurance of rental car. Is that just for credit card? How about debit card? Thanks!
""16, got a car brought for me.. can anyone help me with an insurance question?""
i'm 17 in 3 weeks.. and my parents brought me a car, it has no insurance but we need to get it back to my house. as i'm only 16, does it have to be on my parents insurance until my birthday?""
Insurance quotes for subaru wrx or acura rsx?
i am 18 and have my license for 1 year , no tickets no anything good grades . Wich would cost more the rsx or the wrx , whats the price range for each a month .thanks""
Cheap V8 cars to insure?
i need a V8 powered car, must have at least 200 horsepower for college. the speed limit is 30 mph and everyone goes 50-60 mph and there are no cops ever catching speeders and people ...show more""
False County Court Claim Against Me on My Car Insurance?
Someone has put a claim in against me for damages, for an accident I know nothing about. It is from early 2010 and has been going on since then. I have been contesting it on the grounds I have not been involved in an incident, however the third party solicitors have issued County Court proceedings against me. My insurance company are saying they are putting in a defence and have provided a barrister. I am really annoyed with this as I know I haven't been in an accident. I could understand if maybe they were claiming I clipped them and I had done it without realising but they are claiming for an accident which I have no knowledge of! I have attended the Magistrate's Court hearing and although I pleaded not guilty I have been found guilty on the grounds that for the time and date of the accident I have no alibi, witness or other evidence to support my whereabouts. The other party has an independent witness who works for the same company and alleges she could recognise my car but not me as a driver. Mag court fined me and gave me 6 points on my licence. I am not working (and not in receipt of any benefits) and this CC claim amounts to 5k! How would I pay a sum like this??? Or would my insurance company pay out if I was found to be at fault ??? Please help! Where do I stand on this? Any help appreciated. Thanks!""
Car insurance for 16 yr old with mustang?
im 16 and just got a 05 mustang, and now im trying to find a cheap insurance company. I want to spend less than $275 a month, does anyone know one?""
Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC?
From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you
Health Insurance?
Will my health insurance cover going to a psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues?
""In 1000 years time, what do you think history will say about AGW?""
What do you think future historians will have to say about our time and its consequences? Based on your understanding of the subject; also what you think is our most likely response, how do you think AGW will progress over the next few centuries? Clearly there are many unknowns; just consider the changes in the last 100 years, let alone the last 1000. Chances are that there will be many developments that could never be predicted or even conceived today. Obviously answers will be highly speculative. So, just for fun then, what do you think the history of these times is likely to be? What do you think is likely to happen?""
I am 18 years old will be 19 this month I want to by a car i have 1500 saved for it and now need to save for insurance road tax etc. my main worry is the insurance ive recieved quotes of 3500 i can not afford this I WOULD ONLY LIKE TO HEAR FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN IN THIS SITUATION CAN YOU PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT QUOTES YOU RECIEVED OR HOW MUCH YOU ARE PAYING
What are the most common vehichle that is cheapest on insurance?
I'm trying to find a new vehichle but I want to know which cars are the mostly bought because they are cheaper on insurance.
""In California, does my employer have to give health insurance if i am full time?""
In California, does my employer have to give health insurance if i am full time?""
New health insurance question?
How long after health insurance policy starts can you go to the doctor? My insurance starts on 11/01/08 just wondering how long should I wait to go to the doctor for my yearly checkup?
How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?
How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?
600cc sports bike good for a beginner? gsxr600 or zx6r?
ive never ridin a motorrcycle before and im looking at getting a gsx-r600 or zx6r. Im taking the safety course which is 10 hours of riding and 5 of classes which i realize isnt a lot. I drive stick shift cars so i get the point of shifting the bike. Ive ridin a dirtbike once and quads once but i seem to be a natural on anything with a motor so im not nervous at all about getting a racing bike starting. A lot of people say a 600 is to big for a first bike but i know people that have them and say they arent that bad as long as you dont drive it like an asshole. I plan on really taking it veryyyyy easy the first summer out and not pushing anything untill i feel extremly comfortable with it. My question is should i get this for a first bike? Im not getting a 250 dont even bother with that. Ive seen the 650's which are more begginer friendly but i just feel ill outgrow that within the first year and ill lose my money by selling it and buying a 600 instead of getting the 600 in the first place
If I take out home/car insurance?
But don't declare a conviction for violence from 20yrs ago (when asked do you have any convictions ) would the insurance be void or if I declare would the quote shoot up
""I am self employed and shopping for an affordable health/dental insurance, any ideas?""
I need coverage without spending a fortune every month, no pre-existing conditions.""
What are some affordable nationwide health insurance plans in New /Hampshire?
looking for health insurance for my husband and unborn baby.
Where to find cheap car insurances and allows for monthly payment?
Where to find cheap car insurances and allows for monthly payment? I'm seeking for a real cheap car insurances that allows me to go for monthly payment. any one out there who has any answer, pls reoky to me asap, its really Urgent. thanks, guys...""
Do they let you take insurance?
hi does insurance companies in US,let you take life term insurance if you have HIV..""
life of virginia insurance company phone number
life of virginia insurance company phone number
Mr vice president my name is michael and i am in indiana. how can i afford health insurance michael?
i tried finding insurance but i can't even afford it. what can i do
Affordable Insurance for Teens?
Looking to get my first car soon and I got to pay for my own insurance and I need some help for an affordable insurance. Please and Thank You
Someone explain this auto insurance info please!!?
In Founders Insurance Company v. Munoz, decided on May 20, 2010, the Illinois Supreme Court considered the validity of an automobile insurance policy exclusion that precluded coverage for any person using the insured vehicle who did not have a reasonable belief that he or she was entitled to do so. The court concluded that the exclusion was not ambiguous, and that it was properly applied to exclude coverage for drivers who did not possess a valid drivers license, regardless of whether the driver was a named insured or a permissive user of the vehicle. The court reasoned that an average, ordinary, normal, reasonable person would understand that the exclusion applied to unlicensed drivers. The exclusion applied regardless of whether the driver had never obtained a license, or whether it had been suspended. The court held, as a matter of law, that an unlicensed driver could not have a reasonable belief that he or she was entitled to drive simply because he or she owned the vehicle or had been given the keys. can someone explain this in lamens terms please? ive had a similar situation happen to me and i would like to know how to go about handling this thank you!""
Anyone know anything about Alliance for Affordable Services ...its a health benefits program ??
I got a call about this program, and met with the representative today..everything sounds good..but I'm trying to do some research online about customer reviews and can't find ...show more""
Looking for cheap cars to insure?
Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D""
How do I get health insurance?
I am a heart transplant patient without health insurance and am on disability for 8 months. I am not able to recieve coverage from anyone and have large medical and prescription costs.
Car insurance for 16 year old?
4WD jeep wrangler 1995 16 year old female I'd like to know the geico price preferably but if you can tell me what it would cost around it'd be great!
Is my newborn covered under my insurance plan?
my baby was born on 7/2/09 and was in the NICU for 9 days. Yesterday we received a statement stating that our insurance company has not paid our claim, do they usually pay for something like this or are we responsible to pay?""
Business Insurance - Car?
Basically, I have an internet business, and Im wondering if there is a way that I can have business car insurance? I would like to know the as much as I can. I am looking at a rather fast, expensive car, that will partly be used for Business. So Im wondering if I can get a business insurance policy, and cover it on that? Anyone in the know - please help, and offer advice. Thanks.""
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
Car insurance situation.....?
one of our cars', 93 Toyota Tercel just got totalled out in a fender bender that was caused by another driver. since we only have collision insurance with AmFam on it, the other woman's company made the pay out to us (~$2K) and let us keep the car. we decided to fix the car up mechanically, and give it a bit of a face lift on the mangled front side fender, but didnt really put too much money into it. so the question is.... as we continue to drive the car, and G*d Forbid, anything similar should happen again, when we are not at fault and there's no bodily damage, just car damage, would we be able to get the other insurance company to pay for the car repairs? or will they say, well, you already had it totalled out once, we're not gotta give you $ to fix a car that not worth much... or how does this work? anyone have any experience with this? anyone here an insurance adjuster? thanks in advance""
How much does moped insurance usually cost?(for new owner and ped)?
How much does moped insurance usually cost?(for new owner and ped)?
Does state farm insurance cover rental cars if you car gets stolen?
I do have full coverage on the car that was stolen ,but does rental coverage come standard on full coverage insurance?""
Car insurance rough estimate?
55 years old, recent drink driving conviction, Mazda sports car worth < 2K.""
Aren't the only people that will get affordable insurance out of Obamacare the ones getting a free ride?
Aren't the only people that will get affordable insurance out of Obamacare the ones getting a free ride?
How much would insurance be?
How much money would it be to add someone to my insurance, for farmers?""
Is insurance for a V6 going to be automatically higher than a 4cyl?
Getting an Audi A4. The 1.8t (4 cycl) is the same cost as my insurance now. I found a 2.8t (v6) that I liked better though, and did not ask if that would cost more... Think it would kill my insurance?""
Is there a fine (other than the $25 correction fee) for a ticket for driving without insurance in California?
Is there a fine (other than the $25 correction fee) for a ticket for driving without insurance in California? I will have insurance on Monday when i go to take care of the ticket and hopefully just have it signed off. I was told by the ticketing officer that it was a fix-it ticket. So, will current insurance and the $25 fee be all i will owe, or are there any other fines or fees i should expect?""
How do people with preexisting conditions get affordable health insurance in America?
How do people with preexisting conditions get affordable health insurance in America?
Insurance and tax for a corsa?
im looking at buying a 06 (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V SXi 5dr for a 1st time car and was wondering how much would insurance, tax and a MOT usually cost for this kind of car?""
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
Is There Any Way(s) Of Lowering Your Insurance Rate?
So I Have Two Tickets For Speeding Offenses, But I Don't Want The Insurance Company To Charge Higher Rates. I Hear The ONLY Way To Lower Insurance IsTime, About 3 Years! Some Help Or Suggestions Would Be Greatly Appreciated""
How much do you pay for car insurance in Hawaii?
I have an 06 Toyota Prius and I pay around $450 a month in car insurance. I live on Maui. Is this normal?
Home Owner's Insurance?
I asked this a while ago, but I didn't word it right... If I stepped off a rafter and accidentally fell through the ceiling at my house, would my home owner's insurance cover the hole in the ceiling?""
Could a part time employee afford to pay for car insurance on his own ?
Here's a sinario for you, I'm 17 with my g2. I took drivers Ed and defenseless driving courses. I own a car that is a mazda 3 2008 hatchback. I park my car in my driveway, it has an alarm system. i have a part time job that pays approx 1,000$ a month. Could I afford the car and insurance? Should I buy another sort of car ? Please help with full out detail on what I should do with this sinario""
life of virginia insurance company phone number
life of virginia insurance company phone number
What company should my son contact for affordable health insurance in the state of Virginia?
What company should my son contact for affordable health insurance in the state of Virginia?
Which is a reputable life insurance company to get whole life insurance without a physical exam.?
Can you name a few companies where I can take out a life insurance policy against myself, my husband without take a lenthly physical exam.""
""I've just passed my driving test, anyone know any cheap insurance companies?""
I'm 17 and female, I own an 04 fiat punto. Does anyone know of some good insurance prices? Thanks""
Does car insurance depend on how much miles you drive?
will my car insurance be cheaper if i chose less miles on my insurance quote and how does the insurance company know how much miles i drive
Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui?
I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go?
Car insurance more expensive for younger drivers?
In the UK we have a little piece of legislation under the European Convention on Human Rights, which gives us freedom from discrimination. I know that a lot of young drivers are inexperienced and more eager on the roads, but what about the careful ones? Is it not a form of stereotypical discrimination for car insurance companies to charge more for younger drivers, and older ones for that matter?""
Good car choices for new driver in terms of insurance costs.?
I am wondering what are the best cars for young drivers in terms of insurance costs, I have looked around and allot of people suggest Citroen C2 and Fiat Punto Grande.I don't really like the look of Citroen C2 (looks ugly in my opinion) but Punto isn't that bad. I am kinda into Alfa Romeo Mito and it's my first choice at the moment but isn't the cheapest option in terms of insurance... (even the base model). So I am wondering what are other decent options available , or what some of you new drivers are driving :). Thanks!""
Whats the website for high school sports insurance?
They use to give the application on paper but now it's online, I forgot the website, what is the website for it?""
Is car insurance a waste of money?
I need to get car insurance but I feel like its a waste of money. I am going to pay them monthly and if I happen to get into an accident I will still have to pay them something. I figure that if I can take the money I am going to pay them and put it aside for an emergency it would be a better use of money. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do? Any liability insurance that really cheap, speaking around 100 a month maybe? lol""
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
How can I get health insurance with diabetes?
My boyfriend has Type 1 diabetes and just lost his job (and health insurance). We have been looking around for other health insurance, but basically no one will cover him because he takes insulin. If he continued with his job's health plan it would increase to over $500 a month! Our U.S. health care system sucks!! Do you know of any health care providers who would cover this?""
Does anyone know this car insurance joke?
I heard a car insurance joke a while back it started with a lot of cussing and then at the end of it it said something like something something something I just saved money by switching my car insurance to GEICO or something like that can someone please tell me the joke if you know it? I wanna send it to a friend :)
Advice on cheap car insurance ? UK?
hello i am a 17 year old who is currently learning to drive and hoping to buy a car afterwards, however insurance is very expensive and am seeking advice on how to get cheap car insurance, E.G. what car to buy, where to look etc.""
Do most parents pay for their children's car insurance?
Ok, don't rant at me, I'm asking this question innocently. Basically, I want to know if it's common for parents to pay for their children's car insurance (I'm thinking of those 17, 18, 19, etc. who just passed their test and haven't moved out), or if the child is usually made to pay it themselves? I don't know if part time jobs will cover the cost or what (especially as I imagine they will usually pay for their own petrol), but 3000 a year does seem quite a bit for a teenager to be able to afford. And seems like more and more youngsters are getting cars... I don't think I would expect my parents to pay for mine when I pass my test, but then again I don't know how I'd be able to afford it myself either... So I'm looking for some insight on the topic.""
""Liability insurance,does it cover damages to to break-in?
does liability insurance cover the cost of replacing key-switch and ignition turner when vehicle was broken into by vandals.I have full coverage on one vehicle and just liability on other.does it include cost of parts and labor for mechanic to replace?
Why do I have to pay to insure other people's children?
I have little compassion for those that say they cannot afford to insure their children. #1 - don't have children if you can't afford them; then don't expect me to pay for the ones you can't afford. #2 - it doesn't cost that much to insure a child; part of a parents responsibility is to sacrafice for the sake of their children. Case in point - I have an acquaintance whose parents both worked and they made just above the cut-off for getting government help for insurance. What did they do? They went out and bought 2 brand new motorcycles, helmets, chaps, gloves and boots, so they could take their little darling on wonderful family outings. That money would have went a long way to insuring them, huh? Am I unreasonable?""
Car Insurance Fraud - Please advice?
I am trying to get a new car insurance with progressive. They asked me if I had any citations recently (last 3 yrs) and I said no which is not true becuase I just got a citation. My citation was for going 10 miles over the limit. They did ask me for all of my info such as ssn and driver lic #. I am assuming they checked out my records. They gave me a very low quote considering my driving history. Is it car insurance fraud if I didn't tell them about my citations? Could I be dropped? Please advice.
Car Insurance for teens.?
What car insurance will give a 15 year old car insurance for a sports car?
""On average, how much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old male?""
Dear reader I am a 17 year old male. I am searching for car insurance once I get my driver's license I will be required to pay for my own car insurance. I want to get an average cost (monthly) for someone my age- regardless of the company I am not sure what factors play into a policy's amount- however, if it does matter, I am a straight A student with a 4.2 GPA (scale of 4.0)- I have never been convicted, nor prosecuted for a felony or anything of that sort. To sum up, I am quite responsible for a male my age. Please do not be rude in your responses I appreciate your help PS. the car that I would be driving is a Toyota Camry 2005 (all paid for). I also live in the state of MD""
Do cheaper old cars make insurance higher?
Ive been looking up cheap old cars such as 1995 peugeot 106 the insurance is still over 2000! is it because im looking at cars that cost 400? Im looking for a really cheap car to buy and has the average insurance price any suggestions ?
NY DMV - Are you supposed to buy car insurance first or register the car?
The DMV's web site says that I need proof of insurance to register my new (used) car. At the same time Progressive wont sell me insurance because the car does not seem to be owned by me. Any help guys?
Can my husband's employer to force him to pay for and enroll in company's insurance plan?
My husband received a letter from their corporate office stating that in 2014 all employees will have to enroll and pay premiums for health insurance on their plan and that if they ...show more
Do I need horse insurance?
Do I really need horse insurance on a horse that I am leasing for more than half the year. I am going to lease a horse from out of state next September to about June. He is a 8 year old chenut gelding thoroughbred. He will be moved from a farm out of state to a boarding facility closer to me. He doesn't have any health problems but can become stiff after work. Do I need insurance just in case something were to happen to him if so what are some good companies.
Would zero demerit points mean that my insurance rates wont be effected?
In terms of my driving record, etc?""
I heard that there is a car insurance where you only pay $50 one time, no monthly payments, but you get absolutely NO coverage, so if you're in an accident you are basically screwed. it is a legal insurance if a cop pulls you over and check your insurance it comes up fine. Maybe there are other ones that range in fees? Either way does anyone know any companies that do THE ONE TIME FEE .... IT IS TO PURCHASE JUST THE INSURANCE CARD. BUT PASSES CLEAN LIKE YOU ARE COVERED. please help?""
life of virginia insurance company phone number
life of virginia insurance company phone number
0 notes
Driver’s Test Insurance?
"Driver's Test Insurance?
Im going to take the driver's test next month but have no insurance. The car is under my dad's name and is insured under his name. Can I use his car and insurance for the test or do I have to get my own insurance for it?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance: Can i??????
Can i start my own insurance company and insure my own car and thats it?
Insurance Fraud?
About a year ago at this time, I was involved in a car accident where I was turning left onto a 2lane road (stop signs, MY turn) and this girl was turning right onto the same road. She tried to beat me and get in my lane. She ran into my car. Long story short, her fault, no questions asked, even says so on the police report. I filed a report and claim with my insurance co. to get $$ to fix my car. I got the $$ and fixed my car. Well, I was trying to chance insurance co. the other day when I found out that apparently this lady called my ins. company claiming to be my 'mom' admitting fault to the accident. I was 19 at the time, and this was at MY college. So now, it's gone on my record as my fault. Now, I just faxed the insurance co. the report, and they are going to investiage because this girl committed serious fraud. What's going to happen from here on out, legal wise and prosecution wise for her?""
Where can I find out about my health insurance?
My school said that if I drop courses making me a part time student, it could affect my health insurance. How do I find out about my health insurance?""
How much will a no insurance and no registration ticket in California cost you also car is in the impound?
How much will a no insurance and no registration ticket in California cost you also car is in the impound?
How much money can i get from a car accident?? it was not my fault?
i was in a car accident. the other driver crashed into me & did a hit and run. i was in the car with my g.f . my g.f ended up with back pains & neck pains. i ended up with two broken fingers & a cast in my left hand. in addition i had back pains too. it appears that the driver that hit me was d.u.i and did a hit and run and got caught. after that, the insurance from the driver salvaged my car. just paid me what is was worth 3k. ive been going to therapy for 2 months now with my g.f. i spend about 500-600 in medical bills. i was off work 3 months. im 21 years old and i live in the state of california. i have an attorney working on my case. so how much can i get from the insurance company and my g.f ????""
Would abortion be commonplace and covered by insurance if men got pregnant?
I think it would be.
Where can i buy cheap insurance for 13 years olds in Atlanta?
I Have a 13yr old and i need to get Cheap insurance for him to play.
Car insurance for teens... cost?!?
im 17 years old and im getting a miata 93. how much will insurance cost be around. by the way i have good grades
Affordable medical plan for newborns?
i know there is WIC to cover if dont make enough money to pay for alot of food besides the bills, and the childs shots are covered through the pregnancy medicaid (if you have it) for ...show more""
""I had a dui 4 years ago, i am not a resident in NC and looking for cheaper auto insurance?""
4 years ago i had a dui, now i am in NC and looking for car insurance that will be cheaper than expensive lol, eventho i have a dui""
""I got a speeding ticket in Indiana, but I live in California?""
I plan on paying the ticket (Indiana court told me to send $138), but I want to know if I need to go to traffic school? If not, does a record go on my California license and my insurance would go up?""
Car insurance (Nissan)?
am 17 and getting a 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? About how much will the insurance be? oh and its my [first] car.
What is the insurance company here in Los Angeles?
That has hospital, prescription,medical of any kind , office visits,ambulances, dental, with a deductable and monthy premiums that are not too high.""
How much will it cost....?
I live in Hemet , Southern California. I have a 9 month old son. He will be nursed until 24 months, However, he does eat some solid foods. I my boyfriend and I rent an appartment for $750- How much would our monthly income need to be to support our family? How much is utilities in my area? How much do you spend on gas? How much is car insurance? How much is it to get my car smoged? How much are monthly groceries? What other bills am I missing? Please help!""
How much does it cost to replace an in-dash navigation system and does insurance cover it?
So here's the story. I was driving in my 2012 Honda Civic today and got angry and punched my navigation system (I know. It was unbelievably stupid. I know.) Anyway, the screen is shattered now, but the system still works. I called up a Honda dealer who said it would cost $3600 not including parts and labor. When I search online, the navigation systems seems to cost between $250 and $700. So what I want to know is, how much should I expect to pay to get this fixed. How long does it take? Will my insurance cover it? If my insurance covers it, will my rates change? Is the dealer the best way to get it fixed? I'm also under my warranty still, is there any way this is covered in my warranty?""
Teenage Boy Car Insurance.?
My 17yrs old son is about to pass his driving exam and then go through the pass plus test too. We were looking to buy him a cheep second hand car for about 500 but when it came to insurance we have been repeatedly quoted around the 3500 mark for third party. Does anyone know where I can get cheep insurance for a boy?
Monthly car insurance?
I need to find the cheapest car insurance for one month of coverage. I am working to get my car re-registered after being salvaged, so I don't have a lot of money to spend on car insurance this month. Since I live in CA and need to drive the car to get inspected, it needs insurance. All of the places I've checked have monthly rates, but I have to put a lot down and I can't afford it. Please advise.""
Can a health insurance company decline your request to cancel?
Here's the situation: I've had health insurance for the past few years through Nationwide, which is/was provided by my employer. The cost is taken out of my check every week. I received a letter from my employer last December stating that I did not have to change anything in regards to the Affordable Health Care Act. Two months later, I received a letter from my insurance company saying that I have inadequate coverage and need to visit healthcare.gov to find different coverage. I found new coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield through healthcare.gov (I was planning on going BCBS anyway). I asked the woman who I spoke with when I should cancel my previous insurance benefits. She replied Wait a couple of weeks until you get all of your new information from BCBS . Here's where the issue comes in. When I contacted Nationwide (my previous insurance company) to cancel they said I had to fill out and send back a form. Basically, the form asked why I was cancelling. Go figure there was no option for them not having the correct benefits. Anyway, I sent that back and proof of my new policy (they wanted the effective date) Nationwide DENIED my request to cancel stating that I only had 30 days from the time my new coverage began to inform them. Even though their coverage doesn't meet the AHCA requirements, I cannot cancel until my company's open enrollment (December) Can they legally decline my cancellation request?""
How can I get cheaper car insurance as first time driver?
I am 27 years old and have postponed my driving up until now. My driving instructor told me that I am ready to take my test, so I am starting to look at the prospects of a car. I checked online using Go Compare and I can't find anything under 1800 for a Fiesta 1.2 What I was wondering is what will be taken into consideration regarding insurance. Should I perhaps do it by phone? Will my age help... Any advice is more than welcome. I know the first year is hard, but perhaps there is a way to make it a bit easier. I am doing the pass plus and I added to the search to have an excess of 500. Please help out with some advice. Thanks. Vince""
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
Another car insurance question to British drivers!?
My brother's car was written off yesterday [was the other party's fault]. He was told today the car wasn't redeemable so that's that! So he is waiting to see how much they are going to pay him for the loss, but the question is does he have to keep paying full comprehensive insurance when he no longer has a car to drive? Can he now pay a reduced rate until the insurance is sorted out? It seems unfair to continue paying out for fully comp insurance when there is no car to insure!""
What happens if you dont pay the insurance company?
i got in a car accident with no insurance. (I ALREADY KNOW. PLEASE DONT TELL ME IT WAS IRRESPONSIBLE/DUMB) and i hit two cars. total damages for btoh cars comes to about 6 grand. im 19 and working part time, making probably 400-500 bucks a month. one insurance company wants like 500 down and 200 dollar pamynets a month. i dont know about the other company. one of my friends mothers just says to not do anything. to just call them and say pretty much that im young, and dont have any possible way to pay this so there isnt anyway i can make payments. and she said that they wont really do anythign about it, because if they tried suing me, it would just cost even more money for them and stuff like that. what would happen if i just dont really pay it? any alternatives at all? because like i said, i only called one company. if the other company is anything like this one, thats 1000-1500 dollars down payment, and 300-600 bucks a month to pay these guys off!!!""
""Car accident, insurance and no insurance, what happens?""
So I got into a car accident, both cars totalled. I have insurance for the car and the other person does not have insurance, what happens? thanks""
How much would I pay for my yearly motorcycle insurance?
Thank you for your time. I am a 18 year old freshman university student living in Canada and I am really interested in buying a new motorcycle. I recently got my M1 and I will be going for my M2 next, so I am still kinda inexperienced. I looked at a few motorcycle websites and a couple of them read that motorcycle insurance is affected by age, experience, driving record, bike engine, etc. I figured that a medium sized engine probably wouldn't cost too much so I looked at a bike with 600cc. I am not worried about the initial cost of the bike since my scholarship money out-pays my tuition and housing by an excess of $4000. Also, I have had no history of accidents in cars or anything. I was wondering, based on my history and my status, what would be a good approximation of the yearly insurance I would have to pay given that I am a student and I am looking at a 600cc bike? Any input is appreciated.""
Motorcycle insurance cost?
I am 17 years old and I live in CT. I am getting a street bike. How much would insurance cost a year/month?
Driver's Test Insurance?
Im going to take the driver's test next month but have no insurance. The car is under my dad's name and is insured under his name. Can I use his car and insurance for the test or do I have to get my own insurance for it?
I'm pregnant. Can I use my boyfriends insurance?
I am only 6 weeks pregnant and we aren't married yet. I was wondering if there was a way I can use my boyfriends insurance (Kaiser) for doctor visits and child birth. I have heard that we may have to add me on his as a domestic partner, is this right? And does Kaiser add domestic partners on a members plan? Any advice would help.""
Insurance rates after one accident?
On the average how much would the insurance go up for one at fault accident, just an average.""
I am new to car insurance so this may sound simple.?
If I have fully comp insurance on my car , can any person with a current driving licence and, with my permission drive my car? Or must they have some form of personal car insurance to cover them or be a named driver, Thanks miguel""
Insurance males/females?
I saw it here and did not believe it. An answer stated that now some states cannot charge more for males (for car insurance) than they do females. Does this also apply to health insurance? Why only some states? Anything would be helpful.
How much do braces cost WITH insurance?
i really only need them for my top teeth thats all and i was wondering how much that would cost with insurance.?
Do you think that the government should require that people buy health insurances like car insurance?
Car insurance is mandatory and everyone must have it, who owns vehicles. Do you think government should require us to buy health insurances?""
The course of insurance and risk management deals with what?
Works as who?
What health insurance can i apply for?
i'm a stay at home mom and my husband is self employed. so we can't get insurance through work. blue cross keeps denying me. what other affordable health insurance can i apply for?
Why are the big insurance companies so much cheaper?
I am getting off my parents auto insurance and getting my own. The Quote from the agent my parents use who is local to the area was nearly two hundred dollars more per year than the quote i got from progressive. Is there a reason to use a local company? he tried to sell me on customer service but i only deal with my insurance company maybe once or twice a year so i'm not sure that its worth $200 to me. Is there a reason to use a local company?
What is the best type of insurance to buy term or Variable Universal Life? Why?
What is the best type of insurance to buy term or Variable Universal Life? Why?
How much is boat insurance?
I am going to liveaboard a 29ft sailing boat worth about 35000 purely based in a local marina. I need 2M worth of public liability insurance, any idea on the cost of an annual policy?Thanks in advance.""
What can car insurance sue me for?
About a month ago I was involved in a fender bender. I don't have insurance and I let the guy know that. He told me just to pay his deductable for the damages and we'd be done. He wouldn't report it to insurance or come after me for any damages. I paid him the $ for his deductable and didn't hear anything for a few weeks. Today I got a call from his insurance company claiming that they are coming after me for full damages. All of this after I paid him what he wanted. They are threatening to sue me for my car. My car is worth a lot more than the damages were to his. Can they do this? I'm not sure where to go from here.
Health insurance and vehicle insurance in U.S.?
Hi, I have heard that in U.S. getting health insurance and your vehicle insurance is mandatory and not your option/choice. Is that true? If yes, what is the rationale behind government enforcing this on citizens? Thanks
What is an average rate of insurance for a 2004 Saab 9-3 Arc convertible?
I heard that insurance is expensive for a convertible. I was just wondering if someone could tell me an average price to insure this car?!?!?!
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
Do you usually get better quotes on car insurance if you call a local office?
Like as opposed to doing a quote online?
Insurance for the baby?
Before you judge, I have a license, car, job, and apartment and am stable with income. I'm 17, and will be 18 by the time the baby is born, and I am covered under my fathers insurance which was established 17 years ago through my fathers work. Its Cigna PPO. Since then my father has been layed off because the plant closed down. He still has the insurance from his work and does not pay the huge bill because it was covered by his work. Now I'm Pregnant and, I'm trying to understand how insurance works. The baby cannot be added to this insurance because It has already been established. I know this for sure because my brother, 22 and unmarried, had a child in November and his child could not be added to our insurance plan. So will you please help me find insurances, Private insurances not state? Also can the baby be by itself or must it be with it's father or mother, me, on a plan?""
""If someone, such as my sister, borrows my car and gets a ticket, will MY car insurance rates go up?""
This hasn't happened yet, but I am afraid it will. Yes, she speeds, but hasn't gotten caught yet. While she is insured to drive under my parent's plan, this car and my insurance are on a completely separate plan altogether.""
Insurance by zip code?
We are relocating in the MA, RI area. I was told that insurance differs a lot based on the zip code you live in. Where can I find the comarison for which zip code would be better for insurance in this area? I have googled in various ways but all the links point to insurance quotes for a specific zip code. What I want is the coparison between different zipcodes.""
Cheapest car insurance provider for a 23 year old?
I am 23 year old and had no claims up until last year when i had a little bump and now the quotes are terrible for even a little 1litre. does anyone know of realistically priced insurance company's for younger drivers? thanks for the help.
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
I recently turned 18 and saved up enough money for a ninja 250. how much would insurance for this cost in michigan
Life Insurance - Can I insure my mom?
I am 34 years old. My mom is in her late 60's and in good health. Can I get a life insurance policy on her and collect on it when she passes? I can't imagine this being so - how could insurance companies stay in business if it were this easy? The monthly rates that I'm seeing seem to good to be true - I'd be stupid to not do it. I'm thinking I must be missing something. Is life insurance only for accidental death? Thank you.
Replace Old Car Insurance or Go With a New Policy?
I just bought a new car and quoted Progressive about replacing my old car with the new one, seeing how much a difference the premium would be. It got a little high, to say the least. When I tried just going through adding a new vehicle alongside the old one, the premium was about what I paid on the old vehicle originally, only with comprehensive and collision added. My question is, should I go with a completely different company rather than Progressive, let the old car insurance expire, and just get on a better rate elsewhere for new policy holders? I'd appreciate any help.""
How much does it cost to insure a first car in the UK?
I don't want a super fast car, just a banger to get me around, I was thinking Ford Ka or a 1960's mini, also if it's used does that effect insurance? And any hidden costs that I should know about? And does having an old car make it cheaper or more expensive to run? Also any hints tips or suggestions would be very welcome, thank you. :)""
Do i need insurance to leave my car parked on the street?
Its got tax and mot but if its not being driven, just parked outside do i need insurance for it? A neighbour told me someone else in the street got towed away as there was no insurance on it.""
Driver's Test Insurance?
Im going to take the driver's test next month but have no insurance. The car is under my dad's name and is insured under his name. Can I use his car and insurance for the test or do I have to get my own insurance for it?
""Im 17 how much would insurance be for an an Infinity QX56 2013? Its fully loaded and costs $80,470.?
I want one so bad!
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
""Does anybody know of the cheapest car insurance company in Hamilton, Ontario?""
Getting car insurance these days is getting ridiculous...I've gotten quotes for $500, etc. but there has to be something cheaper out there. I'm getting an old car, so just basic insurance would be fine, so I can legally drive. Does anybody know of the cheapest car insurance company in Hamilton, Ontario?""
Can i put insurance on a old mobile home ?
I have a 84' model mobile home but i paid to have it remodeled so it's very nice on the inside. Well i want to rent it out so i want to put insurance on it in case a fire or etc. happens to it while it's being rented out . But can i put insurance on a mobile home that old ? and can i put as much as i want or does the insurance only cover how much it's worth ?
Getting new car insurance quotes and don't know if it is my claim or not.?
I was in an accident about 4 years ago. I rear-ended someone and wrote the van off, however my parents didn't use insurance to get a new car and the SUV I hit had no damage. I did report it and their insurance is aware of it. I also was not charged with anything although the police did show up because it was on a busy street. It was a 4 car pile up I happened to be at the back of. My question is that the accident was under my parents insurance and I am now looking for car insurance quotes and am unsure if this claim is considered mine or my parents. Any help would be appreciated""
All young adults pay attention...what's the cheapest yet best car insurance you have found?
I'm 19, dad wants me to buy my own car get my own insurance etc. Any pointers?""
Do any insurance companies for motorcycles....?
Do any insurance companies for motorcycles offer a month by month payment plan?
Term Life Insurance at age 21?
I am 21 and I was wondering if I should purchase a $1,000,000 term life insurance policy through USAA. I received a quote for $42.19 (and an additional $11.66 for waiver of disability) and the premium is guaranteed for 30 years. Do I need this policy at my age? Also, should I get the Waiver of Disability for $11.66 more per month? All answers are appreciated!""
""Know any good, cheap restaurant insurance companies?""
My parents want to open up a restaurant, and so they need restaurant insurance. Would any of you happen to know any good, but cheap restaurant insurance companies? He's looking for a price around 2,600 to 2,800 dollars for the cost.""
Where can i get the cheapest auto-insurance?
i just want my 2011 camaro covered, not me or anyone else. im 31. no tickets or anything, clean record""
""50% fault accident, but my insurance did not need to pay. Will my rate be affected?""
I was recently involved into an accident in a mall parking lot. My car was damaged and the other driver's car was not. I filed a claim with their insurance and received 50% of my claim as they determined comparable negligence, 50% fault . The other driver did not file a claim, and my insurance company did not pay any money to anyone. Will my rate be affected by this accident?""
How do you get flood insurance from the NFIP?
I already live in a community that enforces the floodplain management ordinances, but how do I get the insurance?""
What are insurance premiums?
I received a letter in the mail saying they will pay me back my insurance premiums.. Is it cash or what? I have no idea what they are...
Health insurance for green card holders?
My father in law is a green card holder for 3 years and just turned 65. I don't think he's eligible for Medicaid but would he be eligible for medi-Cal benefits (he's a california resident)? Any recommendations on where to get reasonable insurance policy?
How much is my car worth?
I just totaled my 2003 nissan sentra gxe. I have full coverage insurance and was wondering how much I should expect the insurance company to give me for the car? I looked on kelley blue book website but I am not sure if it should be considered private party value or trade-in value. It was in excellent condition prior to the crash.
Violations that show up on insurance quotes in nj?
About 2 years ago i got a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. I went to court and they knocked it down to something so i wouldn't get any point and just pay a fine. I don't remember what they knocked it down to. But why is it still a concern on my auto insurance. I didn't get any points so should it matter?
Licence and Insurance?
im 17 years old and i have my probationary quebec licence. I am insured on the car and am able to drive it alone but with 4 points and 0 alcohol tolerance. Would i be able to drive in the USA with my licence? but i would have to get insured with an american company. any idea how much that would cost? thanks
""If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
What's your monthly car payment? And Insurance?
I'm interested to see what people pay for their cars and car insurance compared to me. I'm a single 28 year old female living in a city. (RI) I pay $282 for a new Jetta lease and insurance is $157 per month. Just seeing if this is the average.... I'm also moving to NY suburbs and am considering changing my insurance, anyone know if I can do this if I own a home in RI still? RI has month to month sales tax, but has higher insurace premiums and NY wants sales tax up front, but NY suburbs insurance costs half as much as what I pay now. I wonder if its worth it to switch states???""
Question about car insurance?
Passed my test today!! :D Was wondering what kind of insurance prices people started paying. I want either a ford ka (Been quoted like 2,000) or a Peugeot 207 or something like that. Just wanted to know what other people pay for there car when they first passed?""
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for over 50s?
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for over 50s?
Whose insurance will be raised?
A couple weeks ago I let my grand daughter borrow my car to run up to the store for me. While she was gone, she was in a car accident in the parking lot of HyVee. She gave my insurance because she was in my car. Will my insurance be raised, or will her's? We have different insurance companies.""
Why does Health Insurance have so many deductibles?
I am not complaining because I have really great insurance, just wondering why there is a deductible for everything? I mean you pay for the insurance every month, plus I have a deductible for dr visits, one for prescriptions, one for dental etc. So just wondering why so many? My dr deductibles are $300 a person, but my prescription deductible is $150 which I will probably never meet cause I am on no meds and rarely go to the dr for a sick visit. So why so expensive? Thanks in advance!""
Are we covered with liability insurance?
if we got in a car accident no 2nd party or whatever its just us 3 in the car 2 of us got sent to the hospital .. the driver that was at fault only has liability insurance .. are we covered with the medical expenses? like if we file a complaint to their insurance can they do something about it since we goin to need therapy and such?
'occasional driver' Car insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and I'll be heading off to college in the fall and so won't be home very often. However when I am home I'd like to be insured on my dads car. I don't see the point in having to pay the same price for car insurance as someone who drives almost daily, so I wanted to know if there was a type of car insurance for the 'occasional' driver. I'll only be home on vacations, and even then I won't be driving all the time, but I really need a car insurance for when I do drive, mostly summers.""
Driver's Test Insurance?
Im going to take the driver's test next month but have no insurance. The car is under my dad's name and is insured under his name. Can I use his car and insurance for the test or do I have to get my own insurance for it?
How much will my insurance cost?
how much will insurance cost if i'm 17 a girl and driving a 2002 mustang?
Why is car insurance so high?
the guy who made young drivers insurance so High should be dragged out in public and shot in front of his family!
How much does a car cost for a 17 year old?
The cheapest thing the moves from A to B reliably. I already know about gas and insurance, how much would the car itself cost, used whatever. I live in washington state.""
Best and cheapest car insurance?
im 39 yrs old and got a new civic hybrid 2010 and my husband car is a 2001 BmW330
""Best insurance business (All State, Farmers or State Farm)?""
I am seriously considering becoming an insurance agent for State Farm, Farmers or All State, but I don't know which company is the best choice for me, I am bilingual in Spanish, so I am looking for a company that is going after the Hispanic Market. I have heard some bad things about Farmers, so my decision might be State Farm or All State. Nationwide is doing a great advertising campaing in the Spanish market, does anybody know if they offer agency jobs. I am open to other suggestions. Any help/Suggestions is very much appreciated. Gracias""
I NEED legal help...(home owners insurance will not pay for this why?)?
I am posting this on behalf of my mother in law. She has a car that was damaged at her sisters house (my mother-in-law lived with her sister) during the wind storm Cincinnati had last year. My mother had the car parked in the driveway and a tree fell on it and totalled the car. But guess what would have not been a problem if she had Car insurance on it but at the time she was in between insurance companys but she did not drive the car at the time anyway. So now she has found out she has GAP so I did the claim and they said that they can give her 5000 (hopefully) toward the loan. She went to the home owners insurance and they said they wont pay. If it was her sisters car they would have though. I am really not sure but it doesnt sound right to me. If that tree would have hit a person but not her sister would they have had to pay? That just doesn't make since to me because my mother-in-law lived in the house aswell. Can someone help me.
What insurance would a 1985 monte carlo get?
I don't own this car yet but i want to when i get my driving licence depending on how much the insurance is, if not I'll get a 1972 model""
Can you drive any car with the COOP's fully comp insurance?
if i have fully comp with the COOP does this mean i can drive other cars who drivers are fully comp too. I have had a look all it could find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, 1 (iii)""
Insurance for a 2008 Subaru Sti Hatchback?
Is the Insurance for the new 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna be cheaper than those of 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, have good grades and a clean record and was curious how much my insurance would be if i bought the Sti. Just a ballpark estimate. Thanx""
Car insurance 2 Different Co?
My girlfriend recently bought a car but she is insured by her parents policy, she is wanting to know if she can get another insurance company's policy without raising her parents rates.""
How much will my insurance rise for having a speeding citation?
I've done a bit of hunting around the Internet, but I haven't been able to find an objective answer to this. For some background, I'm 19 years of age. Unfortunately, I ...show more""
Will a ticket for driving without a license (underage) affect my insurance rates?
Hi, I'm 15, about to get my license, but I NEED to go somewhere tonight. My parents' only reason for not letting me drive is because they are misinformed as far as what the penalties would be if I got stopped. The likelihood of me even getting stopped by a police officer is incredibly low becuase I don't speed, I have all proper licenses, inspection passed, no modifications on my truck).., but they are convinced that if I do get stopped, the officer will unrelentingly give me a ticket, which they claim is a $500 fine (when I KNOW for a fact that here in Texas, the first violation is only $20-100).....But either way, I would pay for it... They are simply concerned about insurance, the one thing they do pay for. They believe that my liability (I don't have collision and comprehensive, just liability) insurance rates will immediately spike, when I get my license, as a result of a single moving violation for not having a license. I have USAA insurance, and I'm in Texas. Please, anybody who knows about this sort of thing please help me, I haven't been able to find any info anywhere else. Please provide proof as well. Thanks!""
What does the average American that already had health insurance get out of Obamacare besides higher premiums?
Peoples insurance rates are being raised already even though Obamacare isn't fully implemented. Mine went up by 34% over last year.
Can your auto insurance increase after you already got a quote and pay downpayment?
my auto insurance already gave me a quote and check my license everything and offer me 1800 for 6months then after july the agent called and said the underwrite said to increase the quote to 2200? can your insurance do that? after you already paid down payment? thanks
Car insurance on a 16 year old?
Okay so I'll get my permit in a few weeks, and I really want a Dodge Challenger, or a Camaro. I was wonder, how would the insurance work? How much would it be, and estimate. I know it will be high, but it's going to be high anyways. Could my parents just add me onto their insurance? Would it cost more or less ? They pay about 450 dollars every six months for a Chevy Colorado. I get great grades, and I'm going to take the drivers ed class threw this local college, that should lower the insurance too. Can anyone estimate how much insurance might be for a Challenger or Camaro? Which one would be less do you think? Thanks.""
My auto insurance cancelling my auto insurance...Help?
My husband caused a hit and run accident last year. After a half year later, my insurance send me a letter that they will cancel my auto insurance. I don't know what to do... Please help.""
Why do Women get cheaper car insurance?
Thats the biggest joke going! they are safer my ar*e
How much would insurance cost for this motorcycle?
Hey guys I know you can't give me a direct quote or anything like that, but if you had to guess or anybody who you knew had one it would be pretty cool. Im 17 now turning 18, I have my own insurance and I've been driving for a year without an incident so my rates are about to go down. Its a 2013 r1, what would the price range be per month?""
Divorced Parent's Car Insurance?
I'm under my mothers car insurance policy, so does that mean if i drive my fathers truck and I get into an accident, Were not covered? and does someone in your immediate family need car insurance when driving it if you are the registered owner""
USAA insurance for motorcycles?
Does anyone know what motorcycle insurance through USAA would cost for a female beginner between the ages of 18-24? first bike (let's say a Buell Blast, if the type of motorcycle matters), never had any accidents or speeding tickets, and passed all the safety courses, etc. I'd look it up myself, but for some reason the website isn't letting me look at the motorcycle section right now. Thanks in advance.""
What is the average cost of replacing a water heater? Which would you choose insurance payment or heater?
My water heater needs to be replaced (electric) I have a warranty insurance that will replace it however there are a few non covered costs - the pan, the permit, some other part, it will cost me $512.00. They have given me the option to cash out which means they cut me a check and I try to figure it out on my own. Problem is the cashout amount is unknown and it will take up to two weeks for me to find out what the amount is before i can even decide - two weeks without a hot shower is HELL! But I'm not sure what to do. What would you do? Can anyone guess as to what amount they MIGHT give me? The insurance company is American Home Shield. ANY advice will help. I'm a new home owner and don't know a thing about house stuff! Thanks!""
How expensive is it likely to be for a 17 year old to get caravan insurance?
I have obtained my licence e.t.c for caravan towing and was wandering if you knew how much it would cost me to get insured on a caravan?
How can I get the cheapest car insurance in the UK?
I am 29 and have had a driving licence for 11 years but in another country (non EU). I just got my UK licence and am looking for a cheap insurance. the cheapest quote I have found is over 2000 which is too much. I have a 1.6 automatic Golf. Is there any company that accepts my previous licence as my experience? I also tried to get my No Claim Bonus letter from my Insurance company but they simply don't answer me as the system is different in my country so no chance of getting that. thanks
Whats a good medical insurance plan?
I am 20 years old in decent health about 6' 5 240 pounds. So here's the deal, I am currently on a plan that has 0% co-pay after deductible this includes emergency room visits, prescriptions, the whole nine yards. However its a high deductible plan so before I can reap the benefits I must first pay 3000 dollars as the deductible so my co-pay until I reach 3000 is 100% all out of pocket I mean this isn't bad just sucks until its over. Does anyone know a better plan out there?""
What is the cheapest/best car insurance and car for a newly licensed driver in MA?
What would be the best and cheapest type of car and car insurance to get for someone who just received their license?
Driver's Test Insurance?
Im going to take the driver's test next month but have no insurance. The car is under my dad's name and is insured under his name. Can I use his car and insurance for the test or do I have to get my own insurance for it?
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