#which is probably jarring for some people. i absolutely love it though it feels like stream of conciousnes
cjgladback · 2 days
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I went to my first fiber festival this past weekend! Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival; if I'm still in this state come June next year, I'll probably be back and would love to meet anybody else there. Socializing/hanging out/talking to people without feeling like I was obstructing Real Customers was the one thing I missed, though I didn't really get to any of the free lectures so maybe that's where I could've met some people. Since it was an unknown situation with a lot of people and nearly an hour drive each way, I strategized to make sure I'd go:
First day, I signed up for a couple volunteer shifts. Absolutely a recommended strategy.
Got to be helpful!
They happened to have goodie bags, to help me justify the gas and time (I now have a nice tape measure to replace the one that's been vacationing with a missing sewing kit for a couple years and a lasercut wood two-inch gauge window that might help me with consistency versus my suboptimal practice of just trying to knit perfect squares when swatching in pattern)
I got to learn things about the layout and schedule I wouldn't know to ask when answering questions and acting as a gofer -- especially true working two different locations
And of course, some people were pretty much guaranteed to be happy to see me!
Second day, I signed up for a workshop in the morning so I'd be there and able to shop for anything I needed at the end. Ombre yarn dyeing was the class! It's acid dyes, something I'm several years off from wanting to get into enough to commit to dedicated cookware, full pots of dye powder, etc. The room with the workshop was a barn that had plenty of outlets--but they did not represent plenty of breakers. So there weren't quite enough functional heating elements for the class to have sufficiently cooked our yarn before leaving, and I did need to risk a giant stock pot at home for three batches of four jars, almost-simmering in a water bath for thirty minutes each, of the yarn that hadn't proven it was done (all but the two palest greens). I was a little worried the delay/drawn out heat situation would affect the results but if it did it wasn't much; I got pretty much exactly what I was hoping for with my two color gradient and the single is great too!
The single dye gradient is the color Moss, which did some interesting things with the red portion separating out once they were heated. Every skein has redder blotches, so I'm not bothered about any inconsistency -- if anything it'll help my finished product camouflage stains. Though it was definitely a surprise for me and the other Moss user in the class when our first yarn to have exhausted the dye was the complementary color to what it went in as.
The two color gradient used Rhodamine Red on one end, which was one end of one of our instructor's samples where she chose a cool-green for the other end to show how multi-component dyes mix less predictably than most paint. (It was kinda like shading with markers where you can still see washes of the pink and green in what you squint at and call a grey-brown.) The other end was Cantaloupe, which was one of the maybe three colors she didn't have a sample cut of yarn for. But she described it as the flesh of a perfect ripe cantaloupe and obviously I had to see that, and it sounded like it would be fairly guaranteed to combine nicely with the magenta while being just enough around a bend in the color wheel to be interesting--warm orange versus cool pink. As I said, it turned out pretty much exactly as I was picturing. Not anticipated was how much the jars looked like they were full of some delicious dragonfruit-mango beverage. Were I still a barista I'd be trying to recreate this for my shift drink.
Image descriptions under the cut.
[ID: Five images following fourteen small skeins of sock yarn dyed in individual glass jars, in two gradients. One gradient is six skeins from a medium forest green through a pale creamy pink, the other is eight skeins from a vibrant yellow orange through an even more vibrant magenta. The first photo is inside under fluorescent lights, showing the 32oz glass canning jars with metal lids and rings, full of dye and yarn on a table at the end of the class in which they were filled and heated for a short time.
The next two images are animated gifs. The first gif is two frames showing the finished dye jars sitting in grass, with their yarn and with it removed. The green gradient left only transparent blue color in its jars, and most of the pink to orange gradient's water looks more orange without its yarn, aside from the third and fourth jars from the orange end, which shade toward a neon lilac with the peachy pink yarn removed. The second gif is a view of the inside of the bright green wash bucket, with just the pink-orange yarn in it, then all of them mixed up, all as they were after a soak with the rust-brown water, in the first rinse, and that rinse water alone showing its transparent but still brown tint.
The last two photos show the gradients lined up along a weathered wooden bench on the side of a deck. The first photo has the wet piles of yarn bundled in front of each of their respective jars with remaining dye. The final photo has the clean, dry yarn wound into center-pull balls and still vibrant in the direct sunlight. End ID]
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mejomonster · 1 year
Ok I know there's the whole thing about writing a novel like a script for television, in that you omit "ums" and "uhs" and have people clearly say what they mean to "justice is for those fortunate enough to consider what to do" (some character making a clear theme related statement) or if a character says a lie it's unclear Because it's a lie not because they talked unclearly "I don't know where he went, I think he mentioned going to see Seph" when character did see where he went, and wants Seph to be blamed even though "he" didn't go to Seph.
I get that it's this kind of dramatized way of speaking that isn't realistic. In reality, people often change words midway through a sentence, change topics or full on halt one statement and just drop it. Stuff like "I was going to the store and - hey Richard why didn't you come with me yesterday. I needed you. It. It really hurt you didn't show." The first part about some store would be unimportant in a tight script but it's realistic. The pausing on It is not necessarily a strong sounding line carried though. But a woman starting to cry, scared to say the next portion, might repeat it or you. You- trying to work up her courage to completely voice the sentence. It reads more choppy yes, but it also reads more like a real conversation. For me personally I like when dialogues in stories sometimes are written this way. I get the reason for the other way, but I think leaving in the natural messiness of regular everyday speech sometimes adds something of its own.
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magewolf-the-artist · 3 months
Domestic K-9: The Worst Pokemon Evolutions Ever
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Oh boy, time to explore the ramifications of trauma and how it impacts people!
(Note: I do NOT have trauma or PTSD, although I've done a fuck ton of research on the subject for a different story and am applying the things I learned here. If anybody with any kind of trauma or PTSD spots any inaccuracies, please please PLEASE feel free to let me know. I wish to portray these issues with as much care and respect as possible)
So here I've display the three, I guess, stages of these fuckers. Life, the immediate response to, y'know, everything, and how they're holding up now. Except for Rosemary because I'm kind of an asshole to my blorbos. But obviously with Charles and Susan, they are not in any way "fixed" or even "healed" from their trauma, they moreso stabilized and got used to it. And now let's finally get into it!
SUSAN WOODINGS: So in life, Susan was generally closed off except for a select few amount of people and, while she could be snippy, she was actually pretty chill despite always looking like she wants to murder everybody in the general vicinity. Basically she looks a lot meaner than she actually is.
In death though, that's a completely different story. For the first year or so she had an EXPLOSIVE temper and would blow up over the smallest things, like a powder keg kept near sparklers. If the facility had a swear jar and money, she probably could've funded college for Sophie, Edd, AND Molly. She said many hurtful and cruel things to people she was close to (mostly Charles) that she now deeply regrets. It's all water under the bridge at this point but it still sometimes keeps her up at night.
As of the current point in the timeline, she's since calmed down quite a bit. She's less likely to snap over small shit unless it's Bon, to which she will gladly be just as bitchy as she was. She does have bad days though and is generally much more easily irritated and snippy.
CHARLES BROOK: In life, Charles is the ultimate dad. Easy going, friendly, very jokey, admittedly kinda naive, loves his kid. In death... well...
When they first got to the facility, he was an absolute wreck. He had resisted giving into Bon up until the point where he was starting to fade and, absolutely terrified of the idea of being Thanos snapped out of existence, reluctantly possessed the Boozoo animatronic. But even still he deeply regretted that choice. As well as that, he was extremely distraught about leaving his daughter and wife behind, on Lily's birthday no less, and that he was never found. He spent the first several weeks consumed by the intense misery and grief and was incoherent at best and delusional at worst. As previously mentioned, he got it into his head at some point that if he could just break down the walls, he could escape and constantly flung himself into the solid concrete walls. It didn't help that Susan wasn't terribly understanding and had little patience for this.
After a few weeks passed though, he began to stabilize and was generally able to recover a semblance of his goofy, friendly personality. That's not to say the trauma hasn't impact that though; he has to constantly distract himself or else he'll have a full on breakdown and desperately tries to change the topic whenever his death or his family is brought up. He and Susan have also since smoothed things over and Charles holds no resentment towards her now.
ROSEMARY WALTEN: Everyone's favorite sad mom!
So in life, Rose was generally kind, caring, humble, creative, and introverted, although she had come out of her shell since her younger years and was perfectly capable of being social.
But in death... hooooo boy, buckle up chucklefucks, 'cause this is gonna get SAD
As previously mentioned, Rosemary is a mess. Constantly crying, completely drawing into herself, rarely speaks to anybody but Rocket, and is unable to bring herself to do anything outside of draw, think, or cry. She's kinda just frozen in time, unable to stabilize like Charles and Susan, which is why she has no stage 3. The closest thing to that I can confidently say she's gotten is pouring herself into her art and caring for Rocket, but even still it's not much.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
Summer nights (legend)
Rating: G
Summary: You and Legend spend a night together at a festival and get to relax.
Warnings: none
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
This is the 1st place prize of my 100 follower raffle for @andichrist35 I apologize for how late this is.
Legend isn't really too sure what you're going to think of tonight- but he's just hoping you like it.
He can feel the tight and fluttering feelings that are settled firmly inside his ribcage. He is familiar with it- and he still hates it.
He doesn't know if he should actually be this nervous. It's a night off from fights and traveling. You're probably going to be thrilled!
The festival is still just barely starting, the sun hanging heavy in the sky as it slowly sets. The strung up jars with fireflies for the night are becoming more useful.
People running the stalls or entertainment rush around in haphazardly attempts to finish a last minute detail.
He's dressed in his good tunic, and he's even left his hat at camp. Just this once, you know?
He just wants to give you a nice night out. You certainly deserve it!
He just wishes he'd been able to get Time in on it and not Wild. The cook may have a good heart but the penchant for attracting trouble is a real issue sometimes.
But it's fine. Legend is sure it's all fine.
After all, you are more than capable of handling yourself.
And Legend has only been waiting here for two whole minutes. He's definitely over thinking this.
You're going to love it, he just knows.
He misses his hat.
"You're overthinking." His Zelda -Fabel- says from behind him.
"When am I not?"
"When you sleep."
"(Y/N) is going to love it. You are even all dressed up. What is there to even worry about?"
Legend looks to her, finding some relief in the familiar face of the princess. Though the smug look he finds doesn't do any more good for his nerves.
"You're not seeing it the way I do."
You're still not here, which is okay. It's still early, but the crowd is thickening at an exponential rate as the dusk settles around the town.
"No. You're shorter than me, shall I bend down?" She asks, and the look on her face says more than her tone or words.
She's enjoying this. The jerk!
"Zelda." Legend frowns at the young woman.
"What? It was a suggestion!"
"You know it wasn't."
"Legend?" Your voice calls over the chatter of those milling around.
Legend's head snaps around so fast he should have whiplash but somehow he doesn't.
Fabel laughs at the action, shaking her head at him. Entirely too happy to see Legend be so genuinely happy.
But also knowing she's going to give him so much shit for this. Like a good friend would.
"Legend?" You call again, closer this time by the sound of it.
"(Y/n)!" Legend calls back, clambering up on top of the base of one of the street lamps.
The vantage point allows him to spot you quickly. The figure you cut in your outfit is enough to make him wonder about the health of his heart.
Is he still breathing?
Just seconds after he spots you- your eyes land on him. The way your face lights up is quick, smitten, and melts his heart on sight.
"Link!" You call happily, rushing through the crowd and towards him.
You weave through, apologizing without care as you accidentally bump into those who don’t have the sense to get out of your way.
Legend climbs back down and feels the dopey smile take over his face. He absolutely adores it when you call his real name.
It feels right. In a sappy, domestic way.
You fling your arms around his shoulders happily, almost knocking both of you to the ground.
Your hold is strong and warm and perfect. He's not sure he'll ever truly get used to it. He's not sure it matters if he does or not.
As long as you keep doing this.
"Hey, babe." He greets with a soft smile as he steadies you.
"You look very nice."
Legend flushes pink. He might as well be trying to imitate a strawberry at this point.
"Ha, uh- thanks, Babe."
You just laugh, pleased as you can be to find yourself here with him.
"You do look nice though. I meant it."
"Thank you… You look good too, y’know?"
"Thanks, Ledge."
"So, did you want to eat first?"
"That sounds great actually." You say, turning to look around the large town square in hopes of finding whatever it is that smells so good.
"You'll like Luigi's stall then, come on."
Legend leads you gently, his hand in yours as you two walk. The crowd is thick and loud but no one causes any real problems for you.
Street lamps cast the majority of the light, the oil lamps in the glass enclosures warm and bright.
There's a large stone fountain in the middle of the square. It has a large statue of the era's Zelda standing back to back with Legend. It appears to be a life sized sculpture, water falling from the harp the princess holds and from the stone sword Legend holds.
The fountain seems to be some sort of last stand piece, but it's beautiful. And you're always happy to see Legend getting the recognition he and all the boys deserve.
"Is something wrong?" You ask as you follow Legend around the fountain in the middle of the area.
"No. Just- I don't dress like this often. I'm usually traveling or something. "
"You miss your hat. Don't you?"
He shouldn't be surprised you catch on so fast. You've always been good at reading him and you've always been smart.
"It's stupid I just wear it so often it feels weird-"
"Link." You say as you fish his cap from the place you've stashed it. Whether in your pocket or your bag.
Legend turns his head to look at you.
"Oh-" he manages as his eyes land on the Cap. "How did you get that?"
"Bribed the Sailor to help me." You say with a grin, "I had a feeling you'd want it back."
Legend stops walking, turning to face you fully. He takes the cap gently, "Thank you. You -... you always seem to know what to do."
"You're sweet." You say in response, "Always flattering me."
Legend puts his hat on, and you can see the way he relaxes. The familiar weight of the fabric seems to put him completely at ease.
"I flatter you cause you deserve it, (Y/n)."
You flush this time. Your own face warms up enough you might be able to fry eggs on it if you tried.
"You're unusually sappy tonight. Is there something I don't know about?" You ask, half genuinely curious and half trying to downplay your own smitten behavior.
Well, at least Time and Twilight aren't here to comment about the way you and Legend make cow eyes at each other. That phrase seems to be a solely farm boy thing in this group at least. And you are happy to escape it.
And you are even happier to escape the comments of Wind. The boy means well but he makes things awkward sometimes when he tries to tease people about love.
"Mh, maybe." Legend says, "Why? Do you want a surprise or something?"
"Maybe I do. Who doesn't like a nice surprise from time to time?"
"Food first, then we'll see about a surprise."
"Sounds good."
He grins happily, leading you again, the source of the great smelling food gets closer with each step. Your hand is soft in his- or at least softer than his.
You are not a chosen Hero and haven't had the chance to really ruin your hands the way Legend has.
And for that he is forever thankful.
And every scar you do have he swears makes you more pretty. Because he's a sap. You know?
The biggest sap.
You guys stop in front of Luigi's stand, side by side l.
"Oh- Link! Hey!" The tall man says, smiling as if he's known Legend a long time.
"Hey, Luigi."
The menu is written in meat script on a large board atop the stall. The lettering is done in bright red ink.
You and Legend both take a moment to find what you want and order.
Legend orders your food and pays, with a quick "Thanks Luigi."
You two step aside to wait for your orders, hands still holding each other as the festival really comes to life.
"Thank you for dinner." You say, genuinely appreciative for him paying and for him taking you to a stall so you don't have to wander aimless.
"Anytime." He says back.
You look around again, the new angle of the area allows you to notice different things .
There's an area that seems to be reserved for dancing where a live band plays a peppy set of songs and people dance happily.
The sun is gone now and the oil lamps that hang from posts burn merrily. The stars above twinkle almost in time with the music too.
"Are festivals always like this?" You ask, looking at your lover with bright curiosity.
He laughs, as if he finds it endearing that you even have to ask that. Though he forgets that your home is very different from his or most of the other heros' homes.
He's sure your home is great though. It made you. And he really likes you a lot. Lobes you, if he's going to be honest.
"They're all like this, though sometimes the drunks get really angry and fight."
You make a face at that, causing Legend to laugh again. You never cared for bathroom fights back home, whether witnessing them in person or on screen. You especially didn't want to be involved in one.
"What's so funny?"
"Just the way your face spoke for you right then."
"Hey now, I can barely control my mouth, my face is beyond help."
"Your face is very pretty even when it is saying mean things."
"Aw, thank you!"
He shakes his head at your antics, even as the soft smile stays in place. Like it usually does around you.
"You're thinking all loud again." You say, tilting your head to the side a little.
"Mh, only good things this time."
"What about?"
"You mostly. You're usually on my mind these days. Sappy as that may sound. Or whatever. "
"Oh, Ledge."
"You're a sweetheart. You know that?"
"Only when I wanna be, babe."
"But you still are."
He just rolls his eyes at you fondly, his smitten smile seemingly glued to his face tonight. If anyone asks about that he'll just shrug and ask them why he shouldn't be obvious about his feelings? After all, life is short.
Why not be open with those you love and trust?
He's never understood wasting time on not being open to those you love. It seems like a fool's errand.
"Link!" Luigi's voice calls, letting you and Legend both know that your order is ready.
You both grab your food and move to the side where picnic tables are set up. The tables are mostly empty for the moment.
You and Legend both sit down at an empty table, setting your meals down in front of yourselves.
You taste your food and it's perfect. Exactly as you ordered, with all the right flavors and ingredients. The texture is heaven and you will have to remember to find Luigi next time you're in town.
"This is amazing."
Legend grins at you, crooked and genuine. "I'm glad you like it. Luigi has always been a great cook."
"Obviously. Is your's any good?"
"Yeah, he always outdoes himself."
"He's phenomenal. Remind me to try to track down similar recipes later."
"Sure thing."
"Oh- Link!" A man calls, moving to stand beside the table you two are at. "Is this the (Y/n) you told me about?"
"Yeah, it is."
"I'll let you be then, just saw you and wanted to say hi."
"Well, hi."
Your laugh is warm as bright, drawing the attention of both men to you without meaning to.
"What's funny?" The stranger asks.
"Nothing just- Link. They way he said it-" you break off into laughter again, whether it's genuinely funny or not doesn't matter. It still hit just right.
Legend shakes his head at you, "You're weird, (Y/n)."
"Always have been!" You chirp at him in response.
"You two are cute." The man says, "I do have to go though, my daughter wants me to meet up with her."
"Go on then Jack, tell Millie hi." Legend says, waving the man off with a nod towards the crowd.
The man leaves with a friendly wave.
"You know everyone here. Don't you?"
"I do."
"Do you like that?"
"Mh- usually. It has its perks."
"I bet."
"Are you doing alright? I know you aren't as used to traveling and questioning me and the guys are used to."
"It's different for sure, but it's hardly the worst thing. Now that shadow? Well let's just say I'd do more than kick him where the sun doesn't shine."
Legend laughs, shaking his head. "You and me both, babe."
You both eat the rest of your meals, idle chatter about whatever your mind comes up with. The evening is a comfortable temperature as you take time to enjoy the moment.
Inside jokes are cracked and you both seem thrilled to have them.
It's not until you both throw away your disposable cutlery and dishes that you notice the music beyond knowing it's playing.
The music is good, familiar even. You aren't sure where you've heard it before but the lively tune is nice and you can't help but want to get closer.
"Do your festivals always have a live band?" You ask, taking Legend's hand into your left.
"Unless one of the main players is sick."
"They're really good."
"I'll tell them you said that."
"You should."
Legend just snorts at that, "Yeah. You wanna go dancing?"
"Oh absolutely."
"Then I should warn you I'm not very good."
You laugh, shaking your head, "That's okay, most of the dances I know would make the people faint." You say, remembering the Tilton dances that have wormed their way into your brain for better or worse.
"I'd pay so much money to see that. But we probably shouldn't try to do that hm?"
"Probably not. I'd hate to cause a scene."
"At least not tonight?"
You laugh again, you find yourself doing that a lot when you're with him. He always seems to be able to make you feel better.
"Come on, if we're gonna dance we should get to the main floor." He says.
And you can't argue with him. That makes plenty of sense to you.
"Lead the way then, Link."
Legend gives you the sappiest smile of the night so far before leading you by your joined hands through the crowd and to the main dance area.
You join at the perfect time, in-between songs as people shift back to give a little space to other dancers.
A few couples push out of the crowd while a few more join in.
"Ready?" Legend asks.
You and Legend face each other, his hand on your hip and his other holds yours. Your hand goes on his shoulder.
A lively waltz starts, and Legend leads you in the dance. You vaguely know the dance, whether from your own experience or from movies is irrelevant.
Legend smirks at you as you dance, hat in place even as he is dressed up and waltzing. It makes for quite the picture- a very good picture if you say do yourself. And you do- say so that is.
"You're doing great." He says.
"Thanks. You're better than you let on."
He barks out a laugh at that, shaking his head. "This is nothing. You should see some of the other people here when they really get into it."
"I'd love that."
"We'll have to watch. They usually start a little later."
You laugh as Legend spins you before bringing you back into the main dance steps.
It's nice. Dancing with him. The snark remarks he makes are familiar and expected.
The gentle way he guides you is almost perfect.
You aren't sure how long you've been dancing but you also don't really care.
The night is getting a little chillier and it's nice when Legend leads you off the floor. Sighting that he needs a break and that you probably do too.
The dancers on the floor are really getting into it now. Some people are swinging their dance partners around above their heads, cheering and smiling.
Some are even tossing their partner and swinging them in fancy ways. One young couple executes a move you'd only seen in movies before!
"Are you sure you aren't just trying to get out of swinging me around like that?"
"I think I'd drop you and break us both." He says with a snort.
"Fair enough. I don't think I could do that."
Legend just snorts, leading you further from the floor and the main part of the crowd. He motions to a small sitting area with a few benches set there.
Not a year round thing if you had to guess, the benches are probably only here on festival dates or huge events.
Legend sits down, patting the space beside him when you don't sit down quickly.
"I don't bite."
"Tell that to Twi's poor arm." You snort, recalling the mess that led from Legend having a nightmare to the goat incident of July (AKA the reason only the farmboys are allowed near goats), to the biting of Twilight's arm. The poor rancher.
"Hey now that was one time! And an accident!" He protests playfully, shoving your shoulder.
You bump your shoulder back into his, "Vengeance is mine!"
"You wish," Legend declares, swatting at your shoulder without any real effort.
"Whatever Ledge."
"You know I have a real name."
"I know you blush pretty when I say your real name."
"Shut up!"
Legend groans as he drops his head to rest against your shoulder, eyes closing as he does.
"Are you tired?" You ask, inclining your head to see him better. Worry for his own being bubbling up from your stomach.
"A little. Not the worst I've felt." Legend admits with a half shrug. "Why?"
"Just curious. You know I worry."
"Yeah. You should stop that."
"You're a huge hypocrite there, Ledge."
"Ha! As if."
"I sprained MY ankle last month and your mother henned me a week after it was healed."
"It was justified! The quest lifestyle is one that gets people hurt, (Y/n)."
You sigh, reaching to brush the hair out of his face. It's nice to get to be so domestic, but it's still a lot. You can't help but expect a monster attack.
Legend yawns slowly, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. "How are you holding up?"
"I'm okay," You say as you survey the skyline, the bottled fireflies and the stars combine into a beautiful picture. "It's nice. Being here with you, I mean."
"I'm glad. I was worried you would like it."
"Are you kidding me? I adore this! We don't have many things like this back home, I guess music festivals come closest."
You reminisce for a second about the concerts and festivals you've either seen or wanted to see. The captured videos don't seem to do the events justice.
"Music festivals? Your culture celebrates music?"
"Sort of. They're like e outdoor concerts but with a bunch of bands at once."
"That sounds very… loud."
"It can be."
"Maybe we can go to one when this is all over. I'd love to see more of your world."
"I'd love that."
"Though I can't imagine a world without so many stars."
"It's different, I'm sure I'll always miss these stars when I'm home."
"Ha, as if we'd let you suffer such a fate. Between us all we can probably fight whatever has obscured them."
You laugh at that, imagining the boys all trying to fight the invisible villain called Centuries Of Light Pollution. The image conjured is a semi-tangible blag of smog gas in the form of a large human with a monopole, cane, and tophat. You name this villain Mr. Light Pollution
You'd pay so much money to watch your friends fight Mr. Light Pollution.
"I'm sure if you manage to fight it you'd win." You say, deciding to stay encouraging.
Mostly because you aren't sure how to explain the real issue at hand and how it came about to your beloved boyfriend.
It doesn't matter though, they can't actually fist fight light pollution. Probably…
At least two have fought a god… huh. Maybe they could?
You'll have to explore that idea later. Once the world has been saved and you've figured out the secret to time travel. As one does, obviously.
(It's probably something stupid and easy to miss that holds technology back from time travel. Something like a miserable placed one in math or something. )
"Of course we'd win." Legend says, sure of himself in the way only someone who's had to probe themselves over and over is.
"Yeah. You would."
"Do you want to go to an inn or stay out longer?"
"Let's go to the inn. It's getting a little too cold for me."
"That sounds good."
Legend stands up, holding his hand out for you.
You take his hand as you stand up, smiling your thanks.
"Let's head in then, come on babe."
Legend is walking then, his hand still in yours as he leads you. He glances back at you every so often, just making sure you're okay and keeping up.
For such a sourness he can be sweet as pie.
The walk back is short and calm, chilled as it is. The crowd thins out the further from the main festivities you both get.
Laughter still echoes in the wind from the people celebrating even as the night gets older.
"Did you have any fun?" You ask, nudging him with your shoulder as you squeeze his hand with your own. "Or was it unbearable and awful?"
"Yeah, I did have fun. Did you?"
"I did. It was a lot more fun than I expected."
"That's good. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think we both deserve a break."
"More than. Remind me to work the tenderness outta your shoulders later, okay?"
"Don't gotta tell me twice." He says with a snort of laughter.
You just shake your head at him.
"You know, I wish we'd brought a camera."
"A what?"
"A camera. Like Wild's slate, it takes pictures."
"Oh yeah, you've mentioned them before. "
"Yeah, I like them. They let me keep memories better."
"That's what Wild said too."
"He gets it." You smile, "And that way I can tell my friends and family about you all and have them believe me."
You're hopeful that you'll get to have a wall dedicated to the chain and Legend. Mostly Legend if we're honest.
"You say that like you'll never see us again after this."
"Oh, I will. But they'll want an explanation before I bring nine men home that can and will fight for those they care about."
"Oh. Yeah, they'd probably not expect to see so many heroes in one place."
"Exactly. I'm sure they'd have questions. I think pictures would help a lot. Hopefully Wild and Wind will lend a hand with that."
"I'm sure they will. Even if you have to blackmail them."
"I could ask." You say, "I'm sure they'd help."
"Yeah. Probably so. But blackmail would make sure of it."
"You're a bad influence, Ledge. The worst."
"And yet you love me."
You give him a smile, the one reserved almost completely for him. Smitten and not even a little shy about it.
"Yeah, I really do love you, Link. I'm glad you know."
You watch him blush, starting at the tips of his ears and slowly spreading until it meets on his nose. He blinks at you a few times.
"Yeah." You agree.
"Well, I love you too. You got that?"
"I do."
"I think so." You say, pushing the door off the inn open with a grunt.
The door is solid wood- much heavier than the usually hollow doors of today.
You lead Legend inside, pressing the door shut behind you and hearing the mechanics of the now click back into place.
The inn is warmer than outside, a low level fire burns in the hearth of the main room. You don't bother with any late pleasantries, those still in the lowest level of the building are either far too drunk for decent conversation or they work here.
The stairs creak as you and Legend climb them to the third floor. The banister is solid though when you use it.
"Do you have the key?" You ask Legend in a softer voice, careful in attempts to not wake those who sleep.
"Yeah." He says, fishing it from his pocket with his free hand.
"Good." You say, stopping outside your room.
Legend unlocks the door and then shuts it once you're both inside. He locks it for good measure, a way to keep Wind from dogpiling you tomorrow morning.
Inside the room is a dresser, a door leading to a closet, a door leads to a bathroom, a full size bed with a carved headboard, and two nightstands.
The headboard is solid and sports a carving of birds on a tree branch. Well done and coated in varnish.
You and Legend let go of each other's hand in the interest of bathing and changing into pajamas.
The bathroom that attaches sports heated running water. Which you take advantage of as you bathe, whether showering or taking a bath. The water is set just right as you scrub off the dirt and sweat of the day.
Once you are in your sleep clothes and you've done what you want to with your hair you get into bed. Finally allowing yourself to relax.
You sink into the mattress, feeling spoiled with the actual bed instead of a bedroll on the ground. Though you kiss the sounds of the campfire that lull you to sleep at night.
Legend joins you ten minutes later. His body warms beside yours as the blanket settles over you again.
"So… was that something you'd wanna do again?" He asks.
"Yeah, I think so. But I wanna get better at dancing first, you did all the work."
"I think you did well."
"You're very biased, love."
"I am not. I've known some very bad dancers."
"Like who?"
"My Zelda. She was awful when she first started. You wouldn't believe it."
"I doubt that. Aren't royals naturally good at rich people's things?"
"No. She stomped on my toes for so many years. I think they're permanently bruised."
"I doubt it."
"You're just really optimistic, babe."
"I have to be. You're all so pessimistic. "
"It's realistic in our line of work."
"I know."
"Good. I don't want you to be so optimistic you get hurt."
"I know. I just want to be happy, it's a lot easier with you though."
"Why? Are you being sappy again?"
"Pretty much always. You make me happy, Link. Of course I'm going to be optimistic when I'm happy."
"You're sweet, (Y/n). But you're like a sick tree right now."
"Extremely sappy."
"That's a bad joke, Legend. Negative ten."
"You're hurting me where it hurts most!"
"Where, your sense of humor?"
"No. My pride!"
You laugh at that, rolling closer to him so you can wrap your arms around him. It's nice to see him so relaxed.
It's nice to know that he feels safe enough with you to relax.
This whole thing is just so nice.
Legend wraps his arms around you too, his chest rises and falls rhythmically as you start to really get close to sleep.
"Good night, (Y/n). Sleep well, I love you."
"Night, Link. I love you too."
He gives a pleased hum at that, moving to kiss your forehead. He settles back down and you feel him really fall asleep quickly.
A skill the heroes all have. The ability to fall asleep anywhere and to fall asleep fast.
You can feel yourself drifting off slower, basking in the figurative and literal warmth the moment provides.
The entire evening has been great. From the food made by Luigi to the dancing you enjoyed with Legend. Even the conversation was nice.
You don't ever want this kind of time together to stop. You'll do whatever you have to just to keep things like this a common thing.
And you're pretty sure Legend agrees.
Besides, even though you gave him his hat back- it was cute to see him without it. He looked a little lost until he got it back.
But the fact that he went out is his way to dress up for you? To go out of his comfort zone for you?
You're beyond touched.
He really does treat you well. He spots you in so many ways, even if there is always endless banter. You like it that way.
You'll have to arrange more days like this for him. It'll do Legend good to take more breaks and spend time doing things normal non-hero people do.
Maybe you can take him to a music festival.
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oriley42 · 18 days
Tl;dr: here's the chart I made, react at your own time if you'd like<3, sorry for the bible below.
Hello again legend, I present to you my magnum opus relationship chart, updated to where I reached when I started it which was about early-mid s7 (I now finished) and therefore does not feature Park or Addams.
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You can probably tell which parts might be inspired by your fics (the og ducklings polycule, House and Wilson married, Cuddy and frankly any woman, 13 and Amber etc), which parts are rooted in canon (Cuddy and House, Taub and Rachel, 13 and Foreman etc) and which parts are fully just me going ham (some friendships and ships with people who never met in canon, some of them sharing homes oops).
I would absolutely love to read a live reaction from you on stuff you agree and disagree with and what makes no sense to you because I honestly think your brain is huge as far as dynamics go. Feel free to add anything you can see I blatantly missed, I for sure didn't include everything here.
I know most of your fics don't venture outside of the earlier seasons regarding characters and dynamics but I've been having brainrot about the whole lot of them, I have loads of headcanons regarding the chart:
- It took Foreman a long time to give up his house but because he literally cannot do casual relationships and is hardcore married to 3 people and dating 13 he just sleeps wherever
- Kutner and Masters have a crazy bonding arc that ends with them sharing a house and they balance each other out
- Stacy and Cameron used to fuck over shared weird ass relationship with House
Anyway seriously ama I can explain everything even why Lin Manuel Miranda's character made it to the magnum opus I'm being so fr
No pressure at all to respond unless this brings you equal brainrot, at your leisure boss
Wahoo! This is so cool! I’ve only seen charts like these occasionally, and never gotten a chance to really dive in. I love how this visualizes the complex network of relationships and their nuances, and crystallizes a particular snapshot of them. And I’m so flattered that my stories could play a role in how you imagine these relationships! I do tend to favor the early seasons, so this is a good chance to think about the later fellows as well, who I also love <3 (Will attempt to put my response under a read-more...if I can figure out how these work...)
Starting with Foreman: I love how he’s his own big nexus! The show has such intense main character syndrome with House, but I totally agree with how you’ve framed Foreman and Thirteen as other key spokes in the bonkers wheel of toxic polycule-ism that is PPTH. Foreman wants to be a responsible homeowner but he’s got marriages all over town! And really he’s married to his job! How’s a guy supposed to manage a mortgage situation like that? 😅 Foreman and Kutner (I almost just misspelled his name as Kuntner, which, honestly…serve) didn’t really get to do much together in canon, and I love to imagine them getting to have a relationship of their own, not just in the context of PPTH. Would they chill and play video games, and it would be a chance for Foreman to just be a person, instead of A Doctor? Would he get to enjoy Kutner’s laid back nature, but because they keep things casual, he doesn’t have to deal with the stuff that would absolutely drive his ordered mind crazy—you know he wouldn’t stand for a fridge that’s empty except for a jar of mustard and one (1) liter of Mountain Dew. Also I can’t believe I forgot about that plot point that Taub roomed with Foreman, oh my god. Yes. And Foreman and Rachel Taub secret pals? Delish!
Thirteen has pulled every young, gorgeous, eligible person in her orbit, as she should. Sampled all the flavors, as it were. Except C&C—I agree, she doesn’t vibe with the blonde twins, especially as a set, though I think there could be something interesting in the whole ‘Thirteen is House’s metaphorical daughter’ vibe that Cameron would just go apeshit over. ‘Oh, it’s House, but he’s a hot, impressionable young girl who’s also dying?!’ ß catnip for that messed up gal! (Sidebar: I am fighting for my life every time I try to make Cameron sapphic because that actress simply reads as unbearably het to me. It took everything I had to write explicit Cuddy/Cameron. I’m so sorry to all the lesbian!Cam truthers out there, you’re stronger than I! Especially considering Jennifer went on to be half of such a powerhouse WLW ship on OUAT…I don’t know why, but the only kind of queer for her that really works in my head is aro-ace. That girl just wants to save lives, she doesn’t have time for any other nonsense!) On that note, love the idea that Cameron/Stacy had a thing. Go girls, the best way to get over House is to get under someone else (who also wants to fuck him!) Cuddy/Amber is galaxy brain, god, let these powerful yet deeply insecure and structurally maligned women try to step on each other, fail, and fuck nasty about it 😭 I’m also glad you fit sweet little Masters in, I’ve only written her as a cameo because s7 is so…Like That…but she’s delightful and deserves the (intimate) attentions of beautiful and terrifying women such as Thirteen and Amber. And Kutner & Masters friendship, what a delight that would be! I think they would both bring eldest sibling energy to it that would turn out to complement one another, as Kutner shows her the ropes of having fun and learning when to bend the rules, and she can help him buckle down and connect with the times when the rules are actually important to follow. Kutner was always the youngin’, so he didn’t get to mentor anybody, and he should have gotten that chance!!
I think Cuddy and Wilson have a Something…that cannot be defined. Is it sexual, platonic, friendly, familial? Are they besties, are they both just good at being social, are they bonded primarily over their UST for House, would they have been the world’s most perfect Lavender Marriage??? (Which raises the point of kids, yikes! That would need to be a whole other chart, of kids had, imagined, and desired…) Similarly, canon implies that Wilson and Stacy are good friends and have been for quite a while (though we don’t get to see it enough!) and I always wonder how that went for James ‘Trips Over Friendship Into Marriage’ Wilson. Was his friendship like Stacy like his relationship with Cuddy? Are they surface level friends who really bonded over House—or over the kinds of things that draw them to someone like House, e.g. the dark unspoken desires they both paper over in their pursuit of appearing “normal”? Maybe it’s like what Bonnie said, if she’d slept with Wilson right away, she could have gotten over him…maybe Wilson slept with Cuddy and/or Stacy and they were like ‘that was fine, but what if we just did brunch once a month and gossiped instead.’
I agree that Cuddy should have gotten to keep Lucas, like a pet. He was delightful! House Lite, a little scamp, but one who could be kind and relied upon when it was important. And totally agree that House should get to keep Alvie, that musical theater freak helped him keep it together in one of the worst times of his life! Those episodes of s6 are a fever dream that I wouldn’t trade for the world. House needs his emotional support boy best friend (there’s that one post that says without Wilson, House flees to the nearest manlet…so real.) It’s so natural, then, for the two manlets to bond. Lucas and Alvie have killer karaoke sessions together that are as humiliating to witness as they are incredible to experience.
Thank you for sharing this inspiring chart (and for referring to me like I’m a mafia don, it makes me feel so butch and famous) 😎🥰 Please do reblog or reply if any of this stream of consciousness sparks clarifications/questions/additions!
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mo-ok · 1 month
Top 5 WORST sentais you’ve watched. or simply least favorite bc I know you’re more of a lover than a hater
OK SO these are simply the ones i think about the least since finishing them (i've enjoyed every season i've seen so far, but some just have less staying power in my brain than others)
OR the ones with the most "little annoyances"/characters i cared the least about/etc etc
So this is less of a "worst" list and simply more of a "i liked other things more" list 😂😂😭
5. Liveman - worst ending in the whole franchise. Absolute downer of a show. Two completely wasted rangers who really didnt need to be there/could have easily been made so much better. I would not recommend this show to someone unless i knew them very well and knew they'd get it. 10/10 i fucking love liveman but oh my god OH MY GOD.
4. Dairanger - very enjoyable episode to episode but really fumbled the bag in the second half imo. I love lots of aspects of this season, i love the characters (probably one of the only people in the whole world who doesnt hate Koh lmao), the suits and intro theme are some of my favourites in the whole franchise. But like... what actually happened in dairanger??? Daigo got a bird gf for a minute? Kemp hurt comfort episode???? We played baseball??????
3. King Ohger - i think i would have enjoyed kingoh a whole lot more if i was able to watch it at a faster pace. The general lack of longer fight scenes and robot fights started to weigh on me lmao, i didnt quite realise how important the robots were to me until kingoh took them away 😂😂 again, i enjoyed the show, but i havent thought about it much since it ended
2. Gaoranger - it was great fun and full on and i enjoyed it a lot, but boy howdy did it make me feel TIRED lmao. I watched this directly after watching Gingaman and was still very much in the Hyuuga trenches, which i dont think helped with Gao not sticking around in my mind. Also, didnt like the ending song (the theme song goes hard though, and Gaku remains a special boy in my special boy jar)
1. Kyoryuger - I remember really enjoying it and its characters, the bad guys were fun and the music goes hard. But there are a few factors that work together to sadly have it end up at the bottom of my sentai pile
- i find myself not really thinking about it AT ALL unless its right in front of me lmao.
- I have a lot of love and nostalgia tied to PR Dino Charge which kinda clouds most of my kyoryu memories
- tyler/shelby >>>>>> king/amy
- fav thing about kyoryu is Utchy and he wasnt even in the kingoh crossover eps wtf
- i think i have simply watched too much since watching Kyoryuger. I definitly am glad i watched it early on, cause i genuinly feel like i'd probably enjoy it less if i watched it now (i did however recently rewatch the Souji parents episode for the dynaman brain rot 10/10 junichi haruta my beloved)
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haunted-xander · 6 months
Fontaine, as a whole, is a nation I feel was so nearly perfect, but also just... somewhat unsatisfying.
Like, the exploration is nice, the puzzles and mechanics are fun, but... it's so easy. I have the entire map 100%. I didn't use a guide for most of it (only for Special Stuff like the treasure maps and foggy branches), nor did I have the treasure compass. All I had to help me was the hydroculus resonance gadget. The only regions in the game I got to 100% without any guides before was Galesong Hill (which, tbh, most ppl probably have at 100% or close %), and Hypostyle Desert (simply bc the underground ruins were so much fun to explore). Everywhere else I used a guide for at some point. During 4.0 I literally felt like I had to hold back on exploring just to not finish it too quickly. Yeah.
The world quests have a lot of interesting stuff going for them, especially the Narzissenkreuz questline and the ones in/around Merusea Village. But... they feel like they're missing something. I don't feel like I'm properly done with any of them, even though there isn't really anything more to add. The Narzissenkreuz quests had a very strong start, I cared about the characters involved and the lore they're a part of, and having it be 3 questlines that combine into one comprehensive story was really fun, but the ending feels... unceremonious almost. I can't pinpoint what's wrong with it, it answered what it needed to and it made it clear what everyone was doing going forward, but... it feels off. Anticlimatic, almost, despite it having the climax it needed. The world quest I was most satisfied with was the Questioning Melusine And Answering Machine quests, and it's a largely self-contained one. Everything else feels... unfinished, almost. But also not.
And the Archon Quests are so so good, but also... weird at parts. First of all, Childe's out-of-nowhere traumadump early on is jarring, especially since... they didn't really follow up with it properly? Like yes, the Narwhal and Skirk ended up relevant but... not to him, for the most part. The important questions this conversation prompted wasn't elaborated or followed up on, which is what could've justified including it at all. We still have no more clues as to why the Narwhal connected with him, we don't know what caused his restlessness or why his vision messed up, and Skirk was kinda just... there. She loredumped and that was that.
There's other oddities too, like Traveler getting upset at the twins for hiding their Fatui affiliation. Traveler has every right to be upset with them in that moment but... not for that. They should be upset because they lied about the magic show, not about being Fatui. Like, you literally called Childe you're friend just the other day! And he's literally tried to kill you (well, okay, not "kill", but he was still an enemy)! And later on you're suddenly fine with Arlecchino, a person we have seen time and time again is an absolutely terrible person? Because, what, she cared about this one specific problem that affected innocent lives? Really?
Furina and Childe not getting checked up on by basically anyone at the end of 4.2s AQ feels not only out of character (you're gonna tell me Traveler isn't gonna check on them after all that happened? Really?) but also just... very shitty. The only one who seemed to even care was Neuvillette, everyone else just kinda... forgot about those two. Despite the fact that 1) Furina was a well liked public figure who, even after the truth was revealed, people very much still cared about, and 2) Childe literally saved the entire nation but stalling the Narwhal for over a month. Even Neuvillette couldn't so much as deter that thing until he got his full powers back, and you're telling me nobody, not even the people who where directly saved by him, even wondered what became of him? Really?
The characters are fantastic here, don't get me wrong, everyone is lovely and I adore them all, but the way the story handled certain things is just... not great. It's unsatisfying. It feels like there were things they wanted to do but either chickened out of or simply didn't get to include. It's so jarring.
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parlerenfleurs · 2 years
I've been thinking lately about the incense burner extras, and I cannot sleep so I might as well type out my thoughts.
The first time I read them I wasn't enthused. While I can read fucked up smut for its own sake, here, it was a bit too hard-core for my taste in relation to a couple that love each other (AND I do Not like the blood. Boy I sure Don't like the blood. Why did there need to be blood?). BUT, while as smut goes it's not what I'll go read when I'm in the mood, I have since then read several posts and meta, and also other translations that put it in a different light for me.
And while I'm sure I'll probably just regurgitate what more perceptive people have said before me, I did have a fond revelation about them, which make them especially moving (yes, moving) to me.
I'm not gonna address Wei WuXian's farmer fantasy, as this is not what this is about (and besides, @ninjakk might make a post about it someday, so I'm eagerly waiting!) - here, right now, we are talking about the sex Õ3Õ.
There is a lot to be said about how erotica is a mirror of a culture and its current taboo/repressions, and about the fact that this is written in Chinese by a Chinese person in current Chinese culture, and that kinks and sexual fantasies do not reflect one's morals, but many people have talked about it and I have no authority nor personnal knowledge on the matter, so let's accept that there extras can be a bit jarring to some of our sensibilities and move on (just like I did the first time I read them and was put off but decided to go on enjoying the rest of the story regardless).
I'm rambling so damn much but my point is this. These extras are a gift from MXTX to her characters, a gift most of us can only dream about but never achieve: a gift of a second chance.
A gift of being able to go back in time and catch that missed opportunity, fix this messed up situation, come back with one's current skills and knowledge and do better. I'm especially talking about the second dream, here, where Wei WuXian, as an adult, meets the young teenage Lan WangJi and riles him up to Mengpo's hall and back, because, crucially, Wei WuXian never did make Lan WangJi lose his control when they were young, (at least not on purpose, and I'm coming back to the Kiss TM later), and it wasn't for a lack of trying, but since he wasn't aware of his own attraction, even less Lan WangJi's toward him, how could he have gone all out then? So he didn't, and Lan WangJi kept his control, and they didn't go at it like rabbits on the back mountains of the Cloud Recesses. Much to Wei WuXian's chagrin when they have sex for the second time, and he laments not having done this from the beginning, and having lost so much time.
So they get this chance, for Wei WuXian to undo Lan WangJi's restraint, for young Lan WangJi to finally let go like he so badly wanted to. For both to retroactively not miss the opportunity (yeah they do this in a freaky way because they are freaks /affectionate *cough* Bichen *cough*).
I think this has been said a lot so I won't expand too much on this next part, but. Lan WangJi is a freak. He's a jealous, possessive, dominant lover, who nevertheless never lets these traits impose on the object of his affections (and make no mistakes, his love is also pure, selfless, and beautiful - but he has kinks, don't we all, and he's human, as we all are). So, compounding with how his father treated his mother, these things that Lan WangJi feels, and thinks, and wants, and fantasizes about, bring him a lot of shame, and probably some self-loathing. Absolutely self-loathing when he gives into his worst impulses and forcefully kisses Wei WuXian on Phoenix mountain, but I'm pretty sure with time he comes to accept himself enough to not hate this part of him. He's still ashamed, though. And afraid of hurting Wei WuXian. BUT fortunately, Wei WuXian is exactly the freak for him. The man also has kinks and they match beautifully with Lan WangJi's, and when he sees Lan WangJi's darkest fantasies.... it turns him on, he cheers him on. Even before seeing them he's spot on with his dirty talk, telling Lan WangJi he should have just dragged him somewhere and have his way with him back then (they both would have enjoyed it, albeit with a lot of confusion on Wei WuXian's part).*
There goes Lan WangJi's shame. He cannot be more deeply and entirely accepted and celebrated and loved as he is now.
These are the incense burner's gifts.
*it occurs to me that the little freak must be quite happy to be reborn in a slimer/shorter build, so that Lan WangJi can manhandle him even more easily.
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maverickbackalley · 2 years
i need to hear you talk about krisnix
What why? I'm totally normal about them ahahahahahhaha..haha.. 😞
Okay so I don't waste hours of my time (Future Mav: LIAR) and yours: I love them, your honour. It's not a relationship anyone should put up with in real life so there is a shock and appeal to their dynamic that none of the other main ships can offer. Krisnix ooze venom, animosity, and this indescribable tension that's fascinating to see blossom in these two powerhouse attorney's dynamic. The pair is just so damn diabolical, manipulative, and ideally comes with so much psychological horror that makes you question your own sanity and realise how quickly you would lose the game if you were swapped out with either of them. Underneath it all though, Krisnix is basically a pathetic pissing contest between two cunning individuals and that's stupid enjoyable for me to watch from the sidelines. I love how many different routes people can take with their actual romantic relationship too. Is it all an act? Rivals with benefits? Do they care about each other? Are they just keeping their enemies close and maybe at some point took the saying a little too literally?? Are there genuine feelings there after 7 years and one or both of them absolutely hate themselves for it??? So many possibilities and it's so riveting to think about. Like, 7 years is a LONG TIME to put up with someone purely out of spite. These idiots routinely ate dinner together in canon for crying out loud! Neither of them seem the type to happily put up with that with zero gain or case development for that long. (For my own reference: My longest relationship was almost 8 years and while it feels like no time at all looking back in the present, if I sit down and truly dissect it so much positive and negative change and development took place during that timeframe that it's actually quite jarring. I think that's one of the things that makes it hard for me to believe that nothing happened between them.) Kristoph is such an enigma and so full of sinister potential that his clash with an established bleeding heart like Phoenix is so compelling. I honestly have a hard time describing their appeal and always feel like there is more that I just.. can't quite put into words. So hopefully even an ounce of this makes a lick of sense outside of my head.
On the flip side, I will say I'm not the biggest fan of every portrayal of the ship. I feel like some people lean too heavy on physical domestic abuse (not talking BDSM. I don't want it misconstrued that I see these as one and the same since I believe there is also a large chunk of BDSM!krisnix out there) and completely neglect the brilliant minds at play. Or focus too much on making Phoenix an absolute pushover like he's too dumb to catch on to even the bare minimum attempts of Kristoph manipulating him. To be honest, some of these feels like throwing Dahlia-era Phoenix at Kristoph and it's like.. hmmm.... noooo. He's not that same person if you're writing for Beanix. I think that would probably be my personal gripes with the pairing if I had to be critical of it. There is a fine balance to their dynamic that's hard to capture, in my opinion. Like I don't even feel I could properly do them justice outside of memeing it up. Which is partially why I haven't done any real art for the pair despite them being one of my personal favourite and being all too aware that they have little to no content. They are like the definition of "It's Complicated" and I love canonically knowing how the story starts and ends. But that 7-year gap is just a juicy wealth of knowledge soup that I and others can throw whatever the fuck we want into it and boy does almost every spoonful taste delicious.
...Well that was more than I expected to write. ENJOY. Feel free to let me know your krisnix thoughts as well!
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lauraroselam · 4 months
i wasn't sure if you would read the tags i'd leave if i reblogged your reply to my ask so i decided to just send you another ask! ha! i'll bullet point them this time bc i have quite a few things to say:
1. you can definitely keep my asks public, i really don't mind :)
2. never have i ever been so excited to open an email, and that too first thing in the morning. seeing your reply, especially that little treat at the end (!!!!!!!!!), had me smiling and kicking my feet in bed. i'm, impossibly enough, even more excited for Emberclaw now.
3. having more than one narrative position in a book is certainly ambitious and one that i haven't encountered in any other book so far, but it grows on you, fast (at least it did on me), and can be an acquired taste to some who are willing to give it a chance. i think you might just be the first author who has changed my mind completely on first person narratives and i owe it to your flawless delivery, of course (i'm biased, i'll admit). also, "narrative positions" was exactly the word that wouldn't come to me in my fit of excitement while writing my last ask; it was a tiny brain-fart moment on my part when i said "pov choice" instead haha.
4. this is more of an aside really but it once took me 400 pages (of a 800+ pages) to get into a book, so imho, 50 pages isn't asking for much. fantasy novels tend to be a little demanding! also, it was my first proper foray into epic fantasy. i then went on to finish the series despite the really, really, really slow start. the slowest. i think a reader can tell when the wait will be worth it though, almost like a gut feeling.
5. multi-pov is another polarizing aspect of books, but then again, it can be enjoyed if done well. i once read a book with 14 povs and gave it 5 stars. it wasn't even a fantasy novel, but a contemporary one! in comparison, your book with its 4 povs is pretty tame, and i think, even the norm for epic/high fantasy novels. personally, i enjoy being in the head of different characters! especially when you've got a big cast of them. also, that surprise 5th pov toward the end took me quite by surprise!! jaw, meet floor.
6. i do have a GR account! and i certainly have plans on leaving well-deserved, glowing reviews on both the book and audio :) it's the least i can do!
7. this one is more of a suggestion to those who might find the narrative positioning a little jarring: listen to the audiobook instead; it warms you up to it much faster!
i think that just about covers it. again, i cannot say this enough, but Dragonfall would not be the story i fell absolutely in love with had you not made the narrative (ha!) choices you did. i hope more people come to appreciate and love it as much as i do, and are willing to give it the fair chance it deserves <3
much love 💖
I think I'd see the tags! I'm so out of practice with Tumblr, but I have enjoyed coming back to it as I feel in some ways I can be more authentic over here rather than the more traditional promo over on tiktok and insta. Not that I'm inauthentic elsewhere it's just...here you can be a bit more off the cuff, I think?
1. Whew!
2. Aww yay! Interacting with readers is honestly one of my favourite things. I'm so excited when I hear from someone who got what I was trying to do. Releasing art for public consumption can be excellent but also hard. Dragonfall is probably my most personal book, so it being marmite made me so self-conscious. I always think about that Don Marquis quote "Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo." It's nice when you get the echoes back. :-)
3. I was inspired to be experimental after reading The Fifth Season, which is a masterpiece. I've heard good things about The Spear Cuts Through Water which also does cool narrative position trickery, I think. I also really love framing devices of people looking back, like in Assassin's Apprentice by Hobb (my fave author, as evidenced by the dedication). I'm glad I could open you up to all the opportunities of first person! I taught a class on narrative positions when I was a creative writing lecturer so I'm just very passionate about how form can marry function, hah.
4. Yes, four (technically five) is tame compared to some! I did seven in Seven Mercies and whew, that was a lot, even though technically my co-writer and I mostly split it up. My next projects will be 2 and then 1 as a bit of a breather. It is harder to balance multi POV, but I love the "heteroglossia" potential of storytelling.
6. Thank you!
7. I wish I could listen to the audiobooks of my books! I get too self-conscious or want to edit. I can say that Philip and Rachel did amazing jobs from the samples I head, though, and I was super excited they hired a nonbinary voice actor for Arcady. This was also my first time having more than one voice actor, which was neat.
And yes, I hope so too. <3
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bluespring864 · 4 months
"The Martian AU"
I’ve seen a few „author of the Martian AU, if you see this, know how much we loved your story” posts go around and because I know the author I can tell you that yes, the author of the Martian AU is on tennisblr sometimes and you should probably have wished that they weren’t. Tennisblr and one aspect of the fan culture on this website is precisely why Blood Star is gone and why it most likely won’t be coming back.
Several times over the last months I have tried to tell all of you to be a bit less cruel about certain tennis players, and one Novak Djokovic in particular (because with your hate posting you are bullying the fans of the player, not the player!). The way he gets treated on here bothers me too, obviously, and I’ve spoken up for my own sake sometimes, but I tolerate a lot (maybe too much). When, however, my friends are affected by this stuff, it’s a different matter.
So one of my friends is this incredible writer, who decided to share a tennis fic with all of you for free, just for the love of storytelling and because they enjoy writing it, and they did this even though they’re a slow writer and they pour a lot of time into each chapter. As we all know, this story resonated. I have never seen so many gushing posts about a fanfic on tennisblr, at least not since I joined. What only a few of you know but what you really could have guessed to a certain extent because of the way the character of the same name is portrayed in Blood Star is that they are also a big Novak fan. In fact, he’s their fave.
I don’t know if you can imagine how jarring it is to see people on here, and often the very same people who gush about that fic, make/share mocking memes about the player they support, diagnose him as a definite racist for no good reason and just generally wish for that player to lose and be done as soon as possible (I obviously don’t remember who posts what because I’m not that chronically online, but I think I have only mentioned stuff here that has been reblogged or posted by people who also professed to love that story).
Well, the fact that this story disappeared on the day Novak lost his semifinal is no coincidence. Personally, I think the hate maybe wasn’t even quite as bad as when he lost Wimbledon, but that just tells you how absolutely awful it was before. (And it was still so bad this time around that some people who aren’t Novak fans asked for people to tone it down, which I’m very grateful for!) In any case, the author of the Martian AU ventured onto tumblr that day, and who can blame them for feeling a certain betrayal about the fact that many of the people who were so kind to them when it came to their story couldn’t at least keep their glee about the author’s favourite tennis player losing an important match to themselves, or keep it to direct messages or wherever else the Novak fans wouldn’t be bombarded with it. No, all those posts about how great it is to see this player lose, about how good it apparently is for tennis, about how people can’t wait for him to hang up his racquet etc. were there to mock them instead.
Us fanfic authors write for fun, and when the fun stops, we stop writing. Well, the fun stopped and the story is gone.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 4 months
sorry if you have answered this already, but who are your favorite characters in Twd ?
I haven't answered this before!! I have posted about my favourite characters before - reblogging gifsets and such, but I have never made an official list of my favourite characters. So I thought this would be interesting. Based on this, I decided to do an official list of
My Top Ten Favourite Characters In The Walking Dead
Fair warning: This list contains spoilers for the show. If you are just watching the show for the first time, or if you have never seen it before and you want to watch it spoiler-free, then don't read this list. It contains mentions of character deaths and major plot points from the show.
Honorable Mentions: Gareth (probably my favourite villain from the whole show), Noah (such a great character, saddest death), Carol (her character arc is so good that it makes me wanna vomit confetti), T-Dog (they wasted his character so much it makes me wanna cry sometimes), Sasha (such an amazing badass and I love her soft, sweet moments, and her death literally had me screaming), Andrea (I love the display of a sister/sister dynamic with her and Amy, and I love how they showed her struggle with mental health and suicidal ideation and being left behind). OH FUCK I ALMOST FORGOT (because I haven't watched their seasons in a while, I have an excuse) - King Ezekiel (he is so sexy and like he has a TIGER and the way he talks is so beautiful I don't care if it's theater kid bs), Jerry (I love him so much I need to write a fic about him some day), Aaron (Rick tying him to a pole and forcing him to eat applesauce as a form of torture will forever live on in my mind as peak comedy).
There is actually very few characters from the show I dislike - even when it comes to the villains, I feel like they have their merit and their place in the show. But here are my top ten characters in the show that I will always cheer on and scream when they come on screen
10. Dale Horvath
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I love Dale so fucking much.
I have mentioned this before, but a lot of the time people adopt blorbos from shows romantically (like a boyfriend or a wife), or platonically as a best friend, or sometimes even as a child you want to take care of (like the Stranger Things kids) - but I am someone, who, at an alarming rate, adopts blorbos who I want to be my father.
I have such a wide blorbo collection of father figures. Gideon from Criminal Minds, John from the Saw films - the list goes on.
Dale is my father. I love him so much as a father.
Right from the moment he made that speech around the fire about 'this watch will suit you no better than it suited me, no better than it suited his father or his father before him' - it was so DAD. and him talking about fixing the fucking radiator hose, and begging them all to save Randall. Like I love how compassionate he is, and how he is so slow and caring. And I hate that the actor left the show, but I love how it adds this symbolism - that Dale is not suited for their world. The world was turning too dark for him.
He is a character who brings something amazing for me every single time he's on screen. I love him so much.
9. Bob Stookey
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I love Bob!!
I am so, so in love with the Bob/Sasha ship, and how she unintentionally saved him from slipping back into alcoholism and that stupid game they play where she says something negative and he puts a positive spin on it - it the definition of grumpy grump and sunshine person. I love it so much.
But I would have to say that Bob is slightly more my favourite of the two.
I love his upbeat attitude, and even though I wish that he would have stuck around longer (like with a lot of the characters who were killed off too soon) - his death was so perfectly jarring. I feel like a lot of people say that The Walking Dead isn't scary, which I don't fully get? There is a lot of terrifying parts to it, and Bob's death is absolutely one of them. His death feels like a set piece from a horror film. Him seeing his own severed leg on the fire and screaming 'tainted meat!! tainted meat!!!' is one of the most wonderfully horrifying things ever. And it does make me like his character more because I love the horror of it.
I also think his backstory is so interesting.
Him being alone for so long and finally finding a family at the prison - it hit me. Ooof.
(The next characters, I am having such a hard time putting in order because I love them all so much.)
8. Beth Greene
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I don't see a lot of people saying that Beth is their favourite character, and I don't get it?
I know that it's very easy to view soft female characters as weak, but honestly - I love Beth's weakness. Her jump towards suicide when finding out the truly hopeless situation is so relatable (how many fucking people make memes about 'why do people wanna survive the apocalypse, I would just die!!!') - but they mock her at the same time?
And when Rick was out to lunch and Lori had died, Beth stepped up and took care of an infant when she was just a teenager and it was not at all supposed to be her responsibility and there was plenty of other adults around to do it - but she took pride in taking care of the baby and fostering new life.
I feel like a lot of people don't see the silent strength in her character, and while her death is sad because of how it affected Daryl and Maggie, I think it's sadder because of the lost potential of her character. I would have loved to see how she did in Alexandria. How jarring a quaint community was to her after everything she had been through.
Also - I was one of the people who shipped her and Noah. And can you imagine the what the storyline would have been like, paralleling her random boyfriend's death at the BigStop with Noah's death?? Like - emotionally detatched Beth vs Beth who is just learning to feel again???
Also - a lot of people say that Still is one of the worst episodes because it's boring, but I think it is by far one of the best episodes in the show. It's part of why I love TWD - because it's raw, slow character work. I fucking love it. It's one of my favourite Beth episodes (and it's one of the things that made me love Daryl).
7. Tara Chambler
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A character that I was not expecting to like as much as I do. When she introduced herself as a cop and did the whole 'hey, hey, buddy, this isn't the four seasons' to the Governor leading his plate outside (like, it is the Governor, but she came off as too rude) - finding out that her being rude was just terrified gay cat posturing is hilarious.
And she is not only one of my favourite TWD characters, but she is one of my favourite characters of all time.
I can't even describe all the ways I love her. The fact that she is Glenn's ride or die and they have the Lesbian and Lesbian Protector vibes going on, the fact that she is funny, sweet, awkward, dorky, cute. Her saying 'I know you're scared, and I know it sucks, but you have to be brave right now' - is eternally stuck in my head. And it helps me get through everyday life.
I just love her so much. She is so precious to me.
6. Abraham Ford
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The love of my life. Every time he opens his mouth, I feel inspired to kick god's ass.
I wasn't too sure about him when he first came on the show because he was disrupting Gleggie, but then - I learned to love him so fucking quick. I love the way he talks, I love his attitude, I love how imposing he is.
"When you were pourin' the Bisquik... do you intend to make pancakes?"
He. Is. Iconic.
Now, every single time that fucking truck pulls up beside Glenn's unconscious body, I scream. Because GREATM is the greatest squad of all time (it was back when Eugene was still tolerable).
Even without Maggie, they were GREAT. (puns <3)
5. Michonne
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I have said this before, but I feel like she is such an underappreciated character outside of her relationship with Rick.
I love her in the earlier seasons - how her showing kindness to Andrea and taking her in unintentionally gives her good faith with Rick's group and ends up giving her a home with them later on - even the utter coincidence of her overhearing Maggie and Glenn being kidnapped and taking the formula to Judith.
I also just love her dynamic with Andrea.
"We need a couple of days to get our shit together."
"My shit never stopped being together."
(That will never not be funny to me.)
And I love how she is a character who is presented with such a tough outer shell, but she is slowly revealed to have a softer side, when interacting with Judith and Carl. I really love her when she first comes onto the show, and I wish they wouldn't have tried to cut away her edges and just put her in Lori's place. (Maybe the new show will bring back more of the old aspects of her character - the toughness with only showing a soft side around family. But idk)
4. Daryl Dixon
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He is definitely one of my favourite characters of all time.
Again, a character that I didn't like when he was first introduced on the show (but I think that is the intention and part of the beauty of it) - and it's fun to rewatch the beginning of the show and laugh at how much of an asshole he is when he's first introduced.
I think it's truly iconic that his first line in the show is "son of a bitch!" like, it says so much about his character in the best way.
His evolution from asshole loner to the emotional core of the group and one of the leaders is so well done, and the way he handles himself around children is so sexy. I don't know if I have said this before, but I am often attracted to characters based on their actions rather than their looks, and he is absolutely one of those characters. I wanna fuck him senseless because he makes children a priority in his life and because he is very selfless. OOOOOOF
3. Rosita Espinosa
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I need to write a fanfic about her!!! It is something that needs to be on my priority list! I need to write a fic about how she finds out that she is a lesbian during the apocalypse, especially after all the men she has dated. it would be amazing
Anyway - I'm in love with her. Her short shorts are one of the reasons I'm gay. those shorts had a very special impact on me during my teen years.
I love how one of the general themes of TWD is breaking down gender barriers, and her character represents that so much. she is so fucking powerful, and I love it. I also love how the actress got the character killed off in the most 'last hurrah' peaceful way possible in the last episode just so she couldn't be brought back for any reboots. hilarious
2. Maggie Greene (Rhee)
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I don't even know what I can say about Maggie
"Some chick came in like Zorro on a horse and took Lori. It was awesome"
Glenn already said it.
Maggie presents like this demure little farm girl at first, and then she seamlessly rides her horse and takes out Walkers at the same time - she has no problem mastering a gun, or any other weapon she is given. she is one of those characters who somehow looks stunningly gorgeous while filthy and sweaty. she is smart, badass, holds herself so well.
I love her so much.
and as I have said so many times before - I need to be in a Gleggie sandwhich. I need it. (I feel like being in a poly relationship with Abraham, Rosita, Tara, Maggie, and Glenn would be the best part of my post apocalyptic life, but hey - who's gonna write that fanfic? maybe me.)
1. Glenn Rhee
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What else can I say about Glenn?
If you have been following me for more than five minutes, you have heard me talk about how fucking much I love Glenn. He is easily my singular favourite character of all time. Right from the moment I first heard his voice inside the tank, I fell in love with him.
He was the first character I ever wrote death denial fanfiction for, and at the time, it was the only twd fandom thing I had posted on my all kpop fanfiction blog. And I didn't even care if anybody else read it or care about it - I wrote it and posted it because I needed to mourn. Because his character death hit me so hard, and I am still 100% in denial of his character death to his day. I pretend it never happened.
Anyway - I love Glenn so much!
He is the hopeful one of the show, he is the heart of the show. Everything he does in the show matters so much to me. The fact that he always lifts them up and reminds them who they are matters to me. He had to die for the group to go in such a dark and hopeless direction. And he will always have such a special place in my heart.
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Good Girl Mari Needs To Happen
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Mari from Yellowjackets is an interesting character. She's not considered one of the mains(Natalie, Misty, etc) She's more of a side character who isn't quite one of the big players.
Throughout season one she was a one-note mean girl. Season 2 added some depth to her, showing her crying, and even hugging Lottie in the finale of the season. In season one, Mari was actually mean to Lottie. Probably in all their one-on-one interactions.
I doubt Mari will ever respect Natalie as her leader. Mari adores Lottie, and it will be interesting to see how Mari interacts with Natalie in season three. Will Mari let her dislike for Natalie be known? The only two people Mari seems to sincerely like are Lottie and Akilah, so I am sure Mari doesn't like Natalie either.
Moving on.
Here's what I want to see for Mari's character in the future:
Good Girl Mari. That's what I want to see.
Season one had Lottie on a path to evil, but in between S1 and S2 that idea was clearly thrown out. Lottie in season 2 is more of a Jesus figure. The personality switch was jarring, and that evil wilderness queen build-up from S1 was all for nothing.
Mari, though. She's got noticeable character development going on. She's still a jerk, but becoming less of one. When she hugs Lottie in the S2 finale, Mari tells her she's glad she's okay. Sadly, Akilah being involved in the hug too lessened the impact. But still. That moment proved Mari can be good. And seeing these characters devolving into ruthless people who hunt their own friends, it would be nice to see a character who doesn't. Or no longer wants to.
I want that character to be Mari.
I saw a post on Reddit showing a girl post-rescue who might be Mari. I'm hoping it wasn't. Because it would be great if Mari turns out to be Pit Girl and that she refused to draw a card, which automatically made her into the ritual sacrifice. Perhaps could've refused because she no longer wanted to hunt and eat her friends anymore.
If the show does that with Mari, I would absolutely love it. Before Ben set the cabin on fire, he was the moral, compassionate member of the group. This show needs a new one. Badly. I want that person to be Mari. If the showrunners go that route, if they turn Mari into a person who wants the murderous cannibalism to stop, wants them all to stop being monsters, and wants everyone to make it home, that would be amazing.
It could be realistic character development too. Unlike the jarring personality switch we got with Lottie. How she was talking about spilling blood in season one, but is all goody-two shoes in season two.
A lot of people are betting that Mari is Pit Girl. Many are hoping that she is. If she is PG, I hope the show uses my "Good Mari refused to participate in the choose-a-sacrifice card game" idea.
I need to see this girl Mari go from cold-hearted bully to cannibalism-hating saint. I feel like this is the best way the showrunners could use her character. I don't want to see her character used any other way. Unfortunately, my idea is just an idea, and I'm not a Yellowjackets showrunner, so I highly doubt everything I detailed will happen. But it is what I want to see. And I do believe the YJ staff will miss out big time if they don't make Good Good Mari happen.
The potential is there. Mari went from hating Lottie to loving her. She became one of her most devoted follower's. Mari cried after Misty lashed out at her(a show of softness that might lead to benevolence). And Mari's possible hatred of Natalie being the leader might just make Mari eventually dislike the whole cannibalism thing and cult stuff. It might bring her on the path to benevolence, one where she finds a way to survive without killing and eating people. Ben might find a way to do that. Maybe Mari will join him and they will live together in that secret tree lair? Ben wanted that life with Natalie. Perhaps he will get it with Mari.
I'm aching to see Good Girl Mari team up with Ben.
Mari needs to become a main character in the teen timeline. We definitely don't see enough of her. And what I want to see is Good Girl Mari happen.
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lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #4
I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. In my world, we've had a bit of a weird sickness going on around the world for the last several years now. People jokingly refer to it as "The Plague" sometimes. But it's not really a joke, because lots and lots of people have died from it, and still more have had to be hospitalized, and still others have suffered permanent effects because of it. It's really rather scary, so most everyone tries really hard to avoid getting it or spreading it around. On the bright side, there are vaccines for it now, and tests to detect it, so that really helps a lot, but the danger isn't quite over.
I don't have The Plague, thankfully; I checked. But even if I did, I'm vaccinated, so that if I do end up catching it, I won't feel like I've been hit by a truck nearly as hard. It's about time for me to get my immunity boosted for it though, so I'm going to go do that later today. It'll be lame, because anytime my immune system gets poked by a thing that it feels like it's gotta challenge to a street fight, I get really tired. Still, feeling a bit tired is better than the alternative.
I seem to have a generic and very mild case of the sniffles. The inside of my nose feels just a little weird, and it was really only annoying for one day, and it's already a lot better; I'll probably be fully recovered by tomorrow. All the same, I thought to make a batch of my famous (it's not really famous, except amongst my closest friends, haha!) bone broth:
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Ahah... I know it probably looks really bad right now, but that's because it's not all done yet! It's made of leftover chicken bones, fruit and veggie scraps, and various herbs and teas. You have to simmer it for a day or so in water with a little bit of vinegar to help everything break down nicely, so that all the juicy nutrients can seep deliciously into the water! Once it's all done with simmering, you have to use a cheesecloth to squish the water out of everything, strain it, and then season it. It'll be very good when it's ready, and the resulting concoction will lend a body a bit more strength and energy, which speeds up recovery time from illness or stress by just a little bit, and makes the waiting to become well again a bit more bearable. You can use it to make soups, make rice with it, or just drink it straight from a cup; it's good stuff!
It's certainly not like the potions and elixirs and whatnot that are available in your world, which can instantly revitalize a body, ahaha! But this sort of thing, made with love, is imbued with a very weak (but still meaningful!) kind of magic, which makes it the next best thing, in my book!
There will probably be a lot more here than I can use on my own, so once it's ready, I'll put a bunch of it in jars and give it away to my friends, if they want some. I wish I could give you a jar; I know you're doing lots of very difficult stuff where you are, and so I'm sure you could use all the passive buffs you can get! Maybe you could have a few sips, and then feel just a little happier or a little more at ease. Or maybe you could have it as a nice soup or stew; when's the last time you've eaten anything, anyway? I imagine you're being sustained by SOMETHING, but that doesn't mean that you don't need basic creature comforts like a good soup from time to time; for all your phenomenal power, you're still human after all, and you deserve nice things.
I wonder if you've ever been sick with the sniffles, or with generic gut yuck, or anything similar. I wonder if you've had someone nearby to bring you soup when you're feeling unwell. If you've not had these experiences, I hope you can have them someday; even if mild illness is unpleasant temporarily, to experience it and to be cared for in its duration is good medicine for the soul in the long term.
Tell you what: if you're ever feeling icky and you're in my neighborhood (unlikely to the point of being absolutely and utterly impossible, I know, haha! but still...), pop on by for tasty snacks, a good nap, random conversation, and wholesome stuff to do; it'll set you to rights lickety-split, without a doubt - I promise.
Please be safe out there, won't you? And remember to take good care of yourself while you're doing whatever you're doing; too many people are counting on you to allow yourself to break down from stress and overwork. And please remember to ask for help should you find yourself struggling; you might be surprised by just how many hands are willing to reach for you and lift you up.
You are loved. Please come back to us in one piece.
Your friend, Lumine
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Hey, your post about feeling like you've become less intelligent because of your mental illness really resonated with me. It's such a difficult topic and I've found it to be so hard to talk about without sounding like I'm fishing for compliments or making excuses for myself. It's also difficult for me to ask if other people feel this way because it feels rude and insulting. Or ableist. Like, I'm saying people with mental illness are inherently less intelligent or something. The language surrounding this is very tricky for me and it feels like trying to communicate about it is a minefield. So I suppose that's my disclaimer for what I'm about to write. I'm trying to reach out to you because it seems like we're in similar situations, so I hope it's clear that I'm not trying to be insulting or belittle you or anything. A term for what I think we're experiencing is 'psychomotor retardation', which admittedly sounds rather alarming. It's pretty common in a lot of mental illness and can also be caused by medications. I could probably write you an essay in this anon about it, but this message is already massive. I don't know if it applies to you, but I found that it made a lot of sense for me. I'm still coming to terms with everything that a term like that means but it brought me a lot of comfort to know that there IS a term. That there was an explanation and other people had the same experiences as me. I don't think I've been very clear at all in this message but maybe I've given you something to look into and maybe find some explanation. -☔
BEFORE ANYONE COMES FOR ANON PLEASE PAUSE AND DO SOME RESEARCH. **********************************************************************
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********************************************************************** Firstly Anon, I cannot imagine the strength it must have taken to send that message. Even anonymous there is always a fear of backlash. A fear of being 'found out.' Let that fear slide like water off a ducks back. I applaud and appreciate you immensely for this ask. It touched me deeply and it genuinely made me cry. You're right though, the language around this topic is quite tricky. The disheartening thing is that certain words have been thrown in the faces of people with neurodevelopmental disorders and mental illness for decades. To this day I still see it being used and I can take A LOT but that word hits where it hurts. So I absolutely understand your hesitation in using that term. However, these are scientific terms meant to assist doctors and mental health experts in further understanding the human brain. It should never have been used against us. That was/is cruel. I am here, however, to tell you I am, in no way, put out or insulted by your use of a psychiatric terminology. In fact I thank you because I, like you, did not know there even was a term to describe what I was going through. I have been using the words "I promise I'm not stupid" so often lately. Whilst simultaneously feeling like .... damn, I genuinely feel like maybe I AM. Was I ever smart? I swear at one point I used to be so quick, so intelligent and I prided myself in that. So to have that suddenly stolen from me was jarring. (I know it was more like a gradual process but these things tend to evade our realization until something happens and we notice it's been happening more and more.) It's - to be crass - fucking terrifying. I am absolutely looking more into this. I am not expecting anyone to come out of anon to interact with this and that's absolutely fair. I would rather receive 1000 Anons regarding this than have everyone hiding in fear for their own sanity. I am here to tell you 1) You're not alone. 2) I see you and the more we put forth the effort to educate ourselves the more of a handle we'll have on this. 3) You're not crazy, stupid or any of the vile terms others might use against us. 4) I love you, you're valid, important, intelligent and valued in this bitter and cold world. We might not have much in this cruel cesspit of a world but we have each other and that's enough, for me. Knowing that others understand and are willing to reach out and do the work necessary to guide one another is enough to keep going. (That and spite! I swear to you all I live, every single day, out of sheer spite. Sometimes that's enough.) I love you anon. You're so important and you have no idea how much I appreciate your ask. I am crying tears of relief right now. Also tears of sadness because I hate this for us and everyone who feels this way. Hopefully upon opening up this line of dialogue we can help more people realize there IS community out there for them. Keep going, sweet ones, we got this. You got this. Blessed Be
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worldwright · 11 months
OK I'm just gonna go ahead and post this, it's not like it's ever gonna get more cohesive LMAO
loose Trigun Stampede OST thoughts since I was playing it really loud at work today and could actually hear what was going on
(I don't know music theory I'm mostly just rambling about what they mean by putting certain themes where they did) (and instrumentation. I'm a whore for instrumentation)
-the melody in "memory of rem" reminds me of the little incomplete melody in "epilogue" and a few other tracks
-flute associated with vash?
-there's that one flavor of synth that is for sure associated with gates. wait isn't that the radio wave distortion instrument. tf is it called again. THEREMIN. yea
-3/4 tends to associate with plants, 4/4 with humanity, which makes "duet" even more fun
-meryl doesn't have a theme yet but maybe she has erhu? so does July though
-hi I just love that you can practically hear vash & the plants singing in "conception" like I know it's a viola or something but my brain autofills a voice
-what even is the theme in "epilogue"? where else does it appear fuck am I gonna watch the entire show Again. it feels so lonely and incomplete
-vash gets male vocals and knives gets female vocals. probably just more yin/yang symbolism
-oh knives is for sure playing the "memory of rem" melody in "the ultimate life form". on an upright piano for some reason. you'd think he could afford a grand. oh wait no that's just "reality" again. I do like the distortion on it tho, reminds me of the lil distortion on the Independents' voices
-"nicholas and meryl". ohhhh my beloved. vash's theme, his ideals, and the erhu tentatively following, copying but modifying, as if curious. I can just See it as meryl running after vash as he left Jeneora Rock. even a little scared about what it means for wolfwood. (no. we know what it means)
-i am going SO ABSOLUTELY FERAL about the percussion line at 4:00 in "TRIGUN STAMPEDE". I'm. it's. oh my FUCKING god
-yeah that track is just my favorite song in ever
-the things that get more "classical" vocals are the twins (when they're treated as a unit), the plants, lost tech, etc. and the modern people of noman's land get the fun cowboy chorus along with vash as he's come into his own
-additionally to that, I don't think vash was referred to with his own theme until the confrontation w knives in the plant carrier? it took him a bit to develop his own identity. and then in the main timeline his theme has collected so many different instruments and styles and bits from people and cultures that he's encountered. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa love love love it's about love
-i wonder if that awful jarring chord in "I have to choose" actually means something in music symbolism. I don't know music theory
-also the fun different key in "conception". that's the only time the plant theme is in that key WAIT. WAITWAITWAIT IT'S IN "HUMAN OR PLANT" TOO. OH GOD OH FUCK
-it. it actually is. jfc motherbitch aaaaaaaaaaa hmm. don't like that. orange did conrad's awful half-assed bullshit Actually Work
-the flute sure has a lot to say in "ethics and morality" 🤔
-wait is there something about knives often having an upright piano and the plants sometimes having a pipe organ? individual vs collective consciousness?
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